HM Medical Clinic

Examining the Truth
By Terry S. Friedmann, MD, ABHM and Sabina DeVita, EdD, DNM, RNCP with Karen BorenPart I: Young Living Essential Oils
The company manufactures and sells the highest quali-ty essential oils available anywhere in the world. Its As Young Living Essential Oils' products, influence, products are endorsed by hundreds of medical profes- and business opportunities extend around the world, the sionals, including such nationally recognized figures as company and its founder occasionally come under Ronald Lawrence, Ph.D., M.D. attack by those who take an adversarial stance towardnatural healthcare. Unfortunately, these attacks are often Quality is first and foremost at Young Living. No expense full of inaccurate information and are intended to dis- is spared in testing and proving that Young Living prod- credit alternative medicine and malign leading propo- ucts are superior to competitors'. This claim is supported nents of natural healthcare. With today's information by gas chromatography testing which is conducted at two technology, these anti-natural agendas are easily chan- French laboratories that are AFNOR-certified. AFNOR neled through the media and Internet and convincingly (the Association French Normalization Organization portrayed as truth. Because of today's busy lifestyles, Regulation) sets the standards for essential oils to differ- viewers and readers have little time to investigate, and entiate true therapeutic-grade essential oils from similar therefore oftentimes accept negative information oils with inferior chemistry.
thought to be authoritative as truthful.
The therapeutic benefits of essential oils are well docu- In order to provide accurate information and aid to those mented—research abounds and is ongoing in the scien- individuals and groups who have become aware of false tific and medical community. The United States claims and are troubled by them, we offer the following National Library of Medicine (PubMed) website (with documented facts that will prove the integrity of Young more than 14 million medical abstracts from peer- Living Essential Oils, its founder and its products. In reviewed journals) featured 3,780 abstracts about essen- addition to this summary, there are thousands of univer- tial oils as of May 2004. Scientists and researchers are sity and scientific studies that validate alternative medi- investigating essential oils on such topics as: "Terpinen- cine and its role in modern healthcare.
4-ol, the main component of Melaleuca alternifolia (teatree) oil inhibits the in vitro growth of human melanomacells" (Feb. 2004), "Composition and the in vitro Young Living Essential Oils
antimicrobial activities of the essential oils of someThymus varieties," (Jan-Feb. 2004), "Susceptibility of Young Living Essential Oils is dedicated to uniting
methicillin-resistant staphylococci to oregano essential ancient traditions and modern science to produce
oil, carvacrol and thymol" (Jan. 2004). the highest-quality essential oils and oil-enhanced
As a global leader in the cultivation, distillation and
products in the world. They empower individuals
production of pure therapeutic-grade essential oils,
and families to achieve their highest potential and
Young Living Essential Oils is guided by seasoned
enjoy increased physical, mental, emotional and
executives and is firmly based with more than
financial health.
Young Living's global growth is attributed to its

250,000 independent distributors worldwide.
These distributors are passionate about achieving their Gary Young received his Doctorate of Naturopathy from highest potential—by improving their physical, emo- Bernadean University. At the time when Gary was tional and financial well-being—and helping others working on his degree (1982-85), Bernadean was the achieve the same success. Their own positive experi- only school offering these studies. During this time, theschool was under the direction of Joseph M. Kadans, ences with Young Living products have driven them to Ph.D. All the coursework that Gary completed was learn more about alternative medicine and to share these reviewed by a medical doctor. The university, however, health discoveries with family, friends and co-workers.
did not participate in the accreditation process. Gary is Young Living offers seminars and training meetings to currently pursuing further studies from accredited uni- keep members and their guests updated and educated about the latest research and discoveries made by thescientific community and medical field. The company In his pursuit of health secrets, Gary has studied in takes pride in the fact that its distributors are knowl- places all over the world—from remote villages to cos- edgeable, professional individuals and that the company mopolitan cities—from world-renowned experts in nat- is led by an experienced executive team. ural health medicine. He has dedicated himself to learn-ing not only the science behind essential oils, but also Alternative Medicine in Modern Society
the art of growing and distilling them so that the result Alternative medicine grew out of a desire for people to is the highest-grade oils available. take responsibility for their own health and well-being.
Many see the need to find sources other than prescrip- Gary Young has studied with such experts as J.C.
tion drugs for balance and nutritional benefit. Modern Lapraz, M.D., in France (effects of essential oils on the medicine will always have its place, but so will alterna- respiratory system), and in Egypt with Radwan Farag, tive methods and products. Ph.D., (essential oil chemistry and its effect on theimmune system). He also studied essential oil chem- Young Living's founder, Gary Young, has steadfastly istry, absolute extraction and gas chromatography at stated his desire to promote health and wellness through Anadolu University in Eskisehir, Turkey.
excellent, high quality products. He has traveled around the world seeking the health Young Living Under Attack
secrets of the peoples of Ningxia, China, Hunzaland in Specific allegations have been directed at Young Living Pakistan, southern Ecuador, the Talish Mountains of Essential Oils and the company's founder, Gary Young, Azerbaijan and the Tarahumara Indians of central in an effort to discredit them. These false and mislead- ing statements appear on a website identified asQuackwatch. The defamatory campaign of Quackwatch Gary Young also commands impressive designing and and the pharmaceuticals (see part II of this article) is to fabricating skills. Essential oil experts from France discourage people from using natural products and (including Marcel Espieu, former president of the health remedies, therefore leaving people to believe that Lavender Growers Association and Jean-Noel Landel, high-priced patented drugs are the only answer. We M.B.A.) have paid high compliments for the essential oil encourage you to examine the truth and exercise your distilling equipment Gary Young designed and built.1 power of choice. Following are some of the more viru-lent accusations that have been leveled against Gary The education that Gary Young has sought throughout Young and Young Living. Because of the blatant nature the world has its culmination in the business he built, the and lack of integrity inherent in this campaign of farms and distilleries he engineered and the pure oils he defamation, we have felt it necessary to respond to these creates and markets. * "He claims that while he was working as a logger in 1973, a falling tree struck him on the head." * "[Gary Young] graduated from the Challis, Idaho high Gary Young's wife at the time of the accident, Donna school on May 23, 1967. This is the only legitimate Jean Datoff, has verified in a notarized statement the educational credential that I have been able to veri- reality of the accident and Gary's time spent in two Canadian hospitals. * "I seriously doubt that he can substantiate his claim never met with nor talked to Gary Young at any time in that the products he used actually cured him." his life, and is therefore unqualified to make a diagnosisof his mental health. Gary Young's life and his many By following his nutrition and exercise program, 55- accomplishments are proof of his mental stability—he year-old Gary Young cured himself after his injuries and has acquired immense knowledge about essential oils, is in excellent health. He leads a very active lifestyle, has designed and fabricated complicated essential oil including weight-lifting each day, backpacking into distilling equipment, has conducted extensive research, wilderness areas and jousting in tournaments. has formulated several products, oversees the harvestand production on his farms, has written and published Gary placed first in the National Physique Committee, books, is the founder and president of an international Inc. (NPC) Western States Fitness Contest in 2002 and company and has created a humanitarian project that is second in the 2003 competition. He took second place in helping improve the lives of the Tarahumara Indians.
the 2003 World Championship Jousting Association'sInternational Dragon's Lair Jousting Tournament (joust- * [While delivering his own child] "He left the baby ing skilled-at-arms) and fifth place in the light armor under water for almost an hour, causing the death of an apparently healthy infant on September 4, 1982.
Although the coroner said that the baby would have Gary teaches the importance of proper nutrition and lived if she had been delivered in a conventional exercise, and encourages others to follow healthy habits manner, Young was never charged in that case." in their lives as well. There is an exhausting list of med-ical abstracts showing how crucial nutrition and exer- This statement, which is completely false and misleading, cise are to health and well-being. By typing in the key shows a lack of humanity from the accuser. No one words "nutrition" and "exercise" on the PubMed web- caused the tragic death of the Youngs' infant, and it was site of the National Library of Medicine, 5,822 peer- not "apparently healthy" as Barrett accuses, nor was it reviewed articles appear.
"under water for almost an hour." The baby died due toserious complications that were not related to the deliv- * "This description [the story of a man and his mission ery. Legal charges were never considered, as there was no from the YL website] suggests that before Young question concerning the integrity of the delivery.
embarked on his health-related career, he was men-tally unstable and possibly even brain damaged." * "Butch Owen, an American essential oils exporter liv- ing and working in Turkey, investigated Young's The author of this site, Stephen Barrett, has made an claims of Turkish credentials and found them to be unsubstantiated psychiatric diagnosis which is both unsubstantiated. Professor Mustafa Keviz, a lecturer inaccurate and unprofessional. Stephen Barrett has on the Agricultural and Plants faculty of Anadolu distiller and formulator of essential oils and blends, he University, stated that Gary Young had never given understands and uses a gas chromatograph to analyze lectures there. The United Nations Development the chemical constituents in essential oils. The research Organization (sic) never sponsored Young or invited involved is valid science conducted according to rigor- him to speak. He showed up uninvited and convinced ous scientific standards and overseen by Young Living some officials to permit him to present on two topics." scientist Sue Chao, Diane Horne of Weber StateUniversity and D. Gary Young.
Professor K. Husnu Baser, Head of the Department ofPharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Anadolu Gary Young's credentials include his lecturing world- University in Eskisehir, Turkey, refuted these false accu- wide. He lectured at the First International Symposium sations in an e-mail sent on March 27, 2004, to Emily on Integrated Medical Aromatherapy in Grasse, France, Wright, executive assistant to Gary and Mary Young.
March 21-22, 1998. Among the other presenters wereessential oil experts Pierre Franchomme, director of Dr. Baser said he knows Butch Owen and that Owen "is research, Bucharest, Romania, and Daniel Penoel, M.D. against him [Gary Young] and his deeds in full force.
This is possibly due to a more established market situa- * "Young also claims expertise in the design of equip- tion of Gary's business and he and people like him are ment for the distillation of essential oils and says that jealous and trying to destroy [Gary] and his fame as he has designed and built several distillers for pro- much as possible." ducing his oils. On August 17, 2000, one of hishomemade distillers ruptured at the lid/cover joint, Dr. Baser further stated, "Gary was invited to the 1995 fatally injuring a worker at Young Living Farms in UNIDO Workshop by Prof. Tuley de Silva, who was the person in charge of UNIDO's programmes on medicinaland aromatic plants at the time. Gary gave more than Gary Young designed his first small cooker/distiller in one lecture during the workshop." With regard to the 1989. In 1991 he built a second carbon steel portable dis- statement by Professor Mustafa Keviz, Dr. Baser said: tiller with an 80-liter capacity. By 2002, Young Living "I do not know that Mustafa person. I was the person in Essential Oils had four 4,100-liter cookers, a 6,900-liter charge of organizing the meeting but all the lectures cooker, three 8,700-liter cookers, two 12,500-liter cook- were decided and invited by UNIDO." ers, and one specially designed 1,600-liter cooker.
Dr. Baser also confirmed that Gary studied essential oil Young Living has distilled sage, clary sage, thyme, chemistry, absolute extraction, and gas chromatography lavender, bergamot, tarragon, German and Roman at Anadolu University when Professor Baser was direc- chamomile, melissa, tansy, peppermint, goldenrod, hys- tor of the Medicinal and Aromatic Plant and Drug sop, oregano and spearmint. From wildcrafted trees, YL Research Centre (TBAM). has distilled pine, fir, balsam fir, juniper, cedar, white firand tsuga.
Dr. Baser concluded, "I hope this is enough clarificationabout the nasty claims people make using my name In 15 years of distilling essential oils from farms in two about Gary Young. Please give my best wishes to Gary, states, there has been only one accident. Tragically, a Mary, Sue and all other friends in Payson, too many to worker was killed in this accident. Young Living provid- name. Best wishes, Prof. Dr. K. Husnu Baser." ed financial compensation to the family and immediate-ly adopted a recommendation made by the Utah * "What about Young's claims to be an authority on Occupational Safety and Health Division on how to essential oils? The publisher of the Journal of avoid over-pressurization. Essential Oils [sic] (JOAR) has confirmed thatYoung co-authored at least one paper in the JEOR.
Young Living has complied with all recommendations The publisher also pointed out that the JEOR did not of the Utah Occupational Safety and Health Division verify his credentials." The correct title is the Journal of Essential Oil * "Young's book Aromatherapy: The Essential Research. Gary Young was a co-author on two scientif- Beginning has a whole chapter on ancient and mod- ic papers submitted to JEOR. In addition, as a grower, ern equipment used for steam distillation. Although United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) certificate certifying Gary Young'sparticipation in the Third UNIDO Workshop on Essential Oils and Aroma Chemical Industries,November 6-9, 1995 Fax sent from T. (Tuley) de Silva to Gary Young saying: "Thank you for agreeing to present a paper at the Third UNIDOworkshop on essential oils and aroma chemicals industries." Fax from Ege Universitesi, Izmir, Turkey, where Gary Young taught classes at a two-week, essentialoils seminar, confirming his participation and that of students he was bringing.
Program for essential oils course atEge University with Gary's 11 lectureson essential oils.
the chapter emphasizes that ‘the best quality of oil health manufacturers comply with the requirements. The would be produced when the pressure was zero pounds FDA only allows information about structure and func- during distillation,' the UOSHD report noted that steam tion of the body and certain approved health claims.
had delivered to the vessel at 125 p.s.i. (pounds per Only drugs can legally make therapeutic claims. square inch) of pressure." [Emphasis added.] * "The mere fact that a substance was used by past cul- For the plants distilled at the Mona, Utah farm, Gary tures does not prove that it is safe, effective, or use- designed the equipment to distill at no more than 5 ful for any disease state." p.s.i. The steam enters the cooker under slight pressurein order to force the steam up through the column of Of course it doesn't. Research is required to determine plant material, carrying away the essential oil. The which substances are safe and effective, and that is why steam naturally convects up through the plant material.
Young Living conducts extensive scientific research.
By the time it reaches the top of the cooker, there is vir- Perhaps Barrett is taking issue here with Egyptian and tually no pressure.
biblical uses of essential oils and modern applications ofsuch knowledge. Oils and unguents are mentioned near- During the accident, there was an over-pressurization ly 100 times in the Bible. The ancient Egyptian docu- event, however, even the UOSHD inspector could not say ment, the Ebers Papyrus, (discovered in 1817) listed over exactly what happened. This malfunction allowed exces- 800 different herbal prescriptions and remedies.
sive pressure to build, causing the vessel lid to fail. The fact is that many traditional folk treatments have led Pressure is needed to deliver the steam from the boiler.
to modern-day formulas prescribed by doctors. Willow The maximum pressure possible in the boiler is 125 bark was used in China for centuries before chemists p.s.i. However, as the steam moves through the pipes broke down its ingredients and came up with the chem- into the cooker, the pressure is less than 5 p.s.i. (depend- ical formula for aspirin. The pain-relieving methyl sali- ing on the plant being distilled). The steam encounters cylate found in wintergreen and birch essential oils has an "open vessel." This means that the steam freely goes been synthesized for use in sports massages. The herbal up through the plant material, then flows to the condens- wisdom of ancient cultures has been proven over and er where it goes through 270 tubes that are 9/16ths of an over by modern science. inch in diameter, cooling back into water and enteringthe separator. The essential oil floats on the top where it * "The clinic administrator is David K. Hill, who is is collected, and the water freely flows out of the sepa- identified as a chiropractor who has been practicing rator. There is nothing to hinder the movement of first since 1996. However, my search of the DOPL data- the steam, and then the water. base found no evidence that he is licensed." It is important to note that Barrett is incorrect when he Dr. Hill is the administrator of the Young Life Research states: "the UOSHD report noted that steam had deliv- Clinic. He is fully licensed as a chiropractor in Idaho.
ered to the vessel [that ruptured at the lid joint] at 125 Since his position is in management and he does not p.s.i." What the report actually states is: "steam is deliv- practice at the clinic, there is no need for him to be ered to the vessels at a maximum pressure of 125 p.s.i.
licensed in Utah at this time. He does intend to seek a from a gas-fired boiler." 2 [Emphasis added.] Barrett has Utah license and then will use his skills as a chiroprac- misread the report. tor at the Young Life Research Clinic.
* "All product descriptions include the disclaimer, * "How does the Young Life Research Clinic operate? ‘This statement has not been evaluated the Food and [C]linic doctors perform a variety of quack tests, Drug Administration. This product is not intended to such as iridology, testing with a Quantum Xrroid diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.' The device, live blood cell analysis, and so on. Next come FDA has warned the company not to claim that cer- the therapies, a wide array of unsound alternative tain products are intended to treat, prevent, cure, or treatment. . A set of eight case histories presented at mitigate disease." the June 2002 Young Living Grand Convention . .
were not presented in the scientific manner . . two These disclaimers are required by law, and Young of the eight had died less than four months after the Living, as well as thousands of other alternative, natural Sometimes patients come to the clinic when all other paraxial muscles of idiopathic scoliosis," J Pathol. 1979 medical options have been exhausted and it's almost too Sep;129(1)9-12 and "Virus-like particles in paraspinal late to help them. There is grieving and sorrow when a muscles in scoliosis," Young Life patient doesn't make it. 16;2(6041):912-3. The question must be asked, "Do hospitals ever treat There is much scientific evidence that certain microor- patients who later die?" It is hardly credible to suggest ganisms lodge near the spinal cord and contribute to that any healthcare provider could cure all patients.
deformities. Research at the Pasteur Institute in France,published in the New England Journal of Medicine, Stephen Barrett also mentions a testimonial from singer documented increasing numbers of patients showing Merrill Osmond whose health problems included: evidence of spinal disease caused by tuberculosis.
(Jenks PJ, Stewart B, "Images in Clinical Medicine: - Sleeping disorders that started when he was in his Vertebral Tuberculosis," N Engl J Med. 1998 Jun - Gout, which he started developing in his 30s- Diabetes, diagnosed when he was in his early 30s Reuters just reported on April 23, 2004, that a common - Kidney problems—after passing out on stage in his cold virus can hide out in the lungs for weeks or months.
40s, Merrill was rushed to Duke University where he Viruses certainly hide out along the spine as well.
was told his kidneys were failing and he should bidhis family goodbye * "Raindrop uses seven single oils plus two blends for- - Mini-strokes, the first at age 21 mulated by YLEO. The concentrations of several oils - Psoriasis and eczema that have plagued him his exceed recommended safe doses and can cause skin irritation, sensitivity, phototoxicity, and essential oil - Depression that almost took his life when he was in - Fluid surrounding his heart—doctors told him he The third edition of the Essential Oils Desk Reference would not live past the age of 35.
notes: "Using undiluted essential oils in the RaindropTechnique is consistent with the French model for aro- Merrill Osmond was on Glucophage®, Glucotrol®, matherapy—which is the most extensively practiced Prozac®, lithium, Allopurinol®, Ambian®, Lipitor®, and studied model in the world. An illustrious roster of Nexium®, Methotrexate® and Enbrel®. 20th century French physicians provides convincing evi-dence that undiluted essential oils have a valuable place Osmond's story has been told in newspaper and maga- in the therapeutic arsenal of clinical professionals.
zine articles. He shares his success at the Young Life Rene' Gattefosse', Ph.D., Jean Valnet, M.D., Jean- Research Clinic with the world. Today, Merrill Osmond Claude Lapraz, M.D., Daniel Penoel, M.D. and many is off every one of those prescriptions. others have long attested to the safe and effective use ofundiluted essential oils and the dramatic and powerful * "Young initially claimed that RDT (Raindrop benefits they can impart." Technique) could effectively treat scoliosis by affect-ing toxins and viruses, which he said cause scoliosis.
Should there be skin irritation, adding a pure vegetable There is no scientific basis to this claim because oil or massage oil soothes away any sensitivity. David there is no evidence that either viruses or toxins Stewart, Ph.D., has compiled "A Statistical Validation of cause scoliosis." Raindrop Technique" that lists the overwhelmingly pos-itive experiences that more than 400 respondents had to Essential Science Publishing has found scientific docu- the Raindrop Technique. (Available at Essential Science mentation. The Essential Oils Desk Reference and the Essential Oils Integrative Medical Guide include thefollowing two studies, which show Barrett's ignorance. Ralph Moss, Ph.D., author of The Moss Reports on cancernotes that, "Quack was often a convenient term to attack Studies at Western General Hospital in Edinburgh, one's ideological opponents. The essence of a quack, how- Scotland, have linked virus-like particles to idiopathic ever, was that he ‘transgressed what those in the saddle scoliosis. "The nature of virus-like particles in the defined as true, orthodox, regular, good, medicine.' " D. Gary Young received this word of praise from we allow too much to pass through; we have become Alexander G. Schauss, Ph.D., CEO and President of entranced by that which is sensational, cheap, and filled the American Institute for Biosocial and Medical with flashy emotionalism. One organization spreading much of this sensational, mis- "I have known Gary for well over a decade, during information is called Quackwatch, which is an organiza- which time I have marveled at his desire to continuouslytravel worldwide in his pursuit of knowledge. As a life- tion with questionable practices. Stephen Barrett, M.D., is time student of health care, Gary possesses that the person behind the website Quackwatch. Barrett also immutable desire to seek knowledge for the sake of serves as vice president and webmaster of an organization knowledge and thereby find therapeutic applications that called the National Council Against Health Fraud would benefit others. He also possesses an exceptional (NCAHF), another "quackwatcher" website that attacks ability to teach and educate others. I have observed Gary natural medicine and its practioners. It is often through in several situations in which he can captivate an audi- this organization that Barrett files spurious lawsuits ence of hundreds, even thousands, with his methodical against natural health practitioners. and commanding presentation. His ability to translatehighly technical information for lay people is exception- Why the Vendetta Against Natural Medicine?
al. I have been impressed with how Gary does this accu-rately without compromising scientific accuracy." Today, the success of alternative and complementarymedicine has caught the attention of conventional med- Ronald M Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D., author of several icine. This has been the focus of two important statisti- books and a founding member of the International cal studies published in the New England Journal of Association for the Study of Pain, makes this fitting Medicine3 and the Journal of the American Medical conclusion about Quackwatch and Gary Young: Association (JAMA)4. "Quackwatch is not respected by anyone who has In fact, a search of PubMed, the website of The National knowledge of complementary and alternative medicine.
Library of Medicine, turned up 7,712 peer-reviewed They [Quackwatch] themselves are deceitful and fabri- articles on complementary and alternative medicine.
cators. My knowledge of Gary Young and Young Living The November 11, 1998 JAMA article reported that leads me to believe that Young Living helps far more "Estimated expenditures for alternative medicine pro- people than Quackwatch ever could. I think Gary Young fessional services increased 45.2% between 1990 and has done a fabulous job on aromatherapy and I am 100 1997 and were conservatively estimated at $21.2 billion percent supportive of what he is doing." in 1997, with at least $12.2 billion paid out-of-pocket.
This exceeds the 1997 out-of-pocket expenditures for all US hospitalizations." Part II: Stephen Barrett's Bias and the
This study reported that more visits were made to uncon-ventional practitioners in 1990 than to conventional—488 The Power of the Negative
million unconventional visits compared to 388 millionconventional visits to primary care physicians.
Phillip C. McGraw, Ph.D., author of the book SelfMatters: Creating Your Life from the Inside Out, states, The surprising impact of alternative medicine in "Negative information can seem more vivid, more real, America led the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to than even truthful information that is positive." In our organize the National Center for Complementary and society today, we are barraged with a constant flow of Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) in 1998.
information. We have been conditioned to accept that The Department of Health and Human Services of the what we hear is truth and what we see is real. The pub- United States oversees this institute with this important lisher Robert Collier once said, "Any thought that is area of focus: "To integrate scientifically proven CAM passed on to the subconscious often enough and con- [Complementary and Alternative Medicine] practices vincingly enough is finally accepted." In society today, into conventional medicine, we announce published research results; study ways to integrate evidence-based giant pharmaceutical corporations organized "quack- CAM practices into conventional medical practice; and busters." He writes that "26 drug companies banded togeth- support programs to develop models for incorporating er and funded it, put leaders and directors in place, and set CAM into the curriculum of medical, dental, and nurs- it up as a business—one that would act as a mechanism to ing schools." 5 The director of the National Center for constantly damage, and discourage, competition to drug Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Stephen E.
‘treatment.' Their primary target is the emerging ‘health- Straus, M.D., said, "We've moved into a whole new way care' industry—those entities that propose ‘alternatives' to of thinking about nutrition and dietary supplements." 6 the drug/surgery paradigm. The ‘quackbusters' as a tactic,deride ALL new health ideas as ‘quackery.'" The scientific documentation of the value of alternativeand complementary medicine cannot be ignored. From Bolen also explains Big Pharma's "propaganda gambit" articles in the premier peer-reviewed medical journals to of creating an information base. "Websites appeared, the highest government agencies, natural medicine is sounding authoritative, like Stephen Barrett's sleazy becoming mainstream. With the growing awareness of the and others. The questionable value of alternative and complementary medicine, those organization, the National Council Against Health who view natural medicine as "competition" to conven- Fraud (NCAHF), was to provide so-called ‘expert wit- tional medicine are growing louder in their opposition. nesses' for testimony." 7 The Price of Ensuring Freedom of Choice in
Bolen refers to Stephen Barrett's website "Quackwatch" perhaps because it is the most well-known of the homepages for these attacks on natural health. On this web- Freedom of choice extracts a costly price. The pioneers site, several hundred natural healthcare professionals of natural health are under unwarranted attack by front are being attacked. There are 164 names on Barrett's organizations with tremendous financial resources. "Living" list of doctors, nurses, chiropractors, natur-opaths, and even a United States Congresswoman, who Stephen Barrett of Quackwatch is paid to testify as an support natural health ideas and are therefore targets for "expert witness" in lawsuits he and associate Robert his attacks.
Baratz, president of the NCAHF, originate as they attacknatural health practitioners with misinformation and Among the people Stephen Barrett attacks on his website innuendo. Barrett's and Baratz's many web pages and are D. Gary Young, Andrew Weil, M.D.; Julian Whitaker, their vendetta against natural health seem to be enrich- M.D.; Deepak Chopra M.D.; Bernie Siegel, M.D.; Ralph ing these men. The question is raised: Who is putting up Moss, Ph.D.; Earl Mindell, R.Ph.; and Gary Null, Ph.D.
the money for their many lawsuits? Are they being fund- Also, the late Dr. John R. Lee, who questioned the wis- ed by pharmaceutical companies? dom of the now-proven-dangerous Hormone Pharmaceutical companies have the most to lose when Replacement Therapy (HRT), is on Barrett's list.
people practice alternative medicine. According to theSmart Publications Health & Wellness Update, the Some examples of Barrett's attacks include his criticism United States' $100 billion drug industry is the most of Harvey Diamond's book Fit For Life because of its profitable industry in the nation, and has had enormous discussion of food combining. Barrett also criticizes Joe influence over the medical industry for years.
Weider, the bodybuilder, for believing that "athleteshave special protein needs, that protein supplements The fact is that alternative medicine is drawing more have special muscle-building and health-giving powers, and more money away from mainstream medical prac- and that the most efficient way to get enough protein is tice and even more significantly, from pharmaceutical by using supplements." corporations. When people use "natural" remediesinstead of high-priced patented drugs, pharmaceutical In addition, Barrett criticizes U.S. Representative Diane companies lose money. Watson (D-CA) for her work in notifying the publicabout the mercury found in "silver" dental amalgams.
Consumer writer Tim Bolen believes that "Quackwatchers" Hundreds of scientific studies published in peer- such as Barrett and Baratz are being funded by the pharma- reviewed scientific journals document the dangers of ceutical companies, and he has written about the assault this compound: "dental amalgam is most probably the against those who offer alternatives to the drug/surgery major source of chronic mercury exposure in humans." medical paradigm. He believes that "Big Pharma" or the (Hahn LJ, et al., "Dental ‘silver' tooth fillings: a source of mercury exposure revealed by whole-body image Air Force active duty and a 23-month post as "Chief, scan and tissue analysis," psychiatric service" at Scott Air Force Base Hospital, he never again held a full-time psychiatric position. Thisresume reveals that all of his positions as a psychiatrist Rep. Watson was successful in getting a law enacted have been half-time or part-time. A timeline of Barrett's mandating this notice in all dental offices in California: career path reveals he often worked as many as 6 part-time positions at once.
"WARNING: Amalgam fillings contain a chemical ele-ment known to the State of California to cause birth Is He a Board-Certified Expert?
defects or other reproductive harm." Barrett hasn't held a medical license since 1993 and was Furthermore, several distinguished doctors, including the never board certified in his field of psychiatry. In one court late Linus Pauling, Ph.D., who was the only person to ever document, he stated that it is not necessary to be board- win two unshared Nobel prizes, are victims of Barrett's certified to practice psychiatry. Yet board certification is hostility toward natural medicine. Barrett derides the the criteria by which one can assess a doctor's ability as accomplishments of Dr. Pauling, whose theories continue noted by the American Board of Medical Specialties: to find vindication by researchers and scientists. The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) is Clearly, Barrett's Quackwatch site takes jabs at those an organization of 24 approved medical specialty boards.
who disagree with his views. This includes the White The intent of the certification of physicians is to provide House Commission on Complementary and Alternative assurance to the public that those certified by an ABMS Medicine Policy and Newsweek magazine for "promot- Member Board have successfully completed an approved ing false notions about so-called complementary and training program and an evaluation process assessing alternative medicine." It is therefore necessary to under- their ability to provide quality patient care in the special- stand the background and motives of the man who ty. The ABMS serves to coordinate the activities of its maintains this site that is dedicated to assaulting alterna- Member Boards and to provide information to others tive medicine and its practitioners.
concerning issues involving specialization and certifica-tion of medical specialists. ( A Critical Look at Stephen Barrett
The American Psychiatric Association states: "After It is important to look at the qualifications and motives completing their residency training, most psychiatrists of the man behind the vitriolic attack against Gary take a voluntary examination given by the American Young and so many others.
Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, to become a ‘boardcertified' What is Barrett's motivation in attacking Gary Young? Association website: Gary has built an international company that is helping choosing_psych/ whatpsych.cfm) On Barrett's many people create a vital and healthy lifestyle. He has Quackwatch website he writes: "Medical specialty three herb farms, a park for families, and a clinic/fitness boards require high standards of training and perform- center. He employs approximately 300 people and his ance and ensure them by rigid examinations. Successful company, Young Living Essential Oils, has tens of thou- applicants receive diplomas and are considered ‘board- sands of dedicated distributors.
certified.' " Barrett foregoes mentioning that he hasnever achieved board certification in his field, although On the other hand, a careful look at Stephen Barrett, he styles himself as an "expert" qualified to testify M.D., reveals some questions about his career, and ulti- against natural health practitioners. Yet the psychiatric mately about his character. Barrett's curriculum vitae is website of Barrett's home state, the Pennsylvania listed on the Internet in at least two places. He manages Psychiatry Expert Witnesses and Consultants 8 or 9 websites and is currently involved in numerous lawsuits (as the instigator), but there is additional sylvania.htm), shows a directory of 16 individuals or revealing resume information on his MLM Watch site.
firms and all but one specifically list board certification This resume shows what his Quackwatch resume does- as an integral part of their credentials.
n't: since the time that he claims he finished his 2-year The only non-board-certified expert witness on the Stephen Barrett lists no membership in any psychiatric Pennsylvania expert witness listing is Dr. Brian association. He mentions having won a freshman chem- Crowley, who has the following exemplary credentials istry prize when in college, a citizen award from his to recommend him: local dental society (possibly for his pro-fluoridationstance and support of mercury amalgams), and status as • Senior Attending Psychiatrist and Immediate Past fellow of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at of Claims of the Paranormal. Suburban Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland.
• Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Barrett also says he received an Honorary Member Psychiatric Association Award from the American Dietetic Association. This is • Associate Professor of Psychiatry (He teaches med- the group that accepted $75,000 from NutraSweet® and ical students at the Uniformed Services University then allowed NutraSweet to write its fact sheets.
of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Maryland.) • Fellow of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis In court testimony from one of his many anti-alternativemedicine lawsuits, Barrett stated he gave up his medical Also, Dr. Crowley received the Roeske Award for license when he retired. Consumer writer Tim Bolen Excellence in Medical Student Education from the stated that Barrett said in court he had only seen nine American Psychiatric Association.
patients in the last years of his practice and he was nolonger working at the State Mental Hospital, where his part-time employment in a ward there comprised the pended without pay and warned that he could be ter- longest stint of his psychiatric career. 8 • He lied in saying he was recruited by Harvard Barrett's Associate—A Critical Look at Robert Baratz
Community Health to develop, open, and manage itsurgent care facility.
Barrett has aligned himself with a man who has impres- • In his termination agreement with Harvard sive academic letters behind his name: Ph.D., D.D.S., Community Health (page 37), Baratz agreed not to and M.D., yet this highly-educated man currently oper- sue anyone at Harvard Community Health related to ates a hair removal and ear piercing salon in Braintree, anything that happened during his employment there.
Yet he sued Dr. Wilson, Ms. Vito, and Mr. Tumi.
• When asked if he was board certified, Baratz admit- Robert S. Baratz serves as president of the National ted he was "not currently." Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) with Stephen • The attorney said, "You have taken and failed [the Barrett as vice president.
board test] several times?"Baratz answered, "I have not passed the ABIM exam Barrett and Baratz have found it lucrative to instigate law- on a couple of occasions." suits and then accept payment for their testimony (reput- Question: "Is that the same as failed?" ed to be $350 an hour). While this strategy worked for a Baratz, "If you say so." while, the legal tide is beginning to turn against them. Robert Baratz, D.D.S, etc., was called to testify about Baratz provided the most stunning and ludicrous testi- the "safety" of mercury in dental amalgams in Florida in mony when he was cross-examined as an "expert wit- January 2001. Following Baratz's testimony, Dr. Ralph ness" in a trial in Wisconsin on July 15, 2003. The tran- Dougherty of the Department of Chemistry and script, 46 pages in tiny, 8-point font, can be purchased Biochemistry, Florida State University, wrote: from TextNet (888-839-8638) or found (Click on "State Boards," then "State "I have qualified as an expert witness in chemistry and of Wisconsin v. Eleazer M. Kadile, M.D." and then tran- toxicology in both federal and state courts. I have con- script for "July 15, 2003.") ducted extensive research in analytical toxicology. Ihave more than 100 papers published in refereed jour- In 3 days of cross examination to defend his credentials, nals. To allege that there is no mercury in mercury amal- Baratz's resume was found to be full of fabrications, and gam as Dr. Baratz has done in his sworn testimony the following facts were shown to be true: before the Florida Dental Board is either a reflection ofignorance, or intent to deceive." • Baratz is not now or ever was a consultant for the Dr. Boyd E. Haley, Chair, Department of Chemistry, • He is not a spokesperson for the American Dental University of Kentucky, wrote, "With my personal knowledge of numerous outstanding and productive • He has not published 150 medical papers.
academic research scientists available to the FDA for • Baratz twice ran into the back of cars while jogging consultation I am somewhat perplexed that they would and filed lawsuits against the drivers, one of whom select someone with such weak credentials—unless was the former dean of the Boston College Law they were searching for someone who would adamantly School. (Baratz lost that case and had to pay the support their preconceived position of amalgams being dean's legal expenses.) totally safe. Dr. Baratz is evidently well known for tak- • He filed a $3 million lawsuit against a 71-year-old ing that position. Finally, his statements concerning woman, Dr. Florence Wilson, who allegedly pulled amalgams and chemistry in general are so pathetic that on his arm during an argument, and he has claimed they almost defy sensible analysis." [Emphasis added] to be disabled since then (December 1998).
Toxic Exposure Study Trust Foundation, • He filed "breach of contract" suits against Harvard Community Health and Tufts University.
• Harvard Community Health accused Baratz in a The "Experts"—Barrett and Baratz—Exposed
memo of behavior that was "verbally aggressive andabusive" and included obscenities directed at In California Superior Court on December 17, 2001, Baratz's supervisee. The memo noted he was "sus- Judge Haley J. Fromholz dismissed Stephen Barrett's case against King Bio Pharmaceuticals, noting that wit- One such suit against the Miramar Sheraton Hotel in nesses Barrett and Wallace I. Sampson, M.D., (another Santa Monica was dismissed on a demurrer by Judge quackman) were not neutral or dispassionate witnesses.
Brett C. Klein. Judge Klein wrote: This case is brought Judge Fromholz wrote: "Both witnesses' fees, as Dr.
in the private interest, not in the public interest. There Barrett testified, are paid from a fund established by are many nouns that one might attempt to use, Plaintiff NCAHF [National Council Against Health metaphorically, to describe what this case is about," Fraud] from the proceeds of suits such as the case at Judge Klein said. "The most appropriate metaphorical bar" and that "both men have a direct, personal financial term would be ‘racketeering.' " 11 interest in the outcome of this litigation…[I]t can fairlybe said that Drs. Barrett and Sampson are themselves The Los Angeles Times published the following in an the client, and therefore their testimony should be article on Quackwatch attorney Mehrban: accorded little, if any, credibility on that basis alone." "Earlier this year, Mehrban filed 400 separate claims Judge Fromholz also scorned Barrett's credibility as a against makers of candles, charging that the common so-called expert witness on the FDA, saying: table ornaments emit toxic fumes. He's currently incourt with more than a dozen manufacturers and retail- "While Dr. Barrett appears to have had several past con- ers of artificial fireplace logs, which he claims emit versations with FDA representatives, these appear to toxic fumes when lit. He once sued dozens of hotel have been sporadic, mainly at his own instigation, and chains for allegedly failing to post warnings about the principally for the purpose of gathering information for hazards of cigarette smoke in lobby and pool areas. A his various articles and Internet web-sites. He has never Los Angeles judge who dismissed one of the cases — testified before any government panel or agency on against the Miramar Sheraton — likened the lawsuit to issues relating to FDA regulation of drugs. Presumably ‘racketeering.' Such criticism does not faze Mehrban.
his professional continuing education experiences are Though he bills his time at as much as $400 an hour and outdated given that he has not had a current medical drives a Mercedes roadster, he says he's not in it for the license in over seven years. For these reasons, there is no money." (Los Angeles Times, November 3, 2002, article sound basis on which to consider Dr. Barrett qualified as an expert on the issues he was offered to address." Judge Fromholz ruled that "NCAHF failed to prove afalse or misleading statement. King Bio's expert testi- Quackwatcher Stephen Barrett's bias has been clearly fied the products were safe and effective. The products documented in court, as well as in his numerous conver- were included in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia and sations concerning healthcare issues. Young Living complied with FDA guidelines. NCAHF presented no Distributor Dean Berenz wrote Barrett and posed some evidence that King Bio's products were not safe and questions, and the following are his answers: effective, relying instead on a general attack on home-opathy, made by witnesses who had no knowledge of, or -Dean Berenz: "Where can I find statistics on deaths
experience with, King Bio's products, and who were caused by hospital error and diseases contracted from found to be biased and unworthy of credibility." 9 hospital admission and unrelated to the condition at thetime of admission?" In an appeal of the King Bio lawsuit (which was upheldby Justice Margaret Grignon, filed 4/22/2003), Justice -Stephen Barrett: "I don't know of any reliable statis-
Grignon awarded King Bio a protective order against tics on this subject." NCAHF and $900 in sanctions for exceeding the 35-question limitation on requests for admission and inter- Documentation and statistics do exist on "iatrogenic" rogatories by almost 1,000 questions. She ordered that causes of death. Iatrogenic means "induced in a patient NCAHF "bear King Bio Pharmaceuticals, Inc.'s and by a physician's activity, manner, or therapy." It is used Frank J. King's costs on appeal." 10 especially as a complication of treatment. The attorney chosen for Barrett's appeal of the King Bio Dr. Joseph Mercola has these statistics from the Journal case, Morse Mehrban, has made an unsavory reputation of the American Medical Association and The Institute for himself in California by filing meritless lawsuits.
of Medicine (part of the National Academy of Sciences, a private organization chartered by Congress to advise zinc and iron may be keeping as many as a third of the the government on scientific matters) on his website: world's people from reaching their full potential, (Search his website for "Death by researchers told a U.N. panel on Tuesday. Simple reme- Medicine" and "Doctors Are the Third Leading Cause dies that have worked well in the industrialized world of Death in the US.") This information has also been such as fortifying flour or milk with key vitamins or widely disseminated by news agencies. minerals or distributing supplements to children orpregnant women are so inexpensive and widely avail- Dean Berenz: "I also need to have statistics on pharma-
able that they should be applied worldwide, said ceutically-induced deaths from mis-prescribed drugs UNICEF chief Carol Bellamy." [Emphasis added.] and/or their side effects." Barrett's bias against any natural approach to medicine Stephen Barrett: "I don't know of any reliable statis-
is further evidenced by his attacks on the New England tics on this subject." 12 Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the AmericanMedical Association, and even the National Center for As was stated in the Journal of the American Medical Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). Association (JAMA) study quoted above, every year106,000 people die from non-error, negative effects of On page 34 of The Vitamin Pushers, Barrett lists: drugs (adverse reactions). (Kohn L, ed, Corrigan J, ed.
"Thirty Ways to Spot Quacks and Pushers." Number 29 Donaldson M, ed. "To Err Is Human: Building a Safer reads: "They Sue to Intimidate Their Critics." It is inter- Health System." Washington, DC: National Academy esting to note that Barrett himself has been involved in numerous lawsuits, and he solicits people to join hislegal harassment on his Quackwatch website: "Plaintiffs The report of the Institute of Medicine said the total cost Wanted for Consumer Protection Suits! (posted of medical mistakes, lost income and production, cost of disability and health care, totals $17 to $29 billion a year.
Clearly, Barrett and his Quackwatch associate will use Stephen Barrett claims to be unaware of these statistics, any means to push their anti- alternative medicine agen- even though he is the medical editor for Prometheus da, including false and misleading information and Books, a publishing house known for biblical criticism, withholding of truthful evidence that strongly supports alternative lifestyle books, and 12-step programs such as their opponent's position. With this in mind, it casts a How to Stay Sober: Recovery Without Religion and SOS fairly dense shadow of doubt as to the veracity of any- Sobriety by James Christopher, founder of the "Save thing the Quackwatch group has written. Ourselves Movement." How does one separate fact from fiction? It is important Furthermore, in his book, The Vitamin Pushers, he to look at the facts that are on record concerning wrote: "It is falsely alleged that Americans are so addicted to ‘junk' foods that an adequate diet is excep- He does not hold a current medical license tional rather than usual." Scientific research has shown He was never board certified in his chosen profession that most Americans do not have adequate or nutritious He operates Quackwatch out of his Allentown, diets. The explosion of obesity and diabetes are proof.
Pennsylvania basement On June 2, 2004, Reuters News reported that a study He makes his living "testifying" in frivolous lawsuits from the June issue of the Journal of Food Chemistryand Analysis showed that junk food makes up almost By responding to the allegations made against Young one-third of the U.S. diet. Living Essential Oils, its founder and products, individ-uals and groups will clearly see that opponents are moti- Barrett also wrote: "Poor people can ill afford to waste vated by money more than integrity. Natural medicine is money on unnecessary vitamin pills." 13 In answer to meeting a tremendous need in our current healthcare that, Reuters News reported on March 23, 2004, crisis, and Young Living Essential Oils will continue to "Dietary shortages of crucial vitamins and minerals like benefit people's lives. 1. Essential Edge, published by Young Living Essential Oils, 2002 Convention Issue.
2. State of Utah Labor Commission, Utah Occupational Safety and Health Division, Inspection No. 303609242, 3. Eisenberg DM, et al., "Unconventional medicine in the United States. Prevalence, costs, and patterns of use," N Engl J Med. 1993 Jan 28;328(4):246-52.
4. Eisenberg DM, Davis RB, et al., "Trends in alternative medicine use in the United States, 1990-1997: results of a follow-up national study," JAMA. 1998 Nov 11;280(18):1569-75.
5. Website of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 6. Press Release, September 21, 2002, "Nutritional Supplements Shown to Provide Valuable Health Benefits," American Medical Association (website: from the 21st Annual Science ReportersConference in Wash., D.C.
8. Tim Bolen, "Quackpot Barrett Crushed in Federal Court—Again," June 25, 2003, found at www.quackpot- 9. National Council Against Health Fraud Plaintiff v. King Bio Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Frank J. King Jr.; and Does 1-50; Case No. 245271, assigned for all purposes to Judge Haley J. Fromholz, in the Superior Court ofCalifornia, in and for the County of Los Angeles.
10. In the Court of Appeal of the State of California, Second Appellate District, Division Five, National Council Against Health Fraud, Inc.; plaintiff and appellant, v. King Bio Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; et al.; defendants andrespondents, B156585, (Los Angeles County Super. Ct. No. BC 245271.
11. Denise Levin, The Los Angeles Daily Journal, August 3, 1999.
12. E-mail to Marcella Vonn Harting and Jean-Marie Hepworth Friedmann, May 6, 2003, from Dean Berenz.
13. Stephen Barrett, M.D., Victor Herbert, M.D., J.D., The Vitamin Pushers, Prometheus Books, 1994, page 17.


Medical abortion: some exploratory findings from gujarat

Working Paper No. 166 Medical Abortion: Some Exploratory Findings from Gujarat Leela Visaria Alka Barua Ramkrishna Mistry Gujarat Institute of Development Research Gota, Ahmedabad 380 060 _ Copyright© Gujarat Institute of Development Research

Inchiesta-ottobre 06:4 pag.+box

LO SCONTRO PER IL CONTROLLO DELLE TLC La tragica fine di Adamo Bove, il supermanagerdella security Telecom "suicidato" con un volo di40 metri lo scorso 21 luglio, potrebbe essere solol'ultimo atto del duro scontro fra poteri finanziari(e paramassonici) occulti per il controllo delcolosso italiano di telefonia e, forse, del futurodelle telecomunicazioni in Europa. Vediamo gliinediti assetti del potere in Telecom, fra uomini diarea Opus Dei , faccendieri e piduisti. RITA PENNAROLA