Principles for the management of bruxism*
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2008 35; 509–523
Review ArticlePrinciples for the management of bruxism*
F . L O B B E Z O O * , J . VAN DER Z A A G * , M . K . A . VAN S E L M S * , H . L . H A M B U R G E R † &M . N A E I J E * *Department of Oral Function, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA) and †Departments of Neurology andClinical Neurophysiology, and Amsterdam Center for Sleep-Wake Disorders, Slotervaart General Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
SUMMARY The management of bruxism has been the
treatment of bruxism, while in the preceding decade
subject of a large number of studies. A PubMed
(1987–1996), only approximately 5% of the studies
search, using relevant MeSH terms, yielded a total of
dealt with the pharmacological management of
177 papers that were published over the past
bruxism. Unfortunately, a vast majority of the 135
40 years. Of these papers, 135 were used for the
papers have a too low level of evidence. Only 13% of
present review. Apparently, research into bruxism
the studies used a randomized clinical trial design,
management is sensitive to fashion. Interest in
and even these trials do not yet provide clinicians
studying the role of occlusal interventions and oral
with strong, evidence-based recommendations for
splints in the treatment of bruxism remained more
the treatment of bruxism. Hence, there is a vast
or less constant over the years: between 1966 and
need for well-designed studies. Clinicians should be
2007, approximately 40–60% of the papers dealt
aware of this striking paucity of evidence regarding
with this subject. The percentage of papers that
management of bruxism.
dealt with behavioural approaches, on the other
hand, declined from >60% in the first 2 decades
approaches, biofeedback, oral appliances, occlusion,
(1966–1986) to only slightly >10% in the most recent
medication, nutrition, study design, review
decade (1997–2007). In the latter period, >40% of the
papers studied the role of various medicines in the
Accepted for publication 22 December 2007
are frequently mentioned in relation to bruxism.
Further, it has been shown that bruxism is part of a
Bruxism is an oral movement disorder that is charac-
sleep arousal response. In addition, bruxism appears to
terized by grinding or clenching of the teeth. The
be modulated centrally by various neurotransmitters.
disorder may occur during sleep as well as during
Finally, pathophysiological factors like smoking, dis-
wakefulness, and has an estimated prevalence in the
eases, trauma, genetics and the intake of alcohol,
general adult population of approximately 8–10% (1).
caffeine, illicit drugs and medications may be involved
The aetiology of bruxism has a multifactorial nature.
in the aetiology of bruxism (1–3).
In the past, peripheral factors like occlusal discrepancies
Bruxism should be diagnosed along multiple axes,
and deviations in orofacial anatomy have been consid-
viz. questionnaires, an oral history taking (including a
ered the main causative factors for bruxism. Nowadays,
bed partner's report of grinding sounds), an extra-oral
such factors are known to play only a minor role, if any.
and intra-oral inspection for clinical signs of bruxism,
Recent focus is more on central factors. Psychosocial
and, in some cases, an electromyographic (EMG)
factors like stress and certain personality characteristics
recording of the activity of the masticatory muscles oreven a polysomnographic (PSG) recording of thesleeping patient. Any single one of these diagnostic
*Based on a lecture given at the JOR Summer School 2007 sponsoredby Blackwell Munksgaard and Medotech.
tools should not be used in isolation, because patients
ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
may not be aware of the presence of bruxism, the
The remaining 135 papers, which were published
clinical signs of bruxism may reflect a problem in the
between 1966 and 2007, show that research on bruxism
past rather than one in the present, and EMG and PSG
treatment is sensitive to fashion. Interest in studying the
only give a random indication of a disorder that
role of occlusal interventions and oral splints in the
fluctuates over time (1, 3, 4).
treatment of bruxism remained more or less constant
A host of dental problems have been ascribed to
over the years: during the entire period, approximately
bruxism, such as attrition (i.e. mechanical wear,
40–60% of the papers dealt with this subject. The
resulting from parafunction, and limited to the con-
percentage of papers that dealt with behavioural
tacting surfaces of the teeth), hypertrophied mastica-
approaches, on the other hand, declined from >60% in
tory muscles, fractures ⁄ failures of restorations or dental
the first 2 decades (1966–1986) to only slightly >10% in
implants, headache and pain in the masticatory system
the most recent decade (1997–2007). In the latter period,
(temporomandibular disorder pain; TMD pain) (1, 5, 6).
>40% of the papers studied the role of various medicines
Treatment of bruxism is indicated when the disorder
in the treatment of bruxism, while in the preceding
causes any one of these possible consequences. Unfor-
decade (1987–1996), only approximately 5% of the
tunately, there is a striking paucity of high-quality
studies dealt with the pharmacological management of
evidence regarding management of bruxism. Here,
bruxism. These time trends are illustrated in Fig. 1.
a focused overview is given of the various occlusal,
The type of material represented by the included
papers was classified according to the PubMed Publi-
approaches for bruxism. To demonstrate the complete-
cation Types as an indication of the scientific strength
ness of the review, the details of the literature search
of the papers. Figure 2 shows the percentage distribu-
strategy used are also provided.
A literature search was performed on 28 June 2007,
using the National Library of Medicine's Medical
Subject Headings (MeSH) Database and PubMed. MED-
LINE was searched with the following query: ‘Brux-
ism ⁄ therapy' or ‘Bruxism ⁄ drug therapy' or ‘Bruxism ⁄surgery' or ‘Bruxism ⁄ prevention and control' or ‘Brux-
ism ⁄ rehabilitation', restricted to ‘Major Topic headings
only' (MAJR) and using ‘English' and ‘Human' assearch limits. This strategy yielded 177 papers, 29 of
them being reviews. Of the 29 review papers, nine were
used for the present paper for the additional value of
Fig. 1. Time trends in bruxism treatment. Percentage of papers,
their reasoning. Five papers could not be traced by the
published in the three specified periods, which deal with occlusal,
institutional library, while a total of 17 papers were
behavioural, or pharmacological interventions of bruxism.
omitted for various reasons. For example, six of thesepapers dealt with the repair of tooth surface loss caused
by bruxism; not with the management of the disorderitself. The overview of the literature given here is
therefore primarily based on 135 papers (177 papers,
Case reports
minus 20 excluded reviews, minus five untraceable
papers, minus 17 omitted papers). The overview is
Letters to the Editor
supplemented with 15 papers that did not show up in
the literature search, but that were nevertheless
deemed important for the completeness of the over-view. These papers were traced using the reference lists
Fig. 2. Percentage distribution of the publication types within the
of already included papers.
set of included papers.
ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
tion of the publication types within the set of 135
maximal voluntary clenching cannot be interpreted in
included papers. Clearly, a vast majority of the 135
terms of bruxism.
papers have a low level of evidence. Only 13% of the
A number of letters to the editor and case reports
studies used a randomized clinical trial design, and even
have been published with the objective of presenting
most of these were more designed as experimental trials
convincing descriptions of the efficacy of occlusal
than as true clinical trials. In addition, it is not always
interventions in the management of bruxism, by means
clear whether bruxism during wakefulness, sleep
of either occlusal equilibration (10) or occlusal reha-
bruxism, or both were studied. Further, the use of
bilitation with composite resin materials (11). In 1973,
indirect or equivocally defined outcome measures for the
however, Stephens (12) expressed his awareness of the
quantification of bruxism is commonly encountered in
lack of science in this domain full of controversies and
the set of included papers. Publication type, bruxism
suggested that occlusal adjustment is indicated only as
type(s) and outcome measures are therefore part of this
part of a periodontal treatment plan when trauma from
review as to indicate quality of the evidence.
occlusion is present – a suggestion that was generallyfollowed by periodontists, especially in combinationwith the use of occlusal splints (13). More recently, in
Occlusal approaches
several letters to the editor, serious concerns and doubts
Two categories of occlusal management strategies for
have been expressed regarding occlusal interventions in
bruxism can be distinguished: ‘true' occlusal interven-
adult bruxers (14, 15) as well as in young bruxers with
tions and occlusal appliances.
a mixed dentition (16). Of all authors, Greene et al. (17)are the most explicit by stating that occlusal adjustment‘… further mutilate[s] the dentition beyond what the
‘True' occlusal interventions
bruxism itself has performed. This is a classical example
This category, that includes approaches like occlusal
of misuse of an irreversible procedure with no evidence
equilibration, occlusal rehabilitation and orthodontic
of its therapeutic value'.
treatment that is aimed at ‘achieving harmonious
As opposed to the afore-mentioned ‘low-quality
relationships between occluding surfaces', still gives
evidence' prescriptions, comparative studies, letters
rise to a great deal of controversies among dental
and case reports, only one study did use a randomized
clinicians and researchers. Protagonists usually claim
clinical trial (RCT) design (18). In that study, the
success of such approaches on the basis of their own
effectiveness of an orthodontic technique (viz. buccal
clinical experience. In the literature, however, no high-
separators) in relieving bruxism activity was evaluated,
quality evidence that supports the use of these irre-
and no differences between the active treatment and
versible techniques can be found: most of the papers on
control conditions were observed. In a letter to the
that subject are prescriptions (i.e. sets of statements,
editor regarding this publication, the developer of the
directories, or principles that describe an individual's
buccal separator technique failed to provide new,
approach to a clinical problem), comparative (single-
convincing evidence in favour of his technique (19).
cohort) studies, letters to the editor and case reports. As
In short, there is no support in the literature for the
an example of a prescription, Butler (7) described an
use of ‘true' occlusal interventions like equilibration,
occlusal adjustment procedure for the treatment of
rehabilitation and orthodontic alignment in the man-
bruxism, amongst others, however, without a proper
agement of bruxism. In view of the current insights into
theoretical basis. Similarly, Frumker (8) formulated a
the aetiology of bruxism, viz. that the disorder is mainly
set of principles for a successful occlusal treatment, on
regulated centrally – not peripherally (2, 20), future
the basis of an unfounded idea that the better the
research on this category of management strategies for
occlusal anatomy and function, the easier the bruxers
bruxism seems redundant.
‘relieve tension in the masticatory and associatedmusculature'. In an experimental comparative study,
Occlusal appliances
Holmgren and Sheikholeslam (9) tried to substantiatethe effects of occlusal adjustment on the myo-electrical
The second category of occlusal management strategies
activity of the jaw-closing muscles. However, their
for bruxism contains the frequently used occlusal
brief, daytime EMG recordings of postural activity and
appliances. According to an article by John Sedgwick
ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
in Newsweek of 4 December 1995, approximately
masseter muscle activity during sleep was found for
3Æ6 million ‘mouth guards' are being manufactured in
the NTI splint as compared with a ‘regular' hard
the USA on an annual basis. This represents a total cost
occlusal splint, no evidence for the NTI splint's long-
of at least $1 billion per year, indicating that insight
term efficacy or safety is available so far. Finally, the
into the efficacy of such appliances is important not
fourth prescription describes the scientifically unsup-
only from a dental point of view, but also from an
ported concept of the pre-fabricated and chair-side
economic one.
adjustable ‘Bruxism ‘S' Splint' that can be used in
As for occlusal equilibration and orthodontic treat-
combination with active orthodontic treatment (41).
ment, a vast majority of the scientific papers that deal
More research is needed to assess the efficacy and
with the role of occlusal splints in the treatment of
safety of such unconventional, chair-side solutions
bruxism are prescriptions, case reports, comparative
before their application in dental practice can be
studies and case–control studies. Most prescriptions
describe clinical and technical procedures for the
The case reports that deal with occlusal splints in the
manufacture of various types of splints. These splints
management of bruxism usually describe success in
have different names [e.g. occlusal bite guard (modi-
extreme and ⁄ or special-category patients. Bodenham
fied), bruxism appliance, bite plate, night guard
(42) successfully treated an athlete for sports-related
(daytime) clenching by means of a ‘bite guard' (hard
appearances and properties, but in essence most of
acrylic-resin splint) in the lower jaw, while Jones (43)
them are hard acrylic-resin stabilization appliances,
successfully treated a 5-year-old girl with sleep bruxism
mostly worn in the upper jaw (21–31). When a hard
and related headache by means of a hard maxillary
occlusal splint is intolerable for the patient, Taddey (32)
splint – a treatment that must obviously have an
suggests the use of a thin plastic shell like the one used
as-short-as-possible duration, as to prevent gross dis-
to apply home bleaching solutions. He claims that this
ruption of the orofacial growth and development. Two
solution works through a mechanism related to bio-
case reports describe the application of bimaxillary soft
feedback (see below); however, no evidence for the
splints for heavy bruxers (44, 45). This solution
efficacy of plastic shells in the treatment of bruxism is
reportedly has the advantage of grinding sound reduc-
provided. Three more prescriptions describe the man-
tion. Its durability, however, can be questioned. An
ufacture of soft-resin bruxism appliances (33–35).
interesting case is described by Cassisi et al. (46). Using a
Although the concept of soft splints is appealing, hard
longitudinal design, these authors showed that the
splints are generally preferred over soft splints for
number of EMG bruxism events per hour of sleep
practical reasons (e.g. soft splints are more difficult to
reduced in their 35-year-old female bruxer when a
adjust than hard ones), to prevent inadvertent tooth
hard occlusal splint or a palatal (non-occlusal) splint
movements, and because hard splints are suggested to
was worn as compared with a no-splint condition. On
be more effective in reducing bruxism activity than soft
the basis of their case study, the authors suggest that
splints (36).
more research is needed using groups of bruxism
Four prescriptions describe splints that do not
patients and a proper study design.
require a contribution of a dental laboratory. The first
Several studies assessed the efficacy of occlusal splints
one describes an ‘in-office' procedure for the manu-
in groups of bruxism patients, using a comparative,
facture of a regular hard acrylic-resin bruxism device
single-cohort ‘pre-treatment – post-treatment' design
that reduces the delay in starting a bruxism treatment,
and ⁄ or a case–control design. Although these are not
because no dental laboratory is involved (37). A similar
the strongest designs to assess the efficacy of treatment
prescription describes the chair-side manufacture of a
modalities (for that purpose, RCT with long-term
composite splint (38). The third prescription describes
evaluations are required), such studies are frequently
the chair-side adjustment of the so-called ‘Nociceptive
performed and the conclusions of these studies are
Trigeminal Inhibition (NTI) Clenching Suppression
stronger – and thus more valuable – than those of case
System' – a small anterior splint that is supposed to
reports. In an early study by Clark et al. (47), it was
be effective, amongst others, in the management of
shown that occlusal splint treatment resulted in a
bruxism (39). Although in a randomized crossover
decrease in nocturnal EMG activities in about half of
trial by Baad-Hansen et al. (40) an inhibition in
the patients, while in about a quarter of the patients, no
ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
change or – in the remaining quarter – even an increase
of their 86 study participants. Again, the use of
in EMG activity was observed. Using nocturnal EMG
indirect bruxism measures renders this study difficult
recordings as well, Hiyama et al. (48) found a significant
to interpret unequivocally. In contrast to the findings
reduction in bruxism activity while wearing an occlusal
of the above-described comparative and case–control
splint in all of their six study participants. An interesting
studies, Sheikholeslam et al. (54) and Yap (55) found
single-cohort study was performed by Okeson (36). He
no effects of the occlusal splint on active nocturnal
compared, in a group of ten bruxers, the efficacy of
bruxism. However, these studies used awareness of
hard versus soft occlusal splints. Both types of splints
bruxism behaviour (54) and wear facets on the
were worn by each of the ten participants, using a fixed
occlusal splint (55), in combination with indirect
order. It was shown that while the hard splint reduced
clinical measures as outcome variables, which also
nocturnal EMG activity in eight of 10 bruxers, the soft
renders these studies inconclusive.
splint yielded an increase in bruxism activity in half of
Several studies used the ‘higher quality' clinical trial
the bruxers and a decrease in only one of the remaining
design, although randomization to assign patients to
five participants. This suggests that hard splints are
test or control treatments ⁄ conditions (i.e. the ‘true'
more effective in reducing bruxism activity than soft
RCT design) was employed in a few studies only. Shiau
splints. Nevertheless, the use of soft splints is still
(56) observed that splint therapy did not change the
common, at least in general dental practices in Sweden,
length of the so-called silent period (an EMG charac-
despite the lack of scientific support for their efficacy
teristic that was believed to be related to bruxism, thus
and effectiveness (49).
representing an indirect measure for that condition),
A couple of studies used indirect measures for
nor were there any differences in length of the silent
bruxism, which render these studies difficult to inter-
period between treated and untreated bruxers. Nagels
pret in terms of occlusal splints being effective in the
et al. (57) were mainly interested in the possible effects
management of bruxism. Mejias and Mehta (50)
of an occlusal splint on sleep quality in bruxers
assessed the individual responses of bruxers to splint
compared with normal volunteers, which turned out
therapy. They found that their five participants all
to be absent. Unfortunately, no indication is given
reacted favourably to the treatment, as assessed by the
regarding the effects of the splint on the bruxism
wear of a special bruxism monitoring device [‘Brux-
behaviour itself. This study thereby falls outside the
core'; see Koyano (4)] that consists of differently
main scope of this overview. Using a cross-over design
coloured plastic layers – an assessment technique that
and nocturnal EMG activity as an outcome measure,
is easy to use but may lead to difficult-to-interpret
Rugh et al. (58) did not observe any differences in
outcomes because of the questionable paradigm that
efficacy in the treatment of sleep bruxers between two
bruxism and wear are fully related, and because of the
different types of hard occlusal splints, viz. one with
fact that the device itself may interfere with the
canine guidance and another one with first molar
bruxism behaviour. Using EMG recordings, Hamada
guidance: in their eight participants, both splint types
et al. (51) observed significant reductions in the
yielded variable outcomes that more or less resembled
masticatory muscle activity of bruxers. The post-
those described by Clark et al. (47) (see above). Hach-
treatment values were similar to those of healthy
mann et al. (59) demonstrated in a small-scale study
control subjects. In this study, however, the EMG
that occlusal splints are effective in the treatment of
measures were taken from voluntary daytime record-
bruxism in 3- to 5-year-old children: untreated brux-
ings, where direct EMG assessments of the actual
ing children displayed increased wear facets, which
bruxism behaviour are to be preferred. Also Moses
were not observed in the treated group. Their conclu-
(52) used daytime EMG measures to assess the
sion that splints are thus efficient against bruxism is,
restraining effect of his so-called Passivator appliance
however, premature because the bruxism behaviour
on bruxism. Consequently, this study is difficult to
itself was not assessed, but only one of its possible
interpret as well. Using indirect clinical measures of
bruxism only (e.g. dental and musculoskeletal pain
Two recent studies did use a ‘true' RCT design. Using
complaints), Yustin
et al. (53) found mandibular
polysomnographic recordings, Dube´ et al. (60) and Van
occlusal devices to be effective in the treatment of
der Zaag et al. (61) compared the efficacy of a hard
bruxism and of its associated pain complaints in most
occlusal splint versus a palatal control device [i.e. a
ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
‘placebo splint', which is actually inactive in bruxers as
(68, 69). Future research should focus on developing
long as it is kept thin (62)] in the treatment of sleep
criteria for the clinical decision to use (or not to use) an
bruxism. While Dube´ et al. (60) concluded that at two
occlusal splint in an individual bruxism patient.
weeks, both devices reduce muscle activity associatedwith bruxism, Van der Zaag et al. (61) did not observe
Behavioural approaches
significant effects for either of the devices after fourweeks of usage. The combination of the results of both
A wide variety of behavioural approaches have been
studies corroborates the suggestion by Harada et al. (63)
tried in the management of bruxism. Here, the most
that oral appliances have only a transient effect on
widely studied one of these approaches, viz. biofeed-
(EMG-determined) sleep bruxism as measured over a
back, will be reviewed first. In a subsequent section, the
6-week period. On the longer term, Ommerborn et al.
remaining behavioural techniques will be dealt with.
(64) observed a reduction in bruxism activity after12 weeks of occlusal splint therapy that continued into
a 6-months follow-up. However, although these latterauthors used a strong (RCT) study design, they did not
Biofeedback uses the paradigm that bruxers can
quantify bruxism activity with EMG or polysomnogra-
‘unlearn' their behaviour when a stimulus makes them
phy. Rather, they used the ‘Bruxcore' bruxism moni-
aware of their adverse jaw muscle activities (‘aversive
toring device, which has several disadvantages (see
conditioning'). This technique has been applied for
above). This makes their results difficult to interpret
bruxism during wakefulness as well as for sleep brux-
unequivocally. Interestingly, Van der Zaag et al. (61)
ism. While awake, patients can be trained to control
observed large differences between individual sleep
their jaw muscle activities through auditory or visual
bruxism patients. Some of them indeed showed a
feedback from a surface EMG. For sleep bruxism,
decrease in bruxism activity, while others showed no
auditory, electrical, vibratory and even taste stimuli
change or even an increase, which again is in line with
can be used for feedback.
the findings of Clark et al. (47). The reasons for thesedifferences are as yet unclear.
Bruxism during wakefulness One of the early publica-
Landry et al. (65) performed a short-term RCT to the
tions on the use of biofeedback in the management of
efficacy of mandibular advancement devices (MAD;
bruxism during wakefulness is a prescription by
a bimaxillary appliance that is indicated for the man-
Mittelman (70). He described an EMG technique that
agement of snoring and sleep apnea) when compared
provides the daytime clencher with auditory feedback
with that of ‘regular' maxillary occlusal splints. They
from his ⁄ her muscle activity, ‘telling the degree of
observed only a moderate reduction in polysomno-
muscle activity or relaxation that is taking place.' The
graphically established sleep bruxism with the occlusal
subtitle of Mittelman's paper (‘It can be administered
splint in situ, but a large decrease in bruxism activity
easily and inexpensively in any dental office') sug-
when the MAD was worn – regardless of the amount of
gests that the technique is ready for broad applica-
protrusion of the appliance. The authors could not
tion. A similar suggestion is given in the review
readily explain this result, but they hypothesized,
articles by Cannistraci (71) and Rubeling (72). Shul-
amongst others, that the fact that approximately two-
man (73) used a flat occlusal splint for biofeedback.
thirds of their study sample reported localized pain with
The splint was inserted in the explicit understanding
the MAD in situ may be responsible for the observed
that the appliance serves to remind the daytime
decrease. After all, it has been reported that in the
bruxer of adverse tooth contacts (i.e. contacts other
presence of pain, bruxism activity may reduce consid-
than those involved in chewing and swallowing). In
erably (6, 66, 67).
the author's hands, an immediate success of approx-
Given the contradictory results of the above-de-
imately 50% was obtained. Kramer (74) applied a
scribed studies and the scarcity of RCT on the efficacy of
special kind of biofeedback to manage the daytime
occlusal splints in the management of bruxism, it is
bruxism problem of an 8-year-old boy with learning
prudent to limit the use of oral splints in the manage-
difficulties: whenever a bruxism event started, the
ment of bruxism to the prevention or limitation of
boy's teacher pressed her finger firmly against the
dental damage that is possibly caused by the disorder
boy's jaw for a few seconds. The intervention was
ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
successful in approximately 2 weeks and during the
mustard, ginger, garlic, etc.) and embedded in a simple
dental appliance. On the basis of a single case, the
remained at a low level. The author suggested that
author claimed long-term success. In most of the case
this approach should be implemented with special
reports, a sound blast was applied as the aversive
populations in educational settings. This approach
stimulus (82–87), although in one case study, this
resembles the one used by Blount et al. (75), who
technique failed to be effective (88). The sound
successfully treated two profoundly retarded adult
stimulus is supposed to actually wake up the patient,
bruxers for their condition with ‘contingent icing', i.e.
who is then supposed to switch off the sound and
brief applications of ice to the facial area whenever
resume his ⁄ her sleep. The awakenings are a major
bruxism occurred. Likewise, Rudrud and Halaszyn
disadvantage of such approaches, because sleep dis-
(76) used contingent massage to combat daytime
ruption may lead to serious side effects like excessive
bruxism. Unfortunately, strong scientific evidence for
daytime sleepiness (89). Even more subtle techniques,
the efficacy of any of these afore-described diurnal
like the bruxism-contingent vibratory feedback system
biofeedback approaches is lacking.
of Watanabe et al. (90) and the jaw-opening reflex
In a comparative study by Manns et al. (77), the
feedback system that was recently developed by Jadidi
apparently successful application of auditory feedback
et al. (91) that do not induce substantial sleep distur-
from surface EMG activity was shown in 33 daytime
bance, according to the authors, might still cause
bruxers with myofascial pain. The study design, how-
significant changes in sleep architecture that yield
ever, precludes strong conclusions to be drawn from
long-term adverse reactions like daytime sleepiness
this study. Using a RCT design, Treacy (78) showed
(89). This concern should be taken into consideration
significant jaw-closing muscle activity decreases after a
when evaluating new biofeedback devices for the
4-month treatment period with a muscle activity
management of sleep bruxism.
awareness training program compared with an active
An alternative approach was followed by Small (92),
control treatment and a sham treatment. Although this
who used daytime biofeedback sessions in combination
finding supports the efficacy of this type of biofeedback
with an occlusal splint for night-time use to combat the
in the management of diurnal bruxism, no long-term
sleep bruxism problem of a 36-year-old woman. A sim-
results are given. This urges dentists to remain reserved
ilar approach was followed by Cornellier et al. (93) in
when applying this technique, especially because
four adult bruxers. Just like the taste and sound blast
another RCT failed to show significant decreases in
methods, this approach also yielded positive (long-
masticatory muscle EMG levels as a result of either a
term) outcomes, with no sleep disruption as possible
biofeedback training program or a control treatment
side effect. Despite this advantage, Small (92) indicated
(79). Hence, more research is needed to assess the
that his case report is at best suggestive and proposed
efficacy of biofeedback in the management of bruxism
better, controlled studies to test the efficacy of his
during wakefulness.
approach. Obviously, this holds true for all case reportsindicated and summarized here.
Sleep bruxism For the use of biofeedback in the
Over the years, several comparative studies have
management of sleep bruxism, Cherasia and Parks
been published in which the efficacy of biofeedback on
(80) published a prescription. Their technique used
sleep bruxism was evaluated. Audible tones derived
contingent arousal from sleep with actual awakenings.
from EMG recordings caused a significant reduction in
Although the authors are aware of the lack of
sleep bruxism activities in all of nine bruxers compared
validation of their technique, they stated that its
with control nights during which the biofeedback
potential effectiveness, ease of use and lack of risk
device was worn with an inactive bruxism warning
warrant its consideration. So far, nine case reports,
system (94). Similar findings, with longer evaluation
representing a total of 13 patients, were published in
periods of up to three months, were reported by Clark
which some type of biofeedback was used to control
et al. (95) and Hudzinski and Walters (96). Pierce and
sleep bruxism. Nissani (81) used a taste stimulus to
Gale (97) also found positive effects of nocturnal
awaken the patient. This stimulus was caused by the
biofeedback (viz. a contingent, aversive tone), but
bruxism-related rupture of capsules, filled with an
reported these effects to be transient during a 6-month
aversive substance (agreed upon with the patient, e.g.
follow-up period. Nishigawa et al. (98) used contingent
ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
electrical lip stimulation to combat sleep bruxism,
review, this author used three cases to illustrate the
which turned out to be a promising technique for
usefulness of this technique in the management of
temporarily suppressing the disorder. However, the
bruxism, as do several other authors (104, 105). Where
long-term effects remain to be determined, and the
these cases lack sufficient strength in terms of scientific
above-described concern regarding the risk of sleep
evidence, Clarke and Reynolds (106) wrote an abstract
disruption and subsequent daytime sleepiness should
in which they concluded on the basis of a stronger
be assessed for this technique as well. Clearly, the
study design (viz. a case–control study) and by using
comparative study design of the papers that are sum-
nocturnal EMG recordings that hypnotherapy provided
marized in this paragraph precludes strong scientific
profound relief from problems related to nocturnal
conclusions to be drawn. To that end, better controlled
bruxism. These results were later published as a full-
studies are needed. In the only controlled clinical trial
length paper, but now as a single-cohort study and with
on the efficacy of nocturnal biofeedback, whenever a
the addition of long-term effects as assessed with self-
bruxism event exceeded a preset electromyographic
report (107). The conclusion remained the same and
threshold, an audible tone indeed yielded a better
even appeared to be applicable to the follow-up period
treatment outcome than a no-treatment control condi-
of 4–36 months. The authors, however, were fully
tion (99). Unfortunately, only short-term (2-months)
aware of the limitations of their study and suggested
results are given, but not the longer-term results, which
some improvements to increase the strength of the
are needed for a proper assessment of the efficacy and
safety of any treatment modality.
Various relaxation techniques have been described in
In short, despite the considerable amount of atten-
relation to the management of bruxism. Relaxation,
tion that researchers devoted to biofeedback [see also
including meditation, is supposed to produce a sense of
the review by Cassisi et al.(100)], there are serious
self-esteem and control over one's body (102). Pear
doubts whether this is actually an effective treatment
(102) as well as other authors [e.g. Cannistraci and
for bruxism, especially in the long-term. Further, the
Friedrich (108)] described relaxation and meditation as
possible consequences of the frequent arousals, like
part of a holistic approach, which means that awareness
excessive daytime sleepiness, need further attention
and ‘wellness' of the whole body is being promoted.
before this technique can be applied for the safe
However, no information whatsoever can be found in
treatment of patients with bruxism.
the literature regarding the efficacy of this approach inthe treatment of bruxism. Only a comparative study byRestrepo et al. (109) provided slightly stronger evidence
Other behavioural approaches
for the positive effect of relaxation in 3- to 6-year-old
Other behavioural approaches that have been described
children who suffer from bruxism. A drawback of that
in the literature for the management of bruxism
study, however, is the use of indirect measures for
include psychoanalysis, autosuggestion, hypnosis, pro-
bruxism, which hampers an unequivocal interpretation
gressive relaxation, meditation, self-monitoring, sleep
of the outcome.
hygiene, habit reversal ⁄ habit retraining and massed
Specifically for diurnal bruxism, self-monitoring – or
practice. In the oldest review article that was found
‘habit awareness' – has been suggested as an appropri-
with the present literature search strategy, Olkinuora
ate therapy. According to Rosen (110), bruxers gain
(101) described various psychiatric treatment tech-
control of daytime clenching using a self-monitoring
niques for bruxism, such as psychoanalysis and auto-
procedure, which simply means that every time the
patient notes the occurrence of clenching activity, this
technique helps the bruxer become aware of the habit,
event is jotted down in a diary or entered in some kind
even while asleep, by giving him ⁄ her the autosugges-
of counting device. This approach would finally lead to
tion ‘I'll wake up if I gnash my teeth' before falling asleep.
a decrease in diurnal bruxism activity. Unfortunately,
Unfortunately, this intriguing approach, which has
Rosen's paper is a case report and lacks scientific
been reviewed briefly by others as well (102), lacks
For nocturnal bruxism, a specific approach has been
Another approach, hypnosis, was reviewed more
suggested, namely sleep hygiene measures (111). The
than three decades ago by Goldberg (103). On top of his
objective of measures like ‘avoid stimulants (e.g.
ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
caffeine, nicotine) for several hours before bedtime' and
sound scientific basis: most studies so far are case
‘maintain a regular sleep schedule' is to promote better
reports, prescriptions and comparative studies. More
sleep. Amongst others, better sleep means that more
well-designed research is thus needed on the use of
time is being spent in the deeper sleep stages and that
these approaches in the management of bruxism.
less arousals from sleep occur. As bruxism mainlyoccurs in the lighter sleep stages and in relation to
arousals (1), bruxism will probably decrease. However,as yet, no well-designed studies on this behavioural
The use of medication in the management of bruxism
treatment modality have been published.
has been studied increasingly over the past decades.
Behavioural techniques like habit reversal ⁄ habit
Most studies so far are case reports, but for several
retraining, and massed practice have all in common
medicines RCT have been performed. An extensive
that the adverse behaviour, i.e. bruxism, is actively
review on the relationship between drugs and bruxism
being combated. During habit reversal, a competing
was published by Winocur et al. (121).
activity opposite to the bruxism behaviour, but involv-
One of the oldest reports on a pharmacological
ing the same muscles, is being taught to the bruxers
approach for bruxism is the one published by Chasins
(e.g. opening the mouth). Two papers, describing a total
(122). He concluded that the short-term administration
of five cases, claimed success for this technique,
of the muscle relaxant methocarbamol yielded ‘good
although good-quality evidence is lacking (112, 113).
control and improvement of the bruxism habit' of
Zeldow (114) published a prescription of a similar
approximately 40 bruxers compared with an equally
technique, which he calls ‘habit retraining': the
sized group of untreated bruxers. Besides the fact that
replacement of a bad habit with a good one. As the
the study design does not meet the current standard of
good habit was maintaining a free-way space, it is
an RCT, bruxism was assessed solely on the basis of the
obvious that ‘habit retraining' is actually a variation of
patients' reports. This makes the study difficult to
‘habit reversal'.
interpret. In a more recent, well-designed RCT, it was
Especially during the late sixties and early seventies
shown that sleep bruxism did improve with the
of the past century, massed practice therapy for
frequently prescribed, non-specific muscle relaxant
bruxism was studied relatively widely. This behavio-
clonazepam (a benzodiazepine), although the mainte-
ural technique contains exaggerating the bruxism-
nance of its therapeutic efficacy, its long-term tolera-
related muscle activities, thereby making the habit
bility and its risk of addiction need further attention
punitive rather than rewarding. The first paper about
this technique was a case report by Ayer and Gale
Another drug that affects muscle function, by exert-
(115). These authors suggested that (self-reported)
ing a paralytic effect through an inhibition of acetyl-
bruxism may be eliminated by massed practice ther-
choline release at the neuromuscular junction, is
apy. Comparative studies by the same authors came to
botulinum toxin. So far, its application in the manage-
the same conclusion (116, 117). They even put
ment of bruxism is mainly described in case reports.
forward a theoretical model to explain the purported
Without exception, these reports claimed success of
efficacy of massed practice (118). Also, Vasta and
botulinum toxin in decreasing (clinically assessed)
Wortman (119) described the successful application of
bruxism activity, especially in severe cases with
massed practice therapy in the treatment of a single
co-morbidities like coma (124), brain injury (125,
bruxer, in whom bruxism activity was assessed objec-
126), amphetamine abuse (127), Huntington's disease
tively by means of an automated time-sampling
(128) and autism (129). Tan and Jankovic (130)
procedure. Heller and Forgione (120), on the other
reported the results of botulinum toxin injections in
hand, did not observe any significant reductions in
18 bruxers. In only one of their patients, (transient)
bruxism behaviour in their comparative study that
dysphagia occurred as an adverse reaction. They con-
used the wear of the ‘Bruxcore' bruxism monitoring
cluded that this drug can be administered as a safe and
device to assess bruxism activity (see above: Occlusal
effective treatment for severe bruxers. They also stated,
however, that this treatment modality should be
In short, the value of the above-described behavio-
confined to patients who are refractory to other
ural approaches is questionable, because they all lack a
(conventional) treatments, and that placebo-controlled
ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
studies are needed before evidence-based recommen-
treatment of sleep bruxism, two RCT have been
dations can be given.
performed. Unfortunately, low doses (25 mg per night)
Several studies have been performed to assess the
of amitriptyline turned out to be ineffective in the
effects of serotonergic and dopaminergic medicines in
management of sleep bruxism (142, 143), although
the treatment of sleep bruxism. In a placebo-controlled
some individual study participants clearly responded to
RCT, bruxism-related nocturnal EMG activity was not
the medication (144).
influenced by the serotonin precursor L-tryptophan
For two sympatholytic medicines, experimental RCT
(131). In contrast to that negative finding, a placebo-
have been performed. Huynh et al. (145) found no
controlled sleep laboratory RCT showed that the
effects of the non-selective adrenergic beta-blocker
catecholamine precursor L-dopa exerted a modest,
propranolol on sleep bruxism, despite the positive
attenuating effect on sleep bruxism (132). Likewise,
response to this drug in two cases of antipsychotic-
sleep bruxism activity was reduced by the administra-
induced bruxism (146). The selective alpha-2 agonist
tion of low doses of the dopamine D1 ⁄ D2 receptor
clonidine, on the other hand, does seem a promising
agonist pergolide in a severe bruxism case (133). The
medicine for the management of sleep bruxism,
dopamine D2 receptor agonist bromocriptine, on the
although further safety assessments are still required
other hand, did not cause an exacerbation or reduction
because severe morning hypotension was noted in
in sleep bruxism motor activity (134), although a report
approximately 20% of the participants (145). Taking
of two single-patient clinical trials yielded promising
the above-described evidence together, it can be con-
results for that drug (135). The effects of serotonin-
cluded that although some pharmacological approaches
related and dopamine-related drugs on bruxism there-
for bruxism seem promising, they all need further
fore remain unclear.
efficacy and safety assessments before clinical recom-
For the use of anticonvulsant drugs in the treatment
mendations can be made.
of bruxism, only case reports are available. Gabapentinwas successfully applied for the treatment of a 50-year-
Miscellaneous approaches
old man who suffered from bruxism, induced byvenlafaxine (an antidepressant; see below) (136).
Six papers describe management strategies for bruxism
Likewise, self-reported bruxism was successfully man-
that do not readily fit either one of the above-used
aged with tiagabine in four of five cases described by
categories of occlusal, behavioural, or pharmacological
Kast (137). Unfortunately, no RCT are available to
approaches. Five of them are related to physical
assess the efficacy and safety of anticonvulsant drugs in
therapy, while one is related to a surgical procedure
the management of bruxism.
in the oral region. Ackerman (147) described his
Antidepressant drugs may exert deviating effects on
approach of instructing the patient with bruxism to
bruxism: either they exacerbate the condition (selective
develop his ⁄ her jaw-opening muscles. The objective is
serotonin reuptake inhibitors, SSRI) or they are inert in
‘to develop the depressor muscles so that they will be as
their effects (amitriptyline). While Stein et al. (138)
strong or as firm as the elevator muscles. Then, they
reported a decrease in nocturnal bruxism in two
bruxers as a possible consequence of the use of the
expressed the hope that by adopting this philosophy,
SSRI paroxetine and citalopram, most papers reported
future efforts to eliminate bruxism would be more
bruxism to be induced by SSRI [reviewed in detail by
successful. Also Quinn (148, 149) suggested the use of
Lobbezoo et al. (139)]. Bostwick and Jaffee (140)
physical rehabilitation techniques (viz. isokinetic exer-
described four cases of sertraline-induced bruxism,
cises) for depressor muscle strengthening. According to
which were successfully treated with the serotonin 1A
this author, such exercises will assist in, amongst
receptor agonist buspirone. Two similar cases were
others, correcting bruxism. Knutson (150) claimed a
successfully managed with dosage manipulation by
rapid and complete recovery of chronic sleep bruxism
Ranjan et al. (141). These authors argued that such is a
after upper cervical vectored manipulation of a 6-year-
better approach than using buspirone as an antidote.
old child. Unfortunately, the level of evidence of the
Obviously, only better-designed studies can provide us
above-summarized prescriptions and case reports, all of
with strong scientific evidence. For the efficacy assess-
which used some sort of physical therapy to combat
ment of the tricyclic antidepressant amitriptyline in the
bruxism, is low. Even the positive results of a controlled
ª 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
trial, in which the buccinators muscles were trained by
ing the lowest NNT and the largest ES. However, given
means of a special device, viz. the Pro-Fono Facial
the adverse reactions of these treatments (see above),
Exerciser, are inconclusive because of the ambiguous
the occlusal splint (60, 61) and clonazepam (123)
quantification of the bruxism activities (151).
seemed to be acceptable (short-term) alternatives.
DiFrancesco et al. (152) reported the results of a
However, Huynh et al. (153) stressed that further
comparative study on a group of children with
longitudinal, large-sample size RCT are needed before
sleep-disordered breathing and bruxism, of whom a
evidence-based recommendations can be given.
significant proportion ceased to report bruxism after
In the absence of definitive evidence, bruxism can
adenotonsillectomy. Apart from the fact that the scien-
best be managed following the so-called ‘triple-P'
tific strength of this paper is relatively low, the authors
approach: Plates, Pep talk and Pills. ‘Plates' are occlusal
failed to provide the readers with a plausible (i.e. non-
appliances, most commonly of the hard acrylic resin
occlusal) explanation for their finding, which might
occlusal stabilization splint type. These appliances
very well be coincidental.
probably function more like protectors of the remain-ing teeth rather than that they actually diminish thebruxism behaviour. ‘Pep talk' stands for counselling, a
Conclusions and recommendations
behavioural approach that includes addressing the
From the above, it can be gathered that a vast
patient's awareness of the movement disorder, relax-
majority of the 135 papers that constitute the basis
ation and lifestyle and sleep hygiene instructions.
of this review are more or less inconclusive: only 13%
Albeit of unproven efficacy, these approaches can be
of them used an appropriate RCT study design.
applied safely in bruxism patients. ‘Pills' represents
Comparative studies, case report and prescriptions
pharmacological interventions with centrally acting
are the most commonly used study designs in this
drugs such as benzodiazepines. As long as definitive
literature search. Clinicians should be aware of this
evidence is missing, the use of medicines in the
striking paucity of evidence regarding the manage-
treatment of bruxism should be confined to short
ment of bruxism. They should also know that now-
periods and to severe cases in which occlusal appli-
adays, new management strategies for bruxism are
ances and counselling were ineffective. Such should
being proposed by commercial companies in the
be performed in close collaboration with medical
absence of any scientific proof for their efficacy and
safety. Hence, there is a vast need for well-designed
The triple-P approach reflects the current insight into
studies on the management of bruxism.
the aetiology of bruxism, that is considered to be mainly
Huynh et al. (153) used most of the above-described,
regulated centrally; not peripherally (2). The approach
well-designed RCTs to assess the number needed to
also stresses that whenever bruxism treatment is
treat (NNT, the number of patients who must be treated
indicated, the disorder should be assessed by a multi-
before the outcome can be expected to occur; the lower
disciplinary team that includes dentists, psychologists
the NNT, the more beneficial the treatment) and the
and medical specialists. This important notion should
effect size (ES, the magnitude of the effect of a
not only be recognized by the dental discipline itself,
treatment relative to a placebo condition; the higher
but also by the other disciplines that are involved in this
the ES, the more beneficial the treatment) for the
team concept [e.g. psychology (154)].
various management strategies for sleep bruxism. Theyincluded three oral appliance studies and seven phar-
macological studies in their analyses; all of them areincluded in the present review [Oral appliances: Dube´
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2. Lobbezoo F, van der Zaag J, Naeije M. Bruxism: its multiple
zoo et al. (132); Mohamed et al. (142); Lavigne et al.
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3. Lavigne GJ, Khoury S, Abe S, Yamaguchi T, Raphael K.
advancement device (65) and clonidine (145) seemed
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studies? J Oral Rehabil. 2008;35:476–494.
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DE JOHN WEBSTER TEATRODEFONDO La Duquesa de Malfi Terror y miseria en La duquesa de Malfi El autor. Webster, el poeta de los mataderos Los personajes: Animales y siluetas Reflexiones para una puesta en escena EL ESPACIO ESCÉNICO. Los hilos de la vida INTERÉS DEL ESPECTÁCULO TEATRO DE FONDO: RECORRIDO
Volume: 2, Issue: 1 April 2015 Twin Deficit Hypothesis: A Case of Pakistan Farrah Yasmin The Women University, Multan Pakistan Abstract: The prime motive of this study is to scrutinize the twin deficit for annual time series data over the period 1990-2010 for Pakistan. Twin deficit hypothesis expressed that an expansion in budget deficit will ground for rise in current account deficit. To diagnose affiliation amongst couple of variables, applied Unit root test (ADF-test), Johansen cointegration technique, Impulse response function and Granger causality test. The Granger causality demonstrate that the causality direction travel from current account deficit to budget deficit. When current account deficit occurs it leads to budget deficit. So the finding proves that there is a positive connection among both variables. Investigations are most reliable for Pakistan economy. Finally, this study confirms the rapport amid current account deficit and budget deficit. Keywords: Budget deficit, Current account deficit, Pakistan