HM Medical Clinic

Even if Viagra is not needed, it is possible that the doctor will be able to determine the etiology of erectile dysfunction and prescribe appropriate treatmen it doesn't pay to forget about sexual activeness even at the first sings of malfunction.

ou need to encourage the Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 Greetings Resource Parents,
Welcome to all those families who have come forward to help other families in providing a safe and nurturing home for our children. Whether you are a foster, adoption or kinship fam-ily you all have embraced the need to provide stability and a caring home that encourages a child's growth and development.
For several years now, the resource departments within the two largest Children's Aid Societ-ies in Ontario have formed a partnership that has serviced Resource Families in both agencies. Learning opportunities that are specific to the role of resourcing children has always been of great need in order to ensure that families are prepared for their journey. Training is critical for resource parents to prepare for their role and responsibilities and supports the building of competencies. We continue to support the development of the resource family by ensuring that the PRIDE ‘core' or mandatory training is on each calendar and that there are a number of ‘electives' that will touch upon the needs of the child(ren), caregiver and their family. As we strive for permanency for children, ongoing learning helps to prevent placement breakdown by building knowledge and resiliency of the resource family.
We have heard your request and are attempting to organize training events in the west end of the city. Please look in this and future calendars for learning events that may be offered in Eto- bicoke. As always, it is essential to register for events and for babysitting when needed. There are fees involved with locations and having babysitters available to watch children and we want to carry on being fiscally responsible so we can continue to offer these opportunities.
Children's Aid Society of Toronto's – Resource for Children & Youth has moved its office to 20 De Boers Drive in North York. This northwest site will accommodate evening training and St. Andrew's Church will continue to be the daytime training location. Please continue to contact us for any training ideas and/or suggestions. JoAnne Cheeatow • Catholic Children's Aid Society of Toronto
Training Coordinator, Resource Services • 416.395.1719 • [email protected] Mary Greco • Children's Aid Society of Toronto
Training Coordinator, Resources for Children & Youth • 416.924.4646 x 3581 • [email protected] Design/Layout • Irma D'Alonzo, CAST • Children's Aid Society of Toronto, 2012 Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 September to December Calendar Summary Course Title
Date(s) and Time(s)
Mon. Sept. 24: 10 am – 12 pm Understanding & Managing Aggressive Behaviour (UMAB) – Condensed Tues. Sept. 25: 10 am – 3 pm Safe Administration, Storage, Disposal & Transfer of Medications Mon. Oct. 1: 10 am – 12 pm Pre Service Training Condensed for Mon. Oct. 1: 7 pm – 9:30 pm Learning Disabilities Tues. Oct. 2: 10 am – 12 pm Thurs. Oct. 4: 10 am - 12 pm Practical Strategies for Supporting Your Children with ADHD: At Home & at Fri. Oct. 5: 10 am - 12:30 pm Understanding & Preparing Children/ Youth for Medical Tests Thurs. Oct. 11: 10 am - 12:30pm Sat. Oct. 13 & Sun. Oct 14: 10 am – 4 pm OR Sat. Nov. 10 & Sun. Nov. 11: Supporting Relationships Between Children & Their Families – Mondays – Oct. 15, 29 & Nov. 5: 10 am – 12:30 pm A Parent's Guide to Adolescence Tuesdays – Oct. 16 & 30 & Nov. 6: 10 am – 12:30 pm Tues. Oct. 16: 10 am – 3 pm Healthy Aging Part 1 – A Naturopathic Fri. Oct. 19: 10 am – 12:30 pm Addressing Developmental Issues Related to Sexuality & Responding to Mon. Oct. 22 & Mon. Oct. 29: Signs and Symptoms of Sexual Abuse – PRIDE Modules 3 & 4 An Introduction to Infant Mental Health Tues. Oct. 23: 10 am – 12 pm Child Safety: Using Car Seats Thurs. Oct. 25: 10 am – 12:30 pm Getting Started with Speech & Language Communication Skills Thurs. Nov. 1: 10 am – 12:30 pm (birth to five years of age) Beyond 9-5: Emergency After Hours Fri. Nov. 2: 10 am – 12:30 pm Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 September to December Calendar Summary Course Title
Date(s) and Time(s)
Yes, My Hair is FABULOUS! (Infant to Six) Mon. Nov. 5: 7 pm - 9 pm Thurs. Nov. 8: 10 am - 12:30 pm Anxiety & Anxiety Disorders: A Practical Mon. Nov. 12 : 10 am – 12:30 pm Using Discipline to Protect, Nurture & Meet Developmental Needs – Tuesdays – Nov. 13 & 27 & Dec, 4: 10 am – 12:30 pm Yes, My Hair is FABULOUS! (Latency to Teen) Mon. Nov. 19: 7 pm – 9 pm Promoting Permanency Outcomes – Tuesdays – Nov. 20 & 27: Foster Family Association (FFA) & You – Using Your Resource Manual Mon. Nov. 26: 10 am – 12 pm Understanding PRIDE: The Ontario Thurs. Nov. 29: 10 am – 12:30 pm Advanced Training: Fostering the Sexually Abused Child Fri. Nov. 30: 10 am – 12:30 pm How CAST Placement Functions Mon. Dec. 3: 10 am – 12:30 pm Family Systems & the Impact of Abuse & Mon. Dec. 3 & Tues. Dec. 4: Tweet Tweet What Does it All Mean? A Thurs. Dec. 6 & Fri. Dec. 7: Parent's Guide to Social Media 10 am – 12:30 pm Managing the Fostering Experience - Mon. Dec. 10 & Tues. Dec. 11: Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 Register as follows regardless of location of program. 416-924-4640 x 5820 OR
Speak slowly & clearly 1. Your name2. Your resource worker's name 3. Your phone #4. Course # ‘s or Titles • Book babysitting where available stating # of children, ages & any special needs • You will receive a phone call confirming your registration or informing you that you are on the waiting list.
Register as follows regardless of location of program. Speak slowly & clearly 1. Your name2. Course #'s or Title

Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 • Please ensure that you have registered for a program before attending.
• If you must cancel, please notify as soon as possible.
Foster families are required to
complete 26 hours/credits of training
per year.
*One hour of participation in training is equal to one credit. • To receive credit, you must sign in.
Babysitting is only available at the
CAST training location (St. Andrew
Anglican Church site). Space is limited
& must be booked at time of registration. • Please make every effort to arrive on time & attend the full training. *Arriving late or leaving early is distracting to others. • It is ‘good practice' to keep track of the training you have attended in your own • All external training opportunities should be discussed with your Resource Worker or Training Coordinator prior to attending to ensure appropriate credit • Lunch is not provided for any
training events.
Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 Workshop Descriptions "Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears and never regrets." - Leonardo da Vinci Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 12-36
Couponing Cents
Monday, September 24
10 am – 12 pm
1880 Birchmount Rd
A penny saved is a penny earned! Every little bit counts when you are managing a big household. Discover how couponing can help your family save money while teaching noble money saving skills. This workshop will teach you where to find coupons, how to organize them and where to use them to get the best deal. Trainer: Ana Ribeiro • Family Support Worker, CCAS

Credits: 2

Understanding & Managing Aggressive Behaviour
(UMAB) – Condensed
Tuesday, September 25
10 am – 3 pm
1880 Birchmount Rd.
This is a condensed version of the UMAB certification course for resource parents who are not in a licensed group home. Participants will learn techniques to verbally intervene and manage aggressive situations; calming and diffusing techniques and the importance of debriefing after a crisis situation.
Trainers: JoAnne Cheeatow • Training Coordinator, Resource Services, CCAS
Fran Hiscock • Resource Parent, CCAS
"Appreciate learning along with seasoned foster parents who have incredible insight." Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 12-38 (CCAS Only)
Safe Administration, Storage, Disposal and Transfer of
Monday, October 1
10 am – 12 pm
1880 Birchmount Rd.
This presentation is mandatory for all CCAS Licensed Children's Residences
(group and foster/kin homes) and staff. New Ministry directives regarding
administration, storage, disposal, communication and transfer of medication have come into effect August 1, 2011. This presentation will outline these new requirements. Trainers: Susan Balyk & Teresa Silva • Resource Workers, Licensed
Children's Residences, CCAS 12-39
Pre Service Training Condensed for Relief Workers
Monday, October 1
7 pm – 9:30 pm
1880 Birchmount Rd.
This training contains important information for those who assume the role of caregiver when providing relief to a home. This is a mandatory training for those who provide relief in group homes or in a number of homes. CAST relief providers (such as extended family members) are welcome to attend.
Trainer: JoAnne Cheeatow • Training Coordinator, Resource Services, CCAS
"Helped me to understand child aggression and not take it personally." Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 12-40
Learning Disabilities
Tuesday, October 2
10 am – 12 pm
1880 Birchmount Rd.
The growing recognition of the prevalence of learning disabilities (estimated at 10% of the population) has stimulated both research and development of educational as well as psychosocial supports and interventions. This two hour workshop presented by Lucy Malarkey, provides participants with a basic overview of LDs and effective strategies to promote successful social behaviour in children/youth with learning disabilities and/or AD(H)D. Topics covered include:
• Defining LD: What is a learning disability - and what it is not
• Common types of learning disabilities/simulation activities
• The social/emotional strengths and needs of children/youth
• Strategies to help children become socially successful

Trainer: Lucy Malarkey, Grad DipEd., BSc • Resource Coordinator, Learning
Disabilities Association of Toronto 12-41
Email Made Easy
Thursday, October 4
10 am – 12 pm OR 1 pm – 3 pm
20 De Boers Dr. Ste. 250
This workshop has been specially designed for the Resource Parent who does not yet have an email account. You will be taught in a friendly, personal environment how to use email so that you can stay within the information loop with CAS and others. We will set you up with an email address, teach you the basics which will enable you to use this valuable resource at home or at your local library. Space is limited due to the small class size, so please register early to Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 (Note: No previous experience or personal computer required.)
Trainers: Kerry Matias • Resource Parent, CAST
Stephen Tran • Resource Parent, CAST
Kim Hnatko • Intake Worker, Resources for Children & Youth, CAST
Practical Strategies for Supporting Your Children with ADHD:
At Home & at School
Friday, October 5
10 am - 12:30 pm
2333 Victoria Park
(Limited babysitting available upon request)
This strength based workshop is designed to teach parents strategies to help their children minimize challenges within the home environment. There will also be an exploration of ways to support children with homework and a discussion on how best to work with the school to ensure success within the classroon. Trainer: Melissa Rowtathan • Manager of Community, Education & Engagement, Integra
Understanding & Preparing Children/Youth for Medical Tests:
Thursday, October 11
10 am - 12:30 pm
2333 Victoria Park
Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 (Limited babysitting available upon request)
As part of a routine physical or when necessity dictates, your physician may order a blood test, urine analysis or throat swab. Why are these done, how are they performed, what do the results tell us and how do we (as active participants in our & children's physical health) read medical reports. Taking into account the child's age, this workshop will also speak to how we prepare our children for these procedures. Part II will be offered in the Winder of 2013 and will discuss x-rays, ct scans and other imaging tests.
Trainer: Sue Savoie • Clinical Nurse Educator
12-44 (CCAS ONLY)
U.M.A.B. Re-certification
Saturday, October 13 & Sunday, October 14
(for those who expire during that time)
Saturday, November 10 & Sunday, November 11
10 am – 4 pm
1880 Birchmount Rd.
Licensed CCAS homes only & their Relief people are responsible to maintain certification for
licensing purposes. All U.M.A.B certifications expire on an annual basis. Please check your
card & register yourself & your relief person for this re-certification session.
Trainers: Laura Mitchell • Family Support Worker, CCAS
Stephanie Belen • Child & Youth Worker, CCAS
12-45 (Core CCAS & CAST) (3 morning series)
Supporting Relationships Between Children & Their Families
PRIDE Module 5
October, 15 & 29 & November 5
Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 10 am – 12:30 pm
2333 Victoria Park
(Limited Babysitting available upon request)
This workshop will provide participants with an understanding of the importance of supporting family relationships & will explore strategies for working with the team to support children's connections to their immediate &/or extended family system.
Trainers: Mary Greco • Training Coordinator, Resources for Children & Youth, CAST
Jillian Reeves • Resource Parent, CAST
A Parent's Guide to Adolescence
Tuesdays (3 mornings)
October, 16 & 30 & November 6
10 am – 12:30 pm
2333 Victoria Park
(Limited Babysitting available upon request)
This 3 morning training workshop will review the developmental stage of adolescence: with
a focus on understanding the emotional and physical challenges youth face including peer
pressure and media influence; roadblocks to communication; and life tasks. (Note: A workshop
focusing on understanding the needs of teen girls will be offered in the spring of 2013 and with
subsequent fall training on male adolescents.)
Trainers: Myron Charko • Resource Support Services, CAST
Rhonda Shields • Resource Support Services, CAST
Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 12-47
FASD Refresher
Tuesday, October 16
10 am – 3 pm
1880 Birchmount Rd
This workshop will examine the impact and implications of this disorder, as well as specific
strategies for managing the challenging behaviours often associated with FASD. Bring your
toughest questions and challenges and you're guaranteed to leave with new tips and tricks to
keep you one step ahead!
Trainers: Erin Sclisizzi • Child & Youth Services, CCAS
Jennifer Miles • Health Specialist, CCAS
Healthy Aging Part I – A Naturopathic Perspective
Friday, October 19
10 am – 12:30 pm.
430 Burnhamthorpe Rd.
Following in the footsteps of his grandfather, a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dr. Koo has incorporated time-tested healing wisdom with his modern scientific training. This workshop will provide an overview on naturopathic medicine & then proceed to a discussion on common aging aliments including: muscle & arthritis pains; bone loss; decreased immunity & stress. Each topic will speak to commonly used approaches & drugs, & what people can do from a naturopathic perspective. Healthy Aging Part II, will be offered in the spring of 2013, which will examine low energy and memory loss.
Note: The library will offer a tour of it's facilities and presentation of it's programs
at 12:30 p.m.
Trainer: Dr. Ian Koo, Honours B.Sc., ND • Licensed Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine
Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 12-49 (CORE for CAST & CCAS)
Addressing Developmental Issues Related to Sexuality -
PRIDE Module 3 & Responding to Signs and Symptoms of
Sexual Abuse – PRIDE Module 4
Monday, October 22 & Monday, October 29
10 am – 3 pm
1880 Birchmount Rd.
This is a combined session that will explore normal sexual development; provide information about sexual abuse, responding to issues of sexual abuse and the impact on the child. Participants will explore strategies for providing a nurturing healing home.
Trainers: Fran Hiscock • Resource Parent, CCAS
Gail Bursey • Resource Parent, CCAS
An Introduction to Infant Mental Health
Tuesday, October 23
10 am – 12 pm
1880 Birchmount Rd.
Infant mental health practice refers to the promotion of optimal development and well-being in infants (prenatal to age three) and their families, the prevention of difficulties, and intervention when infants are at-risk or have identified problems. Deirdre McKibbon, Infant Mental Health Coordinator of Massey Centre will introduce participants to the importance of optimal child outcomes in terms of a sense of security and self-esteem, and the ability to form satisfying relationships, to engage with the world, to learn, to cope and problem solve, and to continue positive development throughout life. Trainer: Deirdre McKibbon • Infant Mental Health Coordinator, Massey Centre
Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 12-51 (CORE for those who use car seats & booster seats)
Child Safety: Using Car Seats
Thursday, October 25
10 am – 12:30 pm
2333 Victoria Park
(Limited Babysitting available upon request)
If you are a resource family who uses child safety seats then you must know how to install them properly. This 2 hour overview will provide you with the mandatory information. For resource families who use child safety seats & have not taken the program or for those who would like a refresher from a knowledgeable staff person.
Trainer: Heather Linton • Health Coordinator, CAST
Getting Started with Speech & Language
Communication Skills
(birth to five years of age)
Thursday, November 1
10 am – 12:30 pm
2333 Victoria Park
(Limited Babysitting available upon request)
This workshop provides an overview of speech and language development in the preschool population (birth to 5 years of age) with particular emphasis on communication milestones, early identification of delays, the referral process, home language preservation, second language acquisition, and use of language stimulation strategies to support at risk children in the home environment. This workshop intends to support parents by introducing current screening tools, play-therapy materials, and utilizing relevant examples. Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 Trainers: Joanna Nicol • Communicative Disorders Assistant, Toronto Preschool Speech &
Language Services, Toronto Public Health Vivian Low & Agnes Dupin • Family Home Visitors, Blind-Low Vision Program,
Toronto Public Health 12-53 (CAST Only)
Beyond 9-5: Emergency After Hours Services
Friday, November 2
10 am – 12:30 pm
2333 Victoria Park
(Limited Babysitting available upon request)
When you foster, things can come up beyond regular office hours, which require immediate consultation or assistance. A child may be hurt or ill, may run away or fail to return home, or may be "out of control". Since the child is the legal responsibility of the agency, fostering/kin families must involve the agency immediately. Come out and learn about the services of our Emergency After Hours Services (EAHS) and its procedures. There will be a review of when foster/kin parents must notify EAHS, what kinds of information you must give, questions you may want to ask and what you can expect. In addition, learn how our Foster Parent Emergency Response Service operates with the services of our Foster Parent Support Worker.
Trainers: Mark McDermid • EAHS, Supervisor, CAST
Susan Oley • Foster Parent Support Worker, CAST
Yes, My Hair is FABULOUS! (Infant to Six)
Monday, November 5
1880 Birchmount Rd.
Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 Do you find it difficult to work with frizzy, out of control, kinky hair? Not sure how to cope with the curls of a small child? The owners of Curl Ambassadors will help resource parents understand the complexities of curly hair, the importance of the right tools and products to manage curls and guide participants in learning how to do various hairstyles. This is one of two sessions pertaining to the age of the child. Participants are invited to bring a child with curly hair (combed out in 2 braids) for hands on learning.
Trainers: Caroline Muir • Owner, Curl Ambassadors
Angela Sherwood & Elisha Goitha • Curl Ambassador's Team
Thursday, November 8
10 am - 12:30 pm
2333 Victoria Park
(Limited babysitting available upon request)
This workshop will discuss psychotropic medication classes of antidepressants (such as Prozac, Celexa, Zoloft, Wellbutrin) and antiagitants/antipsychotics (such as Risperdal, Seroquel, Xyprexa). We will explore:• Why medication would be given.
• What medication does to the brain.
• How medication could impact attention, behaviour, reactivity and learning.
• What changes can you expect.
• Managing side effects of the medication.
• Explaining medication and effects to children, school, doctor, family.
• Helping children to recognise changes.
• Strategies to maximize effectiveness of medications.
• Other factors that effect how medications work.
Trainer: Lori Nichols • Senior Health Services Resource Nurse, CAST
Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 12-56
Anxiety & Anxiety Disorders: A Practical Approach, Part 2
Monday, November 12
10 am – 12:30 pm
2333 Victoria Park
(Limited Babysitting available upon request)
In Part 1 of Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders, we introduced anxiety, its definitions, symptoms, and various types. We discussed its impact on the child, family and community. In Part 2, we will move towards a more in depth discussion on how anxiety, anxiety disorders and phobias can be treated; what children can do, what parents can do and what professionals can do. While anxiety can feel like a dragon to a child, it can be tamed. As a caregiver, knowing the possibilities gives hope and control over an often powerful feeling of helplessness and despair. Some case vignettes, articles and handouts to take home will be provided.
Trainer: Lisa Benrubi • MSW, RSW, Clinical Social Worker, Find a Peace of Mind
Credits: 2.5
12-57 (Core CCAS & CAST)
Using Discipline to Protect, Nurture & Meet Developmental
Needs - PRIDE Module 2
(3 morning series)
November, 13 & 27 & December 4
10 am – 12:30 pm
2333 Victoria Park
(Limited Babysitting available upon request)
This workshop will increase participants' understanding of the importance of discipline in
meeting developmental needs of children. It explores concrete techniques & skills to manage
behaviour as well as proactive approaches to using discipline to protect, nurture, & advance
children's development. (Don't forget to bring your brown bag lunch.)
Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 Trainers: Mary Greco • Training Coordinator, Resources for Children & Youth, CAST
Susan Sam • Foster Parent Support Worker, CAST
Donna Steele • Children's Service Worker, CAST
Yes, My Hair is FABULOUS! (Latency to Teen)
Monday, November 19
1880 Birchmount Rd.
In this session, the Curl Ambassadors Team will support the child and teen in celebrating their curly hair! Resource parents will understand the complexities of curly hair, the importance of the right tools and products to manage curls and guide participants in learning how to do various hairstyles. This is one of two sessions pertaining to the age of the child. Participants are invited to bring a child with curly hair (combed out in 2 braids) for hands on learning.

Trainers: Caroline Muir •
Owner, Curl Ambassadors
Angela Sherwood & Elisha Goitha • Curl Ambassador's Team
12-59 (CORE for CAST & CCAS)
Promoting Permanency Outcomes - PRIDE Module 8
(2 day series)
November, 20 & 27
10 am – 2 pm
1880 Birchmount Rd.
There is an increasing emphasis in child welfare on permanency planning; children need forever families, be they birth, kin or adoptive. You will have an opportunity to explore permanence, discuss kin care & adoption, consider the reality of independent living for youth leaving care & Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 look at the implications of all this on fostering.
Trainers: JoAnne Cheeatow • Training Coordinator, Resource Services, CCAS
Snezana Avramov-Atanasovska • Home Assessment Worker, CCAS
12-60 (CCAS Only)
Foster Family Association (FFA) & You – Using Your Resource
Monday, November 26
10 am – 12 pm
1880 Birchmount Rd.
Members of the Foster Family Association will introduce participants to the history of the Association, the support it provides, and the role and responsibilities of the Advocate. The importance of the Resource Manual will be discussed and certain policies highlighted.
Trainers: Adrienne Conroy • President FFA, CCAS
Rosa Dellilo • FFA, Resource Parent, CCAS
Understanding PRIDE: The Ontario Practice Model
Thursday, November 29
10 am – 12:30 pm
2333 Victoria Park
(Limited babysitting available upon request)
PRIDE stand for Parenting Resources for Information, Development & Education. It is the Ontario wide approach to service & training of Resource Families. It is a part of the Ontario Practice Model which also includes SAFE and OnLAC. This program explains the philosophy, Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 competencies & implications for service & is mandatory for all fostering families. If you have
not already attended, please make it a priority to do so.

Trainer: Mary Greco • Training Coordinator, Resources for Children & Youth, CAST

Credits: 2.5
Advanced Training: Fostering the Sexually Abused Child
Friday, November 30
10 am – 12:30 pm
2333 Victoria Park
(Limited Babysitting available upon request)
This training session will explore a variety of issues related to child sexual abuse and is designed to equip resource parents with the latest knowledge and the importance of their role in the healing of victimized children. Topics explored include: understanding adolescent survivors who engage in self-injurious behaviours; redirecting child sexual abuse survivors who engage in inappropriate sexual behaviour; learning different treatment options for children who have traumagenic symptoms; learning how to be comfortable in what kids are telling us about their experiences; helping children feel safe, not over-controlled and not guilty; and learning how to re-direct/replace inappropriate ‘learned' behaviour (e.g. lack of boundaries, etc.). Vicarious traumatization will also be discussed. This training will include lots of hands on experience for participants. Pre-requisite: Participants must have attended PRIDE Modules 3&4. Class size is
limited so please register early to avoid disappointment.
Trainer: Colleen Kamps • B.A., C.Y.C., C.C.W. cert., Private Practice
"I am better prepared to identify children who were abused and help them through the healing process." Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 12-63 (CAST Only)
How CAST Placement Functions
Monday, December 3
10 am -12:30 pm
2333 Victoria Park
(Limited Babysitting available upon request)
Hear from seasoned workers about the inner workings of our placement department and how decisions are made to match children and youth with foster homes. You will learn firsthand about the emerging profile of the children who come into care, the kinds of supports they require, what questions you should be asking before accepting a placement and how to express your concerns. Trainers: Sandy Gennis • Placement Worker, CAST
Jeanette Grimes • Placement Worker, CAST
Family Systems & the Impact of Abuse & Neglect
Mon. Dec. 3 & Tues. Dec. 4
7 pm - 9:30pm
1880 Birchmount Rd.
This workshop will review components of a family system, increase awareness of the families with whom we work and guide the participant through opportunities to recognize the emotional and behavioural indicators of abuse and neglect. This is a revised version developed by Ontario Child Welfare Training Series – a good refresher for those who have taken in the past. Trainers: Fran Hiscock • Resource Parent, CCAS
Gail Bursey • Resource Parent, CCAS
Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 12-65
Tweet Tweet What Does it All Mean?
A Parent's Guide to Social Media
(2 mornings)
Thurs. Dec. 6 & Fri. Dec. 7
10 am – 12:30 pm
20 De Boers Dr. Ste. 250
The ever changing world of social media has tremendous influence on the value systems, social relationships and general behaviour on our children and youth. These influences can be positive yet potentially harmful. If you are like most parents, the technical world whether it be video-games, twitter, facebook, chat-rooms, tumbler, cell phone texts, etc. and it's ‘alien' language is a totally baffling galaxy. How do we understand it? How do we protect our children from bad intentions including bullies, predators, hackers and scanners? Risk reduction will be a major focus of this workshop as well as a review of CAST's Social Media Guidelines. Trainers: Irma D'Alonzo • Communications Coordinator Design, CAST
Mary Greco Training Coordinator, Resources for Children & Youth, CAST
12-66 (Core CCAS & CAST)
Managing the Fostering Experience - PRIDE Module 9
(2 day series)
Mon. Dec. 10 & Tues. Dec. 11
10 am – 3 pm
1880 Birchmount Rd.

This module addresses the changes that fostering brings to lifestyle and family dynamics
and explores what needs to happen to maintain equilibrium. Participants will also learn
investigation protocols, explore the eligibility spectrum, ways to safeguard against allegations
and what supports are available in these situations.
Trainers: AnnMarie Devon • Placement Worker, Resource Services, CCAS
JoAnne Cheeatow • Training Coordinator, Resource Services, CCAS
Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 Training Locations & Directions
St. Andrew Anglican Church

1 2333 Victoria Park Avenue
(parking and access from north side of
building, lower level auditorium)
Note: Elevator access from south parking lot.
Please request assistance.
CAST Resources for Children &
2 Youth & North Branch
20 DeBoers Drive , 2nd Floor
CAST Central Branch
30 Isabella
3 (3 blocks south of Bloor, east off of Yonge)
1880 Birchmount Road, 2nd Floor
4 (parking at rear of building, access from
Note: For a detailed map go to
Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 Resource Families Training Calendar • Fall 2012 For the Love of Learning JoAnne Cheeatow • Catholic Children's Aid Society of Toronto
Training Coordinator, Resource Services • 416.395.1719 • [email protected] Mary Greco • Children's Aid Society of Toronto
Training Coordinator, Resources for Children & Youth • 416.924.4646 x 3581 • [email protected] Design/Layout • Irma D'Alonzo, CAST • Children's Aid Society of Toronto, 2012


Indian time winter09.indd

inter 2009 This issue is dedicated to the life and legacy of the late Roscoe Jacobs Sr. This issue is dedicated to the life and legacy of the late Roscoe Jacobs Sr. of Bolton, longtime Chief of the Waccamaw-Siouan. of Bolton, longtime Chief of the Waccamaw-Siouan. REMEMBERING A MODERN DAY WARRIOR It is with deep affection and respect that I refl ect on the life and contributions of Chief Roscoe Jacobs, the fi rst elected and, until his death at age 86 on January 27, the presiding chief of the Waccamaw-Siouan Tribe. He also was a beloved and longstanding member of the N.C. Commission of Indian Affairs, which since 1971 has served to assist the more than 100,000 American Indians who call North Carolina home.

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