HM Medical Clinic

Even if Viagra is not needed, it is possible that the doctor will be able to determine the etiology of erectile dysfunction and prescribe appropriate treatmen it doesn't pay to forget about sexual activeness even at the first sings of malfunction.

A company portrait of WALA Heilmittel GmbH "If one day we understand the rhythms of nature – this will be natural science in itstruest form." Dr. Rudolf Steiner 1 Dr. Ulrich Meyer, Member of the Management Board, and Karl Kossmann, co-founder and member of the WALA Foundation, at the employee information meeting
2 Calendula (Calendula officinalis), known for its anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties
3 Potentising is one of the central processing steps for WALA Medicines
4 Plants and their parts are crushed in a mortar to produce the aqueous plant extracts known as mother tinctures
5 Dr.Hauschka Skin Care carrier bag
6 Globuli velati, one method of administering WALA Medicines
Nature's treasures transformed for you
WALA has been developing natural products since
as far back as 1935. In the earliest days of its
history, the company was a pioneering force in
a society that had all but lost touch with natural
products. Today, more than 75 years later, it is
increasingly evident that the natural approach may
be the only one that can lead us to the future.
For WALA, this was always the natural choice.

Left: The white bryony (bryonia cretica) grown in the WALA medicinal herb garden is used to treat rheumatism, gout, muscular pains, colds and flu
Founded in Ludwigsburg in 1935 by Dr. Rudolf Hauschka (1891-1969) Sole company location today: Bad Boll/Eckwälden near Stuttgart Owned by the WALA Foundation since 1986 Approximately 700 employees Develops and manufactures holistic productsExports to 40 countries on all continents WALA Medicines since 1935: more than 900 different remedies conforming to the anthroposophic understanding of man and nature Dr.Hauschka Skin Care since 1967: certified natural skin care with more than 130 different products for face, body and hair as well as a range of decorative cosmetics Dr.Hauschka Med since 2009: natural special care products crafted to meet specific needs Biodynamic WALA medicinal herb garden complying with Demeter standards Supports biodynamic farming projects throughout the world Has developed an original rhythmic manufacturing process to obtain aqueous plant extracts that remain stable without the use of alcohol Important manufacturing steps performed manually, with care and great attention to detail, e.g. the potentising process High priority given to environmental protection, such as EMAS (eco-manage- Above: Oliver Digel from the WALA Graphics
ment and audit scheme) certification, environmental management system, Department. Right: WALA employees at a
hydroelectric power Social commitment, for example to families' and women's needs, profit-linked bonus schemes THE WALA MANUFACTURING PROCESS
What is life?
An answer that may well have led to Together with a team of anthroposo- Rhythm is the answer
the formation of a company. It was in phic doctors led by Ita Wegman, Rudolf 1924 that Viennese chemist Dr. Rudolf Hauschka developed a series of medi- Hauschka (1891-1969) travelled to cines based on these aqueous medicinal the Netherlands and attended the herb extracts. The doctors using the anthroposophic summer conference in treatment were so enthusiastic about Arnheim. Here, he met Dr. Rudolf its effectiveness that Hauschka opened Steiner (1861-1925). Hauschka had a laboratory in Ludwigsburg in 1935 so several conversations with the founder that he could manufacture sufficient of anthroposophy and asked him quantities of the new medicines. He what, in his opinion, life was. Steiner named the new company after the qua- answered: "Study rhythms, rhythm lities that play a key role in the rhyth- is the carrier of life." For many years, mic manufacturing process: Warmth
Hauschka dwelled on this answer and and Ashes and Light and Ashes.
eventually applied it in his medicine research in 1929. At the time, he was Even today, employees at the WALA working at the Clinical and Therapeu- plant laboratory still produce medicinal tic Institute in Arlesheim, Switzerland. herb extracts – mother tinctures – He had been invited here by anthro- using the methods developed by Rudolf posophic physician Dr. Ita Wegman Hauschka. The technique has since been Above: An employee at the plant laboratory prepares rose petals for crushing. The crushed petals are ex-
(1876-1943) with a view to developing included in the Homeopathic Pharma- tracted in spring water using the rhythmic manufacturing process; this produces rose mother tincture
a natural technique for manufactu- copoeia for German-speaking countries. ring medicine, for example without The mother tinctures are used by WALA Mother tinctures
the need for alcohol as a preservative. employees to produce the homeopathi- Aqueous medicinal herb extracts With Steiner's answer in mind, Rudolf cally potentised ingredients for WALA The basis of WALA Medicines ingredients potentised in accordance with homeopathic methods Hauschka integrated natural changes of Medicines. Similar rhythmic processes polar qualities such as light/dark, warm/ play a role in the manufacture of es- Essences
cold, movement/calm in an extraction sences and oil extracts that are used in Aqueous-alcoholic medicinal herb extracts for WALA Medicines, Dr.Hauschka Skin Care process for medicinal herbs – rhythmic WALA Medicines and Dr.Hauschka Skin and Dr.Hauschka Med products that are applied externally Above: Dr. Rudolf Hauschka
changes that enhanced natural preser- Care products.
Below: Rose mother tincture
vation, thereby helping to counter the Oil extracts
decomposition process. The idea was a Extracts from dried medicinal herbs with plant oils winner: his aqueous extracts – initially for WALA Medicines and Dr.Hauschka Skin Care products using rose petals – kept for many years without the need to add preservatives, as was previously the case.
Pressed plant juices
The juices pressed from freshly harvested medicinal plants for use in WALA Medicines and Dr.Hauschka Med products STAGES OF WALA'S DEVELOPMENT
Left: Machines in the WALA production facility
label the filled bottles automatically. Right: Nicole
Beuttenmüller, member of the current development
team at Dr.Hauschka Skin Care
Below: The founders of WALA in winter 1957. From left to right: Dr. Rudolf Hauschka, Max Kaphahn, Maja Mewes and Dr. med. Margarethe Hauschka-Stavenhagen
Company founded in Ludwigsburg, a town near Stuttgart; another laboratory exists in Vienna Move to Dresden; opening of a London laboratory WALA laboratory forced to close by the Nazi regime . . . 1946. . .
WALA reopens in Munich-Höllriegelskreuth . . . 1950. . .
Relocates to Eckwälden near Stuttgart . . . 1953. . .
WALA OHG (unlimited company) founded . . . 1954. . .
Laying of the foundation stone for WALA's first headquarters of its own at the end of Eckwälden; creation of the WALA medicinal herb garden . . . 1979. . .
WALA OHG split into marketing and production company WALA Heilmittel GmbH and holding company WALA-Heilmittel Dr.Hauschka OHG Word soon spread about the exceptional Dr. Rudolf Hauschka and Dr. Margarethe In 1950, the WALA laboratory moved to . . . 1986. . .
quality of WALA Medicines. As a result, Stavenhagen (1896 -1980), who were at Bad Boll/ Eckwälden near Stuttgart. The Founding of profit-making WALA Foundation as the successor to WALA OHG and sole owner of the company moved to larger premises the time jointly responsible for running Healing and Educational Centre based WALA Heilmittel GmbH as well as founding of the non-profit-making Dr.Hauschka Foundation in Dresden in 1938, five years after it the Kuranstalt Gnadenwald sanatorium there made room for the fledgling was formed. In 1941, the Nazi regime in Austria, a branch of the anthroposo- company, which employed seven people . . . 1994. . .
New premises in Eckwälden brought the up-and-coming compa- phic clinic in Arlesheim. at the time. By 1956, the company had ny to a temporary halt by imposing a Furthermore, WALA was declared illegal.
steadily grown and moved to the first . . . 1999. . .
ban on anthroposophy. When Hitler's In 1946, after the Second World War, premises of its own. Today, there are New quality control laboratory constructed deputy Rudolf Hess (1894 -1987) fled Hauschka recommenced manufacturing five different building complexes in . . . 2002. . .
to England, suspicions of a revolutio- WALA Medicines in a temporarily con- Eckwälden, where some 700 employees Premises in Eckwälden expanded nary conspiracy between Hess and the verted military barracks on the grounds are responsible for the research and . . . 2006. . .
anthroposophic community prompted of the Biological Homeopathic Hospital development, manufacturing and mar- Founding of WALA North America, a non-profit-making company owned by the WALA Foundation numerous arrests. On 9 June 1941, in Munich, where he supplied the hos- keting of WALA products.
the Gestapo arrested, among others, pital with homeopathic products.
. . . 2007. . .
WALA acquires Dr. Schaette GmbH, a manufacturer of natural veterinary medicines and care products . . . 2008. . .
Official opening of the second extension building, which is located at the entrance of the town . . . 2010. . .
WALA Heilmittel GmbH and WALA Medicines celebrate their 75th anniversary THE WALA FOUNDATION
. . . 1947-1952. . .
Dr. Rudolf Hauschka initially runs WALA as a sole proprietorship.
. . . 1953. . .
Legal forms adopted by WALA
WALA is transformed into an unlimited company (OHG). Founder members: Dr. med. Margarethe Hauschka-Stavenhagen (1896 -1980), businessman Max Kaphahn (1894 -1975) and laboratory head Maja Mewes (1909 -1996). These arelater joined by businessman Karl Kossmann (*1927) and anthroposophic physician Dr. med. Heinz-Hartmut Vogel (1914 -1995).
Focusing on people
Profit is a necessary basis for a Businessman Karl Kossmann and . . . 1979. . .
company's development. However, this anthroposophic physician Dr. med. WALA OHG is split into marketing and production company WALA Heilmittel GmbH basis should not become the company's Heinz-Hartmut Vogel – the sole part- and holding company WALA-Heilmittel Dr.Hauschka OHG.
main objective, but rather remain a ners in WALA at the time – founded means of bringing its ideas to life. the profit-making WALA Foundation in . . . 1986. . .
This was the firm belief of Rudolf Bad Boll/Eckwälden. The Foundation is Karl Kossmann and Dr. med. Heinz-Hartmut Vogel transfer the company's assets Hauschka, for whom profit was solely responsible for WALA Heilmittel GmbH to the WALA Foundation – the successor to the unlimited company – and to the a means to an end. The objective of in its entirety and holds 100% of its non-profit-making Dr.Hauschka Foundation.
the company was to provide anthropo- shares. Accordingly, all profits of the sophic medicines for the people who limited company belong to the Foun- needed them.
dation, which invests them primarily in WALA Heilmittel GmbH. The part of the This outlook begged a series of quest- profits that is not required to safeguard ions regarding the best approach to the future of the limited company is take for his company. distributed among the employees as Who is the owner of the company? part of the bonus model. This is because How can the corporate idea be pre- the primary function of the Foundation served in the long term? is to preserve the WALA idea and to How and to whom is the necessary promote the continued development Above: The Foundation's Board of Trustees.
operating profit distributed? of WALA Heilmittel GmbH. From left to right: Wolfgang Gutberlet, Dr. med.
Is private ownership even compatible The advantage of this model is that Wolfgang Schuster, Karl Kossmann, Dr. med. Marcus
Roggatz and Herwig Judex at the ground-breaking
with the company's mission of produ- the company's equity does not belong ceremony in 2008
cing anthroposophic medicines? to any single person, and that the company primarily serves the pur-pose of the Foundation and cannot be bought, sold or inherited.
Further information can be found at and
Left: Once a year, children of WALA employees
can spend an afternoon helping out at WALA and
finding out about Mummy or Daddy's work.
Above: Karl Kossmann was co-founder of the WALA
Foundation in 1986 and is still a member of the
Foundation's Management Board today
One of the key factors shaping the work structure at WALA was the social maxim THE SOCIAL CONTRACT
formulated by Rudolf Steiner in 1905: "The welfare of a group of people working together is all the greater when each person does not keep the fruits of his achievements for himself, i.e. when each person shares the fruits of his achievements with his colleagues, and when his own needs are not satisfied by his own achievements but by those of others." Rudolf Steiner. Collected Essays. Humanities and the Social Question (Gesammelte Aufsätze. Geisteswissenschaft und soziale Frage). October 1905. Complete works 34.
Dornach: Rudolf Steiner Verlag 1987.
At this morning's staff meeting, the Managing Director will once again address the current business situation and the Technical Manager will report on the new building that has been planned. Before the meeting, the lady from Production quickly drinks another free Transfair coffee in the company cafeteria. Because she is responsible for drawing up and monitoring the budget for her area, she observes the WALA business presentation with particular interest. If the year's financial result is a good one, she can also expect to share in the profits. After taking maternity leave, she was able to return to her old position, working part-time to begin with. She travels home by bus with the monthly ticket paid for by WALA and her son's school fees are subsidised by the company too.
For Rudolf Hauschka, the focus was always on people. He believed that people should not work at WALA solely as a means of income, but rather out of conviction and because it allows them to take on responsibility in their everyday work.
Employees receive 80% of their salary at the beginning of the month, so that they have the necessary finance for the month. Teamwork is of central importance – all employees are given responsibility and the opportunity to develop and apply their talents, which is to everyone's benefit.
Social structures at WALA
Employees are granted scope for independent work and decision-making within their sphere of activity80% of salary paid at the start of the monthRegular staff meetings to provide information on objectives, important events and the financial development of the companyProfit-sharing with employeesVoluntary social benefits such as financial, income-related contributions from WALA to child assistance, kindergarten fees, school fees for employees' children etc.
Further development and training for all employees, e.g. discussion circles, lectures, eurythmyFlexible working hours with a "time account" recording hours worked A recognised Equal Opportunities Company Right: Korinna Dermartheaux from Medicines
Product Management. Above: Karl Kossmann
talking to Dr. Philip Lettmann, Member of the
Visitors are often taken aback to see All of WALA's environmental measures that the toilet bowls are flushed with are based on four principles: slightly coloured water. A notice on Resource-friendly use of natural raw the wall explains that this is actually materials, if possible from biodynamic rainwater collected in a cistern system on the large roof of the company build- Responsible processing of these raw ing. This is just one of many examples materials, recycling them wherever of WALA's responsible use of natural Above: Caraway (carum carvi), natural digestive
resources, which is completely inde- Use of substances or source materials and used in WALA Medicines. Right: WALA gar-
pendent of revenue growth. Sometimes from renewable raw materials deners compost garden waste and plant residue
from production and use the matured compost to
this can be seen in small details such Minimum consumption of resources, enhance the soil in the garden beds
as special sun protection blinds, which using renewable energy sources avoid a build-up of heat and reduce wherever possible the strain on the air conditioning in the production rooms. Or the courses WALA's environmental commitment is in environmentally friendly driving that driven by one fundamental idea: are offered to all WALA employees, or that the Earth is a complex organism the warehouse that is located so deep in which various cycles interconnect to in the ground that the more or less form a stable system. However, it can constant ground temperature helps to only remain stable when human beings keep the room cool. Outer air is used integrate themselves effectively.
for cooling, waste heat from machines In view of this, WALA sees protecting for heating: a sophisticated energy the environment as a responsibility for management system distributes re- preserving and healing the world for covered heat internally, thereby reduc- generations to come, in accordance ing energy consumption. Every day, with the beliefs of the ecological asso- WALA's own water treatment plant ciation Demeter.
cleans some eight cubic metres of proc-ess wastewater, which takes the strain Further information on this subject WALA's commitment to the
Regular EMAS certification since 1999 (EMAS: eco-management and audit scheme) off the local sewage plant. At WALA, can be found in the WALA Environ- natural resources are preserved on a mental Statement and online at First place in the Environment Award for Companies 2002 (Industrial Section) from large scale – 100% of the company's (heading: the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Environment and Transport power is generated hydroelectrically.
Certified by the German Bicycle Federation (ADFC) as a "bicycle-friendly company" Sustainable economics for
Nature's treasures transformed for you. More than just the motto of WALA, this is an expression of the entire company culture and its fundamental approach to all its products – be it WALA Medicines, Dr.Hauschka Skin Care or Dr.Hauschka Med.
Fine vegetable oils such as almond oil, avocado oil or olive oil. Natural waxes such as jojoba wax, beeswax, candelilla wax or rose petal wax. Medicinal herbs such as kidney vetch, eyebright or ribwort. Natural essential oils such as lavender oil, rose oil or lemon oil. This is just a small selection of the many ingredients used by WALA Medicines, Dr.Hauschka Skin Care and Dr.Hauschka Med products which are central to their unmistakable quality.
Producing medicines and cosmetics based on natural ingredients is quite a chall-enge, particularly given that consistently high quality and availability must be ensured at all times. Renewable raw materials require far-sighted planning and thorough quality control. Many of the medicinal herbs required are grown by gardeners in WALA's own bio-dynamic garden. All components sourced externally by WALA are subject to strict quality control by the company's internal analytical and microbiological control laboratories. Wherever possible, these are grown biodynamically, organically or harvested in the wild.
By means of cultivation projects all over the world, WALA ensures sufficient sup-plies of high-quality ingredients for its products. In this way, the company pro-motes biodynamic agriculture and allows people in countries with less developed infrastructures to shape their own future. Two examples are shea butter from the Above: In the African state of Burkina Faso, some 350 women from two villages came together to form a producer association which harvests and sells shea nuts.
African nation of Burkina Faso and castor oil from India. The organisation calls itself "IKEUFA", which roughly translates as "Do good and do better in Diarabakoko". Left: The management of IKEUFA. Right: Crushed shea nuts.
Below: Essential oil from Damask rose blossoms (petals left), jojoba nuts and almond oil (right) are just a few of the natural ingredients used for Dr.Hauschka Skin
Further information can be found at (heading: "Quality").
At one with nature's rhythms
A medicinal herb garden on the heavy, What is meant by biodynamical
loamy soil at the edge of the Swabian Alb? More than a few eyebrows were This method, which was invented by raised in Eckwälden's farming commu- Dr. Rudolf Steiner in 1924, views the nity when WALA began to seek out a garden as a largely closed cycle. For the piece of land for its new project at the most part, seeds, compost and sowing end of the 1950s. Rudolf Hauschka ac- soil are produced internally. The garde- quired a marshy meadow right behind ners use a variety of natural prepara- the site for the new company building, tions to aid the compost rotting process which the gardeners have tended with and to render the plants more resistant biodynamic methods ever since. to pests and diseases.
After many years of intensive mainte- At WALA, working by hand is essential nance, the soil became fine and crumb- when growing plants. When sowing and ly – ideal for its intended purpose. harvesting, the WALA gardeners work Today, more than 150 different medi- in tandem with the rhythms of nature. cinal herbs for manufacturing WALA This leads to healthy plants – the basis products are grown in the company's for WALA Medicines, Dr.Hauschka Skin gardens, which are now 4.5 hectares in Care products and Dr.Hauschka Med size. The water lily pond, stream, bee- "The soil does not hives, woods and flowery meadows are home to many dragonflies, toads and Further information can be found at (heading: "Quality").
plant – the plant brings forth the soil."Albrecht von Herzeele Above: Rolf Bucher, Head of the WALA medicinal herb garden, harvesting pale purple coneflower
The Origin of Organic Substances, 1879 (echinacea pallida). Left: The fruits of the milk thistle (silybum marianum) are used to maintain liver
health and to treat diseases of the liver. Most of the seeds for sowing are harvested in the WALA
medicinal herb garden

A transporter with attar of roses from Needless to say, the quality control does Bulgaria drives up. WALA employees not end here. During the entire manu- unpack the containers with the valu- facturing process, employees monitor able produce and a quality control em- critical parameters such as pH values ployee takes a sample of the oil. With and consistency. In addition, a quality the aid of modern analysis techniques control employee visits each WALA such as gas chromatography, the spe- manufacturing area every day and cialists in the company's own analytical takes samples of all finished products. control laboratory will test the attar Whether globuli velati, ointments, bath of roses for identity and purity. If the essences or mascara mass – they must Bulgarian oil passes these tests, it is all pass microbiological, sensory and approved and can be used to manufac- analytical tests before being sold. These ture WALA Medicine and Dr.Hauschka extensive controls are in line with the Skin Care products.
international pharmaceutical manu- Waxes, oils, plant materials: all incom- facturing standards and are applied by ing ingredients for manufacturing WALA not just for medicines but also WALA products are subjected to a for cosmetics.
variety of tests such as microbiological studies, purity and identity tests with thin-layer chromatography or content determination e.g. with HPLC (high-performance liquid chromatography).
WALA quality control
Product development and manufacturing in accordance with anthroposophic principles Responsibility towards people and the environment by integrating an anthroposo-phical understanding of man and nature Use of high-quality natural substances, from biodynamic sources wherever possible Special manufacturing process based on the rhythms of nature Manufacturing in accordance with international pharmaceutical manufacturing standards (GMP – Good Manufacturing Practice) with regard to medicines and cosmeticsExtensive quality and environmental management systemTraining to enhance quality awareness among employeesCareful selection and support of suppliers and trading partners with a view toreaching the quality targets together Above: Employees from the company's own analytical control laboratory examine the purity and quality of
Right: Microbiological studies are part of the stan-
essential oils with the aid of gas chromatography
dard work of the company's own control laboratory
Rhythmised natural substances
What exactly was it about WALA Medicines that elicited such enthusiasm among doctors as far back as 1935? Without a doubt, it was the rhythmic manufacturing process used to prepare the medicinal herbs. Of equal importance is the fact that each individual product is carefully composed of natural substances. WALA Medi-cines were developed by a committed group of doctors – initially led by Dr. med. Ita Wegman, and later by Dr. med. Margarethe Hauschka. Given their involvement in anthroposophy, they took a different approach to that of conventional medicine: the aim of the final composition was to help the organism to heal itself, thereby allowing the body, soul and spirit to recover. Studies have confirmed the intrinsic value of this approach and the effectiveness of anthroposophic medicine. Today, What is anthroposophic medicine?
Anthroposophic medicine is a holistic and integrative addition to conventional over 110 million people in Europe put their trust in complementary medicine.
medicine. It uses modern diagnosis methods and therapies and supplements them Today, the WALA range of medicines contains some 900 different remedies for both with medicines, artistic therapy, counselling and physiotherapy. This type of therapy acute and chronic ailments, including many self-medication products.
was founded almost a century ago by Dr. Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) and Dr. Ita Wegman (1876 -1943). Anthroposophic medicines are modern remedies made from natural substances, either in the form of individual remedies or compositions. Through heating, rhythmising and potentising processes, they are prepared in such a way that they approximate human processes and acquire healing powers.
Further information can be found at
WALA Medicines
1935 Market launch
Made of natural substances based on an anthroposophical understanding of
Above left: Globuli velati (pellets), an important method of administering WALA Medicines.
Above right: Markus Giesder, Head of the Potentising Laboratory, potentising a mother tincture.
Contains some 900 different products for both acute and chronic ailments, Right: Mortars are used by plant laboratory employees to crush medicinal herbs – this is done to prepare the
manufacture of aqueous medicinal herb extracts known as mother tinctures. The mother tinctures are the
including many self-medication products basis for the homeopathic powers of WALA Medicines
Medicines in the form of globuli velati, injectable solutions, ointments, suppositories, eye and ear drops, gels, oils, essences and capsulesMedicines for internal use without alcohol SPECIAL CARE

The moisture-rich ice plant (Mesembryanthemum
In 2009, drawing on over 75 years of experience in developing its products, WALA crystallinum) is at the heart of the Dr.Hauschka
Med Skin products
launched the Dr.Hauschka Med range of natural special care products crafted to meet specific needs. With their soothing and balancing properties, Dr.Hauschka Med products go a step beyond normal care and help to maintain healthy skin, lips and teeth. At the heart of these products are natural oils and medicinal herbs that have been meti-culously developed in co-operation with dermatologists, estheticians, dentists, universities and independent testing laboratories in accordance with the latest scientific findings with a view to producing precise and effective compositions.
The medicinal herbs used in these cosmetic products are not only selected on the basis of their active substances – also of great importance is their holistic effect on the human body. Wherever possible, the medicinal herbs used are sourced from WALA's own bio-dynamic herb garden or from certified organic biodynamic cultivation or are harvested in the wild. All components are subject to strict quality control.
Launched in 2009, natural special care products crafted to meet specific needsDr.Hauschka Med Skin: care for very dry and hypersensitive skinDr.Hauschka Med Lips: soothes tight, tingling lipsDr.Hauschka Med Teeth: strengthens teeth for natural caries preventionfree from synthetic dyes, fragrances and preservativesbear the international NATRUE quality label for natural and organic cosmetics A SKIN CARE RANGE GOES ITS OWN WAY
"Since receiving your letter
I have been in love with you."
This could be the start of a love story.
Rather, these words – addressed by In 1967, the basic range came onto the Dr. Rudolf Hauschka to Elisabeth market, originally sold under the name Sigmund (*1914) – signified the be- "Kosmetik-Präparate nach Elisabeth ginning of Dr.Hauschka Skin Care. The Sigmund" – Cosmetic Preparations year was 1962. Viennese doctor Rudolf by Elisabeth Sigmund – and later as Hauschka wanted to extend the WALA Dr.Hauschka Skin Care. In 1998, the product range by adding an exceptio- entire range was modernised with a nal type of cosmetic that reflected the uniform brand profile. Since then, a ideas of the company and enhanced the distinctive coloured band on a white health of the skin – the body's largest background has ensured worldwide organ. He wrote a letter of inquiry to success for the products. The avant- cosmetologist Elisabeth Sigmund, also garde natural skin care range now a native of Vienna. Hauschka was so extends to over 130 products: from enthusiastic about her reply – which face and body care products to body was filled with exceptional ideas about wash and bath oils, lipstick, make-up new approaches to cosmetics – that he and much more besides. What they all invited her to Eckwälden.
have in common is that they are made of high-grade natural ingredients with Unconventional ideas for exceptional
medicinal herbs that stimulate the skin care products
skin's natural activity. All Dr.Hauschka Elisabeth Sigmund lost no time in pack- Skin Care products carry the "natural ing her bags and leaving Stockholm, product" seal of German industrial as- where she was living at the time, and sociation BDIH and/or bear the NATRUE making her way to Eckwälden. In a quality label.
phase of intensive work, the new "WALA" skin care range was developed Further information by a diverse team consisting of pharma- cists, chemists, anthroposophical doctors and cosmetologist Elisabeth Above: Dr.Hauschka Rose Day Cream
Right: Elisabeth Sigmund in 1954 in her
Swedish beauty salon, historical packaging
Elisabeth Sigmund, the mother of The Classic Dr.Hauschka Treatment is "Everyone needs
Dr.Hauschka Skin Care, not only pro- extremely relaxing, leaving a feeling of Qualified beauticians trained as vided the basic recipes and ideas for inner balance and vitality – from head Dr.Hauschka Estheticians by WALA two beauties, an
Dr.Hauschka Skin Care products, but In over 25 countries worldwide – in inner and an
developed a whole new kind of cosme- selected beauty salons, wellness hotels tic treatment in her Stockholm beauty The Dr.Hauschka Holistic Body Treat- outer one."
ment is the perfect complement to the Holistic treatment, beginning with She was well aware of the importance Classic Treatment, as both are based on Elisabeth Sigmund of touch in her treatment. Because natural rhythm. During the treatment, Dr.Hauschka developed the Holistic of this, lymphatic stimulation – per- which lasts roughly an hour and a half, Body Treatment specially as an formed with fine brushes and gentle the Esthetician massages the entire additional skill for Dr.Hauschka hand movements – continues to be the body. The rhythmic ‘breathing' quality cornerstone of her treatment. This acti- of touch and the flowing movements vates the fluid processes in the tissues, create a conscious, stimulating expe- enhances regeneration and improves rience. The treatment boosts the for- general health, cleansing the tissues tifying vitality, stimulating the lymph and removing waste products.
current and enhancing regeneration Dr.Hauschka Estheticians begin their and general health.
classic facial treatment with a fra-grant foot bath, banishing the day's For addresses of Dr.Hauschka Estheti- stress with a combination of warmth cians and further information, please and care. With rhythmic ‘breathing' see, under and flowing movements, the Estheti- the heading "Cosmetic Treatment". cian administers the treatment with the utmost care. Needless to say, the treatment includes facial cleansing and care with natural Dr.Hauschka Skin Care products as well as extensive skin care consulting for men and women alike.
Left: A Dr.Hauschka Esthetician mixes the cleansing
clay mask to suit the client's individual skin condi-
tion. Right: Judith Weber from International Sales
enjoys lymphatic stimulation
If you are interested in seeing WALA Heilmittel GmbH at first hand, you can go on a tour of the company. Information on this can be found online at 2011 WALA Heilmittel GmbH english under the heading "Service". WALA Medicines can be obtained through any pharmacy in Germany. Dr.Hauschka Skin Care products and Dr.Hauschka Med pro- Art. no. 102250499/0L ducts are available from authorized retailers, including natural food stores, natural Published by: WALA Heilmittel GmbH beauty shops, department stores, pharmacies and Dr.Hauschka Estheticians.
73087 Bad Boll/Eckwälden, GermanyResponsible for content: Antal Adam The WALA Customer Service Team can be contacted from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Text: Catrin Cohnen Monday to Friday at + 49 (0) 7164 930 -181 and will be pleased to give you the Translation: PS Translation, Germersheim, names of suppliers in your region or answer any other questions you may have.
Layout: Anna Perino, submedia, Stuttgart, Franca Materia from Customer Service deals with
Printing: haka-print und medien, Ostfildern-Ruit telephone enquiries and receives WALA visitors at
our building on Dorfstrasse
WALA Heilmittel GmbH Printed on recycled paper bearing the "Blue Angel" environmental label 73085 Bad Boll/Eckwälden Copies and mechanical reproductions are only allowed with the permission of the publisher.
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Extended release potassium salts overdose and endoscopic removal of a pharmacobezoar: a case report

Contents lists available at Toxicology Reports Extended release potassium salts overdose and endoscopic removal of a pharmacobezoar: A case report nón Jorge Guillermo , Pérez Hernández Juan Carlos , Bautista Albiter Mayré Ivonne , Terán Flores Herminio , Ramírez Pérez Rubén a Jefe del Centro Toxicológico Hospital Angeles Lomas, Vialidad de la Barranca No. 14, Colonia Valle de las Palmas, Huixquilucan, Estado

Metformin as a novel component of metronomic chemotherapeutic use: a hypothesis

Contents lists available at Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine Metformin as a Novel Component of Metronomic Chemotherapeutic Use:A Hypothesis Jorge Eduardo Duque , Juliana Velez Ismael Samudio Enoch Lai 1 Grupo de Terapia Celular y Molecular, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá DC, Colombia 2 Centro Oncológico de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia3 Shuang Ho Medical Hospital, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan