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Childrearing discipline and violence in developing countries
Child Development, January/February 2012, Volume 83, Number 1, Pages 62–75
Childrearing Discipline and Violence in Developing Countries
Jennifer E. Lansford
Kirby Deater-Deckard
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
The present study examined the prevalence and country-level correlates of 11 responses to children's behav-ior, including nonviolent discipline, psychological aggression, and physical violence, as well as endorsementof the use of physical punishment, in 24 countries using data from 30,470 families with 2- to 4-year-old chil-dren that participated in UNICEF's Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey. The prevalence of each response variedwidely across countries, as did the amount of variance accounted for by country in relation to each response.
Country-level indicators of life expectancy, educational attainment, and economic well-being were related toseveral responses to children's behavior. Country-level factors are widely related to parents' methods ofteaching children good behavior and responding to misbehavior.
Parents' responses to conflict with their children
tural and economic contexts (Gershoff et al., 2010).
are an important part of the way that parents
One could conceptualize parents' responses to chil-
socialize children because their responses can cor-
dren's behavior as falling into three broad catego-
rect misbehavior and promote desired behaviors in
ries: (a) nonviolent (e.g., offering explanations,
the future. Parents hold a wide range of beliefs
removing privileges), (b) psychologically aggressive
regarding the acceptability and advisability of dif-
(e.g., yelling, name calling, threatening), and (c)
ferent forms of discipline and use a wide range of
physically violent (e.g., slapping, beating with an
actions to manage children's behavior (Mistry,
object). These three categories are not necessarily
Chaudhuri, & Diez, 2003). Although there are
within-country differences in these beliefs and
responses can occur simultaneously; it is also possi-
behaviors, many beliefs and behaviors appear to be
ble for an explanation to be given in an aggressive
shaped by the cultural context in which parents live
or threatening way.
(Bornstein & Lansford, 2009; Garcia-Coll & Magnu-
Because most physical abuse takes place in the
context of physical punishment (e.g., Durrant,
Although physical punishment has received
2004), a growing body of literature identifies physi-
more research attention than have other responses
cal punishment as a risk factor in children's devel-
to children's behavior, parents differ in their reac-
opment (see Gershoff, 2002, for a review), and a
tions to children not just in their use of physical
sizable contingent of scholars and practitioners
punishment but also in a variety of other ways. For
categorizes any form of physical punishment as
example, in some countries, calling the child derog-
maltreatment (see Whipple & Richey, 1997), par-
atory names is accepted and practiced as a means
ents' actions toward their children have come
of teaching the child right from wrong, whereas in
under scrutiny in many countries. Because of con-
other countries this kind of name calling would be
cerns that children are vulnerable to abuse or
strongly discouraged (Fung, 1999). Likewise, some
neglect if parents' actions are left solely to their
cultural groups rely more heavily on the manipula-
own discretion, children's right to protection was
tion of privileges to manage children's behavior
recognized in the Convention on the Rights of the
than do other cultural groups (Kim & Hong, 2007).
Child (CRC), which was adopted by the United
Parents in several countries have been found to use
Nations (UN) General Assembly in 1989. The CRC
explanations regarding good and bad behavior as a
sets out international standards that must be met to
socialization tool designed to teach their children
protect children from abuse and exploitation in a
appropriate and expected behavior within their cul-
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
2012 The Authors
Jennifer E. Lansford, Center for Child and Family Policy, Duke
Child Development 2012 Society for Research in Child Development, Inc.
University, Box 90545, Durham, NC 27708. Electronic mail may
All rights reserved. 0009-3920/2012/8301-0006
be sent to
[email protected].
Childrearing Discipline and Violence
186 preindustrial societies, Ember and Ember (2005)
Recently, the UN conducted a global study of vio-
found that several societal-level factors were related
lence against children, which concluded with a goal
to the use of physical punishment in particular. For
of putting ‘‘an end to adult justification of violence
example, physical punishment was more prevalent
against children, whether accepted as ‘tradition' or
in societies with higher levels of social stratification
disguised as ‘discipline''' (Pinheiro, 2006, p. 5). The
and with undemocratic political decision making,
UN defines physical and psychological violence
which the authors suggested may support the the-
toward children as a breach of their rights under
ory that parents use physical punishment to social-
the CRC. Therefore, those countries that have rati-
ize children to live in a society with power
fied the CRC (all but 2, the United States and Soma-
inequalities. According to this theory, parents con-
lia) are obligated to examine their policies, laws,
sciously and unconsciously socialize their children
and cultural norms to ensure that they uphold chil-
to be more submissive and obedient in contexts in
dren's right to protection. Indeed, more than 100
which parents believe these qualities are valued;
countries have banned the physical punishment of
physical punishment is sometimes used by parents
children in schools, and 29 countries have legally
as one method of promoting children's obedience.
banned the physical punishment of children in all
Within the United States, low-socioeconomic-sta-
settings (Durrant, 2008; http://www.endcorporal-
tus (SES) families are more likely to value obedi-
punishment.org). As a result, it is interesting to
ence than are high-SES families (Peterson & Hann,
examine and compare international trends in this
1999). It is possible that a similar pattern may be
area at this particular point in history.
found at a country level if countries with fewer eco-
The present study documents a range of disci-
nomic and social resources value obedience more
pline techniques and forms of violence caregivers
and use physical punishment to try to instill obedi-
reported using in 24 developing countries and
ence in children. Likewise, around the world, a
examines these responses in relation to indicators
country's average life expectancy is highly corre-
of the countries' life expectancy, educational
lated with many indicators of resources available in
achievements, and economic well-being. Under-
the country (e.g., access to safe drinking water, san-
standing within-country and between-country asso-
itation, vaccines) that might relate to higher or
ciations between sociodemographic factors and
lower levels of stress experienced by the family. In
parents' responses to children's behavior addresses
developed countries, family stress has been found
an important question: Are these associations uni-
to predict more violence against children (e.g.,
versal or country specific? In the context of the cur-
Annerba¨ck, Svedin, & Gustafsson, 2010; Crouch &
rent global community's focus on protecting
Behl, 2001); in comparisons of developing countries,
children from all forms of violence, descriptive
life expectancy might serve as a proxy for stressful
information about both the prevalence and corre-
living conditions experienced by families and might
lates of different responses to children's behavior is
also predict higher societal rates of violence against
increasingly important as a first step toward imple-
menting programs to prevent family violence
Despite ethnographic evidence that parents'
(United Nations Children's Fund [UNICEF], 2006).
actions toward their children differ across cultural
The anthropological literature has a history of
contexts, the vast majority of studies in the quanti-
comparing childrearing practices and value systems
tative developmental science literature have been
across cultural groups using qualitative, ethno-
conducted using North American samples, and
graphic approaches. For example, Beatrice and John
studies of other cultural groups often have relied
Whiting's Six Cultures Project incorporated obser-
on families that have immigrated to North Amer-
vations of children, interviews with mothers, and
ica. However, there are a few notable exceptions.
ethnographic notes to understand parenting prac-
For example, in a study of mothers and children in
tices and children's behavior in Mexico, India,
China, India, Italy, Kenya, the Philippines, and
Kenya, the United States, Japan, and the Philip-
Thailand, Lansford et al. (2005) found that although
pines (Whiting & Whiting, 1975). One conclusion
more frequent physical punishment was related to
from this work was that parents differed across
more child aggression and anxiety in all six coun-
countries in the techniques they used to socialize
tries, these links were weaker in countries in which
their children, providing early evidence of the
the use of physical punishment was more norma-
importance of cultural context in understanding
tive. In these same six countries, Gershoff et al.
parenting and child development. Using archival
(2010) found that several forms of discipline were
ethnographic data collected by anthropologists in
related to higher levels of child aggression and
Lansford and Deater-Deckard
anxiety. Alyahri and Goodman (2008) found that
GDP as parents with fewer financial resources in
more than half of rural Yemeni caregivers and a
the United Sates physically punish their children
fourth of urban Yemeni caregivers reported using
more than parents with more financial resources
harsh forms of corporal punishment such as hitting
within the United States?
children with implements, tying them up, and bit-
Mechanisms through which education and finan-
ing them. Experiencing these forms of violence was
cial resources within countries relate to parents'
related to children's poor school performance and
actions toward their children suggest that similar
behavioral and emotional problems. In their review
relations may be found between countries. For exam-
of literature on parenting in Jamaica, Smith and
ple, progressing through a formal education system
Mosby (2003) reported that ‘‘flogging'' or beating
may change parents' beliefs and attitudes in ways
the child is the most common response to child
that make them more likely to value their children's
misbehavior. The endorsement and use of harsh
independent thinking that is fostered by the parent's
forms of physical punishment also have been
verbal reasoning (Davis-Kean, 2005). In addition,
reported in sub-Saharan Africa (Monyooe, 1996;
country economic conditions and the nature of work
Oburu & Palme´rus, 2003). One question is whether
might create circumstances that move people to
the prevalence of violence against children reported
change from restrictive, controlling parental behav-
in these studies is widespread in other countries.
ior aimed at inducing children's compliance to more
Despite the exceptions described earlier, parents'
reflective responses aimed at promoting children's
responses to children's behaviors are virtually
self-determination and autonomy. It could be that
unknown for those countries that are underrepre-
improving country-level economic conditions or
sented in developmental science. The present study
changing the nature of work from dull and hard
fills a gap in the literature by examining discipline
labor tasks to those requiring more independence
and violence in 24 developing countries.
and decision making could move people both to seek
Parents' actions are dependent, in part, on the
more education and to change the ways in which
age of the child. For example, in Western cultures
they interact with their children (Conger & Donne-
physical punishment has been found to peak dur-
llan, 2007). Another possibility is that having more
ing the toddler years and to decline thereafter
financial resources is related to lower levels of paren-
(Straus & Stewart, 1999). By contrast, parents' ver-
tal stress and, therefore, less spillover of parental
bal explanations increase as children grow older,
stress into harsh parental behavior (Deater-Deckard,
likely in response to children's cognitive develop-
2004; McLoyd, 1990).
ment, which enhances children's capacity for
The present study documents the prevalence of
understanding complex reasoning (Collins, Mad-
11 responses to children's behavior as well as
sen, & Susman-Stillman, 2002). Given these age-
endorsement of physical punishment in 24 develop-
related differences in parents' responses to their
ing countries. This work was guided by two ques-
children and because of the particular salience of
tions. First, how common is each response in each
behavior management during early childhood (as
country, and how do countries compare with
opposed to aspects of parent–child relationships,
respect to the prevalence of each response? Second,
such as monitoring or more distal supervision that
how is the prevalence of, and variability in, each
take on increased importance as children age), the
response related to country-level indicators of these
present study focuses on parents' discipline and
nations' life expectancy, educational achievements,
violence toward children aged 2–4 years.
and economic well-being? We hypothesized that
It is unclear to what extent within-country socio-
socioeconomic differences in the use of physical
economic variability in parents' use of physical
punishment that have been reported within the
punishment may extend to between-country vari-
United States would also be found in comparisons
ability among developing nations. For example, do
between developing countries, with fewer caregiv-
parents in countries with lower literacy rates physi-
ers reporting the use of physical punishment in
cally punish their children more than parents in
countries with more sociodemographic resources.
countries with higher literacy rates, as less edu-cated parents in the United States physically punishtheir children more than more educated parents
within the United States punish their children?
Likewise, do parents in countries with lower grossdomestic product (GDP) physically punish their
The Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) is
children more than parents in countries with higher
a nationally representative and internationally
Childrearing Discipline and Violence
comparable household survey (UNICEF, 2006). It is
implemented in a large number of developing
Sample Size by Country and General Linear Model Parameter Esti-
countries and provides a unique source of informa-
mates for Country Deviation From the Overall Effect of Number of
tion to examine protective and risk factors for child
Responses Used in Last Month
health, nutrition, education, development, and
Number of responses
well-being in different regions of the world.
UNICEF developed the MICS for countries to col-
lect internationally comparable data to evaluate
country-level progress on issues related to children
and women in low- and middle-income countries.
Three rounds of MICS have been implemented; we
use data from the MICS3, which was conducted in
2005–2007 (questionnaires are available at http://
Each questionnaire is composed of core, additional,
and optional modules, which are sets of standard-
Bosnia and Herzegovina
ized questions grouped by topics. Each country
was responsible for designing and selecting a sam-
ple. The survey sample was usually a probability
sample in all stages of selection, national in cover-
Syrian Arab Republic
age, and designed in as simple a way as possible so
that its field implementation could be easily and
faithfully carried out with minimum opportunity
for deviation from an overall standard design. Mul-
tiple steps were taken to ensure data reliability.
MICS3 respondents were normally the mother or
primary caregiver of the child.
Of the 28 countries that contributed data used in
Central African Republic
this Special Section, all but 4 (Bangladesh, Somalia,
Thailand, and Uzbekistan) included the discipline
module, which was administered in relation to chil-
dren between the ages of 2 and 14 years. If there
was more than one child between the ages of 2 and14 years in the household, the interviewer used a
Note. All contrast estimates are significant at p < .05, except thosedesignated with a . HDI = Human Development Index.
standardized protocol to select a target child ran-domly from the eligible children in the household.
Because parental actions toward children of differ-ent ages vary considerably, we included only those
tion. Table 1 presents the number of families with
households with a child between the ages of 2 and
children between the ages of 2 and 4 years who
4 years whose female caregiver responded to the
were selected to participate in the discipline mod-
MICS3 discipline module (N = 30,470). Across
ule in each country. Although the sample sizes and
countries, the average age of the randomly selected
proportionate representation of the country's popu-
lation vary across countries, each sample was
(M = 2.97, SD = 0.80), and the percentage of chil-
selected to be nationally representative of the coun-
dren who were female ranged from 46% to 53%
try from which it was drawn.
(49% across all countries). Primary female caregiv-ers ranged in age from 13 to 95 years (M = 29.54,
SD = 7.79). Twenty-five percent of caregivers hadno formal education, 25% had a primary school
Discipline and violence items. Mothers or primary
education, 40% had a secondary school education,
female caregivers were told, ‘‘All adults use certain
and 10% had more than a secondary school educa-
ways to teach children the right behavior or to
Lansford and Deater-Deckard
address a behavior problem. I will read various
of children who were spanked with a hand, hit on
methods that are used and I want you to tell me if
the extremities, shaken, or hit with an object. The
you or anyone else in your household has used this
severe physical violence scale reflected the percent-
method with (name of child) in the past month.''
age of children who were hit on the head or who
Caregivers were then asked whether they or any-
were beaten with an implement. We recognize that
one in their household had used each of 11 nonvio-
views about the severity of specific forms of vio-
lence likely vary across countries and therefore cau-
violent responses with the target child in the last
tion that the results should be interpreted with this
month: (1) explained why something (the behavior)
caveat in mind.
was wrong; (2) gave the child something else to do;
(3) took away privileges, forbade something, or did
Development Index (HDI) was developed by the
not allow the child to leave the house; (4) shouted,
UN as a measure of the social and economic status
yelled at, or screamed at the child; (5) called the
of a country (United Nations Development Pro-
child dumb, lazy, or another name like that; (6)
gramme, n.d.). It serves as a proxy for standard of
spanked, hit, or slapped the child on the bottom
living and is associated with the general level of
with a bare hand; (7) hit or slapped the child on the
purchasing power present within a country. The
hand, arm, or leg; (8) shook the child; (9) hit the
HDI ranges from 0 to 1 and has three major indices:
child on the bottom or elsewhere on the body with
life expectancy, education (composed of the adult
something like a belt, hairbrush, stick, or other hard
literacy rate and combined gross enrollment in pri-
object; (10) hit or slapped the child on the face,
mary, secondary, and tertiary school), and GDP.
head, or ears; (11) beat the child up with an imple-
Countries with an HDI of .80 or greater are consid-
ment (hit over and over as hard as one could). The
ered high, .50 to .79 medium, and .00 to .49 low. The
items were developed using an approach that
countries in our study draw from high, medium,
included convening an international panel of 25
and low ranges of HDI. (Additional information
experts to identify candidate items from existing
about the HDI is available in Bornstein et al., 2012.)
validated measures of caregiving; field testing can-didate items via cognitive interviews and quantita-tive surveys in the Americas, South Asia, and
Africa; and convening a second international panel
of 27 experts to evaluate items' performance withinand across diverse cultures and settings (Kariger
Child age in years (range = 2–4) and child gen-
et al., 2010). These 11 items were adapted from the
der (male = 1, female = 2) were included as covari-
Parent–Child Conflict Tactics Scale (Straus, Hamby,
ates in all analyses. Child age varied across
Finkelhor, Moore, & Runyan, 1998) and the World-
countries, v2(46) = 618.85, p < .001, and was mod-
SAFE survey questionnaire (Sadowski, Hunter,
estly but significantly correlated with all 11
Bangdiwala, & Munoz, 2004). A 12th item asked
responses to the child in the last month, rs ranged
whether the caregiver believes that to bring up,
from .03 to .10, ps < .001; age was not significantly
raise, or educate the target child properly it is nec-
correlated with caregivers' belief in the necessity of
essary to punish him or her physically; don't know
using physical punishment. Child gender also var-
and no opinion responses for this item were treated
ied across countries, v2(23, N = 30,470) = 40.93,
as missing. In Mongolia, only items 1, 2, 4, 5, 11,
p < .05; correlations between gender and the disci-
and 12 were asked. Each item was recoded as
pline and violence items ranged from .01 to .04, ns
0 = no, 1 = yes.
to ps = .001.
Discipline and violence scales. We constructed four
scales following the construction recommended by
UNICEF (2006) for these items. The nonviolencescale reflected the percentage of children whose
First, the total number of responses used, the
caregivers explained why something was wrong,
four scales, the 11 response items, and the physical
gave the child something else to do, or took away
punishment attitude item were explored, with
privileges but did not engage in any of the other
country as a predictor and child age and gender as
covariates. For logistic regression models, we report
reflected the percentage of children whose caregiv-
Cox and Snell's and Nagelkerke's pseudo-R2 values
ers yelled at the child or called the child a name.
The physical violence scale reflected the percentage
accounted for by country. Next, for each country,
Childrearing Discipline and Violence
we computed the average of caregivers' responses
behavior used by caregivers in the last month. The
to each of the scales and items, creating the overall
general linear model main effect of country was
percentages of caregivers who indicated that they
significant, F(23, 29,919) = 251.57, p < .001, partial
or someone in their household had responded to
g2 = .16, controlling for child age and gender. As
the child in each way in each country and who
shown in Table 1, countries ranged from a low of
believed it was necessary to physically punish their
2.01 responses in Kazakhstan to a high of 5.82
children. This procedure reduced the number of
responses in Yemen. All of the countries except
‘‘observations'' to 24 countries instead of 30,470
Belize, Vietnam, Tajikistan, and Ghana differed sig-
children. Country averages were then correlated
nificantly from the grand mean. All except one of
with country HDI and its three indices (life expec-
the high-HDI countries were below the average
tancy, education, and GDP), controlling for child
effect, whereas all of the low-HDI countries were
age and child gender. For any significant correla-
above the average effect, meaning that caregivers in
tion with a component of the HDI, we then con-
low-HDI countries reported using more responses
trolled the other two indices of the HDI to remove
to child behavior (accounted for by using more
the shared variance and isolate the effect to the
forms of violence) than did caregivers in the high-
independent contribution of the component in
HDI countries.
Nonviolence. Overall, 18% of caregivers reported
that no one in their household had used anyaggression or violence toward their child in the last
Deviation From the Grand Mean for Discipline and
month, but there was wide variability across coun-
tries. For example, no caregivers in Mongolia
Figure 1 shows the percentage of the entire sam-
reported that the members of their household had
ple of caregivers reporting that they or someone in
only responded nonviolently in the last month,
their household had engaged in each action toward
whereas 49% of caregivers in Albania did so. All of
their child in the last month. Eighty percent of care-
the countries except Serbia differed significantly
givers reported that they or someone else in their
from the average effect of country. Country
household had explained to the child why some-
explained between 11.3% (Cox & Snell R2) and
thing was wrong. Six percent of caregivers reported
18.3% (Nagelkerke R2) of the variance in the nonvi-
that anyone in their household had beaten the child
olence scale, over and above the variance associated
with an implement.
with child age and child gender. Caregivers in all
Total number of responses to child behavior. We first
of the high-HDI countries except Serbia and Belarus
examined the total number of responses to child
were more likely than the average effect to report
Figure 1. Grand means of individual items showing the percentage of the entire sample of caregivers reporting that they or someone intheir household had used each response with their child in the last month.
Lansford and Deater-Deckard
responding only with nonviolence; caregivers in all
effect; caregivers in only one of the six low-HDI
of the low-HDI countries except Guinea-Bissau
countries were less likely to report psychological
were less likely than the average effect to report
aggression than the average effect (see Table 2, sec-
that their child had experienced only nonviolence
ond ‘‘Odds ratio'' column).
(see Table 2, first ‘‘Odds ratio'' column).
Physical violence. On average, 63% of caregivers
Psychological aggression. Across all countries, 66%
reported that they or someone in their household
of caregivers reported that their children had expe-
had used physical violence with their child in the
rienced psychological aggression in the last month.
last month, with a range from 28% in Bosnia and
The range was large, from 7% of caregivers in Alba-
Herzegovina to 84% in Jamaica. All countries
nia to 89% of caregivers in Yemen. All countries
except Serbia, Belize, and Guinea-Bissau differed
except Serbia differed significantly from the aver-
significantly from the average effect of country.
age effect of country. Country accounted for
Country explained between 9.9% (Cox & Snell R2)
between 13.6% (Cox & Snell R2) and 18.8%
and 13.5% (Nagelkerke R2) of the variance in physi-
(Nagelkerke R2) of the variance in psychological
cal violence over and above the variance associated
aggression over and above the variance associated
with child age and child gender. Caregivers in five
with child age and child gender. Caregivers in five
of the seven high-HDI countries were less likely to
of the seven high-HDI countries were less likely to
report that their child had experienced physical
report psychological aggression than the average
violence than the average effect; caregivers in the
Table 2Nonviolence and Psychological Aggression: Logistic Regression Parameter Estimates for Country Deviation From the Overall Effect
Nonviolence scale
Psychological aggression scale
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Syrian Arab Republic
Central African Republic
Note. All odds ratios are significant at p < .05, except those designated with a . HDI = Human Development Index.
aResults for Mongolia did not converge in the model because there is no variance in that country.
Childrearing Discipline and Violence
low-HDI countries were more likely to report that
child gender. Caregivers in all high-HDI countries
their child had experienced physical violence than
except Macedonia were less likely than the average
the average effect. Caregivers in the medium-HDI
effect to use severe physical violence, and all low-
countries varied in whether they were more or less
HDI countries were more likely than the average
likely to report that their child had experienced
effect to use severe physical violence (see Table 3,
physical violence than the average effect (see
second ‘‘Odds ratio'' column).
Table 3, first ‘‘Odds ratio'' column).
Severe physical violence. Overall, 16% of caregiv-
Deviation From the Grand Mean for Discipline and
ers reported that they or someone in their house-
hold had used severe physical violence with theirchild in the last month. Use of severe physical vio-
Across countries, 29% of caregivers believed that
lence in the last month ranged from a low of 1% in
physical punishment is necessary to rear a child
Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine to a high of 40%
properly. There was wide variability across coun-
in Mongolia and Yemen. All countries except Serbia
tries in the percentages of caregivers reporting the
differed significantly from the average effect of
belief that physical punishment is necessary, rang-
country. Country accounted for between 10.6%
ing from 4% in Albania to 93% in the Syrian Arab
(Cox & Snell R2) and 17.9% (Nagelkerke R2) of the
Republic. All countries except Belize and Guinea-
variance in using severe physical violence over and
Bissau differed significantly from the average effect
above the variance associated with child age and
of country. Country accounted for between 26.6%
Table 3Physical Violence and Severe Physical Violence: Logistic Regression Parameter Estimates for Country Deviation From the Overall Effect
Physical violence scale
Severe physical violence scale
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Syrian Arab Republic
Central African Republic
Note. All odds ratios are significant at p < .05, except those designated with a . HDI = Human Development Index.
Lansford and Deater-Deckard
(Cox & Snell R2) and 37.9% (Nagelkerke R2) of the
dren's behavior in the last month ranged from a
variance in caregivers' belief in the need to punish
low of 6% of caregivers for beating the child with
the child physically, over and above the variance
an implement to a high of 80% of caregivers for
associated with child age and child gender. Care-
explaining to the child why something was wrong.
givers in all of the countries with high HDI were
Table 5 also depicts the range of the percentages of
less likely to report that it was necessary to punish
caregivers who reported that they or someone in
their child physically than the average effect, but
their household had used each response to chil-
caregivers in all of the countries with low HDI were
dren's behavior in the last month by country. For
more likely to report that it was necessary to pun-
example, explaining why something was wrong
ish their child physically than the average effect
was used by as few as 65% of the caregivers (in
(see Table 4, ‘‘Odds ratio'' column).
Kazakhstan) and as many as 92% of the caregivers
Results of deviation contrasts for individual
(in Ukraine). The percentage of variance accounted
items reflecting caregivers' responses to children
for by country ranged from a low of 3.9% (Cox &
are summarized below. As shown in Table 5 and
Snell R2) and 6.2% (Nagelkerke R2) in explaining
Figure 1, across all countries, the percentages of
why something was wrong to a high of 17.9% (Cox
caregivers who reported that they or someone in
& Snell R2) and 25.2% (Nagelkerke R2) in giving the
their household had used each response to chil-
child something else to do, over and above the vari-ance associated with child age and child gender(see Table 5).
Table 4Need to Punish Physically: Logistic Regression Parameter Estimatesfor Country Deviation From the Overall Effect
Associations With the HDI
Need to punish physically
To evaluate relations of the discipline and vio-
lence items with the HDI and its indices, we aggre-
gated the data across countries, resulting in an N of
24 countries. Because the participants were aver-
aged across countries, the power for the following
Logistic Regression Parameter Estimates for Country Deviation From
the Overall Effect of Responses to Child's Behavior in the Last Month
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Response to child's
something was wrong
Syrian Arab Republic
Gave child something
Took away privileges
Spanked with a hand
Hit child's extremities
Hit child with an
Hit child on the head
Beat child with an
Central African Republic
Note. The first number in each R2 range is the Cox and Snell R2;
the second number in each R2 range is the Nagelkerke R2.
aThe percentage of the entire sample of caregivers reporting that
Note. All odds ratios are significant at p < .05, except those
they or someone in their household had used each response with
designated with a . HDI = Human Development Index.
their child in the last month.
Childrearing Discipline and Violence
tests is low, and they should be interpreted accord-
that they and others in their household had
ingly. Table 6 displays partial correlations of the
responded to their child in the last month using
HDI and its indices with the discipline and violence
psychological aggression, physical violence, or
scales and individual items, controlling for average
severe physical violence. Reporting nonviolence
child age and the percentage of boys in each coun-
was correlated with a higher education index, a
try's sample. If partial correlations with an HDI
higher literacy rate, and a higher GDP index. Psy-
component were significant, we then also con-
chological aggression was correlated with a lower
trolled for the other two major indices of the HDI
education index and lower literacy rate. Physical
(presented after the slash in Table 6). The HDI is
violence was correlated with a lower education
multidimensional and, although life expectancy,
index, a lower literacy rate, and lower schooling.
education, and GDP are related to one another, it is
Severe physical violence was correlated with a
also possible that they relate in different ways to
lower GDP index. With the exception of the correla-
child development and parenting. Controlling the
tion between physical violence and the education
other two indices of the HDI allowed us to remove
index, these correlations were no longer significant
the shared variance among indices and give a more
after controlling for the other indices of the HDI.
precise estimate of the effects of the component in
The HDI and its indices were not significantly
question. Because literacy and schooling could have
correlated with 5 of the 11 individual response
different effects, we also included these two compo-
items, namely, whether the caregiver or someone
nents of the education index.
else in the household in the last month had: (a)
As shown in Table 6, the HDI was significantly
given the child something else to do, (b) taken
correlated with all four discipline and violence
away privileges, (c) yelled, (d) spanked on the bot-
scales. Higher HDI was correlated with a higher
tom with a hand, or (e) beaten the child with an
percentage of caregivers reporting that they and
implement. The HDI was significantly correlated
others in their household had responded to their
with the remaining six items: (a) explaining why
child in the last month only with nonviolence (i.e.,
something was wrong, (b) name calling, (c) hitting
no psychological aggression or physical violence)
the child's extremities, (d) shaking, (e) hitting with
and with a lower percentage of caregivers reporting
an object, and (f) belief in the necessity of physical
Table 6Partial Correlations of Human Development Index (HDI) With Discipline and Violence, Controlling for Average Child Age and Percent Male Chil-dren
Psychological aggression
Physical violence
Severe physical violence
Explained why something was wrong
Gave child something else to do
Took away privileges
).82*** ⁄ ).48*
Spanked with a hand
Hit child's extremities
Hit child with an object
).75*** ⁄ ).69**
).78*** ⁄ ).74***
Hit child on the head
Beat child with an implement
Need to physically punish
Note. N = 24 countries. Partial correlations after the slash are controlling for child age and gender and the other two indices thatcompose the HDI. GDP = gross domestic product.
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.
Lansford and Deater-Deckard
punishment. When the separate indices of the HDI
The most frequently reported discipline technique
were examined, the life expectancy index was signif-
in all countries was explaining to the child why
icantly correlated with three items: name calling,
something was wrong. Overall, this finding suggests
shaking, and hitting with an object. The education
that caregivers in developing countries appear to
index was significantly correlated with six items:
recognize the value in socializing children with
name calling, hitting the child's extremities, shaking,
explanations for why their misbehaviors are wrong,
hitting with an object, hitting the child's head, and
with country accounting for only between 4% and
believing that physical punishment is necessary.
6% of the variance in whether caregivers reported
The GDP index was significantly correlated with six
that someone had explained to their child why
items: explaining why something was wrong, name
something was wrong. In all except one country (Ka-
calling, hitting the child's extremities, shaking, hit-
zakhstan), more than 70% of caregivers reported that
ting with an object, and believing that physical pun-
someone in their household had explained to their
ishment is necessary. However, after controlling for
child why something was wrong at least once in the
the other HDI indices, the only HDI index that
last month. Reasoning and explanations have been
remained significantly correlated with the use of
shown to contribute to children's empathy, prosocial
any responses was the education index in relation to
behavior, and moral internalization of parents' mes-
three items: name calling, hitting the child's extremi-
sages (e.g., Krevans & Gibbs, 1996). Thus, it is reas-
ties, and hitting with an object; caregivers in coun-
suring that offering explanations is the most
tries with higher education indices were less likely
frequently reported response to children's behavior
to report name calling, hitting the child's extremi-
across countries. Also, this near universality of use
ties, and hitting with an object in the last month.
of reasoning and explanations probably reflects par-ents' acknowledgment that as a discipline method,reasoning is effective most of the time. However,20% of caregivers across the 24 countries, on aver-
age, could not recall a time during the last month
This study examined the prevalence and country-
when they or anyone in their household had offered
level correlates of 11 forms of discipline and
the child an explanation regarding why something
violence, as well as the belief in the necessity of
was wrong. Other nonviolent discipline techniques,
physical punishment, in 24 countries using data
such as giving the child something else to do or
from 30,470 families. The prevalence of each
removing privileges, were less common. This overall
response and beliefs regarding the necessity of
pattern suggests the need for countries to promote
physical punishment varied widely across coun-
the use of positive, nonviolent verbal communica-
tries. Country-level indicators of life expectancy,
tion and behavioral management techniques.
educational attainment, and economic well-being
Country also accounted for relatively little vari-
were unrelated to giving the child something else
ance in taking away privileges (between 7% and
to do, taking away privileges, shouting, spanking
9%) and spanking on the bottom with a hand
with a hand, and beating the child with an imple-
(between 6% and 9%). The small percentage of vari-
ment. By contrast, the three country-level indicators
ance accounted for by country for these two
(particularly the education index and literacy) were
responses to children's behavior suggests that these
related to explaining why something was wrong,
practices do not vary by country-level factors. In all
name calling, hitting the child on the extremities,
except Macedonia, more than 20% of caregivers
shaking, hitting the child with an object, and hitting
reported that privileges had been taken away from
the child on the head. The finding that the educa-
their child in the last month. In all countries, at
tion components of the HDI were the only compo-
least 20% of caregivers reported that their child had
nents that remained significantly correlated with
been spanked on the bottom with a hand in the last
discipline and violence after controlling for the
month. Considerably more variance could be
other indices of the HDI suggests the primacy of
accounted for by country of residence in the case of
education in shaping this domain of parenting in
the other responses to child behavior. The variabil-
developing countries. Overall, the findings suggest
ity associated with country was especially large for
that country-level factors are related to discipline
harsher physical violence (e.g., from 1% to 44% of
and violence; in particular, harsh forms of physical
caregivers reported that the target child had been
violence (with the exception of beating the child
hit with an object in the last month).
with an implement, which was rare in most coun-
This particularly wide variability across coun-
tries) were related to country-level factors.
tries in the use of violence suggests that country-
Childrearing Discipline and Violence
level factors (e.g., cultural norms, policies) warrant
remorse, and agitation when dealing with their
additional attention to understand more clearly
why the use of violence is widespread in some
beliefs and behavior may also imply that the cul-
countries but not in others. For example, the preva-
ture is experiencing a fairly rapid shift in prevailing
lence of severe violence ranged from 1% in Ukraine
beliefs about appropriate ways to respond to chil-
to 40% in Mongolia. What differs between these
dren's behavior. That is, in cultures where norms
countries that could account for such a vast differ-
are shifting, parents may still use responses that
ence? Ukraine adopted a full prohibition of
were used in the past but may report greater
physical punishment in 2003 (http://www.endcor-
ambivalence about these responses, on average. For
poralpunishment.org); both the legal prohibition as
example, Straus (1996) found that 54% of mothers
well as attitudes related to adults' responses to chil-
in an American sample reported that in over half of
dren that enabled the prohibition to be passed
the times in which they had used physical punish-
appear to be reflected in rates of violence against
ment, it was the wrong response to have used. The
children in Ukraine. By contrast, violence against
gap between beliefs about the necessity of physical
children is much more common in some countries,
punishment and actual behavior was generally
as evidenced by the fact that 40% of Mongolian
smaller in countries where caregivers were more
caregivers had seen someone in the home beat a
likely to report that they believed physical punish-
child in the last month, and 44% of Gambian care-
ment was necessary. For example, in Ghana, 46% of
givers witnessed a child being hit with an object in
caregivers believed physical punishment was nec-
the last month. However, just because an act is
essary, and 50% reported that their child had been
common or is not seen by parents as having delete-
spanked in the last month. In these countries, it is
rious effects on children does not mean that it
possible that physical punishment is used more
should be accepted. Indeed, one of the major tenets
instrumentally rather than as an angry emotional
in the international community, as recognized in
response. It would be useful for future research to
the CRC, is that children in all countries have the
explore how differences between caregiver beliefs
right to protection from violence.
and behaviors might contribute to how parents'
Within the United States, differences among
responses affect children.
ethnic groups have been found in beliefs about
Just as within-country analyses based on Ameri-
the appropriateness and effectiveness of physical
can samples have shown that more educated par-
punishment (Maker, Shah, & Agha, 2005; Mosby,
ents are less likely to use physical punishment than
Rawls, Meehan, Mays, & Pettinari, 1999). In the
are less educated parents (Straus & Stewart, 1999),
present study, country of residence accounted for
the present between-country analyses support the
between 27% and 38% of the variance in whether
hypothesis that caregivers in countries with higher
caregivers believed that it was necessary to physi-
literacy rates and higher rates of education are less
cally punish children. This finding suggests that a
likely to report that their child has experienced psy-
great deal of variability in caregivers' beliefs about
chological aggression or physical violence. Parents'
physical punishment can be accounted for by coun-
knowledge and values may change as they advance
try-level factors and that future research should
in formal education (Davis-Kean, 2005), which may
delve into what such country-level factors may be.
help account for the relations we found between
Fewer caregivers believed that it was necessary
prevalence rates of violence against children and
to physically punish children than actually did so.
country-wide literacy and other educational oppor-
For example, only 5% of caregivers in Montenegro
believed that using physical punishment was neces-
Several limitations should be acknowledged.
sary, but 47% reported that they or someone in
First, because the data were reported by primary
their household had spanked their child in the last
female caregivers, they may reflect underreporting
month. When beliefs and practices related to physi-
if someone in the household besides the respondent
cal punishment are discordant, this might suggest
had interacted with the child in a particular way
that physical punishment is being used in an emo-
without the respondent's knowledge or if the
tional rather than instrumental manner (e.g., as an
respondent did not report psychological aggression
angry response executed in the heat of the
or physical violence because of concerns about
moment). Indeed, Graziano and Hamblen (1996)
social desirability. The concern about social desir-
found that 85% of the middle-class, primarily Euro-
ability is somewhat mitigated by the fact that
pean American parents in their sample reported
respondents reported on the actions of everyone in
experiencing moderate to high levels of anger,
the household, not just their own behaviors, but
Lansford and Deater-Deckard
they may still have wanted to present the house-
The CRC has focused governments around the
hold in a favorable light. Second, each item refer-
world on reducing violence against children and
enced behavior toward the child during the last
month. Therefore, it is important to keep in mind
responses to children. All 24 countries that provided
that the percent of children in each country who
data for this study have ratified the CRC, indicating
had ever experienced each caregiver response
their commitment to child protection. The findings
would be higher than the figures presented here.
reported here suggest wide variation across coun-
Third, the responses were dichotomous, providing
tries with respect to the use of violence against chil-
information about whether a given response had
dren; countries with low levels of educational
been used at all in the last month but not how
attainment are at particularly high risk for violence
frequently it was used or under what circum-
against children. Given both the widespread use of
stances. Fourth, we do not have available informa-
violence and the widespread belief in the necessity
tion about change over time in responses to
of using physical punishment in some countries,
children. Although the analyses present a snapshot
efforts to eliminate violence against children will
of responses used during the course of a single
need to alter the belief that physical punishment is
month, we recognize that caregivers' responses
necessary to rear a child as well as provide caregiv-
change over time, both as a function of the child's
ers with nonviolent alternatives to replace violence.
development and as a function of historical andcontextual changes in societal standards related toresponding to children's behavior. Fifth, our ability
to interpret and contextualize the findings wouldbe enhanced by a rich ethnographic understanding
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Global Veterinaria 15 (1): 72-81, 2015 © IDOSI Publications, 2015 Effect of Honey on Hydroxyl Radical Generation, Glutathione Depletion And on Myeloperoxidase Released in the Extra-Cellular Milieu by Activated Neutrophils 1Saad Aissat, Ha ma Benbarek, 3 Thi erry Franck, G 3 inette Deby-Dupont, ,4 idier Serteyn and Ang