Even if Viagra is not needed, it is possible that the doctor will be able to determine the etiology of erectile dysfunction and prescribe appropriate treatmen https://vgraustralia.net it doesn't pay to forget about sexual activeness even at the first sings of malfunction.
How to make the lactic acid yoghurt for crohns: www

Ebook Word Document:
Complimentary Treatment Strategies for CFS IBS and many other immune related
illnesses – the recovery plan I followed that cured my CFS:
Please note that below treatment strategies are only to complement existing treatment and in no way
replace current medical treatment
The following is a brief summary of some notes from . This book literally
saved my life and I was so greatful that I came across it. I really suggest you buy Patient Health
self from Amazon or the Maker's diet as it's an essential recovery tool for anyone who is
seriously unwell. I want to firstly say that I am in no way affiliated with any of the below
products mentioned, there is no benefit in me telling you this important knowledge and no this is
not some MLM marketing propaganda - I simply want you to know this amazing program that
saved my life and may help you – everyone should know about this. And it is not only
important for anyone who wants to recover from bowel problems but basically it may help
recovery from any illness that is affected by a weak immune system.
I owe my recovery from CFS to Jordan Rubin who wrote this book and so do countless others who have had CFS, Crohn's disease and immune related illnesses. This program and products used completely different for anything out there, there in a league of the own – I know I've tried everything on the market to get well!
Just look at how Jordan was saved using his program: (I find this amazing!)
Photograph 1. Shown is Jordan Rubin before he was
Photograph 2. Here you see Jordan Rubin who is now 25 years
introduced to homeostatic soil organisms. Here Jordan is
old after thriving for five years on HSOs in the new food
19 years old (about to turn 20) when he stood six-foot,
supplement that he formulates and distributes as Primal
one-inch tall at a weight that had fallen to 104 pounds.
Defense. This Primal Defense formulation is the well-researched
Having been at death's door and just released from the
and ever-evolving product that saved Jordan's life, restored his
hospital, here he remains exceedingly ill with Crohn's
health, and now helps to reestablish the health of thousands just
How is the gut related to my health problem?
The below treatment strategies have helped many people overcome different illnesses. Good gut
management and gut repair can modify and manage many immune disorders outside the gut.
Without gut repair and good gut ecology return of health is unlikely. Below complementary
treatments have assisted people's recovery from mental illness, learning disorders,
hypoglycemia, autism, memory problems, chronic fatigue, bowel disease, auto-immune,
inflammaory bowel diseases, arthritis and celiac and latent celiac disease.
Why are seemly unrelated health conditions related to the gut?
The human body, is an organism of 100 trillion (1014) cells and of this 90 trillion are
prokaryotic (bacterial) and 10 trillion are eukaryotic ('human'). Each human cell supports 50-100
bacteria or bacterial descendants. The human gastrointestinal tract is the focal point for this
maintaining this balance of bacteria in the body. An advanced array of immunological
interactions and defenses constantly interplay between the body and gut to maintain the health of
the individual. Infact, the human intestine is the largest organ of the immune system and
comprises of millions of bacteria in symbiotic balance with the host. Specialised defences, not
fully understood, are in place for the protection of the gut from infectious pathogens and
therefore maintain the integrity of the gut mucosa.
Overuse of antibiotics, poor diet and nutrition, stress, infection and inherited gut disorders such
as celiac disease are known to contribute to weakened gastrointestinal health. When the balance
of the gut is compromised there is increased risk of gut infection and possible breakdown of the
immunological health of the body. So important is this balance, it is noted that 'The brain and
body state' is achieved as a reward for looking after our micro flora - according to Evgeny
Rothschild, (Science Spectra 6, 1996).
Why are these products better than what's currently available in Australia? Latest
developments in nutritional medicine allow for more effective products and hence treatment. In
particular ,the development of 'predigested' supplements from companies like garden of life
allow for individuals with sensitive digestive systems to experience safer, quicker and more
effective treatment. Through predigest ion product ingredients are broken down into their
simplest form – making them extremely powerful while virtually eliminating allergic
compounds such as gluten and salicylates. This allows for greater effectiveness and utilization
of nutrients that are in a form that is 'body ready'.
Please note that these strategies are complimentary in nature and so not a replacement for
current medical treatment and advice.
If you read Patient Heal Thyself by Jordan Rubin he goes into detail and what products to use
for what condition below is a brief summary of the program used:
Complimentary Treatment and prevention Strategies for illnesses: (Please note that
below treatment strategies are only to complement existing treatment and in no way replace your
medical treatment)
We highly recommend you source an orthomolecular doctor while you undergo this
program, - although gut imbalances contribute to many illnesses there are a number of
other underlying conditions which may also contribute to mental illness which can
also be diagnosed by a doctor qualified in environmental /orthomolecular medicine.
The below treatment strategies have helped many people overcome different illnesses
- infact using protocols outlined below there are numerous testimonials of recovery
from the 'incurable' such as celiac disease, Austism, mental illness, bowel disease,
learning disorders, hypoglycemia, autism, memory problems, chronic fatigue,
bowel disease, auto-immune disease, arthritis
Recommended you r
Please print out and use for reference:
Step 1) Low immune reactive diet:
Firstly a low immune reactive diet is needed to stop poorly digested food fractions
initiating autoimmune damage, and inflammation.
Many people with mental illness are latent celiacs or have celiac disease
and must either avoid gluten for the rest of their life or until their gut heals
For this Dr Chris reading recommends patients use hisThe Makers dietby Jordan Rubin is also an ideal low
immune reactive diet. This diet is preferred as it is very easy to follow and practical.
Step 2) a) Reduce Inflammation
For those with celiac disease or inflammatory conditions the active inflammation must be
reduced befoe probiotic treatment, Please try product FYI
FY1 For your Inflammation (garden of Life) , Best choice take 2-3 weeks before probiotics.
obtained from
Step 2) b) Eliminate Infection and repair immunological balance of the gut
Even if no direct gut symptoms are evident it is important to eliminate possible infection. Clinical presentations of gut infections often exhibit with non-gastrointestinal symptoms such as food allergies, sleep disorders, immune disorders, depression and mental illness. Medical tests for detection of infection causing gastritis or bowel infection problem needed. A complete digestive stool count (CDSC - Great Smokes Lab) sometimes helps but results not always definitive.
Antibiotic treatment may be needed in some cases such as cipro/norfloxacin (for ecoli etc), flagyl (for parasites), or a macrolide (double therapy for helicobactor) to clear the gut infection or gastritis. Please check with you doctor first to eliminate and diagnosable infections or get a CDSC done from Great Smokes Lab (note - not all infections may be diagnosed with current pathology tests). After antibiotic treatment probiotics are then recommended as they colonise better after antibiotic treatment. Normal probiotics are unable to colonise gut, hence proven probiotics needed to recolonise successfully:
1)Test for gut infections - if antibiotics needed take first.
2)Start probiotics - To Eliminate all other infections - use only Primal defense ULTRA
(Garden of Life), – broad spectrum effective soil based special probiotic, effective
against all pathogens, parasites, fungus, mycoplasmas, worms, bacteria, viruses in the
gut and in the body. Also repairs malabsoption disorder. Triggers missing 'neuro-immune
response' response hence reestablishes and allows the gut to eliminates pathogens naturally
and also works systemically in the body. Takes 3 or more to notice improvement.
3)After 2 months on primal defense ULTRA we recommend the Probiotic Yoghurt or
OMX 12 capsules (instructions below)-see below repairing good gut ecology with OMX
12 yoghurt - superior antibacterial probiotic similar to natural gut flora.
People with mental illness or intolerance to primal defense- often people with mental
illness have a persistant fungal infection we recommend for this the product Threelac
first in this case after antibiotic treatment and before primal defense - depletes thrush.
Candida causes intestinal permeability which causes many mental illness, depression,
chronic fatigue and chemical sensitivities. Threelac is superior to nystatin, diflucan,
sporonox etc. Works quickly results 1-2 weeks or up to 1 month for chronic thrush.
Non responding gut imbalances try feacal Transfusion Sydney with Gastro Dr Borody
3) Correct Malabsorption and improve digestion–
Omega zyme (garden of Life)- Important as this prevents accumulation of undigested
fractions by assisting complete digestion of all foods . Superior to other enzymes. This enzyme is extremely potent and contains 20 or so different enzymes in therapeutic amounts. It breaks down gluten and 20 other compounds so is vital if you can not digest foods well.
Nutrient dense Green food - perfect food super green formula (garden of Life) , Pre-
digested green foods are best, they are body ready and do not require well functioning digestive systems. Predigestion eliminates gluten and allergic fractions so reduces brain irritation, it is superior nutrition with all needed nutrients and vital for detoxification. Dense green foods contain broad spectrum of all needed nutrients such B vitamins and many nutritional factors not available in synthetic vitamins.
Hydrochloric acid tablets
Amino acids Goatein (garden of Life) natural balanced amino acid powder from
predigested goat milk - important for brain function, depression and hypoglycemia and blood sugar balance.
5) Maintenece to Heal villi and immune defense of the gut
Goatein (garden of Life) - high in glutamine Colostrum 80/40 casein free, lactose free , propernutrion.com Seacure, proper nutrition (helps leaky gut and inflammation heal, Omega 3 peptide) RM-10 - required if you are immune deficient or chronic fatigued Goat colostrum, Goatein IG, Mount Capra goat colostrum
Note: Latest developments in nutritional medicine allow for more effective products and hence
treatment. In particular ,the development of 'predigested' supplements from companies like garden
of life allow for individuals with sensitive digestive systems to experience safer, quicker and more
effective treatment. Through predigest ion product ingredients are broken down into their simplest
form - virtually eliminating allergic compounds such as gluten and salicylates. This allows for
greater effectiveness and utilization of nutrients that are in a form that is 'body ready'
How to make The Lactic acid Yoghurt:
Making this special lactic acid yoghurt is the best way to save on expensive probiotics. Lactic acid
yoghurts are superior to other fermented products like kefir and acidophilus milk. Good results are
seen in those who use this yoghurt for 3 months.
You will need a good yoghurt maker (moulinex) and strong Cultures
The best cultures are OMX-12, VSl#3 or continental liquid acidophilus.
These make potent lactic acid yoghurts. Lactic acid is the most powerful antiseptic and kills bad
bacteria and fungi in the gut. OMX-12 is recommended as it is the only probiotic that is proven to
permanently colonize successfully in the gut for long periods and is proven to kill clostridium,
MRSA and even anthrax bacteria!
Yoghurts are best taken after and even during broad spectrum antibiotics as the first bacteria
introduced into the gut after antibiotics are often the ones most likely to re-colonize the gut wall.
The recommended milk used is goat's milk, however you may use cows but this may contain
mycobacterium avium (which may cause crohns) and many people are allergic to cow's milk
proteins. Goat or cows milk is the best medium for cultures to grow in.
Yoghurt cultures will only grow in milk that is boiled. Milk from the supermarket contains bacteria
(even though it is pasteurized) that prevent the yoghurt to culture correctly and must be boiled first.
You can not use UHT or normal soy milks as they will kill the active cultures. However, If you do
not have time to boil milk you may use BONSOY soy milk as this is the only soy milk that cultures
can grow in and does not need boiling unlike cow or goats milk.
Step 1 Boil and sterile all containers in the yoghurt machine first.
Step 2 Heat goats or cow milk until it reaches boiling to sterilize the milk
Step 3. Allow milk to cool and remove the skin that forms.
Step 4 Leave in fridge until cool
If you do not have time to boil milk you may use BONSOY instead, this special natural soy milk
sets well and does not require boiling or cooling
Step 5 Poor milk into yoghurt container tubs (leave caps off)
Step 6 Add culture. ( eg 1 pack VSL for 4 tubs)
If you a reusing an existing tub of yoghurt you must place of 1/3 or ¼ existing yoghurt into each tub
Step 7 Leave overnight for at-least 15 hours (the longer the stronger the culture)
If you are making the yoghurts with OMX you will need to put 10 capsules in one tub with VSL.
OMX will not set unless mixed with VSL initially. However, Once set you may use this tub to
remake another batch of OMX yoghurt.
Firm set yoghurt means a good culture. The yoghurt must have an acidic taste – this means the
lactic acid bacteria are strong. If not set firmly or does not have an acidic taste this means the
culture is too weak as it may be not heated long enough or contaminated. Do not use.
Reusing an existing tub of yoghurt for the next culturing often results is stronger lactic acid yoghurt
over time. If is only recommended to do this 7 times in a row and then restart with culture sachet to
prevent possibility of long term contamination.
Do not store yoghurt maker in a stale environment and always sterilize before using.
VSL #3 obtained from OMX 12/primal defense from
Hypo-allergenic Diet:
Common irritants and food allergies should be avoided in many illnesses to achieve optimum health. This diet and avoidance list has may used for conditions such as arthritis, mental illness and more by Dr Reading for many years. Many people have specific food intolerances as well, so allergy testing should be incorporates to remove other suspect allergens as well. Below Diet and information and courtesy of Dr Reading.
The Diet:
The following should be avoided:
1) Alcohol contains yeast, malt, barley extract, congeners, fermented grapes etc should be avoided
2) Pressor amino rich foods: curry, chilli, sauces, prices herbs, chokos, zuchini,capsicum,
3) Additives: Colouring, preservative ,additives, a critical additives MSG 627, tartrazine 102,
sunset yellow 100, sodium benzoate 211 (210,212,213) and sodium metasuplhide 223 are
particularly to be avoided.
4) Yeats and fermented foods: contain over 70 glycoprotein fractions known to be immunogenic
5) Grains: many schizophrenics patients are missed coeliacs or latest coeliacs gliadin in grains
should be avoided
6) Cows Milk: Alpha-casein, alpha lactalbumin, beta lactoglobulin in cows milk to be avoided
7) Beef: Beef which also contain albumin globulin should be avoided
8) Eggs: which also contain albumin globulin should be avoided
9) Legumes and beans; which contain lectins such as wicilins, arachins, conaachins, agglutins and
other toxic digest should be avoided
10) Solinacease: the nightshade family of foods should be avoided i.e., tomato, potato, eggplant,
capsicum, tobacco/cigarettes
11) Salicityes: foods naturally containing salicylates includes: plums, prunes, peaches, cherries,
cucumber, cranberries, strawberries, gooseberries, citrus, apples, nectarines, currants, dill pickles,
blackberries, grapes, raisins, oranges, dried fruit and almonds.
Print and cut out for quick reference:
Allowed foods:
Dr. Chris
Suite 12A
Pacific Medical Centre
Provider Number 0408333W
8-12 Pacific Parade
Telephone (02) 9982 9586
DEE WHY. N.S.W. 2099
Facsimile (02) 9971 7901 P.O.Box
587, DEE WHY
Meat & Fish
Apricot (tinned)
Beetroot (no vinegar)
Pineapple (tinned)
Sweet Potato Flour
Dr. Chris M.Reading
Suite 12A
Pacific Medical Centre
Provider Number
0408333W 8-12 Pacific
Telephone (02) 9982 9586
DEE WHY. N.S.W. 2099
Facsimile (02) 9971 7901
P.O.Box 587, DEE WHY
Taking Primal Defense Ultra and what to expect:
How to take Primal Defense Ultrazorbe Caplets
How Many / How Long. This is a therapeutic product. Proceed gradually. Primal Defense
begins to clean out toxins and pathogens right away. However, if you increase too quickly, the
cleansing will occur faster than the body can eliminate the accumulated toxins. This may cause
some discomfort (see "What to Expect When Taking Primal Defense Ultrazorbe Caplets")
1. How many: Start with one 900mg caplet per day and work up to a minimum of six per
day for an average of about three months. This is done by taking one caplet for the first few days, two for the next few days, etc. People with severe problems may want to work up to and stay on a higher dosage longer. The therapeutic dosage for chronic or problematic illness is an average of twelve 900mg. caplets per day. During the three month period you will saturate your body with beneficial bacteria and allow the immune system functions to react. After three months or so you can gradually decrease back to the recommended maintenance serving of three caplets per day (one bottle per month).
2. Water: Drink plenty of water: 8-10oz of only distilled or reverse-osmosis filtered water.
3. When to take: Primal Defense is most effective when taken on a timed schedule. It is
best to take the product 2-3 times per day equally spaced out by time. Take on an empty stomach at least 1/2 hour before meals, first thing in the morning or before bedtime.
Prohibitions. The following prohibitions should be observed:
1. NO CHLORINATED WATER. Chlorine can kill beneficial bacteria in the body. Use
distilled or reverse osmosis filtered water only. Drinking chlorinated water once in a while (such as in a restaurant) is OK.
2. NO HARSH HERBAL COLON CLEANSES. These may be too invasive and interfere
with the bacterial balance. If constipation occurs take a mild herbal laxative. HSOs cleanse the colon of putrefaction and balance colonic bacteria environment. This is generally accomplished in a gentle, systematic manner.
3. COLON HYDROTHERAPY (physical cleanses, water only, no oxygen) is an excellent
method of removing die-off bacteria parasites, and also to remove broken up mucoid (putrefaction)
4. NO PARASITE KILLERS. Primal Defense and olive leaf extract will assist the body
with the elimination of parasites, both regular and amoebic. Some herbal parasite killers may interfere with soil organisms ability to colonize.
5. ANTIBIOTIC DRUGS. It is believed that antibiotics MAY kill much of the bacteria in
the GI track, although some strains may survive. There's no definitive research on this subject. The developing biochemist recommends continuing to take Primal Defense (as far apart from the antibiotic ingestion as possible) and increasing the dosage after the antibiotics. Do not take Primal Defense within several hours of other medications.
LIFESTYLE ADJUSTMENTS. Many things we do in our daily life affect our bacterial
balance, absorption, and immune system. The following adjustments are suggested to increase
your body's positive response.
1. DECREASE COFFEE consumption. The acid in coffee will interfere with the bacterial
environment. Try to consume no more than 1 cup per day.
2. DECREASE SUGAR and CARBOHYDRATES (including pasta). These feed parasites
and yeast / fungi and can cause imbalances leading to diabetes and other abnormal conditions. Most of us have yeast and fungus overgrowth. Although Primal Defense will deal with this over time, why feed the pathogens if you don't have to? Many people report a decrease in sugar / carbohydrate cravings after being on the product for several months.
3. INCREASE FRESH FRUIT and VEGETABLE consumption. This will facilitate good
elimination. Try our concentrated whole food product PERFECT FOOD. It is the nutritional equivalent of 5-10 servings of organic vegetables and the Vitamin C equivalent of 2 servings of fruit (per 2 level tablespoons) There are no fillers and no herbs in Perfect Food, and people who use it report increased energy and better elimination.
4. INCREASE WATER consumption. You should be drinking at least eight 8-oz glasses of
good water (not juice) a day on an empty stomach. Water helps flush toxins from the body to prevent re-absorption.
OTHER SUPPLEMENTS OR MEDICATION. Primal Defense can increase absorption.
This means everything you ingest, including supplements, drugs and food, will be absorbed and
assimilated better. You will need to monitor any medication, such as insulin and blood pressure
medicine, to insure that you are not taking too much. Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and
whole food supplements (such as greens) are fine. Many people can eliminate enzyme
supplements. Primal Defense is enzymatic in action especially when taken before meals. Primal
Defense can replace other probiotics. Primal Defense contains ocean phytoplanktons (similar to
blue/green algae) that contain over 70 micronutrients. These micronutrients are easily absorbed,
providing a good base of trace minerals, proteins, and enzymes.
What To Expect When Taking Primal Defense "UltraZorbe Caplets
What Are Beneficial Bacteria? The beneficial microorganisms in the Primal Defense are
multiple strains of beneficial "transient" and "resident" bacteria. Our bodies do not manufacture
soil bacteria; we used to ingest them every day with unpolluted food from rich non-chemical
soil. Since it is difficult to get unpolluted food or soil any more, and we live a lifestyle that kills
off much of the good bacteria in our bodies, we have to supplement our diet every day with
these organisms. "Resident" bacteria such as acidophillus can only proliferate when we eat the
right living foods, our colons are not overrun with yeast or pahogenic bacteria, and our colonic
pH is slightly acidic. Beneficial bacteria have multiple function in our bodies. One is to cleanse
the rotting layers of undigested hydrocarbons lining our digestive system (including the small
intestine); another is to trigger the immune system to create extra immune-bolstering chemicals
and extra antibodies (B-lymphocytes). These vigorous antibodies travel the body searching out
pathogens or foreign matter, and the increased immune function helps eliminate parasites as
well as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and yeasts that are in the body actively or left over from
previous illnesses. A fight then begins between the revitalized immune system and the
pathogenic invaders that will cause a "die-off" (detoxification).
90-Day Program. "Good" bacteria in our intestines are responsible for keeping the "bad"
bacteria in check to establish proper balance in the GI tract. Because most of us have
putrefaction and bad bacteria, the friendly bacteria in Primal Defense must battle overwhelming
odds to crowd out pathogens and have enough left over to provide the immune system with the
arrive at your current health state overnight. If you are taking the product because you have a
COMMIT TO A MINIMUM OF 90 DAYS at the recommended dosage.
Toxin Elimination. Your body may go through a "Healing Opportunity" period. As the body
cleanses and repairs itself, toxins MUST BE PURGED from the body. For example, a "cold" is
not "the sickness", a cold is the process by which your body eliminates the toxins after the fact.
Many people have very few or mild toxin-elimination responses. But some MAY go through
what is known as a "Herxheimer Reaction" when the body goes through a bout of what is or has
been a symptom of illness. In homeopathy, it is commonly assumed a Herxheimer Reaction is a
desired signal meaning the treatment is working. Symptoms of a prior condition repeating for a
period of time are called "retracing". If you do experience a "healing opportunity", Do Not
Panic, This is Normal! The HSO's in Primal Defense are not making you sick. The yeast, fungi,
harmful bacteria, parasites or viruses in your body are reacting to your body's own cleansing
Many people, when they understand why they may get a reaction, welcome any temporary discomfort they might experience as evidence of the cleansing and healing process. This discomfort is usually short and mild, from several hours to a day or two depending on the individual. For example, a person with allergies may go through an allergic period with headaches, stuffed nose, etc. Someone with chronic fatigue may go through a short time of exhaustion or weakness. A period of constipation is common as putrefaction is being pulled from the colon.
1. Bowel Function. If you've had constipation for a long time, you may have bouts of
constipation while the digestive system goes through the normalization process, especially at
the higher levels of Primal Defense. Increased constipation is a result not merely of lack of fiber
but absence of the good bacteria necessary for enzymatic action on the food. Primal Defense
will help your body regulate the elimination process. THIS WILL TAKE TIME. Eat more fresh
fruits and vegetables to aid in the process and take a good green drink (try our "Perfect Food"
organic whole food powder) as a supplement. If at any time you become too uncomfortable,
decrease the dosage (i.e. if you are taking 6 caplets, back down to 3 or 4.) Do no be alarmed if
your stools become very dark. This is the putrefaction being eliminated.
2. Headaches, Sore Throat, Body Aches, Allergic Symptoms, Runny Nose, Phlegm,
Pimples or Skin Rashes, Flu-like Symptoms. These are regarded as classic symptoms of
detoxification of the body. Rarely will these reactions cause much discomfort; often they last
for only several hours and sometimes several days. Poisons have to come out of the body
somewhere, and usually come out in the weakest areas. If one has had pneumonia or lung
problems, often he will experience mucous and phlegm coughed up from the lungs. Sinus
problems often result in headaches as the toxins are being eliminated through the digestive
will help flush the toxins out of the system.
3. Yeast and Fungus. Primal Defense is extremely aggressive against yeast and other fungi. If
you have this problem, start by taking a small amount (1/2 caplet) and gradually increase to 9 to
12 per day. Many people experience yeast elimination very quickly. Sometimes this process
takes several months. You may go through some sugar/carbohydrate cravings or even mild
depression and tiredness. THIS IS NORMAL and will pass. If you get fecal tests, do not be
surprised if more yeast or "bad" bacteria show up in your stool in the first several months. They
have to come out somewhere! Because this elimination can be very quick or heavy, proceed
reduce to 1 caplet. Do not stop taking the product! Just slow down so the toxin elimination is
not so fast. Remember, if you are ill, the only way back to permanent health is to eliminate the
cause of the disease, not to treat symptoms with drugs.
Latic Acid Yoghurt Secret Recipe:
How to make The Lactic acid Yoghurt to aid for Crohns, Irritable Bowel, chronic fatigue
and Candida: As recommended by gastroenterologist Dr Borody
Save money on expensive probiotics!!!
Making this special lactic acid yoghurt is the best way to save on expensive probiotics. Lactic
acid yoghurts are superior to other fermented products like kefir and acidophilus milk. Good
results are seen in those who use this yoghurt for 3 months.
You will need a good yoghurt maker (moulinex) and strong Cultures
The best cultures are OMX-12, VSl#3 or continental liquid acidophilus.
These make potent lactic acid yoghurts. Lactic acid is the most powerful antiseptic and kills bad
bacteria and fungi in the gut. OMX-12 is recommended as it is the only probiotic that is proven
to permanently colonize successfully in the gut for long periods and is proven to kill
clostridium, MRSA and even anthrax bacteria!
Yoghurts are best taken after and even during broad spectrum antibiotics as the first bacteria
introduced into the gut after antibiotics are often the ones most likely to re-colonize the gut
The recommended milk used is goat's milk, however you may use cows but this may contain
mycobacterium avium (which may cause crohns) and many people are allergic to cow's milk
proteins. Goat or cows milk is the best medium for cultures to grow in.
Yoghurt cultures will only grow in milk that is boiled. Milk from the supermarket contains
bacteria (even though it is pasteurized) that prevent the yoghurt to culture correctly and must be
boiled first. You can not use UHT or normal soy milks as they will kill the active cultures.
However, If you do not have time to boil milk you may use BONSOY soy milk as this is the
only soy milk that cultures can grow in and does not need boiling unlike cow or goats milk.
Step 1 Boil and sterile all containers in the yoghurt machine first.
Step 2 Heat goats or cow milk until it reaches boiling to sterilize the milk
Step 3. Allow milk to cool and remove the skin that forms.
Step 4 Leave in fridge until cool
If you do not have time to boil milk you may use BONSOY instead, this special natural soy
milk sets well and does not require boiling or cooling
Step 5 Poor milk into yoghurt container tubs (leave caps off)
Step 6 Add culture. ( eg 1 pack VSL for 4 tubs)
If you a reusing an existing tub of yoghurt you must place of 1/3 or ¼ existing yoghurt into each
Step 7 Leave overnight for at-least 15 hours (the longer the stronger the culture)
If you are making the yoghurts with OMX you will need to put 10 capsules in one tub with
VSL. OMX will not set unless mixed with VSL initially. However, Once set you may use this
tub to remake another batch of OMX yoghurt.
Firm set yoghurt means a good culture. The yoghurt must have an acidic taste – this means the
lactic acid bacteria are strong. If not set firmly or does not have an acidic taste this means the
culture is too weak as it may be not heated long enough or contaminated. Do not use.

Reusing an existing tub of yoghurt for the next culturing often results is stronger lactic acid yoghurt over time. If is only recommended to do this 7 times in a row and then restart with culture sachet to prevent possibility of long term contamination.
Do not store yoghurt maker in a stale environment and always sterilize before using.
RECEIPE VSL #3 obtained from
OMX 12/primal defense from
Homeostatic Soil Organisms Support Immune System Functions from the Ground Up
by Morton Walker, DPM (Townsend Letter Aug/Sept 1997)
Who is Jordan Rubin?
The body's gastro-intestinal tract is a key to optimum health. If your gastrointestinal tract isn't at optimal health, your health is compromised. This is true for everyone. It is called the law of the gut. Good health requires taking care of your gastrointestinal tract. In Jordan Rubin's case, his diarrhea and abdominal cramping were secondary to extreme intestinal dysbiosis-a condition that occurs when the population of organisms residing within the gastrointestinal tract becomes unbalanced.
Normally, populations of disease causing bacterial flora are kept in check by competition from good bacteria and because of symbiosis, which is the mutually interdependent relationship among the hundreds of intestinal microbial species residing within the body's gastrointestinal tract. There are many causes of dysbiosis. One of the biggest culprits is overuse of antibiotics. In Jordan's case, although doctors were not sure of what was causing his extreme illness, they kept prescribing antibiotics.
No doubt, antibiotics are miracle drugs, but, in this instance, they wiped out both the good and bad bacteria populating Jordan's gastrointestinal landscape. The growth of yeast, fungi and disease-causing bacteria within his gastrointestinal tract damaged his gut lining, promoted
absorption of internally produced toxins, and impaired absorption of nutrients. With dysbiosis also came the breakdown of his body's immune barrier; the gastrointestinal tract is critical to the body's immune function, since, with normal health, this is where most of the body's antibody producing cells are produced. Jordan's dysbiosis led to a host of debilitating illnesses:
Chronic, four-plus candidiasis (the absolute worst rating given for candida from the
prestigious Great Smokies Diagnostic Laboratory which tests for such conditions) with elevated blood antigens for the candida pathogen.
Infestation by parasites including Entamocba histolytics (amoebic dysentery),
cryptosporidium, Giardia lamblia and roundworms.
Incipient diabetes with extremely poor circulation (his whole lower leg was purple due to
lack of circulation).
Jaundice, besides other liver and gallbladder problems. Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and arthritis. Insomnia. "The most I ever slept was an hour and fifteen minutes." Hair loss. Endocarditis (heart infection). His pulse rate was 110 resting due to adrenal insufficiency,
and his heart rate was as high as 220.
Stomach ulcers, prostate and bladder infections. Infection with H.pylori and clostridium.
Another key to his health breakdown might have been stress related to a heavy schedule at FSU, coupled with his deteriorating dietary habits. Jordan was on academic and athletic scholarships, participating in a traveling singing group, and belonged to a fraternity. He was pushing his body to the limit.
During the summer of his nineteenth year he started to experience serious digestive disorders, including massive diarrhea. Jordan tells what happened, "When I went to summer camp where I was a counselor, I lost 20 pounds and had the worst case of thrush you had ever seen. I went to a family practitioner who tested me for viruses and AIDS, gave me an antibiotic and told me to go back to school."
He returned to FSU and continued eating highly processed foods including refined carbohydrates and sugar - the very kind of food that promotes the growth of disease causing bacteria. For a youth who had been brought up on organic food and grains, it was a major culture shock to his gastrointestinal tract. At one point, he suffered high fever and was so anemic he had to fly home in an emergency situation where he was hospitalized for the first time in his life.
Jordan was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease, a condition primarily involving the small bowel and proximal colon that causes the intestinal wall to thicken and narrowing of the bowel channel, possibly blocking the intestinal tract. The result is abnormal membrane function, including nutrient malabsorption. About 90 percent of patients with Crohn's Disease experience frequent and progressive symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea, and weight loss. This can lead to extreme weight loss seen in other wasting conditions such as cancer and AIDS. He was given
corticosteroids, sulfa drugs, antiparasitic medication, metronidazole (Flagyl), and just in case his gut wasn't in bad enough shape already-even more antibiotics.
This time, it was Flagyl that may have done him in. Flagyl "is known by doctors and pharmacists alike as the ultimate 'bowel sweeper, taking everything-including friendly bacteria-with it," notes author Michael Loes, M.D., M.D.(H.). Jordan remained hospitalized for two weeks. "I still thought I would be able to go back to school," he recalls. "I remember switching from IV to oral steroids. I had hallucinations. I was disoriented. At this point, my digestive problems continued.
Everyday I had between 12 and 30 bowel movements, mostly bloody, also abdominal pain." No one knew how to help Jordan. Doctors thought they did. But they did not. The road to his pending demise was littered with the good intentions of doctors and health professionals. He was in a no man's land without help and going down quick.
Jordan finally decided to embark upon his own healing quest. "When I got out of the hospital I began a search around the world that took me to 70 health practitioners in seven different countries, including physicians, chiropractors, immunologists, acupuncturists, homeopaths, herbalists, nutritionists, and dieticians. I tried every diet. I consulted with some of the foremost practitioners throughout the world, including Dr. Robert Atkins and Barry Sears, Ph.D., author of The Zone. I tried between 300 and 500 nutritional supplements. I took over 20 probiotic and enzyme preparations, fibers and anti-parasitic formulas. I took upwards of three bottles a day of probiotics. I tried liver detoxification.
I did cell therapy with injectable sheep cells. I used carnivora (venus fly trap extract). I used massive doses of L-glutamine. I used the Ultraclear detoxification program on three separate occasions. I tried glandulars. I used injectable vitamins and minerals. I used injectable thymus gland extract. I consumed wheat grass juice. I tried colonies. I tried Chinese herbs, Peruvian herbs, olive leaf extract, and shark cartilage. I tried macrobiotics. I used nitrogenated soy. I went to alternative cancer clinics in Mexico and Germany. Often, I returned worse than when I began." His weight went down to 104 pounds.
He was sick for another year. He was now wheelchair bound. He did not socialize with friends. He lived in a cloud of depression. He dropped out of college for medical reasons. He never left home. He read - about 350 health books. He was not suicidal but didn't care whether he lived or died. He reasoned that, with dying, at least he could join God. If a jet on which he flew during his travels had crashed, he would have called such a tragedy an escape. Doctors finally told him the only hope he had was to go to Cedars-Sinai where surgeons would remove his large intestine and connect the small intestine to his rectum. He read the doctor's transcripts of his medical records. His physician called his condition the worst case of Crohn's disease ever seen and expressed doubt Jordan would live to return home from the hospital. His blood had virtually zero iron and, still, he should've been dead.
"Scientists and Doctors today are mystified by the proliferation of new viruses-not only the deadly AIDS virus but the whole gamut of human viruses that seem to be associated with
everything from chronic fatigue to cancer and arthritis," note Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, Ph.D., in the 1999 book, Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats. "They are equally mystified by recent increases in the incidence of intestinal parasites and pathogenic yeasts, even among those whose sanitary practices are faultless. Could it be that. in our insistence on a diet in which everything has been pasteurized, we have compromised the health of our intestinal flora and made ourselves vulnerable to legions of pathogenic microorganisms?"
If so, say these authors, the cure for these diseases will be found not in vaccinations, drugs or antibiotics but in a restored partnership with the many varieties of beneficial organisms found in the microscopic world. Jordan discovered the miracle of homeostatic soil organisms (HSO's) from the seventy-first person he met in his quest to find a cure for his deadly downward spiral.
This mysterious man sent Jordan a little bag of black powder. Jordan was skeptical, but the note with the package said inside were the nutrients missing from today's pesticide-sterilized, barren soils. Not only trace minerals but organisms. Living organisms that had been wiped out by the wholesale pesticide treatment of America's farm lands, pasteurization of foods, and modern man's disdain for all microorganisms-even those life-supportive microorganisms our bodies need for great health. Jordan tried the powder. He felt like he was eating dirt. But, one month later he noticed in his excreta "black tar like stuff." Thirty days later, he had newfound energy. This wasn't dirt. This was a miracle.
There are few areas of the world today whose natural ecology has been untainted by modern man. But the discoverer of HSO's specialized in bacterial research and had been exploring certain regions of the world for their soil organism content when he discovered a pristine rainforest teeming with soil microorganisms. He brought soil samples to his laboratory and found a colony of rare organisms of beneficial origin, once in our foods, especially primitive fermented foods, but now having virtually disappeared from our modern lives.
As medical journalist Dr. Morton Walker, reports, "These homeostatic soil organisms appear to be as old as the Earth."
In nature, HSO's get to digest inorganic substances, protect root systems from parasites, yeast, and fungi and provide growth factors and different hormones. As William C. Bryce, M.D., Ph.D., notes, "Just as HSO's destroy molds, yeasts, fungi, and viruses in the soil of the organic garden, they perform the same function with pathological organisms present in the gut, which greatly enhances the body's immune system." With these organisms, Jordan was able to enhance his body's healing response. His immune function improved, since HSO's, we now know, stimulate the body's production of lactoferrin, interferon, and non-specific antibodies.
Upon ingesting them, the homeostatic soil organisms helped to maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora by producing organic compounds such as lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and acetic acid, which increased the acidity of his intestine and inhibited the reproduction of massive amounts of harmful microorganisms. The HSO's also produced substances called bacteriocins, which acted as natural antibiotics to kill almost any kind of pathological bacteria.
Jordan supplemented his HSOs with whole foods such as kefir, real sourdough bread, beef, chicken, fish, fruits, vegetables, raw sauerkraut, and carrot juice-fermented foods alive with microorganisms. The HSO's themselves were taking care of his underlying condition. In three months, he gained 70 pounds.
"My goal after getting well was to create a vehicle whereby I could reach people who were- suffering from gastrointestinal and immune system disorders," Jordan says. He began to design products based on the theory of anthropological nutrition. "We need to put our ancient foods back in our modern diet," he says-and that includes HSO's. That led with HSO's, the same HSO's, in fact, that healed Jordan. Do not confuse HSO's with typical probiotic formulas. Probiotic formulas are great, but HSO's add to our diet the many beneficial microorganisms modern agricultural and food processing methods have denied our bodies. HSO's contain 14 non-dairy probiotic strains provided intact in the fermented substrate in which they were grown.
The substrate is important. Unlike conventional probiotic formulas that deliver bacteria separated from their substrate, Primal Defense's HSO's are not spun in a centrifuge and taken away from their environment; instead, the HSO capsule contains a culture of specifically selected microorganisms incorporated into a growth medium that is transformed by the HSO's. "When in contact with aqueous solutions of any type (including body fluids), the HSO's begin reproducing and ingesting the host substrate medium," says Dr. Walker. "They form a protein biomass for the organisms' proper functions. By use of an unpatented but secret process, the HSO's are kept in a dormant state within powder until they become activated by their introduction into aqueous solutions such as water or juice."
Some experts say that ingesting HSO's is like eating a plant grown in pristine soil thousands of years ago. Says Dr. Walker, "The homeostatic soil organisms act as neutralizers of the poisons that ordinarily float in our food supply." Who should use HSO's? People with low energy levels, chronic fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis, and other autoimmune disorders (which often result from infection by mycoplasma or microorganisms) will benefit from Primal Defense. HSO's are particularly beneficial for elimination of parasites, protozoa, and mycoplasma infections.
People seeking a higher level of health will benefit from HSO's. Regular ingestion of HSO's tends to eliminate the yeast syndrome (candidiasis) from the entire body, and its invariably present vaginal yeast infection. People with digestive disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), are likely candidates for HSO's. Some 17.5 percent of people suffer symptoms of IBS, including bloating, abdominal discomfort, gas, and alternating diarrhea and constipation. Beneficial bacteria of the HSO type promote healthy digestion. Enzymes secreted by them aid in the metabolism of food. They produce digestive enzymes such as protease, amylase, lipase, cellulase, and lactase, the enzyme required to digest milk.
One fan of HSO's is board-certified gastroenterologist Joseph Brasco, M.D., of the Optimal Wellness Center, Schaumburg, Illinois. Keep in mind the following quote is not simply from a medical doctor but a board-certified gastroenterologist. "I believe that Primal Defense is applicable as a food supplement for everyone, whether a person is sick or not," says Dr. Brasco.
"The probiotic microorganisms found in this formula are proven to be helpful for the enhancement of health and prolongation of life. Such proof has been shown ever since mankind inhabited the earth. Primitive man absorbed the product's soil-based organisms from the environment in different ways; for instance, he buried meat and other food in the ground as a form of preservation. Such meat would combine with soil-based bacteria and be eaten to become a part of the human physiology, thus changing into what science now identifies as body-based organisms. Such friendly microorganisms, having established themselves in the human gut, create an environment for optimizing human nutrition."
"Eating vegetables directly out of the soil as part of food was good for primitive man. The organisms living in that soil caused primal man to thrive. But today it's different! Given the paranoia that modern men and women in western society feel against ingesting soil of any kind, these ancient soil-based organisms no longer are part of our food supply," continues Dr. Brasco. "Yes, times do change! It used to be that a pioneering farmer working his fields, the so-called 'sod-buster,' who became hungry simply dug into the ground, pulled up some carrots, brushed off the dirt, and chomped away on vegetables containing the residual dirt and all. The farmer kept his gastrointestinal tract functioning well by ingesting these extracurricular homeostatic soil organisms."
"But that's not the way it is anymore. So fastidious are residents of Western industrialized nations that too much cleanliness has become somewhat detrimental to one's gastrointestinal tract. We have to eat dirt once in a while."
"Where Primal Defense kicks in is that its microorganisms are unlike other probiotics or beneficial gut bacteria. Rather, they are quite unique. The homeostatic soil organisms maintain intrepid health for modern men and women the way primitive man experienced it. Where people specifically find advantage in using Primal Defense is in situations involving chronic disease of gut origin." "Since my expertise lies in the area of gastrointestinal disorders, this product is a primary therapy that I utilize on a routine basis. Certainly with my seeing patients suffering from inflammatory bowel disease, it is one of the main tools I employ for treatment. I use this probiotic, which combines plant sterols and sterolins plus cereal grass juice in a formulation that is ever being improved, exactly as the manufacturer dictates. I give everyone a trial on Primal Defense. My standard procedure is to work up a patient to his or her optimal dosage and then maintain that dose as long as it's effective. So, I use it both preventively and therapeutically because the product's homeostatic soil organisms [HSO"] have definitely been part of the human diet for many thousands of years."
"Only, the HSO's have been lost as a result of our modern food processing methods. People with arthritis, chronic constipation, Crohn's disease, colitis, and other gut linked systemic conditions improve by supplementing with the Primal Defense whole food ingredients."

Photograph 2. Here you see Jordan Rubin
Photograph 1. Shown is Jordan Rubin before
who is now 25 years old after thriving for five
he was introduced to homeostatic soil
years on HSOs in the new food supplement
organisms. Here Jordan is 19 years old (about
that he formulates and distributes as Primal
to turn 20) when he stood six-foot, one-inch
Defense. This Primal Defense formulation is
tall at a weight that had fallen to 104 pounds.
the well-researched and ever-evolving product
Having been at death's door and just released
that saved Jordan's life, restored his health,
from the hospital, here he remains exceedingly and now helps to reestablish the health of
ill with Crohn's disease.
thousands just as he had been.
Homeostatic Soil Organisms As Your Primal Defense Against Disease
by Morton Walker, DPM (Explore! For The Professional Volume 10, Number 2, 2001)
"One of my first patients benefiting from her ingestion of the extraordinary homeostatic soil organisms was a forty- nine-year-old female forest ranger named Maria Strang who was infected with Lyme disease. The illness had sapped her of strength. She could hardly rise from bed and of course wasn't able to work as a state forest ranger," Maxine Murray, N.D., CNHP, MA, told me during our recent interview. "Just a week-and-half after I had put her on ten daily capsules of Primal Defense, my patient joined some friends for a jaunt on her bicycle. Maria underwent a complete restoration of strength, and she kept taking the capsules for a month more in order to get on with her life.
"In another case, Manfred Rechsheim, a twenty-eight-year-old construction worker consulted me last year for the treatment of red hot, open, bleeding sores all over his body and on his face. He felt emotionally depressed, had been fired from his job for absences caused by the skin lesions, and offered a long history of taking therapies. Mr. Rechsheim received every possible treatment one could imagine, all of which had failed miserably. The treatments were part of the patient's case study. Three different dermatologists had been unable to produce a single viable diagnosis. Ruling out psoriasis and eczema, this undiagnosed condition had been part of his life since the man was fourteen years old.
"While I had no ready answers for him, I thought giving Primal Defense probiotics a try might do something for the unfortunate fellow. I told him that the skin is a reflection of what's
happening in his intestinal tract. He took twenty capsules a day for six weeks until the skin lesions were entirely gone," declares Dr. Murray. "They just disappeared. Frankly, I was amazed at the result. Although there were no more eruptions, I had him continue with ten capsules of Primal Defense daily for three months to insure that he remained well. Today he takes five a day as a preventive measure, with his skin remaining smooth, clear, and flawless.
"I think that this patient's skin troubles came directly from the gut and the poisonous junk foods he had been eating. He ate sausage or pizza on and off the job. Primal Defense probiotics did not act as a calmative for the man's skin; rather, this product had eliminated his persistent gastrointestinal tract toxicity," Dr. Maxine Murray confirms. "It's my belief that toxins within the GI tract are the prime sources of much pathology we health professionals are seeing every day in our treatment rooms."
Board-certified gastroenterologist Joseph Brasco, M.D., is associated with renowned family medicine specialist Joseph M. Mercola, D.O., at the Optimal Wellness Center in Schaumburg, Illinois. Exhibiting a passion for treating complex chronic illnesses by integrating lifestyle changes with innovative tools in nutrition and energy medicine, both physicians routinely prescribe or dispense this same potent, proprietary probiotic formula, Primal Defense.
"I believe that Primal Defense probiotics is applicable as a food supplement for everyone, whether a person is sick or not," affirms Dr. Joseph Brasco. "The probiotic micro-organisms found in this formula are proven to be helpful for the enhancement of health and prolongation of life. Such proof has been shown ever since mankind inhabited the earth. Primitive man absorbed the product's soil-based organisms from the environment in different ways; for instance, he buried meat and other food in the ground as a form of preservation. Such meat would combine with soil-based bacteria and be eaten to become a part of the human physiology, thus changing into what science now identifies as body based organisms. Such friendly microorganisms, having established themselves in the human gut, create an environment for optimizing human nutrition.
"Eating vegetables directly out of the soil as part of food was good for primitive man. The organisms living in that soil caused primal man to thrive. But today it's different! Given the paranoia that modern men and women in western society feel against ingesting soil of any kind, these ancient soil-based organisms no longer are part of our food supply," continues Dr. Brasco. "Yes, times do change! It used to be that a pioneering farmer working his fields, the so-called 'sod-buster,' who became hungry simply dug into the ground, pulled up some carrots, brushed off the dirt, and chomped away on vegetables containing the residual dirt and all. The farmer kept his gastrointestinal tract functioning well by ingesting these extracurricular homeostatic soil organisms.
"But that's not the way it is anymore," sadly reports this gastroenterologist who exclusively practices natural medicine. "So fastidious are residents of Western industrialized nations that too much cleanliness has become somewhat detrimental to one's gastrointestinal tract. We have to eat dirt once in awhile.
"Where Primal Defense probiotics kicks in is that its microorganisms are unlike other probiotics or beneficial gut bacteria. Rather, they are quite unique. Their homeostatic soil organisms maintain intrepid health for modern men and women the way primitive man experienced it," Dr. Brasco says. "Where people specifically find advantage in using Primal Defense is in situations involving chronic disease of gut origin. Since my expertise lies in the area of gastrointestinal disorders, this product is a primary therapy that I utilize on a routine basis. Certainly with my seeing patients suffering from inflammatory bowel disease, it is one of the main tools I employ for treatment. I use this probiotic, which combines plant sterols and sterolins plus cereal grass juice in a formulation that is ever being improved, exactly as the manufacturer dictates. Garden of Life, Inc., located in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, makes an excellent adjunct to the food supply.
"I give everyone a trial on Primal Defense probiotics. My standard procedure is to work up a patient to his or her optimal dosage and then maintain that dose as long as it's effective. So, I use it both preventively and therapeutically because the product's homeostatic soil organisms [HSO] have definitely been part of the human diet for many thousands of years. Only, the HSOs have been lost as a result of our modern food processing methods," states Dr. Brasco. "People with arthritis, chronic constipation, Crohn's disease, colitis, and other gut-linked systemic conditions improve by supplementing with the Primal Defense whole food ingredients.
"Allow me to offer an illustrating case history. About sixteen months ago, Marion Frome, an eighteen-year-old manicurist from a nearby Illinois town consulted me for the treatment of Crohn's disease. She arrived after many forms of therapy had failed her. It was only after I prescribed Primal Defense that her diarrhea came under control, abdominal cramping stopped, mal-absorption corrected itself, and fistulae around the anus healed. She had an exceedingly positive response, and my perception has been that this is standard procedure for Primal Defense," says Dr. Joe Brasco. "My medical associate has had similar experiences with the product, too."
"Based upon Dr. Brasco's excitement with Primal Defense, I became interested in the product approximately two years ago. Today, this probiotic has become the A-number-one nutritional supplement that we use in our Optimal Wel1ness Center," confirms Joseph M. Mercola, D.O. "From its possessing at least fifteen different strains of beneficial bacteria efficacious for the gut, we are getting marvalous results with Primal Defense probiotics. I have literally put thousands of people on it, which is incorporated into a full detoxification program by me. The product is an incredibly potent and effective agent for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease [IBD], and most especially for this condition's subset, Crohn's disease. I recommend all of my IBD patients to take it.
"If I see any reduction in results from a person's daily usage of Primal Defense, I switch my patient off the product and onto something else. I use only what is working for the individual. That has been my rule in this medical center during the entire length of its operation for the past fifteen years," says Dr. Mercola. "And successful case histories are easy to come by; for instance, a couple of years ago I was visited by Mrs. Sarah Haimes, a thirty-eight-year-old homemaker being treated with various steroids and antibiotics for the control of symptoms
related to irritable bowel syndrome [IBS]. She suffered with recurrent abdominal pain accompanied by spastic colon, functional diarrhea, a great deal of psychological stress, and emotional conflicts, all of which are characteristic of IBS. Mrs. Haimes was desirous of having a child, too, but the constant discomfort of her symptoms prevented conception.
"But then the situation changed for this patient. After she took Primal Defense probiotics for a period of six weeks, all of her health problems had become better. In fact, some months later Sarah reported that she had improved so much, she was able to become pregnant. Today, I'm happy to advise that mother and baby are doing very well," Dr. Mercola says.
Those Friendly Bacteria in Primal Defense
Homeostatic soil organisms - truly potent probiotics - comprise the main ingredients in Primal Defense; their inclusion is vital for the illness prevention and therapeutic efficacy of the product. Probiotic bacteria favorably alter the intestinal microflora balance, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, promote good digestion, boost immune function, and increase resistance to infection1,2.
Those individuals with flourishing intestinal colonies of beneficial bacteria are better equipped to fight the growth of disease-causing bacteria.3,4
Upon ingesting them, the homeostatic soil organisms incorporated into Primal Defense maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora by producing organic compounds such as lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and acetic acid, which increase the acidity of the intestine and inhibit the reproduction of massive amounts of harmful microorganisms.5,6 The HSOs also produce substances called bacteriocins, which act as natural antibiotics to kill almost any kind of pathological bacteria.7
Beneficial bacteria of the HSO type promote healthy digestion. Enzymes secreted by them aid in the metabolism of food. They produce digestive enzymes such as protease, amylase, lipase, cellulase, and lactase, the enzyme required to digest milk, which is lacking in lactoseintolerant individuals.8 Symptoms of IBS frequently are alleviated by intake of the HSOs in Primal Defense. Among the populations of western industrialized countries, irritable bowel syndrome is likely the most common gastrointestinal disorder affecting 17.5 % of the people. It usually exhibits symptoms of bloating, abdominal discomfort, gas, and alternating diarrhea and constipation. Furthermore, IBS patients may suffer with backaches, fatigue, and other seemingly unrelated problems. A subtle but steadily increasing malnourishment from the habitual eating of overly processed foods such as hamburgers, frankfurters, pizza, and the like has recently come under suspicion as the main cause of IBS.9
Regular ingestion of HSOs tends to eliminate the yeast syndrome (candidiasis) from the entire body, and its invariably present vaginal yeast infection in particular. The review of research on candidiasis will cause you to conclude that both topical and oral use of probiotics can prevent yeast infection caused by candida overgrowth.10 Most definitely, anyone can avoid ever again
experiencing heartburn or associated GI tract symptoms by swallowing capsules of Primal Defense™ and/or other probiotics on a daily basis.11
Diarrhea is a devastating symptom that often complicates a variety of illnesses. Most damaging is that it flushes friendly intestinal micro organisms out of the gastrointestinal tract, leaving the body vulnerable to opportunistic infections. Replenishing the beneficial bacteria by supplementing with Primal Defense invariably helps to prevent new infections. The incidence of "traveler's diarrhea," caused by pathogenic bacteria in drinking water or undercooked foods, can be reduced by the prophylactic taking of probiotics, especially HSOs.12
HSOs™ are vital if the aim of treatment is to re-colonize the intestine during and after antibiotic use. Supplementation with the friendly bacteria which make up Primal Defense replaces the beneficial bacteria lost to antibiotics. Thus, up to 50 percent of re-infections are prevented from occurring after usual antibiotic usage.13
So what are the living components which make up these homeostatic soil orgarusms in the Primal Defense formulation? Identifying them by their Latin names, these fifteen HSOs consist of the following: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus delbreukii, Lactobacillus caseii, Lactobacillus caucasicus, Lactobacillus fermenti, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus helveticus, Lactobacillus leichmannii, Lactobacillus lactis, Bacillus licheniformus, Bacillus subtilis, Bifido bifidus, and Sacchromyces boulardi contained in an HSO™ host medium of plant derived minerals, ionic trace elements, and phytoplanktons. Also present are juices extracted from 100 percent certified organic gluten-free cereal grasses and a proprietary blend containing phytoSterols/Sterolins.
These HSOs™ are derived from the soil and from plants. When you ingest them as capsules it's equivilent to eating a plant grown in pristine soil thousands of years ago. No more are you taking in pesticides, herbicides, antibotics, chlorine additives, fiuorine, pollutants, carcinogens, atherogens, allergens, mutagens, autointoxicants, toxic metals, and other pathology-producing substances. The homeostatic soil organisms act as neutralizers of the poisons that ordinarily float in our food supply.They come from unpolluted sources and are currently cultured in a pristine environment maintained in laboratories operating in the United States.
The HSOs™ in Primal Defense probiotics are grown according to the discoverer's proprietary methods. The substrate in which they are delivered contains trace elements, enzymes, and proteins from plant life holding more than seventy trace minerals and micronutrients. As a result, the product's friendly bacteria stay dormant in the capsule but become active through contact with the digestive fluids. Due to the proprietary Microflora Delivery System (MDS), the product does not require refrigeration.
How Do HSOs Probiotics Work?
Supplementing with capsules of Primal Defense probiotics is the start of a major nutritional event for one's body. The capsules of HSOs remain unaffected by stomach acids and the digestive process. Forming colonies attached to the intestinal walls as they travel by peristalsis
through the human gut, these homeostatic soil organisms become activated and multiply in the gut's comfortable, warm, dark, and nourishing environment in which nature has adapted them to live. The HSOs™ double their population every fifteen minutes. They undertake nature's assigned task of establishing the appropriate pH in the gut, absorbing its nutrients, and warding off or consuming pathogens, usually by phagocytosis.
These supplemented bacteria, which bring great advantages to the individual ingesting them, break down hydrocarbons and subdivide food into its most basic elements which allows for nearly total absorption through the gut's mucosa. Undoubtedly the increased absorption improves overall nutrition and enhances cellular development. Thus, if the consumer is eating properly and ingesting Primal Defense™ , he or she is receiving maximum nourishment from food intake.
Functioning on behalf of the body's metabolism at its optimal rate, HSOs produce their effects within the gut. They dislodge accumulated decay clinging to the mucosa and flush out waste that gets dislodged. The HSOs™ act as virtual internal colonic irrigations administered biologically rather than mechanically.
The proteins they produce behave like antigens by encouraging a person's immune system to produce large pools of uncoded antibodies. The production of B-lymphocytes, T-lymphocytes, and other white blood cellular elements, plus the extra influx of antibodies markedly boosts an individual's ability to ward off disease. There is a certainty that Primal Defense supplementation is an immune system modulator.
As mentioned, symptoms of the yeast syndrome respond well to HSO ingestion, and in the same way this treatment is effective against pathological molds, fungi, bacteria, viruses, and parasites.
Working symbiotically with somatic cells from tissues, organs, and other body parts, HSOs consume unused proteins and eliminate waste products resulting from cellular metabolism.
Finally, the living HSO components provide an iron-binding protein called Lactoferrin which is essential for chelating (retrieving) the iron mineral from foods. This action occurs because the probiotic microorganisms produce Lactoferrin as a byproduct of their metabolism. All of us must have some quantity of iron as a vital mineral for bodily functions, but too much iron can lead to iron overload in the blood (hemochromatosis). Daily ingestion of HSOs probiotics can prevent iron overload from occurring.
The action of HSOs in the GI tract is succinctly and simply described to patients by naturopath Maxine Murray, N.D., of Redbank, New Jersey whose interview began our discussion. Dr. Murray explains to them: "The homeostatic soil organisms are able to eat up all the bad guys in the gut. These HSOs come equipped with hard hats, breast plates, Uzi automatics, and combat boots to clean out those terrorists bringing about pathology along the GI tract.
"Adding to the essential HSO probiotics actions, I have each patient drink 1/2 ounce of water for each pound of body weight per day spread over a 24-hour period," Dr. Murray says. "I further tell the patient: 'So much water gives you an internal shower. Using the water and their own salutary techniques, these HSOs do a massive amount of housecleaning. By Primal Defense bringing down the gut's population of pathogens which sap energy, destroy the life force, and eventually kill a person, your body is able to prevent illness and then take over to heal itself."
In Lake Charles, Louisiana, John Moreno, M.D., conducts the successful multi-faceted Lake Charles Advanced Medical Diagnostic Center, with two physician partners and other staff members. It is the largest practice of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in his state. Dr. Moreno is the only practitioner of CAM in Louisiana who has been granted hospital privileges.
"If a patient has any form of gastrointestinal problem, I start that person off with Primal Defense, because the product first stabilizes and then corrects GI problems," Dr. Moreno says. "It is the one therapeutic item that I make use of routinely. The first improvement I normally see is an increase in the patient's energy level, and that's good because this individual is then able to recognize how well the product is working. Furthermore, within the first few weeks both constipation and diarrhea clear up. They just correct themselves. So the patient observes himself or herself getting better. Such an experience is important for winning a person's confidence.
"To illustrate, a fifty-year-old white woman, Ms. Kate Robarts, our city's most popular church organist, consulted me because of her constant feeling of fatigue, muscle pain, short term memory difficulties, and a sense that in her words she said: 'I think I'm dying' Although she did not exhibit any GI problem, I started her on Primal Defense and the probiotic worked. The patient's symptoms just did eliminate themselves," Dr. Moreno says. "Her improvement started with a vast elevation in the woman's energy. Songs she had seemingly forgotten on the organ keyboard came back to her mind, and the music she sent forth was reflected as sounds of great joy. Everyone hearing her play knew that Kate Robarts was feeling better.
"With her happiness restored, the lady has referred at least three dozen new patients to me. The music alone caused people to recognize that Dr. John Moreno had something going that was valuable treatment," says the physician. "Kate Robarts' case is the closest I've ever seen that could be described as a miracle response to a remedy I had prescribed."
Back about three-and-a-half years ago, Dr. Walker, you wrote an article published in the Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients about soil-based organisms. I read it, was moved strongly to try the remedy you had described, and since that time I've dispensed Primal Defense to hundreds of people.14 Other than occasional Herxheimer reactions [pathogen die-off], I find the patients have no adverse responses to the product.
"I use Primal Defense™ probiotics myself, taking two capsules twice a day strictly for gut maintenance purposes. If my daily stress increases, I will double my dose. It's one of the
remedies that I believe strongly in - everybody should take Primal Defense each day," says John Moreno, M.D.
Source: http://members.optusnet.com.au/gutmind/bowel.pdf
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 34 (2005) 106–117 Phylogenetic analysis of the genus Thymallus (grayling) based on mtDNA control region and ATPase 6 genes, with inferences on control region constraints and broad-scale Eurasian phylogeography E. Froufea,b, I. Knizhinc, S. Weissd,¤ a CIBIO/UP, Campus Agrário de Vairão, 4480-661, Vairão, Portugal