Author's personal copy
Annals of Biomedical Engineering (Ó 2013)DOI: 10.1007/s10439-013-0780-z
Design, Evaluation, and Dissemination of a Plastic Syringe Clip
to Improve Dosing Accuracy of Liquid Medications
1Rice 360°: Institute for Global Health Technologies, Rice University, 6100 Main St., Houston, TX 77005, USA; 2Department of
Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA; and 3Department of Statistics, Rice University, 6100 Main St.,
Houston, TX 77005, USA
(Received 13 November 2012; accepted 15 February 2013)
Associate Editor John Desjardins oversaw the review of this article.
Abstract—Pediatricians in Africa requested a tool to improve
program in which students from all disciplines work
caregiver dosing of liquid antiretroviral medication. We
collaboratively to use the engineering design process to
developed, evaluated and disseminated a clip to control the
develop technological solutions to challenges of health
amount of medication drawn into an oral syringe. In a
and healthcare delivery in the developing world.
laboratory, a user tested clips of different lengths, corre-sponding to different volumes, by drawing water into a
These challenges are identified by healthcare providers
syringe with a clip. In Texas and Malawi, 149 adults
working in low-resource settingsIn this paper, we
attempted to measure Pepto-BismolTM using a syringe with
describe the design, evaluation, and implementation of
a clip, a syringe without a clip, and a dosing cup, in a
a syringe clip, a student-designed technology devel-
randomly assigned order. In the laboratory, the volume of
oped through this process to help improve the accuracy
liquid, ranging from 1 to 4.5 mL, drawn into the syringe wasalways within at least 5 lL of the intended dose. In Texas,
of dosing liquid medication. The syringe clip fits into
84% of doses were accurate within ±10%, vs. 63% using the
the barrel of an oral dosing syringe to regulate the
syringe alone, and 21% with the dosing cup. In Malawi, 98%
amount of liquid drawn into the syringe according to
of doses were accurate to within ±10%, vs. 90% using the
dosage. The syringe clip was tested in community set-
syringe alone, and 27% with the dosing cup. For target
tings in Houston, Texas, and Kamangira, Malawi. The
accuracy values within ±45% (±21%), a significantly higherfraction of Houston (Kamangira) participants delivered an
syringe clip, which has dual application in the devel-
accurate dose using the syringe with the clip than with the
oped and developing worlds, has been licensed to pri-
syringe alone (p < 0.05). The clip enables a greater propor-
tion of users to accurately measure liquid medication.
Swaziland's National Prevention of Mother to ChildTransmission (PMTCT) of HIV/AIDS program.
Keywords—Dosing error, Measuring devices, Medication
Studies in the developed world show that inaccurate
administration, Medication errors, Global health, Low-
dosing of liquid medication, particularly in the home-
resource settings.
setting, is a common occurrence. Liquid medicationsare commonly used in the pediatric population; onestudy reported that more than 80% of children have
received liquid acetaminophen by 6 months of age.Most medications for children are administered by
The Beyond Traditional Borders (BTB) initiative
their parents or guardians, and a number of studies
at Rice University is an undergraduate education
show that 40–60% of parents make errors when givingmedications to their children.,
Dosing devices for oral medications include oral
Address correspondence to Rebecca Richards-Kortum, Rice
360°: Institute for Global Health Technologies, Rice University, 6100
syringes, oral droppers, dosing spoons, and plastic
Main St., Houston, TX 77005, USA. Electronic mail: rkortum@
medicine cups.Even when such calibrated delivery
Ó 2013 Biomedical Engineering Society
Author's personal copy
SPIEGEL et al.
devices are used, they do not eliminate inaccurate
the plunger can be pulled back, dictating the amount
dosing. Recent studies in the developed world show
of medication that can be drawn into the syringe.
that more than half of parents made errors in dosing
Different lengths of the clip correspond to different
with plastic dosing cups, primarily overdosin
dosages of medication. The dosing clips are color-
While several comparisons of dosage delivery devices
coded by dosage; when prescribing liquid medication
have demonstrated that oral syringes are superior to
to be delivered with an oral syringe, a physician can
other devices,one study found that a large
prescribe the color of clip that corresponds with the
proportion of caregivers could not measure the proper
correct dosage. A pharmacist then includes this color
amount of medication using either an oral dosing
of clip with the syringe when dispensing medication to
syringe or a dosing cup.In addition, small markings
the patient. In this paper, we describe an assessment of
on oral syringes can be difficult to read by users with
the accuracy of the dosing clip in a laboratory and
limited visual acuity and can wash off after multiple
community setting. We discuss efforts to disseminate
uses. Studies in the developed world have shown that
the technology in low-resource settings.
caregivers with low health literacy are at greatest riskfor inaccurate dosing.
Little is reported about caregiver dosing accuracy in
the developing world. However, there are many studiesthat focus on adherence to antiretroviral medication
Standard oral dosing syringes are designed to
for HIV-positive patients in the developing world.
deliver variable doses of liquid medication. In order to
Young HIV-positive children receiving treatment and
deliver the proper dose, the user must identify mark-
ings corresponding to the intended dose on the outside
PMTCT of HIV/AIDS are often prescribed liquid
of the syringe barrel and pull the plunger back until the
antiretroviral medication, which is administered using
liquid level in the barrel matches the correct marking.
an oral dosing syringe.Dosing regimens, especially
We designed a plastic clip that can be inserted into a
for HIV treatment, can be complex, requiring different
standard oral dosing syringe to simplify the process of
volumes for each drug and the continual increase of
delivering an accurate dose of medication. Clips used
the volume of the dose as the child grows.For
for this study were made from ABS plastic using a
caregivers who are unfamiliar with liquid measure-
3D-printer (SST 768, Dimension/Stratasys). Using this
ments or who are elderly with poor visual acuity,
low-volume method of manufacture, clips can be
correct dosing can be a Bagenda et al.
produced for a materials cost of approximately $0.23
found that users of syrup formulations, particularly
per clip. At current production levels, the clips cost
elderly or illiterate caregivers, had difficulty measuring
approximately $0.10 per clip. By comparison, when the
precise dosing measurements using a calibrated syringe
clips are mass produced, we anticipate that the price of
and/or cup, and that adherence to syrups is lower than
the clips will change to $0.02–$0.05 per clip. Syringes
adherence to tablets. Some studies find that caregivers
can be purchased at a distributor discount of approx-
in the developing world overestimate their children's
imately $0.35 per syringe; thus, the clips cost about
adherence to antiretroviral medication.Some phy-
one-third the price of the syringe. Because treatment
sicians in the developing world have noted that if oral
regimens for antiretroviral medication often call for
syringes are not available, patients use bottle tops,
decreases in dosage over time, a combination of dif-
spoons, medicine caps, and other improvised tools for
ferent syringe sizes would be required. Including
dosing,which may exacerbate inaccurate dosing.
syringes of all necessary sizes, rather than simply
To address these concerns, in 2007, pediatricians
including clips at different lengths for a single syringe,
prescribing liquid antiretroviral medication to HIV-
positive children in Swaziland identified a need for a
expenses required to make alternate lengths of clips is
low-cost dosage delivery device for liquid drugs that
significantly lower than that required to build syringes
could be preset by a health care professional and given
of different volumes, and in some cases, the dosages are
to a caregiver to administer to a patient, regardless of
unusual volumes. It is therefore more economical to
the caregiver's visual acuity, manual dexterity, literacy,
make many different lengths of clips than to make
or numeracy skills. To address this need, students first
many different syringes.
designed a mechanical, metered dosing pump for liquid
Figure a shows a photo of the clip, which consists
medications.After receiving feedback on the design
of two segments: a distal straight segment which is
from physicians in the United States, Botswana,
inserted into the barrel of the syringe, and a proximal
Malawi, and a second team of students
C-shaped segment which clips over the neck of the
designed a simple syringe clip that can be inserted into
syringe and holds the clip in place. To use the clip, a
a standard oral dosing syringe to limit the distance that
physician, pharmacist, nurse, health educator, or
Author's personal copy
Plastic Syringe Clip to Improve Dosing Accuracy
caretaker inserts it into the barrel of the syringe and
The performance of the clips was then compared to
rotates the clip in order to secure it to the lip of the
standard oral dosing syringes and cups in community
barrel. The distal tip of the clip limits the extent to
settings in Houston, Texas, and Kamangira, Malawi. The
which the plunger can be pulled back. Therefore, the
study was reviewed and approved by the Institutional
length of the distal segment of the clip determines the
Review Board at Rice University. In Houston, 89 adults
dosage; clips can be color coded to indicate dose
attending a health fair at a YMCA were recruited to
participate in the study; all participants gave written
The accuracy of the dosage of medication that could
informed consent. Participants completed an anonymous
be delivered using the clips was tested first in a labo-
questionnaire to collect demographic information,
ratory setting. Eight lengths of clips, representing eight
including age and highest level of completed education. In
intended doses ranging from 1.0 to 4.5 mL in 0.5 mL
Malawi, village elders recruited 60 interested adults to
increments, were tested by a single user. For each
participate; 49 had never measured liquid medication
intended dose, four clips were tested. In the test, the
before. Due to comparatively low literacy levels, all par-
same clip was inserted into three different oral syringes,
ticipants gave informed consent and answered selected
and water was drawn into each syringe three times, for
survey questions verbally in the local language of Chi-
a total of nine trials per clip, or 36 trials per dose. The
chewa. For each participant, an investigator or translator
weight of water drawn into the syringe for each trial
read identical instructions and demonstrated proper
was measured using a balance. The volume of the
measurement of a 2.5 mL dose of liquid using each of the
delivered dose was then calculated using the known
three dosing methods: a standard 5 mL oral dosing syr-
density of water.
inge with a clip, a standard 5 mL oral dosing syringewithout a clip, and a standard oral dosing cup. InHouston, a standard 15 mL commercially availableliquid medication dosing cup was used, and in Malawi, astandard 10 mL dosing cup was used, reflecting the cur-rent stock of the local hospital. The 2.5 mL dose wasselected because it is a mid-range dose for the 5 mL oraldosing syringe and within range for pediatric dosing.
After watching the demonstration, participants were thenasked to measure a 2.5 mL dose of Pepto-BismolTM usingthe three dosing methods; the order in which participantscompleted the three tasks was randomly assigned. Pepto-BismolTM was used due to its higher viscosity to simulatemedications such as Kaletra, a standard antiretroviralmedication for children in developing countries. Theamount of liquid was weighed and recorded for all dosingmethods; the volume of the delivered dose was calculatedusing the density of the liquid.
Table compares the intended dose and the dose
delivered using the clips in a laboratory setting. Usingthe dosing clips, the volume of water drawn into thesyringe was within 5 lL of the intended dose for alldoses tested. This finding held across all combinationsof clips and syringes.
Eighty-nine participants from Houston and 60
(a) The process of inserting the dosing clip into a
standard oral dosing syringe. (1) The plunger is pulled back;
participants from Kamangira were recruited to par-
(2) the clip is placed alongside the plunger; (3) the plunger
ticipate in the study in the community setting; partic-
and clip are pushed into the syringe barrel until the C-shaped
ipants ranged in age from 18 years old to >70 years
upper segment of the clip reaches the lip of the barrel; (4) theclip is rotated to lock the clip into place. With the clip in place,
old (Fig. ). Table shows the average, SD, range of
the syringe plunger can only be pulled back until it reaches
the dose of Pepto-BismolTM for each dosing method in
the distal tip of the clip. (b) The length of the distal segment of
each participant group. On average, the dose delivered
the clip determines the dose which can be delivered; clips arecolor coded and labeled according to dose.
using the oral dosing syringe, either with or without a
Author's personal copy
SPIEGEL et al.
dosing clip, was closest to the intended dose. The use of
A v2 test with correction for cells with fewer than
the dosing clip was associated with least variation in
five entries was used to assess whether differences in
delivered dose, as assessed both by the SD and the range
the fraction of participants achieving the target accu-
of the delivered dose. When using the syringe with a
racy (in terms of % error) were statistically signi;
dosing clip, no participants delivered a dose greater than
results are shown in Figs. a and b. Differences in
2.55 mL. In contrast, when using the syringe alone,
accuracy associated with the dosing cup were statisti-
some participants delivered a dose of almost double the
cally significant at all accuracy thresholds. For target
intended dose (4.66 mL). For both study populations,
accuracy values less than or equal to ±45%, a signif-
the average dose delivered using the dosing cup was
icantly higher fraction of Houston participants could
furthest from the intended dose. The dosing cup was
deliver an accurate dose using the syringe with the clip
associated with the greatest variation in delivered dose
than using the syringe alone (p < 0.05); for target
for both groups, with some participants delivering more
accuracy values of less than or equal to ±21% a sig-
than five times the intended dose (14.16 mL).
nificantly higher fraction of the Kamangira partici-
Figure shows a cumulative frequency plot indi-
pants delivered an accurate dose using the syringe with
cating the fraction of Houston participants who
the clip compared to the syringe alone (p < 0.05).
delivered a volume of Pepto-BismolTM less than or
The target accuracy for our clip is the set dose of ±10%,
equal to the dose indicated. The dotted line shows the
consistent with other studies of dosing accuracy, which
expected step-function result if all participants had
ranged from ±4 to 20%.We evaluated the per-
delivered the correct dose of 2.50 mL. Figure shows
centage of participants who prepared a dose within these
a similar cumulative frequency plot for the Kamangira
limits (Fig. ). Using the dosing clip resulted in 84% of
population. Results for both groups indicate that doses
doses in the target range of 2.5 mL ± 10% for the
delivered with the dosing clip are most similar to the
Houston participant group. Within this same group, only
ideal result.
63% drew the target dose with the oral syringe alone and21% met this target with the dosing cup. In addition, with
The average dose (61 SD) delivered using dosing
the dosing clip in place, the maximum volume of Pepto-
clips vs. intended dose measured in a laboratory setting.
BismolTM that any participant measured was 2.50 mL,
Intended dose (mL)
Measured dose (mL)
indicating that the dosing clip did not allow more than theintended liquid to be drawn into the syringe. In contrast,
using the dosing syringe alone, more than 10% of partic-
ipants drew more than 2.5 mL into the syringe, with a
maximum of 4.66 mL. In the Kamangira study group,
using the dosing clip resulted in 98% of doses in the target
range of 2.5 mL ± 10%. Within this same group, 90%
drew the target dosage of Pepto-BismolTM using the oral
syringe alone; only 27% met this target with the dosing cup
The number of participants by age range (in years).
Author's personal copy
Plastic Syringe Clip to Improve Dosing Accuracy
Average (61 SD) and range of doses of Pepto-BismolTM for each dosing method measured in a community setting.
Pepto-BismolTM2.5 mL target dose
Average dose (mL)
Average dose (mL)
Syringe with clip
SyringeSyringe with Clip
Cumulative Count (%)
Dosage (mL)
Syringe with Clip
Cumulative Count (%)
Dosage (mL)
The cumulative count (as a percentage of the total) of the (a) Houston and (b) Kamangira participants' measured doses
of Pepto-BismolTM. For each delivery method, the graph shows the percentage of participants delivering a volume less than orequal to the dose indicated. The dotted curve labeled ‘Intended Dose' represents an ideal population response where the entirepopulation delivers a dose of 2.5 mL.
(Fig. ). With the dosing clip in place, the maximum vol-
antiretroviral medication, the ramifications of inaccu-
ume of Pepto-BismolTM that any participant in this sub-
rate dosing of liquid medications could be even more
group measured was 2.55 mL. However, when using the
serious. For HIV-positive and exposed patients, con-
dosing syringe alone, 35% of participants drew more than
sistently excellent adherence to drug regimens is
2.5 mL into the syringe, with a maximum dose of 2.82 mL.
required for viral suppression, the prevention ofresistance, disease progression, and andeffective prophylaxis. This is a special concern in the
PMTCT of HIV/AIDS, as children are provided semi-daily doses of liquid antiretrovirals for an extended
Misdosing liquid medications has potentially serious
period of time. In 2010, the World Health Organiza-
consequences. For prescription medications, such as
tion presented new guidelines for PMTCT which state


Author's personal copy
SPIEGEL et al.
a 5 mL syringe found that lower educational attainmentwas associated with dosing errors for these devicesIn
addition, studies focused on antiretroviral adherence for
Comparison of syringe
children in the developing world have identified as bar-
with and without clip
riers to adherence poor socio-economic circumstances
Comparison of 3 dosing methods
and low literacy.Mills et al.reported that two
barriers to antiretroviral adherence reported by adult
understanding the treatment instructions and compli-
cated regimens. Mahas a relatively low literacyrate (74% of adults can read). 98% of middle school
students in Malawi fail to demonstrate skills beyond
Error as % of 2.5 mL Intended Dose of Pepto-Bismol
basic numThese conditions may impose addi-tional limitations upon health literacy and decreasecaregivers' ability to adhere to accurate dosing.
Additionally, accidental overdoses in the developed
Comparison of syringe
world have been attributed, in part, to markings on
with and without clip
dosage devices that are misleading or incompatible
with labeled dosing directions.A recent study showed
that 74% of 200 top-selling pediatric oral liquid
over-the-counter medications were packaged with
measuring devices; 98.6% of these products hadinconsistencies between the medication's dosing direc-
tions and markings on the dosage delivery device.Toaddress the lack of standardized measuring devices and
labeling directions, the US Food and Drug Adminis-
tration issued voluntary industry guidelines regardingdosage delivery devices for over-the-counter liquid
Error as % of 2.5 mL Intended Dose of Pepto-Bismol
drug products in late 200FDA recommendations
p value for comparison of dosing accuracy (in
state that over-the-counter drugs should include a
terms of % error) of all three methods (solid line) and syringe
dosage delivery device, dosage delivery devices should
without clip vs. syringe alone (dashed line) with Pepto-BismolTM for (a) Houston and (b) Kamangira. At all target
be clearly calibrated and consistent with the product's
accuracy values, the dosing cup was significantly less accu-
directions, and dosage devices should include only
rate than the syringe with or without the clip. For target
necessary markings and not be substantially bigger
accuracy values less than or equal to 645%, a significantlyhigher fraction of Houston participants could deliver an
than the largest intended dose. In addition, the FDA
accurate dose using the syringe with the clip than using the
recommends that usability studies be performed to
syringe alone; for target accuracy values less than or equal to
confirm accurate use by consumer
621% a significantly higher fraction of the Kamangira partic-ipants delivered an accurate dose using the syringe with the
There is surprisingly little information available
clip compared to the syringe alone.
about effective strategies to reduce dosing errors. Yinet al.demonstrates that pictogram-based instructionsheets could reduce medication dosing errors. In 83
that all infants born to HIV-positive women should
families randomized to receive standard counseling or
receive nevirapine (NVP) or zidovudine (AZT) for
a pictogram-based intervention, the fraction observed
4–6 weeks. If the mother is not on antiretroviral ther-
to draw up more than 20% above or below the pre-
apy and is breastfeeding, exposed infants should receive
scribed dose dropped from 47.8% with standard
NVP until 1 week after exposure to breastfeeding cea-
counseling to 5.4% with pictogram-based intervention.
ses. Non-breastfeeding exposed infants should receive
McMahon et showed that marking an oral dosing
NVP or sd-NVP and AZT for 4–6 weeks.
syringe with a line at the correct dose and demon-
Most studies of inaccurate caregiver dosing have been
strating its proper use increased the number of patients
performed in developed world settings. These studies
receiving the correct dose. In this study, 90 families
have found that inaccurate dosing occurs for a number
were randomized to one of three groups: the first
of reasons. Caregivers who have low health literacy are
received a prescription for liquid medication and ver-
at greatest risk for inaccurate dosing.One study in
bal dosing directions; the second received the pre-
India that examined the dosing accuracy of parents
scription, an oral dosing syringe, and a demonstration;
using an etched dosing cup, 1 mL medicine dropper, and
and the third received the prescription, an oral dosing
Author's personal copy
Plastic Syringe Clip to Improve Dosing Accuracy
The percentage of participants who delivered a Pepto-BismolTM dose of 2.5 mL 6 10% with each dosing method
(*p < 0.05).
syringe marked at the correct dose, and a demonstra-
interventions to improve dosing accuracy. Using a
tion. Only 11% of caregivers in the first group were
similar definition of correct dose as McMahon et al.,
observed to draw up the correct dose (±4%) at a fol-
we found that 21% more participants in Houston and
low up visit, while 83 and 100% of caregivers drew up
8% more in Malawi could deliver the correct dose of
the correct dose in the second and third groups,
Pepto-BismolTM using a dosing syringe with a dosing
respectively. Moreover, Frush et showed that col-
clip compared to using an oral dosing syringe alone.
or-coding regions of the dosing syringe to match
There are limitations to our study. We did not test
directions for dosing improved accuracy. Here 101
the dosing clips in settings where a caregiver is dosing
caregivers visiting a pediatric emergency room were
medication for a child or with repeated use. While we
randomized to two groups, and asked to demonstrate
have not undertaken an exhaustive study of how the
dosing oral over-the-counter medication using either
clip responds to washing, removal, or reinstallation, we
conventional dosing instructions or the color-coded
have removed and reinstalled the clips hundreds of
method. The average deviation from the recommended
times in the laboratory. The clips have not broken, nor
dosage was 25.8% in the group receiving conventional
is accuracy affected. Breakage with removal and rein-
dosing directions, compared to 1.7% for the group
stallation has also not been noted as a problem in
receiving color-coded directions.
Swaziland, where more than 200,000 clips have been
The purpose of this study was to evaluate a new
distributed over the course of 18 months.
dosing clip to improve dosing accuracy with an oral
Our sample size was not large enough to permit
dosing syringe. We found that the simple addition of a
subanalysis based on age in each population. Further,
dosing clip to a standard oral dosing syringe increases
the populations in each location are not especially well
substantially the fraction of participants who can
matched, largely due to the demographic differences
deliver the correct dose of liquid medication; however,
between the Americans and the Malawians; the median
the clip appears to underdose patients on average. The
age of the participants in the United States is
use of the dosing clips increased both the accuracy and
35.3 years old, while in Malawi the median age of
the precision of dosing liquid medications in both the
participants is 17.3 years old. The clips were designed
Houston and the Kamangira populations. Surpris-
to fit 5.0 mL oral dosing syringes manufactured by
ingly, the Malawian population measured liquid
Becton–Dickinson and were thus tested with these
medication more accurately than the Houston study
syringes only; however, the clips could be adjusted to
group despite comparatively lower levels of literacy
fit oral dosing syringes with larger or smaller maximum
and numeracy. This may be attributed to different
volumes, or from other manufacturers. The clips are
cultural norms; the Malawian participants were
incompatible with syringes that have solid plunger
noticeably eager to impress researchers who were
rods. The clips are labeled to indicate the syringes they
guests in their village. Participants followed the verbal
are intended to be used with.
instructions as closely as possible. The impact of the
In summer 2010, undergraduates in the BTB ini-
dosing clip in this study is consistent with other
tiative traveled to Swaziland as international interns.
Author's personal copy
SPIEGEL et al.
They were given the task of demonstrating the syringe
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The Journal of Emergency Medicine, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. e31–e34, 2013 Copyright Ó 2013 Elsevier Inc. Printed in the USA. All rights reserved 0736-4679/$ - see front matter DIGOXIN TOXICITY WITH NORMAL DIGOXIN AND SERUM POTASSIUM LEVELS: BEWARE OF MAGNESIUM, THE HIDDEN MALEFACTOR Mamatha Punjee Raja Rao, MBBSPrashanth Panduranga, MRCP,† Kadhim Sulaiman, FRCPI,† and