Supply Chain Management
Standard Operating Procedures
Copyright 2011 Catholic Relief Services. All rights reserved. Any "fair use" under
U.S. copyright law should contain appropriate citation and attribution to Catholic Relief
This publication was made possible by Grant Number U51HA02521from the Health
Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Its contents are solely the responsibility
of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of HRSA, CDC, or
Table of Contents
Antiretroviral Therapy
Antiretrovirals (drugs)
Cost, Insurance and Freight
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Catholic Relief Services
Delivered at Buyer's Frontier
Finance and Budget Manager
Food and Drug Administration
First Expiry, First Out
Global Management Team
Headquarters (CRS)
Health Supply Chain Manager
In-country Clinical Technical Team
University of Maryland, School of Medicine, Institute of Human Virology
In-country Supply Chain Specialists
Logistics Management Information System
Local Partner Treatment Facility
Medicines and Therapeutic Committee
President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
Supply Chain Management System
Supply Chain Specialist
Strategic Information
Standard Operating Procedure
Request for Quotations
Key Functions
Key functions under this portfolio include the following:
Product selection Forecasting and quantification Procurement planning and management Warehousing and inventory management Distribution Consumption monitoring, evaluation and rational use Capacity building and training Policy analysis and research
This portfolio will be managed and responsibilities shared as follows:
The selection of drug mixes will be determined by country Medicines and
Therapeutics Committees (MTC), which are led by the University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute of Human Virology (IHV) (who are responsible for clinical management and quality assurance of the antiretroviral therapy (ART) program for the consortium) and facilitated by the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) supply chain team. The MTC will also provide information on projected new patients to be enrolled on a monthly basis per regimen and per drug, switches between different drug mixes and regimens and drop-outs for each local partner treatment facility (LPTF) and country.
The Medicines and Therapeutics Committees provide the general framework
necessary to manage this portfolio. They bring together the expertise and skill sets necessary to accomplish the task (a conglomerate of clinicians, pharmacists,
strategic information advisors and program managers). The MTC reviews drug
utilization patterns across all LPTFs, assesses scale-up progress and develops
required technical support plans at the country and site levels.
This portfolio is expected to be transferred to the local partners identified to take over the supply chain function of the program once it transitions. Procedures can then be revised according to their implementation plans.
The Procurement and Drugs Flow Process
Patients on ART; projected
Stock status; lead
scale-up; drop-outs; drug
time; buffer stock
switches; changes in
(Supply Chain team)
dosage strength and form
Order list prepared
and sent to supplier
confirmation for drug purchases
registration status
imported should be checked with
Purchase confirmation
Production of drugs
Notice to ship goods is issued by supplier
comprising of shipment advice, certificates of
analysis, invoice, packing list and airway bill
(AWB); the documents, plan and quantities
reviewed and sanctioned by Supply Chain team
import verification
Drugs arrive in-country and are
cleared by the supplier's
agent/designated receiving party and
delivered to country distribution agent
for CRS/AIDSRelief
facilitate import
Goods confirmed received
by the in-country distributor
and verified by Senior
Health Supply Chain
confirmation sent to
AIDSRelief program
manager who then
Distributor releases drugs to
LPTFs to facilitate a 3-
month stock at LPTFs
according to available
payment to supplier
quantities & Supply Chain
Team's distribution plan
Distributor submits monthly
stock receipt records,
transaction reports on
inventory movement, signed
By the 5th of each month, LPTFs send
delivery notes and invoice for
the Supply Chain team consumption
warehousing & distribution
information which is then compiled and
services to Senior HSC
analyzed for distribution planning and
Specialist who coordinates
future decision making and a copy sent
with in-country program and
to GMT for monitoring purposes
finance departments for
payment processing.
AIDSRelief Headquarters
Standard Operating Procedure for
Number of Pages: 2
Serial number HQ01/1.2
Prepared by: Vanessa Roy, AIDSRelief SCS
Approved by: Michele Broemmelsiek
Reviewed by : Grace Waiharo
Title: Chief of Party
Title: AIDSRelief Supply Chain Advisor
Date: 17 March 2009
Revised: Wambui Waithaka
Title: AIDSRelief Health Supply Chain Manager
Sign: W Waithaka
Date: 27 May 2011
Objective: to describe the procedure for creating standard operating procedures (SOPs)
by the Supply Chain Team at CRS AIDSRelief headquarters
In country Clinical Technical Teams under leadership of IHV (ICTT) CRS AIDSRelief Finance and Budget Manager or appointee In-country Health Supply Chain Specialist (ISCS) AIDSRelief Health Supply Chain Manager (HSCM)
This procedure shall apply only to antiretroviral medications (ARVs) used under
the AIDSRelief Program for the duration of the program i.e. until complete transition to local partner in each country is successfully completed (currently scheduled for February 29, 2012 and possibly extended on a case-by-case basis to February 28, 2013.)
1. Lay out the document in an orderly fashion with the contents in clearly defined
sections to facilitate revision of any section without having to rewriting the entire document.
2. Start with the title of the SOP, which should be unambiguous.
3. Provide a serial number for each SOP
The system of numbering should adhere to the following format: HQSOP##/Issue#.Revision#
• "HQ" denotes an SOP related to activities completed at the
headquarters level
• SOP## refers to a unique, two-digit SOP number (i.e. SOP
number 01, 02, etc)
• Issue# refers to the issue number for each SOP (i.e. issue number
• Revision# refers to the revision number per SOP issue (i.e. 0 for
the first issue, 1 for the first revision, etc).
For example, this SOP is the first SOP at the headquarters level, issued for the first time with no revisions, thus it has been numbered HQ01/1.0.
4. Indicate the number of pages, the preparer's name and title, signature and date
of finalization as well as the approver's name, title, signature and date of authorization. The date of issue of the SOP is the date it is approved for use.
5. State an objective for each SOP. This objective should provide a description of
the overall goal of the SOP.
6. Provide a list of all persons who are responsible for understanding and complying
with the actions listed in the SOP. Note that while the supplier and/or warehouse/distribution agents and/or in-country distributor/supplier's agent may be listed as a responsible party, they are listed for informational purposes only as these SOPs are for internal use only.
7. Any forms, tools, etc. that are necessary to complete the actions listed in the
SOP should be referenced in a separate resources section.
8. The scope of each SOP should be outlined. The scope should refer to a specific
program and timeline for which the SOP will be in effect.
9. Where SOPs bear procedural instructions, they should be written as numbered
steps. Make them clear, precise, unambiguous and use language that the user can understand.
10. Where the SOP refers to other documents, provide a copy of the document as an
attachment to the SOP. Attachments should be numbered in ascending order (i.e. Attachment 1, 2, etc). Reference attachments within the text of the SOP where appropriate.
AIDSRelief Headquarters
Standard Operating Procedure For:
Number of Pages: 2
Serial number: HQ02/1.2
Prepared by: Vanessa Roy, AIDSRelief SCS
Approved by: Michele Broemmelsiek
Reviewed by: Grace Waiharo
Title: Chief of Party
Title: AIDSRelief Supply Chain Advisor
Date: 17th March 2009
Revised by: Wambui Waithaka
Title: AIDSRelief Health Supply Chain Manager
Sign: W. Waithaka
Date: 27 May 2011
Objective: To describe the procedures for reporting, forecasting and quantifying
antiretroviral (ARV) drug requirements for each local partner treatment facility (LPTF),
country program and overall global AIDSRelief program.
Medicines and Therapeutic committees (MTC), which includes In-country
Clinical Technical Teams (ICTT) under leadership of the University of Maryland School of Medicine Institute of Human Virology (IHV) and In-country Health Supply Chain Specialist (ISCS)
AIDSRelief Health Supply Chain Manager (HSCM) who will be on hand to
advise and assist when necessary
Country Forecasting Spreadsheet
Inventory tracking form at the LPTF and country distributor
This procedure shall apply only to antiretroviral medications (ARVs) used under
the AIDSRelief Program for the duration of the program i.e. until complete transition to local partner in each country is successfully completed (currently scheduled for February 29, 2012 and possibly extended on a case-by-case basis to February 28, 2013.)
1. LPTFs submit their monthly consumption data and stock balances to the
designated ISCS by the 5th of the following month. (See Attachment 1 for the standard monthly report template.)
2. The ISCS collates the LPTF-specific consumption and stock balance data in
addition to receipt and distribution activity at the in-country distributor into one report (See Attachment 2 for the standard monthly report template.)
a. If the country program is fully supported by Supply Chain Management
System (SCMS) stock, the monthly report compiled for SCMS can take the place of the standard AIDSRelief report.
b. The report should include drugs from all sources (i.e. AIDSRelief
procured, donations, government-provided, etc.)
c. The ISCS should notify the HSCM of any high or low levels of stock that
could lead to expiries or stock-outs, respectively.
3. ICSC to review each monthly report for the following:
a. Sufficient stock in the pipeline at the LPTF level (three-month supply
inclusive of two-month buffer stock)
b. Accuracy in reporting last receipts to enhance accountability. This should
match the distribution plan
c. Discrepancies between the previous month's closing balance and the
opening balance of the current month
d. Sufficient stock in the pipeline at the distributor level (three-month supply) e. Slow moving stocks and advice on how to manage to avoid expiries f. Extremely high levels of stock that could lead to potential expiries
4. ICTT collects/generates information on products selected, proportion of
distribution in use for each drug, number of patients on each drug, planned scale-up rate and projected rate of switch between different drugs due to toxicities, treatment failure and drug intolerance.
5. ICTT and ISCS jointly integrate the stock movement information with patient and
treatment information to forecast and quantify drug requirements for a defined period of time not less than 12 months on a rolling basis. This activity is done during the MTC meeting to make it all inclusive so the program and strategic information (SI) teams are also represented.
6. For those countries that access their ARVs through the common pipeline, this
forecast can then be further disaggregated into quarterly orders that will be pulled from the common pipeline.
7. In countries where AIDSRelief handles procurement, the information will be
provided to HSCM for assistance to the country program procurement planning.
8. The forecasting spreadsheet recommended for the program can be seen in
9. Quantification information will be shared as follows:
a. MTC for use in patient care decision making b. Supply Chain Management Team at Global Management Team (GMT)
level for any assistance with country procurement and future planning
c. The AIDSRelief management team in each country for planning purposes d. National AIDS control programs for coordination and harmonization e. Procurement agents/suppliers and manufacturers
Attachment 1:
LPTF Sample Monthly Reporting Template
July 2007 Report
TDF 300 200mg
Stock at beginning of the month
Stock received during the month
Stock dispensed during the month (consumption for the month)
Stock at the end of the month
Drug Needs for Aug 07
Drug Needs for Sept 07
Drug Needs for Oct 07
Quantity to order
Patients on drug July 07
Projected New Patients on
drugs for Aug 07
Projected New Patients on
drugs for Sept 07
Projected New Patients on
drugs for Oct 07
Cost of drugs consumed
during the month
0 30692.23
Attachment 2:
ISCS Sample Monthly Reporting Template
Attachment 3:
Sample Forecasting Spreadsheet (to estimate total drugs required for a specific timeframe)
Patients at
beginning of during the
the month
Total Patient maintenance
Patients at
beginning of during the
the month
Overall Total for the
Sample Forecasting Spreadsheet continued… (adjustments done to come up with final drug estimates and costs)
Lop/r 200/50
3TC 150mg
D4T-30mg D4T-40 mg AZT 300mg
NVP 200mg
EFV 600mg
150/300 mg
Maintenance needs (6278)
Overall Total Needs Year
Rolled over drugs March 2007
To buy for Year IV
Ordered in October -
delivered and in pipeline
Received Donations -
To be ordered in May
Cost of Yr IV Purchases
Cost of Oct 2006 purchase
Cost for May 2007 Purchases
$ ( 8,354.72) $ -
AIDSRelief Headquarters
Standard Operating Procedure For:
Number of Pages: 5
Serial number: HQ03/01.2
Prepared by: Vanessa Roy, AIDSRelief SCS
Approved by: Michele Broemmelsiek
Reviewed by: Grace Waiharo
Title: Chief of Party
Title: AIDSRelief Supply Chain Advisor
Date:17th March 2009
Revised by: Wambui Waithaka
Title: AIDSRelief Health Supply Chain Manager
Sign: W. Waithaka
Date: 27 May 2011
Objective: To describe the procedure for placement of drug orders from manufacturers
to each country.
CRS finance department AIDSRelief Program Manager
CRS procurement office
In-country Distributor/Supplier's Agent
In-country Health Supply Chain Specialist (ISCS)
Purchase Order (PO)
Logistics Management Information System (LMIS)
Scope This procedure shall apply only to antiretroviral medications (ARVs) used under the
AIDSRelief Program for the duration of the program i.e. until complete transition to local partner in each country is successfully completed (currently scheduled for February 29, 2012 and possibly extended on a case-by-case basis to February 28, 2013.)
Procedure: (some procedures may differ slightly depending on the individual country
1. ARV drug forecasts are based on estimates of the number of patients to be
enrolled on treatment, the number of patients to be maintained on treatment and possible treatment changes and drug switches in the given budget period or year.
2. For countries which receive ARVs from a common national pool, drug forecasts
are determined from shortfalls in the levels of the country stock of specific drugs.
3. Upon discussion with country Medicines and Therapeutic Committee (MTC) and
following review of country program ARV requirements, the ISCS determines the
appropriate quantities to be ordered per each procurement, taking into consideration manufacturer lead times and country storage capacity. Consideration shall also be given to the possible carryover of drugs from one cycle to the next.
4. This drug quantification report is sent to the AIDSRelief program manager and
Chief of Party for review and approval. For countries using drugs from the national pool, further review and approval is required from in-country Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or the designated President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) logistical arm.
5. Under directive by the Senior ISCS, the CRS procurement officer submits a
request for quotation (RFQ) to the approved supplier/s listing the following information:
a. Drug name b. Quantity of drug required c. Delivery location d. Desired delivery timeline e. Unit price, extended price and currency f. Handling fee g. Total value of consignment h. Quotation due date i. Price validity
6. Supplier(s) provide(s) a quotation for the desired products to CRS (see
7. Often, the supplier(s) will provide a quotation that includes offers from multiple
manufacturers. A bid comparison form (see Attachment 2) will then be prepared by the procurement officer to summarize all the offers. This form will be reviewed by the ISCS and the AIDSRelief program manager (who will verify that the purchase does not exceed the remaining yearly budget) and final authorization will be given by the Country Representative or his/her designate (e.g. the Chief of Party).
8. The most appropriate combination of manufacturers will also be chosen based
on the following criteria:
a. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval/tentative approval status b. Unit price c. Stock availability d. Lead time e. In-country registration status both for product and packaging f. Clearance of manufacturers/suppliers using the Bridger Insight Check(if
9. The ISCS then asks the CRS procurement officer to generate a purchase order
(PO) and provides information to be entered in the PO. A separate PO is required for different orders/suppliers (see Attachment 3.)
1 Database used to check and clear vendors/suppliers of terrorist involvement. It is a requirement from the US Government (if using their funds) based on the Patriot Act.
10. Upon final review and approval, the signed PO is sent to the
supplier/manufacturer, signifying a firm order of the ARVs in question, thus authorizing the supplier to place the appropriate order(s) with the respective manufacturers.
11. The supplier will place the confirmed order to the manufacturer and will notify the
Senior ISCS (through the procurement officer).
12. Due to increased ARV demand as ART programs expand and the fact that
manufacturers' production capacity has not been able to match this rapid expansion, there has been a progressive increase in manufacturer lead times. Orders are placed approximately six months in advance of their anticipated use and are delivered to each country at least three to four months in advance of their use when possible. Buffer stock of at least six months in each country must also be kept.
13. The supplier informs CRS of the expected lead time and date of shipment of
drugs from the manufacturer within 48 hours after confirmation of order with manufacturers. (While the estimated delivery timeline will ordinarily be included on the PO, this additional step is essential for confirmation purposes.)
14. The supplier prepares a shipment plan for the order and sends this information to
manufacturers, the in-country distribution agents, and the ISCS.
15. Upon notification of impending shipments, the ISCS requests that all regulatory
requirements for shipment into the country are ascertained and confirmed in conjunction with the receiving agent of the supplier or in-country distribution agent as applicable.
16. The in-country distributor or supplier's agent acquires an import permit or import
verification for the consignment. A copy is sent to the ISCS. This permit acts as confirmation that a specified consignment of products will be permitted to be imported into the country.
17. The supplier informs the ISCS bi-weekly on the progress of the order using a
procurement tracking report/form.
Attachment 1: Sample Quotation
Attachment 2: Bid Comparison Form
Attachment 3: Sample Pur
chase order, pg. 1
Attachment 3: Sample Pur
chase order, pg. 2
AIDSRelief Headquarters
Standard Operating Procedure For:
Number of Pages: 3
Serial number: HQ05/01.2
Prepared by: Vanessa Roy, AIDSRelief SCS
Approved by: Michele Broemmelsiek
Reviewed by : Grace Waiharo
Title: Chief of Party
Title: AIDSRelief Supply Chain Advisor
Date: 17th March 2009
Revised by: Wambui Waithaka
Title: AIDSRelief Health Supply Chain Manager
Sign: W. Waithaka
Date: 27 May 2011
Objective: To describe the process for receiving antiretrovirals (ARVs) and other drugs
at the in-country distribution agency of each AIDSRelief country.
In-country Health Supply Chain Specialist (ISCS)
Health Supply Chain Manager (HCSM), who will advise and offer assistance
wherever necessary
In-country distribution agent
Supplier's representative
Airway Bill
Packing List
Commercial Invoice
Goods Received Report/Stores Receipt Voucher
Goods Received Discrepancy Report
Scope This procedure shall apply only to antiretroviral medications (ARVs) used under the
AIDSRelief Program for the duration of the program i.e. until complete transition to local partner in each country is successfully completed (currently scheduled for February 29, 2012 and possibly extended on a case-by-case basis to February 28, 2013.)
1. Four weeks before shipping, the supplier submits copies of the airway bill(s) and
packing list(s) plus any other documents needed by the applicable regulatory agency (such as product certificate of analysis) to the in-country distributor/supplier agent. The supplier will also forward copies to the ISCS. If the shipping documents are not ready four weeks before shipment, the supplier will inform the parties mentioned above of their intent to ship. The applicable documentation will be forwarded as soon as available along with specific shipping dates for final confirmation. Shipping documents and confirmation must
be received in each country at least two weeks' in advance to ensure all local regulatory and customs processes are completed in time.
2. The supplier will send the appropriate documentation to their in-country
representative as terms of supply are Delivered at Buyer's Frontier (DAF).
3. The ISCS informs the country warehousing and distribution agent that there is an
impending shipment so that the agent can prepare for warehousing the consignment as appropriate.
4. When goods reach the country, the supplier's agent/designated receiving agent
will fulfill all customs and regulatory requirements and clear the goods. After clearance, the supplier's agent delivers goods to the AIDSRelief-designated in-country warehousing and distribution agent.
5. When goods arrive at the warehousing and distribution agent, a representative of
the agent (who has been identified in the agreement between AIDSRelief and the agent) receive the goods and ensure that they:
a. correspond with the shipping list b. are in good condition c. are in the right quantities d. appear physically to be of the right quality e. meet shelf-life requirements as specified in the supplier contract
6. Any discrepancies are noted and certified by two parties (supplier's agent and
the warehousing and distribution agent's representative). A report is then submitted to AIDSRelief country office. The ISCS will follow up and sort out the issue(s) with the supplier.
7. If the discrepancy relates to product quality, the supplier's agent will retain the
goods until the quality of the drugs has been successfully certified by the country's Drug Regulatory Agency. Drugs under quality assurance investigation remain the responsibility of the supplier and are not to be provided for local partner treatment facility (LPTF) use.
8. When results of the analysis are finalized, they are shared with the ISCS and the
warehousing and distribution agent; with a copy to HSCM for records.
9. If any product fails quality assurance testing, that product must be subsequently
rejected and re-exported to the supplier or destroyed in-country if permitted by the regulator. The supplier will incur all costs of a quality assurance test and the supplier's agent is responsible for re-exportation or destruction handling if applicable.
10. If the products meet quality requirements, they are to be received following the
procedure laid down in this standard operating procedure (SOP).
11. On complete verification of the received goods, the distributor records the
quantity of each product received, batch number and expiry date on a goods received note or stores receipt voucher which is subsequently signed.
12. Once drugs are certified as received, property of the goods passes to
AIDSRelief. However, safe custody risk passes to the warehousing and distribution agent under terms specified in any agreement between AIDSRelief and the agent.
13. The warehousing and distribution agent sends a copy of the signed goods
received report/stores receipt voucher to the ISCS (who will send a copy to the HSCM for inventory tracking purposes). As this document is required for supplier payment, it should be forwarded to the ISCS as soon as possible after receipt of goods.
14. On receipt of this report and a supplier invoice, the ISCS in conjunction with the
program and finance departments will process payment to the supplier for the delivered products, less any amount due to discrepancies in the delivery, if applicable.
15. If the order is completed by the delivery, the purchase order (PO) is closed on
final payment. If any portion of the order remains outstanding, the PO will remain open until full delivery is made and payments made.
AIDSRelief Headquarters
Standard Operating Procedure For:
Number of Pages: 11
Serial number: HQ04/01.2-
Prepared by: Vanessa Roy, AIDSRelief SCS
Approved by: Michele Broemmelsiek
Reviewed by: Grace Waiharo
Title: Chief of Party
Title: AIDSRelief Supply Chain Advisor
Date:17th March 2009
Revised by: Wambui Waithaka
Title: AIDSRelief Health Supply Chain Manager
Sign: W. Waithaka
Date: 27 May 2011
Objective: To describe the procedure for processing invoices at CRS country programs
In-country Health Supply Chain Specialist (ISCS)
AIDSRelief program manager/coordinator
CRS finance department
CRS procurement office
Global suppliers
In-country warehousing and distribution agents
Delivery Note Summary Sheet
Order Lead Time Spreadsheet
Purchase Order (PO)
Signed Delivery Note(s)
Supplier/ Distributor Invoice
Scope This procedure shall apply only to antiretroviral medications (ARVs) used under the
AIDSRelief Program for the duration of the program i.e. until complete transition to local partner in each country is successfully completed (currently scheduled for February 29, 2012 and possibly extended on a case-by-case basis to February 28, 2013.)
Procedure (some procedures may differ slightly depending on the individual country
1. Global suppliers submit invoices to the CRS procurement office for ARVs,
procurement services rendered and for other services offered to AIDSRelief country programs as per contract (e.g. processing Clinton Foundation donations.) These invoices are then forwarded to the ISCS.
2. On a monthly basis, the warehousing and distribution agents will also submit
invoices together with signed delivery notes and packing lists to ISCS.
3. ISCS will review all supplier invoices and country warehousing and distribution
agents' invoices. In the event of a discrepancy, the invoice issuer will be contacted immediately and asked to provide relevant supporting information and/or documents as applicable.
4. For all invoices from suppliers (e.g. Phillips Pharmaceuticals Ltd., and the IDA
Foundation) the ISCS will verify that:
a. The items listed for payment on the invoice conform with the approved
i. if prices vary from the signed PO, AIDSRelief concurrence
documentation must also be attached
ii. a copy of the corresponding PO must be included with the invoice
b. The item in question has not already been paid for. Refer to the sample
Order Lead Time Spreadsheet (see Attachment 1.)
c. The procurement fee equals the rate stated on the current contract unless
documentation has been provided for a non-conforming rate
i. unless otherwise detailed in the supplier contract, the procurement
fee will be a certain percentage of the value of the goods purchased
ii. CRS will not pay a procurement fee on the value of shipping or
d. Each invoice is accompanied by a goods received note or stores receipt
voucher signed and/or stamped by the authorized receiving agent or in-country warehouse
i. if a goods received note or stores receipt voucher can not be
located before the supplier payment deadline (as detailed in the contract), the ISCS should make a copy of the payment terms denoted in the contract and provide a copy of the airway bill as evidence that the items were shipped.
5. The ICSC will then approve the suppliers' invoice for payment, detailing the
corresponding invoice for payment of goods and/or freight charges in the appropriate section of the Order Lead Time Spreadsheet.
6. Warehousing/distribution agents will submit monthly invoices and transaction
records detailing quantities of drugs delivered to each LPTF in the month to the ISCS for review. The ISCS will verify that:
a. The invoice accurately depicts the amount of stock distributed, if
applicable, by the agent
i. the agent must include either the original or a copy of a delivery
note, signed by an authorized LPTF pharmacy employee, that verifies delivery of the drug product in question
ii. if the delivery note has been misplaced, a different form of
correspondence from the LPTF can be accepted (e.g. endorsed packing list)
b. The invoice accurately depicts the value of stock received, if applicable,
i. The agent will include a packing slip and invoice from the supplier
which denotes the value of the goods distributed
ii. This packing slip or invoice would have been received along with
the shipment of drug product
c. The distribution fee charged on the total value of stock distributed
matches the fee listed in the current distributor contract. If the fee does not match, supporting documentation must be provided.
7. Upon verification that the warehousing and distribution agent invoices are in
order, the ISCS will send a written recommendation for payment to the in-country finance department (see Attachment 2, request for payment.) This recommendation will certify that the agent has provided services in line with the existing contract and that the invoice amount is correct, indicating the invoice number, date and services rendered. The ISCS will sign and date the request for payment and forward it to the finance department together with the invoice and all supporting documents mentioned above.
8. Upon receipt of the warehousing/distribution agent invoice, the in-country finance
department must verify that:
a. Each invoice is accompanied by the appropriate delivery notes, which are
signed by pharmacy staff at the receiving LPTF
b. The drug quantities and value claimed on the invoice for both receipt and
distribution are supported by a supplier invoice (or similar documentation) and delivery note
c. The warehousing and distribution fees charged is based on the Cost,
Insurance and Freight (CIF) price and does not include the procurement fees charged by the supplier. (NB: the distribution agent should not be paid a commission on the supplier's commission.)
The finance department will then process payments as per country program procedures
9. Upon verification that the supplier invoice(s) are correct, the following should be
completed and attached to the supplier invoices before forwarding for payment:
a. Request for payment (see Attachment 2) b. Budget Summary Sheet (see attachment 3). This form can be found with
the AIDSRelief program manager/coordinator.
10. Upon completion of the appropriate forms, all invoices for payment must be
reviewed by the AIDSRelief program coordinator, the Chief of Party and the CRS finance manager or his/her designate. The AIDSRelief program assistant must ensure that the appropriate approvals are obtained as detailed in the "Authorization Policy".
11. Upon receipt of appropriate approvals, the AIDSRelief program assistant will
make two copies of all of the invoices and supporting documentation. One copy will be provided to the AIDSRelief program manager/coordinator and the other copy will be kept in the supply chain file. The AIDSRelief program assistant will then forward the invoices and supporting documentation to the CRS accountant for payment.
Attachment 1: Order Lead Time Spreadsheet

Attachment 2: Payment Request
Pay to the Order of (Payee) ……………………………….. Date: …………….
Payee Address:
City, Country and Postal Code ………………………………
Name of Requesting Employee: …………………. Signature of Requesting Employee:
Purpose of Disbursement (Attach all applicable supporting documentation and references to invoice number
& date):
Delivery Date: ………. Amount Requested ………. Currency: …………
Indicate Form of Payment: (x) Check ( ) Wire Transfer*
* If wire payment is requested, the following information is required, where applicable:
Bank Name: Bank Account Number:
Name on Account: _ Bank ABA Number or SWIFT
Code: _
Coding Information:
Int'l Pers.
Primary Authorization (signature): _ Secondary Authorization
Primary Authorization (print): _ Secondary Authorization
(print) _
Policy Statement: The employee who submits the Check Request is responsible for furnishing all coding
information. No advance may be issued to any party that has not accounted for all previous advances.
Attachment 3: Budget Summary Sheet
AIDSRelief Project
Year 4 Country Summary by Intervention
All figures in USD
Subtotal Salaries & Wages
Subtotal Fringe Benefits & Allowances
Subtotal Consultants
Other Lab & Clinical Supplies
Ist Line Regimen
2nd Line Regimen
Pediatric Formulations of Anti-Retroviral Drugs
Opportunistic Infections Prophylaxes
Other Drug and Pharmacy Supplies
Subtotal Supplies
Subtotal Travel & Per Diem
Subtotal Other Direct Costs
1 Name of Organization
2 Name of Organization
Subtotal Sub Contracts
AIDSRelief Headquarters
Standard Operating Procedure For:
Number of Pages: 3
Serial number: HQ06/01.2
Prepared by: Vanessa Roy, AIDSRelief SCS
Approved by: Michele Broemmelsiek
Reviewed by: Grace Waiharo
Title: Chief of Party
Title: AIDSRelief Supply Chain Advisor
Date: 17th March 2009
Revised by: Wambui Waithaka
Title: AIDSRelief Health Supply Chain Manager
Sign: W. Waithaka
Date: 27 May 2011
Objective: To describe the process for warehousing and distribution of antiretrovirals
(ARVs) under AIDSRelief to respective local partner treatment facilities (LPTFs) in each
In-country Health Supply Chain Specialists (ISCS)
In-country warehousing & distribution agents
Health Supply Chain Manager (HSCM)
Warehousing and distribution agent country stock status report
Monthly Distribution Report
LPTF Requisition Form
This procedure shall apply only to antiretroviral medications (ARVs) used under the
AIDSRelief Program for the duration of the program i.e. until complete transition to local partner in each country is successfully completed (currently scheduled for February 29, 2012 and possibly extended on a case-by-case basis to February 28, 2013.)
1. Upon receipt of drugs, the warehousing and distribution agent records the
products on stores ledger and stock control cards.
2. All products are stored according to product storage specifications by the
manufacturer (such as cold chain 2-8˚C drug products).
3. All issues of drugs from warehousing and distribution agent to LPTFs are done
according to the first expiry, first out (FEFO) principle.
4. LPTFs submit monthly reports indicating consumption data, stock on hand at the
end of the month, number of patients per regimen and requested quantities for supply in the new month.
5. The ISCS reviews LPTF reports and rationalizes orders based on provided
information, historical data and scale up plans. The ISCS then prepares a monthly distribution plan of all LPTFs for the warehousing and distribution agent to ensure only approved facilities have access to the drugs.
6. The ISCS submits a distribution plan to the warehousing and distribution agent
for all LPTFs with allocated quantities to cover a month's dispensing needs plus two months buffer stocks per AIDSRelief stocking policy.
7. The warehousing and distribution agent prepares the order, records it in the
stores ledger and on the stock control card(s) and issues it with a copy of the packing list, delivery note and invoice attached.
8. On receipt of drugs at the LPTF, the requisitioning/receiving officer verifies that
a. correspond with the included packing list and delivery note b. are in good condition c. are in the right quantities d. upon inspection physical appearance meets expected quality standards e. meet appropriate shelf-life requirements
9. The requisitioning/receiving officer must sign the delivery note in duplicate,
making a note of any discrepancies in the order. The original copy remains at the LPTF while a copy goes back with warehousing and distribution agent's representative.
10. The warehousing and distribution agent then attaches signed delivery notes from
LPTFs to their invoice for distribution services rendered and submits it to the ISCS who will process the payments in country.
NB: Inter-program drug borrowing and lending procedures between AIDSRelief and other implementing partners will follow country-specific procedures which will be clearly documented and adhered to strictly.
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Haloperidol prophylaxis decreases delirium incidence in elderlypatients after noncardiac surgery: A randomized controlled trial* Wei Wang, MD; Hong-Liang Li, MD; Dong-Xin Wang, MD, PhD; Xi Zhu, MD; Shuang-Ling Li, MD;Gai-Qi Yao, MD; Kai-Sheng Chen, MD; Xiu-E Gu, RN, BSN; Sai-Nan Zhu, MS Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of short-term