Miniature Books for Sale
Catalog 54: March 1, 2015
702 Rosecrans Street
San Diego CA 92106-3013
All books are in very good or better condition unless otherwise noted. Shipping within the USA is $3 whether you buy one book or more. If you are overseas, I will have to look into the costs for mailing to your country. To see a photo of any book, please ask and I will scan an image of the cover to you in an email. Books are shipped to you on approval; they are returnable for any reason within one week of purchase. Please pay promptly after you have received your books with a check payable to Karen Nyman and mail to address above. Overseas buyers may pay with PayPal but it is necessary to contact me first.
Micro-Miniatures Up To 1-1/4"
# Publisher
Author Yr
H x W Price
1 Barbara J. Bluebird, The
d'Aulroy, 1980 Van Nuys
300 Gilt navy blue
71 pp.; marbled endpapers; 7 il ustrations
15/16" $135.00
2 Barbara J. Brown Wolf
300 Gilt pyroxylin spine; 44 pp.; 2 il ustrations; the complete text of London's 15/16" $125.00
short story; first published in Everybody's
Magazine, August 1906
3 Barbara J. Classical
300 Gilt black pyroxylin 84 pp.; marbled endpapers; 10 il ustrations
15/16" $225.00
with cameo set-in
4 Barbara J. Herbs and Spices
300 Gilt green pyroxylin 63 pp. 34 ful -page il ustrations by Barbara Raheb 15/16" $160.00
of herbs and spices with captions
5 Barbara J. Medieval Bestiary,
100 Gilt red leather
64 pp.; marbled endpapers; 41 highly detailed
1-1/8" x $600.00
hand-colored il ustrations; a book of beasts based 13/16"
on a 12th century manuscript
6 Barbara J. Raggedy Ann & Gruel e,
1990 Agoura Hil s 300 Gilt brown pyroxylin 32 pp.; marbled endpapers; 5 il ustrations
15/16" $130.00
7 Barbara J. Snow Queen
Andersen, 1980 Van Nuys
300 Gilt navy blue
102 pp.; marbled endpapers; 17 il ustrations;
15/16" $165.00
150 Silver-gilt black
95 pp.; marbled endpapers; text in English and
1" x 1" $150.00
leather; 18 karat
Japanese; bookplates of Robert E. Massmann and
gold numbering bar Grace Broecker; 18k gold plate on front cover
identifies this as #109; a.e.g.
120 Gilt black leather; 126 pp.; marbled endpapers; top edge gilt; English 7/8" x $150.00
gilt black leather
text; gilt-stamped number on slipcase indicates this 3/4"
Sanders, 1896 Berlin,
475 pp.; German text; smallest encyclopedia in the 15/16" $200.00
leather; engraved world at time of publication; first miniature book
owned by Louis Bondy inspiring him to become a
magnifier & loop
collector, writer, and seller of miniature books

Miniature Books Over 1-1/4"
# Publisher
H x W Price
11 Achille J. St. Elegy Written in a
1960 Worcester 1000 Gilt undyed
45 pp. letterpress by Enschede on handmade all- 2-3/8" x $80.00
Country Churchyard Thomas
rag paper; frontispiece portrait and several ful -
Proost en Brandt page il ustrations in green ink; beloved 18th c.
poem that mourns the death of common men; Spielmann 174A; a.e.g.
12 Achille J. St. Jewish Festivals, The Jacobs,
1961 Worcester 2000 Gilt blue leather 63 pp. letterpress by Enschede on handmade all- 2-5/8" x $65.00
rag paper; illustrated throughout; the history,
pageantry and celebration of the 7 Jewish
festivals: New Year, Day of Atonement, Tabernacles, Passover, Pentecost, Hannukah and Purim; a.e.g.
Gilt pictorial cloth 160 pp.; 8 leaves of plates; one of a series of 4 2-7/16" $95.00
boards with color "Dot Books" by this publisher; a charming
paper onlay front children's book; endpapers with 2 old cover
inscriptions, tightly bound and very good
Wil ie's Western Visit (Frost,
160 pp.; 8 leaves of plates; one of a series of 4 2-7/16" $95.00
cloth boards with "Dot Books" by this publisher; a charming
children's book; tightly bound and very good
onlay front cover
Welcome to Texas
116 pp.; 5 books bound together: Heroes of the 2-5/8" x $50.00
Alamo, The Eyes of Texas, The Armadil o, Texas 2"
Citizenship, The Timmermann Touch; copy #13
of a very few made especially for the MBS
Conclave VI Auction; illustrated throughout and signed by Yolanda Carter
16 Ampersand Fragments of the
100 Cloth boards;
28 pp. letterpress in 2 colors including 2
2-3/4" x $175.00
accordion fold signatures by Lyceum Press; 5
with printed label glorious hand-colored il ustrations by the author
of birds; one of Bradbury's "100 Favorite U.S. Miniature Books"
17 Anne & David Miniature Books
750 Printed paper
12 pp.; an article written for Anne Bromer's
2-7/8" x $10.00
colleagues and subsequently published in AB
Bookman's Weekly
Pictorial paper 64 pp.; from the collection of noted miniature
wrappers (with book collector Irene Winterstein
photo of the Alps)
19 B. Waugh & Collection of Hymns
549 pp.; Dutch marbled endpapers with an old
3-1/16" $125.00
for the Use of the
inscription dated 1834; a lovely old hymnal;
Methodist Episcopal

# Publisher
H x W Price
Livre de Prieres
120 pp.; frontispiece; French text; prayers for
1-7/8" $25.00
Zech et Fils (Book of Prayers)
every occasion with a delicate border on each
249 Gilt leatherette 97 pp.; decorative endpapers; 9 il ustrations; an
2-7/8" $50.00
boards by Bela alphabetical listing and description of items in
Sherlock Holmes' famous habitat; Grace Broeker bookplate
249 Pictorial gilt
34 pp. on rag paper; French-folded; decorative
2-1/4" $25.00
endpapers; several il ustrations; the author's early x 1-
boards by Blau printing experiences
Birthday Memoir, A Weber,
1984 Los Angeles
17 pp. letterpress by Patrick Reagh;
1-7/8" $33.00
commemorates the 70th birthday of Bela Blau, one x 1-
of California's most gifted bookbinders; signed by 9/16"
both Bela and Mariana Blau
Miniature Literature: Lawrence,
500 Blue & white
63 pp. letterpress on Rives paper by Daryl Hyder; 3" x 3" $50.00
The Stanley Marcus David J.
8 il ustrations; Bridwell Library was the recipient of
paper boards; the Stanley Marcus Collection; a bibliography of
some of the more important miniature books from the collection of 1,100 that they received; Grace Broeker bookplate
Shimura, Asao 1980 Japan
17 pp. letterpress on Chinese bamboo papers plus 2-
paper wrappers 5 leaves of paper samples; text is translated from 15/16" with stab
Mr. Pan's experimental hemp paper-making
simulating the Later Han dynasty method
26 Catharijne Wil iam Morris
190 Floral paper
47 pp. letterpress; frontispiece portrait; 11 tipped- 2-5/8" $90.00
boards; printed in samples printed on a reduced scale of 1:12; x 1-
9-page introduction discusses the history of
Wil iam Morris and his classic wallpaper designs; Grace Broeker bookplate
27 Catherine Bite-Sized Book of Murray,
56 pp.; a tiny cookbook about tiny foods with
1-7/8" $30.00
Bite-Sized Recipes Catherine
paper boards abundant full-color photographs…these foods
make great appetizers, snacks and treats; al
recipes were tested in Catherine's kitchen
28 Chanticleer joggerfy of the u. s. Ogilvie, Bruce 1996 Vernon Hil s 149 Gilt pictorial
122 pp. letterpress; illustrated throughout by Gayle 2-1/8" $30.00
Seldon; an intriguing geography quiz with answers x 2-
boards by Don in the folded pages; signed and numbered by the 1/2"
author and il ustrator
29 Circle Press Advice to Teachers
26 pp. letterpress; elegant blue moiré endpapers 2-5/8" $25.00
printed in black and red; taken from a text first
published in 1887: "Requisites for successful
management in the schoolroom"; a.e.g.

H x W Price
30 Clearview Press Great American Butler, El is
50 Pictorial paper
44 pp.; 3 il ustrations by Frederic Dorr Steele;
2-3/4" x $25.00
Pie Company, Parker
facsimile of the 1907 edition; a short story about 2"
the daydreams of Ephraim Deacon and his friend Phineas Doolittle who plan to corner the pie market
31 Commonwealth Rose Garden of Thompson,
1932 Worcester 250 Gilt red leather by 27 pp. in black with red striping; includes a
1-3/4" x $185.00
Omar Khayyam, Eben Francis
Carl E. Sohlberg foreword that discusses Thompson's translation 1-1/2"
of the bril iant jewels of thought of the Persian astronomer poet; these quatrains deal with fate, love and the mysteries of creation; a.e.g.
32 David Bryce and Chips from
Gilt pale green
129 pp. in black with red striping; printed at the 3-1/2" x $45.00
University Press; a fine selection of
Wordsworth's poetry; a.e.g.
33 David Bryce and Horses, Cattle,
Gilt tan leather
165 pp.; decorative endpapers; frontispiece;
3-5/8" x $125.00
scattered il ustrations; how to care for animals
and how to treat their il nesses and diseases;
includes an index and advertisements for other
Bryce publications
34 David Bryce and Lady of the
Mauchline cover 191 pp. in black with red striping; decorative
3-1/2" x $110.00
Lake: A Poem in Walter
endpapers (chipped); frontispiece; a narrative
leather (scene of poem first published in 1810; each canto depicts Melrose Abbey) the action of a single day
35 Dawson's Book Dissertation on Nethery,
50 Gilt red leather
38 pp. letterpress by Nethery; frontispiece;
2-7/8" x $30.00
Gravity is a smal town in Iowa and the
birthplace of the author
36 Dawson's Book Francis J.
Nunis, Doyce 1983 Los
250 Printed cloth
32 pp. letterpress in black and red by Roger
2-3/16" $50.00
Hil eary on rag paper; frontispiece portrait; a
Monsignor of the
salute to honor Weber's 20 years of service as
archivist for the archdiocese of Los Angeles; includes a checklist of his miniature books
37 Dawson's Book Mr. H in America Nethery,
23 pp. letterpress by Nethery; frontispiece by
2-7/8" x $28.00
Pal Bohme; Mr. H was a farce by Charles Lamb, 2-1/8"
first performed at Drury Lane in 1806
38 Dawson's Book Sixth & Figueroa Neal, Tom
Gilt black cloth
31 pp. letterpress by William Cheney; 21 ful -
spine; simulated page drawings by multi-talented Tom Neal of
characters and scenes between 5th and Wilshire x 2-
in Los Angeles, the first Neal il ustrations to
appear in book form

H x W Price
132 pp.; 3 frontispieces (one in color) plus 2-1/4" x $100.00
20 ful -page woodcut il ustrations; an
intriguing and rare ephemeral ladies souvenir book with advertisements for Mme. Demorest's fashions; also includes poems, jokes, puzzles, etc.; a.e.g.
California Miscellany Cummings,
200 Gilt blue cloth 44 pp. letterpress; marbled endpapers;
2-1/2" x $22.00
postage stamp; a collection of interesting 2-7/8"
California essays including "Book Shortage in Early California"
41 E. T. Hazeltine
Pocket-Book Almanac
Pictorial paper 32 pp.; with claims to cure asthma,
whooping cough, consumption
Each book has approx. 60 pages & is
il ustrated; Italian text; titles: Satira
Torinese, Proverbi Torinesi, Canti Torinesi, x 1-3/8"
Poesia Torinese and Amore di Torino
43 Eyre & Spottiswoode Book of Common
2 books bound together: 700 pp. in Book 2-1/8" x $250.00
leather ; sterling of Common Prayer plus 861 pp. in Hymns 1-3/4"
Ancient and Modern
Ancient and Modern; printed on very fine
india paper; early inscription; one leaf is
damaged, else near fine; a.e.g.
44 Eyre & Spottiswoode Handbook of Practical Dods,
Gilt red leather 836 pp. on very fine india paper; includes 2-1/4" x $295.00
50 engravings, philosophy of cookery and 2"
decorated spine table of contents; recipes for pies, soufflés, (scuffed)
soups, purees, puddings and more; Bondy called this "the most extensive cookery book in miniature", a.e.g.
45 Eyre & Spottiswoode Poetical Works of
Gilt blue flexible 1035 pp. on fine india paper by "His
2-1/2" x $75.00
Alfred Lord Tennyson, Alfred Lord
Majesty's printer"; all edges blue and very 2"
1998 Leipzig, 250 Gilt green
287 pp.; Heine was one of the most
2-1/4" x $22.00
Miniaturbuchverlag Gedichte (Selected
significant German poets of the 19th
century; includes an index and short
1998 Leipzig, 250 Gilt blue leather 286 pp.; Schiller was an 18th century
2-1/4" x $22.00
Miniaturbuchverlag Gedichte (Selected
German poet, philosopher, historian and 1-3/4"
playwright; includes an index and short biography
48 (Germany) Minibook Constitution of the
255 pp. in black and blue inks; easy-to-
2-1/4" x $25.00
United States of
leather; pictorial read English text of both historic
480 pp. on very fine India paper;
2-1/8" x $60.00
Thoughts in Verse for
leather with title frontispiece; original y published in 1827; 1-7/8"
"thoughts in verse for the Sundays and
Holy Days throughout the year"; a.e.g.

# Publisher
H x W Price
Miniaturist to Mogul (Grant, Peter) 2002 Lockerbie,
100 Printed slick
9 pp. letterpress; frontispiece portrait; the story 2-1/2" $12.00
paper boards of Robert Fulton, the steamboat developer, who x 2-
was also a miniature portrait painter, inventor
and engineer; SIGNED by publisher Peter Grant; Grace Broeker bookplate
Sweet Revenge, an Colton, Walter 1977 Monterrey CA 75 Printed maroon 7 pp. letterpress in 2 colors; Colton, a 19th
2" x 1- $75.00
Extract from the
century Congregational minister, describes his 1/2"
participation in an early form of Californian
52 Hil side Press Printer's Marks and Irwin, Frank
250 Pictorial cloth
51 pp. letterpress; 18 il ustrations of early
2-3/8" $35.00
printer's marks, from 15th c. Caxton, Schoffer
and Elzevir to early 20th c. Goudy
53 Hil side Press Sound Track
1969 Franklin NH 350 Pictorial cloth
79 pp. letterpress; 6 striking il ustrations by
2-3/8" $22.00
David Wiggins; on sounds, music, saints, Sufis x 1-and orchestration
54 Hil side Press Woman's Wit
Pyle, Howard 1978 Franklin NH 250 Printed cloth
50 pp. letterpress on handmade paper;
2-3/8" $25.00
original y written in 1890, Pyle's story is written x 1-in the style of the Arabian Nights
Chali, The Admiral's Maupassant, (1998) Edgewater FL 50 Gilt gray cloth 32 pp. letterpress; 9 hand-colored il ustrations; 2-1/2" $35.00
boards; printed a miniature adaptation of the novel that reads
like a short story; set in exotic India in the
Colonial Period; signed and numbered
Kate Greenaway's Greenaway,
Pictorial paper 32 pp.; facsimile of the 1885 edition with a
2-3/4" $8.00
charming color il ustration for each letter of the x 2-alphabet
57 Junipero Serra El Pueblo de San Weber,
24 pp. letterpress; postage stamp frontispiece; 2-1/4" $27.00
Jose de Guadalupe Francis J.
history of the oldest civil settlement in Alta,
California; a.e.g.
58 Junipero Serra "Replanting" of
1994 San Fernando 125 Gilt cloth spine; 18 pp.; frontispiece portrait of Frederick the
2-5/8" $25.00
marbled paper Great, one of history's most bril iant generals;
he played the leading role in breaking up the
Holy Roman Empire and unifying the German states; his body was removed numerous times, hence the term the royal "replanting"
59 Junipero Serra Cesar Chavez
2009 (Mission Hil s 100 Printed orange 12 pp. in 3 colors by Patrick Reagh; decorative 2-7/8" $26.00
cloth boards by endpapers; postage stamp frontispiece; a short x 2-
Mariana Blau history of the American farm worker, labor
leader and civil rights activist
60 Junipero Serra Corita's "Love
Weber, Msgr. 2015 (Mission Hil s 150 Printed yellow 8 pp. letterpress in 5 colors by Patrick Reagh; 2-7/8" $30.00
postage stamp frontispiece; story of the 1985
Mariana Blau issuance of the wildly-popular 22-cent postage 1/8"
stamp designed by one-time nun Corita Kent; over 800 works of art are attributed to Kent

# Publisher
H x W Price
61 Junipero Serra Rock Star and the
10 pp. letterpress in 2 colors by Patrick Reagh; 2-7/8" x $50.00
Old Country Priest
unique 49-cent postage stamp frontispiece;
story of an unlikely duo - Msgr. Weber and Joe
Walsh of the Eagles - and their 25-year friendship; one of only 10 copies available to collectors
My Adventures in
350 Gilt blue leather 187 pp. by Editions du Parnasse; frontispiece 2-7/8" x $75.00
photo of Rickard; tales of collecting 5,000
miniature books; lists her favorite books; her collaboration with Doris Welsh; frank comments about many publishers
Boy Who Drew Cats, Hearn,
1979 Spartanburg 100 Paper wrappers 38 pp. letterpress; illustrated with 7 woodcuts 2-1/4" x $35.00
A Japanese Tale,
bound Japanese by the publisher; this Japanese fairy tale was 2-1/4"
translated into English by Lafcadio Hearn and
first published in 1898
Anderson, 1970 Spartanburg 100 Printed cloth
32 pp. letterpress in 3 colors; a clever book of 1-
boards; printed cats by category, each with an il ustration plus 15/16" dust jacket
one fold-out illustration
65 Kurbel Books 117th Psalm, The
1986 Sudbury MA 300 Gilt red cloth
10 pp. accordion-folded; marbled endpapers; 7 2" x 1-
hand-colored and il uminated pages by E.
Helene Sherman and Joseph Curran; Grace Broeker bookplate
66 Life Magazine Advertisement Card
Paper wrappers 2 tipped-in mini magazines on an original
3-1/8" x $40.00
with 2 Miniature
on oblong 10" x subscription card, each 32 pp.; Life Magazine 2-3/8"
with angel and eagle (January 4, 1883 issue); Life Magazine with Michele de Kramer on the cover (January 27, 1958 issue)
Gold Beater, The
1967 Hartford CT 1000 Gilt navy blue 33 pp. letterpress by Enschede, blue
2-7/8" x $125.00
endpapers with gold-stamped leaves; tipped-in 2-1/8"
frontispiece plus 4 additional il ustrations;
history of making gold leaf; 82,800 hammer blows are necessary to beat gold to desired leaf thickness of .000003 inch; a.e.g.
Franciscan Crown
1998 Los Angeles 500 Red leather
16 pp. letterpress by Regis Graden; the history 2-7/8" x $20.00
Rosary and the City Francis J.
spine; gray cloth of the official seal of Los Angeles
of Los Angeles, The
boards by Mariana Blau
69 Mermaid Press Nasty Nancy & Her Johnson,
16 pp. letterpress in 5 colors; the only
2-3/8" x $95.00
Cat, A Horrid ABC
boards by Karen miniature by this press and an outstanding
ABC book; a Bradbury 100
# Publisher
H x W Price
Printed cloth boards; 72 pp. autograph book; a keepsake from MBS
Conclave XIII; all pages are blank
71 Minia Press Fables of
Gilt red pictorial cloth 126 pp.; a fine selection of the classic fables with 2" x 1- $125.00
(design on both front 19 ful -page il ustrations by Charles H. Bennett 5/8"
& back covers); gold paperboard slipcase
72 Minia Press Fables of
Gilt blue pictorial cloth 126 pp.; a fine selection of the classic fables with 2" x 1- $80.00
boards (extremities
19 ful -page il ustrations by Charles H. Bennett 5/8"
rubbed); no slipcase
Pictorial paper
36 pp.; The Fuehrer and the Worker; 28 ful -page 2" x 1- $22.00
Propaganda und der
wrappers with photo black & white photos
Pictorial paper
36 pp.; The Fuehrer and the Movement; 28 ful - 2" x 1- $22.00
Propaganda und die
wrappers with photo page black & white photos
of Hitler; with string
1980 Venice FL 200 Gilt cranberry red
70 pp. letterpress; marbled endpapers;
2-3/4" $42.00
cloth boards; printed wonderful reference for almanac collectors with x 1-
chapters on American, English, French and other 7/8"
Europeans almanacs; includes a bibliography of additional references; signed & numbered
1993 Bradenton 125 Gilt green cloth
26 pp.; history of the magnificent Gothic Revival 3" x 2- $18.00
boards by Don Brady style church completed in 1927 in Los Angeles; 1/8"
it has served as a location for various Hollywood productions
1997 Bisbee AZ 65 Paper boards; printed 17 pp. letterpress; twisted accordion-fold
3" x 3" $65.00
construction; cover paper and il ustrations by Sylvia Lovell-Cooper; an essay by one of the greatest turn-of-the-century novelists; signed & numbered #23
Paper Making Thomas,
1988 Santa Cruz 50 Gilt leather spine with 13 pp. handwritten on handmade paper; the 4
3" x 2- $60.00
Thomas children made the paper, wrote the text, 3/8"
marbled paper boards made the pictures, then printed and bound this
delightful book; signed by each child
1989 Santa Cruz 150 Blind-stamped pink
14 pp. letterpress on Peter's handmade paper
2-7/8" $40.00
(rag, hemp rope, abaca, cotton and other stray x2-
fibers); postage stamp; a bookish quote by
Saroyan is printed in watermarks; Robert E. Massmann bookplate
1985 Santa Cruz 225 Printed leather spine; 32 pp. letterpress on Peter's handmade paper
1-1/2" $55.00
(various colors); 6 linoleum block prints by
Donna il ustrate each phase of papermaking
# Publisher
H x W Price
81 Poole Press Victorian Signatures,
1982 Berkeley 100 Printed paper 26 pp. letterpress in 3 colors; map endpapers; with 2-7/8" $125.00
Builders' Signatures on
11 ful -page il ustrations of the signatures applied to x 2-
San Francisco Victorian
leather spine Victorian homes by tract home builders; the
elaborate ornamentation and curlicues used by 7 prolific builders of homes in San Francisco were also uniquely "signed"
Letter of Junipero Serra to Weber,
1984 Pasadena 25 Printed paper 14 pp. from engraved plates; this very special letter 2-1/2" $75.00
Hugus Alley the Reverend Father Fray Francis J.
was brought to Santa Barbara Mission in 1833 and x 1-
Fermin Francisco de
Clarese Kroll preserved; number 7 of only 25 printed
Lasuen, A Bicentennial Discovery
Celebration of Vice
112 pp.; decorative endpapers; a one-page
2-5/8" $45.00
Presidents of the United Bea
biography and a full-page pen and ink portrait of
States of America
every Vice President up to Dan Quayle; SIGNED
and numbered by Ward Schori; top edge gilt
Last Battle of the Civil
Printed gray 38 pp.; decorative endpapers; 13 ful -page
2-5/8" $25.00
cloth by Hugo il ustrations; a detailed description of the April 13,
1865, battle; SIGNED by Ward Schori
85 Proof Press Creative Art of Printing,
1968 Baltimore 100 Gilt brown
20 pp. letterpress in 2 colors; an essay taken from 2-1/4" $125.00
Printing: The Challenging Career; designed,
typeset, printed and bound by the publisher A. C.
86 Proof Press Darwin's Mistaken Theory Three
50 Gilt red cloth 12 pp. letterpress in 2 colors on pink paper; a
1-3/4" $60.00
comical report by three monkeys on Darwin's
Theory of Evolution; typeset, printed and bound by 1/2"
the publisher A. C. Wirth
87 Proof Press Raven, The
22 pp. letterpress printed on vellum in brown ink;
2-1/2" $120.00
title page with ornate green border; typeset, printed x 2"
& bound by the publisher A. C. Wirth
88 Proof Press Somebody's Mother
(1967) Baltimore 200 Gilt maroon 20 pp. letterpress in 3 colors; every page with
delicate borders; one of 13 miniature books
designed, typeset, printed and bound by Carl Wirth; x 1-
a lovely, tender poem on motherhood and one of
my personal favorite books
89 Scott Free How I Edited an
1982 Overland 270 Gilt brown
31 pp. letterpress in black and green; decorative
2-1/4" $20.00
Agricultural Paper
cloth boards endpapers; frontispiece portrait of Twain; every
page decorated; Twain's 1870 tale of newspaper
editing is stil humorous today; signed & numbered by the publisher
90 Somesuch Crossroads, The
1999 Dallas TX 200 Gilt black
48 pp. letterpress; pictorial endpapers; 2 il ustrations 2-7/8" $50.00
by David Lazarus; fictional account of a Civil War
era soldier; SIGNED by author and il ustrator
H x W Price
91 Somesuch Press Four Stumbling
Bacon, Roger 1985 Dallas TX 50 Gilt navy blue
20 pp. letterpress in 3 colors by Feathered
2-3/4" $75.00
Blocks to Truth, The
Serpent Press; decorative endpapers; 6
(deluxe edition)
il ustrations; a 13th century contribution to
Serpent Press human wisdom published by Stanley Marcus
on the occasion of his 80th birthday; letter M of 50 deluxe lettered copies
Bessie Birthday and
Gilt red leather Approx. 150 pp.; 17-page history, origin and 2-5/8" $65.00
Sonnenschein & Memorandum Book
meaning of the name Bessie and famous
women in history named Bessie, fol owed
with a memorandum section with 2 dates on each page and a quotation at the top; a.e.g.
Alphabet of Creation, Shahn, Ben
1993 Seattle WA 125 Purple-gilt black 47 pp. letterpress in 2 colors; decorative
2-5/8" $30.00
An Ancient Legend
endpapers; an ancient legend from the Zohar x 2-
with drawings on every page by Ben Shahn 1/4"
Important Titles
1992 Seattle WA 200 Yel ow cloth
20 pp. letterpress; lists 30 humorous and
2-1/4" $12.00
important-sounding titles for your blank
books…in the old days blank books were
used by decorators to fil out a library on the cheap!
1992 Seattle WA 300 Pictorial cloth
64 pp. letterpress printed in Italy on
handmade paper; a facsimile reproduction in 2-1/2"
miniature of a 6" by 8" volume; beautiful y il ustrated with portraits of artists, from A (Angelico) to Z (Zuchero)
My Favorite Miniature Smith,
1984 Newton IA 250 Gilt black leather 88 pp. letterpress by Enschede; Cockerell
2-1/2" $45.00
Book, Nine Essays
by Reliure d'Art marbled endpapers; essays are by James De x 1-
by Collectors of
Lancey, Ruth Adomeit, Robert E. Massmann, 3/4"
Julia Wightman, Msgr. Francis J. Weber, Virginia Schoonover, Kal Levitan, Stanley Marcus and Charlotte Smith; a.e.g.
97 Thomas Nelson & Faithful Promiser,
Ornately gilt red 128 pp.; a collection of Bible "crumbs from
3" x $125.00
Sons & Paton & The
the Master's Table which may serve to help 2-1/2"
the thoughts in the hour of closet meditation or the season of sorrow", a.e.g.
Dome des Invalides
Silverplate over Beautiful Art Nouveau aide memoire with its 2" x $175.00
original pad of paper completely intact;
original pencil springs open when pencil is slid out; fine
99 Wil iam Lewis
Thirty-Sixth Psalm,
64 Gilt parchment 28 pp. letterpress in black and red; each
2" x $395.00
Two Versions, The
page with green ruled border; Irene
Winterstein and Kathryn Rickard bookplates;
pink ribbon tie this copy is #46 of only 64 printed
THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF SOUTH AFRICAN MASTERS SWIMMING FINA WORLD MASTERS SWIMMING Göteborg, Sweden - 31 July to 07 August 2010 33 SAMS swimmers entered the Fina World Masters Swimming Championships in Goteborg, Sweden. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE SA SWIMMERS WHO COMPETED Some of the results:
COMITÉ DE EVALUACIÓN DE NUEVOS MEDICAMENTOS DE ARAGÓN INFORME DE EVALUACIÓN Principio activo LINAGLIPTINA / METFORMINA Nombre comercial y presentaciones recubiertos con película (Boehringer Ingelheim Internacional GmbH) (65,57 €) ▼ JENTADUETO® 2,5mg/850mg 60 comprimidos recubiertos con película (Boehringer Ingelheim Internacional GmbH) (65,57 €)