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Oral Diseases (2005) 11, 374–378. doi:10.1111/j.1601-0825.2005.01133.x
Ó 2005 Blackwell Munksgaard
All rights reserved
Norwegian LongoVitalÒ and recurrent aphthousulceration: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlledstudy
I Kolseth1, BB Herlofson1, A Pedersen2
1Department of Oral Surgery and Oral Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway; 2The Oral Medicine Clinic, Jyllinge, Denmark
OBJECTIVE: LongoVitalÒ (LV) is a herbal-based tabletenriched with the recommended daily doses of vitamins.
The present study was undertaken to investigate possible
prevention of recurrent aphthous ulceration (RAU) dur-
Recurrent aphthous ulceration (RAU) is the most
ing 4 months daily intake of the Norwegian LV.
common oral mucosal disease affecting about 20% of
DESIGN: The study was a placebo-controlled, double-
the general population with a prevalence of about 2%
blind, randomized, clinical trial.
(Axell, 1976). The etiology of RAU remains unknown,
SUBJECTS: Sixty otherwise healthy patients with at least
and the spectrum of suggested symptomatic therapies
one attack of minor RAU per 2 months were included in
is broad. However, the superiority of one to the other is
dubious. LongoVitalÒ (LV) (DK. Reg. No. 5178/75) is
METHODS: After an introduction period (IP) of 60 days,
the first harmless systemic therapy which has shown to
the patients were randomly divided into three groups and
be of benefit in the prevention of RAU (Pedersen et al,
given either LV, the herbs of LV only, or placebo. Three
1990a). LV has been sold as a food supplement in the
test tablets were taken every day together with breakfast
Scandinavian countries since 1975. The tablet is based
for 4 months [tablet period (TP)] and the patients fol-
on dried and ground herbs supplemented with the
lowed up for another 4 months (F-UP). The number of new
recommended doses of vitamins (Table 1). The herbal
ulcers (NU) and ulcer-free days (UFD) were observed.
component of the tablets, however, varies slightly
RESULTS: Fifty-two patients completed the study. Nei-
between the countries due to different regulations for
ther NU nor UFD showed any statistical significant dif-
food supplements. The previous study with LV on RAU
ferences between any of the groups in any of the periods.
was performed with the Danish LV which at that time
All three groups, however, showed a significant increase
contained arnica (Pedersen et al, 1990a). The only
in UFD during the first 2 months of TP compared to IP.
difference between the Danish and the Norwegian LV
Within the LV group only, there was a further increase in
is that the Norwegian LV does not contain arnica. The
UFD after 2 months intake of the tablets. The number of
present study was undertaken to investigate possible
NU and UFD decreased significantly in both the LV and
prevention of RAU during 4 months daily intake of the
the herbal group in F-UP compared with TP.
Norwegian LV or the herbal component alone and to
CONCLUSION: Neither the Norwegian LV nor the
elucidate to what extent the possible effect could be
herbal component alone was superior to placebo in the
ascribed to the herbal component alone or if there was a
prevention of RAU. The results, however, indicate that
synergistic effect of herbs and vitamins. The null
neither the LV nor the herbal group benefited from the
hypothesis was that there was no different effect of
Norwegian LV or the herbal component alone as
Oral Diseases (2005) 11, 374–378
compared to placebo in the prevention of RAU.
Keywords: aphthous ulcers; herbs; LongoVital; nutritional sup-plementation; vitamins
Material and methods
PatientsSixty consecutive patients with minor RAU (Lehner,1968) were included in the study. The patients were
Correspondence: Anne Pedersen, DDS, PhD, Dr. Odont., 4 Jagtvej,
enrolled from the register of patients with RAU at the
P.O. Box 27, DK-4040 Jyllinge, Denmark. Tel: 45-46 73 39 88,
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Oslo, from col-
Fax: 45-46 73 39 87, E-mail:
[email protected]
leagues, and among patients who contacted the Depart-
Received 5 January 2004; revised 2 February 2005; accepted 9February 2005
ment of Oral Surgery and Oral Medicine after reading
Norwegian LongoVital and aphthous ulcersI Kolseth et al
Table 1 Contents of Norwegian LongoVitalper recommended daily dose – three tablets
Vitamin A (retinyl acetate), 3000 IU
Vitamin D (cholecalciferol), 400 IU
Vitamin E (tocopheryl acetate), 12 IU
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), 60 mg
Niacin (niacinamide), 20 mg
Pantothenic acid (calcium pantothenate), 10 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCL), 2 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), 1.8 mg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine mononitrate), 1.5 mg
about the trial in the national newspaper. A detailed
F Nørgaard, A Pedersen, pers. comm.). Therefore, the
interview of the patients did not reveal any severe
percentage of T-lymphocyte subsets (CD3+, CD4+,
physical or psychological illnesses, and oral diseases
CD8+) and the CD4:CD8 ratio was also determined day
apart from RAU were absent. The RAU diagnosis was
0, day 120 and day 240.
based on disease history and clinical inspection duringan introduction period (IP) of 60 days.
The protocol was reviewed and approved by the local
Patients registered data for each day on special forms.
ethics committee and oral consent to participate was
The registrations included with or without ulcers, ulcer-
obtained after written information about the trial. The
free days (UFD), number of ulcers (NU), degree of pain,
inclusion criterion was at least one ulcer attack during
type and amount of alleviating drugs used. The degree
IP. Patients who had used LV or any other continuous
of pain was assessed using a numerical scale 1–3, where
systemic RAU therapy through the preceding 3 months
1 represented weak pain, 2 moderate pain, and 3 severe
were not included in the study.
The investigation was designed as a clinical, pros-
At the clinical examinations, patients were asked
pective, placebo-controlled double-blind 10-month trial.
about change of general medication, if any illnesses
The patients started with an IP in order to survey their
had occurred, possible change in lifestyle, and suspec-
RAU activity. The patients were asked to fill in a daily
ted side effects of the tablets. Patients' period of
record of RAU symptoms, and to contact the examiner
preference (all-over preference of TP or F-UP when
for objective confirmation of the diagnosis of RAU.
considering degree of pain, number and duration of
After IP the patients started on the 4 months tablet
recurrences, and number of ulcers as a whole) was
period (TP) succeeded by a 4-month follow-up period
recorded day 240.
(F-UP) in order to evaluate any possible carry-overeffect. The patients were randomly divided into three
Treatment response
groups: 20 patients who received LV, 20 the herbal
The treatment response was determined from the
component of LV alone, and 20 placebo. The tablets
following parameters:
were coated to make them indistinguishable from each
(1) Number of ulcer-free days (UFD).
other. As the recommended daily dosage of LV is three
(2) Number of new ulcers (NU).
tablets in the morning, the patients were instructed to
(3) Immunological parameters.
take three tablets every morning together with breakfast
(4) Patients' period of preference.
and to keep a diary of recurrences. They were further-more encouraged not to make any changes in lifestyleduring the study. Special emphasis was made on not to
Statistical methods
change smoking habits, toothpaste brand and the use of
food supplements. If changes were made during the
applied for statistical analysis of intergroup parameters,
study, the patients were asked to report this in the diary.
and Friedman and Wilcoxon's matched-pair signed ranktest were used to analyse intragroup parameters. Fre-
quencies were analysed by the sign test (binomial
theorem). P-values <0.05 were considered statistically
The patients were clinically examined at the start of IP,
day 0 (start of TP), day 30, 120 and day 240. In order tomonitor for the effect of the tablets on liver function,
blood samples were collected three times: day 0, day 120and day 240 for determination of the concentration of
Eight patients withdrew within the first 4 months of the
liver enzymes (alanine transaminase [ALAT], lactate
trial leaving 52 patients for data analysis [32 female (F),
dehydrogenase [LDT] and alkaline phosphatase). Previ-
20 male (M); mean age 42 year (range 16–75)]. Further
ous studies with the Danish LV showed an immunostim-
description of the population in Table 2. Eighteen
ulating effect of the tablets in different patient categories
patients had received LV (12F, 6M), 16 the herbal
(Pedersen et al, 1990b, 1999; B Klausen, LP Ryder,
component alone (8F, 8M), and 18 placebo (12F, 6M).
Norwegian LongoVital and aphthous ulcers
Table 2 Clinical data of the population included in the study - 52 patients with recurrent aphthous ulceration (RAU)
General Background
Predisposing Factors for RAU
Previous Treatments
Hereditary RAU disposition
Mechanical trauma
Mild GI complaints
Allergic tendencies
Adulthood (>20 yr)
Often having a cold
Tetracycline rinse
SLS-free toothpaste
1-2 recurrence/month
1 recurrence/2 months
Postmenopausal hormones
Number of ulcers/recurrence
Duration of ulcers
Psychological stress
None of the treatment-response parameters showed any
44.5 (17.3–69.1). F-UP medians (95% confidence limit
statistically significant differences between any of the
of median): LV: 47.0 (1.4–75.0); herbs: 33.0 (7.2–83.7);
groups at any of the test periods. However, within the
placebo 45.0 (21.5–80.9).
LV and the herbal group some differences were demon-strated (Figures 1–3).
LV / Herbs alone / Placebo
Number of ulcer-free days
Within all 3 groups a significant increase in the number
of UFD was demonstrated from IP compared to the first60 days of TP (TP1) (Figure 1). IP median: LV: 16.5;
herbs: 13.0; placebo: 14.0, and median of TP1: LV: 20.0;
herbs: 21.5; placebo: 22.0. In the LV group, there was afurther increase in UFD from the first 2 months to the
later 2 months of TP (TP2). TP2 medians: LV: 31.0;
herbs: 24.0; placebo: 16.5.
There were no statistically significant differences
between any of the three groups from TP as a whole
to F-UP. TP median (95% confidence limit of median):
LV: 54.0 (16.9–88.9); herbs: 52.0 (10.3–88.6); placebo:
Figure 2 Number of new ulcers (medians) during 4-month dailyintake of LongoVital (LV), the herbal component of LV, or placebo(TP), and during the 4-month tablet-free follow-up period (F-UP) in adouble-blind trial on 52 patients with minor RAU. *P < 0.05; NS, not
LV / Herbs alone / Placebo
LV / Herbs alone / Placebo
Day 0–120 Day 121–240
Figure 1 Number of ulcer-free days (medians) during the 2-month
introduction period (IP), 4-month daily intake of LongoVital (LV), theherbal component of LV, or placebo (TP), and during the 4-month
Figure 3 CD4:CD8 ratio (median) during 4-month daily intake of
tablet-free follow-up period (F-UP) in a double-blind trial on 52
LongoVital (LV), the herbal component of LV, or placebo, and during
patients with minor RAU. Data from TP split up into periods of
the 4-month tablet-free follow-up period in a double-blind trial on 52
2 months are also shown (TP1 and TP2). **P < 0.01; *P < 0.05.
patients with minor RAU. *P < 0.05. Statistically insignificant
Statistically insignificant differences are not marked
differences are not marked
Norwegian LongoVital and aphthous ulcersI Kolseth et al
Number of new ulcers
of UFD or reduced the number of NU compared to
placebo. This is in contrast to the former study with the
between any of the three groups from TP to F-UP. TP
Danish LV where the number of recurrences was
medians (95% confidence limit of median): LV: 12.0
significantly reduced after 2 months of intake of LV
(8.0–28.9); herbs: 23.0 (8.1–28.8); placebo: 13.5 (8.0–
compared with placebo (Pedersen et al, 1990a). The
22.2). F-UP median (95% confidence limit of median):
divergent results of the two studies may be explained by
LV: 9.0 (6.5–14.0); herbs: 15.0 (5.7–24.2); placebo 13.0
the lack of arnica in the Norwegian LV as this is the
(5.9–23.8). Within both the LV and the herbal group,
only major difference between the Danish and the
the number of NU was significantly reduced from TP to
Norwegian LV.
F-UP (Figure 2).
Both within the LV and the herbal group there was a
significant reduction in number of NU from the TP
compared to F-UP. This supports the previously dem-
Liver enzyme values were all within or close to the
onstrated carry-over effect of LV (Pedersen et al,
normal ranges at all three times of determination in all
1990a). Considering that the number of NU decreased
three groups. There was no correlation between the type
in F-UP, it is somewhat surprising that the number of
of tablets and liver enzyme values.
UFD decreased in the F-UP.
In the present study, one group received the herbal
Immunological parameters
component alone in order to establish whether the
Neither CD3+, CD4+ nor CD8+ counts showed any
previously demonstrated beneficial effect of LV on RAU
significant differences between or within groups at any
was to be ascribed to the herbs alone, or to the
time. Within the LV group, however, the CD4:CD8
combination of vitamins and herbs. No significant
ratio increased significantly from day 0 to day 120 – LV
differences were demonstrated between LV and the
medians (95% confidence limit of median): day 0: 1.06
herbal group at any time, suggesting that the benefit of
(0.76–1.96); day 120: 1.17 (0.89–1.98) (Figure 3).
LV on RAU may mainly be assigned to the herbalcomponent.
Subjective evaluation of all-over period of preference
Several studies with the Danish LV have shown an
There were no significant differences in all-over period
immunostimulating effect of the tablets in patients
of preference between any of the groups.
with RAU (Pedersen et al, 1990b), in patients withSjo¨gren's syndrome (Pedersen et al, 1999), and in
Reasons for withdrawal from the study
periodontal patients (Klausen B, Ryder LP, Nørgaard
Eight patients withdrew within the first 4 months of the
F, Pedersen A, pers. comm.). In the present study, the
trial – four patients because of problems with indiges-
CD4:CD8 ratio increased significantly within the LV
tion (diarrhoea and/or constipation), one because of
group only, during the tablet intake. This seems to
pregnancy, one because of an allergic reaction, and two
indicate an immunostimulating effect of the Nor-
because of lack of time to keep the schedule. Three of
wegian LV although not to the same extent as the
the four patients who withdrew because of problems
Danish LV. No changes in any of the evaluated
with indigestion withdrew while on herbal tablets and 1
immunological parameters were demonstrated in the
while on LV tablets.
herbal group. Thus, the influence of LV on theimmune system is possibly caused by a synergism
between vitamins and the various trace elements in the
Nine of the 52 patients in the study reported mild
herbs (Chandra and Newberne, 1977).
indigestion problems at the very beginning of the tablet
In contrast to the former study with the Danish LV in
period and they were evenly distributed among the three
the treatment of RAU (Pedersen et al, 1990a) there were
no significant differences in all-over period of preferencebetween any of the groups in the present study.
Use of alleviating drugs
As in the previous study with LV on RAU (Pedersen
Alleviating drugs used were mainly topical corticoster-
et al, 1990a), liver enzyme values did not indicate any
oid preparations and different kind of antiseptic mouth-
negative effect on the liver of any of the three different
washes. Only one patient had used systemic cortisone
twice for a period of 5 days. In the tablet period,
The use of toothpaste without the anionic detergent,
alleviating drugs had been used by four patients while
sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS), has been reported to be of
on LV, by seven patients while on herbal tablets, and by
benefit in controlling RAU (Herlofson and Barkvoll,
five while on placebo. In the follow-up period, allevi-
1994, 1996; Chahine et al, 1997). In the present study
ating drugs had been by two patients in the LV group
there was an even distribution of patients using SLS-free
and by six patients in both the herbal group and the
toothpaste among the three groups, and the patients
placebo group.
were told not to change toothpaste brand during thestudy periods. Hence, this parameter does not appear tohave had any influence on the test results.
In the present study, four patients on LV or the herbal
In the present study, neither LV nor the herbal
component withdrew from the trial due to indigestion
component of LV significantly increased the number
problems. Withdrawals because of side effects have not
Norwegian LongoVital and aphthous ulcers
been reported in any of the former studies with LV
Chahine L, Sempson N, Wagoner C (1997). The effect of
(Pedersen et al, 1990a, 1999c; Pedersen, 2001; Klausen
sodium lauryl sulphate on recurrent aphthous ulcers: a
B, Ryder LP, Nørgaard F, Pedersen A, pers. comm.).
clinical study. Compend Contin Educ Dent 18: 1238–1240.
This may indicate that the herbal composition of the
Chandra RK, Newberne PM, eds. (1977). Nutrition, immunity
Norwegian LV may affect digestion more severely than
and infection. Mechanisms of interaction. Plenum Press: NewYork.
the Danish LV, or be due to differences in the study
Herlofson BB, Barkvoll P (1994). Sodium lauryl sulphate and
recurrent aphthous ulcers. A preliminary study. Acta Odon-
In conclusion, neither the Norwegian LV nor the
tol Scand 52: 257–259.
herbal component alone was superior to placebo in the
Herlofson BB, Barkvoll P (1996). The effect of two toothpaste
prevention of RAU. The results, however, indicated that
detergents on the frequency of recurrent aphthous ulcers.
there was a trend favouring LV and the herbs to
Acta Odontol Scand 54: 150–153.
placebo. Therefore, the Norwegian LV could be recom-
Lehner T (1968). Autoimmunity in oral diseases with special
mended as an adjunct to other conventional therapies as
reference to recurrent oral ulceration. Proc R Soc Med 61:
a preventive measure in RAU patients.
Arnica was part of the Danish LV when the first study
Pedersen A (2001). LongoVitalÒ and herpes labialis: a rand-
omised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Oral Dis 7:
on RAU was done and it is known for its immunostim-
ulating properties (Wagner et al, 1985; Wagner and
Pedersen A, Hougen HP, Klausen B, Winther K (1990a).
Juric, 1991) which could explain the different clinical
LongoVitalÒ in the prevention of recurrent aphthous
and immunological findings in the Danish and the
ulceration. J Oral Pathol Med 19: 371–375.
present RAU study. Thus, in order to establish the
Pedersen A, Klausen B, Hougen HP, Ryder L, Winther K
importance of arnica in RAU prevention, future studies
(1990b). Immunomodulation by LongoVitalÒ in patients
with arnica containing food supplements are awaited
with recurrent aphthous ulceration. J Oral Pathol Med 19:
with great interest.
Pedersen A, Gerner N, Palmvang I, Høier-Madsen M (1999).
LongoVitalÒ in the treatment of Sjo¨gren's syndrome. Clin
Exp Rheumatol 17: 533–538.
Wagner H, Juric K (1991). Immunologic studies of plant
The study was supported by Paramedical A/S, Denmark.
combination preparations. In- vitro and in-vivo studies onthe stimulation of phagocytosis. Arzneimittelforsch 41:
Wagner H, Proksch A, Riess-Maurer I et al (1985). Immuno-
Axell T (1976). A prevalence study of oral mucosal lesions in
stimulating action of polysaccharides (heteroglycan from
an adult Swedish population. Odont Revy 27 (suppl 36): 103.
higher plants). Arzneimittelforsch 35: 1069–1075.
Source: http://www.munnskold.no/pdf/norwegian%20longovital%20and%20recurrent%20aphthous.pdf
MEDICAL POSITION PAPER Management Guidelines of Eosinophilic Esophagitis A. Papadopoulou, yS. Koletzko, zR. Heuschkel, J.A. Dias, jjK.J. Allen, S.H. Murch, S. Chong, F. Gottrand, yyS. Husby, zzP. Lionetti, M.L. Mearin, jjjjF.M. Ruemmele, M.G. Scha¨ppi, A. Staiano, M. Wilschanski, and yyyY. Vandenplas, for the ESPGHAN Eosinophilic Esophagitis Working Group and the Gastroenterology Committee
Evolutionarily conserved gene family importantfor fat storageBert Kadereit*, Pradeep Kumar*, Wen-Jun Wang*, Diego Miranda*, Erik L. Snapp†, Nadia Severina‡, Ingrid Torregroza‡,Todd Evans‡, and David L. Silver*§ *Department of Biochemistry and the Marion Bessin Liver Research Center and Departments of ‡Developmental and Molecular Biology and †Anatomyand Structural Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY 10461