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Beth Jacob's Vol. 26 - No. 2 february, march 2010 adar, NisaN 5770 Dates To Remember
Saturday & Sunday,
February 27 & 28
Special Purim Celebration for Young Children including Costume Parade & entertainment at 6:00 pm on Saturday, February 27. Mincha and Ma'ariv at 6:30 pm imme- diately followed by the reading of Megillat Esther. Purim celebrations February 5 & 6
continue on Sunday, February 28 at March 5 & 6
9:00 am followed by breakfast Shabbat Mishpacha features lots of food, friends and fun for all ages! Rabbi Selsberg and Cantor Eyal take you on an incredible journey through singing, WAlkIng WITH lIFE
discussion, and prayer. Friday night services with Rabbi Dan Selsberg are at 5:00 pm.Congregational dinner at February 7, March 7 & 21
6:00pm. Saturday lunches are free! @10:00 am
Walking through the meanings behind and sources for Jewish Life cycle events using diverse primary sources. No Hebrew knowledge required. Class is free, Breakfast $5 ISRAElI ART SHOW
Saturday, March 13 &
Sunday, March 14
details inside & on back page Visit the shul website at Shul Office: 905.522.1351

A word from the Rabbi
Beth Jacob Happenings
After lengthy discussions with the Executive and the Board, Soul, Body & Mind
We get bombarded with information. we concluded that restructuring Beth Jacob's operations to Sunday, February 14, 2010
News, music, noise, seem constant for many more closely resemble the more sustainable model adopted Israeli Art Show & Film Festival
Marilyn levy with Rabbi Dan Selsberg
of us—ubiquity of TV, internet, radio, iPods, by other, similar intuitions is both responsible and necessary. March 13 & 14 Film Synopsis (see back page)
telephones, cell phones, smart phones, Unavoidably, taking steps in this direction will have an impact on love on the fringes. How to tie the knot
computers and more make us constantly the shul's longstanding caretakers, Krystina and Czeslaw Kwak. Saturday, March 13 @ 8:30 pm: Lost Islands
Tzitzit Tying 101 - a hands-on workshop
plugged in. Information is now easy to get, Effective June 30, 2010, Czeslaw and Krystyna will be leaving Bring your own tallit (and tallit katan) your zayda's tallit, your mother's much easier than a generation ago. How to Lost Islands became Israel's box office hit of tallit, and you will learn how to check the tzitziyot, and then how process that information hasn't gotten any Obviously this has been a difficult decision given that 2008, due in part to its deft depiction of an to tie them yourself. You will be able to purchase new sets of wool intimate family crisis set against the back- tzitziyot at the workshop. Hand Made Tzitziyot @ $18 a set, or Machine Rabbi Dan Selsberg Czeslaw and Krystyna have served the shul with such dedication I'm fully a part of this culture. I love drop of a national drama. For the Levi family, over the last decade. And in making this change, we do so with Made Tzitziyot @ $10 a set. If you wish to purchase sets of tzitziyot it their disillusionment is mirrored in the my gadgets and the ease of getting (and disseminating) is essential that you register and place your order by February 5th so the utmost appreciation, consideration and sensitivity. national unease toward the war in Lebanon, that we will have enough for everybody. Rabbi Dan Selsberg will start information, and the pace of technology's advances is hugely Our synagogue is a sacred trust, and we must not treat it and soon the naive bliss of childhood seems the session with a short introduction to the laws and lore of wearing exciting. We can live longer and know more than ever before. lightly, nor risk its future. For this reason we have empowered a generations past. As the family learns to navigate these choppy waters and tying Tzitziyot. But, again, how to process that information hasn't gotten any committee to conduct an extensive review of all of the options through difficult compromise and newfound empathy, we are offered a easier. And how to bring meaning to our years (or how to bring Sunday, March 7, 2010
with regard to maintenance, security, catering, and other matters suggestion as to how the wildly complex difficulties of the Middle East meaning to how those years are spent) is no easier.
Hilton Silberg: going green for Tikkun Olam
that will be affected by this transition. As an integral part of the also might be eased, if not altogether resolved. The Jewish tradition is meant to help us deal with all of restructuring, the residence on Cottage Avenue will be sold and The JNF's Eco approach to repairing Israel and the World this. I have to say, I don't know how folks who don't celebrate the debt reduced accordingly.
Last Fall, as part of a mission of newly inaugurated JNF Ambassadors, Shabbat keep up. The rest from the onslaught of information is Sunday, March 14 @ 1:00 pm: Brothers Goodbyes are never easy, but we know that this decision the Silbergs visited Israel and learned how some of the revolutionary so sweet, so refreshing, that I couldn't' do without it. Even the Eco projects that have been developed for Israel are being shared is in the best interest of the shul as we position ourselves for the Two Jewish brothers, whose choices and with many other countries and how, in so-doing, Israeli scientists are shorter daily bursts of quiet time for prayer and reflection are future. Please join us in thanking the Kwaks for their many years values have driven them apart, meet again helping to Repair the World. Hilton will describe Eco initiatives used for ideal for making sense of the information we have. Torah study of dedicated service and wishing them well in the future. in Israel after many years of silence. Dan stopping desertification of the Negev, that are also being used to halt has always been a way that we've tried to learn about how to has been living on a secular kibbutz for 25 the advance of deserts in Africa; how methods of saving and utilizing operate in the world. years, working the land. His deeply religious water supplies to their optimum, are shared with other arid countries brother, Aaron, is a distinguished lawyer and I have to confess, I don't always come up with answers to all in the Middle East; and how unique methods used to increase growth Torah scholar based in New York. He is invited of life's' problems. (My son this morning asked "Why do people A word from the Cantor
rates and quality of fruit, vegetables and flowers, help to keep Israeli to Jerusalem to defend a group of Yeshiva students who have refused and animals have to die?" as I was getting my coat on to leave farmers competitive in world markets.
military service in the IDF. Enter Shelly, the driven, fiercely secular pub- the house; a good 10-second answer to that question from a I am thrilled to announce a number of exciting lic prosecutor determined to see justice done. The conflict between the 6-year-old still isn't on the tip of my tongue.) But I do find better Cover charge for breakfast: $5.00 For reservations & information call: programs I'm introducing to Beth Jacob.
two brothers and the legal struggle between prosecutor and defence Maureen Price at 905-523-8067; Come for minyan at 9:00 am, stay for ways to cope with problems, more time to feel human, more lawyer reflect a society torn between its religious and political princi- breakfast and the talk at 10:00 am.
time to reflect and enjoy, more energy to live mindfully. ples. This film opens a subtle yet essential debate on the question of We've long prized knowledge; we have never confused The first is a GLEE club – one for youth and one the separation of state and religion in Israel. Nuanced acting, a complex information with wisdom. We live in an age where it would be for adults that I invite you and your children story that shies away from stereotyping and an ambiguous conclusion Out of the Cold by Cindy Richter
easy to make that mistake. Shul moves more slowly than the lend this film an air of profound authenticity at a time when Israelis are to be a part of. Come one, come all! Let's sing world outside. I know that. That's by design. Treating people increasingly struggling with what it means to be a Jewish state. together! Songs to lift your spiri. Our youth Cantor Eyal Bitton At a time when natural disasters far away should rightly prompt us to do- as people rather than as consumers has that effect. The world Glee club begins on Saturday, February 6 from nate money, here at home, OOTC is striving to justly meet the immediate changes fast, and Jewish life changes, too, sometimes in difficult 10am to 12 noon. Our adult Glee club begins on Sunday, February needs of community members who are also in need of food and shelter. ways. But what remains the same is the quest to help create 7 from 11am -12pm. Glee Youth runs on the first Shabbat of every The opportunities to do this have enabled scores of Beth Jacob members the space we need to lead meaningful lives. I look forward to month. Just drop in! to give another precious resource - their time. Besides the gift of time, seeing you here as we make that journey together.
the stunning influx of donations to the OOTC fund has translated to the USY PROgRAM
meals we provide and our guests' other needs which we are constantly trying to anticipate. We are so rich in what we have, and even richer in February 21 Checkers Challenge
Theatrix, our new Shabbat Youth Theatre begins on Saturday, A word from your Co-Presidents
February 20 from 10am-12noon. Discover the great stories and For teens, age 13-17, meet at Shalom Village at 1 pm.
Our collection of congregants' donated toiletries were packaged heroes of our people by reliving it through the theatrical sketches. Play board games with the residents of Shalom Village for Christmas presents by the students of our religious school and the Theatrix takes place on the third Shabbat of every month. Just Shabbat Kiddush cooks baked and decorated cookies for our guests. The A great mitzvah and lots of fun! The process of change is often a mixed bag. On the one students also provided hand-made greeting cards which brightened the Program ends at 2:30 pm.
hand, there's the sense of excitement that comes from anticipat- tables of our "OOTC Hanukkah Dinner." Matzo ball soup, brisket, latkes, ing the fruits of many years of work and visioning for a better SATURDAY MORNING FEVER
roasted vegetables and iced cupcakes with chocolate gelt were served future. And, on the other hand, change is never easy and some- Once a month, I will be presenting a special musically-themed by the light of the Hanukkiah! It is a night our guests look forward to times what worked very well in the past is not the best option Shabbat service. In December, it was the highly successful "Beatles Beth Jacob is looking at starting a conversational Yiddish for the future.
Before our program began this November, it was decided that Shabbat". In January, it was "Sephardic Shabbat." In February, it class. We have someone to lead the class and there has been One of the goals our executive set for itself over the last our existence as a shelter was compromising the funding and ability to will be "Hollywood Shabbat", where I'll set the Shabbat service to a lot of interest shown. Please contact the synagogue office if provide resources to the homeless that other larger shelters in our com- year was to carefully analyze the shul's operations and its costs. great movie and TV theme songs, and In March, *Broadway Shab- you are interested so we can proceed.
munity have available. But homelessness is complex and many of our In the process, we conducted extensive research on how other bat" will feature timeless hits from the Broadway stage.
homeless were still unsheltered. Justice and morality can not be subject synagogues operate, with the goal of determining how we can to pragmatic analysis. Pikuach nefesh, "saving of human life" is the princi- HAMAnTASCHEn BAkERS WAnTED
best serve our membership, while at the same time, be fiscally Come and check out one or more of these exciting programs. I'd ple in Jewish law that the saving of a human life is paramount. Therefore, Please join us on Sunday, February 14 at 10:-00 am love to see you there! we have re-opened as a shelter. Thank you for your support, both globally and here at home.
27 ADAR – MARCH 13
Karan by Victor & Diana Abraham; Mollie Gerofsky by Mother of Philip Rosenshein Philip Rosenblatt Memorial Fund
In Memory Of: Gerald Gerson by Ira Kuchinsky, Marcia & Bill Halpren. Mazal Tov to: Cindy & Lowell Mother of Molly Beube Condolences to: Reva Gelber by Mark & Cindy Cohen.
Michael Kuchinsky. Mazal Tov to: Shirley Staples Hut- Richter by Rabbi Dan & Krearen Selsberg, Ginny & 14 ADAR - FEBRUARY 28
Sister of Oscar Weitzman ton by Gwenn & Michael Sherman; Michael & Gwen Mitch Levine, Judy & Lorne Rochwerg, Irv & Nancy 18 SHEVAT – FEBRUARY 2
Dede Rosenthal Educational Endowment Fund
Sherman by Shelley & Ira Greenspoon and Francine & Bresinger, Norman & Debbie Grosman, Ron & Ellen Paternal grandfather of Peter Smurlick Mazal Tov to: Michael & Gwenn Sherman by Dorothy Murray Gerson; Condolences to: The Gerofsky Family Appleton, Al Pinkus; Cindy Richter by Maureen & Philip by the Schoenberg Family.
Price,; Lowell & Cindy Richter by Jocelyn Katz.
Thank You: Chief Brian Mullan by Lowell & Cindy Nathan and Dorothy Sherman Educational Fund
29 ADAR – MARCH 15
Prayer Book Fund
Richter; Bea Matchen by Dorothy Rosenthal.
Mazal Tov to: Micheal & Gwenn Sherman by Jerry & In Memory Of: Jeanette Tauber's brother by Sandra Elena Goldblatt.
Maternal grandmother of Helen Yanover & Saul Eisenberg; Milt Gerofsky by Sandra Shabbat Mishpacha Fund
In Memory Of: Rosalie Russell by Dan & Maddy Goliger.
Mildred Schreiber 16 ADAR – MARCH 2
Minden & Ada Farkas Yanover & Saul Eisenberg; Condolences to: The Or- Matt & Fay Schmerling Educational Fund
Condolences to: Harriet Orlander by Rabbi Dan & Karen Mother of Bea Matchen lander Family by Elaine & Cuppy Katz; Mariam Leitman Selsberg; Reva Gelber by Rabbi Dan & Karen Selsberg; Condolences to: Harriet Orlander & Family by Matt & 20 SHEVAT – FEBRUARY 4
Father of Andrew Orkin by Cele & David Steinberg; Reva Gelber by Betty, Joy Donna Shapiro by Hana Schayer & Carl Cuneo; Carol Fay Schmerling; Donna Shapiro & Family by Fay & Matt Grandmother of Albert Minden 4 ADAR - FEBRUARY 18
& Jessica Einhorn; Anne Gooblar by Robert Till; Jerre Bronner Velocci by Rabbi Dan & Karen Selsberg.
Schmerling. Mazal Tov to: Cindy Richter and Ahuva Kreiger by Cele & David Steinberg; Mazal Tov to: Irving Soifer, by Fay & Matt Schmerling.Yahrzeit Dona- Gold by Sandra Yanover & Saul Eisenberg; In honour Mazal Tov to: Gwenn & Michael by Hanna Schayer & 1 NISAN – MARCH 16
tion: Rebecca Rainvasser, AndyNoseworthy by Shirley of: Jonah Strub by Sandra Yanover & Saul Eisenberg; 17 ADAR – MARCH 3
Speedy Recovery to: Charlotte Price by Ron & Anne 5 ADAR - FEBRUARY 19
Mollie Caplan Memorial Fund
Barrs; Yahrzeit Donation: Mendel Jegendorf by Bes- 21 SHEVAT – FEBRUARY 5
In Memory Of: Dorothy Bain by Allen & Carol; Bain; Esther and Al Shecter Fund
sie & Leonard Kaufman.
In Memory Of: Esther Shecter by Aliza, Roy & Family.
Abe (Nutch) Cohen Memorial Fund
Mother of Marcia Saperson Prayer Book Plate Fund
Yahrzeit Donation: Joe Oberman Hyman & Ettie Sobol Endowment Fund
Shirley Schneider Mazal Tov to: Carole & Arnold Machtinger by Cele & Condolences to: Reva Gelber by Dorothy Rosenthal, 22 SHEVAT – FEBRUARY 6
David Steinberg.
Myrna Goldhar Memorial Fund
Faye Karon & Family, Suzy& Sheldon Gurevitz, Marlene, In Memory Of: Grandfather Lewis Rosenberg Neil, Elissa, Steven & Family, Danielle & Adam.
Samuel Ben Rosenshein Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
Condolences to: Peter Rosenblatt by Dr. Norman 23 SHEVAT – FEBRUARY 7
Condolences to: Dena Honig by Tory Metzger.
The Beth Jacob Family extends our deepest 7 ADAR - FEBRUARY 21
Harry Silverstein In Memory Of: Murray Pollock & Edward Levy by condolences to: Mother of Shlomit Acciaroli Jeanette Tauber.
Sol Frankel Fund
Anne Gooblar and her family on the loss of their Sarah Silverstein 5 NISAN – MARCH 20
Condolences to: Sam Kudlats & Family, Mr. & Mrs. beloved husband and father, Len Gooblar, z"l. House Fund
Fred Molson, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Kudlats by Bert Frankel, Donna Shapiro on the loss of her father.
In Memory Of: Cookie Rosenblatt by Anne & Len Goo- 8 ADAR - FEBRUARY 22
Fern & Larry Szpirglas, Debra & Stephen Frankel; Anne Neil Morris, David, Sharon, Henry, and Daniel, on blar & Family. Condolences to: Reva Gelber by George 20 ADAR – MARCH 6
Gooblar & Family by Bert Frankel & Family; Jerri Krieger the loss of their wife, mother and grandmother, & Bunny Levinson; Sandy Morris by Mary-Louise & Mother of Bella Braun 6 NISAN – MARCH 21
& Family by Bert Frankel, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Frankel, Lynda Morris, z"l Dennis Beecroft; Mazal Tov to: Dina & Elliott Biro by Fern & Larry Szpirglas. Mazal Tov to: Syd Kudlats by Carol Velocci on the loss of her mother, Norma Mishkel; Michael & Gwenn Sherman by Mary- Bert Frankel & Family.
Lore Helen Bronner, z"l. Louise & Dennis Beecroft.
Jeanette Tauber on the loss of her brother.
Myrna Goldhar Memorial Fund
Daniel Hershkovitz, on the passing of his mother.
Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund
Yahrzeit Donation: Sylvia Rosenblood, Lewis Rosenberg • David Walman, on the passing of his father. Lillian Goldblatt Mazal Tov to: Lowell Cindy Richter by Mitchell & Judy & Harold Rosenberg by Dr. Norman Rosenblood.
Murray Gerson, on the passing of his father.
Laver. Condolences to: David Walman & Family by The Fuss Family. Refuah Shlema to: Ralph Orman by Judy Sol Hoffman Fund
The Beth Jacob Family extends a hearty Mazel Tov to: & Dennis Schwartz.
Condolences to: Carol Bronner Velocci by Freda Hoff- Dina and Elliot Biro on the birth of their son, Saul.
man; Neil Morris by Freda Hoffman.
Cindy Richter, Ahuva Soifer and Vicky Wylson 27 SHEVAT – FEBRUARY 11
Father of Raye Rosenberg Cantor and Youth Choir Fund
Sher for being honoured as Na'amat Hamilton's In Memory Of: Murray Walman by Diane Sandler & Grandfather of Ada Farkas & Helen Mother of Solly Adler Sadie and Albert Livingston Scholarship Fund
Women of Inspiration.
Bill Nisker;Mazal Tov to: Libby Dwor by Dennis & Judy Jennie Schmerling Condolences to: Bernie Walman & Family by the Elissa Press & Benjamin Klein and their entire Schwartz & Family; 10 NISAN – MARCH 25
Livingston Family; Estelle Walman & Family by Sylvia extended family on their daughter, Leah's baby Livingston & Family.
Israeli Soldiers Welfare Fund
Mindy & John Webber, Jerry & Elena Goldblatt Condolences to: Henry Muller & Family by Ruth Lynda Morris Memorial Fund
& Shirley Scholes on the baby naming of their Rosenblatt, Judy & Dennis Schwartz; The Kreiger Fam- In Memory of: Lynda Morris by Dr. Richard & Sandra Father of Anne Gooblar 11 ADAR - FEBRUARY 25
daughter, granddaughter and great granddaughter, ily by Ruth Rosenblatt; Speedy Recovery: Les Wolfe by Levy. Condolences to: Neil Morris & Family by Ada & Jordyn Brooke Webber.
Mother of Elaine Miller Nonie & Henry Vine.
Elmer Farkas, Mark Cohen, Donna & Henry Vine, Dor- Benjy Katz and Jocelyn Katz and the entire family 14 NISAN – MARCH 29
othy Rosenthal, Hanna Schayer & Carl Cuneo, Dennis & on Jordanna's bat mitzvah in Israel.
24 ADAR – MARCH 10
Library Fund
Judy Schwartz, Raye Lebow, Gail & Leslie Wolfe, David Gwenn & Michael Sherman on the birth of a 29 SHEVAT – FEBRUARY 13
Condolences to: Harriet Orlander by Norma & Dr. & Cele Steinberg, Sandra Yanover & Saul Eisenberg, Mr. Dr. Ben Finkelstein Maurice Mishkel, Philip & Maureen Price; Reva Gelber Michael & Dr.Joyce Lock, William Haartman, Michelle Eyal Bitton on being chosen as musical director of 25 ADAR – MARCH 11
by Maureen & Philip Price; Neil Morris & Family by & Lorne Finkelstein, Norma & Dr. Maurice Mishkel, Toronto's Zimriya Choir festival.
Ahuva Soifer. Mazal Tov to: Jerry & Elena Goldblatt by Jeanette Nathan, Marcia & Bill Halpren, Bernie & Ron- Syd Kudlats on the birth of twin great-grandchil- Dr. David Feldman Kenneth Livingston Maureen & Philip Price; Ahuva Soifer by Maureen & nie Garshowitz, Sandra & Irwin Fuss.
Philip Price; Gwenn & Michael Sherman by Maureen & Philip Price.Yahrzeit Donation: Selma Metzger by Carol 26 ADAR – MARCH 12
George and Henrietta Pollock Endowment Fund
Thank you to our Shabbat Mishpacha Volunteers Bronner Velocci.
Bernard Nathanson In Memory Of: Jeanette Tauber's brother by Lawrence & Beth Jacob Bakers: Pollock; Wilfred Gerofsky by Lawrence Pollock.
Miklos Lavics, Cindy Richter, Tzvia and Out of the Cold Fund
Condolences to: Neil Morris & Family by Sasha & 13 ADAR - FEBRUARY 27
Howie Lipton, Shlomit Acciaroli, Natalie Sobel, In Memory Of: Ruth Goodman by Lowell, Cindy, Sari & Tommy Weisz; Carol Bronner Velocci by Sasha & Tommy Maureen Price, Karen Selsberg, Maureen Price, Deb Samantha Richter, Murray Walman by friends from Out Weisz;Yahrzeit Donation: Allen Swaye & Margaret and Benjamin Avetissian,Yael Reznick DeMarco, Mary of the Cold. Condolences to: Harriet Orlander, Leonid Louise Beecroft, Rae Lebow, Shirley Staples Hutton,

March & April 2010
Parashat Ki TisaShabbat Parah Baby Group 10:00 am Baby Group 10:00 am Kabbalat Shabbat Shabbat Mishpacha
Siddur Discussion Kabbalat Shabbat Siddur Discussion Parashat Vayakhel- Parashat Mishpatim Shacharit 9:00 am Baby Group 10:00 am Kabbalat Shabbat Siddur Discussion Walking with Life Board Meeting 8:00pm Shacharit 9:00 am Baby Group 10:00 am Kabbalat Shabbat Siddur Discussion Walking with Life Israeli Film & Art Board Meeting 8:00pm Mincha 5:45pmHavdalah 6:27pm Rosh Hodesh
Baby Group 10:00 am Israeli Film & Art Rosh Hodesh Adar
Rosh Hodesh Adar
Baby Group 10:00 am Soul, Body & Mind Parashat TzavShabbat HaGadol Shacharit 9:00 am Baby Group 10:00 am Shacharit 7:45am Kabbalat Shabbat Siddur Discussion Walking with Life Shacharit 9:15 am Shacharit 9:00 am Baby Group 10:00 am Shacharit 7:30am Kabbalat Shabbat Erev Purim
Walking with Life Siddur Discussion Pesach II
Pesach III
Pesach IV
1st Seder
Shacharit 9:15 am Megila reading, shpiel, followed by siyyum and Kabbalat Shabbat Pesach V1
Pesach V11
Pesach VIII
Megila Reading &Shacharit 9:00am Mincha/Ma'ariv 7:50pm You are invited to attend Beth Jacob Synagogue's Israeli Art Show & Film Festival
Saturday & Sunday, March 13 & 14, 2010
featuring original art from Israel and the films Lost Islands
Israel's box office hit of 2008 winner of the Audience Choice Award Saturday, March 13 at 8:30 pm;
Sunday, March 14 at 1:00 pm
Reception at 7:30 pm
followed by discussion Ticket price of $25.00 includes a lottery ticket for an original Israeli art-work valued at $600.00. To order your tickets call 905.522.1351 or email omail [email protected] For sponsorship opportunities please call the shul office at 905-522-1351.
Beth Jacob Synagogue 375 Aberdeen Avenue Hamilton. ON L8P 2R7


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Lncs 651 - an introduction to halo nuclei

An Introduction to Halo Nuclei Department of Physics, University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH, UK Abstract. This lecture will not aim to provide an exhaustive review of the field ofhalo nuclei, but rather will outline some of the theoretical techniques that have beenused and developed, both in structure and reaction studies, over the past decade tounderstand their properties. A number of review articles have recently appeared inthe literature [1–10] which the interested reader can then go to armed with a basicunderstanding of how the theoretical results were produced.