Keeping the Auckland Airport community informed Issue 73 April 2008 ISSN1176-9432
for airport
Inside this issue:
• Golf day benefits charity
• Airport wins bronze award
• Greening the airport
• Auckland Cup race day
• Plus much more…

Cover: Brian Chase
(left) and Tony Beattie
(right) of the Airport
Emergency Service
team model the new
jet black uniform
special y designed
Right: (from left to
right) Vern Eruera,
Dave Smyth, Gavin
New international arrivals
Gibson stand tal in
This month sees the opening of
their new kit.
our new arrivals area in the
international terminal.
It features strong kiwi images and
incorporating the
décor for arriving passengers, as
new airport identity.
wel as spectacular elevated views
across the Manukau Harbour. A
1,600m2 arrivals duty free store
will be open, and the immigration
processing areas have been
expanded and improved to enhance
the arrival experience. More details
can be found in the project profile
inserted into this month's edition of
the Airport Times.
The A380 is coming
new corporate brand. It was perfect
Recently Emirates announced that
New look timing to launch both images at around its A380 aircraft will fly daily to and
the same time. We are very happy with
from Auckland via Sydney to Dubai
from 1 February 2009. Auckland
for airport
Airport is wel and truly ready for its
The new emblem on the uniform (see
arrival. The upgrade and widening
emergency image on left), which was designed of the main runway was completed
in conjunction with AES staff and the
in 2006 as well as hard stands for
company, reflects four key elements:
parking aircraft at the new pier,
The Auckland Airport ‘A', wings, fire
Pier B. A380-capable Pier B will be
Tall, well-dressed men strutting their
helmet and axes, and the silver fern.
operational from October this year.
stuff – no it's not the catwalks of Paris, The bold ‘A' in the centre of the
It connects to the new expanded
but Auckland Airport's newly kitted-out emblem is the new logo of Auckland
arrivals area and wil provide two
Airport Emergency Service (AES) team. Airport that was launched late last
contact gates, each with two
The AES team can now be spotted
year. The wings reflect aviation and
airbridges for two-door handling
around the airport sporting an all-
swiftness of response, while the
of large aircraft.
new jet black uniform complete with
outstretched wingspan represents
Representing our country
a special y designed emblem which
the wide range of roles carried out
During April we continue to roll
reflects Auckland Airport's brand
by AES. The fire helmet and axes are
out our vision to ‘represent our
an internationally recognised symbol
country as New Zealand's Airport'.
of firefighters. The silver fern reflects
AES manager Mike Gibson says the
In delivering our vision, we are
Auckland Airport's core value of
new uniforms also coincide with a
committed to being outstanding,
representing New Zealand and being
departmental name change from
uniquely kiwi and welcoming.
uniquely kiwi.
Response Unit to Airport Emergency
Elements of the new brand are
Service, designed to reflect the variety The new uniforms, which are supplied
reflected in the Airport Emergency
and scope of the team's role.
by the same company that supplies
Service team's smart new black
the New Zealand Fire Service, are
uniform and white emblem. A fresh
"The new name is a much better
already receiving the thumbs up from
new look wil be seen throughout
indication of the huge range of
staff. AES officer Vern Eruera says,
our 2008 interim report, company
incidents the team responds to. We
"Our new uniforms are made from a
stationery, the Airport Times and
can be called to many emergencies at really good quality material and I think
a number of other visual elements
the airport including aircraft incidents,
the emblem is smart." His colleague
within our company.
medicals, motor vehicle accidents,
Ian Gibson adds, "It's clean, tidy, smart
fires, security issues and fuel spills.
and the colour is practical."
"It's clean, tidy,
The change of name and uniform is just
smart and the colour the first part of the facelift for the Airport
Emergency Service. Within the next few
months all emergency vehicles will be
"With the uniform it was definitely time adorned with the new Auckland Airport
for a new image as the old uniforms
logo and the fire station wil freshen
were becoming difficult to source and
up with new signage, including the
Chief executive officer
colour consistency was hard. As we
replacement of the neon sign on the
started thinking about a new image,
roof of the station.
the company also started to look at a
02 Airport Times

The two ladies are well known amongst the airport community Left: Tala Schmidt
(left) and Jasmine
and are renowned for their outstanding service, happy
Kereta-Tavita (right)
dispositions and the ability to remember whether your trim
cappuccino has one lump or two.
HMSC-AIAL Ltd nine
years ago and are
Café Espresso is owned by HMSC-AIAL Ltd, a joint venture
such good friends
company between Auckland Airport and HMSHost. General
they often socialise
Manager Anne Singe refers to Tala and Jasmine as Café
together outside
Espresso "divas" who are "adored by staf and travel ers who
appreciate their attention to detail and caring natures.""Tala and Jasmine work so wel as a team that staf gravitate to
Café Espresso to get their daily coffee hit. We receive positive
comments from the public through the airport's comments
cards referring to the thoughtful and efficient service from the
girls," she says.
With a combined 20 years' working at the airport, Tala and
Tala and Jasmine Jasmine know the way around a coffee machine. "We have
a special bond," says Jasmine. "I don't quite know why, but
we make a great team. We feed off each other and intuitively
know how each other works."
Famous New Zealand ‘couples' over the years have included
Chez and Dale from Chesdale commercials, Wal and Dog
Tala adds, "Working with Jasmine is like working with my
from Footrot Flats, Manu and Big Ted from Playschool, Rod
sister. When she is away on holiday it isn't the same around
Stewart and Rachel Hunter… and now Tala and Jasmine from here. We really do work better as a team."
Auckland Airport staff member Stephanie Brewer is a regular
visitor to Café Espresso. "I get my trim flat white off Tala and
While they may not be a celebrity pairing, to staff in the
Jasmine every day. Often by the time I get to the counter, the
international terminal Tala Schmidt and Jasmine Kereta-
coffee has been made and is waiting for me. They really do
Tavita from Café Espresso are better than a home-cooked
offer exceptional service," she says.
Left: Lisa Fred (left)
and Maea Wihongi
Marae sleepover
(right) stayed in the
marae on the first
Cast your mind back to your childhood and your first night
night of their school
away from home… was it in a marae? For some of the
trip. The girls said
Year 5 and 6 children at Jean Batten Primary School, it
some of the younger
children thought the
carvings were a bit
Almost 130 children from the local school recently stayed at
scary in the dark,
the airport marae, Te Manukanuka o Hoturoa, as part of their
but they thought
school trip. Over two days, two classes visited the marae,
received a powhiri, learnt about the history of the marae,
and a great way to
get to know their
discussed the carvings and tried their hand at flax weaving.
classmates better.
The biannual school trip also included activities such as
abseiling, designed to build confidence and encourage
team building. The airport marae comfortably sleeps 50 adults and the
dining room caters for 80 seated meals. The beautifully
carved marae is an ideal conference venue, gathering place
or site for an overnight stay. For more information, contact
Shareholders vote CPPIB's partial takeover offer for Auckland Airport was approved
by a majority of the company's shareholders who voted.
for takeover
The transaction requires final approval from the Overseas
Investment Office by 11 April 2008 in order to become
unconditional. If approval is not gained by this date, the
Last month Auckland Airport shareholders voted to approve the offer will lapse and the shares offered for sale will no longer
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board's (CPPIB) partial bid.
be subject to the bid, which means they will be free to be
traded as usual.
Staff parking
al ow for upcoming international terminal forecourt
developments. Alternative staf parking can be found in
the public car park (P4) temporary staff parking area or
staff car park 7 (S7).
Parking space in staff car park 4 (S4) was reallocated
at the end of last month resulting in the loss of
Should you witness any parking misdemeanours,
85 staff parking spaces. The Koru, executive and
please email [email protected]. If you have any
leased parking, which was previously located near
questions or comments, please use this email address
the forecourt, has been relocated to this car park to
or ring 0800 AIRPORT.
Airport Times 03

Right: (Above and
below) Earthworks
are wel under way
as the new northern
runway begins to
from golf
Almost 120 people attended Auckland
Airport's second annual retail golf day at
Formosa Country Club on 22 February,
all keen to secure some of the $80,000
worth of sponsored prizes up for grabs. According to Auckland Airport's retail
commercial manager Scott White,
the weather was not in the golfers'
favour but it didn't dampen their spirits.
"The 90 days prior to the event were
bril iantly fine – every day since has
been brilliantly fine. The day itself was
like playing in a tornado! Nonetheless it
was a very enjoyable day with a lot of
networking and partnership building,"
says Scott. Nobody managed to secure a hole in
one which meant the big prize, a VW
EOS FSI car (valued at $55,000), was
unclaimed. However, the winning team
of Steve Reindler, John Wardle, Chris
Hunter and Jeanette Carlton won a
trip to Samoa courtesy of Pacific Blue
airlines. Kidney Kids was the lucky
charity, boosted by almost $5,000
raised on the day.
Above: The Great
New Zealand Shop
Travellers flying into Auckland
telephone, electricity, gas and water.
Airport have a bird's-eye view of the
Users of George Bolt Memorial Drive
watches their ball
construction activity taking place
are reminded that the speed limit is
as it edges closer
round the airport. The airport's
50km per hour. The project is running
to the hole. (From
engineering team is working on
to schedule and the new roundabout
left to right) Kent
McLachlan, Jonathon
several significant projects which are
will be completed by August this year.
all key to the airport's future growth
North-east retail and parking
Young and Cheryl
and development.
Northern runway development
If you drive past the airport shopping
About 21ha of land, just north of
centre, you will notice a lot of
Ashworth (left) and
the terminals, is being developed
earthmoving to the north of the car
(right) from Auckland
in preparation for the new 1,200m
park. Ross Reid Contractors are
Airport seem pretty
runway. Over the last few months,
moving about 7,000m3 of earth
happy with that shot!
contractors Fulton Hogan have
each day in preparation for a new
moved earth and arranged drainage
car park, commercial and retail area.
to provide the platform for the new
The earthworks are scheduled for
runway. They are taking advantage
completion by April 2008 when about
of the remaining construction season
1,800 car parks will be developed
which finishes at the end of May this
on the site. The new parking area is
year. Bulk earthmoving will resume
expected to be ready by June 2008.
in October and will continue for
North airport development
two more seasons, in time for the
The second stage of earthworks for
completion date of December 2010.
commercial property at the north
New roundabout on George Bolt
airport site has been completed.
Memorial Drive
The team is now working on
In January, contractors Dempsey &
providing utilities and roading to the
Wood began construction of a new
development. This work will provide
roundabout for George Bolt Memorial
6ha of commercial land and 500m
Drive that will create direct access to
of new roading. Stage three is due
the new north airport development.
to start this month which will add a
They have been working on the
further 2.2ha of leasable land and
diversion of utility services such as
250m of roading.
04 Airport Times
Airport wins bronze at
service quality awards
The hard work and commitment from all who work at the airport has been
rewarded. Auckland Airport has been ranked third in the world for overall
Sunny Auckland lights the way
passenger satisfaction at airports that manage five to15 million travellers a year.
Auckland Airport's new
The ranking was based on the results from 200,000 questionnaires completed
international arrivals area opens
by passengers in 2007. The survey was administered by Airports Council
this month. One of the many new
International (ACI) and captured passengers' immediate appraisal of 34 airport
design features in the area is a
service factors, from check-in to departure at the gate.
300m2 collection of solar panels,
Many organisations play a role in running a safe and efficient airport: the airport
the largest in New Zealand.
company, airlines, ground handlers, border agencies, shops, restaurants and
Found on the roof of the new
cafés. This high-ranking award is a great acknowledgement for everyone at the
building, the panels collect the
airport who plays a part.
sun's energy and convert it
Over 100 airports worldwide participate in the programme. The top five for
directly to electrical energy. This
airports that manage five to 15 million travellers a year were Nagoya, Tel Aviv,
energy is used to power the
Auckland, Christchurch and Adelaide.
corridor lights in the new arrivals
area during the day. The solar
panels will generate 49,500
kiloWatt-hours every year –
Far left: An interesting
the equivalent of the yearly
energy consumption of three
holiday snaps –
some travel ers take
to four households.
the opportunity to be
To demonstrate this eco-friendly
photographed with
approach, an LED screen wil be
set up in the arrivals area to show
exactly how much energy is being
generated and how much CO is
saved. Travellers will also be able
to view weather conditions on the
roof via a roof camera shown on
the monitor.
Left: New Zealand's
largest photovoltaic
passengers received a pink lei to get
solar display is
Pink flight
them into party mode. The paradiso
found at Auckland
theme continued when they moved
Airport and powers
If you wandered through gate lounge
corridor lights in the
to the departure gate with Buckwheat
two in the international terminal on
new international
and the other queens, Miss Ribena,
arrivals area.
29 February, Leap Day, your heart
Bambi, Venus Mantrap and Tess,
might well have leaped a few beats.
hosting a pre-departure party including
The lounge could not be missed…
42 BELOW pink cocktails and
decked out in a pink paradiso theme in canapés. Buckwheat and her girls
preparation for Air New Zealand's Pink continued to entertain on board the
Flight of Fabulosity.
flight. Serving drinks and sashaying
Kiwi Mardi Gras party-goers were
down the aisle were all part of their
Auckland Airport's solar panels
enroute to celebrate the 30th
on-board duties.
won an award at the inaugural
anniversary of Sydney's Mardi Gras
SEANZ PV Solar Awards last year
The sell-out flight, NZ1105 from
and were hosted by famous New
Auckland to Sydney, was built on
for the largest single site PV Solar
Zealand drag queen Buckwheat. The
the success of the 2007 inaugural
installation contracted in 2007.
tropical treats began at check-in where Flight of the Fairies.
Mayors visit
Left: Auckland Airport
engineering Steve
Reindler takes the
front seat, in the back
(from left to right)
Last month Manukau City Mayor
Manukau City Mayor
Len Brown and Deputy Mayor Si'o
Len Brown, Deputy
William Sua visited Auckland Airport.
Mayor Si'o Wil iam
They spent the morning getting a
Airport chairman
bird's-eye view of the airport and
Tony Frankham and
surrounding area as well as a hard-hat
board member John
tour of the new arrivals space in the
Brabazon prepare to
international terminal and the new
take off for an aerial
Pier B construction area.
view of the airport.
Airport Times 05
Sunglass Hut
Travel ers needing last minute supplies and airport workers
Are you looking for the perfect pair of sunglasses? Look
looking for health supplements or gift ideas should pop into no further than the airport's sunglass specialist store,
one of the airport's newest stores, TravelPharm.
Sunglass Hut.
With two stores at the international terminal, one airside
There are three Sunglass Huts at Auckland Airport: two at
and one landside, the store aims to provide a service that
the international terminal and one at domestic. Together the
goes the extra mile by stocking everything from over-the-
stores stock over 28 brands of high quality eye protection
counter pharmacy items to skincare products, toiletries
ranging from $150-$1,000.
and travel pillows.
Because Sunglass Hut is part of a global chain, the airport
TravelPharm specialises in New Zealand-made and natural
stores receive the latest ‘must have' sunglasses almost as
products, including well-known brands Trilogy, Evolu-New
soon as they appear on fashion catwalks around the world,
Zealand, Living Nature, Antipodes, Aroma Pure NZ, and
ensuring Auckland Airport customers always have the most
Their best-selling lines are the Dr Hauschka skincare range, Sunglass Hut store manager (landside) Grant Gavin says
Omega 3 products, dietary supplements and Trilogy's
the most popular brand sold at the airport is American
Rosehip Oil. TravelPharm hopes to extend its range in
sunglass giant Ray Ban. Other top quality brands sold
the next few months by gaining a licence to sell selected
include Bvlgari, Dolce & Gabbana, Arnette, Prada, Versace,
pharmacy items such as Imodium and Voltaren.
The store was formerly known as Hardy's but altered names The 17 Sunglass Hut staff members are experienced in
and increased its variety of stock when ownership changed recommending brands and styles to customers and can
earlier this year. New owner Yoon Joo Song also owns the
demonstrate the difference between polarised and non-
airside Massage Café and the massage chairs in the public polarised lenses.
departures area.
TravelPharm offers a variety of monthly discounts and
specials for travellers and airport workers.
Left: TravelPharm
provides travel ers
and airport workers
with the answers to
many of their health
Right: The range
of sunglasses at
Sunglass Hut reflects
all tastes and styles.
The plane truth…
What do you think
of when you think of
Enrico Zein, German tourist:
Allan Flaxman, Auckland Airport
"I think of kiwis – the bird and the
customer service department shift
fruit. The kiwifruit is the only part of
manager: "I think of kiwis – the native
New Zealand we can experience
bird and a symbol of New Zealand.
It is uniquely kiwi – which is one of
Auckland Airport's values."
06 Airport Times
Anzac remembrance
Anzac Day Poppies also have an enduring
association with Anzac Day, dating
available during the
back to the 1920s. Throughout New
Poppy Day Appeal
Zealand, people of all ages wear a red
on 18 April. Many
Anzac Day (25 April) is observed in
poppy as a mark of remembrance.
thanks, Keith (far
New Zealand as a day of
The poppies are a vivid reminder of
left), for sharing your
Anzac biscuit recipe
commemoration for those who
the sacrifice – the blood lost – in war.
died while serving their country
Two of the local Returned Services
and to honour returned service-
Associations will collect for Poppy Day
men and women. It is also a day
at the airport later this month.
to eat the delicious Anzac biscuit! Anzac biscuits are a true kiwi
favourite. We asked Keith Murray,
And they're racing
an officer at New Zealand
Customs, to share with us his
For the third year in a row, Auckland Airport proudly sponsored the Auckland
Anzac biscuit recipe. Keith served
Cup Week horse racing carnival at Ellerslie Racecourse. Cup Week is one of
in East Timor in 2002 and still
New Zealand's biggest and most glamorous racing events.
works part-time for the New
The three-day carnival showcased the nation's finest horses, jockeys and
trainers competing for the biggest prizes in the country. "We see strong links
between Auckland Airport, Auckland Cup Week and the Auckland Racing Club's
intentions to build a compelling international event," says Auckland Airport
general manager retail Nick Forbes. In the lead-up to the event, the Auckland Racing Club advertised in the domestic
and international terminals to raise awareness among the millions who pass
Keith's Anzac biscuits
through the country's largest airport.
Auckland Airport's retail team hosted airport retailers at the second race meeting
1 cup castor sugar
on Wednesday 5 March and had their own ‘fashion in the field' event featuring a
1 cup desiccated coconut
best hat and best tie competition.
2 cups rol ed oats
"Yoon Song from TravelPharm and Massage Café won best tie – for his daring
‘yellow on yellow' ensemble and Beet Singh from Artport won best hat for her
2 tbsp golden syrup
‘uniquely kiwi-styled' flax woven hat," says Nick.
1 tsp baking soda
3 tbsp boiling water
As an official event partner, Auckland Airport had a race at each of the meetings
named after the company.
Heat oven to 180°C (160°C fan
bake). Place flour, castor sugar,
Left: (From left
coconut and oats in a bowl and
to right) Barbara
stir to combine. Make a well in the
centre. Place butter and golden
Auckland Airport, and
syrup in a saucepan to melt, or
Paulette D'Amico
microwave in a bowl to melt.
and Beet Singh from
Artport enjoy a day at
Dissolve baking soda in boiling
water. Add melted ingredients
and dissolved baking soda to dry
ingredients and mix to combine.
Rol spoonfuls into bal s and press
on to baking trays. Bake for 15 mins,
or until firm and golden brown. Enjoy! The biscuits will last up
to a week if stored in an airtight
Nicola Mackenzie, greeting her
Samantha Morey, Air New Zealand
Margaret Willan, English traveller:
brother-in-law: "Paua shells come to
Valet Parking staff member: "I always
"When I think of New Zealand I think
mind. They are real y pretty and they
think of the culture of our country. We of it as my home, and how green it is.
remind me of New Zealand. You don't are such a multicultural society. I also I lived in New Zealand for nine years
see them anywhere else."
think of the silver fern as an iconic
and love it here. One day I hope to
image of New Zealand."
live here again."
Airport Times 07
Airport emergencies
Ext 98777 Domestic terminal
Airport faults and repairs
Ext 98813 The Cabin
256 8851 Travelex
Terminal cleaners (Spotless Services)
256 6932 The Clubhouse
256 8851 Visitor Information Centre
Auckland Airport reception
256 8815 The Coachroom
256 8851 Speciality and Gifts
International terminal
Sunflowers Florist
Marlborough and Blenheim rooms
Domestic and Commuter
Airworks operations centre
03 305 0209 Pacific Flight Catering
275 3000 International terminal
256 2100 LSG Sky Chefs New Zealand Ltd
255 0700 Accessories
256 3584 HMSC-Auckland Airport
Great Barrier Airlines
Sunglass Hut/Watch Station
256 6921 Aviation Security Service
256 1700 Tie Rack
256 7652 Customs
275 9059 Vodafone Rentals
256 8501 Books, Magazines and Music
275 9046 Whitcoulls
Aerolineas Argentinas
256 8525 Air Centre One
275 7167 BONZ in New Zealand
256 6910 Air New Zealand
373 3435 Menzies
256 8051 SkyCare
256 1215 Merino Discovery
Food and Beverage
Café Down Under
256 8747 Heliflight
0800 768 677 City of Sails
Hayama Sushi & Noodles
Jean Batten Foodcourt
0800 600 500 Airbus
0508 AIRBUS Kiwi Café & Bar
Garuda Indonesia
256 8260 MAXX Regional Transport
366 6400 McDonald's
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
302 0854 Airport Lollipops Educare
256 6900 Aviation Country Club
275 6265 Tank Juice
Lufthansa Airlines
303 1529 Aviation Country Club Bistro
275 6265 General Duty Free
Malaysia Airlines
256 8330 Butterfly Creek
275 8880 Choc Stop
0800 670 000 Flying Fit Health Club
275 5747 DFS Galleria
0800 670 000 Aviation Golf Course (starter)
275 4601 Regency Duty Free
256 6318 Golf Driving Range
275 6080 Services
Royal Brunei Airlines
256 6660 Treasure Island Adventure Golf
275 7531 Airspace
Singapore Airlines
256 8518 ACE Rentals
256 9944 Flight Centre
USave Car & Truck Rentals
256 9430 Massage To Go
255 5365 Apex Car Rentals
0800 935 050 Visitor Information Centre
027 293 8738 Avis Rent a Car
256 8368 Souvenirs
Aion Cargo Solutions
275 1999 Budget Rent a Car
256 8451 Global Culture
256 8587 Hertz NZ
256 8690 Made In New Zealand
Air Transport World Freight
275 0409 Maui & Britz Campervans
275 4748 Speciality and Gifts
Airport Freight Centre Tenants Assoc
236 0358 Europcar
275 0066 Airways Florist
Airport Lunch Bar
275 9875 Thrifty Car Rental
256 8455 Artport
Apex International Forwarding
256 9727 Jucy Rentals
256 9441 ChocoVino
256 9735 Your Car Rental Services
275 9473 TravelPharm
Asian Express Airlines
976 2977 RETAIL
Barber Logistics
Cargolux Airlines International
257 0490 Airport Shopping Centre
256 9627 Acorn Café
256 6518 The Cellar
292 8833 Airport Pharmacy
257 3000 The Collection Point
256 8754 The Great New Zealand Shop
0800 800 020 Digital Mobile
275 4948 Time Out
DogTainers NZ Ltd
256 0999 Foodtown
256 2128 Walker & Hall Jewellers
Emirates SkyCargo
256 8305 The National Bank
256 5000 Outlet Store
275 3115 SERVICES
256 1107 Postie Plus
275 0123 Airport Service Garage
256 5330 Sheridan Linen
275 7057 Airways Panel and Paint
279 5200 The Airport Doctor
256 8655 Qantas Valet (Base Care)
Green Freight Limited
275 3101 The Florist
275 6606 The Truck Cleaning Company
275 4002 The Sharing Shed
275 0478 Firestone Direct
275 3114 The Warehouse
275 0156 Harriman Signs
257 1250 Warehouse Stationery
257 2730 ImpEx Personnel
256 8605 Domestic terminal
J A Russell Electrical & Data Suppliers
255 0800 Books and Magazines
Koru Club (car valet)
NZ Post – international freight forward
257 1810 Whitcoulls
256 8216 Travel Agents Travel Service (TATS)
Origin Air Freight
256 6537 Food and Beverage
Manukau City Toyota
Pace Air Services – next flight services
257 1818 Bach Café
256 8570 Parking Services
255 0841 Dunkin Donuts
257 4441 Pit Stop
275 1019 Espresso Plus
256 8562 Shell Skyways Service Station
Skynet Worldwide
257 0016 Hayama Sushi & Noodles
256 6516 Shell Tom Pearce Service Station
0800 275 868 Qantas Café
256 8570 Skyway Car Storage
UTi New Zealand Ltd
255 1100 Tank Juice
257 2043 Vehicle Testing New Zealand
Wilson Logistics
255 0222 The Ranges
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GUIDELINE WATCH (OCTOBER 2014): PRACTICE GUIDELINE FOR THE TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE AND OTHER DEMENTIAS Peter V. Rabins, M.D., M.P.H.Barry W. Rovner, M.D.Teresa Rummans, M.D.Lon S. Schneider, M.D.Pierre N. Tariot, M.D. During development and approval of this guideline watch, from July 2012 to September 2014, Dr. Rabins reports providing legaltestimony for Janssen Pharmaceutica, Dr. Rovner reports serving as a consultant to GE Healthcare, and Dr. Rummans reports thatshe has nothing to disclose. From 3 years before development was initiated in July 2012 through September 2014, Dr. Schneider andthe University of Southern California received research or other grants from Abbott Laboratories, AstraZeneca, Baxter, Forest Phar-maceuticals, Inc., Forum, Genentech, Johnson & Johnson, Eli Lilly and Company, Lundbeck, Merck, Myriad, Novartis, Pfizer,Roche, and TauRx, Ltd. and from NIH (USC ADRC, ADCS, ADNI, Banner Alzheimer's Initiative, CitAD, phytoSERMs, Alzheim-er's disease trial simulations, allopregnanolone, P50 AG05142, R01 AG033288, R01 AG037561, UF1 AG046148), and the state ofCalifornia (California Alzheimer's Disease Program, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine). During that same time period,Dr. Schneider served as a consultant or on advisory panels for Abbott Laboratories, Abbvie, AC Immune, Accera, Allon, AstraZeneca,Avraham Pharmaceuticals, Ltd., Biogen Idec, Cerespir, Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Forum, GSK, Johnson & Johnson, Eli Lilly andCompany, Lundbeck, Merck, Novartis, Orion, Roche, Servier, Stemedica, Ltd., Takeda, Targacept, TauRx, Toyama/FujiFilm, andZinfandel. In addition, Dr. Schneider serves on the editorial boards of Alzheimer's and Dementia: Translational Research and ClinicalIntervention (editor-in-chief), The Lancet Neurology (editorial board), Cochrane Collaboration (editor base), BMC Psychiatry (section ed-itor), Alzheimer's & Dementia (senior associate editor), Current Alzheimer Research (associate editor), Clinical Neuropharmacology (edi-torial board) and on the guidelines committee for the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry; served as an expert wit-ness or consultant on federal and state cases for plaintiffs against Lilly, Johnson & Johnson, and Pfizer and for defendants AstraZenecaand Pfizer; and has consulted with the state of California Department of Justice. During development and approval of this guidelinewatch, Dr. Tariot reports receiving consulting fees from Abbott Laboratories, AbbVie, AC Immune, Adamas, Avanir, Avid, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Bristol Myers Squibb, California Pacific Medical Center, Chase Pharmaceuticals, Chiesi, CME, Inc., Cognoptix, Elan,Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen, Medavante, Medivation, Merck and Company, Merz, Otsuka, Roche, and Sanofi-Aventis. Dr.Tariot reports receiving research support from AstraZeneca, Avanir, Avid, Baxter Healthcare Corp., Bristol Myers Squibb, Cognop-tix, Eli Lilly, Functional Neuromodulation (f(nm)), GE, Genentech, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen, Medivation, Merck and Company,Pfizer, Roche, Targacept, and Toyama as well as the National Institute on Aging and the Arizona Department of Health Services. Dr.Tariot also reports stock options in Adamas and that he is listed as a contributor to a patent owned by the University of Rochester,"Biomarkers of Alzheimer's Disease."
LITHIUM - ION BATTERY TELECOM APPLICATIONS Arun Golas DDG (T&A), Ram Krishna DDG (FLA), R. K. Siddhartha Director (FLA) and Naveen Kumar AD (FLA) Abstract We present various aspects for use of Lithium-Ion Battery in various Telecom Applications in present as well as future scenario. The uses of Lithium-ion (Li-ion)