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power, performance, price Erectile dysfunction Erectile dysfunction is a common condition affecting over 50% of men over the age of 40, at some time1. How many of your patients are hiding in their sheds or workshops, afraid or too embarrassed to discuss their erectile difficulties and not receiving treatment?Men need good tools. So let's get your male patients out

Hindawi Publishing CorporationJournal of OphthalmologyVolume 2015, Article ID 916385, 8 pages Clinical StudyIntrastromal Corneal Ring Segment Implantation(Keraring 355∘) in Patients with Central Keratoconus:6-Month Follow-Up Khosrow Jadidi,1 Seyed Aliasghar Mosavi,1 Farhad Nejat,1 Mostafa Naderi,1Leila Janani,2 and Sara Serahati3

January 1, 2016At A Glance For Active Employees, Retirees, Vestees and Dependent Survivors, Enrollees covered under Preferred List Provisions, their enrolled Dependents, and for COBRA Enrollees and Young Adult Option Enrollees enrolled through Participating Agencies with Empire Plan benefits This guide briefly describes Empire Plan benefits. It is not a complete description and is subject to change. For a complete description of your benefits and your responsibilities, refer to your Empire Plan Certificate and all Empire Plan Reports and Certificate Amendments. For information regarding your NYSHIP eligibility or enrollment, contact your agency Health Benefits Administrator (HBA). If you have questions regarding specific benefits or claims, contact the appropriate Empire Plan administrator. (See page 23.)

& Aesthetic Dermatology 40+ CME CREDITS 5 UNIQUE TRACKS 5 DAYS OF PREMIUM CONTENT 1 GREAT MEETING Facial Cosmetic Surgery Aesthetic Surgery and MedicineA True Multi-Specialty ApproachAdvanced Aesthetic Dermatology The CORE Specialties Focus on Aesthetic Skin SolutionsMasters Seminars Instructional In Depth Mini-CoursesPractice Management & Marketing


Nr. 45 Februar 2011 Magazin für Lehramtsanwärter/-innen Aus dem Inhalt: 3 Mathe unterrichten und den Lehrplanforderungen gerecht werden? 8 Kopiervorlagen aus PIK AS 11 Kreis und Winkel – eine Unterrichts- einheit für die Jahrgangsstufe 6 14 Junglehrer fordern Standards

Author's personal copy Annals of Biomedical Engineering (Ó 2013)DOI: 10.1007/s10439-013-0780-z Design, Evaluation, and Dissemination of a Plastic Syringe Clip to Improve Dosing Accuracy of Liquid Medications GARRETT J. SPIEGEL,1 CINDY DINH,1 AMANDA GUTIERREZ,1 JULIA LUKOMNIK,1 BENJAMIN LU,1 KAMAL SHAH,1 TARA SLOUGH,1 PING TERESA YEH,1 YVETTE MIRABAL,1 LAUREN VESTEWIG GRAY,1

Treatment of demodicosis in dogs: 2011 clinical practice guidelines

Treatment of demodicosis in dogs: 2011 clinical practiceguidelines Ralf S. Mueller*, Emmanuel Bensignor†, Lluı´s Ferrer‡, Birgit Holm§, Stephen Lemarie¶, ManonParadis** and Michael A. Shipstone†† *Centre for Clinical Veterinary Medicine, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Veterinaerstraße 13, 80539 Munich, Germany†Dermatology Referral Service, 75003 Paris, 35510 Rennes-Cesson and 44000 Nantes, France‡Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery, Universitat Autonome de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain§The Blue Star Small Animal Hospital, Gjutja¨rnsgatan 4, SE-417 07 Gothenburg, Sweden¶Southeast Veterinary Specialists, 3409 Division Street, Metairie, LA 70002, USA**Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculte´ de Me´decine Ve´te´rinaire, University of Montreal, CP 5000, St-Hyacinthe, Que´bec, Canada J2S 7C6††Dermatology for Animals, 263 Appleby Road, Stafford Heights, QLD 4053, Australia

Microsoft word - tolbert.gastroprotectants.docx

GASTROPROTECTANTS: STRATEGIES FOR USING THEM WINN FELINE FOUNDATION SUCCESSFULLY Katie Tolbert, DVM, PhD, DACVIM Gastrointestinal (GI) mucosal protectants including acid suppressants, antacids, misoprostol, and coating agents (sucralfate, barium) are commonly used for the prevention and treatment of gastritis and ulcerative disease in dogs and cats. However, results of veterinary studies investigating these drugs are heterogeneous with some studies failing to demonstrate a benefit. Inappropriate dosing and misuse of these medications for diseases in which they have not proven to be beneficial are likely to blame. Recently published dosing recommendations and suggested indications for use of GI mucosal protectants are likely to improve the outcome of dogs and cats with and at risk for erosive and ulcerative disease. Evidence and indications for the use of acid suppressants can be found as a separate proceedings. Coating agents Sucralfate is a polyaluminum sucrose sulfate that is activated in the acidic environment of the stomach. Its primary mechanism of action is to coat injured and denuded gastroesophageal mucosal epithelium. Other proposed mechanisms of action include prostaglandin stimulation and inhibition of substances that could be injurious to the subepithelium including pepsin and bile acids. Very few studies have evaluated the efficacy of sucralfate for treatment of mucosal injury. In one of the only available studies, sucralfate was not effective in treatment of GI bleeding in dogs undergoing spinal surgery and receiving high dose steroids.1 However, sucralfate is relatively benign with few side effects aside from constipation and potential drug interactions, thus many clinicians including myself administer the medication to dogs and cats with or at-risk for gastric bleeding. More studies are needed to determine if this practice is beneficial for dogs and cats. Sucralfate is available in both tablet and suspension form. Drug interaction studies suggest that sucralfate is not as effective when administered as a tablet.2 Therefore, prior to administration, the tablets should be crushed and mixed with water to create an oral slurry. The aluminum component of the sucralfate suspension can interfere with the absorption of other drugs including tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones. Thus, sucralfate administration should be delayed by at least 2 hours prior to administration of these drugs.2 Since activation of sucralfate is dependent on an acidic pH, drugs that increase gastric pH (e.g., antacids, acid suppressants) should be delayed for at least 1 hr following sucralfate administration. Barium is speculated to have mucoprotective and pro-coagulant effects. It has been reported to have hemostatic effects for a variety of causes of gastrointestinal bleeding in humans.3 To my knowledge, it has not been studied in companion animals but is used frequently in clinical practice. I do not use it in my practice but know many veterinarians who like to use it in combination with acid suppressants for patients who have severe gastric bleeding and can tolerate oral medications. Endoscopy should be delayed at least 24 hours following administration of barium as barium can hinder visualization of the gastrointestinal mucosa and can obstruct the endoscope instrument channel if aspirated. Barium should not be used if gastrointestinal perforation is suspected.4 Antacids Antacids (e.g., calcium carbonate, aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide) are often incorrectly referred to as acid suppressants. Unlike acid suppressants, which target the production of gastric acid by the parietal cell, antacids are acid-neutralizing drugs and have no effect on the parietal cell proton pump. Therefore, antacids have to be administered more frequently to avoid rebound gastric acid secretion. For this reason, effective administration of antacids can be problematic in vomiting or anorectic patients. Other proposed mechanisms of action of antacids include decreased pepsin activation as a result of increased gastric pH, stimulation of bicarbonate secretion, and formation of complexes with refluxed bile salts. Other common adverse effects of antacids include undesired drug interactions (as mentioned for sucralfate), constipation (aluminum preparations), and diarrhea (magnesium preparations). Similar to the coating agents, antacids are a vastly understudied class of drugs in veterinary medicine. Because of their requirement for frequent administration and the perceived superiority of acid suppressants, I rarely use antacids for gastric bleeding. Acid Suppressants Gastric parietal cells are responsible for the production and secretion of gastric acid. Parietal cells are stimulated by neural and hormonal inputs. Acid suppressant drugs act to block acid production either at the receptors for these inputs or directly at the parietal cell proton pumps. Acid suppressants are more effective and have a longer duration


Triple Tibial Osteotomy (TTO)Objective: Define the tibial plateau (TP) slope This operation is based on the biomechanical analysis performed by Dr Slobodan Tepic, which revealed that in order to remove theshear strain from the cranial cruciate ligament the tibial plateauxshould be perpendicular to the patellar ligament. There are two Draw a line from the cranial aspect


Von Insights zu Wachstum Der Kunde bestimmt die Spielregeln Profitables und anhaltendes Wachstum sichert das Überleben eines Unternehmens und ist der Erfolgsausweis eines Führungsteams. Standardstrategien versagen in den heute sich radikal und schnell ändernden Märkten. Wo soll das Unternehmen ansetzen? Beim sich stetig wandelnden Kunden: Mit der Job-to-be-done-Logik werden Kunden-Insights gewonnen, die unserem Spielplan für Wachstum aktuel e und konkrete Inhalte für die einzelnen Unternehmensstrategien liefern.

MARE NOSTRUM Miquel A. Baila Pallarés ASSOCIACIÓ CULTURAL AMICS DE VINARÒS BiBlioteca Mare NostruM Nº 37 Los conventos de Vinaròs fundaciones, conflictos y frustraciones CON LA COLABORACIÓN DE: Magnific Ajuntament de Vinaròs Serie investigación nº3. Datos catalográficos BAILA PALLARÉS, Miquel Àngel Los conventos de Vinaròs. Fundaciones, conflictos y frustraciones / Miquel Àngel Baila Pallarés.

La palabra sánscrita Karma significa acción o, más específicamente, cualquier acción materialque trae una reacción que nos ata al mundo material. De acuerdo a la ley del Karma, sicausamos dolor y sufrimiento a otros seres vivientes, debemos soportar lo mismo a cambio, yasea tanto individual como colectivamente. Nadie puede escaparse a la ley del Karma, exceptoaquellos que comprenden como esta trabaja, y así cumplen con ella. Todo sufrimiento quegeneraos vuelve a nosotros, de la misma manera i damos amor esa energía nos envolverá ymarcara nuestra existencia.La persona que come animal puede decir que no esta matando, (y por eso no recibie elresultado de su acción o karma) pero cuando alguien compra un trozo de carne empacada enel supermercado o en la carnicería, esta pagándole a alguien para que mate por ella, y ambasreciben las reacciones del Karma.


Cardiovascular Formulary for the Hypertensive Cat Lusitrope, Vasodilator, Negative chronotrope 180, 240 mg caps. 180, 240 mg caps. Enacard (Vasotec) 1, 2.5, & 5 mg tablets ACE-I (CHF, Hypertension) Lotensin (Foretkor) 5 & 10 mg tablets .25-.5 mg/kg PO qd-bid Negative chronotrope, 6.25-12.5 mg PO qd Antiarrhythmic, Lusi-trope, Antihypertensive 1/8–¼ inch topically tid