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on depression
ISSUE 2, 2015
on allergy
Michael Bauer, MD PhD
on anaesthesiology
Professor of Psychiatry,
Director of the department of
on atherosclerosis
Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,
on breast cancer
University Hospital Carl Gustav
Dick J. Veltman, MD PhD
on colorectal cancer
Professor of Neuro-imaging
Technical University Dresden,
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Medical Writers (this issue)
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on gastroenterology
Hans-Jürgen Möller, MD PhD
Professor of Psychiatry,
on haematological
Chairman of the Department
on hepatitis
University of Munich,
on hypertension
Art Design
on infectious diseases
on lung cancer
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The framıngham series of
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meet clinical specialists' need
Zwijndrecht, the Netherlands
on pain
for a reliable guide to the most
on prostate cancer
important articles appearing in
their field.
on renal cell
Each issue presents an auth ori-
tative selection from the recently
on rheumatology
published literature, with the
Waldemar H.G. Dobrowolski
on schizophrenia
emphasis on evidence-based medicine. Articles are recom -
on systemic fungal
mended for inclusion by
Framingham's editorial office
on urology
and an advisory board headed
and many more.
by key opinion leaders in the
rel evant clinical area.
Framingham's team of medi -
cal writers prepares original
The abstracts in this publication
abstracts of these articles, in a
on depression
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Psychiatry Research, 2015 March 30; 226(1):73–7
AUTHORS: Zvolensky MJ, Bakhshaie J, Sheffer C, Perez A, Goodwin RDCENTRES: Department of Psychology, University of Houston; and Department of Behavioral Sciences, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas; Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education, City College of New York; Department of Psychology, Queens College and The Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY), Queens; and Department of Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, New York, USA
BACkGROUND & AIM: Cigarette smok-
METHOD: Data from adult participants
ing is the major preventable cause of death
in the Midlife Development in the United
in the USA. Although most smokers would
States (MIDUS) Survey Waves I & II were
like to stop smoking, the quit rate remains
analysed using logistic regression to explore
low. It would therefore be helpful to iden-
associations between MDD in 1994, MDD
tify modifiable risk factors for smoking
in 2005 and persistent depression (in 1994
relapse among former smokers. Epidemio-
and 2005) and risk of smoking relapse in
logical evidence suggests a link between
2005 among former smokers, adjusting for
current or past depression and poor smok-
demographics, anxiety disorders, substance
ing cessation outcomes, but the degree to
use problems and smoking characteristics.
which depression affects the long-term risk of smoking relapse, and the influence of the
RESULTS: Among former smokers, adults
proximity and persistence of depression on
with depression in 1994 (
n=91) were sig-
risk of relapse, remain to be determined.
nificantly more likely than those without
The aim of this study was to determine
depression in 1994 (
n=608) to experience
the association between a history of major
smoking relapse by 2005 (adjusted odds
depressive disorder (MDD) and the long-
ratio 2.4, 95% confidence interval 1.3–4.2,
term risk of smoking relapse among former
p<0.05). The risk of smoking relapse in
smokers in the general US population. The
2005 was also significantly (
p<0.05) higher
relation between current and persistent
among adults with current depression in
depression and risk of relapse among for-
2005 (
n=77) than among those without cur-
mer smokers compared to those without
rent depression (
n=622; adjusted OR 3.3,
depression was also explored.
95% 1.8–6.0) and among those with per-sistent depression (
n=25) than among those
STUDY DESIGN: Cohort study.
with no depression in either 1994 or 2005 (
n=556; adjusted OR 3.5, 95% CI 1.3–9.4).
ENDPOINTS: Relationships between:
depression in 1994 and risk of smoking
CONCLUSION: MDD was associated with
relapse by 2005; depression in 2005 and
both a short- and long-term increased risk
risk of smoking relapse by 2005; and persis-
of smoking relapse among former smokers
tent depression (in 1994 and 2005) and risk
in the US general population.
of smoking relapse by 2005.
The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2015 February 17; Epub ahead of print
AUTHORS: Hovens JG, Giltay EJ, Spinhoven P, van Hemert AM, Penninx BWCENTRES: Department of Psychiatry, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden; Institute of Psychology, Leiden University, Leiden; VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; and Department of Psychiatry, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands
BACkGROUND & AIM: Adverse experi-
least one childhood life event and 412
ences in childhood have been associated
(35.3%) reported a history of any child-
with psychopathology such as depressive
hood trauma. At 2-year follow up, 226
and anxiety disorders in later life. However,
participants (19.4%) were diagnosed with
prospective evidence for these associations
a new (
n=58) or recurrent (
n=168) episode
is scarce. The aim of this study was to
of a depressive and/or anxiety disorder. First
investigate the effect of childhood life events
onset or recurrence of either a depressive
and trauma on the onset and recurrence of
or comorbid disorder, but not an anxiety
depressive and/or anxiety disorders over a
disorder, was significantly higher among
2-year period in participants without cur-
individuals who had experienced child-
rent psychopathology at baseline.
hood emotional neglect or psychological, physical or sexual abuse (
p<0.001). On
STUDY DESIGN: Prospective cohort study.
multivariate analysis, emotional neglect was the only significant independent predictor
ENDPOINTS: Associations of childhood
of first onset or recurrence of any depres-
life events (death of a parent, divorce of
sive or comorbid disorder (
p=0.002). Severe
parents, being placed in care) or childhood
psychological and sexual abuse were both
trauma (emotional neglect and psychologi-
predictive of the occurrence of a comor-
cal, physical or sexual abuse) with 2-year
bid disorder (
p<0.05). These effects were
occurrence rates of new or recurrent depres-
primarily mediated by the severity of (sub-
sive and/or anxiety disorders.
clinical) depressive symptoms at baseline (mediating effect 0.117, 95% confidence
METHOD: Longitudinal data were col-
interval 0.077–0.173) and a prior lifetime
lected from 1167 adults participating in the
diagnosis of a depressive and/or anxiety
Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxi-
disorder (mediating effect 0.072, 95% CI
ety who had no depressive or anxiety dis-
0.042–0.108). Childhood life events did not
order at baseline (2004–2007). Depressive
predict the onset or recurrence of depressive
and/or anxiety disorders emerging during 2
or anxiety disorders.
years of follow-up were diagnosed using the Composite International Diagnostic Inter-
CONCLUSION: Childhood trauma was
view. Factors associated with the incidence
found to predict the occurrence of depres-
of these disorders were identified using a
sive and comorbid disorders within 2 years
multivariable logistic regression model.
in adults without current psychopathology at baseline.
RESULTS: At baseline, 172 (14.7%) par-
ticipants reported having experienced at
Journal of Affective Disorders, 2015 May 15; 177:1–6
AUTHORS: Kerling A, Tegtbur U, Gützlaff E, Kück M, Borchert L, Ates Z, von Bohlen A, Frieling H,Hüper K, Hartung D, Schweiger U, Kahl KGCENTRE FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Department of Psychiatry, Social Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany
BACkGROUND & AIM: Depressed indi-
randomized to receive treatment as usual
viduals show reduced physical activity and
only (TAU group,
n=20) or combined with
increased rates of the metabolic syndrome
physician-supervised exercise training for
(MetS), a risk factor for type 2 diabetes and
6 weeks (exercise group,
n=22). Exercise
cardiovascular disorders. Exercise training
training consisted of three 45-minute ses-
has been shown to improve cardiorespira-
sions of moderate-intensity exercise per
tory fitness and MetS factors, and to have
week. MetS was defined according to the
a moderate effect on depressive symptoms.
National Cholesterol Education Program's
However, exercise prescription to depressive
Adult Treatment Panel III criteria.
patients is challenging, and the feasibility of exercise interventions for severely depressed
RESULTS: Depressive symptoms declined
patients in an inpatient setting is unclear.
significantly in both groups during the study
The aims of this study were to evaluate
period. However, more patients in the exer-
the feasibility of an exercise intervention
cise group than the TAU group were classi-
and its effects on depressive symptoms,
fied as responders at 6 weeks (14 versus 6,
cardiorespiratory fitness and MetS compo-
p=0.037). Both groups showed significant
nents in inpatients with moderate to severe
reduction of fasting glucose after 6 weeks.
Only the exercise group showed reductions in diastolic blood pressure (
p=0.049) and
STUDY DESIGN: Randomized pilot trial.
waist circumference (
p<0.001), increased HDL-C (
p=0.01) and improvement in all
ENDPOINTS: Effect on depressive symp-
cardiorespiratory fitness parameters at
toms, with response to the intervention
defined as ≥50% reduction from baseline in the Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rat-
CONCLUSIONS: The addition of exercise
ing Scale (MADRS); improvements in MetS
training to standard antidepressant treat-
components (fasting blood glucose, diastolic
ment improved depressive symptoms,
blood pressure, waist circumference and
MetS factors and cardiorespiratory fitness
high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, HDL-
in patients hospitalized with moderate to
C); and improvement in exercise capacity,
severe depression. Given the association of
measured by peak oxygen uptake (VO2
depression with cardiometabolic disorders,
peak), ventilator anaerobic threshold (VAT)
the authors recommend that depressed
and workload expressed as Watts (W).
patients receive adjunctive exercise training.
METHOD: A total of 42 inpatients with
moderate to severe depression were
Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 2015 April; 78(4):391–8
AUTHORS: Silarova B, Giltay EJ, Van Reedt Dortland A, Van Rossum EF, Hoencamp E, Penninx BW, Spijker ATCENTRE FOR CORRESPONDENCE: PsyQ, Department of Mood Disorders, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
BACkGROUND & AIM: Patients with
smoking status and severity of depressive
bipolar disorder (BD) are at high risk for
symptoms. In BD individuals, the adjust-
metabolic syndrome (MetS), and the co-
ment also included use of psychotropic
occurrence of MetS and BD is associated
with a more severe clinical presentation of BD, suicidality and decreased functional
RESULTS: The prevalence of MetS was
recovery. Many of the studies investigating
28.4% among individuals with BD, 20.2%
the prevalence of MetS in BD have used
among those with MDD and 16.5% among
either non-psychiatric controls or subjects
non-psychiatric controls (
p<0.001). The
with schizophrenia as comparison groups.
increased prevalence of MetS among BD
The aim of this study was to investigate
patients remained significant after adjust-
the prevalence of MetS and its individual
ment for sociodemographic and lifestyle
components in patients with BD compared
variables (odds ratio versus the MDD
to those with major depressive disorder
group: 1.52, 95% confidence interval
(MDD) and a non-psychiatric control
p=0.02; OR versus controls:
1.79, 95% CI 1.20–2.67,
p=0.005). Com-pared with non-psychiatric controls, BD
STUDY DESIGN: Cohort study.
patients had higher mean waist circumfer-ence (88.8 cm versus 91.0 cm, respectively,
ENDPOINTS: Prevalence of MetS and its
p=0.03) and lower mean systolic blood
pressure (135.6 mmHg versus 132.7 mmHg, respectively,
p=0.03). In logistic
METHOD: The analysis included 241
regression analyses, the difference in MetS
individuals with BD, 1648 with MDD and
prevalence between the BD and MDD
542 non-psychiatric controls. Participants
groups was more pronounced for patients
were recruited from two longitudinal cohort
with depressive symptoms than nonsympto-
studies in the Netherlands: the Bipolar
matic patients (adjusted OR 1.71, 95% CI
Stress Study and the Netherlands Study of
p=0.01; and OR 1.03, 95% CI
Depression and Anxiety. Diagnosis of MetS
p=0.92, respectively).
was established according to the National Cholesterol Education Program's Adult
CONCLUSIONS: Patients with BD had a
Treatment Panel III criteria. The number of
higher prevalence of MetS than patients
MetS components was used as an indicator
with MDD or non-psychiatric controls.
of the severity of metabolic abnormali-
Abdominal obesity and symptomatic
ties. Multivariable analyses were adjusted
depression were strongly associated with
for age, sex, ethnicity, level of education,
this increased risk.
Psychological Medicine, 2015 July; 45(10):2095–110
AUTHORS: Lemmens LH, Arntz A, Peeters F, Hollon SD, Roefs A, Huibers MJCENTRE FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Department of Clinical Psychological Science, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Maastricht, the Netherlands
BACkGROUND & AIM: Cognitive therapy
STUDY DESIGN: Single centre, parallel
(CT) and interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT)
group, randomized controlled study.
are both effective treatments for major depressive disorder (MDD). Whether either
ENDPOINT: Change from baseline in
therapy is superior to the other in terms
depression severity, assessed during the
of effects on disorder severity and course
treatment phase (month 0–7) and monthly
remains unclear. The aim of this study was to
during 5 months of follow-up (month
compare the clinical effectiveness of CT and
IPT in a large cohort of depressed patients treated in an outpatient mental health clinic.
METHOD: Adult patients with depression
The study also evaluated whether active
were randomized to CT (
n=76), IPT (
treatment was superior to no treatment.
or a 2-month waiting list (WLC) control condition followed by treatment of choice (
n=31). Patients allocated to CT or IPT
Course of depression over time with CT, IPT or no treatment
received at least 12 sessions out of 16–20
planned individual sessions lasting 45 min-
utes. Depression severity was assessed using
the Beck Depression Inventory–II (BDI-II).
Both CT and IPT were associ-
ated with considerable improvement in depression severity up to 12 months from
baseline, exceeding change in the WLC con-dition. There were no significant differences
in effects between CT and IPT. The results were not influenced by individual differen-
Depression severity (BDI-II) 10
ces in therapists, baseline depression sever-ity, or total number of sessions.
CONCLUSIONS: In patients with depres-
sion, both CT and IPT were equally effective
in relieving depressive symptoms during
treatment and this effect was sustained for
a further 5 months of follow-up. Both inter-
CT = cognitive therapy; IPT = interpersonal psychotherapy; WLC = waiting-list control;
ventions were superior to no treatment.
BDI-II = Beck Depression Inventory. Values are mixed regression-based estimated means and95% confidence intervals corrected for baseline severity and quality-of-life utility score.
Pharmacopsychiatry, 2015 March; 48(2):65–71
AUTHORS: Brunnauer A, Buschert V, Fric M, Distler G, Sander K, Segmiller F, Zwanzger P, Laux GCENTRES: kbo-Inn-Salzach-Klinikum, Psychiatric Hospital, Wasserburg/Inn; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Munich; and Institute for Psychological Medicine (IPM), Haag i. OB, Germany
BACkGROUND & AIM: Antidepressant
50-minute on-road driving test conducted
prescription and use are currently growing,
by a licensed driving instructor blinded to
particularly in the elderly, and there are
treatment, diagnosis and test results. To
concerns about the safety of drivers using
control for retest effects, 20 healthy subjects
psychopharmacological treatment. How-
underwent the same testing schedule.
ever, only a few epidemiological studies investigating the effects of antidepressants
RESULTS: After 4 weeks of treatment,
on road safety have been conducted, and
depressive symptoms significantly improved
experimental data on the driving behav-
in the patients receiving agomelatine or ven-
iour of antidepressant-treated patients are
lafaxine. There was a significant improve-
sparse. The aim of this study was to assess
ment in global driving ability score after 14
the effects of the newer antidepressants
days of treatment in both the agomelatine
agomelatine and venlafaxine on psycho-
group (
z= –2.16,
p<0.05) and the venlafax-
motor functions related to driving skills and
ine group (
z= –2.74,
p<0.01), which was
on driving performance in patients with
sustained at day 28. After controlling for
major depression.
retest effects, both patient groups had sig-nificantly improved scores in their reactivity
STUDY DESIGN: Randomized case–control
and stress-tolerance tests, and a significant
improvement in concentration was observed in the agomelatine group. In the on-road
ENDPOINTS: Global driving ability score
test, 72.5% of patients were rated as good
and on-road test results.
drivers and 22.5% as satisfactory drivers. There were no significant differences
METHOD: The study included 40 inpa-
between the treatment groups in either the
tients with major depression (Hamilton
psychomotor or on-road tests, but neither
Rating Scale for Depression score ≥20) who
patient group reached the same level of per-
were randomized 1:1 to receive agomelatine
formance as the healthy controls.
or venlafaxine at a dose selected on an indi-vidual basis by the treating psychiatrist. All
CONCLUSION: Treatment with agomela-
patients underwent psychomotor and visual
tine or venlafaxine resulted in significantly
perception tests prior to treatment and at
improved performance in tasks related
14 days and 28 days after treatment to
to driving ability in patients with major
assess visual perception, selective attention,
depression, with the majority being rated
vigilance, reactivity and stress tolerance
as fit to drive in an on-road driving test 28
(global driving ability score). On day 28,
days after treatment initiation.
participants also underwent a standardized
Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2015 June; 35(3):296–303
AUTHORS: Alberti S, Chiesa A, Andrisano C, Serretti ACENTRES: Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Science, University of Bologna, Bologna; and Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine and Pharmacology, University of Messina, Messina, Italy
BACkGROUND & AIM: Second-generation
were uncontrolled trials. Pooled odds ratios
antidepressant drugs, such as selective sero -
(ORs) for insomnia and somnolence rates
tonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and sero-
were calculated using a random effects
tonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
model, and heterogeneity was assessed.
(SNRI), are frequently associated with insomnia or daytime somnolence, which
RESULTS: Ten of the 14 antidepressants
can be beneficial or harmful to the patient
were associated with significantly higher
depending on their symptom profile. How-
rates of short-term insomnia compared with
ever, the rates of insomnia and daytime
placebo, with bupropion and desvenlafax-
somnolence have not been compared among
ine having the highest incidence rates. The
the individual antidepressants. The aim
only antidepressant with a lower likelihood
of this meta-analysis was to compare the
of inducing insomnia compared with pla-
short-term rates of insomnia and somno-
cebo was agomelatine. Eleven of the antide-
lence associated with 14 second-generation
pressants were associated with significantly
antidepressants during treatment of major
higher rates of short-term somnolence
compared with placebo, with fluvoxamine and mirtazapine demonstrating the highest
STUDY DESIGN: Meta-analysis.
frequency of somnolence. Bupropion was the only antidepressant with a significantly
ENDPOINTS: Short-term insomnia and
lower risk of inducing somnolence than
somnolence rates.
placebo. Sensitivity analyses of only the ran-domized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
METHOD: A systematic search of the
trials confirmed the overall results, with
Medline, ISI Web of Science and Cochrane
only a small degree of variation.
databases was performed to identify con-trolled and uncontrolled studies published
CONCLUSION: Second-generation antide-
up to January 2013 that provided data on
pressants vary in terms of their association
short-term (up to 12 weeks) drug-related
with insomnia or somnolence, most likely
insomnia and/or somnolence rates in adult
due to their different modes of action, but
patients with major depression treated
most are associated with a higher risk of
with a second-generation antidepressant.
insomnia and somnolence than placebo.
A minimum study duration of 6 weeks
Understanding the differences among anti-
was required. A total of 276 trials were
depressant drugs in terms of their effects on
included in the meta-analysis, of which
sleepiness could be useful for tailoring the
223 were randomized controlled, seven
choice of medication to the specific needs of
were non-randomized controlled and 46
the individual patient.
Preventive Medicine, 2015 April; 73:133–8
AUTHORS: Maras D, Flament MF, Murray M, Buchholz A, Henderson KA, Obeid N, Goldfield GSCENTRES: Carleton University Department of Psychology; University of Ottawa Institute of Mental Health Research, Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre; University of Ottawa Department of Psychology; Centre for Healthy Active Living, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario; Eating Disorder Program, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario; and Healthy Active Living & Obesity Research Group, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada
BACkGROUND & AIM: The use of
Adolescent Lifestyles (REAL) study between
screen-based electronic devices (such as
2006 and 2010. Mental health status
television, video games and computers) is
was assessed using the Children's Depres-
popular among young people in industrial-
sion Inventory and the Multidimensional
ized societies and is associated with obesity,
Anxiety Scale for Children–10. Screen
cardiometabolic risk factors and diabetes.
time (hours/day of television, video games
Although depression and anxiety are com-
and computer use) was assessed using the
mon among adolescents, little research
Leisure-Time Sedentary Activities question-
has been conducted into the relationship
naire. Associations between screen time and
between sedentary, screen-based activi-
symptoms of depression and anxiety were
ties and mental health in this age group.
identified using multiple linear regression
The evidence to date is contradictory, with
some studies showing a positive association between screen time and anxiety or depres-
RESULTS: Duration of screen time was
sion and others finding no such association.
associated with the severity of both
The aim of this study was to examine the
depression (β=0.23,
p<0.001) and anxi-
relationships between sedentary screen time
ety (β=0.07,
p<0.004) after controlling
and symptoms of depression and anxiety
for age, sex, ethnicity, parental education,
in a large community sample of Canadian
geographic area, physical activity and body
mass index. Time spent playing video games (β=0.13,
p<0.001) and using the computer
STUDY DESIGN: Cohort study.
p<0.001), but not watching tele-vision, were associated with more severe
ENDPOINTS: Screen time and any asso-
depressive symptoms. Video game playing
ciation with symptoms of depression and
p<0.001) was also predictive of
more severe anxiety symptoms.
METHOD: Cross-sectional data were col-
CONCLUSION: Longer duration of screen
lected from 2482 English-speaking grade
time was associated with more severe
7–12 Canadian students (1048 male) par-
symptoms of depression and anxiety in
ticipating in the Research on Eating and
Biological Psychiatry, 2014 November 29; Epub ahead of print
AUTHORS: Schmaal L, Marquand AF, Rhebergen D, van Tol MJ, Ruhé HG, van der Wee NJ, Veltman DJ, Penninx BWCENTRE FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience Campus Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
BACkGROUND & AIM: The early identi-
n=59). The prognostic value of neuroimag-
fication of patients with major depressive
ing data and clinical characteristics (includ-
disorder (MDD) who are at risk of expe-
ing baseline MDD severity, MDD duration
riencing a chronic disease course would
and comorbidity) for discriminating among
enable appropriate treatment strategies to
these trajectories was evaluated using a
be implemented promptly. Although some
multivariate pattern recognition method
clinical characteristics are known to be
involving Gaussian process classifiers.
linked with chronic MDD, neurobiological markers are lacking. There is some evidence
RESULTS: Functional MRI measures of the
that neuroimaging findings could be help-
neural responses to emotional faces could
ful, but their relevance for predicting risk
be used to discriminate between patients
at the level of the individual patient has not
with a chronic course and those with fast
been demonstrated. This study evaluated
remission (based on responses to angry and
the prognostic value of different neuroimag-
happy faces; accuracy 73%), and between
ing modalities, clinical characteristics, and
those with a chronic course and those with
their combination, for classifying MDD
a gradually improving course (based on
course trajectories in a naturalistic cohort of
happy and neutral faces; accuracy 69%).
patients with MDD.
MDD course trajectories could not be dis-criminated using structural MRI or func-
STUDY DESIGN: Cohort study.
tional MRI related to executive functioning. Clinical characteristics could be used to
ENDPOINTS: Prediction of MDD course
discriminate patients with a chronic course
from those with remission (accuracy 69%), but this became non-significant when age
METHOD: The study included 118 patients
differences were accounted for. Combining
with MDD who underwent structural and
different neuroimaging modalities and clini-
functional magnetic resonance imaging
cal characteristics did not increase the accu-
(MRI), including assessments of brain acti-
racy for predicting course trajectories.
vation during emotional facial processing and during executive functioning. Patients
CONCLUSION: Neuroimaging data on
were followed up clinically for 2 years using
responses to emotional facial expressions
the Life Chart Interview to measure symp-
were useful for predicting the course of
toms each month, and a latent class growth
MDD, and such predictions were more
analysis of these data identified three
accurate than those based on clinical data
MDD trajectories: chronic (
n=23), grad-
ual improving (
n=36) and fast remission
Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2015 May; 29(5):526–44
AUTHOR: Lane RMCENTRE: Isis Pharmaceuticals, Carlsbad, California, USA
BACkGROUND & AIM: New antidepres-
dopamine reuptake inhibition to counteract
sant drugs are needed to treat major depres-
hypodopaminergic effects.
sive disorder (MDD), as many patients
Trials of TRIs have so far been unsuc-
only partially respond or have no clinically
cessful, with results indicating a lack of
meaningful response to current treatments.
efficacy compared with placebo or standard
However, industry investment in antide-
care in phase 2 clinical studies. However,
pressant drug development has waned for
these findings do not negate the hypothesis
various reasons, including the high rate of
that a TRI could be effective in a subgroup
failure of antidepressants in late-stage clini-
of MDD patients, as TRI development pro-
cal trials. Triple-reuptake inhibitors (TRIs)
grammes have made assumptions concern-
that simultaneously inhibit serotonin, nor-
ing suitable target populations and have
epinephrine and dopamine reuptake would
lacked translational research studies with
potentially have greater efficacy than cur-
pharmacodynamic biomarkers and predic-
rently available drugs in some patients with
tive animal models. Also, the optimal mix
MDD. The author summarized the evidence
of relative inhibitory potencies for the three
for TRIs and discussed issues around their
transporters is still unknown.
Addressing these limitations in future
drug development would allow a TRI to
be compared more accurately with placebo and existing antidepressants in the target
FINDINGS: Patients with MDD form a
population. They would also allow dose–
heterogeneous group with a wide range
response relationships to be established
of overlapping symptoms. The successful
for efficacy and safety, and would indicate
development of next-generation antidepres-
whether cardiovascular effects are manage-
sants will require a deeper understanding
able in the proposed dose range.
of individual differences in biology and treatment response, as well as the ability to
CONCLUSIONS: Cost-effective and suc-
translate this knowledge into the develop-
cessful drug development of TRIs should be
ment of drugs targeting specific subgroups
possible with the use of relevant biomarkers,
of patients who share the same symptoms.
improved animal models and identification of
Patients unresponsive to current treatment
the specific target population. Success would
who have a high burden of decreased posi-
induce renewed investment by the pharma-
tive mood symptoms and comorbidities that
ceutical industry in the development of novel
suggest reward-network dysfunction could
antidepressant medications and improve the
potentially benefit from the addition of
therapeutic outlook for patients with MDD.
Clinical Psychology Review, 2015 February 26; Epub ahead of print
AUTHORS: Bockting CL, Hollon SD, Jarrett RB, Kuyken W, Dobson KCENTRE: Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Groningen, Groningen; and Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands; Department of Psychology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee; and The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, USA; Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; Department of Psychology, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
BACkGROUND & AIM: Major depressive
cognitive-behavioural therapy after
disorder (MDD) often follows a recurrent
response/remission has been achieved (con-
course. Strategies for preventing relapse
tinuation treatment) and after the patient
and recurrence include the continuation
has recovered fully from the index episode
of antidepressant medication and the use
(maintenance treatment) has been shown
of psychological interventions. This article
to further reduce the risk of relapse or
considers the role of psychological interven-
recurrence. There is some evidence that
tions in the prevention of relapse and recur-
continuation/maintenance therapy with
rence of MDD, based on a review of the
interpersonal psychotherapy may also be
Interventions started after remission:
Well-being cognitive therapy, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and preventive
FINDINGS: The mechanisms underlying
cognitive therapy started in patients who
the effectiveness of preventive psychological
are currently in remission but who are at
interventions are not fully understood, but
high risk of recurrence can be effective in
probably involve changes in dysfunctional
reducing the risk of relapse or recurrence.
beliefs or the process of cognition. Preven-
Behavioural activation also shows promise,
tive psychological therapies may be started
based on a single study.
during the acute phase of the illness, may be
Subgroups who benefit the most: Cogni-
continued in patients who have responded
tive therapy continuation and preventive
to acute-phase treatment, or may be started
interventions started after remission appear
when patients are in remission.
to provide the greatest differential benefit
Acute-phase interventions: Cognitive
for those patients who are at greatest risk of
behavioural therapy administered during
relapse/recurrence, including patients with
the acute phase of illness reduces the risk
unstable remission, a higher number of pre-
of relapse for a period that extends beyond
vious episodes, early age of onset, and more
the end of treatment. There is also some
severe childhood trauma.
evidence that it may reduce the risk of
CONCLUSION: Psychological interventions
can reduce the risk of relapse or recurrence
ventions: Continuing treatment with
in patients with MDD.
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2015 March 13; Epub ahead of print
AUTHORS: Wang HR, Woo YS, Ahn HS, Ahn IM, Kim HJ, Bahk WMCENTRES: Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea; and Department of Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea; Department of Literary Arts, Brown University, Rhode Island, USA
BACkGROUND & AIM: Augmentation
from meta-analysis of response rates
treatment with atypical antipsychotic agents
because only one of them produced suitable
has been shown to be an effective option
for patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) that is resistant to standard antide-
RESULTS: Based on the pooled data for
pressant therapy. However, it is not known
treatment-resistant depression, atypical
whether the degree of treatment resistance
antipsychotic augmentation of antidepres-
present has an impact on the effect of such
sant therapy was more efficacious than
augmentation therapy. The aim of this
antidepressant monotherapy in treatment-
meta-analysis was to determine whether
resistant depression in terms of the response
the effect size of atypical antipsychotic aug-
rate (risk ratio 1.38, 95% confidence inter-
mentation in MDD varies according to the
val 1.25–1.53) and the remission rate (RR
degree of treatment resistance.
1.62, 95% CI 1.42–1.85). Effect sizes for the response rate increased with increasing
STUDY DESIGN: Meta-analysis.
degree of treatment resistance, with risk ratios rising from 1.24 for the TRD1 sub-
ENDPOINTS: Response and remission
group to 1.58 for the TRD2–4 subgroup
p=0.05). Effect sizes for the remission rate did not differ significantly
METHOD: A search of the Cochrane
according to the degree of treatment resist-
Library, Embase, Medline and KoreaMed
ance. Based on the pooled data for non-
databases for randomized, double-blind,
resistant depression, atypical antipsychotic
placebo-controlled, acute-phase trials
augmentation was not superior to antide-
evaluating the efficacy of atypical anti-
pressant monotherapy in terms of remission
psychotic augmentation in patients with
rates (RR 0.89, 95% CI 0.69–1.14).
non-psychotic MDD identified 11 trials (
n=3341), including 9 in treatment-resistant
CONCLUSIONS: Augmentation therapy
depression and 2 in non-resistant depres-
with atypical antipsychotics was superior
sion. The degree of treatment resistance
to antidepressant monotherapy in patients
was classified according to the number of
with treatment-resistant MDD, and had
failed treatment trials during the index epi-
a greater effect in patients with a higher
sode: one (TRD1), two (TRD2), or two to
degree of treatment resistance. Atypical
four (TRD2–4). Results were pooled using
antipsychotic augmentation therapy was
a random-effects meta-analysis. The trials
not superior to antidepressant monotherapy
in non-resistant depression were excluded
in patients with non-resistant MDD.
on depression
is supported by an unrestricted
educational grant from
SERVIER Deutschland GmbH
München, Germany
Source: http://www.servier.de/sites/default/files/framingham_on_depression_de_nr2-2015_webversion_1.pdf
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