
Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)
A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal
Ph.D., Scholar, Kannur University
Cultural Translation, an effective tool for examining translations of cultures in texts
in the zeitgeist of postcolonialism, gathers momentum in the present scenario as it
gives voice to the marginalized. This paper, focusing on Cultural Translation as a
counter discourse in the postcolonial context looks at Tribal writing – a biography,
particularly problematizing itsidentity as a construct and their assertion of the self
through writing, especially by analyzing the cultural context of Kerala. But it seems
that Cultural Translation evokes the unresolved question again, that is, whether a
culture can be translated, especially when it deals with tribal literature and how far
it is possible.This paper focuses on the case- study in the translation of the
biography of C.K. Janu and how the text is being read in the society whether as a
sudden grown mushroom under the light of media, whether the problems of Dalit
Article Received: 26/11/2014
are rightly addressed comparing both the source text and target text.
Revised on: 13/12/2014
Key Words: Cultural Translation, Tribe, Adivasi, Source Text, Target Text, ideology
Accepted on: 15/12/2014
Copyright KY Publications
debatable discourse recently and they represent
The process of writing has its own politics.
marginal groups in the mainstream society. This
It should address the power dogmas and norms of
paper focuses on analyzing the biography of C.K
writing in the society. It can manipulate the
Janu, a Tribal woman leader in Kerala through the
normality in perspectives and even construct the
concept of cultural translation.
dos and don'ts in the society. At the same time the
Relevance, Space and Context of the biography of
world of writing is complicated with the transactions
C.K. Janu
of the publishers, publishing houses, translators and
Life stories and self-narratives are gathering
their ideologies. The unwritten rules regarding
momentum in the present scenario of Kerala. Being
publishing a text is very intricate which may affect
written in a particular society and expresses their
the powerful writings too. Some can really challenge
views through the medium of writing is highly
and break the shackles and make a discourse in the
political act too. The marginalized groups/ people
society, especially when they come from a
get attention through their life stories and self-
marginalized group, silenced through generations.
narratives and it is the most remarkable thing in the
Most of the post- colonial texts are the attempts to
cultural context of Kerala. C.K Janu (the vibrant
‘write back' by asserting the self and identity mainly
leader of the tribal group in Kerala), NaliniJameela,
when they are from a marginalized group. In the
(a sex worker who is marginalized by the morality
context of Kerala a few texts are written making a
codes of society), Sr. Jesmi (an ex- nun who was
Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)
A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal
silenced by the patriarchal norms of Church) and the
party operates and marginalizes them within. She
like have published their self-narratives recently in
does not have an initial and the Literacy Programme
Kerala. These words and utterances of these women
Coordinator has given the initials at the age of
shock the Kerala society at least for a short span of
eighteen. The marriage and such practices have less
time. Among the three C.K Janu's life story and
important in their community and she has got his
NaliniJameela's were written by somebody else,
man at the age of eighteen, but she does not want
saying that they are illiterate or ‘semi-literate'. But
to be a married woman and left him. She believes in
unlike NaliniJameela, C. K Janu knows how to read
the strong bond among women in her community
and write, though she is not educated in the
and she shares the hope that only through them the
traditional sense. In an interview, she openly points
changes will occur. She reiterates the need for the
out that she is working on her autobiography and
land and their inevitable relation with the land
she is unhappy that Mother Forestis treated as her
throughout the text, but the main drawback of the
autobiography. This is the way of direct
text is that it fails to establish it reasonably. It seems
marginalization of a tribal woman, making her'
to give importance to romantic notions and the wild
illiterate' and ‘semi-illiterate', and she also allegedly
imaginations rather than the real problems faced by
points out that her so called autobiography is
published by Bhaskaran is a detailed interview about
The identity politics of Mother Forest
her life and experiences and she allows him to
C. K. Janu has the culture- based identity
publish it as a book. But when the questions he
and it is the way a human being constructs the
asked are removed in the text it gets the' face' of an
identity especially from a marginalized culture. And
autobiography which has some ironical statements
he observes that this identify is a counter one for
in it. So in this paper, Mother Forest is treated as her
the hegemonic ideology. For the construction of this
biography and it analyses how far this work is being
identity, a Dalit/ tribe goes back to the experiences
read in the society, whether as a sudden mushroom
of the past which naturally paves the way for the
by the help of the media or the vibrant leader who
understanding of forest and nature which in turn
has to go miles to solve the problems, and how their
makes a positive leap on the study and preservation
problems are rightly addressed by making a case
of them. Dr. P. K Pokker observes in a different way
study. It also analyses the problems of cultural
in which it reveals the identity politics of the
C.K.Janu's auto/biography explains the
A brief content of the biography Mother Forest
identity of an Adivasi who belongs tothe
Janu was born in Thrissileri in Wyanad
scheduled tribe. Accordingly the tribes who
district of the southern Indian state of Kerala. She
had to depend upon the forest for their
belongs to the Adiya tribe, one among the thirty five
livelihood suffer from poverty as their right
tribe clans in Kerala which together constitute 3.5
to possess forest has been denied. She
lakh of population. Actually the story she has told to
remembers her early days and constructs
Bhaskaran, the famous cartoonist in Kerala, is about
her own identity in the light of her new
the history of Adivasis and their futile struggle for
understanding. She came in touch with the
survival for years and their attempts to get their
mainstream life by way of participating in
land back. She shares reminiscences about her
literacy work and left politics. Later she
childhood, how it is deeply associated with nature,
deviates from the left to focus on tribal
forest and soil and then how the interference and
issue, which is only one among other issues
transactions of the civilized society have changed
for the left. However the social movements
everything, and how the Zemindari system makes
such as literary work and left labor union
the real owners of land mere dependents, what is
activities led her to identify her own social
the role of political parties in their life, why they are
attracted towards it and the ways through which the
Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)
A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal
The rapid progressive changes in the field
When the text is compared with the Target Text, it is
of Translation Studies stimulated the formation of a
to be found out that how culture of a particular
new branch- cultural translation which is a broad
community is represented in the hegemonic
term in which understanding a Target Text means
language like English.
understanding a different culture. It gives impetus
Cultural Translation as a tool for translation
for the study of marginalized cultures-ethnography.
The insatiable curiosity of human minds to know
development in translation after the word by word
more is clearly visible by the new developments and
translation and sense by sense translation. It is an
practices in the academic level too. The historical
attempt to take the reader to the author. It is not
amnesia for a marginalized group can be cured by
simply a translation of culture but a scrutinized
this new focus if the voice is written. Janu's
analysis of the power relations and ideology
biography is an attempt to proclaim the space and
associated with the production and translation of a
identity of Adivasis and this chapter focuses on the
text. It also examines how the problems of diaspora,
importance of it in the cultural context of Kerala.
migrant and the culturally silenced or othered
The role of land and language in the biography of
populations of Dalit in general. As it deals with the
C.K. Janu
Since land is the inseparable part from the
manipulation, it is inevitably linked with present
Adivasi life, Bhaskaran, the chronicler, focuses on
system of thoughts as well as ethics. It also related
the need of the land than the language. In the
with HomiBhabha's concept of hybridity and
introduction he says: "they are the real owners of
ambivalence as it gives room for the experience of
the soil. It is the reality we practiced to forget. The
all. It has a subjective perceptive, at the same time it
retrieval of their land is the only solution because it
analyses every nuance of texts to focus the cultural
is their rudimentary need" (8). He observes that she
specificity and deviations from the Source Text. In
calls the struggle fir land to Adivasis not as a political
this paper, cultural translation as a tool is limited to
one, but a struggle against another culture. She
translating a culture and analyzing the changes
thinks that the retrieval of their land helps them to
occurred in Translated Text.
retrieve their culture. He seems to address the
A critical analysis of the translation of C.K
Kerala society as a whole which is unaware of the
problems of tribal community. "The language (of
C. K. Janu's biography was translated to
them) seems scattered and protruded as an
English by N.RaviShanker in the year 2004. It has to
aftermath of its transactions with the mainstream
address a wider and broader group of people and
society" (9), adds Bhaskaran. It is the same language
the problems discussed in the text will be read in
Janu speaks, apparently simple and scattered, but
different light, because the cultural context is
highly political and polemical. And this same
different. The changes and differences start from
powerful language creates the difference. When we
the very title of the text itself.
analyze a community, their language and its
In the Malayalam Source Text, the title is
peculiarities are important understand them
C.K JanuvinteJeevithakadha (The Life Story of C.K
because language is culture specific.
Janu). But when it is translated to English, the title
Janu speaks with a particular tone and
has been changed as Mother Forest, the unfinished
rhythm. Her dialect is specific to her community
story of C.K. Janu. The very title seems to give a
which has a musical tone in it. The orality of their
metaphoric representation of C.K Janu merged into
language is part of their tribal identity. She uses the
tribal living as well as into the forest. The
words like ‘nammal' (we) even in the place of ‘njan'
(mis)representations start with giving colours of
(I). It indicates the community feeling deeply
exoticism, strangeness and wilderness to the life of
enrooted in their speech. Bhaskaran maintains the
an Adivasi. The attribution of mother forest seems
way she speaks in the Source Text, but when the
to give the impression that the readers should
work is translated it is an enigma for the translator.
understand from the very title that the text deals
Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)
A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal
with an Adivasi/ Dalit. ‘Forest' for the mainstream
The orality of the language seems to be the
society is the place of wilderness, dense and
puzzle to the translator. The tone of the language
strangeness, sometimes for fantasies. Since ‘mother'
and its rhythm is untranslatable. But the Target Text
stands for affection it is quite ironical in the title and
should not resemble to the factual narration like any
it creates a kind of curiosity in the receptors. It is
other biography, since here the Source Text narrates
strange for the mainstream society that the forest
the things as if she were speaking. To maintain the
can be a mother for somebody. That affectionate
intonation of her utterances, the translator assumes
strangeness can be seen in the very title itself and it
a new pattern in which the sentences are more
automatically arouses curiosity to read a fantasy,
lucid. In the translators note he says: "the upper
not with an effect of understanding a human being,
cases in the first chapter, in a sea of lower cases, are
but somebody else. The ‘otherness' in the title
used to indicate the stresses in Janu's spoken
seems to be a deliberate attempt to make a division
language. The first chapter was treated differently
between the ethnic and major cultures. It seems a
from the second, because I felt that it was closer to
deliberate attempt to create the exotic other. It
Janu's inner world, while the second was more
indicates that she is ‘natural' as well as aboriginal.
polemical and belonged to the outer world" (xii) . In
The language constitutes the societies and the
the first chapter the translator uses the small letters
perceptions of this language may affect the
even for beginning a sentence, and ‘I' is ‘i'. (It
normality practiced in the society. It is the language
reminds one of Alice Walker's Color Purple, where
of the mainstream society deliberately creating a
Celie cannot assert herself with. It is the technique
‘cultural other' which is inferior and has strange
adopted by the translator to indicate the stress she
practices. In the text, Janu says: "no one knows the
has given in her speech. The attempt is limited in the
forest like we do. The forest is mother to us. More
first chapter only, since the second is more related
than a mother, because she never abandon us" (5).
to the outer world as the translator mentioned in
It seems that the image has taken from these words
the note. It is also difficult for the translator to
of Janu, but in the title the focus turns to her and
distinguish her usage of ‘nammal' as singular or
her life. This is a deliberate attempt to maintain the
plural. It is the context determines the meaning;
binary between the elite and the tribe. It is essential
even then she uses ‘nammal' for denoting herself.
in the society, because ‘the othering' seems to help
But the translator avoids the usage of ‘we' in the
to define ourselves.
context of ‘I'. It is the lacuna of English language
The power play of identity politics is quite
that there is no apt pronoun to indicate ‘nammal'
visible in the title. When a tribal woman constructs
from' njangal' but only ‘we' to denote the meaning
her own identity with her experiences in the past
of both. In the translator's note he adds: "I had to
mingled with present, the interference of the society
settle for using I or we, as the context demanded.
makes it ridiculed or keeps it as the other always. It
This is the one compromise I had to make with great
is a hindrance in understanding and explaining what
reluctance, perhaps sacrificing accuracy for clarity"
a tribe is. It reiterates the wrong romantic notions of
Adivasi. When they indulge in the struggle for
There are certain words even their words
retrieving the land, the message is misleading that
they want to retreat themselves to the forest. That
‘kundankozhi', ‘kudi' ‘gaddiga' ‘erumadam' ‘muttal'
kind of isolation is no more possible. So the attempt
and the like. Even though the words are explained in
to marginalize those people through ‘naming' or
the glossary these words are deeply enrooted with
labeling should have been avoided. It does not
the culture. Even the rituals they are doing are not
matter how fluent and transparent the translation
described even in the Source Text. For example the
is, the ‘invisibility' of the translator is a myth;
word ‘kudi' can be replaced by ‘hut' or ‘home'
especially when a culture is translated from a
according to the context. But the word ‘kudi' is used
marginalized group.
by the tribal people only. The significance of the word cannot be maintained in the Target Text. It is
Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)
A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal
quite different from the mainstream society and
The invasion and encroachment on the
these words are used by those particular
marginalized community is there everywhere, not
communities. So ‘Cultural Translation' is under
only in Kerala. The powerful always keeps the binary
erasure especially when it is associated with
with the powerless making them as the other or
marginalized culture. How far their culture can be
diffident. The shame and embarrassment he has
represented to another language seems to be a
when he writes the Source Text, could have been
debatable issue. The untranslatable words and
translated because it is pellucid in its aim.
rituals cannot be effectively mentioned through the
There are some slight variations in the
footnotes and glossary.
Target Text. When in the Source Text Janu speaks
Some instances of Cultural Gaps created in the
about the ‘kunnippayam' they are having in the
forest (12), in the Target Texts it is translated as
The author's introduction to the English
‘kanjippayam'(2). The minute details do not get
edition describes the brief history of Adivasi in the
proper significance while translating.
Kerala context. It describes how they are silenced
The Source Text says:
through generations, how they fell prey to two kinds of slavery (one that existed traditionally and the other after the arrival of his migrants), and about
the Adivasis in general. But it is not in the Source
Text, since the book is published and limited in the context of Kerala. Since Bhaskaran is the cartoonist, he dedicates the Source Text to the owners of the
bodies who stood in front of him as the model for his drawing, but in Target Text he rewrites it "the owners of all those bodies that stood before me
during my travels in Wayanad" (viii). He includes
It is translated in the Target Text:
some cartoons in the Source Text but they are
"I had seen many peacocks in our forest; it was nice
absent in the Target Text.
to see them walk. But only a peacok's feather Sally
The author's notes in the Source Text and
had. Since the peacocks ate snakes, we never used
Target Text are quite different. When the words are
to go near them." (10)
sharp and poignant in the Source Text, it is missing
But it seems that the underlined sentence
there in the Target Text. He feels guilty to invade the
in Source Text tries to convey the meaning that
experiences of them. In the Source Text he says:
though she has seen many peacocks, she sees the feather of peacock from Sally. It may also indicate the meaning that she is ignorant of the notion of the people from the mainstream society think that the
feather will multiply if we keep it without shown to sky. The dilemma in the words is not carefully translated it seems. In the Target Text, it is meant that Sally had only the feather, not the peacock. But it expresses the cultural difference rather than
pointing out what Sally does not have. She also
mentions about the story which Sally read for her. It
It is not translated to English. It can be translated as:
was about the animals in the forest which could
"It is really embarrassing and shameful the
speak. She says ‘never ever saw such animals in our
knowledge whom we are trespassing. At last the
forest' (10). The fantasies of the mainstream society
mainstream society which is including us intrudes on
regarding the unknown are teased by Janu through
the experiences of a marginalized community."
Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)
A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal
these words.There is the preparation of the land for
relatively possible translation may not propagate
cultivation called ‘punam'. Janu says about it:
the idea envisaged by Cultural Translation- the
"In the uncultivated forest the trees have to
significance of the marginalized culture in a
be cut down and the undergrowth cropped.
complete sense is missing there.
The bushes would be thick with creepers
While being translated to English, the Tribal
and thorny bushes all to be hacked down
Writings cannot properly represent the tribes due to
with choppers and heaped up with sticks.
various reasons. To recapitulate, the reliability of
Then the undergrowth would be set on fire.
Target Texts will always be in the shadow of doubt
We call it torching the punam". (1)
though the Cultural Translation seems to be
This word is used as the transliteration, but
inadequate when it deals with minority cultures.
later the word ‘punam' is completely omitted even
though the Source Text mentions about it. Since the
words are culture specific it is important to
transport the word associated with the land and the
D.C, 2002. Print
soil. There is also one sentence missing while
----------Mother Forest the Unfinished Story of C.
K.Janu. Tran.N. Ravi Shanker. New Delhi: Kali for
Women, 2004. Print.
Secondary Sources:
Basenett S. and A.Lefevere.Constructing Cultures:
Essays on Literary Translation.Clevendon:
Multilingual Matters, 1998. 6-14. Print
In Target Text: "the vendors used to slip the bangles
Benjamin, Walter. "The Task of a Translator".The
The one line is missing which says "they
don't have any problem doing like that". She speaks
Routledge, 2002. Print.
about these vendors in the context where the
Bertens, Hans. Literary Theory the Basics.Roultedge,
people who avoid coming near to them and try to
London, 2001. 5-11. Print.
exploit them mentally and physically. The vendors
Bhabha, Homi. The Location of Culture. London and
never treat them as the other since they are the
New York :Routledge, 2002. 171-174. Print.
‘business people' at the time of festivals. For them
Choudhari, Saritkumar. Constraints of Tribal
touching an Adivasi for their business- selling
bangles- is not a disgusting thing. Moreover festivals
MitalPublications,2004. Print.
give them opportunities to lighten their time of
Joshi, Vidyut. Tribal Situations in India Issues in
traumas and strains. There are certain rare
occasions in her life that Janu wants to be happened
again, and they are related to festivals in
Limbale, Sharankumar. Towards an Aesthetic of Dalit
Valliyoorkaavu. There the vendors do not show any
Literature. History, Controversies and
difference and she notices it.
Considerations.Trans. Alok Mukherjee. New
The Mother Forest, the unfinished story of C. K. Janu
Delhi: Orient Longman, 2004.14- 31. Print.
provides a good reading; the readability of the book
Longkumar, Jungmayangla. Change and Continuity
is to be noticed. But the cultural gaps which cannot
in the Tribal Villages A Sociological Study.
be filled up by the languages lead to the conclusion
New Delhi: Akansha, 2009. Print.
that translating a culture with all its impacts is
Pokker, P.K. Dalit as a Post Modern Cultural
impossible within the limits of the language. The
comprehension and reception of culture especially
marginalized one lies on the familiarity with the experiences associated with that culture. The
Source: http://www.rjelal.com/2.4.14/ANJU-198-203.pdf
Published Ahead of Print on March 8, 2010 as 10.1200/JCO.2009.24.4798 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY Prediction of Risk of Distant Recurrence Using the 21-GeneRecurrence Score in Node-Negative and Node-PositivePostmenopausal Patients With Breast Cancer Treated WithAnastrozole or Tamoxifen: A TransATAC StudyMitch Dowsett, Jack Cuzick, Christopher Wale, John Forbes, Elizabeth A. Mallon, Janine Salter, Emma Quinn,Anita Dunbier, Michael Baum, Aman Buzdar, Anthony Howell, Roberto Bugarini, Frederick L. Baehner,and Steven Shak
GUIDELINE WATCH (OCTOBER 2014): PRACTICE GUIDELINE FOR THE TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE AND OTHER DEMENTIAS Peter V. Rabins, M.D., M.P.H.Barry W. Rovner, M.D.Teresa Rummans, M.D.Lon S. Schneider, M.D.Pierre N. Tariot, M.D. During development and approval of this guideline watch, from July 2012 to September 2014, Dr. Rabins reports providing legaltestimony for Janssen Pharmaceutica, Dr. Rovner reports serving as a consultant to GE Healthcare, and Dr. Rummans reports thatshe has nothing to disclose. From 3 years before development was initiated in July 2012 through September 2014, Dr. Schneider andthe University of Southern California received research or other grants from Abbott Laboratories, AstraZeneca, Baxter, Forest Phar-maceuticals, Inc., Forum, Genentech, Johnson & Johnson, Eli Lilly and Company, Lundbeck, Merck, Myriad, Novartis, Pfizer,Roche, and TauRx, Ltd. and from NIH (USC ADRC, ADCS, ADNI, Banner Alzheimer's Initiative, CitAD, phytoSERMs, Alzheim-er's disease trial simulations, allopregnanolone, P50 AG05142, R01 AG033288, R01 AG037561, UF1 AG046148), and the state ofCalifornia (California Alzheimer's Disease Program, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine). During that same time period,Dr. Schneider served as a consultant or on advisory panels for Abbott Laboratories, Abbvie, AC Immune, Accera, Allon, AstraZeneca,Avraham Pharmaceuticals, Ltd., Biogen Idec, Cerespir, Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Forum, GSK, Johnson & Johnson, Eli Lilly andCompany, Lundbeck, Merck, Novartis, Orion, Roche, Servier, Stemedica, Ltd., Takeda, Targacept, TauRx, Toyama/FujiFilm, andZinfandel. In addition, Dr. Schneider serves on the editorial boards of Alzheimer's and Dementia: Translational Research and ClinicalIntervention (editor-in-chief), The Lancet Neurology (editorial board), Cochrane Collaboration (editor base), BMC Psychiatry (section ed-itor), Alzheimer's & Dementia (senior associate editor), Current Alzheimer Research (associate editor), Clinical Neuropharmacology (edi-torial board) and on the guidelines committee for the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry; served as an expert wit-ness or consultant on federal and state cases for plaintiffs against Lilly, Johnson & Johnson, and Pfizer and for defendants AstraZenecaand Pfizer; and has consulted with the state of California Department of Justice. During development and approval of this guidelinewatch, Dr. Tariot reports receiving consulting fees from Abbott Laboratories, AbbVie, AC Immune, Adamas, Avanir, Avid, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Bristol Myers Squibb, California Pacific Medical Center, Chase Pharmaceuticals, Chiesi, CME, Inc., Cognoptix, Elan,Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen, Medavante, Medivation, Merck and Company, Merz, Otsuka, Roche, and Sanofi-Aventis. Dr.Tariot reports receiving research support from AstraZeneca, Avanir, Avid, Baxter Healthcare Corp., Bristol Myers Squibb, Cognop-tix, Eli Lilly, Functional Neuromodulation (f(nm)), GE, Genentech, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen, Medivation, Merck and Company,Pfizer, Roche, Targacept, and Toyama as well as the National Institute on Aging and the Arizona Department of Health Services. Dr.Tariot also reports stock options in Adamas and that he is listed as a contributor to a patent owned by the University of Rochester,"Biomarkers of Alzheimer's Disease."