HM Medical Clinic

Even if Viagra is not needed, it is possible that the doctor will be able to determine the etiology of erectile dysfunction and prescribe appropriate treatmen it doesn't pay to forget about sexual activeness even at the first sings of malfunction.

"O" - HM Medical Clinic:


Science Studies 2/2009 Lessening the Evils, Online: Embodied molecules and the politics of hope in Parkinson's disease Annette Leibing Virtual communities are an especially rich subject for social scientists studying the dynamic and multifaceted ways that groups negotiate health-related knowledge. What are the forces shaping the health information that virtual community members circulate, evaluate and incorporate? This article explores health information circulating on an international, though mainly North American, email list for people suffering from Parkinson's disease. The dual purpose of the list—of support and knowledge exchange—is shaped by a particular politics of hope, which channels knowledge and projects it into the future. This politics of hope is, at least partly, based on what I want to call "embodied molecules"—the effectiveness of medications created by the list's "cyberbody." Cyberbodies, in this article, are created through the virtual community members' embodied learning.

Guidelines anocef juin 2015

Association Nationale des Neuro-Oncologues d'Expression Française RECOMMANDATIONS POUR L'ADMINISTRATION DES THERAPIES SYSTEMIQUES EN NEURO-ONCOLOGIE ADULTE Version 1, Juin 2015 Coordonné par (ordre alphabétique) Docteur Emilie LE RHUN, Neuro-oncologue, Service de Neuro-oncologie, CHRU de Lille Docteur Nicolas SIMON, Pharmacien, Institut de Pharmacie, CHRU de Lille

Review article: vitamin d and inflammatory bowel diseases

Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics Review article: vitamin D and inflammatory bowel diseases V. P. Mouli* & A. N. Ananthakrishnan†,‡ *Department of Gastroenterology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.† Harvard Medical School, Boston, Vitamin D is traditionally associated with bone metabolism. The immuno- ‡Division of Gastroenterology,


Systematic review of rosacea treatments Esther J. van Zuuren, MD,a Aditya K. Gupta, MD, PhD, FRCP(C),b,c Melissa D. Gover, BSc,c Mark Graber, MD,d and Sally Hollis, MSce Leiden, The Netherlands; Toronto and London, Ontario, Canada; Iowa City, Iowa; and Lancaster, United Kingdom Background: Rosacea is a common chronic skin and ocular condition. It is unclear which treatmentsare most effective. We have conducted a Cochrane review of rosacea therapies.This article is a distillationof that work.

This study was made possible by the support of BISLIFE Foundation. Esther Ris, Renate Siebes, Printed by Ridderprint, Ridderkerk Copyright © 2014, N.M.C. MathijssenAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, without prior written permission of the author.

Microsoft word - kurzfassung_dvo-leitlinien_15-03-06.doc

DVO-Leitlinie Osteoporose nach der Menopause und im Alter DVO-Leitlinie 2006 zur Prophylaxe, Diagnostik und Therapie der Osteoporose bei Frauen ab der Menopause, bei Männern ab dem 60. Lebensjahr Copyright © Dachverband Osteologie e.v. Die Buchstaben (A-D) geben den jeweiligen Empfehlungsgrad in Bezug auf eine nachgewiesene Frakturvorhersage bzw. Fraktursenkung nach den SIGN-Kriterien (Therapie) und Oxford-Kriterien (Diagnostik) an. Für die dem Empfehlungsgrad zugrunde liegenden Einzelbewertungen und Literaturquellen wird auf die Langfassung verwiesen.

Preparing for safe travel to high altitude

Preparing for Safe Travel to High Altitude By Paul Anderson, M.D. Co-investigator - ASAP study Introduction: Millions of people travel to high-altitude every year for recreation and for work. Twenty percent of those traveling to altitudes below 5500 m/18,000 ft are affected by some form of altitude illness.. While most cases of altitude illness are mild and self limiting, some cases can become life threatening. If you are planning a trip to altitudes above 1500 m/5000 ft. knowledge is the best prevention for altitude illness. This brief outline serves as merely an introduction to this important topic. Additional resources available at the end of this page (or links provided elsewhere in this website) are highly recommended reading for those traveling to high altitude. Altitude Related Illnesses

Banha-sasim-tang as an herbal formula for the treatment of functional dyspepsia: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, two-center trial

Park et al. Trials 2010, 11:83 Banha-sasim-tang as an herbal formula for thetreatment of functional dyspepsia: a randomized,double-blind, placebo-controlled, two-center trial Jae-Woo Park1, Bongha Ryu1, Inkwon Yeo2, Ui-Min Jerng1, Gajin Han1, Sunghwan Oh1, Jinsoo Lee1, Jinsung Kim1* Background: Functional dyspepsia (FD) is characterized by a high prevalence rate and no standard conventionaltreatments. Alternative therapies, such as herbal formulas, are widely used to treat FD. However, there areinadequate evidences regarding the safety and efficacy of these formulas. Moreover, the mechanisms by whichherbal formulas act in the gastrointestinal tract are controversial. In traditional Korean medicine, Banha-sasim-tanghas long been one of the most frequently prescribed herbal formulas for treating dyspepsia. The current study isdesigned to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Banha-sasim-tang for FD patients and to examine whether therewill be a significant correlation between cutaneous electrogastrography recordings and dyspeptic symptoms in FDpatients, and between changes in gastric myoelectrical activity and improvement in dyspeptic symptoms duringBanha-sasim-tang administration.


Österreichisches Institut für Familienforschung Austrian Institute for Family Studies 34 – 2003 „STAHLHART – MÄNNER UND EREKTILE DYSFUNKTION" Olaf Kapella working papers have only received limited review ÖIF, Gonzagagasse 19/8, A-1010 Wien Tel. +43-1-535 14 54-0 Fax +43-1-535 14 55 url: email: [email protected]

This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party

ORGANISER AND ELIGIBILITY 1. The Contest ("Contest") is organized by Mondelez Malaysia Sales Sdn. Bhd. (Company Reg. No.: 536551-W) of Level 9, 1 First Avenue, 2A Dataran Bandar Utama, Bandar Utama Damansara, 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia ( the "Organiser"). This Contest is open to persons who are 18 years of age and above as at the Commencement Date of the Contest (the "Contestants") except employees, directors and officers of the Organiser, its agencies (including representatives, advertising, media, event management and vendors/suppliers related to the Contest), subsidiaries, affiliates, related corporations, dealers and retailers, and their immediate family members shall not be eligible to participate in this Contest.

School Library Association ofNew Zealand Aotearoa Conference CONCURRENT SESSIONS abstract / biographies COLLABORATIVE FORCES WELLINGTON 2–4 JULY 2007 Wellington High School, Upper Taranaki Street, Wellington intersections COLLABORATIVE FORCES WELLINGTON 2–4 JULY 2007 ANETTE AINSWORThA Fortunate Life — The JourneyABSTRACTThe joy of being a teacher librarian has provided the opportunity to listen to many authors and illustrators discuss their books and to gain an understanding of the background to the stories. Come with me on a journey visiting Australian authors and illustrators and the remarkable work that they produce. Many of these books are then linked to the use of Literature Circles with primary school students. Explore the use of this form of reading unit to engage students with literature.

16S rRNA Gene Mutations Associated with Decreased Susceptibility toTetracycline in Mycoplasma bovis E. Amram,a,b I. Mikula,a C. Schnee,c R. D. Ayling,d R. A. J. Nicholas,d R. S. Rosales,d S. Harrus,b I. Lysnyanskya Division of Avian and Aquatic Diseases, Kimron Veterinary Institute, Bet Dagan, Israela; Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot,

Cv_pd dr. siegfried wieshammer_201306

Curriculum Vitae Priv. Doz. Dr. Siegfried Wieshammer Geburtsjahr: 1954 Tätigkeit: Chefarzt der Kardiologie, Pneumologie, Angiologie und Intensivmedizin, Ärztlicher Leiter des Pneumologisch-Thoraxchirurgischen Zentrums (PTZ) am Ortenau Klinikum Offenburg-Gengenbach Gebiet, Teilgebiet und Schwerpunktkompetenzen: Facharzt für Innere Medizin, Kardiologie, Pneumologie, Spezielle Internistische Intensivmedizin Studium: 1974-1980 Studium der Humanmedizin an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität


Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 34 (2005) 106–117 Phylogenetic analysis of the genus Thymallus (grayling) based on mtDNA control region and ATPase 6 genes, with inferences on control region constraints and broad-scale Eurasian phylogeography E. Froufea,b, I. Knizhinc, S. Weissd,¤ a CIBIO/UP, Campus Agrário de Vairão, 4480-661, Vairão, Portugal


Monitoring of Antimicrobial Resistance in Zoonotic Bacteria Petra Luber Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety Provisions for monitoring of antimicrobial resistance in zoonotic bacteria: • Directive 2003/99/EC • Commission Decision 2007/407/EC • EFSA Manual for Reporting on Zoonoses + Resistance Joint Opinion on antimicrobial resistance focused on zoonotic infections (October 2009)


Volume 23 Number 2 Growth, Genetics & Hormones ISSN 0898-6630 (Print) ISSN 1932-9032 (Online) In This Issue Reviews & Comments GROWTH IN OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA Childhood Hypopituitarism HORACIO PLOTKIN, MD, FAAP may even be a different degree of severity 24 after Traumatic Brain Injury Departments of Pediatrics and


Malaria vaccine developments Vasee S Moorthy, Michael F Good, Adrian V S Hill Large gains in the reduction of malaria mortality in the early 20th century were lost in subsequent decades. Malaria nowkills 2–3 million people yearly. Implementation of malaria control technologies such as insecticide-treated bednets andchemotherapy could reduce mortality substantially, but an effective malaria vaccine is also needed. Advances invaccine technology and immunology are being used to develop malaria subunit vaccines. Novel approaches that mightyield effective vaccines for other diseases are being evaluated first in malaria. We describe progress in malaria vaccinedevelopment in the past 5 years: reasons for cautious optimism, the type of vaccine that might realistically beexpected, and how the process could be hastened. Although exact predictions are not possible, if sufficient fundingwere mobilised, a deployable, effective malaria vaccine is a realistic medium-term to long-term goal.

Over the counter28-2#2e9d9d.qxd

OTC_Autumn_p36_Over the Counter28-2#2E9D9D.qxd 19/10/2012 18:31 Page 36 take 3 EXPERTS TECHNICAL TOPIC – LIVER FLUKE UPDATE Ask the Expert. Lesley Stubbings of SCOPS Advising on liver fluke control – some practical steps With a very high risk of liver fluke disease this autumn and winter in grazing animals, manyfarmers need help choosing the best control measures and treatments, Lesley Stubbings warns

Troubles du désir dans le couple ; accident, rêve et sexualité Eros, peu en doutent, participe du fond de l'être, de ce qui nous est le plus intime. Nos contemporains attachent beaucoup d'importance à la sexualité, mais entretiennent l'illusion que sa maîtrise peut opérer des miracles dans le couple. Nous postu­lons qu'en renonçant à la maîtrise, en s'engageant à écouter réellement le patient et en s'ouvrant à l'imprévu, le médecin saura l'orienter dans les arcanes du désir. L'accident fortuit (?),

Semana Epidemiológica No 31. Manizales, 17 de agosto de 2016 BOLETIN ESPECIAL INFECCIONES RESPIRATORIAS EN CALDAS Contenido Epidemiologia.……………….2 a 5 Caracterización ira en sus cuatro estrategias……….……….6 Iinforme sobre las infecciones respiratorias a semana 31 del año 2016 en el departamento de caldas

Animal models of alzheimer's disease and drug development

Editors-in-ChiefKelvin Lam – Simplex Pharma Advisors, Inc., Arlington, MA, USA Henk Timmerman – Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands Animal models of Alzheimer's disease and drug development Bart LaurijssensFabienne , Anisur 1BEL Pharm Consulting, Moulin d'Ozil, 07140 Chambonas, France 2CNRS UMR 7179, MNHN, 1 Av du Petit Chaˆteau, 91800 Brunoy, France Animal disease models are considered important in the

Additional services for Medical History: Making Sense of the ‘Chemical Revolution'. Patients' Voices on the Introduction ofNeuroleptics in the 1950s Medical History / Volume 60 / Issue 01 / January 2016, pp 54 - 66DOI: 10.1017/mdh.2015.68, Published online: 10 December 2015 Link to this article: How to cite this article:Benoît Majerus (2016). Making Sense of the ‘Chemical Revolution'. Patients' Voices on theIntroduction of Neuroleptics in the 1950s. Medical History, 60, pp 54-66 doi:10.1017/mdh.2015.68

ROGER CASEMENT Roger Casement Branch OGLAIGH NAISIUNTA NA of Óglaigh Náisiúnta na hEireann T hEIREANN Issue 04-11 September Branch Chairman: Paddy O'Meara Phone: 086 850 0316 Hon. Secretary: Brendan Downey Phone: 01 842 0958 Hon. Treasurer: Eamonn Tierney Branch Chairman: Hon.Secretary Hon.Treasurer

05-0212 8022.8027

Prevention of Colon Cancer by Low Doses of Celecoxib,a Cyclooxygenase Inhibitor, Administered in DietRich in W-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Bandaru S. Reddy,1 Jagan M. Patlolla,2 Barbara Simi,1S.H. Wang,1 and Chinthalapally V. Rao2 1Susan Lehman Cullman Laboratory for Cancer Research, Department of Chemical Biology, Rutgers State University ofNew Jersey, Piscataway, New Jersey and 2University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, OU Cancer Center,Department of Medicine, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Microsoft powerpoint - adams - making midlife sex fun again

Making MidlifeSex Fun Again:strategies and solutionsKaren E. Adams MD, FACOGProfessor, Obstetrics and GynecologyDirector, Over 40 Clinic, Center for Women's HealthOregon Health and Sciences University • I have no commercial interest in any products • I have no commercial interest in sex OHSU Center for Women's Health Over 40 Clinic Percentage of Men and Women with Sexual Complaints


LICENCIAS DEL DERECHO DE AUTOR EN EL MARCO DE LAS ACTUALES RELACIONES COMERCIALES Me toca hablar de las licencias en un ambiente de juristas, sabedores de los principios del Derecho y acostumbrados a considerar nuestra disciplina como una herramienta para practicar el arte de establecer en la sociedad "lo bueno y lo justo". Parece oportuno recordar esta función básica del Derecho en el contexto de la revolución cuyos prolegómenos estamos viviendo y que cambiará de manera fundamental las vidas de los humanos y por tanto también tendrá influencia en la consideración común sobre lo que resulta bueno y justo para ellos. Haciendo un poco de historia, podemos recordar que en el año 1965, Gordon E. Moore, luego co-fundador de Intel, publicó un ensayo1 mostrando que desde la invención del circuito integrado en 1958 la cantidad de transistores instalados en ellos se había duplicado cada año y medio. Esa aserción fue llamada la "Ley de Moore" y sigue siendo exacta cuando ha transcurrido casi medio siglo desde la introducción de los circuitos integrados. Menos conspicua que la "Ley de Moore" es la denominada "Ley de Koomey"2, según la cual cada 18 meses se duplica la eficiencia energética, permitiendo que los ingenios computarizados procesen el doble de operaciones que en la "generación" anterior usando la misma cantidad de energía (o menos). Entre otras consecuencias, el aumento de la eficiencia energética se refleja en la mejora de la capacidad de acumulación de energía, lo que deriva en mayor movilidad y menor costo de los aparatos: allí está el auge de los teléfonos inteligentes y de las "tablets" para comprobarlo. Si recordamos la parábola de aquel sabio oriental inventor del ajedrez que pidió al rey como recompensa duplicar un premio medido en granos de arroz por cada casilla de las 66 del tablero, comprobaremos que a esta altura del proceso estamos ante un crecimiento exponencial de las tecnologías de información, que al transcurrir cada año y medio nos impulsan hacia un futuro inmediato en el que todos los valores derivados del proceso informático se duplican a velocidad vertiginosa: lo que al principio del proceso tardaba decenios en alcanzarse, se obtiene en semanas o en días a esta altura de los tiempos. Este cambio revolucionario ha causado un enorme aumento en el uso de bienes inmateriales relacionados con las tecnologías en general y con las tecnologías de información en particular. En lo que al Derecho de Autor (y sus instituciones conexas) respecta, no solamente las herramientas informáticas protegidas como obras (programas de computación, bases de datos) nos acompañan en todos los actos de nuestras vidas sino que los "contenidos" escritos, sonoros o audiovisuales soportados en código digital vienen a nuestro encuentro desde múltiples fuentes y se explotan por medio de creciente número de modalidades.

Old herborn university monograph 24 article 5

Old Herborn University Seminar Monograph 24: Development of strategies to overcome barriers to effective mucosal immunization of infants in developing countries. Editors: Peter J. Heidt, Richard I. Walker, and Volker Rusch. Old Herborn University Foundation, Herborn-Dill, Germany: 51-60 (2010). GEOHELMINTH INFECTIONS MAY HAVE DELETERIOUS EFFECTS

Estimation of melanin content in iris of human eye Ekaterina V. Koblova1, Alexey N. Bashkatov2, Elina A. Genina2, Valery V. Tuchin2, and Valery V. Bakutkin1 1Ophthalmology Department of Saratov State Medical University 2Institute of Optics and Biophotonics, Optics Department of Saratov State University ABSTRACT Based on experimental data, obtained in vitro from reflectance measurements and in vivo from digital analysis of color images of human irises, melanin content in human and bovine eye irises has been estimated. Reflectance measurements have been performed using commercially available optical multichannel spectrometer LESA-5 (BioSpec, Russia). For registration of color images digital camera Olympus C-5060 has been used. Analysis of the reflectance spectra has been performed by the method used for determination of melanin content in skin. For digital analysis of iris color images, decomposition of the images in RGB-color-coordinate system has been performed. The images have been obtained both from irises of health volunteers as from irises of patients with glaucoma. Original computer program based on Mathcad software has been developed for the analysis. The results obtained from spectral and color measurements have a good agreement each to other. In eye irises of patients with glaucoma, smaller melanin content has been obtained, and the result has been useful for development of novel and optimization of already existing methods of glaucoma diagnostics.