HM Medical Clinic

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Blood Clotting Spray
Created on: 5 May 2014 Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Revised on: 28 May 2014 SECTION 1: Identification
Product identifier (trade name):
Blood Clotting Spray Other means of identification:
Generic Name or Description Benzethonium Chloride and Lidocaine First-Aid Recommended use and restrictions on use:
Please read label for appropriate directions for use. Name, address, and telephone number of the responsible party:
P.O. Box 510 Orchard Hill, GA 30266 [email protected] Emergency phone number:
SECTION 2: Hazard Identification
Classification of the product:
Physical Hazards Flammable Aerosol, category 2 Gas Under Pressure, dissolved Labeling elements:
Hazard Pictograms : WARNING
Hazard Statement(s) : Flammable aerosol. Contains gas under pressure; may explode if heated. Precautionary Statement(s) : Keep away from heat, open flames, and hot surfaces. – No smoking. Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.
Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.

: Protect from sunlight. Store in a well-ventilated place. Do not expose to temperatures exceeding 122°F (50°C) *Note: Labeling elements found on the SDS may be different from actual hazards listed on product label. Safety Data Sheets are regulated by
OSHA (29 CFR, 1910.1200 (Hazard Communication)) while the actual product and product label may be regulated by a different government
entity. Please contact the responsible party (as listed in Section 1) if you have any questions.

Hazards not otherwise classified:
No other hazards are associated with this product or mixture Unknown acute toxicity components:
No unknown acute toxicity components are associated with this product or mixture. Blood Clotting Spray : Page 1 of 6
NFPA & HMIS Ratings:
(0-Least, 1-Slight, 2-Moderate, 3-High, 4-Extreme (Scale 0-4)) HMIS (0-Least, 1-Slight, 2-Moderate, 3-High, 4-Extreme (Scale 0-4)) REACTIVITY
SECTION 3: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Classification of the product:
Chemical Name:
Identifier (CAS No.):
Specific Hazards:
Benzethonium Chloride Trade Secret Claims and Notes:
Trade Secret Claim When applicable, the specific concentration of each hazardous ingredient is considered a TRADE SECRET. Chemical names and identifiers are released to ensure that each user has entitlements of "right to know" and concentration ranges are selected to ensure that the appropriate hazard classification applies to the mixture. Ingredients not subject to Trade Secret claims are listed at an exact concentration. For more information please contact the responsible party as listed in Section 1. This SDS includes ingredients not required to be disclosed according to Hazard Communication regulations, however, due to the medical purpose of the mixture, all ingredients are listed. Components with a ranged concentration are considered "Inactive Ingredients" and are considered trade-secrets when applicable. SECTION 4: First Aid Measures
Necessary measures if exposed:
GENERAL INFORMATION Have SDS or product label if medical advice is needed. Seek a medical professional or doctor if you feel unwell or if any irritation persists. Specific hazard information can be found in Section 2 of this SDS. IF ON SKIN (or hair) Wash with soap and water. Take off any contaminated clothing and launder before reuse. Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing for at least 10 minutes or until satisfied. Move to fresh air. Administer oxygen if breathing is difficult. If breathing has stopped give artificial respiration and seek medical attention immediately. IF INGESTED (or swallowed) Do not induce vomiting unless instructed to do so by a medical professional. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Most important exposure symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed:
Skin contact symptoms Product may dry and crack skin. If irritation/corrosion occurs skin will turn red and will feel itchy or uncomfortable. Eye contact symptoms Eye sight may become blurry on contact. Redness, irritation, and tearing may also be associated with exposure. Inhalation symptoms Excessive inhalation may cause respiratory irritation, dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, nausea, headache, possible unconsciousness, shortness of breath, or vertigo. Ingestion symptoms May cause intestinal irritation, nausea, diarrhea, or vomiting. Aspiration may be fatal in some situations. Blood Clotting Spray : Page 2 of 6
Indication of immediate medical attention if necessary:
Refer to Section 2b-Response to determine when immediate medical attention is necessary. Most immediate emergencies result from over-exposure, inhalation, or ingestion of product. SECTION 5: Fire Fighting Measures
Extinguishing media:
Suitable extinguishing media Dry chemical, sand, or carbon dioxide after spray has stopped If extinguishing methods are unavailable cool the container with water if exposed to heat or flame. Remove the container from fire area if it can be done without further risk. Unsuitable extinguishing media Specific hazards pertaining to product:
Product concentrate is considered flammable and will act as a fuel to fire even if Section 2 does not explicitly state that the product is flammable. Explosion/Combustion Hazard Contents under pressure. May explode if exposed to heat greater than 122°F or 50°C Special protective equipment and precautions for fire-fighters:
Suggested protective equipment No suggested equipment is available for recommendation Precautions for fire-fighters Contents may be heavier than air if released. Containers may explode and rapidly release pressure resulting in the potential for additional hazards. SECTION 6: Accidental Release Measures
Personal precautions, protective equipment, and emergency procedures:
If released or spilled Remove or eliminate all sources of ignition. Establish ventilation to keep atmospheric concentrations below limits. Avoid breathing vapors. Wear protective equipment. Remove and keep all unprotected persons away from area. Recommended protective equipment See section 8 for appropriate personal protection gear for safe handling in case of accidental release or spillage. Methods and materials for containment and clean up:
Neutralizing chemical Absorb into clay-like absorbent material Waste disposal method Do not release into sewage or waterways. Contact a professional waste removal company to dispose of chemical in accordance with state, local, and federal regulations. SECTION 7: Handling and Storage
Precautions for safe handling:
Wear protective equipment. Follow specific instructions found on label and in Section 2 of this SDS. Proper protective equipment information can be found in Section 8 of this SDS. Conditions for safe storage:
Storage conditions Store locked up in a well-ventilated area. Protect container from sunlight. Never store in a vehicle. Do not
expose to temperatures above 122°F or 50°C. Keep away from heat and other sources of ignition. Keep
away from oxidizing agents and watery environments. Store upright without excessive load on top.
Specific hazards for storage Contents are under pressure; may explode if heated. SECTION 8: Exposure Controls & Personal Protection
Exposure Limits:
Not applicable, mixture contains no health hazards. Appropriate engineering controls:
Good mechanical ventilation may be adequate for maintain airborne concentrations below established exposure limits for large uncontrolled releases. If exposure limits are exceeded and inhaled: use a NOISH approved respirator. Individual protection measures and personal protective equipment:
Practice good industrial hygiene. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of the workday. Keep product away from foodstuffs, beverages, and feed. Wash and launder all contaminated clothing before reuse. Blood Clotting Spray : Page 3 of 6
SECTION 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
General characteristics:
No data are available or specific property is not applicable to product. No data are available or specific property is not applicable to product. Melting point/freezing point No data are available or specific property is not applicable to product. Initial boiling point and range Evaporation rate No data are available or specific property is not applicable to product. Flame extension distance Upper/lower explosive limits LEL: 2.2% ; UEL: 9.5% No data are available or specific property is not applicable to product. Relative density Partition coefficient No data are available or specific property is not applicable to product. Auto-ignition temperature No data are available or specific property is not applicable to product. Decomposition temperature No data are available or specific property is not applicable to product. No data are available or specific property is not applicable to product. Other information:
No data are available or specific property is not applicable to product. SECTION 10: Stability and Reactivity
(10a) Reactivity:
Not determined or not applicable.
(10b) Chemical stability:
Stable under normal conditions.
(10c) Possibly of hazardous reactions:
Can not occur.
(10d) Conditions to avoid:
Heat, sparks, open flames, ignition sources, sunlight, and watery or moist environments.
(10e) Incompatible materials:
Strong oxidizing agents.
Hazardous decomposition:
Not determined or not applicable. SECTION 11: Toxicological Information
(11a) Likely routes of exposure:
Toxicological exposure may occur via inhalation, ingestion, oral contact, and dermal contact based on the area exposed during use. Symptoms are more likely to increase the longer the exposure to the chemical. (11b) Symptoms related to the physical, chemical, and toxicological characteristics:
Not applicable, mixture contains no health hazards.
(11c) Delayed, chronic, and immediate effects of short- and long-term exposure:
Not determined or not applicable. Blood Clotting Spray : Page 4 of 6

(11d) Numerical measures of toxicity:
Not applicable, mixture contains no health hazards.
(11e) Hazardous chemicals listings:
National Toxicology Program Report
No ingredients are listed International Agency for Research on No ingredients are listed SECTION 12: Ecological Information
(12a) Ecotoxicity:
Product is not considered an environmental hazard. Avoid release of mixture in sewage or waterways. (12b) Persistence and degradability:
Not determined or not applicable. (12c) Bioaccumulative potential:
Not determined or not applicable. (12d) Mobility in soil:
Not determined or not applicable. (12e) Other adverse effects:
Not determined or not applicable. SECTION 13: Disposal Considerations
(13a) Precautions for proper disposal:
Container may be recycled. Before recycling: ensure container is completely emptied by pressing, and holding, the nozzle button until all the contents of the container are released. Continue to hold button down until any remaining gas has escaped the container. Never open an aerosol container. Contact your local waste removal company before recycling to ensure compliance with local regulations. (13b) Other information:
Consult with a licensed waste removal company for proper disposal considerations. Dispose of product in accordance to local, state, and federal regulations. SECTION 14: Transport Information
(14a) United Nations shipping information:
UN shipping number
UN proper shipping name (14b) United States Department of Transportation information:
Transport hazard class
D.O.T. shipping name D.O.T. classification ORM-D (Until 2020) or Limited Quantity Flammability group Shipping placards (14c) Other information:
Environmental hazards
Is not hazardous to aquatic environments International bulk chemical code Special precautions Ship container upright without excessive load on top Blood Clotting Spray : Page 5 of 6
SECTION 15: Regulatory Information
(15a) United States federal regulations:
SARA 302 components
No ingredients are subject to reporting SARA 313 components No ingredients are subject to reporting (15b) Specific state regulations:
Massachusetts Right to Know
Isobutane (CAS: 75-28-5) Propane (CAS: 74-98-6) New Jersey Right to Know Benzethonium chloride (CAS: 121-54-0) Benzocaine (CAS: 94-09-7) Dipropylene Glycol (CAS: 25265-71-8) Isobutane (CAS: 75-28-5) Propane (CAS: 74-98-6) Pennsylvania Right to Know Benzethonium chloride (CAS: 121-54-0) Benzocaine (CAS: 94-09-7) Dipropylene Glycol (CAS: 25265-71-8) Isobutane (CAS: 75-28-5) Propane (CAS: 74-98-6) California Prop 65 components This product does not contain any chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or any other reproductive harm. California ARB classification (15c) Regulating government agencies:
Safety Data Sheet
OSHA, 29 CFR 1910.1200 of the United States Code. Product and Product Label FDA, 21 CFR of the United States Code. The product label and its wording and symbols may differ from the hazard categories, statements, and wording that are presented in this SDS. This might occur if the product is not subject to OSHA labeling requirements or if the product is regulated by a different government agency (such as the Consumer Product Safety Commission, Food and Drug Administration, or the Environmental Protection Agency. The label may also indicate additional hazards or precautions that are not listed on this safety data sheet—this is done at the discretion of the responsible party and only serves to ensure that the user's safety is prioritized above government regulation. SECTION 16: Other Information
(16a) Statement of warranty:
This SDS was completed using the most up-to-date information available at the time of its completion using a variety of credited information sources and
scientific databases on chemical hazards—however; no representation, warranty, or guarantee is made to the SDS's accuracy, reliability, or
completeness. It is the user's responsibility to satisfy himself/herself as to the suitability and completeness of such information for his or her particular
use. We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage that may occur from the use of this information nor do we offer warranty against patent
infringement. The SDS does not constitute a guarantee for any specific product features and shall not establish a legally valid contractual relationship:
explicit or implied. The product associated with this SDS has undergone limited testing and all hazards, besides flammability testing, are assumed from
the individual ingredients in the mixture, diluted for potency. For a list of hazardous ingredients please refer to Section 3 of this SDS. It is the SDS's
objective to provide as much information on the mixture as possible so that users can become more educated to the specific hazards associated with the
product's use; however, this does not imply that the SDS is finalized as to its hazard classifications—as such, it is imperative that users ensure that this
SDS is updated when a new version becomes available. For more information please contact the responsible party which can be found in Section 1 of
this SDS.
(16b) Date of preparation and revision:
Please refer to the top right corner of the first page of this SDS for appropriate creation and revision dates. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the
SDS kept on file is the most up-to-date version of the SDS.
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Brasilien 2008 Exkursionsbericht der Stahlbauer 1. Einleitung Unsere Exkursion hat uns rund 10.000 km weit weg auf die Südhalbkugel der Erde geführt. Brasilien ist ein riesiges Land, wir haben nur einen kleinen Teil bereist und ein wenig kennen gelernt. Selbst in diesem klei-nen Teil sind die Entfernungen so groß, dass wir über Nacht in recht komfortablen Reisebussen bzw. mit dem Flugzeug gereist sind.

Microsoft word - re-revised paper_planta medica-20110721-final.doc

This is an author produced version of a paper published in Planta Medica This paper has been peer-reviewed but does not include the final publisher proof- corrections or journal pagination. Citation for the published paper: Endale, Milkyas; Alao, John Patrick; Akala, H. M.; Rono, N. K.; Eyase, F. L.; Derese, S.; Ndakala, A.; Mbugua, M.; Walsh, D. S.; Sunnerhagen, Per;