HM Medical Clinic

Menopause is Not an
Menopause occurs when a woman permanently stops ovulating, or producing an egg that can be fertilized and used for reproduction. Menopause is diagnosed when a woman no longer has a monthly cycle for a year and has an elevated blood level of FSH. FSH is elevated when a woman stops ovulating or producing an egg. FSH does not reflect the amount of estrogen a woman has in her body.
can be a difficult transition Measuring FSH level is what most doctors in a woman's life. Menopause usually occurs between use to diagnose menopause. The FSH test ages 48 and 52. The onset of hot flashes, extreme mood does not measure estrogen levels, it only swings, insomnia, hair loss, uncontrollable weight gain, confirms that a woman has stopped ovulating.
skin changes, vaginal dryness, decreased sex drive, the Estrogen is made from a variety of fear of osteoporosis, breast cancer, and heart disease are sources. The ovary is only one of many sources all a part of American women's experience.
of estrogen. Estrogen is available, because hormones made by the Menopause is a normal transition experienced adrenal gland can be converted into estrogen in fat and other tissue.
by women. Women are transitioning out of the Estrogen is also available through food sources such as soy reproductive phase of their lives into a very productive and flax seed. We are exposed to many chemical substances in the and meaningful stage of their life.
environment that behave like powerful estrogens.
It is a time when the fear of pregnancy no longer With the abundance of sources of estrogen available in the has to limit their sex life. Children are independent, and environment and the other sources available in the body, it seems a woman can pursue interest outside the home without unlikely that estrogen deficiency is the burden of overwhelming family obligations. Also, the problem.
We are exposed
women have the opportunity to focus on their personal When accurate estrogen levels development instead of child development.
are obtained from the saliva, we to many chemical
However, for many women this transition is filled find that most menopausal women substances in
with physical and emotional problems. Why is this have normal or even elevated levels normal transition so difficult for so many women? of estrogen in the tissue. Blood the environment
Menopause is a transitional stage in a woman's life. levels of estrogen in menopause are that behave
Hormone production can be irregular and imbalanced. usually low, because the estrogen An imbalance of hormones can be exaggerated by an is produced in the tissue and not like powerful
American diet (high in fat and carbohydrates and low transported from the ovary by the in fiber), a stressful lifestyle, and one's environment. blood. (see Salivary Testing) Women in other countries, who do not share our habits, do not experience menopausal symptoms.
Inside This
This newsletter will look critically at menopause. We will identify fact from fiction to understand the role that hormones play in producing the symptoms of Do I Need Hormones? Low Estrogen or Low
Saliva testing is the most accurate test to determine steroid hormones (i.e. progesterone, estrogen, DHEA, cortisol, and testosterone) levels. Saliva testing is much more accurate and As we discussed earlier, FSH levels are commonly used useful than any blood test when attempting to determine who by doctors to diagnose menopause. FSH is elevated when needs hormone replacement.
ovulation or egg production ceases. The hormone that is directly dependent upon ovulation is progesterone. While Steroid hormones are fat soluble. This means that they estrogen can be produced from a variety of sources within dissolve in fat or oil and not water. Oil and water do not mix. the body as well as externally, progesterone is only produced The body makes carrier proteins that can dissolve in water, after ovulation.
that attach to the fat soluble hormones. This allows the fat soluble hormone to travel in the watery bloodstream to their target tissues.
Steroid hormones that are attached to carrier proteins in the blood are inactive. They are unable to enter the cells, because they are surrounded by a water soluble carrier protein.
If we measure the amount of hormone in the blood, more than 99% is wrapped with a carrier protein. Protein-wrapped hormone is inactive and unable to have an effect on tissues. It is unable to deliver its message to the breast, uterus, ovaries, and brain. Therefore, blood testing does not reflect the levels of active unwrapped hormone that are available to the body, which is found in saliva. Salivary testing reflects the amount of unwrapped active hormone, which determine symptoms of Estrogen and progesterone are produced together perimenopause and menopause.
throughout the reproductive years and function best when There are a number of factors that determine how much they are produced in their normal balance.
hormone, especially estrogen, is unwrapped and active in the Estrogen is produced prior to ovulation to replenish the body. Increased weight, insulin, stress, low fiber, and high fat inner lining of the uterus that was lost during the menstrual diets can all increase the amount of estrogen that is unwrapped cycle. Progesterone causes the uterine lining and the breast . If too much estrogen is unwrapped, estrogen will produce to further develop to prepare for a possible pregnancy.
symptoms associated with too much estrogen even though the Estrogen and progesterone also effect other organs like total amount of estrogen in the blood is normal.
the brain, the endocrine system, the immune system, etc. Exercise, high fiber diets, eating the healthy fats, eliminating When these hormones are present in the normal levels they stress, and avoiding external estrogens decreases the amount of balance each other's activity and do not cause any symptoms.
active estrogen in the body.
During and after menopause ovulation ceases and so Without salivary testing it is impossible to determine does the production of progesterone. Progesterone cannot active hormones levels because there are so many variables. be made from other hormones and it is not available in the Not only can salivary testing measure estrogen levels , it can environment in any significant amount.
also determine the active amounts of progesterone, DHEA, During menopause women may have normal or even testosterone, and cortisol . All of these hormones levels may be elevated tissue levels of estrogen while progesterone levels are altered by menopause.
low or immeasurable. An imbalance of these two hormones Hormone replacement therapy is prescribed by many is more likely to be the cause of menopausal symptoms than physicians without utilizing an accurate test that confirms that solely an estrogen deficiency.
the therapy is needed. However, millions of women have been placed on hormone replacement therapy, despite significant short- and long-term side effects. Better and safer results can be Why is progesterone so important? Progesterone does achieved by using saliva testing and working with a compound more than just balance estrogen. Progesterone is vitally pharmacist to customize your hormone replacement important in the normal function of several organ systems in Saliva testing is available in several labs across the country. the body. The functions of progesterone include using fat for Most non- HMO insurance companies are now covering the energy, decreasing water retention, eliminating depression cost of the test. Medicare pays for saliva testing. If your insurance and anxiety, improving mental function, increasing sex drive, company does not pay, the cost is approximately $150.
and increasing the effectiveness of other hormones like thyroid hormone, testosterone and estrogen.
A deficiency of progesterone can explain most of symptoms Do I Need Estrogen?
of menopause. Hot flashes are a response to withdrawal from estrogen and progesterone. Progesterone levels fall, because Menopause cannot be simply explained by lack of estrogen. women no longer ovulate after menopause. Estrogen levels While estrogen deficiency may play a role in some women's do not fall in balance with progesterone, because women are experiences, in most cases it does not. The key to minimizing exposed to estrogen from other sources outside the ovary. menopausal symptoms is a balance between estrogen and Adding progesterone restores balance and safely relieves progesterone.
symptoms. Adding more estrogen may relieve hot flashes, Most women in America are over their ideal body weight. but it increases the imbalance and causes side effects which It is well documented that overweight women produce to too include bleeding, weight gain, stroke, and increased risk of much estrogen. Estrogen is made in fat cells. Women who are breast cancer, etc.
overweight are at an increased risk of diseases that are known Mood swings can also be traced to progesterone deficiency to be caused by elevated estrogen. Uterine cancer and breast or an estrogen excess. Progesterone has a calming sedative cancer are more common in women who are overweight.
effect on the brain. It attaches to a receptor in the brain that Estrogen also increases weight gain and makes it more decreases anxiety and elevates mood. This receptor in the difficult to lose weight. Women, who are overweight should brain is called the GABA receptor. This same GABA receptor not take standard estrogen replacement unless a saliva test allows antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs to produce their indicates an imbalance.
effect on the brain. Menopausal women on antidepressants may benefit from the antidepressant effects of progesterone Women who are not at risk for osteoporosis should not which could eliminate the need for antidepressants.
take estrogen replacement. Estrogen has two FDA- approved indications. One is the relief of hot flashes, the other is the Insomnia is another frequent complaint of women prevention of osteoporosis in women who are at high risk. during menopause. Insomnia in this case is probably due to However, we contend that no one should take estrogen with the lack of the calming effects of progesterone. Replacing out salivary testing. Studies show that weight-bearing exercise progesterone usually improves insomnia.
decreases bone loss more than estrogen.
Many women complain of poor concentration and If a woman is experiencing hot flashes, restoring balance lapses in memory during menopause. Progesterone is with progesterone can alleviate the symptoms, if saliva testing involved with providing insulation to nerve cells. Myelin is indicates a progesterone deficiency. Also, using weaker like rubber around electrical wires. Myelin insulates nerve estrogens, like estriol or the estrogens found in soy, can restore cells and improves conduction of nerve impulses. Decreased balance by blocking the effect of stronger estrogens.
progesterone may interrupt the production of myelin and interfere with brain impulses.
Not all women are at high risk for osteoporosis. Women of North European decent with a thin frame, sedentary lifestyle, Estrogen without the proper amount of progesterone can history of smoking, and prolonged steroid use are at risk for interfere with thyroid hormone function. Thyroid hormone osteoporosis. Women not in this high-risk group do not need is necessary to properly metabolize food and convert it into estrogen bone to maintain normal bone health.
energy. If thyroid hormone is not functioning properly, women experience weight gain, fatigue, food cravings, and People of color are at very low risk for osteoporosis symptoms of low blood sugar.
and should not take estrogen for osteoporosis prevention. Although in some cases very thin fair-skinned women of color Other disturbing symptoms include the loss of scalp hair may be at risk.
and the growth of facial hair after menopause. Testosterone, the male hormone, can be produced by the ovary and the adrenal gland after menopause. The body uses testosterone to balance estrogen in the absence of progesterone. This results in male pattern baldness and facial hair growth. Replacing progesterone usually reverses the process, thereby initiating growth of scalp hair and stopping facial hair growth.

A Must-Read Book
Eldred Taylor, M.D. and Ava Bell Taylor, M.D. have written a book about a revolutionary approach to diagnosing women's illnesses will forever change the health care of women all over the world.
Previous books about women and hormones have made sweeping generaliza- tions concerning treatment (i.e. women should not take estrogen, all women need estrogen to prevent osteoporosis and heart disease, and all women need Hormones
progesterone or herbs).
> Depression and Cortisol Unlike other books written on the subject, this book > Thyroid Disorders advocates the use of objective and accurate testing through salivary testing before prescribing treatment. This book provides > Testosterone much needed information that allows patients and doctors to > Estrogen and Progesterone understand the value of saliva testing. Salivary testing is a must > Sexual Dysfunction for every woman concerned about breast cancer, osteoporosis, > Growth Hormone infertility, menopause, fibroids, and PMS. Through salivary > Perimenopause testing, women can now take control of their health! > Stress and Survival Dr. Eldred Taylor,
Get your copy of Are Your Hormones Making You Sick? > Stress and Weight Gain TODAY at and Barnes and Noble.
> Estrogen Dominance Symptoms What is Compounding and How
> Salivary Testing Does it Benefit Me?
> Menopause> Perimenopause Dr. Ava Bell-Taylor,
Pharmacy compounding is the art and science of preparing customized medications for patients. Within the last two decades, compounding has experienced a resurgence as modern Cosmetics
technology and innovative techniques and research have al owed more pharmacists to customize medications to meet specific > Strawberry Laser Inch Loss patient needs. Bio-identical hormone replacement for men and > Mesotherpay/Dermal Rolling women must be customized to the individual. The compounding > Laser Hair, Vein and pharmacist is an expert in customized prescriptions.
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consent, a compounding pharmacist can change the strength of a medication, alter its form to make it easier for the > Allergy Testing patient to ingest, or add flavor to make it more palatable. > Brain health The pharmacist also can prepare the medication using several > Environmental toxins unique delivery systems, such as a sublingual troche or > Cardiovascular health lozenge, a lollipop, or a transdermal gel or cream that can > Gastrointestinal health be absorbed through the skin. For those patients who are having a hard time swallowing a capsule, a compounding > Medically supervised pharmacist can make a liquid suspension instead.
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