HM Medical Clinic

Even if Viagra is not needed, it is possible that the doctor will be able to determine the etiology of erectile dysfunction and prescribe appropriate treatmen it doesn't pay to forget about sexual activeness even at the first sings of malfunction.

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Cellular and molecular effects of steroid hormones on CNS excitability SHERYL S. SMITH, PHD, AND CATHERINE S. WOOLLEY, PHD ■ ABSTRACT has been shown to have activating effects on mood The steroid hormones 17β-estradiol (estradiol) and (euphoria, anxiety, or antidepressant effects), cogni-tion, sensory response, motor behavior, and seizure

Brown County Schools Brown County Schools prepares students to achieve success through quality instruction. New Student Enrollment Packet (preschool - grade 6) Please complete this New Student Enrollment Packet, print and bring it along with the following legal documents to the Brown County School Administration Office: 1) Birth Certificate 2) Immunization Records 3) Custody Papers (if applicable)

REVIEW ARTICLE Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: A Tragic Reproductive Failure *Mst. Rashida Begum1, Mariya Ehsan2, Mst. Sahina Begum3, Hosne Ara Baby4, Maruf Siddiqui5, Suha Jesmin6 1Prof. Mst. Rashida Begum (Prof. AKMMC), 2Dr. Mariya Ehsan (Medical Officer ICRC) 3Dr. Mst. Sahina Begum (Embryologist ICRC), 4Prof. Hosne Ara Baby (Prof. AKMMC)

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BURN WOUND CARE WITH Skin acts as a barrier against infection. CLEANING AND DRESSING YOUR Once you lose your skin, it increases your BURN WOUNDS chance for infection to occur. Taking careof your burn is very important. The • Take pain medication about 30 minutes before following are ways to prevent infection and

An Introduction to Global Health and Global Health Ethics: HIV/AIDS and Research in Developing Countries By M. A. Palilonis Learning Objectives: 1. Describe the components of a clinical research trial 2. Evaluate the special considerations for research in a developing country 3. Analyze the extra responsibilities research may or may not have when conducting trials

Expert evidence report - survival of the "fryest": a review of recent state supreme court decisions analyzing frye's general acceptance standard and a 50 state survey of the standards for admissibility of expert testimony.

Expert Evidence Report - Survival of the "Fryest": A Review of Recent State.d a 50 State Survey of the Standards for Admissibility of Expert Testimony. Volume 2 Number 5 Monday, March 18, 2002ISSN 1536-190X Survival of the "Fryest": A Review of Recent State Supreme Court Decisions Analyzing Frye's General Acceptance Standard and a 50 State Survey of the Standards for Admissibility of Expert Testimony.


BLUE Review Issue 6 – 2008 • November/December Blue Review going paperless in 2009 As a part of our corporate "Blue Goes Green" initiative, To sign up for Blue Review via e-mail, click the Update we are collecting e-mail addresses of the more than Your Contact Information button at 10,500 contracting providers in our networks.* We will


The Perinatal Gazette Newsletter of the Regional Perinatal Center Maria Fareri Children's Hospital at Westchester Medical Center Volume 16, Issue 1 Paracetamol Treatment for Bioethics of Fetal Surgery PDA Closure in Preterm Infants Maintenance of the fetal Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) is critical for Fetal surgery represents a broad spectrum of techniques that are used

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2015 BCN Advantage Prior Authorization Criteria Last updated: October, 2014 Drugs Requiring Prior Authorization BCN AdvantageSM is a n HMO-POS and HMO plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in BCN Advantage depends on contract renewal. H5883_T_PAlist CMS Approved 12022013 2015 BCN Advantage Prior Authorization Criteria

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Aus der Medizinischen Universitätsklinik und Poliklinik Tübingen Abteilung für Innere Medizin IV (Schwerpunkte: Endokrinologie und Diabetologie, Angiologie, Nephrologie und klinische Chemie) Ärztlicher Direktor: Professor Dr. H.-U. Häring Inflammation und Präatherosklerose bei Insulinresistenz: Bedeutung löslicher MCP-1-Spiegel Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades

DATES TO REMEMBER Mon., May 30 . . . Memorial Day-No School Thurs., June 2 . . . C.E.C. Graduation 7:00 Fri., June 3 . . . . High School Graduation 7:00 Fri., June 10 . . . . Half Day Mon., June 13 . . . Last Day of School, Half Day South Walnut Elementary Bangor Middle School Bangor High School Dear Bangor Families, Fourth Grade Transitions to Middle School

13/CLIENT INTELLIGENCE 2013 CLIENT INTELLIGENCE 2013 2/executive summary 6/top client lists 6.1 Top 50 public and regulated sector clients 6.2 Top 50 private sector clients 3.1 Methodology3.1.1 Surveys 7/top 15 public and regulated sector client profiles 3.1.2 Public/private split Basildon District Council 3.1.3 Top client tables and factfiles Birmingham City CouncilCrossrail EDF Energy


BMJ 2011;342:d3004 doi: 10.1136/bmj.d3004 It's time to rebuild the evidence base With medical science so contaminated by conflicts of interest, what evidence can we trust? Ray Moynihan author, journalist, and conjoint lecturer, University of Newcastle, Australia Anyone who is in any doubt that study sponsorship is associated with more favourable outcomes needn't be. As the authors of

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CR Primary BatteryPrimar Lithium Manganese Dioxide Battery (Li/MnO2) This battery contains lithium, organic solvents, and other combustible materials. For this reason, improper handling of the battery could lead to distortion, leakage*, overheating, explosion, or fire, causing bodily injury or equipment trouble. Please observe the following instructions to prevent accidents.

Published Ahead of Print on March 8, 2010 as 10.1200/JCO.2009.24.4798 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY Prediction of Risk of Distant Recurrence Using the 21-GeneRecurrence Score in Node-Negative and Node-PositivePostmenopausal Patients With Breast Cancer Treated WithAnastrozole or Tamoxifen: A TransATAC StudyMitch Dowsett, Jack Cuzick, Christopher Wale, John Forbes, Elizabeth A. Mallon, Janine Salter, Emma Quinn,Anita Dunbier, Michael Baum, Aman Buzdar, Anthony Howell, Roberto Bugarini, Frederick L. Baehner,and Steven Shak

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Brochure of the Department of Pharmacy, DIU Contents Management of the University……………………………………………… 3 Management of the Faculty of Science & Information Technology………. 4 Faculty of Science & Information Technology…. ……………………………. Academic rules and regulations……………………………………………….…. 14

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Biomedical Science Letters 2014, 20(3): 173 179 Brief Communication eISSN : 2288-7415 Effect of Korean Red Ginseng on Artificial Sand Dust (ASD) Induced Allergic Lung Inflammation Jung-Ha Kim1, Tae-Jin Lee2, Im Jee-Aee3 and Duk-Chul Lee4,† 1Department of Family Medicine, Chung-Ang University Healthcare System, Seoul 156-756, Korea

Modelo de apoyos individuales

Proyecto realizado por:Edurne Elorriaga ZugazagaWilliam Restrepo RestrepoBiotza Zulueta San Nicolás Con la colaboración de:Natxo Martínez Rueda, profesor de la Universidad de Deusto Los contenidos de esta publicación, en la presente edición, se publican bajo la licencia: Recono-cimiento-No comercial-Sin obras derivadas 3.0 España de Creative Commons. Más información:

Microsoft powerpoint - eating disorders2006

Chisoo Choi, M.D. Brookhaven Hospital "There were times I felt fat. I had a distorted image of myself" Ana Carolina Reston Learning Objectives  Diagnostic criteria  Differential diagnosis  Medical consequences  Treatment approach  Psychotropic medications Learning Objectives  Identify 3 major types of eating disorders  List the diagnostic criteria for each  Determine the healthy weight & BMI

Beth Jacob's Vol. 26 - No. 2 february, march 2010 adar, NisaN 5770 Dates To Remember PURIM @BETH JACOB Saturday & Sunday, February 27 & 28 Special Purim Celebration for Young Children including Costume Parade & entertainment at 6:00 pm on Saturday, February 27. Mincha and Ma'ariv at 6:30 pm imme- diately followed by the reading


Heft 26 6. Jahrgang u Gefahr auf der Weide Eine vorbeugende Parasitenbehandlung sichert zwangsläufig nicht nur die Gesund-heit und Leistungsfähigkeit der Rinder sondern auch den wirtschaftlichen Ertrag. Außerdem verursacht ein Parasitenbefall weitere unnötige Kosten. Demgegenüber stehen im ökologischen Landbau die Ansprüche an eine Minimie-rung des Tierarzneimitteleinsatzes und die damit verbundenen Risiken. Aber auch in ökologisch bewirtschafteten Betrieben ist eine Kontrolle des Parasitenbefalls der Weidetiere zur Erhaltung der Tiergesund-heit unabdingbar, da eine ökologische Fütterung und Haltung allein zur Vorbeu-gung und Bekämpfung eines Parasiten-befalls nicht ausreichen.

Chemistry of inflammation, arthritis, secret killer

THE CHEMISTRY OF INFLAMMATION & ARTHRITIS By Jay D. Foster Inflammation seems to be a key in many different diseases we deal with today, especially the # 1 and # 2 killers in this country, cancer and heart disease. Time magazine's cover story of February 23, 2004 called inflammation "The Secret Killer- The Surprising Link Between Inflammation, Heart Attacks, Cancers, Alzheimer's and other diseases". It is not just a link to arthritis any more, it is also linked directly to all the various ‘itis' conditions that involve inflammation. The bad news is inflammation seems to be involved in all these deadly conditions. The good news is there are ‘natural' ways to deal with inflammation. A review of some classic antioxidants/bioflavonoids and several new-generation natural compounds point the way to new sources of reducing inflammation and helping to deter many of these conditions. Antioxidants and bioflavonoids do reduce inflammation, and they reduce inflammation everywhere in the body. The latest studies at leading research campuses show that certain natural antioxidants reduce inflammation and stave off Alzheimer's disease as well as many inflammatory processes in the heart and arteries. This research indicates that most who take small amounts of two common, natural antioxidants now could prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease as one's age progresses. What is the medical source of this research? The Archives of Neurology, published by the American Medical Association in their article " Reduced Risk of Alzheimer's Disease in Users of Antioxidant Vitamin Supplements". The abstract's conclusion is that, "The use of vitamin E and vitamin C supplements in combination, is associated with reduced prevalence and incidence of Alzheimer's disease. Antioxidant supplements merit further study as agents for the primary prevention of Alzheimer's disease". Now, they are not talking about mega doses of vitamin E and vitamin C. No, the researchers are talking about low, easily achievable amounts of vitamins to reduce the chance of getting Alzheimer's disease in the future. They found that people that took as little as 500 mg of vitamin C and 400 units of vitamin E, had a far less chance (78% less chance) of developing Alzheimer's disease in later years. That is very, very significant. Bioflavenoids (polyphenols) from fruit juices have also been shown to have a far reaching effect on Alzheimer's disease prevention. In a study sponsored by the National Institute on Aging and published in The American Journal of Medicine (Aug, 2006), researchers found that people who drank fruit and vegetable juices more than three times a week were 76% less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease than those who drank juice less than once a week. They went on to say that the results suggest a class of antioxidants found in fruit and vegetable juices, called polyphenols (bioflavonoids), may have a protective effect on the brain and help fight demential and Alzhemier's disease.

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Credits: Questo rapporto è stato realizzato Dal Technology and Innovation Council (TIC) di Business International In collaborazione con: Istituto per la Promozione Industriale Direzione politiche e progetti d'intervento Dipartimento Net-economy Pubblicato a Roma il 3 maggio 2004 Technology and Innovation Council In collaborazione con:

Anticoncepción de emergenciA estAdo de lA cuestión en ArgentinA Por Úrsula C. Basset Anticoncepción de emergenciA estAdo de lA cuestión en ArgentinA1 Por la Dra. Úrsula C. Basset2 1. encuadre de la exposición El objetivo de este artículo consiste en describir un estado de la cuestión en la legislación argentina sobre el asunto de la píldora

Bpf bio-based&degradables minutes 25.11.08.doc

For the attention of BPF MEMBERS and INVITED GUESTS ONLY SP/biobased_degradable/minutes5/2008 November 2008 GROUP Bio-based Plastics and Degradable Plastics Group Notes on the meeting of the BPF Bio-based Plastics & Degradable Plastics Group held on Tuesday 25th November 2008 at OMYA UK, Derby. Present:

Microsoft word - kfcbettermornings photo contest terms and conditions-n3-final-for microsite.doc

The #KFCBetterMornings Photo Contest ("the Contest") is organised by QSR Stores Sdn Bhd ("Organiser") and will run from 12th August 2016 – 1st September 2016. The Organiser reserves the right to shorten or extend the Contest period at its own discretion. Participants must be Malaysian residents aged 18 and above, participants under the age of 18 are required to obtain parental consent prior to participation in the Contest ("Participants"). Employees or immediate family members & relatives of the Organiser, its affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising/PR agencies and suppliers are NOT eligible to participate in the Contest.

Recommandations de la Société française de cardiologie concernant les indications et la surveillance du traitement anticoagulant oral Les recommandations suivantes sont indicatives et pro v i s o i res. Dans la mesure du possible, les niveaux de preuve sur lesquels elles sont fondées etle degré de validité des recommandations ont été indiquées, en utilisant laclassification décrite par Cook et coll. [1] (Annexe).

Clinical summary

Clinical Summary Name: Justine D'Italia Date of Birth: 01/12/1964 Chief Complaint/Identifying Information: Ms. D'Italia is a 45-50 year-old woman with frequent falls with stiffening of her body, easy startling, and gait disturbance since her 20's. She is seeking Best Doctors opinion re the etiology of her symptoms and recommendations for treatment options. History of Present Illness: Ms. D'Italia is a 45-50 year old woman with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed in 2005. She was treated with steroids initially. She is currently on Hydroxychloroquine and Methotrexate. She was diagnosed with right peroneal tenosynovitis in 2009 and underwent debridement in November 2010. She has been using a walker since the surgery. She was found to have left peroneal tendonitis in 2012. She recently started Isoniazid therapy for latent tuberculosis (equivocal PPD and positive Quantiferon gold testing). She reports she has multiple family members, including aunts and cousins, with similar symptoms to the ones she describes below. One aunt has been diagnosed with hyperekplexia. Evidently some of her family members have been treated with anti-seizure medications, but these have not been helpful. (Of note, the available neurology notes do not include this family history.) Ms. D'Italia reports the following history re her falls and gait disturbance: (There are no records available until 2006.) She reports in her 20's, she began to fall frequently. There was no prodrome before falls. She always wore high heels, and she assumed the falls were due to clumsiness. An MRI (NOS) performed in her 20's was a normal study. She was treated with Valproic Acid and then Carbamazepine. She continued to fall. At times, the falls would results in lacerations and concussions. Imaging continued to be negative. She developed a panic disorder because she never knew when she was about to fall. She became afraid to walk. She also reports that she became quite sensitive to environmental stimuli and was easily startled. Whenever she became startled, she would start to fall. She was admitted to the hospital for 4 days for continuous EEG monitoring. She was told that she did not have epilepsy, but ant-epileptic drugs were not discontinued at that time. She was seen at a different neurology clinic in approximately 2006. 48-hour ambulatory EEG monitoring was within normal limits. There were four events on the log which had no EEG correlate. She was started on Lamotrigine to treat a possible seizure disorder at some point with some benefit for a few years. In July 2009, Ms. D'Italia fell after tripping over some clutter on the floor. She hit her head against the arm of a chair and on the tile floor. She did not lose consciousness. She developed nausea and a severe headache at that time. She presented to 3 ED's over the


J. Mol. Biol. (2006) 361, 140–152 Xenobiotic Reductase A in the Degradation of Quinolineby Pseudomonas putida 86: PhysiologicalFunction, Structure and Mechanism of8-Hydroxycoumarin Reduction Julia J. Griese1 †, Roman P. Jakob1 †, Stephan Schwarzinger2and Holger Dobbek1⁎ A continuous evolutionary pressure of the biotic and abiotic world has led to the development of a diversity of microbial pathways to degrade and

Ovulation timing and artificial insemination

Ovulation Timing And Artificial Insemination Kit Kampschmidt, D.V.M., Brittmoore Animal Hospital, Inc., Houston, Texas The investment of time and money you make in planning and implementing a breeding is significant. Pregnancy and the delivery of a healthy litter are the goal. When factors beyond your control prevent successful mating your investment is at risk. Proper ovulation timing increases the chance of success for any breeding. Artificial insemination can make the seemingly impossible breeding a reality. This review provides an overview of current techniques and the technology available at Brittmoore Animal Hospital. Your increased understanding will enable us to help make your breeding program more successful.

Ann Onymous Initial Report of Findings March 2016 February 2008 BLUME HEALING CENTER Dr. Jason Passey, DC, CCSP 1611 Kresky Avenue Suite 108 Centralia, WA 98531 Phone: (360) 330-1800 Fax: (360) 330-5866 NUTRITION EVALUATION: 03/20/2016 DATA USED FOR ANALYSIS

Handerwärmungstraining bei Morbus Raynaud-Syndrom Das Raynaud-Syndrom (Morbus Raynaud) ist eindie durch anfallsweises Erblassen der Hände oder Füße aufgrund von gekennzeichnet ist. Unter Umständen können auch Nase und Ohren betroffen sein. Etwa 3% der Bevölkerung leiden an einem primären M. Raynaud (siehe weiter unten). Frauen sind fünfmal häufiger betroffen als Männer. Bei stillenden Frauen können auch die Brustwarzen betroffen sein, während des Stillens verfärbt sich die jeweilige Brustwarze weiß. Manifestationsalter des primären M. Raynaud meist zwischen dem 20-40 Lj. Die Erkrankung ist nach ihrem Entdecker – dem französischen Arzt(1834–1881) – benannt. Umgangssprachlich wird sie auch als Weißfingerkrankheit oder Leichenfinger bezeichnet, andere Bezeichnungen hinsichtlich der Symptome sind Digitus mortuus (Totenfinger) oder Reilscher Finger.


Heyers, Sector Inquiry Pharma Sector Inquiry Pharma Pay-for-Delay, Sperrpatente und Europäisches Kartellrecht Prof. Dr. Johannes Heyers, LL.M. (IP), Bonn* 1999 noch auf 40 belief.3 Pharmakonzerne hatte die Europäische Kommission bis 2008 nicht im Auge. Dann leitete sie eine Sektoruntersu- Die Kommission bezweckte lediglich eine Bestandsauf-


Il nostro scheletro Contrariamente alle apparenze, anche il nostro scheletro, con le sue 203 ossa fra grandi e piccole, è una parte "viva" del nostro corpo. Basta osservare i cambiamenti che esso subisce nel corso della vita. Dalla nascita fino ai vent'anni circa lo scheletro cresce e si sviluppa. Le ossa aumentano di peso e di volume mentre assumono la loro forma adulta

5255 E. Stop 11 Road, Suite 405Indianapolis, IN 46237 Page 1 of 5 A Division of Otolaryngology Associates Pre-Appointment Packet Balance Point Assessment Insurance Information Your doctor has recommended Balance Function Testing to help determine the cause of your symptoms of dizziness, motion sickness, and/or unsteadiness. The findings help guide your doctor in choosing the best form of treatment.

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Ribavirin and interferon therapy in patients infected with the middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus: an observational study

Contents lists available at International Journal of Infectious Diseases Ribavirin and interferon therapy in patients infected with the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus: an observational study Jaffar A. Al-Tawfiq , Hisham Momattin Jean Dib , Ziad A. Memish , a Internal Medicine, Saudi Aramco Medical Services Organization, PO Box 76, Room A-428-2, Building 61, Dhahran Health Center, Dhahran 31311,


Vol 445 8 February 2007 doi:10.1038/nature05529 Senescence and tumour clearance is triggered by p53restoration in murine liver carcinomas Wen Xue1*, Lars Zender1*, Cornelius Miething1, Ross A. Dickins1,2, Eva Hernando3, Valery Krizhanovsky1,Carlos Cordon-Cardo3 & Scott W. Lowe1,2 Although cancer arises from a combination of mutations in onco- Animals with advanced tumours were treated with Dox to re-

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For reprint orders, please contact: [email protected] Review 2016/03/29 The germline/soma dichotomy: implications for aging and degenerative disease Human somatic cells are mortal due in large part to telomere shortening associated Michael D West*,1, Francois with cell division. Limited proliferative capacity may, in turn, limit response to injury

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Pharmacuetical form: solution for intramuscular, intravenous or Active ingredients: Trimethoprim, Sulfadoxine Target species: Horse, cattle, pig, goat, cat, guinea pig Name and address of the marketing authorisation holder:bela-pharm GmbH & Co.KG, Lohner Str. 19, 49377 Vechta - GermanyComposition:1.0 ml solution contains:Pharmacological active substance: Trimethoprim


Supporting Change: Preventing and Addressing Alcohol Use in Pregnancy is a collaborative project of: Best Start: Ontario's Maternal, Newborn and Early Child Development Resource Centre Centre for Addiction and Mental Health City of Hamilton Social & Public Health Services Health Canada, Population and Public Health Branch, Ontario Region Breaking the Cycle FOCUS Resource Centre


METHODS AND KITS FOR PREDICTING OR ASSESSING THE SEVERITY OF INFECTIONS CAUSED BY STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS FIELD OF THE INVENTION: The present invention relates to methods and kits for predicting or assessing the severity of infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION: Staphylococcus aureus is one of the top three pathogens that cause community-

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BIKEN IN ISRAEL Mountainbike Touren in den exotischen Landschaften des afrikanisch-syrischen Grabens ISRAEL GROSSE TOUR 14 Tage Radtouren und Besichtigungen vieler Highlights des Landes Mit unserem Partner vor Ort: Gordon Tours & Swiss1 Company

BANKING SECTOR REFORMS IN BANGLADESH AND ITS IMPACT Muhammad Mustafizur Rahman A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Professional Master in Banking and Finance Examination Committee: Dr. Juthathip Jongwanich (Chairperson) Dr. Sundar Venkatesh Dr. Sununta Siengthai Previous Degree: Masters of Business Administration The University of Dhaka Dhaka, Bangladesh

Curriculum bds final

CURRICULUM PAKISTAN MEDICAL & DENTAL COUNCIL HIGHER EDUCATION COMMISSION ISLAMABAD CONTENTS Curriculum of B.D.S. Scheme of Studies Details of Courses: Ist Professional B.D.S. Second Professional Third professional B.D.S. Final professional B.D.S. The Pakistan Medical & Dental Council is a statutory body

B R A H M A N JoeRNAAl • JouRNAl • oK T oBeR/oCT oBeR 2013 An udder with weak attachments and suspension. A pendulous udder with poorly spaced teats that The unevenness of quarters and teats will cause are thick and prone to ballooning. These udders calf sucking problems and mortalities. Poor shape result in poor suckling and possibly increased calf and texture leads to injury causing scar tissue and

Stressresponse balance drives the evolution of a network module and its host genome

Published online: August 31, 2015 Stress-response balance drives the evolution of anetwork module and its host genome Caleb González1,†, Joe Christian J Ray1,2,†, Michael Manhart3,4, Rhys M Adams1, Dmitry Nevozhay1,5, Alexandre V Morozov3,6 & Gábor Balázsi1,7,8,* have expanded quickly, feeding on general biological knowledge.Conversely, synthetic biology has enormous but unexploited poten-

Transferable vancomycin resistance in a community-associated mrsa lineage

Transferable Vancomycin Resistance in a Community-Associated MRSA Lineage Flávia Rossi, M.D., Ph.D., Lorena Diaz, Ph.D., Aye Wollam, B.Sc., Diana Panesso, Ph.D., Yanjiao Zhou, Ph.D., Sandra Rincon, M.Sc., Apurva Narechania, M.A., Galen Xing, Thais S.R. Di Gioia, M.D., André Doi, M.D., Truc T. Tran, Pharm.D., Jinnethe Reyes, M.Sc., Jose M. Munita, M.D., Lina P. Carvajal, B.Sc., Alejandra Hernandez-Roldan, M.Sc., Denise Brandão, M.D.,