Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis and Treatment inPatients With Cancer: American Society of Clinical
Gary H. Lyman, Nicole M. Kuderer, and
Oncology Clinical Practice Guideline Update
Jeffrey M. Clarke, Duke University and
Gary H. Lyman, Alok A. Khorana, Nicole M. Kuderer, Agnes Y. Lee, Juan Ignacio Arcelus, Edward P. Balaban,
Duke Cancer Institute, Durham; Nigel S.
Key, Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer
Jeffrey M. Clarke, Christopher R. Flowers, Charles W. Francis, Leigh E. Gates, Ajay K. Kakkar, Nigel S. Key, Mark N. Levine,
Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel
Howard A. Liebman, Margaret A. Tempero, Sandra L. Wong, Ann Alexis Prestrud, and Anna Falanga
Hill, NC; Alok A. Khorana, Taussig Cancer
Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH;
Agnes Y. Lee, University of British Colum-
bia, Vancouver, British Columbia; Mark N.
Levine, McMaster University, Hamilton,
To provide recommendations about prophylaxis and treatment of venous thromboembolism (VTE)
Ontario, Canada; Juan Ignacio Arcelus,
in patients with cancer. Prophylaxis in the outpatient, inpatient, and perioperative settings was
Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves,
considered, as were treatment and use of anticoagulation as a cancer-directed therapy.
University of Granada, Granada, Spain;
Edward P. Balaban, University of Pittsburgh
Cancer Centers Network, Pittsburgh, PA;
A systematic review of the literature published from December 2007 to December 2012 was
Christopher R. Flowers, Emory University
completed in MEDLINE and the Cochrane Collaboration Library. An Update Committee reviewed
School of Medicine and Winship Cancer
evidence to determine which recommendations required revision.
Institute, Atlanta, GA; Charles W. Francis,
James P. Wilmot Cancer Center and
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY;
Forty-two publications met eligibility criteria, including 16 systematic reviews and 24 randomized
Leigh E. Gates, patient representative,
controlled trials.
Denver, CO; Ajay K. Kakkar, Thrombosis
Research Institute, London, United King-
dom; Howard A. Liebman, Keck School of
Most hospitalized patients with cancer require thromboprophylaxis throughout hospitalization. Thrombopro-
Medicine, University of Southern California,
phylaxis is not routinely recommended for outpatients with cancer. It may be considered for selected
Los Angeles; Margaret A. Tempero,
high-risk patients. Patients with multiple myeloma receiving antiangiogenesis agents with chemotherapy
University of California–San Francisco
and/or dexamethasone should receive prophylaxis with either low–molecular weight heparin (LMWH) or
Pancreas Center, San Francisco, CA;
low-dose aspirin. Patients undergoing major cancer surgery should receive prophylaxis, starting before
Sandra L. Wong, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, MI; Ann Alexis Prestrud, Ameri-
surgery and continuing for at least 7 to 10 days. Extending prophylaxis up to 4 weeks should be considered
can Society of Clinical Oncology, Alexan-
in those with high-risk features. LMWH is recommended for the initial 5 to 10 days of treatment for deep
dria, VA; and Anna Falanga, Hospital Papa
vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism as well as for long-term (6 months) secondary prophylaxis. Use
Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo, Italy.
of novel oral anticoagulants is not currently recommended for patients with malignancy and VTE.
Published online ahead of print at
Anticoagulation should not be used for cancer treatment in the absence of other indications. Patients with on May 13, 2013.
cancer should be periodically assessed for VTE risk. Oncology professionals should provide patient
Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee
education about the signs and symptoms of VTE.
Approval: Pending
Editor's note: This American Society of
J Clin Oncol 31:2189-2204. 2013 by American Society of Clinical Oncology
Clinical Oncology Clinical Practice Guideline
Update provides recommendations with
2. Should ambulatory patients with cancer re-
comprehensive discussion of the relevant
ceive anticoagulation for VTE prophylaxis
literature for each recommendation. The
during systemic chemotherapy?
Data Supplement, including evidence
The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
3. Should patients with cancer undergoing sur-
tables, is available at
first published an evidence-based clinical practice
gery receive perioperative VTE prophylaxis?
guideline on prophylaxis and treatment of venous
4. What is the best method for treatment of pa-
Authors' disclosures of potential conflicts
thromboembolism (VTE) in 2007.1 ASCO guide-
tients with cancer with established VTE to pre-
of interest and author contributions are
found at the end of this article.
lines are updated at intervals determined by an Up-
5. Should patients with cancer receive anticoagu-
lants in the absence of established VTE to im-
Corresponding author: American Society of
date Committee; this is a full guideline update. Table
Clinical Oncology, 2318 Mill Rd, Suite 800,
1 provides a summary of the 2007 and 2012 guide-
6. What is known about risk prediction and
Alexandria, VA 22314; e-mail:
awareness of VTE among patients with cancer?
2013 by American Society of Clinical
1. Should hospitalized patients with cancer re-
An Update Committee was formed (Appendix Table
ceive anticoagulation for VTE prophylaxis?
A1, online only) to review data published since the initial
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Lyman et al
guideline and update recommendations, as warranted, considering evidence
ASCO believes that cancer clinical trials are vital to inform medical
identified by the systematic review.
decisions and improve cancer care and that all patients should have the oppor-tunity to participate.
Guideline Development Process
The Update Committee met in July 2012 and had a second meeting via
teleconference. During those meetings, the Update Committee reviewed evi-
The goal of this update was to review evidence available since publication
dence identified by the systematic review and revised guideline recommenda-
of the original guideline and to revise recommendations, as needed, about the
tions. Additional work on the guideline was completed electronically. The
prevention and treatment of VTE among patients with cancer. One new
steering committee and lead ASCO staff person prepared an updated guideline
clinical question, regarding risk, was added, and a separate systematic review
to share with the Update Committee members for review. As per standard
was completed to address this issue.
practice, the guideline was submitted to
Journal of Clinical Oncology for review.
Literature Review and Analysis
The VTE Update Committee and the ASCO Clinical Practice Guideline Com-
Literature search strategy. The effectiveness search included the MED-
mittee reviewed and approved this guideline document before publication.
LINE, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and Cochrane Central Reg-
ister of Controlled Trials databases. Conference proceedings from annual
The practice guideline is not intended to substitute for the independent
meetings of ASCO, the American Society of Hematology, the European Soci-
professional judgment of the treating physician. Practice guidelines do not
ety of Medical Oncology, and the International Society of Thrombosis and
account for individual variation among patients and may not reflect the most
Hemostasis were searched through 2012 or the most recent year available. The
recent evidence. This guideline does not recommend any particular product or
risk assessment search was completed in MEDLINE.
course of medical treatment. Use of the practice guideline is voluntary. The
Reference lists from seminal articles, guidelines from other organiza-
Additional information is available at
tions, and recent review articles were hand searched for additional citations.
Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis and Treatment in Patients With Cancer
Pharmacologic anticoagulation
Medical oncologists, surgical oncologists, hospitalists, oncology nurses
Most hospitalized patients with cancer require thromboprophylaxis throughout hospitalization Thromboprophylaxis is not routinely recommended for ambulatory patients with cancer; it may be considered for very select
high-risk patients
Patients with multiple myeloma receiving antiangiogenesis agents with chemotherapy and/or dexamethasone should receive pro-
phylaxis with either low molecular–weight heparin (LMWH) or low-dose aspirin to prevent venous thromboembolism (VTE)
Patients undergoing major cancer surgery should receive prophylaxis starting before surgery and continuing for at least 7 to 10
Extending postoperative prophylaxis up to 4 weeks should be considered in those with high-risk features LMWH is recommended for the initial 5 to 10 days of treatment for patients with established deep vein thrombosis and pulmo-
nary embolism, as well as for long-term (6 months) secondary prophylaxis
Use of novel oral anticoagulants is not currently recommended for patients with malignancy and VTE Anticoagulation should not be used to extend survival in patients with cancer in the absence of other indications Patients with cancer should be periodically assessed for VTE risk Oncology professionals should provide patient education about the signs and symptoms of VTE
An Expert Panel was convened to develop clinical practice guideline recommendations based on a review of evidence provided by
a systematic review of the medical literature
This guideline was published in Journal of Clinical Oncology. The Data Supplement, including evidence tables, and clinical tools and
resources, can be found at
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VTE Prophylaxis and Treatment: ASCO Guideline Update
Table 1. VTE Prophylaxis and Treatment Recommendations
Strength of Evidence Type and
2013 Recommendation
Strength of Recommendation
2007 Recommendation
1.1 Hospitalized patients who have active malignancy with
Hospitalized patients with cancer should be considered
acute medical illness or reduced mobility should receive
candidates for VTE prophylaxis with anticoagulants in
pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis in the absence of
Recommendation type, strength:
the absence of bleeding or other contraindications to
bleeding or other contraindications.
evidence based, strong
1.2 Hospitalized patients who have active malignancy without
Evidence: moderate
additional risk factors may be considered for pharmacologicthromboprophylaxis in the absence of bleeding or other
Recommendation type, strength:
evidence based, strong
1.3 Data are inadequate to support routine thromboprophylaxis
Evidence: insufficient
in patients admitted for minor procedures or shortchemotherapy infusion or in patients undergoing stem-cell/
Recommendation type, strength:
bone marrow transplantation.
informal consensus, moderate
2.1 Routine pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis is not
Evidence: moderate
Routine prophylaxis with an antithrombotic agent is not
recommended in cancer outpatients.
Recommendation type, strength:
evidence based, strong
2.2 Based on limited RCT data, clinicians may consider LMWH
Evidence: moderate
prophylaxis on a case-by-case basis in highly selected
Recommendation type, strength:
outpatients with solid tumors receiving chemotherapy.
evidence based, weak
Consideration of such therapy should be accompanied by adiscussion with the patient about the uncertainty concerningbenefits and harms as well as dose and duration ofprophylaxis in this setting.
2.3 Patients with multiple myeloma receiving thalidomide- or
Evidence: moderate
Patients receiving thalidomide or lenalidomide with
lenalidomide-based regimens with chemotherapy and/or
chemotherapy or dexamethasone are at high risk for
Recommendation type, strength:
dexamethasone should receive pharmacologic
thrombosis and warrant prophylaxis. Until such time
evidence based, strong
thromboprophylaxis with either aspirin or LMWH for lower-
as data are available from RCTs, LMWH or adjusted-
risk patients and LMWH for higher-risk patients.
dose warfarin (INR approximately 1.5) isrecommended in patients with myeloma receivingthalidomide plus chemotherapy or dexamethasone.
This recommendation is based on extrapolation fromstudies of postoperative prophylaxis in orthopedicsurgery and a trial of adjusted-dose warfarin in breastcancer. RCTs evaluating antithrombotic agents areneeded in patients with multiple myeloma receivingthalidomide or lenalidomide plus chemotherapy and/ordexamethasone. Research identifying better markersof ambulatory patients with cancer most likely todevelop VTE is urgently needed.
3.1 All patients with malignant disease undergoing major
All patients undergoing major surgical intervention for
surgical intervention should be considered for
malignant disease should be considered for
Recommendation type, strength:
pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis with either UFH or
thromboprophylaxis. Patients undergoing laparotomy,
evidence-based, strong
LMWH unless contraindicated because of active bleeding or
laparoscopy, or thoracotomy lasting greater than 30
high bleeding risk.
minutes should receive pharmacologicthromboprophylaxis with either low-dose UFH orLMWH unless contraindicated because of high risk ofbleeding or active bleeding.
3.2 Prophylaxis should be commenced preoperatively.
Evidence: moderate
Prophylaxis should be commenced preoperatively or as
early as possible in the postoperative period.
Recommendation type, strength:
evidence based, moderate
3.3 Mechanical methods may be added to pharmacologic
Evidence: moderate
Mechanical methods may be added to pharmacologic
thromboprophylaxis but should not be used as monotherapy
methods but should not be used as monotherapy for
Recommendation type, strength:
for VTE prevention unless pharmacologic methods are
VTE prevention unless pharmacologic methods are
evidence based, strong
contraindicated because of active bleeding or high bleeding
contraindicated because of active bleeding.
3.4 A combined regimen of pharmacologic and mechanical
Evidence: moderate
A combined regimen of pharmacologic and mechanical
prophylaxis may improve efficacy, especially in the highest-
prophylaxis may improve efficacy, especially in the
Recommendation type, strength:
risk patients.
informal consensus, moderate
3.5 Pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis for patients undergoing
Prophylaxis should be continued for at least 7 to 10 days
major surgery for cancer should be continued for at least 7
postoperatively. Prolonged prophylaxis for up to 4
Recommendation type, strength:
to 10 days. Extended prophylaxis with LMWH for up to 4
weeks may be considered in patients undergoing
evidence based, strong to
weeks postoperatively should be considered for patients
major abdominal or pelvic surgery for cancer with
undergoing major abdominal or pelvic surgery for cancer
high-risk features such as residual malignant disease
who have high-risk features such as restricted mobility,
after operation, obese patients, and those with a
obesity, history of VTE, or with additional risk factors as
history of VTE.
listed in Table 3. In lower-risk surgical settings, the decisionon appropriate duration of thromboprophylaxis should bemade on a case-by-case basis considering the individualpatient.
(continued on following page)
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Lyman et al
Table 1. VTE Prophylaxis and Treatment Recommendations (continued)
Strength of Evidence Type and
2013 Recommendation
Strength of Recommendation
2007 Recommendation
Treatment and secondary prophylaxis
4.1 LMWH is preferred over UFH for the initial 5 to 10 days of
LMWH is the preferred approach for the initial 5 to 10
anticoagulation for the patient with cancer with newly
days of anticoagulant treatment of the patient with
Recommendation type, strength:
diagnosed VTE who does not have severe renal impairment
cancer with established VTE.
evidence based, strong
(defined as creatinine clearance ⬍ 30 mL/min).
4.2 For long-term anticoagulation, LMWH for at least 6
LMWH given for at least 6 months is also the preferred
months is preferred because of improved efficacy over
approach for long-term anticoagulant therapy. VKAs
Recommendation type, strength:
VKAs. VKAs are an acceptable alternative for long-term
with a targeted INR of 2 to 3 are acceptable for long-
evidence based, strong
therapy if LMWH is not available.
term therapy when LMWH is not available.
4.3 Anticoagulation with LMWH or VKA beyond the initial 6
Evidence: insufficient
After 6 months, indefinite anticoagulant therapy should
months may be considered for select patients with active
be considered for selected patients with active
Recommendation type, strength:
cancer, such as those with metastatic disease or those
cancer, such as those with metastatic disease and
informal consensus, weak to
those receiving chemotherapy. This recommendation
is based on Panel consensus in the absence of clinicaltrials data.
4.4 The insertion of a vena cava filter is only indicated for
Evidence: weak to moderate
The insertion of a vena cava filter is only indicated for
patients with contraindications to anticoagulant therapy (see
patients with contraindications to anticoagulant
Recommendation type, strength:
Table 4). It may be considered as an adjunct to
therapy and in those with recurrent VTE despite
informal consensus, moderate
anticoagulation in patients with progression of thrombosis
adequate long-term therapy with LMWH.
(recurrent VTE or extension of existing thrombus) despiteoptimal therapy with LMWH.
4.5 For patients with primary CNS malignancies,
Evidence: moderate
For patients with CNS malignancies, anticoagulation is
anticoagulation is recommended for established VTE as
recommended for established VTE as described for
Recommendation type, strength:
described for other patients with cancer. Careful monitoring
other patients with cancer. Careful monitoring is
informal consensus, strong
is necessary to limit the risk of hemorrhagic complications.
necessary to limit the risk of hemorrhagiccomplications. Anticoagulation should be avoided inthe presence of active intracranial bleeding, recentsurgery, preexisting bleeding diathesis such asthrombocytopenia (platelet count ⬍ 50,000/L), orcoagulopathy.
4.6 Use of novel oral anticoagulants for either prevention or
Evidence: insufficient
treatment of VTE in patients with cancer is not
Recommendation type, strength:
recommended at this time.
informal consensus, strong
4.7 Based on consensus, incidental PE and DVT should be
Evidence: insufficient
treated in the same manner as symptomatic VTE.
Recommendation type, strength:
Treatment of splanchnic or visceral vein thrombi diagnosed
informal consensus, moderate
incidentally should be considered on a case-by-case basis,considering potential benefits and risks of anticoagulation.
Anticoagulation and survival
5.1 Anticoagulants are not recommended to improve survival
Evidence: weak to moderate
Anticoagulants are not recommended to improve survival
in patients with cancer without VTE.
in patients with cancer without VTE. Patients with
Recommendation type, strength:
cancer should be encouraged to participate in clinical
informal consensus, moderate
trials designed to evaluate anticoagulant therapy as anadjunct to standard anticancer therapies.
5.2 Patients with cancer should be encouraged to participate
in clinical trials designed to evaluate anticoagulant therapyas an adjunct to standard anticancer therapies.
6.1 Based on consensus, the Panel recommends that patients
Evidence: moderate
New for 2012 Update
with cancer be assessed for VTE risk at the time of
Recommendation type, strength:
chemotherapy initiation and periodically thereafter. Individual
informal consensus, strong
risk factors, including biomarkers or cancer site, do notreliably identify patients with cancer at high risk of VTE. Inthe outpatient setting, risk assessment can be conductedbased on a validated risk assessment tool (Table 5).
6.2 Based on consensus, the Panel recommends that
Evidence: insufficient
oncologists educate patients regarding VTE, particularly in
Recommendation type, strength:
settings that increase risk such as major surgery,
informal consensus, strong
hospitalization, and while receiving systemic antineoplastictherapy.
Abbreviations: INR, international normalized ratio; LMWH, low–molecular weight heparin; PE, pulmonary embolism; RCT, randomized controlled trial; UFH,
unfractionated heparin; VKA, vitamin K antagonist; VTE, venous thromboembolism.
The Update Committee reviewed the list of included reports for completeness.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria. Articles for the efficacy systematic
Subject headings and keywords used in the efficacy literature search included
review were selected for inclusion if they were RCTs or systematic reviews
four major categories: VTE, anticoagulation, malignancy, and randomized
of RCTs that assessed the efficacy and safety of anticoagulation in
controlled trials (RCTs). The full search string is available in the Data Supple-
patients with cancer and included at least 50 patients per arm. Only data
ment. The risk literature search also included four major categories: risk
from conference proceedings available as full presentations or posters
assessment, VTE, cancer, and cohort studies.
were included.
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VTE Prophylaxis and Treatment: ASCO Guideline Update
For the risk systematic review, studies from the ambulatory setting that
either developed or validated risk models were included. Only reports that
included multivariate analyses were eligible. Risk assessment models limited to
Should hospitalized patients with cancer receive anticoagulation for
single cancer types were excluded.
Data extraction. Eligible reports for both reviews were preliminarily
identified after the literature search. Full-text copies were obtained to furtherassess eligibility. Articles that met eligibility for the efficacy search underwent
data extraction by ASCO staff for study design and quality, patient character-
Hospitalized patients who have active malignancy with
istics, outcomes, and adverse events. Outcomes of interest included symptom-
acute medical illness or reduced mobility should receive phar-
atic and asymptomatic thrombotic events found on screening, major and
macologic thromboprophylaxis in the absence of bleeding or
minor bleeding, early and overall mortality, sudden death, and adverse events.
For the risk review, data extraction included study characteristics, quality, and
risk assessment model development and evaluation. Outcomes of interestincluded factors incorporated into the risk assessment model, model equation,
and outcomes according to risk.
Hospitalized patients who have active malignancy without addi-
Evidence summary tables (Data Supplement) were reviewed for accu-
tional risk factors may be considered for pharmacologic thrombopro-
racy and completeness by an ASCO staff member who was not involved in dataextraction. Disagreements were resolved through discussion; the Steering
phylaxis in the absence of bleeding or other contraindications.
Committee was consulted if necessary.
Study quality. Trial characteristics from the RCTs were extracted to
evaluate the potential for bias. Study quality was also assessed for the reports in
Data are inadequate to support or oppose thromboprophy-
the risk systematic review.
laxis in patients admitted for minor procedures or short chemo-
Guideline and Conflicts of Interest
therapy infusion or in patients undergoing stem-cell/bone
The Update Committee was assembled in accordance with ASCO's Con-
flict of Interest Management Procedures for Clinical Practice Guidelines("Procedures," summarized at Membersof the Update Committee completed ASCO's disclosure form, which requires
Literature Update and Analysis 1
disclosure of financial and other interests that are relevant to the subject matter
Three randomized trials were identified by the systematic review:
of the guideline, including relationships with commercial entities that are
CERTIFY (Certoparin for Thromboprophylaxis in Medical Patients),
reasonably likely to experience direct regulatory or commercial impact as the
CERTAIN (Certoparin Versus Unfractionated Heparin for the Pre-
result of promulgation of the guideline. Categories for disclosure include
vention of Thromboembolic Complications in Acutely Ill Medical
employment relationships, consulting arrangements, stock ownership, hono-
Patients), and EXCLAIM (Extended Prophylaxis for Venous Throm-
raria, research funding, and expert testimony. In accordance with the Proce-dures, the majority of the members of the Update Committee did not disclose
boEmbolism in Acutely Ill Medical Patients with Prolonged
any such relationships.
Immobilization).2-4 EXCLAIM evaluated extended prophylaxis.2 Onesystematic review and meta-analysis of inpatient thromboprophylaxis
At intervals, the Update Committee co-chairs and two Update Commit-
was also identified.5 Dosing information is provided in Table 2.
tee members designated by the co-chairs will determine the need for guidelinerevisions based on the available literature. If necessary, the Update Committee
will be reconvened. When appropriate, the Update Committee will suggest
Both new primary prophylaxis trials in medically ill patients,
revised recommendations to the Clinical Practice Guideline Committee.
CERTAIN and CERTIFY, compared a low molecular–weight heparin(LMWH), certoparin, with unfractionated heparin (UFH). The
primary outcome for both trials was the composite of symptomaticor asymptomatic deep vein thrombosis (DVT), symptomatic pul-
monary embolism (PE), or VTE-related death. Among the 172
The efficacy literature search yielded a total of 380 citations
patients randomly assigned in the CERTAIN trial, 8.0% and 9.2%
from MEDLINE, 531 citations from conference proceedings, and
in the UFH and LMWH groups, respectively, had active or previ-
18 from hand searching. Forty-two reports provisionally met in-
ous cancer (not significant).3 The primary end point was reported
clusion and exclusion criteria and were selected for full-text review.
in 18% of patients receiving UFH and 10.7% of patients receiving
Of those, reports from 30 trials and systematic reviews were se-
certoparin (not significant).
lected for data extraction. The QUOROM diagram is available in
Patients with cancer were eligible to participate in CERTIFY, but
the Data Supplement.
the percentage was not reported.4 Among the 3,244 patients randomly
For the risk systematic review, the MEDLINE literature search
assigned in this trial, the primary outcome of DVT or PE occurred in
yielded 664 citations. Of those, 54 provisionally met eligibility criteria
3.9% in the certoparin arm compared with 4.5% receiving UFH (not
and were selected for full-text review. Six articles were identified for
significant). Both trials included an older patient population; the
data extraction.
mean age in CERTIFY was ⬎ 78 years,4 and in CERTAIN, it was ⬎ 70years.3 Neither trial reported data for cancer subgroups. Bleeding rates
Study Quality and Limitations of the Literature
were higher with UFH compared with LMWH. Sudden death was not
Publications identified by the systematic review varied with re-
reported for either trial.
spect to potential for bias, ranging from low to high. A majority of the
The systematic review examined pharmacologic thrombopro-
trials were of moderate quality. Specific quality issues are discussed
phylaxis with LMWH, UFH, fondaparinux, and placebo.5 DVT rates
within the section for the relevant clinical question.
were lower with LMWH/fondaparinux compared with placebo (odds
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Lyman et al
Table 2. Dosing Regimens for Prophylaxis/Treatment of VTE in Patients With Cancer
Pharmacologic (anticoagulant) prophylaxis
Hospitalized medical patientsb
Unfractionated heparin
5,000 U once every 8 hoursc
5,000 U once daily
2.5 mg once daily
Surgical patientsbe
Unfractionated heparin
5,000 U 2-4 hours preoperatively and once every 8 hoursc thereafter or 5,000 U 10-12 hours preoperatively and
5,000 U once daily thereafter
2,500 U 2-4 hours preoperatively and 5,000 U once daily thereafter or 5,000 U 10-12 hours preoperatively and
5,000 U once daily thereafter
20 mg 2-4 hours preoperatively and 40 mg once daily thereafter or 40 mg 10-12 hours preoperatively and 40
mg once daily thereafter
2.5 mg qd beginning 6-8 h postoperatively
Treatment of established VTEf
Unfractionated heparing
80 U/kg IV bolus, then 18 U/kg per hour IV; adjust dose based on aPTTh
100 U/kg once every 12 hours; 200 U/kg once daily
1 mg/kg once every 12 hours; 1.5 mg/kg once daily
175 U/kg once per day
⬍ 50 kg, 5.0 mg once daily; 50-100 kg, 7.5 mg once daily; ⬎ 100 kg, 10 mg once daily
200 U/kg once daily for 1 month, then 150 U/kg once daily
1.5 mg/kg once daily; 1 mg/kg once every 12 hours
175 U/kg once daily
Adjust dose to maintain INR 2 to 3
Abbreviations: aPTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; FDA, US Food and Drug Administration; INR, international normalized ratio; IV, intravenous; LMWH,
low–molecular weight heparin; VTE, venous thromboembolism.
aAll doses are administered as subcutaneous injections except as indicated.
bDuration for medical patients is length of hospital stay or until fully ambulatory; for surgical patients, prophylaxis should be continued for at least 7 to 10 days.
Extended prophylaxis for up to 4 weeks should be considered for high-risk patients.
cUnfractionated heparin 5,000 U every 12 hours has also been used but appears to be less effective.
dThis drug is not approved by the FDA for this indication.
eWhen neuraxial anesthesia or analgesia is planned, prophylactic doses of once-daily LMWH should not be administered within 10 to 12 hours before the
procedure/instrumentation (including epidural catheter removal). After the surgery, the first dose of LMWH can be administered 6 to 8 hours postoperatively. Aftercatheter removal, the first dose of LMWH can be administered no earlier than 2 hours afterward. Clinicians should refer to their institutional guidelines and theAmerican Society of Regional Anesthesia Guidelines for more information.6
fContraindications to therapeutic anticoagulation are listed in Table 4.
gParenteral anticoagulants should overlap with warfarin for 5 to 7 days minimum and continued until INR is in the therapeutic range for 2 consecutive days.
hUnfractionated heparin infusion rate should be adjusted to maintain the aPTT within the therapeutic range in accordance with local protocol to correspond with
a heparin level of 0.3 to 0.7 U/mL using a chromogenic Xa assay.
iDependent on significant renal clearance; avoid in patients with creatinine clearance ⱕ 30 mL/minute or adjust dose based on anti–factor Xa levels.
jOptimal dose unclear in patients ⬎ 120 kg.
kTwice-daily dosing may be more efficacious than once-daily dosing for enoxaparin based on post hoc data.
lThis drug is not available in the United States.
mTotal duration of therapy depends on clinical circumstances. See Clinical Question 4, section entitled "Initial and Long-Term Treatment Up to 6 Months," for more
nThis is the only LMWH with FDA approval for extended therapy to prevent recurrent thrombosis in patients with cancer.
ratio [OR], 0.60; 95% CI, 0.47 to 0.75) but similar between LMWH
16.0% in the placebo arm. The primary outcomes were VTE defined as
and UFH (OR, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.56 to 1.52). No differences in the rate of
a composite of symptomatic or asymptomatic proximal DVT, symp-
death or PE were noted between patients who were treated with
tomatic PE, and fatal PE, and major bleeding. The proportion of VTE
LMWH/fondaparinux, UFH, or placebo. Major bleeding rates were
events was greater with placebo: 4.0% versus 2.5% for an absolute risk
similar across all treatment arms considered. Minor bleeding rates
difference of ⫺1.53% (95% CI, ⫺2.54% to ⫺0.52%). Major bleeding
were similar with LMWH and UFH and greater than in placebo-
was uncommon but significantly greater with active therapy: 0.8%
treated patients. Cancer-specific rates were not provided for either
versus 0.3%. The early mortality rate was similar across trial arms
VTE or bleeding.
(hazard ratio [HR], 0.93; 95% CI, 0.65 to 1.32).2 Cancer-specific datawere not reported.
In an RCT, 6,085 acutely ill medical patients were assigned to
extended prophylaxis with enoxaparin or placebo for 28 days (⫾ 4
days) after receiving open-label enoxaparin for an initial 10 days (⫾ 4
The inpatient trials enrolled mixed populations including pa-
days).2 Of the patients in the LMWH arm, 14.1% had cancer, as did
tients with cancer as well as general medical patients. To date, no trials
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VTE Prophylaxis and Treatment: ASCO Guideline Update
Table 3. Risk Factors and Biomarkers for Cancer-Associated Thrombosis
Treatment Related
Platelet count (ⱖ 350,000/L)
Stage (higher for advanced stage)
Antiangiogenic agents (eg,
Race (higher in African Americans;
Leukocyte count (⬎ 11,000/L)
lower in Asians/PacificIslanders)
Cancer histology (higher for
Medical comorbidities (infection,
Hemoglobin (⬍ 10 g/dL)
adenocarcinoma than
renal disease, pulmonary
Time after initial diagnosis (highest
in first 3 to 6 months)
Indwelling venous access devices
Diminished performance status
Radiation therapy
Inherited prothrombotic mutations
Surgery ⬎ 60 min
Abbreviation: VTE, venous thromboembolism.
have evaluated inpatient thromboprophylaxis in a cancer-only popu-
uncertainty concerning benefits and harms as well as dose and dura-
lation. These recommendations were formulated by extrapolating the
tion of prophylaxis in this setting.
best available data. All RCTs included reduced mobility as an eligibilitycriterion, but the definitions of immobility were not explicit or con-
sistent. This limits generalizability of these data to all hospitalized
Patients with multiple myeloma receiving thalidomide- or
patients with cancer and tempered the willingness of the Update
lenalidomide-based regimens with chemotherapy and/or dexameth-
Committee to recommend thromboprophylaxis for all inpatients
asone should receive pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis with either
with malignancy.
aspirin or LMWH for lower-risk patients and LMWH for higher-
The extended thromboprophylaxis trial, CERTAIN, indicates
risk patients.
that prolonging anticoagulation reduces VTE event rates but increasesthe risk of bleeding. Importantly, a midstudy amendment narrowedthe eligible patient population after interim analysis noted limited
Literature Update and Analysis 2
efficacy in patients without reduced mobility.2 Findings from this trial
The updated systematic review identified three systematic
must be interpreted with this narrow patient population in mind.
reviews15-17 considering the ambulatory setting and nine RCTs.18-25Two RCTs, SAVE-ONCO (Evaluation of AVE5026 in the Prevention
Risk Among Inpatients
of Venous Thromboembolism in Cancer Patients Undergoing Chem-
A vast majority of hospitalized patients with cancer are at
otherapy),18 and PROTECHT (Prophylaxis of Thromboembolism
moderate to high risk for thromboembolic events, because active
During Chemotherapy)19 included patients with a variety of solid
cancer is a strong risk factor.7-13 Most patients have additional risk
tumors. Two others, FRAGEM (Gemcitabine With or Without Dalte-
factors, including comorbid conditions such as infection, immo-
parin in Treating Patients With Locally Advanced or Metastatic Pan-
bility, or advanced age.14 The benefit of prophylaxis increases with
creatic Cancer)21 and PROSPECT-CONKO 004 (Chemotherapy
the risk of VTE. Table 3 includes a list of risk factors that can be
With or Without Enoxaparin in Pancreatic Cancer)24,25 included only
used to evaluate risk in oncology inpatients. Risk is further ad-
patients with pancreatic cancer. The PRODIGE (Dalteparin Low
dressed in Clinical Question 6.
Molecular Weight Heparin for Primary Prophylaxis of VenousThromboembolism in Brain Tumour Patients) trial examined antico-agulation for patients with glioma.23 Two recent trials evaluated
thromboprophylaxis in multiple myeloma.20,22 Final publications oftwo trials discussed in the previous guideline are also discussed.26
Should ambulatory patients with cancer receive anticoagulation forVTE prophylaxis during systemic chemotherapy?
Two systematic reviews identified RCTs comparing LMWH pro-
Routine pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis is not recom-
phylaxis in the outpatient setting with placebo or no prophylaxis.
mended in cancer outpatients.
Estimated risk ratios (RRs) across trials indicated decreases in symp-tomatic VTE events with LMWH thromboprophylaxis of 0.53 (95%
CI, 0.39 to 0.72) and 0.54 (95% CI, 0.31 to 0.95), respectively.16,17
Based on limited RCT data, clinicians may consider LMWH
Neither meta-analysis noted a statistically significant increase in bleed-
prophylaxis on a case-by-case basis in highly selected outpatients with
ing with LMWH. Of note, the second report included only trials of
solid tumors receiving chemotherapy. Consideration of such therapy
patients with advanced lung cancer from two RCTs.16 The relative risk
should be accompanied by a discussion with the patient about the
for symptomatic VTE was 0.58 (95% CI, 0.28 to 1.06).
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Lyman et al
A recent Cochrane review compared the efficacy and safety of
Pancreatic cancer. The FRAGEM and PROSPECT-CONKO
LMWHs, vitamin K antagonists (VKAs), and direct thrombin inhib-
004 trials enrolled patients with advanced pancreatic neoplasms.21,25
itors with no intervention or placebo in ambulatory patients with
The FRAGEM trial was a phase IIb RCT of 123 patients with advanced
cancer.15 Fewer symptomatic VTEs occurred with LMWH throm-
pancreatic cancer receiving gemcitabine-based chemotherapy com-
boprophylaxis in the pooled analysis of ⬎ 2,400 patients (RR, 0.62;
paring thromboprophylaxis with therapeutic doses of dalteparin up to
95% CI, 0.41 to 0.99). Rates of major and minor bleeding were not
12 weeks, following a schedule similar to that of the CLOT (Random-
consistently increased with anticoagulation compared with placebo.
ized Comparison of Low Molecular–Weight Heparin Versus Oral
Four trials specifically considered the LMWH dalteparin, allowing a
Anticoagulant Therapy for the Prevention of Recurrent Venous
subgroup analysis of that agent. No difference in VTE event rates was
Thromboembolism in Patients with Cancer) trial, with no throm-
noted between dalteparin and placebo (RR, 0.75; 95% CI, 0.42
boprophylaxis.21 VTE over the course of the study was reduced from
28% to 12%, with a relative risk of 0.42 (95% CI, 0.19 to 0.94;
P ⫽
The absolute differences in symptomatic VTE event rates be-
.039). No differences in rates of major bleeding or mortality between
tween treated and control patients were ⬍ 5% in most trials. Among
study arms were observed.
the three systematic reviews, the absolute risk differences in VTE were
The PROSPECT-CONKO 004 trial was presented as an oral
1.5%, 2.8%, and 1.7% with estimates of the number needed to treat
presentation but has not yet been published.25 In this trial, 312 patients
(NNT) of 67, 36, and 59, respectively, to prevent one symptomatic
with stage IV pancreatic cancer being treated with gemcitabine-based
VTE event across the included trials. Importantly, individual patient
chemotherapy were randomly assigned to enoxaparin at half the
data were not evaluated, limiting the assessment of patients with
therapeutic dose for 3 months or no thromboprophylaxis. VTE
different cancers, often receiving different cancer therapies and anti-
was reduced from 15% to 5%, with a relative risk of 0.35 (95%
coagulants, and with varying degrees of VTE risk.
CI, 0.16 to 0.75;
P ⫽ .007). Again, no significant difference inrates of major bleeding was reported.
Glioma. The PRODIGE trial included 186 patients with newly
Recent Clinical Trials
diagnosed grade 3 or 4 glioma and was terminated early.23 Patients
Mixed solid tumors. The PROTECHT and SAVE-ONCO trials
were randomly assigned to dalteparin or placebo for 6 months, and
evaluated thromboprophylaxis in ambulatory patients with cancer
therapy could continue for an additional 6 months. VTE events oc-
receiving chemotherapy for locally advanced or metastatic solid tu-
curred in nine patients (9%) in the dalteparin arm compared with 13
mors.18,19 These double-blind trials compared anticoagulation with
patients (15%) in the placebo arm (HR, 0.51; 95% CI, 0.19 to 1.40;
P ⫽
either the LMWH nadroparin or the ultra-LMWH semuloparin with
.29). Five patients in the dalteparin arm experienced intracranial
placebo. Semuloparin is not available and has been withdrawn from
bleeding by 12 months compared with one in the control arm (HR,
marketing worldwide. The primary end point for PROTECHT was a
4.2; 95% CI, 0.48 to 36;
P ⫽ .22).
composite of symptomatic VTEs and arterial thromboembolic events
Overall, the Panel concluded that offering all patients with solid
during treatment and follow-up.19 In PROTECHT, 3.9% of patients
malignancies anticoagulation for thromboprophylaxis in the ambula-
in the control arm experienced events compared with 2.0% of patients
tory setting is not justified based on the available clinical trial data and
treated with nadroparin for an NNT of 53 (one-tailed
P ⫽ .02). Major
the heterogeneity of this patient population.
bleeding rates were not different between the arms. In an exploratory
Multiple myeloma.
Two RCT substudies assessed different
subgroup analysis, thromboembolic event rates were greater in pa-
thromboprophylaxis strategies in patients with newly diagnosed mul-
tients who received thromboprophylaxis compared with controls:
tiple myeloma receiving lenalidomide- or thalidomide-based treat-
8.3% versus 5.9%. In SAVE-ONCO, fewer symptomatic VTE events
ment.20,22 Palumbo et al22 stratified patients on the basis of age and
occurred in patients who received semuloparin (1.2%) compared
transplantation eligibility and then randomly assigned them to one
with placebo (3.4%; HR, 0.36; 95% CI, 0.21 to 0.60;
P ⬍ .001).18 The
of two chemotherapy regimens. Patients who received thalidomide-
absolute risk difference for VTE events was 2.2% for an NNT of 45.
based regimens were eligible for random assignment to warfarin,
Major bleeding was similar across arms (HR, 1.05; 95% CI, 0.55 to
low-dose aspirin, or enoxaparin. Of 659 analyzed patients, serious
thromboembolic events, acute cardiovascular events, or sudden death
Two double-blind RCTs of ambulatory patients with metastatic
during the first 6 months occurred in 6.4% in the aspirin group, 8.2%
breast carcinoma (TOPIC-1) or stage III/IV non–small-cell lung car-
in the warfarin group, and 5.0% in the LMWH group. Compared with
cinoma (TOPIC-2) compared certoparin 3,000 IU subcutaneously
LMWH, the absolute differences were 1.3% (95% CI, 3.0% to 5.7%;
once daily with placebo for 6 months.26 The primary outcome was
P ⫽ .544) with aspirin and 3.2% (95% CI, 1.5% to 7.8%;
P ⫽ .183)
symptomatic or asymptomatic VTE. TOPIC-1 randomly assigned
with warfarin. Three major bleeding episodes occurred with aspirin
353 patients but was stopped after an interim analysis revealed no
(1.4%) compared with none in the other arms.22 No difference in the
difference between treatment arms. VTE occurred in 4% from both
risk of VTE was found when comparing aspirin with LMWH (HR,
study arms, resulting in an OR of 1.02 (95% CI, 0.30 to 3.48). TOPIC-2
1.13; 95% CI, 0.59 to 2.17).
randomly assigned 547 patients, 4.5% of whom experienced VTE in
In the other study from the same group, 342 patients with newly
the certoparin arm and 8.3% in the placebo arm (OR, 0.52; 95% CI,
diagnosed multiple myeloma treated with lenalidomide-based chem-
0.23 to 1.12). Major bleeding in the certoparin and control arms was
otherapy were randomly assigned to either prophylactic low-dose
1.7% and 0% in TOPIC-1 and 3.7% and 2.2% in TOPIC-2, respec-
aspirin (100 mg per day) or enoxaparin during induction and consol-
tively, neither of which was statistically significant. A post hoc explor-
idation chemotherapy.20 Symptomatic VTE was reported in 2.3% of
atory analysis demonstrated a reduction in VTE in stage IV lung
patients receiving aspirin and 1.2% receiving LMWH for an absolute
carcinoma in the certoparin arm (3.5%
v 10.2%;
P ⫽ .032).
difference of 1.07% (95% CI, ⫺1.69 to 3.83;
P ⫽ .452). No major
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VTE Prophylaxis and Treatment: ASCO Guideline Update
bleeding was reported in either arm, and minor bleeding was noted in
Sakon et al34 trial, 164 patients with cancer undergoing abdominal
one patient receiving enoxaparin.
laparotomy were randomly assigned to enoxaparin or intermittentpneumatic compression (IPC). The incidence of symptomatic VTEwas 1.2% (95% CI, 0.03 to 6.53%) in the enoxaparin group and 19.4%
(95% CI, 7.45 to 37.47%) in the IPC group. Major bleeding wasreported in 4.6% (95% CI, 1.5% to 10.4%) in the enoxaparin group
Should patients with cancer undergoing surgery receive perioperative
and 2.6% (95% CI, 0.1% to 13.8%) in the IPC group. The SAVE-
ABDO (Evaluation of AVE5026 as Compared to Enoxaparin for thePrevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Patients Undergoing
Major Abdominal Surgery)33 and Simonneau et al35 trials compared
All patients with malignant disease undergoing major surgical
two different LMWH regimens. SAVE-ABDO was a randomized,
intervention should be considered for pharmacologic thrombopro-
double-blind, phase III trial of 4,414 patients undergoing major ab-
phylaxis with either UFH or LMWH unless contraindicated because
dominal surgery, of whom 81% underwent surgery for malignant
of active bleeding or high bleeding risk.
disease. Patients were randomly assigned to either ultra-LMWHsemuloparin starting before surgery or enoxaparin starting after sur-
gery. The primary outcome of any VTE and all-cause mortality oc-
Prophylaxis should be commenced preoperatively.
curred in 5.5% of those receiving enoxaparin and 6.3% receivingsemuloparin (OR, 1.16; 95% CI, 0.84 to 1.59). There were fewer events
of major bleeding with semuloparin (OR, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.46 to 0.87).
Mechanical methods may be added to pharmacologic throm-
In the double-blind Simonneau et al study, patients with colorectal
boprophylaxis but should not be used as monotherapy for VTE pre-
cancer were randomly assigned to nadroparin or enoxaparin, both
vention unless pharmacologic methods are contraindicated because
starting before surgery.35 Of 1,288 patients randomly assigned, only
of active bleeding or high bleeding risk.
950 (73.8%) were analyzed, with symptomatic and asymptomaticVTE rates of 15.9% with nadroparin and 12.6% with enoxaparin for a
relative risk of 1.27 (95% CI, 0.93 to 1.74; not significant). Major
A combined regimen of pharmacologic and mechanical prophy-
bleeding was reported in 11.5% of patients receiving enoxaparin and
laxis may improve efficacy, especially in the highest-risk patients.
7.3% receiving nadroparin (RR, 0.64; 95% CI, 0.45 to 0.91;
P ⫽ .012).
These surgical studies were conducted in patients with GI, gyne-
cologic, or urologic malignancies undergoing major cancer surgeries
Pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis for patients undergoing
and examined thromboprophylaxis administered for approximately 7
major surgery for cancer should be continued for at least 7 to 10 days.
to 10 days. This duration was established in historical trials of primary
Extended prophylaxis with LMWH for up to 4 weeks postoperatively
prophylaxis in the surgical setting.36-44 There are no studies assessing
should be considered for patients undergoing major abdominal or
shorter durations or limiting thromboprophylaxis during the hospi-
pelvic surgery for cancer who have high-risk features such as restricted
talization for lower risk cancer surgery.
mobility, obesity, history of VTE, or with additional risk factors aslisted in Table 3. In lower-risk surgical settings, the decision on appro-priate duration of thromboprophylaxis should be made on a case-by-
case basis considering the individual patient.
Three systematic reviews of extended prophylaxis, for 4 weeks
postoperatively with LMWH in mixed cancer and noncancer popula-
Literature Update and Analysis 3
tions, were reported.28,30,31 The meta-analysis by Bottaro et al28 in-
Six meta-analyses27-32 and three RCTs33-35 of perioperative pro-
cluded three trials involving 1,104 patients, 70.6% of whom had
phylaxis in patients with cancer were identified by the updated system-
cancer. A decrease in asymptomatic and symptomatic VTE among
atic review. Three of the meta-analyses28,30,31 and one of the RCTs
patients with cancer was noted in a subgroup analysis (RR, 0.46; 95%
considered extended perioperative thromboprophylaxis.33
CI, 0.28 to 0.77). Major bleeding was not significantly different in thetreatment groups overall (RR, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.22 to 3.12), although no
cancer-specific rates were reported. Akl et al31 included three trials or
A Cochrane meta-analysis comparing prophylactic LMWH with
subgroups of trials representing patients with cancer and reported a
UFH in the cancer perioperative setting found little difference in rates
decrease in the risk of asymptomatic DVT with extended LMWH
of PE and DVT.32 Major bleeding was also similar with the two
prophylaxis versus untreated control or placebo (RR, 0.21; 95% CI,
anticoagulants (RR, 0.84; 95% CI, 0.52 to 1.36). A systematic review
0.05 to 0.94). No significant difference in the risk of major bleeding
limited to patients undergoing surgery for gynecologic cancer com-
was reported (RR, 2.94; 95% CI, 0.12 to 71.85). Rasmussen et al30
pared UFH, LMWH, or sequential compression devices with either
included one additional trial in their meta-analysis but did not present
untreated controls or one another.29 A reduction in DVT with UFH
results specifically among patients with cancer undergoing surgery.
compared with untreated controls was observed (RR, 0.58; 95% CI,
The incidence of asymptomatic and symptomatic VTE after major
0.35 to 0.95), but there was no difference between UFH and LMWH
abdominal or pelvic surgery was 14.3% among controls and 6.1%
(RR, 0.91; 95% CI, 0.38 to 2.17). Bleeding rates were not reported.
among those receiving extended prophylaxis with LMWH (OR, 0.41;
The three RCTs that assessed primary perioperative prophylaxis
95% CI, 0.26 to 0.63;
P ⬍ .001). Although major bleeding events were
included patients undergoing abdominal or pelvic surgery. In the
not presented separately, all bleeding events in the control and LMWH
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Lyman et al
groups were 3.7% (95% CI, 2.4% to 5.5%) and 4.1% (95% CI, 2.7% to6.0%), respectively (OR, 1.11; 95% CI, 0.62 to 1.97;
P ⫽ .73).
Table 4. Contraindications and Other Considerations to Withhold Therapeutic
Anticoagulant Therapy in Patients With Cancer and VTEⴱ
The more recent CANBESURE (Cancer, Bemiparin, and Surgery
Evaluation) study randomly assigned 626 patients undergoing ab-dominal or pelvic cancer surgery to either extended thromboprophy-
Active major, serious, or potentially life-threatening bleeding not
laxis with bemiparin (28 days) or bemiparin (8 days) in a double-blind
reversible with medical or surgical intervention, including but not
fashion.45 The primary outcome of asymptomatic or symptomatic
limited to any active bleeding in a critical site (ie, intracranial,pericardial, retroperitoneal, intraocular, intra-articular, intraspinal)
DVT, nonfatal PE, or all-cause mortality during the double-blind
Severe, uncontrolled malignant hypertension
period occurred in 10.1% of patients receiving bemiparin and 13.3%
Severe, uncompensated coagulopathy (eg, liver failure)
of those in the placebo group, and the primary end point was not met
Severe platelet dysfunction or inherited bleeding disorder
(RR, 0.75; 95% CI; 0.46 to 1.24;
P ⫽ .26). Major bleeding was reported
Persistent, severe thrombocytopenia (⬍ 20,000/L)
in two patients (0.6%) receiving bemiparin and one (0.3%) in the
Surgery or invasive procedure, including but not limited to lumbar
placebo arm (not significant). While the study was underway, but
puncture, spinal anesthesia, and epidural catheter placement
before unblinding, a secondary outcome of major VTE was defined as
Intracranial or spinal lesion at high risk for bleeding
asymptomatic proximal or symptomatic proximal DVT, nonfatal PE,
Active peptic or other GI ulceration at high risk of bleeding
and VTE-related death. At the end of the double-blind period, major
Active but non–life-threatening bleeding (eg, trace hematuria)
VTE was reported in two (0.8%) and 11 (4.6%) patients, respectively
Intracranial or CNS bleeding within past 4 weeks
(RR, 0.18; 95% CI; 0.04 to 0.78;
P ⫽ .010).
Major surgery or serious bleeding within past 2 weeks
Persistent thrombocytopenia (⬍ 50,000/L)
Patients for whom anticoagulation is of uncertain benefit
Patient receiving end-of-life/hospice care
Very limited life expectancy with no palliative or symptom reduction
What is the best method for treatment of patients with cancer with
Asymptomatic thrombosis with concomitant high risk of serious
established VTE to prevent recurrence?
Patient characteristics and values
Preference or refusal
Nonadherence to dosing schedule, follow-up, or monitoring
LMWH is preferred over UFH for the initial 5 to 10 days of
Abbreviation: VTE, venous thromboembolism.
anticoagulation for the patient with cancer with newly diagnosed VTE
ⴱThese criteria are specific for therapeutic doses of anticoagulation and
who does not have severe renal impairment (defined as creatinine
should not be applied to prophylactic doses of anticoagulation.
†Absolute contraindications are situations in which anticoagulation should
clearance ⬍ 30 mL/min).
not be administered because the risk of harm associated with bleeding is likelyto exceed the potential benefit from anticoagulation.
‡Relative contraindications are situations in which anticoagulation may be
administered if the risk of recurrent or progressive thrombosis is estimated to
For long-term anticoagulation, LMWH for at least 6 months is
exceed the risk of bleeding.
preferred because of improved efficacy over VKAs. VKAs are an ac-ceptable alternative for long-term therapy if LMWH is not available.
Anticoagulation with LMWH or VKAs beyond the initial 6
Based on consensus, incidental PE and DVT should be treated
months may be considered for select patients with active cancer, such
in the same manner as symptomatic VTE. Treatment of splanchnic
as those with metastatic disease or those receiving chemotherapy.
or visceral vein thrombi diagnosed incidentally should be consid-ered on a case-by-case basis, considering potential benefits and
risks of anticoagulation.
The insertion of a vena cava filter is only indicated for patients
with contraindications to anticoagulant therapy (Table 4). It may be
Literature Update and Analysis 4
considered as an adjunct to anticoagulation in patients with progres-
Three systematic reviews relevant to VTE treatment and second-
sion of thrombosis (recurrent VTE or extension of existing thrombus)
ary prophylaxis were identified.46-48 No new RCTs that met inclusion
despite optimal therapy with LMWH.
criteria were identified.
For patients with primary CNS malignancies, anticoagulation is
Data on the relative efficacy and safety of LMWH and UFH for
recommended for established VTE as described for other patients with
initial treatment in patients with cancer come from post hoc subgroup
cancer. Careful monitoring is necessary to limit the risk of hemor-
analysis of large RCTs.48 Differences in recurrent thrombosis and
bleeding were not observed. However, a reduction in mortality withLMWH compared with UFH at 3 months of follow-up was estimated
(RR, 0.71; 95% CI, 0.52 to 0.98). A systematic review and meta-
Use of novel oral anticoagulants for either prevention or treat-
analysis comparing LMWH and VKAs for long-term anticoagulation
ment of VTE in patients with cancer is not recommended at this time.
was reported by the Cochrane Collaboration.47 The rate of recurrent
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VTE Prophylaxis and Treatment: ASCO Guideline Update
thromboembolism was lower with LMWH (RR, 0.49; 95% CI, 0.34 to
complications, altered metabolism in those with liver or renal impair-
0.70), but the rates of mortality and bleeding were similar.
ment, drug interaction with hormonal and chemotherapeutic agents,
Romera-Villegas et al46 assessed LMWH dose (full, intermediate,
inability to measure the anticoagulant activity using standard assays,
or prophylactic) compared with VKAs for long-term VTE treatment.
and lack of an antidote. In a placebo-controlled pilot study of primary
LMWH at full (RR, 0.37; 95% CI, 0.19 to 0.74) or intermediate (RR,
prophylaxis with apixabain for 3 months in patients with advanced or
0.52; 95% CI, 0.35 to 0.79) dose was superior to a VKA. No difference
metastatic cancer, Levine et al59 reported major bleeding in only 2.2%
between prophylactic doses of LMWH and VKA was found based on
of patients. Nonetheless, adequately powered RCTs are needed to
small numbers of patients. Indirect comparison revealed no differ-
examine the efficacy and safety of these drugs in patients with cancer.
ences in major bleeding between the LMWH doses.
Initial and Long-Term Treatment Up to 6 Months
Patients with recurrent VTE despite standard doses of anti-
For initial therapy in patients with established VTE without renal
coagulant therapy should be assessed for treatment compliance,
impairment (creatinine clearance ⬎ 30 mL/min), a Cochrane meta-
heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, or any evidence of mechanical
analysis found improved survival with LMWH over UFH in patients
compression resulting from malignancy. Otherwise, management op-
with cancer.48 However, a small RCT in elderly patients with renal
tions include treatment with an alternate anticoagulant regimen, in-
insufficiency (only 6% with cancer) reported higher mortality with
creasing the dose of LMWH, or adding a vena cava filter to LMWH. In
tinzaparin compared with UFH (see Special Populations).49 For treat-
patients for whom standard doses of LMWH fail, higher doses should
ment up to 6 months, meta-analyses and RCTs validate superiority of
be considered and are generally well tolerated in those without an
LMWH over VKAs.47,50-52
increased risk of bleeding. In a retrospective study of patients with
Data on other anticoagulants for patients with cancer are limited.
cancer and recurrent thrombosis, increasing the LMWH dose by 20%
Fondaparinux has been used for initial53 and extended therapy for
to 25% was effective in preventing further recurrence.60
VTE54 in patients with cancer. The numbers of patients in thesereports were small. Nonetheless, although fondaparinux may be analternative for patients with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, it
does not have a US Food and Drug Administration indication in
Incidental findings of PE and/or DVT during routine staging
this setting.
with computed tomography scans of abdomen and pelvis as well assplanchnic or visceral vein thrombi are frequently reported. In a recent
Treatment Beyond 6 Months
large systematic review and meta-analysis of 12 studies including ⬎
No published studies address optimal anticoagulation beyond
10,000 patients, those had a weighted mean prevalence of incidental
the first 6 months in patients with cancer. However, it is the consensus
PE of 3.1% (95% CI, 2.2 to 4.1%).61 In a retrospective cohort analysis
of the Panel, based on extrapolation from patients with idiopathic
by Moore et al,62 44% of all thromboembolic events were incidental.
VTE, that continuing anticoagulation beyond 6 months should be
In a cohort study by Singh,63 50% of DVTs and ⬎ 35% of PEs were
considered for selected patients because of the persistent high risk of
incidentally discovered. The pulmonary distribution of incidental em-
recurrence in those with active cancer. The decision to continue anti-
boli is no different from that of symptomatic emboli, with nearly half
coagulation must be balanced against the risk of bleeding, cost of
occurring in major pulmonary vessels.64,65 Importantly, rates of VTE
therapy, quality of life, life expectancy, and patient preference.
recurrence, bleeding, and mortality seem to be similar in patients withcancer and incidental VTE compared with those with symptom-
Novel Oral Anticoagulants
Novel anticoagulants that target thrombin (direct thrombin in-
hibitor dabigatran) or activated factor X (antifactor Xa inhibitors
Vena Cava Filter
rivaroxaban, apixaban, and edoxaban) are now approved for selected
The role of inferior vena cava (IVC) filters remains uncertain and
indications in VTE prevention and treatment. However, RCTs evalu-
controversial because of the paucity of trials. In an 8-year follow-up
ating these drugs for VTE treatment included few patients with malig-
report from the only RCT of permanent IVC filters, the addition of
nant disease: RECOVER (Dabigatran Versus Warfarin in the
IVC filters to standard anticoagulation for at least 3 months compared
Treatment of Acute Venous Thromboembolism) study of dabigatran,
with anticoagulation alone reduced the risk of PE but increased the
5%55; EINSTEIN trials of rivaroxaban, 6.8% (DVT; Oral Direct Factor
incidence of DVT and had no effect on survival.69 Patients with cancer
Xa Inhibitor Rivaroxaban in Patients With Acute Symptomatic Deep
constituted 16% and 12% of those with and without filters, respec-
Vein Thrombosis), 4.7% (PE; Oral Direct Factor Xa Inhibitor Rivar-
tively. In a small RCT comparing fondaparinux alone for 90 days with
oxaban in Patients With Acute Symptomatic Pulmonary Embolism),
fondaparinux and IVC filter placement, no difference in recurrent
and 4.7% (Extended Treatment; Once-Daily Oral Direct Factor Xa
VTE, bleeding, or mortality was found.54 Cohort studies in patients
Inhibitor Rivaroxaban in the Long-Term Prevention of Recurrent
with cancer suggest much higher rates of recurrent VTE and no sur-
Symptomatic Venous Thromboembolism in Patients With Symp-
vival advantage with filters.70 It remains unclear whether permanent
tomatic Deep-Vein Thrombosis or Pulmonary Embolism)56,57; and
or retrievable filters are preferable in the cancer setting. It is reasonable
AMPLIFY-EXT (Apixaban After Initial Management of PE and VTE
to select a retrievable filter when the contraindication to anticoagula-
With First-Line Therapy–Extended Treatment) trial of apixaban,
tion is expected to be transient. The safety, however, of retrievable
1.8% (2.5 mg) and 1.1% (5 mg).58 Additional concerns with using
filters has raised serious concerns. In 2010, the US Food and Drug
these agents in patients with cancer include: unpredictable absorption
Administration released a safety alert for optional recovery filters in
and higher risk of GI bleeding in those with mucositis or other GI
response to the high number of adverse events reported.71
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Lyman et al
Literature Update and Analysis 5
Patients with intracranial tumors are at increased risk for throm-
The updated systematic review identified three systematic
botic complications and intracranial hemorrhage. However, presence
reviews84-86 and one RCT.87 All included patients who did not have
of an intracranial tumor or brain metastasis is not an absolute contra-
any indication for anticoagulation.
indication to anticoagulation. Limited data support use of antithrom-
The systematic review and meta-analysis from Kuderer et al84
botic therapy in patients with primary or metastatic brain tumors who
evaluated the impact of anticoagulation on survival. The general com-
develop concurrent venous thrombosis.72-77 A high failure rate has
parison of any anticoagulation with no therapy—as well as the more
been reported with IVC filters, without improved overall survival or
specific LMWH or warfarin versus no therapy— demonstrated a
reduced intracranial hemorrhage in small retrospective series.74,75,77
lower mortality risk at 1 year with anticoagulation. Bleeding rates werehigher with any anticoagulation (RR, 2.31; 95% CI, 1.93 to 2.76).
Two Cochrane reviews were published on this topic; one evalu-
Evidence on LMWH and other anticoagulants in special patient
ated survival with oral anticoagulation and the other with parenteral
populations comes largely from patients without cancer. Most studies
agents.85,86 Comparisons of warfarin with no therapy showed no
were retrospective, had small samples, and did not include appropri-
significant differences in mortality or the incidence of VTE. As ex-
ate control groups. Although increasing age is a risk factor for bleed-
pected, warfarin was associated with increased bleeding. In the com-
ing, anticoagulant therapy should be offered to elderly patients who
parisons of UFH or LMWH versus placebo, a decrease in mortality
have no contraindications. Caution and close monitoring are neces-
was noted at 2 years (RR, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.88 to 0.97). This decrease was
sary in those with renal impairment, cognitive decline, and without
also noted in the small subgroup of patients with small-cell lung
family or nearby support.
cancer (RR, 0.86; 95% CI, 0.75 to 0.98).
The elderly. The IRIS (Innohep in Renal Insufficiency Study)
One RCT included patients with advanced lung, hormone-
trial comparing tinzaparin with UFH for initial therapy in patients
refractory prostate, or pancreatic cancer and life expectancy ⬍ 6
age ⱖ 70 years with renal impairment was terminated early because of
months.87 Patients were randomly assigned to 6 weeks of LMWH or
an excess number of deaths in the tinzaparin group.49 Poor prognosis
no treatment. No benefit in overall survival was noted (HR, 0.94; 95%
factors, including cancer, were over-represented in the tinzaparin
CI, 0.75 to 1.18). This trend was consistent in the subgroup analysis by
arm. Because of early termination, the study was underpowered to
cancer type.
detect differences in clinically relevant bleeding and recurrent VTE.
Renal impairment. Bleeding risk is high in patients with renal
impairment and likely even higher in those with concurrent cancer.
Limited data suggest that LMWH can accumulate when therapeutic
What is known about risk prediction and awareness of VTE among
doses are administered to patients with creatinine clearance ⬍ 30
patients with cancer?
mL/min and that the risk of bleeding in these patients is at leasttwo-fold higher than in patients with normal creatinine clearance.78
Studies indicate that enoxaparin requires dose reduction, but tinza-parin does not.79-81 Data on dalteparin at therapeutic doses in patients
Based on consensus, the Panel recommends that patients with
with renal impairment are lacking. Anti-Xa monitoring is recom-
cancer be assessed for VTE risk at the time of chemotherapy initiation
mended if LMWH is used in patients with moderate to severe renal
and periodically thereafter. Individual risk factors, including biomark-
impairment. If this is not available, UFH and VKAs are safer options
ers and cancer site, do not reliably identify patients with cancer at high
for initial and long-term treatment, respectively.
risk of VTE. In the outpatient setting, risk assessment can be con-
Obesity. In obese patients, LMWH dosing has not been well
ducted based on a validated risk assessment tool (Table 5).
studied. Cohort studies using enoxaparin and dalteparin suggest thatLMWH dose should be based on a patient's actual body weight.82,83
Bleeding risk does not seem to be higher in obese patients.
Based on consensus, the Panel recommends that oncologists
educate patients regarding VTE, particularly in settings that increaserisk such as major surgery, hospitalization, and while receiving sys-
temic antineoplastic therapy.
Literature Update and Analysis 6
Should patients with cancer receive anticoagulants in the absence of
The risk systematic review identified five cohort studies.62,88-91
established VTE to improve survival?
Two reported development of new risk assessment models,88,89 andthree evaluated existing models.62,90,91 The International Myeloma
Working Group proposed a consensus-based risk assessment algo-
Anticoagulants are not recommended to improve survival in
rithm to categorize risk among patients with myeloma; validation is
patients with cancer without VTE.
awaited.92 Several VTE risk assessment tools have been developed andvalidated in the perioperative setting, but none has specifically focused
on patients with cancer.93
Patients with cancer should be encouraged to participate in clin-
Multiple cancer-, treatment-, and patient-related risk factors for
ical trials designed to evaluate anticoagulant therapy as an adjunct to
VTE relevant to various cancer populations are summarized in Table
standard anticancer therapies.
3.91,94-96 Although patients with brain, pancreatic, stomach, kidney,
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VTE Prophylaxis and Treatment: ASCO Guideline Update
phylactic LMWH. Many patients reported improved quality of life
Table 5. Predictive Model for Chemotherapy-Associated VTE in the
secondary to a feeling of safety and reassurance.108
Ambulatory Setting
Communicating with patients about the signs, symptoms, and
Patient Characteristic
risk of VTE is crucial. Oncologists, along with other health care pro-
fessionals on the oncology team, should assure, at minimum, that
Very high risk (stomach, pancreas, primary
patients have a basic recognition of VTE warning signs. Nurses are in
High risk (lung, lymphoma, gynecologic,
an ideal position to educate patients.109 Resources, including informa-
bladder, testicular, renal tumors)
tion sheets and symptom checklists, are available to facilitate such
Prechemotherapy platelet count ⱖ 350,000/L
Hemoglobin level ⬍ 10 g/dL or use of red-cell
conversations. Respondents to the qualitative survey who were given
educational materials or directed to such (15% of the sample) found
Prechemotherapy leukocyte count ⬎ 11,000/L
those materials "very useful."106
Body mass index ⱖ 35 kg/m2
Further education can help patients distinguish between symp-
Calculate total score, adding points for each
criterion in the model
toms secondary to their underlying disease, treatment, and other
potential causes. Patients may not report new symptoms, unless que-
High risk ⱖ 3 points
ried directly, because they mistakenly assume symptoms are manifes-
Intermediate risk, 1 to 2 points
tations of their cancer or adverse effects of therapy. A good patient
Low risk, 0 points
history, along with ongoing communication with the health care
NOTE. Data adapted.88
Abbreviation: VTE, venous thromboembolism.
team, can help ensure effective communication as well as facilitatepatient understanding.
ovarian, or lung cancer are commonly considered at high risk for VTE,patients with hematologic malignancies are also at elevated risk.97,98Hospitalization or major surgery can lead to a transient increase in
Rates of VTE are higher among African Americans than in the general
risk.2,3,27-32,34,35,45,99 Specific therapeutic agents such as thalidomide,22
population overall.110,111 Rates are lower in the Asian population than
lenalidomide,20 and cisplatin62,100 can also increase VTE risk. Al-
in other ethnicities.111 A nationwide analysis of nearly 500,000 patients
though a number of biomarkers have been evaluated, neither solitary
with cancer in Taiwan recently described risk factors and a scoring
risk factors nor individual biomarkers reliably identify high-risk
system for this population.112 Applicability of these findings to North
American and European patients is unknown.
A multivariable clinical risk assessment model for VTE was de-
Although ASCO clinical practice guidelines represent expert rec-
veloped and internally validated in a cohort of ambulatory patients
ommendations on best practices to provide the highest level of cancer
with cancer receiving systemic chemotherapy (Table 5).88 This model
care, it is important to note that many patients have limited access to
has now been externally validated for predicting risk of VTE by several
medical care. Racial and ethnic disparities in health care contribute
investigators.90,91 The balance of benefit and harm with thrombopro-
significantly to this problem in the United States. Minority racial/
phylaxis for high-risk patients identified by the model is under study.
ethnic patients with cancer suffer disproportionately from comorbidi-
Therefore, routine thromboprophylaxis in this setting is not cur-
ties, experience more substantial obstacles to receiving care, are more
rently recommended.
likely to be uninsured, and are at greater risk of receiving care of poorquality than other Americans.113-116 Many other patients lack access tocare because of geography or distance from appropriate treatment
facilities. Awareness of these disparities in access to care should beconsidered in the context of this clinical practice guideline, and health
Despite the well-known association of VTE and cancer, patients are
care providers should strive to deliver the highest level of cancer care to
woefully unaware of that risk and of warning signs and symptoms.
these vulnerable populations.
Two patient surveys found that fewer than half of patients were awareof the increased risk of VTE associated with malignancy.105,106 In asurvey of hospitalized patients receiving thromboprophylaxis, re-
sponders reported hearing about VTE more frequently from friends,family, or the media than from health care providers.107 A differentsurvey indicates that inpatients knew more about VTE than outpa-
These recommendations are based on data identified by a systematic
tients: 36% versus 15%.106
review of the literature. Some key questions are, as yet, unanswered.
The need for increased patient education and awareness is clear.
The potential benefits and harms of thromboprophylaxis in patients
Educated patients are more likely to report symptoms that could lead
with cancer receiving chemotherapy in the outpatient setting and the
to early intervention.107 In addition, aware and educated patients are
utility of risk assessment require additional research. Future throm-
more likely to accept efforts such as anticoagulation or early mobility
boprophylaxis trials in outpatients receiving chemotherapy may ben-
after surgery. In fact, a qualitative survey of patients with cancer noted
efit from the identification of high-risk groups in whom the balance of
that increased awareness of VTE led to increased acceptance of pro-
benefits and harms favors prophylaxis.
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Lyman et al
Employment or Leadership Position: None
Consultant or Advisory
Role: Alok Khorana, Daiichi Sankyo (C), Johnson & Johnson (C), Eisai
(C), sanofi-aventis (C), LEO Pharma (C), Bristol-Myers Squibb (C),
The Data Supplement, including evidence tables, and clinical tools
Genentech (C), Eli Lilly (C); Agnes Lee, Bristol-Myers Squibb (C);
and resources can be found at Patient
Charles W. Francis, Eisai (C); Ajay K. Kakkar, Bayer HealthCare
information is also available there and at
Pharmaceuticals (C), Boehringer Ingelheim (C), Eisai (C),GlaxoSmithKline (C), Pfizer (C), sanofi-aventis (C); Howard A.
Liebman, Eisai (C), GlaxoSmithKline (C), Johnson & Johnson (C),
sanofi-aventis (C)
Stock Ownership: None
Honoraria: Alok Khorana,
Eli Lilly, sanofi-aventis, Daiichi Sankyo, Johnson & Johnson, Eisai, LEOPharma, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Genentech; Agnes Lee, Bayer HealthCare
Although all authors completed the disclosure declaration, the following
Pharmaceuticals, Boehringer Ingelheim, LEO Pharma, Pfizer,
author(s) and/or an author's immediate family member(s) indicated a
sanofi-aventis; Juan Ignacio Arcelus, Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals,
financial or other interest that is relevant to the subject matter under
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pfizer, sanofi-aventis
Research Funding: *Gary H.
consideration in this article. Certain relationships marked with a "U" are
Lyman, Amgen; Alok Khorana, LEO Pharma, sanofi-aventis; Agnes Lee,
those for which no compensation was received; those relationships marked
LEO Pharma; Charles W. Francis, Eisai; Ajay K. Kakkar, Bayer
with a "C" were compensated. For a detailed description of the disclosure
HealthCare Pharmaceuticals, Boehringer Ingelheim, Eisai,
categories, or for more information about ASCO's conflict of interest policy,
GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, sanofi-aventis
Expert Testimony: None
please refer to the Author Disclosure Declaration and the Disclosures of
Potential Conflicts of Interest section in Information for Contributors.
Authors marked with an asterisk (*) are participants in ASCO's DisclosureManagement System Pilot; their disclosure is not limited to subject matter
under consideration in this article and includes payments to themselves, animmediate family member (I), and/or their institutions (INST). For
Administrative support: Ann Alexis Prestrud
information on the pilot program, or to provide feedback, please visit
Manuscript writing: All authors
Final approval of manuscript: All authors
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Copyright 2013 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.
VTE Prophylaxis and Treatment: ASCO Guideline Update
The Update Committee wishes to thank Rose Z. Morrison, Kaitlin Einhaus, Nancy K. Thomasson, Nicholas J. Petrelli MD, Ken Carson, MD,
Journal of Clinical Oncology editorial board and staff, the Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee for its thoughtful reviews of earlier drafts,
and the American Society of Clinical Oncology Board of Directors.
Table A1. Panel Composition
Anna Falanga, MD, co-chairⴱ
Gary H. Lyman, MD, MPH, co-chairⴱ
Hematology and medical oncology
Alok A. Khorana, MDⴱ
Hematology and medical oncology
Nicole M. Kuderer, MDⴱ
Hematology and medical oncology
Juan Ignacio Arcelus
Edward P. Balaban, DO
Hematology and medical oncology
Jeffrey M. Clarke, MD
Christopher R. Flowers, MD, MS
Hematology and medical oncology
Charles W. Francis, MD
Hematology and medical oncology
Leigh E. Gates, BA, CPHQ
Patient representative
Ajay K. Kakkar, MD, BS, PhD
Nigel S. Key, MB, ChB, FRCP
Hematology and medical oncology
Mark N. Levine, MD, MSc
Hematology and medical oncology
Howard A. Liebman, MD
Hematology and medical oncology
Margaret A. Tempero, MD
Hematology and medical oncology
Sandra L. Wong, MD
Surgical oncology
ⴱSteering Committee member.
2013 by American Society of Clinical Oncology
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Copyright 2013 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.
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