Roger Casement Branch
of Óglaigh Náisiúnta na hEireann T
Issue 04-11
Branch Chairman: Paddy O'Meara
Phone: 086 850 0316
Hon. Secretary: Brendan Downey
Phone: 01 842 0958
Hon. Treasurer: Eamonn Tierney
Branch Chairman: Hon.Secretary Hon.Treasurer
Phone: 01 847 5206
Brendan Downey Eamonn Tierney Peter Mc Glynn
Ph. 086 8500316
[email protected] Mc Glynn
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Phone: 086 401 1154
Minister for Defence Mr. Alan Shatter TD
meets Branch Members Noel Murphy and Frank Donnelly during his visit to the
Air Corps Museum.
Also included A/M M. Whelan and
Brig-Gen Paul Fry.
2011 was a busy year for the Branch. The main event was the well-
I wish to thank all the members for their great support during 201
attended Annual Mass and wreath laying ceremony. Other significant
The Secretary's report outlines the Branch's achievements. The
events involving members of the Branch included participation in
communications systems which include the Newsletter and excellent
the Somme Memorial Services, attendance at the Military Tattoo in
have now been joined by Facebook and a dedicated email
Edinburgh, tour of the Church and Graves at Arbour Hill, the ONET
Relationship with the Air Corps Senior staff and with all
golf classic in the Curragh. Guards of Honour were provided at ranks
is very strong which is assisted by the involvement of Branch
the funerals of our colleagues, Ken Loughheed, Wally Walsh and
Aviation Museum.
John Patterson. Members also visited the Croke Park Museum and
Our Hon Secretary Ben Downey has indicated his intention of
attended the Defence Forces concert in the NCH. The Branch was
standing down at the next AGM after ten years in office. Ben has
represented at two events held by the Leixlip Town Council and the
been at the heart of the Branch and is highly regarded and respected
Museum party assisted with the restoration of a Gypsy Major engine
by all the members and by the ONET
for exhibition in the Curragh Military Museum.
I appreciate the support and guidance he gave me during the past
A large number of members took part in the ONET La na bhFiann
years and he fully encouraged the implementation of the new
ceremonies at Arbour Hill and also at the Remembrance Ceremonies
communication systems and the introduction of the new head-dress.
in Kilmainham.
He deserves great credit for the expansion of the Branch during his
Members who assist in the Air Corps Museum met the Minister for
tenure in office.
Defence during his visit to Casement Aerodrome. The involvement of
s great knowledge of the rules and great experience will be
the members in the above events provided significant publicity for the
missed as Branch Secretary but we look forward to him continuing as
Branch and for ONET. Great credit due to the Social Committee for
a valued Branch Member for many more years to come.
organising such a wide ranging programme of events.
As I will be stepping down as Branch Hon Secretary at the forthcoming AGM I would like to thank everyone for the support and help I received during my ten year tenure in the position which saw the membership of the Branch rise to the highest yet in the ONET system. I enjoyed being in touch with so many former colleagues who have served with
the Air Corps.
Happy Christmas and a
Happy Christmas and a
I wish the new Hon-Secretary and indeed the Branch continued
Peaceful New Year to all
Peaceful New Year to all
success in the years ahead.
Brendan Downey
Edition sponsored by the
Edition sponsored by the
1956 Apprentice Class
1949 Apprentice Class
Edition sponsored by
a member of the
Apprentice Class.

Annual Memorial Mass
The Annual Memorial Mass is the most important event in the activities
Following the Mass members of the Branch formed a Guard of Honour
of the Roger Casement Branch. This year it was an honour to have the
at the Memorial where a wreath was jointly laid by the Branch Chairman
widow of the late John Patterson, Rev Adeline Patterson joining with Fr.
and Brig-Gen Fry. Piper John Brennan played a lament and brought the
Jerry Carroll in the Service.
ceremony to an end by playing Amhran na bhFiann.
The Newcastle Folk Group was positioned in the sanctuary which
The congregation then retired to the NCO's Mess where former
enabled the congregation to have a better view of the lighting of the
colleagues enjoyed renewing acquaintances and exchanging stories
memorial candles. Each candle had the name of the deceased member
from the past.
being remembered.
The large attendance included not only Branch members but also the families of the deceased members, and members from other ONET Branches.
The Guest of Honour was Brigadier General Paul Fry GOC. Air Corps. Also in attendance were Maj-Gen Ralph James, Deputy Chief of Staff-Operations and retired GOC, Brig-Gen Jerry O'Connor.
The Lessons were read by Brig-Gen Fry and by the Branch Chairman Paddy O'Meara. The Gospel was read by the Rev. Patterson who also delivered the Homily.
Peter and Kay
McGlynn with
Brig-Gen Paul Fry
The Folk Group enhanced the Service with their excellent singing. A Guard of Honour and salute was rendered during the Mass with appropriate music being provided by the Branch Piper.
Moments Silence. Group includes
LAC President,
Rev A. Patterson and Fr. Jerry Carroll CF.
Isidore Fleming
(Dan Fitzgerald
Brig-Gen Paul Fry, Paddy O'Meara Branch Chair-
man, Maj-Gen Ralph James, Peter McGlynn PRO.
F.Donnelly,P.McGlynn, N.Murphy. T.Roe, E.Tierney.
Wreath laying by GOC Air Corps
Eamonn Tierney
and the Branch
on Flag duty.
Blast From the Past
Photo 1. Air Corps Football team 1961
Photo 2. 1950 Apprentice Class.
PROFILE: Brendan (Ben )Downey
Ben was a member of the famous 1945 Apprentice Class and hailed from Kilkenny. He served in the Air Corps for 9 years attaining the rank of Flight-Sergeant. Ben joined Aer Lingus in 1954 along with several other members of his class and was quickly promoted to the technical supervisory ranks. He was one of the first engineers to be sent to the Boeing Aircraft Co. in Seattle for training on the first commercial jet aircraft to join the Aer Lingus fleet – the Boeing 720. Aer Lingus operated its first transatlantic jet service in November 1960.
Ben retired from Aer Lingus as Manager of fleet Maintenance Programmes and Reliability in 1995 after 41 years of service. Many will be surprised to hear that Ben was an outstanding hurler when he joined the Air Corps – not unusual for a Kilkenny man. Like many more of the great hurling talent that was in the Air Corps during the 1950's, he was soon enticed to play hockey by the great hockey enthusiast – the late Syd Peacock. Indeed, Syd can claim the credit for introducing hockey to the Air Corps and this subsequently transferred over to Aer Lingus with the intake of technicians to the National Airline.
This was the time when the GAA had a ban on the playing of foreign games but like many more of the Air Corps hurlers, it was disregarded so it was hockey on Saturday and Hurling on Sunday, (The ban was removed in 1971).
Ben was an excellent hockey player and played for some of the great Air Corps and Aer Lingus teams.
One of Bens other talents is his ability to organise, and each year he organises a reunion of his 1945 Apprentice Class. This is a unique record and as far as we are aware it is the only class that holds a reunion on an annual basis.
Ben has recently decided to stand down as Hon-Secretary of the Roger Casement Branch a position he has held with great distinction for ten years.
We wish him many more years as a member of the Branch where his vast experience and advice will be of great benefit to all.
L/R: E. Tierney, Ed Browne, B. Barden,
M. Curtis, J.Brennan, J.Power, F. Lyons,
Bill O'Neill (Rear) Tim Malone.
Front: Mick Prince, P.McLoughlin, Tony McCormack.
Ladies included Mary Brennan and Phil Power.
Let us remember those who have
REMINDER: The Annual Membership Subscription of €25.00 is due on January 1,
died. Noel O'Dwyer
2012. Payment by cheque payable to the Roger Casement Branch, ONET should
be sent to the Hon-Treasurer Eamonn Tierney, 20 Ardcollum Ave. Artane, Dublin 5,
The subscription may also be paid at the Annual Christmas Lunch.
It's sad to see so many missing
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The AGM will take place in the NCO'S Mess
As we gather here once more
Casement Aerodrome on Thursday January 19th, 2012 at 2000 hrs. A full
To think of the days and have instant replays
attendance is expected. Please ensure that nominations for committee positions
Of the time we spent in the Corps
are sent to the Hon-Secretary in good Time.
Things were much different in those daysWhen living was really quite rough
VISIT TO FLANDERS AND THE SOMME 2012 It is intended that the annual trip
Nearly all of our foodstuff was rationed
will take place as usual in 2012. The group will be based in Ypres, Belgium and
So that made life really tough
will travel to the Somme to take part in the July 1 Ceremonies at Guillemont for the
fourth successive year.
Still, it's nice to have so many memories
The group will depart Dublin on Friday June 29 (Aer Lingus) for Brussels returning
Of those times so long, long ago
on Tuesday July 3rd.
As we sit and look back at the fun and the craic
The trip will include visits to the Menin Gate, Irish Peace Park, Tyne Cot Cemetery,
In those places where we used to go
in addition to the Somme Ceremonies.
Our numbers really have dwindled
Places will be limited so if interested please contact Paddy O'Meara or Tony Roe.
It's so sad to see so many goneSo let's spare a thought and say a wee prayer
AN COSANTOIR Any members who are be interested in receiving an on-line
And the memories will always live on.
copy of the Defence Forces Magazine, An Cosantoir, please contact the
James Killian (1945 Apprentice Class)
Hon- Secretary.
Airman Michael Whelan, nominated by the National Aero Club of Ireland and GOC AC, Brig-Gen Paul Fry to receive the PAUL TISSANDIER DIPLOMA 2010 by the ‘Federation Aeronautique Internationale'.
"Airman Michael Whelan, No 4 Support Wing, Irish Air Corps through his curatorship of the Air Corps Military Aviation Museum, his contribution to the collation of Irish military history and his literary publications, has enhanced the standing of the Air Corps and the Defence Forces nationwide. The importance of his contribution to the preservation of aeronautical artifacts is deserving of great praise." Congratulations to Michael - Well deserved.
Casa 253 completed the Air
Ambulance mission from
An Air Corps Casa aircraft completed the transfer of a patient from Kings Cross
Hospital, London, to Our Lady Children's Hospital, Crumlin this afternoon
(7/11/11). The Casa collected the patient at RAF Northolt from where they were
transferred to Casement Aerodrome, Baldonnel and then by road to Our Lady
Children's Hospital, Crumlin. This was the 63rd Air Ambulance mission
completed by the Air Corps so far this year
Air Ambulance missions may be carried out on the Casa Aircraft,
Learjet or the AW139 Helicopters. AW139 Helicopters are regularly used for Air Ambulance missions.
The following article appeared in the September 2007 edition of The Link and is
Director of the Army #1 Band, the melody to which the above anthem was
re-published by request
sung was identified as being the trio part of the famous "Our Director March"
During the course of recent discussions between some of our members,
by Frederick Bigelow. Indeed this march was played by the Army #1 Band
agreement could not be reached as to whether designated march music has
on a visit to Baldonnel during the late 50's or early 60's.
ever been assigned to the Air Corps.
Could this be the elusive "Air Corps March"?
Air Force marches exist for the US Air Force and for the Royal Air Force so why
Curtiss NC-4 Flying
not for their Irish counterparts?
Many former members remember singing "We're a bunch of bad boys" from
Further investigation revealed that that the only
the back of a Bedford Truck on the way to the rifle range or to various sporting
other March of note composed by Bigelow was
"The NC4 March" which was indeed written to
We're a bunch of bad boys, bad boys are we
commemorate the first ever transatlantic flight of
We are the Air Corps, the terrors of the Aeronautical Universe
any aircraft. In May 1919, three US Navy
We're a bunch of bad boys, bad boys are we
Curtiss-NC Flying Boats took off from New York
We'd rather live and fight for Liberty.
bound for Lisbon via Newfoundland and The Azores. Only NC4 managed
to complete the journey to Lisbon which took just under 3 weeks. This flight
We're a grand old team to play for
happened before the Alcock and Brown flight which ended up in Clifden and
We're a grand old team to know
8 years before the Lindbergh flight.
When you hear our history, its enough to make you're heart grow sad….
We don't care whether we win loose or draw for all the hell we care
Any further information regarding the designation of an official Air Corps
For all we know there's going to be a match and the good old Air Corps will be
March for a Military Brass band would be welcomed. Nowadays the Air
Corps has an outstanding Pipe Band and we look forward to hearing it play
an appropriate Official Air Corps March in the near future. Perhaps "We're a
With the assistance of Comdt. Mark Armstrong (now Lt-Col), the present
Bunch of Bad Boys" could be adapted for the pipes?
SIMULACIÓN DEL TSUNAMI DE 1960 EN UN ESTUARIO DEL CENTRO-SUR DE CHILE Revista de Geografía Norte Grande, 33: 5-18 (2005) Simulación del tsunami de 1960 en un estuario del centro-sur de Chile1 MARCELO LAGOS2, DANTE GUTIÉRREZ3 Se modela el tsunami de 1960 en un estuario del centro-sur de Chile. Lareconstrucción del evento se realizó mediante la modelación del escenariosísmico tsunamigénico, utilizando una técnica de simulación numérica detsunamis de campo cercano, permitiendo caracterizar el proceso de gene-ración, propagación e inundación generada por las ondas en las áreascosteras bajas. Los resultados de la simulación del tsunami se validan conantecedentes y evidencias existentes del evento real.
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