Ann Onymous
Initial Report of Findings
March 2016
February 2008
Dr. Jason Passey, DC, CCSP
1611 Kresky Avenue Suite 108 Centralia, WA 98531
Phone: (360) 330-1800 Fax: (360) 330-5866
Anywhere, USA 12345
Birth Date: 10/1/1966 Age: 49Blood Type:
Height: 5'9"Weight: 180
Allergic Rhinitis (Sinusitis) • Allergies (unspecified) • Anxiety/Stress • Asthma • Chronic Fatigue • Constipation • Depression • Desires Nutritional and Metabolic Analysis • Dizziness/Balance problems • Excessive Thirst • Eye Pain/Problems • Hearing Loss • Hemorrhoids • Hypercholesterolemia (High Cholesterol) • Hypoglycemia • Hypothyroid • Mental Disorder • Migraines • Obesity • Poor Concentration/Memory • Skin Disorder • Spinal Problems • Stammering/Stuttering • Balance Problems • Energy level is worse than it was 5 years ago • Fingernails peel • Hair loss • Sensitive to chemicals, paint, exhaust fumes, cologne • Sleeps less than 6 hours per night • Somewhat Overweight • Thin hair • Afraid to eat anywhere except home • Brain Fog • Difficulty concentrating • Difficulty staying asleep • Easily angered • Feelings are easily hurt • Frequently becomes scared for no reason • Frequently miserable or blue • Has to be on guard even with friends • Often annoyed by people • Poor memory • Sometimes wishes to be dead or away from it all • Strange people or places cause fear • Under considerable emotional stress • Unhappy when others are happy • Upset by criticism • At Times Low Blood Pressure • Cold feet • Frequent swollen ankles • Pain in leg/hips when walking • Varicose veins • Hard of hearing • Punctured ear drum • Ringing or noises in the ears • Frequently feels cold • Gets lightheaded when standing quickly • Unusually jumpy or nervous • Cross eyes • Dry Eyes • Eye pain • Near sighted • Frequent foot cramps • Fungal Infection • Painful feet • Plantar Fascitis • Swelling in the feet and/or ankles • 3 or less bowel movements per week • Difficulty swallowing • Feels shaky when hungry • Frequent diarrhea • Frequent nausea • Frequent vomitting • Gall
Science Based Nutrition™, Inc.
The information in this report has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.
bladder disease • Poor appetite • Tends to constipation • Uses laxatives • Family history of Cancer • Family history of Depression • Family history of Diabetes • Family history of Heart Disease • Family history of Obesity • Had childhood vaccinations • Craves Sugars/starches • Drinks decaffeinated tea • Eats no meat, no dairy • Eats no red meat • Regularly exercises • Takes vitamins • Frequent fever blisters • Have had root canals • Toothaches • Frequent headaches • Numbness/tingling in the body • Often dizzy • Pain between the shoulders • Shoulder/arm pain • Frequent sinus infections • Frequent stuffy nose • Hay fever • Post nasal drip • Wheezes • Dry Skin • Skin Itches • Bruises easily • Frequent goose bumps • Hives • Skin istender • Sores that heal slowly • Urinates more than 2 times per night • Incontinence when sneezing or laughing • D & C • Endometriosis • Heavy hair growth on face or body • Painful intercourse • Yeast infections • Gallbladder • Hysterectomy, complete
Dehydration effects
Vitamin D Deficiency
Noted Blood Values
Very Low Hair Potassium
Very Low Hair Lithium
Very Low Hair Cobalt
Very Low Hair Rubidium
High Hair Aluminum
Noted Hair Values
The purpose for this nutrition and lifestyle program is to create an optimum environment in which your body can heal and repair itself. This is achieved by eliminating foods and toxins, which adversely affect the body, and by providing nutrients that the body may be lacking.
Allegra - 6 months - 2 years.
L-Thyroxine - More than 2 years.
Qvar - 6 months - 2 years.
Rhinocort - 6 months - 2 years.
Allegra (Otherwise known as Fexofenadine) indicated for use as an antihistamine.
Side Effects: nausea; dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation); drowsiness; dyspepsia (painful
digestion); fatigue; headache; throat irritation; viral infection.
Possible Nutrients Depleted: Omega-3 fatty acids.
L-Thyroxine used to treat symptoms of low thyroid levels include fatigue, muscle aches,
constipation, dry skin, weight gain, slow heart rate, sensitivity to cold or dry, brittle hair that
tends to fall out easily. These symptoms should disappear as your body adjusts to the
medication. If they persist or become bothersome, inform your doctor.
Side Effects: symptoms of high thyroid levels include headache, chest pain, increased pulse
rate, rapid or irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, trembling, sweating, diarrhea, weight
loss. If you experience any of these effects, contact your doctor. Your dose may need to be
adjusted. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
Possible Nutrients Depleted: unknown at this time.
Qvar is indicated in the maintenance treatment of asthma as prophylactic therapy, and for
Science Based Nutrition™, Inc.
The information in this report has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.
asthma patients who require systemic corticosteroid administration.
Side Effects: headache, pharyngitis, rhinitis, upper respiratory infection, increased asthma
symptoms, sinusitis, pain, back pain, nausea, dysphonia.
Possible Nutrients Depleted: unknown at this time.
Rhinocort used to treat nasal symptoms.
Side Effects: irritation of the nasal mucous membranes; sneezing; pharyngitis; cough
increase; dry mouth; dyspepsia; hoarseness; wheezing; nasal pain; reduced sense of smell;
bad taste; nausea; facial edema; rash; pruritis; nervousness; alopecia; myalgia; arthralgia.
Possible Nutrients Depleted: Calcium, Folic Acid, Magnesium, Potassium, Selenium,
Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc.
Your test results are color coded for ease of analysis:Yellow = values are outside the healthy range but still within the clinical rangeRed = values are outside the clinical rangeBlue = values extremely higher or lower than the clinical range limits.
INTERPRETING BLOOD LAB RESULTSOn the blood test results page found later in the report, you'll notice two columns on the right side of the page labeled "Healthy Range" and "Clinical Range". The clinical range is used by the medical community. Any values outside this range are indicative of a disease process. The healthy range is more narrow than the clinical range. Test values outside of the healthy range indicate results which are not as good as they should be. The tighter guidelines of the healthy range allows us to see signs of any developing diseases/conditions.
INTERPRETING HAIR LAB RESULTSThe hair analysis screening is looking for essential, nonessential and potentially toxic elements. These elements are irreversibly incorporated into growing hair. The amount of each element found in the hair is proportional to levels in other body tissues. This makes the hair analysis a suitable indirect screening for physiological excess, deficiency or maldistribution of elements in the body. All screening tests have limitations which must be taken into consideration. Scalp hair is vulnerable to external contamination by water, hair treatments and other products. The data provided by a hair analysis should be considered in conjunction with symptoms, diet analysis, occupation and lifestyle, water source, physical examination and the results of other laboratory tests. However, accepting these limitations, hair analysis can provide useful insights into the toxic load and biochemical condition of the body.
For each elevated toxic element in the hair, the most common sources of exposure are listed in the report. Due to pollution, our industrial culture and other environmental factors, it is impossible to completely eliminate your exposure to some toxic elements. However by knowing the sources of toxins elevated in your body, you can work to reduce your exposure, thus lessening the total toxic burden on your body.
Science Based Nutrition™, Inc.
The information in this report has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Coronary Risk Assessment:
The coronary risk is determined by taking the total cholesterol and dividing it by the HDL. To reduce your risk of cardiovascular problems a value below 4 is recommended. The Total Cholesterol is determined by adding the HDL, LDL, and VLDL together. Recent studies have shown a correlation between a high HDL and longevity. Think of HDL as the healthy cholesterol and generally the higher the better. LDL is the bad cholesterol, as it tends to plug the arteries. The VLDL is the very worst cholesterol and is more like sludge. Lower is better for the LDL and VLDL in determining coronary risk and overall health.
HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIAThe Cholesterol is high, the LDL Cholesterol and VLDL Cholesterol are a little high and the HDL is a little low. Excess weight, poor diet, caffeine intake and lack of exercise all contribute to this condition. This should be reasonable to manage and correct with the recommended dietary plan and nutrients.
The Cholesterol Non-HDL level is a little high and the coronary risk associated with this value is a little elevated.
This finding is supported by:
Low Blood T3 Uptake • Low Hair Chromium
This finding is associated with:
Presenting symptoms -
Craves Sugars/starches
High Sodium.
A high Phosphorus level. A high Phosphorus may also indicate involvement including; liver, kidney, diabetes, alcohol, exercise, too much Vit D, cancers or even intense exercise. Note: If this is a child, youth or young adult this high Phosphorus reading is probably perfectly normal due to bone growth.
High Hematocrit.
This finding is associated with:
Presenting symptoms -
Frequent diarrhea • 3 or less bowel movements per week • Gall bladder disease • Frequent headaches • Swelling in the feet and/or ankles • Tends to constipation • Skin Itches
Medications Taken -
GASTRO/INTESTINAL DYSFUNCTIONThe Potassium is a little low. 80-90% of people with hypertension will have low potassium and interestingly most of the drugs to treat hypertension cause a depletion of Potassium. This level
Science Based Nutrition™, Inc.
The information in this report has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.
of Potassium may be due to poor digeston and/or malnutrition or deficient intake of Potassium. Be sure to eat at least 2 servings of potassium rich foods per day such as avocado, broccoli, sweet potatoes and bananas.
The Uric Acid and Creatinine are low, the Chloride, Protein and Globulin are a little low and the A/G Ratio is a little high. This is probably poor digestion and digestion problems and/or a low protein/high carbohydrate diet. A tendency for edema and fluid retention is increased. Many drugs or medications can cause or contribute toward these findings. Globulin, a type of protein is very important for the immune system and to fight disease. One out of every four bites of food you eat (25%) should be of a protein source, preferably more plant based protein such as seeds, nuts, beans and sprouts. Eggs and even some fish, chicken, turkey and possibly small amounts of red meat may be beneficial.
This finding is supported by:
Low Blood Potassium • Low Blood Serum Iron • High Blood Monocytes
This finding is associated with:
Presenting symptoms -
Craves Sugars/starches
Medications Taken -
Allegra • Rhinocort • L-Thyroxine
Calcium MCHC 250mg • Ultrazyme
VITAMIN D DEFICIENCYThe Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy (total) and Vitamin D 25-OH D3 are low. Levels less than 32 ng/mL have been shown to reduce intestinal calcium absorption, reduced bone density, reduced immune system, increased insulin resistance and risk of many types of cancer. This is the best way to determine true Vitamin D status. Increase sun exposure and/or take Vitamin D.
This finding is associated with:
Presenting symptoms -
Chronic Fatigue • Depression • Frequent fever blisters • Pain in leg/hips when walking • Frequently miserable or blue
THYROID CONSIDERATIONSThe TSH is a little high, the T3 Free and T3 Uptake is a little low and the T4, T7 and Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies are optimal. These findings could be due to thyroid or other medications. Regardless, the thyroid metabolism is a little low due to the level of T3 Free, which is the most active thyroid hormone. The TSH will commonly elevate when thyroid function is low and the TSH stimulates the thyroid to produce more T4 but the thyroid is not responding, which will lead to lower thyroid function.
If thyroid symptoms are present then further testing and retesting is indicated. The thyroid gland controls your basal metabolic rate. This is the rate at which your body heals and repairs itself. It also determines how fast chemical reactions occur in the body. With a low-functioning thyroid, your immune system is going to be low, digestion is going to be slow and energy will be reduced. It is difficult to have a good cholesterol level with a low functioning thyroid. Large amounts of cauliflower, sauerkraut (cabbage), and asparagus do lower thyroid function; so do not eat these foods more than a couple of times per week. Note: poor digestion, low vitamin D, low protein, lack of exercise, infection, inflammation, liver and kidney dysfunction, deficiencies of minerals and vitamins as well as exposure to toxic elements and chemicals can cause or contribute to thyroid dysfunction and caffeine lowers thyroid function. Steroids and hormone replacement therapy and other drugs can alter thyroid function. Use of nutrients to support the thyroid and
Science Based Nutrition™, Inc.
The information in this report has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.
changes in diet can change thyroid function can alter the need or dosage of medications. Improving diet and correcting the problems mentioned above might have the best effect. Interestingly, most cancers are seen in people with low thyroid function.
This finding is associated with:
Presenting symptoms -
Chronic Fatigue • Depression • Hypercholesterolemia (High Cholesterol) • Energy level is worse than it was 5 years ago • Thin hair • Hair loss • Cold feet • Sores that heal slowly • Frequently feels cold •Somewhat Overweight
Medications Taken -
ANEMIAThe Serum Iron and Ferritin are a little low. The Ferritin indicates iron reserves which suggests infection and/or blood loss and/or developing iron deficiency leading to anemia.
The MCHC (Mean hemoglobin contentration in the red cell) and the MCH (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin is the weight of hemoglobin in the average red cell) are a little low This is microcytic anemia associated with intracellular iron deficiency, chronic disease, thalassemia syndrome and/or Pyridoxine (B6) deficiency.
This finding is supported by:
Low Blood HDL Cholesterol • Low Blood Potassium • Low Blood Total Protein • Low Blood Globulin • Low Blood Total Bilirubin • High Blood LDH • Low Blood Platelets • High Hair Aluminum
This finding is associated with:
Presenting symptoms -
Chronic Fatigue • Hemorrhoids • Poor Concentration/Memory • Energy level is worse than it was 5 years ago • Dizziness/Balance problems • Cold feet • Often dizzy • Bruises easily • Sores that heal slowly • Gets lightheaded when standing quickly • Difficulty concentrating • Poor memory • Eats no red meat • Eats no meat, no dairy
Iron (Amino Iron 18mg) • Methyl B12 Plus
NOTED BLOOD VALUESThe platelets are a little low. This is probably associated with chronic infection. This may also be due to drugs or vaccines.
The Monocytes are a little high. This could indicate many things but at this level the first thing to do is to consider food allergies. First avoid all dairy, including milk, yogurt, cheese and ice cream, as it tends to cause or contribute to allergies. If this is being done and dairy is avoided and there is still a high Monocyte count then a food allergy test may be indicated.
A common reason for a mildly low Bilirubin is caffeine or other drugs.
The LDH is a little high and this is associated with destruction of cells. This doesn't tell where or how, only that too much destruction is occurring. The body is continually breaking down and rebuilding. The problem is when the breakdown is too much or the body isn't repairing quickly enough.
Science Based Nutrition™, Inc.
The information in this report has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The GGT is a little low and this may be caused by medications, usually medications that are used to lower triglycerides.
The Creatine Kinase is a little high. This is commonly associated with a mild breakdown of muscle and is commonly seen with exercise. Make sure the diet has sufficient high quality protein.
The Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is high. This is metabolic alkalosis, which can be due to many things and many drugs including steroids, antacids or as simple as low protein levels and poor diet. Be aware that the CO2 tests run through LabCorp of America are in reality Bicarbonate testings. The significance is that the results are opposite of CO2. When Bicarb is low one would be too alkaline. When the Bicarb is high then one would be too acidic.
The Glucose is a little high. This is likely due to an improper fast because the Hemoglobin A1C is optimal.
The Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimated (eGFR) is optimal. The eGFR is a calculated estimate of the actual glomerular filtration rate and is based on your serum Creatinine concentration. The calculation uses formulas that may also include your age, gender, height, and weight. In some formulas, race may also be used in the calculation. The kidneys filter blood and help control blood pressure. They remove waste and water and produce urine. eGFR is one of the best tests to indicate how healthy your kidneys are. It is important to know your eGFR because one may not be able to feel kidney damage. Over 59-preferred35 to 58-early kidney damage16 to 34-moderate kidney damage1 to 15 severe kidney damage* Please note that if your test result is less than 15, dialysis or transplant may be needed soon.
VERY LOW HAIR POTASSIUMThe potassium level in the hair is very low. Symptoms of potassium deficiency include muscle weakness, fatigue, and tachycardia. It is recommended that you eat at least 1-2 servings of potassium rich foods per day. The best sources of potassium are found in broccoli, bananas, avocado and sweet potatoes.
Vital Trace Minerals
VERY LOW HAIR LITHIUMThe Lithium level in the hair is very low. Only very small amounts of lithium are needed. Hair levels of lithium do not necessarily indicate a deficiency according to most recent studies. If the followup hair test and related symptoms have not improved, very light therapy maybe indicated.
VERY LOW HAIR COBALTThe cobalt level in the hair is very low. The only known biological use for cobalt is that it is absolutely necessary for vitamin B12 activity and function. Cobalt activates numerous enzymes and is stored in the liver as vitamin B12. Dietary cobalt and inorganic cobalt are poorly absorbed.
Science Based Nutrition™, Inc.
The information in this report has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Sources of cobalt are found in all animal products, meats, fish, cheese, brewer's yeast and yeast extracts. Vegetarians (vegans) who refuse eggs and dairy products, as well as people who lack an intrinsic factor, risk vitamin B12 and cobalt deficiencies.
Recommendation: eat an egg at least 3 times per week.
VERY LOW HAIR RUBIDIUMThe rubidium level in the hair is very low. There is inconclusive evidence that rubidium is essential to the body, but high levels have been shown to be toxic.
The aluminum level in the hair is high. Any aluminum is too much. Aluminum toxicity is
associated with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Aluminum is, also, a heavy metal that
displaces your other good minerals. One of the things that you should do to help your overall
long-term health is to reduce your aluminum intake. The most common sources of aluminum
are: anti-perspirants, aluminum cookware, antacids, some baking sodas, baking powder,
some breath mints, some skin lotion, some cosmetics, aluminum foil, canned goods,
emulsifiers in some processed cheese, table salt - anti-caking compound, bleaching agent
used in white flour, buffered aspirin, some toothpaste, dental amalgams, cigarette filters,
and drinking water (tap water). Do not eat or drink anything that comes in a can. Read
your labels before you purchase. I've even seen aluminum in a granola bar. Prosthetic
devices produced by Zimmer Company and Johnson and Johnson typically are made of
aluminum, vanadium, and titanium, which might cause increased levels in the hair and/or urine.
Aluminum rods are commonly used in hot water tanks in area of acidic water. These rods will
dissolve neutralizing the water, thus protecting the hot water tank. A rod of magnesium is an
option for the same purpose.
Note: Fluoride and fluoridation increases the absorption of aluminum.
Chlorella and magnesium with malic acid have been reported to be quite effective in lowering
Chlorella Clean, 180 caps • MagMalic
NOTED HAIR VALUESThe manganese level in the hair is low. This trace element is a cofactor for a number of important enzymes and functions with vitamin K in the formation of prothrombin. The functions of manganese include: glucose utilization, lipid synthesis and lipid metabolism, cholesterol metabolism, pancreatic function and development, prevention of sterility, normal skeletal growth and development, important for protein and nucleic acid metabolism, activating enzyme functions and in thyroid hormone synthesis. KNOWN DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: fatigue; lack of physical endurance; slow growth of fingernails and hair; impaired metabolism of bone and cartilage; dermatitis; weight loss; reduced fertility; increased allergic sensitivities; inflammation; ataxia; fainting; hearing loss; weak tendons and ligaments and possible cause of diabetes. Manganese activates several enzyme systems and supports the utilization of vitamin C, E, choline, and other B-vitamins. Inadequate choline utiliization reduces the acetylcholine synthesis, causing conditions such as myasthenia gravis (loss of muscle strength).
Seizures are occasionally reported to be assoicated with severe manganese deficiency.
The sodium level in the hair is low. This is commonly associated with dehydration, gastrointestinal losses (vomiting, diarrhea), excessive sweating, renal disease, diuretic use, diabetes mellitus, emotional stress or electrolyte imbalance. Symptoms include low blood
Science Based Nutrition™, Inc.
The information in this report has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.
pressure, reduced immune function, weight loss, cardiovascular weakness, ocular diseases, and anorexia. Increased protein intake and sparing use of sea salt are recommended.
The magnesium level in the hair is low. Low levels of magnesium are often associated with malabsorption, low dietary magnesium, alcoholism, kidney dialysis, renal disorders, antibiotic treatment, and prolonged diarrhea/laxative use. Symptoms include muscle twitching, cramps, cardiac arrythmia, gastrointestional disorders, tremor, paresthesia, behavioral problems (including hyperactivity in childern), suicidal behavior, dyslexia, poor appetite, skin lesions, insomnia, and mental depression. Dietary sources of magnesium include nuts, legumes, dark green leafy vegetables, and cereal grains.
The chromium level in the hair is low. Chromium is very important in carbohydrate and glucose metabolism and in the mechanism of insulin action. Basically, this mineral is very important for hypoglycemics and diabetics. Depletion can result in reduced metabolism of amino acids, glucose and lipid metabolism. It is also associated with protein malnutrition, elevated cholesterol levels, atherosclerosis and corneal damage.
The boron level in the hair is high. Signs of toxicity include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dermatitis, lethargy, inflammation and edema in the legs, growth problems, testicular atrophy and other health problems. Boron is present in some cleaners, cements, ceramics, glass, water and soil. Make sure there are adequate levels of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, riboflavin and B6.
The strontium level in the hair is low. Strontium increases the utilization of calcium and may protect against osteoporosis. It essential for growth and is chemically similar to calcium and boron. Strontium can replace calcium in many biological processes.
Sources of strontium: brazil nuts, cereals, grains, dairy products and seafood.
The zirconium level in the hair is high. This has not been proven to be clinically significant.
Calcium MCHC 250mg • MagMalic • Manganese Chelate • Multiple Vitamin • Stress B Plus, 90 tabs • Vital Trace Minerals
Science Based Nutrition™, Inc.
The information in this report has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.
DIET FOCUSFood can be broken down into basically two categories:
1. Energy (calories from fat, carbohydrates and protein)2. Nourishment (the nutrient density of the food; vitamin and mineral content).
When planning your meals, use this thought process:
1. Get at least 2 vegetables with each meal. Fruit should be limited only if you have glucose
handling issues. However, always consume more vegetables than fruits.
2. Proteins: 25-35% of the meal needs to be of a protein source.
Focus on good quality protein and not the processed protein bars, drinks, andpowders.
Most desirable proteins: meats (like chicken, fish, turkey and even red meat), eggs,beans, seeds, nuts, sprouts, quinoa, nut butters (ie. peanut butter, cashew butter,almond butter).
Eliminate these least desirable proteins: processed soy, processed dairy, pork,processed luncheon meats (those that contain "nitrates" or "nitrites").
Search Google "USDA SR 21" for a downloadable database to look up nutritionalcontent of foods.
3. Carbohydrates: 40-60% of your meal needs to be carbohydrate.
Most desirable carbohydrates sources: whole grain breads, pastas (including eggnoodles), and rice, whole vegetables, whole fruit.
Eliminate these least desirable carbohydrates: white sugar, white flour, fruit juice, highfructose corn syrup, chips, French fries, pop/soda
4. Fats: Your meal should contain anywhere from 15-25% fat.
Most desirable fat sources: nuts (cashews, almonds, pecans, walnuts, Brazil nuts (rawand unsalted are preferred), seeds (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds), avocados,coconut oil, fish, nut butters (peanut butter, almond butter, etc)
Desirable Cooking Oils: Grape Seed Oil, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Palm Oil
Eliminated these least desirable fat sources: anything with trans-fat (AKA:hydrogenated fat), interesterified fat or Olestra. Bacon, sausage, etc.
Strictly avoid hydrogenated/trans-fats: About 80% of trans fats in your diet come fromprocessed foods, fast food, primarily snack foods and desserts.
5. Special instructions may be given based upon certain metabolic conditions such as
cancer, diabetes, kidney disorders etc.
Science Based Nutrition™, Inc.
The information in this report has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.
IDENTIFYING LOW NUTRIENT DENSE FOODSBelow is a list of foods and items that will help you identify low nutrient dense foods and cooking/storage processes that lower the nutrient density in foods. These are strongly recommended you avoid. READ YOUR INGREDIENT LABELS!! Later in your report, you will find exchanges for these items and helpful hints for implementing these lifestyle habits.
1. Artificial Sweeteners: "aspartame", "saccharin", "sucralose", "acesulfame potassium","sorbitol", "maltitol", etc.
2. Flavor Enhancers and Preservatives: "MSG", "monosodium glutamate", "nitrate" or "nitrite"ingredients found in many dressings, sauces, Chinese foods, processed meats, pork products, bologna, some wieners, and many luncheon meat. HVP (hydrolyzed vegetable protein) and processed soy proteins can contain up to 40% MSG. 3. Artificial colors and dyes: look for terms such as "FD&C", "lake", "red", "yellow", etc. Readyour supplement labels carefully.
4. Canned Foods and Drinks: choose fresh or frozen varieties. Limit canned food consumption tocanned beans and tuna. Foods stored in glass are acceptable.
5. Microwave Cooking and Deep Frying lower the nutrient density more so than stove topcooking.
6. Artificial Fats: "hydrogenated" [a.k.a. "trans fat"] and "interesterified" fats are found inmargarine, many pre-packaged foods, supplements, and dressings; avoid "Olestra" containing products.
7. Refined Carbohydrates: processed foods such as white sugar, white flour, corn syrup,"enriched" foods, etc.
8. Commercial Meats: Try to get the cleanest, freshest meat you can find. Look for meat that islabeled with terms such as "No Hormones", "No Antibiotics", "Free Range", "Organic", etc.
9. Shellfish and Bottom-feeders: crab, shrimp, lobster, oyster, catfish, etc.
10. Dairy Products: cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, sour cream, etc. (anything with cow's milk).
This does not include eggs.
11. Coffee (regular & chemically decaffed), Liquor (distilled), All sodas, Tea (black decaf & blackregular). Organic herbal teas are acceptable.
12. Soy Products: isolated soy protein, texturized vegetable protein, soy supplements, soyprotein powder, soy protein bars, tofu, etc. Limited fermented soy products (tempeh and miso) and whole soy beans are acceptable. Don't make soy your main protein source, limit to 3-4 servings per week.
13. Chlorine and Fluoride Sources: tap water, heavy chlorine exposure in swimming pools,fluoride toothpaste, fluoride supplements, fluoride mouthwash, etc.
Science Based Nutrition™, Inc.
The information in this report has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.
AEROBIC EXERCISEExamples of aerobic exercise are jogging, cycling, elliptical trainer, fast-paced walking, etc. It is recommended that you build up to at least 40 minutes a day. If at first you do not have the energy to exercise this much, it is recommended that you start slowly by exercising 10 minutes two or three times a day until you can gradually build up to 40 minutes a day.
STRENGTH TRAININGIf you are not currently on a weight training program, a muscle building exercise (i.e. step exercise) 10 minutes a day is encouraged. If at first you do not have the energy or physical ability to perform this exercise, it is recommended that you start slowly by setting a goal to do this exercise 2 minutes two or three times a day until you can gradually build up to 10 minutes a day.
WATER CONSUMPTIONDrink 1 quart of clean, filtered water per 50lbs of body weight per day. Do not go over 3 quarts regardless of your weight. More water might be necessary depending on exercise, environment and perspiration. We recommend using a multiple filtration system for your drinking and cooking water. There are several types of these, which include reverse osmosis. Distilled water is not recommended. Since distilled water has little or no mineral content, it acts like a vacuum that can actually leach minerals from your system.
A word of caution - anytime you make drastic changes in diet, vitamin intake, or exercise,
realize that you may feel somewhat worse before you feel better. It doesn't happen often,
but as your body detoxifies, you may feel worse if it occurs too fast. If you do feel worse, don't
panic, it will pass in a few days. If this problem does occur, take half of what is recommended for
three days and slowly over two weeks progress to taking the complete program.
Everything that has been recommended is very important and many of these things work together. In order to get the most effective results, it is important that you follow the program exactly as outlined. Following the diet may not be easy, but if you do, you will get the best outcome. Likewise, if you don't take the vitamins, or only take part of them, you may not see the expected results. Many people with some very serious problems have been helped using this program. The purpose of this analysis is to benefit you. This is for your well being, so please do the program as recommended so that you will achieve the best results.
Attached is a list of supplements that have been carefully selected for your specific problems. All supplements dosages should be spread throughout the day and taken with food unless otherwise suggested. These supplement brands are recommended because they are of the highest quality. Occasionally, you will hear rumors regarding vitamin toxicity. Rest assured that these issues have been researched and the risk of significant side effects is extremely low. Historical data and experience have shown these supplements, along with the dietary changes, to be the best in helping you achieve the necessary improvements needed on your test results.
Please keep this report for future reference and bring it with you to your next evaluation.
If we can be of any further assistance to you or your family please do not hesitate to ask.
Yours in health,
Jason Passey, DC, CCSP
Science Based Nutrition™, Inc.
The information in this report has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Name: Ann Onymous
Lab: Quest
Blood Test Results
Ø No Improvement
Total Cholesterol
150.00 - 180.00 125.00 - 200.00
Total Cholesterol / HDL Ratio
Cholesterol Non-HDL
BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen)
BUN / Creatinine Ratio
138.66 - 142.33 135.00 - 146.00 meq/dL
98.00 - 110.00 meq/dL
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Alkaline Phosphatase 25-150
Hemoglobin A1C (Gly-Hgh)
130.00 - 160.00 120.00 - 250.00
T7 Free Thyroxine Index (FTI)
T4, Free (Direct) Thyroxine
T3 Free (Triiodothyronine)
Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Ab (antibodies)
ESR-Erythrocyte Sed Rate, Westergren
White Blood Count
223.00 - 306.00 140.00 - 400.00 k/cumm
MPV (Mean Platelet Volume)
Science Based Nutrition™, Inc.
The information in this report has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.
J 2,500.00 - 6,500.00 1,500.00 - 7,800.00 cells/uL
Lymphs (Absolute)
L 1,850.00 - 2,800.00 850.00 - 3,900.00 cells/uL
Monocytes (Absolute)
350.00 - 700.00 200.00 - 950.00 cells/uL
Eosinophils (Absolute)
15.00 - 500.00 cells/uL
Basophils (Absolute)
10.00 - 200.00 cells/uL
45.00 - 170.00 mcg/dL
20.00 - 380.00 NG/ML
CRP C-Reactive Protein
Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy (total)
30.00 - 100.00 NG/ML
Vitamin D, 25-OH D2
Vitamin D, 25-OH D3
30.00 - 100.00 NG/ML
Science Based Nutrition™, Inc.
The information in this report has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Name: Ann Onymous
Lab: Quest
Blood Test Results
Total Cholesterol
Total Cholesterol / HDL Ratio
Cholesterol Non-HDL
BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen)
BUN / Creatinine Ratio
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Alkaline Phosphatase 25-150
Hemoglobin A1C (Gly-Hgh)MagnesiumPhosphorusUric Acid
LDHCreatine KinaseGGTTSH
T3 UptakeT4 ThyroxineT7 Free Thyroxine Index (FTI)T4, Free (Direct) Thyroxine
T3 Free (Triiodothyronine)Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Ab (antibodies)ESR-Erythrocyte Sed Rate, Westergren
White Blood Count
MPV (Mean Platelet Volume)Polys/Neutrophils (SEGS-PMNS)
Science Based Nutrition™, Inc.
The information in this report has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Lymphs (Absolute)
Monocytes (Absolute)
Eosinophils (Absolute)
Basophils (Absolute)
Serum IronFerritinCRP C-Reactive ProteinVitamin D 25-Hydroxy (total)
Vitamin D, 25-OH D2Vitamin D, 25-OH D3
Science Based Nutrition™, Inc.
The information in this report has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Name: Ann Onymous
Lab: Doctor's Data #1, (with Ranges)
Hair Test Results
Ø No Improvement
Toxic Elements
Essential Elements
46000.00 - 48000.00 44000.00- 50000.00
Science Based Nutrition™, Inc.
The information in this report has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.
SUPPLIER: #1 SBN/Merkle Vitamin Line
PATIENT: Ann Onymous
Number Per Day
Chlorella Clean, 180 caps
Iron (Amino Iron 18mg)
Manganese Chelate
Stress B Plus, 90 tabs
Vital Trace Minerals
Science Based Nutrition™, Inc.
The information in this report has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Ethics of Memory Dampening Using Propranolol as a Treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Field of Emergency Medicine Rachel FischellDuke University ABSTRACTImagine a world in which one could selectively recall memories - the undesirable memories would not be retrievable, leaving us with only pleasant remains to be remembered. In this world, an emergency medical technician (EMT) forced to witness a violent mutilation following a severe car accident could forget every detail of what they'd observed and avoid the emotional aftermath. In many emergency situations worldwide, emergency medical personnel, such as first responders, EMT-B's, or paramedics are relied on to provide critical pre-hospital care. While this pre-hospital care is often necessary to save citizens' lives, those providing the care are consistently exposed to cognitively corrosive events. The nature of the field of emergency medicine causes the incidence of mental disorders to be incredibly high in this profession compared to other healthcare professions. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is particularly common amongst emergency medical personnel. This mental disorder, often characterized by reiterations of the trauma through intrusive and distressing recollections of the event, flashbacks or nightmares, affects approximately 20 percent of those employed in emergency medicine (Slaymaker 1999). In part, this has caused the average career of an emergency medical professional to last only 4-7 years. One potential solution to the high prevalence of PTSD and the elevated personnel turnover rate involves neurocognitive enhancement, one of the fundamental issues raised in neuroethics. Administration of propranolol prior to or immediately following traumatic situations to prevent emotional memory consolidation may ensure that no traumatic experience becomes embedded in the amygdala as a non-conscious emotional memory. Pre-hospital workers could take advantage of this effect and use propranolol, a sympatholytic non-selective beta-blocker, as a preventative measure. Specifically, propranolol administration could help emergency personnel to avoid the chronic hyperactive fear response triggered by certain stimuli that is the basis of PTSD (Glannon 2006). For example, the EMT from earlier would be administered propranolol either before or immediately after treating the victims of the violent car accident to help prevent emotional memory consolidation. Without the emotional component of the memory, the EMT would be far less likely to develop symptoms of PTSD. However, this must be weighed against the potential negative consequences. Because propranolol works to prevent aspects of memory consolidation via reduction of emotion, moral judgments that might arise during such traumatic situations could be affected, thus compromising the quality of patient care. In this paper, I will examine the ethical implications
Physician substance abuse and addiction: recognition, intervention, and recovery by Michael Kaufmann, MD OMA Physician Health Program The OMA Physician Health Program (PHP) was founded in 1995, with an initial mandate to provide assistance to physicians who experience problems with drug and alcohol abuse and addiction. Since its inception, the program has