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Environ. Sci. Technol.
2003, 37, 3601-3608
Modeling of Lithium Interference in
describe the isotherm data. However, these models arecompletely insensitive to the environment in which bio-
sorption takes place. Furthermore, the biosorption perfor-mance, depending on the pH, ionic impurities, competingions, and other environmental variables, cannot be reliably
predicted using conventional empirical models. The binding
of heavy metals to algae (
10) and seaweed biomass (
Division of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, and
has recently been confirmed to be mainly due to an ion
Research Institute of Industrial Technology, Chonbuk
exchange process. Although the molecular structure of
National University, Chonbuk 561-756, Korea, and
seaweed biomass is extremely complex when compared with
Department of Chemical Engineering, McGill University,
that of synthetic resins, the key material for metal binding
3610 University Street, Montreal, Quebec H3A 2B2, Canada
is known to be alginate in the cell wall (
14). Therefore, theion exchange reactions on the binding sites can provide thebasis for modeling of biosorption.
In this study, the protonated biomass of brown seaweed
Biosorption of Cd by the brown seaweed Sargassum
Sargassum polycystum was used for biosorption of cadmium
polycystum biomass was experimentally investigated and
as a model heavy metal. The toxicity of Cd is extremely high
mathematically modeled at different pH and ionic strength
15), and it has been classified in the USEPA's Group B of
levels. From the potentiometric titration of the biomass,
pollutants (probable human carcinogen) (
16). A well-known
three types of functional groups were identified, and the
problem of the skeletal and renal systems associated with
dissociation constant and the numbers of these groups were
cadmium exposure is the major symptoms of "Itai-Itai
determined. The carboxyl group (pK
disease", first diagnosed in Japanese individuals who con-
H 3.70 ( 0.09) was
found to play a major role in binding protons and Cd. The
sumed rice and water contaminated with high levels of Cd
background ion, Li+, could interfere with the uptake of
17). A special interest has focused on biosorption of Cd (
13, 18-
19). In addition to health and environmental concerns,
protons and Cd by competition for the carboxyl sites. Whereas
a simple water chemistry of Cd was another reason to choose
the binding mechanism on the carboxyl group was
it as a model metal in this study. Up to pH 6.8 Cd does not
established as an ion exchange process, the second
precipitate and is present in solution as a single form (Cd2+)
functional group, phosphonate (pKH 5.41 ( 0.31), most likely
without any hydrolysis reactions (
20). The modeling study
bound metals by a complexation reaction. A biosorption
can thus focus on the binding of Cd2+ without considering
model was developed based upon the binding mechanisms
the effect of hydrolysis reactions in the aquatic environment
and was successfully used for predicting the isotherm
22). In this study, the pH-sensitive Cd binding to the
and pH edge experiments. In addition, the speciation of
functional groups in the presence of an alkali ion, Li, and
the binding sites as a function of the pH was simulated using
with ionic strength as an additional parameter, is math-
the developed model in order to visualize the distribution
ematically modeled reflecting the underlying biosorptionmechanisms.
of Cd on the binding sites.
Materials and Methods
Materials. The brown seaweed
Sargassum polycystum was
obtained in Cebu, Philippines, courtesy of MCP, Inc. The
Biosorption of heavy metals has been considered as an
sun-dried biomass was treated with a 0.5 N HNO
alternative cost-effective means for the treatment of metal-
for 24 h, replacing the natural mix of ionic species with
bearing wastewaters (
1). The low cost of biosorbents is a
protons. The acid-treated biomass, designated as protonated
tangible advantage of biosorption over other technologies,
biomass in this article, was washed with deionized distilled
such as ion exchange and reverse osmosis (
2). Therefore,
water several times and thereafter dried at 60 °C in an oven
new types of biosorbent materials able to effectively sequester
for 24 h. The resulting dried
Sargassum biomass was used
heavy metals have been explored (
4). Among available
as a biosorbent in the experiments.
biosorbent materials (algae, bacteria, fungi, yeast, etc.), the
All chemicals used in this study were of analytical grade.
size of seaweed biomass is large enough to facilitate its
The Cd stock solution was prepared using Cd(NO
application without biomass immobilization and a cumber-
some solid-liquid separation process (
6). Furthermore,
3 was used for changing the ionic strength. To adjust
the pH, concentrated LiOH‚H
various kinds of seaweed proliferate ubiquitously and
2O and HNO3 solutions were
used. Although Na+ is generally present in the aquatic
abundantly in the littoral zones of the world's oceans, making
systems, it may cause the alginate leaching from the biomass
the seaweed biomass readily available and inexpensive.
matrix at elevated concentrations (
23). To avoid an additional
To make better and more effective use of biosorption and
complexity (i.e., the biomass leaching effect), Li+, which does
its potential, biomass functional metal-binding chemical
not induce such an effect, was used as a background and
groups should be identified, and the binding mechanism
competing light ion.
needs to be understood. Additionally, modeling of the
Potentiometric Titration. The potentiometric titration
biosorption process is essential for the prediction of the
was carried out with 5 g/L of biomass concentration at two
process performance and for its design and optimization.
different ionic strengths (0.1 and 1 M). Plastic bottles (high-
In general, empirical models such as those proposed by
density polyethylene) of 40-mL capacity were used for the
Langmuir (
7), Freundlich (
8), and Sips (
9) have been used to
titration experiments and for isotherm and pH edge experi-ments. First, the biomass and 20 mL of water (CO2-free) of
* Corresponding author phone: +1-514-398-4276; fax: +1-514-
the desired ionic strength were put into each bottle. CO2-
398-6678; e-mail:
[email protected].
† Chonbuk National University.
free water was obtained by stripping water with nitrogen gas
‡ McGill University.
for 2 h with vigorous mixing. Different volumes of 1 N LiOH
10.1021/es011454e CCC: $25.00
2003 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 07/22/2003
or 1 N HNO3 were added into each bottle containing the
Measurements of Cd Uptake. The dissolved Cd concen-
biomass suspension and the bottles were capped. The capped
tration of samples was analyzed using an inductively coupled
bottles were then agitated using a shaker (200 rpm) at room
plasma atomic emission spectrophotometer (ICPAES, Trace
temperature for 24 h. Preliminary tests showed that 24 h was
Scan, Thermo Jarrel Ash). So that the change of working
a sufficient time for achieving the proton sorption equilib-
volume (up to 5%) by added Cd stock and LiOH solutions
rium. Thereafter, the equilibrium pH was measured using
might be considered, the metal uptake (
qCd) in both isotherm
an electrode (Ingold) as bubbling nitrogen gas was used to
and pH edge experiment was calculated from the mass
keep the CO2-free condition. The control titration experi-
balance as follows:
ments with water solution of the same ionic strength werecarried out without the biomass in order to compare them
[Cd] -
V [Cd]
with titration data when the biomass was present. During
the titration experiments, the CO2-free condition was alwaysmaintained to avoid the influence of inorganic carbon onthe solution pH.
where [Cd]o and [Cd]f are the Cd concentration of the
From potentiometric titration data, the proton release
Cd(NO3) stock solution and the final Cd concentration after
the sorption experiment, respectively. Here, subscript o
,f) was calculated according to eq 1. A detailed
derivation procedure of eq 1 is given in the Supporting
represents the original state, in which the reactants (e.g.,
Information with raw data of potentiometric titration results.
metal stock solution, electrolyte solution, and biomass) arenot mixed but separated.
,o and
Vf are the volume of Cd
stock solution and the final volume, respectively.
M stands
for the weight of biomass used. Here,
Vf is the sum of the
initial working volume (20 mL), the Cd stock solution volume(
,o), and the amount of LiOH solution added for adjusting
B and
CA are the concentrations of added base and
acid, respectively, and
X is the biomass concentration.
Subscripts B and W represent the systems containing the
Results and Discussion
biomass and only water without the biomass, respectively.
Isotherm Experiments. The isotherm represents the
Model Building and Parameter Estimation. Proton Bio-
equilibrium relationship between the metal uptake by the
sorption. To describe the potentiometric titration data, the
sorbent and the final metal concentration in the aqueous
proton uptake (
qH) should be modeled as a function of the
phase, showing the sorption capacity of the biosorbent. In
sorption system pH and of the background ions present (Li+
this study, the Cd biosorption isotherms were obtained at
in this study). It can be considered that the biomass contains
different solution pHs and ionic strengths. The isotherm
some negative or neutral groups capable of binding the
experiments were carried out with 0.1 g of the biomass in
40-mL plastic bottles with 20 mL of working solution volume.
Supposing a certain negatively charged group (
iB-), its
For each bottle, the initial Cd concentration was differently
reaction with a proton, and its related equilibrium constant
adjusted, ranging between 0 and 19 mM, which resulted in
iKH) are defined as follows:
different final Cd concentrations and Cd uptakes after thesorption equilibrium was achieved. Following the addition
iB ]
of biomass into Cd-containing solutions, the suspensions
BH )
iB + H
were agitated on a rotary shaker (200 rpm, room temperature)
and the solution pH was maintained at the desired valueusing 1 N LiOH, as the pH had a decreasing tendency with
where [ ] and { } indicate the concentration and activity,
Cd binding. The isotherm experiments were carried out for
respectively. The activity coefficient (
γ) of the monovalent
24-36 h, which was enough contact time for achieving
ion (here
iB-) is expressed by Davies' equation (
equilibrium. Thereafter, the supernatant samples were takenfrom the bottles and diluted properly with deionized waterfor analysis of the Cd concentration. A detailed standard
γ ) -
AZ2( x
procedure for determination of the sorption isotherm has
been reported elsewhere (
pH Edge Experiments. In addition to the sorption
where the constants
A and
b used have values of 0.5 and 0.24,
isotherm, the pH edge experiments were carried out: an
respectively, as chosen from the software MINEQL+ (
equilibrium relationship between the metal uptake and the
is the ion valence, and
I stands for the ionic strength defined
final pH, which is helpful to understand the pH dependence
I ) 0.5 ∑
z 2
Ci, where
Ci is the concentration of any ionic
of metal biosorption (
21). Whereas the isotherm experiments
species in the system.
were performed with different initial metal concentrations,
Furthermore, the negatively charged group is assumed to
the pH edge experiments were carried out with different base
be associated with the other cation Li+ as seen in the earlier
(or acid) additions. In the pH edge experiments, the initial
studies (
10, 26). This assumption is based upon the reports
Cd concentration and ionic strength were 2 mM Cd and 0.1
that even light ions can be bound to the biomass, however
very weakly, through the ion exchange mechanism (
10, 27).
3, respectively. The pH was intentionally altered by
means of adding 1 N LiOH or 1 N HNO
The association of Li+ with a negatively charged group is
3 into the bottles. The
biomass concentration was the same (3 g/L) in all bottles for
the pH edge experiment. Other conditions for the pH edgeexperiments were identical with those in the isotherm
iBLi]{H }
experiments. After the system reached the equilibrium state
iBH + Li )
iBLi + H
(24-36 h), the final pH was measured and the liquid samples
were taken for analysis of the Cd concentration after properdilution.
Also, a certain positively charged functional group (
jBH +
Because the leaching of constituents of seaweed biomass
in the neutral condition may be present in the biomass (for
is significant at a high pH (
24), the sorption experiments
3 ), and its reaction with the protons can be
(isotherm and pH edge) were carried out only below pH 6.
TABLE 1. Dissociation Constants and the Number of Three
Types of Functional Groups in the Sargassum polycystum
first group
second group
third group
a The coefficient of determination was 0.992. Standard errors of the
estimated parameters are given in the parentheses. b The first functionalgroup indicates the carboxyl site; the second group indicates possiblythe phosphonate site; and the third group is the amine site. c The pKHvalues represent the dissociation constants of the functional groups.
d The b values are the numbers of the functional groups. e The KLi valueis the Li-binding constant to the first functional group.
FIGURE 1. Uptakes of proton and lithium depending on the
equilibrium pH and ionic strength. The biomass concentration was
5 g/L and the initial ionic strengths were 0.1 M (O
: first trial, 4
second trial) and 1 M (2
). The lines were produced using the
developed model. The proton uptake: s
0.1 M and - - - - 1 M initial
ionic strength. The lithium uptake: -‚‚-
0.1 M and -‚-
1 M initial
ionic strength.
However, the positively charged group cannot be associatedwith the Li+ cation.
The total uptake of protons by the biomass is the sum of
protons taken up by all kinds of negative and positive groups.
b{H }
FIGURE 2. Prediction of the cadmium uptake depending on the pH
and initial ionic strength. Experimental data: (O
) pH 3 and 0.1 M
γ +
initial ionic strength, (2
) pH 5 and 0.1 M initial ionic strength, (4
pH 5 and 0.01 M initial ionic strength. Performance of the two
The detailed procedure of model derivation is provided in
models is compared: - - - - ion exchange/ion exchange model, s
the Supporting Information. The total uptake of Li by the
ion exchange/complexation model.
biomass (only by negatively charged groups) can be obtainedin the same manner:
residues) (
31). Therefore, the first functional group wasbelieved to be the carboxyl group. The p
KH value and the
biK [Li ]
number of the second binding sites (negatively charged) were
estimated to be 5.41 ( 0.31 and 0.45 ( 0.07 mmol/g,
+ {H }
γ +
iK [Li ]
respectively. The second sites were likely to be phosphonate
groups. The phosphonate groups of phospholipids present
Because the proton uptake (eq 7) is modeled as a function
in the plasma membrane of brown seaweed (
32) have a similar
range of the p
10{H+}) and the concentration of background
H value (
30). The last group (positively charged)
cations Li+, eq 1 can be simultaneously fitted to all the titration
was considered to be the amine group with p
KH values in
curves (Figure 1) obtained at two ionic strengths (or Li
various biomaterials ranging between 8 and 10 (
concentrations). To estimate the model parameters, the
Because the third group has a positive charge, the Li
nonlinear regression was performed by means of the Mar-
binding to this group was not expected. Furthermore,
quardt-Levenberg algorithm (
28) using the technical soft-
although the phosphonate group had a potential to bind Li,
ware Sigma Plot (Version 5.0, SPSS).
the binding constant (2
KLi) was estimated to be nearly zero
As shown in Figure 1, the three-site model (two types of
(8.67 × 10-13) with a relatively large standard error (2.83 ×
negative groups and one type of a positive group) was able
10-5), indicating that the Li binding to the phosphonate group
to describe the entire proton uptake data whereas two- or
would be negligible indeed.
one-site functional group models could not describe the
Cd Biosorption. The Cd uptake increased with increasing
titration data, especially at a high pH (data not shown). The
pH or decreasing ionic strength (Figure 2). At pH 5, the
estimated parameters are summarized in Table 1.
maximum uptake was estimated to be 1.44 ( 0.16 mmol/g
The first group was found to be most abundant (2.57 (
by fitting the Langmuir equation to the data. The metal
0.06 mmol/g) and its p
KH value was estimated at 3.70 ( 0.09.
binding to carboxyl groups of alginate in seaweed biomass
Carboxyl groups in biological polymers have p
KH values
has been well-known to be an ion exchange process (
ranging 3.5 to 5.0 (
30). Furthermore, the p
KH values of carboxyl
13). Therefore, the maximum uptake of divalent Cd2+
groups of alginate, the material mainly responsible for metal
corresponds to 2.88 mequiv/g of binding sites, which is
sequestering by seaweed (
14), are known to range between
more than the total number of the carboxyl sites (2.57 ( 0.06
3.38 (for mannuronic residues) and 3.65 (for guluronic
mmol/g). Considering that a part of the carboxyl sites is
TABLE 2. Cadmium Binding Constants of Biosorption Models Based on Two Types of Binding Mechanisms
first group
second group
a The 1KCd and 2KCd values are the Cd binding constants to the first and second groups, respectively. b The values R2 are the coefficients of
occupied with Li, the available sites should be far less than
Finally, the Cd uptake by complexation with the phos-
the total number of carboxyl sites. Therefore, it can be noted
phonate group can be expressed as follows:
that the phosphonate group takes part in binding Cd.
However, it should be verified whether the binding mech-
anism to this group is also based on ion exchange.
The Cd-H ion exchange on the carboxyl group (1BH) and
γ + 2
the corresponding equilibrium constant can be defined as
Although the Cd uptake is separately derived according
to the types of binding sites, only the total uptake (
qCd) is
21BH + Cd2+ ) 21BCd
measured and compared with experimental data.
) 1
q + 2
γ is the activity coefficient of monovalent ions;
In Figure 2, two kinds of models were shown and compared
corresponds to that of divalent Cd2+ according to Davies
with experimental isotherm data. Estimated parameters are
equation (eq 4). Here, the formulation of metal-bound form
given in Table 2. When both functional groups were assumed
can be chosen as 2BCd0.5 instead of B2Cd, to emphasize that
to bind Cd via the ion exchange mechanism, the model output
two bonds have to be broken in competitive binding or upon
had a bias: overestimation at a lower pH and underestimation
desorption of metal (
at a higher pH. The model based on complexation with the
Therefore, the Cd uptake by the carboxyl group via ion
second group was successfully able to describe the isotherm
exchange mechanism can be derived as follows:
data and the determination coefficient was
R2 ) 0.945. Thisimplies that complexation is more likely than ion exchange
for Cd binding on the phosphonate group. Therefore, the
second model was used for the following model-based
The proton uptakes can be also derived on the basis of
the ion exchange/complexation mechanism
γ + 1
γ2 + x1
q ) 1
q + 2
q + 3
The detailed model derivation procedure is available in the
where the proton uptakes by three types of functional groups
The Cd binding to the phosphonate group should also be
considered, as this binding group is apparently functional asdiscussed in the previous section. If the mechanism for Cd
b{H }
binding to the phosphonate group is also based on ion
exchange, the Cd binding to this group can simply be derived
γ + 1
γ2 + x1
according to the same procedure as applied for the carboxylgroup. However, as shown previously, Li is not bound to this
b{H }
group. Therefore, based upon the ion exchange mechanism,
the Cd uptake by the second group can be expressed as
γ + 2
γ + x2
1 + 3
Another possible mechanism for Cd binding to the
Also, the Li uptake by only the carboxyl group can be obtained
phosphonate group is likely to be complexation, as postulated
in the previous study (
34). In the present study, the following
complexation reaction is presumed:
K [Li ]
q ) 1
q )
γ + 1
γ2 + x1
[2BHCdOH ]
Discussion on Assumptions Made during Model Derivation.
In this study, the biosorption system comprising biomass
As can be seen in eq 12, this reaction may occur easily without
and solution was treated as one solution phase rather than
deprotonation of the functional group, especially at pH <
two phases (solid biomass plus solution). In other words, the
biomass functional groups, as well as ions, were assumed to
be homogeneously distributed in the aqueous phase. Thisassumption was made from the gellike nature of seaweedbiomass, where all ions were known to penetrate freely inand out. With this postulation, therefore, concentrations ofall species related to biomass functional groups (B-, BH, BLi,BH +
2 ) were expressed as mole per working volume. Fur-
thermore, to keep consistency with one phase approximation,the activity coefficients of these species were not taken as 1but estimated using Davies equation. This was not likelycommon in studies on interactions between solution andimpermeable oxide surfaces.
In general, the Donnan model is widely used for the
analysis of gel systems. However, since the Donnan typebiosorption models (
36) are more complicated than themodels presented in this study, it is likely difficult to applyor extend the Donnan model to complex multi-ion systemssuch as actual wastewaters.
In this study, Li+ was used instead of Na+ as a model
alkali ion interfering heavy metal biosorption, because Na+results in the leaching of organic components from theseaweed biomass (
23). Therefore, the biosorption perfor-mance in actual aquatic systems containing Na+ may beaffected by the leaching property. To predict the leachingeffect, the present models should be further modified.
Nitrate was used as a model anion in this study. This ion
can form complexes with Cd2+ such as CdNO +
previously (
21), these metal complexes are possibly able toaffect the biosorption performance. This aspect was neglectedin the present work and more studies will be needed tounderstand (or model) the effect of Cd-NO3 complexes.
Li Interaction with Proton Binding. The proton uptake
depending on the pH and Li concentration is shown in Figure1 together with the model output. The higher the ionicstrength (or Li concentration), the more protons were
FIGURE 3. Prediction of equilibrium state from the initial cadmium
concentration. Conditions: 5 g/L of biomass concentration, 0.1 M
required for the maximum uptake, mainly due to the
initial ionic strength, and pH 3. Symbols: (
interference of Li with the proton binding. The Li uptake
) final cadmium
predicted by eq 8 increased with increasing pH. However,
) cadmium uptake, (O
) initial lithium concentration,
at an elevated pH (>4.5), the Li uptake was independent of
) concentration of added base (LiOH). The lines were predicted
using the developed biosorption model.
the pH, because the Li binding was considered to occur onlyon the carboxyl group.
C ) ([H ] - [H ] ) - ([OH ] - [OH ] ) +
The equilibrium constant (1
K )
2.64 ( 0.46 × 10-3) for
the Li binding to the carboxyl group corresponds to theselectivity coefficient of Li-H ion exchange as shown in eq
[Li ] ) [Li ] -
6. Therefore, the affinity of Li for the biomass can be
considered as low, approximately 0.26% of that displayed by
protons. Nevertheless, the reason the Li uptake was con-
siderable at pH > 4.5 ([H+] < 3.2 × 10-5 M) was because theLi concentration was fairly high ([Li+] ) 0.1 or 1 M).
where the proton balance was established on the basis of the
From Figure 1 it was noted that when a high concentration
original state that was composed of the (dried) protonated
of Li (probably also of other light alkali ions) was present, the
biomass (
3.66 mmol/g), the Cd stock solution, and the
Li competition with protons for the carboxyl group could
solution containing LiNO3.
not be neglected, although the Li affinity was far lower than
The previously developed Cd binding model (eq 14) could
that of the protons. Especially at an elevated pH (up to pH
be used for the Cd uptake term (
qCd) in eq 22. The uptakes
6), Li was considerably competitive because of the lack of
of proton and lithium (eqs 15 and 19) were substituted into
protons. In addition to competition for the binding sites, the
eqs 20 and 21, respectively. To obtain four unknowns (
background ions (Li+ and NO -
in this study) can disturb the
[Li+]f, [Cd2+]f,
γ), four equations (eqs 20-22 and Davies
proton uptake via reducing the activities of binding sites and
equation (eq 4)) should be simultaneously solved. In this
protons as well.
study, a damped Newton's method (
37) was applied using
Prediction of Cd Isotherms Depending on the pH and
the technical software Mathematica 3.0 (
Ionic Strength. To obtain the isotherm data, the initial Cd
Figure 3 shows a biosorption performance prediction
concentration ([Cd]
Vf) is changed at a given pH and
example (pH 3,
0.1 M). The final Cd concentration and
the initial ionic strength. While the only operable variable in
the Cd uptake increased with the increasing initial Cd
isotherm experiments is the initial Cd concentration, the
concentration (Figure 3A). The plot of the resulting final Cd
final Cd concentration and the Cd uptake are dependent on
concentration and uptake became the isotherm curve at pH
the initial Cd concentration. In this study, the isotherms were
3 and 0.1 M initial ionic strength as shown in Figure 2. The
"predicted" from known initial conditions (initial Cd con-
Li concentration was also predicted as a function of the initial
centration, initial ionic strength (or Li concentration)) and
Cd concentration and compared with the initial Li concen-
the fixed pH. For the batch equilibrium experiments, the
tration (Figure 3B). Within a low range of initial Cd
following mass balances were valid for protons (eq 20), Li
concentrations, a small difference between the initial and
(eq 21), and Cd (eq 22):
final Li concentrations was observed that was due to a higher
FIGURE 4. Effect of pH on the cadmium biosorption. Experimental
FIGURE 5. Effect of initial ionic strength on the cadmium biosorption.
data: (O
) pH 3, (2
) pH 5. The biomass concentration and the initial
Experimental data: (O
) 0.1 M, (b
) 0.01 M, and (4
) 0 M initial ionic
ionic strength were 5 g/L and 0.1 M, respectively. The lines were
strength. The biomass concentration and the solution pH were 5
predicted using the developed biosorption model.
g/L and 5.0, respectively. The lines were predicted using the
developed biosorption model.
Li uptake in this range. Although the proton concentration(∼10-3 M) was much lower than the Li concentration (∼10-1M), the proton uptake was larger than the Li uptake, becausethe Li affinity toward the biomass was relatively low. Thehigher the initial Cd concentration, the more LiOH wasconsumed to maintain the constant pH and the more Cdions were present at the equilibrium state. Therefore, theionic strength increased along with the initial Cd concentra-tion as predicted in Figure 3C. However, the activitycoefficient remained nearly constant (∼0.78).
From the practical point of view, it is of great importance
to estimate the base (or acid) requirement in a pH-stat processoperation and, in turn, to predict the final pH according tothe known amount of base (or acid) addition. As can be seenin Figure 3C, the base consumption to maintain a constantpH was very well predicted, considering that, unlike the CO2-free titration experiments, these isotherm experiments wereperformed in an open-air system.
The above method was used to simulate the effect of pH
on the Cd uptake (Figure 4). The pH significantly affectedthe Cd uptake between pH 2 and 4, where the p1
KH value ofthe carboxyl group is dominant. However, at pH < 2 andpH > 5 (cf. p2
K )
5.4), the Cd uptake was almost independent
of the pH. This reflects the fact that most of the binding sitesare occupied by protons at pH < 2, and by Cd, and also byLi in part, at pH > 5.
The effect of initial ionic strength is shown in Figure 5.
At an extremely high ionic strength (
I )
1 M), the Cd uptake
was reduced by approximately 50% of the maximum value(
I )
0 M). For this case, it should be noted that even if no
LiNO3 was used, the ionic strength for each data point wasnot zero but varied depending on the concentrations of Cd
FIGURE 6. Speciation of the binding sites as a function of the
and added LiOH. For example, at the final Cd concentration
solution pH. The lines were produced using the developed
of 10 mM and
I )
biosorption model. Experimental conditions: 3 g/L of biomass
0 M, the ionic strength was as high as 53
mM, which could suppress the Cd uptake. Therefore, data
concentration, 0.1 M initial ionic strength, and 2 mM Cd initial
plots of metal uptake versus final metal concentration
(generally called an "isotherm") would not present equilib-rium relationships at a constant ionic strength medium
concentration of added base (
CB), whereas in the isotherm
although such a plot may be still useful for evaluating the
prediction it was the initial Cd concentration.
As a result, the pH edge data were successfully predicted
Speciation of Binding Sites. The pH edge experiment
as shown in Figure 6A. At the same time, the speciation of
was carried out at the initial Cd concentration of 2 mM, 0.1
binding sites as a function of the equilibrium pH could be
M of LiNO3, and 3 g/L of biomass (Figure 6). With these
simulated using the developed model. The Cd binding to the
initial conditions, the same set of model equations was
carboxyl group increased with the pH up to 4.1, but slightly
simultaneously solved for the four unknowns (final pH, [Li+]f,
decreased over the optimum pH, because of competitive
γ). In this case, the only operable variable was the
binding of Li. The contribution of the Cd binding to the
phosphonate functional group became significant at a higher
dry weight of the biomass (g)
pH (>4). At a low pH, most of the binding sites were occupied
with protons (Figure 6B), and the Cd binding could not be
total uptake of Cd by the biomass (mol/g)
expected. With increasing pH, the free sites, especially the
uptake of Cd by the carboxyl group (mol/g)
carboxyl group, increased up to ∼39% of the total carboxyl
sites. This was because most of the Cd (total 2 mM) existed
uptake of Cd by the phosphonate group (mol/
in the biomass phase, and only a low level of Cd was presentin the aquatic phase (e.g., [Cd2+] )
0.3 mM at pH ) 5). The
total uptake of proton by the biomass (mol/g)
free form of the phosphonate group was rather rare even at
a high pH. As expected, the third functional group was present
uptake of proton in the final state (mol/g)
as a positively charged form in the pH range studied.
uptake of proton in the initial state (mol/g)
proton uptake by the protonated biomass (mol/
This work was supported in part by the postdoctoralfellowships program of the Korea Science & Engineering
uptake of proton by the carboxyl group (mol/
Foundation (KOSEF) and by research funds of Chonbuk
National University. We thank Prof. J. M. Park (POSTECH),
Prof. M. E. Carballo (University of Havana), and Dr. H. Niu
uptake of proton by the phosphonate group
and Mr. T. A. Davies (McGill University) for their help with
experiments and manuscript preparation.
uptake of proton by the amine group (mol/g)
Supporting Information Available
total uptake of Li by the biomass (mol/g)
Handling method of potentiometric titration data and
uptake of Li by the
ith negatively charged
derivation procedures of models for proton and cadmium
functional group (mol/g)
biosorption. This material is available free of charge via the
Internet at http://pubs.acs.org.
uptake of Li by the carboxyl group (mol/g)
total proton concentration in the system (mol/
representative of concentration for the brack-
total proton concentration in the final state
eted species (mol/L)
representative of activity for the bracketed
total proton concentration in the initial state
ith negatively charged functional group
solution volume (L)
jth positively charged functional group
concentration of the biomass (g/L)
weight-specific number of
ith negatively
valence of ion (-)
charged functional group (mol/g)
activity coefficient of monovalent ion (-)
weight-specific number of
jth positively charged
functional group (mol/g)
representative of the functional group in the
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Volumen 5, N° 5 Agosto, 2015 AVANZA EL PROYECTO EPE Continúan desarrol ándose las activi- de realizar la visita guiada a los proyec- cumpliendo el rol de jefes, con lo cual en dades previstas en el Proyecto Educa- tos productivos de las diferentes áreas: la práctica plasmaron el enfoque por ción para el Empleo (EPE), en días
Table of Contents Drug and Alcohol Policy.1Tobacco Free Campus Policy.1Commonly Abused Substances and Health Risks.2Commonly Abused Substances and Health Risks cont.3Consequences.4 Disciplinary Drug and Alcohol Policy In compliance with the Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, the Federal Drug- Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, the Maryland Drug and Alcohol Abuse