Good to be healthy!
JSC "Grindeks", Latvia
Riga, LV-1057, 53 Krustpils St.
Ph: +371 67 083 205; + 371 67 083 500
Fax: + 371 67 083 505
[email protected]

Carrying the name of Latvia into the world and developing national pharmaceutical values, Latvia can be proud of the leading pharmaceutical company in the Baltic States - "Grindeks". The successful operation of the company is not only verified by its performance, but is also acknowledged by the industry specialists, feedback from patients and received awards. In 2010 "Grindeks" received the title of most exportable company in Latvia, while in 2012 "Grindeks" received the International diamond prize for Excellence in Quality. Award was presented by the European Organisation for Quality Research. In terms of reputation, "Grindeks" is in the forefront of the best companies in Latvia by taking first place in the industry for several years. "Grindeks" is also among the best employers of Latvia. Medication and active pharmaceutical ingredients manufactured by the company are highly evaluated in Latvia and abroad.
In the centre of "Grindeks" operation is a human being – patient and his health, therefore the company does everything to ensure the society with the high quality, safe and modern medication. Its activities are vertically integrated – the company has all the necessary resources to perform a complete development cycle of a product, from research and development of medications to registration and sales of the final dosage forms. The human characteristic of the pharmaceutical business, as well as the resources and knowledge capacity is a strong driving force of overcoming tough competition obstacles, as well as seeking for new solutions.
In order to promote sustainable growth and global competitiveness, significant investments are made for the development of the company, due to these investments, a modern infrastructure with laboratories and manufacturing units up to the world class standards have been established.
Latvia – the geographical location of "Grindeks" is yet another advantage – the company is as a bridge between Europe and Asia, by delivering products in both directions. Products of "Grindeks" are exported to more than 50 countries.

We aim to become a
significant European
We care about human
health, as well as the
interests and welfare of
our employees and
shareholders. We are
innovation based and
friendly company.
We are responsible
professionals using
for the production
partners, socially
of safe and effective
science and research,
ecologically clean
implementing latest
determined goals.
work place safety.
The business philosophy of the company
is closely linked to its values. They
Manufacturing units of "Grindeks" are modern and equipped with the world-class manufacturing
stimulate the growth of "Grindeks",
equipment. Investments made over the years guarantee a great advantage – the ability to provide
contributing to the competitiveness and
vertically integrated or full chemical-pharmaceutical manufacturing cycle with our own resources – from active pharmaceutical ingredients to final dosage forms. Both active pharmaceutical
establishing the internal culture of the
ingredients and final dosage forms manufacturing units are certified according to the "Good
company. "Grindeks" is a constructive
Manufacturing Practice" requirements and quality standards of ISO, thus, guaranteeing patients safety, efficiency and quality of medication.
cooperation oriented company that
Within the offer of "Grindeks" final dosage forms there is a wide range of different forms – tablets,
believes that the high level of business
capsules, ointments, gels and syrups. Modern and powerful technological equipment of "Grindeks"
ethics principles is important not only
final dosage forms provides a convenient, safe, effective and environmentally friendly manufacturing. The total area of "Grindeks" final dosage forms manufacturing unit is 5,500 m² and
from the drug manufacturers point of
its manufacturing capacity is 1.5 billion tablets, 500 million capsules and 20 million tubes per year.
view, but also from all of the
Manufacturing unit of "Grindeks" active pharmaceutical ingredients is located in the area of
pharmaceutical market participants.
approximately 10,000 m². Active ingredients are developed and manufactured in 11 manufacturing units, in different capacities – from 10 to 6,000 litres – reactors. Maximum manufacturing capacity of active pharmaceutical ingredients is 200-250 tons per year.

Caring for health and life quality of patients, the company annually expands its product range and offers medications that, in terms of quality and safety, are in line with the high "Good Manufacturing Practice" and ISO standard requirements.
Within the "Grindeks" product range there are brand products, generics and active
pharmaceutical ingredients. The company is proud of its brand products – Mildronate®,
Mildronate® GX, Ftorafur®, as well as unique ointments Capsicam® and Viprosal B®.
The main therapeutic groups:
• heart and cardiovascular medication
• anti-cancer medication• central nervous system affecting medication
However, the company is also focusing on other therapeutic directions cold and pain r
medication, as well as gastrointestinal agents; "Grindeks" also offers antibacterial medication.
Cytostatic medication for the treatment of alimentary canal tumours as
Heart and cardiovascular disease treatment
well as for the treatment of breast cancer
Mildronate® is an original, antiischemic agent of a metabolic action, used for the
Selective aromatase inhibitor for the treatment of breast cancer
treatment of angina pectoris, chronic heart failure and brain circulation disorders. It is recommended in cases of reduced work capacity, physical and psycho-emotional overloads
Antiandrogen for the treatment of prostate cancer
Cardiac glycoside, used to treat congestive heart failure and supraventricular arrhythmias
Alpha-and-beta-adrenoreceptor blockator for the treatment of essential hypertension, chronic stable angina pectoris and chronic heart failure
Indications: Used topically as an analgesic in cases of joint and muscle pain.
Viprosal B® ointment
Description: The main active ingredient of the Viprosal B® ointment is venom
Antithrombotic agent for prevention of formation and treatment of
of viper (Vipera berus).
thromboembolism (blood clot)
packaging of 30g and 50g
Viprosal B® ointment irritates the nerve endings of sensory receptors, causing
the local irritation and palliative effect.
Lisinopril -Grindeks Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor for treatment of hypertension, heart
failure, myocardial infarction and diabetic nephropathy
Indications: Analgesic and warming remedy for muscle and joint pain relief.
Description: Capsicam® ointment contains substances that by penetrating
skin provide heat, thus expanding the blood vessels and irritates the sensory
packaging of 30g and 50g
nerve endings receptors. By feeling the heat, muscle tension and pain
Central nervous system affecting medication
sensation is reduced.
Sleep medication from the group of cyclopyrrolone derivatives for use in
Indications: Sulfargin® is a topical ointment with antimicrobial activity.
patients with recurring insomnia and poor sleeping habits
· infected burn treatment and prevention of infection,
· as an aid in case of infected trophic ulcers and bedsores,
· infection prevention for skin graft donors and patients with an array of skin
Antiparkinsonian agent for correcting extrapyramidal disorders
packaging of 50g and 500g
Description: The main active substance of Sulfargin® ointment is sulfadiazine
silver salt, which has an antimicrobial activity against bacteria and fungi.
Healing agent activity is determined by silver ion release in the wound, thus
Antipsychotic medication for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorders
achieving long-lasting antimicrobial effect, which is enhanced by sulfadiazine
Atypical neuroleptic agent of the group of benzamides for the treatment
Indications: For the treatment of scalp skin infections (dandruff, seborrheic
dermatitis of the scalp).
Description: By using Mikanisal® shampoo, whose main active ingredient is
ketoconazole, itchy skin, a symptom that is often accompanied by
packaging of 60g and 100g
Anxiolytics for the treatment of anxiety and panic disorder
dermatophytes and yeast infections, disappears quickly, as well as improves
skin appearance.

APILAK-GRINDEKS contains lyophilised bee royal jelly. It is a biologically active complex that promotes faster recovery and strengthens immunity after illness, as
10 mg, 25 tablets
well as raises the tone. It is widely used for women in the postpartum period for lactation purposes, as well as for appetite promotion for children.
Product form – capsules – it provides a convenient and safe use. Sorbex® meets all
Pellet activated charcoal
the requirements of modern activated charcoal: high efficiency, fast-acting, safe and
(Carbo activatus) 300mg / 900mg
easy to use.
Each Lactobex® sachet contains not less than 1.0 billion (1x109) lactic acid and bifidobacteria colonies formed by L.
Complex of lactic acid and bifidobacteria
acidophilus, B. longum, S. thermophilus – protected by a
10 sachets of 1.0 g
unique patented technology Duolac .
Lactobex® Baby
Duolac improves stability of bacterial culture and entrance into the intestinal tract, protecting them from the negative
Complex of lactic acid and bifidobacteria
effects of the external environment, as well as the stomach
for children with vitamins B1, B2, B6
10 sachets of 1.0 g
Latvian Association of Dieticians has assessed Lactobex® products with a sign of Valuable Product.
Vitamin series for the whole family.
Gritamin® for Women and Gritamin® for Men is a special vitamin
complex of natural products for maintaining health.
Gritamin® for Adults provides human body with vitamins and minerals
essential for functioning of the body, therefore it is particularly
GRITAMIN® B complex
recommended in case of a poor daily diet.
Gritamin® B complex contains all the necessary vitamins of group B.
Various services offered by "Grindeks" to other pharmaceutical
The most demanded API's of "Grindeks" are zopiclone, oxytocin, ftorafur (tegafur), UDCA
companies have become more common. The best known
(ursodeoxycholic acid), droperidol, as well as veterinary products – detomidine hydrochloride,
services of "Grindeks" are contract manufacturing and contract
medetomidine chloride, atipamezole hydrochloride and xylazine hydrochloride.
development of generic medication.
Contract development of generic medication is conducted in
two ways: fulfilling clients order on the product development and offering contract manufacturing of the respective product,
as well as cooperating in the development, licensing and sales of
generic medication.
Because of the newly established Quality Control Laboratory, the
company also offers pharmaceutical product analysis, analytical
method development and validation.
"Grindeks" provides a control and release of pharmaceutical
product series in EU and CIS markets. Product release in these
markets has specific requirement of the "Good Manufacturing
Practice" standard, which includes product analysis, control and
audit of manufacturing documentation.

For many years, "Grindeks" business strategy is focused on strengthening positions in both local – Latvian and export markets, increasingly creating new solutions to stimulate demand. Products of "Grindeks" are exported to more than 50 countries worldwide and comprise 95% of total turnover.
The main markets for final dosage forms of "Grindeks" are Russia and other CIS countries, as well as the Baltic States. To secure "Grindeks" position strengthening and availability of medications, the company established an expanded network of representative offices. There are representative offices in 13 countries cooperating with local state drug institutions, performing wholesale and retail of pharmaceutical and medical products, as well as ensuring drug registration and marketing activities.
The main markets for active pharmaceutical ingredients are European Union, USA and Japan.

The assignment of "Grindeks" is to develop, manufacture and provide effective medication to patients; therefore, proceeding along this path, the company annually invests in the development of manufacturing, infrastructure and research. Since 2002, the company has carried through many considerable investment projects by investing in development more than 70 million euros over this time.
Comprehensive investments are an important contribution to the development of the company and are increasing the competitiveness of "Grindeks" in European and global markets. Yet it is also a significant contribution to the economy of Latvia, where the industrial manufacturing is therefore developing, the state competitiveness and export is increasing.
Million EUR
Million EUR
Million EUR
Million EUR
Million EUR
Million EUR
Million EUR
milj. EUR
Ointments Ursodeoxycholic International
puri cation
OF "GRINDEKS" FOR 2014-2015
of the Quality and Environmental Management
responsible manufacturing spheres, as it is related Environmental Management systems are
systems, the company has implemented LVS EN
to life and health of a human being, therefore the introduced in "Grindeks", which cover all areas of
ISO 14001:2004 and LVS EN ISO 9001:2008
pharmaceutical industry is facing very high operations of the company. This enables
quality requirements. "Grindeks" complies with continuous improvement of business processes,
Environmental pollution reduction measures are
the "Good Manufacturing Practice" standards, to provide clients and patients with high quality
becoming increasingly important to the world,
which serves as a guarantee that the company and safe medication, as well as the regular update operates in accordance with the European Union and improvement of manufactured product
including Latvia. "Grindeks" is a "green minded"
and global requirements. This is also reflected by assortment. The management anticipates
company, which is constantly looking for new
the fact that "Grindeks" manufacturing units are systematic market and new product research and
and innovative solutions for improving the
implemented environmental protection system
pharmaceutical inspections from all over the and service is essential to increase sales, as well as
and resource saving, per forming regular
world, as well as cooperation partners, providing a means of obtaining client feedback. By
environmental protection measures. When
strategic decisions are made, "Grindeks" is always
international quality standards.
Environmental Management systems and regular
taking into account the potential environmental
According to the international and Latvian reports on the performance and improvements
Employees it is a constant, one of the most important values o
f the company, therefore
"Grindeks" ensures work environment that
stimulates both individual growth and achievement of the company's business goals. Employees of "Grindeks" are professional, high qualified specialists, who perform their work duties and take care of the company's sustainable development.
Through the Personnel management the company effectuates employment, manufacturing relations, raise of qualification and training, wages, and social policy, providing social guarantees, benefits, employee health and accident insurance, as well as a variety of advantages partial compensation for the catering at the company's canteen, transport for conveyance of employees and paid holidays.
The company has implemented evaluation of work quality and development planning system.
As a proof of successfully performed Personnel policy and good employers reputation is a decreasing staff turnover and increasing demand for work and internships at the company.
"Grindeks" is aware of the needs of society to be more purposefully involved in its development, in
the dialogue with patients and healthcare professionals. Being responsible for the health of consumers and quality of its product, "Grindeks"
adheres to the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility by providing quality manufacturing
in an environmentally friendly way.
As one of the first companies in Latvia, in 2002 "Grindeks" responded to the invitation of UN General Secretary Kofi Annan to join the UN Global Compact which unites socially responsible business companies from all over the world. Therefore "Grindeks" Corporate Social Responsibility is closely in line with the ten principles of the UN Global Compact that are related to human rights, labour rights and the environment.
Taking into account the UN Global Compact principles, Corporate Social Responsibility in "Grindeks" is focus on five main areas: patient, society, employee, business environment, quality and environmental protection.
"Grindeks" is an active member or supporter of several industry organisations, including, Latvian Pharmacist Association, the Latvian Medical Association, Latvian Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry Association, the Employers' Confederation of Trade and Industry Chamber, the Latvian Quality Association.
Today, knowledge and information has become one of the most important business resources, innovation – a significant competitive advantage, "Grindeks" is particularly pleased by significant investments in education and science. "Grindeks" set up a fund "For the Support of Science and Education" in 2006, which is one of the biggest private funds in Latvia. It supports the young professionals of natural sciences, awards gratuities and scholarships not only to students and scientists, but also to educational institutions and training staff.
For many years now "Grindeks" is the general sponsor of the Latvian national ice hockey team, as well as a patron of the Latvian National Opera.
Management of the company strongly believes that successful, financially stable and positively
oriented companies have an obligation to
provide support to the society, and this concept
is one of the basic assumptions of the "Grindeks"
Source: http://www.grindeks.md/mce/uploads/tmceimages/2015/Korporativais_buklets-Grindeks_EN_2014.pdf
www.aidsmap.comissue 158 july 2006 why GPs need to be integrated into HIV-positive care page 4 primary care at HIV clinics is your clinic providing GP services? page 14 immunisation guidelines new vaccination guidance for HIV-positive people page 8 does efavirenz cause depression? a new study suggests otherwise page 3 anti-HIV therapy adds thirteen years to post-AIDS survival page 13
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