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Microsoft word - cv van belle oktober 2008.doc
Geboren: Ninove 28-10-1953
Huidige positie: Diensthoofd dienst Medische Oncologie
Diensthoofd Palliatieve Zorgen
Gewoon Hoogleraar Universiteit Gent, vakgroep Inwendige Ziekten,
richting Medische Oncologie
32-9-3322692 secretariaat
32-9-3324298 dect
32-9-3326287 fax
[email protected] Opleiding: - 01-08-78 tot 30-06-82:
Departement Interne Geneeskunde
Vrije Universiteit BRUSSEL
- 01-07-82 tot 30-06-83:
Netherlands Kanker Instituut Antoni van Leeuwenhoekhuis AMSTERDAM (Prof. CLETON, Prof. G. MC VIE, Dr. R. SOMERS, E. ENGELSMAN, Dr.W.TEN BOKKEL-HUININCK.)
-Training in Medische Oncologie vanaf 1980.
Diplomas: - dokter in genees-, heel- en verloskunde 6/78
met grote onderscheiding Vrije Universiteit BRUSSEL.
- geaggregeerde Hoger Onderwijs (Ph.D.) 5/92 :
"Vinca alkoloids and M04 cells: from cellular pharmacokinetics to interaction with
Certificaat ESMO examen 1992, hercertificatie (MORA ) in 2000 en 2008.
Lidmaatschappen :
- ESMO: European Society of Medical Oncology
- BSMO: Belgian Society of Medical Oncology
- B.V.S.K.: Belgian Society for the Study of Cancer
- ASCO: American Society of Clinical Oncology
- lid verschillende wetenschappelijke commissies Oncologie in België, Nederland, Europa.
- voorzitter College Geneesheren Oncologie
- vervangend lid Nationale Commissie Euthanasie
- lid erkenningscommissie Medische Oncologie
- ondervoorzitter Vlaams Liga tegen Kanker
- lid bestuur Eureka en Rekanto
- lid coordinatieraad Stichting Kankerregister
- lid wetenschappelijk comité Fonds voor Beroepsziekten
- faculty coordinator ESMO Palliative Care
- lid wetenschappelijk comité ESMO conferences
- lid VLIR werkgroep Manama Medische Oncologie
- lid werkgroep post graduaat Medische Oncologie
- gewezen "National representative of Belgium at ESMO" 1999-2006
- gewezen voorzitter BSMO en lid board BSMO
- gewezen voorzitter Bestuurscollege Inwendige ziekten
- gewezen coordinator dienst Hart- en vaatziekten UZ
- lid Raad van Bestuur UZ Gent
- lid diverse werkgroepen UZ Gent en UGent
- lid wetenschappelijke commissie Bijscholing Medische Oncologie Nederland
- expert voor Post Graduate Formation of Medical Oncology Zwitserland
- voorzitter VZW VLOS (Vlaamse Oncologische Studiegroep)
- voorzitter VZW UZ Artsen
- Titularis P lijn 2de proef (masters) Geneeskunde
- Palliatieve Zorgen in Medisch-Sociale Wetenschappen
- deel Oncologie in Revalidatie in Inwendige Geneeskunde Revaki
- terugkomdag Oncologie 4de proef 4de proef geneeskunde
- Urgenties in Oncologie in Capita Selecta 4de proef geneeskunde
- Statistiek in Oncologie 4de proef geneeskunde
Wetenschappelijk curriculum: Presentations at congresses: ± 450 international (incl. abstracts, posters).
± 450 national.
Chairman or co-chairman at international congresses: about 50.
Member of Scientific Committee of International Congresses: about 20
International publications:
A Lennert lymphoma with a helper T-cell phenotype. M. De Waele, S. VAN BELLE , W. Gepts, C. Thielemans, D. Schallier, B. Van Camp. New England Journal of Medicine 305 - 14: 831 (1981).
Additive pulmonar toxicity of therapy with Melphalan and Busulfan in a case of chronic myeloid leukemia. D. Schallier, N. Impens, F. Warson, S. VAN BELLE, G. De Wasch. CHEST 84: 492-493 (1983).
Good response of a paraneoplastic neuromyopathy to cyclophosphamide. M. Bruyland, S. VAN BELLE, L. Ceulemans, D. Schallier, G. Ebinger. Cancer Treatment Reports 68: 787-789 (1984).
Ion-paired HPCL determination and extraction procedure of Mitoxantrone in and from physiological fluids. S. VAN BELLE, T.J. Schoenmaker, S.L. Verwey, A.C.A. Paalman, J.G.McVie. Journal of chromatography Biomedical applications. 337: 73-80 (1985).
High dose methylprednisolone as an anti-emetic drug; a randomised double blind study. D. Schallier, S. VAN BELLE, J. De Greve, A. Willekens. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 14: 235-237 (1985).
High performance liquid chromatograpic determination of vinca-alcaloids in plasma and urine. M. De Smet, S. VAN BELLE, G. Storme, D.L. Massart.
Journal of Chromatography 345: 309-321 (1985).
Pharmacokinetics of Mitoxantrone in patients treated with single drug, combination or
S.J.P. VAN BELLE, M.M De Planque, I.E. Smith, A.T. Van Oosterom, T.J. Schoenmaker, W. De Neve, J.G. MC Vie. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology Vol 18, nr.1 27-32 (1986).
Improvement of hematological and general tolerance to CMF by high-dose medroxy-
progesteron acetate (HD-MPA) adjuvant treatment for primary node positive breast cancer (analysis of 100 patients).
A. Baudoux, C. Focan, S. VAN BELLE et al
Anticancer Research 6 1095-1100 (1986).
Adamantinoma of the tibia, a difficult diagnosis. M. Lybeert, S. VAN BELLE, R. Sacré. Acta Clinica Belgica vol 41, nr.6, 417-422 (1986).
Association of sarcoid like lesions in the bone marrow with an adenocarcinoma of the
ovary: report of a case.
A. Volckaert, P. Vander Niepen, M.F. Dehou, H. Vanhecke, S. VAN BELLE. Acta Clinica Belgica vol 41, nr.6, 426-430 (1986).
Systemic hypersensitivity reaction due to sulfadiazin. A. Volckaert, R. De Bruyne, P. Vander Niepen, P. Cauchie, S. VAN BELLE. Acta Clinica Belgica, vol 42, nr.5, 381-383 (1987).
Determination of vinblastine in MO 4 mouse fibrosarcoma cells by HPLC. M. De Smet, S. VAN BELLE, V. Senecca , G. Storme, D.L. Massart. Journal of Chromatography 416, 375-381 (1987).
Treatment of malignant pericardial tamponade with sclerosis induced by installation of
S. VAN BELLE, A. Volckaert, Y. Taeymans, H. Spapen, P. Block. International Journal of Cardiology 16: 55-160 (1987).
Is adjuvant treatment with Vinblastine effective in reducing the occurence of
distant metastatis in limited squamous cel lung cancer.
D. Schallier, W. De Neve, J. De Greve, S. VAN BELLE, G. De Wasch, G. Dotremont, G.
Clinical and Experimental Metastasis vol 6, nr.1, 39-48 (1988).
Inhibitory effects of ranitidine on blood serotonine concentrations and flushing in the
carcinoid syndrome.
M. Noppen, A. Jacobs, S. VAN BELLE, P. Herregodts, G. Somers.
Brit. Med. J., 296: 682-683 (1988).
Short term high-dose methotrexate therapy in a case of severe psoriatic arthritis. E. Eeckhout, E. Suys, P. Buydens, S. VAN BELLE , L.A. Verbruggen. Br. J. Rheumatology, 27 (2): 160-162 (1988).
Acute Budd Chairi Syndrome with portosystemic encephalopathy as first sign of renal
H. Spapen, A. Volckaert, C. Bourgain, J. Braeckman, S. VAN BELLE.
Brit. J. Urology, 274-275 (1988).
Medroxyprogestérone acétate à fortes doses (HD-MPA) en traitement adjuvant du
carcinome mammaire opéré. Premiers résultats d'une étude randomisée multicentrique
C. Focan, M. Beauduin, F. Majois, E; Salamon, A. Vindevoghel, S. VAN BELLE, R;
Vandervellen, A. Tagnon, E. Longeval, B. Vanderlinden, J. Tytgat, JP lobelle. Bulletin de la Soc. Française de Cancérologie Privée, vol 17, nr.20, 39-45 (1988).
Nailtoxicity due to the combination adriamycine-mitoxantrone.
S. VAN BELLE, MF. De Hou, V. De Bock, A. Volckaert.
Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 24: 69-70 (1989).
Cervicofacial actinomycosis in a patient treated for tonsillar carcinoma. H.D.M. Spapen, P. De Quint, F. De Geeter, R. Sacré, S. VAN BELLE. European Journal of Surgical Oncology. 15: 383-385 (1989).
Improvement of prognosis in node negative early breast cancer through high dose medroxy progesterone acetate adjuvant hormonotherapy : an iterim report on a randomi-zed trial. C. Focan, A. Baudoux, M. Beauduin, U. Brunescu, S. VAN BELLE, A. Vindevoghel. Acta Oncologica 28: 237-250 (1989).
Metastasing neuroendocrine carcinoma of the larynx with calcitonin and somatostatin
secretion and CEA production, resembling medullary thyroid carcinoma
G. Smets, F. Warson, M.F. Dehou, G. Storme, R. Sacre, S. VAN BELLE, G. Somers, W.
Gepts and G. Klöppel, Virchows Archiv A : 416: 539-543 (1990).
Tratamiento adyevante con acetato de medroxiprogesterona a alta dosis en el cancer de mama en fase temprana con axil nagativa. Esayo randomizado. Informe preliminira a los tre meses.
C. Focan, A. Baudoux, M. Beauduin, U. Bunescu,. Dehasque, L. Dewasch, J.P. Lobelle, E. Longeval, F. Majois, V. Mazy, P. Nickers, E. Salamon, A. Tagnong, J. Tytgat, S. VAN BELLE, B. Vanderlinden, R. vandervellen y A. Vindevoghel.
Oncologica vol.13, (s) 35-39 (1990).
A comparative study of the use of Granisetron, a selective 5-HT 3 Antagonist, versus
a standard anti-emetic regimen of Chlorpromazine plus Dexamethosone in the
Treatment of Cytostatic-induced emesis.
Michel Marty on behalf of the Granisetron Study Group *
Eur J Cancer, Vol 26, suppl 1, S28-S32 (1990).
A Wernicke-like encephalopathy induced by the microtubule inhibitor erbulozole.
N. De Klippel, J. Dekeyzer, J. De Greve, S. VAN BELLE
Neurology, 762-763 (1991).
Cellular Pharmocokinetics of Vinblastine and Other Vinca Alkaloids in MO 4 Cells. SIMON J.P. VAN BELLE, Marina C. De Smet, Johan E. De Mey, and Guy A. Storme. Anticancer Research, 11: 469-472 (1991).
High-performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Navelbine in MO4 Mouse Fibrosarcoma Cells and Biological Fluids. S J.P. VAN BELLE, M. De Smet, C. Monsaert, F. Geerts, G.A. Storme and D.L. Massart. Journal of Chromatography, 576: 531-537 (1992).
Increasing peak levels of vinblastine given in repeated divided doses. S. J.P. VAN BELLE, M. De Smet, J. De Mey, W. De Neve, D.L. Massart, G. storme. Anticancer Research, 12: 655-660 (1992).
Determination of vinca alcaloids in mouse tissues by high performance liquid chromatography. S. J.P. VAN BELLE, M. De Smet, W. De Neve, C. Monsaert, G.A. Storme, D.L. Massart. Journal of Chromatography. 578: 223-229 (1992).
Comparison of the anti-emetic efficacy of different doses of ondansetron, given as either
a continuous infusion or a single inravenous dose, in acute cisplatin-induced emesis.
A multicentre, double-blind, randomized, parallel group study. C. Seynaeve, J. Schuller, K. Buser, H. Porteder, S. Van Belle, P. Sevelda, D. Christmann,
M. Schmidt, H. Kitchener, D. Paes, P.H.M. de Mulder, on behalf of the Ondansetron Study Group. Britisch Journal of Cancer 66: 192-197 (1992).
A single blind comparative study of the efficacy and safety of inravenous granisetron compared with alizapride plus dexamethasone in the profylaxis and control of emesie in patients receiving cytostatic therapy over a 5 day period. Karl Bremer, Brian Hunter on behalf of the Granisetron Study Group* Eur. J. of Cancer 28A: 1018-1022 (1992).
Compassionate Use of a 5-HT3-Receptor Antagonist, Tropisetron, in Patients Refractory to Standard Antiemetic Treatment. H. Bleiberg, S. Van Belle, R. Paridaens, G. De Wasch, L.Y. Dirix and M. Tjean. Drugs 43 suppl.3: 27-32 (1992).
The effects of short term treatment with levamisole on cytokines in volunteers and cancer patients. M. De Brabander, V. Roels, O. Vogels, B. Demoen, R. De Ridder, E. Jagers, A. Baisier, R. Doolaege, R. De Coster, F. Aerts, J. Vandebroek, J. De Cree, H. Verhaegen, M. De Waele, W. Distelmans, S. Van Belle, G. Storme. International Journal of Oncology 1: 337-340 (1992).
Determination of Leucovorin and 5-fluorouracil in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography. C. Vandenbosch, S. Van Belle and M. De Smet. Journal of chromatography 612: 77-85 (1993).
Compassionate use of tropisetron in patients at high risk of severe emesis. H. Bleiberg, S. Van Belle, R. Paridaens, G. De Wasch, L.Y. Dirix and M. Tjean. Annals of Oncology 4 suppl.3: S43-S45 (1993).
(Navelbine(R) has an Anti-invasive Effect on MO4 Mouse
Fibrosarcoma Cells in Vitro and in Vivo. D. Van Den Berge, E. Bruyneel, W. Distelmans, S. Van Belle, A. Krikonian, F. Breillout and G. Storme. Anticancer Research 13: 273-278 (1993)
Phase I Trial of Erbulozole (R55104) S. Van Belle, W. Distelmans, J. Vandebroek, J. Bruynseels, R. Van Ginckel and G. Storme. Anticancer Research 13: 2389-2392 (1993).
Reversible cardiopathy after accidental overdose of Mitoxantrone.
Hachmi - Idrissis, Schots R, De Wolf D, Van Belle S, Otten J.
Pediatr. Hematol. Oncol. 10:35-40 (1993)
Dose-finding study of tropisetron in cisplatin-induced nausea and vomiting. S. Van Belle, L. Stamatakis, H. Bleiberg, V. Cocquyt, J. Michel and K. De Bruyn. Annals of Oncology 5 (9): 821-826 (1994).
Anosmia assiociated with alpha-interferon treatment. V. Cocquyt and S. Van Belle. Annals of Oncology 5 (9): 863 (1994).
Reply to Chemotherapy plus Surgery versus Surgery alone in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. V. Cocquyt, W. De Neve, S. Van Belle. The New England Journal of Medicine 330: 1756 (1994).
Interaction between Vinblastine and Ionizing Radiation in the Mouse MO4Fibrosarcoma in Vitro. S. Van Belle, L. Fortan, M. De Smet, W. De Neve, J. Van Der Elst and G. Storme. Anticancer Research 14: 1043-1048 (1994).
Comparison of the selective aromatase inhibitor formestane with Tamoxifen as first-line hormonal therapy in postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer. R. Pérez Carrion, V. Alberola Candel, F. Calabresi, R. Th. Michel, R. Santos, T. Delozier, P. Goss, L. Mauriac, F. Feuilhade, M. Freue, F. Pannuti, S. Van Belle, J. Martinez, E. Wehrle and C.M. Royce. Annals of Oncology 5, 7: 19-24 (1994).
Optimal Combinatin Therapy With Tropisetron in 445 Patients With Incomplete Control of Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting. F. Hulstaert, S. Van Belle, H. Bleiberg, J.L. Canon, M. Dewitte, M. Buyse, P. De Keyser and K.J. Westelinck. Journal of Clinical Oncology 12 Nr. 11: 2439-2448 (1994).
Optimal combination therapy with Navoban(R) (tropisetron) in patients with incomplete control of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. S. Van Belle, V. Cocquyt, H. Bleiberg, J.L. Canon, M. Buyse, F. Hulstaert, M. De Witte, P. De Keyser and K. Westelinck. Anti-Cancer Drugs 6: 22-30 (1995).
Patterns of axillary lymph node metastasis in Breast Cancer. M. Van Lancker, C. Goor, R. Sacré, J. Lamote, S. Van Belle, N. De Craene, A. Roelstraete, G. Storme. Am. J. Clin. Oncology, 18: 267-272 (1995).
Do Radiosensitizers Enhance the Treatment of NSCLC? The Need for Better Models and Alternative Methods of Treatment. S. Van Belle Chest 109: 1155-1185 (1996).
Topotecan, an Active Drug in the Second-Line Treatment of Epithelial Ovarinan Cancer:
Results of a Large European Phase II Study. G.J.Creemers, G.Bolis, M. Gore, G.Scarfone, A.J.Lacave, J.P.Guastalla, R.Despax, G.Favalli, R.Kreinberg, S.Van Belle, I.Hudson, j. Verweij, and W.W. Ten Bokkel Huinink.
Journal of Clinical Oncology,Vol.14, N°12 (December), 3056-3061 (1996).
Comparison of the selective aromatase inhibitor formestane with tamoxifen as first line hormonal therapy in postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer. S. Van Belle Excerpta Oncologica Ciba: 4: 37-50 (1996).
Increasing Serum Levels of Alpha-Fetoprotein in a Patient with Relapsing Gallbladder Carcinoma. V. Cocquyt, M. Pipeleers-Marichal, G. Delvaux and S. Van Belle. Am. J. Clin. Oncol 19(5): 465-468 (1996).
Ondansetron Suppository: A randomized, Double-Blind, Double-Dummy, Parallel-Group
Comparison with Oral Ondansetron for the Prevention of Cyclophosphamide-Induced
N.G.P. Davidson, W.Paska, S.Van Belle, L.Goedhals, B.McQuade, J.McRae.
Oncology 54: 380-386 (1997).
Ossified retroperitoneal malignant Schwannoma with spinal leptomeningeal metastases.
L.Defreyne, F.Speleman, C.De Potter, S.Van Belle,
Neuroradiology 40: 48-50 (1998).
Pharmacokinetics of Intravenous Alendronate.
V.Cocquyt, W.F.Kline, B.J.Gertz, S.Van Belle, S.D.Holland, M.De Smet, H.Quan, K.P.
Vyas, K.E.Zhang, J.De Greve, A.G.Porras.
J Clinical Pharmacol. 39: 385-93 (1999).
Prospective randomized trial of Docetaxel versus Doxorubicin in patients with metastatic
breast cancer. The 303 study group.
S.Chan, D.Noel, T.Pintèr, S. Van Belle, D.Vorobiof, R.Duarte, M.G. Gil, I.Bodrogi, E.Murray, L.Yellen M.Kaufman, S.Korec, P.Simmonds, F.Buzzi, R.Gonzalez Mancha, G.Richardson, E.Walpole, E.Villa, M.Murawsky, M.Alakl, A.Riva and J.Crown.
J Clin Oncol. 17 : 2341-54 (1999).
Marimastat in recurrent colorectal cancer: exploratory evaluation of biological activity by
Primrose JN, Bleiberg H, Daniel F, Van Belle S, Mansi JL, Seymour M, Johnson PW,
Neoptolemos JP, Baillet M, Barker K, Berrington A, Brown PD, Millar AW, Lynch KP.
Br J Cancer, 79: 509-14 (1999).
Abdominal pain with anorexia in patients with breast carcinoma.
Van Trappen P, Serreyn R, Elewaut AE, Cocquyt V, Van Belle S.
Ann Oncol. 9: 1243-5 (1998).
Mutation analysis of P73 and TP53 in Merkel cell carcinoma.
Van Gele M, Kagdad M, Leonard JH, Van Roy N, Naeyaert JM, Geerts ML, Van Belle S,
Cocquyt V, Bridge J, Sciot R, De Wolf-Peeters C, De Paepe A, Caput D, Speleman F.
Br J Cancer 82 : 823-6 (2000).
Spontaneous internal jugular vein thrombosis: primary manifestation of a colorectal
adenocarcinoma in a very old woman.
Van den Noortgate N, Michielsen W, Afschrift M, Van Belle S.
Acta Clin Belg. 55 : 94-6 (2000).
Breast cancer during pregnancy : cases and review of treatment and prognosis.
Schotte K, Cocquyt V, Van den Broecke R, Dhondt M, Van Belle S.
Acta Clin Belg. 55 : 102-109 (2000).
A comparive randomised phase-II study of Xeloda (capecitabine) and paclitaxel in
patients with breast cancer progressing after anthracyclins antibiotics.
Moiseenko VM, O'Reilly SM, Dalbot DC, Van Belle S, Gordon RJ, Griffin T,
Vopr Onkol 46: 285-9 (2000).
Radiolabeled estradiol derivatives to predict response to hormonal treatment in breast
cancer: a review.
Van de Wiele C, De Vos F, Slegers G, Van Belle S, Dierckx RA.
Eur J Nucl Med, 27: 1421-33 (2000).
62. Open comparative trial of formestane versus megestrol acatate in postmenopausal
patients with advanced breast cancer previously treated with tamoxifen.
Freue M, Kjaer M, Boni C, Joliver J, Jänicke F, Willemse PhHB, Coombes RC, Van Belle
S, Perez-Carrion R, Zieschang J, Ibarra de Palacios p, Rose C.
The Breast, 9 : 9-17 (2000).
Exemestane is superior to megestrol acetate after tamoxifen failure in postmenopausal
women with advanced breast cancer: results of a phase III randomised double-blind trial.
Kaufmann M, Bajetta E, Dirix LY, Fein LE, Jones SE, Zilembo N, Dugardyn JL, ….and
Massimini G for the Exemestane Study Group. *
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 18: 1399-1411 (2000).
64. Receptor Imaging in Breast Carcinoma: future aspects.
Van de Wiele C, Van Belle S, Sleghers G, Dierckx RA.
Eur J Nucl Med, 28; 675-679 (2001).
Comparison of L-758,298, a prodrug for the selective neurokin-1 antagonist, L-754,030
with ondansetron for the prevention of cisplatin-induced emesis.
Cocquyt V, Van Belle S, Reinhardt RR, Decramer MLA, O'Brien M, Schellens JHM,
Borms M, Verbeke L, Van Aelst F, De Smet M, Carides AD, Eldridge K, Gertz BJ.
Eur J of Cancer, 37; 835-842 (2001).
Marimastat as first-line therapy for patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer: a
randomized trial.
Bramhall SR, Rosemurgy A, Brown PD, and Buckels JAC for the Marimastat Pancreatic
Cancer Study Group *
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 19, 3447-3455 (2001).
Influence of preoperative combined radiochemotherapy on surgical outcome and colonic anastomotic healing: experimental study in the rat. El-Malt M, Ceelen W, De Meerleer G, Verstraete A, Boterberg T, Van Belle S,
de Hemptinne B, De Neve W, Pattyn P.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys;50(4):1073-8 (2001).
Is there a role for agonist gastrin-releasing peptide receptor radioligands in tumour
Van de Wiele C, Dumont F, Van Belle S, Slegers G, Peers SH, Dierckx RA.
Nucl Med Commun. ; 22(1):5-15. (2001).
Adjuvant high-dose medroxyprogesterone acetate for early breast cancer: 13 years
update in a multicentre randomized trial.
Focan C, Beauduin M, Salamon E, De Greve J, De Wasch G, Lobelle JP, Majois F,
Tagnon A, Tytgat J, Van Belle S, Vandervellen R, Vindevoghel A.
Br J Cancer. 85(1):1-8 (2001). 70.
Healing of experimental colonic anastomoses: effects of combined preoperative
high-dose radiotherapy and intraperitoneal 5-fluorouracil.
El-Malt M, Ceelen W, Van den Broecke W, Cuvelier C, Van Belle S, De Neve W,
de Hemptinne B, Pattyn P.
Int J Cancer, 96: 279-304, (2001).
Iodine-labeled tamoxifen uptake in primary human breast carcinoma.
Van de Wiele C, Cocquyt V, Vandenbroecke R, De Vos F, Van Belle S, Dhaene K,
Slegers G, Dierckx RA.
J Nucl Med 42: 1818-1820, (2001).
Randomised, phase II trial comparing capecitabine (Xeloda) with paclitaxel in patients
with metastatic/advanced breast cancer pretreated with anthracyclines.
Talbot D, Moiseyenko V, Van Belle S, O'Reilly SM, Alba Conejo E, Ackland S,
Eisenberg P, Meinychuk D,Pienkowsky T, Burger HU, Laws S, Osterwalder B.
Brit J Cancer:86 (9):1367-72 (2001).
Combined karyotyping, CGH and M-FISH analysis allows detailed characterization of
unidentified chromosomal rearrangements in Merkel cell carcinoma.
M. Van Gele, J.H. Leonard, H. Van Limbergen, N. Van Roy, S. Van Belle, V. Cocquyt,
A. De Paepe, H. Swalven, and F. Speleman.
Int J Cancer, 10 ;101(2):137-45 (2002).
Prevention of cisplatin-induced acute and delayed emesis by the selective neurokinin-1 antagonists, L-758,298 and MK-869: a randomised controlled trial.
S Van Belle, MR Lichinitser, R Navari, A Garin, M Decramer, A Riviere
Cancer, 94 (11): 3032-3041 (2002).
Quality of life assessment in radionuclide therapy: a feasibility study of the EORTC
QLQ-C30 questionnaire in palliative (131)I-lipiodol therapy.
Brans B, Lambert B, De Beule E, De Winter F, Van Belle S, Van Vlierberghe H,
De Hemptinne B, Dierckx RA.
Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 29 (10): 1374-9 (2002).
response to preoperative chemotherapy in patients with stage II and III
breast cancer: the value of MRI
V. F. Cocquyt, G. M. Villeirs, Ph. N. Blondeel, H. T. Depypere, M. M. Mortier, R. F. Serreyn, R. Van Den Broecke, S. J. P. Van Belle The Breast , 11 (4): 306-315 (2002) .
Differential involvement of neurotransmitters through the time course of cisplatin-induced
emesis as revealed by therapy with specific receptor antagonists.
PJ Hesketh, S Van Belle, M Aapro, FD Tattersall, RJ Naylor, R Hargreaves, AD Carides,
Eur J Cancer. 39(8):1074-80 (2003)
Evidence for involvement of a tumor suppressor gene on 1p in malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors. N. Van Roy, M. Van Gele, J. Vandesompele, L. Messiaen, S. Van Belle, K. Mortele,
X. Ghyselinck, E. Michiels, C.R. De Potter, E. Van Marck, A. De Paepe,, and F.
Cancer Genet Cytogenetics 143(2):120-4 (2003)
Different responses to preoperative chemotherapy for invasive lobular and invasive ductal breast carcinoma.
V.F. Cocquyt, P.N. Blondeel, H.T. Depypere, M.M. Praet, V.R. Schelfout, O.E. Silva, J. Hurley, R.F. Serreyn, K.K. Daems, S.J.P. Van Belle
Eur J Surg Oncol 29(4):361-7 (2003)
Impact of haemoglobin levels on the outcome of cancers treated with chemotherapy.
S. J.P. Van Belle, V. Cocquyt
Crit Reviews in Oncol Hemat: 47(1):1-11. (2003)
Postmenopausal breast cancer: incidence-based cost of illness
V. Cocquyt, K. Moermans, P. Clarys, S. Van Belle, L. Annemans
Journal of Medical Economics 6: 15-30 (2003)
Long term medical costs of post-menopausal breast cancer therapy
V. Cocquyt, K. Moeremans, L. Annemans, P. Clarys, S. Van Belle
Annals of Oncology: 14(7):1057-63. (2003)
The role biological markers as predictors of respons to preoperative chemotherapy of large primary breast cancer.
V.F. Cocquyt, V.R. Schelfout, P.N. Blondeel, H.T. Depypere, K.K. Daems, R.F. Serreyn, M.M. Praet, S.J.P. Van Belle
Med Oncol. 20(3):221-31 (2003)
Better cosmetic results and comparable Quality of Life after skin-sparing mastectomy and immediate autologues breast reconstruction compared to breast conservative treatment.
V.F. Cocquyt, P.N. Blondeel, H.T. Depypere, K.A. Van De Sijpe, K.K. Daems, S.J. Monstrey, S.J.P. Van Belle
Br J Plast Surg, 56(5):462-70 (2003)
Whole abdominopelvic radiotherapy (WAPRT) using intensity modulated Arc therapy (IMAT): first clinical experience.
W. Duthoy, W De Gersem, K Vergote, M Coghe, T Boterberg, Y De Deene, C De Wagter, S Van Belle, W De Neve.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 57(4):1019-32 ( 2003).
Biodistribution and dosimetry study of 123I-rh-annexin V in mice and humans
CM Lahorte, C Van De Wiele, K Bacher, B Van Den Bossche, H Thierens, S Van Belle, G Slegers, RA Dierckx.
Nucl Med Commun 24 (8), 871-880 (2003).
Metastatic breast tumour regression following treatment by a gene modified vaccinia virus expressing MUC1 and IL2.
S Scholl, P Squiban, N Bizouarne, M Baudin, B Acres, S von Mensdorff-Pouilly, M Shearer, P Beuzeboc, S Van Belle, B Uzielly, P Pouillart, J Taylor-Papadimitriou, D Miles.
J Biomed Biotechnol. 2003(3):194-201 (2003).
Influence of neo-adjuvant chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil on colonic anastomotic healing: experimental study in rats.
El-Malt M, Ceelen W, Van den Broecke C, Cuvelier C, Van Belle S, de Hemptinne B, Pattyn P.
Acta Chir Belg 103(3): 309-314 (2003).
99mTc sestamibi and 99mTc tetrofosmin scintigraphy for predicting resistance to chemotherapy: a critical review of clinical data.
Van de Wiele C, Rottey S, Goethals I, Buscombe J, Van Belle S, De Vos F, Dierckx RA.
Nucl Med Commun. 24(9):945-50 (2003).
How does biotherapy compare with chemotherapy for cancer?
S JP Van Belle, S Rottey, VP Renard
Enhancer vol 1 (1):12-13 (2003).
Consensus on medical treatment of metastatic breast cancer
CECOG: S Beslija, J Bonneterre, M Burstein, M Gnant, P Goodwin, V Heineman, J Jassem, W Kostler, Mkrainer, S Menard, D Miles, L Petruzelka, K Possinger, P Schmid, E Stadtmauer, M Stockler, S Van Belle, L van ‘t Veer, C Vogel, N Wilcken, C Wiltschke, C Zielinski, H Zwierzina.
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 81 (suppl. 1): S1-S7 (2003).
The role of erythropoietin in supportive care of breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 81: 95-97 (2003).
What is the value of hemoglobin as a prognostic and predictive
Eur J Cancer, Vol 2(suppl 2): 11-19 (2004)
99mTc-MDP-bone scintigraphy for the detection
of bone metastasis and prediction of hormonal treatment response in patients with breast cancer
B Van Den Bossche, E D'Haeninck, F De Winter, S Van Belle, RA Dierckx, C Van de Wiele Nucl Med Communication; 25(8):787-792 (2004)
Conventional adjuvant chemotherapy versus single-cycle, autograft-supported, high-dose, late-intensification chemotherapy in high-risk breast cancer patients: a randomized trial. R Leonard, M Lind, C Twelves, R Coleman, S Van Belle, C Wilson, J Ledermann, P Barrett-Lee, I Kennedy, T Perren, M Verrill, D Cameron, L Foster, A Yellowlees, J Crown; Anglo-Celtic Cooperative Oncology Group.
J Natl Cancer Inst, 21;96(14):1076-83; (2004).
The European Cancer Anemia Survey (ECAS): the first large, multinational, prospective survey defining the prevalence, incidenc, and treatment of anemia in cancer patients.
H Ludwig, S Van Belle, P Barrett-Lee, G Birgegard, C Bokemeyer,P Gascon, P Kosmidis, M Krzakowski, J Nortier, P Olmi, M Schneider, D Schrijvers.
Eur J Cancer, 40(15):2293-306 (2004).
Oestrogen-mediated regulation of somatostatin receptor expression in human breast cancer cell lines assessed with (99m)Tc-depreotide.
Van Den Bossche B, D'haeninck E, De Vos F, Dierckx RA, Van Belle S, Bracke M, VanDeWieleC. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging; 31(7):1022-30; (2004).
Topoisomerase II alpha expression as a predictive marker in a population of advanced breast cancer patients randomly treated either with single-agent doxorubicin or single-agent docetaxel
V. Durbecq, M. Paesmans, F. Cardoso, C. Desmedt, A. Di Leo, S. Chan, K. Friedrichs, T. Pinter, S. Van Belle, E. Murray, I. Bodrogi, E. Walpole, B. Lesperance, S. Korec, J. Crown, P. Simmonds, T.J. Perren, JY. Leroy, G. Rouas, C. Sotiriou, M. Piccart, D. Larsimont.
Mol Cancer Ther.;3(10):1207-1214; (2004).
Examining the potential impact of anemia treatment on clinical outcomes in anemic cancer patients.
Hudis CA, Van Belle S.
Oncologist , suppl 5: 1-3; (2004).
rHuEPO and treatment outcomes: the clinical experience.
Hudis CA, Van Belle S, Chang J, Muenstedt K.
Oncologist, suppl 5: 55-69; (2004).
Biodistribution and dosimetry of 99mTc-depreotide
B Van Den Bossche, E D'Dhaeninck, K Bacher, H Thierens, S Van Belle, RA Dierckx, C Van de Wiele
Cancer Biother Radiopharm. 19(6):776-83. (2004).
A phase II study of sabarubicin MEN-10755 as second line therapy in patients with advanced or metastatic platinum/taxane resistant ovarian cancer.
F Caponigro, P Willemse, R Sorio,A Floquet, S Van Belle, J Demol, R Tambaro, A A Comandini, A Capriati, S Adank, J Wanders.
Invest New Drugs. 23(1):85-89. (2005).
Lack of effect of aprepitant on the pharmacokinetics of docetaxel in cancer patients. P Nygren, K Hande, K J Pettey, M Fedgchin, K Van Dyck, A Majumdar, D Panebianco, M De Smet, T Ahmed, G Murphy, K Gottesdiener, V Cocquyt, S Van Belle.
Cancer Chemother Pharmacol; 19. (2005).
Lobular carcinoma in situ and invasive lobular cancer of the breast.
V Cocquyt, S Van Belle.
Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol ;17(1):55-60. (2005).
Comparison of Proposed Diagnostic Criteria with FACT-F and VAS for Cancer-Related Fatigue: Proposal for Use as Screening Tool S Van Belle, R Paridaens, G Evers, J Kerger, D Bron, J Foubert, G Ponnet , D Vander Steichel, C Heremans, D Rosillon.
Support Care Cancer. ; 13(4):246-54. (2005).
Optimisation of irinotecan dose in the treatment of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer after 5-FU failure: results from a multinational, randomised phase II study E Van Cutsem, L Dirix, JL Van Laethem, S Van Belle, M Borner, M Gonzalez Baron, A Roth, R Morant, E Joosens, G Gruia, D Sibaud, H Bleiberg.
Br J Cancer ; 28;92(6):1055-62. (2005)
Estimating resource use and cost of prophylactic management of neutropenia with filgrastim. L Annemans, N Van Overbeke, C Lefebvre, S Van Belle, B Standaert J Nurs Manag. ; 13(3):265-74. (2005).
Cancer-Related Anemia: Biological Findings, Clinical Implications and Impact on Quality of Life. Blohmer JU, Dunst J, Harrison L, Johnston P, Khayat D, Ludwig H, O'brien M, Van Belle S, Vaupel P. Oncology; 68 Suppl 1:12-21. (2005).
Cancer-Related Anemia: Pathogenesis, Prevalence and Treatment.
Birgegard G, Aapro MS, Bokemeyer C, Dicato M, Drings P, Hornedo J, Krzakowski M, Ludwig H, Pecorelli S, Schmoll H, Schneider M, Schrijvers D, Shasha D, Van Belle S. Oncology; 68 Suppl 1:3-11.(2005).
Development and validation of a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry assay for the quantification of docetaxel and Paclitaxel in human plasma and oral fluid. Mortier KA, Renard V, Verstraete AG, Van Gussem A, Van Belle S, Lambert WE. Anal Chem. 15;77(14):4677-83. (2005).
Management of cancer-related anemia in patients with breast or gynecologic cancer: new insights based on results from the European Cancer Anemia Survey. Barrett-Lee P, Bockemeyer C, Gascon P, Nortier JWR, Schneider M,,, Schrijvers D, Van Belle S.
Oncologist. 10(9): 743-57. (2005).
Permutation based medthods for comparing quality of life between observed treatments. B Moerkerke, E Goetghebeur, K Van Steen, S Van Belle, V Cocquyt.
Stat Med. 30: 24(24):4055-4066. (2005).
Independent Risk Factors for Anemia in Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy: Results from the European Cancer Anaemia Survey. Barrett-Lee PJ, Ludwig H, Birgegard G, Bokemeyer C, Gascon P, Kosmidis PA, Krzakowski M, Nortier JW, Kongable G, Schneider M, Schrijvers D, Van Belle SJ. Oncology. 21: 70(1):34-48. (2006)
A Phase II study of a Paclitaxel and Oxaliplatin Combination in Platinum-Sensitive Advanced Ovarian Cancer Patients
Viens P, Petit T, Yovine A, Bougnoux P, Deplanque G, Cottu P-H, Delva R, Lotz J-P, Van Belle S, Extra J-M, Cvitkovic E.
Annals of Oncology 17: 429-436 (2006)
Early Prediction of Endocrine Therapy Effect in Advanced Breast Cancer Patients Using 99mTc-Depreotide Scintigraphy. Van Den Bossche B, Van Belle S, De Winter F, Signore A, Van de Wiele C. J Nucl Med; 47(1):6-13. (2006)
A randomized multi-center phase II trial of the angiogenesis inhibitor Cilengitide (EMD 121974) and gemcitabine compared with gemcitabine alone in advanced unresectable pancreatic cancer. Friess H, Langrehr JM, Oettle H, Raedle J, Niedergethmann M, Dittrich C, Hossfeld DK, Stoger H, Neyns B, Herzog P, Piedbois P, Dobrowolski F, Scheithauer W, Hawkins R, Katz F, Balcke P, Vermorken J, Van Belle S, Davidson N, Esteve AA, Castellano D, Kleeff J, Tempia-Caliera AA, Kovar A, Nippgen J.
BMC Cancer. Dec 11;6(1):285 (2006)
117: The development and validation of a prediction tool for chemotherapy-induced anemia in
patients with advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer receiving palliative chemotherapy. Vincent M, Dranitsaris G, Verma S, Lau C, Gascon P, Van Belle S, Ludwig H Support Care Cancer. Mar;15(3):265-72 (2006)
118: Sequential 99mTc-hydrazinonicotinamide-annexin V imaging for predicting response to
Rottey S, Slegers G, Van Belle S, Goethals I, Van de Wiele C.
J Nucl Med. Nov;47(11):1813-8. (2006)
Evaluation of metastatic lymph nodes in head and neck cancer: a comparative study between palpation, ultrasonography, ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration cytology and computed tomography Rottey S, Petrovic M, Bauters W, Mervillie K, Vanherreweghe E, Bonte K, Van Belle S, Vermeersch H. Acta Clin Belg. Sep-Oct;61(5):236-41. (2006)
Second consensus on medical treatment of metastatic breast cancer.
Beslija S, Bonneterre J, Burstein H, Cocquyt V, Gnant M, Goodwin P, Heinemann V, Jassem J, Kostler WJ, Krainer M, Menard S, Petit T, Petruzelka L, Possinger K, Schmid P, Stadtmauer E, Stockler M, Van Belle S, Vogel C, Wilcken N, Wiltschke C, Zielinski CC, Zwierzina H.
Ann Oncol. Feb;18(2):215-25. (2007)
(99m)Tc-HYNIC Annexin-V imaging of tumors and its relationship to response to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy Rottey S, Loose D, Vakaet L, Lahorte C, Vermeersch H, Van Belle S, Van De Wiele C. Q J Nucl Med Mol ImagingJan 15 . (2007)
Iodine-123-interleukin-2 scintigraphy in metastatic hypernephroma: a pilot study. : Renard V, Staelens L, Signore A, Van Belle S, Dierckx RA, Van De Wiele C. Q J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. Dec;51(4):352-6. (2007)
A Belgian registry of interleukin-2 administration for treatment of metastatic renal cell cancer and confrontation with literature data. Bambust I, Van Aelst F, Joosens E, Schallier D, Rezaei Kalantari H, Paulus R, Renard V, Clausse M, Duck L, Luce S, Pierre P, Van Belle S, Rottey S. Acta Clin Belg. Jul-Aug;62(4):223-9. (2007)
How to implement the multidisciplinary approach in prostate cancer management: the Belgian model.
Van Belle S. BJU Int. Mar;101 Suppl 2:2-4. (2008).
Health economic evaluation of treating anemia in cancer patients receiving
chemotherapy: a study in Belgian hospitals. Spaepen E, Demarteau N, Van Belle S, Annemans L. OncologistMay;13(5):596-607.(2008)
Fosaprepitant dimeglumine (MK-0517 or L-785,298), an intravenous neurokinin-1 antagonist for the prevention of chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting
Van Belle S, Cocquyt V
Accepted in Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy
nrs 24, 31, 63, 66 :as member of an international study group.
Publications in books:
Prevention of metastasis: a new target.
G. Storme, D. Schallier, J. De Greve, W. De Neve, S. Van Belle, G. De Wasch, G. Dotremont.
In: Treatment of Metastasis: Problems and Prospects. K. Hellman and S. A. Eccles (Eds), London,
2. Pharmacokinetics of mitoxantrone in humans.
S. Van Belle, JE Smith, AT Van Oosterom, MM de Plancke, TJ Schoenmaker, JG McVie.
in: Evaluation du risque de cancer mammaire, chimiothérapie primaire. C Collin and W. Gardenne (Eds), Liège. (1985).
High-dose Medroxyprogesterone acetate as adjuvant hormonotherapy in early
breast cancer: 9 years result of a multicenter randomized trial. C. Focan, M. Beauduin, E. Salamon, J. de Greve, G. de Wasch, J.P. Lobelle, F. Majois, A. Taghon, J. Tytgat, S. Van Belle, R. Vandervellen, A. Vindevoghel. In: Hormone-dependent tumors Basic research and clinical studies. J.W. Kaufman, M. Munk (Eds); Oncol. Basel, Karger; Vol 50 (1995).
Algemene principes bij de behandeling van maligne aandoeningen.
S. Van Belle In: Algemene Farmacotherpie, het geneesmiddel in theorie en praktijk. H. Wessleing, C. Neef, PA de Graeff (Eds); Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum, 7 de druk, 967-974 (1999). 5.
Middelen ter bestrijding van maligne ziekten.
S. Van Belle, V. Cocquyt In: Algemene Farmacotherpie, het geneesmiddel in theorie en praktijk. H. Wessleing, C. Neef, PA de Graeff (Eds); Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum, 7 de druk, 975-1009 (1999). 6.
Principes van de medische antikanker behandeling.
J. De Greve, S. Van Belle, J. Gietema In: Oncologie. CJH van de Velde, PHM de Mulder, JHJM van Krieken, JB Vermorken (Eds), Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum, 7de druk, (juni 2005) 7.
S. Rottey, S. Van Belle In: Handbook of Oncological Emergencies. P Kosmidis, D Schrijvers, F André, S Rottey (Eds), ESMO, Taylor & Francis, 68-75 (2005).
Proceedings ASCO - AACR 1.
Phase II trial of Carboplatin in ovarium cancer.
Kjorstad K. , Bertelsen K., Stevin M., Uytdenhoef M., Franks C.R., Canetta R., Rosencweig M. and Members of Bristol Cancer Study Group. ASCO 1986, Los Angeles U.S.A. : 4-6 may 1986.
Randomized phase II trial of Carboplatin versus Iproplatin in solid tumors. Franks C.R., Nijs G., Schutz H.P., Schmoll H.J., Canetta R., Rozencweig M. and Members of Bristol Cancer Study Group. ASCO 1986, Los Angeles U.S.A. : 4 - 6 may 1986.
Increased peak levels after repeated Vinblastine injections. S. Van Belle, M. De Smet, D.L. Massart, G. Storme. ASCO 1986, Los Angeles U.S.A. : 4 - 6 may 1986.
Dose-induced accumulation of Vinblastine in MO4-cells. S. Van Belle, M. De Smet, V. Senecca, G. Willems, D.L. Massart, G. Storme. AACR 1986, Los Angeles U.S.A. : 7 may 1986.
A novel in vitro chemoresistance test for human tumors by dye reduction. J. Bernheim, S. Van Belle, C. Roobol. ASCO 1986, Los Angeles U.S.A. : 7 may 1986.
Improvement of prognosis in node negative (No) early breast cancer (BC) through high dose medroxyprogesterone acetate (HD-MPA) adjuvant hormonatherapy. A randomized study. M. Beauduin, C. Focan, J.P. Lobelle, E. Longeval, F. Majois, E. Salomon, A. Tagnon, S. Van Belle, B. Vandelinden, R. Vandervellen, A. Vindevoghel for the adjuvant breast cancer project (ABCP)-Belgium. ASCO 1988, New Orleans : 20-23.05.1988.
Broad phase II study of the combination of two microtitular inhibitors : Estramustine and Vinblastine. S. Van Belle, D. Schallier, G. De Wasch, G. Storme. ASCO 1988, New Orleans : 20-23.05.1988.
Comparative cellular pharmakinetics of the Vinca Alkaloids in MO4 cells. S. Van Belle, J. De Mey, M. De Smet, D. Massart, G. Storme. AACR 1988, New Orleans : 28.05.1988.
Experience with a standard protocol for treatment of T1-T2 breast carcinoma. M. Van Lancker, C. Goor, R. Sacré, S. Van Belle, A. Volckaert, G. Hubens, F. De Geeter and G. Storme. ASCO, San Francisco : 21-23.09.1989.
ICS 205-930 : a dose finding study in the prevention of Cisplatin induced nausea and vomiting. L. Stamatakis, J. Michel, S. Van Belle, V. Cocquyt, C. Keppens, R. Van Hove, B. De Belder, W. Roossens. ASCO, San Francisco : 21-23.05.1989.
Influence of verapamil on the uptake of Vinblastine by MO4 cells. S. Van Belle, D. Stockman, M. De Smet, G. Storme. AACR, San Francisco : 24-26.05.1989.
Lack of correlation between dose intensity of CMF-chemotherapy (with or without high-dose medroxyprogesterone acetate (HD-MPA) and relapse free survival (RFS) in node positive (NP) early breast cancer (BC). Influence of age on the outcome. C. Focan, M. Beauduin, J.P. Lobelle, E. Longeval, F. Majois, E. Salomon, A. Tagnon, S. Van Belle, B. Vanderlinden, R. Vandervellen, A. Vindevoghel - Belgium. AACR, Washington : 23.05.1990.
Discordance between in vitro and in vivo sensitization by Vinblastine (VLB) and Ionizing
Radiation (IR) of MO4 cells.
S. Van Belle, W. De Neve, C. Monsaert, G. Storme. AACR, 21.05.1992.
Activity of Tropisetron (ICS 205-930), A new 5HT3 antagonist, in patients at risk of severe nausea (N) and vomiting (V). H. Bleiberg, S. Van Belle, R. Paridaens, G. De Wasch, L. Dirix, M. Tjean, P. De Keyser. ASCO, 17-19.05.1992.
Optimal combination therapy with tropisetron in 445 patients with subtotal control of chemotherapy-induced nausea and emesis. S. Van Belle, H. Bleiberg, J. Canon, F. Hulstaert, M. Dewitte, M. Buyse, P. De Keyser. ASCO 14-17.5.1994 (Dallas)
Gemcitabine (GEM) in cisplatin resistant ovarian cancer. M. Kaufman, T. Bauknecht, W. Jonat, M. Piccart, S. Van Belle, J. Thomas, J. Wils, J. Blatter. ASCO 20-23.05.1995 (Los Angeles).
A phase II trial of Topotecan for the treatment of relapsed advanced ovarian carcinoma. W. ten Bokkel Huinink, M. Gore, G. Bolis, J. Verweij, J. Lacave, G. Scarfone, J. guastalla, S. Van Belle, R. Despax, N. Van Zandwigk, G. Favalli, I. Hudson, R. Kreinberg on behalf of European Topotecan Oncology Group, ASCO 18-22/5/96 (Philadelphia).
Comparison of a Neurokinin-1 antagonist, L-758,298, to ondansetron in the prevention of
S.Van Belle, V.Cocquyt, M.De Smet, M.Decramer, M.O'Brien, J.Schellens, R.R.Reinhardt and B.J.Gertz.
ASCO 1998 (Los Angeles).
19. Prevention of Cisplatin-induced emesis by the selective Neurokinin-1 antagonist
L-754 030 and its prodrug, L-758 298.
S. Van Belle, R. Reinhardt, M. Lichinitzer, R. Navari,M. De Smet, K. Eldridge, A. Caridis,, B. Gertz ASCO 1999 (Atlanta)
A Belgian model comparing Filgrastim use in adjuvant CMF as secondary prophylaxis versus Filgrastim administration only to patients at risk for hospitalisation due to febrile neutropenia: morbidity and cost implications. V. Cocquyt, A. De Gussem, V. Bormans, B. Standaert, S. Van Belle. ASCO 1999 (Atlanta)
A phase II study of a gene-modified vaccinia virus expressing MUC-1 and
Interleukin-2 (VV-MUC1-IL2, TG1031) in patients with metastatic breast cancer.
D. Miles, B. Uziely, S. Van Belle, P. Squiban, M. Ross, S. Scholl and R. Rubens.
ASCO 1999 (Atlanta)
Long term medical costs of post-menopausal breast cancer.
K. Moeremans, L. Annemans, S. Van Belle
ASCO 2000 (New Orleans)
A randomized phase II trial of three different regimens of Irinotecan (CPT 11): a fixed dose of 350 mg/m² (a), or an individual dose optimisation (b) or a risk factor optimisation (c) in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer previously treated
E.Van Cutsem, L. Dirix, JL Van Laethem, S. Van Belle, M. Borner, M. Gonzales, A. Roth,
R. Morant, R. Mathijs, G. Guaia, N. Noel, H. Bleiberg. ASCO 2000 (New Orleans)
Differential time course of cisplatin induced acute emesis with a 5-HT3 antagonist or an NK1 antagonist: rationale for combination therapy.
K Horgan, K. Eldridge, A. Carides, S. Van Belle, P. Hesketh.
ASCO 2001 (San Franscisco)
European Cancer Anemia Survey (ECAS) defines factors surrounding anemia in thousands of adult cancer patients.
H. Ludwig, PJ Barrett-Lee, P. Gascon, M. Schneider, S. Van Belle
ASCO 2002 (Orlando)
Biological markers with predictive value in metastatic breast cancer patients randomly treated with doxorubicin or docetaxel A. Di Leo, S. Chan, K. Friedrichs, T. Pinter, S. Van Belle, E. Murray, I. Bodrogi,
ASCO 2002 (Orlando).
High-dose chemotherapy with autograft (PBP) support is not superior to cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and 5-FU (CMF) following doxorubicin induction in patients with breast cancer and 4 or more involved axillary mymph nodes (4+LN): the Anglo-Celtic I study. J Crown, M. Lind, A. Gould, M. Verrill, C. Twelves, R. Coleman, T. Perren, S. Van Belle, C. Wilson et al.
ASCO 2002 (Orlando)
Independent risk factors for anemia in cancer patients are defined by logistic regressionmodeling: Results from the European Cancer Anemia Survey. PJ Barrett-Lee, H Ludwig, C Bokemeyer, P Kosmidis, M Krzakowski, JWR Nortier, L Pastore, S Van Belle ASCO 2003 (Chicago).
Phase II trial of oxaliplatin (OXA) combined with paclitaxel (P) inplatinum + taxanes sensitive advanced ovarian cancer (AOC) patients: Final results.
P. Viens, T. Petit, A. Yovine, P. Bougnoux, G. Deplanque, P. Cottu, R. Delva, J. P. Lotz, J. S. Van Belle and J. M. Extra
ASCO 2004 (New Orleans).
An open-label, balanced, 2-period crossover study to investigate the influence of aprepitant on docetaxel pharmacokinetics K. Hande, P. Nygren, M. Fedgchin, K. Vandyck, A. Majumdar, D. Panebianco, K. Petty, M. Sjolund, V. Cocquyt and S. Van Belle
ASCO 2004 (New Orleans)
A multicenter Phase II trial of gefitinib 500 mg/day in 193 patients with advanced epidermal growth factor receptor-positive solid tumors who had failed previous chemotherapy: interim data I. B. Vergote, Y. Humblet, E. van Cutsem, S. van Belle, J. Kerger, J. Van Laethem, J. Canon, F. Forget, E. Strobbe, A. van Oosterom, on behalf of the INCA Investigators' group ASCO 2005 (Orlando)
The development of a prediction tool for chemotherapy-induced anemia in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) palliative receiving chemotherapy. M. Vincent, G. Dranitsaris, M. Clemons, S. Verma, C. Lau, P. Gascon, S. Van Belle, H. Ludwig ASCO 2006 (Atlanta)
Proceedings ESMO en ECCO: ongeveer 40 abstracten
National publications: +/- 30 papers.
Source: http://www.uogg.be/docs/cv/cv_SimonVanBelle.pdf
Menopause Heidi D Nelson Lancet 2008; 371: 760–70 Menopause is the time of life when menstrual cycles cease, and is caused by reduced secretion of the ovarian Oregon Evidence-based hormones oestrogen and progesterone. Although menopause is a normal event for women, individual experiences
A community-based factorial trial on Alzheimer's disease. Effects of expectancy, recruitment methods, co- morbidity and drug use. The Dementia Study in Northern Norway Fred Andersen, MD ‘Navigare necesse est. Vivere non est necesse' Pompeius 56 f. Kr Contents