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A Doctoral Project
A Comprehensive Case Analysis
Presented to the faculty of the Department of Physical Therapy
California State University, Sacramento
Submitted in partial satisfaction of
the requirements for the degree of
A Doctoral Project
Approved by: _, Committee Chair Edward Barakatt, PT, PhD _, First Reader Michael McKeough, PT, EdD _, Second Reader Katrin Mattern-Baxter, PT, DPT, PCS Date
Student: David Gonzales
I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University
format manual, and that this project is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to
be awarded for the project.
, Department Chair Michael McKeough, PT, EdD
Department of Physical Therapy
A patient with a left middle cerebral artery stroke was seen for physical therapy
treatment for 8 sessions from 4/17/15 to 5/15/15 at the Department of Physical Therapy at
California State University, Sacramento. Treatment was provided by a student physical
therapist under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist.
The patient was evaluated at the initial encounter with the Five Times Sit to Stand
to assess lower extremity muscular strength, the Six Minute Walk Test to assess
cardiovascular endurance, the 10 Meter Walk Test to measure ambulatory status and gait
speed, the Timed Up and Go test to measure fall risk, and the Falls Efficacy Scale-
International to measure fall risk, and a plan of care was established. Main goals for the
patient were to improve lower extremity strength, neuromuscular control, cardiovascular
endurance, gait speed, and decrease risk for falls. Main interventions used were
repetition, task-specific training, over-ground gait training, and neuromuscular control
The patient improved lower extremity strength, cardiovascular endurance, gait speed, and
reduced her risk for falls. The patient was discharged to remain living at home with a
home exercise program.
_, Committee Chair Edward Barakatt, PT, PhD _ Date
I acknowledge the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program at California State University
Sacramento for allowing me to utilize its facilities to treat a patient for my case study.
Acknowledgements . vii
List of Tables . ix
Evaluation and Plan of Care………………………………………………… 13
General Background
Stroke is a cerebral vascular accident (CVA) leading to a sudden loss of
neurological function caused by an occlusion in cerebral blood flow.1 Deficits following
stroke depend on type, location, and the size of the occlusion in the brain. The middle
cerebral artery (MCA) is a main branch off of the internal carotid artery that supplies
blood to subcortical structures and the lateral aspect of the cerebral hemisphere. The
MCA is the most common artery occluded in stroke.1 Symptoms often present
unilaterally and can affect the upper extremity, lower extremity or both. Common deficits
may include paralysis, paresis, sensory and neuropathic pain, aphasia, impaired language
comprehension and memory, and difficulty controlling emotion.2
Stroke occurs in roughly 795,000 people in the United States each year, of which,
approximately 610,000 are first-time occurances.3 There are two types of stroke; the most
common is an ischemic stroke affecting roughly 80% of the population with stroke.
Ischemic stroke usually results from a thrombus or embolism that occludes cerebral blood
flow disrupting oxygen supply to part of the brain. This ischemia causes death to
neuronal tissue. The mortality rate of individuals suffering an ischemic stroke is 12%
within the first month. Hemorrhagic strokes are caused by the rupture of cerebral vessels
and accounts for roughly 20% of all strokes. The hemorrhage, which can be spontaneous
or caused by a traumatic event, causes an increase in intracranial pressure. Increased
intracranial pressure will occlude blood flow distal to the site of injury causing death to
cortical tissues. Individuals who suffer a hemorrhagic stroke have a mortality rate of
38% in the first month.1
A MCA infarction may affect each individual differently. Acute signs may begin
with sudden weakness or numbness of the face, arm, or leg. Sudden blurriness or loss of
vision, particularly in one eye is common. Acute signs can be unsteadiness, sudden falls,
sudden severe headaches, or difficulty speaking. Symptoms may be as severe as
hemiplegia, hemianesthesia, or global aphasia.4 Prognosis of recovery following a MCA
stroke is variable based on several factors including the severity of the impairments.
However, research shows rehabilitation following stroke is usually a lifelong undertaking
for the survivors due to their impaired mobility and disability.5 Patients with stroke
should receive a long-term interdisciplinary team approach to optimize motor recovery
and maximize functional capabilities.4
Stroke risk factors are classified as modifiable and non-modifiable. Modifiable
risk factors include diabetes, atrial fibrillation, hyperlipidemia, smoking, obesity, carotid
artery disease, and hypertension. Hypertension (HTN) is the most common risk factor for
stroke. The prevalence of HTN is approximately 30% in the United States.6 Non-
modifiable risk factors include age, gender, and race. Beginning at age 55 years, stroke
risk doubles every decade a person is alive. Gender plays an important role as women are
more susceptible to stroke than men, primarily because they outlive men. Race and
ethnicity also influence risk of stroke: African Americans are twice as likely as
Caucasians to have a stroke, and Hispanics and Asian/Pacific Islanders have higher
incidences of stroke than Caucasians.7 Other contributing factors that increase risk of
stroke include positive family history, history of a previous stroke, fibromuscular
dysplasia, patent foramen ovale, and a history of transient ischemic attacks.7
Case Background
Examination – History
The patient was a 78-year-old female who experienced two ischemic CVAs in her
left hemisphere; one in 2008 and one in 2009. The main complaints of the patient were
her impaired mobility, stability, and gait patterns. She reported three falls in 2014 and
one in 2015 but with no serious injury. She had a history of HTN, had been using a
urinary catheter for the past 7 years for incontinence, and was currently seeing a physical
therapist for pelvic floor exercises. In 2004 she had a brain tumor removed, and she had a
laminectomy of the first and second cervical spinal segments in 2006. Neither procedure
resulted in any lasting residual neurological impairments. The patient had a Botox
injection 3 months prior to her physical therapy evaluation to reduce the spasms of her
bladder, which were caused by her strokes.
The patient lived with her 56-year-old daughter and their dog. She was retired and
her daughter was on disability. They took care of each other and preferred to be at home.
When not fatigued, the patient occasionally attended church with her daughter, and the
patient was part of a Stroke Survivor support group. Her primary assistive device inside
and outside of the house was her four-wheel walker (FWW). In the house she used a quad
cane when ambulating in her bedroom. She was able to use her quad cane with the aid of
handrails placed throughout her room.
The patient's goals were to walk further, increase overall strength, be more active,
increase mental status, improve balance, and decrease falls.
Systems Review
The patient reported her two CVA's affected the following systems: Urogenital,
gastrointestinal, cardiovascular/pulmonary, musculoskeletal, and neuromuscular. The
patient's urogenital system was impaired as seen by the use of urinary catheter as a result
of incontinence. The gastrointestinal system was impaired as seen by the use of over the
counter medications for gastric reflux. The patient's cardiovascular/pulmonary systems
were impaired and controlled by medications for HTN. The patient's musculoskeletal and
neuromuscular systems were impaired as seen from the results of the objective tests
(Table 2). Her integumentary system was impaired due to her surgical scars from the
removal of the brain tumor and laminectomy.
Examination - Medications
Patient used baclofen
Drowsiness, dizziness, weakness,
(mg),1 tablet (tab)
to decrease spasticity
confusion, upset stomach,
which allowed for
difficulty breathing, or seizures
greater ease and fluidity of movement
25 mg, 1 by mouth
Parkinson's Disease
Dizziness, loss of appetite,
(p.o.) three times
diarrhea, dry mouth, mouth and
throat pain, constipation, or headache
100 mg tab, 2.5 tab
tid. 1 hour before meals
6.25 mg tab, 1 tab
Hyperglycemia, lightheadedness,
p.o. two times per
dizziness, headache, nausea,
vomiting, or blurred vision
75 mg tab, once a
Prevents blood clotting
Diarrhea, itching, nausea, skin
Transient ischemic
rash, or stomach pain
attack and heart attack
10 mg/5 mg oral,
Constipation, dizziness,
2.5 milliliter (mL)
headache, confusion, or anxiety
p.o. qid 30 min before meals and bedtime
Nausea, vomiting, dizziness,
(cap), 3 cap p.o. qd
headache, confusion, or fever
0.5 mg tab, 1-2 p.o.
Drowsiness, dizziness, diarrhea,
nausea, or constipation
10 mg tab, qd in
Fever, headache, dizziness, or
100 mg cap, 2 p.o.
Epilepsy and seizures
Blurred vision, loss of vision,
double vision, or confusion
Reflux esophagitis,
Headache, nausea, vomiting,
coated tab, 1 p.o.
abdominal pain, ulcers
constipation, or dizziness
qd in the evening
10 mg tab, 1 p.o.
Constipation, nausea, headache,
qd in the evening
or fever or chills
800 mg tab, 1 tab
Drowsiness, dizziness, vomiting,
headache, or nervousness
Confusion, nausea, loss of
appetite, lack of energy, fainting, or vomiting blood
Examination – Tests and Measures
The patient was examined, evaluated, and a plan of care was developed based on
the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework
and the patient management model.9 At the body function and structure level, the Five
Times Sit to Stand Test (FTSST) was used to assess lower extremity muscular strength,
and the Six Minute Walk Test (6MWT) was used to assess cardiovascular endurance. At
the activity level, the 10 Meter Walk Test (10MWT) was used to measure ambulatory
status and the Timed Up and Go (TUG) was used to measure fall risk. At the
participation level, the Falls Efficacy Scale – International (FES-I) was used to measure
The FTSST is an IFC body structure and function measure that assesses
functional lower extremity muscular strength in patients with stroke. The FTSST requires
the patient to rise from a seated position and descend back to the seated position without
the support of their arms as fast and safely as possible. The total time taken for
completion of five repetitions is measured. The FTSST has an established cut-off score of
12.2 seconds (s) that distinguishes individuals post-stroke who has impaired LE strength
from those who do not.10 If the patient with chronic stroke were to score greater than 12.2
s on the FTSST that score would indicate that patient has impaired lower extremity
muscular strength. The minimal detectable change (MDC) at a 95% confidence level
(MDC95) for patients with chronic stroke is 5 s.11 The minimal clinically important
difference (MCID) for the FTSST has not been established. A change in a score greater
than 5 s allows for a clinician to conclude with 95% confidence that a real change in
performance has occurred.
The 6MWT is an IFC body structure and function measure used as a sub-maximal
test that assesses aerobic capacity and cardiovascular endurance in patients with stroke.
The 6MWT has a standard error of measure (SEM) of 11.9 meters (m) and the normative
data shows a mean of 413 m, with a range from 129-664 m for patients with chronic
stroke.12 The 6MWT has an MDC95 of 36.6 m or a 13% change to indicate a real change
for patients with chronic stroke.13 There is no established MCID for the 6MWT for
patients with chronic stroke. According to the most current research, the MCID for
patients with sub-acute stroke ranges from 20 to 50 m. A change in 20 m indicates a
small meaningful change and a 50 m change indicates a substantial meaningful change.14
The 10MWT is an ICF activity level measure that assesses gait speed in patients
with stroke. The 10MWT has cut-off scores that can be used to classifying a patient's
ambulatory status. If the patient were to score less than 0.4 meters per second (m/s), the
patient would be categorized as more likely to be a household ambulator. Score of 0.4 –
0.8 m/s indicates the patient would be a limited community ambulator and a score of
more than 0.8 m/s they were listed as community ambulators.15 For patients with acute
stroke, the SEM is 0.04 m/s.14 The MDC95 for patients with chronic stroke is 0.13 m/s.16
The MCID ranges from 0.06 m/s for a small meaningful change to 0.14 m/s for a
substantial meaningful change.14 This MCID is based on research on patients with acute
stroke, and is the closest supporting research available for those with chronic stroke.
The TUG is an activity level measure that assesses mobility, balance, walking
ability, and fall risk in older adults with chronic stroke. The TUG has an SEM of 1.14 s in
patients with chronic stroke.13 The TUG has an MDC95 of 2 s. The MCID has not been
The FES-I is a participation level measure that assesses self-concern about falling
during easy and difficult activities, both physical and social.18,19 This measure is a self-
report questionnaire compiled of 16 questions. Each question is scored 1 to 4, making a
total of 64 total points possible. A score of 16 to 19 is considered a low concern for
falling, a score of 20 to 27 represents a moderate concern for falling, and a score of 28 to
64 represents a high concern for falling. The FES-I has an SEM of 2.41 and an MDC95 of
6.69 for patients with chronic stroke.18,19
The TUG test was developed for older adults and can be used as a prognostic
measure to assess fall risk in patients with stroke. Elderly patients who have had a stroke
that take longer than 14 s to complete the TUG are at higher risk for falls.16 The TUG
cut-off score for assessing fall risk has a positive predictive value of 59% and a negative
predictive value of 72%. Likelihood ratios (LR) used to determine the post-test
probability for fall risk in the TUG prognostic measure are as follows: LR+ = 2.3, LR- =
0.64.20 The LR+ of 2.3 means if the patient were identified as being at risk for falls,
according to their TUG score, there is a small increase in the likelihood of the patient
actually falling. The LR- of 0.64 means if the patient were not identified as being at risk
for falls according to his/her TUG score, there is a minimal decrease in the likelihood of
the patient actually falling.
Examination Data
Measurement Category
Test/Measure Used
Test/Measure Results
Five Times Sit to
Total Score: 81 seconds (s)
extremity muscular
strength (bilateral) Decreased
6 Minute Walk Test
Total Score: 228 meters
(Patient used four-
Measurement Category
Test/Measure Used
Test/Measure Results
Limited gait speed
10 Meter Walk Test
Comfortable walking speed: Average speed =
(Patient used four-
0.68 meters per second (m/s)
Maximal walking speed: Average speed = 0.80 m/s
Increased fall risk
Total Score: 30 s
(Patient used four-wheel walker)
Measurement Category
Test/Measure Used
Test/Measure Results
Diminished community
Church attendance limited to one time per month
ambulation for social
due to fatigue. Patient reported needing to walk a
outings (i.e. church)
total of 30 minutes in order to get to and from church.
Increased concern for
Falls Efficacy Scale
The patient was found to have generalized weakness in lower extremity muscle
groups as seen by an impaired FTSST, symmetrical gross motor symmetry, no hypertonia
of the upper and lower extremity flexors and extensors, and range of motion limitations
in her dorsiflexors and plantarflexors. These observations were not reassessed as outcome
measures, except for the FTSST.
Evaluation Summary
The patient was a 78-year-old female with impairments to the body structure or
function, activity, and participation levels of the ICF model. Her impairments caused her
to display decreased ability to perform sit-to-stand transfers, decreased endurance, limited
gait speed, increased fall risk, and restricted community ambulation.
Diagnostic Impression
The patient's two left hemisphere CVAs contributed to her body function and
structure impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions. The body
structure and function impairments were a contributing factor responsible for the activity
limitations. The FTSST results showed impaired lower extremity strength and mobility.
The 6MWT results showed that the patient had significantly lower walking endurance
than patients with chronic stroke, and, as a result, restrictions in community ambulation.21
The results of the 10MWT indicated that the patient was limited in gait speed. The results
of the TUG suggests an increase in fall risk. Her limitations to social outings were due to
activity limitations.
Prognostic Considerations
The patient's positive prognostic indicators included: non-smoker, non-drinker, an
expected high-level of compliance to home exercise program (HEP), intact cognitive
function, stable living environment, access to medical care, and positive family support.
The patient's negative prognostic indicators included: the time since the stroke, having
had two CVAs in the same hemisphere, history of HTN which puts her at risk for another
CVA, 78 yeas of age, history of cancer, and carpal tunnel syndrome bilaterally which
made ambulation for longer duration more challenging due to numbness in her hands
while using the walker.
Due to fall risk, the patient was not expected to regain the ability to ambulate
without her FWW, to independently transfer, or to be independent with going up and
down stairs. However, the patient was anticipated to reach the MDC95 for patients with
chronic stroke during the FTSST by the completion of the treatment. The patient was
anticipated to reach the MDC95 on the 10MWT for patients with stroke during both
comfortable and fastest walking speed by the completion of treatment. The patient was
anticipated to reach the MDC95 on the 6MWT for patients with chronic stroke.
Discharge Plan
The patient was to be discharged to the care of her family, primarily her daughter.
Continued assistance with a home exercise program was to be provided.
• Current with modifier: G8978CK based on 6MWT
• Goal with modifier: G8979CJ based in 6MWT
Evaluation and Plan of Care
Short Term Goals
Planned Interventions
(Anticipated Goals)
(Expected Outcomes)
Interventions are Direct or Procedural unless they
(C) = Coordination of care intervention
(E) = Educational intervention
Improve Five Times Sit
Improve FTSST from 81
Intervention will challenge neuromuscular control
extremity functional
to Stand (FTSST)from
and lower extremity muscular strength during sit-
81 to 75 seconds (s)
Minimal detectable change
to-stand transfers.
at 95% confidence level
2-3x/week for 4 weeks in the clinic
Task-specific training of sit-to-stand and stand-to-
sit transfers from a chair with repetitions until
fatigue following educational protocol. Strength
training was progressed by decreasing the height
of the chair, placing a foam pad on the chair seat,
and using a couch chair in place of the original
Neuromuscular control training was utilized to
teach the patient to prevent her knees from moving
medially, which was important to control during
swing phase of gait and transfers. Training was
implemented while patient ascended and
descended from the chair and reinforced during
gait training.
Visual feedback via a mirror and video recordings
were implemented during lower extremity strength
(E) Lower extremity strength training (sit-to-
stands) were included in HEP for 10 repetitions for
2 sets 5 days per week following a standard
educational protocol on position and proper body
(E) Kitchen sink exercises were performed 10
times in each direction 3 days per week and were
progressed to 20 times each direction 5 times per
1. All were done with hands on kitchen counter
2. Single leg kicks backward
3. Single leg kicks laterally to each side
4. Marching with high knees (progressed by
increasing height)
5. Heel raises up on to toes (same time)
Patient will demonstrate
Patient will demonstrate
Interventions will challenge the cardiovascular
increased cardiovascular
increased cardiovascular
system during over ground gait training and during
endurance with an
endurance with an
endurance training using the NuStep.22,23
improved walking
improved walking distance
2-3x/week for 4 weeks in the clinic
distance from 228 to 243
from 228 to 258 meters on
meters on the 6 minute
the 6MWT while not
(E) Endurance training on the NuStep for 10
walk test (6MWT) while
exceeding an RPE of 13
minutes at a progressively increasing workload
not exceeding a rate of
and MET level each week, based on RPE. RPE to
perceived exertion
be kept between 11 and 13.
(E) Over ground gait training 4-8 laps of 20 meters in distance (per one lap) with 15-30 second breaks as needed based on RPE, patient instructed not to exceed an RPE of 13. Over ground gait training was progressively increased with increase in distance.
Limited gait speed
Improve 10 minute
Improve 10MWT normal
Interventions for over ground gait training were to
walk test (10MWT)
walking speed from 0.68
challenge the lower extremity musculature
comfortable walking
m/s to 0.82 m/s to improve
involved in gait.
speed from 0.68 meters
efficiency as a limited
2-3x/week for 4 weeks in the clinic
per second (m/s) to 0.75
community ambulator
Gait training on flat surface with FWW to up-
efficiency as a limited
Improve 10MWT maximal
tempo music. 4-8 laps of 20 meters in distance (per
community ambulator
walking speed from 0.8
one lap) with 15-30 second breaks. Patient was
m/s to 0.94 m/s to improve
assessed with the RPE scale and instructed not to
community ambulation
exceed 13. She was instructed to walk as fast as
maximal walking speed
possible keeping her head up and looking forward.
from 0.8 m/s to 0.87 m/s
(MDC95 0.13 m/s)
She was shown and educated how to properly heel
to improve community
strike and toe off during gait.
Progressions of over ground training included increased repetitions, stepping over small obstacles while keeping a fast walking pace, and ambulating for a set time (2 minutes, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, etc.) instead of distance.
Increased fall risk
Patient will demonstrate
Patient will demonstrate
Combinations of FTSST intervention and over
a decrease in fall risk by
decrease in fall risk by
ground training interventions were used to
improving Timed Up
improving TUG time from
improve and reach the goals for the TUG.
and Go (TUG) time
Increase the number of
Increase the number of
Evaluation of four-wheel walker height for
visits to church to every
visits to church to every
adequate body ergonomics and adjusted as needed.
ambulation for
social outings (i.e.
Therapeutic exercise and over ground gait training
Plan of Care - Interventions
Overall Approach
The patient demonstrated impaired lower extremity strength as measured by the
FTSST. The musculature involved in sit-to-stand transfers is the same musculature
activated during gait. Task-specific training, sit-to-stands and stand-to-sits until fatigue
was implemented for the intervention addressing lower extremity strength.
Neuromuscular control training was utilized to teach the patient to prevent her knees
from moving medially, which was important to control during swing phase of gait and
Task-specific training of over ground gait training was also used to increase gait
efficiency. By gradually increasing gait speed, duration, and frequency over the treatment
duration, the patient would demonstrate an improvement in her aerobic activity
capabilities. Rhythmic auditory stimulus was applied during the over ground training
portion of treatment to increase gait speed.24
The interventions implemented directly addressed the patient's goals to walk
further, increase overall strength, improve stability, and be more active. High repetitions
were used during treatment and augmented feedback via the use of mirrors and video
recordings so the patient could see herself performing the correct movements.
PICO question:
Will an elderly patient with chronic impairments following a stroke (P) show greater
improvements in gait speed (O) when utilizing body-weight supported treadmill training
(I) versus over ground training (C)?
A randomized controlled trial pilot study compared the effects of body weight-
supported treadmill training and over ground training. The study looked at the effect on
measures of walking function, activity, and participation after stroke (level of evidence:
1b; Pedro score: 8/10).25 The study sample included 20 subjects that were in the chronic
stage of stroke and were able to walk independently. Subjects underwent 30-minute
walking interventions using body weight-support treadmill training or over ground
training that were administered 5 times per week for 2 weeks. The authors concluded that
over ground training showed increased benefit compared to body weight-support
treadmill training at improving self-selected walking speed. The over ground training
group showed significantly greater improvements in comfortable walking speed
immediately and 3 months post training compared to body weight-support treadmill
The patient of this case study demonstrated an impaired self-selected comfortable
walking speed during her 10MWT. This study helped guided the treatment plan to utilize
over ground training instead of body weight-support treadmill training. Knowing the
patient was only going to receive approximately six treatment, a treatment plan was
implemented that would help increase her comfortable walking speed. Not only does over
ground training result in significantly increase comfortable walking speed, it was cost
effective for the patient to continue to do over ground training post-treatment as part of
Five Times Sit to
Minimal detectable change at 95% confidence level (MDC95 5 s)
(Patient used four-
Minimal clinically important difference (MDC95 36.6 meters)
(Patient used four-
(MDC95 0.13 m/s)
(Patient used four-
Falls Efficacy Scale
Discharge Statement:
The patient was seen for 8 sessions from 4/17/15 to 5/15/15. During the course of
care the patient was provided with functional strengthening, over ground gait training,
neuromuscular control training, task specific activity integration, and assistive device
training with four-wheel walker. The patient was discharged from outpatient physical
therapy to continue living at home. The patient and her daughter were educated, and
expected to be independent in performing HEP exercises addressing the same
interventions used during treatment. The patient was discharged from physical therapy
after reaching all short-term and long-term goals.
DC G-Code with modifier:
• Mobility: Walking & Moving Around Current: G8980
o Modifier: CJ 20-40% impaired
o Patient walked 276 m with FWW in the 6MWT at last visit
All of the patient's goals were met at each IFC level. Improvements can be
attributed to the patient's motivation and compliance with the POC and HEP to increase
overall strength and become more stable, and to ultimately become a safer ambulator.
The plan of care focused on improving the patient's impairments including strength,
cardiovascular endurance, gait speed, ambulating efficiency, and an elevated fall risk.
Therapeutic interventions consisted of repetitious task specific training, over ground gait
training, and neuromuscular control training.
Improvements in lower extremity muscular strength and distance ambulated were
two of the most significant changes the patient experienced. These improvements are
demonstrated by post-test measures that exceeded the MDC95 for the FTSST and the
MDC95 for the 6MWT. Overall, this course of physical therapy was successful for this
patient due to her improvements in her lower extremity strength, cardiovascular
endurance, gait efficiency, and risk for falls.
When treating similar patients in the future, I will apply similar interventions with
the addition of ROM exercises. I will also apply gait training that emphasizes obstacles
that mimic their home environments instead of focusing solely on community
ambulation. I did a home evaluation, however, I did not emphasize gait training
specifically within the context of her living environment. The patient had deficits with
balance and coordination; in future examinations I will more thoroughly examine the
vestibular system. Prior to treating my next patient who has experienced a stroke, I will
evaluate the available evidence pertaining to the most clinically relevant interventions for
improving balance.
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DERMATO 341-maquette6:Dermato 332 MAQbc 25/06/10 12:54 Page14 erèit Dépression et dermatologie, norF un problème fréquent : l'exemple du psoriasis DÉPRESSION PSORIASIS La comorbidité psychiatrique est fréquente en dermatologie pour diversesraisons. Parmi les troubles psychiatriques, la dépression est le plus fréquent.Parce qu'il s'agit d'une maladie fréquente, le psoriasis est un très bonexemple pour illustrer la problématique de cette comorbidité.
Volume: 2, Issue: 1 April 2015 Twin Deficit Hypothesis: A Case of Pakistan Farrah Yasmin The Women University, Multan Pakistan Abstract: The prime motive of this study is to scrutinize the twin deficit for annual time series data over the period 1990-2010 for Pakistan. Twin deficit hypothesis expressed that an expansion in budget deficit will ground for rise in current account deficit. To diagnose affiliation amongst couple of variables, applied Unit root test (ADF-test), Johansen cointegration technique, Impulse response function and Granger causality test. The Granger causality demonstrate that the causality direction travel from current account deficit to budget deficit. When current account deficit occurs it leads to budget deficit. So the finding proves that there is a positive connection among both variables. Investigations are most reliable for Pakistan economy. Finally, this study confirms the rapport amid current account deficit and budget deficit. Keywords: Budget deficit, Current account deficit, Pakistan