Volume: 1 Issue: 1
Winter 2016
CEDARS/ASPENS met at the iconic Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami Beach, Florida, during the Society's 5th Annual I•C•E Conference. The 4-day event, which spanned from December 10 to 13, 2015, was attended by CEDARS/ASPENS members and ophthalmic industry exhibitors and attendees.
The organization's goals of innovation, collaboration, and education were strongly demonstrated throughout the Conference. The daily academic sessions concentrated on presentations, followed by vigorous and sometimes controversial panel discussions, the topics of which included Challenging Cases and Controversies in Cataract, Refractive, and Cornea; External Disease: Hot Topics Case Debates; Glaucoma; The Business of Dry Eye; and Practice Management Game Changers. The presenters discussed and debated various
"This unique and intimate format brought together leaders from
approaches to challenging patient problems and the pros and cons of different surgical interventions, among other things. The
around the country to openly discuss conventional and alternative
discussions were open to comment by all conference attendees.
techniques for handling complex cases. In addition, the low industry
The format facilitated valuable exchanges of experience from
executive-to-surgeon ratio fostered a progressive and collaborative
which all could benefit.
atmosphere, leading to innovative and forward-thinking discussions," said Robert Weinstock, MD, Director of Cataract and Refractive Services at The Eye Institute of West Florida and The Weinstock Laser Eye Center.
Kenneth Beckman, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at The Ohio State University and Director of Corneal Services at Comprehensive EyeCare of Central Ohio in Westerville, Ohio, also emphasized the importance of the interaction of industry and surgeons: "Our Annual Conference facilitates expansion and dissemination of knowledge among peers and promotes excellent patient care through the give-and-take of experiences."
Sheri Rowen, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology
CEDARS/ASPENS Members at the 5th Annual CEDARS/ASPENS I•C•E
at University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, and in private
Conference in Miami Beach, Florida
practice at NVision EyeCenters of Newport Beach, Newport
Numerous opportunities were available for industry
Beach, California, added to this, saying, "The CEDARS/ASPENS
representatives to bring the surgeons up to speed on their
Annual Conference is an opportunity to bring together leaders in
latest technologic advances during the Conference's Industry
ophthalmology, with the goal of shaping ophthalmic practice for both
Interface Sessions.
men and women through the exchange of ideas and best practices."
Volume: 1 Issue: 1
Strong ophthalmic pipeline, proposed Pfizer link, will enhance
customer and physician support
Active engagement with leading ophthalmic surgeons will play
a critical role as global pharmaceutical company Allergan
strengthens its commitment to eye care, asserts Dave LeCause,
Vice President for US Eye Care Sales and Marketing. Following
the firm's successful combination with Actavis last March,
Allergan has 17 eye care programs in middle- to late-stage
development. Among these are new pharmaceuticals and
devices targeting dry eye, glaucoma, and retinal diseases.
"Allergan has a long and robust history of innovation that has
produced a market-leading eye care portfolio. We have introduced
entirely new drug categories like alpha agonists in glaucoma and
RESTASIS® in dry eye. But we would not have had any success
without the great partnerships we have built with patients and
doctors in the eye care community," LeCause says.
Contracting with insurance plans and formularies so that the right
Working closely with practicing clinicians and thought leaders
eye care is available at a reasonable out-of-pocket cost is one element.
is part of Allergan's "Open Science" development model,
Another is targeted patient support, such as the RESTASIS®
which also includes in-house R&D and outreach to academic
Tears, My Rewards®
Program. It features money-saving refills, a customer
researchers, venture-capital-backed entrepreneurs and startups,
service hotline, and an
iPhone® app with twice-daily dosing reminders.
LeCause explains. "We are constantly evaluating new options.
"Making sure patients get the right support so they can continue to
This multidimensional approach gives us the flexibility to
benefit over time is a real priority," LeCause says.
continue innovating in the eye care space. We are agnostic on
where good ideas come from."
Supporting patients also means supporting clinical practices. Through its TechAlliance program, Allergan provides staff
New products …
training in eye disease basics and practical tools, such as assessment
Over the next few years Allergan will focus primarily on dry eye,
questionnaires and a Smartphone app that helps answer patient
glaucoma, and retina, according to LeCause. He expects 5 or 6
questions. TechAlliance also supports patients with downloadable
new dry eye products, including RESTASIS® in a preservative-
coupons, videos on taking eye drops, and medication diaries. "It
free, multidose bottle. "This offers convenience to patients and
will make a strong dry eye therapy even more attractive."
enhances service at the point of care. Patient benefit is what it is all about," emphasizes LeCause.
With its July acquisition of Oculeve, Allergan also plans a
dry eye device. Clinical trials show the noninvasive nasal
Pfizer and the future
neurostimulator increases tear production, and Allergan expects
Allergan's recent mergers and acquisitions are elements of a
a US Food and Drug Administration submission this year. "Our
"Growth Pharma" strategy. "The goal," says LeCause, is gathering
approach is to build out a portfolio of options for clinicians to
and harnessing the resources not only to innovate in an increasingly
best treat patients," states LeCause.
dynamic, competitive, and technically demanding market, but also to meet growing patient needs worldwide.
For glaucoma, Allergan plans to build on its successful
"Allergan's proposed combination with biopharmaceutical giant
with extended-release drug delivery technologies and the recently
Pfizer is the next step," LeCause adds. "It will create an extremely
acquired AqueSys XEN® Gel Stent. "We see the glaucoma
powerful biopharmaceutical company that will allow us to make a
market going beyond topical treatment to dropless therapy
difference on a much larger scale. We will have a presence in more
and world-class MIGS. The line between pharmaceuticals
than 180 countries, and will be able to provide a lot of benefit that we
and devices is blurring, and we want to be the market leader.
wouldn't have been able to as a stand-alone organization."
We don't care if it is a surgical or new drug delivery device or
extended-release drops; if it is a valid therapeutic option in an
area in which we have strength and if it is unique and we can
Pfizer's vast resources and global reach will also help Allergan attract
differentiate it, we want to bring it to market."
top talent and further strengthen its position with what LeCause believes is the industry's strongest eye care R&D pipeline.
… and new supports for patients and staff
"But even the best therapy gives no benefit if patients can't
LeCause maintains, "The bold new Allergan is stronger and more
access it," LeCause points out. Allergan is growing access
committed than ever to the eye care community. We will continue
programs that help patients to not only start new therapies, but
to bring considerable resources to eye care and I know we will
also to adhere to them over time.
accomplish a lot together."
Volume: 1 Issue: 1
A new sponsor of the CEDARS/ASPEN Society and a new entrant in ophthalmics, Shire is a leading global biotech company headquartered in Lexington, MA, and Zug, Switzerland. The company has a 30-year history of developing innovative medicines for patients with rare diseases and specialty conditions, in areas including neuroscience, gastrointestinal medicine, and internal medicine. Shire's CEO, Flemming Ornskov, MD, hinted at the rationale for entering into ophthalmics in a recent interview –
"We like small and specialized spaces and we count ophthalmology to that," Ornskov said. "We think there is a significant innovation vacuum for someone who truly focuses on the patient aspects of ophthalmology."
When entering a new therapeutic area, Ornskov has said that Shire's goal is to
"become one of the top three companies in that arena," achieved primarily by bringing innovation to areas of unmet need.
Based on that statement, perhaps it's not surprising that in just over two years, Shire has already made enormous progress in
retinitis pigmentosa, and infectious conjunctivitis. Now the company
achieving that goal by focusing on key areas:
is focused on moving these assets forward, always focused on the unmet medical needs of patients with ophthalmic diseases.
• Shire's
pipeline and
• The
people Shire hires
• Shire's
promise to the eye care community
Shire has made some impressive hires in the ophthalmics space, with most of the team in marketing, medical, research and development, all
the way up to the CEO, having significant eye care experience. However,
When it comes to pipeline and product development in
Shire's hiring philosophy doesn't just focus on technical expertise. With
ophthalmics, this is where Shire's long history of drug
a focus on acting more like a biotech with the resources of large pharma,
development comes into play. Approximately 20% of the
Shire's ophthalmics hires are also entrepreneurial spirits – individuals
workforce is solely dedicated to R&D activities, and that
who are both committed to supporting research and development of
dedication is focused on the development of innovative therapies
new products to meet unmet needs, and who are determined to make a
for patients with unmet needs.
difference in the lives of patients and their caregivers.
Philip Vickers, PhD, Global Head
Monica Roy, OD, MPH, Director of Clinical
of Research & Development, Shire
Development in Ophthalmology, Shire
"Our commitment to ophthalmology is an excellent
"I came to Shire knowing that they had just started
fit for our organizational strengths" says Phil
in ophthalmics, but instead of seeing risk, I just saw
Vickers, PhD, Head of Research and
opportunity. There are so many unmet medical needs in this
Development at Shire.
"Firstly, we have
space - in diseases as diverse as dry eye, acute conjunctivitis,
extensive ophthalmics talent and experience in-
and glaucoma - that the opportunity to join a company that
house, which is critical to driving internal R&D programs in ophthalmics
was truly patient-centric seemed like a perfect fit. In ophthalmics, the possibilities are
forward and assessing external opportunities; secondly, we've instilled
endless; you just need to be in a company committed to making a difference."
a culture of innovation at Shire consistent with moving forward novel therapies focused on the needs of ophthalmology patients; and thirdly, we are
experts at establishing creative partnerships that further drive the success of
Shire recognizes no company can deliver on a promise of developing
our pipeline. Our recent agreement with the Foundation Fighting Blindness
medicines in therapeutic areas of high unmet needs without strong
(FFB) to research a novel treatment for autosomal dominant retinitis
and sustainable relationships with professional and advocacy
pigmentosa is a perfect example of this."
organizations. Collaborations with the CEDARS/ASPENS Society and others are essential to advancing the field and to urgently
Using the multifaceted approach of in-house discovery,
addressing some of the many unmet needs that still exist in
strategic acquisitions, and creative partnerships, Shire has
already established a comprehensive pipeline in ophthalmics, including investigational compounds for dry eye disease,
To learn more about Shire's philosophy and commitment to
retinopathy of prematurity, glaucoma, autosomal dominant
ophthalmics, visit www.shire.com.
Volume: 1 Issue: 1
"With proper attention to maintaining an absolutely stable capsule,
anterior capsule tears can be managed safely, allowing for toric or multifocal IOL placement with excellent postoperative results," Dr Raviv emphasized.
Despite cataract surgery being one of the oldest ocular surgeries performed, advances in technologies and the ability to address
Omidria: Prevention May Be the Best Cure
cases that are far more complex than a simple soft cataract
The jury seems to be leaning in favor of phenylephrine and
removal not only allow surgeons to raise the bar in achieving
ketorolac injection, 1%/0.3% (Omidria, Omeros Corporation), as
superior postoperative vision, but also present surgeons with
the standard-of-care drug in routine and challenging cataract cases
complex scenarios that often have them stretching the limits of
to prevent miosis. The formulation is a combination of an alpha-1
their creativity to achieve the desired outcomes. The following
adrenergic receptor agonist and a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
cases are just a few of those presented at the conference.
drug added to the irrigation solution before intraocular use.
Managing an Anterior Capsular Tear
"The number one cause of problems in my cataract cases is
Tal Raviv, MD, Associate Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology,
maintaining the pupillary size," Robert Weinstock, MD, commented.
New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai, Icahn School
While he likes the Malyugin ring, there is always a question about
of Medicine at Mount Sinai, tackled the case of a 60-year-old
whether or not the ring should be inserted and at what point
patient who underwent planned toric intraocular lens (IOL)
implantation during femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery. However, an anterior capsular (AC) tear developed after
Over time, Dr Weinstock has become increasingly impressed with
phacoemulsification and before irrigation/aspiration (I/A).
the idea of using Omidria routinely during cataract surgeries; a side-by-side comparison of the surgical videos of the eyes of a
"A tear is a warning shot over the bow for complications," he said.
patient who used tamsulosin hydrochloride (Flomax, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc) showed why. The patient had floppy
Interestingly, AC tears were ubiquitous in the can-opener
iris syndrome and underwent cataract surgeries 1 week apart with
capsulotomy/extracap period, when they rarely progressed
Omidria used in 1 eye but not in the other. In the eye without Omidria,
to posterior capsular (PC) tears. However, when phaco
the pupil began to contract, but the fellow eye remained markedly
and pressurized chambers were introduced, most surgeons
more stable. "The impact of the continuous irrigation of the eye with
experienced increased occurrences of PC extensions. A
the medication was very obvious," Dr Weinstock emphasized.
literature review of AC tears reveals 2 studies, one from 2006 (Marques F, et al.
J Cataract Refract Surg. 2006;32[10]:1638-
Dr Weinstock uses Omidria as much as possible in his practice to
1642) and another from 2015 (Carifi G, et al.
Am J Ophthalmol.
prevent any unforeseeable pupillary issues. The biggest take-home
2015;159[3]:463-469), that reported 48% and 24%, respectively,
message for him is that the drug makes a huge difference in his
rates of progression to PC ruptures. "While surgeons have
patients and prevents the cascade of events that might otherwise
improved, we can still do better," Dr Raviv said.
occur if the drug is not used.
The cost of the drug can be approximately $400 for each patient.
"This situation calls for immediate countermeasures to prevent
However, while financial considerations are important, Dr Weinstock
posterior tear extension. The surgeon's next steps must maintain
remains patient focused. "We have to think of what is best for our
planar positioning of the capsule, preventing any trampolining,
patients, regardless of cost," he emphasized. Omeros provides a
by ensuring constant anterior chamber pressurization," he said.
comprehensive and helpful reimbursement assistance program.
For cortical cleanup in the presence of AC tears, Dr Raviv
The Unmeasurable Cataract:
advises performing gentle I/A under a viscoelastic, leaving the
Shooting the Moon With ORA
area of the tear last. He uses the soft silicone sleeved capsular
P. Dee Stephenson, MD, Associate Professor, University of South
guard (Bausch & Lomb) with gentler I/A flow settings. To
Florida, Tampa, President of the American College of Eye
maintain chamber stability, he fills the eye with a viscoelastic
Surgeons, and in private practice at Stephenson Eye Associates in
before withdrawing I/A. A 1-piece acrylic IOL is then inserted
Venice, Florida, described the case of a 67-year-old woman with
gently into the capsular bag. In the case under discussion, the
bilateral mature cataracts. The left and right eye visual acuity (VA)
trailing haptic opened prematurely during insertion and required
levels were, respectively, counting fingers at 2 feet and hand motions;
more manipulating than usual to ensure its proper positioning.
the patient had not been able to read in 7 years. The keratometry
After the IOL is positioned, the incisions are hydrated before
values were similar in both eyes; the white-to-white measurements
the viscoelastic is removed and hydration is repeated. Finally,
were 12.3 millimeters. The axial lengths were unmeasurable with
a watertight closure is ensured postoperatively with a wound
2 different A-scan ultrasonography machines, and no B-scan was
sealant such as ReSure (Ocular Therapeutix, Inc).
available. However, the patient had no history of eye disease.
Volume: 1 Issue: 1
Dr Stephenson has used the Optiwave Refractive Analysis
was negative for infiltrates. Steroid treatment resulted in slight
(ORA) System with VerifEye+ technology (Alcon, Inc) in almost
improvement. Two weeks later, the patient reported sudden pain
all her cases as well as in unusual cases, but the technology
and a "gush of fluid" from the eye while driving. An examination
requires keratometry values and axial length measurements to
showed a small corneal perforation, which Dr Talley Rostov glued,
calculate IOL powers, making this case very interesting. The
and a successful corneal transplant was performed 2 days later. The
degree to which ORA can be trusted in an unusual case of this
postoperative course was normal and the visual acuity was good.
magnitude was the question to be answered.
However, the histopathologic evaluation following transplantation showed the presence of
Acanthamoeba, she recounted.
Dr Stephenson inputted her keratometry values and chose an average axial length of 24 millimeters based on the average
The eye remained quiet, but the question arose about the appropriate
measurements and ocular appearance. The ORA determined
treatment regimen. The options included steroids, treatment with
that a 21.5-diopter lens should be implanted. Postoperatively, in
Acanthamoeba medication before steroidal treatment, or a triple
the first eye, the patient had 20/25 uncorrected VA, a refraction
therapy of polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB)-hexamidine,
of -0.5 diopter (20/20), an uncorrected near VA of J6, and a
chlorhexidine, and combination bacitracin/neomycin/polymyxin
2.0+ add yielded J1. Dr Stephenson later treated the second eye
(Neosporin, Johnson & Johnson). However, the chances were small of
the same way with the same great results.
the graft remaining clear for any length of time.
"The ORA IOL power is proprietary. It is a modified version
Dr Talley Rostov opted for a double therapy of topical PHMB and
of the refractive vergence formula that incorporates the
chlorhexidine and a low-dose steroid. Two weeks later, the patient
measured aphakic spherical equivalent as one of the primary variables. Its calculation for effective lens position includes a
presented with pain and an epithelial defect. At this point, Dr Talley
lens constant and 4 regression coefficients that are associated
Rostov increased the doses of PHMB and chlorhexidine and added
with specific anatomic features of the individual eye being
Refresh PM (Allergan, Inc) and the steroid was instilled twice daily.
measured. For me, ORA with VerifEye+ has helped eliminate
The epithelial defect began to resolve.
almost all outliers. It has raised the bar in my practice for great outcomes," Dr Stephenson stated.
Three weeks later, an infiltrate formed inferiorly, the graft appeared compromised, and the epithelial defect increased. Dr Talley Rostov stopped the steroid, increased the doses of the other drugs, and added oral and topical voriconazole to the regimen.
The graft ultimately failed and cultures were positive for
aureus and
Acanthamoeba. Dr Talley Rostov then performed a therapeutic penetrating keratoplasty (TPK) and added topical vancomycin and a fluoroquinolone to the regimen.
Cases of
Acanthamoeba keratitis are rare, difficult to diagnose, and even more difficult to treat because there is no established
"A learning point here is that in
Acanthamoeba cases, the risk of a
treatment. Steroid therapy seems to be controversial and may
secondary infection is high," she emphasized.
worsen the clinical picture.
A 68-year-old ophthalmologist had a complicated ocular
Following the second TPK, the eye continued to have a nonhealing
history that included radial keratotomy in an unusual pattern,
epithelial defect. Grafting of amniotic membrane failed and the eye
followed by LASIK about 7 years later and possibly hex K
ultimately was lost.
and automated lamellar keratoplasty before presenting to Audrey Talley Rostov, MD, Northwest Eye Surgeons, Seattle,
Acanthamoeba keratitis is a sight-threatening infection that can be difficult
Washington, with ectasia and scarring. The patient tolerated
to diagnose, manage, and treat. It can masquerade as an inflammatory
a gas-permeable contact lens but not a scleral lens. Dr Talley
process or herpes simplex virus, and secondary infections are common.
Rostov discussed a corneal transplant at some future point.
In addition, prolonged treatment with multidrug regimens is required.
However, 2 months later, the patient experienced trauma
Sometimes, even despite appropriate treatment and care,
and his visual acuity decreased and corneal edema increased,
infections can progress and result in severe vision loss and/or phthisis
resembling hydrops with diffuse lamellar keratitis. A culture
bulbi can occur," Dr Talley Rostov said.
Volume: 1 Issue: 1
Intense pulsed light, the brainchild of Rolando Toyos, MD, uses a
xenon flashlamp to provide thermal treatment of MGD by allowing
500 to 800 nanometers of light to pass through a filter.
The MiBo ThermoFlo device (Mibo Medical Group) uses a
Until fairly recently, the only therapies used to provide relief
thermoelectric heat pump. Preliminary data showed that the
from symptoms of ocular surface disease, meibomian gland
noninvasive tear breakup time (TBUT) increased by averages of
disease (MGD), and dry eye symptoms were various tear
3 and 9 seconds after 1 and 3 treatments, respectively.
formulations and punctal plugs. Things have changed.
The BlephEx handpiece is used in-office to remove the biofilm by
"It is good medicine to treat dry eye. We now have new diagnostic
debulking the bacterial density using a microsponge along the lid
and treatment technologies that lead to happier patients and
margin, resulting in significant improvements in the TBUT, clinical
better surgical outcomes," stated Marguerite McDonald, MD,
severity scale for blepharitis, meibomian gland dysfunction scale, and
Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology at New York University
ocular symptoms.
Langone Medical Center in New York City and Adjunct Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology at Tulane University Health
Prokera Slim (Bio-Tissue), for treating severe dry eye disease, is an
Sciences Center in New Orleans, Louisiana. Dr McDonald,
amniotic membrane corneal bandage that is applied to 1 eye and
who is in private practice at Ophthalmic Consultants of Long
then the fellow eye for 5 to 7 days. Prokera Slim Clear has a central
Island, Lynbrook, New York, also described some of the more
hole to facilitate better vision during treatment.
important potential therapies that are currently available.
Dry eye disease also can be assessed using the matrix
Most physicians are diagnosing tear film hyperosmolarity, the
metalloproteinase-9 test (Rapid Pathogen Screening Inc) and the
central pathophysiologic mechanism of all dry eye forms, in
Keratograph 5M (Oculus). The Keratograph 5M actually offers
2 minutes with the TearLab Osmolarity System by analyzing a
several ways to evaluate the dry eye syndrome/ocular surface patient:
50-microliter tear film sample.
tear film meniscus height calculation; noninvasive, automated TBUT; tear film particle movement to determine tear film viscosity; and the
A dry eye diagnostic and treatment, Thermal Pulsation Therapy,
R-Scan (Oculus) to document and classify bulbar redness. Tomey
introduced by TearScience, includes 2 diagnostic components,
also offers a tear stability analysis system.
the LipiView Ocular Surface Interferometer and Meibomian Gland Evaluator, and the treatment component, the LipiFlow
The mainstays of treatment that are not to be overlooked include
Thermal Pulsation System. This system facilitates lids and
masks (Eyegiene Insta-Warmth and Bruder masks are examples), lid
meibomian gland treatment in 12 minutes in-office. In a clinical
scrubs (OCuSOFT, Avenova, and Systane are examples), omega-3
trial comparison with warm compresses, the meibomian gland
fatty acids (TOZAL, PRN, and TheraTears are examples), plugs
scores were better in the LipiFlow group (Lane SS, et al.
(OASIS Medical Form Fit, Eagle, and Parasol are examples), and
Lacrisert (Bausch & Lomb).
Keep an Eye on your Inbox for More News
from CEDARS/ASPENS in our Summer I∙C∙E

te Collaborate •E
Source: http://www.cedarsaspens.org/download/C-A-Winter-Newsletter-FINAL.pdf
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