HM Medical Clinic

Even if Viagra is not needed, it is possible that the doctor will be able to determine the etiology of erectile dysfunction and prescribe appropriate treatmen it doesn't pay to forget about sexual activeness even at the first sings of malfunction.

"C" - HM Medical Clinic:

Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction in school-aged children who had chronic lung disease in infancy

Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction in School-Aged Children Who Had Chronic Lung Disease in Infancy Suchita Joshi, PhD, MRCPaed1, Thomas Powell, PhD2, William J. Watkins, PhD1, Mark Drayton, MD, FRCPCH3, E. Mark Williams, PhD2, and Sailesh Kotecha, PhD, FRCPCH1 Objectives To assess for exercise-induced bronchoconstriction in 8- to 12-year-old children who had chroniclung disease (CLD) in infancy, and to evaluate the response of bronchoconstriction to bronchodilation with albuterolin comparison with preterm and term controls.Study design Ninety-two children, including 29 with CLD, 33 born preterm at #32 weeks' gestation, and 30 bornat term, underwent lung spirometry before and after cycle ergometry testing and after postexercise bronchodilationwith albuterol.Results Doctor-diagnosed asthma and exercise-induced wheeze were reported more frequently in the CLD groupthan in the preterm and term groups, but only 10% were receiving a bronchodilator. There were no differencesamong the groups in peak minute ventilation, oxygen uptake, or carbon dioxide output at maximum exercise. Aftermaximal exercise, predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) decreased from a mean baseline value of81.9% (95% CI, 76.6-87.0%) to 70.8% (95% CI, 65.5-76.1%) after exercise in the CLD group, from 92.0% (95% CI,87.2-96.8%) to 84.3% (95% CI, 79.1-89.4%) in the preterm group, and from 97.5% (95% CI, 92.5-102.6%) to90.3% (95% CI, 85.1-95.5%) in the term group. After albuterol administration, FEV1 increased to 86.8% (95%CI, 81.7-92.0%) in the CLD group, 92.1% (95% CI, 87.3-96.9%) in the preterm group, and 97.1% (95% CI, 92.0-102.3%) in the term group. The decrease in predicted FEV1 after exercise and increase in predicted FEV1 after bron-chodilator use were greatest in the CLD group (11.0% [95% CI, 18.4 to 3.6%] and 16.0% [95% CI, 8.6-23.4%],respectively; P < .005 for both), with differences of <8% in the 2 control groups.Conclusion School-age children who had CLD in infancy had significant exercise-induced bronchoconstrictionthat responded significantly to bronchodilation. Reversible exercise-induced bronchoconstriction is common in chil-dren who experienced CLD in infancy and should be actively assessed for and treated. (J Pediatr 2013;162:813-8).Survivorsofchroniclungdisease(CLD)ofprematurity,oftenalsocalledbronchopulmonarydysplasia(BPD),havein-

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Environ. Sci. Technol. 2003, 37, 3601-3608 Modeling of Lithium Interference in describe the isotherm data. However, these models arecompletely insensitive to the environment in which bio- sorption takes place. Furthermore, the biosorption perfor-mance, depending on the pH, ionic impurities, competingions, and other environmental variables, cannot be reliably

Oro e azzurro

CAPRIS GIUSTINOPOLI  Aldo Cherini – Autoedizione 1992 Recupero da Ventura 28-09-2001 La Gorgona e il Sole, stemmi di Capodistria con pari valore rappresentativo, sono d'oro in campo azzurro e anche la bandiera municipale porta gli stessi colori: ecco perché "Oro e Colori che una schiera infinita di cittadini ha tenuto alti nel corso della storia patria


Oral Abstract Session: 181. Challenges in C. difficile Infection Surveillance Saturday: 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Room: SDCC 29 ABCD ERIK DUBBERKE, MD, MSPH; Washington University School of Medicine KAREN CARROLL, MD, FIDSA; John Hopkins University School of Medicine 1312 10:30 a.m. Risk Adjustment for Healthcare Facility-Onset C. difficile Infection and MRSA

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British Toggenburg BRITISH TOGGENBURG SOCIETY REGISTER OF MALES Information on BT and BT Type Stud Males £9.00 (inc P&P) to non-members Extract from the Constitution Index of Males by County Alphabetical Index of Males at Stud COBS BT and BT type AI straws Nutknowle Farm BT and BT Type AI straws Jane Miller AI straws Britbreed AI straws Sires of * and Q* Milkers

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MITCHEL PAUL GOLDMAN 9339 Genesee Avenue, Suite 300 ; San Diego, California 92121 (Phone: 858-657-1002) (Fax: 858-657-9165) E-Mail: [email protected] BORN: APRIL 5, 1955 (MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA) EDUCATION Sept 1973 - Jan 1977 Boston University College of Liberal Arts - Biology B.A. 1977 Sept 1978 - June 1982 Stanford University

Should general anaesthesia be avoided in the elderly?

Anaesthesia 2014, 69 (Suppl. 1), 35–44 Should general anaesthesia be avoided in the elderly? C. Strøm,1 L. S. Rasmussen2 and F. E. Sieber3 1 Research Assistant, 2 Professor, Department of Anaesthesia, Centre of Head and Orthopaedics, Rigshospitalet, Copen-hagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark3 Professor of Anaesthesiology, Department of Anaesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine, The Johns Hopkins MedicalInstitutions, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

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LINEE GUIDA PER LA PROFILASSI ANTIMALARICA Z. Bisoffi#, G. Napoletano∗, F. Castel i e R. Romi• per la Società Italiana di Medicina dei Viaggi e del e Migrazioni (SIMVIM) e la Società Italiana di Medicina Tropicale (SIMET) 1. INTRODUZIONE Queste linee guida sono destinate agli operatori sanitari che hanno tra le loro mansioni quel a

Tapa 10

¿Qué es lo que pretenden los estudiantes chilenos? Para una nueva educación Página 8 época V - N° 168 emPadronamiento debe decirnos cómo estamos, no quiénes somos Censo y educación 2/ La Paz, septiembre de 2012 La Paz septiembre de 2012 / REFLEXIÓN PEDAGÓGICA "La educación es el arma más poderosa que tú puedes

Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics, Vol. 32, No. 2, April 2005 (© 2005)DOI: 10.1007/s10928-005-0074-7 How Modeling and Simulation Have EnhancedDecision Making in New Drug Development Raymond Miller,1,∗ Wayne Ewy,1 Brian W. Corrigan,1 Daniele Ouellet,1David Hermann,1 Kenneth G. Kowalski,1 Peter Lockwood,1Jeffrey R. Koup,1 Sean Donevan,1 Ayman El-Kattan,1Cheryl SW Li,1 John L. Werth,1 Douglas E. Feltner,1and Richard L. Lalonde1

Volumen 5, N° 5 Agosto, 2015 AVANZA EL PROYECTO EPE Continúan desarrol ándose las activi- de realizar la visita guiada a los proyec- cumpliendo el rol de jefes, con lo cual en dades previstas en el Proyecto Educa- tos productivos de las diferentes áreas: la práctica plasmaron el enfoque por ción para el Empleo (EPE), en días


Topology Management in Ad Hoc Networks ∗ J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves Computer Science Department Computer Engineering Department University of California University of California Santa Cruz, CA 95064 Santa Cruz, CA 95064 The efficiency of a communication network depends not only The topology of an ad hoc network plays a key role in the on its control protocols, but also on its topology. We propose

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TREMATODES DE LOS de inundaciones, o el incremento en las temperaturas medias de algunos años, hechos que aumentan la dispersión y Rodrigo Sanabria - Prof. Adjunto – intermediarios. También el transporte CEDIVE, Fac. Cs. Veterinarias, UNLP de parásitos adultos mediante el traslado de hacienda desde zonas endémicas hacia zonas donde no se presentaba anteriormente pero donde

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Pediatr Transplantation 2007: 11: 121–123. Copyright Ó 2007 Blackwell Munksgaard A daring treatment and a successfuloutcome: The need for targeted therapies forpediatric respiratory viruses The report by Stankova et al. in this issue tells ribavirin was used to treat nine of 27 HPIV- the fascinating and inspiring story of a child with infected stem cell transplant patients, without

Organisch-chemisches praktikum für studierende des lehramts

Organisch-chemisches Praktikum für Studierende des Lehramts Praktikumsleitung: Dr. Reiß Assistent: Beate Abé Name: Sarah Henkel Datum: 19.11.2008 Gruppe 4: Aromaten Versuch: Substituenteneinfluss auf die Reaktivität monosubstituierter Aromaten Vorbereitung: 5 Minuten Durchführung: 3 Stunden Nachbereitung: 5 Minuten Abb. 1: Strukturformeln der verwendeten Aromaten.

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British Journal of Clinical CorrespondenceDr Geoff Isbister, Department of ClinicalToxicology, Calvary Mater Newcastle and arrhythmias in Hospital, Edith St, Waratah, NSW 2298,Australia.Tel: + 612 4921 1211 venlafaxine overdose Fax: + 612 4921 1870E-mail: geoffrey Geoffrey K. Isbister arrhythmia, cardiac toxicity, overdose, QRSwidth, QT prolongation, venlafaxine

18 the yukon old crow helicobacter pylori infection project

The Yukon Old Crow Helicobacter pylori Infection Project The First Report on the Prevalence and Epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori in Sander Veldhuyzen van Zanten, Laura Aplin, Amy L. Morse, John W. Morse, Monika M. Keelan, Janis Geary, Brendan Hanley, Diane M. Kirchgatter, Wendy Balsillie, Karen J. Dorji Dorji, Tashi D. Wangdi, Hoda M. Malaty, Kinley Wangchuk, Deki Yangzom, James

MANUAL DE ACTUACIÓN MANUAL DE ACTUACIÓN Dr. Francisco Toquero de la TorreVicesecretario OMC. Dr. Miguel Muñoz-NavasDirector del Servicio de Digestivo. Clínica Universitaria de Navarra. Pamplona. Dr. Fernando Gomollón GarcíaMédico Adjunto. Servicio de Aparato Digestivo. Hospital Universitario Lozano Blesa. Zaragoza. Profesor Asociado. Facultad de Medicina. Zaragoza.


Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 2006, 209,B e 2 a0l Effects of Fluvastatin in Rats Fluvastatin Alters Psychomotor Performance and Daily Activity but not the Spatial Memory in Rats SUKRUCAN H. BAYTAN, MEHMET ALKANAT, MEHMET OZEREN,1 MURAT EKINCI2 and AHMET AKGUNDepartment of Physiology, 1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Karadeniz Technical University, Medical School, Trabzon, Turkey, and

Adhs bei kindern - gesundheitsgespräch - bayern 2 - 23.01.2016

Gesundheitsgespräch ADHS Sendedatum: 23.01.2016 Von Zappelkindern und Traumtänzern: ADHS bei Kindern Expertin: Dr. med. Sabine Dörning, Fachärztin für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie. Autorin: Susanne Poelchau Sie zappeln oder träumen, sind abgelenkt, unkonzentriert und extrem vergesslich. Ihre Eltern bringen sie oft zur Verzweiflung, ihre Lehrer immer wieder an die Grenzen: Kinder mit ADHS. Das Kürzel steht für Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitäts-Störung. Drei bis sieben Prozent aller Kinder im Schulalter leiden an dieser Störung; das sind circa 500.000 Kinder und Jugendliche im Alter zwischen sechs und 18 Jahren in Deutschland. Und ihre Umwelt leidet mit. Es gibt wohl kaum eine Schulklasse ohne mindestens ein betroffenes Kind. ADHS trifft sehr viel häufiger Jungen, auf ein Mädchen kommen etwa vier Jungen. Meist sind die von ADHS betroffenen Jungen eher zappelig und hyperaktiv. Bei den Mädchen steht eher die Aufmerksamkeitsstörung im Vordergrund. ADHS ist so umstritten wie die Therapie. Vor allem wird kontrovers diskutiert, ob man betroffene Kinder mit Psychopharmaka behandeln sollte oder nicht. Dass sie aber behandelt werden müssen, steht fest, denn Studien zufolge sind die Betroffenen wegen der Impulsivität erheblich häufiger in schwere Unfälle verwickelt als andere Autofahrer und sie haben ein stark erhöhtes Suchtproblem. Dazu kommen schulische und soziale Probleme sowie die Gefahr einer kriminellen Entwicklung.

Fcc19 mise en page

SOMMAIRE G.MENTHA (Genève) F.-R. PRUVOT (Lille) J.-Y. MABRUT (Lyon) Kyste biliaire simple et formes compliquées P. PESSAUX (Strasbourg) Polykystose hépatique J. HARDWIGSEN (Marseille) Cystadénome biliaire, cystadénocarcinome et autres tumeurs malignes kystiques O. SCATTON (Paris)

Microsoft word - 081007 guidelines for the administration of drugs through enteral feeding tubes anon

GUIDELINES FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF DRUGS THROUGH ENTERAL FEEDING TUBES 2nd Edition October 2003 NJWATT/PHARM/Review Date October 2004 Disclaimer Representations in this guide are believed to be true and accurate. The Primary Care Trusts, NHS Trusts, and their employees, or agents accept no liability for loss of any nature to persons, organisations, or institutions which may arise as a result of errors. Users of this guide are reminded that crushing medication or opening a capsule to aid administration results in unlicensed administration. It is recommended that unlicensed administration methods are authorised by the prescriber and documented in writing.

Temporary Benefits- Eligible Employees Benefits Guide for health and living — take charge Benefits Eligibility for Temporary City Employees Benefits Interim/Short term/Interim assignment up to assignments. assignment of (assignment does not exceed Within 1 year up to 1 year not exceed 1,040 1,040 hrs*

Interspecific differences in determinants of plant species distribution and the relationships with functional traits

Journal of Ecology 2012, 100, 950–957 Interspecific differences in determinants of plantspecies distribution and the relationships withfunctional traits Masahiro Aiba*†, Hino Takafumi and Tsutom Hiura Tomakomai Research Station, Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University, Takaoka,Tomakomai 053-0035, Japan 1. Environmental control and dispersal limitation are both essential processes in plant communityassembly and species distribution. Although numerous studies in the past decade have examinedtheir importance as determinants of community composition, remarkably little is known aboutinterspecific differences in the importance of these two processes.2. To quantify these interspecific differences, we compared the importance of environmental fac-tors and space as correlates of species distribution among 24 understorey plant species in a Japanesecool–temperate forest by performing variation partitioning at the species level. Specifically, wehypothesized that the importance of environment and space differs among species, and these differ-ences can be partly predicted from the functional traits and ⁄ or phylogenetic identity of each species.3. The unique contributions of both environment and space were significant in the community-levelanalysis. However, at the species level, the relative and absolute sizes of the unique contributions ofenvironment and space differed considerably among the 24 species. Environment and space werenot necessarily significant variables explaining the distribution of many species.4. No significant relationships were found between the unique contribution of environment and thefour functional traits tested, that is, dispersal mode, seed mass, plant height and specific leaf areaamong the 24 species. In contrast, the unique contribution of space was significantly larger in specieswith no dispersal mechanisms than in animal-dispersed species. No significant phylogenetic signalwas detected for the unique contribution of environment or space, suggesting that importance ofenvironmental control and dispersal limitation as determinants of species distribution is evolution-arily labile.5. Synthesis. Our results suggest that the relative and absolute importance of different processes ofcommunity assembly (i.e. environmental control and dispersal limitation) differs remarkablyamong species even within a single community. These interspecific differences may be explained inpart by interspecific differences in dispersal mode.

JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis and Treatment inPatients With Cancer: American Society of Clinical Gary H. Lyman, Nicole M. Kuderer, and Oncology Clinical Practice Guideline Update Jeffrey M. Clarke, Duke University and Gary H. Lyman, Alok A. Khorana, Nicole M. Kuderer, Agnes Y. Lee, Juan Ignacio Arcelus, Edward P. Balaban, Duke Cancer Institute, Durham; Nigel S.

PHARMA-BRIEF ESPECIAL À custa do pobre?Exame do comportamento empresarial da Boehringer Ingelheim, Bayer e Baxter no Brasil Membro da Health Action International I Brasil: país de contrastes . 1-13 O sistema de saúde brasileiro . 2-8 O mercado farmacêutico no Brasil . 8-10 As companhias examinadas . 11 II Métodos do estudo .14-19I I Resultados do estudo .20-45

Nonparametric bayes modelling of count processes

Nonparametric Bayes modelling of count processes © 2013 by Antonio Canale and David B. Dunson. Any opinions expressed here are those of the authorsand not those of the Collegio Carlo Alberto. Biometrika Advance Access published October 5, 2013 Biometrika (2013), pp. 1–16 Printed in Great Britain Nonparametric Bayes modelling of count processes

Programa de Atención Cardiovascular de Emergencia Wanda Miranda Territory Director, ECC Programs Latin America The Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Información de Contacto Tel: +1-787-810-7920 Email: [email protected] ¿Quiénes somos? Cursos para la comunidad Cursos para el equipo de salud


Date d'application 1er Février 2013 Version en vigueur Prise en charge médico-chirurgicale des infections osseuses Référence(s) Ce protocole décrit la prise en charge des infections osseuses SPILF 2009, CRIOGO 2011, HAS. Références 8.g « Maitrise du risque infectieux » et Chap II. « Prise en charge du patient » Médecin, Chirurgien

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American Chiropractic Neurology Board Lucinda Harman. Ph.D. JOB ANALYSIS Technical report of the three year job analysis of the chiropractic or functional neurologist derived from an international cadre of professionals. Table of Contents Analysis Survey 2010-2013 . 2 Demographics . 2 Overall Survey Design . 3


CENTRO DE ARTE CONTEMPORÁNEOWIFREDO LAM[San Ignacio y Empedrado, Plaza de LaCatedral, La Habana Vieja]MASSON-LAM, DIÁLOGOS IMAGINARIOS/obras de André Masson y Wifredo Lam, Galleria Continua Les Moulins se enorgulleció en presentar la primera exposición Del 19 de octubre hasta el 19 de individual de Alejandro Campins en Francia. Esta es nuestra primera colaboración

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Evolving consumer lifestyles driving M&A activityGlobal consumer trends for health, convenience and indulgence are driving growth in the mature bakery industry. Competition is high for those manufacturers and retailers that can meet consumer preferences, with the major bakery manufacturers that need to access faster-growing niches paying attractive valuations for high quality assets.


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Mena gad_123

The Middle East & North Africa "Gender and Development E-Brief" NEWS & ARTICLES GENDER ACTIVISM Tunisians protest to demand legal protection of women's rights Lebanese protest against anal exams on suspected gays Lebanese advocates ABAAD partner with men for gender equality United Arab Emirates - First Women's Museum Libya - Women Win 33 Seats in National Assembly Elections GENDER BASED VIOLENCE Women Refugees Flee Conflict & Gender-Based Violence in Syria Devil in the detail: abortion drug [misoprostol] banned in Turkey Iran Obstructs Women's Access to Education, Moves Closer to Segregating University Classes and Bars Women's Entry to Certain Majors And … Aggressive Enforcement by Morality Police as for the Women's Dress Code in Iran Women in Gaza: how life has changed Several arrested as sexual harassment surges in Cairo GENDER & HUMAN RIGHTS Egypt's Mursi appoints Christian man and two women for his cabinet Women-Only Industrial Cities in Saudi Arabia Women in Prison - Drama - Social & Personal Issues in Lebanon Woman Triumphs over Disability - Inspiring Video Women's Land Rights - International Land Coalition RESOURCES & CALLS


Cumplió su misión La Escuela de Música Sagrada fuefundada hace ya un siglo; sus fru-tos son hoy reconocidos interna-cionalmente. (Págs. 24 y 25) Fraternidad, donde Dios para Pre PascuaNacional nn Unos 400 Padres de toda la Arquidió- nn Pese a las rachas gélidas y la tensa Se efectuó en nuestra ciudad cesis se reunieron en la 39ª Convivencia situación social que vive nuestro Estado,

Developments in International Commercial Mediation: USA, UK, Asia, India and the European Union By Danny McFadden LLM, FCIArb This paper will look at some of the major developments in international commercial mediation to date but the author would ask the reader to bear in mind that the picture is constantly changing which reflects the adaptability and dynamism of mediation in the modern era.

Original Research Timing of Oseltamivir Administration and Outcomes in Hospitalized Adults With Pandemic 2009 Infl uenza A(H1N1) Virus Infection Diego Viasus , MD ; José Ramón Paño-Pardo , MD , PhD ; Jerónimo Pachón , MD , PhD ; Melchor Riera , MD , PhD ; Francisco López-Medrano , MD , PhD ; Antoni Payeras , MD , PhD ; M. Carmen Fariñas , MD , PhD ; Asunción Moreno , MD , PhD ; Jesús Rodríguez-Baño , MD , PhD ; José Antonio Oteo , MD , PhD ; Lucia Ortega , MD , PhD ; Julián Torre-Cisneros , MD , PhD ; Ferrán Segura , MD , PhD ; and Jordi Carratalà , MD , PhD ; for the Novel Infl uenza A(H1N1) Study Group of the Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases (REIPI) *


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In the emotional comedy LOVE & OTHER DRUGS, Anne Hathaway portrays Maggie, an alluring free spirit who won't let anything, including a formidable personal challenge, tie her down. But she meets her match in Jamie Randall, portrayed by Jake Gyllenhaal, whose relentless and nearly infallible charm serve him well with women and in the cutthroat world of pharmaceutical sales. Maggie and Jamie's evolving relationship takes them both by surprise, as


PSICOTERAPIAS Y/O PSICOFÁRMACOS 1 DR. HÉCTOR HUESO H.2 ResumenA pesar de los grandes avances en el terreno de la psicoterapia y las neurociencias, aún nos enfrentamos con muchas dificultades para aliviar el sufrimiento psíquico y existencial. El título deesta ponencia se refiere a las posibles acciones terapéuticas con que contamos: psicoterapias sinmedicación, psicoterapias combinadas con psicofármacos y psicofármacos sin psicoterapia. Se

Cefaclor for Oral Suspension, USP Mechanism of Resistance describe the susceptibility profile of nosocomial and community-acquired pathogens. These reports should Resistance to cefaclor is primarily through hydrolysis aid the physician in selecting an antibacterial drug for of beta-lactamases, alteration of penicillin-binding To reduce the development of drug-resistant bacteria

Supply Chain ManagementStandard Operating Procedures © Copyright 2011 Catholic Relief Services. All rights reserved. Any "fair use" under U.S. copyright law should contain appropriate citation and attribution to Catholic Relief Services. This publication was made possible by Grant Number U51HA02521from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of HRSA, CDC, or HHS.

For reprint orders, please contact [email protected] Chemistry Review 2015/04/28 Interactions of HIV-1 proteins as targets for developing anti-HIV-1 peptides Future Med. Chem. Protein–protein interactions (PPI) are essential in every step of the HIV replication Koushik Chandra1,2, Michal cycle. Mapping the interactions between viral and host proteins is a fundamental

next page september 2009A pArtnership project: University of technology, sydney (Uts) and family Planning nsW (fPnsW) Uts teAm: diana slade, hermine scheeres, helen de silva Joyce, Jeannette mcgregor, nicole stanton and maria herke FpnsW teAm: edith Weisberg and deborah bateson next page We would like to thank the staff of Family Planning NSW, Ashfield who were partners in this project and who supported our research endeavours and allowed us to observe, tape and investigate the sexual and reproductive health consultations between doctors and clients.

Mosquito management

Phillip A. Glogoza, Extension EntomologistDean K. McBride, Professor EmeritusAlbin W. Anderson, Professor Emeritus North Dakota State UniversityFargo, North Dakota 58105 At least 43 species of mosquitoes are known tooccur in North Dakota. Fortunately, only a few species cause annoyance. Nevertheless, their presence affects people engaged in outdoor activities during the warm months of the year.


Emergency Structures & March 2007 Part I: Guiding values and principles.9 es & Mechanisms Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance Caritas Internationalis Part II: Emergency response structures.14 Member Organisation The local Church.14 The national and diocesan Caritas.16 European Community Humanitarian

FAT BURNER- Scientific Research Higenamine is a molecule derived from a variety of fruits and plants that appears to have anti-asthmatic properties via dilating the bronchial tubes (a mechanism known as Beta(2)adrenergic agonism). This mechanism is also the same one underlying thefat burning potential of Ephedrine, and as such Higenamine is currently used as a potent fat burner.

¿RESPONSABILIDAD DEL ESTADO POR ACTOS LÍCITOS? Alvaro Quintanilla Pérez I. INTRODUCCIÓN Problemas de responsabilidad civil asociados a actividades públicas, impensables hace unas décadas en Chile, no sólo son hoy verosímiles, acusan un inquietante y progresivo aumento. Explican y favorecen esta situación nociones jurídicas en boga, como el personalismo ético,

Options and Accessories Data Logging Measurement 3 mm - 250 mm (0.110"- 9.995") with Range in Steel Adds Data Logging features to the DIVE gauge including DIVELink software 2 mm - 150 mm (0.065"- 6.000") with for data transfer. 3.5 MHz probe1 mm - 50 mm (0.045"- 4.000") with Remote display with fixing bracket for Kirby Morgan® helmets with an

Gender differences and the medicalization of sexuality in the creation of sexual dysfunctions diagnosis CLAM. 2013. Sexuality, Culture and Politics - A South American Reader. Pp. 620-638. ISBN 978-85-89737-82-1 Sexuality, culture and politics A South American reader Although mature and vibrant, Latin American scholarship on sexuality still remains largely invisible to a global readership. In this collection of articles translated from Portuguese and Spanish, South American scholars explore the values, practices, knowledge, moralities and politics of sexuality in a variety of local contexts. While conventionally read as an intellectual legacy of Modernity, Latin American social thinking and research has in fact brought singular forms of engagement with, and new ways of looking at, political processes. Contributors to this reader have produced fresh and situated understandings of the relations between gender, sexuality, culture and society across the region. Topics in this volume include sexual politics and rights, sexual identities and communities, eroticism, pornography and sexual consumerism, sexual health and well-being, intersectional approaches to sexual cultures and behavior, sexual knowledge, and sexuality research methodologies in Latin America.

10000 Series 1. The patient is seen in follow-up for excision of the basal cell carcinoma of his nose. I examined his nose noting the wound has healed well. His pathology showed the margins were clear. He has a mass on his forehead; he says it is from a piece of sheet metal from an injury to his forehead. He has an X-ray showing a foreign body, we have offered to remove it. After obtaining consent we proceeded. The area was infiltrated with local anesthetic. I had drawn for him how I would incise over the foreign body. He observed this in the mirror so he could understand the surgery and agree on the location. I incised a thin ellipse over the mass to give better access to it, the mass was removed. There was a capsule around this, containing what appeared to be a black-colored piece of stained metal; I felt it could potentially cause a permanent black mark on his forehead. I offered to excise the metal, he wanted me to, so I went ahead and removed the capsule with the stain and removed all the black stain. I consider this to be a complicated procedure. Hemostasis was achieved with light pressure. The wound was closed in layers using 4-0 Monocryl and 6-0 Prolene.

Eph gastro news 6

Summer 201 Blastocystis Friend of Foe? Blastocystis Research Foundation By Dr Paul Froomes What is Blastocystosis? or animals. You can become and being exposed to the infected after accidentally parasite as described in the sis-TOS-is) is an illness caused by swallowing the parasite; you Essendon

Electric Vehicles Electric vehicles (EVs) run by drawing currents from rechargeable batteries and photovoltaic arrays, among other sources of e lectric current, instead of employing a gasoline- or diesel-run internal combustion engine (ICE) (Department of Energy), thereby reducin g the dependence on fossil fuels. The shift to alternative fuels such as electricity generated from renewable energy is becomin g more essential as ―energy use in non-OECD Asia is expected to increase 118% by 2035, and harmful greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector are projected to increase more than 200% worldwide by 2030‖ (ADB). Apart from private vehicles, electricity -runpublic transit can also replace conventional nodes that are in operation in the form of electric minibuses or jeepneys (―e -jeepneys‖), electric three-wheelers (―e-tricycles‖), and electric bicycles. As the population of motorcycles in many Asian cities is high, w ith some employing old and environmentally damaging two-stroke engines no less, electric bicycles could save a significant amount of exhaust emissions. In some way, it replicates the efficiency of a motorbicycle in terms of speed and, at the same time, of a bicycle in terms of clean fuel source and of the physical activity (Dora, et. al 2011).

Actos comunicativos en las empresas Monográfico Nº 2 Ignacio Santa Cruz universidad Autónoma de Barcelona universidad de Barcelona Resumen: El contexto empresarial es uno de los ámbitos sociales en los que una pro-porción elevada de población activa invierte la mayoría de su tiempo de trabajo. Estos espacios son un reflejo de los cambios de las sociedades actuales siendo, por tanto, cada vez más diversos. En función de las interacciones y los actos comunicativos que existan entre la diversidad de personas empleadas, las empresas pueden ser espacios de inclusión o exclusión hacia determinados colectivos. En este artículo se analiza el impacto de los actos comunicativos en las empresas en base a la comunicación verbal y no verbal, el contexto de la interacción y las relaciones de poder o dialógicas, para contribuir a clarificar y diferenciar situaciones de exclusión en el lugar de trabajo de aquellas que favorecen la inclusión. Se ofrecen también orientaciones para el desarro-llo de interacciones que promueven la inclusión, al tomar en cuenta los efectos de la interacción comunicativa además de las intenciones.Palabras Clave: Empresa, actos comunicativos, diálogo.

Programa de actos Salida de FEA par Visitan Stands Comer Campo de Frutales Prensa y O Salón del queso Acceso a FEA cado la Biosf par Exposit orrido de ac Exposición de G Carr ceso a FEAac par Exposit

Digital dermatitis

Authored by the DIGITAL DERMATITIS (HEEL WART) Digital dermatitis (DD) is a multi-factorial superficial dermatitis of thedigital skin of cattle. The mostcommon site is the palmar/plantarinterdigital ridge of the foot—especially the rear feet (Figure 1),but other sites include the skin of theinterdigital cleft, the heel, sometimesunder-running the sole, and thedorsal aspect of the coronary band(Figure 2), where they may beassociated with a vertical wall crack.

Victoza pm fr

VICTOZA® Solution injectable dans un stylo prérempli GLP-1 (glucagon like peptide-1) humain Novo Nordisk Canada Inc. Date de révision : 2680, avenue Skymark, bureau 300 Mississauga (Ontario) L4W 5L6 Numéro de contrôle de la présentation : Date d'approbation : Monographie de VICTOZA® (liraglutide) Page 1 sur 62

Calendario d g ite tturistiche ee d d ei ssoggiorni mare - montagna Festa del Tulipano a Castiglione del Lago dall' 11 al 12 aprile € 190 Il punto Terme di Monticelli dal 4 al 16 maggio €740 Responsabile del turismo: sig.ra Mida: 338-4932066 Le mie esperienze in Uniauser


esclaves au XXIe siècle la couleur des jours 1 · automne 2011 La traite d'êtres humains,une réalité invisibleen Suisse romande Chaque année, des centaines d'hommes et de femmes sont victimes de traite des êtres humains en Suisse, pays de transit et de destination de ce commerce d'un autre temps. Les autorités helvétiques commencent à prendre la mesure du phénomène et plusieurs outils de lutte ont été développés cette dernière décennie. Mais la Suisse romande est en retard. Dans nos cantons se cache un esclavagisme moderne à l'abri des regards et souvent des consciences. Témoignages et analyses.


COMMEMORATIVE AIR FORCE / Swiss Wing Volume 10, No. 39 CAF Swiss Wing Newsletter 17. Juli 05 Franziska und Jack Schenkel mussten zuerst den Niesen besteigen, ehe sie den Flugplatz Reichenbach fanden. Ursi und Fredy Lienhard haben ihnen aber schon am Vortag Asyl in ihrer Ferienwohnung gewährt, so war das Navigationsproblem sicher gelöst und ein paar helfende Hände bei den Vor-bereitungen gewonnen.

Bmjopen-2011-000195 1.7

Introduction and evaluation of a ‘pre-ART care' service in Swaziland:an operational research study David Burtle,1 William Welfare,2 Susan Elden,2 Canaan Mamvura,2Joris Vandelanotte,3 Emily Petherick,4 John Walley,1 John Wright4 To cite: Burtle D, Welfare W, Elden S, et al. Introduction Objective: To implement and evaluate a formal and evaluation of a ‘pre-ART pre-antiretroviral therapy (ART) care service at

NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT co-cinfaval 160 mg/12.5 mg film-coated tablets 2. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION Each tablet contains 160 mg of valsartan and 12.5 mg of hydrochlorothiazide. Excipients with known effect: This medicinal product contains 2.3 mg of lactose, 18.5 mg of sorbitol and 7.67 mg of pregelatinised corn starch.

Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UKMMIMolecular Microbiology0950-382XBlackwell Publishing Ltd, 2004? 2004??Review ArticleThe mycobacterial lipoarabinomannan and related moleculesV. Briken, S. A. Porcelli, G. S. Besra and L. Kremer Molecular Microbiology (2004)

Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Winter 2016 HOT TOPICS FROM THE 5th ANNUAL CEDARS/ASPENS met at the iconic Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami Beach, Florida, during the Society's 5th Annual I•C•E Conference. The 4-day event, which spanned from December 10 to 13, 2015, was attended by CEDARS/ASPENS members and ophthalmic industry exhibitors and attendees.

NURSING SERVICES ANNUAL REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter from Chief Nursing Officer Nurses Display Exemplary Professional Practice Nurses Drive Positive Change Nursing Quality Benchmarked Transformational Leadership Highlighted Nurses Focus on Structural Empowerment Collaborative Partnerships Formed Nurses Recognized New Knowledge and Innovations Adopted

Economic Equilibrium: Optimality and PriceDecentralization C. D. ALIPRANTIS∗Department of Economics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907–1310,USA.E-mail : [email protected] B. CORNETCERMSEM, Maison des Sciences Economiques, Universit´ e Paris I, 106–112 Boulevard de l'Hopital, 75645 Paris Cedex 13, France.E-mail : [email protected]

Microsoft word - decamp et al final manuscript revised lp edits revised wd.doc

Childhoods Today, Volume 10, Issue 1, 2016 Motivation is Key: The Differing Predictors of Adolescents' Nonmedical Use of Prescription Drugs Whitney DeCamp, Western Michigan University; James Herzig, Western Michigan University; Brooke O'Neil, Western Michigan University; Daniel O'Connel , University of The nonmedical use of prescription drugs (NMUPD) persists as a problem

A Macroeconomic Analysis of Selected Economic Development Indicators in the Local Government Units in Specific Regions in the Philippines Ivy Benito-Lim The development concerns affected by economic indicators and being addressed are not new; they are in fact common to most Local Government Units (LGUs). The practices they employ, likewise, do not involve

CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANISATION (CSO) Shadow Report on the Performance of the Health Sector in 2011/2012 ACTION GROUP FOR HEALTH, HUMAN RIGHTS AND HIV/AIDS (AGHA) - UGANDA Acronyms iiiExecutive Summary ivChapter One 11.1 Introduction and Background 11.1.1 About AGHA 21.2 Background 31.2.1 Social determinants of health 41.2.2 Health service delivery system 41.2.3 The policy and legal framework 5Chapter Two 72.1 Technical approach and methodology 72.1.1 Methodology 72.1.2 Data collection methods 72.1.3 Scope of the study 82.1.4 Limitation of the study 8Chapter Three 93.1 Findings 93.1.1 General findings 93.1.2 Findings by HSSP III thematic areas and indicators HIV&AIDS, TB and Malaria Human Resources for Health Essential medicines and health supplies Non communicable disease Reproductive Health Health Financing 323.1.2.7 Summary of emerging issues


The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy In This Issue: • A Pure Journey • Scoliosis: Part 2 • The Humble Case Study • Teaching Essential Oil Chemistry • Aromatherapy in Hospice • The Aromatherapy Business. 2010 • 3 Aromatherapy Journal The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy

Influenza Pandemic Ten Things You Need To Know About Pandemic Influenza 1. Pandemic influenza is different 5. Widespread illness will occur from avian influenza Because most people will have no immunity to the Avian influenza refers to a large group of different pandemic virus, infection and illness rates are expected to

Radiotherapy skin care: a survey of practice in the uk

Contents lists available at Radiotherapy skin care: A survey of practice in the UK Rachel Harris ,Heidi Probst ,Charlotte Beardmore Sarah James ,Claire Dumbleton ,Amanda Bolderston Sara Faithfull ,Mary Wells ,Elizabeth Southgate , a The Society and College of Radiographers, 207 Providence Square, Mill Street, London SE1 2EW, UKb Faculty of Health and Wellbeing, Sheffield Hallam University, UK

Microsoft word - mi - criminal law handbook.doc


Antimicrobial Activities of A. sativum, Z. officinale and O. gratissimum Extracts on Plant and Fish Pathogens Department of Microbiology, Department of Applied Department of Microbiology, Microbiology and Brewing, Ojukwu University, Anambra Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka Ojukwu University, Anambra State,

The curiouscase.pages

Well-being in schools: The curious case of the tail wagging the dog? Chief Executive, Centre for Confidence and Well-being © Carol Craig, 2009 This paper warns of the dangers of adopting holistic, universal, taught approaches to social and emotional skills (SEAL). It presents new thinking which shows that depression estimates are grossly inflated and also questions the idea of ʻpsychological immunisationʼ. It questions the credibility of ʻemotional literacyʼ and shows that SEAL is not supported by rigorous evidence. The only real parallel to SEAL – a mass psychological intervention – is the self-esteem movement in the USA which has undermined academic standards as well as young peopleʼs resilience and well-being. Happiness classes could have the same effect as they too will unwittingly reinforce the idea of a ʻfeel goodʼ ethic. The paper also looks at the dangers of putting feelings into the taught curriculum. Policy makers may think they need to make sweeping reforms because of the inflated depression statistics and the UKʼs poor performance on the UNICEF report on child well-being. However, this data points to family break-down and poverty as the main reasons. The paper concludes by arguing that what teachers can do to enhance young peopleʼs well-being is mainly within the realm of ʻgood teachingʼ and that they should not be encouraged to become surrogate psychologists.

Ethics of memory dampening using propranolol as a treatment for post traumatic stress disorder in the field of emergency medicine

Ethics of Memory Dampening Using Propranolol as a Treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Field of Emergency Medicine Rachel FischellDuke University ABSTRACTImagine a world in which one could selectively recall memories - the undesirable memories would not be retrievable, leaving us with only pleasant remains to be remembered. In this world, an emergency medical technician (EMT) forced to witness a violent mutilation following a severe car accident could forget every detail of what they'd observed and avoid the emotional aftermath. In many emergency situations worldwide, emergency medical personnel, such as first responders, EMT-B's, or paramedics are relied on to provide critical pre-hospital care. While this pre-hospital care is often necessary to save citizens' lives, those providing the care are consistently exposed to cognitively corrosive events. The nature of the field of emergency medicine causes the incidence of mental disorders to be incredibly high in this profession compared to other healthcare professions. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is particularly common amongst emergency medical personnel. This mental disorder, often characterized by reiterations of the trauma through intrusive and distressing recollections of the event, flashbacks or nightmares, affects approximately 20 percent of those employed in emergency medicine (Slaymaker 1999). In part, this has caused the average career of an emergency medical professional to last only 4-7 years. One potential solution to the high prevalence of PTSD and the elevated personnel turnover rate involves neurocognitive enhancement, one of the fundamental issues raised in neuroethics. Administration of propranolol prior to or immediately following traumatic situations to prevent emotional memory consolidation may ensure that no traumatic experience becomes embedded in the amygdala as a non-conscious emotional memory. Pre-hospital workers could take advantage of this effect and use propranolol, a sympatholytic non-selective beta-blocker, as a preventative measure. Specifically, propranolol administration could help emergency personnel to avoid the chronic hyperactive fear response triggered by certain stimuli that is the basis of PTSD (Glannon 2006). For example, the EMT from earlier would be administered propranolol either before or immediately after treating the victims of the violent car accident to help prevent emotional memory consolidation. Without the emotional component of the memory, the EMT would be far less likely to develop symptoms of PTSD. However, this must be weighed against the potential negative consequences. Because propranolol works to prevent aspects of memory consolidation via reduction of emotion, moral judgments that might arise during such traumatic situations could be affected, thus compromising the quality of patient care. In this paper, I will examine the ethical implications

Programa de Actos Santa 2015 - del 7 al 18 de septiembre COFRADÍA SANTA AGATOCLIA DÍA 7, A LAS 22:00 HORAS: LA VEU DE LA COFRADÍA SEPTIEMBRE 2015 En La Iglesia Parroquial Construcción del Monumento a Santa Agatoclia (Podrá ser visitado durante la Novena) Fiestas en Honor a DÍA 8 AL 16, A LAS 20:00 HORAS:

Instrutions for ast for slit

WILLIAM B. COBB, M.D. KEITH MATHENY, M.D. EWEN TSENG, M.D. KENNY CARTER, M.D. INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALLERGY SKIN TESTING FOR SUBLINGUAL DROPS TREATMENT 1. Discontinue all antihistamines, oral or nasal sprays either prescription or over the counter, 5 days prior to the testing appointment. Please be aware that some sleep aid medications such as Advil PM or Tylenol PM contain an antihistamine, diphenhydramine (Benadryl).

PMMC: Psychotropic Medication Monitoring Checklists Disclaimer The authors do not intend that the PPMC should be used in lieu of comprehensive, appropriate care. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the information provided in the PMMC is accurate and up to date. The potential side effects listed in the PMMC should be reviewed against

Journée à thème du Mardi 10 juin 2014 PARIS - ASIEM RÉSUMÉ DES TRAVAUX Sage-femme, profession médicale, inscrite au code de santé publique, nous nous devons d'être à jour de nos droits de prescriptions définis par arrêtés qui évoluent régulièrement. Prescrire, analyser consciencieusement les résultats pour la mère et les nouveau-nés et éventuellement traiter ou orienter vers un médecin, conforte notre place parmi les professionnels de premier recours du système de santé.

Microsoft word - 122-2010.doc

DICTAMEN Nº. 122/2010, de 7 de julio.* Expediente relativo a reclamación de responsabilidad patrimonial de la Administra-ción Sanitaria a instancia de D. K, D.ª C, D.ª T, D. Z, D.ª J y D.ª Q, como consecuencia de la asistencia sanitaria recibida por su hijo y hermano respectivamente, D. X, en el Área de Salud Mental del Servicio de Salud de Castilla-La Mancha (SESCAM).

Student handbook 07-08.pdf

Jefferson Elementary School Our Mission Jefferson Elementary The Mission of Jefferson Elementary School is to provide all students with Student, Parent/Guardian educational opportunities which Handbook enable them to become 2007-2008 life-long learners. "My father has always taught

Mai 2015 - 1ère édition Répertoire des acteurs et actions vauclusiens pour la prise en charge DU SURPOIDS et de l'obésité Destiné à tous les professionnels accompagnant des personnes ou des enfants en surpoids ou obèses en Vaucluse Document réalisé par le CoDES de Vaucluse Comité départemental d'éducation pour la santé

GLOSSARY OF TERMS Citizens Commission on Human Rights 6616 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA. USA 90028 Telephone: (323) 467-4242 Fax: (323) 467-3720 E-mail: [email protected] GLOSSARY OF TERMS ADDICTIVE: a drug, especial y an il egal one or a activity: being lively, active; disorder: a condition psychotropic (mind-altering) prescription drug, that

Diabetes in cmdhb and northern region: estimation using routinely collected data

Diabetes in CMDHB and northern region: Estimation using routinely collected data Counties Manukau District Health Board This report is available in pdf format on Information within the report may be freely used provided the source is acknowledged. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this

Induction of tumour immunity by targeted inhibition of nonsense-mediated mrna decay

Vol 465 13 May 2010 Induction of tumour immunity by targeted inhibitionof nonsense-mediated mRNA decay Fernando Pastor1, Despina Kolonias1, Paloma H. Giangrande2 & Eli Gilboa1 The main reason why tumours are not controlled by the immune antigenicity of disseminated tumours leading to their immune system is that, unlike pathogens, they do not express potent recognition and rejection. The cell-free chemically synthesized

OUTPATIENT REHABILITATION FOR A PATIENT WITH A CHRONIC LEFT A Doctoral Project A Comprehensive Case Analysis Presented to the faculty of the Department of Physical Therapy California State University, Sacramento Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHYSICAL THERAPY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED OUTPATIENT REHABILITATION FOR A PATIENT WITH A CHRONIC LEFT

Road Traversability Analysis Using Network Properties of Roadmaps* Muhammad Mudassir Khan1, Haider Ali2, Karsten Berns3 and Abubakr Muhammad1 Abstract— Traversability analysis is an important aspect of its traversability which is sometimes not possible. To avoid autonomous navigation in robotics. In this paper, we relate traversing the terrain to find its traversability, exterioceptive

Childrearing discipline and violence in developing countries

Child Development, January/February 2012, Volume 83, Number 1, Pages 62–75 Childrearing Discipline and Violence in Developing Countries Jennifer E. Lansford Kirby Deater-Deckard Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University The present study examined the prevalence and country-level correlates of 11 responses to children's behav-ior, including nonviolent discipline, psychological aggression, and physical violence, as well as endorsementof the use of physical punishment, in 24 countries using data from 30,470 families with 2- to 4-year-old chil-dren that participated in UNICEF's Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey. The prevalence of each response variedwidely across countries, as did the amount of variance accounted for by country in relation to each response.Country-level indicators of life expectancy, educational attainment, and economic well-being were related toseveral responses to children's behavior. Country-level factors are widely related to parents' methods ofteaching children good behavior and responding to misbehavior.

Mayo Clinic Proceedings Access this article on Remission of Disseminated Cancer After Systemic Oncolytic Published Online: May 13, 2014 Publication stage: In Press Corrected Proof No data is available Need help playing this video? Supplemental Video AbstractMV-NIS is an engineered measles virus that is selectively destructive to myeloma plasma cells and can be monitored bynoninvasive radioiodine imaging of NIS gene expression. Two measles-seronegative patients with relapsing drug-refractory myeloma and multiple glucose-avid plasmacytomas were treated by intravenous infusion of 10 TCID

Csir-Forestry research institute of Ghana R SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL R Annual Report 2011 R SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RE CSIR-FORESTRY RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF GHANA Annual Report 2011 CSIR-FORESTRY RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF GHANA © Copyright CSIR-FORIG 2012 For more information please contact:The DirectorCSIR-Forestry Research Institute of GhanaU.P.O Box 63Kumasi, Ghana.

PROCESSUS STRATEGIQUES : DES ELEMENTS CLES POUR COMPRENDRE L'APRES FUSION : LE CAS SANOFI AVENTIS Philippe REBIERE Professeur Associé (ICN Business School) Université Nancy 2 CEREFIGE Cahier de Recherche n°2010-02 Université Nancy 2 13 rue Maréchal Ney Téléphone : 03 54 50 35 80

Chaos and terror

CHAOS AND Manufactured by Psychiatry Report and recommendations on the role of psychiatry in international terrorism Citizens Commission on Human Rights Established in 1969 For the Reader The psychiatric profession purports to be know the causes or cures for any mental disorder the sole arbiter on the subject of mental or what their "treatments" specifically do to the

The economics of irreparable harm in pharmaceutical patent litigation

CORNERSTONE RESEARCH FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC CONSULTING AND EXPERT TESTIMONY The Economics of Irreparable Harm in Pharmaceutical Patent Litigation Rahul Guha, Cornerstone ResearchMaria Salgado, Cornerstone Research TABLE OF CONTENTS The Hatch-Waxman Act greatly simplifies the process of obtaining FDA approval for a generic drug. Under the Act, a generic company need only file an Abbreviated New Drug

Exploring psychotherapeutic issues and agents in clinical practice Psychopharmacology Robert H. Howland, MD, Section Editor © 2009/Digital Juice, Inc. Clinical Implications of Chirality and Stereochemistry AbStRACt Chirality, the concept of nonsuperimposable pounds containing mirror-image enantio-mirror images, is a fundamental property of mers in equal proportions are referred to as biological systems and can be observed on

2012 Drug Plan rePort b e n e f i t s plan costs. In particular, Brilinta and Eliquis join new agents such as Pradax and Xarelto to provide a wide range of new innovations in the oral blood clot treatment market—at a cost premium to existing therapies. Byetta and Trajenta are examples of the significant research and development focused on treating diabetes.

Bi-peglyte en

IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ CONSUMER INFORMATION Sodium Sulphate……………5.74 g Sodium Bicarbonate……….1.69 g Sodium Chloride……………1.46 g Bowel Prep Kit Potassium Chloride…………0.76 g Each blister-pack of Bisacodyl delayed release tablets, USP Polyethylene Glycol 3350 and Electrolytes for Oral Solution USP and