HM Medical Clinic


"E" - HM Medical Clinic:

The Oncologist CME Program is located online at Symptom Management and Supportive Care The Assessment and Management of Delirium in Cancer Patients HIRLEY H. BUSH,a,b,c,d EDUARDO BRUERA aDepartment of Palliative Care & Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer


A Conceptual A Conceptual Model of Pain: Part three of this series discusses the choice of treatment approaches depending on the diagnosed source(s) of pain. by James Woessner, MD, PhD In part one of this series,1the author de- becomes active (i.e. nociceptive pain may involvement from a herniated disc or scribed a conceptual model of pain based

Evergreen: Annual Report Table of Contents pg3 Message from the CEO pg4-5 2012 Highlights pg6 Children pg 10 Greenspace pg 16 Food pg 20 CityWorks pg 24 Evergreen BC pg 26 Evergreen Brick Works pg 28 Evergreen Volunteers pg 30 Financial Summary

European academic research, vol

EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH Vol. II, Issue 12/ March 2015 Impact Factor: 3.1 (UIF) ISSN 2286-4822 DRJI Value: 5.9 (B+) In vitro anti-diabetic activity and phenolic compound profile of ethanol extracts of Anisophyllea laurina R. Br. ex Sabine leaves and

Maat derecho consuetudinario.doc

Una aproximación jurídico-teórica al concepto de Maat: De Maat al Derecho Consuetudinario. Dña. M. Teresa Soria Trastoy DEFINICIÓN DE MAAT Comenzaremos con una definición de Maat: Sobre Maat existen varios tratados en nuestros días, aunque la mayor parte de ellos se centran más en ofrecer un elenco de sus consecuencias que una definición válida y unívoca que permita reconocerla en todos los ámbitos en que se manifiesta, en donde debe estar presente Maat. Nosotros nos hacemos eco de las dos definiciones más adecuadas que hemos hallado, ya que son aplicables, como decimos, a todos esos ámbitos en que debe estar presente:

Walter benjamin y los pasajes de parís: el abordaje metodológico

Economía, Sociedad y Territorio, vol. II, núm. 6, 1999, 277-293 París: el abordaje Universidad Autónoma Los últimos años del siglo XX han visto nacer profundas inquietu- des respecto al sentido de la producción y transmisión de los conocimientos. Por una parte, el carácter masificado de la educa- ción propiciaría su abandono, mientras que se ha hecho hincapié

aller Nº 1: Encuentros Nacionales de MujeresLos Encuentros Nacionales de Mujeres en la Argentina. Impacto social y políticode los Encuentros, del XXXI en particular. Forma de convocatoria,funcionamiento y organización. Autogestión y organización. Rol y objetivos dela Comisión Organizadora. Relación de los movimientos nacionales de mujerescon los Encuentros. Niveles de interrelación y coordinación de los movimientosde mujeres con otros movimientos sociales. Encuentros regionales y locales;iniciativas. Balances y desafíos. Historia y logros.

Mitteilungsbl.tter nr.47

Mitteilungsblätter Nr.47 04.01.2006 15:21 Uhr Seite 1 Vereinigung ehemaliger Schüler des Rethel- und Goethe-Gymnasiums e. V. 52. Jahrgang Städt. Reform-Realgymnasiuman der Rethelstraßeeingeweiht 30. April 1903zerstört 3. November 1943 Städt. Goethe-Gymnasiuman der Lindemannstraßeeingeweiht 1911 Das Rethel-Gymnasiuman der Graf-Recke-Straßeeingeweiht 12. März 1960Zusammenlegung mit dem Goethe-Gymnasium 20. Juli 1983


F-MARC Nutrición para el fútbol Una guía práctica para comer y bebera fin de mejorar el rendimiento y la salud 100 YEARS FIFA 1904 - 2004Fédération Internationale de Football Association Basada en la Conferencia Internacional de Consenso FIFA-Strasse 20 Apdo. postal 8044 Zúrich Suiza llevada a cabo en la sede de la FIFA en Zúrich

Care about sound™ The sound environment in healthcare facilities Care about sound™ How design affeCts wellbeing The architectural and functional design of hospitals can improve people's wellbeing. Hospital design must ensure patient services can be provided by staff. In the long-term, it can also promote patient safety and care quality, reduce care costs, lower operating and construction costs as well as provide other significant business advantages.

Canadian Society of Internal Medicine (CSIM)/Rocky Mountain Conference Report - 24-27 November, 2011, Banff, Alberta Dr. Robert Herman (Chair) Dr. Michael Kenyon Dr. Norm Campbell Dr. Narmin Kassam Dr. Jill Newstead-Angel Rocky Mountain Conference Report Review Committee Dr. Robert Herman Dr. P. Timothy Pollak Dr. Kelly B. Zarnke


Active Transport in Kidneys The kinetic theory of matter, sometimes cal ed the particle Active transport in the kidneys How do kidneys function? theory, is one of the most important foundations of modern The kidneys are multifunctional organs. One of their primary roles is in The kidneys operate by fi ltration and selective reabsorption. Blood is

return to itm online CHECKING FOR POSSIBLE HERB-DRUG by Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D., Director, Institute for Traditional Medicine, Portland, Oregon The issue of herb-drug interactions looms large over the practice of herbal medicine. Up to now there have been very few incidents recorded of herb-drug interactions, but since the first such reports emerged a decade ago,a concern has been raised: that we know so little about herbs and their potential for interaction with drugs thatthese incidents could be just the "tip of the iceberg." Virtually all medical writers who review the literatureacknowledge the small number of reports, but conclude that the issue of herb-drug interactions is a serious onethat must be pursued. In a few instances, the interactions may have been responsible for severe consequences.

Iaru summer internships 2009

Summer Engineering Research Internship for US Students (SERIUS) Host Department: Bioengineering BIE Project 1 Project title Understanding the success of Amiodarone, the leading anti- arrhythmic drug. Project description Over the last few decades, several cardiac drugs have been withdrawn from the market after reports of adverse, often fatal, side

Concentrations de médicaments, d'hormones et de quelques autres contaminants d'intérêt émergent dans le saint-laurent et dans trois de ses tributaires

Concentrations de médicaments, d'hormones et de quelques autres contaminants d'intérêt émergent dans le Saint-Laurent et dans trois de ses tributaires Problématique Une part importante des produits pharmaceutiques et de soins Au Québec comme ailleurs, des échantillonnages réalisés dans personnels (PPSP) que nous utilisons couramment, comme les dernières décennies ont permis de déceler la présence de les crèmes hydratantes pour la peau, les shampoings et les nouveaux contaminants dans les cours d'eau et d'y constater dentifrices, se transfère dans l'eau au moment de la douche de nouveaux effets sur les organismes aquatiques. Par exemple, ou d'autres pratiques d'hygiène. D'autres produits, comme les dans le fleuve Saint-Laurent en aval de Montréal, on a constaté médicaments pris par voie orale, sont en grande partie éliminés que des poissons et des moules d'eau douce se féminisaient dans les excrétions humaines et se retrouvent eux aussi dans (Aravindakshan et al., 2003; Blaise et al., 2003). Ce phénomène les eaux usées domestiques. Les industries où sont fabriquées est attribuable à la présence dans l'eau d'hormones naturelles ces substances et la disposition inappropriée des produits ou de synthèse, ou de produits chimiques pouvant agir comme non utilisés (ex. : médicaments jetés dans les toilettes) sont des hormones, c'est-à-dire des « perturbateurs endocriniens ». d'autres sources de PPSP dans les eaux usées industrielles et municipales.


for the Federal Government n Increase federal funding through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to promote greater research into the prevention of breast cancer. n Increase funding for research into the causes of disparities in breast cancer incidence and outcomes among the different ethnic groups. Increased research must address the economic,social and cultural factors that interfere with access to modern, curative therapies, deliveredin a timely fashion so as to maximize their benefit. Particular attention should be paid tothe higher risk and mortality in younger African-American women.

Computational and Mathematical Methods in MedicineVol. 9, No. 2, June 2008, 143–163 Modelling immune response and drug therapy in human malaria C. Chiyakaa*, W. Gariraa and S. Dubeb aDepartment of Applied Mathematics, National University of Science and Technology, P.O. Box AC 939, Ascot, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe; bDepartment of Applied Biology/Biochemistry, National University of Science and Technology, P.O. Box AC 939, Ascot, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Intracameral moxifloxacin for endophthalmitis prophylaxis? Steve A Arshinoff Roibeard O'hEineachain solution from a bottle of topical Vigamox, and then 8.0ml of BSS into a 10cc syringe. surgery is key in preventing the INTRACAMERAL injection of the fourth- He then rotates the syringe in his hand until complication, he generation fluoroquinolone moxifloxacin

E t h i k - k o m m i s s i o n

Ethikkommission des Landes Kärnten Jahresbericht 2001 4. Arbeit der Ethikkommission Ethikkommission des Landes Kärnten Vorsitzender: Prim. Univ. Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Dinges Büro: Elfriede Koren, Institut für Pathologie LKH Klagenfurt, St. Veiter Str.47; A-9020 Klagenfurt Tel: 0043 463 538 23114 oder -23101; Fax 0043 463 538-23182

Urheberrechtliche Hinweise zur Nutzung Elektronischer Bachelor-Arbeiten Die auf dem Dokumentenserver der Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern (ZHB) gespeicherten und via Katalog IDS Luzern zugänglichen elektronischen Bachelor-Arbeiten der Hochschule Luzern – Soziale Arbeit dienen ausschliesslich der wissenschaftlichen und persönlichen Information. Die öffentlich zugänglichen Dokumente (einschliesslich damit zusammenhängender Daten) sind urheberrechtlich gemäss Urheberrechtsgesetz geschützt. Rechtsinhaber ist in der Regel1 die Hochschule Luzern – Soziale Arbeit. Der Benutzer ist für die Einhaltung der Vorschriften verantwortlich. Die Nutzungsrechte sind: - Sie dürfen dieses Werk vervielfältigen, verbreiten, mittels Link darauf verweisen. Nicht erlaubt


Gonococcus see Neisseria gonorrhoeae GPT see Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), Serum Growth Hormone (HGH, STH) see Somatotropin Haloperidol, Serum or Plasma Related Information: Lithium (Li), Serum Synonyms: Dozic®; Fortunan®; Haldol®; Haloneural®; Background: Antipsychotic drug, used in the therapy of Tourette syndrome, sedation of agi-

Breathlessness (dyspnea)

EndLink: An Internet-based End of COMMON PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS BREATHLESSNESS (DYSPNEA) Case Example: MS is a 67 year-old accountant with advanced pulmonary fibrosis. She experiences severe breathlessness with minimal activity around the house. She experiences little benefit from bronchodilators. She would like to be able to do things for herself. Definition/Description

ärzteinformationszentrum EbM Ärzteinformationszentrum Department für Evidenzbasierte Medizin und Klinische Epidemiologie Donau-Universität Krems Antwortdokument zur Anfrage Gibt es Studien, die die Sicherheit einer intravenösen Haloperidolgabe hinsichtlich kardialer Nebenwirkungen mit der Sicherheit einer i.m oder oralen Gabe von Haloperidol bei erwachsenen psychiatrischen PatientInnen vergleichen?

Npgrj_nbt_1481 1.8

A small molecule enhances RNA interference andpromotes microRNA processing Ge Shan1,6, Yujing Li1,6, Junliang Zhang2, Wendi Li1, Keith E Szulwach1, Ranhui Duan1,Mohammad A Faghihi3, Ahmad M Khalil3, Lianghua Lu2, Zain Paroo4, Anthony W S Chan1,Zhangjie Shi5, Qinghua Liu4, Claes Wahlestedt3, Chuan He2 & Peng Jin1 Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and microRNAs (miRNAs) are sequence-specific post-transcriptional regulators of geneexpression. Although major components of the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway have been identified, regulatory mechanismsfor this pathway remain largely unknown. Here we demonstrate that the RNAi pathway can be modulated intracellularly by smallmolecules. We have developed a cell-based assay to monitor the activity of the RNAi pathway and find that the small-molecule

Felipe Cortés-Salazar1, Josué Omar Suárez Ortíz1, Nancy Mónica Cendejas Trejo1, Juan Manuel Mancilla-Díaz1, Verónica Elsa López-Alonso1, Rodrigo Erick Escartín-Pérez1* 1Neurobiology of Eating Laboratory, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, FES Iztacala. Tlalnepantla, México Recibido, mayo 2/2014 Referencia: Cortés-Salazar, F., Suárez Ortíz, J.

GAME OVER – COMPUTERSPIELE Alles nur ein Spiel?Gewalt in Computer- und Videospielen und ihre Wirkung. Von Melanie Verhovnik Abstract Computer- und Videospiele sind Teil der modernen Me-dienwelt, aber auch immer wieder Anlass zu emotionalen öffentlichen Diskussionen – vor allem zu Wahlkampfzeiten und vor allem dann, wenn Ereignisse wie School Shootings die Berichterstattung prägen. Obwohl Computer- und Videospiele, wie z. B. der als prototypisches Gewaltspiel geltende Ego-Shooter „Counterstrike", massenhaft von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen gespielt werden, wird nur ein kleiner Teil von ihnen gewalttätig. Dennoch bietet beispielsweise die Ähnlichkeit von realen Ereignissen im Vergleich zu den Spielgeschich-ten oft Anlass zur Spekulation, an einen Zusammenhang zwischen fiktiver und realer Gewalt zu glauben. Dieses Forschungsfeld ist gut untersucht, wobei die zahlreichen Einzelstudien zur Wirkung von Mediengewalt nicht gerade zur Übersichtlichkeit beitragen. Der vorlie-gende Beitrag fasst den derzeitigen Forschungsstand zusammen und liefert einen Überblick über Computer- und Videospielinhalte, deren Nutzung und ökonomische Bedeutung, und stellt darüber hinaus Theo-rien zur Wirkung von Mediengewalt und empirische Ergebnisse vor.Computer- und Videospiele werden nicht nur als „Kunst-

Massive, Majestic and Magnificent With a wingspan in excess of 10 feet in some species, Old World Gyps vultures are not only massive, majestic and magnificent birds, they are also nature's perfect carcass disposal system. Sadly, of the eight Gyps species that exist, six have undergone rapid population declines over recent years. Three Asian species are particularly imperil ed at the moment - and are listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN. One of these, the Oriental white backed vul-ture (Gyps bengalensis—pictured) was probably the most common bird of prey in the world in the mid 1980's.

28 February 2016 Issue No. 2016/02A PATENTS JOURNAL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Brunei Darussalam Intellectual Property Office (BruIPO) The Brunei Economic Development Board 4th Floor Block 2D, Jalan Kumbang Pasang Bandar Seri Begawan BA1311 Negara Brunei Darussalam Tel: +673 223 0111 │Fax: +673 238 0545 Email:website: Brunei Darussalam Intellectual Property Office (BruIPO) © 2013. All rights reserved. Modification or reproduction of this Journal without the permission of BruIPO is prohibited.

Excited delirium checklist for chief's

Excited Delirium Checklist Excited delirium or excited delirium syndrome is only one form of potential sudden death that law enforcement officers may encounter. Other potential causes of unexpected arrest-related deaths include, but are not limited to: SUDEP1,2 (sudden unexpected death in epilepsy), sickle cell sudden death,3 various cardiomyopathies,4 drug induced arrhythmias (including those caused by alcohol5,6 and marijuana7-10), psychiatric arrhythmias (whether due to schizophrenia11 or medications12), and severe coronary artery disease.

Buenos Aires, miércoles 6 de mayo de 2015 • ISSN 1666-8987 • Nº 13.721 • AÑO LIII • ED 262 Guillermo F. Peyrano Consejo de Redacción: Gabriel Fernando Limodio Daniel Alejandro Herrera Nelson G. A. Cossari Luis Alfredo Anaya Continuación del uso de la vivienda locada y la fianza, NUEVO CÓDIGO CIVIL Y

Hub 1 Final Report Adherence to Heart Failure Practice Guidelines in Primary and Secondary Care: A Mixed-Methods Study TECHNICAL DATA TITLE: Recap – Hub 1 Final Report EDITOR: Prof. dr. H.P. Brunner-La Rocca Drs. S. Bektas FHML, opleiding Geneeskunde Universiteit Maastricht. TEXTS: Belgium: Thomas More University College University Hospital Maastricht Maastricht University

Sanofi and lilly announce licensing agreement for cialis® (tadalafil) otc

Sanofi and Lilly announce licensing agreement for Cialis® (tadalafil) OTC - Companies anticipate providing over-the-counter (OTC) product to treat erectile dysfunction after expiration of certain patents - PARIS, France, and INDIANAPOLIS, May 28, 2014 — Sanofi (EURONEXT: SAN and NYSE: SNY) and Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY) today announced an agreement to pursue regulatory approval of nonprescription Cialis (tadalafil). Cialis is currently available by prescription only worldwide for the treatment of men with erectile dysfunction (ED). Under the terms of the agreement, Sanofi acquires the exclusive rights to apply for approval of Cialis OTC in the United States, Europe, Canada and Australia. Sanofi also holds exclusive rights to market Cialis OTC following Sanofi's receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals. If approved, Sanofi anticipates providing Cialis OTC after expiration of certain patents. Terms of the licensing agreement were not disclosed. "This agreement provides us with an opportunity to work with Lilly, a leader in men's health, to transform how this important medicine is offered to millions of men throughout the world," said Vincent Warnery, senior vice president, Global Consumer Healthcare Division, Sanofi. "The opportunity to forge an industry-leading partnership that adds to Sanofi Consumer Healthcare's leading portfolio and successful track record of over-the-counter switches reinforces consumer health care as a major growth platform for Sanofi." "Millions of men worldwide trust Cialis to treat ED. We are pleased to work with Sanofi to pursue a path that could allow more men who suffer from ED to obtain convenient access to a safe and reliable product without a prescription," said David Ricks, senior vice president, Lilly, and president, Lilly Bio-Medicines. "Switching a medicine to over-the-counter is a highly regulated process that is data-driven and scientifically rigorous. Together with Sanofi, we look forward to working closely with regulatory authorities to define the proper actions and necessary precautions to help patients use over-the-counter Cialis appropriately." Cialis was first approved by the European Medicines Agency in 2002, then by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2003, for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Ultimately, Cialis has received approval in more than 120 countries for indications that vary by country, including erectile dysfunction and erectile dysfunction and the signs and symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Cialis reached $2.16 billion USD (€1.58 billion) in worldwide sales in 2013 and has recorded total global sales of more than $14 billion USD (€10.2 billion) since launch. To date, more than 45 million men worldwide have been treated with Cialis. About Cialis Currently only available with a prescription, Cialis is a tablet taken to treat erectile dysfunction (ED), the signs and symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and both ED and the

Microsoft word - e-fps-1p _gb_.doc

Enzymatic Immunoassay for the quantitative determination of free Prostata Specific Antigen (PSA) in human serum The standards are calibrated against NIBSC (WHO) Prostate cancer is the most frequent type of cancer found in the man and the second cause of death due to the cancer in man, Until recently, digital rectal examination was the most accepted Zero Standard/Diluent:

Draft hkctt editorial policy

Editorial Guide on Hong Kong Clinical Terminology Table – Drugs (Medication Terminology Table) [Document Reference No. G52] Version 1.1 January 2015 The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Editorial Guide on Hong Kong Clinical Terminology Table – Drugs (Medication Terminology Table)

Maqueta revista t.l.c. presti

N o v e m b e r CONTENTS / SUMARIO 38th International Trophy for Quality / XXXVIII Trofeo Internacional a la Calidad Forty companies have been awarded with the International Trophy for Quality 2010. This Trophy for Quality has been created by Editorial OFICE through the Trade Leaders' Club and is

Ebola und Co. Von Giften und Genen Ute K. Fleischmann Vor ein paar Tagen beobachtete Sierra Leone – jene westafrikanischen So setzt man auf Isolation/Qua- mein Nachbar vom Fenster auf die Länder, die am meisten von der Ebo- rantäne der bereits betroffenen Per- Straße hinaus, wie ich nächtens mein la-Epidemie betroffen sind. Inzwi-

Microsoft word - excloosive limited profile mobsan.docx

Hygiene meets convenience COMPANY PROFILE INTRODUCTION Excloosive Ltd. is the pioneer sanitation services provider in Kenya that's has been engaged in the provision of mobile sanitation facilities for events in remote locations, high human traffic events and construction sites since 2004. In 2011Excloosive expanded its services to provide waste water treatment & recycling solutions for the real estate development industry that has grown extraordinarily in Kenya over the past ten years. MISSION To provide, innovative, hygienic and environmentally responsible sanitation products and services, through employment of sustainable technologies leading to increased consumer dignity and a healthier community. OUR VALUES  We are passionate about delivering excellent service to our customers.  We pride ourselves in maintaining productive and long lasting relationships with the stakeholders  We work together in formidable manner to deliver great results.  We care about the environment and strive to create a better world for future generations

Partners healthcare

Customer Name (MetaCondNormal-Roman 26pt/2 Managing clinical evidence at the speed of change Business overviewBased in Boston, Massachusetts, Partners HealthCare is an integrated health systemfounded by Brigham and Women's Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital in 1994.Partners HealthCare is one of the nation's leading biomedical research organizations and

Individual Differences in Locomotion, Anxiety-like behavior, and Reward After Nicotine and Baclofen Administration A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at George Mason University Adriana M. Falco George Mason University, 2010 Bachelor of Arts University of Maryland, 2003 Director: Robert F. Smith, Professor


Process Biochemistry 41 (2006) 930–934 Short communication Effect of Vitreoscilla hemoglobin gene (vgb) and metabolic inhibitors on cadmium uptake by the heterologous host Enterobacter aerogenes Khaled M. Khleifat Muayad M. Abboud, Ahmed H. Al-Mustafa Mutah University, Department of Biology, P.O. Box (7) Karak, Mutah 61710, Jordan Received 18 May 2005; received in revised form 29 September 2005; accepted 6 October 2005

Lncs 651 - an introduction to halo nuclei

An Introduction to Halo Nuclei Department of Physics, University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH, UK Abstract. This lecture will not aim to provide an exhaustive review of the field ofhalo nuclei, but rather will outline some of the theoretical techniques that have beenused and developed, both in structure and reaction studies, over the past decade tounderstand their properties. A number of review articles have recently appeared inthe literature [1–10] which the interested reader can then go to armed with a basicunderstanding of how the theoretical results were produced.

Centre for Christian Ethics 120 Herring Rd, Eastwood NSW 2122 OCCASIONAL PAPER 7 - REVISED Should RU486 be available in Australia? "There is no quick fix for pregnancy, no magic pill." – father of 18-year-old Californian woman Holly Patterson who died as a result of taking RU486 in 2003 "These are violently active chemicals and they have violent reactions on the organism … [What is the] situation in which a woman would undergo that kind of assault?" – Australian feminist Dr Germaine Greer, addressing gynaecologists and obstetricians in 2002 "A drug which ends a new human life and endangers a woman's health is never a ‘safe and effective' solution." – Dr Brigid Vout, Life Office, Catholic Diocese of Sydney What is RU486? RU486 is not the same as the "morning after" pill (Postinor-2). RU486 is the generic term for mifepristone, an artificial steroid that blocks progesterone, a vital nutrient hormone. It causes the nutrient lining of the mother's uterus to disintegrate, and the embryo withers and dies. A second drug, misoprostol, a prostaglandin developed to treat ulcers, is used 48 hours later to induce uterine contractions that detach and expel the embryo and uterine contents. More than one million women worldwide have used RU486 to end their pregnancy. RU486 is effective from the fifth to the seventh week following the last menstrual period, with decreasing effectiveness up to the ninth week. Used alone, RU486 has an abortion rate of 60-80 per cent. Used with misoprostol, this rises to 95 per cent. Mifepristone is also used to treat certain rare forms of cancer, and may have other therapeutic applications. Mifepristone was developed by Roussel-Uclaf, a French pharmaceutical company. Possible side effects and complications A common side-effect is severe pain similar to that of miscarriage, with over half of women needing specific pain medication and one-third needing narcotics. Other side-effects may include nausea and dizziness, syncope (brief loss of consciousness), serious bacterial infection, sepsis, prolonged bleeding (averaging from 9 to 30 days) and death. Some women who experienced severe bleeding as a result of taking the drug required blood transfusions. Women lacking ready access to ultrasound and blood transfusion, such as those in remote communities and developing countries, are more likely to die. The drug does not affect ectopic

Hygiene protocols for the prevention and control of diseases (particularly beak and feather disease) in australian birds - chlamydophilosis

Hygiene Protocols for the Prevention and Control of Diseases (Particularly Beak and Feather Disease) in Australian Birds © Commonwealth of Australia 2006 Information contained in this publication may be copied or reproduced for study, research, information oreducational purposes, subject to inclusion of an acknowledgment of the source. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect thoseof the Australian Government or the Minister for the Environment and Heritage.


Richard Haas et revitaliser eau de table L'eau potabLe Dans Le monDe Quelques chiffres pour commencer. L'eau recouvre environ 71 % de la surface ter-restre. Les mers et océans à eux seuls repré-sentent pas loin de 97 % de l'eau disponible sur terre. L'eau potable disponible ne représente que 2,5 % et se trouve sous forme de glace et dans les eaux souterraines. Nous voyons donc que l'eau est un liquide vital extrêmement précieux.

Ndt-21.12.letters-replies 3600.3614

Nephrol Dial Transplant (2006) 21: 3606 gene develop extensive calcifications of the vascular system Advance Access publication 26 September 2006 and other soft tissues [2]. However, several clinical observa-tions revealed a positive association between OPG and vascular calcification, the advancement of coronary arterydisease expressed semi-quantitatively and even mortality[3–6]. Some authors suggested that serum OPG may be


Intratympanic Therapy inMeniere's Disease Mr Simon Lloyd,Consultant Neuro-otologist,University Departmentof Otolaryngology,Central Manchester NHSFoundation Trust, Oxford Road, The principle of delivering a drug to the middle ear through the tympanic membrane is not new with reports in the literature from the nineteenth century regarding its efficacy as a treatment for ‘catarrhal affections of the

Acouphènes thèse _1_



CONSUMER TRENDS 2015 Key influencers in South East Asia's Home & Houseware markets International events - Consumers are becoming more informed about their some catastrophic, some health and are increasingly seeking out superfoods free from inspirational - are putting chemicals and additives.India, China, Indonesia and Japan are emissions and toxicity back four out of the top five nations with the highest number of

Cuando despertaron la mañana del 2 de noviembre de 2004, millones de votantes del Partido Demócrata norteamericano contemplaron un nuevo orden. El humo de las hogueras neoconservadoras se elevaba sobre todas las ciudades del Sur y del Este. Las peludas hordas del fun- damentalismo cristiano, las legiones de obreros y campesinos blancos y de otras culturas visigodas se agitaban detrás de sus remotas trincheras.

of Endocrine Surgeons 4th Biennial Congress May 13 - 15, 2010 Vienna / Austria LigaSure Precise™. Get Cooler. COVIDIEN, COVIDIEN with logo, Covidien logo and "positive results for life" are U.S. and/or internationally registered trademarks of Covidien AG. © 2010 Covidien. All rights reserved. VL Ins_LS Precise_Cooler A5.indd 1


Women's Studies International Forum 27 (2004) 261 – 280 Saudi women doctors: Gender and careers within Wahhabic Islam and a dwesternisedT work culture Girija Vidyasagar, David M. Rea Centre for Health Economics and Policy Studies, School of Health Science, University of Swansea, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK This paper reports on the experience of 28 Saudi women doctors working in Saudi Arabia. It demonstrates the problems they


Journal of Ethnopharmacology 113 (2007) 100–110 Medicinal perceptions of vegetables traditionally consumed by South-Asian migrants living in Bradford, Northern England Andrea Pieroni , Laura Houlihan, Nafeesa Ansari, Bushra Hussain, Saiqa Aslam Division of Pharmacy Practice, School of Life Sciences, University of Bradford, Richmond Building, Richmond Road, Bradford BD7 1DP, West Yorkshire, UK

Epa guidance on tobacco dependence and strategies for smoking cessation in people with mental illness

Available online at EPA Guidance on tobacco dependence and strategies for smoking cessation in people with mental illness T. Ru¨ther ,J. Bobes , M. De Hert T.H. Svensson K. Mann , A. Batra P. Gorwood H.J. Mo¨ller a Department of Psychiatry, Ludwig Maximilian University, Nussbaumstrasse 7, 80336 Munich, Germany b Department of Medicine, Psychiatry Area, University of Oviedo, Centro de Investigacio´n Biome´dica en Red de Salud Mental, Cibersam, Oviedo, Asturias, Spain

15 april 2010 #16 OP DE ARBEIDSMARKT Ontbijten met Wat nou 24/7 10 ‘Hypotheekrenteaftrek is pervers' Begin deze maand gaf ik een nieuwe collega een rondlei- ding op campus Woudestein. Hij komt uit Leiden, dus dan duik je als Rotterdammer toch wat in de excuusmodus als je zo langs onze grauwe gebouwen loopt. Weinig

Examining the Truth By Terry S. Friedmann, MD, ABHM and Sabina DeVita, EdD, DNM, RNCP with Karen Boren ■ Part I: Young Living Essential Oils The company manufactures and sells the highest quali-ty essential oils available anywhere in the world. Its As Young Living Essential Oils' products, influence, products are endorsed by hundreds of medical profes-


Weekly Newsletter Brought to you by PSU – Corporate and Personal Security Information for May 18-24, 2012 Date Headline Crime & Public Security Date Headline Crime & Public Security Beijing(Suburbs) Changping District Date Headline Crime & Public Security Shanghaidailynet Shanghaidailynet Baoshan District

Yonsei Med J 53(4):842-848, 2012 pISSN: 0513-5796, eISSN: 1976-2437 Fluoxetine Protects against Big Endothelin-1 Induced Anti-Apoptosis by Rescuing Kv1.5 Channels in Human Pulmonary Arterial Smooth Muscle Cel s FeiFeng Dai, ZhiFu Mao, Jun Xia, ShaoPing Zhu, and ZhiYong Wu Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.

Remote command motorized locking mechanism uses cutting edge technology to completely isolate human intervention. The re-usable cable locking mechanism practically seals any asset. This patented device (Patent ID: 8593280) is compact, lightweight, rugged and re-usable, making it the most cost effective solution in the market for tracking cargo and ensuring security.

IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, VOL. 8, NO. 8, AUGUST 2004 Distributed Joint Rate and Power Control Game-Theoretic Algorithms for Wireless Data M. Hayajneh, Student Member, IEEE, and C. T. Abdallah, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—In this letter, we consider two distributed game the- the path gain from the th transmitter to the th receiver. This


‘Miss Sefaradí' & ‘Queen Esther': Sephardim & Zionism in Argentina ‘Miss Sefaradí' and ‘Queen Esther': Sephardim, Zionism, and Ethnic and National Identities in Argentina, 1933-1971* ADRIANA M. BRODSKY St. Mary's College of Maryland In 1940, Esther Bahbouth, a Sephardi young woman representing the Centro Sionista Sefaradí (CSS), won the title of ‘Reina Esther' in the Purim contest organized in Buenos Aires by the Keren Kayemet Leisrael (KKL).1 The Se- !"#$%&'&())*+%,-'."/'0&/,",%&1'%,'."/',!0'2#/,',%)0'"'30 !"#$%&'-(*+4'.()"+'had won the coveted crown.2 In these early decades of the twentieth century, .!0+'5%(+%/,'"&,%6%,-'")(+4'30 !"#$%)'."/'/,%77'80%+4'$02+0$'"+$'(#4"+%90$:',!0'6%&,(#-'(;'</,!0#'="!8(*,!'&"##%0$'/%4+%2&"+,'.0%4!,';(#',!%/')%+(#%,->'?!0'relationship between the Centro Sionista Sefaradí and the local Federación Sionista Argentina'@)"$0'* '(;'A/!B0+"9%'5%(+%/,/C'."/'&(+D%&,%60:'060+'"+-tagonistic, and the Sephardim complained bitterly about the way in which the ‘majority' of the Argentine Jewish community treated them. A Sephardi young woman in the Zionist dais, they rejoiced, clearly signaled to the Ashkenazim their undeniable commitment to the Zionist project.3

Region: provinz velasco, bolivien

Umsetzung der UN Konvention zur Biodiversität: Referenzprojekte des DED ─ Unterstützung von Aktivitäten zum Erhalt und zur Nutzung der biologischen Vielfalt ─ Die Vorgehensweise des DED im Themenfeld „Biodiversität – Erhalt der Schöpfung" leitet sich aus den entwicklungspolitischen Zielstellungen der Bundesregierung ab. Diese sind im Sektor-

C: users elindsley desktop draft fee petition_settlement.wpd

Case: 1:14-cv-06913 Document #: 48 Filed: 04/15/16 Page 1 of 6 PageID #:237 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS HEIDBREDER BUILDING GROUP, LLC, on behalf of plaintiff and the class members defined herein, Magistrate Judge Cole ASSOCIATION OF THE WALL AND and JOHN DOES 1-10, PETITION FOR ATTORNEY'S FEES

The Open Infectious Diseases Journal, 2011, 5, (Suppl 1-M5) 51-59 Open Access The Situation of HIV/M. tuberculosis Co-Infection in India Seth Research Foundation, 1, Aradhana Colony, Sector 13, R.K. Puram, Ring Road, New Delhi-110066, India Abstract: In November 2008, European Commission initiated a collaborative research and information dissemination project entitled "European Network for global cooperation in the field of AIDS and TB (EUCO-Net)" involving Institutions in Europe (Germany, Belgium, Italy), Latin America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia), Russia, South Africa, and India with the following objectives: a) to provide an overview of the state of art in HIV and TB research and disease management in different partner countries; b) to identify global research priorities; and c) to boost International cooperation between leading HIV and TB experts from Europe and those countries mainly affected by these two diseases. Therefore, in this report from India these objectives have been addressed under the following topics: i) Basic demographic data; ii) Basic epidemiological Data of HIV and TB; iii) Medical treatment standards; iv) Diagnostic Standards.

JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY Phase III Randomized Trial of FOLFIRI VersusFOLFOX4 in the Treatment of Advanced ColorectalCancer: A Multicenter Study of the Gruppo OncologicoDell'Italia MeridionaleGiuseppe Colucci, Vittorio Gebbia, Giancarlo Paoletti, Francesco Giuliani, Michele Caruso,Nicola Gebbia, Giacomo Cartenı , Biagio Agostara, Giuseppe Pezzella, Luigi Manzione, Nicola Borsellino,Andrea Misino, Sante Romito, Ernesto Durini, Stefano Cordio, Marisa Di Seri, Massimo Lopez,and Evaristo Maiello


www.aidsmap.comissue 158 july 2006 why GPs need to be integrated into HIV-positive care page 4 primary care at HIV clinics is your clinic providing GP services? page 14 immunisation guidelines new vaccination guidance for HIV-positive people page 8 does efavirenz cause depression? a new study suggests otherwise page 3 anti-HIV therapy adds thirteen years to post-AIDS survival page 13

Inception (el origen): la implantaci￳n de una vieja confusi￳n en tiempos de la realidad virtual

EL OJO QUE PIENSA revista de cine iberoamericano Inception (El origen): la implantación de una vieja confusión en tiempos de la realidad virtual Vicente Díaz Gandasegui RESUMEN El estreno de Inception en el verano de 2010 ha hecho posible conectar viejos y nuevos dilemas pertenecientes a la cultura occidental. Inception afronta la duda constante de no poder diferenciar los sueños de la realidad y al mismo tiempo representa muchos de los miedos que suscita el desarrollo de la tecnología virtual, capaz no sólo de disociar nuestro cuerpo de nuestra mente como hacen los sueños, sino también de ofrecernos una realidad (virtual) más satisfactoria que aquella que habitamos físicamente. Inception aborda estas problemáticas utilizando un recurso idóneo para representar estos temores, pues el cine es entre todas las artes el medio que más se asemeja al sueño, un sueño compartido que se "implanta" en la mente de los espectadores utilizando sus experiencias y emociones. La película adopta una estructura compleja e inconclusa, lo que obliga a los espectadores a adoptar un rol activo para no desvincularse de la trama, y al hacer esto, sume a la audiencia en una ficción que pretende no terminar cuando se abandona la sala y que puede provocar la duda sobre la (i) realidad de sus existencias.

DISCOVER • DEVELOP • DELIVER Medical innovation that helps millions of patients around the world EBE is a specialised group of European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, EFPIA ContentP4 • Introduction P5 • Value of Biopharma P5 • What role does biotechnology play in healthcare? P6 • How biopharmaceutical and small-molecule medicines differ