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Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation of a
Combination of Ipratropium Plus
Albuterol Compared With Ipratropium
Alone and Albuterol Alone in COPD*
Mitchell Friedman, MD, FCCP; Charles W. Serby, MD;Shailendra S. Menjoge, PhD; J. Douglas Wilson, MB, PhD;Daniel E. Hilleman, Pharm D, FCCP; and Theodore J. Witek, Jr., Dr. PH
Study objective: To conduct a post hoc pharmacoeconomic evaluation of two double-blind,
randomized, prospective, parallel group studies comparing the long-term efficacy and safety of
ipratropium combined with albuterol in a single inhalational canister against either bronchodi-
lator agent alone in patients with COPD.
Patients: One thousand sixty-seven patients with COPD.
Methods: The dose of each bronchodilator was two puffs four times a day (42 m
g of ipratropium
bromide, 240 m
g of albuterol sulfate). Pulmonary function testing was performed on days 1, 29,
57, and 85 of treatment. Outcomes, health-care resource consumption, and costs were compared
for the three treatment groups over the 85-day study period. A total of 1,067 patients were
randomized in the two studies (albuterol alone, n 5
347; ipratropium alone, n 5
362; albuterol
plus ipratropium, n 5
Results: Improvement in FEV1 and area under the FEV1 response-time curve from time 0 to 4 h
(FEV1AUC0–4) was significantly greater for the combination of albuterol plus ipratropium than
either agent alone on all test days. Compared with albuterol, patients receiving ipratropium and
ipratropium plus albuterol experienced significantly fewer COPD exacerbations and patient-days
of exacerbation. In addition, the increased frequency of exacerbations observed in the albuterol
group was associated with a significant increase in the number of patient hospital days and
antibiotic and corticosteroid use. As a result, the total cost of treatment over the study period was
significantly less for ipratropium ($156 per patient) and ipratropium plus albuterol ($197 per
patient) than for albuterol ($269 per patient). Increased cost-effectiveness, defined as total
estimated treatment cost per mean change in FEV1AUC0–4, was observed in both treatment arms
containing ipratropium.
Conclusions: The inclusion of ipratropium in a pharmacologic treatment regimen is associated
with a lower rate of exacerbations in COPD. The result is lower total treatment costs and
improved cost-effectiveness.
(CHEST 1999; 115:635– 641)
Key words: albuterol; cost-effectiveness; ipratropium; pharmacoeconomics
area under the FEV1 response-time curve from time 0 to 4 h
*From the Section of Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care Medi-
COPD is a progressive disorder characterized by
cine, and Environmental Medicine (Dr. Friedman), Tulane
airflow obstruction secondary to chronic bronchitis
University Medical Center, School of Medicine, New Orleans,
or emphysema.1 Airflow obstruction is often associated
LA; Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc (Drs. Serby,
with airway hyperreactivity that is partially reversible
Menjoge, Wilson, and Witek), Ridgefield, CT; and Departmentof Pharmacy Practice (Dr. Hilleman), Creighton University
with bronchodilator therapy in most COPD patients.2,3
School of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions, Omaha, NE.
Exacerbations of disease are common in patients with
post hoc pharmacoeconomic analysis was supported by
COPD.4–6 Exacerbations are associated with symp-
Manuscript received July 2, 1998; revision accepted September
toms that include increased dyspnea, cough, and spu-
tum volume, as well as changes in sputum color.4
Correspondence to: Daniel E. Hilleman, Pharm D, FCCP, De-
COPD exacerbations have also been associated with
partment of Pharmacy Practice, Creighton University School ofPharmacy and Allied Health Professions, 2500 California Plaza,
decrements in pulmonary function.4 Furthermore, suc-
Omaha, NE 68178; e-mail: [email protected]
cessful treatment of COPD exacerbation with antibiot-
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ics has been shown to result in improvements in peak
allergic rhinitis, atopy, an eosinophil count .500 mm3, or who
flow compared with placebo.4 Patients suffering an
were taking cromolyn or .10 mg of prednisone per day were
increased number of COPD exacerbations will incur
excluded from the studies.
A history and physical examination, laboratory tests (hemo-
excess health-care resource utilization and costs. In-
gram, electrolytes, renal and hepatic function), and a 12-lead
creased costs result from treatment of COPD exacer-
ECG were performed prior to and at the end of the study.
bations that typically include the addition of or in-
Following a 2-week baseline period, patients were randomized to
creases in doses of pharmacologic agents (
receive the ipratropium-albuterol combination (n 5 358), ipra-
bronchodilators, antibiotics, and corticosteroids).7 Fur-
tropium alone (n 5 362), or albuterol alone (n 5 347). The doseof each treatment was two puffs four times daily. Delivered doses
thermore, there will be additional costs related to an
for the three treatment groups were as follows: albuterol alone,
increased number of clinic visits and laboratory tests,
240 mg of albuterol sulfate four times a day; ipratropium alone, 42
and in some patients, hospitalizations for COPD exac-
mg of ipratropium bromide four times a day; albuterol plus
ipratropium, 240 mg of albuterol sulfate plus 42 mg of ipratro-
There are two primary pharmacologic classes of
pium bromide four times a day. Prior theophylline and steroiduse (either inhaled or ,10 mg/d of prednisone) was continued
inhaled bronchodilators used in the treatment of
during the baseline period and during the active treatment phase.
COPD: b-adrenergic receptor agonists (
eg, albu-
Dosage increases or additions of corticosteroids or antibiotics
terol) and quarternary ammonium anticholinergic
were permitted during exacerbations. Clinic visits to record
agents (
eg, ipratropium).9 The combined use of
concomitant medications and evaluate treatment side effects
ipratropium plus albuterol has been shown to pro-
were scheduled every 2 weeks during the 85-day treatmentperiod.
duce superior bronchodilation compared to its indi-
Pulmonary function testing was performed on days 1, 29, 57,
vidual components without additional side effects.10
and 85 of active treatment. Prior to testing, treatment with
However, it is unknown if this improvement in
theophylline preparations was withheld for 24 h and treatment
bronchodilation has benefit in terms of health-care
with all corticosteroids and b-agonists was withheld for 12 h.
resource utilization and the cost of management of
Pulmonary function was assessed just prior to drug administra-tion and at 0.25, 0.5, and 1 h after drug administration and hourly
COPD. The present study is a
post hoc pharmaco-
thereafter for a total of 8 h.
economic evaluation of two double-blind, random-ized, prospective, parallel group studies that were
Outcome Assessment and Health-Care Resource Utilization
conducted to evaluate the long-term efficacy andsafety of ipratropium combined with albuterol in a
Data concerning health-care resource utilization were col-
lected and available through the clinical research reports for
single inhalation aerosol canister against either bron-
protocols 627A and 627B, but they have not been published
chodilator agent alone in patients with COPD.
previously. These health-care resource data included the numberand length of acute pulmonary exacerbations of COPD, thenumber and length of hospitalizations due to exacerbations, andthe number of patient days of increased doses or additions of
Materials and Methods
corticosteroids and antibiotics. A pulmonary exacerbation wasdefined as a worsening of COPD-related symptoms (
ie, cough,
Data Reviewed
wheezing, dyspnea, sputum production, etc) for 3 consecutivedays or longer.
The efficacy and outcome data presented in this report include
the results of two multicenter efficacy and safety trials (trial 627A
Data Analysis
and 627B) comparing ipratropium combined with albuterol(Combivent; Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals; Ridgefield,
Data are presented as the mean 6 SD where appropriate, and
CT) against albuterol alone and ipratropium alone. These studies
a priori level of significance of p , 0.05 was used. The primary
used a common protocol and were designed to compare the
efficacy end points included the peak change in FEV
bronchodilating efficacy and safety of the inhalation aerosol form
area under the FEV
of these drugs over an 85-day treatment period. The study design
1 response-time curve (AUC) from time 0 to
and the efficacy and safety results of one of these studies (627A)
1AUC0 – 4) as calculated by the trapezoidal rule. All
randomized patients with evaluable data (96.8% of patients) were
were published previously.10 An overview of this common study
included in the efficacy analysis. End point analysis in which last
design is summarized below. Both studies conformed to the
observed data carried forward for missing data was used to
institutional review board and informed consent provision of the
conduct the efficacy analysis. In all other analyses, all randomized
Code of Federal Regulations.
patients were used. Analysis of covariance was used to evaluatethe differences in peak FEV1 and FEV1AUC0–4 between the
Study Design
treatment groups. The overall incidence of adverse events, eventsrequiring discontinuation of drug therapy, and a number of
Both trials enrolled patients with a diagnosis of COPD.
patients with COPD exacerbation were compared using Fisher's
Patients had to be .40 years of age with a $10 pack-year history
of cigarette smoking. Patients had to have stable, moderately
Total health-care expenditures for the three treatment groups
severe airflow obstruction defined as an FEV1 of #65% of
were calculated by adding the costs of initial and add-on drug
predicted normal and an FEV ,
70% of FVC. Patients had to be
therapy, and hospitalization costs. Initial drug therapy included
using two or more pulmonary drugs (
eg, b-adrenergic agonist,
the costs of albuterol alone, ipratropium alone, and the combi-
ipratropium, theophylline, steroid) to control symptoms in the 3
nation of ipratropium-albuterol. The cost basis for their acquisi-
months prior to study entry. Patients with a history of asthma,
tion costs was the 1998 PC-Price Chek average wholesale price.11
Clinical Investigations
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Add-on drug therapy included the cost of adding or increasing
baseline FEV1 stratified by test day and treatment
the dose of inhaled or oral corticosteroids and antibiotics. The
group is summarized in Table 3. The combination of
cost basis for the add-on drug therapies was also the 1998PC-Price Chek average wholesale price.11 The costs of hospital-
ipratropium and albuterol produced statistically sig-
ization, for purposes of this study, were estimated to be $600/d.
nificant improvements in peak FEV1 compared with
Total costs among the three treatment groups were compared
either agent alone on all test days. The peak bron-
using the Kruskal-Wallis H statistic.
chodilator effect occurred consistently at 1 h post-
Cost-effectiveness ratios for each treatment were calculated
using total treatment cost divided by the change in FEV
dose for all treatments. The FEV1AUC0–4 efficacy
and total costs divided by the combined total of exacerbation-free
data are summarized in Table 4. The mean
and hospitalization-free days. Incremental cost-effectiveness ra-
FEV1AUC0–4 was significantly greater for the com-
tios were calculated where appropriate.
bination of albuterol and ipratropium than the indi-vidual drugs on all test days.
Outcomes related to disease exacerbations during
the 85-day study are summarized in Figure 1 and
A total of 1,067 patients were randomized in the
Table 5. Compared with the other two treatment
two trials. Demographic and clinical characteristics
arms, patients receiving albuterol alone experienced
of the randomized patients are summarized in Table
a significantly increased frequency of COPD exacer-
1. There were no significant differences between the
bations (18%) and patient-days of exacerbation (770
treatment groups with regard to baseline character-
days) during the 85-day follow-up. There was a
istics. Patients completing the study and reasons for
similar incidence of exacerbations (12%) in the
study withdrawal are summarized in Table 2. Over-
ipratropium alone and ipratropium plus albuterol
all, there was no significant difference in the per-
treatment arms of the study. In addition, the total
centage of patients discontinuing therapy for any
days of exacerbation were similar in the two treat-
reason in the three treatment groups.
ment arms containing ipratropium (504 days vs 554
The percent improvement in peak FEV1 over
days, respectively) compared with a significantly
Table 1—Demographics and Clinical Characteristics of All Randomized Patients
Duration of disease, yr
Percent of predicted normal FEV1
Prestudy medications, No. (%) of patients
b-Adrenergics, inhaled
b-Adrenergics, oral
Steroids, inhaled
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Table 2—Patient Completion and Reasons for Withdrawal From the Clinical Trials
Protocol violation
Unavailable for follow-up
Completed all test days
greater incidence of exacerbation (770 days) in the
and ipratropium plus albuterol ($197 6 84) was sig-
albuterol alone treatment arm (p , 0.05). There was
nificantly less than albuterol alone ($269 6 108).
no significant difference among any of the three
The difference in total cost between ipratropium
treatment arms in regards to exacerbation duration
alone and the ipratropium plus albuterol combina-
(average of 12.1 days for all three groups).
tion product was not significant. Total cost adjusted
The increased frequency of exacerbations in the
by the percent of the combined number of days both
albuterol arm of the study was associated with a
exacerbation free and hospital free was $277 for
statistically significant increase in the number of total
albuterol, $159 for ipratropium, and $201 for the
hospital days and greater corticosteroid and antibi-
combination product. The reason for the lower total
otic use compared with the other two treatment arms
cost was a lower cost associated with add-on and
(p , 0.05). Although the average hospital length of
dose-adjusted pulmonary drugs and lower hospital-
stay was similar among the three treatment groups,
ization costs.
the number of patients being hospitalized in the
Increased cost-effectiveness, defined as total treat-
albuterol group (n 5 11) was greater compared to
ment cost per FEV1AUC0–4, was observed in both
the combination of ipratropium and albuterol
treatment arms containing ipratropium (Table 6).
(n 5 5) and to ipratropium alone (n 5 3). There was
Ipratropium alone and the albuterol/ipratropium
a significant increase in the total number of hospital
combination were significantly more cost-effective
days for albuterol alone (103 days) compared to
than albuterol alone based on total cost per
either ipratropium alone (20 days) or to ipratropium
FEV1AUC0–4 (p , 0.05). Differences in cost-effec-
plus albuterol (46 days).
tiveness between ipratropium alone and ipratropium
The total cost of treating COPD over the 85-day
plus albuterol were significant only on test day 1. As
follow-up period is summarized in Figure 2. Al-
both treatment arms containing ipratropium were
though the acquisition cost of ipratropium alone ($94
associated with a lower total cost and were more
per patient) and the combination product ($106 per
effective in regard to bronchodilation than albuterol
patient) was greater than albuterol alone ($63 per
alone, an incremental cost-effectiveness analysis was
patient), the mean total treatment cost of patients
not performed.
receiving ipratropium alone or the albuterol/ipratro-pium combination was significantly less than albu-terol alone. The mean total per patient cost over the
85-day follow-up for ipratropium alone ($156 6 69)
Exacerbations of COPD contribute substantially
to the cost and reduced quality of life of the patients
Table 3—Percent Improvement*
in Peak FEV1 Over
Baseline FEV1 According to Treatment Group and
Table 4 —Mean FEV
1AUC0 – 4
Test Day No.
*p , 0.01 for all comparisons of combination with its components.
†p Values for significance of differences from the combination.
*p Values for significance of differences from the combination.
Clinical Investigations
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exacerbations in COPD since the treatment arm con-taining both ipratropium and albuterol demonstrated alower number of exacerbations, rather than albuterolusage alone increasing the number of exacerbations.
As pointed out by Anthonisen,13 COPD exacerba-
tions occur with a frequency of approximately 0.1 perpatient per month of follow-up. As a result, a largegroup of patients must be followed up for considerableperiods of time to accumulate enough exacerbations toanalyze. We have analyzed the results of two prospec-tive randomized, double-blind, parallel-group studiesthat enrolled 1,067 patients who were followed upclosely for 3 months. Based on the frequency of COPDexacerbations projected by Anthonisen,13 the present
Figure 1. COPD exacerbation frequency in the three treatment
study had a sample size and a duration of follow-up
groups during the 85-day study.
with sufficient power to compare exacerbation ratesbetween the treatment groups.13 In addition, the num-ber and duration of exacerbations observed in the
with this disease.4,5,12 Although the etiology and
albuterol treatment arm are consistent with those pre-
optimal management of exacerbations are unknown,
dicted for a 3-month study, based on previously pub-
it is believed that infection usually plays an initiating
lished reports.4,5
role, and empiric therapy typically includes antibiot-
The definition of exacerbation used in the present
ics and corticosteroids.4–6 To our knowledge, the
study is valid based on the following. Similar to the
impact of traditional bronchodilators on the fre-
definition used in the present study, other published
quency of exacerbations of COPD has not been
studies of COPD patients have also utilized changes
in clinical symptoms to define exacerbations.4,5,12
The results of the present study demonstrate that the
For example, Anthonisen et al4 defined exacerbation
long-term use of ipratropium alone or the combination
as an increase in dyspnea or sputum production, or a
of ipratropium plus albuterol is associated with fewer
change in sputum color, cough, or wheeze, which are
exacerbations of COPD than the use of albuterol alone.
similar to the criteria used to define exacerbations in
Since the number of exacerbations was not significantly
the present study. In a more recent trial, Collet et
different between the two ipratropium treatment arms,
al12 defined COPD exacerbations as a change in
it would appear that the inclusion of ipratropium in a
sputum color, texture, or quantity, the presence of
pharmacologic treatment regimen alters the rate of
one additional symptom of shortness of breath or
Table 5—Outcomes of COPD Patients Related to Disease Exacerbation During the 85-Day Study
No. (%) of patients with exacerbation
No. of days per exacerbation
Total no. of patient-days of exacerbation
No. of hospitalizations due to exacerbation
Hospital length of stay, d
Total no. of hospital days
No. of patients adding or increasing doses of corticosteroids
No. of patient-days of increased or added corticosteroid use
No. of patients adding or changing antibiotics
No. of patient-days of changed or added antibiotic use
*p , 0.05 albuterol alone vs ipratropium alone and albuterol alone vs albuterol plus ipratropium.
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Figure 2. Total treatment costs over the 85-day follow-up period for the three treatment groups.
cough or fever, and either an unscheduled clinic visit
which patients receiving ipratropium or ipratropium
or a prescription for an antibiotic. In another study,
plus a b-agonist had lower total health-care costs
the symptoms of increased dyspnea, changes in
compared to treatment with a b-agonist alone.8 The
sputum characteristics, malaise, etc, had to be
reduced costs observed in the present study resulted
present for at least 48 h.5 In the present study, a
from reductions in add-on drug therapy and hospital-
more stringent definition of 72 h of symptom dura-
ization. Third, superior bronchodilation (peak FEV1
tion was used to establish an exacerbation.
and FEV1AUC0–4) was observed in the ipratropium
The reduction in total cost for the treatment arms
plus albuterol arm, compared to its individual drug
containing ipratropium (Fig 2) has relevance to the
components (ipratropium or albuterol). The addition of
management of COPD in which side effect profile,
a b-agonist to ipratropium in the combined treatment
total cost, and improvement in lung function are all
arm did not significantly increase total treatment cost,
important factors involved in selecting an appropriate
but did result in improved cost-effectiveness. When
pharmacologic treatment regimen. First, in the present
study of 1,067 patients with moderate-to-severe
COPD, there was no difference in side effect fre-
1AUC0 – 4, there was an average 42% lower cost for
quency among the three treatment arms. Fewer exac-
the ipratropium treatment arms compared with albu-
erbations were noted in both treatment arms contain-
terol alone for all pulmonary function test days. Thus,
ing ipratropium (mean 33%) compared with the
the observed improvement in physiologic function in
albuterol arm, translating into a 24% lower cost. These
the combination treatment arm magnified the differ-
data are similar to preliminary results observed in a
ence in total in costs relative to albuterol alone. These
3-year retrospective study in patients with COPD in
data, taken along with the convenience and assumedincreased compliance with use of a single inhaler,suggest that an inhaler bronchodilator regimen com-bining ipratropium and albuterol differs from adminis-
Table 6 —Cost-effectiveness Calculated as Total Cost
tration of albuterol or ipratropium alone with regard to
($) per Mean FEV1AUC0–4
physiologic improvement as well as lower health-care
costs. As a result, this combination should be consid-
ered early in the management of moderate-to-severe
As previously stated, the exact mechanisms respon-
sible for COPD exacerbations are unknown. The
present study, although designed to determine the
frequency and duration of exacerbations, was not de-
Clinical Investigations
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signed to examine the possible mechanisms involved in
COPD exacerbations. It has been suggested that alter-
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care of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
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Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1995; 152:S77–S121
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2 Gross N. COPD: a disease of reversible air-flow obstruction.
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3 Anthonisen N, Wright E. IPPB Trial Group: bronchodilator
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Source: http://xn--hestjournal-roj.chestpubs.org/data/Journals/CHEST/21909/635.pdf
A Publication of the Harper Woods Notre Dame Alumni Association Keeping the Spirit of the Fightin' Irish Alive Since 2005! SUMMER 2014 EDITION Bob Bury ‘71 Leading the Rebirth of the Detroit Historical Doug Brown ‘70 Pete Zingas ‘79 Terry Johnson ‘08
Tendances Récentes Emergentes et Nouvelles Drogues Tendances récentes émergentes et nouvelles drogues Marseille 2009 – juin 2010 Présentation du dispositif TREND Marseille 2010 .7 Les espaces étudiés. 7 1.1 Espace urbain et espace festif. 7 1.2 L'expérimentation d'un élargissement du champ d'observation. 7 Les outils de recueil des données. 8