Bpf bio-based°radables minutes 25.11.08.doc

For the attention of BPF MEMBERS and INVITED GUESTS ONLY
November 2008
Bio-based Plastics and
Degradable Plastics Group
Notes on the meeting of the BPF Bio-based Plastics & Degradable Plastics Group held on
Tuesday 25th November 2008 at OMYA UK, Derby.
Mark Burstall (Guest)
BPF Recycling Council
Tony Breton (Guest)
Sarah Plant (Executive)
All of the above signed an attendance sheet and in doing so agreed to conform to BPF policy to comply with the Competition Act 1998, for the purposes of this meeting.
1. Apologies
Eugen Karl Mossner
2. Welcome to the Meeting and Introductions
Sarah Plant (SP) welcomed everyone to the meeting and there was a brief tour de table of introductions. SP thanked OMYA UK for kindly hosting today's meeting.
3. Matters Arising from the minutes of the last meeting – 23rd September 2008
The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
No matters to report.
4. Group Discussion on Current Issues: Waste Management
SP welcomed Peter Skelton (PS) of WRAP and Mark Burstall (MB) of the BPF Recycling Council. PS gave a brief presentation (slides to be distributed separately) outlining the position of WRAP with relation to biopolymers and biodegradable plastics. He drew particular attention to a WRAP policy stat ement on Biopolymers which can be found at http://www.wrap.org.uk/retail/materials/biopolymers.html PS reported that at present WRAP were not planning any research or work in the area of oxo-biodegradables. John Williams (JW) reported that NNFCC are currently carrying out research in this area. MB informed the Group of the role of the BPF Recycling Council which represents over 80% of the recycling capacity in the UK. He highlighted a number of concerns including the importance of terminology and the need for better understanding. MB believes there is a need to keep materials separate d in the waste stream.
The main concerns of the recycling sector relate to:
• Identification – separation from the conventional plastics waste stream
• Contamination
• Waste Collection Infrastructure
There was a round table discussion on the issues raised with all parties keen to work together further. MB put forward a suggestion of meeting with the plastics film manufacturers of the BPFRC.
5. The BPF Bio-based and Degradable Plastics Group
SP confirmed that the Bio-based and Degradable Plastics Group will be formalised as a BPF Business Group as of 1st January 2009. Prior to the meeting BPF had made contact with those Members who have been involved in the Group's development to establish support for the continuation of the Group and its work. SP provided those Members present with confirmation of the formalisation of the Group and the relevant subscription rate that will apply.
5.1 Membership
Following formalisation of the Group, SP highlighted the need for the Group to expand to gain representation from the many sectors within the remit of this Group. A number of possible new members were suggested. Members requested that EPI and Symphony be invited to attend the next meeting of the Group.
BPF to make contact with possible new members. SP to arrange for representatives of EPI / Symphony to attend the next meeting of the Group All Members of the Group will be required to sign up and adhere to the Group's Mission Statement and Code of Conduct.
5.2 Chairmanship
SP reported that as a formal BPF Bu siness Group a Chairman will be required.
John James (JJ) proposed Andrew Barclay (AB) of Wells Plastics. John Williams (JW) of NNFCC seconded the proposal which was unanimously agreed. AB was happy to accept the role of Chairman of the Bio-based and Degradable Plastics Group.
6. Review of Group Activities to Date
6.1 Mission Statement / Code of Conduct
The Mission Statement and Code of Conduct have now been formalised as a working document to be published on the BPF website. No objections were raised.
SP to make available for download from the Bio-Based and Degradable Plastics webpage on the BPF website. Members to contact SP if they wish to make any further amendments
6.2 Seminar for 2009
SP reported that following the success of the last BPF seminar on ‘Biopolymers & Biodegradable Plastics' the BPF were keen to stage a follow on seminar during 2009. This is provisionally scheduled to take place on 13th May 2009. A full schedule of 2009 BPF seminars can be found at, www.bpfevents.co.uk. SP informed the Group that the BPF were keen to involve Members in the development of a programme for the Seminar. JW suggested Ian Ferguson of Co-op as a possible speaker. It was agreed that it would be useful to consider gaining input from CEN with regards to terminology.
The Group were aware that Defra are looking into re-launching the Green Claims Code and as such may be able to report on this at the seminar. To be discussed further at the next meeting.
6.3 Media / Press Briefings & Communication Initiatives
The Group agreed that focussed ‘mini' press briefings would be a useful tool for clarifying some of the misconceptions associated with bio-based and degradable plastics. It was agreed to look into this further once terminology has been agreed through CEN. SP suggested the possibility of providing ‘fact sheets' on the BPF website to educate and inform the wider public on the pros / cons / suitable application areas for bio-based and biodegradable plastics. Tony Breton (TB) agreed to look into developing a case study / fact sheet on waste bags JW agreed to look into developing a case study / fact sheet on the issues related to the feedstock for bio derived plastics.
PS / JW to provide drafts for the agreed case studies for consideration at the next meeting.
7. Group coverage on BPF Website and other online BPF Initiatives
7.1 BPF website
The new BPF website is now online. The new site has been entirely re-styled and incorporates several highly innovative features. The new site launches PLASTIPEDIA, the world's largest on-line plastics encyclopaedia. Covering polymers, additives, processing technologies and products, Plastipedia provides fantastic sponsorship opportunities for BPF Members. A totally new dimension is the introduction of an on - line professional and social network for the plastics community: PLASTBOOK will be a first rate networking tool facilitating exchange of experience between personnel in the industry. It will also provide a facility to ask and provide answers to particular questions which could lead to business development opportunities for the respondents. SP encouraged all those present to sign up to Plastibook at www.plastbook.com.
7.2 Industry Topics Webpage – Bio-based and Degradable Plastics Group
SP informed the Group that the Bio-based and Degradable Plastics page is now live. Should members have any comments or wish to make alterations to the page they should contact SP at the BPF.
The page can be viewed at; http://www.bpf.co.uk/Bio_based_and_Degradable_Plastics.aspx
Members to forward to SP any comments or relevant information / documentation that could be included in the webpage.
7.3 Group Webpage
All 20 Business Groups currently have individual web pages providing member information, Group activities and associated information. From January a new page will be developed for the Bio-based and Degradable Plastics Group. Members are encouraged to give their comments on what information they would like to be included.
SP to develop a Group webpage for publication in January.
8. Future Group Activities
A number of future Group activities were discussed and explored earlier in the agenda.
9. Issues to be Addressed
There was a round table discussions on the many issues affecting this sector including; media, retailer and consumer perception and standards progression.
AB reported that media attention surrounding used plastics in the marine environment was still a problem. A BPF position statement is available from www.bpf.co.uk.
The importance of educating Government bodies on bio-based and degradable plastics was highlighted as an issue.
10. Any Other Business
No other business to report.
11. Proposed Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting is provisional scheduled to take place on Wednesday 11th February 2008.
Industrial Issues Executive
Source: http://bpf.co.uk/Media/Download.aspx?MediaId=309
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