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Reversing the trends
The Second
Republic of Kenya
Strategic Plan of Kenya
Community Strategy Implementation Guidelines
Key Health Messages
for Level 1 of the
Package for Health
A Manual for Community Health
Extension Workers and
Community Health Workers
Ministry of Health
Key Level 1 Health Messages
THIS PUBLICATION is one of a series that the Ministry of Health will produce to
support the achievement of the goals of the second National Health Sector Strategic
Plan, 2005–2010 (NHSSP II). Aiming to reverse the declining trends in key health
sector indicators, NHSSP II has five broad policy objectives. These are:
Increase equitable access to health services.
Improve the quality and responsiveness of services in the sector.
Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery.
Enhance the regulatory capacity of MOH.
Foster partnerships in improving health and delivering services.
Improve the financing of the health sector.
Any part of this document may be freely reviewed, quoted, reproduced or translatedin full or in part, provided the source is acknowledged. It may not be sold or used inconjunction with commercial purposes or for profit.
Key Health Messages for Level 1 of the Kenya Essential Package for Health – A
Manual for Community Health Extension Workers and Community Health Workers
Published by: Ministry of Health
Sector Planning and Monitoring DepartmentAfya HousePO Box 3469 - City SquareNairobi 00200, KenyaEmail: [email protected]
Taking KEPH to the Community
Abbreviations and Definitions
4. COHORT 3: Late Childhood:
(6 To 12 Years)
4.1.1 Education and Socialization
1. Introduction and Background
1.1 Why This Manual
1.2 The Importance of Good
4.1.3 Personal Hygiene
4.2 Summary of Key Messages for
1.3 The Six Life Cycle Cohorts
2. COHORT 1: Pregnancy, Delivery
5. COHORT 4: Adolescence and
and Newborn
Youth (13–24 Years)
2.1.1 Care during Pregnancy
5.1.1 Reproductive Health
2.1.2 Use of Family Planning
5.1.2 Drug and Substance Abuse
2.1.3 Basic Human Rights
5.1.3 Nutrition for the Youth
2.1.4 Disabilities and Impairments 10
5.1.4 Mental Health
2.2 Summary of Key Messages for
5.2 Summary of Key Messages for
3. COHORT 2: Early Childhood
6. COHORT 5: Adults 25–59 Years
(2 Weeks–5 Years)
3.1.1 Early Childhood Development 14
6.1.2 Routine Health Care
3.1.2 The Basics of Breastfeeding
6.1.3 Tuberculosis
3.1.3 Nutrition and Growth
6.2 Summary of Key Messages for
3.1.4 Immunization
3.1.6 Respiratory Infections
7. COHORT 6: Elderly Persons (Over
60 Years)
3.1.8 Injury Prevention
3.1.9 TB and Other Urgent Problems 31
7.2 Summary of Key Messages for
3.1.10 Schooling Begins at Home
3.2 Summary of Key Messages for
Household Dialogue Cards
Immunization Chart
Assessing a Sick Child
Key Level 1 Health Messages
Abbreviations and
Condition in which the blood
lacks sufficient red
threatment (for malaria)
corpuscles (known as "thin
Insecticide treated (bed)
Acquired immune deficiency
Kenya Demographic and
Kenya Essential Package for
Adolescent Reproductive
Health and Development
Maternal and child health
Ministry of Health
Antiretroviral therapy
National Coordinating
Tuberculosis vaccine
Agency for Population and
Community health worker
Community health extension
All the persons of a specific
Second National Health
Sector Strategic Plan 2005–
Colostrum The thick yellowish milk the
mother produces in the first
Oral rehydration salts
few days after giving birth
Person with disability
Community-owned resource
Person living with HIV and
Directly observed treatment,
Prevention of mother-to-
short course (for TB)
child transmission (of HIV)
Diphtheria, pertussis and
Reproductive health
Sexually transmitted
Female genital mutilation
Sexually transmitted disease
Haemorrhage Heavy loss of blood
Human immuno-deficiency
Voluntary counselling and
Integrated management ofchildhood illness
infant mortality rate
Taking KEPH to the Community

Taking the Kenya Essential community resource persons who are
Package for Health to the
involved in mobilizing communities to
Community: A Strategy for the
improve their health. The CHWs can
Delivery of LEVEL ONE SERVICES is the
use the messages in their everyday
the health sector's blueprint for
interaction with household members.
promoting improved community,
The CHEWs can rely on the manual as
household and personal health
they train, coach and support the
practices, including health seeking
CHWs in their work.
behaviour. The aim of the Community
The intention of these key
Strategy can be realized if health
messages is to help people attain the
workers, especially those working at
behaviours and attitudes necessary to
community level, and the community
keep household members healthy. It is
have the knowledge about the
therefore my hope and that of the
conditions of public health importance
Ministry that as the dissemination of
and the right skills for dealing with
the messages contained herein
these conditions. The availability of
reinforces appropriate health seeking
appropriate information for decision
behaviours, the use of the manual will
making at community, household and
eventually enable communities,
individual level is key to the
households and individuals to live
implementation of the Community
healthy lifestyles.
This manual has been developed to
provide that information. The manualpresents a set of essential healthinformation messages for level 1 KEPH
Dr. T. Gakuruh
services. It is intended as reference
Head, Department of Sector Planning
material for community health workers
(CHWs), community health extension
Ministry of Health
workers (CHEWs) and any other
Key Level 1 Health Messages
Many individuals and Services for providing valuable inputs
institutions at the
to the community implementation
different levels of the
health care system have participated
The Ministry particularly
in the process of developing this
acknowledges our development
manual. The Ministry of Health is
partners, especially the World Health
grateful to all of them for their
Organization (WHO), the Department
concerted effort to improve the
for International Development (DFID)
health of the communities of Kenya.
and the Swedish International
Appreciation also goes the
Development Cooperation Agency
Departments of Preventive and
(Sida) for the technical and financial
Promotive Health Services and of
assistance provided during the
Curative and Rehabilitative Health
manual development process.
Taking KEPH to the Community
1. Introduction and Background
Communities are at the heart of delivery. Level 1 refers to the specific
the Ministry of Health's second
approach to community level health
National Health Sector Strategic
care services described in the
Plan (NHSSP II – 2005–2010). The
Community Strategy. The overall goal of
community is so important to the
the Community Strategy is to enhance
success of NHSSP II that a specific
community access to health care in
strategy was developed for the
order to improve individual productivity
implementation and roll out of the plan
and thus reduce poverty, hunger, and
at the community level: Taking the
child and maternal deaths, as well as
Kenya Essential Package for Health to
improve education performance.
the Community: A Strategy for the
The community-based approach set
out in the Community Strategy is the
The Kenya Essential Package for
mechanism by which households and
Health defines six levels of service
communities strengthen their role inhealth and health-related development.
The strategy intends to do this by
Levels of service delivery under KEPH
improving community members'knowledge of health care as well as the
skills they need to participate in
planning and managing local health
Household-based caregivers, usually
family members, are the first line of
health care at level 1. For as long as
Primary hospitals
there have been families, they have
always provided some essential
Health centres, maternities,
elements of care for people of all ages.
Not all family members, however, havesufficient knowledge and experience to
provide care for all health conditions, or
to prevent some of those conditions
from occurring. The intention of theCommunity Strategy is therefore to
support household-based caregivers
through a host of community-owned
Key Level 1 Health Messages
resource persons (CORPs) who are
messages is to help attain the
experienced in many aspects of health
behaviours and attitudes necessary to
care. The resource persons closest to
keep household members healthy. The
the family are community health
CHWs can use the messages in their
workers (CHWs), who will each support
everyday interaction with household
about 20 households. The CHW is in turn
members. For their part, the CHEWs can
supported by a trained community
rely on the manual as they train, coach
health extension worker – a CHEW. The
and support the CHWs in their work. The
CHEW is based at a health facility but
intention is not just to provide
assigned to a specific sub-location to
information, however. The manual also
work with all the CHWs and other
aims to serve as a tool for continuous
resource people so as to ensure
respectful dialogue that involves
acceptable standards of care at level 1.
listening to people, and sharing
All these people require specific,
information in interesting and
accurate information in order to
meaningful ways. Ultimately the
purpose is to help the primary caregiversto appreciate the relevance of themessages to their lives, as they freely
1.1 Why This Manual
share, exchange and absorb ideas,knowledge and opinions.
The purpose of this manual is to provide
The manual thus aims at enhancing
a handy reference for promoting
the transfer of knowledge and skills on
improved household health practices.
health matters from resource persons to
The manual is intended for use by the
family members with the idea of helping
primary caregivers at the household
people make informed choices, decisions
level such as parents, grandparents and
and actions for health. In other words,
older children, plus the community
the health messages serve as a
health workers (CHWs) and the
preventive measure because they can
community health extension workers
reinforce positive behaviour and
(CHEWs) who support them. It can also
influence attitudes. Armed with
be used by any other community
essential accurate information,
resource people who are part of the
households can seek early diagnosis of
overall effort to improve the health of
health problems and manage their
the community. These may be health
health situation appropriately. This will
workers, teachers, government
help the households to decrease their
extension workers, and religious and
health risks, stay productive and lower
community leaders, among others.
health care costs.
Members of youth and women's groupsand non-government organizations,employers and business people,
1.2 The Importance of
members of trade unions, and social
workers can all use this manual as areference material to support their
Effective communication requires a
message, the sender of the message, the
The manual provides a set of
receiver of the message, and feedback
essential health information as "key
from the receiver to the sender and
messages" arranged by the age groups or
back again. Communication is thus a
cohorts defined in KEPH. The aim of the
Taking KEPH to the Community
Effective communication is a two-way process
two-way process that begins when one
They are encouraged to discuss it
person sends a message to another. To
and to ask questions to clarify their
work properly, communication must be
understanding of what needs to be
grounded in understanding, respect, and
done, when and why.
honesty between the sender and thereceiver.
These factors should make it clear
Communication has many purposes.
why community health workers are so
It can inform people about an idea or
important to the success of the
event, persuade them to a point of view,
Community Strategy – CHWs are by
or even move them to take action. All
definition respected members of the
these purposes are important to the
community whom people can turn to
presentation of the messages in this
and rely on for good advice. CHWs thus
manual. CHWs have to inform mothers,
often have to communicate one-on-one
for example, about the importance of a
to individual family or household
full course of immunizations for their
members. In such interactions it is
children. Then they have to persuade
necessary to portray an open,
the mothers that their babies will
sympathetic manner through both
actually stay healthier if they have their
spoken words and body language.
jabs on time. Building on this awareness,
Comments should be respectful and
they then reinforce the message so that
questions answered in a way that
the mothers will take action by actually
encourages the person to explore the
taking their babies to clinic for the
issue. The person should always be given
an opportunity to respond.
People's reactions to new
There are many different ways of
information are influenced by how,
communicating, but whether you are
where and from whom they receive it.
working person-to-person within a
These factors make a difference in
community, advocating with political
whether people act on the information.
leaders, or presenting ideas to
People are more likely to trust
community groups and meetings, the
information and act on it if:
basic principles are the same:
They hear it repeatedly from many
1. Know who needs the information
different sources.
and find out about their living
The person delivering it is well
conditions, language, customs and
known and trusted.
level of knowledge. This helps to
They understand how it can help
identify the messages that are more
their families.
relevant, more easily understood,
It is communicated in a familiar
and more likely to be accepted and
Key Level 1 Health Messages
2. Use simple language that people
1.3 The Six Life Cycle
understand. Do not overload themessages with too many actions or
technical details. Keep to theverified information in the manual.
The Kenya Essential Package for Health
If the messages are adapted, their
(KEPH) addresses the health
accuracy should be verified.
requirements of six distinct cohorts (or
3. Make sure the audience understands
stages) of the human life cycle:
the information and knows how to
Pregnancy, delivery and the newborn
put it into practice. When you are
child (up to 2 weeks of age)
sharing the messages with parents
Early childhood (2 weeks to 5 years)
and other caregivers in the
Late childhood (6 to 12 years)
community, ask open-ended
Adolescence (13 to 24 years)
questions to encourage discussion.
Adulthood (25 to 59 years)
This will help you to determine
Elderly (60 years and over)
whether the message is both clearlyunderstood and feasible. Utilize
Emphasis in the early years of NHSSP
their feedback to adjust the
II is on the first two cohorts. The aim is
messages and visual aids.
to phase in more specific attention to
4. Find ways to make the messages
the others later during the strategy.
interesting and meaningful to each
The following chapters detail the
household and community such as by
specific messages for each cohort to be
illustrating them with local
shared with communities and households
examples and stories.
by the community health workers.
5. Repeat the information to reinforce
Annex A contains Household Dialogue
Cards that can be used by communityhealth workers to gather informationduring household visits. The answers tothe questions on the cards will helpguide the CHW on the type of healthmessages household members needmost.
Taking KEPH to the Community
2. COHORT 1: Pregnancy,
Delivery and Newborn
This first life cycle cohort during pregnancy and delivery,
concerns pregnant women and
pregnancy-related hypertension, and
the unborn child (the antenatal
other medical causes such as malaria
phase); the mother and child during
delivery (perinatal); and the first two
All pregnant women need to have
weeks after delivery (postnatal).
access to skilled care throughout
The threats that affect the pregnant
pregnancy, delivery and the postpartum
mother and the newborn child include
period. However, the 2003 KDHS showed
maternal infections, anaemia, malaria,
that only 42% of births in Kenya were
complicated and unsupervised
attended by a health professional, a
deliveries, nutritional deficiencies,
figure that varied regionally and by
hypertension, and postpartum
economic status.
haemorrhage. In response to thesethreats, KEPH at the community level
Care during Pregnancy
calls for the use of insecticide treatedbed nets (ITNs), essential antenatal
Too many people assume that pregnancy
(tetanus vaccine and malarial
is just another phase in a woman's life,
prophylaxis) and postnatal care, family
one that she will get over soon enough
planning and child spacing information
without too much extra attention or
and methods, the use of skilled birth
planning. But thousands of Kenyan
attendants, and general health
women experience complications during
pregnancy, many of which are life-threatening for the women and theirbabies or leave them with severe
2.1 Key Messages
disabilities. For every woman who dies,
approximately 30 more develop serious,
aternal and neonatal death rates
disabling problems. The dangers of
in Kenya are unacceptably high.
childbearing can be greatly reduced if a
According to the 2003 Kenya
woman is healthy and well nourished
Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS),the current level of maternal mortality
1 CBS/MOH/NCPD and IRD/Macro, 2004, Kenya
is estimated to be 414 per 100,000 live
Demographic and Health Survey 2003. Columbia
births. Most of the deaths occur because
Maryland: Central Bureau of Statistics, NationalCouncil for Population and Development (NCPD),
of complications from abortion, bleeding
Ministry of Health/Macro Inc.
Key Level 1 Health Messages
before and during pregnancy, if she has
going wrong. These complications
a health check up by a trained health
cannot always be predicted. Many
worker at least four times during every
dangers can be avoided if the woman
pregnancy, and if the birth is assisted by
goes to a health centre or to a skilled
a skilled birth attendant such as a
birth attendant when she first suspects
doctor, nurse or clinical officer.
she is pregnant. The Ministry of Healthwants every pregnant woman to have at
least four check ups throughout each
It is important for all pregnant
pregnancy. The woman should also be
women and their households to
checked 12 hours and 6 weeks after
have a birth plan and to organize
delivery. A skilled birth attendant (such
resources for getting skilled
as a doctor, clinical officer or nurse) will
assistance at delivery.
help ensure a safer pregnancy andhealthy baby by:
Although it is usually impossible for
Checking the progress of the
a woman to know ahead of time what
pregnancy so that if problems arise
sort of a delivery she will have, it is
timely action can be taken.
helpful to think about some of the
Checking for high blood pressure,
options her household might face when
which can be dangerous to both
she goes into labour. The household can
mother and child.
make some decisions in advance about
Checking for anaemia and providing
what to do and how to care for her
iron/folate supplements regularly.
when this happens. Making a plan helps
Checking any infections during
people consider what factors will make
pregnancy, especially urinary tract
this birth safe for mother and child, and
infections and sexually transmitted
an enriching and positive experience for
infections (some of which can be
the entire family. It can also help a
passed to the baby), and treating
household think about other possible
them with antibiotics.
problems and how to handle them. It is
Giving the pregnant woman two
particularly crucial for the man of the
injections to protect her and her
family to be involved in the planning so
newborn baby against tetanus
that he is aware of the importance of
Checking that the foetus is growing
skilled birth attendance and knows what
to do when the time comes.
Giving antimalaria tablets (IPT), if
Regular clinical care, good nutrition
and attention to possible non-pregnancy
Preparing the woman for the
related illness are important to the
experience of childbirth and giving
health of the mother and the baby.
advice on breastfeeding and caringfor herself and her newborn.
Providing voluntary and confidential
HIV testing and counselling, and if
A pregnant woman needs to be
HIV positive, providing treatment to
checked at a clinic or health
prevent transmission of HIV to the
facility by a clinical officer, nurse
baby. All women have the right to
or doctor at least four times
voluntary and confidential HIV
during every pregnancy.
testing and counselling.
Every pregnancy deserves attention,
All families need to know about
as there is always a risk of something
special risk factors and be able to
Taking KEPH to the Community
recognize the warning signs of possible
After delivery, the skilled attendant
problems such as bleeding or abdominal
pain during pregnancy.
Check on the woman's health in the12 hours after birth and 6 weeks
after delivery.
Every household should have plans
Advise the mother on how to
and funds for quickly getting the
prevent or postpone another birth.
woman, at any hour, to where she
Counsel the mother on how to avoid
can be delivered by a skilled birth
sexually transmitted infections such
attendant. If possible, the woman
should temporarily stay at a place
Explain how to reduce the risk of
that is closer to a health facility
exposing the infant to infections.
or hospital so that she is within
reach of medical help.
A pregnant woman needs the best
Having a skilled birth attendant
foods available to the family: milk,
assist at the delivery in a health facility
fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs,
and check on the mother in the 12 hours
grains and beans. All these foods
after delivery reduces the likelihood of
are safe to eat during pregnancy.
either the mother or the baby becomingill or dying.
Many communities have traditional
During delivery, the skilled
approaches to the types of foods
pregnant women are allowed to eat.
When labour has gone on for too
Many of these approaches are simply
long (over 12 hours) and an
wrong. Women will feel stronger and be
intervention is necessary.
healthier during pregnancy – and their
How to reduce the risk of infection
babies will be healthier – if they eat
(clean hands, clean instruments, a
foods that are rich in iron, vitamin A and
clean delivery area).
folic acid. These foods include meat,
What to do if the baby is in the
fish, eggs, green leafy vegetables, and
wrong position.
orange or yellow fruits and vegetables.
What to do if the mother is losing
Health workers can provide pregnant
too much blood.
women with iron tablets to prevent or
When to cut the umbilical cord and
treat anaemia.
how to care for it.
What to do if the baby does notbegin breathing right away.
How to dry the baby and keep her or
Pregnant women are particularly
him warm after delivery.
susceptible to malaria, which can
How to guide the baby to breastfeed
cause serious problems for them
immediately after delivery.
and their unborn baby.
How to deliver the afterbirth safelyand care for the mother after the
Malaria is especially dangerous for
baby is born.
pregnant women. It causes severe
How to put recommended eye
anaemia, miscarriages, stillbirths, low
medicine in the baby's eyes to
birth weight and maternal death.
prevent blindness.
Pregnant women should sleep under
Key Level 1 Health Messages
insecticide treated bed nets and if
That treatment with specified
possible try to avoid going out of the
medicines during pregnancy can
house at night for calls of nature.
greatly reduce the risk of passingthe infection to the infant.
That special care during pregnancy
Every pregnant woman should
and delivery can reduce the risks of
receive confidential counselling
passing the infection to the infant.
and testing for HIV so that
The different options for feeding her
appropriate action can be taken if
infant and the related risks. Health
necessary to avoid passing the
workers can assist in identifying a
infection to the baby.
feeding method that can maximizethe infant's chance of growing up
HIV counselling and testing can help
healthy and free of HIV.
in early detection of HIV infection and
That babies born to HIV-positive
in enabling those who are infected to
women who have not received
get the support services they need,
medication have about one chance
manage other infectious diseases they
in three of being born with HIV and
might have, and learn about living with
more than two-thirds of the infants
HIV/AIDS and how to avoid infecting
infected with HIV may die before
others. Counselling and testing can also
they are five years old.
help those not infected to remainuninfected through safer sex.
Use of Family Planning
If the result of an HIV test is
negative, this means the person tested
An analysis of recent fertility trends
is not infected or it is too early to
based on the results of the 2003 KDHS
detect the virus. The HIV blood test may
shows that fertility rates, which had
not detect infection up to six months
declined as contraceptive prevalence
after infection. The test should be
increased since the 1970s, actually
repeated after six months.
stalled between 1998 and 2003.2 This
Households and communities should
means that more women are having
demand and support confidential HIV/
more children than previously.
AIDS counselling, testing andinformation to help protect adults and
children from the disease. An HIV/AIDS
Pregnancy before the age of 18
test can help couples decide whether to
and after age 35 or within two
have children. If one partner is infected,
years of a previous delivery
he or she could infect the other while
increases the health risks for the
attempting to conceive.
mother and her baby. The health
Empowering women and promoting
risks of pregnancy and childbirth
safer sex, condom use, and better
increase after four pregnancies.
detection and treatment of sexuallytransmitted infections can reduce HIVinfection in women. If a womandiscovers that she is HIV positive, she
2 NCAPD and MEASURE Evaluation, 2006, A Closer
needs emotional support and counselling
Look at KDHS 2003: Further Analysis of theContraceptive Prevalence and Fertility Stalls –
to help her make decisions and plan for
Summaries of Selected NCAPD Working Papers
her future. A pregnant woman needs to
2005. Nairobi: National Coordinating Agency for
Population and Development.
Taking KEPH to the Community
Too many births, too close together,
and births to adolescent girls endanger
Too early, too
women's lives and the lives of their
close, too many,
children. Delaying a first pregnancy until
close together.
a girl is at least 18 years of age will help
ensure a safer pregnancy and delivery,
and will reduce the risk of her baby
being born underweight.
health, nutrition-
A girl is not physically ready to
health problems.
begin childbearing just because she has
started having menstrual periods. Her
body will not be completely developed
pregnant again. Men need to be aware
until she is about 18 years of age.
of the importance of a two-year space
Childbirth is more likely to be difficult
between births and the need to limit the
and dangerous for an adolescent than
number of pregnancies to help protect
for an adult. Babies born to very young
their family's health. If a woman
mothers are much more likely to die in
becomes pregnant before she is fully
the first year of life. The younger the
recovered from a previous pregnancy,
mother, the greater the risk to her and
there is a higher chance that her new
her baby. Because their bodies are not
baby will be born too early and weigh
fully developed, young women are also
too little. Babies born underweight are
more likely to develop fistulae during
less likely to grow well and more likely
to become ill. They are also four times
Young women need special help to
more likely to die in the first year of life
delay pregnancy. All women and their
than babies of normal weight.
families should be given information
A woman's body can easily become
about the risks of early pregnancy and
exhausted by repeated pregnancies,
how to avoid them. For example, the
childbirth, breastfeeding and caring for
risk of death for a young child increases
small children. After four pregnancies,
by nearly 50% if the mother has another
especially if there has been less than
baby before the child is two years old.
two years between births, she faces an
In other words, one of the greatest
increased risk of serious health problems
threats to the health and growth of a
such as anaemia ("thin blood") and
child under the age of two is the birth of
haemorrhage (heavy loss of blood). A
a new sibling. Breastfeeding for the
baby is at greater risk of dying if the
older child stops too soon, and the
mother has had four or more
mother has less time to prepare the
special foods a young child needs. She
Family planning is one of the most
may not be able to give the older child
powerful ways of improving the health
the necessary care and attention,
of women and children. Health clinics
especially when the child is ill. As a
should offer advice to help people
result, children born less than two years
choose a family planning method that is
apart usually do not develop as well,
acceptable, safe, convenient, effective
physically or mentally, as children born
and affordable. Exclusive breastfeeding
two years apart or more.
can delay the return of the mother's
A woman's body needs two years to
fertility for approximately six months
recover fully from pregnancy and
after childbirth. Exclusive breastfeeding
childbirth. The risk to the mother's
provides a woman with 98% protection
Key Level 1 Health Messages
from pregnancy, but only if her baby is
A pregnant woman who is physically
under the age of six months, her
abused may be unable to have any more
menstrual periods have not returned,
children. Members of her family should
and the baby is breastfed on demand
be aware of these dangers and she
and exclusively.
should be protected from her abuser.
Both the Children Act of 2001 and
the Sexual Offences Act of 2006 make
Family planning is the responsibility
specific provisions against various types
of both men and women. Every
of abuse. Community members should
couple should decide on and use a
know that the law is on the side of those
family planning method to delay
who are abused.
pregnancy, space births and limit
the number of children they have.
Every woman has the right to
Men as well as women must take
health care, especially during
responsibility for preventing unplanned
pregnancy and childbirth. Health
pregnancies. They should have access to
care providers should be available
information and advice from a health
and should treat women with
worker so that they are aware of the
various methods of family planning thatare available. Information can also be
All women have the right to the
obtained from a doctor, nurse, teacher,
services of a skilled birth attendant such
family planning clinic, and youth or
as a doctor, nurse or midwife, and to
women's organizations. Accurate
emergency obstetric care if needed.
information and counselling will help
Quality health care enables women to
people to understand the various
make informed decisions about their
methods and to disregard the many
health by offering information and
myths that are circulated about the use
counselling. It should be easy for women
of contraceptives.
who need maternal care to reach thehealth facility, and cost should not
Basic Human Rights
prevent women from using theseservices. Health care providers should
Human rights are women's rights too.
have the skills needed to provide quality
Women have the right to be safe in their
care. They should be trained to treat all
homes and communities. They are
women with respect, to be sensitive to
entitled to effective, respectful health
cultural norms and practices, and to
care services.
respect women's right to confidentialityand privacy.
Physical abuse of women and
children is a serious public health
problem and is unacceptable.
Abuse during pregnancy is
Approximately one out of ten people in
dangerous both to the woman and
every population is a person with a
to the unborn baby.
disability (PWD). In other words, 10% ofKenyans are people with disability. The
If a pregnant woman is abused, she
mandate of the Ministry of Health is to
and the foetus can be seriously harmed.
Taking KEPH to the Community
provide preventive, promotive, curative
Some causes of disability and
and rehabilitative health services to all
Kenyans for their social, cultural and
economic development. Health care is a
Drugs consumed by the mother
basic human right and PWDs enjoy equal
rights as the able bodied people (The
Diseases like malaria, syphilis and
Disability Act 2003, Laws of Kenya).
Disability does not discriminate
Delayed births – babies born to
against gender, and women with
women over age 40 are more likely
disabilities are also among the expec-
to have disabilities
tant mothers of this country, with theirspecial needs largely taken for granted
to their detriment. PWDs, especially
All newborn babies need to be
women, are known to be the most
protected from infections that
vulnerable to rape or sexual abuse with
may interfere with their growth
its attendant problems of pregnancy,
and development.
transmission of STIs, HIV, etc.
Health care providers should:
Check for any congenital
All pregnant women should be
abnormality and if present seek
screened for disabilities and
medical attention.
impairments and advised on the
Ensure the infant is immunized
best and suitable methods of
against tuberculosis at birth (BCG).
delivery for them.
Ensure the infant is given an eyemedicine at birth (tetracycline eye
Some newborns are found to have
physical disabilities at birth; they mayhave cleft palates, be blind, or have
Mothers should be advised to:
paralysed legs or arms. Other disabilities
Begin breastfeeding at birth, within
or impairments are not evident immedi-
the first one hour of delivery.
ately after birth, e.g., deaf and mute.
Breastfeed the infant exclusively forsix months. That is, the baby is notgiven any food except breast milk
for the first six months.
All newborns should be screened
Not give the baby any fluid, even
for disabilities and impairments in
water, before the age of six months.
order to plan for any corrective
Refer any child with oral thrush.
measures to address the problem.
Seek immediate medical attentionfor breast problems such as breast
All newborns need to be screened
engorgement/breast abscess and
for impairments using appropriate
cracked nipples.
methods and tools. The earlier this
Ensure the child gets all the
happens after birth the better it is for
vaccines according to the schedule
taking appropriate corrective measures.
on the child welfare card.
This is yet another reason why all
Take the child to the nearest facility
pregnant women need to deliver at
for vitamin A from 6 months to 5
health facilities attended to by skilled
years after every 6 months.
health workers.
Key Level 1 Health Messages
Keep the baby's umbilical cord clean
weighing less than 2 kilograms at
and dry after delivery and avoid any
local applications to the umbilical
The woman has had a previous
cord. (Do not apply soot, ash, saliva,
difficult or Caesarean birth.
Vaseline, soil, etc.)
The woman has had a previous
Avoid dipping the baby in water until
miscarriage or stillbirth.
the cord falls off. Bathe the infant
8. Recognize the following warning/
with a soft cloth wrung out in warm
danger signs during pregnancy and
Keep the infant warm: wrap the
Anaemia, paleness inside the
baby snugly but not tightly.
eyelids, or being tired or easily
Keep the baby close to the body
out of breath.
whenever possible.
Swelling of legs, arms or face.
The foetus moves very little ornot at all.
2.2 Summary of Key
Spotting or bleeding from the
Messages for Cohort 1
vagina during pregnancy orprofuse or persistent bleeding
1. Recognize the warning signs during
after delivery.
pregnancy and childbirth and have
Severe headaches or abdominal
plans and resources for getting
immediate skilled help.
Severe or persistent vomiting.
2. Remind community members that
physical abuse of women for any
The water breaks before due
reason is dangerous and
time for delivery.
3. Encourage pregnant women to
Prolonged labour.
attend at least four ANC visits
9. Encourage mothers to get
before delivery.
immunized against tetanus.
4. Encourage all pregnant mothers to
10. Immunize all newborn children
sleep under ITNs to prevent malaria.
against the preventable diseases.
5. Help a pregnant woman prepare a
11. Ensure all births are notified and
birth plan, that is, what to do when
the time comes.
12. Remember that the child health card
6. Encourage all pregnant women to
is an important document that must
deliver with the assistance of skilled
be kept safely to monitor growth
medical personnel.
and immunization and other services
7. Recognize the following risk factors
to the child.
13. Wash hands before feeding or
breastfeeding, after cleaning the
An interval of less than twoyears since the previous birth.
baby's faeces or using the toilet.
14. Breastfeed your baby exclusively for
A girl is under 18 or a woman isover 35 years of age with first
15. Follow instructions given at the
health facility FOR EACH SERVICE.
The woman has already had fouror more deliveries.
16. Encourage fathers to be involved in
the reproductive health of the
The woman has had a previouspremature birth or baby
Taking KEPH to the Community
3. COHORT 2: Early Childhood
(2 weeks–5 Years)
During this phase, the
treatment of diseases
environment of the child poses
of childhood, vitamin
constant and serious health
A distribution).
threats: Malaria, diarrhoeal disease,
have a major role
upper respiratory infections and TB,
workers have a major
worm infestations, and malnutrition all
contribute to the well-documented high
child mortality and morbidity figures.
healthy by sharing
sharing important
Kenya's national average infant
important information
mortality rate (IMR) is 115/1,000 live
with parents.
births. This is an improvement over
earlier years, but is unacceptably high.
Moreover, the average conceals wide
3.1 Key Messages
differences across the country. The 2003KDHS, for example, found a very high
The first eight years of childhood are
IMR in Nyanza Province, at 206/1,000
critically important, and most
live births, compared with only 54/1,000
particularly the first three years. They
live births in Central Province.
are the foundation of future health,
Integrated management of childhood
growth and development. During this
illness (IMCI) provides a comprehensive
period, children learn more and faster
package with proven effectiveness for
than at any other time. Babies and
this cohort. It includes community-level
young children develop more rapidly and
IMCI (promotion of treated bed nets,
learn more quickly when they receive
exclusive breastfeeding up to six
love and affection, attention,
months, appropriate nutrition advice)
encouragement, and mental stimulation,
and a service-related or clinical IMCI
as well as nutritious meals and good
(immunization, child weighing clinics,
health care. All children have the rightto legal registration at birth, healthcare, good nutrition, education, and
All children have the right to
protection from harm, abuse and
birth registration, health care,
discrimination. It is the duty of parents
good nutrition, education, and
and governments to ensure that these
protection from harm, abuse and
rights are respected, protected and
Key Level 1 Health Messages
A child who has completed
Children's minds develop rapidly
immunizations on time and has been
when they are talked to, touched and
given proper nutrition has an increased
cuddled, and when they see familiar
chance of survival and is more apt to
faces, hear familiar voices and handle
interact, play and learn. A healthy child
different objects. Babies learn quickly
is usually happy and pleasant to be
when they feel loved and secure from
around. At a very practical level,
birth and when they frequently play and
keeping a child healthy will reduce the
interact with family members. Children
family's expenditure on health care, the
who feel secure usually do better in
child's absence from school due to
school and cope more easily with the
illness and the income lost to care for a
difficulties of life. Caregivers can help
children learn and grow by giving themnew and interesting things to look at,
listen to, hold and play with. Crying is
the way very young childrencommunicate their needs. Respondingpromptly to the cry by holding and
Babies learn rapidly from the moment of
talking soothingly to the child will help
birth. Holding, cuddling and talking to
establish a sense of trust and security.
the child stimulate growth and promote
Babies and small children should not
emotional development. Being kept
be left alone for long periods of time.
close to the mother and breastfed on
This delays their physical and mental
demand provides the infant with a sense
development. The most important way
of security. The baby needs to suckle for
children develop and learn is through
both nutrition and comfort.
interaction with others. The more often
Skin-to-skin contact and breastfeed-
parents and caregivers talk to and
ing within one hour after birth help
respond to the child, the quicker the
babies achieve better growth and devel-
child learns. Parents or caregivers should
opment and establish a close bond with
talk, read or sing to infants and young
their mother. Touch, hearing, smell, sight
children. Even if children are not yet
and taste are learning tools the child uses
able to understand the words, these
to explore the surrounding world.
early "conversations" develop theirlanguage and learning capacities.
Conversations don't have to be "baby
talk" – caregivers can simply describe
Care and affection during the
what they are doing or the way things
earliest years help a child to
appear in a conversational way. It is the
tone of voice and the attention that willengage the baby's interest. Teaching
Exclusive breastfeeding on demand
children first in their mother tongue
for the first six months, timely
helps them develop their ability to thinkand express themselves. Children learn
introduction of safe and nutritious
language quickly and easily through
complementary foods after the age of
songs, family stories, rhymes and games.
six months, and continued breastfeeding
Boys and girls have the same
for two years or beyond all have inter-
physical, mental, emotional and social
related benefits. They provide the child
needs. Both have the same capacity for
with good nutrition, protect the child's
learning. Both have the same need for
health and build bonds of affection.
affection, attention and approval.
Taking KEPH to the Community
All children need to be encouraged
affection and stimulation and ensure the
and praised when they learn to do and
child receives a good quality education,
say new things. When the child is not
good nutrition and health care. The
growing well, physically or mentally,
father can help ensure that the
parents need to seek the advice of a
environment is safe and free of
health worker.
violence. Fathers can also
perform household tasks,
Boys and girls have
anaemic, malnourished or
particularly when the
the same physical,
frequently sick may
mother is pregnant or
mental, emotional
become fearful and upset
breastfeeding. It has been
more easily than healthy
and social needs,
said that one of the
children and will lack the
the same nutritional
father's most important
drive to play, explore and
requirements, the
contributions to his child's
interact with others. These
same capacity for
welfare is to treat the
children need special
learning, and the
child's mother with
attention and encourage-
respect and caring.
ment to eat.
affection, attention
Parents and caregivers
Children's emotions
need to know the major
and approval.
are real and powerful and
milestones that show the
should not be taken lightly.
child is developing
Children may become frustrated if they
normally. They also need to know when
are unable to do something or have
to seek help and how to provide a caring
something they want, for example, or
and loving environment for a child with
they may be frightened of strangers or
a physical or mental disability. While all
the dark. Children whose reactions are
children grow and develop in similar
laughed at, punished or ignored may
patterns, they all also develop at their
grow up shy and unable to express
own pace. By observing their young
emotions normally. If caregivers are
children to see how they respond to
patient and sympathetic when a child
touch, sound and sight, parents can
expresses strong emotions, the child is
identify signs of possible developmental
more likely to grow up happy, secure
problems or disabilities. If a child is
and well balanced.
developing slowly, parents and caregivers
Physical punishment or displays of
can help by spending extra time with the
violence can harm the child's
child, playing and talking with the child,
development. Children who are punished
and massaging the child's body.
in anger are more likely to become
If the child does not respond to
violent themselves. Clear explanations
stimulation and attention, parents and
about what to do, firm rules about what
caregivers need to seek help. Taking
not to do and praise for good behaviour
early action is very important in helping
are more effective ways of encouraging
children with disabilities reach their full
children to become full and productive
potential. Parents and caregivers need
members of the family and community.
to encourage the greatest possible
Both parents, as well as other family
development of the child's abilities.
members, need to be involved in caring
A girl or boy with a disability needs
for the children. The father's role in
extra love and protection. Like all
day-to-day care is often underestimated
children, such a child needs to be
but is critically important. The father
registered at birth or soon afterwards,
can help meet the child's needs for love,
to be breastfed, immunized and given
Key Level 1 Health Messages
nutritious food, and to be protected
Support the baby's head when you
from abuse and violence. Children with
hold the baby upright.
disabilities should be encouraged to play
Massage and cuddle the baby often.
and interact with other children.
Always handle the baby gently, even
Children who are unhappy, having
when you are tired or upset.
emotional difficulties or experiencing
Breastfeed frequently, at least every
problems that are too big for them to
cope with may behave abnormally.
Talk, read and sing to the baby as
Examples include suddenly becoming
often as possible.
unfriendly, sad, lazy, unhelpful or
Visit the health worker with the
naughty; crying often; becoming violent
baby six weeks after birth.
with other children; sitting alone insteadof playing with friends; or suddenly
Warning signs to watch for:
having no interest in usual activities or
Poor suckling at the breast or
school work and losing appetite and
refusing to suckle.
sleep. The problems that bring on such
Little movement of arms and legs.
behaviour may be internal – that is, they
Little or no reaction to loud sounds
are related to the child's own feelings
or bright lights.
and perceptions. Or they can indicate
Crying for long periods for no
something more serious, such as secret
apparent reason.
abuse by a family member or friend.
Vomiting and diarrhoea, which can
Parents and caregivers must be alert to
lead to dehydration.
abnormal behaviour and try to find outwhat causes it.
By the age of 6 months
The following guide gives parents an
Babies should be able to:
idea of how children develop. There are
Raise their head and chest when
differences in the growth and
lying on their stomach.
development of all children. Slow
Reach for dangling objects.
progress may be normal for that
Grasp and shake objects.
particular child, or may be due to
Roll both ways.
inadequate nutrition, poor health, a lack
Sit with support.
of stimulation or a more serious
Explore objects with hands and
problem. Parents may wish to discuss
the child's progress with a trained
Begin to imitate sounds and facial
health worker or a teacher.
Respond to their own name and to
By the age of 1 month
familiar faces.
Babies should be able to:w
Turn their head towards a hand that
Advice for parents and caregivers:
is stroking their cheek or mouth.
Lay the baby on a clean, flat, safe
Bring both hands towards their
surface so she or he can move freely
and reach for objects.
Turn towards familiar voices and
Prop or hold the baby in a position
so she or he can see what ishappening nearby.
Advice for parents and caregivers:
Continue to breastfeed on demand
Make skin-to-skin contact and
day and night, and start adding
breastfeed within one hour of birth.
other foods (two meals a day at 6–8
Taking KEPH to the Community
months, 3–4 meals a day at 8–12
Talk, read or sing to the baby as
often as possible.
and protection.
Warning signs to watch for:
the child is fully
Stiffness or difficulty moving limbs.
Constant moving of the head (this
receives all recommended doses of
might indicate an ear infection,
which could lead to deafness if nottreated).
Warning signs to watch for:
Little or no response to sounds,
The child does not make sounds in
familiar faces or the breast.
response to others.
Refusing the breast or other foods.
The child does not look at objectsthat move.
By the age of 12 months
The child is listless and does not
Babies should be able to:
respond to the caregiver.
Sit without support.
The child has no appetite or refuses
Crawl on hands and knees and pull
up to stand.
Take steps holding onto support.
The Basics of
Try to imitate words and sounds and
respond to simple requests.
Enjoy playing and clapping.
Breast milk is the best food a young
Repeat sounds and gestures for
child can have. Animal's milk, infant
formula, powdered milk, teas, sugar
Pick up small items with thumb and
drinks, water and cereal foods are all
inferior to breast milk. Breast milk is
Start holding objects such as a spoon
easy for the baby to digest. It also
and cup and attempt self-feeding.
promotes the best growth anddevelopment and protects against
Advice for parents and caregivers:
illness. This protection lasts for as long
Point to objects and name them,
as the child is breastfed. Even in hot,
talk and play with the child
dry climates, breast milk meets a young
baby's need for fluids. Water or other
Use mealtimes to encourage
drinks are not needed during the first six
interaction with all family members.
months. Giving a baby any food or drink
If the child is developing slowly or
other than breast milk increases the risk
has a physical disability, focus on
of diarrhoea and other illnesses.
the child's abilities and give extrastimulation and interaction.
Do not leave a child in one position
for many hours.
Breast milk ALONE is the only
Make the area as safe as possible to
food and drink an infant needs
prevent accidents.
for the first six months. No other
Continue to breastfeed and ensure
food or drink, not even water, is
that the child has enough food and a
needed during this period.
variety of family foods.
Key Level 1 Health Messages
Having the baby start to breastfeed
reducing the intake of breast milk.
soon after birth stimulates the
The mother should not give other
production of the mother's breast milk.
fluids and should breastfeed only.
It also helps the mother's uterus tocontract, which reduces the risk of
Many new mothers need
heavy bleeding or infection. The baby
encouragement and help to begin
should be allowed to breastfeed as often
breastfeeding. How the mother holds
as he or she wants. Colostrum, the thick
her baby and how the baby takes the
yellowish milk the mother produces in
breast in the mouth are very important.
the first few days after birth, is the
Holding the baby in a good position
makes it easier for the baby to take the
newborn babies. It
breast well into the mouth and suckle.
is very nutritious
Signs that the baby is in a good position
the baby's "first
and helps protect
for breastfeeding are:
The baby's whole body is turned
towards the mother.
diarrhoea and other
The baby is close to the mother.
The baby is relaxed and happy.
substitutes that are
Holding the baby in a poor suckling
position can cause such difficulties as:
Sore and cracked nipples.
Not enough milk.
Refusal to feed.
one baby for a year
Signs that the baby is feeding well:
kilograms (about 80
The baby's mouth is wide open.
The baby's chin is touching the
formula. Using breast milk substitutes,
mother's breast.
such as infant formula or animal's milk,
More of the dark skin around the
can be a threat to infants' health. This
mother's nipple can be seen above
is particularly the case if parents cannot
the baby's mouth than below it.
afford sufficient substitutes, which are
The baby takes long, deep sucks.
quite expensive, or do not always have
The mother does not feel any pain in
clean water with which to mix them.
If regular weighing shows that a
breastfed baby under six months is not
Almost every mother can produce
enough milk when:
The child may need more frequent
She breastfeeds exclusively.
breastfeeding. At least 12 feeds
The baby is in a good position and
during a 24-hour period may be
has the breast well in the mouth.
necessary. The baby should suckle
The baby feeds as often and for as
for at least 15 minutes.
long as he or she wants, including
The child may need help to take
during the night.
more of the breast into the mouth.
The child may be ill and should be
From birth, the baby should
taken to a trained health worker.
breastfeed on demand. Newborns who
Water or other fluids may be
sleep more than three hours after
Taking KEPH to the Community
breastfeeding may be gently awakened
important source of
and offered the breast. Crying is not a
energy, protein and
sign that the baby needs other foods or
other nutrients.
drinks. It normally means that the baby
needs to be held and cuddled more.
not give the child
Some babies need to suckle the breast
breastfeed her child
for comfort. More suckling will produce
for as long as she and
more breast milk. Mothers who fear that
the child wish.
breastfeeds often.
they do not have enough breast milk
often give their babies other food or
frequently as they
drink in the first few months of life. This
begin to crawl, walk,
causes the baby to suckle less often, so
play, pick things off the floor, and drink
less breast milk is produced. The mother
and eat foods other than breast milk. A
will produce more milk if she does not
sick child needs plenty of breast milk.
give the child other food or drink and
Breast milk is a nutritious, easily
breastfeeds often.
digestible food when a child loses
Bottles should not be given to
appetite for other foods. Breastfeeding
breastfed babies because the sucking
can comfort a child who is upset.
action for these is very different from
The general guidelines for
suckling at the breast. Using bottles
complementary feeding are:
even for breast milk could cause the
From 6 to 12 months: Breastfeed
mother to produce less breast milk and
frequently and give other foods
the baby to reduce or stop
three to five times a day.
breastfeeding. Breastfeeding can
From 12 to 24 months: Breastfeed
provide an opportunity for a mother to
frequently and give family foods five
rest. Fathers and other family members
times a day.
can help by encouraging the mother to
From 24 months onward: Continue
rest quietly while she breastfeeds the
breastfeeding if both mother and
baby. They can also make sure the
child wish and give family foods five
mother has enough food and help with
times a day.
household tasks.
Any infant older than six months of
There is a risk that a woman
age needs other foods and drinks. From
infected with HIV can pass the virus on
the age of six months to one year,
to her infant through breastfeeding.
breastfeeding should be offered before
Women who are infected should be
other foods, to be sure the infant takes
advised by a health worker on how to
plenty of breast milk every day. The
reduce the risk of infecting the child.
child's diet should include peeled,cooked and mashed vegetables, grains,
legumes like peas and beans, and fruit,
Bottle-feeding can lead to the
some oil, as well as minced fish, eggs,
illness and death of the baby. If a
chicken or meat, along with dairy
woman cannot breastfeed her
products to provide vitamins and
infant, the baby should be fed
minerals. In the second year,
breast milk or a breast milk
breastfeeding should be offered after
substitute from an ordinary clean
meals and at other times. Breastfeeding
should continue until the child is twoyears or older because breast milk is an
Key Level 1 Health Messages
Unclean bottles and teats can cause
diarrhoea and ear infections. Diarrhoea
is deadly for babies. The best food for a
Weigh your child regularly from
baby who cannot be breastfed is milk
birth to the age of two years. If a
expressed from the mother's breast or
child has not gained weight for
from another healthy mother. The breast
about two months then something
milk should be given from a clean, open
cup. Even newborn babies can be fedwith an open cup, which can be easilycleaned. Breast milk can be stored for
Regular weight gain is the most
up to eight hours at room temperature
important sign that a child is growing
without going bad. Keep it in a clean,
and developing well. The child should be
covered container.
weighed during every contact with a
If breast milk is not available, a
health care provider. A child who does
nutritionally adequate breast milk
not gain weight for two months may
substitute should be fed to the baby by
need larger servings or more nutritious
cup. Infants who are fed breast milk
food, may be sick, or may need more
substitutes are at greater risk of death
attention and care. Parents and health
and disease than breastfed infants.
workers need to act quickly to discover
Feeding the baby breast milk
the cause of the problem.
substitutes can cause poor growth or
Each young child should have a
illness if too much or too little water is
growth chart, a line that shows how well
added or if the water is not clean. It is
the child is growing. If the line goes up,
important to boil and then cool the
the child is doing well. A line that stays
water and carefully follow the directions
flat or goes down indicates cause for
for mixing breast milk substitutes.
concern. If a child is not gaining weightregularly or growing well, there are
Nutrition and Growth
some important questions to ask:w
Is the child eating often enough? Achild needs to eat three to five
More than half of all child deaths are
times a day. A child with disabilities
associated with malnutrition, which
may require extra help and time for
weakens the body's resistance to illness.
Poor diet, frequent illness, and
Is the child receiving enough food? If
inadequate or inattentive care of young
the child finishes his or her food and
children can lead to malnutrition. If a
wants more, the child needs to be
woman is malnourished during
offered more.
pregnancy, or if her child is
Do the child's meals have too little
malnourished during the first two years
"growth" or "energy" food? Foods
of life, the child's physical and mental
that help the child grow are milk,
growth and development may be
meat, fish, eggs, beans, nuts, grains
slowed. This cannot be made up when
and pulses. A small amount of
the child is older — it will affect the
vegetable oil will add energy. Some
child permanently. Children have the
oils available on the market are
right to a caring, protective
vitamin enriched.
environment and to nutritious food and
Is the child refusing to eat? If the
basic health care to protect them from
child does not seem to like the taste
illness and promote growth and
of a particular food, other foods
Taking KEPH to the Community
should be offered. New foods should
drawn from ponds, streams, springs,
be introduced gradually.
wells or tanks should be boiled or
Is the child sick? A sick child needs
treated with chlorine to kill any
encouragement to eat small,
germs, then kept in a clean covered
frequent meals. After an illness, the
child needs an extra meal every day
Does the child play in an area where
for a week. Young children need
chickens, goats or other livestock
extra breast milk for at least a week
are kept? Are faeces put in a latrine
after an illness. A child who is
or toilet or buried? A child who
frequently ill should be checked by a
comes into contact with faeces
trained health worker.
(human or animal) may frequently
Is the child getting enough foods
get worms and other sicknesses. A
with vitamin A to prevent illness?
child with worms needs deworming
Breast milk is rich in vitamin A.
medicine from a health worker.
Other foods with vitamin A are liver,eggs, dairy products, red palm oil,yellow and orange fruits and
vegetables, and many green leafy
From the age of six months to two
vegetables. If these foods are not
years, children need to be fed five
available in adequate amounts, a
times a day, in addition to
child needs a vitamin A capsule
twice a year.
Thereafter the child can be fed
Is the child being given breast milk
family foods five times daily with
substitutes by bottle? If the child is
or without breastfeeding.
younger than six months, exclusivebreastfeeding is best. From 6 to 24
A child's stomach is smaller than an
months breast milk continues to be
adult's, so a child cannot eat as much at
the best milk as it is an important
one meal. But children's energy and
source of many nutrients. If other
body-building needs are great. So it is
milk is given, it should be fed from a
important that children eat frequently
clean, open cup, rather than from a
to provide for all their needs. Foods
such as mashed vegetables or eggs, or a
Are food and water kept clean? If
little finely chopped meat or fish should
not, the child will often be ill. Food
be added to the child's food as often as
storage areas like cupboards should
possible. A small amount of oil may be
be kept clean. The food should be
covered to keep out insects and dirt.
If meals are served in a common
Foods like fruits that are eaten raw
dish, younger children may not get
should be washed with soapy water
enough to eat. Young children should
and dried before they are eaten.
have their own plate or bowl of food to
Food to be cooked should also be
ensure they can eat what they need and
washed well in clean water. Cooked
so the parent or caregiver can see how
food should be eaten without delay.
much they have eaten. Young children
Leftover food should be thoroughly
may need encouragement to eat – but
reheated. Water should come from a
they should not be forced – and may
safe source and be kept clean. Clean
need help in handling food or utensils. A
water may be obtained from a
child with a disability may need extra
protected spring or well. Water
help eating and drinking.
Key Level 1 Health Messages
Even mild anaemia in infants and
more than a few days, the child needs
young children can impair intellectual
to be taken to a health worker. The child
development. Anaemia in children under
is not fully recovered from an illness
two years of age may cause problems
until he or she weighs about as much as
with coordination and balance, and the
when the illness began.
child may appear withdrawn andhesitant. This can limit the child's
ability to interact and may hinderintellectual development. Iron
All children have the right to
supplements for pregnant women
immunization. Even so, despite the
protect both women and their babies.
availability of vaccines and the efforts
Malaria and hookworm can cause or
of the Ministry of Health, the 2003 KDHS
worsen anaemia. Malaria can be
found that 27% of Kenyan infants reach
prevented by sleeping under a mosquito
their first birthday without being fully
net that has been treated with a
immunized against measles. All parents
recommended insecticide. Children
must be made aware of the importance
living in areas where worms are highly
of knowing why, when, where and how
endemic should be treated two to three
many times the child should be
times a year with a recommended
immunized. Parents also need to know
deworming medication. Good hygiene
that it is safe to immunize the child
practices help prevent worms.
even if the child has an illness or adisability or is suffering from
During an illness, children need to
continue to eat and drink
regularly. After an illness, children
Immunization is urgent. Every
need at least one extra meal every
child needs a series of
day for at least a week.
immunizations during the first
year of life. A child who is not
immunized is more likely to suffer
When children are sick, their
illness, become permanently
appetite decreases and their body uses
disabled, or become
the food they eat less effectively. If this
undernourished and die.
happens several times a year, the child'sgrowth will slow or stop. It is essentialto encourage a sick child to eat and
Why is immunization so important?
drink. This can be difficult, as children
Because immunization provides
who are ill may have no appetite. It is
protection against many dangerous
important to keep offering foods the
diseases – some of which are even more
child likes, a little at a time and as
dangerous for children. Besides measles,
often as possible. Extra breastfeeding is
immunizable diseases include
diphtheria, whooping cough (pertussis),
It is also essential to encourage a
polio, tetanus and others. These
sick child to drink as often as possible.
diseases can kill. Children who survive
Dehydration is a serious problem for
these diseases are weakened and may
children with diarrhoea. Drinking plenty
not grow well or may be permanently
of liquids will help prevent dehydration.
disabled. They may die later from
If illness and poor appetite persist for
malnutrition and other illnesses. All
Taking KEPH to the Community
children have the right to be protected
of malnutrition, poor mental
from these diseases.
development, and hearing and visual
Breast milk is the baby's "first
impairments. The signs that a child has
immunization". It helps to protect
measles are a fever and rash that have
against diarrhoea, ear and chest
lasted for three days or
infections, and other health problems.
more, together with a
The protection is greatest when breast
cough, a runny nose or
milk alone is given for the first six
red eyes. Measles can
months and breastfeeding continues well
cause death.
into the second year and beyond. No
other drinks or foods can provide this
everywhere, need to
be immunized against
Vitamin A also helps children fight
polio. The signs of
infections and prevents blindness. In
polio are a floppy limb
areas of vitamin A deficiency, children
or the inability to
aged six months and older should be
move. For every 200 children who are
given vitamin A capsules or liquid when
infected, one will be disabled for life.
they are immunized. Vitamin A is also an
Pregnant women need to be
important part of measles treatment.
immunized to protect themselves and
Immunizations should begin early –
their infants from tetanus, a major killer
in fact, some are given at birth. Half of
of newborn infants. Tetanus bacteria or
all deaths from whooping cough, a third
spores grow in dirty cuts. In certain
of all cases of polio and a quarter of all
situations mothers give birth in
deaths from measles occur in children
unhygienic conditions. If a pregnant
under one year old. It is essential that
woman is not immunized against tetanus
infants complete the FULL number of
and tetanus bacteria or spores enter her
immunizations — otherwise the vaccines
body, her life will also be at risk. These
may not work. The chart in Annex B
germs can also grow if the umbilical
summarizes the type and timing of
cord is cut with an unclean knife or if
immunization the child should receive
anything unclean touches the end of the
during the first year of life. The
cord. Any tool used to cut the cord
immunizations are most effective if they
should first be cleaned and then boiled
are given at the ages specified, or as
or heated over a flame and allowed to
close to those ages as possible.
cool. For the first week after birth, the
A child is immunized by vaccines,
baby's umbilical cord must be kept
which are injected or given by mouth.
The vaccines build up the child's
It is safe for a pregnant woman to
defences against disease. But
be immunized against tetanus. She
immunization only works if given
should be immunized according to this
BEFORE the disease strikes. If for any
reason a child has not had the full series
A First dose: As soon as she knows she
of immunizations in the first year of
is pregnant.
life, it is extremely important to have
A Second dose: One month after the
the child fully immunized as soon as
first dose, and no later than two
possible or during special National
weeks before her due date.
Immunization Days.
A Third dose: Six to 12 months after
All children need to be immunized
the second dose, or during the next
against measles, which is a major cause
Key Level 1 Health Messages
A Fourth dose: One year after the
hygiene practices or a lack of clean
third dose, or during a subsequent
drinking water, or when infants are not
breastfed. Infants who are fed only
A Fifth dose: One year after the
breast milk seldom get diarrhoea.
fourth dose, or during a subsequentpregnancy.
At six weeks of age, the baby needs
Diarrhoea kills children by
the first dose of DPT (diphtheria,
draining water from the body. As
pertussis and tetanus vaccine) to extend
soon as diarrhoea starts, give
the protection against tetanus.
extra fluids as well as regular
One of the main reasons why
foods and fluids to the child. A
parents do not bring a child for
child's life is in danger if there are
immunization is that the child has a
several watery stools within an
fever, a cough, a cold, diarrhoea or
hour or if there is blood in the
some other illness on the day the child
faeces. Seek immediate help from
is to be immunized. However, it is safe
a trained health worker.
to immunize a child who has a minorillness. It is safe to immunize all
A child who passes three or more
children including those who are
watery stools a day has diarrhoea. The
disabled or malnourished. After an
more numerous the watery stools, the
injection, the child may cry or develop a
more dangerous the diarrhoea. A child
fever, a minor rash or a small sore. This
with diarrhoea should be given drinks as
is normal. Breastfeed frequently or give
often as possible until the diarrhoea
the child plenty of liquids and foods. On
stops. Drinking lots of liquids helps to
the other hand, any child who develops
replace the fluids lost during diarrhoea.
a high fever after being vaccinated
Recommended drinks for a child with
should be taken to the health provider.
Breast milk (mothers should
breastfeed more often than usual)
Diarrhoeal diseases among children
under five account for over 4.7% of all
Fresh fruit juices
outpatient cases in Kenya. Dehydration
Weak tea with a little sugar
caused by severe diarrhoea is a major
cause of morbidity and mortality.
Clean boiled or filtered water from a
Children are more likely than adults to
die from diarrhoea because they become
Oral rehydration salts (ORS) mixed
dehydrated more quickly. About 1 in
with the proper amount of clean
every 200 children who contract
diarrhoea will die from it. The annualincidence of diarrhoea is 3.5 to 4.6
Diarrhoea usually cures itself in a
episodes per child per year, making it
few days. The real danger is the loss of
one the of top child killers.
liquid and nutrients from the child's
Diarrhoea is caused by germs that
body, which can cause dehydration and
are swallowed, especially germs from
malnutrition. A child with diarrhoea
faeces. This happens most often when
should never be given any tablets,
there is unsafe disposal of faeces, poor
antibiotics or other medicines unless
Taking KEPH to the Community
these have been prescribed by a trained
There are four major ways to limit
health worker. The best treatment for
the spread of diarrhoea:
diarrhoea is to drink lots of liquids and
Dispose of all faeces in a latrine or
oral rehydration salts (ORS) properly
toilet or bury them.
mixed with water.
Wash hands with soap or ash and
If ORS packets are not available,
water after contact with faeces.
dehydration can be treated by giving the
Use treated or boiled water for
child a drink made with four level
teaspoons of sugar and half a level
Thoroughly wash and dry then peel
teaspoon of salt dissolved in one litre of
all foods eaten raw and be sure all
clean boiled and cooled water. Be very
cooked foods are thoroughly done.
careful to mix the correct amounts, astoo much sugar can make the diarrhoea
A child with diarrhoea loses weight
worse and too much salt can be
and can quickly become malnourished. It
extremely harmful to the child. If the
is a mistake to think that a child who
mixture is made a little
has diarrhoea should
too diluted no harm
not be given much
can be done and there
A child is not fully
food. The opposite is
is very little loss of
recovered from diarrhoea
true. A child with
until he or she is at least
diarrhoea needs all the
Breastfed children
the same weight as when
food and fluid he or she
should breastfeed as
the illness began.
can take in addition to
often as possible, and
the extra fluids. Food
other children should
can help stop the
drink plenty of liquids every time a
diarrhoea and help the child recover
watery stool is passed. Drinks should be
more quickly. If the child is around six
given from a clean cup. If the child
months of age or older, parents and
vomits, wait for 10 minutes and then
caregivers should encourage the child to
begin again to give the drink to the child
eat as often as possible, offering small
slowly, small sips at a time.
amounts of soft, mashed foods or foods
The child should be given the extra
the child likes. These foods should
liquids until the diarrhoea has stopped.
contain a small amount of salt. Soft
If the diarrhoea lasts longer than one
foods are easier to eat and contain more
week, caregivers should seek help from
fluid than hard foods. Recommended
a trained health worker.
foods for a child with diarrhoea are
Parents should immediately seek
well-mashed mixes of cereals and beans,
help from a trained health worker if the
minced fish or well-cooked meat, rich
soups made with meat, beans or
Passes several watery stools in one
chicken, yoghurt, and fruits. One or two
teaspoons of oil can be added to cereal
Passes blood in the faeces
and vegetables. Foods should be freshly
Vomits frequently
prepared and given to the child five or
six times a day.
Is not able to drink/breastfeed
After the diarrhoea stops, extra
feeding is vital for a full recovery. At
this time, the child needs to eat an
Looks weak or is lethargic
extra meal a day, or breastfeed more
Has had diarrhoea for more than one
every day, for at least two weeks. This
Key Level 1 Health Messages
will help the child
Hands should always be washed with
replace the energy and
soap and water or ash and water after
nourishment lost due to
defecating, after cleaning the baby's
the diarrhoea. A child is
bottom, and immediately before feeding
not fully recovered from
children, handling food or eating. Young
diarrhoea until he or she
children frequently put their hands in
is at least the same
their mouths, so it is important to keep
weight as when the
the household area clean and to wash
illness began.
children's hands often with water and
Vitamin A capsules
soap or ash, especially before giving
and foods that contain
vitamin A help a child
Other hygiene measures can help to
recover from diarrhoea.
prevent diarrhoea:
Foods that contain
Food should be prepared and
vitamin A include breast
thoroughly cooked just before eating.
milk, liver, fish, dairy
Food left standing can collect germs
products, orange or yellow fruits and
that can cause diarrhoea.
vegetables like carrots, pumpkin,
After two hours cooked foods are
mangos and pawpaws, and green leafy
not safe unless they are kept very
hot or very cold.
Measles frequently causes severe
All refuse should be buried, burned
diarrhoea. Immunizing children against
or safely disposed of to stop flies
measles prevents this cause of diarrhoea.
from spreading disease.
Children and adults can swallow
germs that cause diarrhoea if faeces
touch the household's drinking water,food, hands, utensils or food preparation
Coughs and colds may be danger signs of
surfaces. Flies that settle on faeces and
more serious illnesses such as
then on food also transmit the germs
pneumonia or tuberculosis.
that cause diarrhoea. Covering food anddrinking water protects them from flies.
All faeces, even those of infants and
young children, carry germs and are
A child with a cough or cold
should be kept warm and
If children defecate without using
encouraged to eat and drink as
the latrine or toilet, their faeces should
much as possible. If the child is
be cleaned up immediately and put
breathing rapidly or has fever take
down the toilet or buried. Keeping
the child immediately to a health
latrines and toilets clean prevents the
facility for treatment.
spread of germs.
Babies and very young children lose
their body heat easily. When they have a
Wash your hands thoroughly with
cough or cold they should be kept
soap and water or ash and water
covered and warm. Children with
after contact with faeces, and
coughs, colds, runny noses or sore
before touching food or feeding
throats who are breathing normally can
be treated at home and will recoverwithout medicines. They need to be
Taking KEPH to the Community
kept warm, but not overheated, and be
The child is breathing much more
given plenty to eat and drink.
quickly than usual: for a child 2 to
Medication should be used only if
12 months old — 50 breaths a minute
prescribed by a health worker.
or more; for a child 12 months to 5
A child with a fever should be
years old — 40 breaths a minute or
sponged or bathed with cool but not
cold water. In areas where malaria is
The child is breathing with difficulty
common, the fever could be dangerous.
or gasping for air.
The child should be checked by a health
The lower part of the chest sucks in
worker immediately.
when the child breathes in, or it
The nose of a child with a cough or
looks as though the stomach is
cold should be cleared often, especially
moving up and down.
before the child eats or goes to sleep. A
The child has had a cough for more
moist atmosphere can make breathing
than two weeks.
easier, and it will help if the child
The child is unable to breastfeed or
breathes water vapour from a bowl of
hot but not boiling water.
The child vomits frequently.
A breastfed child who has a cough or
cold may have difficulty feeding. But
breastfeeding helps to fight the illnessand is important for the child's growth,
Malaria is the number one killer of
so the mother should continue to
children under five years in Kenya.
breastfeed often. If a child cannot
Seeking early and proper treatment for
suckle, the breast milk can be expelled
malaria is critical if malaria related
into a clean cup and the child can then
mortality is to be reduced. Delaying
be fed from the cup. Children who are
treatment or using the wrong treatment
not breastfed should be encouraged to
can lead to serious complications and
eat or drink small amounts frequently.
death. Most adults and caregivers of
When the illness is over, the child should
young children do not realize how
be given an extra meal every day for at
dangerous malaria is to children. They
least a week. The child is not fully
lack knowledge about appropriate
recovered until he or she is at least the
treatment of malaria, and don't
same weight as before the illness.
appreciate the importance of early and
Coughs and colds spread easily.
proper treatment.
People with coughs and colds shouldavoid coughing, sneezing or spitting near
children. If a health worker provides
Malaria is transmitted through
antibiotics to treat a bacterial infection,
mosquito bites. Sleeping under a
like pneumonia or strep throat, that
mosquito net treated with a
comes with the cough or cold it is
recommended insecticide prevents
important to follow the instructions
malaria. All children should sleep
carefully. Give the child all the medicine
under a treated mosquito net.
prescribed for as long as the instructionssay, even if the child seems better.
The child should be taken
All members of the community
immediately to a health clinic or a
should be protected against mosquito
trained health worker if any of the
bites, particularly young children and
following are present:
pregnant women, and especially
Key Level 1 Health Messages
between sunset and sunrise when
treatment is not completed, the malaria
mosquitoes are most active.
could become more severe and difficult
Mosquito nets, curtains or mats that
to cure. Children with a fever should be
are dipped in a recommended
kept cool for as long as the fever
insecticide kill mosquitoes that land on
them. Special, permanently treated
Sponging or bathing with cool (not
mats should be used, or nets, curtains or
cold) water.
mats that are regularly dipped in
Covering the child with only a few
insecticide. Usually, the nets need to be
clothes or one blanket.
retreated when the rains begin, at leastevery six months, and after every third
Malaria burns up energy, and the
wash. Trained health workers can advise
child loses a lot of body fluid through
on safe insecticides and re-treatment
sweating. The child should be offered
food and drink frequently to help
Babies and other small children
prevent malnutrition and dehydration.
should always sleep under a treated
Frequent breastfeeding prevents
mosquito net. If the nets are expensive,
dehydration and helps the child fight
the family should buy at least one big
infections, including malaria. Children
net, which the small children can sleep
with malaria should be breastfed as
under. Breastfed babies should sleep
often as possible.
with their mothers under a net. Treatedmosquito nets should be used
throughout the year, even during times
Families and communities can
when there are fewer mosquitoes.
prevent malaria by removing
standing pools of water and
cutting grass and bushes around
their dwellings to stop mosquitoes
A child with a fever should be
from breeding.
examined immediately by a trained
health worker and receive an
appropriate antimalaria treatment
Mosquitoes breed wherever there is
as soon as possible.
still water — for example in ponds,swamps, puddles, pits, drains, opencontainers, old tyres, hoof and tyre
Malaria should be suspected if
tracks, and the moisture on long grass
anyone in the family has a fever, or if
and bushes. They can also breed along the
young children refuse to eat or have
edges of streams and in water containers,
vomiting, drowsiness or fits. A child with
tanks and rice fields. The number of
a fever believed to be caused by malaria
mosquitoes can be reduced by:
needs to be given immediate antimalaria
Filling in or draining places where
treatment as recommended by a health
water collects.
worker. If children with a malarial fever
Covering water containers or tanks.
are not treated within a day, they may
Clearing bushes around houses.
die. A health worker can advise on whattype of treatment is best and how long
Malaria affects the whole
it should continue.
community. Everyone can work together
A child with malaria needs to take
to reduce the breeding places for
the full course of treatment, even if the
mosquitoes and to organize regular
fever disappears rapidly. If the
treatment of mosquito nets with
Taking KEPH to the Community
insecticide. Communities should ask all
Electrical shock from touching
health workers and political leaders in
broken electrical appliances or
their regions to help them prevent and
wires, or poking sticks or knives into
control malaria.
electric outlets.
Anything that may be dangerous for
active young children should be stored
The most common childhood injuries are
safely away, out of their reach. Children
falls, burns, drowning and road
should never be expected to work longhours or to do work that is hazardous or
accidents. Children between 18 months
interferes with schooling. Children must
and four years old are at high risk of
be protected from heavy labour,
serious injury and death. Most of these
dangerous tools and exposure to
injuries happen in or near the home.
Almost all can be prevented. Many
Burns and scalds are among the most
would be less serious if parents knew
common causes of serious injury among
what to do when an injury happens.
young children. Children need to beprevented from touching cooking stoves,
boiling water, hot food and hot irons.
Many serious injuries can be
Burns often cause serious injury and
prevented if parents and
permanent scarring, and some are fatal.
caregivers watch young children
The great majority of these are
carefully and keep their
preventable. Burns can be prevented by:
environment safe. Poisons,
Keeping young children away from
medicines, bleach, acid and liquid
fires, matches and cigarettes.
fuels such as paraffin (kerosene)
Keeping stoves and cookers on a
should never be stored in drinking
flat, raised surface out of the reach
bottles. All such liquids and
of children. If an open cooking fire
poisons should be kept in clearly
is used, it should be made on a
marked containers out of
raised mound of clay, not directly on
children's sight and reach.
Turning the handles of cooking potsaway from the reach of children.
The main causes of injuries in the
Keeping petrol, paraffin, lamps,
matches, candles, cigarette lighters,
Burns from fires, stoves, ovens,
hot irons and electric cords out of
cooking pots, hot foods, boiling
the reach of young children.
water, steam, hot fats, paraffinlamps, irons and electrical
Falls are a common cause of bruises,
broken bones and serious head injuries.
Cuts from broken glass, knives,
Serious falls can be prevented by:
scissors or axes.
Discouraging children from climbing
Falls from cots, windows, tables and
onto unsafe places.
Keeping the home clean.
Choking on small objects such ascoins, buttons or nuts.
Broken glass can cause serious cuts,
Poisoning from paraffin (kerosene),
loss of blood and infected wounds. Glass
insecticides, rat poison, bleach
bottles should be kept out of the reach
(e.g., Jik) and detergents.
of young children, and the house andplay area should be kept free of broken
Key Level 1 Health Messages
glass. Young children should be taught
and wheezing like in asthma. Fumes
not to touch broken glass; older children
from charcoal can kill. Keep the house
should be taught to dispose of any
well ventilated when cooking over a fire
broken glass safely.
or charcoal.
Knives, razors and
Poisoning is a serious danger to
Stop, look and
scissors should be
small children. Bleach (e.g., Jik), insect
and rat poison, paraffin (kerosene), and
crossing a road
household detergents can kill or perma-
w Stop at the side
nently injure a child. Many poisons do
of the road.
children should be
not need to be swallowed to be danger-
w Look both ways.
trained to handle
ous. They can kill, cause brain damage,
w Listen for cars
them safely. Sharp
blind or permanently injure if they:
or other vehicles
Are inhaled.
before crossing.
machinery and rusty
Get onto the child's skin or into the
tins can cause badly
w Hold the hand of
infected wounds.
Get onto the child's clothes.
another person.
w Walk, don't run,
If poisons are put in soft drink or
across the road.
kept clear of these
beer bottles, jars or cups, children may
objects. Household
drink them by mistake. All medicines,
refuse, including
chemicals and poisons should be stored
broken bottles and old tins, should be
in their original containers, tightly
disposed of safely.
sealed. Detergents, bleaches, chemicals
Very young children should not be
and medicines should never be left
given groundnuts (peanuts), hard
where children can reach them. They
sweets, or food with small bones or
should be tightly sealed and labelled.
seeds. Young children should always be
They should also be locked in a cupboard
supervised during meals. Cut or tear
or trunk or put on a high shelf where
children's food, especially meat, into
children cannot see or reach them.
small pieces. Coughing, gagging and
Medicines meant for adults can kill small
high-pitched, noisy breathing or the
children. Medicine should only be given
inability to make any sound at all
to a child if it was prescribed for that
indicate breathing difficulty and possible
child and never be given to a child if it
choking. Choking is a life-threatening
was prescribed for an adult or some
emergency. Caregivers should suspect a
other child. Overuse or misuse of
child is choking when he or she suddenly
antibiotics can cause deafness in small
has trouble breathing, even if no one
children. Medication should only be used
has seen the child put something into
as prescribed by the health worker.
the mouth. Do not think you will be able
Aspirin is a common cause of poisoning.
to hear the choking from another room –
It should be kept out of the reach and
often the child is unable to make a
sight of children.
A small child who falls into even just
Children should be protected from
inches of water can drown. Wells, tubs
smoke, fumes and other inhalations.
and buckets of water should be covered.
Some inhalations affect children's
Children should be taught to swim when
health. Inhalation of indoor smoke may
they are young as they will then be less
lead to chest problems in young
likely to drown. Children should be
children, e.g., difficulty in breathing
taught never to swim alone.
Taking KEPH to the Community
Road safety should be taught very
TB and Other Urgent
early in life. Nearly half of Kenya's many
road accident victims are pedestrians.
Young children do not think before they
Babies and small children can get very
run onto the road. Families need to
sick very quickly – sick enough to die if
watch them carefully. Children should
they are not treated promptly.
not play near the road, particularly if
Caregivers need to be alert to danger
they are playing with balls.
signs that mean the child is very ill and
Older children should be encouraged
needs immediate treatment.
to look after younger children and to seta good example. Bicycle accidents are afrequent cause of injury and death
among older children. Families can
All caregivers should be aware of
prevent bicycle accidents if they make
and watch for specific signs of
sure that children with bicycles are
serious problems in a baby aged
trained in road safety. If possible,
zero to 2 months. The signs are
children should wear helmets or
related to bacterial infection,
protective headgear when biking.
diarrhoea and breastfeeding
Children are at high risk of serious
difficulties. These problems can
injury if they travel in the front seat of
be fatal. The baby should be taken
a car or unsupervised on the back of a
immediately to the nearest health
pickup truck or lorry. Always ensure that
children use seat belts when travellingin a vehicle and that babies are strappedinto special baby carriers. (If a person
Major danger signs include:
can afford a car, they can afford a baby
A A bacterial infection
Community members should be
Umbilical discharge
sensitized on the need for extra care
Yellowness of the eyes
when children are on or near a road, for
example near a school. They should be
informed that children lack grown-up
spatial perception and cannot accurately
judge the distance or speed of an
A Breastfeeding problems - incorrect
approaching vehicle. An adult driver or
cyclist should never assume a child will
"get out of the way in time". Schools
Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused
near roads that children must cross should
by bacteria called Mycobacterium
organize "crossing guards" – adults who
tuberculosis. The bacteria usually attack
are empowered to stop traffic so that the
the lungs, but TB bacteria can attack
children can cross safely.
any part of the body such as the kidney,spine and brain. If not treated properly,TB disease can be fatal. TB is spread
Young children should be taught
through the air from one person to
their full names, the names of
another. Bacteria are released into the
their parents, where they live,
air when a person with active TB coughs
and the telephone numbers if
or sneezes. People nearby may breathe
any of caregivers or relatives.
in these bacteria and become infected.
Key Level 1 Health Messages
example, it's important to stimulate
your baby's sense of touch to improve
A child who has a cough lasting
emotional and physical growth. Babies
for two weeks or more should be
and small children respond to facial
taken for a TB test immediately.
expressions, hugs, and positive
Early diagnosis and prompt treat-
interaction. Parents need to recognize
ment is the only way to beat TB.
the importance of this early education.
Reading aloud and activities that
develop speech and language can all
People with active TB disease are
benefit a child by encouraging mental
most likely to spread it to people they
and physical development. Reading to
spend time with every day. This includes
your child also fosters speech and
family members, friends and co-workers.
language development. In fact, any
Babies, young children and people
loving, responsive, affectionate
infected with HIV have very weak
interactions will help your child develop
immune systems. This makes them prone
normally. (For more about early child-
to TB infection. Children born to
hood development, see Section 3.1.1.)
mothers with a chronic cough should bescreened for tuberculosis. If the motherhas TB, the baby should be protectedfrom TB by getting Isoniazid 5 mg/kg
3.2 Summary of Key
body weight for three months. If a child
Messages for Cohort 2
has a chronic cough, the family shouldbe screened for TB too.
1. Immunize all children during the
Refer to Annex C for guidelines on
first year of life to protect against
assessing a sick child, including major
danger signs.
2. Give all children Vitamin A
3.1.10 Schooling Begins at
3. Monitor the child's growth monthly
from birth to age two and thereafterwhen a child has a health problem.
The human brain reaches 90% of its
4. Recognize warning signs showing
adult size during the first five years of
that the child's growth and
life. Children may fall behind in both
development are faltering.
academic and social skills if during these
5. Give the child a proper mix of foods
years they are not exposed to the right
in 3–5 meals a day.
kinds of stimulation. Unfortunately, this
6. Provide stimulation and affection to
gap only gets wider as children grow
ensure social, physical and
7. Provide exclusive breastfeeding to
the infant for the first six months.
Young children need much more
8. Introduce weaning foods to infants
than just food to develop. They
from the age of six months, but
need lots of intellectual, emotional
continue breastfeeding through the
and physical stimulation.
child's second year and beyond.
9. Keep the child health card safe. It is
an important document that has all
There are many ways to encourage
the information about child
your child's early development. For
immunization and growth.
Taking KEPH to the Community
10. Remember that diarrhoea kills
worker and receive an appropriate
children by draining water from the
anti-malaria treatment as soon as
body, thus dehydrating the child. As
soon as diarrhoea starts, give the
16. Watch young children when they are
child extra fluids as well as regular
playing and keep their environment
safe to avoid accidents.
11. Give the child an extra meal a day
17. Do not use drinking bottles to store
for at least two weeks while
poisons, medicines, bleach, acid and
recovering from diarrhoea.
liquid fuels such as paraffin. All such
12. To prevent diarrhoea, wash hands
liquids and materials should be kept
thoroughly with soap or ash and
in clearly marked containers out of
water after contact with faeces and
children's sight and reach.
before touching food or feeding
18. Involve fathers in the care of their
13. Keep a child with cough or cold
warm and continue normal feedingand drinking.
14. All children should sleep under a
treated mosquito net to preventmosquito bites.
15. Have a child with a fever examined
immediately by a trained health
Key Level 1 Health Messages
4. COHORT 3: Late Childhood:
The challenges that affect the early years, the brain's ability to change
health of children aged 6–12
and grow is dramatic. It is important for
years are becoming similar to
parents to nurture their children‘s
those of adults. However, these children
curiosity from day one to foster normal
are also still susceptible to malaria
infection; they suffer from various worminfestations and they have a relativelyhigh risk of traumas and injuries (for
example, through child labour).
During the early and formative
years of a child's development it is
important to nurture and
4.1 Key Messages
encourage proper growth and
development. Children learn how
to behave by imitating the
The KEPH focus for this age-group is
behaviour of those closest to
mainly on school health programmes,
like de-worming, health education andthe promotion of physical activity(sports and various social activities). But
In school as in life, consistent
all parents and caregivers should know
support from parents is crucial to
that the child's education begins at
sustaining a confidence and sense of
home, and continues at home even after
achievement. Parents play a distinct
the child starts school.
role in their child's education. Anunderstanding of this role can help you
help your child step up to the challenges
Socialization of Young
of learning. By watching and imitatingothers, young children learn how to
interact socially. They learn what kindsof behaviour are and are not
High quality education in the early years
acceptable. The examples set by adults
makes a huge difference. Children who
and older children are the most
receive better early education are more
powerful influences in shaping a child's
likely to succeed in both school and in
behaviour and personality. Children
life. Early education creates connections
learn by copying what others do, not
in the brain that are important for
what others tell them to do. If adults
growth and socialization. During these
shout and behave violently, children will
Taking KEPH to the Community
learn this type of behaviour. If adults
child is protected from danger,
treat others with kindness, respect and
struggling to do something new and
patience, children will follow their
difficult is a positive step in the child's
development. All children need a variety
Children like to imitate. This should
of simple materials to play with that are
be encouraged as it develops the child's
suitable for their stage of development.
imagination. It also helps the child
Water, sand, cardboard cartons, wooden
understand and accept the ways other
building blocks, and pots and lids are
people behave.
just as good as toys bought from a shop.
Children are constantly changing and
developing new abilities. Caregivers
should pay attention to these changes
Encouraging children to play and
and follow the child's lead to help her or
explore helps them learn and
him develop more quickly.
develop socially, emotionally,
Getting into the habit of active
physically and intellectually.
physical activity early in life can preventmany problems later. Physical activity
Children play because it is fun, but
helps build and maintain healthy bones,
play is also key to their learning and
muscles and joints and can prevent or
development. Playing builds children's
delay the development of high blood
knowledge and experience and helps
pressure – which can even affect
develop their curiosity and confidence.
children and adolescents. Such activity
Children learn by trying things,
need not be strenuous to be beneficial.
comparing results, asking questions and
Moderate amounts of daily physical
meeting challenges. Play develops the
activity are recommended for people of
skills of language, thinking, planning,
all ages. This amount can be obtained in
organizing and decision making.
longer sessions of moderately intense
Stimulation and play are especially
activities, such as brisk walking for 30
important if the child has a disability.
minutes, or in shorter sessions of more
Parents can encourage emotional
intense activities, such as jogging.
development by playing games with
Playing ball, running races, even walking
their children. Girls and boys need the
to school and home again are all good
same opportunities for play and for
exercise for kids.
interaction with all family members.
Play and interaction with the father help
strengthen the bond between the father
Girls who are educated are more
and the child. Family members and
likely to delay sexual activity. If
other caregivers can help children learn
they are healthy and have a good
by giving them simple tasks with clear
diet during their childhood and
instructions, providing objects to play
teenage years, they will have fewer
with, and suggesting new activities – but
problems in pregnancy and
without dominating the child's play.
childbirth when the time comes.
Watch the child closely and follow her orhis ideas.
Caregivers need to be patient when
Being able to read and write helps
a very young child insists on trying to do
women protect their own and their
something unaided. Children learn from
family's health. Girls who have at least
trying until they succeed. As long as the
seven years of schooling are less likely
Key Level 1 Health Messages
sometimes travel to other sites in the
Be patient when a young child
body and cause problems there as well.
insists on trying to do something
Worms contribute to health problems in
unaided. Children learn from
both adults and children. A large number
trying until they succeed.
of tapeworms or round worms in theintestines may lead to intestinalobstructions, while hookworms may
to become pregnant during adolescence
cause anaemia. Pinworms may cause
and are more likely to marry later than
irritation and frequent itching of the
those with little or no education. A
nutritious diet during childhood andadolescence reduces problems inpregnancy and childbirth. A nutritious
diet includes beans and other pulses,
All children should be de-wormed
grains, green leafy vegetables, and red/
at least twice a year
yellow/orange vegetables and fruits.
Whenever possible, milk or other dairy
The common types of worms are:
products, eggs, fish, chicken and meat
round worms (ascaris), hookworms
should be included.
(ankylostoma), tapeworms (Taenia) and
Female genital mutilation (FGM) or
pinworms (also called threadworms,
female circumcision can be the cause of
oxyurae). All the worms except
sometimes major health problems. In
tapeworms can be treated with
traditional rites the girl or woman
mebendazole tablets. Tapeworms are
experiences severe pain, shock and
treated with niclosamide tablets.
sometimes severe bleeding. There is risk
To prevent intestinal worms advise
of infection, blood poisoning, tetanus
and gangrene. Other problems can be
Wear shoes or slippers (pata-pata).
lifelong. These may include urine
Wash their hands after defecating,
retention and associated urinary tract
before handling food and before
infections, obstruction of menstrual
flow and related reproductive tract
Use latrines, which should be
infections, infertility, prolonged and
located well away from sources of
obstructed labour, and psychological
pain. FGM may result in painful
Cook meat well, especially pork and
intercourse for both the man and the
woman because it interferes with thenormal elasticity of the vagina and thelubricating system. The opening is thus
too small and both parties experiencepain. The woman may also be injured.
Personal hygiene refers to the steps you
The Children Act of 2001 forbids the
take to keep your body clean and
procedure on girls under age 18.
healthy. Good hygiene keeps andpromotes the health of people and the
community. This means washing yourhands especially before eating anythingand after coming in contact with
Worms are extremely common. There
unclean items. Your body should be kept
are different types of worms, most of
clean by taking a bath at least once a
which live in the intestines but can
day if possible. Maintaining good
Taking KEPH to the Community
personal hygiene helps fight infection by
4.2 Summary of Key
removing substances that allow bacteriato grow from the surface of your skin.
Messages for Cohort 3
1. Ensure all children attend primary
Parents should support and
2. Ensure children receive an adequate
encourage their children to
balanced diet, three meals a day.
maintain good hygiene practices.
3. Respond to child's need for care by
playing and talking with them, and
Practices that children should
providing a stimulating environment
to promote mental and
Washing hands frequently especially
before eating and after visiting the
4. Seek health care as soon as an
illness appears or is suspected.
Taking a bath at least once a day:
5. Insist that children sleep under ITNs
Bathing/showering removes dirt,
to prevent malaria.
dead skin cells and body odour.
6. Treat all drinking water at the point
Brushing teeth after every meal:
Regular brushing of the teeth keeps
7. Wash hands after visiting toilets and
your mouth and gums healthy, so
before eating in school and at home.
you can keep your breath odour-
8. Introduce sexuality education at
focal points (home, church and
Eating healthy foods.
Getting enough sleep.
9. Follow the instructions given at the
health facility for each service.
Key Level 1 Health Messages
5. COHORT 4: Adolescence and
Youth (13–24 Years)
During adolescence, new threats professionals that messages targeted at
to healthy development pose
this specific age group need to be
themselves. These are in
different and adapted to their culture
particular related to behaviour changes,
and lifestyle.
like sexuality (STIs, HIV/AIDS and risk ofearly pregnancy), drug and substance
abuse (alcohol and tobacco), andgeneral professional development
According to Kenya's Adolescent
Reproductive Health and DevelopmentPolicy (ARHDP, 2003), adolescents (youngpeople aged 10–19 years) constitute
5.1 Key Messages
25.9% of Kenya's population. They oftenlack the means to begin taking
KEPH emphasizes services that are
responsibility for their own reproductive
specifically targeted for this age group:
health because they do not fully
like the provision of reproductive health
understand or appreciate the changes in
information and counselling and
their bodies and may need reassurance
contraceptives if necessary, voluntary
and support.
counselling and testing (VCT) centres for
Information and education on sexual
testing HIV prevalence, promotion of
and reproductive health is important for
anti-tobacco and drinking habits, and
adolescents. They need accurate and
the establishment of youth-friendly
appropriate information to help them
services within existing health facilities.
understand their sexuality and the
The need for such centres comes from
reproductive process as they grow to
the growing realization among health
help them make sound decisions.
Too Young for Sex?
Prevention is the most
The ARHDP also reports that adolescence
effective strategy against the
is associated with many adverse health
spread of HIV/AIDS. Every
outcomes that include pregnancy,
person in every community
abortion, sexually transmitted diseases
unit should know how to avoid
including HIV/AIDS. All of these can have
getting and spreading the
a devastating effect on the health and
lives of the young.
Taking KEPH to the Community
economic responsibilities. Millions of
adolescents are sexually active. These
Early childbearing, unsafe
adolescents are likely to have sex
abortion and STDs threaten
without using modern contraceptives or
adolescents' health and future
protection against STDs and pregnancy.
fertility. Delay sex, delay
Sexuality Education
Sexuality education programmes can be
effective in teaching young people
Adolescents are more likely to
important decision making and
experience pregnancy related
communication skills, which will help
complications than are older women. A
them resist peer pressure to have sex
key reason for this is that young
and make responsible decisions about
women's bodies may not be mature
initiating sex. Sex education does not
enough to handle the stress of
increase sexual activity. In fact, sex
pregnancy and childbirth. Women below
education can delay the start of sexual
age 20 are especially likely to suffer
activity and lead to protective
from pre-eclampsia and eclampsia,
behaviour once sexual activity begins.
obstructed labour, and iron deficiencyanaemia. Young women are also atgreater risk of developing fistulae as a
result of prolonged labour occasioned by
Sexually active adolescents should
their smaller pelvic size.
choose a method that they can
STD and reproductive tract infection
use successfully and that protects
rates are particularly high among young
them from both pregnancy and
people. STDs not only cause illness that
can interfere with a young person'seducation or employment, but also cancause infertility.
The safest way to prevent pregnancy
Unsafe abortion contributes
and disease is to avoid sexual
significantly to maternal morbidity and
intercourse. Many adolescents lack the
mortality among adolescents in Kenya.
skills necessary for abstinence or
The majority seeking care for unsafe
successful method use or lack the
abortion complications are below 25
discipline to use a method consistently.
years (ARHDP, 2003).
They may need special counselling about
Pregnant adolescents may be denied
how to avoid pregnancy and STDs. For
important opportunities. Compared with
those who are sexually active, male and
a woman who delays childbearing until
female condoms, used correctly and
her twenties, a woman who has her first
consistently, provide the best protection
child before age 17 is likely to receive
against STDs while also preventing
less education, be out of work, have a
lower paying job and be separated from
To help ensure contraceptive use
her partner. Young, unmarried women
among sexually active adolescents,
have sometimes been forced to turn to
contraceptive information, counselling
prostitution to support themselves and
and services must be readily and easily
their children.
For young men, early fatherhood can
disrupt educational plans and increase
Abstinence has no side effects.
Key Level 1 Health Messages
available. Youth-friendly services are a
membranes (eyes, vagina, etc.). There
priority of KEPH, so that more and more
are basically three ways HIV is
adolescents are expected to have access
transmitted: through unprotected sexual
to such services.
intercourse (vaginal, anal or oral) withan infected person; through contact
with blood or other body fluids; and
According to the ARHDP, adolescents are
from an infected mother to a child in
very vulnerable to HIV/AIDS infection.
the womb, during labour and birth, or
About 20% of all reported new AIDS
patients are young people aged 15-24
In Kenya the most common mode of
years. Young women aged 15-19 years
transmission is unprotected sexual
are more than twice as likely to be
intercourse. Other common ways of
infected as males in the same age
spreading HIV are by using unsterilized
needles and syringes (most often thoseused for injecting drugs), razor blades,knives or other instruments for
injecting, cutting or piercing the body,
AIDS is an incurable but
and through transfusions of infected
preventable disease. HIV, the
blood. All blood for transfusions should
virus that causes AIDS, is spread
be screened for HIV.
through unprotected sex;
It is NOT possible to get HIV/AIDS
transfusions of unscreened blood;
just by touching those who are infected.
from an infected woman to her
Hugging, shaking hands, coughing and
child during pregnancy, birth and
sneezing will not spread the disease. HIV
breastfeeding; and contact with
cannot be transmitted through latrines
contaminated body fluids such as
or toilet seats, telephones, plates,
with the re-use of contaminated
glasses, eating utensils, or swimming
needles and syringes.
pools. It is not spread by mosquitoes,flies or other insects.
AIDS is caused by the human
School-aged children should be
immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which
provided with age-appropriate
damages the body's defence system.
information on HIV/AIDS and life skills
People infected with HIV usually live for
before they become sexually active.
years without any signs of the disease.
Education at this stage has been shown
They may look and feel healthy, but
to delay sexual activity and to teach
they can still pass on the virus to others.
AIDS is the late stage of HIV infection.
For those living with or affected by
People who have AIDS grow weaker
HIV/AIDS, care and compassion are
because their bodies lose the ability to
needed. Measures should be taken to
fight off illnesses. In adults, AIDS
remove the social, cultural and political
develops 7 to 10 years after infection,
barriers that block access to HIV/AIDS
on average. AIDS is not curable, but new
medicines can help people with AIDS livehealthier for longer periods.
Voluntary Counselling and Testing
HIV is contained in blood, semen,
HIV counselling and testing can help in
vaginal fluid and other body fluids, and
the early detection of HIV infection and
is most likely to be infectious if it
in enabling those who are infected to
contacts sores, cuts or mucous
get the support services they need,
Taking KEPH to the Community
manage other infectious diseases they
might have, and learn about living with
mature women.
HIV/AIDS and how to avoid infecting
others. Counselling and testing can also
help those who are not infected to
targeted by older
remain uninfected through education
about safer sex.
with little or no
sexual experience
Everyone who is sexually active
less likely to be
should contact a health worker or
go to a voluntary counselling and
testing (VCT) centre to receive
Girls have the right to refuse
confidential counselling and
unwanted and unprotected sex. Parents
testing for HIV.
and teachers should discuss this issuewith girls and boys to make them aware
If the result of an HIV/AIDS test is
of girls' rights, to teach boys to respect
negative, this means the person tested
girls as equals, and to help girls avoid or
is not infected or it is too early to
defend themselves against unwanted
detect the virus. The HIV blood test may
sexual advances.
not detect the virus during the first sixmonths after infection. The test should
be repeated six months after any
Parents and teachers can help
possible exposure to HIV. Since an
young people protect themselves
infected person can transmit the virus at
from HIV/AIDS by talking with
any time, it is important to always use a
them about how to avoid getting
condom during sex or to avoid
and spreading the disease,
including the correct and
Families and communities should
consistent use of male or female
demand and support confidential HIV/
AIDS counselling, testing andinformation to help protect adults andchildren from the disease. It is possible
Young people need to be informed
to stop HIV from spreading to the next
that there is no vaccination and no cure
generation if young people know the
for HIV/AIDS. They need to understand
facts about HIV transmission, if they
that prevention is the only protection
abstain from sex, and if they have
against the disease. Young people also
access to condoms if they don't abstain.
need to be empowered to refuse sex.
HIV rates are much higher among
Condoms can save lives by preventing
teenage girls than teenage boys.
the sexual transmission of HIV. Everyone
Teenage girls are more susceptible to
has the right to voluntary and
HIV infection because:
confidential counselling and testing for
Young girls may not understand the
HIV/AIDS and the right to be protected
risk or may be unable to protect
from discrimination of any kind related
themselves from sexual advances.
to their HIV/AIDS status.
Their vaginal membranes are thinner
HIV can be spread by unsterilized
and more susceptible to infection
needles or syringes, such as those used
Key Level 1 Health Messages
for injecting drugs. Used razor blades,
hospital. Women who are raped should
knives, or tools that cut or pierce the
also seek post-exposure prophylaxis as
skin also carry some risk of spreading
soon as possible after the assault.
HIV. Nothing should be used to pierce a
person's skin unless
Other Sexually Transmitted
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Injections should be
are infections that are spread through
sexual contact, either through the
exchange of body fluids (semen, vaginal
and other STIs.
fluid or blood) or by contact with the
child or adult being
skin of the genital area (particularly if
there are lesions such as blisters,
or fully sterilized needle and syringe
abrasions or cuts, often caused by the
should be used. Sharing needles and
STI itself).
syringes with anyone, including familymembers, may transmit HIV or otherlife-threatening diseases. No one should
share needles or syringes. Parents should
Young people who have a sexually
ask the health worker to use a new or
transmitted infection (STI) are at
sterilized needle for every person.
greater risk of getting HIV and of
Any kind of cut using an unsterilized
spreading HIV to others. People
object such as a razor or knife can
with STIs should seek prompt
transmit HIV. The cutting instrument
treatment and avoid sexual
must be fully sterilized for each person,
intercourse or practice safer sex.
including family members, or rinsed withbleach and/or boiling water. Any instru-
STIs often cause serious physical
ment that is used to cut a newborn's
suffering and damage. Some can be
umbilical cord must be sterilized.
passed to the baby during pregnancy or
Particular care should be taken when
birth. Any STI, such as gonorrhoea or
handling the placenta and any blood
syphilis, can increase the risk of
from the delivery. Protective (latex)
catching or transmitting HIV. Persons
gloves should be used if available. Great
suffering from an STI have a 5 to 10
care should be taken to avoid splashing
times higher risk of becoming infected
blood in the eyes during delivery.
with HIV if they have unprotected sexual
Equipment for dental treatment,
intercourse with an HIV-infected person.
tattooing, facial marking, ear piercing
Women often have few or no
and acupuncture is not safe unless the
symptoms of sexually transmitted
equipment is sterilized for each person.
The person performing the procedureshould take care to avoid any contactwith blood during the procedure.
Health workers or family members
Parents can help young people
who are accidentally exposed to HIV
protect themselves from risky
contaminated body fluids should
behaviours by having regular
immediately seek post-exposure
communication with them on such
prophylaxis (treatment with anti-
retroviral medication) at the district
Taking KEPH to the Community
Young people need to understand
develop a dependency, moving on to
the possible consequences of risky
more dangerous drugs and causing
behaviours of all types. Parents,
significant harm to themselves and
guardians or the person in the
possibly others.
community in charge of rites of passagecan warn young people about the risksof HIV/AIDS, other STIs and unplanned
pregnancy. Traditional cultures can make
Parents should talk with their
it awkward for parents to discuss sexual
children early and often about the
issues with their children. One way to
dangers of drug and substance
begin the discussion with school-aged
abuse. Never assume that "my
children is to ask them what they have
child" would never do drugs.
heard. If any of their information iswrong, take the opportunity to provide
Parents can help keep their children
them with the correct information.
from drug abuse by being good role
Talking with and listening to young
models, ensuring open communication
people is very important.
with their children, and starting early to
Parents who are uncomfortable with
educate their children about the dangers
such discussions should ask a teacher, a
of using drugs. But, they should also
relative or someone who is good at
recognize that for some young people
discussing sensitive issues for advice on
peer pressure can very quickly undo
how to talk to the child about this.
years of parental teaching. Parents need
Community health workers should share
to know the risk factors, signs of drug
information on sexuality and HIV/AIDS
use and where to get help.
regularly with parents. This will helpclarify issues received from various
Who Is At Risk?
Teenagers at risk of developing seriousalcohol and drug problems include
Drug and Substance
With a familyhistory of
A drug is any chemical that produces a
therapeutic or non-therapeutic effect in
the body. Most foods are not drugs.
Alcohol is a drug not a food. Some drugs
used to treat illness can also be abused
if they are not used for the specific
purpose of treatment. Teenagers may
they don't fit in
become involved in drug abuse during
or are out of the
adolescence when they feel immune to
talk to the child
the problems others face. This feeling is
about this issue.
bolstered by peer pressure from others
in the group, i.e., the need to be
identified with the group.
Youth who use alcohol and tobacco
tobacco, prescribed medications (such
at a young age are prone to using other
as diazepam), inhalants (glue),
drugs later. Some teenagers will
marijuana (bhang), cocaine and heroin.
experiment and stop; others will
Key Level 1 Health Messages
Signs That a Young Person May Be
youth do not get proper and nutritious
foods, then chances of developing these
Uncharacteristic withdrawal from
diseases in later years increase.
family activities
All young people should eat a
The appearance of new and
undesirable friends
Problems in school
Uncharacteristic moodiness – from
pressure can very
being extremely dejected to
extremely elated or energetic
years of parental
Spells of being abnormally hungry
(even for a growing teenager)
The disappearance of money or
sellable objects from the house
giving foods (carbohydrates and oils). Inthis way they will consume the
Consequences of Drug Abuse
appropriate mix of proteins, starches,
The consequences can be both
vitamins and minerals. Besides
immediate and long term. They include:
contributing to growth and a good
Chronic addiction
energy level, a balanced diet protects
the body from illnesses.
Accidents due to poor judgment
Criminal or socially undesirable
All youth require sufficient
behaviour to raise money to pay for
nutritionally balanced foods for
their growth and development,
Unplanned and unsafe sex
both mental and physical. Since
Possible permanent brain damage
the youth are in a critical
developmental phase, the amount
Substance Abuse Treatment
of food available to them should
Early recognition of problems is one key
be increased.
to overcoming them. If there is anysuspicion that there is a problem,parents must find the most appropriate
way to help their child. Parents areencouraged to consult with a mental
Mental health can be described as the
health professional when making
balance between the individual, their
decisions about substance abuse
social group and the larger environment.
treatment for children or adolescents.
When the three components are inharmony the individual has a sense of
Nutrition for the Youth
wellbeing, and of being able to handleenvironmental issues and social
Young people are growing and changing
concerns. The changes occurring in our
rapidly. Healthy eating is essential for
societies have both positive and
proper growth and development. Proper
negative aspects. Some of these changes
nutrition also reduces the risks of heart
have led to role reversals, e.g., women
disease, some cancers and stroke. If the
become sole breadwinners after their
Taking KEPH to the Community
spouses migrate to urban areas looking
illness is not considered a real medical
for jobs. These changes may lead to
condition, but is viewed as a weakness
insecurity in some people, causing
of character or as a punishment for
nervousness, uneasiness, restlessness,
immoral behaviour. Young people are
tension, and sleeplessness. All these
expected to "grow out of it". Even when
symptoms are signs of anxiety.
people with mental disorders are
Kenyan youth are often under
recognized as having a medical
tremendous pressure – to succeed in
condition, the treatment they receive is
school so as to pass make-or-break
often less than humane. People with
national examinations, to find a job and
mental illness are also thought to be
earn a living in an economy that is not
violent and they often invoke fear
generating sufficient employment
despite the fact that they are far more
opportunities, to find some balance
likely to be the victims of violence
between traditional and modern
rather than the perpetrators.
lifestyles, to keep up with "trendy"friends and schoolmates, to resist the
Signs of Mental Illness
lure of risky behaviours. The pressures
Irritability with slightest or
are sometimes enough to cause
sometimes no provocation
depression, anxiety, and behaviour and
Neglect of health and personal
eating problems. Suicides among Kenyan
youth are distressingly common.
Bouts of hyperactivity
Lack of appetite or eating too much
Any person having difficulties in
Withdrawal from normal activities
performing simple chores at home
A feeling of hopelessness and
and in work places as well as
relating to people should be taken
Feeling tired and generally without
to a health worker for
Inability to find pleasure
Sleeping too much or not enough
Comments about feeling useless and
People presenting with symptoms of
committing suicide
anxiety need to be reassured andencouraged to continue with their life as
best as possible.
Enlist the aid of a trusted teacher,
People with mental disorders are
relative, church/mosque elder or
some of the most neglected people in
other to try to talk to the young
the world. In many communities, mental
person who appears to be sufferingfrom a mental or emotional illness.
Someone outside the family is likely
Kenyan youth are often under
to have more success in getting a
tremendous pressure – pressure
that is sometimes enough to cause
w Encourage the young person to talk
to a health worker.
depression, anxiety, and
w Be prepared to be involved in the
behaviour and eating problems.
Suicides among Kenyan youth are
w Do not disregard any threats or
comments about suicide.
Key Level 1 Health Messages
5.2 Summary of Key
8. Avoid the use of alcohol, cigarettes
Messages for Cohort 4
9. Involve both parents in the care of
their adolescents and in
1. Seek health care as soon as an
reproductive health of the family.
illness appears or is suspected.
10. Encourage parents to discuss
2. Sleep under ITNs to prevent malaria.
sexuality issues with their
3. Treat water at point of use.
4. Remember that abstinence is the
11. Prevent unwanted pregnancy
safest way to prevent STDs and HIV
through family planning.
12. Encourage (or take) any person
5. Delay sexual engagement as long as
depicting major attitude or lifestyle
changes to see a health worker for
6. Use protection during sex if one
review and advice.
must have sex.
7. Follow all the instructions given at
the health facility for each service.
Taking KEPH to the Community
6. COHORT 5: Adults
The health of adults is threatened know what is expected of them, but for
both by well-known infections
others there are no roadmaps through
like malaria, TB, STIs and HIV/
all these changes. Staying healthy when
AIDS, and by non-communicable diseases
both you and your environment are
like heart diseases, cancer and diabetes.
constantly changing is a big challenge.
Trauma, accidents and stress also plagueadults. It is for this age-group that KEPH
emphasizes the necessity of adopting ahealthy lifestyle: stop smoking, do
Members of this age cohort are the ones
exercises or sports, eat a balanced diet
most likely to be sexually active –
regularly, avoid stress, avoid unsafe
whether in permanent or temporary
sexual encounters.
relationships. They are therefore atrelatively greater risk of contractingsexually transmitted infections including
6.1 Key Messages
HIV. Because the majority of people ofthis age are also parents and
This age cohort represents the widest
breadwinners and thus in highly
span in years of the human life cycle. At
responsible roles, it is important for
the lower end members are usually full
them to avoid infection for the sake of
of energy, getting married or looking,
their own health and the welfare of
and settling into a job or profession. As
those who depend on them.
the years go by there are many changes– the newlyweds become parents, jobs
change, relationships change, bodies
People who have a sexually
age. Many people continue to live a
transmitted infection (STI) are at
relatively traditional life, where they
greater risk of getting HIV and of
spreading HIV to others. People
Most people in this cohort are
with STIs should seek prompt
parents and breadwinners, so it
treatment and avoid sexual
is important for them to avoid
intercourse or practice safer sex.
infection for the sake of theirown health and the welfare of
People who suspect that they have
those who depend on them.
an STI should seek prompt treatment
Key Level 1 Health Messages
from a health worker in order to bediagnosed and get treatment. They
The ABCs of Safer Sex
should avoid sexual intercourse or
practise safer sex (non-penetrative sex
B – Be faithful to a single
or sex using a condom). If found to have
partner whose only partner
an STI, they should tell their partner. If
both partners are not treated for an STI,
C – Condomize! Use a condom
they will continue infecting each other
with the STI. Most STIs are curable.
D – Don't take chances!
A man infected with an STI may
have pain or discomfort while urinating;discharge from his penis; or sores,
one of them will have HIV/AIDS and pass
blisters, bumps and rashes on the
it on. However, anyone can have HIV/
genitals or inside of the mouth. A
AIDS — it is not restricted to those who
woman infected with an STI may have
have many sex partners. And an infected
discharge from the vagina that has a
person may look completely healthy. A
strange colour or bad smell, pain or
blood test is the most accurate way to
itching around the genital area, and pain
tell if someone is infected with HIV.
or unexpected bleeding from the vagina
A person can become infected
during or after intercourse. More severe
through even one occasion of
infections can cause fever, pain in the
unprotected penetrative sex (sex
abdomen and infertility. However, many
without a condom). Unless partners have
STIs in women produce no symptoms at
sex only with each other and are sure
all — and some STIs in men also may not
that they are both uninfected, they
have any noticeable symptoms.
should practise safer sex or use a new
Also, not every problem in the
latex condom for every act of vaginal
genital area is an STI. There are some
and anal intercourse. Condoms should
infections, such as candidiasis (yeast)
never be re-used.
and urinary tract infections, that are
Condoms with lubrication already on
not spread by sexual intercourse but
them are less likely to tear during
cause great discomfort in the genital
handling or use. If the condom is not
lubricated enough, a "water-based"lubricant, such as silicone or glycerine,should be added. If such lubricants are
not available, saliva can be used.
The risk of getting HIV through
Lubricants made from oil or petroleum
sex can be reduced if people don't
(e.g., vaseline) should never be used
have sex, if they reduce the
because they can damage the condom. A
number of sex partners and if
safe alternative to the male condom is
they use a condom. Correct and
the female condom. The female condom
consistent use of condoms can
is a soft, loose-fitting polyurethane
save lives by preventing the spread
sheath that lines the vagina. It has a
soft ring at each end. The ring at theclosed end is used to put the device
Mutual fidelity between two
inside the vagina and to hold it in place
uninfected partners protects them both
during sex. The other ring stays outside
from HIV/AIDS. The more sex partners
the vagina and partly covers the labia.
people have, the greater the risk that
Before sex begins, the woman inserts
Taking KEPH to the Community
in certain age groups. Among the
When health problems are
diseases that can be detected through
detected early before advancing
check ups are hypertension, diabetes
into serious conditions, then
and cancers (cervix, breast, prostate,
remedial actions can be taken
rectum, lung, etc.).
through lifestyle changes,treatment or surgical
All adults over 25 years should
undergo regular check ups for
the female condom with her fingers.
ailments that may present in later
Unlike the male condom, the female
years especially due to lifestyle
condom can be used with any lubricant
changes. Check ups should be
— whether water-based, oil-based or
carried out at least once a year.
petroleum-based — because it is madefrom polyurethane.
Precautions against Common
Drinking alcohol or taking drugs
interferes with judgment. Even those
In addition to regular medical check ups,
who understand the risks involved and
adults need to remember guard against
the importance of safer sex may become
the routine ailments that are common in
careless after drinking or using drugs.
Kenya. They should sleep under ITNs toprevent malaria and use only boiled or
Routine Health Care
treated water for drinking.
Adults can do many things to take
responsibility for their own good health.
Physical activity is one of the most
Having regular medical check ups, taking
important things you can do to maintain
care to prevent malaria and water-borne
your physical and mental health and
diseases, getting enough physical
quality of life as you get older. Walking,
exercise, eating right, and avoiding or
stretching and keeping your muscles in
limiting stress are among the important
good condition will help you to maintain
steps to take.
your independence. Inactivity makesyour body age faster. To stay
Regular Check Ups
independent you need to be able to
Health check ups assist in detecting
bend, lift, carry things and move around
health conditions that might develop
easily. Inactivity leads to declines in
into chronic health problems later in
bone strength, muscle strength, heart
life. The earlier we start going for these
and lung fitness, and flexibility.
check ups, the better for our health aswe grow older. When health problemsare detected early before advancing into
serious conditions, then remedial
To maintain your health and
actions can be taken through lifestyle
independence as you grow older
changes, treatment or surgical
you need to keep yourself active.
Physical activity ensures that your
During check ups different tests are
body organs function effectively
carried out depending on the age of the
due to the stimulus in your
person, since some diseases are common
Key Level 1 Health Messages
Being active reduces the risk of:
Tuberculosis is a disease that usually
Falls and injuries
attacks the lungs (80%), but can affect
Heart disease, high blood pressure,
almost any part of the body except the
hair and the nails.
Adult-onset diabetes
Tuberculosis is a curable disease
if it is diagnosed and treated
early, regardless of the HIV
In rural areas getting exercise is not
likely to be a problem – farming, tending
The difference between HIV and TB
livestock, walking to the market and
is that one of them – TB – can be
other activities help keep a person fit. If
you do not do these things, make a
If you have been coughing for two
conscious effort to stay active by
weeks or more, go for a TB test
spending at least 30 minutes a day doing
physical activity that makes you sweat.
Curing TB is a personal choice even
Some specific points to remember are:
for a person with HIV.
Start slowly and build up.
Early diagnosis and prompt treat-
Do gentle reaching, bending and
ment is the only way to beat TB.
HIV does not mean TB and TB does
Lift weights, do resistance activities.
not mean HIV.
Do the activities you are doing now,
Find out what you have. If it is TB, it
can be cured. Act fast.
Take the stairs instead of the lift.
Once hope replaces fear, TB can be
Walk instead of drive for short
If you have been coughing for two
More than a third of Kenyans are
weeks or more, go for a TB test
infected with the organism that causes
immediately. Early diagnosis and
TB (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). Most
prompt treatment is the only way
of these people will never develop TB
disease because their immune (defence)systems are strong enough to prevent
TB is spread through air by a sick
the bacteria from multiplying and
person through coughing, sneezing,
causing disease. If the immune system is
singing or even speaking to a healthy
weakened, for example by HIV infection,
person who then inhales the TB
the infection can eventually lead to
bacteria. TB usually enters the body
disease. Since an estimated 7% of
through the lungs. TB in the lungs or
Kenyans are currently infected with HIV,
throat can be very infectious. This
a large number of Kenyans are likely to
means that the bacteria can be easily
be infected with both HIV and TB. These
passed on to other people. TB in other
individuals have a considerably higher
parts of the body, such as the kidney or
risk of developing TB disease.
spine, is usually not infectious. TB
Taking KEPH to the Community
patients with bacteria in their sputum
6.2 Summary of Key
(smear positive TB) are the sources ofinfection. Therefore all patients
Messages for Cohort 5
presenting with cough for two weeks ormore should have three sputum samples
1. Remember that all people are at risk
collected for examination.
of HIV/AIDS; use condoms to reduce
HIV-positive people can easily be
screened for TB. If they are infected
2. If you suspect that you might be
they can be given prophylactic
infected with HIV, contact a health
treatment to prevent development of
worker or a VCT centre to receive
the disease or curative drugs if they
confidential counselling and testing.
already have the disease. TB patients
3. Reduce the risk of getting HIV
can be offered an HIV test.
through sex by not having sex at all
TB is curable even in people living
or by being faithful to one partner.
with HIV, as long as the diagnosis is
4. Parents and teachers, help young
made early and treatment is prescribed
people protect themselves from
and taken properly (right regimen, right
HIV/AIDS by talking with them about
dosage and right duration of treatment).
how to avoid getting and spreading
The treatment is free at all government
the disease.
facilities and in some designated health
5. Discuss sexuality and HIV/AIDS with
facilities, e.g., mission hospitals, where
children early enough.
TB services are offered. Duration of TB
6. Get information on lifestyle related
treatment ranges from 6 to 8 months.
For better adherence to TB
7. Check regularly for non-communi-
treatment, it is recommended that
cable illnesses like diabetes,
every TB patient should have a
hypertension, cholesterolaemia, etc.
treatment supporter. TB patients can get
8. Seek health care as soon as illness
their drugs daily from the nearby health
appears or is suspected.
facility or from the community
9. Sleep under ITNs to prevent malaria.
(community-based directly observed
10. Treat drinking water at the point of
treatment, short course – DOTS).
Key Level 1 Health Messages
7. COHORT 6: Elderly Persons
Elderly people suffer from various
chronic diseases, like
hypertension (high blood
Try to be physically active every
pressure), disabilities (eyes, ears),
degenerative diseases (problems withwalking, backaches, etc.) and mentaldisorders. For this age group KEPH calls
If at all possible moderate physical
for regular medical screenings,
activity should be part of an older
promotion of healthy lifestyles
adult's daily routine to help prevent
(exercises, sports, social activities) and
conditions such as obesity, hypertension,
access to drugs for degenerative
diabetes and coronary artery disease.
Most adults need to participate in up to30 minutes of moderate to vigorousphysical activity on most days to
7.1 Key Messages
prevent unhealthy weight gain.
Persons aged 65 and older are at high
risk for complications that require
Increase daily intake of fruits and
hospitalization. Elderly persons are less
vegetables, whole grains, and
able to fight new infections because
reduced-fat milk and milk
their immune systems become weaker
with age. They may suffer visual orbalance problems that lead to falls. And
Fruits are important sources of fibre
they may be less likely to eat a good
and at least eight additional nutrients,
balanced diet. All these factors combine
including vitamin C, folate and
to threaten the health of older people.
potassium (which may help control bloodpressure). Many vegetables provide only
small amounts of sugars and/or starch,
Seek regular medical check ups and
some are high in starch, and all provide
information on old age conditions.
fibre. Vegetables are important sources
Follow the instructions given at
of many nutrients, including potassium,
the health facility to the end and
folate, and vitamins A and E. Most fruits
seek health care as soon as an
and vegetables are also relatively low in
illness appears or is suspected.
calories – which is important to think
Taking KEPH to the Community
about since many people gain undesirable
sodium; it is important to also take care
amounts of weight as they get older.
to reduce other sources of sodium.
Older adults who increase their fruit
Another dietary measure to lower
and vegetable consumption to meet
blood pressure is to consume a diet rich
recommended nutrient levels will also
in potassium. A potassium-rich diet
be reducing their risk of such chronic
blunts the effects of salt on blood
diseases as stroke. Moreover, increased
pressure, may reduce the risk of
consumption of fruits and vegetables is
developing kidney stones, and possibly
generally regarded as an important
decreases bone loss with age. Bananas
approach to achieving and sustaining
and oranges are important sources of
weight loss.
Women over age 50 need to be sure
they get enough calcium in their diet toprotect their bones.
7.2 Summary of Key
Blood pressure generally increases as
people get older. Reducing blood
Messages for Cohort 6
pressure, ideally to the normal range,reduces the chance of developing a
1. Seek health care as soon as illness
stroke, heart disease, heart failure and
appears or is suspected.
kidney disease.
2. Use ITNs when sleeping to prevent
The relationship between salt
(sodium chloride) intake and blood
3. Use only boiled or treated water for
pressure is direct and progressive. This
means that the higher a person's salt
4. Follow instructions given at the
intake, the higher is their blood
health facility for any service.
pressure. Thus, reducing salt intake as
5. Take regular exercise to the extent
much as possible is one way to lower
blood pressure. It is important to note
6. Go for regular medical check ups.
here that the big culprit in salt is the
Key Level 1 Health Messages
Household Dialogue Cards
Questions and Answers for
or the baby in time to address them
Use at Household Level
and thus save lives.
3. Check if the woman requires special
during Home Visits by CHWs
counselling and care for her ownhealth and that of the child.
Q 1: What can you do to ensure
that [name of pregnant woman]
delivers her baby safely?
Q 3: What do you do to ensure
that your baby receives adequate
1. Prepare a birth plan.
2. Identify the most appropriate
facility or qualified person.
1. Breastfeed the baby exclusively and
3. Ensure that she can reach the
on demand for six months.
facility at the time of need.
2. Introduce other foods at six months.
4. Prepare materials needed for safe
3. Feed the child at least four times a
delivery and newborn care (specific
4. Mix the food types.
5. Recognize danger signs and take
action to receive timely assistance.
Q 4: What do you do to protect
your child from diseases or
Q 2: Why should a pregnant
woman be checked at a clinic at
least four times during a
1. Ensure they complete immunization
by nine months.
2. Immunization protects against
1. Ensure that all warning signs are
several dangerous diseases.
identified and action taken.
3. The child sleeps under a treated
2. Recognize danger signs that may
mosquito net.
threaten the life of the mother and/
4. Watch young children carefully and
keep their environment safe.
Taking KEPH to the Community
5. Ensure things such as fires, cooking
3. Be open and non-judgemental in
stoves, lamps, matches, liquids and
discussing sexuality issues.
medicines are kept away from thechild.
6. Wash hands thoroughly with soap
and water or ash and water after
Q 8: What are the benefits of
contact with faeces, and before
planning your family?
touching food or feeding children.
Q 5: How do you take care of a
1. Helps one have children one can
child sick with fever and/or cough?
2. Helps the mother to recover from a
previous birth.
1. Seek the help of a health worker as
3. Gives each child enough space for
a soon as illness is suspected.
attention and care.
2. Comply with the advice or treat-
4. Gives mother space for self-
ment given by the health worker.
3. Continue regular feeding of the
5. Allows a woman to have a baby at
the right time.
4. Keep the child warm and encourage
it to eat and drink as much as
Q 9: What do you do to protect
yourself from STIs and HIV
Q 6: How do you take care of a
2. Delay having sex.
child sick with diarrhoea?
3. Be faithful to regular partner.
4. Use condoms to prevent STIs, HIV
and unwanted pregnancy.
1. Give the child plenty of fluid.
2. Seek help from a health worker.
3. Encourage the child to eat and drink
as much as possible.
Q 10: How can you ensure early
detection of health problems?
Q 7: What do you do to ensure
1. Go for regular check ups
that your adolescent child has the
right information about sex?
1. Be available to listen and answer
their questions accurately.
2. Look for relevant opportunities to
discuss sexuality issues with thechild.
Key Level 1 Health Messages
Immunization Chart
There are four main vaccines that every child needs before they reach one year ofage. These vaccines are given according to the schedule in the chart below.
Type of immunization
Age of child
w Immediately after birth w Or, at first contact with
–Injection into left
child after birth
Polio (against poliomyelitis)–Oralw Birth polio
w Birth polio at birth
w Birth or at first contact
with child before 6 weeks
w 1st polio – at 6 weeks
w 1st or at first contact with
child after 6 weeks
w 2nd polio – at 10 weeks
w 2nd or at second contact
with child after 10 weeks
w 3rd polio – at 14 weeks
w 3rd or at third contact with
child after 14 weeks
DPT* (against 3 diseases*)–Injection into upper
w 1st – at 6 wks
w 1st – Or at first contact
with child after 6 weeks
w 2nd – at 10 wks
w 2nd – Or at 2nd contact
with child after 10 weeks
w 3rd – at 14 wks
w 3rd – Or at 3rd contact with
child after 14 weeks
w Or at first contact with
child after 9 months
into left upper arm
*DPT = diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus
Taking KEPH to the Community
Assessing a Sick Child
Check the child's immunizationstatus
1.) Take the child's history from the
Assess other problems the
mother: age, reason for the visit,
mother has mentioned
2.) Ask about the three main symptoms:
Cough or difficulty in breathing
Strange sounds (stridor)
Fever (malaria, measles)
– 50 breaths or more per minute
in a child 2 months up to 12
A Cough or difficult breathing may
indicate pneumonia or other very
– 40 breaths or more per minute
in a child 12 months to 5 years
3.) Check child for general danger signs:
A If one or more of the above signs is
Child not able to drink or
present, refer urgently to the
nearest health facility.
Child vomits everything
Child has had convulsions
Child not alert, not responding,
Assessing Specific Conditions
uninterested (lethargic orunconscious)
Not alert or not responding,
A If any one of the danger signs is
uninterested (lethargic or
present refer urgently to the
nearest health facility. If no danger
Not able to drink nor breastfeed
signs are present, advise caregiver
on home care and on when it is
Slow return of a skin pinch
necessary to take the child to healthfacility immediately.
A Pinch the skin of the abdomen: If
the skin goes back very slowly
4.) Ask additional questions to help
(longer than 2 seconds), this is
classify the illness:
Check the child for malnutrition
an emergency.
Key Level 1 Health Messages
A If one or more of the above signs is
Generalized rash and any of the
present, refer urgently to the
following: Cough, runny nose, red
nearest health facility and advise
caregiver to give the child sips ofORS on the way to the facility.
A Drugs to give - 1st dose of
paracetamol. Refer urgently to the
nearest health facility.
Irritable or restless
Thirsty, drinks eagerly,
A If yes for both, this is DIARRHOEA
Rubs or pulls ear frequently
Liquid coming from the ear
nearest health facility. Advisecaregiver to give ORS and to
A If one of the above signs is
present, refer urgently to nearest
health facility.
If no to both of the above signs:
Give extra fluids
Continue breastfeeding
Visible wasting or
Advise to return immediately
Oedema of both feet
A If diarrhoea has lasted for 14 days
A Refer urgently to the nearest
or more, refer to the nearest
A If the child has blood in the stool
A Severe palmar pallor - Refer
this is DYSENTERY. It is an
urgently to the nearest health
emergency. Refer to the nearest
health facility. Advise caregiver togive ORS on the way.
Sick Young Infant Age O–2 Months
Baby was born at home and has not
Fever / Malaria
visited a health facility
Temperature of 37.5oC or higher
Has fever or feels cold
Is unable to suck or is sucking poorly
Felt hot in the last three days
Any general danger sign or stiff neck
Has malformations
Cough with fast breathing or
Yellowness of the skin
difficult breathing
Bulging fontanel (the soft spot on
the top of the head)
A If yes to any of the above signs,
Pus draining from the eye or
this is a very severe febrile disease
or malaria or pneumonia. Refer
Difficult or fast breathing
urgently to nearest health facility.
Dehydration (skin pinch goes back
Temperature of 37.5oC or above
Felt hot in the last three days
A If one of the above signs is
present, refer urgently to nearest
If yes to the above, plus:
Taking KEPH to the Community
Key Level 1 Health Messages
Taking KEPH to the Community
Key Level 1 Health Messages
Taking KEPH to the Community






Reversing the trends
The Second
Republic of Kenya
Strategic Plan of Kenya
Community Strategy Implementation Guidelines
Key Health Messages
for Level 1 of the
Package for Health
Extension Workers and
Community Health Workers
Ministry of Health
March 2007
Key Health Messages for Level 1 of the Kenya Essential
Package for Health – A Manual for Community Health
Extension Workers and Community Health Workers
Communities represent the first level of health care of theKenya Essential Package for Health defined in Kenya'ssecond National Health Sector Strategic Plan. Serviceprovision at level 1 is organized in three tiers starting withhousehold-based caregivers, adult members of thehousehold who provide the essential elements of care forhealth in all dimensions and across life-cycle cohorts. Thesehousehold-based caregivers are supported by volunteercommunity-owned resource persons - community healthworkers and community health extension workers - who arein turn supported and managed by a range of communitystructures to be established or strengthened through theimplementation of the Community Strategy. This manualintends to provide the basic information the CHWs andCHEWs need in their efforts to assist communities in theirquest for better health.
Ministry of Health
Sector Planning and Monitoring Department
Afya House
PO Box 3460 - City Square
Nairobi 00200, Kenya
Email: [email protected]
Source: http://www.waterfund.go.ke/toolkit/Downloads/2.%20Manual%20for%20CHWs%20and%20CHEWs(MoH).pdf
A Publication of the Florida Association for Women Lawyers £ Howard M. Rosenblatt . . . 352/373-7100 £ Chantale Leif Suttle . . . . 305/665-3399 Clara Gehan Miami-Dade County (8th Circuit) £ Sarah "Shelley" I. Zabel . . 305/982-0999 £ Diane Baccus Horsley . . . 321/727-9888 Miami-Dade County
Becoming Critical Consumers: Research and the Media Elizabeth Blackmore, M.A. and Wendi Rockert, M.Ed. Over the past year, newspaper and magazine columns have headlined the "effectiveness" of the newest generation of weight loss fads – the low carbohydrate diet. A recent study, however, showed that both low fat diets and low carbohydrate diets produced comparable rates of weight loss in the longer term. In May, a Toronto research team reported that strict dieting, dangerous weight control practices and eating disorders are occurring at alarming rates amongst grade school children. We are presented with information about food, weight and eating disorders in the media every day, and often make important decisions about our own lives based on what is communicated. At times the information reported in one study is in conflict with information from another study. How do we determine the validity of what we read and hear? Develop a critical stance We rely on the media to inform us of current trends and to transmit the latest research results, despite the fact that we are not formally trained to evaluate the information that appears in newspapers, magazines, on the radio, TV or internet. This is especially true in the case of articles that cite research evidence to support their position. Because most of us are not scientists or statisticians, we often believe what is written in print without questioning some basic assumptions about the research. As consumers of information, we need to adopt a critical stance when we read about research findings. Although the interpretation of complex statistical analyses is well beyond the scope of this article, there are some basic questions/issues to consider which can help you to decide how much emphasis to place on the results that are being reported. This will make you a more informed consumer and ultimately make you more able to arrive at personal decisions which may incorporate what you learn from the media. The research process The general purpose of research is to seek answers to a specific question or problem of interest, known as an ‘hypothesis'. Generally, researchers attempt to answer two main types of questions: 1) What is happening?; and 2) Why is it happening? To explore a particular research question, the researcher chooses a group of interest that they wish to investigate, known as a ‘population' (e.g., women with an eating disorder). Ideally, the researcher would like to study the entire population of interest, but normally this is not possible due to factors such as geography, time constraints and financial resources. Instead, the researcher chooses a subset of people to represent that larger population,