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Should general anaesthesia be avoided in the elderly?
Anaesthesia 2014, 69 (Suppl. 1), 35–44
Should general anaesthesia be avoided in the elderly?
C. Strøm,1 L. S. Rasmussen2 and F. E. Sieber3
1 Research Assistant, 2 Professor, Department of Anaesthesia, Centre of Head and Orthopaedics, Rigshospitalet, Copen-hagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark3 Professor of Anaesthesiology, Department of Anaesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine, The Johns Hopkins MedicalInstitutions, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
SummarySurgery and anaesthesia exert comparatively greater adverse effects on the elderly than on the younger brain, mani-fest by the higher prevalence of postoperative delirium and cognitive dysfunction. Postoperative delirium and cogni-tive dysfunction delay rehabilitation, and are associated with increases in morbidity and mortality among elderlysurgical patients. We review the aetiology of postoperative delirium and cognitive dysfunction in the elderly with aparticular focus on anaesthesia and sedation, discuss methods of diagnosing and monitoring postoperative cognitivedecline, and describe the treatment strategies by which such decline may be prevented.
Correspondence to: C. StrømEmail:
[email protected]: 5 October 2013
clinical management insights by discussing some of
Don't have a general anaesthetic once you're 50 –
the more controversial methods for monitoring the
it'll wipe out a quarter of your brain.
brain during anaesthesia, and outline how postopera-
— Barbara Cartland, novelist (died aged 98)
tive cognitive changes might be assessed and pre-vented.
Concern has been growing over the last decade regard-ing whether anaesthesia can be harmful to the elderly
Pathophysiology of age-related
brain, because elderly surgical patients frequently expe-
neuropsychiatric decline
rience a postoperative deterioration in cognitive func-
A number of anatomical and physiological changes
tion, and such a decline may herald an increase in
manifest themselves as the human brain ages, and
both morbidity and mortality.
these may render the ageing brain more vulnerable to
In this review, we will outline some of the perti-
both reductions in cognitive reserve and the effects of
nent changes in human brain structure and function
surgery and anaesthesia (Table 1).
related to ageing, in order to understand the possiblemechanisms behind cognitive and behavioural changes
seen after surgery and anaesthesia. We will review
At approximately 45–50 years of age, a progressive
some of the pre-clinical evidence that has given rise to
decline in brain weight begins, reaching a nadir after
the hypothesis that progressive neurodegeneration may
the age of 86 years [1]. Grey matter volume increases
be exacerbated by anaesthesia. Finally, we will provide
in childhood, but then begins to decrease slowly.
2013 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
Anaesthesia 2014, 69 (Suppl. 1), 35–44
Strøm et al. Use of general anaesthesia in the elderly
Table 1 Predisposing factors and possible mechanisms
evidence supports the hypothesis that age-associated
for the development of postoperative delirium/cogni-
injury to the blood–brain barrier plays a role in the
tive deterioration in elderly patients.
pathogenesis of white matter disease [3]. Blood–brainbarrier changes may also alter the response to ischae-mia, as well as drug entry to the central nervous
Predisposing factors
Structural changes
system (CNS) [3].
decreased whole-brain volume blood–brain barrier damage reduction of neurogenesis
hippocampal changes
In humans, neural stem cells are constitutively active in
amyloid or tau accumulation
the hippocampal dentate gyrus and subventricular
Brain inflammationCerebrovascular disease
regions of the lateral ventricles, and proliferate into pro-
Disturbances in levels of
genitors that differentiate into neurons in all age groups
Pre-operative cognitive impairment
[4]. Neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus may cause a
Reduction in cognitive reserve
unique form of neural plasticity that is involved in cog-
nitive and emotional functions. A gradual reduction in
increased frailty
neurogenesis occurs with ageing, limiting the ability to
increased incidence of pre-existing
learn and contributing to cognitive decline [4].
increased incidence of
Systemic vascular disease
Lower educational level
Communication between the peripheral immune sys-tem and cytokine-mediated signals within the CNS
Potential mechanisms
Neurohumoral inflammatory surgical stress response
form a co-ordinated response to stress. Signals initiated
in the peripheral immune system may result in CNS
Direct anaesthetic agent toxicityIschaemia (hypoperfusion, hypoxaemia)
inflammatory responses that can manifest as changes
in behaviour or cognition. Immunity in the CNS is
Hospital environment
mediated by microglia, astrocytes and CNS-associatedmacrophages. Microglia respond to, and propagate,inflammatory signals from the peripheral immune sys-
White matter volume increases until the age of approxi-
tem. During the peri-operative period, for example,
mately 45 years, reflecting increases in connectivity
microglia might release cytokines or perform macro-
between brain regions, and thereafter starts to decrease.
phage-like activities. Exaggerated or prolonged produc-
Decreases in whole-brain volume cannot be accounted
tion of cytokines can occur in response to peripheral
for solely by ageing-associated losses in either white or
immune system stimuli as a result of impaired anti-
grey matter, and seem to be multi-factorial in aetiology.
inflammatory feedback in the aged brain [5]. An
For example, co-morbidities associated with ageing,
increasing body of evidence suggests that increases in
such as diabetes and hypertension, can adversely affect
brain inflammation with ageing and systemic disease
changes in white matter tracts [2].
(e.g. metabolic syndrome) are associated with cognitivechanges [6].
Blood–brain barrierWith ageing, the blood–brain barrier decreases in
microvascular density and capillary lumen size, and
Cognition changes with age in two main ways. First,
the number of mitochondria per endothelial cell is
measures that reflect acquired knowledge, such as
reduced, changes that affect blood–brain barrier
vocabulary, improve up to 60 years of age, after
permeability [3]. Risk factors for acceleration of these
which they decline. Secondly, there is a nearly linear
changes include hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, diabe-
decline from early adulthood in cross-sectional and
tes mellitus and adverse drug reactions. Accumulating
longitudinal measures of processing speed, including
2013 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
Strøm et al. Use of general anaesthesia in the elderly
Anaesthesia 2014, 69 (Suppl. 1), 35–44
reasoning, memory and spatial cognitive abilities [7].
Anaesthesia and the elderly brain
Memory decline occurs in more than 40% of people
Anaesthetic agents work on a relatively small number
aged over 60 and can dramatically affect the perfor-
of CNS targets, and most of these are postsynaptic
mance of daily living activities, but is not a universal
ligand-gated ion channels. Some drugs act at excit-
finding [8].
atory receptors, whereas others potentiate inhibitorysynaptic receptors, such as gamma-aminobutyric acid
Cognitive reserve
(GABA) receptors [12]. Intravenous anaesthetics may
Cognitive reserve describes the inconsistency between
have effects on GABA (propofol, etomidate), alpha-2
anatomic and functional age-related decline, and can
be classified as passive or active. Passive reserve relates
acetylcholine, adenosine and dopamine (opioids)
to brain size or neuronal count, and is measured, for
receptors [13]. Inhalational anaesthetic agents affect
example, by brain volume, synaptic count or dendritic
multiple ion channel receptors, including GABA, gly-
branching. Active reserve relates more to functional
cine, acetylcholine [14], glutamate, and serotonin
cognitive integrity, and is preserved better in people
[15]. The variety and complexity of anaesthetic
with higher socioeconomic status and educational
agent/ion channel interactions underlie the postopera-
attainment, although no ‘best measure' of active
tive cognitive problems experienced by the elderly.
reserve exists. Higher educational attainment, for
Interactions between anaesthetic agents and the CNS
example, modifies the association between post-mortem
cholinergic system may be of particular importance
Alzheimer's disease pathology and pre-mortem cogni-
[16], due to the close relationship between acetylcholine
tive function: for the same degree of brain pathology,
and cognition. Age-related decline in prefrontal cholin-
cognitive function is better with each year of education
ergic neurons may render the elderly more susceptible
[9]. Epidemiological evidence suggests that a patient's
than younger patients to anaesthesia-mediated depres-
cognitive reserve determines their cognition, rather than
sion of CNS cholinergic neurotransmission [17, 18].
their underlying neuropathology [9].
Although both biochemical and anatomical
Monitoring the elderly brain during
changes have been described in the ageing brain, the
general anaesthesia
exact mechanisms that cause changes in functional
Monitoring brain oxygenation/perfusion and depth of
reserve are unclear. Decreases in functional reserve
anaesthesia have been advocated for reducing postop-
are manifest as decreases in activities of daily living,
erative cognitive decline in the elderly. Studies have
increased sensitivity to anaesthetic agents, and
found an association between cerebral oxygen desatu-
increased risk for both postoperative delirium
ration detected by intra-operative near-infrared spec-
(POD) and postoperative cognitive dysfunction
troscopy (NIRS) and poorer cognitive outcomes [19],
but are limited by non-uniform definitions of desatura-tion and cognitive decline, as well as inadequate sam-
Cerebrovascular disease
ple size. Randomised controlled trials designed to
Risk factors, including hypertension, diabetes mellitus
assess the postoperative cognitive effects of minimising
and elevated plasma homocysteine and apolipoprotein
intra-operative cerebral oxygen desaturation have been
E, are associated with age-related large vessel arterio-
inconclusive [19]. The relevance of diminished age-
sclerotic and small vessel angiopathic cerebrovascular
related autoregulation of cerebral blood flow in the
disease, resulting in infarction and haemorrhage [10].
elderly as a contributory factor to cerebral oxygen de-
Subclinical vascular disease, manifest as white matter
saturation is also unclear [20].
hyperintensities on magnetic resonance images, is asso-
Commercially available means of monitoring
ciated with changes in cognition, including attention,
anaesthetic depth include electroencephalogram (EEG,
psychomotor speed and executive function [11],
processed or raw) and auditory evoked potentials. The
although the volume of these that is necessary to cause
most common EEG device in clinical use is the bispec-
cognitive changes is unknown.
tral index (BIS) monitor. The association between
2013 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
Anaesthesia 2014, 69 (Suppl. 1), 35–44
Strøm et al. Use of general anaesthesia in the elderly
depth of anaesthesia and postoperative cognition
remains uncertain, with some studies concluding that
Postoperative delirium
‘lighter' levels of general anaesthesia guided by either
Postoperative delirium is an acute organic brain syn-
the BIS monitor or auditory evoked potentials improve
drome that usually develops within the first few days
postoperative cognitive outcomes [21, 22], whereas
after an operation. Postoperative delirium exhibits a
others have reported no association or the opposite
fluctuating course and is often accompanied by abnor-
[23, 24]. Studies utilising both BIS and NIRS suggest
mal circadian rhythm. The core symptom is inatten-
that reducing both cerebral oxygen desaturation and
tion, but other cognitive changes are also common,
the duration and depth of anaesthesia may be of bene-
including memory deficit and disorientation. Changes
fit in reducing POCD [25].
in psychomotor behaviour define whether delirium isclassified hypoactive, hyperactive or mixed variation
The elderly patient and sedation
[30]. The hypoactive form is associated with relatively
The sedation of elderly patients is a commonly
higher mortality, but is underdiagnosed because
employed, but under-researched, adjunct to regional
patients are quiet and relatively motionless, or misdi-
anaesthesia, often for orthopaedic procedures. Dosage
agnosed as symptomatic manifestations of dementia
and method of administration are invariably extrapo-
and/or depression [31]. Following a lucid interval,
lated from clinical trials involving younger patients,
POD symptoms tend to appear 24–72 h after surgery,
and fail to take into account the altered pharmaco-
and are distinct from cognitive ‘emergence phenom-
kinetics and pharmacodynamics of elderly patients,
ena' that occur during the transition from anaesthesia
resulting in relative overdosage and peri-operative cog-
to wakefulness [32]. ‘Subsyndromal delirium' has been
nitive alteration [26]. Patient-controlled sedation may
suggested as a diagnosis for elderly patients who dis-
avoid over-sedation, and has been used safely during
play one or more symptoms of, but do not meet
cataract surgery with a high level of patient satisfaction
defined diagnostic criteria for, delirium [33].
[27], although use of this technique requires validation
Approximately 10% of elderly surgical patients
in other elderly populations, and may be limited to
develop POD, rising to 30–65% after certain types of
patients without pre-morbid cognitive dysfunction.
surgery, such as hip fracture, cardiac and emergency
Evidence suggests that depth of sedation monitor-
surgery [34, 35]. Patient-specific factors including
ing is important for elderly surgical patients. In a
advanced age, cognitive impairment, lower educational
randomised double-blind study of 114 patients aged
level and pre-existing medical conditions predispose to
65 years or over administered spinal anaesthesia for
POD, as do potentially reversible risk factors such as
hip fracture repair, patients who received deep seda-
pre-morbid CNS co-medication, infection, malnutri-
tion (BIS 50) had a significantly higher prevalence of
tion, electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, environmental
POD than those patients who received light sedation
disturbances and substance withdrawal (alcohol, medi-
(BIS 80) (40% vs 19%, p = 0.02) [28]. The type of
cation). Severe pain and inadequate analgesia increase
sedation monitor used appears less important than the
the risk of POD in cognitively intact patients [36].
fact that the depth of sedation should always be moni-
The pathogenesis of POD is still to be elucidated,
tored; indeed, BIS monitoring correlates poorly with
but is generally thought to be multifactorial. Normal
clinical sedation scale scores [29].
brain function relies on numerous well-functioninghormonal and neuromodulatory systems. Disturbances
POD and POCD – an update on
in CNS acetylcholine, dopamine and melatonin levels
classification, assessment and
have been associated with POD [37]. It has been pro-
posed that the high prevalence of POD after major
The most common types of deterioration in cognitive
surgery is related to the inflammatory component of the
function are POD and POCD. Both are associated with
stress response to surgery. However, although a variety
significant morbidity and mortality, reinforcing the
of inflammatory biomarkers have been investigated,
importance of their peri-operative assessment.
postoperative elevations of only a few cytokines have
2013 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
Strøm et al. Use of general anaesthesia in the elderly
Anaesthesia 2014, 69 (Suppl. 1), 35–44
been linked (weakly) to POD [38, 39]. It is of interest
bypass circuits [46], or intra-operative hypoxaemia or
that microglial cytokine responses to peripheral
hypotension [47].
immune system stimuli in vitro differ depending on
Similar to POD, several hypotheses regarding the
whether cultures are exposed to isoflurane, sevoflurane
aetiology of POCD have been suggested, including sur-
or propofol [40].
gical stress-associated systemic or localised inflamma-
Prolonged duration and increased severity of POD
tory reactions, alterations in hormonal homeostasis,
increase postoperative mortality [41]. Postoperative
and direct anaesthetic agent toxicity [48, 49]. Patterns
delirium is independently associated with prolonged
of diurnal salivary cortisol excretion, for example, are
hospital stay, short- and long-term risk of death and
significantly related to the development of POCD [48].
higher rates of institutionalisation after discharge, lead-
Intriguingly, serum levels of S-100B protein, a biomar-
ing to a cumulative increase in healthcare expenses [41].
ker of cerebral damage, are significantly elevated inabdominal and vascular surgery patients who develop
Postoperative cognitive dysfunction
POCD, when compared with those patients who do
Postoperative cognitive dysfunction is a syndrome of
not develop POCD [50] and after hip fracture in
prolonged impairment of cognitive function after sur-
patients who develop POD [51]. Experimental studies
gery, with limitations in memory, intellectual ability
in rats have shown that inhaled anaesthetics (in the
and executive function that usually last for weeks or
absence of surgical stress) have sustained effects on
months, but is distinct from delirium and dementia. It
memory formation, and are capable of inducing neuro-
is a subtle condition; some patients only have minor
degenerative changes on a cellular level [52]. Hippo-
symptoms, such as mild memory loss, whereas others
campal damage correlates with cognitive impairment
are severely affected with pronounced inability to con-
in rats [53], and reduction in hippocampal volume in
centrate, process information or execute formerly
humans measured by MRI may be valuable in predict-
uncomplicated tasks. Subjective symptoms or behavio-
ing POCD [54, 55]. Despite intensive investigation, the
ural changes observed before and after surgery may
pathogenesis of POCD remains poorly elucidated. It is
arouse suspicion, but formal neuropsychological testing
still to be established to what extent postoperative
is necessary to diagnose POCD. Mild cases can easily
decline in cognitive function is attributable specifically
be overlooked or dismissed as just normal signs of
to either surgical or anaesthetic management, as dis-
ageing, and often the patients or their relatives are the
tinct from patient-related risk factors such as extensive
only ones to notice that deterioration has occurred.
co-morbid cerebrovascular and systemic vascular dis-
To date, no formal diagnostic criteria have been
ease, or undiagnosed mild cognitive dysfunction, which
established for POCD, which makes it difficult to
may be of greater aetiological importance (Table 2)
evaluate in daily clinical practice. Nevertheless, recog-
nition is essential, as POCD has been associated with
Recent research interest has focused on whether
increased mortality, risk of prematurely leaving the
POCD and POD are prodromal forms of Alzheimer's
work market and dependence on socio-economic
disease. The cerebral accumulation of b-amyloid
support [42, 43].
and tau proteins are pathognomonic features of
The incidence of POCD varies according to the
Alzheimer's disease, and anaesthetic agents appear to
definitions used in various studies [44]. Higher inci-
enhance this process, as well as potentiating the cyto-
dences are demonstrated in populations of elderly
toxicity of b-amyloid proteins, and tau phosphoryla-
patients undergoing major surgery. For example, fol-
tion and aggregation [58, 59], although evidence
lowing coronary artery bypass grafting, the quoted
remains inconclusive. Surgery may have an indepen-
prevalence of POCD varies between 10 and 80% early
dent effect on these processes [60], and one study sug-
after the procedure and is thought to be associated
gested that elevation of b-amyloid concentrations
with emboli, atherosclerosis and intra-operative ischae-
might simply reflect synaptic activity [61]. The apoli-
mia [45]. Postoperative cognitive dysfunction does not
poprotein E genotype is strongly associated with Alz-
appear to be related to the use of cardiopulmonary
heimer's disease and vascular dementia, but has not
2013 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
Anaesthesia 2014, 69 (Suppl. 1), 35–44
Strøm et al. Use of general anaesthesia in the elderly
been shown to be associated with POCD [62–64].
Other diagnostic tools have been developed and
Although it is methodologically difficult to establish
validated to diagnose POD. The confusion assessment
any correlation between POD and POCD, a recent
method (CAM) is easy to perform and sensitive, spe-
prospective study suggested that POD and POCD
cific and reliable across populations [68], but is unable
might represent a trajectory of postoperative cognitive
to stratify delirium according to severity; delirium is
impairment [65], perhaps as a progression of unrec-
diagnosed by patient inattention of acute onset and
ognised pre-operative mild cognitive impairment [66].
fluctuating course, accompanied by either/or alteredconsciousness and disorganised thinking (Table 3).
Subsequently, a CAM-ICU non-verbal screening tool
Postoperative delirium
was developed to diagnose delirium in intubated and
Diagnostic criteria are defined in the International Sta-
critically ill patients [68].
tistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health
Other scoring systems stratify POD severity, but
Problems, 10th Revision (ICD-10) and the Diagnostic
are less sensitive in diagnosing delirium, and should
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition
only be employed once a diagnosis of POD is estab-
(DSM-IV) (Table 3), the former including more specific
lished. Repeated testing is important as POD exhibits a
criteria than the latter, and proving more useful in estab-lishing the diagnosis of POD (after cardiac surgery) [67].
Table 3 The confusion assessment method (CAM)diagnostic algorithm adapted from Inouye et al. [89].
Table 2 Diagnostic criteria for postoperative delirium(POD).
Acute onset and fluctuating courseThis feature is usually obtained from a family
member or nurse and is shown by positive
A. Disturbance of consciousness (i.e. reduced clarity of
responses to the following questions: isthere evidence of acute change in mental
awareness of the environment) with reduced ability
status from the patient's baseline? Did the
to focus, sustain or shift attention
B. A change in cognition (e.g. memory deficit,
(abnormal) behaviour fluctuate during the
disorientation, language disturbance)
day, that is, tend to come and go, orincrease and decrease in severity?
C. Development of a perceptual disturbance that is
not better accounted for by a pre-existing,
established, or evolving dementia
This feature is shown by a positive response
D. Disturbance develops over a short period of time
to the following question: did the patient
(usually hours to days) and tends to fluctuate
have difficulty focusing attention, for
during the course of the day
example, being easily distractible, or
evidence from the history, physical
having difficulty keeping track of what
examination or laboratory findings that the
disturbance is caused by the direct physiological
Disorganised thinking
consequences of a general medical condition
This feature is shown by a positive response
to the following question: was the
patient's thinking disorganised or
An aetiologically non-specific organic cerebral syndromecharacterised by concurrent disturbances of
incoherent, such as rambling or irrelevantconversation, unclear or illogical flow of
consciousness and attention, perception, thinking,
ideas, or unpredictable switching from
memory, psychomotor behaviour, emotion and the sleep– wake schedule. The duration is variable and the
subject to subject?
degree of severity ranges from mild to very severe
Altered level of consciousnessThis feature is shown by any answer other
than ‘alert' to the following question:
overall, how would you rate this patient's
confusional state (non-alcoholic)
level of consciousness? (alert [normal]),
infective psychosis
vigilant (hyperalert), lethargic [drowsy,
organic reaction
easily aroused], stupor [difficult to rouse]
psycho-organic syndrome
or coma [unrousable])
The diagnosis of delirium by CAM requires the presence
delirium tremens, alcohol-induced or unspecified
of features 1 and 2 and either 3 or 4
2013 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
Strøm et al. Use of general anaesthesia in the elderly
Anaesthesia 2014, 69 (Suppl. 1), 35–44
fluctuating time course, which is often overlooked in
systematic review suggested avoidance of opioids,
studies of POD [69]. Developing composite risk scores
may enhance the prediction of delirium.
H1-receptor antagonists in patients at risk of POD[74].
Postoperative cognitive dysfunction
The multifactorial aetiology of POD appears ame-
There are no generally agreed criteria for the assess-
nable to improvement by using multi-domain inter-
ment of POCD, and the diagnosis is not yet described
ventions, including BIS-guided depth of anaesthesia
in either ICD-10 or DSM-IV. There are considerable
monitoring combined with cerebral oxygen saturation
inconsistencies between the multiple studies that have
monitoring [25], and proactive, multidisciplinary
investigated POCD, which makes it difficult to formu-
assessment, goal-directed optimisation of oxygen deliv-
late diagnostic criteria. No single test can adequately
ery, blood volume and serum electrolytes, and non-
measure cognitive function with acceptable sensitivity.
pharmacological support, including early mobilisation
Instead, a battery of neuropsychological tests is
and sleep facilitation [75, 76]. Hypothetically, long-
required to assess individual cognitive domains, such as
term cognitive outcomes might be improved by pre-
verbal skills and memory. When testing a new diagnos-
operative diet, exercise and drug modification of
tic screening tool, baseline tests must have been
underlying, undiagnosed systemic and cerebrovascular
obtained pre-operatively and specific definitions of
disease [57].
what constitutes a decline in cognitive function must
Pharmacological intervention is rarely of benefit in
be pre-defined [70], but there is no agreed definition of
treating POD/POCD. Haloperidol can be used in cases
what constitutes a significant decline, even though most
of severe agitation, and may decrease the incidence of
studies are powered to detect a cognitive decline of one
delirium [77] and reduce the severity and duration of
standard deviation from pre-operative levels.
POD [77–79], but evidence is inconclusive. Pharmaco-
In addition, the constituent tests of the battery
logical modification of circadian disturbance using
administered vary between studies, and the intervals
diazepam, flunitrazepam and pethidine reduced POD
between testing are inconsistent [71]. Timing is crucial,
in a small randomised controlled trial (RCT) of 40
as factors such as postoperative pain, opioid use and
elderly patients after laparotomy [80], but this contra-
sleep disturbances all influence cognitive deterioration
dicts more recent evidence proscribing benzodiazepine
early after surgery. Furthermore, composite cognitive
administration [74]. Peri-operative dexmedetomidine
testing is associated with low sensitivity and specificity,
infusion may be useful in reducing the prevalence of
and floor/ceiling effects (the test is too easy or too dif-
POD if patients require intensive care postoperatively
ficult, reducing discrimination between individuals
[81]. A recent meta-analysis of 38 RCTs comparing
scoring near the highest/lowest possible values), and
prevention strategies for POD concluded that trials
may not always reflect specific patient symptoms.
showed great inconsistencies in definition, incidence,
Finally, many studies fail to use an appropriate control
severity and duration of POD, but supported the effec-
group, invalidating inter-individual and intra-individ-
tiveness of dexmedetomidine sedation (compared with
ual comparisons over time.
propofol or benzodiazepine sedation), multicomponentinterventions and antipsychotics in preventing POD,
Prevention of POD and POCD
without finding any benefit relating to type of anaes-
Treatment of POD is directed towards the correction
thesia (general/spinal) or analgesia (nerve block) or
of contributing factors after diagnosis, but prevention
use of anticholinesterase inhibitors (donepezil/rivastig-
can reduce prevalence and improve outcome, and the
mine) [82]. Other studies have found the risk of both
same probably applies for POCD. Postoperative delir-
POD and POCD to be similar after both regional and
ium may be predictable pre-operatively and therefore
general anaesthesia [83, 84], but may be confounded
preventable to a degree [72], but attempts to create
by concomitant use of sedation with regional anaesthe-
universal risk scales have failed, due to wide variation
sia. It is not yet clear whether the choice of general
in surgical, patient and anaesthetic factors [73]. A
anaesthesia agent is important, but recent studies
2013 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
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Source: http://congresoscare.co/cali/concursos/documentos-adicionales-juicio-del-siglo.html?download=108:should-general-anaesthesia-be-avoided-in-the-elderly_&start=100
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