2/executive summary
6/top client lists
6.1 Top 50 public and regulated sector clients
6.2 Top 50 private sector clients
3.1 Methodology3.1.1 Surveys
7/top 15 public and regulated sector client profiles
3.1.2 Public/private split
Basildon District Council
3.1.3 Top client tables and factfiles
Birmingham City CouncilCrossrail EDF Energy
4/market overview and key sector breakdown
Essex County Council
Glasgow City Council
4.1.1 Private housing
4.1.2 Public/social housing
Homes and Communities Agency
4.2 Public sector building
Kent County Council
Ministry of Defence
4.2.3 Other central and local government
4.3 Private sector building
South Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council
Sunderland City Council
Transport Scotland
4.3.3. Industrial4.3.4 Leisure and other private sector building
8/top 15 private sector client profiles
4.4 Infrastructure
4.4.2 Energy, airports and communications
Covent Garden Market Authority
4.4.3 Water, harbours and flood defence
4.5 Repair and maintenance
Gallagher Developments
4.5.1 Residential
4.5.2 Non-housing
4.6 Regional spending predictions
Legal and General
4.7 Further market trends
Lend LeasePeel GroupSainsbury's
5/client sentiment survey
5.2 Selection processes
5.4 Payment5.5 Qualities sought 5.6 Innovation
9/appendix: list of key supply chain partners
5.7 Government policy
by value of project
2/ExEcutivE summary
The last 12 months have seen little change
The majority of private clients are
in the raft of difficult issues facing UK
optimistic about starting or restarting
The research shows that the
construction clients. The economy has
projects put on hold this year. The survey
private sector's distaste for
been bouncing along the bottom, unable
found 58% of private clients are set to start
using frameworks to procure
to decide between recession or growth, but
projects, up from 50% in 2012.
with continuing funding constraints for the
construction services has only
private sector and cuts in public sector capital l
Public sector clients are more focused on
deepened over the past year
spending, construction output fell by more
cost than ever before: price has become the
than 8% in 2012.
most significant factor when choosing a
The findings of Building's second Client
contractor for 38% of public clients, and the
Intelligence white paper show that intense
use of "target price" contracts, which share
followed by price and financial stability – but
difficulties remain in obtaining approval to
price risk, has halved.
a far higher proportion of public sector clients
go ahead with major construction projects,
said price was the key determinant than last
because of continued difficulty acquiring
Payment times in the public and regulated
year. Interestingly the same isn't true for the
development funding and the uncertain
sectors have improved, with more than
private sector, for whom the priorities have
economic outlook.
60% paying within 30 days. However,
barely changed.
However, the findings also show the first
major payment problems remain in the
Sustainability seems to have fallen
signs of a nascent recovery in the private
private sector, with 46% taking more
further down the pecking order, with far
sector: more private clients are expecting to
than 30 days.
less government focus on the issue than
be able to restart projects than at this time
under the previous administration. While a
last year – more than half of all of those
The overwhelming majority of clients still
contractor's track record on sustainability
surveyed. But, with the public sector more
make use of retention payments – 77% in
remains a low priority for both public and
price-conscious than ever, the research
both the public and private sector.
private clients, the number that report using
is clear that a significant turnaround in
"whole life costing" in their procurement is
workload is not an immediate prospect.
The private sector is ahead of the
sharply down on last year. Both public and
According to our research for this
public sector in the use of both BIM and
private clients say more leadership is needed
white paper, which included a survey and
project bank accounts, with more than
from government to justify the investment
interviews with over 300 construction clients,
twice as many private clients using project
in sustainability, with nearly two-thirds of
there are a huge range of issues preventing
bank accounts, and 46% using BIM,
private clients supporting the roll-out of
work from starting. General macro-economic
compared to just 36% of public clients.
display energy certificates to private sector
uncertainty is the biggest problem for
private sector clients, while three-quarters
The research shows that the private sector's
still say it is difficult or impossible to access
distaste for using frameworks to procure
development finance – exactly the same
construction services has only deepened over
proportion as last year. The government's
the past year, with the proportion saying
austerity programme is also blamed for
they had used frameworks in the last year
making the problem worse, with four times
dropping significantly. By far the majority
as many clients saying it is worsening
of private clients predominantly procure by
confidence than improving the situation.
inviting selected contractors to compete.
More than half of public and regulated
Meanwhile, the public sector's method
sector clients report that construction
of procuring, predominantly through
budgets have been cut since 2010, with more
frameworks, has barely changed. This and
than two-fifths expecting budgets to be cut
other data tends to give weight to last year's
again before the end of the parliament.
finding that contractors shouldn't expect
This has seen the public sector refocus
major changes in the way public clients
on price. On average, both public and
procure following the implementation of
private clients see build quality as the most
the government's Construction Strategy.
important factor when selecting a contractor,
About half this year say they have made no
change since the publication of the strategy a year ago, and even fewer than last year say they have a strategy for reducing costs by 15-20% over the life of the parliament, as the Construction Strategy calls for.
Indeed, much of the forward-thinking
procurement behaviour that the Construction Strategy calls for seems to be led by the private, not public sector. Private sector clients are more likely to make use of both BIM and project bank accounts than public sector ones. However, there are signs of public sector progress on BIM, at least.
The survey repeats last year's finding
that the construction industry will have to continue to bear behaviour from clients, both public and private, that it finds frustrating and potentially damaging. Private sector clients take longer to pay than public ones, but still more than a quarter of public clients take longer than 30 days. Retention payments, a particular bug bear for contractors, are used by more than three-quarters of clients.
Overall, the survey points to clients that
are retaining a ruthless focus on cost and efficiency when they buy construction work, even though (in the private sector, at least) they are more hopeful that the economy will improve enough to allow them to restart projects. Far too many public and private clients – though a slightly lower proportion than last year – still say they struggle to find suppliers with the skills they need, despite intense competition.
Client factfiles
The white paper includes 30 factfiles on
the biggest public and private clients,
excluding the volume housebuilders, who
tend to construct in-house. Including
interviews with the key people responsible
for buying work, these highlight their
upcoming pipeline, and who they
currently work with.
This white paper provides a comprehensive
industry executives referred to in chapter
In the white paper the definition of a
guide to the most important construction
4 was emailed to a targeted group of CEOs
public sector client was taken to include those
clients in the UK, and what they think. It
and senior executives drawn from Building
clients working in industries subject to public
provides an overview of where the work is by
magazine's contacts and from registered
economic regulation, such as social housing,
sector and by region, and a sense of what some
users of the Building website.
energy and rail. These organisations, such as
of the biggest construction firms think about
The private and public/regulated sector
Network Rail, water companies and housing
the state of the market.
client surveys were emailed to a 40,000-strong
associations, are technically private bodies,
The recession has led to a period of
list of clients drawn from the databases of UBM but their spending is largely determined by the
intense pressure on the industry, with
Built Environment, the publisher of Building.
public sector, they are often forced to follow a
public sector workloads falling dramatically.
In addition, the surveys were also emailed to
public sector agenda, and they share many of
The government has continued with its
the database of clients held by pre-qualification the traits of public clients. However, drawing
procurement reform agenda, and private
service ConstructionLine, and the British
the line in this way inevitably becomes hazy at
clients too have responded to the changes in
the margins, and some firms are included as
The survey of the public and regulated sector public sector that may be disputed.
Through a survey of over 300 public and
garnered 208 responses. Of these, 57% were
private clients and a series of interviews with
from what is generally considered the public
3.1.2 top client tables and factfiles
the biggest, this white paper analyses all of the
sector – central government, quangos and local
issues most important to construction firms:
authorities. Of the rest, the biggest single sector The data on individual clients is compiled
what clients value in their supply chain, how
was housing associations, with 49 respondents; from information provided by Barbour ABI, a
they want to buy, and what's likely to change.
the rest came from private companies
leading provider of construction intelligence
In addition we use data from the UK's
in regulated sectors, including 13 from
products, providing UK companies with
leading provider of construction market
infrastructure providers. The vast majority
sales leads, contact data, CRM software and
information, Barbour ABI, to provide a list of
of the respondents procure more than £5m
market intelligence. Barbour ABI is owned
the 50 biggest public and 50 biggest private
of construction a year, with the largest single
by Building's publisher, UBM, and the firm's
clients in the UK, by volume of current work
chunk, 31%, procuring between £20 and £99m
market research team communicates with
– and they're not necessarily who you would
of construction a year. A smaller proportion,
more than 25,000 professionals every month.
think. For the top 30 of these the white paper
11%, procure between £100m and £999m, and
Data has not been independently cross-
drills down further, showing their upcoming
a small elite, 4% procure more than £1bn.
checked with the clients mentioned.
work, and the contractors, QSs and architect
The survey of the private clients generated
The list of 50 biggest clients is based only
that they most like to work with – enabling
around 120 responses, with commercial and
upon current and future schemes. The value
you to benchmark yourself against the most
mixed-use developers making up almost 60%
of schemes is based upon the estimated total
of them. There were over 30 responses from
construction value of "live" projects where
housebuilders, and a further 17 from retail and
the main contract has been awarded in the
leisure sector clients.
last two years, or is currently on site, or is due
The biggest contingent of private clients,
to commence before January 2015. Overall
25%, commission between £100m and £999m
masterplan schemes have been excluded in
This white paper has been compiled through
of work per year. However, a sizable minority
favour of the smaller individual schemes that
a series of interviews and surveys by Building commission very small amounts of work, with
make them up. Schemes on hold have also been
magazine conducted in April and May this
21% procuring under £1m of work per year,
excluded. In addition, the estimated values
year. The market overview consists of a
and another 12% procuring between £1m and
of multi-year framework agreements have
literature review plus the findings of a straw
£4m. Less than 5% of respondents, five in total, been excluded on the basis that the work isn't
poll of construction industry chief executives
commission more than £1bn of work each per
and senior figures.
The detailed profiles of the top 30 clients
is based upon the Barbour ABI list of the
3.1.2 public/private split
50 biggest current clients in the public and private sectors. However, the pure volume
The quantitative surveys were carried out
It is impossible to wholly split the public from housebuilders, many of whom are technically
using the online tool SurveyMonkey.
the private sector in a world where so many
the largest private clients in the industry, have
The straw poll of senior construction
projects are public-private partnerships.
been removed. This is because housebuilders

generally act as main contractor on their
However, like the split between the public
developments, controlling the build directly and
and private sector, the line between a volume
commissioning any specialist subcontractors
housebuilder and a developer is hazy at the
when required themselves. After conversations
margins, and others may draw the line in a
with a number of the housebuilders it was decided
slightly different place.
that Berkeley Group should remain on the list,
For the specific criteria governing the creation
because its construction model is generally much
of each individual dataset on the factfile pages,
closer to that of traditional developers, where it
see the example below:
works alongside external main contractors.
samplE cliENt profilE
1 Name of client
2 The number of current projects being undertaken
3 The number and value of current projects has
been calculated of on the basis of "live" projects where the main contract has been awarded in the last two years, is currently on site or due to commence before January 2015. Overall masterplan schemes have been excluded in favour of the smaller individual schemes that make them up. Schemes on hold have also been excluded. In addition the estimated values of multi-year framework agreements have been excluded on the basis that the work isn't guaranteed. All data on these pages is based on information from Barbour ABI:
4 Profile of client, including type of work, how
it procures, and interviews senior figures where possible
5 The largest of the live projects by value, including
the stage they are at
6 A graph showing the value of construction
contracts let by the client in each of the last five years
7 Projects in the clients' future pipeline, calculated
as those where contracts not yet awarded, and are due to commence after July 2013
8 Lists of the top three contractors, QSs and
architects the client uses. This is based on the total value of the projects upon which the given partner is currently working or has worked in the last five years. See Appendix for total value of projects worked on by key supply chain partners
9 Clients' head office postal address
4/markEt ovErviEw aNd kEy sEctor brEakdowN
Summary – 2012 spend: £98.11bn
period, having recorded a fall in output of
are pockets of growth, with the housing sector
Against a backdrop of continuing retraction
4% in 2012. This is due in part to government standing out in particular, robust recovery
in public spending and a weak economy, the
initiatives such as First Buy and the Funding
will have to wait for wider economic revival
outlook for construction output continues to
for Lending scheme, as well as in the longer
or a return to significant investment by the
be poor. Output in 2012 fell by 8.1% against
term the Help to Buy programme announced
2011 and the forecasts for this year anticipate
in chancellor George Osborne's budget
further reduction, with Experian predicting
statement this year.
a contraction of 2.6%, the Construction
Infrastructure is also seen as a key
Products Association (CPA) 2.1% and Hewes
contributor to the industry's recovery, with
& Associates 3.1%.
transport and energy in particular regarded
2012 spend: £17.02bn
Opinion on when the recovery will start
as growth sub-sectors. Road repair projects
Taking both public and private housing
varies. Both Hewes and Experian expect
announced in last year's autumn statement
together, output fell in 2012 by 7.7%.
further contraction in 2014 of 0.8%, while
should start to have an impact on bottom
According to Experian, however, overall
the CPA anticipates a return to, albeit
lines in the short term and ongoing spending
housing output is expected to return to
modest, growth of 1.9%. However, all three
on the sub-regional Crossrail project – the
growth in 2013 of 1.3%, on the back of a 3%
organisations predict that 2015 will see
largest single construction scheme in Europe
expansion in private housing output and
growth, with Hewes most pessimistic with 1% – continues to provide a vital source of work.
despite further contraction of 5% in public
and the CPA most optimistic with 3.8%.
In addition, wind farm development and
housing. Overall output is expected to grow
Meanwhile, a straw poll of 10 senior
decommissioning works on the UK's nuclear
by 7% in 2014 before falling back to 5% in
executives in the industry carried out for this
power infrastructure continue to provide
white paper demonstrated a split in opinion
valuable revenue streams, although analysts
Leaders in the construction industry
over when stable economic growth will return are pessimistic about the prospects for work
who took part in the straw poll agreed that
to the construction sector. Three of these
on new nuclear facilities contributing much
housing is the sector most likely to bounce
industry leaders believed next year would
to balance sheets in the short term. Indeed,
back quickest. According to those who ranked
see recovery while four opted for 2015 and
Hewes' forecast discounts the Hinkley Point
sources of work for the poll, nine out of 10
a further three were markedly pessimistic,
C project entirely in its calculations.
said they expected privately funded housing
believing that growth would not be seen until
In terms of risk, analysts' warnings range
to be the area of the new-build construction
"2017 or later".
from macro-economic concerns to doubts
market to recover the quickest.
There is a consensus among analysts
over the prospects of complex yet vital
As for publicly funded housing, seven of
that the government's austerity agenda
England-specific policy levers. The possibility these 10 said they expected this sector to be
continues to be the major contributing factor
of further – potentially devastating – turmoil
the most or second-most important area of
to the travails of the construction industry,
in the eurozone cannot be ignored, with the
government spending for their business over
with the CPA reporting that government
ongoing problems in key economies such as
the next two years.
spending on construction in 2013 is likely
Spain and Italy of particular note: if either
to be 18% or £7bn lower this year than
were to default the consequences for the
in 2010. Public sector housing starts fell
continuation of the economic union and the
4.1.1 private housing
by 19% in 2012 and a further fall of 4% is
prospects of its trading partners would be
anticipated in 2013. Both education and
2012 spend: £13.40bn
health spending are anticipated to fall by 15%
From a domestic point of view, analysts
Private housing output fell by 4.3% in 2012
this year, compounding falls of 25% and 19%
point out that the speed at which announced
following two years of growth. Private
respectively in 2012.
infrastructure spending translates into
housing starts fell by 7%, with completions
Asked in the straw poll for their views on
actual work remains a key concern and
increasing 3% boosted by previous years'
the government's spending cuts, seven of
that essential drivers of the repairs and
the senior executives agreed that cuts were
maintenance (R&M) sector, such the Green
However, the evidence from the tail end of
necessary but argued that "growth now
Deal, remain unproven.
2012 and the beginning of 2013 is promising.
depends on capital spending".
Presuming that the coalition government
Orders were up in the last quarter of 2012 and
However, there are still opportunities to be
remains committed to its stated programme
at £2.45bn were the best seen since the third
found. Private sector housing, for instance, is of austerity, the prospects for the construction quarter of 2010. Accordingly, the CPA expects expected to grow each year over the forecast
industry remain sluggish at best. While there
that private housing starts will increase by
8% in 2013, followed by 10% in 2014 and 12%
and the company anticipates additional falls
with nine schemes registered in the first three
in 2015. Similarly, completions are expected
of 10.8% in 2013 and 9.6% in 2014. Output is
months of 2013 and 15 registered in the last
to grow by 4% in 2013, 9% in 2014 and 10% in
expected to stabilise in 2015, at which point
quarter of 2012 and first quarter of 2013.
2015 to reach 128,867 homes.
Hewes expects it to be 20% lower than in 2012
According to the CPA, the growth in
and 42% below the 2010 peak.
4.2.3 other central and local government
private sector housebuilding will be boosted
The straw poll of senior executives,
by the Help to Buy programme, announced
however, revealed a degree of confidence
2012 spend: £2.2bn
in this year's budget and already partially
in the education and healthcare sectors as
Output in this sector, which includes prisons,
up and running. The programme replaces
sources of work with half of the 10 taking
the armed forces' estates and law courts,
two previous schemes – New Buy and First
part arguing that the latter will prove to be
fell by 10% in 2012 following a steep decline
Buy – and provides a mixture of mortgage
the most or second-most important area of
in 2011. According to the CPA, output will
guarantees and equity loans, all on more
government spending for their business over
decline again in 2013 before bottoming out in
generous terms to housebuilders than the
the next two years.
2014. By 2017, the end of the CPA's forecast
previous programmes.
period, output is expected to be £2bn.
However, there has been some movement
4.1.2 public/social housing
in the sector in the last year. The Ministry
2012 spend: £5.26bn
of Justice signed framework contracts worth
2012 spend: £3.62bn
Education output fell by 2.5% in 2011 and 25% about £1bn last year, which should feed
The switch from the old National Affordable
in 2012 due to sharp cuts to the Department
through into work on the UK's prisons estate
Housing Programme to the Affordable
for Education's capital budget. The sector
as well as the court estate. The Defence
Homes Programme, combined with
accounted for 54% of non-housing public
Infrastructure Organisation's framework,
significant reductions in the Department
output last year. According to the CPA,
worth around £400m annually, is currently
for Communities and Local Government's
output is expected to contract by a further
out to tender and is expected to be signed by
(DCLG) capital expenditure budget, led
15% in 2013 and 1% in 2014, before seeing
the end of the year. Finally, the CPA reports
to a fall in social housing starts of 19% to
a return to modest growth in 2015. School
that the MoD is planning to invest £1bn
22,712 in 2012. According to Hewes, the fact
building in the medium term is expected
from its capital budget on accommodation
that the Affordable Homes Programme
to benefit from an additional £1bn capital
for troops returning from Germany in the
allows housing associations to increase
investment announced in December's
medium term.
rents in new developments and thus borrow
autumn statement for free schools and
development finance on the open market to
academies. This has resulted in 78 schools
fund development will not make up for the
having now been selected to share £700m
4.3 private sector building
fall in capital grant. As a result, completions
of direct funding from the Priority Schools
are expected to fall by a further 10% in 2013
Building Programme, with a further 46
2012 spend: £24.94bn
and 4% in 2014 before stabilising in 2015 and
schools to be financed privately. Procurement According to both Experian and Hewes,
returning to growth of 1% in 2016, according
is under way and the first schools are due to
commercial output, which includes both
office and retail development, is set fall
The CPA also anticipates that the DCLG's
significantly over the next two or three years.
decision in August last year to make it
Conversely, industrial output is predicted to
easier for private housebuilders to challenge
increase over the same period.
previously agreed section 106 agreements
2012 spend: £1.5bn
dictating levels of public housing will have a
Output in health construction saw double-
detrimental effect on the sub-sector, although digit decline in both 2011 and 2012. The sector it recognises that the policy move may
accounted for 16% of non-housing output
2012 spend: £6.48bn
ultimately have a positive impact on private
last year. The CPA predicts that output will
Output in the office sector contracted by
contract further in over the next two years,
9% in 2012 and the CPA expects a further
with growth only expected to return in 2015
contraction of 4% this year. Output in 2014 is
followed by 2% rises in both 2016 and 2017, by expected to be flat before starting to rise again
4.2 public sector building
which time output should total £1.3bn.
in 2015 and 2016, by 6% and 7% respectively.
The Procure 21+ framework will be the key
The CPA also reports that the London office
2012 spend: £9.74bn
source of work until the initiative's conclusion market continues to outperform the rest of
According to Hewes, output in public sector
in 2016. According to the CPA, there are
the UK, referencing Google's new £300m
non-housing construction fell by 21% in 2012
currently 120 active Procure 21+ schemes
headquarters in King's Cross – due to begin
work towards the end of this year – and
£ between 2013 and 2015. According to
4.4.3 water, harbours and flood defence
Goldman Sachs' plans for a new HQ in
the CPA, infrastructure output will exceed its
2011 peak in 2015 and continue to rise. The
2012 spend: £2.62bn
public sector currently accounts for 30% of
According to the CPA, water and sewerage
infrastructure output and Hewes expects this
output is expected to fall in 2013, followed
to rise over the next few years, although the
by growth of 2% in 2014. Once work on the
2012 spend: £5.24bn
private sector is still expected to remain the
Thames Tideway Tunnel gets underway
Retail output contracted by 16% in 2012,
dominant force.
the CPA predicts growth of 5% in 2015
largely due to big retailers such as Sainsbury's
and 8% in 2016. Harbours also saw 63%
and Tesco cutting back on their expansion
increase in orders last year. Work continues
plans. Orders in the sector have declined by
on the London Gateway port project in the
75% since 2006. According to the CPA, retail
2012 spend: £5.48bn
Thames Estuary, with the first phase of the
output will contract by a further 10% this
According to the CPA, rail output will
development due to open towards the end of
year before returning to growth in 2014, when increase by 14% in 2013, 10% in 2014 and
output is expected to grow by 1.5% followed
5% in 2015 driven by major London projects
such as Crossrail, the ongoing upgrade of the Thameslink line and the refurbishment and
4.5 repairs and maintenance
development of London Bridge station, as well as increased investment from Network
2012 spend: £35.02bn
2012 spend: £3.28bn
R&M output contracted by 2% in 2012 and
Industrial output grew by about 1% in
Following a fall in the Highways Agency
Experian expects that it will fall by just short
2012, with factories performing much
budget between 2010 and 2012, funding for
of 1% in 2013 before returning to modest
better than warehouses, benefiting from
roads is set to increase from this year. In
growth of around 1% in 2014 and 3% in 2015.
strong investment in the automotive and
total, £415m of motorway upgrade contracts
engineering sectors. Factory output rose
are currently being procured, with work
4.5.1 residential
by 17% to £1.97bn, while warehouse output
scheduled to start towards the end of the year.
declined by 9% to £1.23bn. New orders for
Orders for new road works were 85% higher in 2012 spend: £16.04bn
industrial construction also rose last year by
2012 than in 2011 and the CPA expects output Public housing R&M output increased by
35% to £2.6bn – the highest level since 2008 –
in the sub-sector to be up 8% in 2013 and 10% 0.6% in 2012 following a sharp contraction
based almost entirely on new factory orders,
in 2014 with further expansion to follow.
of 8% in 2011. However, Experian expects no
particularly in the automotive sector.
further fall in 2013 and a return to growth of
4.4.2 energy, airports and communications
1% in 2014 and 2% in 2015. Private housing
4.3.4 leisure and other private sector building
R&M output fell by 6% in 2012, although on
2012 spend: £3.31bn
the back of a less dramatic decline of 1.3% in
2012 spend: £9.94bn
Electricity remains one the few reliable
2011. Experian expects a further contraction
Output in the leisure and entertainment
growth sectors for the foreseeable future with
of 1% in 2013 before a return to growth of 3%
sector declined by 14% in 2012 and now
output rising between 2011 and 2012 despite
in 2014 and 5% in 2015. According to the CPA,
stands at 16% below the average since 2000.
a drop in overall infrastructure output. The
the rise in public housing R&M is accounted
The CPA predicts further contraction of 5%
CPA expects output to rise in the sub-sector
for by the fact that basic repairs have to take
this year followed by a fall of 1% in 2014 and a by 7% in 2013, 10% in 2014 and 15% in 2015.
place under law and that the Decent Homes
rise of 1% in 2015.
However, at the time of writing, the future
programme has been extended to 2015 to deal
of the nuclear build programme remains
with a backlog in work.
in doubt, with negotiations over the "strike
While the CPA says that the impact of
4.4 infrastructure
price" at Hinkley Point C still ongoing.
energy saving initiatives such as the Green
Indeed, Hewes discounts the nuclear
Deal and Energy Company Obligation on
2012 spend: £11.41bn
sub-sector entirely in its forecasts. While
private housing R&M remain uncertain,
Infrastructure output fell by 12% in 2012,
the future of airport development in the
it says that the recent increase in property
largely due to the completion of the latest
South-east – vital to the sub-sector – remains
transactions should drive recovery in the
programme of M25 widening and the
mired in political machinations, there has
short to medium term.
A1 upgrade. However, prospects in the
been some progress recently, with Heathrow
In terms of the straw poll's results, six out
infrastructure sector are relatively good, with
announcing a £3bn investment plan covering of the 10 senior executives who commented
Hewes expecting output to rise by 12% or
2014 to 2019.
on the Green Deal said it would provide their
firm with some work over the next year, with
North-east and London recording 41% and
South-east – which Hewes says will return to
five of these predicting this would be worth
35% falls in orders respectively, while the east a period of relative stability up to 2015 – and
up to 5% of turnover.
of England saw a rise of 92%.
five the Midlands, with other regions scoring
The poll also revealed continuing
While the decline in the North-east
more poorly.
frustration that the government is not more
isn't surprising given the wider economic
actively selling the scheme, with seven out of
performance of the region, the London figure
the 10 arguing that it is not doing enough to
is more startling: orders fell from £3.01bn in
4.7 further market trends
incentivise customers to take it up.
the last quarter of 2011 to £1.96bn in the last quarter of 2012.
The straw poll of 10 senior construction
4.5.2 non-housing
The sharpness of the fall can be accounted
executives suggested that, with the market
for by the drop in infrastructure orders, from
in the UK still tough, firms are increasingly
2012 spend: £18.98bn
£1.19bn in Q4 2011 to £309m in Q4 2012.
looking towards consolidation and work
Public sector non-residential R&M output
Reassuringly, infrastructure orders for Q3
overseas for growth.
fell 1% to £7.2bn between 2011 and 2012,
were almost the exact reverse, with orders of
For example, eight out of the 10 said
according to the CPA. The CPA says that
£312m in Q3 2011 and £1.11bn in Q3 2012. In
they expected the proportion of their firm's
output will fall 3% in 2013 followed by a
other words, the procurement timetables of
turnover that comes from international
further reduction of 1% in 2014. Growth of
a handful of mega-projects such as Crossrail
work to increase over the next two years,
1.5% is expected in 2015, and by the end of
have had a disproportionate effect on the
with South Asia and the Middle East/North
the reporting period in 2017 the CPA expects
statistics for the capital.
Africa seen as the areas of most significant
output to stand at £7.2bn – still 10% lower
That said, Hewes points out that
than the peak in 2009.
commercial orders and education are
In terms of consolidation, a striking six out
In the private sector, non-residential R&M
massively down in London in 2013, and
of 10 said they expected their business to be
totalled £11.7bn in 2012, up 0.7% on 2011.
although the outlook for 2014 and 2015 is a
part of further industry consolidation, either
However, output slipped consistently in each
little better, infrastructure work is peaking,
through a merger, being acquired or acquiring
quarter of the year, with the final quarter
public non-housing orders are down and any
another company.
down 11% on the first quarter. The CPA has
upturn in the commercial sector is unlikely
revised its expectations for the sub-sector in
while so many offices remain vacant.
line with prospects for the commercial sector,
Conversely, new orders were up very
Six out of the 10 industry chief
as well as the wider economy. It now expects
significantly in other regions. The best
executives said they expected
output to be flat in 2013 and for it to grow
performing, the east of England, saw strong
between 2% and 3% each year to 2017.
growth in private commercial, private
their business to be part of further
housing, infrastructure and non-housing
industry consolidation, either
public construction. Similarly, Scotland
4.6 regional spending
through a merger, being acquired
saw orders rise 82% from £734m to
£1.34bn over the same period, with growth
or acquiring another company
in all sub-sectors covered by ONS data apart
Nationally, output fell 9% in the last quarter
from private housing, which contracted
of 2012 compared with the same period of
The poll also revealed a general level
2011, from £26.69bn to £24.21bn. Indeed,
The North-west also reported strong
of frustration with UK government policy
according to Office for National Statistics
growth in orders – up 64% – with private
connected with the built environment.
(ONS) data, output was down in all but one
industrial orders up just short of 900%, from
The exception to the rule appears to be
region of the UK: Wales escaped contraction,
£36m in Q4 2011 to £353m in Q4 2012. The
Whitehall's drive to push take-up of
but didn't see an increase in output either.
region hasn't seen that level of new private
building information modelling (BIM).
Contraction rates varied significantly across
industrial orders for at least a decade. Hewes
Seven out of the 10 questioned said their
the country, with the South-east seeing the
predicts that activity levels will continue to
firms were already using BIM, with the
highest rate of contraction at 16% and the
rise in the North-west up to 2015.
remaining three planning to adopt it in the
east of England the lowest at just over 2%.
Questioned through the straw poll on the
next two years.
However, there are signs that the market
regions of the UK that will offer "significant
may have turned: nationally, orders were 11%
opportunities" for their businesses over
higher in the last quarter of 2012 than they
the next two years, nine out of 10 senior
were in the same period in 2011. Here the
construction industry respondents pointed
regional differences are striking, with the
to London. Six of the 10 also highlighted the
5/cliENt sENtimENt survEy
The sentiment of the construction industry's
Fig 1. How easy do you find it to access project/development finance in the current market?
largest clients is one the most accurate
(Data sample: private sector clients)
gauges of the sector's present state of health and future outlook. This chapter of the
white paper presents clients' workloads and
analyses the corresponding key trends in
how they procure and manage construction,
as well as how they feel the industry engages
with them and how their views have evolved during the past year.
The findings are based on a survey
conducted in May of more than 300 of the
industry's public and private sector clients
and in-depth interviews with leading procuring organisations. The results for 2013
are compared with the information gathered
in a similar survey for our 2012 Client Intelligence white paper. These comparisons
highlight changing trends in payment terms, clients' views on the financial stability of
contractors, the response of public sector
procurers to the government's Construction Strategy and the role of building information
modelling (BIM) in the sector.
This year's survey found that most clients expect access to funds for financing projects to remain constrained in the months ahead. However, many do expect to overcome this
projects, which means that the situation that
challenge, at least to some extent, as they
the industry has faced since the financial
believe projects put on hold will restart and
downturn started in 2008 still holds. When
new projects will begin.
private clients were asked to identify the
When the private client representatives
biggest barrier to commissioning more
were asked how easy they find access to
construction work, the most popular factor
development finance in the current market,
was general macro-economic uncertainty,
the largest group, 48.5%, selected "not easy",
cited by 22.6% (fig 2). This was followed by
with a further 23.2% opting for "not easy at
poor outlook for tenants, cited by 19.4% and
all" – 71.7% in total (fig 1). These results are
a reduced appetite for risk (18.3%). Lack of
worse than last year, when a slightly smaller
bank lending was cited by 15.1% and lack of
proportion, 71%, answered the same question
other funding sources by 17.2% – a situation
with "not easy" or "not easy at all", and a
that most private clients expect to continue,
larger proportion, 20% of the total, said it
with 59.6% of those surveyed anticipating that
was "easy" or "very easy", down to just 15.1%
their ability to access development finance
will stay the same in the next six months.
This year's results show that lenders
Within the private sector, the results for
remain reluctant to finance construction
housebuilders, though a smaller survey group
Fig 2. What do you perceive to be the biggest barrier preventing you from commissioning more construction?
(Data sample: private sector clients)
n General macro-economic
uncertainty 22.6%
n Poor outlook for your business' potential tenants/customers
n Reduced appetite at your organisation for risk in the current market
n Lack of availability of other funding/finance
n Lack of availability of bank lending 15.1%
n High cost of construction
Fig 3. Do you anticipate your business to be more likely to start/restart projects or to put
of 34 respondents, suggested that this area
existing projects onhold in the next six months? (Data sample: private sector clients)
of the sector finds it even more difficult to secure funding. Just over half said it was "not
easy" to access development finance and a
further 23.1% said it was "not easy at all". This
indicates that funding remains challenging for privately-owned housebuilders despite
improved conditions, including many
reporting increased sales and profits in recent months and measures such as the Funding
for Lending initiative bolstering banks' ability to finance their schemes. However, the survey results were a slight improvement on last
year, when 42.9% of housebuilders said access
to development finance was "not easy at all"
and 33.3% deemed it "not easy".
Despite this, overall, private sector clients
have become more confident about the prospects for projects. A majority of 58%
expect their company to either start or restart projects in the next six months (fig 3). This compares with 50% last year. One private
sector client said: "It feels like the global
economy is stabilising and in the UK it seems
that we've avoided a ‘triple dip' recession, so
while we are not expecting a building boom,
the environment is becoming more conducive
for us to take projects forward." Again, the
housebuilders were less optimistic, with just
Fig 4. Do you anticipate your organisation to be more likely to start/restart projects or put
existing projects on hold in the next six months? (Data sample: public and regulated
under half anticipating starting or restarting
sector clients)
projects in the period.
Among the public sector clients surveyed,
n Put projects on hold
the outlook for short-term future spending
n Start/restart projects
has improved marginally compared with
n Neither of the above
last year, even though budgets have been
constrained as part of the government's efforts to cut the national deficit. In 2012 when the survey group was asked how much their construction budget had been cut since before the 2010 Comprehensive Spending Review, 37.1% of respondents said the budget had remained the same or grown. This year, that figure rose to 46.2%. Likewise the proportion that said they had experienced a cut of 10% or more fell from 51.5% to 42.4%.
That said, when asked whether they
thought their organisation was likely to start,
restart or put projects on hold in the next six
months, the numbers were very similar to last Fig 5. Do you expect your budget to improve or get worse before the end of the Spending
year: 37.6% said they expected projects to start Review period? (Data sample: public and regulated sector clients)
or restart, and 22.6% said they expected to put
projects on hold (fig 4).
And an increasing number of public
sector clients believe that, in the longer
term, their capital budgets will be cut further, perhaps reflecting indications from
government that additional budget cuts will
be made in 2015/16. Some 46.2% expect the
cuts they have seen so far to worsen by the
end of the Spending Review period in 2015, up from 37% last year (fig 5). One public
sector client says: "We are undertaking a
major drive to make efficiencies in all areas of procurement and all the indications are that we will have to push this even further in the
"It feels like the global economy
is stabilising and in the UK it seems we've avoided a ‘triple dip'
recession, so while we are not
expecting a building boom, the
environment is becoming more conducive for us to take projects forward"Private sector client
5.2 selection processes
Fig 6. What is your predominant method of procuring contractors? (Data sample: private
sector clients)
The contrast between preferred methods of
n Negotiated contract
procurement in the public and private sectors
n Invited selected contractors
found in last year's survey has remained intact. While private bodies tend to approach
their contractors of choice, public sector
n Public competition
bodies primarily procure from frameworks.
n Select or tender within
In the private sector, clients' predominant
method of procuring contractors remains
n Other long-term partnering
inviting selected companies to compete,
favoured by 50.9% of those surveyed (fig 6). A further 20.7% prefer to negotiate the contract directly with a contractor, without a competitive bidding process. This trend was more pronounced among private housebuilders, of whom 54.8% said their predominant procurement method was
Fig 7. What is your predominant method of procuring contractors? (Data sample: public and
inviting contractors to compete, while 25.8%
regulated sector clients)
opt mostly for negotiated contracts.
What use of frameworks there is among
private sector clients has decreased markedly,
n Using your organisation's
with 42% of respondents saying they made some use of frameworks this year, in contrast
with 50.3% in 2013.
n Using a framework overseen
One representative of a leading private
by a separate organisation
developer interviewed says there is a clear
rationale behind invitation-only tendering. He says: "We invite a select group of firms to bid for our projects. It is a costly business for a contractor to produce a good, detailed tender, so if you pick the right people in advance and give them a one in two or three chance of winning the job you are more likely to get a considered approach from the contractors."
Public sector clients, which are restricted
by regulations from using such closed
This was the most popular reason cited for
are even less likely to use OJEU, presumably
selection processes, tend to use frameworks
use of frameworks, whereas clients said
because their resources and expenditure
rather than the other main route open to
OJEU still required greater amounts of time
are particularly constrained. Among those
them of tendering through the Official
and higher costs.
procuring £1m-4m worth of construction
Journal of the European Union (OJEU).
One council procurer criticises OJEU
work per year, only 13.6% use the journal
Of the public sector clients surveyed,
because he believes it leads to smaller
predominantly, while 54.5% use their
51.6% said their predominant method of
businesses being excluded from contracts:
organisation's own framework and 27.3%
procurement was to use their organisation's
"We like to employ small firms and we see
opt for another body's framework. Among
own framework; a further 18.6% use another
this as our responsibility but most don't have
those procuring less than £1m annually, none
organisation's framework (fig 7).
the bid teams needed to get through the
reported mainly using OJEU.
Only one in four (24.8%) predominantly
OJEU process. The problem for us is we have
Indeed, use of frameworks in the public
use OJEU. These percentages, which are
more than 2,000 lease holders so when they
sector appears to be increasing. Some 83.8%
broadly the same as last year's findings,
are involved in a contract by law we have to
of the sector's respondents said that they
reflect the belief that frameworks result in
use OJEU so that they can have a say in the
made at least some use of frameworks,
improved co-operation with contractors, due
selection process."
compared with 81.6% in 2012. The trend looks
to the longer term nature of the relationship.
Public bodies procuring smaller amounts
set to become even more pronounced because
45.2% said they expected their organisation's
Fig 8. Do you make use of any of the following in your relationship with your supply
chain or suppliers? Tick all that apply. (Data sample: public and regulated sector clients)
use of frameworks to grow.
Electronic tendering, championed by
the previous Labour government as a more efficient approach to the bidding process
n Project bank accounts
within the public sector, appears not to have
n Retention payments
seen increased take-up in the past year. Less
n Electronic tendering
than half (44.9%) of respondents in 2012
n Factoring or reverse
said they made any use of electronic
tendering and this year the percentage is
n Rebates, incentive
payments or any other
Prequalification, which can save time
for clients and money for suppliers, is
form of money back
also used relatively sparingly. This is
despite the availability of methods to make prequalification less time-consuming such
as the Constuctionline service and the government's introduction in 2010 of PAS91,
a standardised prequalification form that means suppliers only have to go through the
process of inputting basic details, such as insurance arrangements, once. Despite the fact that PAS91 was updated in April to make
it more user-friendly, only 37.7% of public sector clients said they used the standard or any other form of prequalification.
As tendering remains extremely
Fig 9. Do you make use of any of the following in your relationship with your supply chain
competitive, the clients interviewed reported
or suppliers? Tick all that apply. (Data sample: private sector clients)
that they are concerned by below-cost bidding, echoing the views expressed in
n Project bank accounts
last year's interviews. This year one public
n Retention payments
sector client representative said: "We are
n Electronic tendering
very sensitive to below-cost bidding. We
try to tackle it by selecting based on quality
n Factoring or reverse
rather than prices and really questioning the
contractor about whether they can deliver
n Rebates, incentive
what they say they will for the price – and
payments or any other
hopefully getting them to realise what would
form of money back
be a more sensible price. In many cases
we have not selected main contractors and specialist trades because their bids looked too
low. We are spending government money so
"In many cases we have not
selected main contractors and specialist trades because their
bids looked too low"Public sector client
Fig 10. What types of contract do you use most? (Data sample: private sector clients)
we don't want to put people out of work."
n Lump sum design and build
As was the case in 2012, this year's survey
found that both public and private sector
n Construction management
clients predominantly use lump-sum
n Other partnering
design-and-build contracts. Both types of
body have also reduced their use of target-price contracts, which share the risk of cost overruns between the client, contractor and supply chain. With lump-sum contracts placing more risk with the contractor, the trend in contracts demonstrates that in the current market, where workloads are much reduced, clients hold the balance of power.
Of the private sector clients surveyed,
56.6% said they use lump-sum design-and-
Fig 11. What types of contract do you use most? (Data sample: public and regulated
build contracts, which was similar to last
year's finding that the contract form was used by 57.7%. The use of target-price contracts,
n Lump sum design and build
meanwhile, has reduced from 12.1% last year
to 9.4% in 2013 (fig 10).
However, private sector clients appear to
opt to retain some risks in certain cases. The
n Construction management
second most common contract form used
n Other partnering
in the private sector remains construction
management, where the client appoints the contractor and then separately contracts the trades, which are then the client's contractual risk. This year 21.7% said they use construction management contracts, which was in fact an increase on 2012, when 16.1% reported using the form.
One private sector procurer says: "We
use design-and-build contracts above all because, as long as you have a complete package of information on which you can contract, giving the contractor control over the design is usually more efficient. But our procurement method varies depending on the nature of the work. In the case of a pre-let scheme, construction management may be
and other partnering contracts (14.2%)
away from target-price contracts though. One
better suited to meeting fast-changing tenant has remained fairly unchanged. However,
representative of a local authority, which has
the use of target-price contracts has fallen
been using partnering contracts for several
In the public sector, although lump-sum
dramatically, suggesting again a shift in the
years, is about to introduce the contract form.
design-and-build is the predominant form of
balance of power in favour of the client. In
He says: "We would like to transfer more risk
contract, there has been a decrease in their
2013, just 11.3% of public bodies reported
to the contractor, but we know that this is
use, with 40.4% using them now compared
using the contract form compared with
something you have to pay for and we [the
to 45.1% in 2012 (fig 11). The use of
procurement department] have to answer to
construction management (11.3% in 2013)
Not all public sector clients are moving
our political masters." Introducing target-
Fig 12. What are your standard payment terms for contractors?
price contracts "feels like a halfway house
(Data sample: private sector clients)
between where we are and transferring 100%
of the risk to the contractor".
Marked changes in payment practices were
revealed by the survey– and not all of the news was discouraging for contractors.
Among the private sector respondents,
standard payment times have polarised over the past year, with far fewer clients paying in the previously standard 15-29 days. Many
clients are actually paying far more quickly, though others are of course lengthening
payment times. The largest proportion, 40.8%, now pay in 30-59 days (fig 12).
In a further sign of increased client power
and correspondingly challenging conditions
for suppliers, 77.6% of private clients still
make use of retentions (fig 9). Moreover,
this form of delayed payment has increased
slightly compared to last year, when 76.4% of
private clients said they used it.
Meanwhile, standard payment times have
shortened in the public sector. The highest
Fig 13. What are your standard payment terms for contractors?
proportion of clients (43.2%) said they pay
(Data sample: public and regulated sector clients)
in 15-29 days, whereas last year 47.7% used this payment period. However, this year a
significant 18.2% said they now pay in 0-14
days, compared with 8% in 2012. Fewer
clients' standard payment terms are 30-59
days: 32.8% used this timeframe last year but
in 2013 the percentage has fallen to 25.0%. This appears to reflect heightened awareness in government of the industry's calls for "fair
payment" (fig 13).
Less encouragingly for contractors, the use
of retentions has remained constant in the
public sector. Both this year and last year, our
survey found that the practice was used by
77.6% of respondents at public organisations (fig 8). This comes despite government initiatives designed to reduce retentions.
However, it is probably too early to see the
impact of one of the most significant of
these: the launch In April of a suite of NEC3
contracts including fair payment provisions.
There remains relatively slight use of
mechanisms that could ease financial
pressure on contractors and the supply
Fig 14. What qualities are most important to you in selecting a contractor? Rank from 1-7 in order of importance where 1 is the most
important. (Data source: private sector clients)
Proven build quality
Financial stability
Relationship with the supply chain
Ability to innovate in delivery
Ability to offer sustainable construction
Ability to work with BIM
chain in both the private and public sectors.
of contractors than they were a year ago.
"We try to guard against the
Project bank accounts are used by 23.5% of
This appears to be a consequence of clients'
problem by doing vigorous checks
private sector clients and 11.2% of public
limited budgets and increasing insolvencies
before we work with firms and
clients – figures that changed little from last
among contractors. When clients were
year's survey. Factoring or reverse factoring,
asked to consider which qualities are
then remaining vigilant, but
mechanisms that can support suppliers' cash
most important to them when selecting
sometimes these things can come
flow, were even less popular, used by just 3.5% a contractor, the financial stability of the of private clients and 3.4% of public sector
contractor and their price were found to
respondents (figs 8 and 9).
have grown in significance – although a track
Private sector client
Meanwhile, the use of rebates, incentive
record in good quality construction remained
payments or any other forms of money back
the top priority for clients.
from suppliers to keep them on tender lists
Of the private sector clients surveyed,
has declined, possibly reflecting continued
proven build quality remained the most
third most important qualities to clients.
pressure on clients to reform payment
important factor for them when choosing a
However, the financial stability of contractors
practices. In the private sector, 20.5% of
contractor. It registered an average priority
has now become the number one factor for
clients reported using such incentives in 2012 ranking of 2.3 when respondents were asked
30.7% of respondents, compared with 25.7%
but this year the percentage has fallen to
to rank qualities from 1-7, with 1 being the
17.6%. In the public sector, the numbers have
highest (fig 14). This compared with an
One private sector client says: "We have
fallen from 13.5% of clients in 2012 to 7.8%
average ranking of 2.03 last year. However,
seen a number of contractors going bust
price was closer to being as high a priority,
in the past year and this has become an
being rated at an average of 2.53, with 70%
extremely important concern for us. On one
saying it was either the most important or
project we had seven suppliers go under,
5.5 Qualities sought
second most important factor this year,
which was very challenging. We try to guard
compared to 68% last year.
against the problem by doing vigorous
The survey found that clients have become
As with last year, price and financial
checks before we work with firms and then
more concerned with the financial health
stability were respectively the second and
remaining vigilant, but sometimes these
Fig 15. What qualities are most important to you in selecting a contractor? Rank from 1-7 in order of importance where 1 is the most
important. (Data source: public and regulated sector clients)
Proven build quality
Financial stability
Relationship with the supply chain
Ability to innovate in delivery
Ability to offer sustainable construction
Ability to work with BIM
things can come out of the blue."
major headache."
on last year's sentiment, when only 38.3%
The public sector has seen price become a
When asked how easily they are able to
said it was "easy" and 57.1% deemed it "not
higher priority, registering an average priority find the qualities and skills they want in
easy" or "not at all easy".
rating of 2.5, compared with 2.76 last year.
the sector, 61.1% of the private sector clients
Although the reason for this change in
The contractor's price was this year cited
surveyed said they found it either "not
sentiment is not entirely clear, it may be
as the most important factor by 38.2% of
easy" or "not at all easy", despite the current
because public bodies are now procuring less
clients as opposed to 27% last year. However,
buyer's market. This view has become more
and perhaps simpler work, as the government
proven build quality remains the most
prevalent, as it was held by 57.3% last year.
continues its drive to cut spending. If public
important factor when choosing a contractor,
One representative of a private client
bodies are procuring fewer jobs this could
registering an average priority ranking of 2.41. organisation cites intense price competition.
mean they have fewer problems finding the
Financial stability has marginally decreased
He says: "The depressed prices in the UK
right suppliers. Indeed, the findings from the
in significance, achieving an average priority
are putting off a lot of European companies
public bodies surveyed procuring more than
ranking of 2.94, but remaining clearly in third – they feel it's not worthwhile working here
£1bn of work per year – although a smaller
at the moment. This is quite worrying
group – do support this. This group reported
For some public sector clients, suppliers
because the type of projects we do often
more trouble finding the skills and qualities
that are small and medium sized enterprises
require technical competency only found
they need, with some 75% saying it was either
(SMEs) present a particular worry. One
in mainland Europe. We are particularly
"not easy" or "not at all easy".
representative of one of the sector's largest
concerned about the appetite for working
clients says: "We can award an SME a
in the UK of cladding and curtain walling
contract but the question is whether they will
be able to borrow the money to finance it.
Public sector clients are slightly more
We don't hold retentions and we use projects
optimistic about their ability to find the
Revealingly, the survey also highlighted the
bank accounts but we are still acutely aware
qualities and skills they need. Some 42.6%
contractors' skills and qualities that clients
that these smaller firms can become insolvent said it was "easy" and 46.6% said "not easy"
see as less important. These included the
and then present our supply chain with a
or "not at all easy". In contrast to the private
ability to offer sustainable construction,
sector respondents, this was an improvement
which was again the sixth most important
Fig 16. Have you made use of BIM in any of your projects?
factor in selecting a contractor – in other
(Data source: private sector clients)
words, less important than all other priorities
except BIM. Sustainability was cited as
the most important attribute sought in contractors by only 11.5% of private clients
and 9.5% of public sector respondents.
Among public sector clients, the result
was not significantly different from 2012,
but among private clients the percentage
choosing it as their first priority had slipped
from 14.3%. This supports the view expressed
by many in the industry that sustainability
has slipped down the agenda in commercial construction during the downturn as financial concerns have become paramount.
Not all private sector clients express this
view, however. One says: "We have never let
sustainability slip off our agenda and it has been a concern for us for many years." He
adds: "We are switching our focus, though, and looking increasingly at the embodied
carbon of our buildings rather than just the
carbon emitted while the building is in use."
However, the ability to innovate in delivery
seems to have become more important for both public and private sector clients over the last year. It moved from being the fifth most important factor when selecting a contractor to the fourth, achieving an average rating
Perhaps supporting both of these findings,
However, when asked whether BIM would
of 3.48 for public clients and 3.6 for private
72% of private and 54% of public sector
become more important to the construction
clients – making it more important than the
respondents said they had not undertaken
projects they commission over the next two
relationship with the supply chain. However,
any procurement on the basis of whole-life
years, a significant 55% of private sector
the factor remained a long way behind the
costing rather than up-front construction
clients said yes, up from 46.4% last year.
top three – price, quality and stability – and it
cost, a big increase on last year's finding.
BIM is in fact already being used increasingly
is clear that, while growing in importance, the However, a significant proportion of both
by clients, the survey found. In 2012 one
ability of contractors to innovate is not a top
types of client (47.5% of the private sector and third of private clients had used BIM on
priority for many clients.
56.2% of the public sector) indicated that they any projects, but in this year's survey 46% believe that whole-life costing will become
said they have used the system (fig 16). The
important to their organisation over the next
housebuilders, however, were lagging, with
some 63% saying they had not used BIM.
"We have never let sustainability
The ability to work with BIM was by far
The public sector, despite the message
the least important factor when choosing a
from government, is behind in its use of BIM,
slip off our agenda and it has
contractor, the same result as last year. Just
although it has grown here too. In 2012, 18.9%
been a concern for us for many
4.8% of private and 7.4% of public sector
of the public sector respondents said they
years. We are switching our focus, clients cited this as their top priority.
had used BIM but this year the percentage
The results suggests that despite the
has risen to 33.6% (fig 17). Perhaps more
though, and looking increasingly government's endorsement of BIM,
surprisingly, when asked whether BIM would
at the embodied carbon of our
including stipulating that level 2 BIM be
become more important to the construction
used on all public sector projects by 2016, the
projects they commission over the next two
approach has yet to become a major priority
years, 50.4 % of public sector respondents
Private sector client
said yes, down from 54%. One public sector
client representative working in housing says: Fig 17. What use have you made of BIM in any of your projects?
"BIM is largely untested in housing so we
(Data source: public and regulated sector clients)
want to move cautiously and make sure there is demonstrable added value. Some building
types are less complex than some others,
which reduces some of the advantages of BIM
in the construction process."
While the use of BIM is not strongly
prevalent among public sector clients
procuring above £1bn a year, with only 14.3% saying they had used the system, of those
procuring £20m to £999m a year, around 42%
said they had worked with the technology. One client says: "BIM can be an enormous
help in the move from development to asset management, providing an already-populated
stock management tool, which is vital when you will be holding the asset for 30-plus
years. Perhaps more importantly, it provides
a platform for collaborative working between
client, developer, contractors and trades."
5.7 government policy
Overall the survey found that clients would like more clarity from government on the policies that affect construction. The clients were asked whether, if the government gave a clearer and more consistent message that it will prioritise policy changes that aim to tackle the threat of damaging climate change, it would affect whether or how they invest in their built assets. Some 61% of private and 62% of public sector clients answered yes. Around the same number also said they thought the government should send a clearer message that it will prioritise policy changes that aim to tackle climate change.
A significant proportion of private
sector clients were also sceptical about the government's policy of cutting spending quickly to reduce the UK budget deficit. When asked if cutting spending to reduce the deficit would improve business confidence for the year ahead, a majority of 58% said it would have the opposite effect. Just 14% thought it would improve confidence, 18% said they did not know and 10% said the policy makes no difference (fig 18).
However, the private clients surveyed were
less united in terms of how they would like to
Fig 18. Do you feel that the government's policy of cutting spending quickly to reduce the UK
see the situation resolved. Only 49% said the
budget deficit is improving business confidence for the year ahead?
(Data source: private sector clients)
government should increase capital spending to boost confidence and construction activity, even if that meant additional public
n Improving confidence
borrowing. In contrast a significant 32%
n Worsening confidence
said that the government should stay on its
n Government spending makes
The government's Construction Strategy,
published in May 2011, is still failing to register a wider influence on public sector clients. In 2012, 54.3% of clients said the strategy had not changed the way they procure construction work, 17.9% said it had but only marginally and 5.8% said it had significantly. This year the percentage that said the strategy had not changed their approach fell slightly to 49.3% (fig 19).
Only 3.5% said it had changed the way they
procure significantly, with 23.2% saying it had changed their approach only marginally.
And when the public sector clients were
Fig 19. Has the publication of the government's Construction Strategy in May 2011 changed
asked whether they had a strategy for
the way you procure construction work? (Data source: public and regulated sector clients)
reducing construction costs over the life of
the current parliament, as required by the
Construction Strategy, some 46.1% said
that they did not. Only 28.4% said they
were targeting such cost reductions.
Meanwhile, several public sector client
representatives interviewed said they are reducing construction spending in any case,
so the Strategy's impact is limited for this reason.
The research also suggested that the
Construction Strategy has the biggest influence on the public sector bodies with the largest construction budgets. Among those
that procure more than £1bn a year, 57.1%
said the strategy affected their approach to procurement marginally. Among those
procuring £100m-£999m, 71.4% said that strategy did not affect the way their procure
construction work. In the £20-99m category,
41.2% said it did not and 32.4% said it did
With regards to the Cabinet Office's
cost benchmarks, the public sector clients
interviewed tended to feel that they are useful as a general guide. One says: "Transparency is important across government and we believe benchmarks are an important element of a cost reduction strategy for the
sector and for individual organisations."
Fig 20. Is the government's focus on reducing construction costs likely to lead to any
However, several clients felt that the
reduction in the design, construction, environmental or other quality of buildings that you
procure? (Data source: public and regulated sector clients)
Cabinet Office's costs are not specific enough to be of critical importance. One says: "You
might get an idea of what one roof should
cost but in reality the price is affected by how many you need and issues like whether they
are flat or not."
Encouragingly, the survey found that
clients in the public sector have become more optimistic about the impact of the
government's focus on reducing construction
costs. In 2012, when asked whether these cost-cutting measures would lead to any reduction
in the design, construction, environmental
or other quality of the buildings they procure,
more public sector clients (43.7%) answered yes than any other response. This year that response – although still the most popular
– fell to 33.3%. A significant 49.7% said that
Yes, significantly
either quality would not fall or it would only fall marginally. This could indicate that the experience of cost-cutting in reality has proved to be less detrimental to quality than some clients feared (fig 20).
These findings, together with higher levels
of optimism in the private sector, with many clients expecting to start or restart projects, suggests that overall the construction industry's customers are in a marginally more positive mood than a year ago. They continue to face significant challenges, however, both with sourcing finance for projects and finding the contractors with the required skills and at the correct price. Only when these challenges are overcome will clients be able to focus more resources on innovations such as BIM and whole-life costing.
6/top cliENt lists
6.1 top 50 public and regulated sector clients*
Client ranking (2012 in brackets)
Value of projects
Number of
Client ranking (2012 in brackets)
Value of projects
Number of
26 (17) Isle of Wight County Council
2 (7) Ministry of Defence
27 (43) Sanctuary Housing Association
3 (5) Network Rail Infrastructure
4 (6) Essex County Council
29 (33) Bradford Metropolitan City Council
30 (32) Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council
6 (1) Homes and Communities Agency
31 (39) One Housing Group
7 (15) Sunderland City Council
32 (–) Oxfordshire County Council
8 (4) Birmingham City Council
33 (29) National Grid Metering
9 (13) London Borough of Hounslow
34 (36) South West Water Services
10 (–) South Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council
35 (30) Halton Borough Council
11 (42) Basildon District Council
36 (–) Peterborough City Council
12 (3) Highways Agency
37 (41) United States of America Embassy
13 (9) Transport Scotland
38 (–) Cheshire West & Chester Council
14 (12) Glasgow City Council
39 (–) DONG Energy AVS
15 (16) Kent County Council
40 (–) Department for Transport
16 (40) London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham
41 (38) Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council
17 (23) Circle Anglia
42 (46) Scottish Water
18 (24) Sheffield City Council
43 (–) Nottinghamshire County Council
19 (20) Hertfordshire County Council
44 (49) Homegroup
20 (10) Transport for London
45 (28) London Borough of Brent
21 (–) Thames Water Utilities
46 (47) Plymouth City Council
22 (–) Sellafield ( AMEC )
47 (–) Centrica
23 (35) London & Quadrant Housing Trust
24 (14) London Legacy Development Corporation
49 (–) Cardiff County Council
50 (11) Rushmoor Borough Council
* Source: Barbour ABI
6.2 top 50 private sector clients*
Client ranking (2012 in brackets)
Value of projects
Number of
Client ranking (2012 in brackets)
Value of projects
Number of
1 (1) Barratt Homes
26 (21) Schroder Property Investment Management
2 (2) Taylor Wimpey
27 (–) WR Berkley Insurance (Europe)
3 (3) Persimmon Homes
28 (44) Center Parcs
4 (25) Land Securities Group
29 (–) Drum (Edinburgh) Property Group
5 (–) Lend Lease
30 (34) Asda Stores
6 (4) Berkeley Group
31 (30) Jaguar Land Rover
7 (19) St Modwen Developments
32 (–) Sime Darby Berhad
8 (16) Peel Group
33 (–) Sackville Developments (Reading)
34 (26) Gatwick Airport
10 (14) Sainsbury's
35 (47) McCarthy & Stone
11 (7) Bloor Holdings
36 (–) Associated British Ports
12 (11) Countryside Properties (UK)
37 (40) Highlands and Islands Airports
13 (10) Bovis Homes (South-east region)
38 (41) Inverness Airport Business Park
39 (–) Almacantar
15 (–) Covent Garden Market Authority
40 (–) Canary Wharf Group
16 (13) Redrow Group
41 (–) Downing Developments
17 (–) Miller Construction
42 (43) Ineos Chlor
43 (–) Roxhill Developments
19 (15) British Land Corporation
44 (49) WM Morrison Supermarkets
20 (–) Gallagher Developments
45 (–) Minerva Corporation
21 (5) Crest Nicholson
46 (–) Google UK
22 (28) Crown Estate
47 (24) Cala Group
23 (–) Intergen
48 (32) Ballymore Properties
24 (18) Legal & General Group
49 (–) Watkin Jones & Sons
50 (–) Henry Boot Developments
* Source: Barbour ABI
7/top 15 public aNd rEgulatEd sEctor cliENt profilEs
basildon council
Basildon makes it on to the top 15 list
and Communities Agency and Swan Housing
because of the £1bn Basildon Town Centre
Association, and started in 2009.
Regeneration scheme, for which it is joint
For the longer term, the council is
client with Barratt Group. Aside from this
currently completing a Local Development
scheme, over the four years 2013/14 to 2016/17 Framework Core Strategy, which will set the council's forecast capital spending will
out its strategic priorities for the borough's
total £110.3m, including £36.4m for 2013/14.
physical development and future change,
The Basildon Centre
Key current projects include the 12-year
managing local development until 2031 and
St Martin's Square
scheme to regenerate the Craylands Estate in providing the basis for securing Community
the south-east of the Basildon district. The
Infrastructure Levy (CIL) to enhance local
project is being carried out with the Homes
Value (£)
Value (£)
Basildon town centre
1,000,000,000 Subcontract awarded
Broadmayne Basildon – 70
flats / retail / offices
Housing / office / department 300,000,000
Confirmed / Contract
Wickford Memorial Park
store / community centre
Subcontract awarded
Housing – roof maintenance 5,000,000
Basildon Golf Course hotel
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
PT Projects
Third Dimension Group
Source: Barbour ABI
birmingham city council
The council's capital programme for
2016/17 as stipulated in the 2010 Spending
2013-16 totals £1,028.1m, of which £541.5m
Review, which contained an announcement
is budgeted for 2013/14, £305.2 for 2014/15
of a 28% cut to local government grants,
and £181.4m for 2015/16. The funding comes
after inflation is taken into account, by
from a mixture of council income, grants and 2015. An additional cut of 2% in 2014/15 borrowing and there are also a number of PFI was announced in the Autumn Statement
projects planned that are not included in the
Birmingham City Council
Longer term, the council plans the £1.45bn Council House
The council's spend will decrease annually
roll-out of energy efficiency measures to
because Birmingham is targeting savings
homes and council buildings in and around
of around £615m in overall expenditure by
Value (£)
Value (£)
Birmingham Energy Savers - 1,500,000,000
Subcontract awarded
delivery partner
John Lewis scheme -
Detail approval /
retirement village, Tyseley
Pallasades shopping centre
Subcontract awarded
- Birmingham New Street
124 houses/flats, Erdington 13,000,000
42 houses, Lindridge Road 4,200,000
Birmingham International - 45,000,000
Detail approval /
27 houses, Woodington
A45 corridor improvements
Subcontract awarded
and airport runway
Heartlands Academy – BSF 19,000,000
Detail approval / LIR /
Subcontract awarded
Longbridge – A38 Lickey
Detail approval /
Subcontract awarded
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
Amey Group
Capita Group
Turner & Townsend
Faithful & Gould
WS Atkins
John McAslan & Partners
Source: Barbour ABI
Crossrail Limited, the company building
2010, most station contracts in 2011 and in
the new £14.5bn railway from east to west
2012 it focused on selecting M&E contracts.
London has awarded around 95% of its major In April this year one of Crossrail's largest contracts. The remaining key contract still
contracts, the £300m to fit out one of the
to be awarded is a £1bn project to supply and
tunnels, was awarded to a joint venture
maintain rolling stock and build a depot for
between contractors Costain, TSO and
the trains. Four companies are bidding for
Alstom Transport. Earlier this year,
the deal at present, with construction firms
Skanska and Costain won a key contract
included in the supply chains they assembled worth £100m for the main station works
Crossrail Ltd
for the job. Also, Crossrail's tier one and
at Bond Street, while in 2012 the main
25 Canada Square
two contractors continue to procure sub-
construction contract for Tottenham
contractors for construction and M&E works.
Court Road, worth around £200m went to
Crossrail awarded tunnelling contracts in
Value (£)
Value (£)
Farringdon station - package 350,000,000
Subcontract awarded
Crossrail - C610 Systemwide 401,000,000
C435 main station works
Main Works, Woolwich
Liverpool Street station -
Confirmed / Contract
Paddington Integrated
Project – Paddington
Whitechapel station - C512 250,000,000
Triangle OSD
main station works
Crossrail C631 – platform
Bond Street station – C412 200,000,000
screen doors
main works
Cardinal House retail units 25,000,000
Tottenham Court Road
101 Moorgate – office / retail 12,000,000
station – C422 main station
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
Vinci Construction
Morgan Sindall
Turner & Townsend
URS Global
Faithful & Gould
Building Design Partnership 1
Adamson Associates
Foster + Partners
Source: Barbour ABI
The French-owned utility bought UK
EDF is also investing £300m a year on
nuclear operator British Energy in 2009, and
maintaining and extending the life of its
through this relationship about a fifth of UK
existing nuclear fleet, £100m a year in
energy production. Upcoming construction
existing coal-fired stations and developing a
opportunities with EDF are likely to include
large volume of new offshore wind farms to
two nuclear power stations, worth a total of
produce almost 1,000MW by 2020.
The nuclear new-build programme
However, although the first planned
comprises four pressurised reactors: two
plant, at Hinkley Point in Somerset, received
at Hinkley, to be started first, and two at
government approval in March, EDF's final
Sizewell in Suffolk. The main civils work
decision on whether to invest in the facility
at Hinkley has been awarded to Laing
EDF Energy
was delayed in spring 2013 for at least six
O'Rourke and Bouygues and is now is set to
40 Grosvenor Place
months. This is because the deal is subject
start at least six months behind EDF's last
to EDF agreeing the price of the new plant's
published start date, which was the beginning
electricity with the government.
Value (£)
Value (£)
Hinkley Point C nuclear
4,000,000,000 Detail planning /
Stoneton wind farm
power station
Subcontract awarded
Bullington Cross wind farm 21,000,000
Hinkley Point C - main
Tender / Detail approval
civil works
Sheraton wind farm
Hinkley Point workers
Tender / Subcontract
Pearie Law wind farm
Royal Oak Farm - wind farm 9,000,000
Hinkley Point jetty
Confirmed / Contract
East Huntspill wind farm
Detail planning refused
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
Laing O'Rourke
Amec Group
Tolent Construction
EC Harris
Currie & Brown
Faithful & Gould
Source: Barbour ABI
essex county council
The council has a capital programme of
Under the council's 2010 Integrated County
£186m for 2013/14. Its investments will
Strategy it sets outs three areas where it will
include £18m to be spent on providing
focus investment. These are the Thames
1,000 additional school places over the year
Gateway area of south Essex, the "key
and £2m to provide accommodation for
towns" of Southend, Thurrock, Basildon,
vulnerable people.
Harlow, Chelmsford and Colchester,
The council has also committed more than and the development of renewable and
£180m over the next four years to improving
low-carbon energy as an important sector
Essex County Council
and maintaining its network of 8,500 miles of for the country.
County Hall
roads. This includes an investment of £35m
In 2011 Essex appointed a Ringway/Jacobs
over the next two years from sources such as
joint venture to deliver a £3bn, 10-year
grants and contributions from developers.
highway programme currently under way.
Value (£)
Value (£)
Essex highways strategic
3,000,000,000 Contract
Deanes School / Glenwood 15,000,000
Special School, Benfleet
Courtauld Road MBT facility 171,000,000
Cuckoo Farm park and ride 3,500,000
- Burnt Mills Industrial Estate
Hadleigh Farm and Country 3,500,000
Greensward Academy
Park – Olympic legacy
Automatic vehicle location
Colchester transfer station 2,000,000
and real-time passenger
information systems
James Hornsby High School - 10,000,000
Subcontract awarded
Essex BSF project - wave 4
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
Vinci Construction
Skanska UK
Turner & Townsend
Potter Raper Partnership
Jestico + Whiles
Source: Barbour ABI
glasgow city council
The council's capital expenditure programme Glasgow 2014, the Scottish Government, for 2013-18 totals £350.75m, including
and sport body Commonwealth Games
£70.75 for 2013/14 and £63.45m for 2014/15.
Scotland. Although the city already has 70%
It plans regeneration and education sector
of the venues required, £2bn is being spent
projects but the council is also one of the
on transport upgrade works, and the overall
Glasgow City Council
three principal funders of the venues
budget for delivering the Games is £523.6m.
City Chambers
and infrastructure for the 2014 Glasgow
This includes £200m for new venues, £70m
Commonwealth Games. It is developing
for modifying existing venues and £229m to
the facilities in partnership with organisers
create an athletes' village in Dalmarnock.
Value (£)
Value (£)
East end regeneration route
regeneration area masterplan
Glasgow subway
Subcontract awarded
Clyde Fastlink southern route 40,000,000
Glasgow City Council retrofit 15,000,000
Residual waste treatment
Care homes
Care home / 50 housing units, 5,000,000
Tender / Detail approval
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
Robert McAlpine
Balfour Beatty
EC Harris
Franklin & Andrews
Turner & Townsend
Elder & Cannon Architects 2
Page & Park Architects
Source: Barbour ABI
The agency that maintains and manages
Construction Strategy, published in May 2011.
England's motorways and trunk roads has
The capital budgets mentioned above
a capital budget of £1.7bn for 2013/14 and
include £1bn committed for major schemes,
£1.9bn for 2014/15.
pinch-point schemes, capital maintenance,
In the coming year the Highways Agency
reducing congestion and improving safety,
will let three new contracts that together
as announced in the government's Autumn
cover maintenance of nearly a fifth of the
Statements of 2011 and 2012.
roads network. During 2013/14 the Agency
Since 2011 the agency has also started
will also start construction on another nine
using project bank accounts on some of the
major improvement projects, subject to the
contracts it has awarded. The intention is
completion of statutory processes.
for project bank accounts to be default for
Highways Agency
The Highways Agency has committed to
future major project schemes and Asset
Corporate Centre
reducing the cost of major schemes by 20%
Support Contracts, which are the
against agreed baseline estimates, in line
Highways Agency's new maintenance
with the targets set in the Cabinet Office's
and improvement contracts.
Value (£)
Value (£)
Area 10 area support contract 300,000,000
A21 Tonbridge to Pembury
M62 J25-30 managed
Subcontract awarded
Pinch-point fund schemes:
Area 9 asset support contract 160,000,000
North-east and Yorkshire
M1/M6 J19 improvements,
Confirmed / Contract
Pinch-point fund schemes:
Pinch-point fund schemes:
M1 J32-35A managed
Confirmed / Contract
East England
Pinch-point fund schemes:
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
BAM Nuttall
EC Harris
Faithful & Gould
Sawyer & Fisher
URS Global
Devereux Architects
Source: Barbour ABI
homes and communities agency 45 projects
The Homes and Communities Agency
framework designed to allow it and other
(HCA), the national housing and
public bodies to find partners to build homes
regeneration delivery body for England,
on public land quickly.
does not usually procure construction
It recently re-tendered the framework,
work directly but it procures developers.
appointing 46 suppliers in March.
The agency also uses contractors as joint
These included housebuilders Barratt,
Homes & Communities Agency
developers on its land, and will build 16,226
Bellway, Linden Homes/Galliford Try,
Arpley House
homes in this way by 2015.
Persimmon, Redrow and Taylor Wimpey,
The HCA appoints contractors to its
and contractors Kier, Lovell and Wates
Delivery Partner Panel, a £4bn, four-year
Value (£)
Value (£)
Aldershot urban extension
Outline planning approval
Former Connaught barracks, 200,000,000
Housing/Park and ride/
Country park, Northampton
Carr Lodge development,
Manor Kingsway regeneration 100,000,000
The Avenue, Chesterfield
Cotgrave Colliery
Contract / Outline planning
Milford Hospital
Ransome Road housing,
Contract / Outline planning
Kingston Marine Park,
Isle of Wight
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
Neilcott Construction
Galliford Try Construction 5
Faithful & Gould
Gardiner & Theobald
Maccreanor Lavington
John Thompson & Partners 3
Source: Barbour ABI
hounslow council
In its Core Preferred Strategy published in
joint venture Vinci Ringway.
July 2011, London Borough of Hounslow
Spending plans are set to include creating
council set out plans to regenerate its town
more primary school places, because
centre, boosting business opportunities,
Hounslow has one of the fastest growing
encouraging social interaction and building
birth rates in London. The borough has been
affordable housing. Its planned capital
selected by education secretary Michael
expenditure for the next four years is £79m,
Gove to receive £13.4m for essential school
although the council expects this to increase
building and repair work.
Hounslow Civic Centre
over the period. It takes its place on the top
Other plans include redeveloping Heston
15 list due to the fact that in March 2012 it
Pool into a leisure centre, for which a
awarded a 25-year PFI highways contract to
consultation is currently being held.
Value (£)
Value (£)
Highways PFI project -
1,400,000,000 Contract
High Street Quarter
Hanworth Library – 21 flats / 2,000,000
Westbrook Primary school
Detail planning / Contract
commercial units
Fairholme Primary School
Hounslow High Street
Subcontract awarded
Heston Leisure Centre, 14 flats 700,000
The Orchard School –
Contract / Detail approval
classroom extension
Isleworth Town Primary
Detail approval /
Subcontract awarded
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
Vinci Construction
Morgan Sindall
Capita Group
Frankham Consultancy
Turner & Townsend
Capita Group
Pollard Thomas & Edwards 1
Source: Barbour ABI
kent county council
Kent's capital budget for the three years
running costs, which in the longer term save
2013/16 is £694.5m, provided from sources
the council money.
such as borrowing, grants, revenue and
Around half of spending has been
PFI. The bulk of the capital will be invested
earmarked for school building and school
in adults' social care and public health,
refurbishment. The other notable programme Kent County Council
education, environment, highways and
is the £171m Growth without Gridlock
County Hall
waste, regeneration and specialist children's
project to upgrade highways and transport
services. The authority says its focus is to
infrastructure. The council procures
invest in projects that will lead to lower
primarily through frameworks.
Value (£)
Value (£)
Highways core services
EuroKent business park /
150 houses, The Ellington &
Duke of York Royal Military 30,000,000
Detail approval /
Hereson School, Broadstairs
Subcontracts awarded
Excellent homes for all,
The Knole Academy East
Detail planning / LIR /
Subcontract awarded
30 flats, Leybourne Grange,
Detail approval /
West Malling
Subcontract awarded
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
Willmott Dixon
Frankham Consultancy
Betteridge & Milsom
Woodley Coles
Studio E Architects
Jestico + Whiles
Source: Barbour ABI
ministry of defence
The Ministry of Defence is undertaking a
commercialisation of the ministry's estates
development partner.
programme to rationalise its estate, which
management arm, the Defence Infrastructure
Recent appointments include housebuilder
is worth nearly £20bn and covers about
Organisation (DIO) and in the rationalisation Crest Nicholson in April as developer of the
4,000 sites. As part of this the organisation
of the estate. The DIO is managing the Next
£600m, 2,000-home Aborfield Garrison
is in the process of selecting a private
Generation Estate Contracts programme,
scheme in Berkshire. Crest Nicholson will
sector partner to manage the assets. In
which is estimated to be worth more than
build around 700 of the new homes and
December 10 contractors were shortlisted
£5bn over 10 years, exclusive of major estate
associated facilities and appoint other
for the role: Balfour Beatty, BAM, Carillion,
projects, and includes a £1.5bn contract
housebuilders to deliver 1,300 homes.
Interserve, Kier Graham, Lend Lease, Miller,
to provide repairs and maintenance to the
Morgan Sindall, Skanska UK and Wates.
more than 49,000 military homes, and four
Five contractors will be selected for a final
"regional prime" contracts for facilities
Ministry of Defence
framework by the end of 2013.
management. These contracts will be
The partner will be expected to assist the
London SW1A 2HBr
awarded following the appointment of the
Value (£)
Value (£)
Regional prime central
1,800,000,000 Tender
Regional prime south-west
Regional prime south-east
1,200,000,000 Tender
Redevelopment of
MoD Bicester
Project Pegasus – warehouse/ 500,000,000
Pre-tender/ Detail approval /
Deepcut Barracks
Subcontract awarded
Aldershot urban extension
Project Wellesley, Worthy
Ouline planning / tender
Defence and National
Rehabilitation Centre,
Stanford Hall Estate
key supply chain partners
Project count
Bam Nuttall Construction 2
URS Global
Cyril Sweett
WS Atkins
Source: Barbour ABI
Network Rail has set out plans to spend
scale Control Period 4 projects this year,
projects in other markets.
£37.5bn on managing and expanding
including Thameslink, Reading, Birmingham
After Network Rail trialled five partnering
Britain's railways, including around £16bn
New Street and London King's Cross. The
models last year, ranging from simple
on rail infrastructure, between 2014 and
plan is for the five years up to 2014 and aims
outsourcing to full design, build, operate
2019. The plan, for the period it calls Control
to modernise the railway, ease congestion,
and maintain limited partnerships, the
Period 5, sets out projects to future-proof
improve services and reduce operating costs.
company was awarded BS11000, the new
infrastructure against possible changing
Last year, Network Rail began involving
British standard for collaborative working.
weather patterns, including more frequent
suppliers earlier in the delivery of projects
The organisation says it will use BS11000 as a
flooding, and improvements to 30,000
and to develop a more collaborative way of
framework to develop collaborative models.
bridges, embankments and tunnels. It
working with them in order to foster more
also encompasses completing the £600m
efficiency and innovation. It has also started
redevelopment of Birmingham New Street,
the process of making its infrastructure
electrification programmes and reopening 31
projects division a separate business, which it Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd
miles of railway in Scotland.
believes will facilitate this more collaborative
Kings Place
The owner and operator of the UK's rail
approach, as well as allowing Network Rail
infrastructure will continue to deliver large-
London N1 9AG
Infrastructure to eventually compete for
Value (£)
Value (£)
Birmingham New Street
Outline approval / LIR /
Bromley North station
Station - Gateway project
Subcontract awarded
London Bridge
Detail approval /
No 1 Oxford Street over-site
redevelopment - Thameslink
Subcontract awarded
development, site A
Great Western line –
Confirmed / Contract
Building 100, Embankment
The Borders railway project
Detail approval /
Edinburgh Gateway station
Subcontract awarded
Twickenham station
District line railway
key supply chain partners
Balfour Beatty
Turner & Townsend
Franklin & Andrews
WS Atkins
John McAslan
Source: Barbour ABI
south tyneside council
The council has a capital expenditure
The £100m regeneration of South Shields will
programme of £283.2m for 2013-18. It will
include creating a new retail quarter, a hotel
spend £77.3m in 2013/14, £73m in 2014/15
and housing. In a separate project, Willmott
and £56.8m in 2015/16. The programme
Dixon has been appointed to deliver a new
aims to rationalise civic buildings to allow
town hall for the town.
more efficient use of assets and free up other
Its most significant construction
South Tyneside Council
dispersed offices.
investment in recent years is a new
Town Hall & Civic Offices,
Major projects in the borough include
waste transfer facility, to be built at
Westoe Road
the regeneration of the towns of Hebburn
Middlefields as an element of the Joint
South Shields,
and South Shields. Hebburn will receive a
Waste PFI with Gateshead and Sunderland.
Tyne & Wear
new gym, swimming pool and library
A new sea defence wall at Little Haven will
as well as leisure facilities and housing.
Value (£)
Value (£)
Waste management PFI –
1,300,000,000 Contract
South Shields town centre
Middlefields waste transfer
Confirmed / Contract
Pools on the Shore leisure
South Shields regeneration – 25,000,000
Contract / Outline approval
Trinity South neighbourhood
Hebburn Community Hub
Detail planning / Contract
Bedwell Primary School –
Detail approval / LIR /
Subcontract awarded
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
Lend Lease Construction
Turner & Townsend
Summer Inman
Elliott Dent
Plus 3 Architecture
Source: Barbour ABI
sunderland council
Under a programme for the four year period
Alongside South Tyneside council, it
to 2016/2017, the council has a capital budget
is client for a £1.3bn waste management
of £110.9m for 2013/14. Investments will be
made according to Sunderland council's
Sunderland will also build five schools
economic masterplan, which focuses on
under the Priority Schools Programme,
children's services, health, housing and adult
one through direct grant and the others
services, and transport. Planned projects
through the private finance initiative.
Sunderland City Council
include seafront developments, a leisure
In addition, works are planned in
Civic Centre
centre, revamping public space and highways 2013/14 to complete feasibility and
Burdon Road
maintenance. Finance for the projects will be
masterplanning on council-owned l
bolstered by borrowing, which the council has
and within Sunderland's Enterprise Zone
said it will secure through a more commercial to determine infrastructure requirements, approach to the city.
costs and delivery timescales.
Value (£)
Value (£)
Waste management PFI –
1,300,000,000 Contract
Dual carriageway, the Central 10,000,000
Mixed-use, Vaux Brewery
Contract / Outline approval
Sunderland Strategic
Tender / Detail approval
Corridor – New Wear bridge
Sunderland Strategic
Tender / Detail approval
Corridor – New Wear bridge
highway works
Middlefields waste transfer
Confirmed / Contract
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
Lend Lease
Faithful & Gould
Source: Barbour ABI
transport scotland
The national transport agency for Scotland
The main £790m contract to build the new
has four key investment programmes:
Forth bridge and connecting roads has
n The £1.7bn-2.3bn Forth Replacement
been awarded to the Forth Crossing Bridge
Crossing (involving building a new cable-
Constructors (FCBC) consortium, comprising
stayed bridge over the Forth estuary in
American Bridge International, Dragados,
Hochtief and Morrison Construction.
n The £650m Edinburgh to Glasgow rail
Transport Scotland's current framework of
Transport Scotland
improvements programme
construction consultants includes Aecom,
Buchanan House
n Highland mainline improvements
Glasgow Central
Amey, Halcrow, Jacobs Engineering, Scott
n Aberdeen to Inverness rail improvements.
Wilson and lasts until 31 March 2014.
Value (£)
Value (£)
M8/M73/M74 motorway
A9 dualling Perth to Inverness 3,000,000,000
The Borders railway project - 300,000,000
Detail approval /
Aberdeen western peripheral 400,000,000
Subcontract awarded
4th generation term contract 160,000,000
Confirmed / Contract
4th generation term contract 215,000,000
- maintenance Scottish trunk
- maintenance Scottish trunk
road, north-west unit
road, north-east unit
4th generation term contract 160,000,000
Confirmed / Contract
4th generation term contract 200,000,000
- maintenance Scottish trunk
- maintenance Scottish trunk
road, south-west unit
road, south-east unit
Traffic Scotland operations
Confirmed / Detail approval
A90 Balmedie to Tipperty
& infrastructure services
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
Galliford Try Construction 2
Bam Nuttall
BEAR Scotland
Dawn Construction
WA Fairhurst & Partners
WS Atkins
Source: Barbour ABI
8/top 15 privatE sEctor cliENt profilEs
While the developer/housebuilder is
annual report, for 2012. This was an increase
Ebury Square in Belgravia and 190 Strand.
generally conceived of as a housebuilder, its
of 12% on the previous year thanks to the
Since repositioning its strategy in February
procurement model gives it more similarities
purchase of additional land worth £311m over 2009 following the collapse of Lehman
with major developers. Construction
the year. Key acquisitions included new sites
Brothers, Berkeley has invested over £1bn
is conducted by external contractors,
at Finchley, Mill Hill and Maidenhead.
in new land and a further £2bn in delivering
though under the supervision of in-house
Seven major London projects comprise
homes and communities projects.
about 22% of Berkeley's current land bank.
Run by property legend Tony Pidgley
Each has detailed planning consent and will
(executive chairman) and Rob Perrins (chief
complete over the next five years. They are
Berkeley Group Plc
executive), the developer concentrates on
Berkeley House
The Tower at St George Wharf in Vauxhall,
the South-east and had a land bank of 26,021
Riverlight in Nine Elms, Chelsea Creek, One
plots and 101 sites, according to its last
Surrey KT11 1JG
Tower Bridge, 375 Kensington High Street,
Value (£)
Value (£)
Contract / Detail approval
250 City Road, London
Kidbrooke Village Centre – 205,519,000
Detail approval /
Subcontract awarded
The Strand, London – 200
flats / offices / shops /
The Arsenal Waterfront
Outline planning / Contract
Kings Mall car park,
Contract / Detail approval
Goodmans Field, London
West Southwater, West
Hampton House
Detail planning / Contract
redevelopment, Albert
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
Turner & Townsend
Gardiner & Theobald
Ian Simpson Architects
Source: Barbour ABI
The developer's core markets are retail and
Grenfell Island, a modern, well-let office and
London offices. In offices, British Land is
leisure scheme in Maidenhead.
delivering 2.3 million ft2 of space between
In retail, British Land is focusing on
2012 and 2014 in a £1.2bn programme. The
mid-sized projects, typically with 25–60
firm's main focus for capital investment in
units and valued at £50m–£250m, which
offices over the past year, beyond its role on
it believes are in short supply at present.
the Cheesegrater Tower, has been within its
In the 2012 financial year, the developer
wider London development pipeline, where it secured planning permission for more than
invested over £120m (British Land share), the 1 million ft2 of retail development and had
British Land Corporation Plc
majority in West End projects. Additionally,
£300m committed or proposed schemes.
York House
in March 2012 it committed to the £26m
Of the 1 million ft2, 575,000ft2 comprises
refurbishment of 39 Victoria Street, SW1.
planning permissions granted for additional
Outside London, British Land purchased
floor space and the remainder is for new developments.
Value (£)
Value (£)
The Cheesegrater Tower,
Detail approval / LIR /
Regents Place, north-east
Subcontract awarded
quadrant, City of London
Marble Arch House
Detail approval /
Clarges Estate, Westminster 37, 392, 500
Subcontract awarded
Vulcan Road retail
Offices - 199 Bishopsgate
Detail approval / LIR /
Subcontract awarded
Surrey Quays Shopping
New Century Park,
Outline approval /
Centre, London – phase 1b
Coventry – phase 2
Subcontract awarded
Whiteley Village,
Detail approval /
Hampshire – retail/banks/
Subcontract awarded
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
Lend Lease Construction
Rider Levett Bucknall
Rogers Stirk Harbour and
Tate Hindle Design
Source: Barbour ABI
covent garden market
The client gains its place in the list on
the basis of its one and only project – the
The development of the 57-acre site at Nine
redevelopment of the New Covent Garden
Elms in Lambeth, London involves building
Market in Nine Elms, west London. In
550,000ft2 of modern facilities to house the
January the authority appointed a
200 businesses that make up the UK's largest
contractor-developer joint venture between
fruit, vegetable and flower market. The
St Modwen and Vinci to lead the £2bn
project will be funded by developing 2,491
New Covent Garden Market
regeneration, designed by architect Kohn
homes, shops, commercial space, a 200-bed
hotel and public open space on land not needed for the new market.
key supply chain partners
Value (£)
New Covent Garden Market 1,000,000,000
Contract / Outline approval
– The Garden
Vinci Construction UK
St Modwen Developments
Turner & Townsend
Neil Tomlinson Architects
Foster + Partners
The £400m property company is aiming to
industry, with 36 sites around the UK now
rebalance its investment portfolio to focus
under development.
on its core sectors: central London, prime
In Regent Street and St James's,
regional retail, offshore renewable energy
mixed-use schemes are planned, including
and strategic land opportunities on its
St James's Market, which encompasses
rural estate. Its programme includes major
blocks on Regent Street and Haymarket
The Crown Estate
redevelopment programmes in Regent Street
and will provide 245,000ft2 of commercial
16 New Burlington Place
and St James's totalling £1.5bn and over
space and 57,000ft2 of residential
£100m of investment in the offshore energy
Value (£)
Value (£)
Regent Street – blocks W4
Detail approval /
Atlantic Array windfarm -
Subcontract awarded
Bristol Channel zone
Wave and tidal power
Nottingham Road, Melton 1,000,000,000
project - Inner Sound
Mowbray, 1,000 houses
Pentland Firth
Housing / schools / local
Regent Street – block W5
Tender / Detail approval /
centres, Dereham, Norfolk
Subcontract awarded
Chapel Lane masterplan,
St James Market
Detail planning / Tender
The Nerrols, Taunton, 630 50,000,000
Regent Quarter offices –
Subcontract awarded
houses / offices /shops
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
Hammerfest Strom
Sir Robert McAlpine
EC Harris
Gardiner & Theobald
Allford Hall Monaghan
David Chipperfield
JAB Design
Source: Barbour ABI
gallagher developments
The private residential and mixed-use
development include the Wixams, a 5,000-
developer says it is not a housebuilder but
unit scheme comprising four new villages in
acts as a "master developer", undertaking
Bedfordshire. The first phase of development,
all aspects of the development process
"Lakeview Village", commenced in 2007 and
from site assembly, masterplanning and
now has more than 550 occupied homes.
promotion through to the construction
The housebuilders it is working with here
of infrastructure. It describes its
include Miller Homes and Taylor Wimpey. In Gallagher Way
development programme and land bank
addition, Gallagher is building a new 2,000-
Gallagher Business Park
as "extensive".
unit urban community in Bathgate, Scotland, Warwick
Gallagher's larger projects under
called Wester Inch.
Value (£)
Value (£)
Western Expansion Area – 500,000,000
Tender / Outline approval
Northstowe masterplan,
area 10 and 11
School / community centre / 75,000,000
Outline approval /
Eagle Farm industrial units, 120,000,000
Subcontract awarded
600 houses, Rugby
Contract / Outline approval
1,000 housing units and
316 houses, Bromsgrove
Outline planning / Contract
mixed-use, Wykham Park
160 houses – Allimore Lane, 20,000,000
Outline planning / Contract
720 housing units / school / 100,000,000
community centre, Harbury
Lane, Warwick
Warwick Gates retirement 25,000,000
activity – contracts let
key supply chain partners
Buckingham Group
Faithful & Gould
Kinsler & Partners
Paul Drew Design
Ian Darby Partnership
The global energy company is owned by
the final decision to commence construction
the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan and
of the combined £1bn projects is driven by the
China Huaneng Group and operates natural
UK's need for new electricity generation and
gas-fired power plants in the UK. It plans
the outcome of the government's Electricity
to open two new gas-fired power plants
Market Reform, in particular, the timing of
in 2017 totalling 1,800MW: the Spalding
the introduction of the Capacity Mechanism
Energy Expansion (SEE) in Lincolnshire
– which is to incentivise power companies to
and Gateway Energy Centre (GEC) in Essex.
invest in building new capacity.
SEE secured government approval in 2010
InterGen has developed more than 20
and GEC secured similar approval in 2011.
plants totalling over 16,000MW of generation 3rd Floor
Discussions with construction companies
capacity in ten countries. Its existing UK
81 George Street
have already begun, with both projects being
operations are at Spalding, Coryton in Essex, Edinburgh
secured under EPC contracts. Intergen says
and Rocksavage in Runcorn, Cheshire.
Value (£)
Value (£)
Gateway Energy Centre
Tender / Detail approval
Spalding Energy Expansion unknown
CCGT facility, Stanford-le-
Hope, Essex
key supply chain partners
No data available
Studio E Architects
Source: Barbour ABI
The Real Estate Investment Trust's portfolio
Bishop Centre, Taplow (930m2) and 185-221
is split broadly between London offices and
Buchanan Street, Glasgow (10,700m2 of retail
nationwide retail. The Land Securities office
and 4,200m2 of residential). Land Securities
developments in London that have either
will spend just under £100m in development
planning consent or are in progress are at
costs on these schemes in the present
62 Buckingham Gate, SW1, 20 Fenchurch
financial year to 31 March 2014.
Street, EC3, the Zig Zag Building, SW1 and
In May 2013 Land Securities announced
Victoria Circle Phase 1, SW1. In addition, the
its intention, with partner CPPIB, to invest
developer is proposing schemes at 1 &2 New
£768m in the first phase of Victoria Circle, a
Ludgate, EC4, and 1 New Street, EC4.
mixed-use development in London's
Its major retail schemes that have either
Land Securities Group
West End. In February it won planning for
planning approval or are in progress
5 The Strand
the redevelopment of the former Kodak
are Whalebone Lane, Chadwell Heath
factory in Harrow, north-west London.
(5,700m2), Crawley town centre (11,000m2),
The scheme will include 985 homes,
135,000ft2 of retail, a health centre and a primary school.
Value (£)
Value (£)
Victoria Circle project,
Contract / Detail approval
Buchanan Galleries,
London – Victoria Transport
Swanscombe Peninsula
Castle Hills masterplan
Victoria Circle Project - two 250,000,000
Detail approval /
Selly Oak redevelopment,
Subcontract awarded
Atlas retail development –
Detail approval /
Portland House,
185-221 Buchanan Street,
Subcontract awarded
White Rose shopping
30 Old Bailey and 60
Detail approval /
Ludgate Hill development,
Subcontract awarded
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
Lend Lease Construction
Skanska UK
Gardiner & Theobald
Benson & Forsyth
Source: Barbour ABI
Legal & General Property invests in retail,
services company has formed a joint venture
a refurbishment scheme in East Croydon
office, industrial and leisure developments.
with Strathclyde Pension Fund called
that will change the use of the building from
Its investments include Walbrook Square, a
Performance Retail Limited Partnership
offices to residential, including about 290
development with planning permission for
to carry out the scheme, which will add
homes. It is also investing in a £57m student
948,000ft2 of offices and retail in the City of
1750,000ft2 of new space. The company aims
accommodation project for University of
London. In January 2011, L&G announced
to start construction within the next year.
Arts London, scheduled to complete in
it had sold the leasehold to Bloomberg, the
In addition, with its joint venture partner
August 2015.
media company, which will use 500,000ft2
Barwood, L&G has acquired a 31-acre
for its new European headquarters, with the
industrial development site near Wigan in
remainder to be developed into speculative
January. It will submit a planning application
offices, in which L&G has retained a right
to build two warehouses of 555,000ft2 and
to participate.
100,000ft2 , which will be delivered on a
Schemes in L&G's pipeline include a £70m design-and-build basis. In February L&G
Legal & General Group Plc
project to extend Eastbourne's retail mall,
received a resolution to grant planning
Bucklesbury House
the Arndale Centre, which won planning
permission from the London Borough of
permission in August 2012. The financial
Croydon for St George's House, Park Lane,
Value (£)
Value (£)
Bloomberg HQ - Walbrook 550,000,000
LIR / Subcontract Awarded
No data available
Square EC4
160 flats - Ringers Road,
Detail planning / Contract
160 flats - groundworks
Towerfields Leisure
Subcontract awarded
Park, Huntingdon,
Olympic Business Park,
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
Sir Robert McAlpine
John Sisk & Sons
Crest Nicholson
Rider Levett Bucknall
John Cobb & Partners
Foster + Partners
Source: Barbour ABI
The Australian-based international
Castle. It is currently seeking architects for
contractor and developer is developing
the Elephant and Castle scheme, which is to
several major schemes in the UK. These
deliver around 2,500 homes and community
include east London business community
Lend Lease EMEA
facilities by 2025. Lend Lease is also the
scheme Stratford International Quarter,
20 Triton Street
project's main contractor.
in which Lend Lease has a 50% stake, and
In April Lend Lease was selected as the
the £1.5bn regeneration of Elephant and
development partner for a major retail
scheme in Guildford, Surrey, the 2.5ha North Street development.
Value (£)
Value (£)
Elephant and Castle
No data available
regeneration masterplan
Waste management PFI,
Elephant and Castle
Detail approval /
regeneration phase 1
Subcontract awarded
Ark Putney Academy
Detail planning / Contract
194 flats, Monkbridge,
Contract / Detail approval
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
Lend Lease
Gardiner & Theobald
JYM Partners
Allies and Morrison
Source: Barbour ABI
Peel has a 50-year plan to invest £50bn in
Gleeds as QS.
what it has dubbed the "Ocean Gateway", an
Further schemes in the pipeline include
area spanning the city regions of Liverpool
a 40-year, £10bn plan called Peel Waters
and Manchester, including nearby areas in
to develop the disused docks in Liverpool
Cheshire and Warrington.
and Birkenhead, which includes Liverpool
The developer has already completed some Waters, a £5.5bn, 60ha scheme featuring
projects in the zone, such as MediaCityUK,
9,000 homes and a 55-storey tower. Peel
the £650m Salford home to the Manchester
Waters cleared a hurdle in September
The Peel Group
operations of the BBC and ITV, as well as
2012 when communities secretary Eric
Peel Dome
offices and the University of Salford's media
Pickles approved the outline proposals
and arts facilities, on which it used Lend
and decided not call in the scheme for
Greater Manchester
Lease Construction as contractor and
further scrutiny.
Value (£)
Value (£)
Port Salford Freight
Tender / Outline approval
Liverpool Waters
Terminal – Western
Gateway project
Ellesmere Quays –
Confirmed / Contract
Chatham Waters, Kent
Ince Resource Recovery
Detail approval /
Media City, phase 2, Salford 400,000,000
Park – waste facility
Subcontract awarded
Peel International Trade
Liverpool 2 Port of
Liverpool Deep Water
Terminal – quay wall
Frodsham Marshes Wind
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
Lend Lease Construction
Balfour Beatty
Arcadis (UK)
IBI Taylor Young
Fletcher Rae Architects
Source: Barbour ABI
In the year to March 2012, Sainsbury's
stores in London by early 2014. It will
opened 1.4 million ft2 of gross new space
also carry out an extensive refurbishment
across 19 new supermarkets, 19 extensions
and 73 convenience stores. As of March
Sustainability is also on the supermarket's
2012 it had 572 supermarkets and 440
agenda: in April, what it bills as the UK's
convenience stores.
greenest convenience store opened at
Sainsbury continues to add floor space –
Haslucks Green in Solihull, boasting natural
Sainsbury Plc
in the year ahead it is expected to create
refrigeration, which the supermarket says
33 Holborn
1 million ft2 and has launched an accelerated
reduces carbon emissions by 33%, as well as
programme to build 50 new convenience
solar panels and LED lighting.
Value (£)
Value (£)
Sainsbury's, Nine Elms,
Outline planning / Tender
café/housing – East Street,
737 housing units, Nine
Elms, London
Supermarket – Sunderland 48,000,000
Bicester town centre
Detail approval /
Sanofi Aventis site,
Subcontract awarded
Reglan Street mixed-
Detail approval /
use development,
Subcontract awarded
Portswood bus depot
Outline approval /
shops/petrol station,
Subcontract awarded
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
Bowmer & Kirkland
Longcross Group
RG Group Head Office
Henry Riley Consulting
EC Harris
Hadfield Cawkwell
arbour ABI
The recycling and resource management
SITA was also selected as preferred bidder
company is working on a number of major
for a £900m, 25-year energy-from-waste
projects, after being selected by three
contract with the West London Waste
different local authorities in April for key
Authority. A SITA-led consortium will build a
contracts to deliver and operate waste
£240m rail-linked energy-from-waste facility
management systems. The Merseyside
to manage up to 300,000 tonnes of residual
Recycling and Waste Authority has appointed household waste each year from the west SITA in a 30-year, £1.18bn deal , under which
London boroughs.
a consortium led by the firm will deliver a rail
In addition, Cornwall Council agreed a
SITA House
loading waste transfer station in Merseyside
30-year, £1.1bn PFI contract variation
and a new purpose-built energy-from-waste
with SITA to manage household waste and
facility in Teesside. The construction cost
recycling, including building an energy-from-
Value (£)
Value (£)
Severnside Energy Recovery 200,000,000
Tender / Detail approval
Waste transfer station,
Gasification Plant –
Waste transfer station,
Avonmouth Resource Park,
Attenuation ponds,
Bristol Resource Recovery 25,000,000
Detail approval / LIR /
Subcontract awarded
Severnside Energy Recovery 10,000,000
Centre – civil works
Resource Recovery
Detail approval / LIR
Centre, Wellingborough,
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
Balfour Beatty
No external QS appointed
The regeneration specialist's portfolio of
Earlier this year St Modwen began
projects under development includes the
working with contractor Vinci on both the
£2bn regeneration of New Covent Garden
Covent Garden and Swansea schemes. The
Market, London, the redevelopment of
developer's St Modwen Homes division
the Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre,
formed a joint venture in August 2010 with
St Modwen Developments Plc
the £1bn transformation of Longbridge,
housebuilder Persimmon to develop 2,000
Sir Stanley Clarke House
Birmingham and the £150m first phase of
homes. The JV is working on 229 homes
the New Science and Innovation Campus for
within the Longbridge scheme, which was
West Midlands
Swansea University.
granted planning permission in June 2012.
Value (£)
Value (£)
Glan Llyn development –
Detail approval /
600 houses and mixed-use, 168,199,500
Subcontract awarded
650 houses, South
RAF Uxbridge – residential/ 500,000,000
Outline approval /
Subcontract awarded
510 houses and mixed-use, 40,000,000
Longbridge town
Tender / Detail approval
redevelopment – masterplan
Pye Green Road, Cannock, 35,000,000
Longbridge East - phase 1
Contract / Detail approval
Cadley Hill development,
3 Station Road, Newport
Outline planning / Contract
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
Turner & Townsend
Faithful & Gould
DBK Partners
Stephen George and
Source: Barbour ABI
The developer, which works with landowners,
Projects further along include the £110m
investors and occupiers while also being
City office development St Mark's Lane,
the development manager, has several
which Stanhope is developing jointly with
major projects in the pipeline. Stanhope
Mitsui Fudosan UK. The scheme has been on
has formed a joint venture with the BBC to
site since last year with Sir Robert McAlpine
redevelop Television Centre into a mixed-
as construction manager. With Schroder
use development designed by Allford Hall
Property Investment, Stanhope also won
Monaghan Morris (AHMM). In April it also
planning permission in March for the first
submitted a five-acre mixed-use scheme
phase of the redevelopment of Ruskin Square Address
in Reading town centre called Station Hill
in Croydon, which comprises a mixed-height
Stanhope Plc
for planning permission and hopes to start
residential building designed by AHMM,
Norfolk House
construction of the Allies and Morrison-
incorporating 161 homes, penthouses, a
designed scheme next year. Stanhope owns
roof garden and private communal space at
the scheme jointly with Benson Elliot.
ground level.
Value (£)
Value (£)
Ruskin Square
Contract / Detail approval
No data available
Hereford shopping centre
Detail approval /
Subcontract awarded
70 Mark Lane, City of
Subcontract awarded
1 Mabledon Place
Contract / Detail approval
Detail Planning / LIR /
Subcontract awarded
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
Robert McAlpine
Lend Lease Construction
Faithful & Gould
Cyril Sweett
Foster + Partners
Chapman Taylor & Partners 1
Source: Barbour ABI
In the wake of falling profits, Tesco has scaled store market, through its Tesco Extra and down its development plans significantly.
Tesco Metro brands.
In the year to February 2013 it opened 1.4
In January 2013 Tesco's chief executive
million ft2 of new space, which was a 40%
Philip Clarke announced an end to the
reduction on the previous year.
decade-long "space race" pursued by UK
Tesco Stores Ltd
Tesco is now moving away from building
supermarkets. This was accompanied by the
New Tesco House
large out-of-town developments and focusing
scrapping of 100 sites on which Tesco had
Waltham Cross
instead on renewing existing stores and
planned to build in the next decade, leading
building up its presence in the convenience
the supermarket to write down £804m.
Value (£)
Value (£)
Gateshead Shopping Centre 150,000,000
Detail approval /
Brighton Grove Centre,
- Trinity Square
Subcontract awarded
Brighton Grove Centre
Cottam Hall redevelopment, 80,000,000
/ Tesco supermarket –
Sittingbourne regeneration, 51,217, 500
Streatham Hub
Detail approval /
Subcontract awarded
Merklands Quay houses /
Cottam Hall Preston
superstore / petrol station,
redevelopment masterplan
Highams Park housing/
Detail approval /
Campbells Meadow
Subcontract awarded
regeneration, King's Lynn
development, Chingford
key supply chain partners
activity – contracts let
Bowmer & Kirkland
Barr Holdings
DBK Partners
Gardiner & Theobald
Cyril Sweett
Smith Smalley Architects
Source: Barbour ABI
9/appENdix: list of kEy supply chaiN partNErs
by valuE of proJEcts
public aNd rEgulatEd sEctor cliENts
privatE sEctor cliENts
Total value of schemes
Total value of schemes
appointed on
appointed on
Basildon District Council
Ardmore Construction
Brookfield Multiplex
Construction Europe
Galliford Try Construction
Forest Gate Construction
Turner & Townsend
Gardiner & Theobald
S & P Architects
Third Dimension Group
Ian Simpson Architects 2,100,000,000
Lifschutz Davidson
Birmingham City Council
Lend Lease Construction 181,000,000
McLaren Construction
Lend Lease Construction
Rider Levett Bucknall
Turner & Townsend
Rogers Stirk Harbour
Wilkinson Eyre Architects 185,000,000
John McAslan & Partners 600,000,000
Tate Hindle Design
Covent Garden Market
Vinci Construction UK 1,000,000,000
Vinci Construction UK
Turner & Townsend
Turner & Townsend
Faithful & Gould
Foster + Partners
Adamson Associates
Foster + Partners
Source: Barbour ABI
public aNd rEgulatEd sEctor cliENts
privatE sEctor cliENts
Total value of schemes
Company Total value of schemes
appointed on
appointed on
Hammerfest Strom UK 1,000,000,000
Tolent Construction
Faithful & Gould
Gardiner & Theobald
Currie & Brown UK
Allford Hall Monaghan
David Chipperfield
Essex County Council
Gallagher Developments
Vinci Construction UK 6,033,400,000
Buckingham Group
Turner & Townsend
Faithful & Gould
Higgins Construction
Kinsler & Partners
Jestico + Whiles
Nicholas Hare Architects
Paul Drew Design
Ian Darby Partnership
Glasgow City Council
Studio E Architects 1,210,000,000
Franklin & Andrews
Turner & Townsend
Page & Park Architects
Elder & Cannon Architects 900,000,000
Source: Barbour ABI
public aNd rEgulatEd sEctor cliENts
privatE sEctor cliENts
Total value of schemes
Total value of schemes
appointed on
appointed on
Lend Lease Construction 855,000,000
Gardiner & Theobald
Faithful & Gould
Camland Developments 1,500,000,000
Benson & Forsyth
Devereux Architects
PLP Architecture
Proctor Matthews
Homes and Communities
Neilcott Construction
Galliford Try Construction
Faithful & Gould
Rider Levett Bucknall
Gardiner & Theobald
Foster + Partners
Maccreanor Lavington
Jones Lang LaSalle
Vinci Construction UK 5,605,000,000
Lend Lease Construction 3,040,000,000
Gardiner & Theobald
Frankham Consultancy
Turner & Townsend
Pollard Thomas & Edwards
Allies & Morrison
Frankham Consultancy
Source: Barbour ABI
privatE sEctor cliENts
public aNd rEgulatEd sEctor cliENts
privatE sEctor cliENts
Total value of schemes
Total value of schemes
appointed on
appointed on
Kent County Council
Lend Lease Construction 290,550,000
Kier Construction
Frankham Consultancy
IBI Taylor Young
Betteridge & Milsom
Fletcher Rae Architects
Studio E Architects
Jestico + Whiles
Ministry of Defence
Bowmer & Kirkland
Henry Riley Consulting
Cyril Sweett Group
Chetwood Associates
ADAM Architecture
Hadfield Cawkwell
Shanks Waste Management 77,400,000
Franklin & Andrews
John McAslan & Partners 1,800,000,000
Source: Barbour ABI
public aNd rEgulatEd sEctor cliENts
privatE sEctor cliENts
Total value of schemes
Total value of schemes
appointed on
appointed on
South Tyneside Council
Vinci Construction UK
Turner & Townsend
Turner & Townsend
Faithful & Gould
Stephen George and
Plus 3 Architecture
Sunderland City Council
Faithful & Gould
BAM Construction
Faithful & Gould
Cyril Sweett Group
Spence Associates
Foster + Partners
Cartwright Pickard
Transport Scotland
Galliford Try Construction
Bowmer & Kirkland
Vinci Construction UK
Gardiner & Theobald
Dawn Construction
Cyril Sweett Group
Stirling Council
Saunders Partnership
WA Fairhurst & Partners 700,000,000
Smith Smalley Architects 681,700,000
3DReid (Architects)
Source: Barbour ABI
Chapter 12 The Anisotropy of Metal Oxide Surface Properties G.S. Rohrer Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University,Pittsburgh PA, 15213-3890, U.S.A. The surface properties of metal oxides influence the rates of heterogeneouschemical reactions, the growth of heteroepitaxial films, and the sintering ofparticles during the consolidation of ceramics. Just as certain bulk properties ofcrystalline materials are anisotropic, surface properties also depend onorientation. The dependence of surface properties on orientation can berationalized by recognizing that the atoms on crystallographically distinct facetshave different coordination environments, as illustrated schematically in Fig. 1.This same figure also illustrates that in binary and more complex materials,surfaces with identical orientations can be terminated by different atomic layerswith distinct compositions. Throughout this chapter, we shall take the"character" of a surface to be defined by its orientation, {hkl}, and its atomictermination layer.
Chisoo Choi, M.D. Brookhaven Hospital "There were times I felt fat. I had a distorted image of myself" Ana Carolina Reston Learning Objectives Diagnostic criteria Differential diagnosis Medical consequences Treatment approach Psychotropic medications Learning Objectives Identify 3 major types of eating disorders List the diagnostic criteria for each Determine the healthy weight & BMI