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Induction manual.pmd

UNDP Justice System Programme UNDP Justice System Programme
Welcome to Timor- Leste
Mai Ho Ksolok Iha Timor- Leste
Partially compiled September 2003 UNDP Justice System Programme TABLE OF CONTENTS
Land of the Sleeping Crocodile

This induction guide will brief you on the history and current situation in Timor-Leste, as well asguide you on your settling into everyday life and give an overview on rules and regulations forinternational legal Advisers with UNDP Justice Programme. The information given in this Guidebases on the UNMIT Welcome Guide (originally compiled in September 2003 and updated in Janu-ary 2008) and was completed with UNDP and UNDP Justice Programme specifics in May 2008.
The information included is as up to date as we can currently provide, but the situation changes sorapidly that you may find that some information is already incorrect.
This guide is only meant as an introduction to Timor-Leste. Should you be interested in moredetailed information, please contact the section in question or the Programme Management Unit ofUNDP Justice Programme.
Your suggestions, comments or corrections are highly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to con-tact UNDP-Justice Programme Management Unit. We are very much interested to keep the Guideup to date and making it better.
UNDP Justice System Programme MAP OF DILI
MOJ – Ministério da JustiçaCFJ – Centro Formação Judiciária / UNDP Programme Management UnitTrec – Tribunal de RecursoDC – Tribunal Distrital DiliMP – Ministério PúblicoANZ – BancoHTi – Hotel TimorHVV – Hotel Vila VerdeHTu – Hotel TurismoLita – supermercadoSi – Former supermercado Singapura, now on opposite side of the street: Cold StoreCC – City CaféTB – Tropical Bakery FACT SHEET ON TIMOR-LESTE
Land area
Timor-Leste includes the eastern half of the island of Timor;Oecussi, the special autonomous district on the northwestportion of the island of Timor; and the islands of Atauro andJaco 923,198 (2004 Census) Gold, petroleum, national gas, manganese, marble Tetum and Portuguese (official languages); English andIndonesian (working languages); and around 36 indigenousdialects Austronesian (Malayo-Polynesian), Papuan, small Chineseminority Roman Catholic 98%; small number of Muslims andProtestants HDI1 Rank
142 out of 177 countries (low human development) 56 years at birth (2004) Infant Mortality Rate
64 per 1,000 live births Adult Literacy Rate
58.6% (age 15 and older) Total Fertility Rate
7.8 (births per women) GDP per capita
US Dollar ($) + Centavos (East Timorese local coins) 9 hours ahead of GMT 1 Human Development Index 2006 UNDP Justice System Programme ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION OF TIMOR-LESTE
Timor-Leste is divided into the following regions. Administrative oversight for each region is pro-vided by a Secretary of State for Regional Coordination: Below the regional structure, Timor-Leste is territorially divided into districts, sub-districts, villages(or sucos) and sub-villages (or aldeias): BRIEF HISTORICAL OVERVIEW
Timor had been a source of sandalwood, honey and wax for Chinese traders since at least the1300s. The first Portuguese traders reached Timor, near the coast of Oecussi, around 1515. Timorbecame a Portuguese colony in 1702, when a Portuguese Governor was posted in Dili and thecommercial exploitation of resources began in earnest, including sandalwood, coffee, sugar caneand cotton. In 1859 the western half of the island was ceded to the Dutch. In the early 1900s, thePortuguese administration crushed a series of Timorese rebellions. With the start of World War II,the Australians and Dutch, aware of its importance as a buffer zone, briefly occupied Timor despitePortuguese protests. In 1942, Japan invaded and remained in the territory until September 1945.
By the end of the war, Timor-Leste had suffered major destruction -- some 60,000 East Timoreselost their lives and most of the plantations of coffee, cocoa and rubber had been abandoned.
The process of decolonisation in Portuguese Timor began in 1974, in the wake of Portugal's "Car-nation Revolution". East Timorese were given freedom to form their own political parties, the mostprominent being the Timorese Democratic Union (UDT), which supported gradual independenceas well as association with Portugal, and the pro-independence Revolutionary Front for an Inde-pendent Timor-Leste (FRETILIN), which supported full independence. Portugal sought to establisha provisional government and a popular assembly that would determine the status of Timor-Leste,but civil war broke out between those who favoured independence and those who advocated inte-gration with Indonesia. On 11 August 1975, the UDT launched a coup to seize power but wasdefeated by FRETILIN, and its members fled to West Timor. Unable to control the situation, thePortuguese colonial administration withdrew to the island of Atauro, leaving FRETILIN in control ofTimor-Leste. A unilateral declaration of independence followed on 28 November 1975. Before thedeclaration could be internationally recognized, however, Indonesian forces invaded and occupiedthe newly born Republica Democrática de Timor-Leste (RDTL) eventually annexing it as the twenty-seventh Indonesian province. Some 60,000 people are believed to have died during the initial pe-riod of the invasion. The UN never recognized this integration, and both the Security Council andthe General Assembly called for Indonesia's withdrawal. Timor-Leste's official international statusremained that of a "non-self-governing territory under Portuguese administration". FALINTIL, themilitary arm of FRETILIN, began its guerrilla campaign against the Indonesian forces.
Indonesian rule in Timor-Leste was violent and dictatorial. Unlike the Portuguese, the Indonesians
favored strong, direct rule, which was not accepted by the Timorese, who were determined to
preserve their culture and national identity. Death tolls between 1975 and the early 1980s, due to a
combination of attacks on civilian populations, disease and famine are estimated to be up to 200,000.
In an effort to obtain greater control over its dissident new province, Indonesia invested consider-
able financial resources in Timor-Leste.2 The 1991 "Santa Cruz Massacre"3 marked a turning point
in the occupation as the shocking images of the Indonesian army shooting unarmed civilians were
broadcast around the world. The imprisonment of resistance leadership Xanana Gusmão in 1992
also put the spotlight on the human rights situation in Timor-Leste, as did the October 1996 Nobel
2 Leading to economic growth averaging 6 percent per year over the period 1983-1997.
3 3 In 1991, the Indonesian military gave permission for a visit by a parliamentary delegation from Portugal, but the visitwas cancelled at the last minute and protests began. A young student, Sebastião Gomes, was killed and manyothers arrested. On November 12, 1991 thousands of Timorese marched towards the Santa Cruz cemetery tomourn for Sebastião Gomes. The Indonesian Army opened fire and killed more than 200 people in what hasbecome known as the Santa Cruz massacre. In another tragic episode in April 1999, as many as 60 people weremurdered at the local Catholic Church in Liquiçá.
UNDP Justice System Programme Peace Prize award to Bishop Ximenes Belo and José Ramos-Horta. Indonesia found itself in anincreasingly difficult position.
In 1998, unable to control the economic disruption caused by the 1997 Asian financial crisis and thesubsequent protests, Indonesian President Suharto stepped down. In January 1999, his succes-sor, former Vice-President Habibie decided to give Timor-Leste the opportunity to hold a vote onindependence. This culminated in the May 5, 1999 UN-brokered agreement with Portugal to hold areferendum or ‘Popular Consultation' on the options of autonomy within Indonesia, or full independ-ence. Despite a sustained intimidation campaign launched by the Indonesian military, using "mili-tias" as proxies, on 30 August 1999, the Timorese population voted overwhelmingly for independ-ence (78.5 percent). The Indonesian armed forces and their militia responded with extraordinarybrutality. The entire territory was laid waste – some 80% of buildings were looted and burned, allgovernment records were lost, and most of the physical infrastructure was destroyed. One-third ofthe population was forcibly displaced to West Timor and other neighboring islands. The rest of thepopulation sought refuge in the mountains. Serious Crimes Unit indictments indicate that 1,400persons were killed between January and October 1999.
Within two weeks from the outbreak of violence on 4 September 1999, the UN Security Council(SC) authorized a multinational force (INTERFET) under the unified command of Australia to re-store peace and security. On 25 October 1999, the SC established the United Nations TransitionalAdministration in Timor-Leste (UNTAET) to administer the country before handing over power to anelected Timorese Government. The UN also launched a large-scale humanitarian operation includ-ing food supplies and other basic services. On 30 August 2001, Timor-Leste held its first election,by which political representatives were elected to a Constitutional Assembly to write the country'sConstitution. Shortly thereafter, 24 members of the new all-East Timorese Council of Ministers ofthe Second Transitional Government were sworn into office. The new Council replaced the Transi-tional Cabinet created in 2000.
The Constituent Assembly ratified the first Constitution on 22 March 2002 and, following the presi-dential election on 14 April, Mr. Xanana Gusmão was elected president with 82.7 percent of the vote(301,634 votes) against Francisco Xavier do Amaral. With the preconditions for a hand-over ofpower met, the Constituent Assembly transformed itself into the country's parliament on 20 May2002. On that day, the first Government was sworn in and Timor-Leste's Independence, firstdeclared in November 1975, was finally realized. Celebrations took place at Taci Tolu, a formermass grave site outside Dili, and attended by dignitaries from around the world, including then UNSecretary-General Kofi Annan, President Megawati of Indonesia and former US President Bill Clinton.
On 27 September 2002, Timor-Leste joined the UN.
The United Nations in Timor-Leste
The United Nations General Assembly (GA) placed Timor-Leste on the international agenda in1960, when it added the territory to its list of Non-Self-Governing Territories. Beginning in 1982, atthe request of the GA, successive Secretaries-General (SG) held regular talks with Indonesia andPortugal aimed at resolving the status of the territory. Until June 1998, Indonesia proposed limitedautonomy for Timor-Leste within Indonesia, but then suddenly, in 1999, added the option of inde-pendence. As a result of this process, the "May 5th" agreements were signed in New York, bywhich the Governments of Indonesia and Portugal entrusted the SG with organizing and conduct-ing a "popular consultation" in order to accept or reject a proposed special autonomy for Timor-Leste within the unitary Republic of Indonesia.
UNAMET and the popular consultation
To carry out the consultation, the Security Council, by resolution 1246 (1999), authorized the estab-lishment of the United Nations Mission in Timor-Leste (UNAMET) on 11 June 1999. The 5 Mayagreements stipulated that UNAMET would, in the event of the independence option being chosen,oversee a transition period pending implementation of the decision. On 30 August 1999, some 98percent of registered East Timorese voters went to the polls deciding by a margin of 21.5 percentto 78.5 percent to reject the proposed autonomy and begin a process of transition towards independence.
UNTAET and the transition to independence
On 19 October 1999, the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly formally recognized the re-sult of the August consultation. Shortly thereafter, on 25 October, the Security Council establishedthe United Nations Transitional Administration in Timor-Leste (UNTAET) as an integrated, multidi-mensional peacekeeping operation fully responsible for the administration of Timor-Leste during itstransition to independence. Its mandate was to exercise legislative and executive authority, providesecurity, maintain law and order, support capacity-building, assist the development of civil andsocial services and ensure the coordination and delivery of humanitarian assistance. The lateSergio Vieira De Mello was chosen as Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG),and he began a process to fully devolve all operational responsibilities to the East Timorese au-thorities over a period of two-and-a-half years.
UNMISET and the post-independence period
When Timor-Leste's independence was restored on 20 May 2002, UNTAET was succeeded by theUnited Nations Mission of Support in Timor-Leste (UNMISET) established by SC resolution 1410 of17 May 2002. The Mission was established with the following mandate: to provide assistance tocore administrative structures critical to the viability and political stability of the country; to provideinterim law enforcement and public security and to assist in developing the Timor-Leste PoliceService; and to contribute to the maintenance of the new country's external and internal security.
During this period, UNMISET concentrated on capacity development of police services and otherinstitutional entities to ensure a smooth transition from peacekeeping to a sustainable develop-ment assistance framework.
UNOTIL and capacity development of the State
The mandate of UNMISET was completed in May 2005 and a successor political mission, theUnited Nations Office in Timor-Leste (UNOTIL), was established on 20 May 2005. The new Officecontinued to support the development of critical State institutions. UNOTIL was scheduled to endits mandate in May 2006, and the SC had already received the SG's recommendations for thepost-UNOTIL period. However, a series of events culminating in a political, humanitarian and secu-rity crisis of major dimensions led the Council to prolong UNOTIL's mandate and to request newrecommendations taking into account the need for a strengthened United Nations presence.
The establishment of UNMIT
On 11 June 2006, after going through the security and political crisis, the President of Timor-Leste,the President of the National Parliament and the Prime Minister wrote to the SG requesting theestablishment of a UN police force in Timor-Leste to maintain law and order until the national policecould undergo reorganization and restructuring. The Security Council, using resolution 1704 (2006)of 25 August 2006, decided to establish the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT).
In addition to executive authority over law enforcement, the Security Council mandated UNMIT tosupport the Government and relevant institutions to consolidate stability, enhance a culture of demo-cratic governance, facilitate political dialogue, and support Timor-Leste in all aspects of the 2007presidential and parliamentary electoral process.
Geology and Morphology
Certain geological aspects of the territory such as the coral reefs, the river banks and the elevationof the many mountains ranges indicate that this island was formed fairly recently. The island alsocontains many deep valleys and gulleys which transform into tumultuous rivers in the rainy sea-son. Some of the ‘accidental' morphological characteristics include the mud volcanoes of Oecusseand Viqueque, and the thermal waters and lakes of the Maubara and Suruboek regions.
The People: Languages and Ethnicity
The population of Timor-Leste is made up of many ethnic groups speaking their own languages.
The official languages are Tetum and Portuguese. Portuguese is mainly spoken by the older gen-eration, who lived under Portuguese rule, and people who have lived in Portugal or other Lusaphonecountries. Tetum is the most widely spoken vernacular. In addition to these two languages, BahasaIndonesia and English are working languages. Bahasa Indonesia is understood by many Timoreseand most certainly by anyone who worked or went to school during the Indonesian occupation.
The morals and social behavior of the people are not governed by European or Western stand-ards. Timorese are by nature mostly polite with a great deal of outward humility and would ratheragree with than upset a visitor to their land. Thus it is easy to receive a wrong answer to questions,especially leading questions, merely because people are trying to demonstrate good manners.
The climate along the coasts is relatively hot year round with an annual average temperature of27°C. There are two distinct seasons: the north-east monsoon season, which runs from Novem-ber to March, constitutes the rainy season throughout the country. The south-east monsoon sea-son, which runs from March to October, constitutes the dry season with some rain on the southcoast but otherwise dry and windy conditions in the rest of the country. The climate inland with itstall mountains can be very cold with an annual average temperature of 18°C.
The main natural resources are, in order of importance: petroleum which may be the key for theeconomic future of the country, agriculture, cattle-raising and minerals. Different areas, dependingon climate and soil conditions, grow certain crops, with considerable areas of cultivation dedicatedto coffee, rice and corn. Coconuts, bananas and mangoes are also found in abundance on theisland.
There are a number of wood types that are used in construction including bamboo, which is widelyused by the Timorese for building, furniture and artifacts. Unfortunately, the abundant supply of teakand sandalwood has now been depleted due to non-sustainable methods of use.
The water buffalo is the most prized animal because of its role in the economy. The buffalo is asymbol of wealth and prestige amongst Timorese, who use them not only for preparing the fieldsfor rice cultivation, but also for marriage dowries (barlaki) and in sacred ceremonies such as fu-neral rites.
A small salt economy is concentrated in a number of villages that supply the domestic market.
Means of Subsistence
The economic activities of the rural Timorese population are concentrated around agriculture, hor-ticulture, fruit harvesting and animal husbandry. Traditionally, coffee, copper and tobacco were heavily relied upon in certain regions. Family plantations as well as community-based ones exist.
Agriculture still remains tool-based and labor intensive.
Tobacco has been grown on the island for a very long time and is always available in the domesticlocal markets. The local markets are also a good indication of the type and strength of local economyin the regions. The local rural markets are always on set days and an important part of the socialand economic fabric of each town.
Arts and Crafts
Perhaps the most widely recognized craft of the island of Timor-Leste is that of cloth weaving. Theend product can either be a selenda, (a thin and narrow scarf), a tais (a larger piece of wovenfabric) or a kambatik (a one-piece sarong worn by women). The fibers used are natural as are thecolors, which are derived from the leaves and roots of certain plants, ground up, and then mixedwith lime and water. However, during the Indonesian times man-made materials were introducedand are still being used. The colors and patterns vary from region to region (from extremely vibrantto rather muted). Fiber weaving is also practiced by the women on certain parts of the island;besides different types of mats, they also make baskets, pouches for tobacco, betel nut and leaf,and sacks for the storage of corn and rice. Both examples of cloth and vegetable fiber weaving canbe found in the ‘tais' market in Dili. This market is situated in Colmera off the main road whichconnects Dili to the airport.
Another craft practiced by the women of Timor-Leste, mainly in the districts of Baucau, Manatutoand Lautem, is ceramic wares. The pots, dishes and ornamental items, such as candlesticks,typically have very little ornamentation, having usually just a small floral or geometric undulatingborder around the rim of the object.
The Family
The family is the first and indivisible form that defines the complex structure of Timorese society.
The wedding barlaki (meaning dowry in Tetun) is a natural act of establishing a family and the mostimportant commitment assumed by a man and a woman during their lives. It is dictated by acomplex code of rights and obligations that bind families together and are difficult to break. Timoreserelatives cover a much wider circle than in most western cultures do. Close kinship is regarded toexist among the uncles, aunts, and cousins of their in-laws and a strong loyalty is given to allrelatives. Society traditionally revolves around building up a relatives' bank of indebtedness forfuture help in all the various tasks of living that can be accomplished more efficiently with a numberof people, such as growing crops, harvesting, building homes, feasts, and religious ceremonies(animist or Catholic) of death, birth and marriage. These ‘favours' are now extended beyond thesocial and economic spheres to the political ones.
The marriage process involves negotiations (in terms of the dowry) and both families have theirown ‘marriage-broker' to negotiate their bids and/or demands.
Other rites of passage, such as death, involve ceremonies and traditions which take anywherefrom 5-14 days to carry out, hence requiring people to leave their workplace for a period usuallylonger than that needed for such ceremonies in other countries.
Self Identity and Family
The East Timorese family is a very powerful force in an individual's life and emotions, as well asbeing the basic organizational unit. It is close, communal and hierarchical. The family's needs andoverall well-being are considered to be more important than the individual's. If there is conflictbetween what the individual family member wants to do, and what is for the overall good of thefamily, then the family will decide upon the matter through consensus. However, the family will alsodo everything in its power to support (financially or otherwise) a family member whom they have UNDP Justice System Programme agreed to support in any endeavor.
Men and women have different roles. Men assume the role of decision-maker in the family, andTimorese women ‘bind' everything and everyone together. Women are, generally speaking, theones who implement the husband's decisions within the context of the family. Traditionally, womenof different hierarchical or status circles would not mix socially, (this still exists to a certain extenttoday) or even acknowledge each other in public if they were acquainted with one another. This isnot true of Timorese men however, who socialize quite freely and whose traditional pass timessuch as futu-manu (cockfighting) bring all men in society together.
The Timorese see themselves confronted by two worlds: the "world" itself, as it is, the Cosmos,the land where they live, and the unknown or indeterminate space that surrounds it, chaos, popu-lated with a million demons and an endless number of spirits of the dead. The setting up of a spaceis equal to that of setting up a world: the division of an aldeia (town) into four separate parts relatesto the division of the world into the four known horizons. In the middle of the town is traditionallyfound the uma-lulik (or sacred house), which represents the sky. Beneath the land, to the otherextreme, is found the world of the dead, symbolized by serpents and crocodiles.
The small part of the Timorese world, the town, is organized in a system with different parts of thetown dedicated to the representation of Sky, Land and other regions. The traditional Animist beliefsimbue most things, from the construction of the houses to different artifacts used for sacred ritu-als, with a "life" of their own. The ‘outside' world is treated by Timorese according to the modellearnt through the various relationships within their society. A thousand unusual things, all that area cause for strangeness of grief of a harmful mystery, are kept safe in the uma-lulik (sacred house).
"A sword, a rock with a particular characteristic, a bag used to cover a mask that belonged to agrandfather, are "lulik" (sacred things) and kept within the sacred house, hung on the main pillar…"Everything that is ‘lulik' has a soul like people". In essence, the traditional lives led by those withAnimist beliefs involve ceremonies, rituals and sacrifices very much inter-related to the variousaspects of daily life.
After the Indonesian military invasion of 1975, many East Timorese turned to the Roman CatholicChurch for refuge and comfort. Since that time, the East Timorese population has turned increas-ingly to the Catholic Church (the Church uses Tetum – the national language - in its readings,sermons, hymns and prayers), and the clergy has been increasingly active not only in the move forindependence but also in many sectors, primarily education and health. Today the Roman Catholicfaith (through the Church and its representatives on the island) is very widely practiced. Mass isattended in record numbers for any population around the world, the clergy highly respected, andthe Catholic Church is consulted in decisions that affect the community at large. It is estimated that99% of the Timorese population are devout Catholics.
When the Portuguese arrived circa 16th century, Timorese society had a pre-existing societal struc-ture. The highest order of society when the Portuguese missionaries arrived were the Liurai – thefeudal monarch – sometimes referred to as a king and sometimes a chief. The caste system stillexists to a certain extent today (although arguably less than at any other point in Timor-Leste'shistory), implying respect through succession and matrimony. The king administers his lands ofhis dominion through a complex hierarchical network. Traditionally, he is entrusted to transmit hisorders to the Chefes de Suco or Chefes de Aldeia (village chiefs or town chiefs). The village ortown chiefs are freely chosen from the noble class, forming a rich and powerful class responsiblefor authority and justice.
The Liurais were chosen, through an election, through the re-united ‘pairs', the datos and the "prin-cipal members" (families), the only selection criteria being that they be a descendant of a royal family either from the paternal or maternal side. They were allowed to marry females from theirdominion, however one of the marriages had to be to the daughter of a king.
Culture, customs and implications for the workplace
Timorese society is one based on respect for the people in authority, political leaders, churchleaders, community leaders and the elderly. The display of respect is a critical element and pavesthe way for building positive social and work relationships. Showing a lack of respect for EastTimorese culture and customs could have very negative consequences. It is useful therefore tospend some time getting to know people and what is important to them as individuals in terms ofcustoms and culture.
The handshake is the most common form of greeting in Timor-Leste. However there are someamendments to this as a rule: men shake hands when meeting and men generally shake hands ifmeeting a lady/women of different culture, but almost never when greeting a Timorese woman.
Women greet each other with a handshake or kiss on both cheeks. It is not appropriate for maleforeigners to touch women in any situation. This may bring shame and embarrassment upon theperson. Instead, a simple bow of the head, a "Bondia" (good morning), "Botarde" (good afternoon)or "Bonoite" (good evening) will suffice as a polite greeting. Public displays of affection are notappropriate between people of the opposite sex. However, you will often see individuals of thesame sex holding hands or walking arm in arm, which is quite acceptable.
Forms of address
• People of certain social prominence are addressed by their title and surname. eg.
Senhor (or Senhora) Silvi.
• Adults with whom you are on friendly terms can be addressed by their Christian names but with senhor (senhora) still used as a title. Eg, Senhor Luis or Senhora Vera.
• Titles are not used when addressing children.
• For people of a younger age (teenagers to mid-twenties), it is normal to address them simply using their Christian name.
As another sign of respect, Timorese traditions of clothing are very modest and very rarely aregarments above the knee (both for men and women) acceptable in a professional or traditionalsocial situation. Men (unless they are tradesmen) do not wear shorts in public when they are goingabout conducting their daily business. It is highly inappropriate also for women to wear skirts ofextremely short length. Sleeveless tops have become more acceptable for women in recent years,but not so for men.
If visiting a local village or town (whether for business or social purposes) attempt to find out who isthe highest local authority figure and visit him first to inform him of your presence and intention forthe time you will be spending there. This will assist you in gaining acceptance, credibility, and trustamongst the other local villagers.
Swearing and jokes about religion and sex are not appropriate. Sex is never discussed in public. Itis customary when giving presentations to acknowledge and thank people at the beginning and atthe end. Timorese think of speeches as somewhat of an art form and value greatly the skills andtechniques of a good orator. For this reason, some introductions, speeches and thank-yous may UNDP Justice System Programme be rather lengthy and take up a significant amount of time.
• It is polite to wait until your host invites you to sit down after entering a house or office, before sitting down.
• When offered food or drink when visiting, although it is polite to accept, if you wish to refuse, then do so before food or drink is placed before you. It is customary to finish all the drink that you are given otherwise your host may feel offended. If you are worried about drinking tap water, then explain that you have a weak stomach.
• Wait to be invited by your host to begin before eating or drinking even if the beverage/food has already been placed in front of you.
Giving compliments or praise is not always expected but will be welcomed. However, it is importantto do this in private rather than in public as other people present may feel loss of face if they do notreceive it as well. Status and respectability are very important to the East Timorese and maintain-ing face in public and in the eyes of others is crucial to one's status and respectability. If youhumiliate, embarrass, insult, or reprimand someone in front of others they will lose respect for you,and it will not be regained easily. Be specific about what has been done well rather than a generalcomment (e.g. that was good). Avoid criticizing others in public. Avoid sarcasm and rudeness injest at all times. When giving negative feedback always speak in private, speak gently and indirectlyand explain your reasons for the feedback.
Saying "No" is not generally a part of the Timorese culture. Timorese are by nature most polite witha great deal of outward humility and seem ready to agree to almost anything rather than upset avisitor to their land. Thus it is easy to receive a wrong answer to questions, especially leadingquestions, merely because people will only be trying to demonstrate good manners. One, there-fore, needs to be aware that a ‘Yes' could actually also mean 'maybe' and ‘no'. If in doubt of a ‘yes'response, then make it a point to clarify and over-clarify all the details. For example, you could asksomeone if they could tell you what they understand of the agreement / discussion you have justhad, or alternatively, ask him / her to demonstrate the steps in doing something you might haveshown them. When saying ‘no' to a Timorese person, be direct but carefully explain. Beware ofcommon western confrontational techniques. They may expose the confronter and confronted topotential humiliation and loss of face.
Concept of Time
The contemporary Timorese concept of time is based on the traditional one. That is, time is some-thing which guides at what hour you rise, at what time you go to the field, what time you take a restfrom the hot midday sun, how long you rest for before returning to the field, what time you set backon the path to home, to eat and rest. In other words, time is something which accompanies thedaily rituals and chores of the day, the week, the harvesting season, the year and a life. Therefore,though some Timorese may wear one, the idea of a clock or watch and the concepts that theybring with them can sometimes seem like foreign, if not ‘alien', concepts.
Westerners and many International staff of the UN tend to view time as a commodity. "We canmake time", "time is money" "how much time do you have?", "can I have some of your time?","make sure your time is well spent" etc. The emphasis is strongly on future planning and becausesome future activity depends upon some timetabling of the present, we become committed to deadlines and punctuality. The Timorese idea is that the job or task WILL get done (before the endof the day; week, month or whatever time period it is) and so the hours and minutes within thatperiod don't need to be so highly organized for their traditional tasks. However, due to the fact thatthere are now International influences working within Timor-Leste, many people realize, and nowwork within, the importance of adhering to deadlines and punctuality (to the most part!).
Some East Timorese perceptions of time are: • International staff are seen as wanting things in a hurry.
• "We prefer to do things without the constraints of time."• Time is not necessarily seen as something specific.
• It is better to focus on the job to be done rather than the time frame.
For many East Timorese, formal education was an Indonesian system of education.
Some characteristics included: • Rote learning; • Expectation that students will agree with their teacher and not question/challenge theknowledge of the teacher; • Students not inclined to admit to not understanding what is being presented; • Less inclination (compared to some Western cultures) to take initiative; • Thinking strongly influenced by the teaching of the Catholic Church, which is usuallyaccepted and not questioned.
Status, Hierarchy and Decision-making
Status and hierarchy are important aspects of Timorese culture.
• Hierarchy and status exist throughout all levels of traditional Timorese society; • East Timorese follow a traditional patriarchal hierarchy – through a Liurai (traditionalChief or King) with its correspondent linkage through marriage and male members of thefamily; • The Liurais serve as Counselor, Spiritual Advisor (based on Animist tradition), Benefactor,Facilitator, Law Maker/Enforcement Mechanism, and a variety of other roles that are pivotalto the daily functioning of the clans in the aldeias and sucos.
• In exceptional cases when a Liurai dies, and his sons or younger brothers are not oldenough to assume the role, then the Liurai's wife will do so.
• The Liurai and his family (also to a lesser extent his extended family) are privy to all thebenefits and benevolence of the highest authority in the community.
• Status is largely dependent upon the amount of traditional material wealth that a particularman and his family have managed to acquire; ie. Water buffalos, horses, livestock, coffeeand/or rice plantations, gold, silver and tais (traditional woven cloth); UNDP Justice System Programme • Western education (even to a high professional level) does not necessarily provide an EastTimorese person with status in society, nor do the trappings of such a society; ie. cars,homes, clothing; people are judged on their previous standing in society and their actions; • Women are privy to the benefits of their husband's/father's hierarchy or status.
The IV Constitutional Government
The Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste provides for a Parliamentary Systemof government, with the President as Head of State, who is elected by popular vote for a five-yearterm and whose role is largely symbolic, though he is able to veto some legislation. Followingelections, the president appoints as the prime minister, the leader of the majority party or majoritycoalition. As head of government the prime minister presides over the Council of State or cabinet.
The Legislature is a unicameral Parliament, composed of the National Assembly. It was created in2001 as the Constituent Assembly while the country was still under the supervision of the UnitedNations but renamed itself to the National Parliament with the attaining of national independence on20. May 2002. The National Parliament has 88 members, 13 elected in single seat constituencies75 elected by proportional representation for a five-year term. The number of seats can vary froma minimum of 52 to a maximum of 65, though it exceptionally has 88 members at present, due tothis being its first term of office. The constitution of Timor-Leste was modeled on that of Portugal.
After the Elections in 2007, the IV Constitutional Government of Timor-Leste was formed, andwhich is the result of a broad consensus by various parties on the need to operate changes ingovernment and to start a new cycle in the political life of the country. The main office holders arecurrently: President: José Ramos-Horta, since 20. May 2007
Prime-Minister: Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, since 08. August 2007
Deputy-Prime Minister: Jose Luis Guterres
The Government is composed of the Prime-Minister, one Deputy Prime-Minister, the Ministers,Deputy Ministers and Secretaries of State.
The Government has the following ministers: Minister of Defense and Security: Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão Minister of Foreign Affairs: Zacarias Albano da Costa Minister of Finance: Emilia Pires Minister of Justice: Lucia Lobato Minister of Health: Nelson Martins Minister of Education: João Cancio Freitas Minister of State Administration and Territorial Planning: Arcangelo de Jesus Goveia Leite Minister of Economy and Development: João Goncalves Minister of Social Solidarity: Maria Domingas Fernandes Alves Minister of Infrastructures: Pedro Lay Minister of Tourism, Trade and Industry: Gil da Costa Alves Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries: Mariano Asanami Sabino The Prime-Minister performs the function of Minister of Defense and Security, and the NationalState Security Service, the Office of the Inspector General as well as the Banking and PaymentsAuthority are directly upon the Prime Minister.
The Presidency of the Council of Minsters includes, besides the Prime-Minister and Deputy Prime-Minister, the following Secretaries of State: Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers: Hermenegildo (Agio) Pereira Secretary of State for Youth and Sport: Miguel Marques Gonsalves Manutelu UNDP Justice System Programme Secretary of State for Natural Resources: Alfredo Pires Secretary of State for Energy Policy: Januario da Costa Pereira Secretary of State for Professional Training and Employment: Benedito Freitas Secretary of State for the Promotion of Equality: Idelta Maria Rodrigues Secretary of State for Defense: Julio Tomas Pinto Secretary of State for Security: Fancisco Guterres Secretary of State for Culture: Virgilio Smith Secretary of State for Electricity, Water and Urbanisation: Januario da Costa Pereira Secretary of State for Environment and Reforestation: Abilio de Jesus Lima Secretary of State for Agriculture and Arboriculture: Macus da Cruz Secretary of State for Public Works: Domingos dos Santos Secretary of State for Administrative Reform: Florindo Pereira Secretary of State for Autonomous Region of Oecussi: Jorge da Conceicao Teme Secretary of State for Rural Development and Cooperatives: Papito Monteiro Secretary of State for Social Assistance and Natural Disaster: Jacinto Rigoberto de Deus Secretary of State for Veterans: Mario Nicolao dos Reis Secretary of State for Social Security: Victor da Costa Secretary of State for Policy of Energy: Avelino Maria Coelho Secretary of State for Fisheries: Eduardo de Carvalho Secretary of State for Livestock: Valentino Varela THE MINISTRY OF JUSTICE
The Ministry of Justice is responsible for the relations of the Government with the Courts, Prosecu-tion Service, the Superior Council of Judicial Magistrates and with the Superior Council of theProsecution Services as well as with further agents of the Law and Justice Sector, namely thelawyers representative institutions. It is the Government's main body responsible for the design,execution, coordination and assessment of the policies defined and approved by the Council ofMinisters for the areas of justice and human rights. It is incumbent upon the Ministry of Justice: • To propose policies and draft law and regulations required for the areas under its responsibilities; • To regulate and manage the prison system, the execution of sentences and the socialreinsertions services; • To ensure mechanisms of representation and legal aid for the most underprivileged citizens, through the Public Defender's Office; • To create proper mechanisms for securing citizen's rights and disseminating informationon applicable laws; • To organize the cadastre of rural and urban buildings and the registry of immovable assets; • To manage State properties on a day-by-day basis; • To promote and guide the judicial training of legal operators and the remaining civil servants; • To issue opinions, upon request from other ministries, on the compliance of any draft legislative diploma with the guiding principles of the democratic rule of law, the values of Justiceand Law, and the rights, liberties and guarantees; • To set up collaboration and coordination mechanisms with other Government bodies responsible for related areas.
• The Office of the adviser on Human Rights is placed under the Ministry of Justice.
Source: Decree-law structure of the IV Constitutional Government UNDP Justice System Programme High Administrative, Tax and
Supreme Court of Justice
Audit Court
(Court of Appeal) Oe-Cussi
District Court
District Court
District Court
District Court
and Audit Courts
Reg. 18/2001 UNTAET Reg. 18/2001 UNTAET Reg. 18/2001 UNTAET RET. 18/2001 UNTAET Who is who
Ministry of Justice
Dr. Lucia Lobato: Minister of Justice
Dr. Claudio Ximenes: Chief Justice / President of the Court of Appeal
Dr. Maria Natércia Gusmão: National District Court Judge / Judge Administrator Dili Court
Dr. Longuinhos Monteiro: Prosecutor-General
Dr. Ivo Valente: Deputy Prosecutor-General
Public Defender's Office
Dr. Sergio Hornai: Public Defender General
The most important substantial laws published so far are the Penal Procedure Code and CivilProcedure Code (Portuguese/Tetum bilingual edition).
The Timorese Penal Procedure Code and Civil Procedure Code can be found at the site: The penal code and civil code are currently in discussion. They have been enacted, but have notyet been published. Until the approval of the national legislation, the penal and civil code in use arethe Indonesian code, with the exceptions as provided for in the UNTAET regulations.
Swearing-in of National Magistrates and Public Defenders at LTC
On 21. June 2007, Timor-Leste witnessed the swearing-in of the first group of twenty seven na-tional Judges, Prosecutors and Public Defenders. The Magistrates and Public Defenders attendeda two and a half year training course at the Legal Training Center. A second batch of 10 national probationary trainees, who finished the first phase of the course from the Legal Training Centerhave been sworn-in on 14. March 2008.
Role of international justice actors
The support of international judges, prosecutors, public defenders and clerks, in line functions,mentoring and development of a national jurisprudence, is critical to the construction of the nationaljustice. Mainly due to the 2006 crisis, the focus on the central role of international advisers asmentors has been diverted to their performance of line functions. An exit strategy of the Programmehas always been, being the natural course of action that, as the capacity of national professionalsto perform as judges, prosecutors and public defenders develops - nowadays, more than 50% ofthe decisions are done by nationals - the internationals shift to mentoring-only roles. UNDP willclosely monitor the performance of international actors as adviser/mentors, collecting feedbackfrom national counterparts.
Strengthening the Justice System in Timor-Leste To promote access to justice and effective an independent judiciary in thecountry 3-5 years, starting 1 January 2006 The Council of Coordination, comprised of the Ministry of Justice,the Chief Justice and the Prosecutor-General of Timor-Leste, withthe support of UNDP Source of Funding Australia, Brazil, Ireland, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, UNDP andOHCHR Total Project Budget Vision:Short-term goal, 2006-2008: Ensure justice delivery while improving institutional and human re-sources capacity at the Courts, and Ministry of Justice.
Long-term vision, toward 2020: An accessible justice system capable of delivering equal, effectiveand efficient justice, upholding the rule of law and protecting the democratic system of state, thusfacilitating sustainable growth to the benefit of the people of Timor-Leste.
Challenges of the Timor-Leste Justice System
When Indonesia withdrew from Timor-Leste in 1999, judicial institutions had to be build from scratch.
Not a single judge was left in the territory. Buildings and infrastructure had been destroyed.
There were only a handful of individuals with any legal training.
The development challenge facing Timor-Leste is characterized by a shortage of skilled per-sonnel and a lack of basic institutional systems and processes. Simultaneously, professionalethics and work attitudes have to be introduced and consolidated.
The legal framework of the new state is beginning to take shape. Presently, applicable lawscome in the form of Timor-Leste legislation written in Portuguese (one of the two official lan-guages). UNTAET regulations are in English and Indonesian. Subsidiary Indonesian law ishardly accessible. This has caused significant linguistic barriers. In addition, there is a plethoraof local dialects and traditional justice systems rooted in family, clan and village. The traditionalsystems are sometimes at odds with the constitutional system.
The UNDP Strengthening the Justice System Programme
The UNDP Strengthening the Justice System Programme is a Capacity Building Programme aimedto improve the institutional and human resources of the Courts, the Prosecution, the PublicDefense and the Ministry of Justice. The original Justice Project was launched in 2003, and afterrevision in 2005, re-launched as the Justice Programme for the period 2006-2008. The steering com-mittee is the Council of Coordination (CoC). It is a working arrangement, which came together in mid2003 and comprises the Chief Justice, the Minister of Justice and the Prosecutor-General. All policydecision and work plans are decided by these three representatives. It is also a forum for informal discussions on issues of cross-sector concerns in general.
The crisis on April/May 2006 forced the Council of Coordination to reconsider the strategy, andthe Programme was required to support an increased demand on the justice sector, including theimplementation of the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry of October 2006. The pro-gramme Mid-Term Independent Revision, in August 2007, recommended overhauling the JusticeHuman Resources Plan to address the changing political environment, reinforcing the activities ofthe Programme in several areas, particularly the mentoring and training of additional nationalcourt actors and the promotion of access to justice in the districts.
This brought the need to increase the number of international magistrates, public defenders,legal clerks, translators and interpreters to enable the sector to function while additional na-tional human resources are trained and gain experience. Of particular concern is an increasing back-log of cases in the prosecution offices and the insufficient time devoted by some internationals awayfrom the mentoring of their national counterparts, pressed by their line functions workload.
In April 2008, a Revision Mission drafted a Revised Programme Document, focusing on access tojustice activities, which will have an impact on the project organization and respective project budget.
• Provision of experienced international court actors to deliver line-functions and mentor thenational magistrates and public defenders • Technical advice and provision of experienced practitioners as lecturers for the Legal Training Center, to provide post-graduate courses for national magistrates, public defenders, legal clerks and other justice sector practitioners • Support the design and implementation of a policy for Information, Education and Communication for justice sector • Organization and training of a national IT Unit, deployment and maintenance of sustainableIT infrastructure, deployment and implementation of case management systems • Support of the specialized legal translation and interpretation services, including training ofnational staff • General support of the core justice institutions The programmes strategy focuses on seven main longer-term results/outcomes and several out-puts and priorities are given in the following strategic areas: Outcome 1:
CoC facilitating the development of a cohesive administration of justicethrough strategic planning and improved coordination.
Outcome 2:
Ministry of Justice responsible for coordinating the legislative drafting, promotinglegal awareness, assisting in the implementation of Justice and law as definedby the Council of Ministers and Parliament.
Outcome 3:
National justice sector professionals with access to certified legal education,postgraduate training and continuing legal education.
Outcome 4:
Public Defender's Office providing improved access and quality of legal aid services to the disadvantaged.
UNDP Justice System Programme Outcome 5:
Timorese correctional system in line with international standards Outcome 6:
Courts capable of delivering justice according to the applicable laws through national staffing.
Outcome 7:
Public Prosecution service capable of performing its constitutional mandate, attend the requirements of its organic law and expedite access to justice.
Organizational Structure of UNDP Justice System Programme
Council of Coordination
UNDP Governance Unit
Steering Committee of
UNDP Justice Programme
Justice System
Financial Summary 2008
Estimated Expenditure 2008 Advisory Services Programme Management Information Technology Support the Institutions Facilities and Administration UNDP Justice Programme Contact Dates
Administration of Justice Support Unit (AJSU)
Following the Security Council resolution 1704 (2006), UNMIT is to 'assist, in cooperation andcoordination with other partners, in further building the capacity of State and Government institutionsin areas where specialized expertise is required, such as in the justice sector, and to promote a"compact" between Timor-Leste and the international community for coordinating Government,United Nations and other multilateral and bilateral contributors to priority programmes'.
The Administration of Justice Support Unit, which includes gender, juvenile and correctionscomponents, was established as a result of the Security Council resolution 1704. AJSU is actingon a strategic level, helping the Government in the development of a vision and strategic approachto core issues of justice and correction reform and is working closely with the Government, UNagencies, funds and programmes, donors and civil society. AJSU's work complements that ofUNDP, which is working more on an operational level.
Key issues facing the AJSU are to: Facilitate the conduct of an independent review and analysis of the justice sector.
In close co-operation with UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA and donor facilitate, support andcoordinate with development partners and national stakeholders, including civil societyfor the establishment of a national/international forum to secure the broadest possibleconsensus on a new justice reform strategy.
Help the national authorities to develop a vision and strategic approach to justice reform,gender and juvenile issues, to give a legal framework to traditional justice practices, inaccordance with the Constitution and international standards, to harmonize thelegislation drafting process in key areas.
Work with the Government, UNMIT's PIO and other national stakeholders in the settingof a public outreach campaign which is paramount to building a grater confidence inthe judicial institutions.
Work closely with the Government, Prisons Department and other key stakeholderand especially UNDP to develop and implement a vision and strategic plan for thecorrections sector, paying special attention to the management of women and juvenileswithin the system and non custodial alternatives to imprisonment.
Serious Crimes Investigation Team (SCIT)
In accordance with the Security Council resolution 1704 (2006), the Serious Crimes InvestigationTeam was created to assist the Office of the Prosecutor-General, through the provision of a teamof experienced investigative personnel, to resume investigative functions of the former SeriousCrimes Unit (SCU), with a view to completing investigations into outstanding cases of serioushuman rights violations committed in the country in 1999. The SCIT falls under the Office of theDSRSG for Security Sector Support and Rule of Law.
The key issues facing the SCIT are: • Identifying, assessing and investigating all pending SCU cases.
• Investigating not only cases but also, when appropriate, fully preparing them for theimmediate issuance of an indictment by the Office of the Prosecutor-General of Timor-Leste. In so doing, the Investigators and Coordination Officers will be responsible forassembling case files, including physical evidence, and preparing drafts of all the necessary UNDP Justice System Programme documents, including iner alia arrest warrant requests, indictments and indictments briefs,for transmission to, and action by, the Office of the Prosecutor-General of Timor-Leste.
• Engaging in capacity building activities, inter alia, providing legal and investigation trainingfor UN national staff.
Human Rights and Transitional Justice Section (HRTJS)
In accordance with the Security Council resolution UNMIT is to 'assist in further strengthening thenational institutional and societal capacity and mechanisms for the monitoring, promoting andprotecting of human rights and for promoting justice and reconciliation, including for women andchildren, and to observe and report on the human rights situation'.
Hence, the Human Rights and Transitional Justice Section of UNMIT aims to promote, protect andfulfill human rights principles throughout Timor-Leste. The HRTJS is comprised of following thematicareas: monitoring of human rights; human rights and security sector reform; national parliament;Provedoria for Human Rights and Justice; human rights eduction; civil society strengthening;economic, social and cultural rights, and transitional justice. The HRTJS works jointly with stateinstitutions, NGOs and UN agencies to support human rights related activities in the country.
HRTJS focuses, among other, on: • Identifying, analyzing and reporting on issues of human rights concern. For that purpose, aHuman Rights Monitoring Team, deployed in five districts, regularly visits detention centers,prisons and courts throughout the country, interviews victims of human rights violations andassists in seeking redress for victims as appropriate.
• Providing human rights training to PNTL and F-FDTL member.
• Assisting the National Parliament in reviewing draft laws and facilitating workshops to trainMembers of the Parliament on human rights principles and developments.
• Assist the Provedoria for Human Rights and Justice in the institutional development, thecapacity building of its personnel on investigation techniques and on how to monitor, reportand advice on human rights violations.
• Upgrading the skills of the representatives of civil society organizations in the areas ofhuman rights promotion and education as well as human rights monitoring.
• Supporting the implementation of the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiryconcerning the 2006 crisis and working in relation to the violations of 1999 to ensureinter alia that effective follow-up mechanisms are put in place to build on theachievements of the Timor-Leste Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliationprocess.
The Asia Foundation, TAF
The Asia Foundation is a non-profit, non-governmental organization committed to the developmentof a peaceful, prosperous, just, and open Asia-Pacific region. The Foundation supports programsin Asia that help improve governance, law, and civil society; women's empowerment; economicreform and development; and international relations. Drawing on more than 50 years of experiencein Asia, the Foundation collaborates with private and public partners to support leadership andinstitutional development, exchanges, and policy research.
In Timor-Leste, The Asia Foundation supports local initiatives to advance women's rights, strengthenrelations with the region, improve conflict management, advance the rule of law, and strengthenthe role and effectiveness of the legislature. Through its Books for Asia program, the Foundationdonated more than 6,500 books and journals throughout the country in 2007. On 14. February2008 The Asia Foundation delivered officially the bilingual edition of the Civil Procedure Code to theChief Justice, Dr. Cláudio Ximenes. The Foundation is also helping to create a functioning andwell-equipped parliament library and information service for members of parliament, throughcooperation with the U.S. House of Representatives Democracy Assistance Commission (HDAC).
The Asia Foundation support the disadvantaged with mobile legal aid. In order to improve vulnerablecitizens' ability to resolve their disputes peacefully, the Foundation cooperates with six local legalaid NGOs to provide the only nationwide legal aid services program for rural citizens. Over the lastyear, the legal aid teams handled approximately 763 cases through mediation and litigation; nearly28 percent of the cases involved women. The presence of women lawyers is helping to increasewomen's confidence in seeking legal assistance. And increasingly, locally elected leaders arerelying on legal aid NGOs to provide guidance on mediation or information on laws related todisputes in their areas.
Avocats Sans Frontières, ASF
Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF) is an international non-governmental organization created in 1992in Brussels (Belgium) and is mostly made up of lawyers, solicitors and magistrates. The role ofASF is to contribute, completely independently, to the establishment of a just, equitable and unitedsociety, in which both the law and justice serve those who need them the most. ASF acts topromote and to protect civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of the most vulnerablegroups and/or individuals.
ASF opened their offices in Timor-Leste in July 2002 and has actively supported both institutionaland civil society actors who contribute to the establishment of a democratic state governed by therule of law. Through their actions, ASF aims to guarantee justice that is fair and impartial in theservice of the local population, especially the most vulnerable groups. ASF activities in East Timorfavour a participatory approach in collaboration with local authorities and stakeholders, with specialfocus on raising legal awareness amongst the rural population, assistance in the creation andstrengthening of a Bar Association, train lawyers, and provide technical advice in legislative drafting.
The Judicial System Monitoring Programme (JSMP) is a Civil Society Organization (CSO). JSMPwas founded in Dili in early 2001 to monitor the processes of the Ad Hoc Human Rights Tribunal inIndonesia and the Special Panels for Serious Crimes in Timor Leste. The field of work has expandedto include human rights training, training of judicial officials and district workshops explaining judicial UNDP Justice System Programme processes and civil and political rights, legal analysis and court monitoring.
In 2004 JSMP created the Women's Justice Unit to focus on cases involving women victims ofdomestic violence as a result of researching the situation of women in the formal justice sector. In2005 JSMP has established a Victim's Support Service, a legal referral and legal aid service forwomen.
The vision of JSMP is to be the foremost independent organization in Timor Leste that contributesto the development and improvement of the justice and legislative system through objectivemonitoring, analysis, advocacy and training in order to: • Support and advance the rule of law and human rights • Advance the independence of the judiciary and the legal profession and the administrationof justice in full compliance with standards of international law • Promote the adoption and implementation of international human rights standards andother legal rules and principles that advance human rights and the rule of law • Promote the establishment and enforcement of a legal system which protects individualsand groups against violations of their human rights • Promote understanding of and compliance with the rule of law and human rights andprovide assistance to those to whom the rule of law and human rights are denied • Promote equality and the right of everyone to receive equal and fair access to justice andtreatment under the law.
The UN agencies funds and programmes, collectively called the UN Country Team (UNCT) haveoperated in Timor-Leste since 1999 shifting from emergency relief through rehabilitation to longer-term socio-economic sustainable development.
The UNCT in Timor-Leste is represented by a number of UN funds, programmes and specializedagencies operating in the country, including UNDP, UNICEF, WFP, UNFPA, FAO, WHO, ILO, UNIDO,OCHA, OHCHR, UNESCO, UNV, UNIFEM, UNCDF, UNDESA. It also includes non-residentspecialized agencies with development operations, which have their offices based in the region.
UNV, UNIFEM and UNCDF in Timor-Leste, are represented by the UNDP Resident Representative.
The UN System collaborates closely with the two Bretton Woods Institutions - IMF and the WorldBank, as well as the Asian Development Bank. The Representatives of all these organizationsconstitute the UN Country Team in Timor-Leste.
UNDP introduced the concept of Country Directors as part of the wider UN reform to ensure thatthe Resident Representative has the time and space to perform their dual roles of UN coordinationand and UNDP strategic guidance and accountability at the country level. The ResidentCoordinator's two roles are inter-linked and form the unique basis of UNDP's key leadership role inthe UN system worldwide. The Country Director is the day-to-day manager of UNDP, as delegatedby the UNDP Resident Representative.
The basis for the working relationship between the Resident Representative and the Country Directoris the accredited UNDP representative in the programme country. The Resident Representative istherefore responsible and accountable for providing strategic guidance and oversight for the UNDPprogramme and programmatic documents and operational directions. In undertaking this strategicguidance role, the Resident Representative directs and draws on UNDP's assets. In practicalterms, this means the Resident Representative – in consultation with HQ units – delegates authorityto the Country Director to undertake specific responsibilities to the "day-to-day manager of UNDP".
It is important to stress that the responsibilities of the Country Director are delegated responsibilities.
Overall leadership and final accountability remain with the Resident Representative.
In Timor-Leste, as in the majority of developing countries, the Resident Representative of UNDP isdesignated as the Resident Coordinator of the UN System. In Timor-Leste this function is held bythe Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (DSRSG) of the UN Integrated Missionin Timor-Leste (UNMIT) Mr. Finn Reske-Nielsen who is also the UN Humanitarian Coordinator.
UNMIT operates under the mandate provided by the UN Security Resolution 1704, which wasextended till 26 February 2009 by Security Council Resolution 1802 of 21 February 2008. UNDPsupports the Mission's overall mandate through a "one UN approach' facilitated by the UN agenciesand funds.
UNDP Justice System Programme UNDP Organizational Chart (April 2008)
UN Resident Coordinator UN Humanitarian Coordinator UNDP Resident Coordinator UNDP Timor-Leste Projects and Programmes for 2008
In line with the National Priorities set out by the Government of Timor-Leste for 2008, UNDP will beengaged in projects and programmes in the following thematic areas: • Public Safety and Security - Strengthening the justice system as well as building capacitiesof the Provedoria for human rights and justice.
• Social Protection and Solidarity – Promoting local socio-economic recovery, strengtheningtrust building through dialogue, communication and outreach, and providing support todisaster risk reduction and management.
• Addressing the needs of youth – promoting confidence, integration in the community suchas through engagement of youth in sports.
• Employment and Income Generations - Social mobilization for enhancing sustainable rurallivelihoods, assisting the provision of inclusive finance, labour intensive infrastructureinvestment and creating awareness about environmental changes.
• Clean and Effective Government – Providing support to civil service reform and localgovernance structures and support systems.
Life in Timor-Leste is challenging, yet can be very enjoyable. The people of Timor-Leste generallymaintain a positive perspective towards the UN for its pivotal role in helping re-establish anindependent nation and for its ongoing support to the development of the country.
It is important that you behave in a respectful manner towards the local population whom the UN ishere to assist. The social norms of the local society are rapidly changing as this conservative,largely closed culture opens up to other lifestyles. This change is centered around Dili, however,and behavior acceptable in Dili may not be acceptable outside Dili.
It is imperative that the positive reputation of the UN is upheld into the future. Be conscious of yourprivilege and cognizant of your role as a representative of the United Nations. Avoid ostentatiousbehavior that may be culturally inappropriate and overt displays of wealth. Have fun, but be safeand responsible.
The capital city of Timor-Leste, Dili, is rapidly pulling itself out of economic ruin with new businessesand services emerging daily. There are many restaurants catering to many tastes and budgets. Inaddition, there are also dozens of warungs or food stalls offering local rice-based dishes at veryreasonable prices. Dili is situated on the coast and people drive, run or bike to the beach on theweekend to relax or get some exercise. Be adventurous (but careful, and avoid walking after dark)and discover what Dili and its surroundings have to offer.
Food and Eating Out
There are many well-stocked food shops offering an ever-growing choice of food items, fresh fruitand vegetables (often imported). Prices are in US dollars.
Also, there are many local markets, which offer a range of seasonal produce. Prices, which are inUS dollars, are very reasonable, but the final price will depend on your bargaining skills. The morelocal produce you purchase, the lower the cost of food. Buying food and other goods at the marketalso supports the wider local economy.
Restaurants recommended by UN colleagues
This list is far from complete and only meant to get you settled in. Have a look around and discoveryour own culinary gems. Additionally, the free paper ‘Guide Post' usually has a map with all advertisingrestaurants indicated. Keep in mind the advice from the Medical Section when choosing a place toeat.
Obrigado Barracks: Tropical Bakery - serves snacks, coffee and lunch 5 minutes' walk away from Obrigado Barracksmain gate Gion – Japanese food (723 7788), go past Sakura Towers and turn left on Rua Belarmino Lobo.
88 – Asian dishes, located just opposite Sakura Towers. Basic décor, but good food.
Audian Restaurant – Asian dishes (a bit further than 88 on the same road)The Kebab Club – Turkish food, down the side street from ANZ. Great eat-in and take-out place.
Tropical Hotel – lunch buffet and dinner, the Roo Bar has great steaks. Near to ANZ Bank.
City Café – great lunch buffet – come early for best selection. Near to ANZ Bank.
Central Hotel – Portuguese and International food.
Myfali – fast food, good grilled chicken.
UNDP Justice System Programme One More Bar – serves Aussie and International food (it is situated on the road to Lita, to the rightnear the Bishop's house) (1-3 are located off the Audian Road, 4-9 are located near or on the road past ANZ Bank) Along the Beach Road (towards Pertamina): Thai Pavilion – excellent authentic Thai food. Lunch buffet. Beautiful setting. Will also prepare takeout for catering. (Manager Mr. Wishnu 731 4525).
Dili Beach Café – Burmese / Asian food. Will deliver! 723 7866Castaway – highly recommended for great burgers, schnitzel and pizzasEsplanada Hotel– overall variety of food, good Sunday brunchBeach Café – Burmese / Asian foodCasa Minha – cozy pool side restaurant. Good evening venue.
Ocean View (Manager Danny 7236041) – excellent calamari and other sea food. (Situated all theway out on the Beach Road past Pertamina). Will also prepare take out for catering.
Between the Beach Road and Comoro Road: Vasco Da Gama – Portuguese. Good ambiance. Lunch and dinners a la carte.
Bangkok Spice Two – good Thai / continental food. Great for lunch for fast service.
Hotel Timor – recommended Friday lunch buffet Along Comoro Road (to the airport): Riung Kuring – Indonesian dishes with cozy garden; wide variety of foods.
Tiger Petrol Station – pizzas for take out 723 31 49. (NOTE: within walking distance of this petrolstation, on either side of the road, you will find several good, reasonably priced Asian restaurants) On the way to Cristo Rei (Near Dili 2001 Hotel): There are several sea food restaurants along this road. But especially worth mentioning is:Victoria – select your own fish / seafood to be grilled. Select fish, lobster, and seafood to takehome.
Caz Bar (further out) – recommended for its relaxed, holiday-like atmosphere.
Carlos – excellent octopus salad.
IMPORTANT: Off limit bars
Please note that the following bars are OFF LIMITS to all UN personnel due to the character of theiractivities: Great Wall of China Bar Former Football Bar (no name displayed) Futo Bar (after Comoro Bridge) RAN Bar (opposite Australian Embassy) Former KTV Lounge (no name displayed) The Conduct and Discipline Team can be contacted at all times for an update on the status ofplaces which are off limits to UN personnel. A map of the location of these bars can be obtainedfrom CDU.
Water not specifically known to be safe should be regarded as suspect and be purified. Boilingwater is the safest method of purification. Diarrhea is an ever-present risk and staff membersshould refrain from drinking non-bottled water. Ice should be avoided when it is not known whetherit has been prepared from safe water, as it may have been made with tap water. Even water usedfor oral and dental hygiene should be purified or boiled; if in doubt, use mineral water.
Many people now opt to purchase 18 liter plastic bottles of drinking water which, once empty, canthen be exchanged for full bottles at a minimal cost. These can be purchased at many storesaround town.
The public water supply has been undergoing a process of reconstruction and is now adequate inmost areas. Work still remains to be done in the sub-districts and outlying villages. Washing andcooking water needs to be obtained from the local supply or found locally from wells in remoteareas.
The electricity supply is 220v and the majority of power sockets are European/Indonesian orAustralian. There is electricity in Dili and some of the main towns of Timor-Leste. The UNMITheadquarters are provided with constant electricity from UN generators. Oftentimes, power outagesoccur with no prior warning. Although power is sometimes provided in the districts, serious problemsdo occur. When problems occur with the generators providing town power in the districts, it maybe a while before the problems are resolved, resulting in extended periods without electricity. It isadvisable to purchase a good quality torch and lamp along with long burning candles to anticipatelengthy power outages.
Gas Bottles
Gas bottles, used for cooking, can be bought and refilled at Hotel Dili / Tiger Petrol Station.
Taxis are readily available in Dili. A trip in town is $ 1 and to go further out $ 2. It is important to know
a few words in Tetum or Indonesian (for example left/right/thank you) to make communication
easier. It is not recommended for women to travel alone by taxi at night. Please check if there is
a security advisory in place regarding the use of local taxis.

Public transport (Microlets) is widely available around Dili and to and from the Districts. It can becramped and will take longer than a taxi, but it is very cheap.
Long-term staff often consider purchasing their own transportation here as an alternative to relyingon office vehicles which can be a source of conflict and may not be available for all purposes. TheGuide Post is a good resource for the latest information. A Japanese car dealer sells vehicles inFarol, and motorbikes and scooters can be purchased at several places around town, includingtwo along the same street as City Café, and one near the office of the Timor Post newspaper(Fomento). Insurance does not exist – another reason to drive slowly and in a manner that willminimize injuries to you, other people, vehicles and livestock.
UNDP Justice System Programme Dili has several beaches that are suitable for swimming. Especially popular is the beach behindthe statue of Christ. Timor-Leste is also known as the land of the sleeping crocodile and the localvariety of salt-water crocodiles grow to several meters in length. Needless to say, they are best leftsleeping! Crocodiless are common on the south coast and have occasionally been sighted in andaround the coastal areas of Dili.
There are some very attractive beaches further a-field on the way to Manatuto including "DollarBeach" and, going in the opposite direction, on the road to Liquica. Many of the districts haveaccess to fine beaches.
Diving and Related Activities
A number of dive companies have established themselves since the transition to independence,to take advantage of Timor's world class diving. These companies include Dive Timor Lorosa'eand Free Flow.
Telephone communications were destroyed, but are slowly being repaired. Mobile phones usingTimor Telecom (the only telecommunications provider available) can be used in Dili and certainareas of some regions and are the most common form of communication for international staffmembers. Mobile phones are widely available in Dili, but can be purchased more cheaply in Darwinor Bali en-route to mission.
Three international banks have branches operating in Dili. These are ANZ from Australia, BNUfrom Portugal and Bank Mandiri from Indonesia. There are several Automatic Teller Machines(ATMs) in Dili; they are outside the ANZ bank near City Cafe, inside Leader Supermarket on ComoroRoad (also ANZ), Tiger Fuel Station and outside the BNU. Staff members are advised not to relytoo much on these machines as they are frequently out of order or run out of cash.
Staff members are paid in US dollars, the official currency of Timor-Leste. Money can be exchangedat the international banks and money sent and received at the Western Union in Colmera.
New shops are opening in Dili each day. A range of toiletries are available, including, for instance,sunscreen, but you are advised to bring any favorite brands with you.
For food and household supplies there are several options. The Leader and Landmark stores onthe way to the Comoro airport and Lita and Cold Storage near the Bishop's house are well-stocked.
They basically carry the same items, but Landmark and Cold Storage seem to be most consistentin their good selection of meat kept under hygienic conditions. The Portuguese supermarket nearBNU Bank also offers a good range of food items. A number of stores in Colmera offer a variety ofreasonably priced goods. Jacinto is another option for food and has lots of cheap kitchenware. Ifyou need anything special, ask a Timorese colleague who will know the stores and local craftsmenwell.
Bed frames and wooden furniture are available for purchase from larger stores, but you cancontribute to the local economy by employing an East Timorese carpenter to make these items foryou. You can also contribute to the local economy by purchasing household items such as plates,cutlery and bedding from the local markets.
There are examples of local handicrafts for sale in Dili and the Districts including woven clothknown as tais, basket work and wooden statues available at several places including the Taismarket in Dili. UNMIT staffs are discouraged from buying authentic antique cloths or jewelry, whichare part of Timor-Leste's heritage. It is also illegal to purchase or sell both coral and items made ofturtle-shell. UNMIT staff members are forbidden to support this trade which encourages damageto the environment.
Air North flies to Darwin every day. Prices vary according to season. Merpati (one of Indonesia'sdomestic airlines) has an office in Landmark Plaza and Timor Hotel.
Out and about in the districts
Life in the districts is full of particular day-to-day challenges that are not usually part of the Diliexperience. While a challenge, living and spending time in the Districts is also an opportunity tospend more time learning about the country you are in and get a truer first-hand sense of life forthe majority of the population of Timor-Leste.
The choice of foodstuffs available in the districts is limited and staff members often supplementtheir provisions with purchases from Dili. Local markets tend to have a limited selection of food.
There are usually a few small restaurants in districts with limited menus. Many people preparetheir own food at home or employ a local person to cook for them.
To and From the Districts
When traveling from the districts to Dili and vice versa, ensure that you have the proper MOP(movement of personnel) form signed (compere with the adminstrative section in this manual).
Also, before venturing out on a long trip, make sure your vehicle is properly checked and that youadvise Security of your travel plans. As road conditions often deteriorate during the rainy season,do check that roads are in a usable condition and bridges are passable. It is possible to rent avehicle to travel outside Dili for those whose duty station is Dili.
UNDP Justice System Programme A large amount of reconstruction has been carried out since the devastation of September 1999,but there is still much work to be done in this area, and the majority of reconstruction has beenfocused on Dili. The damage caused still has a daily impact on the lives of anyone who lives orworks in Timor-Leste.
Buildings / Accommodation
While reconstruction is taking place, it will take considerable time before local people have adequatehousing. Expect that your accommodation will range from the very basic to adequate, althoughsome private houses in Dili have been renovated to a reasonable or even considered ‘luxurious'level of comfort. The rate of reconstruction and renovation in the districts has been much slowerthan in Dili. Accommodation is far more likely to be of a very basic level, particularly in the districtsthat suffered the most devastation during September 1999.
Hotel / Motel Accommodation in Dili
Hotel/Motel accommodation is available in Dili. Most of these hotels are aimed at international staffand offer a good level of comfort with air-conditioned rooms and en-suite bathrooms. At the top-end of the market are the Hotel Timor and the Esplanada Hotel in Pantai Kelapa. Another popularhotel is the Hotel Turismo which has been running since the Indonesian occupation. Other hotels/motels available include the Audian Hotel, Hotel Dili, Central Hotel, the Sands Motel, and the TropicalHotel, to mention a few. With the expansion of UNMIT, rates are going up but can sometimes benegotiated for longer-term stays.
Private Accommodation in Dili
Houses to rent are available but difficult to find. Some houses will need various improvementsranging from a simple coat of paint to full-fledged reconstruction. Monthly rents also vary greatlydepending on facilities. For best value, it is advised to pro-actively consult other staff members;they are your greatest information resource to find houses that have undergone refurbishing andnow have vacancies. The UNDP Travel Unit at Obrigado Baracks can also provide accommodationinformation.
Once you have identified a suitable home, please also respect local custom and ask for permissionto reside in the neighborhood from the local village chief. Also, ensure that you have registeredyour home address with UNPOL and the Security Units.
Once your search has been successful, there are various contractors that can assist you inrenovating and refurbishing your new home if it is necessary. Again, ask around, compare pricesand be inventive!It is advisable to bring your own mosquito net and/or mosquito dome although these items areavailable in Dili in limited supply.
Accommodation Outside of Dili
Housing conditions for staff deployed in the districts depend on the extent of the destruction of theinfrastructure and the geographical location of the region. In most districts there is private housingavailable at reasonable rental rates. Some staff members choose to live in a home-stay arrangementwith a Timorese family. Expect that your accommodation will range from very basic to adequate.
For staff traveling to the districts, camp beds, mosquito domes or nets, and bed linen may need tobe taken. Although the power and water supply have been largely restored in Dili, this is notnecessarily the case in other areas.
Check on your vaccination status: The following vaccinations are recommended by the WorldHealth Organization for UN staff traveling to Timor-Leste: • Japanese Encephalitis vaccination• Hepatitis B vaccination• Hepatitis A vaccination• Typhoid vaccination (Typhim vi)• Tetanus vaccination Yellow Fever vaccination (if traveling from infected area) Meningitis A & C vaccination Rabies vaccination What you should bring with you
• Light loose, comfortable and well-ventilated cotton clothing, including a broad-brimmed hatto provide effective protection against the sun • Minimum of two month's stock of the medications you may be taking for a specific illnesse.g. anti-hypertensive and diabetic medication, or any other chronic diseases • Sunglasses and sun block lotion • Latex condoms to reduce the risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.
Health Precautions and Preventative Measures
During the first few days or weeks, newcomers not used to the conditions or climate are likely tohave a lower resistance. They should avoid excessive physical or intellectual strain, lead a regularlife, and sleep for eight hours at night.
Diet should be well balanced, avoiding heavy meals; alcoholic drinks should either be excluded orconsumed only in very moderate quantities and only in the evenings. Enough water should bedrunk to compensate for perspiration loss, and it may be advisable to increase salt intake in caseof profuse perspiration.
If meals are prepared by private domestic staff, it is advisable to inspect the kitchen daily. Rules ofelementary hygiene can then be enforced; cleanliness of hands, crockery and cupboards, andextermination of flies, cockroaches and rodents.
Dirty hands and unclean food are the usual source of infection with amoebic dysentery and otherenteric infections. These are very widespread and give rise to acute or chronic digestive problems, UNDP Justice System Programme which can be prevented by appropriate hygienic precautions.
The main precautions for food safety: • The fundamental rule is "boil it, cook it, peel it or leave it"
• Avoid raw foods unless well washed in safe water, or fruit and vegetables that can bepeeled.
• Food should be well cooked and served while hot; once it has been prepared or cooked,food should not be eaten from one day to the next if it has not been kept in a refrigerator or ifit has been left for several hours at room temperature.
• Don't eat dairy products unless you know they have been pasteurized.
Water for drinking: Water not specifically known to be safe should be regarded as suspect, andthen purified.
Boiling is the safest method.
Disinfection with slow release tablets e.g. Puritabs, is possible but must be done instrict compliance with instructions.
If a filter is used, it is still essential to boil the water.
Ice should be avoided when it is not known whether it has been prepared from safewater (be cautious of beverages with ice!).
If in doubt about the quality of water, use bottled mineral water.
Carbonated drinks and bottled or otherwise packaged fruit juices are safe to drink, asare beer and wine (in moderation!) Personal hygiene and health
As a result of perspiration, the skin can easily become a place for fungal or other infections. Dailyshowers are recommended, followed by thorough drying. Talcum powder can be used to dustsensitive skin areas. The water used for oral and dental hygiene should be purified or boiled; if indoubt, mineral water should be used. To prevent fungal and parasitic infections, keep feet cleanand dry, and do not go barefoot.
Don't handle animals (dogs, cats and monkeys) to avoid bites and serious diseases (includingrabies and plague).
Always use latex condoms to reduce the risk of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases.
Don't swim in fresh water. Salt water is usually safer.
Malaria and Dengue
Malaria and Dengue are very commonly encountered disease in Timor-Leste. Dengue mosquitoesbite during the day, while Malaria mosquitoes bite mostly form dusk to dawn. Therefore it is importantto protect yourself both during the day and in the evening hours. There are a number of ways tohelp avoid being bitten: • Wear clothes that minimize exposed skin • Avoid dark colors and perfumed products • Tuck pants into socks while walking through grass • Wear closed shoes • Use insect repellent regularly • Use a mosquito nets tucked into the mattress at night Symptoms of Dengue include fever, headache, muscle aches, joint pain, pain behind the eyes,and often a rash. The fever usually lasts for 3 to 5 days. The acute illness lasts about one weekand is followed by 1-2 weeks of tiredness, weakness, and loss of appetite. Rarely, the life-threateningDengue Hemorrhagic Fever may develop and is most common in people who have had Denguebefore.
The malaria that most commonly occurs in Timor-Leste is the Falciparum type. This type of Malariacan be life-threatening. Severe Falciparum malaria can cause seizures, coma, kidney failure anddeath within as little as 24-36 hours. The most frequent symptoms of malaria are fever, headache,nausea, and generalized aches and pain.
If you develop a fever, please consult a doctor in the clinic for a physical exam, as it is possible thatit may be due to either Dengue or Malaria.
WHO recommend the following anti-malaria preventative medication: Mefloquine prophylaxis: 250mg per week (one tablet of 250mg once weekly) Doxycycline: 100mg per day (one tablet of 100mg once daily).
Malarone: 1 tablet per day All anti-malarial drugs taken at weekly intervals should be started 1 week before departure toTimor-Leste. All anti-malarial drugs taken daily should be started one day before departure toTimor-Leste. All prophylactic medications should be continued for 4 weeks after the last possibleexposure to infection. Please consult a doctor for further information.
UNMIT Medical Services
The Medical Services operating in UNMIT, Dili are comprised of the Chief Medical Officer, DeputyCMO, 2 Doctors, Head Nurse, 3 Nurses,1 Dentist, Laboratory Technician, Administrative Assistantand Pharmacist. The Medical Services Section runs a walk-in day clinic and an overnight(observation only) ward. Acutely ill patients are medically evacuated to Darwin. Medical referral tohospitals in Darwin for special care is arranged by the Chief Medical Officer. Medical evacuationsare coordinated by the Chief Medical Officer, utilizing the UN aircraft following pre-arrangementswith the receiving Hospital in Darwin.
In the districts, there are permanent medical clinics with 1 doctor and 1 nurse in each of three ofthe four Regional Support Centers (Maliana, Suai and Oecussi). The Baucau RSC is still servicedby Forward Medical Teams (FMTs) on Wednesdays based on the helicopter schedule for that day.
UNDP Justice System Programme The FMT consists of 1 doctor and 1 nurse who will be on the ground for 2 hours. The FMT willfunction until a permanent medical clinic is established.
Outpatient Clinic Hours
Monday – Friday: 8:30 - 12:00 / 14:00 to 18:00
Saturday-Sunday: 9:00-12:00
UN medical clinic is located at Obrigado Barracks.
The clinic has a walk-in day clinic and an overnight (observation) ward.
The UN Duty Doctor is on call for medical emergency or assistance at 24/7 : 723 06 51 Further Clinics and Hospitals in Dili
The Australian Clinic is located at the Australian Embassy in Comoro Road, Zone 7
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade"Medical Clinic, Australian Embassy "Dili, East Timor
Tel: 3311555
Dili National Hospital is located in Bidau: 3311000 OR 3311006 OR 3311008
Aero-Medical Medical Evacuation (AME) form the Districts to Dili must be requested through
the SOC. Medical Evacuation to Level 4 facilities in Darwin is available.
Medical Emergency Contact Numbers:
A security briefing for new arrivals is given by UNDSS security officers every Friday at 2.30 atUNMIT conference Room C. To confirm the briefing, interested International Advisers should informthe UNDP Programme Management Unit at 3313583 or send an E-mail [email protected] The UNDP Timor-Leste Safety and Security Unit (SSU) is available to assist you and respond torequests for assistance.
Alvaro Norona de Sousa Field Security Adviser Field Security Associate In case of emergency, international staff is required to react as follows: the incident carries a direct and immediate threat to personal safety:
Call NOC on 723 03 65
or emergency number 112
or call SIERRA BASE on VHF Channel 14

Of a lesser urgency and if no physical danger is involved:
Call SOC on 723 06 35 - 723 07 25
or Landlines number on 33 122 10
or extension number 5454

In all cases please identify yourself as UNDP staff member. The SOC will immediately inform theUNDP Safety and Security Unit.
Security situation in Timor-Leste
The UN Security Management System works on five security stages: Phase I : Precautionary
Caution should be exercised as the security situation in the country or parts of it require so. All
travel into the duty station requires advance clearance from the Designated Official.
Phase II: Restricted movement
This stage signifies a much higher level of alert and imposes major restrictions on the movement
of international advisers and their families. No travel either incoming or within the country, will
occur unless specifically authorized by the Designated Official as essential travel. Security clearance
is mandatory.
Phase III: Relocation
Phase III indicates a substantial deterioration in the security situation, which may result in the
relocation of non-essential international staff. The Designated Official and Security Management
may recommend the mandatory actions of either temporary concentration in one or more sites
within a particular area, relocation to alternative locations within the country or relocation outside
UNDP Justice System Programme the country.
Phase IV: Emergency Operations
If Phase IV is implemented, all remaining international staff, who where heretofore considered
essential to maintain programme activities, are relocated outside the country, except those directly
concerned with emergency, humanitarian relief operations or security matters.
Phase V: Evacuation
The decision to initiate stage V which can only be declared following approval by the Secretary
General signifies that the situation has deteriorated to such a point that all remaining internationally
recruited staff members are required to leave.
The designated UN Concentration Area is: OBRIGADO BARRACKS
UN Security Phase II (Restricted Movement) is in effect throughout Timor-Leste at present
• You should maintain a high level of personal security awareness and avoid any minordisputes or other incidents that may occur as they have the potential to escalate withoutwarning.
• Banging of poles, shops, shutting quickly and the sudden disappearance of street vendorscan be indications that trouble is imminent.
• In some areas makeshift barricades have been used to block access, you should avoidthese areas.
• Demonstrations can occur at or near symbols and institutions of the Government, includingthe Government Buildings, the Courts the Presidential Palace and the National Parliament.
• Avoid unnecessary travel at night. Always travel with a colleague.
• Some gangs in Dili have attacked cars with stones and potentially lethal darts fired fromslingshots. This occurs particularly in the early evening and at night. Avoid the Comoro marketand Beach Road market after hours.
Taking responsibilities for your own safety and security Do keep yourself informed about the general security situation and monitor local newsevents.
Do raise your personal security awareness.
Do ensure that you carry identifications and emergency contact numbers with you.
Do not flaunt your wealth. Dress and behave modestly to avoid unnecessary attentionby criminals.
Do familiarize yourself with hotel fire and evacuation procedures.
Do know where the nearest emergency exits are located in relation to your room.
Movement of personnel form (MOP) / Basic and Advanced Security in the Field
The MOP system is in effect in Timor-Leste. International professionals are reminded to completea MOP form for any travel within the mission area outside of Dili, within Timor-Leste as well asoverseas. For travel by car MOPs must be submitted with a minimum of 48 hours prior to travel.
For travel by UN Helicopter MOPs must be submitted with a minimum of 5 working days prior totravel.
The following information is required within the MOP: • Intended travel dates (start of travel until completion of travel) • Purpose of Travel (official or private) • Means of Travel (car, air etc.) • Destination(s) • All pertinent contact information (phone numbers, addresses etc.) Internal or external travel requests or MOPs will not be approved without completion of the BasicSecurity in the Field (BSITF) and Advanced Security in the Field (ASITF) training courses. Bothcourses are mandatory. The CD-ROM copies for the course can be obtained at UNDP ProgrammeManagement Unit or at Safety & Security Unit. Or can also be accessed through the UNDSSwebsite at, Security Clearance Requests
Security clearance is mandatory for all personnel traveling to an area where a UN Security Phaseis in effect. A pre-requisite of obtaining security clearance approval is completion of the 'BasicSecurity in the Field' training. Completion of the 'Advanced Security in the Field' training is mandatoryif you intend traveling to an area where UN Security Phase I or higher is in effect. At present thisincludes Bali (Phase I) and Timor-Leste (Phase II).
Timor-Leste will only process security clearances through the Integrated Security Clearance andTracking System (ISECT). You must first register on ISECT at the DSS homepage http://dss.un.organd create a personal profile before applying for security clearance. You can also access ISECTdirectly through the UNDP intranet at You will need to have a UN system email address to register. The attached document will guideyou through the initial registration process. ISECT also provides the ability for staff to apply forsecurity clearance on behalf of another person. This is particularly useful in terms of newly recruitedconsultants that may not have a UN system email address. However please note that it is the staffmember's responsibility to ensure security clearance is issued prior to commencing travel.
You must apply for security clearance at least 7 days prior to your intended travel date and youmust receive security clearance approval before commencing travel.The ISECT will automaticallygenerate a response to you approximately 2 days before your stated travel date. A security advisoryfor your destination country will also be automatically sent to you once security clearance approvalhas been granted. The global Weekly Travel Advisory (listing every country, the UN Security Phasein effect, contact details and instructions for submitting SCRs) is also available on the DSShomepage.
Please contact the Safety and Security Unit for additional guidance regarding Security ClearanceRequests (SCR).
UNDP Justice System Programme The Designated Official is responsible to the Secretary General for the establishment of a briefingsystem to ensure that all UN personnel is Timor-Leste are advised of the specific precautionarymeasures that they should take in relation to the Security Plan. Chosen Primary and AlternateWardens will be provided with an up-to-date list of staff members in their designated Area/District/Zone. Zone Wardens are responsible for all staff members within their area of responsibility andwill inform of any changes in the security situation as it relates to any of the security phases.
Please find the UNDP Warden List in the attachment.
Please inform your Warden immediately and provide them with y our contact information.
Minimum Operating Residential Security Standards (MORSS)
A minimum standard of residential security has to be applied to residences of International staffmembers employed under a UNDP employment contract. The standard is consistent with thecontinually updated Security Risk Assessment (SRA) and complementary to the Timor-LesteSecurity Plan. The security measures that you are responsible to request from UN System underestablished contract are: • 24/7 Security Guards • Security screen/bars on windows and doors • External Lighting For further information about MORSS please consult with UNDP Safety and Security Unit.
VHF Radio Channels:
Emergency Telephone Numbers
UNDP Justice System Programme ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES - UNDP Justice Programme
Travel and leave
Annual leave
Annual leave (for most contract types 2.5 working days per completed month of work) can beaccumulated and is provided from the first and last month of the assignment. Leave must bearranged with the consent of direct supervisor and must be approved (Leave request/MOP/SecurityClearance). Annual leave must be taken during the period of appointment. Unused balances by theend of the contract can not be commuted to cash.
Rest and Recuperation (R&R)
In accordance with the Security Phase II a temporary entitlement of 5 days Rest and Recuperation(R&R) is granted after 12 weeks of continuous service. For staff members deployed to Ainaro,Baucau, Oecusse R&R is granted after 8 weeks of continuous service.
R&R must be taken outside the country. It is optional and can be combined with regular annual orhome leave. R&R can not be accumulated and if not taken within one month after the specifiedinterval it will be forfeited. R&R is a temporary entitlement and is periodically reviewed and subjectto change.
Sick Leave
Entitlement to sick leave depend strongly on the type of contract. For entitlement to sick leaveplease see table on different contract types and its conditions in the attachment.
In case you need further information on other leave provisions (maternity, paternity leave, homeand advanced leave), please consult the conditions of service of your contract type (ALS, UNV,SSA, SC) or ask the Justice Programme Management Unit.
Refund of travel expenses (F10)
To refund travel expenses a Voucher for Reimbursement of Expenses (F10) will need to becompleted. Information including every place, boarding and landing time will need to be providedand original receipts, boarding passes and/or ticket and itinerary must be attached to the form.
An F10 claim need to be submitted for official duty travel, official medical travel and in-countrytravel. Duty and medical travel will only be authorized and reimbursed in exceptional circumstancesover weekends and public holidays. Only accommodation costs will be reimbursed for in-countryduty travel. Original, properly completed and authorized MOPs, original receipts and otherdocumentary evidence will need to be attached as appropriate.
Source: New Arrival Package UNV UNMIT The following communication facilities will be available for UNDP Justice Programme Advisers: • UNDP E-Mail accounts for all staff members. The UNDP Programme Administrative
Assistant will send Name, Title and contract expiring date of the newly recruited International
Adviser to UNDP IT Unit. After 1-2 days UNDP IT Unit will provide a user name and the
password to the Administrative Assistant, who will inform the Adviser. The account will be
closed by the Administrative Assistant once the assignment of the International ended.
Ministry of Justice E-Mail account for institutional staff members. The UNDP Programme
Administrative Assistant will send Name, Title, contract expiring date, duty station and location
of the office to UNDP IT Unit. The Ministry of Justice IT section will setup the e-mail account
and provide the information to configure the e-mail client.
Chat/ Exodus
• Exodus provides an internal chat system, which facilitates the communication betweenthe different Justice Institutions. The UNDP Programme Administrative will provide Ministryof Justice IT Unit with the required information to set up the chat account. IT Unit will thanprovide the information to configure the chat client(exodus).
Voice over Internet Provider (VoIP)
• In the offices connected to the Ministry of Justice network, Advisers will be able to use voiceover Internet (VoIP) service. VoIP telephones contain an extension directory. They are alreadyinstalled in the different Institutions, but if additional VoIP telephones should be needed, theMinistry of Justice IT section can be requested by e-mail: [email protected].
VHF Radios and Call-signs:
• Programme Management Unit provides VHF Radios to the Advisers. The Security andSafety Unit will issue a call-sign and program the channels of the Radio.
• Mobile Phones and prepaid cards are not provided by the UNDP Justice Programme.
Specific needs can be discussed with the Chief Technical Adviser. Mobile Phones can bepurchased at Timor Telecom or in several electronic shops in Colmera. Prepaid cards forUSD 2, 5 or 10 can be bought in Timor Telecom form street vendors.
According to needs, UNDP Justice Programme Management Unit will provided laptops or desktopswith the follwing applications installed by default: • OpenOffice 2.3.1 with spell checker in Portuguese, English and Tétum: Text processor(Word), Spreadsheet (Excel) and Presentation (Powerpoint).
• Mozilla Firefox: Internet Browser for navigating on the Web.
• Thunderbird: E-mail Client for checking both emails from UNDP and Ministry of Justice.
• Exodus: Chat Client for internal communication with other Ministry of Justice users.
• PDFCreator: Printer for generating PDF documents from Word, Excel and Powerpoint files.
• Norton Antivirus: Antivirus software updated, licensed and configured to executeautomatic updates.
• Acrobat Reader: PDF reader for accessing and reading acrobat pdf documents.
• Winrar: Zip and Rar compressor, for compacting and extracting zip and rar files.
IT Contact Information
UNDP Justice System Programme Vehicles for Judicial Advisers (Judges, Prosecutors, Public Defenders and Legal Clerks) will beprovided through the national institutions. UNDP will support the national institutions, but specificneeds should be raised with the institutional supervisor.
UNDP Staff members are entitled to use UNDP cars for official business only.
Non-UN staff members (MoU and MoA contract holders) are not entitled to drive UNDP Vehiclesbecause of regulations and insurance coverage considerations.
Salaries and Entitlements are payed at the end of each month into a nominated bank account.
For MoA, SSA and SC contract holders, entitlement are processed by the UNDP Justice ProgrammeFinance Associate. The following documentation has to be provided to the Finance Associate: • Bank account details (local or oversee, submitted during check-in) • Certificate of Payment (for SSA and SC, to be submitted from 15-20 of each month) • Time Sheet (for SSA, to be submitted from 15-20 of each month) Financial Entitlements for UNV and ALD contract holders will be issued by UNDP UNV SupportOffice or UNDP Human Resources. Bank details have to be provided during check-in process.
On request of the Professional the payments can also be done via check, which has to be collectedat UNDP Finance Section.
Official travel expenses are refunded by submitting a F10 Voucher for Reimbursement of Expensesto UNDP Justice Programme Finance Associate (see Travel and Leave section).
Daily Subsistence Allowance
For MoU contract holders a Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) on Dili rate is payed in advance ona monthly basis. The UNDP Justice Programme Finance Associate normally process the paymentrequest between 20-25 of each month to UNDP Travel Unit. A check will be ready to collect atUNDP Finance Section by the end of the month or at latest by the 5th of the month to be payed.
On request of the Professional the payment can also be transferred to a nominated bank account.
In this case, bank details have to be provided to UNDP Justice Programme Finance Associateduring check-in process.
Hotel expenses for official travels to Districts are refunded by submitting a F10 Voucher forReimbursement of Expenses to UNDP Justice Programme Finance (see Travel and Leave section) Infrastructure (furniture, phone lines, photocopiers, electrical generator backup etc.) must beprovided by the national institutions. UNDP can and will support the institutions in cases of emergencyor when national institutions are not able to provide for urgent needs. These requests must bechanneled through the national institutions up to the Chief Justice, Prosecutor-General and Ministerof Justice, who will appreciate the urgency and eventually request help from UNDP.
National ownership is important and the need to develop capacity of administration and budget execution is crucial to guarantee a functioning Timorese Justice System and part of the policy ofthe capacity building programme of UNDP. Furthermore, unsolicited help is not well received bythe national authorities.
International legal advisers working for the UNDP Justice Programme have to complete differentrequirements of performance evaluations. UNDP requirements vary with the type of contract (pleasecompare table of different contract types and its requirements in the attachment).
Justice Programme specific performance evaluations comprise the Quarterly Review Report,
which has to be done every three months by all staff members. A sample of this evaluation form
can be found in the attachment.
Legal Advisers with national counterpart are evaluated by the counterpart, the institutional and
programme supervisor in a Joint Evaluation Report before contract expiry date.
UNDP Justice System Programme Culturally sensible advises for International Advisers
The following are some advise given by an international Judge working in a District Court: • Be a model and do nothing wrong in front of the Timorese. Be a good example for yourdirect national counterpart, but also for legal professionals as well as the court visitors.
• Take them serious and listen to what the have to say.
• Be very polite to all the people in the court.
• Express your thanks to them for coming to the court.
• Never do the work for your counterpart, but revise, sustain, give advise, help and explain.
• Train not only just your exact counterpart. Build capacity also for all court actors you workwith.
• Do not expect that nationals speak good Portuguese. Be patient and accept if they work inTetum. Ask the Interpreters/Translators for translations if needed.
• If you see nationals doing mistakes, do not correct them in public. Explain it to them later inprivate.
• Do not intimidate Timorese, if they do not understand what you explain.
• If you have conflictive situations with your international adviser colleagues, on a professionalor private base, do not show it to the nationals • Be prepared to train people with different skills and pay especial attention to the oncewhich show to be less skilled.
• Before your assignment ends, prepare a data base on a pen drive with importantinformation, documents, recommendations, lessons learned, things to know etc. which youyou want to leave behind for your national counterpart/ for your international successor etc.
Adherence of Legal Advisers to UN Media Principles
While working with UNDP Justice Programme as Legal Adviser, public statement about AdvisoryService as Mentor and Trainer implies the involvement of UNDP. Therefore, the UN Media policy,the principles and guidelines for United Nations Officials, must be respected and all publications,public statements, Interviews must be cleared beforehand with UNDP Justice ProgrammeManagement Unit.
UN Media Policy
The United Nations is committed to being open and transparent in its dealings with the press. It isthe interest of the United Nations to work work with the media quickly and honestly and to developa coherent communications strategy based on those same principles. However, it is importantthat sometimes confidences are kept, not to mislead or conceal, but to protect a diplomatic process.
The UN media policy requires therefore a balance between the need to be open and the need torespect confidentiality. As a matter of principles UN staff members may speak to the press withinlimits: • Speak only in your area of competence and responsibility• Provide facts only• Leave sensitive issues to officials who are specifically authorized to speak on them Speaking to the Media in their line functions
Legal Advisers speaking to the media in their line function role (e.g. as a Judge) are requested tofollow the rules of the national institution.
UNDP Justice System Programme UN Official Holidays in 2008
Timor-Leste public Holidays 2008
In addition, the law defines "official commemorative dates" which are not considered holidaysbut could be subject to time off from work: UNDP Justice System Programme UNDP and Justice Programme
Government and Ministry of Justice
Judicial and Human Rights
Further Websites on Timor-Leste
Reports and Articles on Timor-Leste4
Strengthening the Justice System in Timor-Leste Reports:
• Revised Programme Document. Enhancing the Justice System to Guarantee theDemocratic Rule of Law - Strengthening the Justice System in Timor-Leste. December2005• Annual Progress Report 2006. Report Date: February 2007• UNDP Justice Programme Update. Report Date: May 2007 Visões Jurídicas Brasileiras em Timor:
Three articles written by Brazilian legal Advisers working for UNDP Justice Programme: Frederico
Magno de Melo Veras (Judge), Roberto de Campos Andrade (Prosecutor), Rodrigo Esteves Rezende
(Public Defender). March 2008.
Commission of Inquiry Report
Report of the United Nations Independent Special Commission of Inquiry for Timor-Leste, Geneva,
2 October 2006
Security Council Resolution Report
Report of the Secretary-General on Timor-Leste pursuant to Security Council resolution 1690.
United Nations Security Council, 2006.
CAVR Report
Timor-Leste's truth commission, known as CAVR (Comissão de Acolhimento, Verdade e
Reconciliação) completed ist substantive work at the end of 2005 with the presentation of a 2800
page report. CAVR was the first commission of its kind in the region.
• Website:• Post-CAVR Secretariat bookshop: Chega CD Rom, Chega Executive Summary and otherpublications.
Further information: Pat Walsh, Senior Adviser, Post-CAVR Technical Secretariat, Rua de Balide,Balide, Dili. Email: [email protected] Mobile: 726 8423.
Traditional Justice
Doing Justic: How informal justice systems can contribute. By Ewa Wojkowska, UNDP, Oslo
Governance Centre. The Democratic Governance Fellowship Programme, December 2006.
A Brief Overview of the Role of Customary Law in Timor-Leste. By Dionisio C.B. Soares.
4If interested please liaise with UNDP Justice Programme Management Unit UNDP Justice System Programme On the struggle5:
• Dirty Little War by John Martinkus• Woman of Independence by Kirsty Sword Gusmao• East Timor's Unfinished Struggle: Inside the Timorese Resistance by Constancio Pinto• Dancing with the Devil: A Personal Account of Policing the East Timor Vote forIndependence by David Savage• East Timor: Genocide in Paradise by Matthew Jardine• East Timor: a Rough Passage to Independence by James Dunn, Xanana Gusmao• East Timor: The Price of Freedom by John G. Taylor• Bitter Dawn: East Timor: A People's Story by Irena Cristalis• The New Killing Fields; Massacre and the Politics of Intervention by Nicolaus Mills, KiraBrunner• East Timor: A Memoir of the Negotiations for Independence by Jamsheed Marker• Funu: The Unfinished Saga of East Timor by Jose Ramos-Horta• The East Timor Question: The Struggle for Independence from Indonesia by StephenMcCloskey, Paul Hainsworth• East Timor at the Crossroads: The Forging of a Nation by Peter Carey, G. Carter Bentley• From the Place of the Dead: The Epic Struggles of Bishop Belo of East Timor by Arnold S.
Cohen• East Timor: Testimony by Elaine Breire, Chomsky• Fighting Spirit of East Timor: The Life of Martinho da Costa Lopes by Rowena Lennox• Generations of Resistance; East Timor by Steve Cox, et al• Diplomatic Deceits: Australian Media and Politics in East Timor by Rodney Tiffen• Seven Days in East Timor: Ballot and Bullets, by Tim Fischer• East Timor: Too Little Too Late by Lansell Taudevin• Telling: East Timor Oral Accounts 1942 – 1992 by Michele Turner• East Timor: Out of the Ashes: The Deconstruction and Reconstruction of An EmergingState by James J. Fox, Dionisio Babo Soares• Indonesia's Forgotten War – The Hidden History of East Timor by John G. Taylor• Guns and Ballot Boxes: East Timor' Vote for Independence by Damien Kingsbury• East Timor and the United Nations: The Case for Intervention by Geoffrey C. Gunn• Is Oil Thicker Than Blood?: A Study of Oil Companies Interests and Western Complicity inIndonesia's Annexation of East Timor by George J. Aditjondro• East Timor and the Western Democracies by Noam Chomsky• The Indonesian Occupation of East Timor 1974 – 1989: A Chronology by John G. Taylor Culture and History:
• Tetum Ghosts and Kin: Fertility and Gender in East Timor by David Hicks• Cosmology and Social Life: Ritual Exchange Among the Mambai of East Timor by ElizabethG. Traube• Criado: A Story of East Timor by Ken White• The Crossing: A Story of East Timor by Luis Cardoso Tourism and Language:
• Lonely Planet East Timor• Lonely Planet East Timor Phrasebook 5 The following list of suggested books do not apply endorsement from UNDP Justice System Programme.
• East Timor, Land of the Rising Sun: A Travellers Guide Plus English – Indonesian – TetumDictionary by Octavio A. J. O. Soares• Mai Kolia Tetun: A Course in Tetum-Praca, the Lingua Franca of East Timor by GeoffreyHull • East Timor: Development Challenges for the World's Newest Nation by Hal Hill and JoaoM. Saldanha UNDP Justice System Programme Sample Form Quarterly Review Report
Quarterly Review Report of Professional
under Letter of Agreement with the UNDP
Period covered by report: _ to _ 200_
Title of position:
* Type: Counterpart, Mentee, Trainee **Level: 2 - 7 Discontinued counterpart positions
Sex and level of counterparts
Quarterly Review Report
A. Overall progress made in key result areas Key result areas agreed with
Progress made in achieving the key results
over the last quarter
Results area 1 (specify) Results area 2 (specify) Results area 3 (specify) Results area 4 (specify) Results area 5 (specify) * Rating: (X) Finalized, (T) On track and in progress, (P) Partial y undertaken, (D) Delayed or (N) Not started Quarterly Review Report
B. Problems, risks, constraints and actions taken to overcome them Key
Problems, risks, constraints both those that are within the immediate
Actions taken to manage those risks, overcome the
environment and those that are external
constraints and suggested responsibilities
Quarterly Review Report
C. Impact of technical advisory services on capacity building of national staff Key result areas
Capacity of counterpart staff to take over
Capacity development measures to
responsibilities – describe remaining gaps
Other areas (specify) * Rating: (4) Dependent, (3) Guided, (2) Assisted, (1) Independent, (N/A) Not Applicable – in case there is no counterpart Received by UNDP
Received by UNDP
Different Contract Types and its specific Conditions of Services and Regulation Activities of
United Nations
Special Services Service Contracts
Memorandum of
Memorandum of
Limited Duration
Assignment aligned International y Contact for national Cooperation International Legal to functions that are recruited UNV is project personnel. Agreement entered activities, whether Work is not part of between UNDP and contracted by the directly linked to recruited for her/his in project or within UNDP's central core the government of a Government of Timor- work of time-bond work but is within specific Country Leste. UNDP serves project activities specialized skil s and Ref: SSA project context or in (currently Portugal as an executing entity Ref: ALD Guidelines readiness to serve UNDP office on work and Brazil). The and has to ensure with volunteer spirit country in question that the policies and procedures governing terms without regard Ref: SC Guidelines the use of resources for financial benefit. / institutional capacity- of its Financial Institutions in TL. 6 month to 4 years 6 month with option From 1 day to a Over 6 months, for a 6 month or 1 year max. duration (incl. of extension period consistent ALD assignments in with project duration extension other UN agencies, periods under UNV, Ref: SC Guidelines SC and SSA) /Ref: ALD Guidelines Activities of
United Nations
Special Services Service Contracts
Memorandum of
Memorandum of
Limited Duration
Legal basis Personnel governed Volunteers governed Independent Personnel governed Personnel remain The Professionals by the 300 Series by Conditions of contractors vis-á- by explicit terms of have the legal status vis UNDP and not service contract Portugal/ Brazil and International UNV considered as UN have the legal status contractors vis-á-vis contractors vis-á-vis explicit terms of service agreement Entitlements Salary Salary established Salary established Initial contract for Service Contract entitlements are mobilization element Settling-in Grant (for shipment and Volunteer living UNDP provides Daily personal effects) Al owance DSA (on Dili rate) payed in advance at beginning Travel to and from Travel to and from Travel to and from Not entitled Travel to and from duty station (ful fare duty station (full fare duty station provides payment in duty station (full fare from and to economy air ticket) economy air ticket) (economy air ticket) cash for air ticket economy air ticket) duty station on appointment and Ticket fare for home on appointment from and to duty and separation or station as well as Activities of
United Nations
Special Services Service Contracts
Memorandum of
Memorandum of
Limited Duration
Annual travel lump months of continues lump sum option after 6 months of sum after 1st, 2nd and service service if contract is 3rd years of service/ CoS Brazil: air ticket payed by Brazil / MoU Daily Subsistence Daily Subsistence Daily Subsistence Daily Subsistence Daily Subsistence expenses for official Al owance, DSA: expenses / Official travel travels to Districts / reimbursed (F10 ) Ref: ALD Guidelines Finance Medical coverage Medical coverage Personal injuries The lump sum include coverage for death appropriate amount insurance borne and disability shall of cash for Life, health and Life, health and be provided under enrollment to local enrol ment to private permanent disability permanent disability a group insurance pension and medical MoU pension and medical Ref: ALD Guidelines / CoS and administered Activities of
United Nations
Special Services Service Contracts
Memorandum of
Memorandum of
Limited Duration
Headquarters. /SSA Medical and Medical and hospital Medical and hospital Consultation in UN Medical and hospital No charges payed by No charges payed by hospital care reimbursed by care reimbursed by Clinic possible, care reimbursed by UNDP. Consultation UNDP. Consultation care at UN insurance charges should be insurance in UN Clinic possible, in UN Clinic possible, Ref: ALD Guidelines covered by private charges should be charges should be covered by private covered by private No charges payed Expenses should be Expenses should be covered by private covered by private terminal expenses terminal expenses health insurance health insurance are payed by UNDP. are payed by UNDP. insurance Expenses related to Expenses related to treatment Not Mandatory but Not Mandatory but possible to attend possible to attend specific security briefing 6Service-Incurred Death, Injury or Illness: Individual subscribers who, under the terms of their contract, are required to travel (domestic or international) at UNDP's expense
or to perform services in a UNDP office, shall be provided corporate service incurred liability insurance, in the event of death, injury or illness attributable to the performance of
official UNDP duties. No charges are payed for health insurance.
Activities of
United Nations
Special Services Service Contracts
Memorandum of
Memorandum of
Limited Duration
mandatory UNDP SSUMOPs mandatory for travel Email/SMS security alert notification UNDP SSUVHF Radio networkUNDP SSUList of emergency contacts UNDP SSUEntitlement International staff International staff National staff no National staff no Activities of
United Nations
Special Services Service Contracts
Memorandum of
Memorandum of
Limited Duration
Not appointed as Included but not Included but not appointed as warden appointed as warden UNDP SSURelocation In a crisis situation In a crisis situation evacuation assistance assistance to non-UN to non-UN staff / 9staff / International staff In crisis situation the In a crisis situation Only if need for UN may lend security the UN may lend UNDP SSU international staff international staff National staff no evacuation results Only if need for assistance to non-UN evacuation assistance evacuation results to non-UN staff / 9 2.5 working days per 2.5 working days per Not entitled to 1.5 working days per 2.5 working days per 2.5 working days per completed month of completed month of annual leave completed month of completed month of completed month of 7In a crisis situation the UN may lend security and evacuation assistance to non-UN staff, when possible to the extent feasible, on a cost reimbursable basis, and with no obligation or guarantee implied. Judiciary Advisers are considered as "Essential staff", therefore not evacuated, unless in Security Phase IV. In Phase IV, UN will evacuate all Internationals for humanitarian reasons.
8 Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Justice, Superior Council of the Judiciary, Superior Council of the Prosecution and UNDP, April 2008 Activities of
United Nations
Special Services Service Contracts
Memorandum of
Memorandum of
Limited Duration
5 working days every 5 working days every Temporary every 12 weeks of every 12 weeks of continues service continues service continued service / continued service (For staff deployed (For staff deployed periodical y to Ainaro, Baucau, to Ainaro, Baucau, and subject weeks) HR to changeSick leave Max 12 weeks for 24 Not entitled Programme will have Programme wil have month, 6 weeks for tolerance up to the tolerance up to the accumulated to 24 same level as ALD same level as ALD days ful pay per weeks for <12 month contract holders of 2 contract holders of 2 working days each working days each Medical certification after 3 consecutive certification after 3 consecutive days / Performanc UNDP: RCA (online) UNV: Initial, annual UNDP: UNDP: Performance Justice Programme: Justice Programme: e Evaluation Justice Programme: and final report, Evaluation for SC M: Quarterly Review M: Quarterly Review M: Quarterly Review supervisor's Evaluation for SSA Justice Programme: Report M: Quarterly Review E: Joint Evaluation E: Joint Evaluation E: Joint Evaluation Justice Programme: Programme: M: Quarterly Review M: Quarterly E: Joint Evaluation Activities of
United Nations
Special Services Service Contracts
Memorandum of
Memorandum of
Limited Duration
E: Joint Evaluation E: Joint Evaluation accountEntitled to For official business For official business For official For official business only Drive only if recruited as a driver UNDP TIMOR-LESTE WARDEN LIST CORRECT AS AT: 28 April 2008
Zone 1, Central Hotel Temporary Covered by: Tony Monaghan Temporary Covered by: Tony Monaghan Zone 5, Bairo Pite Zone 4, Vila Verde Zone 5, Bairo Pite Zone 4, Vila Verde Zone 7, Kampung Alor Zone 7, Pantai Kelapa Zone 7, Kampung Alor Zone 7, Pantai Kelapa Zone 7, Kampung Alor Zone 7, Pantai Kelapa Zone 7, Kampung Alor Zone 7, Pantai Kelapa Zone 7, Kampung Alor Zone 7, Pantai Kelapa Zone 1, Bidau Massau Zone 1, National Hospital Alexandre Sarmento Alexandre Sarmento Zone 4, Vila Verde Zone 5, Bairro Pite Zone 4, Vila Verde Zone 5, Bairro Pite Zone 7, Heliport, Comoro Zone 9, Delta II, Comoro Zone 7, Heliport, Comoro Zone 9, Delta II, Comoro Zone 7, Heliport, Comoro Zone 9, Delta II, Comoro Zone 7, Heliport, Comoro Zone 9, Delta II, Comoro Zone 7, Heliport, Comoro Zone 9, Delta II, Comoro UNDP FIRE WARDENS FOR OBRIGADO BARRACKS
UNDP, Obrigado Barracks 7332531 D i l i M a p
Road Name
S e c u r i t y Z o n e s
Airport Round About C e n t r a l
N o r t h - W e s t
N o r t h - E a s t
N o r t h
Light House or Embassy Road Connector Road Between Light House and Comoro Road Connector Road Banana Road to Comoro Road S o u t h - W e s t
S o u t h - E a s t
Areia Branca Road or Beach Road Balide Road or Transport Road Note: Road numbers are in BLACK color
Production Agency: For corrections or amendments: S t r a i t o f W e t a r
UNMIT Chief GISMission HeadquartersObrigado BarracksBuilding 19, Room 22 Timor Leste GIS Portal,UNPOL, OCHA, GIS Unit,Topo Maps 1:25K (1993) International Airport BIDAU SANTANA Av. Dr. Antonio da Camara Central National AUS Avenida de Portugal dos Direitos Humanos (Comoro Road) v GRICENFOR Av. Jose Maria Marques Rua Jacinto Candido Rua L. R. Noronha Av. 15 de Outubro B R
Bemori BabaliLurai Kuluhum Taibesi Atas Ailoklaran Selatari This product is a property of United Nations UNMIT. This product is designed for UNMIT operational requirements. The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. DO NOT USE FOR NAVIGATION
Edited by the UNDP Justice System Programme
  • Induction Manual ANNEX-1.pdf


    Effect of grazing legumes or grass forages with or without corn supplementation on animal performance and meat quality of forage-finished beef

    EFFECT OF GRAZING LEGUMES OR GRASS FORAGES WITH OR WITHOUT CORN SUPPLEMENATION ON ANIMAL PERFORMANCE AND MEAT QUALITY OF FORAGE-FINISHED BEEF. A. Wright, J. Andrae, M. Miller, P. Gunter, C. Fernandez Rosso, E. Pavan and 1Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634 Angus x Hereford steers (n = 32) were used in a 2-yr study (2011 and 2012) to examine forage type (legume species, alfalfa and soybeans LG vs. grass species, tall fescue and sudangrass, GR) and daily corn supplementation (0%, NS, vs. 0.75% BW, CS) on animal performance and carcass quality. Steers grazed (May-August) for a total of 105 d when finished to an equal time endpoint. Upon completion of the finishing period, steers were slaughtered and carcass data were collected. Steaks (2.5 cm thick) from the longissimus dorsi muscle (LM) were collected for measurement of proximate analysis and tenderness after different postmortem aging times (2, 4, 7, 14, 28 d). Data were analyzed in a mixed model using a 2x2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Steer was the experimental unit and year included as a random effect. Corn supplementation (CS) increased (P < 0.05) average daily gain (ADG), hot carcass weight (HCW), dressing percentage (DP) and tended (P < 0.06) to increase fat thickness at the 12th rib (FT). CS also increased (P < 0.05) yield grade (YG) and tended to increase (P < 0.07) quality grade (QG). In terms of forage, LG increased (P < 0.05) DP and HCW, with a tendency to increase ADG (P < 0.06). CS resulted in lower (P < 0.05) concentrations of CLA c9t11 and n-3 FA. Steers receiving CS had a higher (P < 0.05) n-6:n-3 ratio (3.1 vs. 2.4), but both are lower than the 4:1 ratio recommend by health officials. Grazing GR increased (P < 0.05) saturated FA due to greater (P < 0.05) concentrations of stearic (C18:0) acid. LG forage increased calcium content of the LM. Tenderness was only affected (P < 0.05) by postmortem aging. Grazing legumes during finishing improves HCW and DP, and tends to improve ADG. Corn grain supplementation to grazing steers improved animal performance while not negatively impacting the nutritional qualities of the meat. Introduction: Forage-finished beef remains a niche market in the U.S., but it continues to grow each year in terms of consumer demand. This is related to perceived human health and environmental benefits (low-input production systems). There are also studies (Franzluebbers, 2007 and Russelle et al., 2007) suggesting economic and environmental benefits when crops are integrated with forage based livestock systems. Forage finishing beef with our without corn supplementation, provides an opportunity for producers to integrate livestock and crops. The primary human health benefits associated with finished beef when compared to feedlot-finished beef are less saturated fat, improved n-6:n-3 fatty acid ratio, and a higher percentage of conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) (French et al., 2000; Pavan et al., 2008; Fincham et al., 2009.) Duckett et al. (2009) reported that meat from forage compared to concentrate diets had higher concentrations

    How to make the lactic acid yoghurt for crohns: www

    Ebook Word Document: Complimentary Treatment Strategies for CFS IBS and many other immune related illnesses – the recovery plan I followed that cured my CFS: Please note that below treatment strategies are only to complement existing treatment and in no way replace current medical treatment The following is a brief summary of some notes from . This book literally saved my life and I was so greatful that I came across it. I really suggest you buy Patient Health self from Amazon or the Maker's diet as it's an essential recovery tool for anyone who is seriously unwell. I want to firstly say that I am in no way affiliated with any of the below products mentioned, there is no benefit in me telling you this important knowledge and no this is not some MLM marketing propaganda - I simply want you to know this amazing program that saved my life and may help you – everyone should know about this. And it is not only important for anyone who wants to recover from bowel problems but basically it may help recovery from any illness that is affected by a weak immune system.