Microsoft word - cpa alberta newsletter october 2010 wheel-e.doc

October 2010 Issue, Vol. 58
Table of Contents:
News Province Wide Events & News in your Community Research Creative Solutions &
Ideas Wheelchair Sports/Fitness Employment/Education Fund Development Classifieds
Call for Submissions
News – Province Wide
Check out our Videos
CPA (Alberta) has over 70 videos on our website, covering a wide variety of topics including
housing, parenting, research, wheelchair transfers….and much more. Go to
List of Full Serve Gas Stations
Go to Service_April2010.pdf
October 18, 2010 is ELECTIONS DAY.
Make Your Voice Heard - Get out, or stay home but make sure you vote!
Read more about accessibility voting options….
Towards a Provincial Caregiver Strategy:
October 22 in Edmonton and October 29 in Calgary
The Alberta Caregivers Association (ACGA) has launched a province-wide consultation to learn
more about the challenges caregivers face, and to provide government and community
agencies with tangible strategies to better support caregivers. The ACGA needs caregivers,
health professionals, and service providers to attend our consultation conventions (October 22
in Edmonton and October 29 in Calgary) and contribute their experiences and insights.
Accommodations for rural caregivers and respite opportunities are available upon request. For
more information about this important initiative or to register, please visit or call 1-877-453-5088.
Silent Voices: Abuse of Persons with Disabilities Conference - October 13 - 15th
This conference is being coordinated by the Saskatchewan Voice of People with Disabilities
organization and is a unique forum for people from all disciplines to gather for an in-depth
exchange of current information on all facets of violence and abuse of people with disabilities.
The vision of the conference is to make a significant positive impact on eliminating abuse of
people with disabilities. For more information check out the event website at
Disability, Health and Wellness Conference – Independence Your Way
October 18 and 19, 2010
Keynote Speaker on October 18: Propeller Dance Troupe
Keynote Speaker on October 19th: John Melnick
A network of disability, seniors and community organizations in Manitoba is hosting a Disability
Health and Wellness conference on October 18 and 19 and would like to invite the nation to
participate. With the theme "Independence Your Way" there are several segments of the
conference that are applicable and of interest to all Canadians and will be available via the web.
Of particular interest to many communities across Canada are the topics of Attendant Care,
Disability and Disaster Management, Legislation promoting the inclusion of people with
disabilities and program model that supports healthy lifestyles.
These four sessions along with our Keynote speakers will be available across Canada for the
cost of $26.50 per computer. It is our hope that community agencies will connect with the
conference and provide a meeting room with projection onto a big screen for a wider audience
to access. Access to the conference is very user friendly and we will contact you prior to the
conference to support your set up and access to ensure a smooth, painless process in getting
involved with our conference. Participants can sign up as individuals or groups and can register
using the attached forms. For more information, contact Doug Lockhart Senior Program
Coordinator, Independent Living Resource Centre, Winnipeg Manitoba at (204) 947-0194,
Email:[email protected]
Grant Funding: Rick Hansen Wheels in Motion 2010 Quality of Life
The Rick Hansen Institute (RHI) (previously known as SCI Solutions Network) is a Canada wide
collaboration of people with spinal cord injuries, researchers, health care professionals and
service providers, committed to addressing priority needs and generating solutions for people
with spinal cord injury. The RHI coordinates Rick Hansen Wheels in Motion (RHWIM) events
that bring communities together across the country. A portion of the funds raised by RHWIM,
presented by Scotiabank, is used to support Quality of Life projects for people living with spinal
cord injuries.
It is anticipated that selection for grant funding will be in the of Spring 2011, however interested
applicants are invited to submit anytime between now and then. To receive a copy of the
application guidelines and application form, contact Ross Norton at 780-424-6312, ext. 2227 or
[email protected]
Grant Funding: Alberta SCI Solutions
The Alberta SCI Solutions Alliance is a provincial network of individuals and organizations
passionate about making a positive difference for Albertans living with spinal cord injury (SCI).
The Alberta SCI Solutions Fund was created to respond to the priority unmet needs of people
with spinal cord injury by providing SCI Solutions Grants to fund projects that serve to improve
the quality of life for Albertans with SCI. Applications will be accepted starting on September
8th, 2010. Application deadline is October 15, 2010. Eligible applicants include:
Individuals with spinal cord injuries and,

Organizations that provide services for individuals with spinal cord injuries.
Successful applicants from the Spring 2010 call for applications will NOT be considered for this
round of funding.
For more information, including guidelines and application forms, click on the links below or go
to The Alberta Paraplegic Foundation website at (on Sept 8th). If
you experience difficulties with downloading the application forms, please contact Ross Norton
at 780-424-6312 or [email protected].
Solutions Guidelines
Solutions Application Form for Individuals
Solutions Application Form for Organizations
Canwest would like your Feedback
Calgary based home health care company would like your feedback about products and
services that you feel would be of benefit to people with disabilities. If you would like to provide
feedback or would like more information, contact [email protected] or 403-466-
Events and News in your Community
Simple Simon Pies – CPA (Alberta) United Way Fundraising Drive
Everyone is busy these days…families are active…kids on the go. Here is a great answer to a tasty, easy, quick and affordable solution to meal times. Simple Simon Pies are 4" individual servings, made by hand using the freshest ingredients – baked and then frozen – you only need to reheat. Available at various Farmers Markets throughout Calgary…some open year round.
Voucher Price: $17.00 for six/4" pies OR three/400 gram meals
Home delivery during winter months on orders over 12 pies or 2 vouchers for a fee of
All proceeds from sales go towards CPA (Alberta) support of the Calgary United Way
fundraising drive, a major funder of our many programs and services.
For more information / to purchase a voucher, contact: Marilyn Erho, 403-2228-3001 or
[email protected] by Wednesday, December 1, 2010.
Mixed Ability Dance Theatre presents "Momentum" - October 1st & 2nd
with special guests Propeller from Ottawa. MOMO Mixed Ability Dance Theatre brings together
a diverse community of artists, whose purpose is to remove barriers and facilitate artistic
expression through performance and the enjoyment of movement as a form of unique creation.
Coming to a Calgary stage near you, the group brings together professional and prospective
artists, with and without disability to explore movement, voice, theatre, dance, and
improvisational disciplines. This is a fun and enjoyable event! Tickets available at 403-283-3445
or go to
Calgary 2010 Peer Events

Calgary – Peer Christmas Lunch
Sunday, December 5, 2010 – 2:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Sheraton Cavalier Hotel, 2620 32 Avenue NE, Calgary, AB
RSVP to Marilyn Erho at 403-228-3001 or [email protected]
Stay tuned for more information.
Oilers Tickets
Select Edmonton Oiler wheelchair seats (2 per game) are available for face value by contacting
Ross Norton at [email protected].
Edmonton Community Foundation is pleased to once again present WillPower Wills Week.
These seminars are provided as a public service to present free professional information on
wills and estates.
A special session is being held for those who would like information on how to ensure their will
provides for family members who may require special care. The session was included at the
suggestion of PLAN Edmonton. Read more….
Edmonton 2010 Peer Events
Bowling Night
Wednesday, October 12, 2010 – 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Gateway Entertainment Centre, 3414 Gateway Blvd.
Click here for poster.
Event information will also be posted as it becomes available on the
CPA (Alberta) website and on the CPA (Alberta)
Facebook page. RSVP to Roswitha Dziwenko at 780-424-6312, ext. 2241 or [email protected]

RED CARPET AFFAIR 2011 – CPA (Alberta) Announces
Guest Speaker/Award Winner!
Likely one of the most successful professional actors with a disability in
Canada, James Sanders, has been announced as the guest speaker
and winner of the 2011 Christopher Reeve Award. Presented annually
at the CPA (Alberta) Red Carpet Affair in Edmonton, the award is a national and internal recognition bestowed to an individual with a spinal cord injury (SCI) who has made an
outstanding contribution to the greater community of persons with SCI.
Readers will have an opportunity to meet James Sanders in person and
hear him speak at the Red Carpet Affair 2011 on Friday, March 18, 2011
in Hall D at the Shaw Conference Centre.
James Sanders is the first Christopher Reeve Award recipient to follow
the same career path as Reeve. You will soon be able to read more
about James and the upcoming Red Carpet Affair at - the 8th annual fundraising and community recognition
gala in support of the Canadian Paraplegic Association (Alberta). James
Sanders was featured in the Spring 2010 issue of Spinal Columns.
Grande Prairie
Training opportunity offered through Alberta Health Services
Become a program facilitator in your community to support clients to develop the skills and
confidence to better manage their daily health challenges. Read more….
Exercise and Spinal Cord Injury Study – Participants needed right away!
If you have a spinal cord injury at the T6-12 level, you are invited to be part of a study being
conducted by the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Alberta. The study will
help in the development of exercise programs that are better designed for improving fitness and
athletic performance in a wheelchair. Testing will involve up to five visits, each lasting up to 1.5
hours. Principal Investigator: Martin Ferguson-Pell, Ph.D.; Research Collaborators: Donna
Goodwin, Ph.D and Vicky Tolfrey, Ph.D. Contact: 780-492-5991.
Read more….
Drug Test for Muscle Spasticity after Spinal Cord Injury.
Researchers at the Centre for Neuroscience at the University of Alberta are
investigating how spasticity develops after spinal cord injury to help develop new anti-
spastic drugs. They will be using two separate drugs, cyproheptadine and citalopram,
during two separate experiments in order to understand what kind of change is
happening to motor neurons after an injury. The study requires two days of your time,
for 3 to 4 hours for each experiment. If interested, you will be screened by phone to
make sure that you do not have any conditions that make it unsafe for you to take the
drug. Participants should have some spasticity present in their legs, but movement is
not necessary. There is no cost to be involved in the study and parking costs and
transportation to and from the University will be covered. If you are interested in this
study please contact Kelly Brunton, MScPT at (780) 492-2258 or by email
[email protected]. Kuen Tang at the CPA can also be contacted at (780)
424-6312 , ext. 2235 or by email [email protected].
Creative Solutions & Ideas
Evacu-Trac CD7
Evacu-Trac CD7 is an emergency evacuation chair for stairway descent made by Garaventa. In
an emergency such as a fire or earthquake, elevators should not be used. The Evacu-Trac CD7
provides a lifeline to safety as it is an evacuation chair used to move people with a disability or
injury down stairways quickly and safely during an emergency. Evacu-Trac's patented speed
governor and braking system also allows a smaller caregiver/attendant to easily evacuate a
larger passenger. If you live or work in a high-rise building, you may want to check out their
website at (and in turn your building managers) to learn more.
Sports / Physical Activity / Wellness
Hang Gliding
Check out some of these videos about hang gliding forwarded to us by one of our members.
1st Landing
Flying out of CuNim (Black Diamond)
Cowley Camp 2010
The club's website
Get in Motion
Get in Motion is a nation-wide physical activity counseling service for Canadians with spinal
cord injury.
This FREE service is designed to provide participants with the information and support they may
need to meet personal physical activity goals, or just a little motivation to get started with a
physically active lifestyle.
To participate or receive more information from a physical activity counselor, please call the
voicemail line at 1-866-678-1966, or email [email protected] or visit
Are Apples the New Fish?
Researchers are finding that apples have functional properties well beyond their nutritional
value and much of the goodness is in the juice as well as the peel. New evidence appears to
show that applies can keep the brain sharp as you age as well. Read more.

Have you thought about going to school or back to school?
There are many disability related scholarships, grants and funding opportunities available.
What about employment supports or volunteering?
For more information, contact Mike Hambly, Client Solutions Coordinator, in our Calgary office
403-228-7433 [email protected]. If you don't live in the Calgary area, please feel free
to contact your local CPA (Alberta) office and someone would be glad to assist you further.
Fund Development
Optimize your support…Use your Shoppers Optimum Points to support
CPA (Alberta)
By donating some (or all) of your Shoppers Points to CPA (Alberta), you are enabling us to use your points toward the purchase of products and supplies we need for our ongoing fundraising activities. To donate your points, just go online to and browse the Shoppers Optimum section. Then click on "donate your points". What if you're
not a Shoppers Optimum Member? No problem! All of the necessary forms can be found
online as well as in any Shoppers Drug Mart store across Canada.
With your continued support, this initiative has the potential for us to greatly "optimize" our
fundraising dollars.
Become a CPA (Alberta) Member
The Canadian Paraplegic Association (Alberta) has been providing services and support to
Albertans who have experienced a spinal cord injury or have other mobility challenges since
1961. Our 50th anniversary is right around the corner, and your membership continues to be of
great importance.
For a list of the many benefits through your $20 membership, click here
Please note that your membership will not be denied due to financial hardship or lack of funds
(so let us know on the membership enrollment form if this might be the case).
Make your voice count… stay informed and connected.
To renew your membership:
CPA (Alberta) Membership Form
Call 780-424-6312 Ext 2241 or toll free 1-888-654-5444 to renew your CPA membership.
Thank you for your support!
For Sale:
Time Share - Wheelchair Accessible Accommodation
Great opportunity to own a 1/4 share or 1/2 share of this wheelchair accessible
accommodation at Spirit Ridge a 4 1/2 star luxury resort located in Osoyoos, B.C.The unit is on
the top (third) floor of Bldg 2, one of few with both gorgeous lake and golf course views. Total
643 s/f, 1 bedroom with a king size bed and a Queen pullout sofa,w heelchair accessible
bathroom, complete kitchen with granite countertops, in-suite washer/dryer,comfortable living
room with electric fireplace, large balcony,under ground parking. The resort includes spa,fine
dining, NK"MIP winery, two outdoor heated pools, two hot tubs, fitness center, 9 hole golf
course, conference centre,minutes to the lake, 40 minutes to Mount Baldy Ski Hill,hiking/biking
paths, native cultural centre. Owner receives monthly income from the rental pool.
1/4 share for $95,000 or 1/2 share for $178,000. Book a weekend to experience this beautiful
property. Cost will be deducted from the purchase price. Call Christina at 780-570-5054 or e-
mail [email protected] for more detailed information.
Toyota Pick-up with Power Lift Chair
Toyota tundra pickup truck 2000,fully loaded in excellent condition,it has a easy reach power lift
chair at the passenger side.The seat turns and swivel and lower to a desirable hight for easy
transfer.It was installed three years ago with very little use on it because I start to drive a
van shortly after the installation.You can purchase the truck with the seat or just purchase this
turney seat.
Call Christina at 780-570-5054 or email for pictures and more detailed information.
Varna II Handcycle
Varna II handcycle, 21 speed with Shimano internal 7 speed hub for sale. Good condition. Great
handcycle for all round use. Asking $1,250.00. Contact Mike Seifert [email protected]
1997 GMC Savanna Van
¾ ton, diesel engine, 330,000km, Vangator lift, 6 way power seat, hand controls, power door,
some rust, new battery, alternator, newer tires, asking $6000. Ray Quinn 780 830-3861 (Grande
Prairie) [email protected]
Chev Venture Minivan
2000 Chev Venture minivan with hand controls - $500.00. Runs but needs work.
Please contact Carrie at 780-450-1711 or email [email protected]
FREE Donated Items
Electricity Celebrity 4 wheel Scooter, 450 lb capacity, needs a charger adapter that costs $237,
in mint condition. Call: 780 868 4448.
Hand Controls
MPD Mark 1 hand controls 3 years old – perfect condition. Will only need mount for your
vehicle. Please contact Carrie at 780-450-1711 or email [email protected]
Call for Submissions/Subscribers/Contact Us
Please let others know about Wheel-E! They can subscribe by emailing or giving us a call.

[email protected] (780) 424-6312 or toll-free: 1-888-654-5444
Please give us your thoughts and feedback on our Newsletter. If you have announcements you
would like posted, please submit to: [email protected]
The next issue of CPA (Alberta) Wheel-E will be published on November 1, 2010. First deadline
for submissions will be on or before October 26, 2010. If possible, please send in your
announcements before the deadline!
For more information about CPA (Alberta), visit our website at
(new videos have been added).
Visit our Facebook page
Sign up as a fan and promote it to your friends and family for up to date events,
CPA (Alberta) is now on You-Tube.
Check it out at
We Can Fly; Adaptive Vehicles (Ross's hot rod); house modifications
(Margaret); house modifications (Geoffrey)…and more
The Canadian Paraplegic Association (Alberta) is a Registered Charitable Association. Charitable Registration # 11883-5016-RR0001. To make an online donation, visit:
PRIVACY STATEMENT: Our Subscriber List is a private mailing list and will not be made
available to other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your
PLEASE NOTE: CPA (Alberta) does not endorse or guarantee products, services or events
To unsubscribe or to change your coordinates, please email: CPAAlbertaNewsletter@cpa-
Canadian Paraplegic Association (Alberta) 2006. Wheel-E October 2010 Issue, vol. 58
Programa de Actos Santa 2015 - del 7 al 18 de septiembre COFRADÍA SANTA AGATOCLIA DÍA 7, A LAS 22:00 HORAS: LA VEU DE LA COFRADÍA SEPTIEMBRE 2015 En La Iglesia Parroquial Construcción del Monumento a Santa Agatoclia (Podrá ser visitado durante la Novena) Fiestas en Honor a DÍA 8 AL 16, A LAS 20:00 HORAS:
Private experience and observational learning in pharmaceutical demand Tanja Saxell∗† This paper quanties the roles of the physician's own experience and the past choices ofother doctors in pharmaceutical demand. I develop a model of medical decision-makingunder uncertainty about the quality of the match between the patient and drug treatment.Unlike previous demand models, my approach takes into account both private and sociallearning, and allows heterogeneity in product quality across individuals. I test whetherinformation on the past choices of other doctors improves drug choices. Using rich datafrom the market for cholesterol drugs, I show that treatment patterns relying heavily onthe past choices of other doctors can lead to over-prescribing in terms of eciency. Myresults suggest that continuity of care, where a patient is repeatedly consulting the samedoctor, is an ecient policy to limit such behavior.