Brother™ PocketJet® 6 Mobile Thermal Printers Home Healthcare Case Study
PocketJet® 6 mobile thermal printers provide a better
alternative to inkjets for the Midwest Pal iative & Hospice CareCenter.
"We selected Brother
On the heels of this mandate, new Electronic
Moving forward, Midwest CareCenter plans to
PocketJet® mobile
Health Records (EHR) benchmarks and
integrate the PocketJet® into a new document
printer to provide our
"meaningful use" requirements were released
management and electronic forms system. It is
homehealth clinicians
by CMS. Meaningful use guidelines promote
also investigating its application as part of the
the best tool possible
higher standards in EHR integration and strive
admissions process.
when working from
to further insure patient safety, but posed the
Three years after deployment, the PocketJet®
the patient residence."
second greatest field chal enge to Midwest
mobile printer has done more than resolve
CareCenter administrators: How to connect
— Yasmin Clinton of Midwest Palliative
the logistical and compliance issues for
hundreds of field clinicians, social workers
& Hospice CareCenter
which it was adopted. Staff agree that it has
and physicians with individualized safety, drug
measurably helped increase field efficiency,
interaction and educational materials, and
improved patient education and further help
Midwest Pal iative & Hospice CareCenter
enable them to output this data in real time for
ensure patient safety. Mobile printing enables
serves more than 4,000 patients per year in
the homebound patient.
clinicians to convey complex information to
their homes, extended care and inpatient
hospice facilities. As a vital part of a large
Business Solution
family caregivers during emotional y-charged
geographic community, Midwest CareCenter
has delivered pal iative and hospice care
Within months of reviewing the CMS
While the printer's lightweight, durable design
to the patient for more than three decades.
regulation, Midwest CareCenter supplied
and long life were paramount in the initial
With a large clinical workforce and complex
its clinical staff including nurses, physicians
selection process, administrators agreed that
route considerations, mobile printing has
and social workers with the PocketJet®
the long battery life, super fast print speed,
become a critical component to the Midwest
mobile printer. The clinician's tablet or
and absolute reliability have made it easy for
CareCenter's compliance, patient safety and
mobile device can interface via USB with the
clinicians to adopt the technology.
education process.
lightweight, high-speed printer, which can
be carried easily in a field bag*. Immediately
upon implementation, clinicians were
providing clear, current, printed medication
Find a lightweight mobile printing solution
With a clinical and interdisciplinary staff of
documentation to the in-home patient.
with long battery life and absolute
nearly 300 professionals, Midwest Pal iative
field reliability to support busy medical
In response to the new electronic health
& Hospice CareCenter delivers medical and
records mandates, Midwest CareCenter
hospice care services to a broad network of
further integrated its IT system with field
patients in their homes, extended care and
computers – creating a truly mobile extension
inpatient hospice facilities. In recent years,
of the main facility. As a result, clinicians were
the home healthcare industry has been faced
Brother™ PocketJet® 6 ful -page mobile thermal
now able to generate highly personalized
with logistical and records transfer chal enges
printers with Li-ion battery and Brother™
patient instructions and important drug
brought on by a number of new regulations.
interaction data before leaving the patient's
When reviewing the CMS (Centers for
residence. In addition, the printed documents
Medicare & Medicaid Services) Conditions
served as a written reference for family and
of Participation mandating that hospice and
other care givers.
home health care workers leave a detailed
Although the administrators were pleased
medication list at the patient's residence,
that the CMS compliance requirements were
Midwest CareCenter realized it needed
met, they have realized even greater benefits.
to integrate its EMR system with other
"We're providing our patients and their
technologies to help improve the efficiency
families with important information regarding
of its current process. The chal enge was to
ongoing comfort and safety, while spending
provide accurate, hard copy documentation of
more time attending to their immediate
continual y changing data, to the patient – and
needs." – Yasmin Clinton, Midwest Pal iative &
do it at the time of the visit.
Brother™ PocketJet® 6 Mobile Thermal Printers
Home Healthcare Case Study
Benefits of Brother™ PocketJet® About Brother™ PocketJet® 6
Choose from two models:
6 Mobile Thermal Printers
full-page mobile thermal
PocketJet® 6 Plus
• Up to 6ppm, at 300 dpi resolution
• Fast, ful -page printing from laptops and
printers and Healthcare
• Prints up to 8.5" wide on cut-sheet, fanfold or
handhelds - With print speeds up to 6ppm,
PocketJet® 6 ful -page thermal printing
continuous-rol thermal paper
PocketJet® 6 printers can quickly print
solutions provide an enhanced tool that can
• Stores downloaded templates
medication lists, drug interaction data,
quickly print high-resolution text, graphics
• Resident fonts
patient instructions and other ful -page
and photos, with potential y fewer issues
• Engine retraction mode standard
documents in the field, right from PCs or
in the field than mobile inkjet printers. With
• Ful -speed USB 2.0 and IrDA interfaces
reliable PocketJet® 6 printers, clinicians
• Optional Bluetooth® technology Version 2.0
• Print documents with high-resolution text,
can print out clear, current and detailed
plus EDR support available*
graphics and pictures - Print high-resolution
medication documentation immediately
• Optional Ni-MH battery or Li-ion battery*
text and pictures – in up to 300 x 300 dpi –
upon implementation right in a patient's
from family homes, critical for transferring
residence, al on cut-sheet, fanfold or
a patient's medical record, and for updated,
continuous-rol thermal paper up to 8.5"
detailed medication lists to help prevent
wide. What's more, the printed documents
harmful drug interactions.
can serve as written reference for family and
auxiliary care takers.
• Easier to operate and maintain in the field -
PocketJet® 6 mobile thermal printers have
This added graphics capability and ful -page
been proven to perform reliably in the field
size can help reduce patient and medication
PocketJet® 6
day after day. There are no inks or toners
identification problems, provide clearer
to maintain and replace – there's only one
documentation of highly personalized
• Up to 6ppm, at 200 dpi resolution
consumable: high-quality Brother™ thermal
patient safety instructions and extended care
• Prints up to 8.5" wide on cut-sheet, fanfold or
cut-sheet, fanfold or continuous-rol paper.
information, and more. Since PocketJet®
continuous-rol thermal paper
6 models easily connect via USB or an
• Stores downloaded templates
• Easily adaptable to a variety of vehicles - At
optional Bluetooth® technology interface*
• Resident fonts
only about 10" in length, about 2" wide and
to a doctor's laptop or handheld, and use
• Engine retraction mode standard
1.25" high, and weighing about 1.3 lbs.,
thermal printing technology that requires
• Ful -speed USB 2.0 and IrDA interfaces
PocketJet® 6 printers are among the smal est
only one consumable – high-quality Brother™
• Optional Bluetooth® technology Version 2.0
ful -page mobile printers. Multiple vehicle
thermal paper – there are added operating
plus EDR support available*
mounting and power options* are available
• Optional Ni-MH battery or Li-ion battery*
to adapt PocketJet® 6 printers to almost any
vehicle, critical to social workers and nurses
PocketJet® 6 printers are also among the
performing in-home patient care.
smal est and lightest ful -page mobile
printing solutions available today at only
about 10" in length, about 2" wide and 1.25"
high, and weighing about 1.3 lbs. Multiple
mounting and power options* are available
to accommodate the PocketJet® 6 printers
easily in virtual y al traveling clinicians'
For more information about Brother™ ful -page
vehicles and facilities.
and smal format mobile thermal printing
solutions please contact Brother Mobile
• Detailed medication lists
• Drug interaction data
• Transferred patient medical records
• Patient safety & care instructions
• Reference for family & auxiliary care takers
*Requires additional purchase.
Al specifications subject to change without notice.
Brother™ and PocketJet® are registered trademarks of Brother Industries, Ltd. in the United States. Microsoft®, Windows® and Windows Vista® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the properties of their respective companies. Images are for illustrative purposes only.
2012 Brother Mobile Solutions, Inc., 100 Technology Drive, Suite 250A, Broomfield, CO 80021
CR Primary BatteryPrimar Lithium Manganese Dioxide Battery (Li/MnO2) This battery contains lithium, organic solvents, and other combustible materials. For this reason, improper handling of the battery could lead to distortion, leakage*, overheating, explosion, or fire, causing bodily injury or equipment trouble. Please observe the following instructions to prevent accidents.
Supporting Change: Preventing and Addressing Alcohol Use in Pregnancy is a collaborative project of: Best Start: Ontario's Maternal, Newborn and Early Child Development Resource Centre Centre for Addiction and Mental Health City of Hamilton Social & Public Health Services Health Canada, Population and Public Health Branch, Ontario Region Breaking the Cycle FOCUS Resource Centre