Microsoft word - progressweekly12-12-12.doc

DECEMBER 12, 2012
Core Values:
If there is content you would like to see covered in future
Integrity, Passion for
newsletters, please email [email protected]
People, Excellence,
Strategic Goal Update
Vision: My life has meaning My home provides comfort I
have friends I make a difference in the lives of others.
As we come to the end of the year, it is common for us to reflect
Inside This Issue
on what we have accomplished, and the chal enges we have faced over the past year. Some of us have had a terrific year
1 Strategic Goal Update
and will take time to be thankful for all that has come our way,
1 PBS Point
others may be grateful that the year is over due to the difficulties we encountered, and some of us have had a mix of both.
We talk about the P.I. vision in terms of having every person we
serve being able to say: My life has meaning My home
Employee Anniversaries
provides comfort I have friends I make a difference in the
lives of others, but aren't these elements we all want in our lives?
Employee News/Events
Take a minute to reflect on each vision statement. Can you
confidently make each statement? Are there areas you would
like to work on as the New Year arrives? If we know we have these statements as a part of our lives, won't it be easier to help the people we support achieve them?
More to come…
PBS Point
You cannot prove someone cannot learn; you can
only demonstrate you are unable to teach.
Mark Gold

DECEMBER 12, 2012
Hot Topics
Distracted Driving… We are hearing more and more about
distracted driving contributing to automobile accidents;
talking on the phone or texting, eating, reaching for things
in the back seat, and changing the radio station are just a
few examples. The state of Iowa now has a law against
testing and driving.
My life has meaning
Progress Industries wants all of its employees and persons
My home provides
served to be safe, so we have introduced a new Distracted
Driving Policy. To summarize, we want 100% of your attention on driving, so talking, texting, eating, etc. are
I have friends
against P.I. policy. Hands free phone use is allowed by the
I make a difference in
state of Iowa, but highly discouraged by P.I. Even hands
the lives of others
free your attention is to the conversation, not what is happening around you on the road.
Please be extra cautious, and keep yourself and other safe.
Stay tuned for more updates…
If your network drives or desktop background/icons are missing when you log in, either log off or restart your computer and this should fix the issue.
Employee Anniversaries
For the Week of December 10th – 16th:

DECEMBER 12, 2012
Employee News and Events
Kim Swan, Payee for Progress Industries, is a five time
grandma to five grandsons. Chase James Swan was born
on November 25th weighing in at 7 pounds, 8 ounces and
19 ¾ inches long. Justin Swan (Kim's son/Chase's Dad),
Brandi (Mom) and Chase are all doing well.
Congratulations, Kim. Photo left: Chase James Swan
Chris Schakel, IT Department, recently celebrated 5 years
of employment at Progress Industries. Dan Skokan,
President and CEO thanked Chris and presented him with
a certificate of recognition. Photo below: Chris Schakel
(right) and Dan Skokan.
Holiday Traditions – Many people have holiday traditions they've carried on from generations.
Karla Sutton, Shift Manager, shared a holiday tradition she remembers well.
Karla's mother-in-law, Hazel Sutton, also recognized by the Sutton Family as the "Christmas
Queen" loved Christmastime with family gathering at her home on Christmas Day. Every year after
arriving at Mrs. Sutton's home, the grandchildren sequestered themselves in the kitchen with
grandma to prepare and bake a cake for dessert (this took precedence over unwrapping
presents). As each of the five grandchildren grew tall enough to stand on a footstool and reach
the counter top, they were invited to help bake the cake. While the cake was baking, everyone
opened presents and enjoyed Christmas dinner. After dinner, Mrs. Sutton and the grandchildren
would bring the cake into the dining room. With a single candle burning, the family sang "Happy
Birthday" to Jesus and blew out the candle to recognize the true meaning of Christmas. Sadly,
Mrs. Sutton passed away unexpectedly two years ago on Christmas Eve but the grandchildren,
ranging from age 30 down to 20, reminisce about this tradition of which Karla expects wil
continue with her grandchildren in the future.
Have a holiday tradition to share? Contact Melissa Butler or Carol Warren in the PR/Development Department.
DECEMBER 12, 2012
What's New
Information from the Wellmark Pharmacy Operations Area (for groups with "Mail Order" Rx
benefits) - As previously communicated, Wel mark's mail order vendor has changed
their name to Catamaran Home Delivery, this also changed the website from to Members who were previously enrolled with mail order at will need to register with a new user id and password to use the mail order site within All information for the member wil follow the member to, once they re-register and create a new user ID and password. Our apologies that the first communication for the name change did not address the need to create a new user id and password.
Unfortunately with the transition to the new website Catamaran was experiencing technical difficulty that would not allow users to re-register. There were three issues that many members, but not all, were experiencing when trying to access the new web site. These issues were brought to Catamaran's attention and they have a system fix that will go into place this Thursday evening (12/13) to allow the mail order portion of the website to be viewable and meet the preferred requirements of Wellmark.
Suppressing members' SS information; allow for the Alt ID (WID) to be used for registration; the ability of members to see their mail order refill history online.
Attached an outline of how members can register for mail order through the site and
the site. Members using were provided with their refills a flyer
announcing the name change and the website of also indicated future changes
would take place December 1, 2012 to the enhanced website of Members
may reach Catamaran mail order customer service by calling 1-800-233-3872. In an ongoing effort
to serve you, IPSRX has created a new member portal - - that wil deliver
you the same commitment to excel ence. For your security, you wil need to register for the site.
Please have your ID card near.
REGISTRATION: Go to your new site at
From the login screen, click New Registration.
Accept the Terms and Conditions.
Enter the required information on the registration screen.
Please make sure to update any bookmarks to
Generic Drug Alert from Wellmark BlueRX Pharmacy - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration
granted approval for generic versions of the prescription drug Tricor® (fenofibrate), a drug that
helps to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides (fatty acids) in the blood. This medicine is
prescribed when cholesterol levels cannot be reduced by means of diet and exercise alone.
Tricor was on Tier 3 of the Wel mark Drug List (formulary) and required prior authorization, to help ensure appropriate utilization for the drug. The generic version (fenofibrate) is listed on Tier 1 and will have the lowest cost share. Both brand and generic Tricor no longer require prior authorization.
More information is attached to this issue of Progress Weekly. You may contact Human
Resources if you have any further questions.
An Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
An Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
An Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted approval for generic versions of the prescription drug Tricor® (fenofibrate), a drug that helps to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides (fatty acids) in the blood. This medicine is prescribed when cholesterol levels cannot be reduced by means of diet and exercise alone.
Tricor was on Tier 3 of the Wellmark Drug List (formulary) and required prior authorization, to help ensure appropriate utilization and manage spend for the drug. The generic version (fenofibrate) is listed on Tier 1 and will have the lowest cost share. Both brand and generic Tricor no longer require prior authorization.
In most cases, pharmacists will automatically fill Tricor prescriptions with the generic drug. Members who choose the brand-name drug will pay their highest cost share and may be required to pay a product selection penalty (the cost difference between the generic and brand-name medication).
Tricor (fenofibrate)
PPAR-alpha activator that increases the breakdown of cholesterol in the
body and increases the elimination of triglycerides from the body
$350,400 (plan) $172,600 (member)
Oral tablet: 48mg, 145mg
November 26, 2012
Abbvie currently makes Tricor and will continue to make the brand-name
tablets. Teva, Lupin and Valient Pharmaceuticals currently manufacture
the generic version. The number of generic manufacturers is expected
to increase in the coming months.
Budget Impact
The generic versions of Tricor will be priced significantly lower than the brand. Three generic drug manufacturers currently produce generic versions of Tricor; more are expected to enter the marketplace in the coming months.
Total annual savings associated with the generic launch of Tricor are estimated at $523,000 through November 2013.
Information in this Generic Drug Alert is provided in summary to facilitate discussion. It is not intended for use as the sole basis for clinical treatment no r as a substitute for reading original literature.
Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. 2012 Wellmark , Inc.
Jefferson Elementary School Our Mission Jefferson Elementary The Mission of Jefferson Elementary School is to provide all students with Student, Parent/Guardian educational opportunities which Handbook enable them to become 2007-2008 life-long learners. "My father has always taught
Laser Treatment of Cutaneous Vascular Lesions Mitchel P. Goldman Laser treatment of cutaneous vascular lesions began with keep the laser energy within the thermal relaxation time Dr Leon Goldman in 1963 at the Children's Hospital of the blood vessel. Research Foundation in Cincinnati, Ohio, with the treat- The latest advance was the development of the intense