HM Medical Clinic

Even if Viagra is not needed, it is possible that the doctor will be able to determine the etiology of erectile dysfunction and prescribe appropriate treatmen it doesn't pay to forget about sexual activeness even at the first sings of malfunction.

fawl journal 10/02—this one!

A Publication of the Florida Association for Women Lawyers £ Howard M. Rosenblatt . . . 352/373-7100
£ Chantale Leif Suttle . . . . 305/665-3399
Clara Gehan Miami-Dade County (8th Circuit) £ Sarah "Shelley" I. Zabel . . 305/982-0999
£ Diane Baccus Horsley . . . 321/727-9888
Miami-Dade County £ Jill K. Satterwhite . . . . . 850/433-6581
£ Jamie J. Finizio-Bascombe . 954/532-8200
£ Theresa Kraft . . . . . . . 561/488-0401
£ Sharon B. Glickman . . . . 954/752-7701
Nova Southeastern £ Siobhan H. Shea . . . . . 561/655-4114
£ Meenakshi A. Hirani . . . . 407/599-7199
£ Dana M. Santino . . . . . 561/659-1183
Central Florida Palm Beach County £ Dinita James . . . . . . . 813/261-7858
£ Kristen M. Jackson . . . . 407/926-5764
£ Michelle R. Suskauer . . . 561/687-7866
Central Florida Palm Beach County £ Susan W. Fox . . . . . . . 813/273-4212
£ Arlene F. Austin . . . . . . 941/514-8211
£ Donna Rose . . . . . . . 727/443-2999
Immediate Past President Collier County Pinellas County £ Mary Kay Wimsett . . . . 352/331-7578
£ Robin L. Rosenberg . . . . 727/824-6199
£ Vicki L. Kaufholz . . . . . 727/669-5888
Pinellas County £ Deborah Magid . . . . . . 305/530-2732
£ Gayle B. Carlson . . . . . 813/229-2900
£ Sherri L. Johnson . . . . . 941/952-1070
£ Vene M. Hamilton . . . . . 954/894-9333
£ Amy Sullivan Croft . . . . 904/355-1700
£ Carrie Turner . . . . . . . 305/823-7465
Journal Editor St. Thomas University £ Frances Grace Cooper . . . 941/308-3080
£ Patricia M. Dodson . . . . 904/632-2424
£ Jennifer Suarez . . . . . . 813/207-0272
£ Carolyn C. Coukous . . . . 941/262-8800
£ Carolyn Delizia . . . . . . 941/334-4121
£ June McKinney Bartelle . . 850/414-3760
Public Relations Lee County £ Julie Koves . . . . . . . . 407/275-4451
£ Carol Masio McGuire . . . 941/741-8121
£ Patricia A. Baldwin . . . . 561/337-5100
Manatee County . . . . . . . . [email protected] Treasure Coast £ Pat Stephens . . . . . . . 850/894-0055
£ Janet L. Fuller . . . . . . 352/629-7511
£ Trisha L. Dellinger . . . . 386/615-9007
Marion County Florida Association for Women Law yers • P.O. Box 15998 • Tallahassee, FL 32317-5998 • 850/894-0055 ADVERTISE WITH FAWL … in print or on-line. Contact Pat Stephens at [email protected] or 850/894-0055.
Dent & Associates, P.A.
6270 NW 44th Street 330 S. Orange Avenue Office of the Attorney General Coral Springs, FL 33067 110 SE 6th Street, Fl 9 954/752-7701 (phone or fax) Sarasota, FL 34230 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301-5001 941/952-1070 Fax: 941/952-1094 954/712-4608 Fax: 954/712-4826 PUBLIC SERVICES/AMICUS CHAIR Hayley M. Brady
LIASION – NCWBA Dawn Siler-Nixon, President
221 2nd Street, 5th Floor Meenakshi A Hirani
Ford & Harrison LLP Fort Myers, FL 33901 2265 Lee Road, Ste. 109 101 E. Kennedy Blvd., #900 941/334-7892 Fax: 941/334-3240 Winter Park, FL 32789 407/599-7199 Fax: 407/622-2120 813/261-7800 Fax: 813/261-7899 SCHNEIDER FUND
Diane T. Peterson
District Court of Appeals NATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION West Palm Beach, FL 33401 1st District, State of Florida June McKinney Bartelle, FAWL Representative
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1850 Office of the Attorney General 850/487-2267, x176 Fax: 850/488-7989 Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050 850/414-3760 Fax: 850/488-5074 C. J. Weinman
First District Court of Appeal ADVISORY COMMISSION Veronica Valdez, VHFCNBA Representative
Tallahassee, FL 32302-2531 Ellen S. Malasky & Associates Edwards Valdez Ellis LLC 850/922-6998, x163 1300 N. FL. Mango Road, Ste. 15 1302 E Robinson Street West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Orlando, FL 32801-2178 561/712-9900 Fax: 561/478-8753 407/894-1441 Fax: 407/894-4147 Autumn 2002 • FAWL Journal

by Professor Bruce Winick. I
highly recommend to you a new
book out by Professor Winick,
with Dennis Stolle and David
by Siobhan Shea Wexler, Practicing Therapeutic
Jurisprudence, the Law as a Helping

Profession. This book explores Meet Your New President methods of preventive lawyeringand the therapeutic process in our profession from several practical This is perhaps the hardest column had already been active in and committed perspectives.
I will write for the Journal, because to causes, especially civil rights. When I had just graduated and was sworn I need to let you know about me and someone very close to me became into the bar when I had the opportunity what my presidency of FAWL will be mentally ill and was involuntary commit- of a lifetime to work of counsel with like. So you should know right off the ted, I began visiting daily the locked three UM professors, Ira Kurzban,
bat I am an intensely private person mental health unit at Jackson Memorial Bruce Winick and Irwin Stotzky to
and don't normally tell a lot about Hospital. While most of my friends were change the interdiction and political myself in print or to a large audience.
experiencing their first boyfriends, sports asylum screening of Haitians risking That being said, I learned at our or questions of what to wear to the prom, I their lives on the high seas to escape annual retreat, as we were sorting was confronted firsthand with advocacy in political persecution. The cases were through issues and goals for FAWL for mental health issues. The patient could not argued in the Eleventh Circuit Court of the year, that some members expect a speak for herself. I had to speak up.
Appeals against Kenneth Starr, who
president to set the agenda for the year, Diagnosed with schizophrenia, the patient was then Solicitor General of the guided by issues she believes are was being given Thorazine, which I knew United States. It was a powerful lesson important. I still believe our organiza- from being involved with horses was a in the appellate process, the importance tion is an essentially a grassroots one, heavy sedative. I began questioning the of judicial expediency and a vigorous that takes its guidance and directives doses and her treatment. Speaking out and adversarial system and above all: a from individual members, with chapter speaking for someone else was painful for judiciary independent from political and state leadership as collecting pools someone as shy as me, but I knew I had to opinion. It etched permanently in my of ideas. You should know that FAWL and it radically changed my life.
mind that the United States must treat has two professional lobbyists, Jim
I share this experience with you fairly every person who enters our Daughton and Patricia Green, who
because it made me realize that the judicial system. I think of that experi- work pro bono from Holland & Knight quality of mental health treatment is an ence frequently these days of post-9/11 in Tallahassee for the issues we think issue which is vital to millions more as the dialogue in this country focuses are important. That means we need to ordinary people all over this country and on the fine line between civil rights and hear what issues you want our lobbyists the stigma which attaches to it has civil defense.
to work for.
overshadowed its importance and I believe that who we are as advo- My philosophy of leadership is a prevented many people from ever seeking cates and professionals is often shaped culmination of experience from treatment. Several members of our board by our daily choices and actions. How working seven years on the board of have spoken on the importance of FAWL's do we respond sensitively and sensibly Palm Beach County's Chapter and on advocacy on issues related to mental to the needs of our clients and those the state board. I believe in the "Art of health in our justice system. Having around us? My own daily practice has Possibility" and highly recommend the worked in the juvenile and criminal been a delicate balance between book by Rosamund and Benjamin
justice system in Florida, I can tell you priorities of a working mother which Zander. Our vision, which defines the
from personal experience that delivery of has made me sensitive to issues of direction of FAWL, evolves from an mental health services needs to come up quality of life for persons in the legal ongoing dialogue and daily practice in front, before individuals are driven onto profession. The other day I had no our organization, in our profession the streets to crime, before acts of help in the house, where I run my and in our personal lives.
domestic violence occur, and before appellate practice. I was interviewing It is helpful for this dialogue or families and children in need of services our new Supreme Court Justice Raoul
collecting process to begin with become involved in dependency cases or Cantero, as my toddler son climbed
experiences that shape what we find worse yet in criminal court.
up my back and started singing. So it meaningful as women advocates and as Part of my formal legal education was goes. Thankfully the Justice is a kind advocates for women's equality. My first shaped by my experience at the Univer- father of three young children himself.
real taste of being an advocate came sity of Miami School of Law, in my We need as professionals and as long before I was ever a lawyer. At the hometown. As a student I researched community leaders to promote work tender age of fifteen thanks to Quaker evolving legal issues in mental health law environments that foster quality care parents, an educator and philosopher, I and therapeutic jurisprudence developed £ PRESIDENT, Page 4 FAWL Journal • Autumn 2002

£ PRESIDENT, from Page 3 in our society in the courts and as profes- schools are the cornerstones to teach for the children in our community, to sionals in our community. The other part young citizens how to become produc- promote responsible parents to be active of that process as a bar is to protect the tive members of society. Public schools in early childcare and to help provide public by drawing a hard line at miscon- are one of our society's most undeveloped quality early childhood education for duct which violates the Rules of Profes- resources and the key to our future.
persons from all economic backgrounds.
sional Conduct and the trust we are sworn FAWL members and chapters are What will our children's lives be like if to uphold. Admission to the bar and to mentoring and volunteering in schools all their peers do not receive the same practice in the State of Florida is a over our state and we need to continue quality of education and enriching privilege which can and should be and expand this involvement.
environments? What do our own policies revocable for cause. I believe that we are FAWL is a richly diverse association of in the workplace say about our commit- collectively responsible for the integrity of individuals with many voices and our ment to the quality of life for the people the bar and the justice system.
lives a rich tapestry of experience. We who work for us and for their children? One great thing about being a lawyer have more than our share of pro bono Our experiences as participants in the is you get a chance to give back to the awards recipients, trailblazers, and civic justice system daily shape not only the system. One of the experiences I am leaders and volunteers. Our stories need lives of our clients and the people who personally proud of as a lawyer is having to be told not only in this Journal, on the come before us, but shape who we are as volunteered to speak and trained other website, and to other FAWL members, people. Our admission to the Bar is a gift lawyers to speak in public schools about but to The Florida Bar and the public.
which daily gives us opportunities to the Bill of Rights, our responsibilities as Did you know FAWL has a public become better persons ourselves. Think citizens, and the workings of the justice relations director who will send your what a difference we make when we win a system. The teachers are overwhelmingly public relations information to local case on behalf of our client or give our receptive to enrich their curriculum with media and bar publications? We also need time in the community. I have been the programs made available through your stories and news to share in this listening to our President, Tod
Florida Law Related Education and from Journal and on FAWL's website to Aronovitz, and thinking about our
The Florida Bar. The students are grateful promote your practice and your chapter.
Dignity in the Law campaign. This is not a to have an opportunity to talk about legal I hope reading this has sparked your slick relations move, but a process for us to issues raised in the media and the nuts interest in sharing your ideas about what analyze who we are as lawyers and an and bolts civic lessons every child in the Florida Association for Women organized bar association and to celebrate America needs to know. One of the issues Lawyers should be doing and look the finest moments of our dignity as I believe FAWL and every citizen in forward to sharing this vision. ■ caring professionals. We are given so Florida should be concerned about is the much power and opportunity to do good quality of public education. Our public E-mail Siobhan at [email protected].
Autumn 2002 • FAWL Journal FAWL Files Amicus Brief Supporting Right to Privacy vacation in Paris, President Siobhan
Shea prepared the amicus brief.
Sections 63.087 and 63.088, passed last Prior to deciding whether to file the October, require birth mothers who do amicus brief, at the October 8, 2002, not know the identity or location of the Pursuant to the overwhelming majority FAWL Executive Board meeting, a motion father to detail their sexual encounters in of chapter votes in favor of filing an was made by the secretary, Deborah
newspaper ads before they can put their amicus brief, FAWL's executive board Magid, that the overwhelming vote to
children up for adoption. If the identity unanimously voted the association file an file the amicus brief by Chapters' or location of the father is unknown and amicus brief in the case G.P. et al. v. State of electronic votes constituted a special the child is under six months, the birth Florida, Fourth District Court of Appeal meeting of the association as called by mother must state in the adoption Case No. 4D02-3410. The case is an the president under Article II of the petition each city in which the mother appeal from a denial in part of a declara- association's bylaws and should be resided or traveled, in which conception tory judgment action filed by several submitted to the full board for ratification may have occurred during the twelve women who wished to place their in January. The motion was seconded by months prior to the child's birth. The children for adoption, but would have Carolyn Coukos and approved by the
birth mother must also place a notice been required to publish intimate details containing the age, race, hair, eye color, of their sexual history in newspapers In an earlier vote at a full FAWL Board height and weight of the birth mother under Florida's Adoption Act.
Meeting on September 13, 2002, the and of any person the mother reasonably The appellants asserted Florida's FAWL board unanimously voted to believes may be the father in the newspa- Adoption Act violated their right to inform our lobbyists to work to remove per in each county where conception privacy by requiring them to publish in the publication requirements in favor of a may have occurred.
newspapers information about a fourteen- less intrusive notice method to putative In the 2001 session, the state legisla- year-old girl's promiscuous sexual fathers. They declined to file an amicus ture adopted overwhelmingly the relations with classmates, a woman's brief by 5-4. A number of the represented adoption bill sponsored by Senator sexual relations with unknown drug users, chapters abstained because they did not Walter "Skip" Campbell and Represen-
a single woman's numerous sex partners, a yet have feedback from their chapters.
tative Evelyn J. Lynn and endorsed by
married woman's conception by date rape All but two of the original board votes the Family Law Section of the Florida Bar.
at a bar, a single mother's sexual relations then expressed a desire to reconsider a Jeb Bush allowed the measure to become
with a number of drug dealers. (One change in their position to voting in law without his signature. Senator plaintiff of the original action, a twelve- favor of an amicus brief. Thus, the Campbell stated that he sponsored the year-old victim of rape, did not join in electronic voting was used to allow bill because he wanted to "assure that the appeal, as the trial court had ruled the members to voice their position on filing adoptions are final." The law was publication requirement unconstitutional an amicus brief.
designed to protect the rights of fathers only for victims of forced sexual battery.) Assistant Historian Wendy Loquasto
who might not know their children are In the trial court, the publication served in an advisory capacity for about to be put up for adoption. The law requirement was found to infringe on the Robert's Rules of Order and the was also meant to ensure that when a plaintiff's right to privacy, however, the child is adopted, there is no custody court nonetheless upheld the statute, The Executive Board has approved the battle at some later point. Currently both despite having received "no evidence that By-laws Committee consideration of a Campbell and Lynn have stated that the the statutes accomplish their intended procedure to allow consideration of law has significant unintended conse- goal at all." The State did not respond to amicus filings with full chapter informa- quences and Senator Campbell (D- the plaintiff's pleadings.
tion and voting. President Shea has Tamarac) has promised Governor Bush, FAWL joined with NOW's Palm Beach appointed a Gayle Carlson of HAWL to
who favors a father registry, that there County in an amicus brief, which asserted work with the By-laws Committee to will be a "glitch removal bill" passed.
that the publication requirements violate develop procedure to ensure chapters Representative Lynn of Ormond Beach is the constitutional right to privacy and have adequate and timely information for trying to pass a father registry in Florida, were not narrowly tailored to advance the any future proposed amicus filings.
but the drafting committee heckled the State interest advanced by the statute.
The results of the chapter votes "zipper-down bill" or the "pants-on As FAWL amicus brief writer Tracy
distributed electronically to all 21 registry," because of the impression that Carlin, who originally volunteered and
chapters are reflected at the end of this men would have to place their names on briefed the board on the case, was on £ ADOPTION, Page 26 FAWL Journal • Autumn 2002

ABA Summit Makes Case for Change by DINITA L. JAMES worked full-time, compared with 84% of No. 4 – Lack of role models
FAWL President-elect Women . . . . 51% WORK SETTINGS: 70% of study
participants started in law firms, while only59% of the men and 45% of the women According to Wellington, this gap in The title – Keeping Her in Her Place: New were still practicing in a law firm setting at perception about barriers is itself a barrier Challenges to the Integration of Women into the time of the study. Among 1970s grads, to women's advancement in the profes- the Profession – made a bold statement. The the gender gap widened considerably, with sion. Because men do not experience the sponsor lineup was equally impressive: only 37% of the women still in firms barriers, they do not believe the barriers £Five entities of the American Bar compared with 51% of the men. Across all exist for their women colleagues.
Association, including its largest classes of graduates, only 11% of the Because women made up 40% of law subgroup and the primary sponsor, the women were out of the workforce entirely.
students in 1985 and women have been Section of Litigation; Thus, most of the women were not leaving in the profession in large numbers for 20 £Six specialty national bar associations; law firms to stay home.
years, the expectation based on statistics £Thirty-one state and local women's bar STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS: When
is that by now, the "pipeline" would have associations, including the Florida asked to identify the factors that lead to taken care of any problem, and women Association for Women Lawyers; success in private firms, the top four would be fully integrated at all levels of £An organizing committee including two identified by all survey participants were: the profession.
former ABA presidents; £Taking initiative; But "the pipeline leaks," Wellington £Fourteen of the Top Women Litigators £Good communication skills; said. "Women still don't really feel as identified by the National Law £Immediate availability to partners and welcome in the law firm culture. That internal clients; and inhospitable culture holds them back." £Twenty-four "men of influence," £Developing a style with which partners including six former ABA presidents are comfortable.
ECONOMIC CASE FOR CHANGE and the president-elect nominee, a Significantly, the last factor – develop- The first star-studded panel of the former United States Attorney General, ing a style with which partners are Summit presented the economic impera- and managing partners of nine firms of comfortable – did not show up on the list tive for law firms to improve the integra- of success strategies for men but was the tion and advancement of women.
Several observers, myself included, No. 2 success factor identified by Moderator Anne Weisberg, also of
regarded the attendance at the Sunday Catalyst, identified three major factors morning Summit as the largest atten- BARRIERS FOR WOMEN: The
that will force law firms to develop a dance observed at any such program study asked men and women to identify culture more hospitable to women: during the 2002 ABA Annual Meeting in what factors kept women from advanc- £The age 25-34 cohort is shrinking as a Washington, DC held August 7-14.
ing. The differences in the responses of percentage of the workforce, at the men and women concerning the top four same time the workforce as a whole is factors identified by all study participants becoming more female, meaning that Shelia Wellington, keynote speaker
the labor pool available to law firms is and since 1993 the president of Catalyst, becoming much more female.
Inc., opened the Summit by presenting No. 1 – Commitment to family
£The gender gap in attrition is becoming results of a new study of more than 1800 Women . . . . 74% much more pronounced, and attrition is graduates of five law schools (Columbia, expensive; losing a lawyer in the first Michigan, Berkley, Harvard and Yale) three years of practice costs a law firm from the 1970s forward that included No. 2 – Lack of client development
an estimated 200% of salary.
surveys, focus groups and individual £Clients are succeeding in integrating Women . . . . 55% women at all levels and they are Highlights of the study include: expecting their law firms to do it, too.
PERSONAL: Most law grads were
Corporate America came to the married (women 73%; men 80%) with No. 3 – Lack of mentoring
conclusion in the 1990s that diversity was children (women 57%; men 65%), but Women . . . . 50% a bottom-line issue, according to only 44% of the men had spouses who Catherine Lamboley, Vice General
Only 44 percent of men in the ABA study had spouses who worked full-time, compared with 84 percent of the women. Autumn 2002 • FAWL Journal

Counsel and Secretary of Shell Oil Co.
Demographics compelled this conclusion FAWL's Sponsorship of the National Association of as six of the eight largest metropolitan Counsel for Children Benefits FAWL and its Members areas had a majority of "minorities." From Shell's perspective, that meant that a diverse in-house legal department FAWL Treasurer-elect brought together the best imaginationand problem-solving skills. If that wastrue in-house, Lamboley said, it must also FAWL benefitted from its sponsorship of the NACC conference held in Orlando in many ways. Several FAWL members be true for the outside law firms Shell attended the conference, including one free of charge. The attendees enhanced their ability to better advocate for their clients by hearing from several wonder- Thus, Shell developed its Majority Law ful local and national speakers. For example, Professor Barbara Bennett Firm Initiative for its 40 key outside Woodhouse from the University of Florida School of Law spoke about the firms. As part of that initiative, Shell possibility of constitutional rights for children and the rights of gay and lesbian required the firms to show on their families and Dr. Richard D. Krugman, MD, the Dean of the University of billing statements the number of hours Colorado School of Medicine, spoke about the status and future of child spent on Shell matters by women and protection in the 21st Century. In addition, attendees were able to network minority lawyers. This one requirement with each other to get new and already proven ideas. There were over 350 demonstrated the importance Shell people from around the country who attended the conference. Approximately placed on diversity and made its outside 75 attendees were from Florida. I was able to recruit several new FAWL mem- legal services providers more aware of bers and possibly a new chapter. In addition, I handed out several brochures their own diversity issues, Lamboley said.
regarding sponsorships and advertising for the Journal and FAWL events.
Susan Hackett, Senior Vice President
Overall the conference was a great experience for me, and I was happy to and General Counsel of the American represent FAWL in its conference sponsorship. ■ Corporate Counsel Association, reportedthat corporate law departments are A heart-felt thanks to all the FAWL members and chapters who assisted in underwriting outperforming private firms in advancing FAWL's sponsorship for this event.
women. Among Fortune 500 companies,13.7% of general counsels are women, terized as "punitive" and "voodoo neys. As a side benefit, several of the she said, compared with only two women economics" those part-time policies that advisory board members have developed serving as managing partners of the require a lawyer taking a 25% cut in informal mentoring relationships with largest national law firms.
hours to accept a 40% cut in pay.
women associates.
During panel introductions, the Part-time policy also was the focus of Washington, DC law firm of Arnold & PROVEN METHODS FOR CHANGE panelist Joan Williams, an American
Porter was identified as a model for other The second panel of the Summit University professor and head of the firms seeking to reverse the attrition of highlighted success stories in the Project for Attorney Retention. Williams women lawyers. But James J. Sandman,
advancement of women. Joseph C. Dilg,
says her research revealed that most part- Arnold & Porter's managing partner, managing partner of Vinson & Elkins in time policies were little used because of demurred that if his firm was a model for Houston, Texas, reported that his firm two serious flaws – schedule creep and anything, "it is because the bar is so low." had created an outside advisory board stigma that perpetuates gender stereo- "It's the hours, stupid," was Sandman's made up of 18 men and women affiliated summary of the key issue facing women with clients, academia and public interest For part-time policies to work to stem groups and empowered them to set their the attrition of women from the profes- Sandman acknowledged that most law own agenda and employ any reasonable sion, Williams says, they must: firm partners and managing partners methods of investigation to advise the £Follow the principle of proportionality, shared a consensus that part time is at firm on best practices.
where salary reduction is commensurate odds with good client service. "But there The advisory board first requested a with hours reduction; usually are no clients in the room for the daylong meeting with all women £Make bonuses available on a propor- associates in the firm, at which they He said that he had never had a single encouraged frank discussion in group and £Allow part-time attorneys to remain client complain about a lawyer working a breakout sessions. The board next met eligible for partnership; and part-time schedule, compared with lots of with all section heads and managers.
£Permit time and provide credit for bar volunteered compliments on the efforts Coming up is a meeting with all women work, client development and participa- part-time lawyers made to communicate tion in firm committees.
about their schedules and be flexible to So far, the board has provided gender- The final key for part-time policies is meet client needs. "Clients recognize the neutral recommendations for improving implementation, according to Williams.
importance of retaining people of value client development opportunities, making Firms must ensure there is no backlash, so to them," he said.
the part-time policy more transparent, that part-time polices are usable and Sandman drew the biggest round of and creating more clearly defined career used, and not just by women with young applause at the Summit when he charac- development plans for individual attor- FAWL Journal • Autumn 2002

FAWL MEMBERS AT RUNNYMEADE FOR THE DEDICATION OF THE ABA MAGNA CARTA MEMORIAL Judge Mattie Belle Davis Rebecca Bowles Marks Anna Krivitsky Anna Brenner Meyers by WENDY S. LOQUASTO "Isn't this column supposed to be about ELIZABETH, at Buckingham Palace; and a Assistant FAWL Historian FAWL's history, and, if so, what's all that closing dinner at which Winston got to do with FAWL's history?" you ask.
Churchill spoke. They attended dinners Good question. Here's the answer.
given by the four Inns of Court and a trial Back in July 1957, when there were less in Queen's Bench, with Mr. Justice
Did you miss the American Bar than 200 active women members of The McNair wearing a white wig and red robe
Association, National Association Florida Bar, of which only a handful were and the Barristers wearing white wigs and of Women Lawyers, and National FAWL members, five FAWL members black robes. They toured the Royal Courts Conference of Women's Bar Association's traveled to London for the NAWL and of Justice, commonly referred to as "The Annual Meetings held in Washington, ABA Annual Meetings. Those five Law Courts, " and joined ABA President D.C., in August? Me too. I recently adventurous women were Judge Mattie
Smythe Gambrell in Runnymeade, 26
checked the Internet and determined that Belle Davis, who was then President of
miles outside of London, for dedication I missed a lot by not attending. For FAWL; Past President Rebecca Bowles
ceremonies of the ABA's Memorial to instance, United States Supreme Court Marks (1954-55); Past President Anna
commemorate the signing of the Magna Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Brenner Meyers (1951-52); Gladys
received the Arabella Babb Mansfield Irene White; and Anna Krivitsky.
The American Bar Association Memo- Award at NAWL's 2002 Installation and Try to envision 1957 and what a thrill it rial: In the late 1950's, Egham Urban Awards Luncheon on August 10. The must have been for these women ABA Commission on Women in the to travel abroad! They met gave the American Profession presented its 12th Annual British women lawyers and the Bar Association a Margaret Brent Women of Achievement only woman "Recorder," which is one-acre piece of Awards on August 11. (I'll always a judicial post. The FAWL remember attending the 1996 Margaret members attended a dinner National Trust land Brent Luncheon when Justice Rosemary
given by NAWL in the House of at Runnymede. The Barkett received the award upon FAWL's
Commons dining room to honor nomination! Congresswoman Patricia
their British colleagues, and the Right memorial shown here on this land as a Schroeder and soon-to-be Secretary of
Honorable Clement Davies, a Member
tribute to the signing of the Magna State Madeline Albright were also 1996
of Parliament, conducted them on a tour Carta, which was seen as the origin of the award recipients.) Dawn Siler-Nixon, of
that included the House of Lords. The five principle of ‘Freedom under Law.' the Hillsborough Association for Women world-travelers were honored at a tea But wait, there was more to do. Anna Lawyers, who is FAWL's NCWBA given by the American Women's Club in Brenner Meyers, Anna Krivitsky, and representative, was sworn in on August 9 London. Other memory-making events Mattie Belle Davis participated in the as the NCWBA President for 2002-03.
included a stirring address by Prime ABA post-convention activities in Plus, the ABA Litigation Section spon- Minister Harold MacMillan, who was
Dublin, Ireland. The Honorable Society sored a "Summit on Keeping Her in Her introduced by the United States Ambassa- of Four Courts, the General Council of Place: New Challenges to the Integration dor John Hay Whitney; a reception
the Bar of Ireland, and the Incorporated of Women in the Profession." given by HER MAJESTY, QUEEN Law Society of Ireland entertained the Autumn 2002 • FAWL Journal ABA delegates at a reception in the FourCourts Building on August 1. UnitedStates Ambassador and Mrs. Scott McLeod entertained the ABA members, for Women Lawyers including the FAWL members, during theafternoon of August 2, and they were guests of Irish Prime Minister Eamon DeValera at a State Reception in Dublin Castle that evening.
But wait, there was still more! Gladys Irene White and Mattie Belle Davis (for FAWL MEMBERS Only)
traveled to Italy for the ABA post-convention activities in Rome. They Applications also available at website: attended a reception given by the judiciary and lawyers at the Palace of
Justice on August 3, and had an audience
with Pope Pius XII on Sunday morning,
COMPLETE THE FORM BELOW: In the words of Mattie Belle Davis, Due to the large number of calls generated by FAWL's website for persons seeking female "All the NAWL and ABA activities in attorneys, FAWL is offering its members the chance to participate in an Attorney Locatorservice on FAWL's website. An annual (January-December) fee of $10 per area of London, Dublin and Rome…were practice allows FAWL members to have their name, address, phone, fax, e-mail and areas wonderfully enriching experiences." of practice listed at
Personal enrichment aside, however, thefact that five women from Florida traveled abroad in 1957 to attend theABA and NAWL Annual Meetings speaks volumes regarding their commit- City, State, Zip: ment to the legal profession and toFAWL's goal of improving the status of women lawyers. They were a visible signto their American and European col- leagues that women were entering thelegal profession and that they wanted to AREA(S) OF
be included in mainstream bar activities and attain positions of power. They were bold and courageous women, ($10 per practice willing to assert themselves in public and to put their money where theirmouths were. And they had fun in the TOTAL AMOUNT INCLUDED: MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE: Florida Association for Women Lawyers Post Office Box 15998 While the 1957 ABA and NAWL Tallahassee, Florida 32317-5998 Annual Meetings might have been a bitmore exciting than those held this pastAugust in Washington, D.C., theopportunities to travel to exciting HISTORY BOOK UPDATE locales and meet women and men ofachievement continue to exist. The 2003ABA, NAWL and NCWBA Annual The information recounted in FAWL Chronicles is taken from the Meetings will be held during the week 50-Year History of the Florida Association for Women Lawyers. The of August 7-13, 2003, in San Francisco.
book, which is currently in the lay-out stage of production, includes over Consider following in the footsteps of 260 pages of FAWL history, including issues of importance that FAWL FAWL's founding members and continu- supported, such as the ERA and Equal Pay Bill; the activities of its ing FAWL's strong tradition of being members, such as participation in the National Commission on the involved in the legal profession at the Observance of International Year 1975 and National Women's Confer- national level. ■ ence held in Houston in 1977, and the formation of the National Association of Women Judges. Watch the FAWL Journal and FAWL The author wishes to acknowledge and thank Website ( for progress reports on the book's publication.
Judge Mattie Belle Davis, FAWL Historian, forsupplying information on the 1957 ABA andNAWL Annual Meetings.
FAWL Journal • Autumn 2002 "Sunny" Schneider Memorial Fund: Building a Legacy The sub-committee for the Fund met over the summer to assure the continued growth and proper management of the fund. This fund is a positive step for the financial well being of the FAWL organization and the forwarding of FAWL's mission. The Fund is limited at this time with a $5,414balance but we hope the fund will grow. The funds are being invested in secure government securitybacked accounts so there is no danger of the principal being invaded.
The funds will be used to support educational programs, scholarships for future female lawyers, chapter start up assistance
and scholarships to attend conventions. The state board of directors may request funds in the case of a fiscal emergency upto 10% of its balance as well. The emergency funds are not to cover operating shortfalls. The board will continue to befiscally responsible and budget programs and expenses based on revenue received.
We hope you will support the Fund this year. As you can see, the funds at this time are very limited so the impact on the future of FAWL and its mission is limited. If we all step forward and help build this fund, we will continue to build a legacyfor our membership and the legal community.
We have listed the past contributors below. We thank them for their support and generosity and we hope they become Please forward your contribution to Pat Stephens in the FAWL Tallahassee office. All contributors will be recognized in
an upcoming FAWL Journal. Thank you in advance for your commitment to FAWL and this legacy.
Respectfully Submitted,Diane T. Peterson Chair of the Sunny Schneider Fund Committee £Janet E. McEnery £Susan J. Arrick £Dinita L. James £Herbert M. Berkowitz, P.A.
£Judge Sandy Karlan £Caryn Goldenberg Carvo £Patricia M. Kennedy £Wendy S. Loquasto £Susan H. Churuti £Jane Kreusler-Walsh £Jennifer Coberly £Carolyn C. Coukos £Julie H. Littky-Rubin £Judge Virginia M. Hernandez Covington £Colleen M. Crandall £Margaret D. Mathews, Hillsborough Association for Women Lawyers £Judge Lauren L. Miller £Barbara Anne Eagan £Marsha B. Elser £Palm Beach County Chapter of the Florida Association for Women Lawyers £Florence Foster £Lorrie Robinson £Laura Ann Fouraker-Gardner £Professor Amy D. Ronner £Howard M. Rosenblatt £Judge Gill A. Freeman £Jacqueline Hogan Scola £Ellen Catsman Freidin £Siobhan H. Shea £Josephine Gagliardi, £Barbara Rudolph Smith Lee County Association for Women Lawyers £Leslie Reicin Stein £Sharon Bleier Glickman £Hon. Linda Singer Stein £Debra Weiss Goodstone £Diane M. Van Ness £Allison Doliner Hockman £Mary L. Wakeman £Lucinda A. Hofmann £In Memory of Mrs. Betty Whaley: £Jeanmarie Whalen •Valerie Hendricks £Tallahassee Women Lawyers •Hillsborough Association for Women Lawyers £Steve Zack, 1988-89 President of The Florida Bar •Joshua and Eileen Magidson £Tonia Yazgi, The Yazgi Law Firm Autumn 2002 • FAWL Journal HILLSBOROUGH ASSOCIATION FOR WOMEN LAWYERS HAWL turns twenty years old! In From left are celebration of this landmark occasion, the association held an Anniversary officers Helene Dinner on October 24 at the Wyndham Harbour Island Hotel Hayley Brady,Judge Margaret complete with a powerpoint presenta- tion of HAWL's history.
Carolyn Delizia With an impressive website and and Laurie newsletter, members are kept informed of upcoming events. To take a look atits most recent newsletter, a 16-pager, approximately 60 attorneys, judges and "Celebrating Your Freedom – Assuring and the site, go to
court personnel at the Veranda courtyard Equal Justice for All." in Fort Myers. Judge Steinbeck was JACKSONVILLE WOMEN honored as a role model fulfilling the MIAMI/DADE CHAPTER INVITES LAWYERS ASSOCIATION mission and purposes of the Florida PACE GIRLS TO ATTEND The Jacksonville FAWL Chapter Association for Women Lawyers. Her members hosted a "Meet the Mayoral position as a circuit court judge, her On August 13, the Miami-Dade Candidates Forum" at the October 15 participation in LCAWL and other Chapter of FAWL invited girls and staff membership luncheon held at the community activities, and her personal from the Pace Center For Girls to Radisson Riverwalk. Members were style and mentoring promote and attend a WNBA Miami Sol game.
encouraged to come with an open encourage the contributions of women PACE Center for Girls is a nonresiden- mind and bring their questions to within the legal profession. Judge tial, gender-responsive program for Jacksonville's future mayor! Each Steinbeck continues to improve the girls ages 12-18 who are experiencing candidate spoke for 5 minutes each and administration of justice and to elevate difficulty or conflict in school and at then the floor was opened to questions judicial standards through her instruction home. PACE's purpose is to intervene to the candidates. The following at the Florida Judicial College. She and prevent high school drop-outs, candidates were confirmed: Matt
promotes the study of law in her court- juvenile delinquency, teen pregnancy, Carlucci, Tommy Hazouri, Keith
room and as a faculty instructor at the drug and alcohol addiction, as well as Myers, Stephen Irvine, Mike
Army Judge Advocate General's School.
other high risk behaviors. PACE Weinstein and John Peyton.
Judge Steinbeck volunteers her time to provides these teenaged girls with the distribute legal knowledge to the general skills and support to complete their LEE COUNTY ASSOCIATION public such as supporting the guardian ad education, build self-esteem, and FOR WOMEN LAWYERS litem programs. Her participation in develop personal, social and family The Lee County Association for organizations such as the Association of relationship skills. Building on this Women Lawyers recognized The Family Law Professionals aids in improv- foundation, students have an opportu- Honorable Margaret O. Steinbeck,
ing the relations between the Bar, the nity for a better future and a life Charlotte County Circuit Judge, at the judiciary and the public. Judge Steinbeck defined by responsibility dignity, 13th Annual Judicial Reception on is respected for treating people with serenity and grace. Sarah Zabel,
May 1, Law Day, in appreciation of respect and fairness. Her peers cite her as Miami-Dade FAWL President, was a Steinbeck's service and commitment to "a role model for all of us who have the guest assistant coach for the Sol team the judicial system LCAWL celebrated privilege to serve in judicial positions." that evening and they won the game! Law Day by sponsoring the reception She discussed the history and importance Over $2,000 was raised from the sale honoring members of the judiciary of of Law Day which has evolved into Law of game tickets and from generous the Twentieth Judicial Circuit with Week and centered on the 2002 theme of sponsors. Girls were given a once-in-a- FAWL Local Chapter Happenings FAWL Journal • Autumn 2002 lifetime opportunity to perform a SARASOTA COUNTY CHAPTER Violations." We also plan to hold our dance on the center court during the Sarasota FAWL held its annual Installa- annual holiday party.
pregame show. Air Jamaica donated tion Dinner in June at the beautiful new Recent accomplishments of the two airline tickets to anywhere in the Lakewood Ranch Golf & Country Club.
Sarasota Chapter: Caribbean (valued at $1,180 ) to help Special guest, former U.S. Attorney £Increased membership from 37 PACE celebrate their 10th year General Janet Reno, spoke to a large
members at the end of the last fiscal anniversary and raise much needed audience about her experiences as the year to 70 members at the end of funds. Raffle tickets can still be first female State Attorney in Florida, and this fiscal year; purchased by sending a check made as Attorney General of the United States.
£Established a fully-equipped Child payable to PACE to: PACE, 1090 N.E.
Then, Sarasota's newest County Court Witness Room in the Sarasota 79th Street, Miami, FL 33138. Tickets Judge, the Honorable Kim Bonner,
County Judicial Center and cel- are $2 each or three for $5. The installed the 2002-2003 Board of Direc- ebrated its opening; drawing will be held on December 15, tors. The 2002-2003 Sarasota FAWL £Began the year with an Installation and you do not need to be present to officers include: President Sherri
Dinner featuring Judge Rosemary
win the tickets.
Johnson, Vice President Alyssa Sells,
Barkett and ended the year with an
This year Miami-Dade FAWL also Secretary Maryann Boehm and Trea-
Installation Dinner featuring former intends to implement a year-long surer Anne Stinnett. The members of the
U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno;
mentoring program where lawyers are Board of Directors are Frances Grace
£Began printing and distributing a assigned to students from FIU, Cooper, Jill Sedita, Evelyn Moya,
quarterly newsletter to all members, St.Thomas and the University of Barbara Whitmore, René Arbuckle,
judges and other attorneys active in Miami law schools. The students will Barbi Meyer, Patricia Crauwels,
the local legal community; also be given the opportunity to serve Marjorie Schmoyer and Teresa Jones.
£Began printing and distributing a as tutors and to implement projects for Members cooled down this summer membership directory and referral the girls at PACE.
with a Summer Barbecue at the home of guide with members listed alpha- Alyssa Sells. In August, 15 members
betically and by area of practice; PALM BEACH COUNTY CHAPTER carpooled to the Safety Harbor Day Spa £Increased our visibility in the On October 8, Palm Beach FAWL for a day of pampering and relaxation.
Sarasota County Bar Association by co-sponsored a Candidates Forum at Along with 2nd District Court of Appeal having the Sarasota FAWL President the Sheraton Hotel in West Palm Judge Virginia Covington, members
sit on the Nominating Committee, Beach. The event was the cooperative received facials, massages and all manner and by getting four FAWL members effort of an alliance of organizations of relaxing treatments, a gourmet lunch, appointed to the Sarasota County dedicated to the education and and the opportunity to lounge around in Bar Association Board of Directors, empowerment of Palm Beach County their bathrobes or relax and drink piña and two of these members ap- voters-Leadership Palm Beach County, coladas by the pool.
pointed as officers; and AARP-Florida, Economic Council of In September, Sarasota FAWL hosted a £Held one of our most successful PBC, Florida Association for Women lunch presentation on how "Smart Judicial Receptions ever, with most Lawyers-PBC Chapter, Jewish Com- Women Finish Rich," co-sponsored by of the local judges in attendance, munity Relations Council of the Morgan Stanley. On September 19, and 5 judges from the Second Jewish Federation of PBC, Executive Leslie Loftus hosted a wine-tasting
District Court of Appeal attending Women of the Palm Beaches, Womens' party. Admission to the party was a bottle Chamber of Commerce, Urban of wine and a story to go with it. In League of Palm Beach County, October, we hosted a lunch meeting co- National Coalition of 100 Black sponsored by Florida Lawyers' Mutual Women, Forum Club of the Palm Insurance Company, which includee a On August 15, TWL co-sponsored a Beaches and the Hispanic Chamber of one-hour CLE on "21 Ways to Avoid 21st candidates' forum for various elected Century Malpractice Claims and Ethical offices. The forum included candidates SARASOTAFAWLJanet Renoreceives a giftfrom FAWLSarasota ChapterPresident SherriJohnson at theinstallation of the "Private Citizen" Janet Reno Speaks at Sarasota Installation: chapter's new From left: Jill Sedita, Vice President Alyssa Sells, Secretary Maryann Boehm, Frances Cooper, Janet Reno, President Sherri Johnson and Evelyn Moya. Autumn 2002 • FAWL Journal for local, state, and congressional seats.
featuring a beautiful exhibit of Each candidate spoke for approxi- American Impressionist Artists during mately three minutes and then an- the reception. The reception has been swered questions from the audience.
its major fund-raiser for TWL and is The forum was co-sponsored by the sponsored by numerous law firms and Tallahassee League of Women Voters local attorneys. The judicial reception of Tallahassee, the local chapters of the is an event that the legal community NAACP and N.O.W., and various looks forward to each year, as evi- other state and national women's denced by its financial support. At the political groups.
2001 judicial reception, TWL At the general membership meeting presented its inaugural FSU College As attorneys, some feminists may feel on August 19, Lauchlin Waldoch, a
of Law scholarships of $1,000 to two that their obligations in practice certified elder law attorney, gave a law students. Both were outstanding conflict with their support of women's presentation titled, "Aging Parents: women who supported the goals of rights. As an example, imagine you are an What all Attorneys need to Know for TWL (and FAWL), had good aca- attorney who has just agreed to represent their Parents." Waldoch provided demic records, and needed assistance.
a client accused of killing his wife in a useful information regarding estate This year will be the second scholar- domestic violence dispute. Although the planning, living wills and other issues ship presentation, and we expect to be facts seem to indicate his guilt, you feel for the care of aging family members.
able to present at least two $1,000 he still deserves a proper defense. Many TWL's signature event, the Judicial scholarships again.
of your feminist-minded colleagues are Reception, was held on October 14 at Now that a fresh batch of newly surprised and even critical of your the Mary Brogan Museum of Arts and graduated attorneys have joined the decision to represent the accused killer.
Science ("MOAS"). TWL has spon- workforce, TWL has many informa- They feel you are betraying your sored an annual judicial reception since tive general membership and commitment to furthering women's rights 1984. The reception honors local, state mentoring events planned for the fall.
and the position that domestic violence is and federal judiciary, as well as the Tod Aronovitz, Florida Bar President,
a serous crime inhibiting the progress of administrative law judges, who are spoke at the September Membership women. You take the criticism seriously invited guests. It provides attorneys a Meeting and Chief Justice Harry Lee
and begin to worry that instead of chance to socialize with the judges in Anstead will be speaking at the
helping the women's movement, you are an informal setting. This year's setting, November membership neeting. The threatening the advances it has made.
MOAS, is a recent addition to the next Mentor Lunch, titled "Not My Although this situation is offered as a beautiful Tallahassee Downtown area Cup of Tea," will include a discussion hypothetical, it is an all too real occur- and is located next to the Florida of how to handle legal questions from rence that law students must consider. A Supreme Court. The MOAS will be friends and family. ■ personal friend who is entering her thirdyear of law school recently had such anexperience. She interned at a criminaldefense firm this summer and helped toprepare the defense of a man accused ofkilling his wife. As law students withdegrees in Women's Studies, we spentsome time discussing the possible conflictbetween our beliefs as feminists andfuture obligations as attorneys. Wepondered whether we should considerourselves to first be feminists or attor-neys? And, in situations such as this, is itpossible to be both at the same time? In trying to answer these questions, we came to the realization that the objec-tives of feminists and attorneys are really TALLAHASSEE WOMEN LAWYERS not so different. Although generalizations TWL Board Members with FAWL President Siobhan Shea at the 2002 FAWL Retreat (from left): should not be made about what all Wendy Loquasto, Historian; Mary Miller, Professionalism Chair; Ruth Stone, President-Elect; feminists believe, the basic philosophy is Siobhan Shea; June McKinney Bartelle, President; and Carrol Cherry, Employment Chair. that we should actively work towardequality, fairness and justice. This goal does not seem too far removed from the SEND CHAPTER AND MEMBER NEWS TO: obligations an attorney has toward her Journal editor Vene Hamilton, Law Offices of Vene Hamilton PA, client. Offering an adequate defense to 269 N. University Drive, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 or [email protected].
£See FEMINIST on page 15 FAWL Journal • Autumn 2002 FAWL InstallsSiobhan Sheaas President JUSTICE QUINCE SWEARS IN FAWL 2002-2003 BOARD The Florida Association for Women Lawyers installed Siobhan H. Shea as President at
From left: Justice Quince, Siobhan Shea, President; Deborah Magid, (Dade) Secretary; its recent annual meeting held in Boca Raton in Vene M. Hamilton, (Broward) Journal Editor; Frances Grace Cooper, (Sarasota) conjunction with The Florida Bar's annual Membership; Julie Koves, (Central Florida) Treasurer-Elect. Not pictured Mary K. Wimsett, meeting. At her installation, Shea expressed her (Clara Gehan) Treasurer; Carolyn Coukas, (Collier) Public Relations. appreciation for the honor of serving as FAWLpresident during FAWL's "52nd year as a leader inthe promotion of equality in the justice system." FAWL installed its other officers at the Boca Raton meeting. They are Deborah Magid of
Miami, Secretary; Mary Kaye Wimsett of
Gainesville, Treasurer; Juliette Koves of
Orlando, Treasurer-Elect; Carolyn C. Coukos
of Naples, Public Relations Director; Vene M.
of Pembroke Pines, Journal Editor; and
Frances Grace Cooper of Sarasota, Member-
ship Director.
FAWL's 2002 Annual Awards Luncheon was a joint effort of the VirgilHawkins Florida Chapterof the National BarAssociation, the Equal Jennifer Coberly, Past President of Opportunities Law FAWL and member of The Florida Section of The Florida Bar's Board of Governors, speaks at 2002-2003 FAWL President Siobhan H. Shea Bar and FAWL. The the luncheon. presents the Rosemary Barkett Outstanding event was a resounding Achievement Award to Martha Barnett, Immediate success. Congresswoman Past President of the American Bar Association. Corrine Brown, U.S.
House of Representa-
Pictured from left are: tives, 3rd District, Florida Bar President 2001-2002 FAWL presented the keynote Tod Aronovitz speaking President Susan F. Fox; address, "The Politics of at FAWL's Annual The Honorable Corrine Discrimination: Will We Awards Luncheon. Brown; 2001-2002 Ever Achieve Equal Justice Under the Law?" This VHCFNBA President standing-room-only luncheon gave new meaning Noel Lawrence and to the phrase "unity is strength." ■ 2001-2002 EOLSection ChairMarcia Cohen. Also attending the luncheon: Edith Osman, The Florida Bar Past President; Judge Davis; Susan From left: The Florida Bar's Board of Governors members Immediate Past Henry Latimer and Kelly Johnson; 1990-91 FAWL President, and Sharon President Ava K. Doppelt, and Board of Governors Glickman, 1996-97 member Jerry Beer. FAWL President. Autumn 2002 • FAWL Journal £ FEMINIST, from Page 12 those accused of a crime, no matter whatthat crime may be, does not completelyconflict with these basic tenants offeminism. In fact, by ensuring that thejudicial system continues to subscribe tothe beliefthat defen-dants are The definition of innocentuntil proven a feminist does not have to include subverting the workingtoward the legal system. goals ofequality,fairness and justice. The definition of a Judge Mattie Belle Davis feminist does not have to includesubverting the judicial system. Admit-tedly, there are problems with the receives FAWL's Lifetime system. However, if there are flaws, weshould work to reform the system, notdismantle it. For this reason, it will not Achievement Award only be possible to act both as anattorney and a feminist, it will benecessary. ■ Judge Mattie Belle Davis, a founding member of FAWL, a FAWL Golden
Rebecca Knox is a law student at Nova South- Star and FAWL Historian for many years, was presented with FAWL's Lifetime eastern University Law Center in Broward County Achievement Award at FAWL's annual Awards Luncheon, at Boca Raton in June and a member of FAWL NSU Chapter.
Judge Mattie Belle Davis attended Business College in the 1920's in Miami, Florida and then became a legal secretary to Troy Davis in 1927. Unable to
afford to attend law school, she studied law under the tutorship of Troy Davis. She passed the Bar in 1936 and practiced with Davis until his death in Judge Mattie Belle Davis was at the inaugural FAWL meeting in 1951, was a founding member, and served as president in 1957. In 1959 she became the first woman Judge of Metropolitan Dade County, and for several years was the only Advertise your services in the woman Judge with county-wide jurisdiction. She retired as a judge in 1980, and on the FAWL website.
continued as senior judge until 1996.
The FAWL Journal is published Judge Mattie Belle Davis throughout her career has been very active, and held quarterly and sent office in numerous organizations both locally and nationally. To name a few: she to all FAWL members.
was President of the National Association of Women Lawyers in 1965; Delegate All female lawyers in Florida receive the to the BA House of Delegates in the 60's, 70's, and 80's; she was the first Florida woman and the second nationally to be elected as Fellow to the American Bar The FAWL Website is available Association Foundation. Through work as Traffic Judge she became a state and to anyone with internet access! national leader in traffic issues. She is the founding chair of the National IF INTERESTED, CONTACT: Association of Women Judges. She has been inducted in the Florida Women's Hall of Fame. ■ FAWL Journal • Autumn 2002 Congratulations to FAWL Members £Rhea F. Law, president of Fowler
The Naples audience was comprised of Commerce. Lowndes, Drosdick, White Boggs Banker, has been several state agency representatives, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A. is a full- selected by the Rotary consultants, land brokers, mitigation service law firm serving Central bank representatives and attorneys.
Florida business since 1969.
receive the Service Long is a member of Lowndes Drosdick £Palm Beach County Chapter Above Self Award in Doster Kantor & Reed, P.A., a full- member Julie H.
recognition of her service law firm serving Florida busi- nesses since 1969.
associate with the vocational improve- £Hillsborough Association for Women ments and involvement with the Lawyers member Susan
based personal injury civic community. She was also firm of Lytal, Reiter, selected by the Stetson Lawyers attorney with the law firm Clark, Fountain & Association as the 2002 recipient of of Fowler White Boggs Williams, LLP, has the Ben C. Willard Award for Banker, has been elected become Board Certified in Appellate outstanding service and dedication to the Board of Directors Practice by The Florida Bar. She to the legal profession and to Stetson of the Hillsborough serves as the firm's in-house appellate University College of Law. She is the County Bar Association. She practices lawyer and also handles appeals and statewide chair of the Fowler White in the firm's Government, Environmen- trial support matters for attorneys Boggs Banker's Government, tal and Land Use department and outside the firm. She holds member- Environmental and Land Use concentrates her practice in the area of ships in numerous legal associations department and concentrates her land use, local government and admin- and is a former President of FAWL's practice in the area of acquisition, istrative law.
Palm Beach County Chapter.
permitting, environmental represen- £Rebecca L. Palmer, a partner with the
£Mary Margaret Schneider has
tation, land use and zoning matters.
Orlando law firm of joined the law firm of Fowler White Boggs Banker is one of Lowndes, Drosdick, Florida's oldest and largest law firms Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.
with more than 180 attorneys in A., has been appointed to provided of counsel seven offices in Ft. Myers, Naples, the board of trustees for support to the firm Orlando, St. Petersburg, Tallahassee, the Orange County Bar since October 2001.
Tampa and West Palm Beach.
Association's Legal Aid She specializes in £Jennifer C. Frank,
Society. She also presented "Florida plaintiff's personal injury, wrongful formerly with Drage, Family Law and Custody Disputes" at a death, medical malpractice, product de Beaubien, Knight, recent National Business Institute liability and consumer class action Simmons, Mantzaris seminar. She is a 1994 honors graduate cases. Before joining Aronovitz, she of Stetson University College of Law was affiliated with David M. Lipman Shannon L. Daniels,
and also holds an undergraduate degree P.A., and prior to that was with from Stetson (B.A. with honors 1991).
Stanley M. Rosenblatt, P.A., for more Her areas of practice include litigation, than 13 years. "Being an advocate for McCumber, Prieto & with an emphasis on domestic relations victims and trying to make their lives and family law. She is certified by the better is more rewarding than I ever become associated Supreme Court of Florida as a family imagined," Schneider said. Prior to with the Law Firm of law mediator. Palmer is a member of the earning a law degree from Loyola Wendy L. Aikin, P.A.
executive council of the Orange University School of Law in New in Winter Park.
County Bar and is active in the commu- Orleans, Schneider received a £Central Florida nity including serving as adjunct Bachelor of Science degree in medical Chapter member Anna Long
professor at University of Central technology from the Louisiana State presented the topics, "Growth Florida and Barry University, Barry University College of Chemistry and Management and DRI Update," University Advisory Board, Stetson Physics. Schneider is membership "How to Deal With Agencies in University Alumni Association Board of vice president of The Miami Forum Negotiation Settlement or Consent Directors, president of Central Florida and an active parishioner at St. Hugh Agreements," and "What Title V and Association for Women Lawyers, and a Catholic Church in Coconut Grove.
HAP Air Emission Sources Need to member of the Citizen Commission for She lives in Coconut Grove with her Know," at the 16th Annual Florida Children, Women's Executive Council, husband, James P. E. Roen, Esq., and Chamber of Commerce's Environ- Economic Development Commission their two children. Aronovitz Trial mental Permitting Summer School.
and Greater Orlando Chamber of Lawyers, whose offices are at 150 Autumn 2002 • FAWL Journal West Flagler Street, Miami, was PRESIDENT KEYNOTE SPEAKER AT WOMEN founded in 1988 by Tod Aronovitz.
OF VALOR AWARD CEREMONIES Currently Mr. Aronovitz is Presidentof The Florida Bar.
£Norma Stanley, a partner with the
Eunice Tall Baros (pictured,
center), Assistant Public De- law firm of Lowndes, Drosdick, fender in West Palm Beach, was Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A., was a honored by the American Jewish guest lecturer on "Trusts and Estates" Committee, Palm Beach County at a Seminole Community College Chapter. She is a member of the class on Wills, Trusts and Estate Executive Women of the Palm Administration for the Paralegal Beaches, the American Jewish Studies program.
Committee and a diplomat member £Candice D. Tobin, Broward
of the Florida Academy of Profes- Chapter President-elect, recently co- sional Mediators. She is a graduate of the University of Florida, 1967 and 1971, and authored "Election 2000: The Law of Nova Southeastern University Law School, 1980. She is a former Assistant Attorney Tied Presidential Elections," 26 Nova General (Consumer Fraud Unit), and a senior attorney at Holland & Knight LLP.
L.R. 647 (2002).
She was chair of the 4th District Court of Appeal Judicial Nominating Commission £Ashley West, an associate with the
in 1998-99 and former chair of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee of law firm of Lowndes, Drosdick, the Trial Lawyers Section of the Florida Bar. She is currently a member of the Board Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A., pub- of Directors of the statewide Florida Legal Services, Inc. Presenter of the award for lished an article entitled, "To Dis- the AJC was Sharon Bock, left, chief deputy for Court Services in Palm Beach count or Not to Discount, That is the County and FAWL treasurer (Palm Beach County Chapter). FAWL President Question: An Analysis of the Law on Siobhan Shea (pictured, at right) of Jupiter, gave a dynamic keynote address speaking
Discounts in Fifty States," for the July about Women of Valor through the ages, beginning with Deborah in the Old issue of the M&A Journal. ■ Testament. The event was June 27 at the Palm Beach Gardens Marriott Hotel. ■ HAWL Member Heads NCWBA! by COLLEEN NESTOR newsletter shares news of significance Dawn has been active Co-Editor, HAWL Journal with women's bar associations. Each year in HAWL (1999-2002); NCWBA honors a women's bar associa- FAWL [representative Dawn Siler-Nixon, a HAWL
tion for excellent community service member for several years, was projects. Past awards have spotlighted Conference of Women's Bar Associa- sworn in as the 2002-03 President of programs on breast cancer awareness, tions (1997-2002), Constitutional the National Conference of Women's domestic violence and pro bono legal Revision Committee Chair (1997- Bar Associations (NCWBA) at its advice to family law litigants. NCWBA is 1999), newsletter editor (1996-1997)]; annual meeting in August in Washing- an affiliate of the ABA, with a vote in the National Conference of Women's Bar ton, D.C. NCWBA, of which FAWL is ABA House of Delegates, and works Associations [President (2002-2003), a member, is an organization of closely with a number of ABA groups and President Elect (2001-2002), Vice women's bar associations, providing a affiliates, including the ABA Commission President (2000-2001), Board Member national forum for the exchange of on Women in the Profession.
(1997-2000)]; George Edgecombe Bar ideas and information vital to growth Dawn believes that the most important Association (2000-2001); Young and success in today's legal profession.
focus of NCWBA is to continue to help Professionals for Covenant House; NCWBA meets three times a year to women's bar associations around the Gwen Cherry Women's Political foster connections among leadership country and the world organize and Caucus; Hillsborough County of women's bar associations through- grow, so she hopes to emphasize interna- Chamber of Commerce; Florida out the nation and abroad. NCWBA tional outreach during her tenure.
Chapter of the National Bar Associa- also provides a free electronic Dawn, a double Tar Heel (UNC tion (African-American Bar Associa- "women's bar leadership" list serve for Chapel Hill, B.A. 1990; J.D. 1993), is a tion); National Bar Association Voting business referrals, job postings, partner in the law firm of Ford & Rights Commission (2001); and the questions and timely updates on Harrison LLP in Tampa. Her practice is American Bar Association AIDS matters of concern to women's bar primarily involved in litigation, and she Coordinating Committee [Board associations. NCWBA's web site, has represented numerous private and, provides a chatroom public employers in a wide variety of Congratulations Dawn, we look available to member associations for employment-related lawsuits before forward to reading great things about online meetings. NCWBA's quarterly agencies and in state and federal courts.
you in the coming year! ■ FAWL Journal • Autumn 2002 including large employment discrimina- be reunited with their parents or placed tion class actions as well as defense of in foster care. She has served on individual cases arising under anti- numerous Florida Bar committees and President Siobhan discrimination, whistleblower protection currently is a member of the Family Law
Helene Shea is an
and anti-retaliation laws, and enforces Rules Committee and is very active in appellate attorney in noncompetition and trade secret The Florida Bar Family Law Section. She West Palm Beach. She agreements. A 1980 graduate of the has also published articles and been a is an active member of School of Journalism at the University speaker on family law issues. In addition, Palm Beach County's of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, she she served as the Vice-Chair on an Chapter, where she served as President, worked as a reporter and editor for the Eleventh Circuit Grievance Committee.
Past-President (for two terms), State Greensboro (N.C.) News & Record and the Representative, Treasurer and Newsletter Tampa Tribune before entering law school Editor from 1995 to 2001. She serves on and now advises clients on dealing with the Appellate Rules Committee and the media in high-profile cases. She Criminal Appellate Rules and Family returned to the University of North Appellate Rules Subcommittees of The Carolina School of Law, graduating first Florida Bar and is a Co-Editor of the in her class and earning a juris doctor Wimsett grew
Record, the Journal of the Appellate degree with highest honors in 1990. She up in Gainesville Practice Section of The Florida Bar and is is co-chair of the ABA Litigation with her parents, Dr.
on the Executive Council of the Appel- Section's Committee on Class Actions Whit and Ruthanne
late Practice Section of The Florida Bar.
and Derivative Suits. She was also Curry, and her
She is a past chair of the Appellate president of the Hillsborough Associa- brother, Robbie Curry. After graduat-
Practice Committee of the Palm Beach tion for Women Lawyers in 2000-01.
ing from the IB Program at Eastside County Bar Association and is a Past High School, she attended Vanderbilt President, former President-Elect and University in Nashville, Tennessee.
former Vice-President of B'Nai B'Rith's She graduated cum laude from Palm Beach Justice Unit. She has received Vanderbilt with Honors in English in The Florida Bar President's Pro Bono 1994 and returned home to Gator Service Award and the American Immi- Deborah Magid Country for law school at the Univer-
gration Lawyers Association Human is currently the sity of Florida. While in law school, Rights Award. She is also a member of President-Elect of the she served as a Florida Bar Legal the Craig S. Barnard American Inn of Miami-Dade Chapter Services Fellow and a UF Center for Court. She is also newsletter editor for Governmental Responsibility Public the American Bar Association's Council of Secretary for State Service Fellow. She and her husband, Appellate Lawyers and a past member of FAWL. She has also served as Secretary Gary D. Wimsett, Jr., also a UF Law
its Executive Council. She is also active for the Miami-Dade Chapter and graduate, moved to Tallahassee upon in her community, in civic organizations Treasurer for State FAWL. She was a graduation in 1997. As an Assistant and in schools and was instrumental in recipient of the Miami-Dade FAWL Public Defender for the Honorable helping to establish a local transitional President's Award for 2000-2001.She Nancy Daniels, Mary K. handled home for women in Palm Beach County.
graduated from the University of Miami felony, juvenile and misdemeanor She is a 1991 graduate cum laude of Law School with honors. She works at caseloads for two years. In the winter University of Miami School of Law.
the Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office, of 2000, she became a program Civil Division and also part-time, at St.
attorney for the Guardian ad Litem Thomas University School of Law, Program in the Second Judicial Circuit where she teaches legal research and where she handled dependency and writing and appellate advocacy. She is family law cases. She serves on the on the Board of Directors for the PACE Florida Bar Juvenile Rules Committee Dinita L. James Center for Girls, an alternative school and was recently Vice-President for
for at-risk teenage girls. She is also a the Tallahassee Women Lawyers. She the Tampa, Florida, program coordinator for Hands on and her husband welcomed a baby girl Miami, a volunteer organization. She into their family in December 2001.
Harrison, LLP. She regularly volunteers at a Children's The Wimsett family recently moved litigates complex Home Society group home that tempo- back to Gainesville and is very excited matters in federal and state court, rarily houses young children awaiting to to be home again.
Autumn 2002 • FAWL Journal appellate advocacy team, and she was recognized for her writing skills. She graduated in 1997. She earned her undergraduate degree with honors from Julie Koves
received her J.D.
Flagler College in historic St. Augustine, from the University and has a BA in social sciences. She is an The Florida Bar's of Florida College of active member in the local chapter of Law in 1992. Prior to FAWL having served on the Sarasota Liaison Committee law school,she was a Chapter's Board of Directors since state probation officer in Broward 1999 and serving as the 2000-2001 member of the Florida Council of Bar County, and after law school, worked Association Presidents. She is a past- as an assistant state attorney in Semi- president of the Broward County nole County. She later established her Women Lawyers Association and is a own practice doing primarily criminal general practitioner specializing in defense and family law. For three-and- family and immigration law at the Law a-half years, she served as a part-time Offices of Vene Hamilton PA. in traffic court hearing officer in Seminole Pembroke Pines. Submissions to the
and Orange Counties, and for six years, FAWL Journal are welcome. Articles for
she was employed as an independent Carolyn C.
Coukos is a
the winter issue should be forwarded by
contractor doing hearings and research Vice President of November 15, 2002 to the attention of
for other attorneys. Currently, she is Northern Trust Bank.
Vene Hamilton, Law Offices of Vene
working at the Barry University She is employed in Hamilton PA, 269 N. University Drive,
Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law Northern's Naples office and manages its Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024 or
Legal Clinic as an Attorney Ad Litem estate settlement department for representing abused, neglected and Southwest Florida. She is a member of abandoned children in dependency the Board and a former President of the cases. She is also certified in both Collier County Women's Bar Associa- family mediation and in arbitration. In tion. She also serves on the Board of the addition, she is serving a second term Collier County Shelter for Abused on The Florida Bar Traffic Rules Women. Carolyn moved from Indiana to Committee, she serves as a mediator for Florida in 1994. While in Indiana, she The ABA Commission on Women the Bar's pro bono grievance mediation was Vice President and Trust Counsel in the Profession is accepting program and she serves as a pro bono for Bank One in Indianapolis. She left nominations for the 13th Annual Guardian Ad Litem. Julie has served on Bank One after ten years to set up her Margaret Brent Women Lawyers the FAWL board for the past four years own law office and practiced for another of Achievement Award. Nomina- as CFAWL's Chapter Representative ten years, concentrating in estate and tions forms and materials are due twice and as FAWL's Treasurer and trust law and employment law. She was on or before December 13, 2002.
Public Relations Officer.
nominated by the Indiana Judicial The awards will be presented at Nominating Commission to be Judge of the ABA Annual Meeting in the Indiana Tax Court, a statewide San Francisco, CA on Sunday, appellate level court. She also led a state August 10, 2003.
wide coalition of citizens organizations For additional information, call which was dedicated to the enactment 312/988-5668 or e-mail of community property law in Indiana.
Cooper is a
She was the founding chair of the The award was created in partner with the law Women Lawyers Division of the 1991 to recognize and celebrate firm of Napolitano & Indianapolis Bar Association, the only the accomplishments of women association for women lawyers in lawyers. This award honors Indiana. She received a BA degree from outstanding women lawyers who specializes in personal injury and the University of Kansas and a JD have achieved professional insurance law issues, and other general degree from Indiana University School excellence within their area of civil litigation matters. She attended of Law. Between college and law school, specialty and have actively paved Mercer University School of Law, where she worked for Time Magazine in New the way to success for other she was a member of the moot court women lawyers.
FAWL Journal • Autumn 2002 We continue to feature some of the Golden Star recipients in the FAWL Journal.
These women were honored as a part of the association's 50th anniversary celebration.
tion which provides group counseling to victims of childrensexual abuse and rape. She has also been an instructor for The Nominated by Jacksonville Women Lawyers Association Florida Bar Trial Advocacy Seminar. Judge Freeman is presently The Honorable Karen Cole has been a Golden Star to
a Dade County Library Trustee and Master Bencher in Family the Jacksonville Women Lawyers Association. She has been Law Inns of Court. In addition to serving as the 1984-85 FAWL a great supporter of the JWLA and is one of the most visible state president, Dade County FAWL, and The Florida Bar, Judge judges at our meetings. She has been involved in the legal Freeman has served on the board of the National Association of community including terms as President of the Jacksonville Bar Women Lawyers. She is a recipient of the following awards: Association and the Chester Bedell American Inns of Court. She Metro Dade County Award "In the Company of Women," Dade has also served as chair of the Family Court Steering Committee County FAWL "Mattie Belle Davis Award," Legal Services Pro and the family law faculty of the College of Advanced Judicial Bono Award, and the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce Studies. Finally, she has served as the Fourth Circuit Mentor Award. She was inducted into the Hall of Fame by Brien Judge Coordinator, as a member of the steering committee of McMahon High School in Norwalk, Connecticut, is a Fellow of the Governor's Task Force on Domestic Violence, and as co- the American Bar Association and is listed in Who's Who of founder of the Jacksonville Medical-Legal Coalition. She American Women and Who's Who International.
graduated college from Jacksonville University and attended lawschool at the University of Florida. She was AV-rated byMartindale-Hubbell while she was in private practice. She is one of the most respected judges of the Fourth Judicial Circuit. Sheis a role model having struck an admirable balance between her professional and personal life.
Jacksonville Women Lawyers
Tonia Yazgi would definitely be
considered a Golden Star to our local chapter and to the Jacksonville legalcommunity. She is Jacksonville Women Lawyers Association's former President, State FAWL Executive Committee President-Elect and Secretary. She continues to be active in the The Honorable Gill S. Freeman was JWLA and to serve as a great resource and mentor. She also
nominated as a Golden Star by the served as FAWL state President, President-Elect, Secretary and FAWL's Executive Committee. Judge Chapter Representative. She has been active in other legal Freeman graduated cum laude from the activities including various committees of The Florida Bar, the University Of Miami School of Law in Florida Defense Lawyers Association, various committees of the 1977. She practiced in Miami with the law firm of Walton, Jacksonville Bar Association, the Jacksonville Association of Lantaff, Shroeder & Carson from 1977 until 1982. In 1982, she Defense Lawyers, the Northeast Florida Medical Malpractice began practicing at the law firm of Ruden, McClosky, Smith, Claims Council and the Medical Legal Coalition. She is active in Schuster & Russell, P.A., and she became a partner at the firm in the community with the Jacksonville Women's Network, as a 1983. Since August 1997, she has been a Circuit Court Judge in guest speaker at various schools and investitures, and as a member Miami Dade County. Judge Freeman has served on many law- of the Salaam Club of Florida. She attended Dartmouth College related committees, including the Supreme Court Commission and law school at Tulane Law School. After law school she was as on Fairness (Chair 1999), Supreme Court Gender Bias Study association for Kent, Hayden, Facciolo and McMorrow. She then Commission (Vice Chair 1987-90), Supreme Court Gender Bias became a shareholder with Brown, Obringer, Beardsley & Implementation Commission (Chair 1991-94), and the All Bar DeCandio. In the year 2000, she opened her own practice, the Conference Committee. She served as program chair of the First Yazgi Law Firm, where she specializes in medical negligence, 150 Women Lawyers Project, which was a joint effort by The personal injury, real estate, professional liability, business transac- Florida Bar and FAWL. She was chair of the board of directors of tions, wills and estates, and appellate practice. Ms. Yazgi is a Spectrum Programs, which is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation graduate of Tulane Law School. She has served as a role model to program operating in Dade and Broward Counties, and she the women of our chapter through her local and statewide chaired the board of directors of Journey Institute, an organiza- accomplishments. She is most deserving of this award.
Autumn 2002 • F Autumn 2002 • F A BEYOND THE BILLABLE HOUR™When the Going Gets Tough,the Tough Learn RESILIENCE "More than education, more than experience, more than training, a person's level of resilience will determine whosucceeds and who fails. That's true in the cancer ward, it's true in the Olympics, and it's true in the boardroom." — DIANE L. COUTU, quoting Dean Becker, CEO of Adaptive Learning Systems, Harvard Business Review, May 2002, p.47 by ELLEN OSTROW, Ph.D.
Work changes, life changes and transi- Difficult situations often offer important tions are stressful. Change is disruptive. It earning experiences. The core of creates uncertainty and requires you to resilience is the ability to transform As attorneys, change is make adaptations above and beyond your adversity into a challenge from which probably the one already excessive workload.
you can learn and grow. Resilience constant in your life these Whether you work in private practice, involves going beyond coping and days. Changes in the in the legal department of a corporation adaptation to actually making "transfor- economy, in the legal marketplace, in the or in the government, the changes to mative" change.
profession, and in technology all require which you have to adapt are probably When faced with change, try to coming at you so rapidly you barely have tolerate ambiguity and remain open to £Perhaps your firm is "downsizing" time to reflect upon them.
new experiences. Look for the possibili- because business is slow in your Fortunately, psychological research has ties in uncertainty, rather than focusing practice area.
identified the characteristics of people on the dangers. Although most people £You may be feeling insecure about your who cope well with adversity and prefer predictability, try to appreciate change. Many of these attributes are that you grow more from challenge than £Possibly you're among those attorneys skills you can learn – skills that a profes- from routine and comfort.
who thought that your position was sional coach is trained to help you secure only to have been told to look MAKE A COMMITMENT Whether you call coping well with People who are committed to what £If your firm has merged with another, difficult times "resilience," "adaptability," they do – who are strongly interested in you have to cope with new reporting or "hardiness," here are a list of 14 their work – are resilient in the face of relationships and adapt to a changing attitudes and behaviors that you can challenges. Resilient lawyers look work culture.
practice in order to become more forward to doing the work they've chosen £If you've recently become a partner to do. Resilience requires finding a way you're faced with new demands for to turn the difficult situation you're business development and greater experiencing into something interesting Resilient people truly understand and and important to you.
£Increasing numbers of women in the face the reality of their situation, even if If your work feels trivial or meaning- profession require adaptations from it's emotionally difficult. Sugar-coating a less, it will be very difficult to persist in their workplaces. Work norms and difficult situation doesn't help you cope.
the face of hardship. This is one reason long-standing assumptions are being Instead, face reality in a way that allows why it's so important to do work you you to prepare to manage it.
£If you're a parent, you may be finding the adjustments you're required to make DEVELOP AN OPTIMISTIC OUTLOOK to your workplace to be in conflict with Optimism doesn't mean looking at the Resilient people are the sculptors of the needs of your family.
world through rose-colored glasses. It their life and career situations – not the £You may be returning to work after means facing problems with an eye on sculpture. Take the initiative to identify family leave and be concerned about how to solve them. Rather than feeling opportunities and act on them. Go how your absence will effect your like a victim of change, consider the beyond adapting to adversity and opportunities that change presents.
actively work to change your circum- FAWL Journal • Autumn 2002 stances for the better.
always discard it if it isn't effective.
of your feelings of discouragement. Like a Proactive lawyers select and influence marathon runner, you keep going because the situations in which they work rather you believe in what you're doing. You than merely reacting to situations created Consider a wide variety of options in simply will not give up.
by others. Try to identify and pursue addressing challenges. Rather than opportunities for self-improvement such getting stuck repeating ineffective as establishing relationships with mentors strategies, pay attention to obstacles and EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE and acquiring needed skills.
use them as information that a shift to a Resilient people see to the heart of the Develop a career plan. Seek a work new approach is required.
problem and are perceptive of interper- environment that matches your needs sonal cues. Be assertive, willing to tell and values. Build a network of supportive STRUCTURE AMBIGUIT Y others about yourself, and socially colleagues, friends, mentors and a The uncertainty of change can be skillful. When your emotional intelli- professional coach to help you anticipate made less stressful by organizing the gence is well-developed, people experi- change and prepare for it.
information you have. Categorize and ence you as warm, caring and compas- prioritize information in a way that sionate. They like and accept you and DEVELOP A SENSE OF HUMOR allows you to approach challenging want to be helpful.
The culture of the legal profession is situations with a plan. Keep yourself from very serious, but the fact is that you need a becoming overwhelmed – develop an sense of humor to be resilient in the face organizational structure that enables you The belief that you can influence the of change and adversity. Humor provides to systematically evaluate approaches events and circumstances of your life is you with perspective. While facing the according to their effectiveness. When essential to resilience. This doesn't mean reality of your situation, it's also useful to you're systematic, you hold onto impor- you think you can control everything.
see the absurdity in it. Try to remember tant details and discard those that are Instead, cultivate your ability to focus on the crises with which you successfully irrelevant. You can avoid re-tracing your what you can influence and control. It's coped and how enormous they seemed at steps and continue to move forward.
important to focus on what you CAN do the time. Laughing at how seriously we when faced with things you can't change.
can sometimes take ourselves can allow us the psychological space to see alternatives Tranforming change and difficulty into we hadn't seen before.
useful experience requires that you stay The ability to reconstruct the stressful open not just to the reality of the People who succeed in the face of situation – to stretch your imagination, situation, but also to the reality of your great adversity have a strong sense that broaden your perspective and deepen strengths and limitations. The only way life is meaningful. Their sense of purpose your understanding – is crucial to you can develop a self- improvement plan allows them to build a cognitive bridge resilience. If this is difficult for you, then is through an honest assessment of the from the difficulties of the present to the consider this an opportunity to learn how kinds of assistance you need. Lawyers better future they're trying to construct.
to cognitively reframe adversity.
often feel they have to be able to do This kind of vision is a hallmark of everything themselves – this is not a path great leaders as well as survivors. The to resilience.
image of something meaningful provides Have a clear sense of what you're Resilience also requires insight into you with an anchor to hold onto during trying to achieve and use your goals and your own motives. If you have the turbulent times. It can transform an priorities to stay on track during turbu- willingness to acknowledge and express overwhelming situation into one that's lent times. Don't waste your energy on your feelings and a genuine desire for unimportant details; stay focused. If you self-understanding you'll be better do become temporarily sidetracked, prepared to face diversity.
Consider the lawyers you know who refocus on your goals and what matters have succeeded in spite of the most most to you.
difficult challenges. Odds are they've Persistence in the face of adversity is developed the attitudes and skills that one of the cornerstones of resilience.
Resilience requires that you be inventive Take responsibility for your own fate.
Professional coaches are trained to help in using whatever resources you can find.
Stay resolute in your values and goals and you develop your cognitive, emotional This includes your internal resources as remain determined and self-disciplined in and behavioral ability to adapt to change well as those you can access from others – your efforts to achieve them.
and transform it into opportunity.
including their emotional support.
Persistence doesn't mean you never feel Remember — more than anything else, Improvise; be creative; be willing to try discouraged. But it is important to resilience will determine who succeeds something and see if it works. You can maintain your focus on the goal in spite and who fails. ■ Ellen Ostrow, Ph.D., established to coach busy lawyers who might benefit from insights gained from 20 years as a psychologist combined with her experience and familiarity with the legal profession. She is a member of the International Coach Federation and a graduate of the Mentor Coach Program.™ She can be reached at 301/585-5539 or at [email protected].
Autumn 2002 • FAWL Journal Florida Association for Women Lawyers MEMBER APPLICATION Application also available at website: TYPE OF MEMBERSHIP: ❏ New Member ❏ Renewal ❏ Student Florida Bar Number ❏ Check here if not a member of The Florida Bar Law School (Student Members Only) Areas of Practice: Payment includes local and state dues, check appropriate chapter and remit corresponding payment
to chapter address or FL Assn. for Women Lawyers; P.O. Box 15998; Tallahassee, FL 32317-5998.
FAWL Journal • Autumn 2002 FAWL WOMEN'S HEALTH SURVEY During the 2002 FAWL Annual Meeting, a survey was conducted to assess health care practices among FAWL's membership, as well as to determine the knowledge of key RISK FACTORS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT women's health care issues. During the luncheon, attendees OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE completed the survey and returned them to the Pfizer Clinical Education Consultants for analysis. A total of 40 surveys were Men 45 years or older completed. During the next series of newsletters, results of the Women 55 years or older survey will be presented along with some related health careinformation. This newsletter focuses on cardiovascular disease Your father or brother had a heart attackor stroke before age 55; or your mother or CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE (CVD) sister had one before age 65 CVD is the number one cause of death for both men and women. Only 53% of the FAWL membership was able to correctly identify CIGARETTE SMOKING that CVD was the leading cause of death in women. Unfortunately, many Increases your risk 2-6 times women still do not recognize that they have the highest chanceof dying from heart disease. One in two women will die of CVD or stroke, as compared to 1 in 26 women due to breast cancer.
Your blood pressure is equal to or higher The truth is CVD kills twice as many women as all forms of than 140/90 mm Hg; or you are currently cancer combined. Heart disease is present in 9 million women taking blood pressure medicine and the prevalence increases as a woman ages, with 1 in 10women having heart disease between the ages of 45-65 and HDL (GOOD) CHOLESTEROL increasing to 1 in 4 women over the age of 65. Despite an Your good cholesterol is lower than 40 mg/dL overall reduction in CV death rates since 1980, most of thedecline is seen in men. Since 1984, the number of deaths related to CV disease in women has exceeded that for men. In 1998, You have been diagnosed with diabetes the CVD mortality was 53% in women and 47% in men.
Autumn 2002 • FAWL Journal Only 53% of the FAWL membership was able tocorrectly identify that cardiovascular disease wasthe leading cause of death in women. FAWL MEMBERSHIPS' CARDIOVASCULAR £Only 36% were able to correctly identify blood
HEALTH CARE PRACTICES pressure levels that would be considered high.
CHOLESTEROL SCREENING The National Cholesterol Education Panel (NCEP) guidelines Body Mass Index, or BMI, is used to determine the recommend that total cholesterol should be less than 200 mg/ degree of a person's excess body weight accurately, dL. High cholesterol is the most common chronic condition because it is a measurement of weight that takes among American workers over 35 years of age. High cholesterol height into account. A person with a BMI of 25 to is a major risk factor for the development of CVD. For each 29.99 is considered "overweight." A BMI of 30 or 10% increase in cholesterol, a person's risk of CVD increases by higher, would be diagnosed as "obese." Normal 20% to 30%. Twenty percent of the United States workforce weight is defined as a BMI in the range of 20 to 24.
have uncontrolled high cholesterol, and only 59% are awarethat they have the condition.
£13% percent of the FAWL membership responded that
Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for the develop- they had high cholesterol.
ment of CVD.
£65% were able to correctly identify cholesterol levels
that would be considered high.
£95% knew that there is a good cholesterol called
Routine exercise helps to control body weight, "High Density Lipoprotein" or HDL.
reduces high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.
People with a fasting blood glucose equal to or higher than 126 mg/dL have diabetes, according to the American Diabetes AFFECTING THE FAWL MEMBERSHIP Association (ADA). Diabetes is a risk factor for the developmentof CVD.
£10% percent of the FAWL membership responded that
High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a systolic blood they had diabetes.
pressure (top number) equal to or higher than 140 mm Hg or adiastolic blood pressure (bottom number) equal to or higher than 90 mm Hg. High blood pressure is a risk factor for the Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death for development of CVD and strokes. It is estimated that 12% of both men and women. Lowering your risk factors, by keeping the Unites States workforce has uncontrolled high blood your cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar under control, pressure, of which 35% of employees are not even aware that will lower your risk of developing a heart attack or stroke in the they have the condition.
future. If you have not had your blood pressure, cholesterol, or £10% percent of the FAWL membership responded that
blood sugar checked within the past year, we at Pfizer encour- they had high blood pressure.
age you to do so. ■ FAWL Journal • Autumn 2002 £ ADOPTION, from Page 5 the registry every time they had sex.
Thirty states have a version of the father Career Center News Under the current law, birth mothers must file adoption petitions in the county of the birth father and each possiblelocation of conception. This provisionapplies even in cases of statutory rape, These "tips for success" are brought case something unexpected happens.
to you by the Florida Association £Days off for Holidays, vacation conflicting with other state laws which for Women Lawyers and their online days, sick and personal leave.
explicitly prohibit and criminalize Career Center service.
£Retirement Plan – Do they have a publication of the names of statutory rape plan for your future? victims. The publication requirements £And what about Stock Options, could also double the cost of the adop- Reimbursement Accounts and Profit tion proceeding. Furthermore, some In this article our desire is to help married women may choose abortion you draw a clear picture of what is rather than reveal the details of their sex important to you in your desired lives in a public arena. The law is also position. As we discuss each topic we What about Growth Potential? Do vague on the size of the newspaper in suggest you take our a sheet of paper you feel stagnant in your current which the ads must appear. Therefore, write each decision item down and position? How important is it to find the notices may likely turn up in smaller give them one of three labels: a company with career growth papers because of the lower cost to £Essential: You would not make a
publish the notices and a hope by the move without it.
women who file the notices that a £Desired: It is an area
minimal number of people will read of importance, but them. There are 5,000 to 7,000 adoptions still negotiable.
a year in Florida, about 80 percent of £Optional: It would
which are private. The law applies only be great to have it, to private adoptions.
but would have very Currently, the groundwork is being laid little influence on for an effort to have legislators repeal the your final decision.
law during the 2003 session.
CHAPTER VOTING RESULTS: Chapter votes in favor: CFAWL, Lee,
everything, but in Manatee, Miami Dade, Nova, Sarasota, today's world it is good to have… necessary in Chapter votes against: Hillsborough.
fact! Accordingly, it The Hillsborough Chapter feels that remains the main focus potential fathers should be notified and when job searching. Do you know that the present methods of notification what your worth? The Internet as well What about your commute? How could be rectified in the 2003 legislative as business and trade magazines can close to home would you like to work? session. HAWL's Board approved a provide many sources of information How much time are you willing to motion that HAWL vote against filing relating to an employee's value to an spend in traffic? the amicus brief. The HAWL Board's employer. Another great resource is discussion indicated that, while birth comparing what the industry is There are few companies that mothers are significantly affected by the offering for your position (search our provide all of the above. Your needs publication requirement, birth fathers online database of jobs and find out).
are personal and only you can decide and adoptive parents also have rights that what's most important.
need to be protected. It was suggested Take a look at what you've written that the statute be changed to provide for Rank the importance of Medical, down and what priority it has for you a paternity registry, which could not be Dental, and Vision Plans ensuring you in finding your desired position. Then accomplished through the court. There and your family optimum health select any of the other career resource also was a concern that there might be tools we have available to help you significant differences of opinion among £Disability and Life Insurance – In find your dream job. ■ HAWL members because they believedthe Family Law Section of The Florida Bar had endorsed the legislation and Cover Letters and Common Cover Letter mistakes! adoption attorneys oppose it. ■ Autumn 2002 • FAWL Journal MANAGING YOUR OWN LAW PRACTICE FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 2002 MIAMI HYATT REGENCY – 400 SOUTHEAST SECOND AVENUE – MIAMI, FL 33131 Presented by the Florida Association for Women Lawyers in conjunction with the Midyear Meeting of The Florida Bar.
To receive the hotel convention rate of $179, call the Hyatt at 305/358-1234 prior to December 22, 2002.
8:00 a.m.
Late Registration Sometime during your legal career you will consider "going out on your own." This program addresses the mechanics of starting your own practice or partnership. We have combined Moderator: Announcements expertise in law office management with first hand experience in 8:40 a.m.–9:20 a.m.
How important are marketing law firm marketing, life management and business essentials.
and advertising – professional Key sessions will include Q & A time. Stop wondering and start requirements, various methods?Marketing Management is the process of accessing your options. A 4.5-hour CLE program which includes educating consumers about the legal servicesthe law office provides. Marketing is far more .5 hours of mental health/professionalism credit.
than advertising. Special rules apply to themarketing efforts law firms engage in. Lawyersmust be aware of these rules and know how An application for CLE credit has submitted to they apply to the firm's marketing plans.
—JOHN L. REMSEN, JR. and The Florida Bar and is CLE credit is anticipated at: ELIZABETH CLARK TARBERT CLER Maximum Credit: General (4 hours); Ethics (.5 hour) 9:20 a.m.–10:00 a.m.
The basics. What do you haveto know to start your ownpractice or partnership.
Register me for Managing Your Own Law Practice Requirements for those opening a law practiceare minimal. Most attorneys find theirconcerns relate to practical considerationssuch as budgeting, marketing, space planning, accounting (including trust accounting),automation, setting up a client intake system,management of personnel, and so forth.
10:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
Insurance, professional liability and retirement planning issues—PANEL: Business Planning Concepts and FLORIDA BAR NUMBER Florida Lawyers Mutual Representatives.
10:30 a.m.–11:45 a.m.
What I wish I'd known then – Please check below and fax or mail this form What you need to know now.
along with a check in the appropriate amount payable to: A panel of practitioners at various stages in their practice P.O. Box 15998 • Tallahassee, FL 32317-5998 offer advice.
Phone or fax: 850/894-0055 Voices of experience, they'll share the good E-mail: [email protected] along with the bad. We'll also introduce you toa creative attorney who has developed an on-line practice and take a look at trends that may affect your practice in the future.
12 Noon–1:45 p.m.
Luncheon Keynote: Finding BalanceOverwhelming noted as a primary issue in a survey of the association's leadership.
FAWL members will recognize Ellen, as author of "Beyond the Billable Hour," a frequent articlein the FAWL Journal. This topic qualifies for mental health credit/ethics credit.
FAWL Journal • Autumn 2002 £FAWL Midyear Meeting & CLE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE FLORIDA BAR'S MIDYEAR MEETING Hyatt Regency Miami JUNE 25–28, 2003 £FAWL Annual Meeting IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE FLORIDA BAR'S ANNUAL MEETING Orlando World Center Marriott £FAWL Annual Retreat IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE BAR LEADERS' CONFERENCE Renaissance Vinoy St. Petersburg Florida Association for Women Lawyers P.O. Box 15998, Tallahassee, Florida 32317-5998 Ford & Harrison LLP Autumn 2002 • FAWL Journal


NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT co-cinfaval 160 mg/12.5 mg film-coated tablets 2. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION Each tablet contains 160 mg of valsartan and 12.5 mg of hydrochlorothiazide. Excipients with known effect: This medicinal product contains 2.3 mg of lactose, 18.5 mg of sorbitol and 7.67 mg of pregelatinised corn starch.

INSTRUCTION MANUAL Super Miniature Variable Power Transmitters With Digital Hybrid Wireless® TechnologyUS Patent 7,225,135 SMQV Dual Battery Model Fill in for your records: Rio Rancho, NM, USA Super-Minature Belt Pack Transmitter General Technical Description The voltage and current requirements of the wide vari- The Digital Hybrid design results in a signal-to-noise ratio