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Chaos and terror

Manufactured by Psychiatry
Report and recommendations
on the role of psychiatry
in international terrorism
Citizens Commission on Human Rights
Established in 1969
For the Reader
The psychiatric profession purports to be know the causes or cures for any mental disorder
the sole arbiter on the subject of mental
or what their "treatments" specifically do to the
health and "diseases" of the mind. The
patient. They have only theories and conflicting
facts, however, demonstrate otherwise:
opinions about their diagnoses and methods, andare lacking any scientific basis for these. As a past
president of the World Psychiatric Association
DISEASES. In medicine, strict criteria exist for
stated, "The time when psychiatrists considered
calling a condition a disease: a predictable group
that they could cure the mentally ill is gone. In
of symptoms and the cause of the symptoms or
the future, the mentally ill have to learn to live
an understanding of their physiology (function)
with their illness."
must be proven and established. Chills and feverare symptoms. Malaria and typhoid are diseases.
Diseases are proven to exist by objective evidence
and physical tests. Yet, no mental "diseases" have
ever been proven to medically exist.
One prevailing psychiatric theory (key to psychotropic drug sales) is that mental disorders
result from a chemical imbalance in the brain.
As with its other theories, there is no biological
While mainstream physical medicine treats
or other evidence to prove this. Representative
diseases, psychiatry can only deal with
of a large group of medical and biochemistry
"disorders." In the absence of a known cause or
experts, Elliot Valenstein, Ph.D., author of
physiology, a group of symptoms seen in many
Blaming the Brain says: "[T]here are no tests
different patients is called a disorder or syndrome.
available for assessing the chemical status of
Harvard Medical School's Joseph Glenmullen,
a living person's brain."
M.D., says that in psychiatry, "all of its diagnosesare merely syndromes [or disorders], clusters of
symptoms presumed to be related, not diseases."
OF LIFE'S PROBLEMS. People do experience
As Dr. Thomas Szasz, professor of psychiatry
problems and upsets in life that may result in
emeritus, observes, "There is no blood or other
mental troubles, sometimes very serious. But
biological test to ascertain the presence or
to represent that these troubles are caused by
absence of a mental illness, as there is for most
incurable "brain diseases" that can only be
bodily diseases."
alleviated with dangerous pills is dishonest,harmful and often deadly. Such drugs are
often more potent than a narcotic and capable
of driving one to violence or suicide. They mask
psychiatric agencies such as the World Psychiatric
the real cause of problems in life and debilitate
Association and the U.S. National Institute of
the individual, so denying him or her the oppor-
Mental Health admit that psychiatrists do not
tunity for real recovery and hope for the future.

CONTENTSIntroduction: Manufacturing Murderers .2
Chapter One:The ‘Doctors' of Death .5
Chapter Two: Psychiatrists Applaud Madmen .15
Chapter Three: Ideology Spawns Racial Hatred .19
Chapter Four: Targeting the Victims .23
Chapter Five: The Road to Recovery .27
Recommendations .28
Citizens Commission on Human Rights International .29
The terrorist attacks on the twin towers of human nature. Suicide bombers are made,
New York's World Trade Center and the
not born. Ultimately, terrorism is the result of
Pentagon in Washington, D.C. on
madmen bent on destruction, and these madmen
September 11, 2001, will never be forgot-
are typically the result of psychiatric or psycho-
ten: the airplanes exploding into flame
logical techniques aimed at mind and behavioral
as they hit buildings; people leaping from the burn-
control. Suicide bombers are not rational—they
ing wreckage to certain death; firemen rushing into
are weak and pliant individuals psychologically
the crumbling towers
indoctrinated to mur-
only to become victims
der innocent people
themselves; large swaths
without compassion,
of lower Manhattan
with no concern for the
"Terrorism is created, not
reduced to smoking rub-
value of their own lives.
ble. A stunned world
human nature. Suicide bombers
They are manufactured
watched the news footage
are made, not born. Ultimately,
over and over, trying to
Part of that process
come to grips with the
terrorism is the product of
involves the use of
criminal mind that could
mind-altering psychi-
madmen bent on destruction,
conceive of such a plan,
atric drugs. Consider
much less execute it.
and these madmen are typically
the roots of the word
"assassin." In the year
the result of psychiatric or
lent acts like this shock
1090, Hasan ibn al-
us all. What kind of
psychological techniques aimed
Sabbah founded a ter-
person could be so
rorist group called the
at mind and behavioral control."
cold-hearted and destruc-
Ismaili Order in a
tive—and be willing to
mountain fortress south
give up his own life in
of the Caspian Sea. To
the process? What kind
train followers as
of mindset methodical-
killers, they were first
ly plans and executes mass murder—with utter
drugged unconscious, then taken to a beautiful
disregard for humanity? Yet some "experts"
garden filled with luxuries and women. They
claim that today's terror merchants are no more
were woken to enjoy the "delights" and then
irrational than you or I—that we all have
drugged again and returned to the "Grand
"demons" within.
Master" overseeing their training. He would
Beware these experts, because their claims are
assure them they had never left his side but had
blatant falsehoods. Terrorism is created; it is not
merely experienced a taste of the paradise that

awaited them if they successfully carried out akilling assignment.1 Because of the heavy use ofhashish to accomplish the intoxication, the killersbecame known as "Hashishiyn" (from Arabic,"user of hashish"), and later "Assassins."2
The Japanese "kamikaze" pilots who
launched suicide attacks against allied shippingduring World War II used amphetamines to over-ride their natural impulse to survive.3Amphetamine side effects include psychosis,euphoria and combativeness.4
Beverly Eakman, author and educator says,
"Unspeakable acts of terror, torture, and massmurder are not so much the results of individualswho have lost their minds as they are of individ-uals who have lost their conscience. The heinoussuicide attacks on the World Trade Center and thePentagon are traced to Osama bin Laden and …bin Laden's chief mentor is a former psychiatrist… It would not be the first time psychiatrists hadserved as the manipulators behind charismatic,but essentially weak and flawed, human beings—
gists. Publicly exposing this destructive source
systematically feeding their hatreds [and]
behind terrorism provides insight and solutions
stroking their egos—until eventually even the
to an otherwise incomprehensible and devastat-
most barbaric act may appear plausible and
rational in the name of some twisted cause."
From Hitler's "Final Solution" in Germany
70 years ago and the unthinkable "ethnic cleans-ing" and terrorist purges in Bosnia and Kosovo inthe 1990s, to today's suicide bombers, the worldhas suffered greatly at the hands of programmedassassins and genocidal maniacs.
This publication reveals the hidden key
players in the alarming and explosive upsurge
President, Citizens Commission
in terrorism today—psychiatrists and psycholo-
on Human Rights International

While 9/11 media concentrated on Osama bin Laden, very
1 few knew the role played by
Egyptian psychiatrist Ayman al-Zawahiri, bin Laden's right-hand man.
The March 11, 2004, train bombings in Madrid were
2 reportedly masterminded
by Moroccan psychiatrist Abu Hafiza.
Psychiatric drugs have been used to brainwash young men,
3 in Iraq and elsewhere, into
becoming suicide bombers.
Terrorists are also created by psychological methods that destroy
4 individualism, moral judgment and
Mind controllers combine pain, psychiatric drugs and hypnosis to
5 turn individuals, including children,
into remorseless killing machines.
On March 11, 2004, at the height of the morning rush hour, ten
simultaneous blasts ripped through trains in three bustling Madrid train
stations. This tragic and deadly terrorist attack, like the September 11th and
other attacks, had a common thread—the involvement of members of the
psychiatric profession linked to the inner circle of al-Qaeda.
hile 9/11 media concentrated
Madrid, Spain, leaving in their wake 191 dead
on Osama bin Laden, his
and 1,900 injured.
The reported mastermind, Moroccan
Wgroup al-Qaeda and the 19 psychiatrist Abu Hafiza, crafted a plan that
airline hijackers with links to
employed six or more operatives to plant bombs
the network, very few knew the role played by
timed for simultaneous detonation, a tactic
Egyptian psychiatrist Ayman al-Zawahiri.
aimed at amplifying the violence for greater
Vincent Cannistraro, formerly a high-ranking
psychological impact.7
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) counter-terrorism
The meticulous planning began at least 10
official, places Zawahiri
months earlier, when
at the heart of the
Hafiza gathered a
matter: "Zawahiri is the
number of al-Qaeda
guy—he's the opera-
Former psychiatrist Ayman
agents from Saudi
tional commander …
Arabia and took them
al-Zawahiri "is the guy—he's
number one, on the right-
to Fallujah, Iraq. Over
hand side of Osama …
the operational commander …
the next few months,
He believes that violence
posing as a teacher
number one, on the right-hand
is purifying … He kills
from a religious school,
innocent people."5
side of Osama [bin Laden] …
Hafiza roamed Iraq to
This deadly terrorist
gather intelligence —
He believes that violence is
has been called "bin
on behalf of Ayman al-
Laden's brain" by
Muntasir al-Zayat, an
— Vincent Cannistraro, former counter-terrorism
Egyptian lawyer who
official, U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
ings were the latest
spent three years in
in a lethal terrorist
political prison with al-
career extending back
to the mid-1990s, when Hafiza entered al-
The September 11 attacks were neither the Qaeda's inner circle.
first nor the last time al-Zawahiri and al-Qaedaworked together.
Creating Brainwashed Terrorists
In March 2004, The Times of London revealed
Tragedy in Madrid
that al-Qaeda used drugs to brainwash young
At the height of the morning rush hour on
men in Iraq to create suicide bombers. The process
Thursday, March 11, 2004, 10 explosions ripped
involves the use of pain and drugs
through trains in three bustling stations in
in combination with hypnosis.

Kenya: U.S. embassy bombing, 1998
Beirut: U.S. Marine barracks bombing, 1983
Karbala, Iraq: terrorist bombing, 2004
According to Colonel
of information, social
Karim Sultan, police
Research into terrorist
relationships and sup-
employed by those
chief of Karbala, Iraq,
kingpins—the engineers of
port structures, and
forming terrorist corps
"It's a long process to
then humiliates the
terror attacks—shows a dominance
involve the use of drugs
brainwash them. They
individual so that he
and psychological
of psychiatric or psychological
perceives himself as
conditioning, together
money, then start to
practitioners, but more observable are
unworthy, supposedly
with ideological
use drugs on them
the tools of their trade: drugs and
motivating him to
until they are half-con-
these methods enable
coercive methods integral to the
"Changing" directs
terrorists to perpetrate
such atrocities as the
creation of a worldwide terror corps.
the person towards
suicide bombing of
attacks from nine sui-
learning new attitudes,
Marine barracks in
cide bombers in a three-
quite often through
Beirut (1983), the U.S.
week period in March 2004. The violence would
coercion. "Refreezing" involves ". the integration
embassies in Kenya and
have been worse, had Colonel Sultan's officers not
of the changed attitudes into the rest of the
Tanzania (1998), and in
captured 12 men in outlying villages—a number of
personality. …"10
Iraq's holy city of Karbala,
them reportedly drugged and "ready to act."9
Also called "sensitivity training," this process
where suicide bombers
Other psychological "brainwashing" methods
was "developed to study how people could be
killed 112 people on
employed by terrorist groups include a socially and psychologically manipulated to give
March 2, 2004.
three-stage process involving "unfreezing,"
up their souls. …"11 The end result: the destruction
"changing" and "refreezing." "Unfreezing" physi-
of individualism, moral judgment and personal
cally removes the person from his routines, sources
Psychiatrists and psychologists have long
tranquilizer known as the "fear reducer," a drug
boasted that they are able to program individuals
that enabled them to commit extremely violent
into assassins by use of these methods. Long before
crimes without regret. Abusers showed no guilt
anyone heard of a "Manchurian Candidate"—a
about their violent offenses. "I didn't feel any emo-
person unwittingly programmed to kill by means
tion when I stabbed him five times," one teenager
of drugs and hypnosis—George Estabrooks, a psy-
chologist and former professor at Colgate
It is estimated that 250,000 children are forced
University in New York, reported the creation of
to engage in armed combat at the behest of revolu-
operational Manchurian Candidates on the Allied
tionaries and terrorists around the world.16
side during World War II. "The key to creating an
According to a United Nations report, many of
effective spy or assassin," he said, "rests in splitting
these children are drugged with amphetamines
a man's personality, or creating multi-personality,
and tranquilizers to enable them to "go on murder-
with the aid of hypnotism. This is not science fic-
ous binges for days."17
tion. This has and is being done. I have done it."12
Corinne Dufka from Human Rights Watch,
Numerous studies have verified that psy-
stated, "It seemed to be a very organized strategy of
chotropic drugs can "take over the human mind
getting the kids, drugging them up, breaking down
against the will of the individual."13
their defense and memory, and turning them
the use of drugs,"
into fighting machines
wrote Walter Bowart in
that didn't have a sense
Operation Mind Control,
of empathy and feeling
"the skilled mind con-
for the civilian popula-
troller could first induce
a hypnotic trance. Then,
Colin Ross, M.D.,
one of several behavior
author of Bluebird:
modification techniques
Deliberate Creation of
could be employed
Multiple Personality by
with amplified success.
In themselves, without
authority on coercive
directed suggestions,
psychiatric methods,
drugs affect the mind
revealed that a variety of
in random ways. But
techniques could be
when drugs are com-
exploited by a skilled
bined with hypnosis,
psychiatric technician to
an individual can be
program an individual
molded and manipulat-
to commit violent acts.
ed beyond his own
Hypnosis exerts a more
It is estimated that 250,000 children
powerful influence
are forced to engage in armed combat at
It is well known that
when combined with
psychiatric drugs induce
the behest of revolutionaries and terrorists
drugs and pain.
violent behavior. A 2000
around the world. According to a United
Ross suspects the
Swedish study of juve-
Nations report, many of these children are
number of suicide
nile delinquents found
drugged with amphetamines and
bombers who are pro-
that 40% were acute
grammed with drugs is
tranquilizers to enable them to "go
abusers of a psychiatric
"close to 100 percent."
on murderous binges for days."
Over the last decade an explosion of gratuitous
violence has terrorized the world scene.
Examination of these destructive phenomena
reveals the influence of psychiatric treatment behindvirtually all acts of terrorism.
Ayman al-Zawahiri
As Gordon Thomas, veteran foreign affairs corre-
spondent and author of Journey into Madness, wrote
University. According to Islamic lawyer, Muntasir al-
in 1989: "While political terrorism has been capturing
Zayat, al-Zawahiri is to bin Laden "what the brain is to
widespread attention for some time, almost nothing
the body … able to reshape bin Laden's thinking and
has been made public of how doctors today use their
mentality and turn him from merely a supporter of
knowledge and skills in its support. … Nothing I had
the Afghan Jihad to a believer in, and exporter of, the
researched before could have prepared me for the dark
Jihad's ideology."21 Interpol issued an arrest warrant
reality of doctors who set out to deliberately destroy
for al-Zawahiri relating to his role in the terrorist
minds and bodies they were trained to heal."19
attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.22
A few examples chillingly prove the premise that
Cofer Black, a former CIA terrorism expert now with
psychiatric or psychological influences are at the heart
the U.S. State Department, said al-Zawahiri "repre-
of international terrorism:
sents more of a threat" than bin Laden.23
Ayman al-Zawahiri: The second most wanted man
Abu Hafiza: Moroccan psychiatrist, senior al-Qaeda
in the world, he is Osama bin Laden's chief advisor
leader and reputed mastermind of the March 11, 2004,
and a psychiatrist and surgeon who was convicted of
Madrid train bombings, he reportedly led the opera-
terrorism in Egypt and sentenced to death in absen-
tives who furnished logistical support to 9/11 ring-
tia.20 Al-Zawahiri studied behavior, psychology and
leader Mohammed Atta and the other terrorists
pharmacology as part of his medical degree at Cairo
involved in the attacks on the World Trade Center and
the Pentagon. He was also implicated in the April 11,2002, suicide bombing that killed 21 people, mainlytourists, on the Tunisian resort island of Djerba. And,he is linked to a series of car bombings and otherexplosions in Casablanca, Morocco on May 16, 2003,where 43 died, including 12 suicide bombers. Morethan 100 were injured.
Carlos the Jackal
Carlos's hostage taking of oil executives, Vienna 1975
Masamitsu Susaki, President of Aum Supreme
Truth, Japan: On March 20, 1995, a lethal nerve gas
Aziz al-Abub (a.k.a: Ibrahim al-Nadhir): The psychi-
Left: "Carlos the Jackal"
attack on Tokyo's subway left 12 dead and more than
atrist behind the torture and interrogation of hostages
(Illich Ramirez Sanchez)
5,500 ill.24 The nerve gas used was Sarin, a chemical
kidnapped by terrorists in Beirut, Lebanon, al-Abub
was a graduate of
developed for the Nazis during WWII.25 While the
studied political persuasion, "brainwashing" and other
attack was ordered by the Aum leader, Shoko Asahara,
psychological methods at the Patrice Lumumba campus
Lumumba Universitywhere he learned
it was Susaki, Aum's president and a psychiatrist, who
in Moscow in the 1980s. He familiarized himself with the
psychological terrorism
introduced psychotropic, stimulant and hallucinogenic
latest Soviet pharmacological techniques for "keeping a
and "brainwashing"
drugs to the group with the stated purpose of erasing
person passive over a lengthy period and reducing the
techniques and brought
the feeling a person had for the opposite sex. Evidence
will to resist." He provided "pep pills" for suicide bombers
his lessons into ruthless
given in the Aum trials in February, 1996 revealed that
and implanted them with the idea of the glory of sacri-
reality with numerous
Susaki had turned Asahara into an LSD addict who
fice and dying. But his greater target is the minds of the
skyjackings, hostage
then indulged in "abnormal sex." Another Aum physi-
people, which he attacks using the tension and fear in
takings (above) and
cian, Ikuo Hayashi, testified that he used the barbitu-
the aftermath of acts of terrorism. Today, al-Abub report-
rate, sodium thiopental—a drug known to cause edly works in the Iranian prison system, where he is in thepsychosis—and electroshock treatment to "remove
perfect position to create scores of criminal suicide
[the] memory" of Aum adherents.26 Dozens of mem-
bombers using drugs and other psychiatric techniques.31
bers died from sodium thiopental.27 More than 2,600people were given LSD during Aum's initiation rites.28
Frantz Fanon: The rhetoric of today's terrorist can be
traced to Fanon, who trained in France to become
"Carlos the Jackal" (Illich Ramirez Sanchez):
a psychiatrist. He joined the Algerian War for
Originally from Venezuela, Carlos was one of the mostrenowned "revolutionary terrorists" in the history of modern insurgency movements. A 1969 graduateof Moscow's Patrice Lumumba University, where hetrained in psychological terrorism and "brainwashing,""The Jackal" reportedly worked for Mohamar Qaddaffi of Libya andSaddam Hussein of Iraq.29Responsible for numer-ous skyjackings andbombings, he wasdescribed as "a ruthlessterrorist who operateswith cold-blooded, surgi-cal precision."30
Although the deadly 1995 nerve gas attack in the
Tokyo subway (right) was ordered by Shoko Asahara,
Aum Supreme Truth's leader, it was psychiatrist
Masamitsu Susaki, that set the Aum on its destructive
course by hooking its leader and members on powerful
and debilitating mind-altering
drugs, including LSD.
to his arrest, it was revealed that between 1959 and 1962,Kaczynski had been the subject of a disturbing mind control experiment aimed at measuringhow people reacted under stress.
Harvard psychologists conductedthe experiment. The chief researcherwas identified as psychiatrist HenryMurray, a lieutenant colonel inWorld War II, who had worked forthe CIA's predecessor organization,the Office of Strategic Services(OSS). Murray became preoccupied
French troops in Algeria, 1956
by psychoanalysis in the1920s and developed
a "personality theory,"
galvanized by the
"Violence is a purifying force.
applying his theories to
It frees the native from his inferiority
the selection of OSS
Independence (above)
agents and also presum-
in 1954, utilized his
complex and from despair and
ably for interrogation.
training as a psychiatrist
inaction. It makes him fearless and
Murray's mind control
to espouse terrorism
experiment at Harvard
as a noble endeavor,
restores his self-respect."
was under the control
preaching that violence
— Frantz Fanon, psychiatrist and terrorist,
of Sidney Gottlieb, a
was necessary to
author of The Wretched of the Earth
psychiatrist and head
achieving freedom and
of the CIA's technical
mental health.
Independence in 1954. Blaming the West for dehu-
According to Kaczynski, what he experienced at the
manizing local cultures, he preached that achieving
hands of Murray was "vehement, sweeping and
freedom and mental health required acts of violence.
personally abusive" and attacked his most cherished
It didn't matter if the violence was successful, only that
ideals and beliefs. Afterward, he started to have
the cause was celebrated and publicized. Terrorism
ideas about the "evils of society" and an "anti-tech-
involves death, he asserted, but also has positive goals
nology ideology of revolution."34
and liberating effects. In his book, The Wretched ofthe Earth, Fanon wrote, "Violence is a purifying force.
It frees the native from his inferiority complex and fromdespair and inaction. It makes him fearless andrestores his self-respect."32
In the United States, Ted
Kaczynski delivered 16 package bombs to scien-tists, academicians and others over 17 years, killing three people and injuring 23. Subsequent
Life changed for Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, after mind-control
experiments he participated in from 1959 to 1962 as part of a research
project run by psychiatrist Henry Murray at Harvard.
The Oklahoma
City Bomber:
The bombing of the Alfred
P. Murrah Federal Building
in Oklahoma City was, at
the time, the worst act of
terrorist violence ever com-
mitted in the United States.
In his book Others
Unknown, Stephen Jones,
chief defense counsel in
U.S. v. McVeigh stated,
"The real story of the
b o m b i n g … s t r e t c h e s
weblike, from America's
heartland to the nation's
capital, the Far East,
Europe, and the Middle
East, and much remains a
mystery."35 According to
David Hoffman in The
Oklahoma City Bombing
and the Politics of Terror,
Timothy McVeigh: During Desert Storm, 1991
Timothy McVeigh hadbeen a sergeant in the army and done courses in Psy-Ops* (psychological operations) at Fort Riley.
Richard Baumhammers:
On April 28, 2000, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
Baumhammers shot six people, killing five and paralyz-
ing the sixth. The victims included two Indians, two
Asians, an African American and a Jewish woman who
lived next door to his parents. Desiring the same noto-
riety as Hitler and the Oklahoma City bomber,
Baumhammers had frequented white supremacist
web sites and tried to form a Free Market political party
opposing non-white, non-European immigration. He
then chose his victims accordingly. Prior to the killing
spree, he had been under treatment by 12 different
psychologists and psychiatrists and had taken up to 17
different psychiatric drugs.36
*Psychological Operations (Psy-Ops) is the study of psychology for military purposes with the primary purpose "to induce or reinforce foreign attitudes and behavior favorable to the originator's objectives."Psy-Ops can be used to "influence the emotions, motives, objectivereasoning or behavior of a targeted public."
Responsible for 168 deaths , Timothy McVeigh (above) had earlier received training in "Psychological Operations" in the army, which involvedmind-bending techniques that many have been adversely affected by.
The War Against the Mind
Ivan Pavlov in his laboratory.
"conditioning" research
on dogs to assert that
man was merely a
In 1955, a Soviet manual entitled Brainwashing:
A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook onPsychopolitics was translated and distributed as
a public warning by a New York professor.* The
programmable animal,
manual was based on the methods of Ivan Pavlov, a
Russian psychiatrists
Russian psychiatrist who developed "conditioned
incarcerated Soviet
response" theories through experiments on dogs in
dissidents in gulags
the early 1900s.
Pavlov's work laid the groundwork for a funda-
drugged, and reduced to
mental psychiatric misconception that remains to this
manageable zombies.
day: that, like dogs, men are basically programmableanimals, influenced only by fear and reward. Pavlov'sexperiments established the foundation for much ofthe inhuman brainwashing techniques used by theSoviet Union and China in the mid-twentieth century.
New prisoners arrive at a Siberian gulag.
The manual revealed, "The early Russian
psychiatrists, pioneering this science of psychiatry,
"By perverting the institutions of a nation," it
understood thoroughly that hypnosis is induced by
continued, "and bringing about a general degradation
acute fear. They discovered it could also be induced
to the degree that privation and depression come
by shock of an emotional nature, and also by extreme
about, only minor shocks will be necessary to produce,
privation, as well as by blows and drugs."37
on the populace as a whole, an obedient reaction or hysteria." The manual instructed that the mere threat
*Psychopolitics was described by the Soviets as the "art and science ofasserting and maintaining dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of
of war or bombings can create this hysteria.38
individuals, officers, bureaus, and masses, and the effecting of the
These are the methods that terrorist psychiatrists
conquest of enemy nations through ‘mental healing.'"
like Aziz al-Abub learned from KGB (Soviet secretservice) psychiatrists at the Patrice Lumumba cam-pus in the USSR. During the Soviet era, PatriceLumumba and the Lenin Institute trained studentsin social psychology, unarmed combat and guerril-la warfare. Between 1968 and 1975, an estimated2,500 terrorists and guerillas were trained there.39
"The curriculum at Patrice Lumumba covered
all aspects of the techniques of persuasion," includ-ing the means to "manipulate and, when needsbe, coerce without resorting to physical force,"wrote Gordon Thomas, author of Journey intoMadness, Medical Torture and the MindControllers.40 Soviet psychiatrists, who saw them-selves "as not so much acting on orders from theKGB as performing the normal functions of a doc-tor," advised terrorists on how to gain cooperationfrom a captive with the use of drugs.41 Such drugscould reduce a person to "near imbecility, orcaused joints to become inflamed or shrink fromthe bones, created temporary blindness, impairedspeech, produced incontinence, resulted in loss of
hair and led to frightening rises in body temperatures,"
of those who now controlled his every action."
Other "psychopolitics" centers include Tavistock
The classic Search for
Thomas noted that seminars were also devoted
Institute in Britain and The Frankfurt School the Manchurian
to "the deliberate and active steps required to strip an
Candidate novel and
individual of his selfhood, and how to build up some-
Techniques were developed to "crush the human
film tell of a major, who,
thing new from the bare psychic foundation which
psyche to the point that it would admit anything,"
growing suspicious about
remained. In this assault upon identity, a key factor
stated CIA mind-control psychiatrist Sidney Gottlieb.
his experiences in the
was to create a state of infantile dependency, so that
British psychiatrist William Sargant, Gottlieb's peer,
Korean War, unravels
a person became disoriented, until finally . he ‘dies to
advised the use of drugs on "resistant sources," noting
how he and others were
the world.' Only at that stage, lectured the KGB psy-
that the drugs' "function is to cause capitulation, to
chiatrists, was the victim ready to receive the ‘salvation'
aid in the shift from resistance to cooperation."43
"brainwashed." A principlecharacter was "SergeantShaw," shown above
strangling a comrade at thehypnotic command of his
These forefathers of modern-day terror—and counter-terror—orchestrated infamous Cold Warmind-control projects.
❚ Sidney Gottlieb, the U.S. intelligence commu-
nity's "Black Sorcerer," developed "techniques" thatwould "crush the human psyche to the point that it
George Estabrooks
would admit anything."
❚ Colgate University professor and psychologist St. Thomas's Hospital in
George Estabrooks gleefully described hypnotizing
London, where he set up
and programming Allied soldiers, during World War II,
shop for mind-control exper-
to execute tasks without their knowledge or consent.
iments in the basement.
According to Estabrooks, creating assassins depend-
Translations of excerpts of
ed upon "splitting" the subject's personality or mak-
Sargant's Battle for the Mind
ing a "multiple personality" through hypnotism.
have reportedly been found
❚ William Sargant was a founder and director in al-Qaeda training camps in
of the department of psychological medicine at Afghanistan.44
In 1942, British Prime Minister WinstonChurchill declared psychologists and
1psychiatrists "capable of doing an
immense amount of harm" and thatthey should be restricted from involvement with armed forces.
Some psychiatrists glorify and justifythe vicious, criminal acts of terrorists
2on the basis of the terrorist's mental,
biological or cultural circumstances.
In 2002, Adel Sadeq, Chairman of the
3Arab Psychiatrists' Association called
suicide bombers martyrs and their actscommitted as self-sacrifice and honor.
Psychiatric personnel provided violence-inducing antidepressants to
4the military servicemen and women
who staffed the Iraqi prison whereprisoners were tortured and abused.
Military sources state that pilots are put on a regimen that includes
5 psychiatric stimulants to fight fatigue.
Side effects of these drugs includedepression and feelings of aggression and paranoia.
Investigations of the terrorist phenomenon have found the
influence of psychiatrists, psychologists and their methods in terrorist
groups to be strong and pervasive. Chairman of the Arab Psychiatrists'
Association and head of the psychiatry department at Cairo's
Ain Shams University, Adel Sadeq (inset), goaded TV viewers to become
suicide bombers, calling the moment of self-detonation one of "bliss."
Psychiatrists Applaud
President George Bush described the ments, the death toll in the Middle East due to
kamikaze operations on the World
suicide bombings more than doubled over the
Trade Center as "acts of madmen."
previous 24 months, rising from 201 to 499.
And most everyone agreed. However,
Jerrold M. Post, a psychiatrist, a political psy-
the mental health "experts" who advise
chology "expert" and former CIA analyst, who
the world's intelligence communities on the ter-
teaches at George Washington University, also
rorist state of mind argue that the madmen were
says that terrorists are not psychopaths "but use
perfectly sane.
psychological strategy for political change."47
Adel Sadeq, Chairman of the Arab
Post testified on behalf of Khalfan Khamis
Psychiatrists' Association, and head of Mohamed, the terrorist responsible for the deathsthe Department of
of 10 innocent people
Psychiatry at Cairo's
and the injuring of 74
Ain Shams University,
others in the 1998
explains it this way:
"… As a professional psychiatrist, I say
bombing of the Ameri-
can Embassy in Tan-
that the height of bliss comes with
[counts down and]
zania. Post met with
reaches ‘one,' and then
the end of the countdown: ten, nine,
Mohamed four times
‘boom,' he explodes,
and found him to be a
eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two,
and senses himself fly-
"remarkably unques-
ing, because he knows
one. And then, you press the button
tioning person."48
for certain that he is not
to blow yourself up."46
Regarding Aziz al-
dead . it is a transition
— Adel Sadeq, Chairman,
Abub, the psychiatrist
to another, more beauti-
Arab Psychiatrists' Association,
ful, world. None in the
speaking about suicide bombers, 2002
drugged hostages in
[Western] world sacri-
Beirut, Lebanon in the
fices his life for his
1980s, Post spuriously
claims he may have possessed a "genetic predis-
He stated further: "…The psychological
position to become both a terrorist and a medical
structure [of the perpetrator of a suicide attack] is
torturer through what they describe as an abnor-
that of an individual who loves life. This may
mal amount of genes favoring spite."49 [Emphasis
seem strange to people [who] are incapable of
understanding [the suicide attack] because their
According to Post, Saddam Hussein is not
cultural structure has no concepts such as self-
"irrational," "impulsive" or suffering from a
sacrifice and honor."
psychotic disorder. Yet this is the man who
In the 24 months following Sadeq's state-
waged a savage war on Iran between 1980 and
In a conflict where its
1988, imprisoned and
enemies are poised to strike at
has provided the
then executed 8,000
Armed Forces
psychiatric profession
any time and from any location, it
In a conflict where
with a lucrative new
Kurdish resistance and
is inconceivable that military
its enemies are poised
used chemical weapons
personnel are given mind-numbing
to strike at any time
their "treatments"
against Kurdish vil-
and from any location,
psychiatric drugs to "calm
lages in his own
it is inconceivable that
country that killed 5,000
military personnel are
and left 45,000 injured.
given mind-numbing
Post claims that Hussein
psychiatric drugs to
merely has a "paranoid outlook" and that "calm them down." his troubles "can really be traced back to
Terrorism and the war in Iraq have been a
cash cow for psychiatrists in the United States.
From glorifying the blatantly criminal acts of
In January 2003, members of the U.S. media
suicide bombers to reducing the hideous acts of a
reported that two U.S. pilots were taking amphet-
maniacal murderer to psychological or biological
amines at the time they accidentally dropped a
bad luck, psychiatrists on both sides of the ter-
bomb in southern Afghanistan, killing four
rorist conflict share the same twisted perspective
Canadians.51 According to military sources, the
on the criminal mind. This perspective protects
use of such drugs (commonly Dexedrine, a stimu-
and denies the dangerousness of the criminal at
lant psychiatric drug) is part of a regimen that
the expense of honest citizens.
includes amphetamines to fight fatigue and then
sedatives to induce
individuals to control
"I am sure it would be
sleep between mis-
their aggression and
sensible to restrict as much as
sions. Pilots call them
anger, there is little evi-
"go pills" and "no-go
possible the work of these
dence that it works and
pills." Possible side
gentlemen [psychologists and
effects of ampheta-
behavior. In one class
psychiatrists], who are capable of
mines include eupho-
in the United States, a
ria, depression, hyper-
doing an immense amount of
boy beat up another
tension and addiction.
boy so badly that six
harm with what may very easily
There's also the possi-
days later the victim
degenerate into charlatanry. The
bility of "idiosyncratic
was still hospitalized.53
reactions" (ampheta-
tightest hand should be kept over
Soldiers have been
mines can be associat-
handed antidepres-
them, and they should not be
ed with feelings of
sants, the same drugs
allowed to quarter themselves in
aggression and para-
that were the subject of
noia) as well as the risk
large numbers among the Fighting
a 2004 Food and Drug
of becoming addicted
Administration (FDA)
Services at the public expense."58
to the "cyclic use of a
investigation into their
— Winston Churchill,
violence- and suicide-
British Prime Minister, 1942
inducing properties.54
In March 2003, The
They can also cause
New York Times report-
anxiety, agitation, in-
ed: "Military psychiatrists, psychologists,
somnia, bizarre dreams, confusion, and akathisia (an
social workers and other mental health workers
inability to keep still) that can lead to violent behav-
are present [in Iraq] to offer treatment on the for-
ior. Physical dependence is also a problem.
ward lines." People magazine also reported this in
On April 30, 2004, television stations around
March 2004, adding that some soldiers are given
the world broadcast graphic pictures of Iraqi pris-
classes in psychological "anger management."
oners being tortured and abused by U.S. soldiers
While "anger management" is claimed to teach
in the Abu Ghraib prison outside of Baghdad,Iraq.55
However, what wasn't known then was
that psychiatrists had been dispensing psychoac-tive drugs to servicemen and women in theprison. Specialist David Bischel reported that"Combat Stress Management was handing outProzac and Paxil like crazy" to those who staffedthe prison, "trying to get a handle on the frustra-tion and depression."56
Time magazine reported in the wake of 9/11
that no one should be "wandering off into [anantidepressant]-induced forgetfulness."57 Passingout known, violence-inducing antidepressants to soldiers who are responsible for keeping the peace is, at best, ill-advised; at worst, criminal abuse.
Jerrold Post, a psychiatrist and "political psychology expert" who teaches at George Washington University, has stated widely that inhis professional opinion as a former CIA analyst, terrorists who kill are not psychopaths, "but use psychological strategy for political change."
The prior influence of psychiatry is apparent in
1 the racist views and radical
religious fundamentalism of most terrorist groups.
As early as 1916, German psychiatrists waged a
2campaign to "purify the race"
by the sterilization and castration of "unfit stock."Eventually, those "selected" were gassed in concentrationcamps.
The "ethnic cleansing" of Bosnia-Herzegovina and
3 Kosovo was based on the
same psychiatric theories of "racial hygiene" and racial superiority/inferiority that led to the Nazi Holocaust.
Psychiatrists and psychologists developed the eugenics
ideology of racial purity used by Hitler and German psychiatry, led
by Ernst Rüdin (above left). Eugenics paved the way for the Nazi
euthanasia program, the Holocaust and later, lead directly to other
atrocities, such as ethnic cleansing in the Balkans during the 1990s.
Ideology Spawns
Most terrorist groups today was the primary author of the 1933 Sterilization
embrace extremist political
Laws of Nazi Germany. He urged that psychiatry
views and hold racist positions
take a major role in purifying the race,
that range from "white
which, he said, involved ensuring that
supremacism" and anti-Semitism
genetically "defective" persons "shall not be able
to radical religious fundamentalism and to propagate."60anti-Westernism.
Blinded by a poisonous gas attack in
History consistently shows that these charac-
World War I, Hitler was admitted in 1918 to a
teristics are proof of the early influence of psychi-
military hospital where psychiatrist Edmund
atry upon the group
Forster hypnotized
or its principals before
him. After putting
the terrorist group
Hitler in a trance,
"Psychiatrists must be
Forster implanted him
regarded … as providers and
to believe that Germany
needed him to recover
refiners of the ideological and
his sight in order to
intellectual foundations for race
In 1895, almost 40
serve the cause of
years before the Nazi
theory and medical killing…."
national resurrection.61
party came to power,
Psychiatrist Alfred
Swiss-German psychi-
— Ernest Hunter, psychiatrist and author
Hoche's 1920 book,
atrist Alfred Ploetz, a
of Dimensions of Medical and Psychiatric
The Sanctioning of
Responsibility in the Third Reich, 1993
the Destruction of Lives
eugenics movement,
Unworthy to be
published a host of
Lived, demanded that
materialistic theories about racial inferiority in The
euthanasia be conducted on "mental defectives."
Fitness of Our Race and the Protection of the Weak. He
By 1932, psychiatry's racial hygiene ideas had
propagated the concept of destroying unworthy
become scientific orthodoxy. It was taught in 26
life as "purely a healing treatment," and coined
separate courses in the medical faculties of most
the word Rassenhygiene (racial hygiene).
German universities—all before Hitler came to
In 1905, Ploetz co-founded the Society for
power in 1933.
Racial Hygiene. The Nazi regime later credited
The first step in psychiatry's eugenics master
Ploetz and his cohorts with having helped provide
plan was the sterilization and castration of those
the "biological foundations" for the Nazi deemed "biologically unsound," such as the men-racial state.59
tally ill, intellectually handicapped, homosexuals
Another co-founder, psychiatrist Ernst Rüdin,
and "colored" people. Between 1934 and 1945, up
to 350,000 people were sterilized. By 1940, "killing"centers using gas to exterminate mental patientswere operating in German asylums. A year later,this euthanasia program was expanded into theconcentration camps. "The killing in the concen-tration camps went along the same lines and withthe same registration forms as in the insane asy-lums," noted one proud German psychiatrist.
Incredibly, only four out of dozens of guilty
Nazi psychiatrists were prosecuted at the 1946Nuremberg trials. Most escaped justice, and manyreturned to psychiatric practice after the war. Someeven occupied government positions again.
Not until 1999 did German psychiatrists fully
admit publicly that psychiatry had spawned
"eugenics" and the racial "inferiority/superiority"ideology that had been poisoning the minds of theGerman people for almost three decades before
Setting the Stage
the Nazis took power.
for Genocide
Ethnic Cleansing: The Balkans
Racial hygiene and eugenics still have the
potential to wreak havoc: the 10-year Bosnia and
In the early 1920s, rising politi-
cian Adolf Hitler read and was profoundly influenced by
Kosovo conflicts in the 1990s, which left tens of
German eugenicists. Two books
thousands dead, had the same psychiatric theo-
written by psychiatrists Alfred Ploetz
ries at their roots.
and Alfred Hoche, respectively, The
Serbian psychiatrist, Jovan Raskovic, in 1986,
Fitness of Our Race and the
co-authored the infamous Memorandum of the
Protection of the Weak (1905) and
Serbian Academy of Sciences, which advocated the
The Sanctioning of the Destruction
creation of a "Greater Serbia," claiming the Serbs
of Lives Unworthy to be Lived
needed to rise above the Croat and Muslim
(1920) helped Hitler finalize the
minorities because of psychological superiority.
theories he articulated in Mein
He also founded the Serbian Democratic Party
Kampf (My Struggle), written in
(SDS), through which he promoted his ideas of
1924, the book that set the stage
Serbian domination of all Yugoslav people. Not
for the murder of millions. As Hitler
unlike Adolf Hitler, who had accused the Jews of
stated, "The right of personal
depriving Germans of their livelihood, Raskovic
freedom recedes before one's duty
stirred up prejudice and hatred against Croats
to preserve the race."
and the Bosnian Muslims by blaming them for
German psychiatrist Ernst Rudin
Serbia's economic problems.
was the top Nazi ideologist and
During the 1980s, Raskovic repeatedly
chief architect of the Nazi's racial
denigrated the Bosnian Muslims—with Freudian
hygiene program. He also influ-
terminology—calling them "anal phase" person-
enced Hitler, establishing the bogus
alities and labeling the Croats "lower-level castra-
science of "psychiatric eugenics" in1926 whereby the concept of sur-
vival of the fittest could be extendedto include the mentally and morallyweak, sending hundreds of thou-sands of mental patients for steriliza-tion and ultimately, death. Hemoved his well-laid plans of racialhygiene into actuality with Nazisupport and funding.
tion" types. Because of
bered 50,000, and
these traits, he con-
German observers of
Racial hygiene and
cluded, Serbs—who
the conflict noted that
manifested an "Oedipal
eugenics still have the
"these rapes are a
tactic of war rather
potential to wreak havoc:
stood authority and
than simple amuse-
leadership and should
The 10-year Bosnia
ment for the soldiers;
reign over the peoples
and Kosovo conflicts in the
of Yugoslavia. [Oedipal:
troops take a village,
a disgraced Freudian
1990s, which left tens of
full-scale rape begins,
notion in which the
and continues in
male child fantasizes
thousands dead, had
subsequent prisoner
about assuming lead-
camps." These reports
the same Nazi psychiatrist
ership over the family
by killing his father,
theories at their roots.
of similar atrocities
have been confirmed
Radovan Karadzic,
a psychiatrist, student
and loyal friend of Raskovic, was chosen to head
before the U.N. Tribunal and testified against
the SDS party. He, too, became a main instigator,
their former tormentors.
and then leader, of Serbia's war against theCroats and Bosnians. In July 1995, he wascharged with genocide and crimes againsthumanity by the U.N. War Crimes Tribunal. Hewent into hiding and to this day is on theWanted List to be tried for his crimes.
Slobodan Milosevic, Serbia's strongman
president during the Balkan war, was a 25-year
patient of Karadzic. After Raskovic died andKaradzic went underground, he kept the con-flict against ethnic minorities going until Serbiahad to give up. He was arrested and put on trialby the War Crimes Tribunal for his role in thegenocidal wars in Bosnia and Kosovo.
Together, these men orchestrated a war
that resulted in more than 100,000 dead and 1.5million being driven from their homes. But thevictims were not only the dead and displacedcivilians.
In 1992, the world learned of
"rape camps" in Bosnia where Serbs were systematically raping captured females. Whenvictims became pregnant, they were held sothey could not have an abortion. The Bosniangovernment reported that those raped num-
Psychiatrist Jovan Raskovic inspired racial and
religious genocide in Bosnia. He and another psychiatrist by the
name of Radovan Karadzic, allowed the mass torture, rape and
murder of the innocent. Former Prime Minister Slobodan
Milosevic, a former Karadzic patient, then perpetrated and
financed ethnic cleansing in Kosovo.
Prisoners at a Serbian concentration camp
An alarming report that 71% ofAmericans suffered from depres-
1 sion following the 9/11 attack was
based on a psychiatric survey ofonly 1,200 people within severaldays of the attack. In this way, apredictable human reaction to ahorrendous tragedy was immediately turned into a "mental disorder."
Opportunist psychiatrists predicted "post-traumatic stress
2disorder" (PTSD) in a large
percentage of New Yorkers following the attacks, requesting$3 billion to "treat" it.
Three psychiatrists first invented the term "PTSD" to describe
3 difficulties suffered by Vietnam War
veterans. While the effects of warare devastating, psychiatrists usepeople's logical reactions to it tomake money at the expense of their vulnerability.
Experts hold that the "psychologicaltrauma counseling" often provided
4 to victims of terrorism or tragedies
"at best is useless. …"; recipients have done "worse than those whoreceived nothing at all."
Much data exists validating man's resilience following tragedy
5 and the value of talking to an
understanding friend, familymember or member of the clergyat such times.
The psychiatric industry launched into frenzied action
following 9/11, seizing the opportunity to declare the
aftermath of the tragedy a "mental health crisis," a ploy that
resulted in millions of dollars being poured into
psychiatric coffers and skyrocketing drug sales.
Targeting the
We've been led to assume, by six days immediately following the 9/11 terror-
the psychiatric ‘crisis teams'
ist attack, when Americans were still in a state of
sent almost immediately to
shock and suffering predictable reactions to the
any disaster scene, that peo-
horrific occurrences. The survey sampled 1,200
ple suffer severe psychic
people, which, by some quantum semantic leap,
wounds from experiencing such traumas—or
concluded that an alarming 71% of Americans
even from being in the general vicinity when
had been harmed.
they occur," says Dr. Sydney Walker III, neurol-
Within days of the 9/11 attacks, psychia-
ogist and author of A Dose of Sanity.
trists were predicting that as many as 30% of
"DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual people affected by the recent attacks wouldof Mental Disorders,
develop post-traumat-
Edition IV) categorizes
ic stress disorder
the symptoms most
Within days of the
survivors experience
lion dollars were des-
following a disaster as
9/11 attacks, psychiatrists
perately needed, they
‘acute stress disor-
were predicting that as many
claimed, for treating
der,'" he continues,
the mental health
as 30% of people affected by
"suggesting that they
problems in New York
are pathological and
the recent attacks would
require treatment. But
In 2002, however,
develop post-traumatic
are these people really
The New York Times
suffering from a ‘dis-
stress disorder (PTSD) and
reported that only
order' requiring psy-
120,000 (out of eight
demanded $3 billion.
chotherapy and the
million) residents of
use of potentially
New York City—that
addictive medications? Are they really at great
is 1.5 percent—actually sought assistance in the
risk of suffering long-term consequences from
eight months following 9/11. A 2003 study
their trauma? The answers, surprisingly, are
published in The American Journal of Psychiatry
‘No,' and ‘No.'"
also found the use of mental health services in
In September 2001, a U.S. Senate hearing on
New York and Washington, the cities most
"Psychological Trauma and Terrorism" was
directly affected by the attacks, did not increase.
told, "Seventy-one percent of Americans said
The researchers said the study "provides the
that they have felt depressed by the [9/11]
first information to suggest that the events of
attacks."62 An alarming statistic, until one real-
Sept. 11, at least in the first six months, had little
izes that the survey was conducted during the
impact on actual use of mental health services
fatigue, or in other words, exhaustion, not"mental illness."66
Dr. Thomas Dorman, a member of the Royal
College of Physicians of the United Kingdom andCanada, stated, "In short, the whole business ofcreating psychiatric categories of ‘disease,' for-malizing them with consensus, and subsequentlyascribing diagnostic codes to them, which in turnleads to their use for insurance billing, is nothingbut an extended racket furnishing psychiatry apseudo-scientific aura. The perpetrators are, ofcourse, feeding at the public trough."67
By "formalizing consensus," Dr. Dorman refers
to the process where "disorders" are literally votedinto existence by a show of APA committee hands.
Testifying before the U.S. Congress in 1992,
psychiatrist Walter Afield said, "Psychiatry is notan exact science. It generates enormous fear onthe part of everybody, and the insurance compa-nies are petrified. … You can't create a brokenhip. However, we can create mental illness withselective and careful advertising."68
Today, post traumatic stress disorder has
become "stretched and blurred," says Tana
The "post-traumatic
by a population with ready access and Dineen, Ph.D., author of Manufacturing Victims.69
stress disorder" (PTSD)
There are some 175 combinations of symptoms
was invented in response
by which PTSD can be diagnosed.70 "The appli-
to the aftermath of the
The History of a Bogus ‘Disease'
cation of PTSD has resulted in everything being
Vietnam War, when
So-called post-traumatic stress disorder
pathologized until the only way to be is to be
returning veterans
(PTSD) emerged in the aftermath of the Vietnam
‘abnormal,'" Dr. Dineen said.71
experienced difficulties
War, when veterans were having difficulties over-
Kutchins and Kirk further stated that PTSD "has
readjusting to life at
coming the brutal events they had witnessed.
become the label for identifying the impact of adverse
home, following the
Three American psychiatrists coined the term
events on ordinary people. This means that normal
brutal events they had
PTSD and lobbied for its inclusion in the 1980 edi-
responses to catastrophic events have often been
participated in. The
tion of the American Psychiatric Association's
interpreted as mental disorders."72 They further stat-
(APA) "billing bible," the Diagnostic and Statistical
ed, "The APA and its minions will not even acknowl-
mushroomed into one
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).65
edge that they are creating public policy. As they
of psychiatry's most
Professors Herb Kutchins and Stuart A. explain it, they are simply making diagnoses (and in
Kirk, authors of Making Us Crazy, say that the process making many more of us crazy)."73
lucrative scams.
most of the soldiers suffered the effects of
With PTSD "authenticated" through its
participating in "atrocities, seeing grotesquely
inclusion in the DSM, psychiatrists paved the
mutilated bodies, or going on particularly
way for millions of dollars in funding to train
dangerous missions." Those who suffered the
"disaster workers" in psychological counseling.
mental effects of this were experiencing battle
How effective has it been?
Professor Yvonne McEwan from Scotland,
Shipwreck survivors reported strong posi-
who advised the U.S. government after the
tive changes in their outlook on life, greater self-
Oklahoma bombing, said that psychological
esteem and most importantly, lower scores on
trauma counseling at best is useless, and at worst
measures of post-traumatic stress.78
highly destructive to victims seeking help. "By
Dr. Alex Hossach, Consultant Clinical
medicalizing what is a non-medical condition and
Psychologist with St. Helen's Trust in the United
introducing a therapy subject matter that is vastly
Kingdom, stated, "Sometimes, a caring family
under-researched, over-used and vastly abused,
member can help the individual by simply lis-
medicine is propping up a lot of dwindling
tening to their problems."79
careers," she says.
Dr. Sally Satel of New York says: "Are our
A 1996 psychiatric study conducted on 110 burn
priests and rabbis not up to the task? Are
victims revealed that those who received psychiatric
our families' instincts to comfort not
trauma counseling were three times more likely to suf-
keen enough?"80 She warned against "sensation-
fer long-term problems. Lead researcher, Dr. Jonathan
alizing mental health professionals" spreading
Bisson, said: "… those
that received the debrief-
about the American
ings fared worse than
people's alleged lack
those who received noth-
PTSD "has become the label for
of resilience, stating,
"What we need—and
identifying the impact of adverse
Professor Richard
thankfully seem t o
McNally of Harvard
events on ordinary people. This
have—is a morally
University warns: "In-
means that normal responses to
galvanized and fo-
formed consent comes in
cused citizenry, not
catastrophic events have often been
here. You have to tell
a population turned
your employees that you
interpreted as mental disorders.
inward on its alleged
are making a therapy
…The APA and its minions will not
available that, based on
the best information in
even acknowledge that they are
the scientific literature,
creating public policy."
will likely do nothing to
— Professors Herb Kutchins and Stuart A. Kirk,
help and might actually
authors of Making Us Crazy
make matters worse—do you still want it?"75
Resilience in the Face of Disaster
More than two-thirds of trauma victims
studied said that they had actually benefitedfrom the trauma in some way, Richard Tedeschi,a clinical psychologist from the University ofNorth Carolina stated.76
In a study of Vietnam-era prisoners of war,
nearly two-thirds said they were more content,stronger and wiser than they were before their captivity.77
Horrified New Yorkers watch
as the World Trade Center
towers burn.
Citizens groups and government officials
1 should work together to
ensure governments firstexpose, and then work toabolish, psychiatry's hidden manipulation of society.
Legal and policy protectionsare needed to prohibit
2 psychiatry's disregard for
every individual's right to betreated with humanity andrespect, and to be protectedfrom economic, sexual andother forms of exploitation,physical or other abuse and degrading treatment.
Any legitimacy given to psychiatry as a "science"
3 should be removed because
that is patently and demonstrably untrue.
Only in the absence of psy-
4 chiatry and psychology will
man's humanity to manbegin to flourish.
Respect for human rights is the cornerstone
of civilized nations and the base upon which men of
goodwill can resolve any differences. Above: Nelson
Mandela and F.W. de Klerk shake hands
over the end of apartheid and the new
future of South Africa.
The Road to
Psychiatry represents a destructive It is essentially the reverse of the path that
instrument of social control. Whether
brought us into this madness.
through racial ideologies responsible for
If we care anything at all about the quality of life
the Holocaust and ethnic cleansing, or
for ourselves, our children, and the future, we must
through tactics used to manufacture ter-
consider this. This is not a nightmare we will wake
rorists, methods of psychiatric and psychological
from until change takes place.
mind and behavior control continue to wreak
Let's be honest.
misery on an interna-
Psychiatry is at best
tional scale.
a spurious philosophy,
Its pernicious influ-
cloaked in the trappings
ence is especially evi-
If we are to end
of "scientific fact."
dent in the military, the
man's inhumanity to man we
intelligence community,
given to it as a
prisons, hospitals and
must realize that the real
"science" should be
removed because that
enemies are psychiatrists and
Citizens groups and
is patently and demon-
responsible government
psychologists who are skilled
strably untrue.
officials should work
Like the delinquent
in and driven by the
together to first expose
youth who has aban-
and then abolish psychi-
manufacture of death,
doned his upbringing
atry's hidden manipula-
and taken up bad
destruction and chaos.
tion of society.
company, we must ask
Concerned citizens
ourselves whether we
and groups should
want to keep hanging
advocate for legal and policy protections that
with a crowd that has no future—with "profession-
prohibit psychiatry's violations of the individual
als" who will likely destroy us.
right to be treated with humanity, respect and
Or have we had enough?
dignity. Those protections should include measures
If we are to bring man's inhumanity to man to
to prevent economic, sexual and other forms of
an end, it must be realized that the real enemy is psy-
exploitation, physical or other abuse and degrading
chiatrists and psychologists skilled in and driven by
the manufacture of death, destruction and chaos.
It should also be understood that, as bad as
Only in the absence of psychiatry and psycholo-
society may seem with rising violence, crime,
gy will man's oppressed humanity to man become
insanity and the inhumanity of war and terror, there
is a road out.
This is the road to recovery.
Psychiatric abuse is the lethal weapon that has sparked the explosion of internationalterrorism. Mind and behavior control must be exposed, outlawed and banned in
1 every country in the world.
Individuals who employ pernicious psychiatric methods to manufacture terroristsmust be identified and placed at the forefront of the Most Wanted List of International
2 Terrorists. The only way to win the War on Terrorism is to render inoperative the
psychiatrists behind the manufacture of murderers.
The United Nations, NGOs, human rights groups and concerned citizens must work
3 together to create a new international human rights covenant that member states sign
and ratify to protect the right of all individuals to be safe from mind control andpsychiatric abuse and that affirmatively requires governments to uncover and stop all such abuse.
No person should ever be forced to undergo electric shock treatment, psychosurgery,
4 coercive psychiatric treatment, or the enforced administration of mind-altering drugs.
Governments should outlaw such abuses.
Legal protections should be put in place to ensure that psychiatrists and psychologistsare prohibited from violating the right of every person to exercise all civil, political,
5 economic, social and cultural rights as recognized in the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and in otherrelevant instruments, such as Body of Principles for the Protection of All Personsunder Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment.
Taxpayers' money must not be used to fund psychiatry's unworkable methods and"treatment" for "diseases" that cannot be scientifically verified. Post Traumatic Stress
6 Disorder (PTSD) is not a "disease"—it is a normal reaction to a traumatic situation.
Citizens Commission
on Human Rights International
he Citizens Commission on Human
CCHR's work aligns with the UN Universal
Rights (CCHR) was established in
Declaration of Human Rights, in particular the
1969 by the Church of Scientology to
following precepts, which psychiatrists violate on
investigate and expose psychiatric
Tviolations of human rights, and to Article 3: Everyone has the right to life,
clean up the field of mental healing.
liberty and security of person.
Today, it has more than 130 chapters in over 31 countries. Its board of advisors, called
Article 5: No one shall be subjected to torture
Commissioners, includes doctors, lawyers, educa-
or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or
tors, artists, business professionals, and civil and
human rights representatives.
Article 7: All are equal before the law and
While it doesn't provide medical or are entitled without any discrimination to equal
legal advice, it works closely with and supports
protection of the law.
medical doctors and medical practice. A key CCHR
Through psychiatrists' false diagnoses, stigma-
focus is psychiatry's fraudulent use of subjective
tizing labels, easy-seizure commitment laws, brutal,
"diagnoses" that lack any scientific or medical
depersonalizing "treatments," thousands of indi-
merit, but which are used to reap financial benefits
viduals are harmed and denied their inherent
in the billions, mostly from the taxpayers or human rights.
insurance carriers. Based on these false diagnoses,
CCHR has inspired and caused many hun-
psychiatrists justify and prescribe life-damaging
dreds of reforms by testifying before legislative
treatments, including mind-altering drugs, which
hearings and conducting public hearings into psy-
mask a person's underlying difficulties and chiatric abuse, as well as working with media, law
prevent his or her recovery.
enforcement and public officials the world over.
investigates and exposes psychiatric violations of human rights. It works
shoulder-to-shoulder with like-minded groups and individuals who share a
common purpose to clean up the field of mental health. We shall continue to
do so until psychiatry's abusive and coercive practices cease
and human rights and dignity are returned to all.
Chris Brightmore,
Bijedic Mustafa, Ambassador
Former Detective
Permanent Mission of the Republic of
Chief Superintendent,
Bosnia and Herzegovina to the UN:
Metropolitan Police,
"The only weapon we have in this war
is truth, and you [CCHR] have helped us a
"In the aftermath of September 11th,
lot by digging up evidence and spreading
it was CCHR whose painstaking
information on what's happening in Bosnia
research exposed the involvement of
and Herzegovina on all possible lines
psychiatry in those tragic events and the
role of Ayman al-Zawahiri. Al-Zawahiriwas reported in the press to be the chief
Simon Wiesenthal, Internationally
aide to Osama bin Laden but he is now
revealed to be the sinister psychiatric
"I appreciate from the bottom of my
mastermind behind the terror campaign.
heart your project which is actively and
… I am acutely aware of the evil that
publicly decrying the abuses of psychiatry. …
malicious, or even misguided,
Even in our time, people considered misfits
psychiatrists are capable of if their
[have been] taken away and buried alive; it is
activities are not carefully monitored.
important that psychiatry's crimes are made
This is the crucial role that CCHR so
known and that everything possible is
heroically performs."
done to stop them."
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1. Nesta Webster—"Secret Societies and Subversive Movements" Boswell
39. Op. cit., The Heritage Foundation Reports.
Publishing Co., Ltd.,London, 1924 from OMNI Publications—Section on The
40. Op. cit., Gordon Thomas, Journey into Madness, p. 112.
41. Ibid., p. 125.
2. "Assassin," Encyclopedia.com entry from Electric Library website.
42. Ibid., p. 114.
3. "Cutting Through the Global Drug Network," Sinorama, Vol. 21, No. 4, April1996.
43. Op. cit., Gordon Thomas, "The Terror Doctors."
4. Richard Hughs & Robert Brewin, The Tranquilizing of America (Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, New York, 1979), p. 302.
45. "Chairman of the Arab Psychiatrists Association Offers Diagnoses: …
5. Vernon Loeb, "As U.S. Targets Bin Laden, 2 Top Aides Also Draw Security,"
Perpetrating a Suicide/Martyrdom Attack is Life's Most Beautiful Moment,"
Washington Post, 3 July 2000.
Arab Press, 22 May, 2002
6. Yossef Bodansky, "U.S. Trade: Mubarak for S-FOR Safety,"
www.balkanpeace.org, Jan. 1998.
47. "Terrorists Aren't Psychopaths but Use Psychological Strategy for Change,"
7. Yossef Bodansky, The Secret History of the Iraq War (Regan Books, 2004), p. 520,
The Times of India, 15 Sept. 2001.
"In Fallujah Al Qaeda Reminds Americans of Mogadishu," DEBKA-Net-Weekly150, 31 March 2004
48. "Defense Psychiatrist Tells Jury of Embassy Bomber's Remorse," RealityAusetkmt, 2 July 2001.
8. James Hider, "Iraqis Drugged, Brainwashed and Sent to Die for bin Laden,"The London Times, 21 Mar. 2004.
49. Op cit., Gordon Thomas, Journey into Madness, p. 59.
9. Ibid.
50. Jerrold M. Post, M.D., "Explaining Saddam," Frontline, 1999.
10. Irving R. Weschler and Edgar H. Schein, Editors, Issues in Human Relations
51. "Lawyer Blames Bombing Mistake on Pills," CBSNEWS.com, 16 Jan. 2003.
Training (National Training Laboratories, National Education Association,
52. Knickerbocker, Brad; "Military looks to drugs for battle readiness," The
Washington, 1962), Selected Reading Series Five, pp. 47, 49-51, 53.
Christian Science Monitor, 9 Aug. 2002.
11. Suzanne Clark, Blackboard Blackmail (Footstool Publications, Memphis, Tenn.,
53. Tamer Lewin, "Class Time and Not Jail Times For Anger, but Does It Work?,"
1988), p. 139.
New York Times, 1 July 2001.
12. Colin A. Ross, M.D., Bluebird, Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality By
54. Erica Goode, "Learning From the Last Time; Treatment and Training Help
Psychiatrists (Manitou Communications, Inc., Richardson, Texas, 2000), p. 162.
Reduce Stress of War," New York Times, 25 Mar. 2003.
13. Walter Bowart, Operation Mind Control (Dell Publishing Co. Inc., 1978), p. 84.
55. "Iraq prison ‘abuse' sparks outrage," CNN.com, 30 Apr. 2004.
14. Ibid.
56. Lisa Leff, "Bay Area MPs say abuse rumors circulated at Baghdad prison,"
15. Anna Maria Daderman, "Flunitrazepam and violence—psychiatric and legal
Associated Press, 6 May 2004.
issues," Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Occupational Therapy and Elderly
57. Lance Morrow, "The Case for Rage and Retribution," TIME, 11 Sept. 2001.
Care, Research Division of Forensic Psychiatry, Karolinska Institute, Sweden,2000, p. 43.
58. Winston Churchill, Prime Minister's Personal Note, Serial No., M. 624/2,"Lord President of the Council," 19 Dec. 1942.
16. Vivienne Walt, "Trained to Kill, and Growing in Number," The WashingtonPost, 28 Feb. 1999.
59. Robert N. Proctor, Racial Hygiene, Medicine Under the Nazis, (HarvardUniversity Press, 1988), p. 15.
17. "Children at Both Ends of the Gun," UNICEF website, accessed 21 Sept. 2001.
60. Dr. Thomas Roder, Volker Kubillus, and Anthony Burwell, Psychiatrists: The
18. "Indoctrination," Radio Netherlands website, 2000.
Men Behind Hitler (Freedom Publishing, Los Angeles, California, 1995), p. 94.
19. Gordon Thomas, "The Terror Doctors," Freedom Magazine, June 2004.
61. Ron Rosenbaum, "Explaining Hitler," The New Yorker, Vol. 71, No. 10, 1 May
20. Hoag Levins and Tamri Shaheri, "Didn't Bin Laden Have His Own Green
1995, pp. 54–55.
Beret?", ABCnews.com, 21 May 1999; "Wanted: Ayman Al-Zawahiri," Diplomatic
62. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Hearing on "Psychological
Security Service, U.S. Department of State; Michael Petrou, "Iraq funded attacks:
Trauma and Terrorism," Capitol Hearing Testimony, Federal Document Clearing
Israel Petrou," The Ottawa Citizen, 22 Sept. 2001.
House, 26 Sept. 2001.
21. Op. cit., Hoag Levins, et al.
63. Lucette Lagnado, "New York Rushes to Spend Grants for Counseling," The
22. "International Hunt under Way for Bin-Laden Deputy," CNN.com, 25 Sept.
Wall Street Journal, 5 Oct. 2001.
64. Erica Goode, "Calculating the Toll of Trauma," The New York Times, 9 Sept.
23. James Hider, "Iraqis Drugged, Brainwashed and Sent to Die for bin Laden,"
The London Times, 21 Mar. 2004.
65. Herb Kutchins & Stuart A. Kirk, Making Us Crazy: The Psychiatric Bible and the
24. "Scientists allegedly led attack," The Japan Times, 18 May 1995.
Creation of Mental Disorders (The Free Press, New York, 1997), pp. 108–117.
25. David E. Kaplan, Andrew Marshall, The Cult at the End of the World
66. Ibid., p. 107.
(Crown Publishers, New York, 1996), pp. 123-124.
67. "Introducing Thomas Dorman, M.D.," Internet address:
26. Asahi Newspaper, Japan, 17 Feb. 1996 (translation).
http://www.libertyconferences.com/dorman.htm, accessed: 27 Mar. 2002.
27. Stuart Yudoksky, M.D., et al, What You Need to Know about Psychiatric Drugs
68. Joe Sharkey, Bedlam: Greed, Profiteering, and Fraud in a Mental Health System
(Grove Weidenfeld, New York, 1991), p. 165.
Gone Crazy (St. Martin's Press, New York, 1994), pp. 280–281.
28. Yomouri Newspaper, Japan, 2 Feb. 1996, (translation).
69. Tana Dineen, Ph.D., Manufacturing Victims (Robert Davies Publishing,Montreal, 1996), p. 150.
29. Carl Staten, "Carlos Captured; Revolutionary Terrorist," Emergency Net News,10 Oct. 1994.
70. Ibid., p. 124.
30. Op. cit., Gordon Thomas, "The Terror Doctors."
71. Ibid., p. 271.
31. "The Soviet Strategy of Terror," The Heritage Foundation Reports, Chapter 2,
72. Op. cit., Herb Kutchins & Stuart A. Kirk, p. 125.
"The Infrastructure of Terrorism," 1985; Gordon Thomas, Journey into Madness
73. Ibid., p. 122.
(Corgi Book, London, 1989), pp. 28, 35, 67.
74. Ian Burrell, "Doubts grow over trauma therapy; Victims not helped by reliv-
32. Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth (Pelican Books, London, 1959).
ing horror of accidents, research shows," The Independent (London), 21 Oct. 1996.
33. Alexander Cockburn, "We're Reaping Tragic Legacy from Drugs Culture,"
75. Ronald Bailey, "Causing More Grief," Reason Magazine, 26 Sept. 2001.
Los Angeles Times, 6 July 1999.
76. Terence Monmaney, "For Most Trauma Victims, Life is More Meaningful," Los
34. Alston Chase, "Harvard and the Making of the Unabomber," The Atlantic
Angeles Times, 7 Oct. 2001.
Online, June 2000.
35. Stephen Jones, Others Unknown: The Oklahoma City Bombing Case andConspiracy (Public Affairs, New York, 1998), p. xi.
78. Ibid.
36. Mike Crissey, "Parents of Pa. Man sentenced to death in shooting spree say
79. Tanya Thompson, "Counselling for Victims of Disasters ‘Could be More
jury ignored mental illness," Associated Press Wire, 1 Apr. 2001; Joe Mandal,
Hindrance than Help,'" The Scotsman, 6 Jan. 2000.
"Baumhammers trial to be a battle of experts," Associated Press State & Local Wire,
80. Sally Satel, "An Overabundance of Counseling?" The New York Times, 23 Apr.
26 Apr. 2001; Jeffrey Bair, "Immigration attorney found guilty of killing five peo-
ple in shooting spree," Associated Press Wire, 9 May 2001.
81. Sally Satel, M.D. and Christina Hoff Sommers, "Good Grief: Don't Get Taken
37. "Brainwashing: A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics," re-
by the Trauma Industry," The Wall Street Journal, 15 Oct. 2001.
printed by Charles Stickley, New York City, 1955, p. 31.
38. Ibid, p. 44.
Citizens Commission on Human Rights
Education is a vital part of any initiative to reverse becoming educated on the truth about psychiatry, and that
social decline. CCHR takes this responsibility very
something effective can and should be done about it.
seriously. Through the broad dissemination of
CCHR's publications—available in 15 languages—
CCHR's Internet site, books, newsletters and other
show the harmful impact of psychiatry on racism, educa-
publications, more and more patients, families,
tion, women, justice, drug rehabilitation, morals, the elderly,
professionals, lawmakers and countless others are
religion, and many other areas. A list of these include:
THE REAL CRISIS—In Mental Health Today
CHILD DRUGGING—Psychiatry Destroying Lives
Report and recommendations on the lack of science and
Report and recommendations on fraudulent psychiatric
results within the mental health industry
diagnosis and the enforced drugging of youth
MASSIVE FRAUD —Psychiatry's Corrupt Industry
HARMING YOUTH—Psychiatry Destroys Young Minds
Report and recommendations on a criminal mental
Report and recommendations on harmful mental health
assessments, evaluations and programs within our schools
PSYCHIATRIC HOAX—The Subversion of Medicine
COMMUNITY RUIN—Psychiatry's Coercive ‘Care'
Report and recommendations on psychiatry's destructive
Report and recommendations on the failure of community
impact on healthcare
mental health and other coercive psychiatric programs
PSEUDOSCIENCE—Psychiatry's False Diagnoses
HARMING ARTISTS—Psychiatry Ruins Creativity
Report and recommendations on the unscientific fraud
Report and recommendations on psychiatry assaulting the arts
perpetrated by psychiatry
UNHOLY ASSAULT—Psychiatry versus Religion
SCHIZOPHRENIA—Psychiatry's For Profit ‘Disease'
Report and recommendations on psychiatry's subversion of
Report and recommendations on psychiatric lies and
religious belief and practice
ERODING JUSTICE—Psychiatry's Corruption of Law
THE BRUTAL REALITY—Harmful Psychiatric ‘Treatments'
Report and recommendations on psychiatry subverting the
Report and recommendations on the destructive practices of
courts and corrective services
electroshock and psychosurgery
ELDERLY ABUSE—Cruel Mental Health Programs
PSYCHIATRIC RAPE—Assaulting Women and Children
Report and recommendations on psychiatry abusing seniors
Report and recommendations on widespread sex crimesagainst patients within the mental health system
CHAOS & TERROR—Manufactured by Psychiatry
DEADLY RESTRAINTS—Psychiatry's ‘Therapeutic' Assault
Report and recommendations on the role of psychiatry
Report and recommendations on the violent and dangerous
in international terrorism
use of restraints in mental health facilities
CREATING RACISM—Psychiatry's Betrayal
PSYCHIATRY—Hooking Your World on Drugs
Report and recommendations on psychiatry causing racial
Report and recommendations on psychiatry creating today's
conflict and genocide
REHAB FRAUD—Psychiatry's Drug Scam
The International Mental Health Watchdog
Report and recommendations on methadone and other disastrous psychiatric drug ‘rehabilitation' programs
WARNING: No one should stop taking any psychiatric drug without the
advice and assistance of a competent, non-psychiatric, medical doctor.
This publication was made possible by a grant from the United States International Association
of Scientologists Members' Trust.
Published as a public service by the
Citizens Commission on Human Rights
CCHR in the United States is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation recognized by the Internal Revenue Service.
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Images; Reuters/Corbis; page 9: Reuters/Corbis; AP Photos; Tokyo Shimban/Corbis; page 10: Bettmann/Corbis; Tom Treick/The Oregonian/Corbis; page 11: Corbis Sygma;
Pool/AP Photo; page 13: Corbis; Colgate University Archives; AP Wideworld; page 14: Reuters/Corbis; page 16: two shots David Leeson/Dallas Morning News/Corbis; English
Greg/Corbis Sygma; page 20: Bettmann/Corbis; page 21: AP Photos; page 22: Reuters/Corbis; page 24: Bettmann/Corbis; page 25: Reuters/Corbis; page 26: David Turnley/Corbis.
2004 CCHR. All Rights Reserved. CITIZENS COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS, CCHR and the CCHR logo are trademarks and service
marks owned by Citizens Commission on Human Rights. Printed in the U.S.A. Item #18905-3
"I am sure it would be sensible to
restrict as much as possible the work of
these [psychologists and psychiatrists], who are
capable of doing an immense amount of harm
with what may very easily degenerate into
charlatanry. The tightest hand should be kept
over them, and they should not be allowed to
quarter themselves in large numbers among the
Fighting Services at the public expense."
— Winston Churchill,
British Prime Minister, 1942
Source: http://www.cchrnsw.org.au/pdf/4.pdf
School Library Association ofNew Zealand Aotearoa Conference CONCURRENT SESSIONS abstract / biographies COLLABORATIVE FORCES WELLINGTON 2–4 JULY 2007 Wellington High School, Upper Taranaki Street, Wellington intersections COLLABORATIVE FORCES WELLINGTON 2–4 JULY 2007 ANETTE AINSWORThA Fortunate Life — The JourneyABSTRACTThe joy of being a teacher librarian has provided the opportunity to listen to many authors and illustrators discuss their books and to gain an understanding of the background to the stories. Come with me on a journey visiting Australian authors and illustrators and the remarkable work that they produce. Many of these books are then linked to the use of Literature Circles with primary school students. Explore the use of this form of reading unit to engage students with literature.
Transferable Vancomycin Resistance in a Community-Associated MRSA Lineage Flávia Rossi, M.D., Ph.D., Lorena Diaz, Ph.D., Aye Wollam, B.Sc., Diana Panesso, Ph.D., Yanjiao Zhou, Ph.D., Sandra Rincon, M.Sc., Apurva Narechania, M.A., Galen Xing, Thais S.R. Di Gioia, M.D., André Doi, M.D., Truc T. Tran, Pharm.D., Jinnethe Reyes, M.Sc., Jose M. Munita, M.D., Lina P. Carvajal, B.Sc., Alejandra Hernandez-Roldan, M.Sc., Denise Brandão, M.D.,