Operating and Installation manual
Oxygen (O2) transmitter with monitoring
Mi-262gb / 2012-04-03
O -transmitter MG-4000-R2
MG-4000-R2 is designed to measure the O2-con-
The O2-transmitter consists of two parts: the probe
tent in flue gases from oil burners, gas burners
and the central unit. The probe houses a sensor of
and biomass-fired boilers. MG-4000-R2 can, to-
zirconium dioxide (ZrO2), heating element, signal
gether with a controller, optimize the air/fuel ratio.
amplifier and generator for the ion pump. The cen-
The result is the highest possible firing efficiency
tral unit houses the electronics for measuring the
can be obtained and sustained over time indepen-
sensor signal, analogue outputs, relay contacts for
dent of changes in the fuel and combustion air.
the alarm outputs, control panel and the powersupply. All functions in the central unit are mana-
The probe (MG-4000-R2/S) is installed in the flue
ged and monitored by a microprocessor.
gas duct directly after the boiler. The tip of the pro-be is easy to adjust so that it is positioned in the
Current measurement values, error indications
centre of the flue gas zone. No special gas is re-
and set parameters are all presented on the inte-
quired for calibration, this is done directly in the
grated display.
surrounding air. Installation and use are as easy
8 LEDs provide a quick indication of the operating
as using a standard temperature sensor.
Relationship between O2-content in dry and
High O2-content . . . . . . . 15
Low O2-content. . . . . . . . 15
Galvanic isolation . . . . . . . 5
Measurement values. . . . . . . 15
PROBE CALIBRATION . . . . . . . 16
Combustible Gases . . . . . . . 6
Halogen and Sulphur Compounds . . . 6Reducing Atmospheres . . . . . . 6
TROUBLE SHOOTING . . . . . . . 18
No text displayed . . . . . . . 18The Out of range LED flashes . . . . 18
The Out of range LED is lit. . . . . 18
The High O2-content LED is lit . . . . 18
The Low O2-content LED is lit . . . . 18
MG-4000-R2 shows incorrect O2-content . 18
Connection diagram for Central unit and
MG-4000-R2 cannot be calibrated. . . 18
Ground currents . . . . . . . 18
Translation chart MG-4000 // MG-4000-R2 . 9
Error indications . . . . . . . 18
Measurement values. . . . . . . 10
Central unit MG-4000-R2 . . . . . 19
Measuring probe MG-4000-R2/S . . . 19
LIST OF PARAMETERS . . . . . . 20
LCD display . . . . . . . . . 12Keypad . . . . . . . . . . 12Start menu . . . . . . . . . 12The indication of parameters . . . . 12Programming a parameter . . . . . 12
Programme menu . . . . . . . 12Parameter selection . . . . . . 12Programming a value . . . . . . 13Cancelling programming mode . . . 13
The function menu . . . . . . . 13Default settings . . . . . . . . 14
Communication. . . . . . . . 14
Default settings . . . . . . . . 14
At higher temperatures (>500 °C) stabilised zirco-
The time of a pump cycle (tp) becomes directly
nium dioxide (ZrO2) is a solid electrolyte for oxy-
proportional to the surrounding partial pressure
gen. This can be used in two ways:
from the oxygen (P1). An increase in the surroun-ding oxygen content increases the partial pressure
1. To transport oxygen through a ZrO2-disc (ion
(P1) and tp increases. With a decreasing oxygen
pump) according to Faraday's first law.
content tp falls. At 0 % O2 tp is approximately 0.5seconds and in fresh air (20.7 % O2) tp is approxi-
2. To measure the ratio of partial pressure from
mately 7 seconds.
oxygen on each side of a ZrO2-disc according
The sensor is enclosed by a heating element to
to Nernst's equation.
maintain the temperature of the ZrO2-discs at 700°C. This makes the sensor insensitive to changes
Most modern oxygen meters available on the mar-
in the flue gas temperature and the flow rate.
ket use one of the aforementioned principles. Toavoid disadvantages such as relatively large pro-bes, linearization of measurement signals, refe-rence air, etc. both principles can be combined
into a
dynamic oxygen sensor.
Principle construction for a dynamic O2-sensor.
The sensor consists of two identical ZrO2-discs
with platinum electrodes and a platinum ring which
Cross-section view of the sensor element.
creates a small chamber between the discs. Onedisc is used as a reversible ion pump according to
Faraday. The other disc generates a measurement
Based on this principle the sensor is very small
voltage proportional to the ratio of the oxygen par-
and with that the probe can be made small.
tial pressure in the chamber (P2) and surroundings
No reference air is required and the Nernst
(P1) according to Nernst.
voltage does not need to be linearized.
When measuring, the reversible ion pump will al-ternately pressurise and evacuate the chamber.
Reversing takes place at two preset voltage levelsV1 and V2 on the Nernst voltage VN.
Measuring signal from the O2-sensor.
Relationship between O
O -content flue gases
2-content in
dry and wet flue gases
MG-4000-R2, which has its probe mounted in the
flue gas duct, measure the O2-content in wet fluegases. Portable O2-measurement instruments ex-
tract a gas sample from the duct and measure the
content in dry gases.
Fuel - Oil
Following approximate relation between wet anddry flue gas is valid when excess air does not ex-ceed 50%.
O2-content (wet gas) = 0.9 x O2-content (dry gas)
Fuel - Bio mass
See graph to the right
Note! If the measuring probe is exposed for redu-
ced atmospherers, e.g. high content of CO (car-
bon oxide), the life-span of the probe is reduced.
Therefore, it is of great importance the the O2-
control is operating properly.
Relationship between O2-content
in dry and wet flue gases.
Central unit
When choosing the position for installation, re-
MG-4000-R2 should be located fully visible and
member the following:
easily accessible. It is important to remember the
ambient temperature, max. 45 °C when positioning
1. The central unit must not be subjected to an
the unit. The case is fitted with hinges on the
ambient temperature higher than 45 °C. Prefe-
left-hand side of the cover for easy opening. Make
rably the ambient temperature should be
sure the cover can be opened fully.
below 30 °C.
Outside dimensions:
2. The signal cable between the probe and the
central unit must be a shielded 10 conductor
Hole pattern for wall mounting:
cable e.g. FKAR-G 10 x 0.5 mm2. The area ofeach conductor should be at least 0.5 mm2.
The correct cable, which is a prerequisite for
reliable operations, is enclosed. The cable shi-
eld must only be connected in the central unit.
3. The length of the signal cable between the
probe and the central unit should be as shortas is practically possible, maximum 10 m.
4. The signal cable between the probe and the
central unit must not be routed together withcables used for low or high voltages.
The minimum permitted distance to low
and high voltage cables is 30 cm. Cables
must cross at right angles.
5. Avoid placement where the central unit is sub-
jected to vibration.
6. The central unit should be positioned so that
the control panel is approximately at eye level.
seperate the probe galvanically from protective
When installing the probe it is important to select cor-
earth (ground) in the boiler/flue-gas duct which
rect placement. It should be easy to remove the pro-
could interfere with the measuring. Check that no
be from the flue gas duct and easy to connect the
electrical connection is between the probe and
signal cable between the probe and the central unit.
boiler/duct by measuring the resistance betweenthem both.
1. Fit a 3/4" union on the flue duct after the boiler.
Make sure the union extends outside of the in-
sulation to facilitate installation of the probe. It
The cable between the probe and the central unit
should be installed at a 15° angle to the hori-
must NOT be extended. Leave an "eye" on the
zontal plane, so that the tip of the probe points
cable by the probe so that the probe can be easily
slightly downward (see figure 5), alt. top moun-
removed from the flue gas duct for calibration and
ted (see figure 6). This is to protect the probe
duct sweeping.
from condensation water.
The cable between the probe and the central unitand cables to analogue output signals and data
2. Always install the supplied radiation protection
communications must be shielded for the best me-
(see figure 7) on the probe's insertion tube to
asurement result. The shield must only be connec-
prevent the sensor's electronics from overhea-
ted to the ground rail in the central unit.
ting. Sole use of the radiation protection is notrecommended, the flue gas duct should also
be insulated.
The probe must be operational (voltage fed) andalways maintain the operating temperature if it is
3. The probe should be inserted so far that at le-
installed in the flue gas duct, irrespective of whet-
ast 10 cm of the tube hangs free inside the
her the boiler is operational or not. When the pro-
duct. This is so the tip of the probe is not coo-
be is not in use it should be kept in the surroun-
led via the union.
ding air. Wipe the probe dry if it is moist before in-
4. The supplied warning sign concerning precau-
tions that should be taken when the boiler is
swept must be set up where it is fully visible.
The O2-probe should always be mounted usingthe attached compression fitting which is fitted witha isolation socket made of PTFE (TEFLON â) to
Warning against dry-firing!
When "dry-firing" a biomass-fired boiler, the probe must not
be placed in the flue gas duct.
Radiation shield for connection box
NOTE! The measuring probe connection box should not be exposed to tempertures above 60 °C and must therefore be protec-
ted against the radiation heat caused by the flue gas duct or the boiler. Good insulation of the flue gas duct and enough space
between the insulation and the probes connection box is important. Always use the attached radiation protection shield.
Union 3/4" inner thread
Side mounting of the probe
Top mounting of the probe
Cross sensitivity with other gases:
The oxygen sensor measures partial oxygen pressure. Gases or chemicals that will have an influence onthe life of the sensor or on the measuring results are:
Small amounts of combustible gases will be bur-
Long time exposure to reducing atmospheres may
ned at the hot Pt-electrode surfaces or Al2O3 filters
in time impair the catalytic effect of the Pt-electro-
of the sensor.
des and has to be avoided.
In general combustion will be stoichiometric as
long as enough oxygen is available, the sensor willmeasure the residual oxygen pressure. Investiga-
Vapours (organic silicone compounds) of
RTV (Room Temperature Vulcanised) rub-bers are well known pollutants of zirconia
H2 (Hydrogen) up to 2%; stoichiometric
based oxygen sensors. The organic part of
the compound will be burned at hot sensor
CO (Carbon Monoxide) up to 2%; stoichio-
parts, leaving behind a very fine divided
metric combustion
SiO2 (Silicone Dioxide/Silica). This SiO2completely blocks the pores and active
CH4 (Methane) up to 2.5%; stoichiometric
parts of the electrodes. If RTV rubbers are
used we advise to use high quality, well
3 (Ammonia) up to 1500 ppm; stoichio-
metric combustion
Dust. Fine dust (Carbon parts/soot) might
cause clogging of the porous stainless ste-
Heavy Metals
el filter and might have an effect on the re-
Vapours of metals like Zn (Zinc), Cd (Cadmium),
sponse speed of the sensor.
Pb (Lead), Bi (Bismuth) will have an effect on the
Heavy Shocks or Vibrations might alter
catalytic properties of the Pt– electrodes. Exposu-
res to these metal vapours has to be avoided.
Water vapour. Condensing water vapour
Halogen and Sulphur Compounds
might cause clogging of filters or internal
Small amounts (< 100ppm) of Halogens and/or
corrosion of sensor parts. We advise to
Sulphur compounds have no effect on the perfor-
keep the sensor at operating temperature
mance of the oxygen sensor. Higher amounts of
or standby temperature when exposed to
these gases will in time cause readout problems
exhaust gases. Direct exposure to water
or, especially in condensing environments, corro-
droplets has to be avoided.
sion of sensor parts. Investigated gases are:
Halogens, F
2 (Flourine), Cl2 (Chlorine)
HCL (Hydrogen Chloride), HF (Hydrogen
SO2 (Sulphur Dioxide)q
H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide)q
CS2 (Carbon Disulfide)
Signals to the probe
MG-4000-R2 is fed with 230 VAC, 50 Hz on termi-
Positive supply to the
+7 Volt DC, 2.5 mA.
nals 1 (neutral) and 3 (phase). The supply should
incorporate a circuit-breaker to facilitate servicing.
Feedback signal from
± 50 mVolt, square
heating element in
wave 1 kHz at 700 °C.
On terminals 5-7 and 8-10, are two potential free
Control signal to the ion
+6 / -4 Volt, square
switching relay contacts. The relay contact func-
pump for evacuation.
tion can be programmed on MG-4000-R2, e.g.
Supply to the heating
1.7 A, approx. 4.2 Volt
alarm with low O2-content and probe error. The re-
DC on probe.
lay contacts are low voltage, 230 VAC.
Measurement zero from the electronics.
Neutral wire to the heating element.
Terminals 11-19 are connected to the probe's ter-
Control signal to the ion
+6 / -4 Volt, square
pump for pressurising.
Measurement signal
from the zirconium
0.4 Volt DC.
MG-4000-R2 has two analogue output signals for
dioxide sensor.
the current O2-content, a mA-signal (0/4.20 mA)
Negative supply to the
-5 Volt DC, 2.5 mA.
on terminals 21 (+) and 22 (-) and a Volt-signal
probe's electronic.
(0/2.10 V) on terminals 23 (+) and 24 (-).
NOTE! Common neutral (-). The output signals
are not galvanically isolated from each other.
The probe has low voltage signals, 50 mV. Any
ground currents may influence the measurement
and it's important that the probe is galvanically iso-
MG-4000-R2 has 2 interfaces, RS-232 and
lated from ground. This can easy be checked by
RS-485. Only one interface at a time can be used.
measuring the resistance between terminal 15 and
RS-232 is connected to a modular jack (RJ45) and
the ground rail in the central unit.
is designed for Micatrone's Programming adapter,
The result of the measuring should be a resistance
part no. 60-0972-2.
over 1 MW (Megaohm), break is prefered.
RS-485 is connected to terminals 25 (A) and 26
If the resistance is under 1 MW, the installation of
(B) and requires MG-4000-R2 to be equipped with
the probe need to be checked. Also check that the
Micatrone's Communication module, part no.
output signal don't shorting between terminal 15
and ground. You might need a transmitter with gal-
If both RS-232 and RS-485 are connected simulta-
vanic separation to the output signal.
neously RS-232 is given priority for communica-
tions. Also see the operating description for com-
munications on page 11.

Connection diagram for Central unit and Probe
Output signal 2 0/2.10 Volt Ri min 50 kohm
O: Produkter MG-4000-R2 CDR
Output signal 1 0/4.20 mA RL max 500 ohm

Translation chart MG-4000 // MG-4000-R2
I: MG-4000-R2 CDR
MG-4000-R2 has two potential free switching con-
tacts that can be used to monitor the O2-content or
MG-4000-R2 measures the O2-content in flue gas
the function of the probe.
using a zirconium dioxide sensor. The measure-ment range of the output signal can be selected
between 0.5%, 0.10%, 0.20% or 0.100% O2.
If the measured O2-content is outside of the selec-
ted measurement range an orange LED is lit on
the control panel.
MG-4000-R2 has visual alarms (red LEDs on the
control panel) for specific high and low O
The limits are stated in % O
20 Norm.pos.
The probe must first be calibrated to provide accu-
rate measurements. Calibration is performed in
fresh air, see page 16. The current barometric
pressure can be programmed during calibration on
27 Norm.pos.
MG-4000-R2 to give the best possible accuracy.
The value is stated in mBar.
The function is activated in parameter 14/21 by se-
lecting whether the high or low signal is to be mo-
Indicates the measurement signal from the probe.
nitored. Select a source (input signal) in parameter
Nernst will vary between 0 and 4 Volts during nor-
15/22. If error indication is chosen the function
mal measurements.
(parameter 14/21) needs to be programmed to
Current & Voltage
Indicates the present current and voltage to the
When monitoring the O2-content a level is pro-
probe's heating element.
grammed (parameter 16/23) and a hysteresis (pa-
rameter 17/24). The level and the hysteresis are
stated in % O2-content. These two parameters are
Indicates the present temperature of the probe's
not used when monitoring error indication.
zirconium dioxide sensor.
Switching on and off can be delayed by the cho-sen number of seconds in parameters 18/25 and
19/26. In parameter 20/27 the position of the swit-
MG-4000-R2 produces two output signals (one for mA
ching contact is selected when the monitoring sta-
and one for Volt). The output signals state the current
te is in normal mode. A yellow LED on the control
O2-content for the selected measurement range.
panel comes on when the relay contact is active.
Output signal 1 can be selected between 0.20mA or 4.20 mA and output signal 2 can be selec-ted between 0.10 Volt or 2.10 Volt.
NOTE! The probe must be operational (voltage
fed) and always maintain operating temperature if
A communications module (accessory) can be fit-
fitted in the flue gas duct, irrespective of whether
ted in MG-4000-R2 to provide data communica-
the boiler is operational or shutdown. If the probe
tions using RS-485 (2-wire current loop) as the
is not operational it should be stored in the sur-
rounding air.
There is also an adapter for RS-232 (serial port)
NOTE! If the probe is subjected to reducing at-
available as an accessory. The adapter is intended
mospheres, e.g. high content of CO (carbon mo-
for temporary use, for example, during installation
noxide), this will reduce the service life of the pro-
and trimming and does NOT require a communi-
be. It is important that the O2-control works cor-
cations module to be installed. Only one interface
(RS-485 or RS-232) can be used at any time.
Check that all connections between the probe and
The protocol used is Comli. Parameters and mea-
the central unit are correct before MG-4000-R2 is
surement values are read with message type 2
connected to the mains supply, 230 VAC.
and new values for parameters are transferred
When the power is switched on MG-4000-R2 will
with message type 0. The Comli number is the
start to heat the probe. This takes approx. 120 se-
same as the parameter number. Data communica-
conds and during this period the "Out of range"
tions can be limited so that only reading is
LED will flash.
possible. (parameter 36).
Should an error be discovered, e.g. a faulty con-
nection on the signal cable between the probe and
the central unit, the "Error" LED lights and the fault
is presented in plain text on the display. For a
description of how to rectify the error, refer to page
If it is the first time that MG-4000-R2 has been
started the settings for the selected measurement
range and output signals should be checked.
MG-4000-R2 also needs to be calibrated in fresh
air to match the central unit with the probe, see
The indication of parameters
MG-4000-R2 has a two-row alphanumeric LCD
One press of the PGM key when default start
display with back light and can show 16 characters
menu is showing will activate an automatic scroll
on each row. Normally the display indicates pre-
and list all parameters for about two seconds. The
sent operating values but it is also used to indicate
top row indicating the parameter group and bottom
measurement values and programmed parameter
row the parameter and its value. The listing will
end when all parameters has been showed, or ifthe ESC key is pressed.
MG-4000-R2 has a keypad with four keys, mar-
Programming a parameter
ked, 6 5, PGM and ESC.
q The arrow keys, 6 5, are used to scroll
The program menu includes all parameters and
between different parameter groups, para-
measuring values that are accessible. All parame-
meters and functions and increase or de-
ters are divided into different parameter groups
crease the value of programmed parame-
where each function has its own group.
To activate the program menu, continuously press
The PGM key is used for programming and
the PGM key until following display is shown. Re-
indicating of set parameters.
lease the key.
q By pressing the ESC key ongoing program-
ming can be aborted. The ESC key is also
used when returning to the start menu.
Start menu
The second parameter group is shown on the top
The start menu is the entry point for indication and
programming of parameters along with special
functions such as default programming and calib-
By using the arrow keys, 6 5, different groups of
If the start menu is not showed on the display,
parameters can be selected. If the last group is
press repeatedly on the ESC button. The start
shown and the arrow key, 6, is pressed, the first
menu is by default replaced to indicate operating
menu is shown and vice versa.
values. One press of the ESC button shows thestart menu for a short while and returns automati-
cally to indicate operating values. Use the arrow
keys, 6 5, to scroll between different display alter-natives as follows.
Bottom row
When the desired group is shown, it can be selec-
ted by pressing the PGM key once. The first para-meter inside the selected group is shown on the
bottom row of the display.
Status Relay 1, Function
Status Relay 2, Function
With the arrow keys, 6 5, all parameters inside
Cancelling programming mode
the group can be selected. If the last parameter in
Ongoing programming can be cancelled by pres-
the selected group is shown and the arrow key,6,
sing the ESC key. The parameter value will stop
is pressed, the first parameter is shown and vice
flashing and the original value remains the same.
To select another group of parameters when a pa-
The function menu
rameters is shown on the bottom row, press the
To activate the function menu, press both PGM
ESC key. The programming mode is cancelled
and ESC key simontaneously and keep the keys
when the ESC key is pressed repeatedly until the
pressed until the following display is shown. Rele-
default start menu is shown.
ase the buttons.
Programming a value
Parameters with a numeric value (integers and de-
The first function is shown in the display.
own in the display it can be selected for program-ming by pressing the PGM key once. The first digit
will flash to indicate that it can be changed using
the arrow keys, 6 5.
Selecting a function:
With the arrow keys, 6 5, different functions can
be selected, for instance, default programming
and calibration. If the last function is shown and
If the digit flashing is "9" and the arrow key, 5, is
the arrow key, 6, is pressed, the first function will
pressed, the counter will start from "0" and count
shown again and vice versa.
forwards (-9 for parameters that accept negative
values) without changing any other of the digits in
the value. The counter will continue in the opposite
Calibration of probe
way if the digit is flashing "0" and the arrow key,
6, is pressed. Continue to the next digit by pres-
Default settings, Communication
sing the PGM key again.
Default settings, Factory
When the last digit is set and the PGM key is pres-
Calibration analogue inputs *)
sed the actual change of the parameter value is af-
Calibration analogue outputs *)
fected. The entire bottom row in the display willflash to confirm that the programming was suc-cessful.
When the desired function is displayed it can beselected by pressing the PGM key.
Parameters with preset alternatives
The functions menu can be aborted by pressing
When the selected parameter is shown in the dis-
the ESC key.
play it can be selected for programming by pres-
*) Calibration of analogue inputs and outputs
sing the PGM key once. The entire text will flash to
require use of special equipment. All ana-
indicate that it can be changed to the preset alter-
logue signals are factory calibrated and
natives using the arrow keys, 6 5.
should not during normal circumstanceshave to be calibrated again.
The same procedure as with digits will occur if anarrow key,
6 5, is pressed when the last, re-
spectively the first, parameter alternative is shown.
By pressing the PGM key, when the desired para-meter alternative is shown, will execute the pro-gramming and change the parameter. The entirebottom row in the display will flash to confirm thatthe programming was successful.
20 Norm.pos.
27 Norm.pos.
0.20mA 4.20mA4.20mA
1200 b2400 b4800 b9600 b
Different operating values are shown on displays
The following measurement values can be read on
in the start menu, see page 12. Use the arrow-
the display from the program menu, see page 12.
keys, 6 or 5, to scroll through the different dis-plays with operating values.
Bottom row
100 O2-cont.
Status Relay 1, Function
Status Relay 2, Function
90 Cal. Temp.
The LEDs on the control panel indicate the follo-wing:
The following status values can be read on the
Flashes green for each new measurement pe-
display from the program menu, see page 12.
riod/pump cycle (tp) from the probe, see page 3.
Out of range
Lit orange when the measured O
110 R1 Func.
2-content is outsi-
de of the measurement range selected in parame-
112 R2 Func.
Lit orange while calibration of the probe is in pro-
114 Counting.
Lit yellow when the relay contact for terminals 5-7
115 Ionpump.
Lit yellow when the relay contact for terminals 8-10is active.
Key to status texts
R1 Func. and R2 Func.
High O2-content
Lit red when the measured O2-content exceeds
The relay function is shutoff = not used.
the value set in parameter 2.
Waiting for operation = the measurement valuehas passed the limit, but the time for operation
has not elapsed.
Lit red when the measured O2-content is below the
The measurement value has passed the limit, but
value set in parameter 3.
the time for operation has elapsed.
Waiting for release = the measurement value ison the normal side of the limit + connection diffe-
Lit red in the event of a probe error. The error is
rence, but the time for release has not elapsed.
shown in plain text on the display, see page 18.
The measurement value is on the normal side ofthe limit + connection difference, but the time forrelease has elapsed.
The central unit and probe must be calibrated to-
The following text is now shown:
gether for MG-4000-R2 to measure the correctO
2-content. If any of the units are replaced a new
calibration must be made. Calibration takes about
10 minutes to complete.
The probe is calibrated in fresh air. Remove the
Make sure MG-4000-R2 is connected to the mains
probe from the flue gas duct and place/hang the
supply and the probe. Start calibration at the earli-
probe so that at least 10 cm of the tip of the pro-
est 10 minutes after MG-4000-R2 has been star-
be is hanging freely in the air.
ted, i.e. that both the mains supply and probe have
Remember that the tip is extremely hot. A risk of
been connected. If no error is indicated it is assu-
burns exists! Press PGM to continue.
med that the probe has reached its working tem-perature, approx 700 °C.
If calibration is started less than 10 minutes afterthe
Calibration is performed from the function menu,
MG-4000-R2 the unit will wait until the time remai-
see page 16. When the following is displayed:
ning has elapsed before continuing with thecalibration.
Calibration ofprobe
press PGM to start calibration.
The following text is now shown:
When the counter reaches zero calibration conti-
nues with the next step.
The Calibration LED now comes on and the cen-
tral unit makes 9 readings from the probe.
You can cancel calibration at any time by pressing
The measurement value and temperature from theprobe are shown for each reading.
The function menu is displayed again. No calibra-tion has been performed and the previous calibra-
tion value still applies.
Press PGM to continue the calibration. The pro-
grammed barometric pressure in mBar is now dis-
Five dashes are shown if the measurement value
is not approved. If more than 2 measurements failthe probe cannot be calibrated.
Press PGM if the value is OK, otherwise you mustcancel (press ESC) and program the barometric
Cancel calibration and check the probe, see page 18.
pressure in question via the program menu, seepage 12.
NOTE! The probe must be operational (voltage
The Calibration LED goes out when calibration is
fed) and always maintain operating temperature if
complete and the following text is displayed.
fitted in the flue gas duct, irrespective of whetherthe boiler is operational or shutdown. If the probe
is not operational it should be stored in thesurrounding air.
NOTE! If the probe is subjected to reducing at-
The 2 numbers are values from the most recent
mospheres, e.g. high content of CO (carbon mo-
calibration and do not need to be the values
noxide), this will reduce the service life of the pro-
shown in the example above. Calibration is
be. It is important that the O2-control works
Press PGM to continue. You will now be asked
A design without moving parts means the probe is
whether the new calibration should be saved and
fairly insensitive to external influences; resulting in
used from now on.
a long service life.
However, you should remove the probe from the
flue gas duct maybe once after each firing season
to check that the tip of the probe is not clogged bysoot or deposits. These deposits can affect the
Press PGM to save or ESC to cancel.
probe's time constant, i.e. the reaction time will in-crease with the increase in deposits.
If the tip of the probe is dirty it can be carefully cle-
aned using a cloth dampened with, e.g. methyla-
ted spirit or petroleum spirits. Make sure that the
tip has had time to cool to room temperature.
MG-4000-R2 should be recalibrated for the first
Reinsert the probe in the flue gas duct.
time after about 2 months, then roughly once perfiring season.
MG-4000-R2 contains 4 fine-wire fuses. These are
Press PGM to complete calibration.
positioned to the right of the transformer and arenumbered FH3, FH2, FH1 and FH4 from the top.
Also see the figure on the terminal diagram.
FH3, 400 mA slow-burn.
Press ESC to close the function menu.
Fuse for the control panel and processor card.
FH2, 400 mA slow-burn.
Double check the calibration, i.e. measure the
Fuse for the galvanically isolated supply for data
2-content with the probe in the flue gas duct and
read the measurement value on the central unit.
FH1, 400 mA slow-burn.
Estimate whether the measurement value is rea-
Fuse for the relay coils and supply to the probe's
sonable or make a reference measurement using
another O2-transmitter. Change the air or fuel sup-ply and check that the O2-content changes.
FH4, 2 A slow-burn.
Fuse for the probe's heating element.
No text displayed
Check that MG-4000-R2 is voltage fed, 230 VAC
Should MG-4000-R2 discover an internal fault, for
on terminals 1 and 3.
example on the probe, this is indicated by a redLED on the control panel and text on the display.
Check the 3 fuses to the right of the uppermosttransformer on the left-hand side of the PCB. They
In the event of an error the O2-content will indicate
should be 400 mAT, 5x20 mm glass-tube fuses.
0.0 % O2 and the output signals will drop to a mini-mum. This is to guarantee an excess of air for
The Out of range LED flashes
MG-4000-R2 has just been started and the probe
Relay 1 and Relay 2 can be programmed to send
is warming up.
out a signal when an error occurs, see page 10.
The Out of range LED is lit
The error texts that can appear on the display are
MG-4000-R2 is measuring O
presented below.
2-content that is outsi-
de of the selected measurement range. This is
Nernst, Signal too high/low
normal when the boiler has stopped and the fluegas duct contains fresh air. If this occurs when the
The measurement signal from the probe has been
boiler is operational a larger measurement range
outside of its working range 0.4 Volt for some
should be selected in parameter 1.
time. Restart MG-4000-R2 to try to reset the error.
Check the connections between the central unit
The High O
and the probe. Try another probe.
2-content LED is lit
MG-4000-R2 is measuring O2-content in excess of
Current, Signal too high.
the value in parameter 2.
Too much current, > 2.5 A, is fed from the central
unit to the heating element in the probe. Try anot-
2-content LED is lit
MG-4000-R2 is measuring O2-content below thevalue in parameter 3.
Current, Signal too low.
Too little current, < 0.5 A, is fed from the central
MG-4000-R2 shows incorrect O
unit to the heating element in the probe. Check
Calibrate, see page 16.
fuse FH4 in the central unit. Check the connec-
tions between the central unit and the probe. Try
MG-4000-R2 cannot be calibrated
another probe.
Check the connections between the central unitand the probe.
Voltage, Signal too high.
Read the Counter measurement value via the pro-
Too high voltage, > 8.0 Volt, is fed from the central
gram menu. The value should be between 30000
unit to the heating element in the probe. Check the
and 50000 when the probe is warm and is in fresh
connections between the central unit and the pro-
air at normal barometric pressure.
be. Try another probe.
Voltage, Signal too low.
Too low voltage, < 2.0 Volt, is being fed from the
The probe has low voltage signals, 50 mV. Any
central unit to the heating element in the probe.
ground currents may influence the measurement
Check fuse FH in the central unit. Check the con-
and it's important that the probe is galvanically
nections between the central unit and the probe.
isolated from ground. This can easy be checked
Try another probe.
by measuring the resistance between terminal 15and the ground rail in the central unit.
Temperature, Signal too high/low
The result of the measuring should be a resistance
The probe does not maintain the right working
over 1 MW (Megaohm), break is prefered.
temperature. Restart MG-4000-R2 to try to resetthe error. Check the connections between the cen-
If the resistance is under 1 MW, the installation of
tral unit and the probe. Try another probe.
the probe need to be checked. Also check that theoutput signal don't shorting between terminal 15
No measurement period, Defective probe
and ground. You might need a transmitter with gal-
Restart MG-4000-R2 to try to reset the error.
vanic separation to the output signal.
Check the connections between the central unitand the probe. Try another probe.
Central unit MG-4000-R2
Measuring probe MG-4000-R2/S
230 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Temperature range for
Power consumption:
Ambient temperature:
Flue gas velocity:
recommended < 30 °C
Ambient temperature for
Max. temperature at the
12 holes ø 20 mm
compression fitting:
Degree of protection:
1.5 mm2/term.
Dimensions: h x w x d
360 x 300 x 140 mm
Cable to central unit:
FKAR-G 10x0,5 mm2
Degree of protection:
Material insertion tube:
Material connections
max 5 % of rangemax 0,2 %-units of theO2-content
Relay outputs
Max. load:
VoltSignal range:
RS-485 or. RS-232
Dimensions measuring probe MG-4000-R2/S
90 Cal. Temp.
110 R1 Func.
20 Norm.pos.
112 R2 Func.
114 Counting.
115 Ionpump.
27 Norm.pos.
1200 b2400 b4800 b9600 b
Telephone: +46 8-470 25 00
+46 8-470 25 99
SE-171 48 SOLNA
Source: http://www.micatrone.se/download/docs/mima_gb/mi-262gb_120403.pdf
Author's personal copy Annals of Biomedical Engineering (Ó 2013)DOI: 10.1007/s10439-013-0780-z Design, Evaluation, and Dissemination of a Plastic Syringe Clip to Improve Dosing Accuracy of Liquid Medications GARRETT J. SPIEGEL,1 CINDY DINH,1 AMANDA GUTIERREZ,1 JULIA LUKOMNIK,1 BENJAMIN LU,1 KAMAL SHAH,1 TARA SLOUGH,1 PING TERESA YEH,1 YVETTE MIRABAL,1 LAUREN VESTEWIG GRAY,1
METHODS AND KITS FOR PREDICTING OR ASSESSING THE SEVERITY OF INFECTIONS CAUSED BY STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS FIELD OF THE INVENTION: The present invention relates to methods and kits for predicting or assessing the severity of infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION: Staphylococcus aureus is one of the top three pathogens that cause community-