
BMJ 2011;342:d3004 doi: 10.1136/bmj.d3004
It's time to rebuild the evidence base
With medical science so contaminated by conflicts of interest, what evidence can we trust?
Ray Moynihan author, journalist, and conjoint lecturer, University of Newcastle, Australia
Anyone who is in any doubt that study sponsorship is associated
with more favourable outcomes needn't be. As the authors of
the JAMA paper make clear, extensive research has shown that
"conflicts of interest can influence the results and conclusions"
of randomised controlled trials and meta-analyses. A growing
body of reliable data indicates that commercial sponsors tend
to get the outcomes they desire, raising serious questions about
how we are supposed to trust the evidence base.
In the early 1990s researchers examined more than 50 clinical
trials that compared popular anti-arthritis drugs and showed that
not one of those trials found its sponsor's drug to be inferior to
a comparator.2 By 2003 there were many similar pieces of
For many of us, the move towards an evidence based approach
research, and summaries of that research were pointing to a
to medicine has largely been a welcome one. We have learnt to
"systematic bias" across the medical literature, with company
evaluate therapies rigorously and be highly sceptical of expert
funded trials far more likely than more independently funded
enthusiasm for them. Perhaps most importantly, we now try to
trials to find favourable results for their products.3 In 2005 the
turn routinely to summaries of the evidence rather than rely on
long time editor of the BMJ, Richard Smith, wrote that "the
single studies. For what we assumed were good reasons,
evidence is strong that companies are getting the results they
systematic reviews and meta-analyses have become gold
want," and he wondered whether journals should stop publishing
standards, whether we are a politician, a physician, or simply a
trials that were more about marketing than medical science.4
citizen. But is it fool's gold? In our collective zeal to summarise,
In 2007 a review of almost 200 trials comparing cholesterol
we have too often ignored the fact that a vast and growing
lowering drugs found that company funding greatly influenced
proportion of those original studies are industry sponsored,
a study's outcome.5 If a study found a positive result for a drug,
which means that they tend to exaggerate benefits and play
the study was 20 times more likely to have been funded by that
down harms. Summarising that bias doesn't make it go away.
drug's maker than by the manufacturer of the comparison drug.
Medicine's prized evidence base has become debased.
In 2008 research confirmed that the world was being
An international team of researchers from across Europe and
fundamentally misled about the benefits of widely prescribed
North America recently examined 29 meta-analyses published
antidepressants, showing that many studies with unfavourable
in leading medical journals.1 Those meta-analyses summarised
results had simply not been published.6 In 2009 researchers
results of more than 500 trials of top selling drugs for conditions
demonstrated that sponsored trials of new antidiabetes drugs,
such as cancer and heart disease. Almost 70% of the original
and trials run by authors with financial ties to companies, tended
trials that disclosed a funding source were company sponsored.
to find more favourable results for the sponsor's product: an
Similarly, almost 70% of the original trials that disclosed the
extremely worrying finding, given the harms associated with
financial relationships of authors reported ties to drug
rosiglitazone.7 And now, in 2011, the JAMA paper suggests that
companies. Yet only two of the 29 meta-analyses reported who
the vast majority of meta-analyses fail to report such basic facts
funded the original trials, and none reported on the financial
as the funding source for the original studies.
ties of authors. These alarming findings were published in JAMA
"It's hard to find an area of the healthcare literature that is not
earlier this year, along with the conclusion that key information
contaminated," says Brett Thombs, assistant professor at McGill
about potential bias is being left out of influential reviews that
University in Canada and one of the authors of the JAMA paper.
guide what doctors do.
Whether it is drugs, behavioural therapies, or patient support
BMJ 2011;342:d3004 doi: 10.1136/bmj.d3004
tools, "when anyone tests something they developed
debased information but also offer societies the chance to take
themselves," says Thombs, "there is a great risk of bias." He
back the agenda in healthcare research and practice, which has
and colleagues recommend several reforms to the way reviews
been hijacked so effectively, and with such panache, by the drug
are reported, pushing more disclosure of funding sources and
of authors' financial ties.
But simply disclosing bias doesn't make it go away either. The
Competing interests: RM has written many reports, articles, and books
aim of any rational healthcare system is surely to generate an
about evidence based medicine and medicalisation. See www.
evidence base we can trust. The argument that trials without
industry funding are not feasible is disingenuous and dangerous.
Clearly, not all company sponsored studies are corrupted, and
Roseman M, Milette K, Bero L, Coyne J, Lexchin J, Turner E, et al. Reporting of conflicts
not all publicly funded studies are reliable, but a mountain of
of interest in meta-analyses of trials of pharmacological treatments. JAMA
data suggests that much current evidence is deeply contaminated
Rochon P, Gurwitz JH, Simms RW, Fortin PR, Felson DT, Minaker KL, et al. A study of
by commercial conflicts of interest. Of particular concern are
manufacturer-supported trials of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of
arthritis. Arch Intern Med 1994;154:157-63.
the many sponsored trials that recruit large numbers of people
Lexchin J, Bero LA, Djulbegovic B, Clark O. Pharmaceutical industry sponsorship and
and find very small benefits—where a hidden bias could make
research outcome and quality: systematic review. BMJ 2003;326:1167-70.
Smith R. Medical journals are an extension of the marketing arm of pharmaceutical
a useless and potentially harmful pill seem to be an effective
companies. PLoS Med 2005;2(5):e138.
Bero L, Oostvogel F, Bacchetti P, Lee K. Factors associated with findings of published
trials of drug-drug comparisons: why some statins appear more efficacious than others.
Just as the tobacco companies polluted the literature on smoking,
PLoS Med 2007;4(6):e184.
and polluting industries try to distort the science of climate
Turner EH, Matthews AM, Linardtos E, Tell RA, Rosenthal R. Selective publication of
antidepressant trials and its influence on apparent efficacy. N Engl J Med
change, the pharmaceutical giants and the doctors on their
payrolls are poisoning too much of the medical science with
Rattinger G, Bero L. Factors associated with results and conclusions of trials of
thiazolidinediones. PLoS One 2009;4(6):e5826.
overly positive findings. The inevitable rebuilding of that
evidence base may not only produce more trustworthy and less
Cite this as: BMJ 2011;342:d3004
Source: http://blogit.mtv.fi/epikriisi/files/Moynihan-BMJ-2011-Time-to-rebuild-evidence-base-1.pdf
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