HM Medical Clinic

Table of Contents
Drug and Alcohol Policy.1Tobacco Free Campus Policy.1Commonly Abused Substances and Health Risks.2Commonly Abused Substances and Health Risks cont.3Consequences.4 Disciplinary Drug and Alcohol Policy
In compliance with the Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, the Federal Drug- Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, the Maryland Drug and Alcohol Abuse Control Plan of 1990, and the Maryland Higher Education Commissioner's policies of 1990, Garrett Col ege is dedicated in spirit and in compliance with law to a drug- free workplace and educational environment.
Students and employees are expected and required to be in appropriate mental and physical condition and to be free from the influence of alcohol or drugs. Alcohol use is not permitted on campus except under limited conditions that require the approval of the President (see #2011- Alcohol Policy).
The unlawful manufacture, distribution, sale, possession, or use of il icit drugs and the il egal use of alcohol as a part of any Garrett Col ege activity, are absolutely prohibited, in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws.
Violations of this policy by employees or students will result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, consistent with normal col ege policy and procedure (see Student Code of Conduct and Human Resources Manual for defined violations and Tobacco Free Campus Policy
The col ege will provide a campus environment that eliminates exposure to second hand smoke as much as possible, encourages tobacco users to quit, and sends a clear message that the use of tobacco does not support good health. To this end, the use of all tobacco products, including the use of electronic cigarettes, is prohibited on all col ege property, either owned or leased, with the exception of: Personal vehicles parked on campus parking lots Residence Halls:
Smoking is prohibited within al residence hal s, including student rooms, bathrooms, common areas, public areas, and entranceways. Students who wish to smoke must do so at a designated location 30 ft. from both residence hal s and must stay away from heavy traffic areas and windows. This policy applies to all individuals on Garrett Col ege's campus, including but not limited to, faculty, staff, students, parents, contractors, vendors, and visitors. The President or designee is authorized to develop, modify, publish, and disseminate procedures to regulate smoking and tobacco use on College controlled property. The President or designee may designate specific areas for smoking and other Commonly Abused Substances and Health Risks
Alcohol: Beer, wine, Distilled Spirits
Effects: Short-term: acts on mood and emotions, relaxation, confusion, disrupts bal-
ance between reasoning and judgment, depression, anxiety, decreased alertness, stupor, unconsciousness; Long-term: tolerance, psychological dependence, physical dependence, kidney and liver failure, weight gain, blackouts, impotence, psychosis, ulcers, malnutrition, delirium, tremors, death.
Amphetamines: Benzedrine, Dexedrine, Methedrine, Preludin, Speed, Ice, Crystals,
Glass, Eskatrol, Ritalin, Ecstasy
Effects: Short-term: increased alertness, excitation, euphoria, decreased appetite,
restlessness, rapid speech, irritability, insomnia, paranoia, stomach disorders, physi- cally and psychologically addictive; Long-term: tolerance, hardening of the arteries, mood swings, anxiety, hallucinations, sleep deprivation, severe malnutrition.
Anabolic Steroids: Synthetic Testosterone, Roids
Effects: Short-term: cellular development of body and muscle tissue, mood ele-
vation or depression, altered sex drive, increased aggressive behavior, may stunt growth, retention of sodium and fluids, stroke, severe acne; Long-term: jaundice, increased chance of heart disease, liver damage, high blood pressure, endocrine im- balance. Males: can enlarge breasts, decrease testicular size and function, decrease sperm production. Females: menstrual irregularities, masculinizing effects, change in the genitals.
Antidepressants: Tricyclics, Serotonin Uptake Inhibitors, MAO Inhibitors, Antimanic
Effects: Depending on the type: short-term: relieves anxiety and depression,
temporary impotence, nausea, slowed heartbeat, decreased breathing rate, weight loss, headaches, apathy, depressed emotions, hypertensive crisis, rapid pulse; Long- term: appear to be depressed, apathy lethargy, insomnia, irregularities of heartbeat, sweating, dizziness, altered appetite, seizures, disturbed vision, altered sexual desire, glaucoma, weight gain, sleep disturbances, fatigue, weakness, tremors, dry mouth, constipation, overdose can cause death Antipsychotics: Thorazine, Compazine, Stelazine, Haldol
Effects: Short-term: reduced anxiety, depression, restricted motor movement,
slowed processing and responses to stimulation; long-term: over dose can cause Barbiturates: Chloral Hydrate, Phenobarbital, Doriden, Seconal
Effects: Short-term: sedative-hypnotic effects, relaxation, euphoria, decreased
alertness, drowsiness, impaired coordination, slurred speech, stupor, hangover, high doses depress breathing, heart rate, temperature, and muscular coordination, increased anxiety, depression, mood swings; Long-term: physical and psychological dependence, excessive sleepiness, confusion, irritability, severe withdrawal, convul- sions, depressed breathing and body functions, death.
Cannabis: Hashish, Marijuana, THC
Effects: Short-term: euphoria, mile hallucinogen, distortions in perception, in-
creased heartbeat, increased appetite, bloodshot eyes, may create a psychological dependence, interferes with memory and intellectual performance, impaired concentration, dry mouth, mild hypnotic, exaggerated mood and personality; Long- term: irritation of the respiratory tract leading to lung disease, fatigue, hormonal changes, psychosis, antimotivational syndrome, impaired reproduction, birth Cocaine: Coke, Crack, Snow, Rock, Blow
Effects: Short-term: constriction of arteries, increased release of adrenalin, increased
blood pressure and heart rate, risk of seizures, disruption and overstimulation of body's chemical balance, euphoric rush, paranoia, muscle tremors, memory lapses, mental confusion, hal ucinations, miscarriage, stroke, runny or stuffy nose if snorted, feeling of things crawling under the skin, dilated pupils, chronic insomnia, irritability, depression, psychosis; Long-term: insomnia, agitation, severe emotional depression, extreme lethargy, inability to feel pleasure, lack of energy and motivation, feeling of impending death, damage to nasal septum, extreme weight loss, damage to heart and blood vessels, convulsions, respiratory arrest, death.
Hallucinogens: Psychedelics, LSD, PCP, Mushrooms, MDMA, Ecstasy
Effects: Short-term: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sweating, may exaggerate unstable
tendencies, intensifies or distorts visual stimuli, hallucinations; Long-term: flash- backs, altered states of consciousness, suppressed judgment and reason, stimulated visual perception and degree of euphoria.
Inhalants: Glue, Paint thinner and remover, Gasoline, Nitrous Oxide, Aerosol sprays,
Effects: Short-term: relaxation, hypersensitivity, impaired judgment, violence,
reduced muscle reflex control, rapid heartbeat, impaired coordination, headache, nausea, visual disturbance, euphoria, depression, slurred speech, unsteady gait, drowsiness, irritability, excitement, impulsiveness; Long-term: delirium with confu- sion, hallucinations, drowsiness, stupor, brain damage, lung and kidney damage, blood and bone marrow alteration, death.
Nicotine: Cigarettes, Pipe, Cigars, Snuff, Chewing Tobacco, Nicotine Gum, Nicotine
Effects: Short-term: constricted blood vessels, raised heart rate and blood pressure,
decreased appetite, increased alertness, partially deadened senses of taste and smell, irritated lungs, dry mouth, relaxation; Long-term: lung damage, heart irregu- larities, cancer, hypertension, nervousness, irritability, headaches, fatigue, insomnia, physiological and physical addiction.
Opiates: Opium, Codeine, Morphine, Heroin
Effects: Short-term: stimulation, sense of detachment, depression, pin-point pupils,
vomiting, nausea, drowsiness, inability to concentrate, slowed breathing and pulse, dry skin and itching, euphoria, mental clouding; Long-term: tolerance, dependence, physical and/or psychological addiction, chronic skin rash, itching, insensibility and unconsciousness, hepatitis, heart and lung abnormalities, ulcers, abscesses, kidney failure, pregnancy issues, loss of sexual desire, death.
Tranquilizers: Sedatives/hypnotics, Valium, Xanax, Ativan, Rohypnol ("roofies")
Effects: Short-term: calming, depressed emotions, relaxation, lowered inhibitions,
reduced intensity of physical sensations, drowsiness, loss of body heat, reduce muscular coordination, sleep, blurred vision, dizziness, stupor, tolerance; Long-term: age-dependent tolerance, blood-cell destruction, jaundice, anxiety attacks, insom- nia, agitation, abdominal cramps, seizures, delirium, uncontrolled heartbeat, coma, Students found responsible for a drug or alcohol violation are subject to minimum sanctions of probation (for non-residential students) and residence hal expulsion/ termination of housing contract. Actions for students and employees could include dismissal from the College.
If a student has been convicted of any offense under any federal or state law involving the possession or sale of a control ed substance, he/she will be ineligible to receive any grant, loan, or work assistance under Title IV during the period from the date of the conviction and through the interval specified below: Possession of Il egal Drugs: 1st offense- one year from date of conviction; 2nd offense-
two years; 3rd + offense- indefinite period Sale of Il egal Drugs: 1st offense- two years from date of conviction; 2nd + offense-
indefinite period Violating local, state, and/or federal laws as they relate to alcohol or drug use can be costly! Court costs, fines, and jail time are just a few of the penalties one can face for violating the law. To learn more about the expense of alcohol/drug violations, visit: Counseling Services: Madonna C. Pool, MS, LCADC, LCPC, NCC Certified Professional Counselor Phone 301-387-3743 • Fax 301-387-3055 • Office #LRC-523 Health Services: Jamie C. Resh-Kamp, RN Coordinator of Health Services Phone 301-387-3742 • jamie.reshkamp@garrettcol Office # CARC 928 Garrett County Health Department; Behavioral Health Center-Substance Abuse: 1025 Memorial Dr, Oakland, MD 21550 (301) 334-7670 Garrett County Memorial Hospital:251 N 4th St, Oakland, MD 21550 (301) 533-4000 The Jackson Unit (Adolescent): Thomas B. Finan Center Country Club Road Cumberland, The Massie Unit (Adult): Thomas B. Finan Center Country Club Road Cumberland, MD Al-Anon Family Group Meeting Information Hotline Phone: (800) 356-9996 Alcohol & Drug Helpline Phone: (800) 821-4357 Alcohol Information & Referral Phone: (800) 252-6465 Alcoholics Anonymous Hotline Phone: (410) 663-1922 American Lung Association in Maryland Phone: (800)86-4872/(443) 451-4950 Drug Alcohol Treatment Center Phone: (800) 274-2042 Narcotics Anonymous Hotline Phone: (800) 317-3222 National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Phone: (800) 622-2255 Smoking Stops Here Hotline Phone: (800) 784-8669 Substance Abuse and Mental Health National Helpline - Treatment Referral Routing ServicePhone: (800) 662-HELP(4357)/(800) 487-4889 (TTY)



Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 34 (2005) 106–117 Phylogenetic analysis of the genus Thymallus (grayling) based on mtDNA control region and ATPase 6 genes, with inferences on control region constraints and broad-scale Eurasian phylogeography E. Froufea,b, I. Knizhinc, S. Weissd,¤ a CIBIO/UP, Campus Agrário de Vairão, 4480-661, Vairão, Portugal

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