Women's Studies International Forum 27 (2004) 261 – 280
Saudi women doctors: Gender and careers within Wahhabic Islam
and a dwesternisedT work culture
Girija Vidyasagar, David M. Rea
Centre for Health Economics and Policy Studies, School of Health Science, University of Swansea, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK
This paper reports on the experience of 28 Saudi women doctors working in Saudi Arabia. It demonstrates the problems they
encountered, many of which they share with counterparts elsewhere. In addition, they have also had to deal with problemspeculiar to Saudi society: a constitution and legal system that sanctions male superiority, and segregation of the sexes in all areasof life. This context affected their choice of specialty, their work alongside male colleagues, and their promotion prospects.
Many had encountered what was described as a western culture at work, or in their overseas training. They valued many
aspects of this, such as promotion being based on merit, but did not all expect these aspects of western culture to prevail withintheir own context.
Despite the constraints, the older women doctors had achieved professional success and satisfaction—and the younger
doctors expect professional success also.
D 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
elsewhere in achieving professional and careersuccess arising from the use of gender (in law and
The place of women in Islam and Islamic states
everyday discourse) to define responsibilities.
has generated many publications but, with notable
However, they identified constraints and opportu-
nities that would differ significantly from women's
Doumato, 2000), published work on the current
experiences elsewhere and these were frequently
status of women in Saudi Arabia is almost non-
attributed to gender within their culture, usually
existent. This paper aims to contribute to this under-
described as Islamic. So, it is important to acknowl-
researched topic and to enable comparison. It is based
edge that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is
on the experience of 28 Saudi women doctors,
unique among Islamic states. It contains the holiest of
employed at a major city hospital, at various stages
sites within Islam, it is the location of the world's
of their medical careers.
largest pilgrimage (the hajj), and is governed accord-
The doctors differed from each other in many
ing to Shari'a (Islamic law). Contemporary Saudi
respects and cannot be considered an isolated
Arabia has been strongly influenced by the Wahhabi
category. They share similar problems with women
movement. Wahhabism rejects reinterpretation of the
0277-5395/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Vidyasagar, D.M. Rea / Women's Studies International Forum 27 (2004) 261–280
earliest Islamic texts and is therefore at odds with
a specialty is then required and is also paid for. For
reform. During unification, Wahhabism was used to
most, this required study in the west.
forge a sense of common identity intended to super-
It is within this context that dBehind the veil,
sede tribal loyalties. The current Saudi monarch has
silently, women in Saudi Arabia are revolutionizing
dinherited a kingdom in which devotion to Islam and
their statusT (However, the rise in
to himself as the rightly guided Islamic ruler is the
conservative fundamentalism which has been appa-
glue that holds his kingdom togetherT (
rent in Saudi Arabia since the Gulf War of 1991 (
Congress, 2003a). The monarch is both Prime
Library of Congress, 2003b), the recruitment of Saudi
Minister and King, there are no elections, and the
citizens into al-Qaeda, and the government's response
cabinet is appointed by the monarch and contains
to the anti-westernism of al-Qaeda, may all present
many royal family members. Political parties, labour
difficulties in furthering social change.
unions, and professional associations are banned.
Within limits, the experiences of Saudi women
There is a consultative council (Shura) but women
doctors can be compared with that of women working
are not represented (
in other Islamic states (
Women in other Islamic states achieve political
Be´lenger, 1996; Khan, 2000; Moghadam, 1988; Sanad
& Tesser, 1988). However, medicine has a high status
2003) and high political office (Indonesia, Iran, and
and comparisons with other occupations such as
Pakistan). As this indicates, there is an immense
nursing (are not equally valid.
breadth of interpretation of Islamic sources and Islamic
The paper demonstrates that, in some respects, the
experience of Saudi women doctors is similar to that of
Saudi constitution denies women many political rights,
women practicing medicine elsewhere, for example in
women have economic and social rights granted to
choice of specialty (Like career
them by the Qur'an. Long before such rights were
women elsewhere, they face discrimination, sometimes
attained in the west, women were legally entitled to
characterised as a dglass ceilingT (
inherit and bequeath property, and to hold their wealth
Booth, Francesconi, & Frank, 2003; Gherardi &
in their own names even after marriage, without
Poggio, 2001; Riska, 2001; Willis & Yeoh, 2002;
obligation to contribute that wealth to their husband
Zandvakili, 2000) or a dsticky floorT (
or their family. In KSA, while women have high
2003). In other respects, their experiences are signifi-
literacy levels, and professional opportunities, the
cantly different. While many were wealthy enough to
constitution prevents gender equality by restricting
employ maids for childcare, others reported long
their freedom to travel, to education, and to work by
periods (years) of separation from husbands and other
requiring the agreement of a male relative (
family members working abroad.
1978; Keene, 2003).
The doctors were interviewed during 2000–2001.
However, western culture and technology have
Restrictions on women travelling alone resulted in the
proven highly attractive and influential. The unity of
interviews being confined to one city. The interviewer
KSA under the Saudi royals was achieved with British
was familiar with hospital managers and permission
assistance, and the United States has been subsequently
was first sought from the Medical Director of the city's
influential. There is a professional and technocratic
main hospital. He sought assurances over the purposes
class who have spent time in the west and have received
of the research; that the women's privacy and
an education there. Moreover, many westerners work
confidentiality would not be abused, and that the
and live in the KSA. The Saudi government has been
interviews would not interfere with the work of the
attempting a policy of dSaudisationT to lessen depend-
hospital. Then, he referred the interviewer to his
ence on the considerable numbers of non-Saudis
Deputy Medical Director who sought similar reassur-
working in its economy. This has ensured financial
ances. The Deputy then assisted by identifying
support for Saudis seeking a professional or scientific
potential interviewees, ranged by age and experience,
education and jobs. For medicine, an increasing
and issued an official ddirectiveT requesting their
number of medical colleges have been set up in KSA
participation. None of these women responded to his
offering initial training over 3 years. Further training in
request except to say they did not have time.
G. Vidyasagar, D.M. Rea / Women's Studies International Forum 27 (2004) 261–280
Subsequently, one of the more senior of them was
Muslim, and not Arabic. She was familiar with medical
approached informally, given more information about
and health care work in KSA; she was not dwesternT but
the research, and she then spread the request among her
she shared some familiarity with dthe westT. Moreover,
colleagues. They responded eagerly and in addition,
high status occupational groups and wealthy people are
many others volunteered. One of the consequences of
under-researched and the interviewer's non-residential
gaining access this way was that many more doctors
status meant the power differences were far from
were interviewed than initially planned. Our justifica-
simple (but it is fundamental
tion for this strategy was that more formal approaches
that the research process should not oppress (
had foundered, and that the research strategy was
2000). While sharing similar experiences, it is also
intended to be ethnographic: a deliberate inquiry
fundamental that women's issues are not characterised
process, rather than a reporting process guided by a
as universal, or to suggest that particular issues are
set of formal procedures and techniques (
resolved simply by progress and modernisation (
1986). We sought more depth than could be achieved
& McGrory, 1995).
through a randomly selected sample.
These principles governed the research process and
The inherent difficulties of interviewing people of
our subsequent writing. Only the willingness with
different ethnicity and difference should be acknowl-
which the interviewees offered their experiences
(described above) and our subsequent representation
1998). It was important therefore that the interviews
of their views can ensure the differing dvoicesT are
and our subsequent writing would respect the authen-
authentic. Our position, as authors, is to quote as
ticity of their voices. The interviews were all tape
directly as possible and to guard against re-interpreta-
recorded, except one, and were conducted in the
tion or inference. We therefore attempt to represent
privacy of their offices in their hospital. This allowed
their views in the way they were expressed. We have
them to talk relatively freely, although the interviews
not sought to reinterpret their motives, for example.
were time limited in order to respect their wishes. They
Where they did not make clear distinctions we
were asked to relate their own history in terms of their
reproduce their original words. The use of dIslamT
early education, the encouragement of their families
and the dwestT may infer opposition, embody mutual
and the government, their choice of specialty, the
misconceptions about both cultures, and may assume
restrictions on their advanced training, and in their later
both are homogeneous (p. 8). But the
careers (where appropriate). All the doctors were
interviewees used them as they talked about their lives.
invited to read through the transcript, but only one
They talked about western culture and Islam as they
took this up. The interviews were conducted under
experienced them. Several of the women had experi-
conditions of confidentiality and anonymity. We there-
ence of non-Saudi Islam and they were careful to
fore use pseudonyms when quoting them. Initially, we
distinguish this from their Saudi experience. For others,
planned to interview a much smaller number than the
their experience was limited to the KSA and they spoke
28 finally interviewed. The first women were hesitant
of Islam and Saudi cultures as being one and the same.
but as word got around, others actively sought out
Our strategy was to allow each to express their view
opportunities to take part. We take this as confirmation
of their world in their terms. We recognise the
that trust had been established among the early
imperfections of this strategy. Moreover, reliance on
interviewees, and that many valued the dvoiceT being
direct quotes is also imperfect because interviews were
offered them.
conducted in English, a second language for both
Clearly, there are problems in all research where
interviewees and interviewer. Nevertheless, the women
outsiders attempt to enable others to have a dvoiceT
clearly valued the opportunity to discuss their experi-
ences and volunteered in depth their various life/career
Sanabary, 1993; Hoffman, Snell, & Webb, 1976;
stories. The women wanted an opportunity for their
Jaschok & Jingjun, 2000; Keddie, 1979; Logan &
views to be heard and no previous study of this kind has
Huntley, 2001; McCutcheon, 1999; Mullings, 1999;
been published.
Reay, 1995; Sherif, 2001; White & Johnson, 1998).
Early Islamic medical practitioners developed sur-
Here, the interviewer was female, but not Saudi, not
gery and published knowledge of the circulation of
G. Vidyasagar, D.M. Rea / Women's Studies International Forum 27 (2004) 261–280
blood by AD 1288 and Islam provides guidelines for
speak universally of an Islamic culture (
medical practitioners, including a code of ethics
2003), nor is KSA rigorous in effecting a single cultural
governing payment, quality, consent, and confidential-
identity. On the other hand, much published work on
ity These guidelines are not totally
feminism and gender theory is located in the west and
inconsistent with the organisation and practice of
in western thought. Early feminist theory implied
medicine, as it developed in the west. The doctorsT
western concepts of human rights, the work ethic,
education and practice exposed them to western
and equality. Radical feminism and post-modern
medical practice, and western forms of work organ-
feminism would be impossible without essentialist
isation and culture. Many were attracted to western
theories of evolution and biology to challenge.
values and culture. As will be shown below, some (not
Visser, for instance, debates the relative contribu-
all) expressed the view they were comfortable (even
tions of culture and the body to conceptions of gender
preferred) working in a context where western values
(Post-modernism has raised new ques-
prevailed. Others expressed strong religious beliefs and
tions about the body (
a preference for values which they variously described
Useful and interesting to western audiences, debates
as Islamic, Saudi, Arabic, and even tribal. They inhabit
between post-structuralists and essentialists (say) about
a western culture (at work) within an Islamic culture (in
the construction of gender (
KSA) within a world that seems increasingly open to
De Lauretis, 1987) will speak little to women in a
western influence.
society where bodies are seen in private, covered in
The paper is organised as follows. We first elaborate
public. KSA has no cinema, and censorship is wide-
on the tensions described above, showing how the
spread. The Saudi state acts to limit the availability of
QurTan has been used to subordinate women in KSA
images of women. Roald argues that most of the
and how the modern Saudi state has nevertheless
literature debates female Islamic dress in terms of its
encouraged these women to pursue professional
sociopolitical implications, although she argues most
careers. The potential tensions they face will be
Muslim women cover because of their commitment to
discussed in relation to feminism as understood outside
their religion (Early western feminists
of Saudi Arabia. However, the main part of the paper is
understood covering as implying shame and disgrace
intended to allow the voice of these women to be heard.
on women, but more recently, different feminisms have
So, the following section presents illustrative quotes
asserted the veil allows women an active role in public
from the interviews dealing with their background; the
space (p. 201). In KSA, women cover in
encouragement they had from family, friends, and the
black wearing the ayaba and the niqab (or burga). Men
school system; the support they received from their
cover in white, with some red in their headwear. In
Government; life at medical school; graduation; their
contrast to other Islamic states where colours may vary
professional status and the prospects for promotion; the
and where the requirement to cover is sometimes
difficulties they have encountered; and finally the
relaxed (the requirement to cover in
support they have had from their families since,
public spaces (not hospitals) is enforced by the
including when they are married. We then attempt a
Muttawa (religious police). Saudi women are unlikely
judgment on their future prospects. We conclude with a
to need reminding that gender is discursive and is
discussion of the relevance of these experiences to
constructed and learned (They have
women and gender studies, and feminism.
the Muttawa to remind them gender roles are dwrittenT.
However, consistent with Roald, most of the inter-viewees explained covering in relation to their religious
Women in Islam and women in Saudi Arabia
beliefs or, if not religious, in wishing not to offendothers. Another said she was ddeeply religiousT but
The variety of feminist theories, conceptions of
would not follow this custom elsewhere.
masculinity and femininity, and discussions over their
Obviously, western feminism is as concerned with
appropriate use and fidelity (are
women's political and economic status as with the
likely to assume a coherence which is unlikely to be
construction of gender. However, these concerns are
justified here. On the one hand, it is not possible to
expressed within a context of western liberal politics
G. Vidyasagar, D.M. Rea / Women's Studies International Forum 27 (2004) 261–280
(which may have little validity
rights can be adopted within a religious state and
within Islam (A variety of feminisms
society; and (c) where social change is paradoxically
can be distinguished that are non-western (
proscribed and encouraged.
1996; Basu & McGrory, 1995; Jayawardena, 1986;Moghadam, 1994; Raju, 2002; Staeheli & Nagar,
Women in Saudi Arabia
2002). Some are specifically non-secular, others arespecifically Islamic (1
In so far as women's issues are recognised in KSA,
Islamic feminists have argued that human rights are
they are unlikely to be concerned with liberalising
not contradictory to Islam (
sexual orientation, representations of the body and the
Hosseini, 1999) and that it is the religious institutions
construction of gender. Instead, as we anticipated,
that are patriarchal (Another approach
Saudi women doctors described their careers in terms
has been to show how western feminists have too
defined by the interplay of Saudi law and customs,
harshly misjudged the status of women under Islam
Islam, and western values. This interplay is not a
simple matter and involves many conflicts and tensions
Benn, 2003). Alternatively, western feminists are
at both societal and individual levels. The Saudi
accused of silence over abuse conducted in the name
women doctors varied in the degree to which they
held religious beliefs and accepted the prevailing order,
There are debates about whether the term Islamic
but it is also important to note that most considered
feminism represents a new feminist paradigm, or
themselves fortunate in having male relatives who
whether it is a re-articulation of QurTanically man-
permitted and encouraged them to travel and to have an
dated gender equality (
education. For some at least, legal restrictions were
Muhin, 1992; Webb, 1999). Others argue Islamic
experienced merely as administrative irritations.
feminism transcends secular and non-secular, and
While the QurTan can be interpreted as supportive
categories such as deastT and dwestT, modern and
of women's equality—kafaTa (pp. 48–
traditional (While concepts of progress
50) and while political toleration developed within
and modernity have been used (
Islam (dwesternT morality, and politics are
post-modern feminism (raises ques-
portrayed by the Saudi state as a challenge to a pre-
tions about this and may accommodate Islamic
existing Islamic culture. Suggestions from elsewhere
feminism's insistence that women's status in Islam
that women should not be subordinated and that
has been misunderstood.
women's rights should be enhanced can therefore be
The focus of this study was the way gender roles
perceived as further westernisation and a misinter-
were defined within KSA and the impact this had on the
pretation of Islam. We would not be the first to make
professional and career opportunities of women doc-
this point that western feminism can be perceived as
tors. It demonstrates that Saudi women doctors
part of an overwhelming external force threatening a
achieved professional success and satisfaction despite
culture. As al-Qaeda's anti-western activities demon-
particular constraints. The interviewees spoke of the
strate, local Saudi opposition to western influences is as
extent to which these opportunities were affected by
real as can be imagined, and this opposition is not
what they described as Islam (Wahhabi), the Saudi
simply about western interpretations of women's
culture and economy, and the consequences of con-
rights. However, the point is that the Saudi state—not
fronting western culture. Their feminism is understood
just the state, but KSA's male dominated society—is
best as the achievement of a space for themselves, for
able to reject western political ideas affecting women
autonomy, and a career in a society that inconsistently
by asserting that Islam already guarantees equality for
forbids and permits professional autonomy and wom-
women. Officially, the acquisition of equal rights for
an's caring role. Moreover, that society (like many
women in the west has also been accompanied by a
others) is itself caught between (a) the need most feel to
breakdown in domestic responsibilities and western
balance valued aspects of an ancient culture against the
societies cannot guarantee the safety of many women to
power and attractions of globalisation, including (b) the
go alone at night (
extent to which internationally recognised human
2003). Despite government statements such as this,
G. Vidyasagar, D.M. Rea / Women's Studies International Forum 27 (2004) 261–280
several of the women doctors said the government was
between the sexes, dthis implies no superiority or
improving opportunities and equality for women, but
advantage before the law. .T (pp. 17–
that it was the culture and the organisations they
18). Badawi interprets the Qur'an (Sura 2:228) as
worked for that were slow to change.
It is difficult to conceive of a Saudi feminist
movement: Such a movement implies that women can
And they (women) have rights similar to those (of
gather and communicate these issues freely. Saudi
men) over them, and men are a degree above them.
society restricts the free movement of people andcommunication of ideas. Although women's organ-
Badawi comments that this refers to dnatural
isations have existed since 1962, they are heavily
difference between the sexes which entitles the
restricted and cannot openly report abuses against
weaker sex to protectionT, not to superiority.
Both the Qur'an and the Hadith have been
as authors, neither of whom is Muslim, we cannot
reinterpreted by Islamic feminists (but
pretend to understand how Saudi women might
even a fairly traditional interpretation would advocate
perceive feminist thought. Instead, as stated above,
women need to work alongside men das educators,
we aim to provide a voice for the women interviewed
scholars, and expertsT (
and discuss how their views may be used in women's
While the Qur'an is generally interpreted as indicating
studies, feminist theory, and gender studies. Indeed,
men have a responsibility to provide for women, this
we have also to be cautious when describing them as
does not mean they have unconditional authority over
dSaudi womenT because many had more than a
passing experience of what might be called a
does it mean that women cannot provide for them-
westernised lifestyle. Western scientific traditions
selves (Nevertheless, the Qur'an is
were clearly more important to them than the vast
frequently interpreted as saying that women's primary
majority of Saudi women. We now move on, there-
role is looking after the home. Other activities are
fore, to outlining the tensions and context of the lives
permitted, provided her domestic responsibilities are
of Saudi women doctors.
not compromised.
However, the message is far from consistent because
Nagisatan Aqlan Wa Dinan (Trans.: Deficient in
the Prophet's wife, Aisha, is said to have been active in
Intelligence and Religion)
both social and political arenas (man, 1981), and was knowledgeable of medicine. In
While the QurTan, Hadith,2 and Shari'a give
KSA, Aisha provides legitimacy for women to enter the
distinct instruction concerning a woman's role and
two professions of teaching and medicine.
position, there is diversity when implementing this
As elsewhere, the position of women in practice
guidance within Islamic circles both within and
differs vastly from interpreted religious texts. In
outside the Middle East. While space does not permit
practice, around 21% of Saudi women work
a full examination of holy texts and the variety of
(Saudi law requires a male
interpretations available (it should be
relative's agreement before seeking work, education,
noted that interpretations of the Qur'an are varied and
it is sometimes difficult to understand with anyprecision (p. 27).
Women in Saudi Arabia: Segregation, sanctions,
In KSA, women have to accept they work within a
education, work, and equity
society where their roles are interpreted as subordinateto men because, according to some interpretation of the
Qur'an and the Hadith, men are superior to women
Until recently, medical education was not avail-
because they have more knowledge and power
able within KSA. However, the Qur'an states dit is
(While most inter-
not permitted for a woman. . to travel the walking
preters of the Qur'an accept the notion of radical,
distance of three days without a MahramT (
distinct emotional as well as physical differences
Hashimi, 1996).3 Written long before the days of safe
G. Vidyasagar, D.M. Rea / Women's Studies International Forum 27 (2004) 261–280
air travel, this was originally designed to ensure
women's attempt to get into the workforce in the west is
protection for women in hazardous times. The
widespread, and regarded as pointless if all it means is
teaching is used in KSA to mean women cannot
they take menial jobs and are oppressed and victimised
travel without permission from a male relative, cannot
by their employers (
drive a car, and cannot go out in public without a male
Others are more encouraging, pointing out that Islam
relative. Many domestic workers and Saudi women
drewards labour, assiduity, and hard workT (
are locked inside their home at all times (
1999). Work for women in Islam is a right—rather than
International, 2000; U.S. Department of State, 1999).
a duty—and permitted in cases of necessity, when thereis a collective advantage, and when it does not abuse
their femininity or dignity. Islamic scholars thereby list
The Qur'an specifically sanctions the rights of
suitable professions as nursing, midwifery, teaching,
women to gain knowledge. The Qur'an also requires
social service, and medicine provided they do not come
both men and women to seek knowledge (
into contact with men. But, Saudi law does permit
But the ahadith are interpreted as stipulating restric-
women to work alongside male doctors and other
tions on what knowledge it is suitable for a woman to
males, and to work with male patients.
acquire (Female education in KSAuses slightly different curricula, co-education is not
allowed, and it is felt women should not compete with
The Qur'an makes no suggestion that women
males in employment. Distance learning (
should not take leadership positions, except in prayer
Simmons, 1992), internet colleges, and internet book-
(so the principle problem is the
stores such as are recent developments
attitudes of those in powerful positions within
that undermine these restrictions.
organisations. While KSA has signed the UN
Higher education has expanded enormously over
declaration against discrimination against women, it
recent years, although it lags behind other Gulf states.
does not keep any records of employment and
Al-Qazzat argues that medicine has proven an attrac-
unemployment (Its birth, marriage,
tive career choice for women of the Arab world. So,
and death records are not reliable. It keeps no
they constitute a high percentage of enrolment in
records of personal wealth and income. So, the issue
medical schools in dEgypt, Algeria, Kuwait, Lebanon,
of women working also needs to be set against the
Iraq, Syria, and TunisiaT (Despite the
unknown numbers of Saudi males who are unem-
growth of higher education in KSA, students must
ployed and against the estimated 5 million people
often go abroad if they need a specialist education, such
employed from overseas, ranging from highly paid
as medicine. The education of women has been of high
experts through clerical and unskilled workers.
priority for the Saudi government to the point where
Hospitals typically employ up to 80% of their staff
dSaudi women are now more highly educated than
from overseas, mostly nurses and clerical workers
Saudi menT (Adult literacy is 33% among
from poorer countries such as Pakistan and the
females against 17% among males (
Philippines, but also senior managers and doctors
2000). No figures are available for Saudi women in
from richer countries. Saudi women doctors con-
higher education.
stitute a small elite in Saudi society, but are ofgrowing significance within Saudi health care.
Differences in education are unlikely to be experi-
enced except where working in a hospital, the one place
Being a woman doctor in Saudi Arabia
Saudi employment law allows men and women to workalongside each other. Obviously, barriers to women
This section summarises the interviews, including
working are not unique to Saudi Arabia, but while
quotes. Some factual details are tabulated although
Islamic law does not prevent women from working,
this cannot deal adequately with the responses.
domestic duties are not to be compromised. This is
Motivations for example are complex: initial dis-
open to wide variations of interpretation. Awareness of
couragement could alter with time, one doctor
G. Vidyasagar, D.M. Rea / Women's Studies International Forum 27 (2004) 261–280
reporting how her father had initially protested her
Medical education
studies would take her away from her family. Onceshe insisted, he moved the whole family so she
The respondents all differed in their experience
could study. Some felt almost compelled by their
of education because they included a range of ages.
family to study medicine. The section is subdivided
Forty years ago, there were no facilities for higher
into comments about their experience of medical
education for men or women in KSA. The most
education, choice of specialty, views comparing
favoured place for an education was Egypt because
working in KSA with elsewhere, working with
it was affordable, geographically close, and pro-
male colleagues and patients, and their prospects
vided separate education for women. Later, the
Saudi government made arrangements with a
Table 1Background as described by interviewees
Government fundedinitial training
originally Turkish.
Spent early yearsand school in Sudan
Moderately religious
Not very religious
Moderately religious
Moderately religious
dVery, very religiousT
Not very religious
(Syrian connections)
Not very religious
Moderately religious
Saudi, Indonesian
Moderately religious
Saudi, Spent early
Not very religious
years and schoolin Tunisia
Not very religious
Moderately religious
Moderately religious
Moderately religious
Moderately religious
G. Vidyasagar, D.M. Rea / Women's Studies International Forum 27 (2004) 261–280
college in Pakistan to train Saudi women who
concern over too much contact with female students.
wanted to acquire a medical education—while boys
from wealthy families were able to go to the US orUK. Higher education in Saudi Arabia has devel-
Innocent, unpremeditated offensive behaviour some-
oped considerably since then, although most
times led to termination of the job for that person.
specialist medical training still requires time abroad.
The male nursing staff kept their distance with the
Because many respondents were over 30 years old,
Saudi doctors and medical students. (Ahlam, 33
most had experience of study in KSA and abroad.
years, Consultant Paediatrician)
Even so, none of the respondents had their initialeducation in a western medical college. One had
applied but permission was denied.
Their attitude and behaviour with us was. . aloof
KSA does not sanction co-education, and so the
and professional. They never got personal with any
women did not meet male students during their
of us. . they were very helpful. (Fatimah, 39 years,
initial medical education.
Consultant Paediatric Neurologist)
If the men had lectures and clinical rounds in the
Relationships with patients was another area
morning, we would have them in the afternoon and
discussed. The women always examined patients
vice versa. It was not considered proper for boys
in groups. Teachers, nurses, and other students were
and girls. . to be together. . very unIslamic. . It
always present and contact was dalways strictly
cannot change. But we had the same education,
professionalT (Habibah). All respondents recollected
same teachers, same curriculum. We might see our
their initial embarrassment with male patients.
male classmates in the corridor or something like
Habibah recalled:
that. But there was no social interaction betweenboys and girls like in other societies and cultures.
Of course first male patient was embarrassing. . from
There is some mixing between doctors of both
the third year onwards we started going to the hospital
sexes in the hospital, but it is never taken to a
wards and seeing patients. Got over the embarrass-
social level. There is no mixing at the student
ment eventually. (Habibah, 45 years, Consultant—
level. (Faridah, 36 years, Consultant Paediatric
However, most problems related to having to
Those who experienced co-education, in Egypt
learn English, and learn in English, and home-
and Syria, said they had positive reactions from
sickness. It was also very hard work and this
their male counterparts but did not socialise with
was considered the main reason others dropped
out. The other reason was early marriage to a
All were taught by males. Until very recently, the
husband who did not like the long hours students
teachers in KSA's colleges were almost all expatri-
would spend studying. They dropped out and
ates. All the respondents said relationships were
opted to become teachers instead. Drop-out rates
good: they were always formal. Violations of the
were considered to be as high as 50%. Pressure
taboos on social interaction were grounds for
from husbands objecting to time spent alongside
termination of an expatriate's contract, although
was another reason
most respondents said the teachers were always
ready to help them.
Nursing staff in all hospitals in Saudi Arabia are
There were 35 girls in my class when we started.
almost all expatriate. Respondents said they felt the
Many dropped out. . Many had interruptions in
nursing staff were very cooperative and very help-
their studies and they naturally take longer to finish.
ful, but their interaction was always on a profes-
Only 5 or 6 went through the course without
sional level. There were two reasons given for this.
interruption. Many had difficulties in managing
One was language, the nurses having just enough
studies and. . families. All husbands are not
Arabic to communicate with patients; the other was
considerate like mine. Most Saudis are compulsive
G. Vidyasagar, D.M. Rea / Women's Studies International Forum 27 (2004) 261–280
socialisers. Wives have to go along with their
Mahram to go with me. . Mash Allah, I have met
wishes. This leaves very little time for studies. In
somebody I like to marry. We are not engaged yet.
our class, only my schoolmate and myself did
Inshallah, that will happen when our families meet
anything serious with our profession. I took up
and decide on all the marriage formalities. But we
internal medicine and she went to OB/GY. Most
meet and talk about various things. (Khalidah, 32
others opted out for primary health care. (Lubabah,
32 years, Associate Consultant—Internal Medi-cine—Cardiology)
Another experience is also telling:
I applied to go to Canada. . But then the
Choice of specialty
government did not support me because they didnot want to sponsor my husband because he is
Choice of speciality was limited by the prospect
Egyptian, a foreigner. Then my husband went to
of working with male patients, the increasing
UK. I also went with him. (Sabirah, 45 years,
availability of training within KSA in specialties
Assistant Consultant)
dsuitableT for women, and the ability to studyabroad. For most early marriage was desired: They
Twenty-seven of the doctors said they had
wanted a husband who would support them and go
freedom to choose their specialty. One said she
with them when going for higher studies. For
had drifted into it, following the specialty suggested
by her seniors. The majority, said they could havechosen any they wanted, but appeared to have
He got accepted in Vancouver, Canada. I went with
chosen specialties relating to women and children,
him. Also got accepted for the specialisation pro-
or non-clinical work where they would not come
gramme. I spent 6 months in the programme. Then. .
into contact with adult males (see One
My son was very small. I had problems with baby-
sitters. I didn't get permission to take my maid. . Soafter 6 months I had to come back. (Fatimah—returned
This specialty also helps me work within the
later to complete)
parameters of Islam. Islam forbids women from
The Saudi government has always been suppor-
working with adult men. Paediatrics solves the
tive, provided the education conformed to social and
religious requirements. Initially very generous, dthey
A few were in specialties where they came into
paid for everything—fees accommodation, books,
contact with adult males. They also must conform
clothes, airfare—everythingT (Hamidah, 42 years,
with Islamic requirements as interpreted in KSA. One
Senior Consultant), they even paid for the accom-
doctor (with Egyptian parents) who had studied in
panying Mahram, sometimes (Salimah, 37 years,
Egypt and Scotland said:
Senior Registrar).
Now, Saudi law allows travel without a Mahram,
The difference between here and anywhere else is
provided the family take responsibility, but families
here I never see a male patient without a chaperon.4
are not always able willing to take this responsi-
And I never close the door of the room when I am
bility or pay for the Mahram.
with a male patient. (Kawthar, 44 years, Senior
One main problem facing lady doctors is finding a
Mahram. . Your getting scholarship depends upon
The doctors worked alongside male colleagues
it. . (Hadiya, 35 years, expecting promotion to
(doctors and nurses), many of whom were non-
Arab, or non-Saudi, and so encountered what somedescribed as a western culture at work, or they
encountered this culture in their overseas training.
I hope to go. . the US or Canada for more
They expressed differing attitudes to this culture,
specialisation. I am not married so I have no
although many seemed to value the idea that
G. Vidyasagar, D.M. Rea / Women's Studies International Forum 27 (2004) 261–280
Table 2Education and career
Employment status and specialty
Consultant Paediatrician
Resident—Primary Health Care
Consultant Paediatrician
Consultant Paediatric Endocrinologist
KSA, plus UK and USA
Consultant Paediatric Neurologist
Expecting promotion to
KSA, intends togo to Canada
Project Doctor—plans to specialise
in Paediatric Pulmonology
go to Canada or USA
Resident (fourth year)—Obs./Gyn.
specialise abroad
Resident (first year)—Paediatrics
Resident (second year)—Family
and Community Medicine
Resident (fourth year just completed)—
Resident (second year)—Internal Medicine
Assistant Consultant—specialty not known
Senior Registrar—Foetal Internal Medicine
Resident (third year)—Paediatrics
Head of Department—specialty not known
a Not known.
promotion should be based on merit. While this
. .not very easy. . to get a scholarship to go abroad.
(and other aspects of western culture) was valued, it
The father or the husband has to convince the
was not universally expected within their own
government that the girl would not be left alone in a
foreign country for 5–8 years. Or. . that the girl'sstay abroad is their responsibility, she has their
Experience of differences between KSA and elsewhere
permission to stay by herself in a safe accommoda-tion arranged by themselves. Many make a lot of
The need to go outside the kingdom for
compromise between what they want to do and what
specialisation after graduating is lessening as new
the religion permits. . (Ahlam)
facilities are developed. This is convenient forwomen who have difficulty finding Mahrams to
Many expressed the view that they would only get
go with them.
government help to go abroad now if they chose
G. Vidyasagar, D.M. Rea / Women's Studies International Forum 27 (2004) 261–280
subjects where facilities did not exist within the
she specialised at her own expense (Jala). The
kingdom. So, now, they have to fund themselves.
remaining two went entirely at their own family's
Of those still needing to specialise, only one
expense Aida and Kawthar).
expressed no desire to go abroad for specialisation.
Eight doctors had no experience of the west, but
The remainder felt the Saudi medical system was not
the rest all held favourable opinions of western
mature enough yet and they would benefit from
medical and training facilities. They were all of the
exposure to other cultures. Two felt those with a
opinion that the western way of life was incompatible
higher western qualification would get promotion
with Islam and they could not accept or follow that
way of living.
Seven doctors did their entire postgraduate
What can I tell you about the western culture? It is
specialisation abroad. One had been brought up in
their culture. It is all right for them. It is not Islamic
Egypt and her parents had no wish to return to
culture. We cannot follow that. We have to live like
Saudi Arabia. Another had qualified many years ago
how Islam had told us. That is all. (Hanifa, 36 years,
There was no restriction on female education is Sudan
then. My family also followed the pattern. Sudan wasunder British rule at that time. Religious restrictions
We are familiar with western culture and western
came in the last decade or so with the advent of
ways of life. But that is not our way. They follow
Islamic rule in Sudan. (Aida, 53 years, Staff Physi-
their way, we follow our way. (Inaya, 40 years,
cian—Primary and Family Care)
Project Doctor—plans to specialise in PaediatricPulmonology)
Most of the others had married doctors and had
been able to travel with them overseas, with govern-
Another was less comfortable with this divide:
ment funding. One who was not married had taken her
. .don't like the social system here, but I also cannot
mother with her as chaperon, with father and brother
accept the western system completely. I am between
helping them both settle. She still travelled abroad
professionally and took her mother with her. All ofthese doctors who studied abroad were over 33 years
While valuing their own culture, they clearly res-
old. At the time, there were no facilities in Saudi
pected western ways of working more than their own:
Arabia and the government had funded them. Studyabroad is particularly expensive because women have
My social life outside the work place was strictly
to be accompanied and many needed additional
within the tenets of Islam. I had very little time for
financial help from their families. They usually
social life. . studies, work and my son took up all
travelled with their maids to help with babies and
my time. I had nannies and maids to help me
housework. They travelled under their husband's
passports because Saudi women cannot have inde-pendent passports. The unveiled face of a Saudi
What impressed me about the western work culture
woman could not be photographed, nor could a male
was that if you worked hard and proved your worth,
official see it.
you got where you wanted get to. Being a woman did
Additionally, the generous funding of the past is
not hamper you very much in the western culture. But
now severely reduced because the KSA economy is
I am not resentful of the western woman's freedom
dependent on falling oil prices, and because more
because I have great faith in my religious beliefs. I
facilities exist in KSA. Five doctors did their
was always prepared to go along with what my
specialisation at their own expense. Two of these,
religion dictated. (Ahlam)
though Saudi, did not enter the Saudi health care
system until after their postgraduate qualification(Badra and Jala). One doctor was not helped
I did not imbibe all the western ways in my personal
financially because she had married a foreigner, so
life. But my professional life was completely influ-
G. Vidyasagar, D.M. Rea / Women's Studies International Forum 27 (2004) 261–280
enced by the West. I feel that the western culture is
While Saudi law now allows women to travel
more open. People can express their ideas and
provided they have permission from a male relative,
opinions openly. Women are accepted as serious
most were unwilling to break with this custom.
workers. Women do not have to fight for their
A Muslim woman has to be always escorted by a
position at every step. I also accept that things have
proper Mahram—an escort allowed by Islam. So
changed a lot for the women in the last two decades in
when a woman applies for funds for postgraduate
the Middle East, especially in Saudi Arabia. (Aida)
studies abroad, she has to show that she is accom-
Others were keen to distinguish between working
panied by a Mahram. If the Mahram is the husband,
cultures in Saudi and other Islamic states:
then it is very easy if he also wants to study abroad.
I am an Arab and a Muslim, but. . if my husband'sbusiness interests were not here, I wouldn't have
Working alongside men
stayed past my probationary 3 months in the hospital.
And if {he} hadn't supported me throughout, I
A hospital is the only place where women work
wouldn't have survived. It was not easy for my
alongside men in KSA: it is a relaxation of normal
husband either. It is difficult, very difficult for anyone
employment law. So, it is potentially a contradictory
who has lived outside all his or her life to stay here in
situation for the people concerned. Moreover, most of
Saudi Arabia. (Kawthar—Egyptian by birth, Saudi by
the senior women had gone abroad for their higher
training and had become used to working alongside
Speaking of their return to KSA, five said they
wanted to because the Saudi people are so badly in
Only three reported bad relationships with col-
need of medical help and their country needs to
leagues and three described relationships as
become less dependent on expatriate westerners. Eight
dindifferentT. They were similarly positive about their
returned for family reasons or because of their
working relationships with expatriate colleagues. Only
employment contracts. A few had to return without
two reported bad relationships with expatriates. All
finishing their courses because their husbands had
reported good relationships with their patients and
finished earlier and would not wait. Another said:
only two reported bad relationships with their femalecolleagues. The majority said they had good working
If he had finished before me, he would not have
relationships with men, but this tended to mean the
stayed back for me. I would have had to return back
men didn't interfere or impede them in their work. But
without finishing my fellowship programme. . That
they were also comfortable with the distance afforded
is how things work in our culture. (Ahlam)
All who returned had high positions and rapid
I have no irritations from my male colleagues. I do my
promotion. Fresh young postgraduates were posted to
work, they do theirs. Because there is not much social
senior consultants' positions without any experience,
interaction between men and women in our culture,
replacing expatriates, in accord with Saudisation.
there is less harassment of women. . like you see in
Fifteen had not gone abroad for specialisation.
other cultures. (Faridah)
They were the younger doctors and while they all saidthey hoped to go abroad for specialised study the
Most of the women doctors said they had good
likelihood is that only those with independent funds
working relationships with the nursing staff, which
will be able to do so. Some Saudis have dropped the
was predominately expatriate until recently. Three
custom of being accompanied by a Mahram:
doctors recalled how, initially, the nurses looked downupon them as new doctors and there was friction over
About going abroad, now people are not strict about
who gave instructions to whom.
Mahram. My father will not stay with me all the time.
He will come, Inshallah, for some time, you know to
Some of the nurses were treating us really badly. They
see me settle. Then he will return. (Rashida, 27 years,
were looking at us like inferiors. I used to cry
everyday. . insulting. (Fatimah)
G. Vidyasagar, D.M. Rea / Women's Studies International Forum 27 (2004) 261–280
She explained her feeling insulted as resulting from
are not involved, even our opinions are not asked for. I
the nurses being foreigners in her country, although
will never be the chief of the department even when I
the nurses were largely British males (not necessarily
am the best qualified. . There is a lady. . who is
white) she did not explain her feelings in gender,
senior to me and very well qualified, but she is not even
racial or ethnic terms.
considered for acting chairman's post when the chair-
Another felt attitudes were conditioned more by
man is absent. . But this way of thinking in very deep-
uncertainties over whether knowledge was sufficient
rooted in our social system,. . I sometimes feel it isgetting worse. It is not a policy, but the most common
They did not treat us well in the beginning. They
practice. (Badra, 37 years, Consultant Paediatrician)
thought we knew nothing. They did not want us totouch the patients. (Sabirah)
Another put it this way:
It is not uncommon elsewhere for young doctors to
. . like everywhere in Saudi Arabia, men get
have difficulty being accepted as reliable, but in Saudi
promoted before women. The general feeling is men
the position was slightly different. Even the most
are better and they have to be above women. The
senior Saudi doctors are the first generation of doctors.
administration is full of men. They support other men.
Young women doctors were being appointed to senior
Men get promotions but don't work hard like
positions soon after their training and this would
women. . So they get high positions and women
probably not have been acceptable elsewhere. So, the
do all the hard work. (Makarim, 29 years, Resident—
expatriate staff were willing to question the validity of
Family and Community Medicine)
the actions of the new doctors. This could be taken as
Another was arguably less pessimistic
rudeness, compounded by language problems. Therewas some friction over this and Fatimah, a Consultant
. .educational facilities and working conditions have
Paediatric Neurologist, reported the hospital's Director
improved a lot for the girls entering the medical
of Education had resigned when some new appoint-
profession. With the present rate of Saudisation, more
ments were made at Registrar level.
jobs are made available to the girls and also boys.
Saudisation does not extend to nurses because
Discrimination against women for promotion etc is
nursing is considered an inappropriate profession for a
also less. You cannot totally rule that out, but that is a
Saudi woman. Saudi female nurses are very scarce,
universal phenomenon, wouldn't you say? (Kawthar)
although increasing in paediatrics, obstetrics, gynae-
Another said she would like a more senior position
cology, and female wards.
but would not get it because these jobs tended to be
Of the 20 who had taken up female or child
administrative, not medical.
specialties, all said they had good relationships withpatients. Others were in non-clinical work. Those few
The authorities assume that senior administrative
who were treating both male and female patients had
positions will be tougher to manage for females. .
found ways of handling this and none said there were
that. . females would find it difficult to devote full
any complaints over this.
attention to their profession because of their domesticobligations and so male candidates are more eligible
Professional status
for these posts and so promotions become verydifficult. This is going to be a big battle for the
Unsurprisingly, 20 of the 28 said they were happy
serious female Saudi doctors. (Aminah, 28 years,
with their present positions and achievements. They
Resident—Primary Health Care)
were in senior positions and acknowledged theywould not occupy them but for Saudisation. But,
A very senior doctor (Aida) said she was
several felt the existence of a dglass ceilingT:
dissatisfied with her present standing but recog-nised she had opted for easier jobs to take care of
The main difficulty we face is. . discrimination. Gov-
family and children, and had taken time out to
ernment promises equal opportunities, but that does not
work for the World Health Organisation. Another
really happen. At the decision-making levels, women
felt she had been held back by being outspoken
G. Vidyasagar, D.M. Rea / Women's Studies International Forum 27 (2004) 261–280
over the lack of back-up facilities necessary for her
totally. I also don't accept that our way of life is 100%
correct. I have to find a middle way when I am in the
Most felt they would have few opportunities for
West. But when I am here, I follow the Saudi way of
promotion. The more senior felt they would not
life. Otherwise my family will suffer for my different
progress beyond their present positions because the
next step up would be an administrative position, the
Lack of vacancies is also a factor, of course, and this
prerogative of men.
may worsen because Saudi staff can no longer step into
The main difficulty is the attitude that woman is not
an expatriate's job. There are more qualified Saudi
capable of thinking and working like man. It is said by
doctors competing for senior positions. Privileges are
many that woman is emotional and not objective and
being reduced and the possibilities for promotion are
rational. This is wrong, but many people still believe
affected. This is particularly important in the city be-
that. This is a stumbling block for administrative jobs.
cause it was a popular place for Saudi people to live, but
some felt they might do better elsewhere because insome areas no Saudis have yet been employed as
These attitudes are common elsewhere and it is
difficult to assess the extent to which they can be
Six doctors expected to go no higher than their
attributed to the prevailing interpretations of Islam
present positions. They felt women would be unable
where, as was noted earlier, the hadith have been
to fulfil official obligations because they could not
interpreted as denying any leadership role for women.
travel and sit in meetings with men. Others felt the
For some there was a clear link between these
hospital management viewed them as more con-
attitudes and Islam:
cerned with their families. Another issue is that
. .this difficulty in accepting women as equal to men
Saudi men would have difficulty taking instructions
will also change with time. I don't mean in all ways.
from a woman and so women heads of department
Many differences will be there for a long time socially
would not get co-operation from male colleagues
because Saudi Arabia is a religious country and Islam
and subordinates.
started here. We have to maintain Islam as it started.
I have problems with the chief of surgery, medical
But in place of work it will change slowly. Women
director and so on. Once I had some problem with one
will get promotions like men and they will get treated
of the consultants. . problems accepting me as the
like equals in work. (Faridah)
head of the department. There was an incident where
my authority was totally ignored and I complainedabout this and resigned from the position as the HOD.
It is the religion and the culture, which is making
But my resignation was not accepted because they
women's life very difficult. (Hadiya)
didn't find anyone to replace me. (Wafa, 27 years,
Head of Department)
. .we have no woman heads of the department in this
Women doctors said they were not viewed in the
hospital. This is because it is said in the Qur'an that
same way as male doctors. Society did not give them
woman cannot be at the head. . It is followed here
equal status, whatever their qualifications. One doctor
because it suits the men. It gives them more oppor-
tunities for promotion. . there are many examples of
Sometimes they don't look to the female physician like
differences between the western countries and here. If I
the male physician. This is a problem of our society
start comparing the two, I shall become very frustrated.
also. Our system does not give equal status to man and
So I accept many situations. We have to.
woman. Sometimes women are more qualified, but
Outside the workplace things are very different. You
they don't get the same status. I have asked my
cannot compare because everything here is according
mother. . whether she has seen any change. She tells
to the Holy Book. It is not at all so in the West or
me that there is change in the attitude to women's
anywhere else. I cannot adopt the western way of life
education, but not much in their social position. So
G. Vidyasagar, D.M. Rea / Women's Studies International Forum 27 (2004) 261–280
maybe the social position also will change in some
manage my home, and also manage my profession.
The less senior doctors felt there were insufficient
Nevertheless, the idea of both husband and wife
vacancies to accommodate their hopes for promotion.
working has become more acceptable because some
They would have to wait a long time or move to
find it difficult to manage on one income. It is also
another hospital. A few expressed the view that male
very dprestigiousT for a family when both husband and
competitors would always be favoured:
wife are doctors (Faridah, a Consultant PaediatricEndocrinologist). Even so, some expect their working
Promotions to higher posts than that are almost
wives to attend to them after work. One doctor said
impossible for women to get because of the Saudi
this about her husband, also a doctor:
mindset about females in top positions. (Habibah)
Others were frustrated because people were pro-
My husband likes the idea of me working and earning
moted on the basis of good connections. A few said
a good salary and helping financially. . but when he
there were no problems, accepting they had got as
comes home tired, he wants me to do everything for
high as they would get. They said they were happy to
him even if I am tired. . I love my children and my
focus on patient care.
family. I love my work, but managing everything isdifficult. (Hadiya)
Inshallah I may not have any problems because I wantto be in direct patient care. If I want administrative
Managing domestic responsibilities in KSA is
position, then there might be problems. Most male
quite different from elsewhere because husbands are
doctors want to be in administration. It makes them feel
the only ones permitted to drive and because women
important. For such appointments, men are preferred.
need a male with them in public. Husbands will drive
children to school and be involved in shopping.
However, eleven also said they had help from their
A majority of the doctors were married. They
parents. All the married doctors had maids to help
combined marriage, childcare, studies, and their
them with their households, some more than one.
profession. It was not always easy:
Some took the maids with them when they travelled
. .my husband is not happy if I don't do the cooking.
abroad. Some of the unmarried doctors also had
Also my kids they like food cooked by me. I don't
maids. All the maids were expatriates.
want to make them unhappy. So I do the cooking. The
The doctors all felt under pressure to work fewer
maid helps me in many ways with the cooking too.
hours, and that this damaged their careers and
She gets everything ready for me to cook. I just do the
prevented them from being taken seriously.
actual cooking. So it is not very difficult like you
Young children were unlikely to be able to help.
imagine. I think you can say I am 80% successful in
They were considered cooperative if they did not
combining profession, marriage and family and kids.
make a fuss about their mothers not being with them
That is all I can say. (Ghadah, 35 years, Associate
all the time. They were left in the care of maids or the
hospital cre che. The doctors considered the cre che thebetter option—it was good and they were less anxious
Some worked even though their husbands had not
about leaving them there than with maids. They were
allowed them to. However, a majority said their
able to visit during lunch.
husbands were cooperative but may have consideredtheir husbands to be cooperative when they simply
The future for women doctors in Saudi Arabia
left them alone to pursue their profession.
One doctor who summed up the situation said:
All agreed the future looked bright for Saudi
My husband is very affectionate to me and the
women doctors, although there were challenges ahead
children. . He has his own life and I have to manage
too. Eleven said they had good expectations of
everything. He doesn't take any active interest in the
promotion; 14 said these were dreasonably goodT.
family. I have to do everything for the children,
Asked to judge the future for Saudi women doctors,
G. Vidyasagar, D.M. Rea / Women's Studies International Forum 27 (2004) 261–280
four said the future was good, none said it was bad,
and the rest said it would be good dwith conditionsT.
One said her generation had to dbreak the social
These accounts are remarkable in several
barriers downT, but they also faced a diminishing
respects. Clearly, Saudi women have the same sorts
labour market, and financial limitations. A drop in
of difficulties that many women face in many parts
the price of oil added to their anticipated difficul-
of the world. However, they are in an almost
ties, in that it affected hospital budgets and their
unique position within a highly restrictive society
prospects for promotion. More positively, one
and culture. Many considered Islam defines gender
doctor argued, future doctors dwon't have the
roles and responsibilities and these are taken very
problems of going outside the country for educa-
seriously. Gender roles have been constructed very
tion, etc.T (Hamidah, Senior Consultant). Another
differently elsewhere, in western nations for exam-
said their society was changing and it was becom-
ple, as they industrialised, built empires and now
ing accepted that women could have jobs and
again with the modern welfare state and a new
families. She said:
world order. In KSA, a Wahhabi interpretation ofIslam shapes modern lives but is increasingly
Girls have more job opportunities. They have more
questioned. Travel restrictions on women affect
freedom. . but every time something changes, some
both genders, and many believe they will be less
good and some bad comes with it. (Faridah)
strongly adhered to in future. There is no doubt
Most took the view that Saudi society faced social
that women are more constrained by these than
and religious restrictions but that these were not
men. However, these Saudi women have found
likely to lessen because they were based on the
encouragement too, in pursuit of a highly presti-
writings of the prophet Mohammed and the Qur'an.
gious and well-paid career. Work has given them
So, women will have to work around it. A lot of
great satisfaction. Perhaps many western women
problems were peculiar to their society, but as one
would envy the ease with which they gained a
career opportunity and senior positions within it.
Saudi women, not just these, are protected from
When the situation here becomes like everywhere
domestic drudgery and low-paid menial jobs
else, girls will still have problems, but a new set of
(because the economy can afford to import cheap
problems. (Badra)
labour). Their lives have great limitations, but also
In addition to managing home and family at the
same time as their work, they felt they faced unfair
This makes it difficult to conclude that they are
competition in their careers. One said:
discriminated against in any simple way. They sharewith professional women everywhere else in the
This gets tougher as one gets higher professionally. .
world a difficulty in reaching the highest positions
Very often a less efficient male colleague would be
within their careers. But, unlike some women
promoted for the simple reason he is a man and so
elsewhere in the world, they live in a society (as
more eligible for the rank. (Aminah)
with other Islamic women) where the Qur'an
Saudisation is nearly complete in city hospitals,
obliges the society to guarantee their property
so positions once occupied by expatriates can no
rights, an education and particular employment
longer be taken by newly qualified Saudi doctors.
opportunities. As elsewhere in Islam, these obliga-
There was a shortage of jobs for those qualifying in
tions are interpreted and mediated by legal and
the new medical schools. So while most of the
religious institutions that are predominantly male.
women doctors were pleased with the progress they
Wahhabism may continue to affect these processes
had made in their careers, and felt optimistic about
and anti-westernism (al-Qaeda) poses an important
their futures, their views were tempered by doubts
new threat. Nevertheless, encouraged by the process
about how economic difficulties might affect the
of Saudisation, they receive state sponsorship of
medical labour market and about how far gender
their education, to the highest levels, and career
roles might change in the longer term.
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