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Brand Strategy Communication Design Brand Development Corporate Profile The Brand Conglomerate is a multidisciplinary design firm that focuses on building brands for Investment BEE compa-nies, government institutions, corporate and international companies. Our aim is to offer achieve an outstanding ser-vice and creative effort to all our clientele. The Brand Conglomerate has been established as a strategic brand consultan-cy that specialises in brand strategy, repositioning, brand development and implementation of collateral brand elements. Our core focus is the building and nurturing of corporate brands, establishing a professional and corporate finish in layout, look, feel and style for various diversified entities. All brand elements must have a centralised and unified brand image. Our service improves brand equity, the value of your brand as an asset based on its qualities, reputation, and recognition as well as the commitment and demand it generates. Within our service is brand management, which is the guidelines and controlling of the presentation of your brand identity. The Brand Conglomerate is a strategic design firm that focuses on the brand positioning and development of our client's brands; this includes establishing a position in the competitive market and how that position relates to various others brands.
We help in cultivating a relevant brand strategy that establishes what and who your brand is in the market, by helping in creating brand values for your company and how they determine the message and promise that your brand must always convey in your marketing communications. Qualmatech branding will take your entity and through our unique 6 step design process you will be able to retain your brand relevance again. Remain relevant in the competitive market.
Our Brand Values To become a world class African design firm that offers a 360 degree approach to brand development and implementa-tion, which ultimately guides our passion for design and excellent business efficiency in offering a unique and satisfying customer brand experience.
The Brand Conglomerate provides brand development and positioning services for emerging black and corporate and international companies who seek specialist brand and design services who prefer our solution over available alterna-tives because we focus on building the brands of emerging corporate companies.
Helping our clients reach their desired brand positioning, through our expertly crafted brand elements and Helping serve emerging Corporate and established International companies in establishing their brand objectives for a relevant brand identity.
Helping create a better understanding of brand development and the need for brand repositioning. Our Brand Values The Brand Conglomerate; offering a 360 degree brand development is there to serve emerging black, corporate and international companies in brand development to provide holistic approach in brand repositioning to companies who choose our offering in order to grow their brand exponentially and be part of our unique customer brand experience. Our brand is sophisticated, witty and passionate, a trait we reflect through our brand expressions that are clean and stylised, uniquely presenting our intellect in brand development.
Brand Identity statement
The Brand Conglomerate promises emerging black and established corporate and international com-panies that they can count on us for specialist brand and repositioning services delivered with a clean layout style showing our ultimate passion and expertise in our field.
Positioning statement (Point of difference)
The Brand Conglomerate is a black owned design firm that offers brand development services to grow brands in metrics that matter in client value and loyalty for emerging black and established corporate and international companies. They choose our offering in order to uniquely experience our engaging brand development service and ultimately retain their brand relevance. Our point of differ-ence is that we are a black design firm that offers an unprecedented service that focuses on building the brands of emerging black enterprises and established companies in the market.
Lebakang Legodi
Founder and Chief Creative Officer

Lebakang is an Arts scholar, entrepreneur and specialist in strategic design. His passion for art
came through at an early age being a creative artist from his developmental years up to matu-
rity. He attended art school in Pretoria at Pro Arte Alphen Park during secondary school, where
he won various regional art competitions. After completing his high school he proceeded to
study Management Principles at Varsity College to cultivate his business intellect. He then en-
rolled at Tshwane University of Technology where he studied towards a graphic design national
diploma under the mentorship of Herman Botes and Nathema Simon. He has worked for top
agencies in Johannesburg, the likes of Brand Inc in Bryanston and Harwood Kirsten Leigh Mc-
Coy in Sunninghill. He has vast experience in Corporate Branding and Strategy. He currently
holds a Diploma in Graphic Design, various art awards and is a founder and Chief Creative
Officer at The Brand Conglomerate.

Brand Strategy, Development, Implementation Brand Strategy
The process of finding a place to build your brand both in the marketplace and in your customers mind is
called positioning. It is the first step in branding and The Brand Conglomerate works in partnership with our clients in order to formulate a conclusive design strategy. We do this by formulating the business vision, mission and values of your company. Developing policies that will guide the overall core message, promise and layout style that you want your marketing collateral to communicate. Your brand strategy may include name generation and development, development of a tagline, polishing of your brand values, defining of your brand character, writing of your brand identity statement, positioning statement, the positioning of your company and lastly the determination of your point of difference.
All of the above are part of your design management and strategy policies that will ultimately determine your brand. The design strategy is the first step of design management where design applications and initiatives are developed. The focus on this stage is on identifying and creating the conditions in which design projects can be proposed, commissioned and promoted. At this stage design strategy engages design thinking, identifying the opportunities for design, interpreting the needs of its customers and looking at how design contributes to the business as a whole. Design strategy investigates the brand values of a business, as these values will guide design decisions, building relationships and developing the necessary verbal com- munications to achieve the exchange of ideas and information.
The brand identity is tangible expression that reflects and represents both your vision and mission. At this stage the brand identity development is an accurate reflection of the businesses brand strategy as the strategy guides the core message, promise, tone, mood, look feel and style of your marketing collateral. Depending on the objectives stipulated in the formulation of the design strategy various applications will be determined by the role it plays in line with in the strategic recommendations laid out in the strategy phase. The focus of this stage is on demonstrating how strategy can be made visible and tangible through design. At this point, brand development is about how design can be used to craft the presence and experience of an organisa- tion and in doing so influence how its brand can be expressed and perceived. In identifying and unveiling the brand identity we will be faced with initiating design projects that will reflect the values and disciplines provided in the strategy and therefore enabling an organisation to a explore competitive advantage through Implementation and Process
Implementation and process looks at the stage of the design process where design projects and outcomes are delivered. The focus of this stage of the design process of managing projects, including the decision-making involved in specifying design materials, the quality standards and finishes to be reflected in the identity. Once a design project has been completed, the delivery of it can further entail further stages of the design process, such as developing design guidelines and manuals, the maintenance and evolution of the design and the evaluation of the success of the design project. The last stage of the implementation process will be the launch of the Brand and the informing of the stakeholders and employees through a unified single launch or split in two phases being an internal and external launch . The Brand Conglomerate operates on a six step process that guides each client's project from idea stage to delivery and implementation, through these stages all the disciplines and initiatives involved in unveiling an identity will come to realisation.
Services and the process Our Six Step Process
Design Insight (Brand research and strategic recommendations).
Idea generation ( Concept creation) Idea Resolution ( Crafting of Concept, Applications, Validation and Sign off ) Implementation (Pre-production, Finished art, Specifications and Brand manual.) Activation (Project Management, Production, Roll out and Launch) Health Check ( Validation and Recommendations) Brand Strategy and Research
The formulation of a design strategy, that involves the polishing or creating of the Business vision, mission, mission goals, brand identity statement, positioning statement, the establishment of a posi-tion in the market (point of difference), the formulation of a brand character, business promise and other disciplines. Research involves customer research, creation of a customer profile by detailing the demographics of your client base and how your strategy will relate to them, their awareness, interests or satisfaction levels. The research can be conducted by desktop research, written or phone surveys, in person or phone interviews and focus groups Brand Identity Development
The development of your corporate identity, its applications, and the specifying of design materials to be used. This involves the design of the stationery which may include the design of a letterhead, business card, compliment slip, envelopes, corporate profile and digital stationery. A Corporate identity guidelines manual may also be developed. The design of multimedia disciplines such as a website, interactive presentations and 3 Dimensional and 2 Dimensional illustrations as well as animation.
Digital Brand Management
The design and engineering of a web based corporate identity guidelines manual.

Project Management
The management and roll out of your design projects and launch.
Advertising and Event management
The development of an advertising campaign and the design of advertising standards. This may include the use of copywriting for the formulation of ideas and securing of media space through media buying. Event management is the branding, planning and logistics involved in hosting a successful event.
Brand Investment Why do companies brand?
Brands build equity that's why brands that are preferred and valued by consumers deliver a long list of business benefits that translate to higher sales, higher profit margins and higher owner value. Thus brand equity is the value of your brand as an asset based on its qualities, reputation, and recognition as well as the commitment and demand it generates. A valuable brand results in customer relations that secure future earnings by develop-ing brand passion and loyalty. So why are brands a big deal?
In today's business conversation the word branding comes up every so often and the list of reasons for branding is long and growing but the four major reasons for branding is that brands unlock profitability of your busi-ness, brands prompt consumer selection and the purchase in your brand, brands build name awareness to build recognition and a reputation and lastly branding increases the odds of your businesses survival.
The Brand Conglomerate is a full service brand consultancy with the best pool of talent within the industry. We generate ideas and craft them to the full expectations of our clients in order to increase their brand aware-ness and brand equity. The communications of a business are important in engaging with its stakeholders and market, through our unique service we able to help your business retain its brand relevance in the market.

Clients and Experence CONSULTING ENGINEERS (pty) ltd stepping up the g Logo design, basic Corporate I.D, Website Full corporate I.D and Web development Corporate I.D, Website, Profile, certficates Strategic Marketing and Communications Full Corporate I.D, Website and Profile Website and logo design logo design and Corporate Profile TSEBANG INC.
Chartered Accountants & Auditors Logo design, basic Corporate I.D, Website Management Consultants Engineers and Developers Logo design, basic Corporate I.D, Website Logo design and basic Corporate I.D, Global Logistics Logo design and business cards Basic Corporate I.D

Contact Details Tel: 012 771 4390Cell: 072 607 6183 Address 59 Camlyn GardensTrollip Avenue ext 28ClarinaPretoria North0182 A stronger brand gives a greater impression, communicates directly with your market and reas- sures them of your brand promise.



Perfil de la empresa Kompas Zagreb es uno de los mayores turoperadores en Croacia, con 50 años de tradición. Más de 70 personas calificadas en 5 ciudades croatas, donde Kompas Zagreb tiene sus oficinas y sucursales (Zagreb, Split, Osijek, Rijeka y akovec) tienen un historial comprobado de ofrecer servicios profesionales de la más alta calidad en Croacia y en el mundo entero.

Microsoft word - pensamento plural 07.doc

La lógica de la sobredeterminación: hacia una radica- lización del análisis político Resumen. El presente artículo se plantea, desde una gramática posfundacionalista, radicalizar el análisis político proponiendo a la sobredeterminación, en tanto lógica subyacente a todo proceso de significación, como un concepto clave para poder disolver las fronteras que le ha impuesto la ciencia política canónica. Procurando avanzar en una conceptualización de la noción de sobredeterminación, este trabajo intenta mostrar la presencia de la lógica de la sobredeterminación en una serie de investigaciones empíricas realizadas desde un marco analítico posfundacionalista, en cada una de las cuales se ausenta una discusión teórica en torno a esta noción clave.