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Over the counter28-2#2e9d9d.qxd
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take 3 EXPERTS
Ask the Expert.
Lesley Stubbings of SCOPS
Advising on liver fluke control – some practical steps
With a very high risk of liver fluke disease this autumn and winter in grazing animals, many
farmers need help choosing the best control measures and treatments,
Lesley Stubbings warns
Some will be at risk for the
lack of aftermaths and
wettest parts will help.
first time because of the
changed grazing patterns all
Housing post-treatment is
persistent wet weather. For
need to be considered.
another management tactic,
those who may be used to
Don't forget that poaching,
particularly for cattle.
the disease, flooding, water-
particularly by cattle, pro-
Longer term the provision
logging and severe poaching
vides a habitat for snails in
of water troughs as an
could bring new areas of
areas that may not normally
alternative to muddy drink-
risk compared with other
be considered a risk.
ing places should be consid-
years. Dealing with the risk
ered. Taking action early can
liver fluke egg detection
(nitroxynil) weeks post-
on individual farms can be
have significant impact on
tests to establish the pres-
housing provides an alterna-
complex, involving manage-
the level of challenge for
ence of adult fluke. The vet
tive to TCBZ. Clorsulon can
ment actions, diagnosis,
Simply keeping stock off the
stock later in the year and
can also carry out blood
also be used for cattle but
monitoring and treatments.
wettest fields can signifi-
into the next season.
tests which indicate
remember that this is a
cantly reduce the risk from
whether animals have been
fluke. When animals have
exposed to liver fluke to
In all cases, the need to
In addition to wet ground
been treated, a move to a
help with diagnosis. Bulk
move the animals to low
conditions, higher stocking
drier area will reduce the
Farmers must be encour-
milk tests can also be used
risk grazing (or house) post-
rates due to larger numbers
chances of re-infection.
aged to use all the sources
for dairy cows and goats
treatment is essential. Fail-
of sheep remaining on
If wet pastures cannot be
of information available.
(see www.scops.org.uk for
ure to do so will result in
farms after a poor season,
avoided then fencing off the
Even at relatively low levels,
more details).
re-infection and the risk of
the chronic form of the dis-
clinical disease, and the need
ease eats into profits.
for further treatments.
Investigate deaths. A post-
Dosing in the spring to
mortem examination will
is the only active capable of
remove egg laying adult
Pre Tupping. usually give a very clear killing the majority of imma- fluke will reduce infection
Proven track record.
indication of the presence
ture fluke (down to two
on the pastures later in the
Safe and proven selenium,
of liver fluke. Outbreaks of
days old in sheep; two
season. In this case an adul-
iodine, cobalt and copper
acute liver fluke disease give
weeks old in cattle). This
ticide such as albendazole
little or no warning.
makes it the drug of choice
can normally be used,
Reliably delivering between
Abattoir feedback on liver
when there is a risk of
reserving TCBZ for use in
5 and 6 months cover.
rejections is invaluable
acute liver fluke disease
information. Farmers need
(unless there is evidence of
to be encouraged to push
(NB: Check data sheets very
Closantel will kill fluke
carefully. There are significant
Clinical signs – in cases of
over five weeks of age in
variations in activity and with-
chronic liver fluke disease
sheep. If used as an alterna-
drawal periods between prod-
these are very important.
tive to TCBZ then two
ucts and between use in
They include weight loss
treatments will be required
sheep or cattle.)
and ill-thrift, sudden death,
at an interval of 10-12
Do not give Copinox
® to copper susceptible breeds of sheep.
oedema under the chin
weeks (in high risk years like
*Resistance to TCBZ has had a
(bottle jaw), anaemia,
2012-13 re-treatment may
high profile recently and there
abdominal pain and respira-
be required after just six
are now confirmed cases in the
tory distress.
weeks and animals should be
UK. However, many suspected
Performance indicators
moved to lower risk (drier)
cases are associated with re-
such as body condition
areas after the first treat-
infection and poor treatment
more information.
score (BCS), liveweight
Nitroxynil also
gains in lambs and young
requires two treatments
there is a danger of over-
cattle, milk yields and scan-
with a minimum interval of
reaction. This in turn can create
ning results are also very
seven weeks between them.
problems both in terms of dif er-
Animax Ltd
useful and help to underline
Housing can be a useful
ing strategies for control, but also
Shepherds Grove West
the production losses (cost)
tool, particularly for cattle.
selecting for resistance to these
Stanton, Bury St. Edmunds
to the farmer of undiag-
Where the risk of acute
chemicals. The decision must be
Suffolk, IP31 2AR
nosed disease.
disease (high levels of fluke)
based on a drench check fol-
veterinary technology
Veterinary tests – farmers
is low, delaying treatment
lowed by an FECRT under vet-
Tel: +44 (0) 1359 252 181
should ask their vet about
until six (closantel) or seven
36 OvertheCounter Autumn 2012
OTC_autumn_p37-38 Merial Meet the Parasite_Layout_1 19/10/2012 11:52 Page 37
Part Series 4 – Meet the liver fluke
several times, ultimately developing into cer-
summer disease is likely to be higher when
INTRODUCTION: Welcome to the fourth in
cariae. Each individual miracidium entering a
there have been high levels of fluke the previ-
a series of articles in which we invite you to
snail can result in 600 cercariae leaving it.
‘meet' some of the most common livestock,
ous winter. Although the milder, wetter
pet and equine parasites. We hope that
��� Cercariae attach themselves to blades of
weather of recent years has resulted in
these articles will be a useful reference
grass, where they encyst to form metacer-
increased reports of summer fluke disease,
resource for you both now and in future.
cariae. These cysts are the infective form of the
winter disease remains the most common.
parasite, picked up by grazing animals.
��� Once eaten, the cysts break open to
release the immature fluke which travel to the
liver. They tunnel through the liver tissue, enter
The disease can be clinical (ie obvious symp-
the small bile ducts where they further
toms are noticed) or sub-clinical.
mature, then ultimately move into the largerbile ducts and occasionally the gall bladder, to
Acute fasciolosis
Associated with the mass migration of early
complete their development and become the
immature fluke stages through the liver, this
adult egg-laying fluke stages.
can result in death of affected animals. This
��� The time taken from picking up fluke infec-
form of disease tends to be far more common
tion to the adult egg-laying stage being reached
in sheep than cattle.
is approximately eight to 10 weeks in sheepand 10-12 weeks in cattle.
��� Similarly, the time taken from fluke eggs
Associated with the presence of adult fluke in
being deposited on the pasture to the infective
the bile ducts of the liver, affected animals
cysts being formed is about 12 weeks.
show signs such as weight loss, weakness asso-
Merial Animal Health has recently produced
ciated with anaemia, jaundice and bottle jaw.
Copyright Merial Animal Health
a fascinating DVD which shows unique footageof the parasite's life cycle, including miracidia
Sub-clinical disease can be more difficult to
The liver fluke parasite,
Fasciola hepatica, is
detect, as there are no visible signs of infection.
✁ responsible for causing the disease fasciolosis hatching from the egg and cercariae swimming However, even low levels of fluke infection can
or ‘fluke'. The parasite is not species specific
around the snail intermediate host, as well as
cause significant reductions in productivity:
and can affect both cattle and sheep, as well as
live fluke in the liver. Talk to your Merial area
In sheep, a 10% reduction in weight gain of
other grazing animals, such as horses, deer and
business development manager for more
ewes, 10% reduction in multiple births, a 5%
rabbits. Animals do not develop an effective
reduction in the birth weight of lambs and a
immunity to liver fluke, such that both adult
30% reduction in the weight gain of lambs.
and young animals are equally at risk from
In young cattle weight gain reduced by
approximately 1.2kg per week and feed intake
According to the latest figures from the
by up to 11% compared to treated cattle2.
Food Standards Agency (FSA)1 in 2011, more
These factors add days to the time it takes
than 22% of cattle and over 6% of sheep sent
farmers to finish their cattle, with every extra
for slaughter had liver damage associated with
day costing them money.
liver fluke infection. Indeed the milder, wetter
In addition to affecting productivity, fluke infec-
weather of recent years has increased the geo-
tion can increase the susceptibility of animals to
graphical spread, risk period and incidence of
other infections, such as clostridial disease.
fasciolosis. Furthermore, the exceptionally highrainfall of 2012 is likely to result in a very high
fluke challenge in many parts of the UK this
Diagnosis of liver fluke can be difficult. Faeces
autumn and winter. It is therefore even more
can be examined for the presence of fluke
important to be aware of this parasite, the
eggs, which indicates the presence of adult
signs of disease and the available treatment
fluke infection. However, eggs are released
intermittently so it is possible to have false
Generally, infective cysts (metacercariae) are
negative sample results.
found on the pasture at two main times of year:
The presence of fluke in the liver and bile
Fasciolosis occurs when animals become
• August to October: These cysts come from
ducts can be identified by alterations in
infected by eating infective cysts, called metac-
snails that were infected during the summer
enzymes detected in blood samples but this
ercariae, found on blades of grass on pastures.
months, either from eggs passed in the faeces
can be costly and blood sampling is invasive. A
The life cycle of the parasite is as follows:
of infected grazing animals, or from eggs that
really useful source of information on the fluke
��� Adult fluke live in the bile ducts of the host
have over-wintered on the pasture. They result
status of cattle and sheep going for slaughter is
animal's liver and produce eggs, which are
in winter disease in cattle and sheep. The risk
feedback from the abattoir.
passed out with the faeces onto the pasture.
of winter disease can therefore be reduced by
Liver damage associated with fluke infection
Each adult fluke is capable of laying up to
reducing the number of eggs shed by grazing
can result in permanent tissue damage, so even
25,000 eggs per day.
after effective treatment has been given, the
��� Eggs hatch to release miracidia, which must
• May to July: These cysts come from snails
lesions remain. As a result, affected livers will
find and enter the mud snail intermediate host
that were infected during the autumn and win-
Galba truncatula) within three hours of hatching.
ter months of the previous year. They result in
The possibility of fluke infection should be
��� Within the snail host, miracidia multiply
summer disease in cattle and sheep. This means
considered in animals which fail to thrive or
OvertheCounter Autumn 2012 37
OTC_autumn_p37-38 Merial Meet the Parasite_Layout_1 19/10/2012 11:52 Page 38
take longer to reach target weight, even in east-ern areas of Britain where this parasite has not
traditionally been a problem.
Triclabendazole (drench)
Triclabendazole (drench)
Clearly any treatment regime would benefitfrom trying to prevent livestock from grazing in
Closantel (drench)
snail habitats, or the reduction or removal of
Nitroxynil (injection) – Trodax®
Nitroxynil (injection) – Trodax®
snail habitats (muddy areas) through drainage.
However, neither of these options is generallypractical on farms. Therefore, the strategic useof flukicides tends to be the accepted way to
Wormers at increased dose rates/combination products containing a flukicide:
manage liver fluke.
Many farmers who know there is fluke present
Albendazole or ricobendazole worm
Albendazole oral worm drenches at
on the farm are aware of the risks of fluke dis-
drenches at increased dose rates
increased dose rates
ease during the autumn and winter and willroutinely treat their cattle during the housing
Combined fluke and worm oral drenches
Combined fluke and worm oral
containing triclabendazole or closantel
drenches containing triclabendazole
In terms of the precise timing of this housing
Combined fluke and worm injectable
Combined flukicide (closantel or tri-
dose, some advice in the past has centred
containing triclabendazole or closantel
clabendazole) and endectocide pour-on
around delaying treatment for several weeksafter cattle have been housed, to allow for the
Combined flukicide (closantel or clorsu-
possibility that fluke infection may need to
lon) and endectocide injections, eg
develop to the late immature/adult stage.
However, new research has shown that the
vast majority (97%) of fluke are already lateimmature/adult at housing3.
the adult stages of fluke, flukicides with activity
Based on this evidence, a treatment at hous-
These include either fluke-only products,
against late immature and adult stage fluke can
ing should eliminate the majority of fluke infec-
wormers at increased dose rates (to provide
be considered for treatment, thus decreasing
tion and allow cattle to maximise their growth
activity against liver fluke) or combination prod-
the potential selection pressures of resistance
rates and gain the greatest benefit from feed
ucts containing a flukicide and wormer.
development to the active triclabendazole. As
during the housing period.
When selecting a fluke treatment some factors
previously stated, acute disease, which can lead
An ‘at grass' fluke treatment eight to 10
to consider are:
to deaths in sheep, is associated with the pres-
weeks after turnout wil help to reduce the lev-
• Species of animal to be treated as certain
ence of early immature stage fluke and the only
els of fluke eggs shed onto the pasture in the
products can be used in both cattle and sheep.
flukicide with activity against early immature
spring and summer, which in turn wil help to
• Stage of fluke to be treated noting the impor-
fluke is triclabendazole.
break the fluke life cycle and reduce the risk of
tance of the early immature stage at certain
Once triclabendazole is no longer effective
winter disease in livestock.
times of the year in sheep and the importance
against early fluke infection, it becomes much
of the late immature/adult stages in cattle.
harder to avoid deaths in sheep exposed to
• The flukicide active ingredient and any asso-
high levels of infection during the autumn and
Acute disease can affect sheep in the autumn
ciated resistance issues.
so if animals are grazing infected pastures they
Repeated exposure of liver fluke to tri-
should be treated with triclabendazole at that
clabendazole (TCBZ) in either cattle or sheep
time. Once the threat from acute infection has
can lead to the development of a resistant pop-
reduced, usually from January/February
ulation of fluke, which can infect both species.
Merial is a world-leading, innovation-driven
onwards, a flukicide with activity against later
The real concern with this is that TCBZ
animal health company, providing a compre-
stages of fluke can be used as necessary.
remains the only flukicide effective against early
hensive range of products to enhance the
However, when high risk from fluke has been
immature fluke, which are responsible for acute
health, well-being and performance of a wide
forecast, it is possible that pastures will remain
fluke disease in sheep.
range of animals. Merial employs approximately
infective later into the winter months, so the
As cattle predominantly suffer from either
5,600 people and operates in more than 150
risk of acute disease can extend into
sub-clinical or chronic disease associated with
countries worldwide. Its 2011 sales were more
Remember that liver fluke is not host spe-
2 billion ($2.8 billion).
cific; it is the same parasite that affects both cat-
Merial is a Sanofi company.
tle and sheep. Therefore, where cattle and
1 FSA 20122 Johnson EG, Agri-practice, 1991.
sheep are grazing the same pastures they
3 MacGillivray et al, 2011 23rd International Conference
should both be treated against fluke.
For further information contact Merial Animal Health Ltd, CM19 5TG or call the Merial Customer Support Centre on 0800 592699.
38 OvertheCounter Autumn 2012
OTC_Autumn_p39_Over the Counter28-2#2E9D9D.qxd 22/10/2012 18:53 Page 39
Golden opportunity for liver fluke
This month is a golden opportunity to revise parts of the complicated life cycle and medical
treatment of the tenacious trematode liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica), Richard Knight advises
clabendazole, oral closantel
week immatures. The time
processing by the liver to
a warm autumnal spell. This
and injectable nitroxynil.
taken to maturity in the end
work properly, then an appar-
may occur through to the
Westmorland Veterinary Group
The first two, albendazole
host can vary between eight
ent treatment failure may be
and ricobendazole, are effec-
and 12 weeks, so this is
observed. Also, the infection
I hope you're keeping up!
With only four different
tive against adult flukes and
where the first error an
pressure on sheep is not
Yes, it's involved, but by read-
medicines available to treat
eggs only, so are useful in
creep in. At best a product
static, but continuous and
ing, re-reading and revising
the condition in sheep, the
treating sub-acute and
that will kill adult flukes is
dynamic, meaning that all
again and again, more folk
devil is in the detail of the life
chronic fasciolosis, as well as
used eight weeks after the
through the fluke maturing
will get up to speed and give
cycle, on-farm conditions and
reducing pasture contamina-
infection could have started;
process, more infection can
better quality advice.
the efficacy of products
at worst the flukes will
be picked up at different
against the stage of fluke we
Triclabendazole is effective
mature four weeks later and
rates. It is safer to assume
Richard Knight is a
are expecting them to treat.
against immature and adult
the product may be less than
that an animal has fluke of a
director at Westmor-
If timing errors creep in at
flukes (Fasinex is the only
90% effective, which means
certain stage of progression
land Veterinary Group
every stage of the process,
product to claim effective-
that liver damage will still
and every stage behind that
in Cumbria, Lancashire
then the recommended
ness from two days after
too, until a reduction in mean
and North Yorkshire.
treatment has a limited
emergence of immature
At the very worst the ani-
chance of success but a high
flukes), while closantel and
mal could be treated 12
to below 10C causes the life
expectation placed on it.
nitroxynil are effective
weeks after the first risk and
cycle to cease, either through
Let's look at the medi-
against later immature flukes
suffers a heavy burden of
until next spring when the
cines, put most of the trade
infection, where liver damage
temperature increases, or to
names aside and focus on the
The datasheet for Flukiver
has been occurring
active ingredients. They are
(closantel) gives us a table
unchecked before treatment.
oral albendazole, oral
showing limited effectiveness
If a product such as
ricobendazole (which is
from three-week immatures
ricobendazole or triclabenda-
albendazole oxide), oral tri-
to good kill rates of eight-
zole is used, which requires
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OvertheCounter Autumn 2012
Source: http://www.overthecounter.cc/pdf/liver_fluke.pdf
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Il nostro scheletro Contrariamente alle apparenze, anche il nostro scheletro, con le sue 203 ossa fra grandi e piccole, è una parte "viva" del nostro corpo. Basta osservare i cambiamenti che esso subisce nel corso della vita. Dalla nascita fino ai vent'anni circa lo scheletro cresce e si sviluppa. Le ossa aumentano di peso e di volume mentre assumono la loro forma adulta