High Performance Alarm
Release 02
Congratulations on your choice of a MetaSystem product! We would like to ask you to read the instructions
in this manual carefully as you will find it contains useful information to get acquainted with the many possibilities that the
H.P.A (High Performance Alarm) range of products is able to offer.
After you have installed the product according to the "installation instructions" supplied with the product, and which
you will also find below, the alarm control unit must be programmed in order to customise the product based on the vehicle
that it is installed on.
When you have finished the job, it is important to remember to give the user's handbook to the owner of the vehicle
and to show him the various features of his car alarm system. Please remember to fill out the "certificate of installation" in
the user's handbook (European Directive) and to give the owner the red card that he will need should he decide to order any
extra remote controls, as well as the OVERRIDE CARD where you should have already written the owner's emergency code,
customised according to his choice.
- The Range of H.P.A. products
- Technical specifications
- Instructions for installation
- Customising the operating functions
- Checking the setting of the operating functions
- Description of the operating functions
- The override code
- Remote controls
- Checking the remote controls and emergency keys
- The garage function
- The control unit's power supply
- Memory of triggered alarms
- Instructions for use
2-button remote control with programmable function buttons – random rolling codePassive arming of alarm – selection according to preferencePassive arming of immobiliser– selection according to preference‘Distraction-proof' re-arming - selection according to preferenceEmergency override code – customised according to preferenceElectronic emergency key - random rolling code
Relay for engine immobilisation (10A)
ALARM: protection and signals
Protection of doors/bonnet/boot – negative input – 3 wires
Auxiliary protection – positive input – can be excluded by remote control
Digital ultrasonics with programmable adjustment of sensitivity – can be excluded by remote control
Current drop sensor –selection according to preference
Ignition sensing
Panic alarm - selection according to preference
Anti carjacking with triggering of alarm and immobilisation of ignition (3 modes can be selected)
Safety lock - automatic locking of doors when travelling (input for mileometer or brake pedal) - selection according to preference
Buzzer - selection according to preference
M02 siren without battery back up
SC1 coded siren with battery back up
Output for control of continuous/alternating siren/horn - selection according to preference
LED with memory of triggered alarmsSwitch/LED for override codeUniversal central door locking – 6 wires – with selection of timingControl of original comfort closing of electric windows or via remote control - selection according to preferenceControl of safety dead lock on central locking - selection according to preferenceControl of automatic electric windows module (M8) or via remote control (M2008) - selection according to preferenceExclusion of ultrasonics and auxiliary protection by remote controlGarage function – exclusion of passive armingSignals if car battery is flatSignals open doors/ tests alarm inputs
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSPower Supply.12Vdc (10V-15V)Consumption.(alarm armed with ultrasonics) 10 mA.(alarm armed without ultrasonics) 8 mA.(alarm disarmed) 6 mAOperating temperature.-25°C+ 85°CSound level of siren.118 dBAutonomy of back-up battery (SC1).5 minutes.
Remote controls (max.7).72 million billion rolling codes (lithium batteries)Emergency keys (max 4).18 billion billion rolling codesEmergency "override" code to reset immobiliser and inhibit alarm functions.
RELAY CONTACT CAPACITYCentral door locking.10AEngine immobiliser relay.10ADirection indicators relay.5A+5AHorn control.Negative electronic 1A
TIMINGInitial immunity time.26 secondsDuration of alarm cycle.26 secondsInterval between alarm cycles.5 secondsDelay for passive arming of engine immobiliser.(with engine off) 240 seconds.(with door open - engine off) 50 secondsDelay for passive arming with alarm functions. 30 secondsIntermittence of direction indicators when alarm triggered.0.4 sec.on.0.4 sec.offTiming options for opening – closing doors.0.5 sec.-1.5 sec.-4.5 sec.-15 sec.
Timing for comfort closing.0.5-15 sec.
N° of permitted times for starting vehicle in garage mode.15‘Distraction-proof' re-arming.120 seconds
ALARM CYCLESPeripheral alarm inputs (doors, bonnet, boot).10 cyclesIgnition sensing.10 cyclesUltrasonics.10 cyclesAuxiliary modules.10 cyclesCurrent drop sensor.10 cycles

(cannot be used if KEY 4 KEYPAD is connected)

SIREN FOR H.P.A. 2.5 -3.5
CUSTOMISING THE OPERATING FUNCTIONSThe installed alarm system has a series of preset factory settings, which can be modified according according to the vehiclethat the alarm system is to be installed on as well as the owner's preferences.
The factory settings and their possible customisations are illustrated in the table below.
standard configuration
(flashing led)
(led off)
control of horn/siren
sensibility of volume protection
current drop sensor
short timing for central door locking
long timing for central door locking
automatic comfort
control of electric windows
test of peripheral alarms
intentional anti carjacking function
automatic anti carjacking function 1
automatic anti carjacking function 2
control of safety locking
function of remote control buttonss
passive arming with alarm functions
passive arming of immobiliser
peripheral alarms active
Proceed as follows to modify the factory setting:- arm the alarm system with the remote control;- turn the ignition key to its ON position in order to switch the vehicle's dashboard on;- press button A on the remote control 4 times (fig. 1): the direction indicators will flash each time the button is pressed;- after the button is pressed for the fourth time, the siren will make a series of signals (M02=4 BOOPS - SC1=4 BIP- BIPS) toconfirm that you have accessed the programming mode for the operating functions: the LED flashes quicklyN.B. it is possible to set one function at a time.
- Press the button on the SWITCH/LED module installed on the dashboard, or key 1 if the keypad is present, the same numberof times as the function you want to set: the LED flashes slowly if the setting of the function is the "A selection" type andremains off if the setting is the " B selection " type.
N.B. The direction indicators will flash once each time the number indicating the type of function goes up to the next one.
If the keypad is present, the direction indicators will flash once to confirm the type of function has gone up to the next one (thebeep that the keypad makes is not relevant).
You must wait for the flashing signal to stop before you press the button or Key 1 again.
The Led flashes quickly to indicate that a ‘not used' function has been selectedTo change the setting, press
• button A on the remote control if you want the setting as per "A selection": the siren makes one BEEP sound toconfirm this, or press• button B on the remote control if you want the setting as per "B selection": the M02 siren makes one BOOP soundto confirm this; if you have installed a SC1 siren, this will make 2 BIP sounds;
- to change the setting of another function, repeat the 2 previous steps within 20 seconds;- to exit the operating functions customisation phase, turn the ignition key back off and switch the vehicle's dashboard off, thendisarm the system by pressing button A on the remote control.
N.B. During selection of a function, if you press the button on the SWITCH/LED or button 1 on the keypad, if present, for anumber of times that corresponds to a function which is not used or one that does not exist, you will hear 4 BOOPS of the M02siren or 8 BIPS of the SC1 siren when you press the button on the remote control, and the LED will flash quickly to indicatethe anomaly.
CHECKING THE SETTING OF THE OPERATING FUNCTIONSWhen customising the operating functions, you can check the status of each individual setting. The LED will indicate the currentsetting after you have pressed the button on the SWITCH/LED or button 1 on the keypad, if present, the same number of timesas the function you want to check, as follows:
DESCRIPTION OF THE OPERATING FUNCTIONS1 - BUZZER - Factory Setting: disabledThe acoustic signal provided by the siren when the alarm system is armed and disarmed. Its use is not permitted in countriesin the European Community.
2 - CONTROL OF HORN/SIREN - Factory Setting: alternatingNegative signal (1A max) to control the horn or additional siren during an alarm cycle.
Select alternating to control a horn, continuous to control a siren.
3 - SAFETY LOCK - Factory Setting: disabledThis function guarantees that the doors will always be locked via the central door locking system when the vehicle is in motion,and thus prevents any attempt to open the doors from the outside. The doors are locked automatically with the timing selectedfor UNLOCK TIMING. The LOCKING control is performed according to the selection made for function 20 and the relative connectionof the green/black wire. In fact it is possible to select the door locking control whilst the vehicle is in motion if it comes fromthe mileometer wire or the brake pedal.
MILEOMETER (connect the green/black wire from the alarm control unit to the vehicle's mileometer signal). The locking controlis performed after the ignition is switched on, the doors are locked and the vehicle has been in motion for at least 10 seconds.
BRAKE PEDAL (connect the green/black wire from the alarm control unit to the vehicle's brake pedal). The locking control isperformed the second time the brake pedal is pressed if the doors are locked and the instrument panel is on (+15 ON) TheINTENTIONAL ANTI-CARJACKING and ANTICARJACKING 1 functions are not possible with this selection.
The doors will only be unlocked if a door is opened from the vehicle interior or if the engine is turned off.
4 - SENSITIVITY OF VOLUME PROTECTION - Factory Setting: standardThe particular technology used for the ultrasonic volume protection results in only real attempts to break into the vehicle interiorbeing detected and false alarms being ignored. We recommend the use of reduced sensitivity for vehicles with a small interior(for example double volume vehicles).
5 - CURRENT DROP SENSOR - Factory Setting: disabledAs the alarm is being armed, the control unit memorises the consumption of the vehicle's electrical system and triggers an alarmif there is any variation in this. WARNING: the current drop sensor cannot replace peripheral protection because the current dropsensor will remain inactive if the bulb in the vehicle's interior light does not come on when a door is opened.
N.B. To ensure correct operation of the current drop sensor, do not connect the alarm's positive supply directly to the battery,but to a derived line (e.g. fuse box). If operation of the current drop sensor has been selected, the 4 direction indicators canstill be used in case of emergency without triggering an alarm even if the alarm is armed.
6 _ 7 _ 8 _ 9 - T I M I N G F O R C E N T R A L D O O R L O C K I N G - Fa c t o r y S e t t i n g : 0 . 5 s e c o n d s , c o m f o r t d i s a b l e dIt is possible to select the timing for locking and unlocking of the central door locking system from between 0.5 sec, 1.5 secand 4.5 seconds.
In addition, if the comfort function is selected, the locking time depends on how long the button on the remote control is keptpressed, for up to maximum of 15 seconds. If the button is released before the 15 seconds are over, the control of the lockingwill be interrupted. If the automatic comfort function is selected, the locking time will be fixed at 15 seconds. When the comfortfunction is operational, the duration of the unlocking control can be 0.5 sec, 1.5 sec and 4.5 seconds.
The possibilities for selection are shown in the table below
short = 0,5 sec.
short = 0,5 sec.
medium = 1,5 sec.
medium = 1,5 sec. 6 = selection B
long = 4,5 sec.
long = 4,5 sec.
short = 0,5 sec.
medium = 1,5 sec. 6 = selection B
0,5÷15 sec.
long = 4,5 sec.
short = 0,5 sec.
medium = 1,5 sec. 6 = selection B
0,5÷15 sec.
long = 4,5 sec.
10 – DEAD LOCK - Factory Setting: disabledThis function allows you to control an additional feature of the central door locking system using your remote control as it controlsthe safety locking of the vehicles with this system (Opels, recent Fiats etc) when both locking and unlocking the doors. Thelocking and unlocking controls are activated for the time set as per functions 6_7_8_9 and then are reactivated for a further0.5 sec after a pause of 0.5 sec. for locking and 1 sec for unlocking.
The Dead Lock controls are not produced during the activation of the Safety Lock function (if enabled).
11 - CONTROL OF ELECTRIC WINDOWS - Factory Setting: manualThis control makes it possible to control the closing of the vehicle's electric windows by means of the M2008 module (optional)or to control the vehicle's original control box. Manual mode can be selected for the M2008 module, which enables the windowsto be closed for as long as the button on the remote control is being pressed (12 sec max). If the button is released beforethe 12 sec timing is over, the closing of the windows will stop. Automatic mode is to close the windows with 12 sec timing withone press of the button on the remote control.
It is possible to prevent the closure of the electric windows for one cycle of arming/disarming of the alarm system; this is usefulin summer if you want to leave the vehicle parked with its windows slightly opened or if you have to leave a pet in the car. Pressthe button on the SWITCH /LED or button 1 on the keypad, if present, before arming the alarm system with the remote control.
The alarm system must then be armed within 60 sec of pressing the SWITCH /LED12 - PANIC ALARM - Factory Setting: disabledThis function allows you to trigger a max 10 sec alarm cycle with the remote control; it can also be interrupted by remote control.
I t s o p e r a t i o n d e p e n d s o n t h e s e t t i n g o f F U N C T I O N O F R E M O T E C O N T RO L B U T T O N S ( f u n c t i o n 2 2 ) :FACTORY SETTING: when the control unit is not armed, trigger this function by pressing button B on the remote control; the samebutton can be used within 10 seconds to interrupt it. If the control unit is armed, the function can be triggered after the initialimmunity time by pressing button B. Press it again within 10 sec, to stop the panic alarm.
CUSTOM SETTING: when the control unit is armed, the function can be triggered after the initial immunity time by pressing buttonA. Press it again within 10 sec to stop the panic alarm. It is not possible to trigger a panic alarm if the control unit is not armed.
13 - TEST OF PERIPHERAL ALARMS - Factory Setting: activatedIf the vehicle has an internal light with delayed switch off, or with particular connections, the alarm control unit could interpretthis as an open door when it is armed, resulting in 1 BOOP signal for the M02 siren or 2 BIPS for the SC1 siren.
If this is the case, we recommend neutralizing this function to eliminate the inaccurate signal.
ANTI CARJACKING FUNCTIONOnly one anti carjacking method mode can be enabled at a time: when one method is enabled the other two are automaticallyneutralised. If the brake pedal has been enabled in the Safety Lock function (see Function 3), the activation of INTENTIONALANTI CARJACKING mode and AUTOMATIC ANTICARJACKING 2 is also neutralised.
14 - INTENTIONAL ANTI CARJACKING FUNCTION - Factory Setting: disabledConditions a, b and c must be met if this function is required.
a) The dedicated anti-carjacking switch must be installed (see wiring diagram for details on connection); this must be locatedin a place that is not visible but is within easy reach of the driver.
b) To ensure correct operation of this function (European Directive), it is absolutely essential to interrupt the operation of thevehicle's starter motor with the dark blue and white wires from the alarm control unit.
c) It is also necessary to connect the green/black wire from the alarm control unit to the mileometer signal from the vehicle.
In case of danger, this function enables the activation of a timed procedure that triggers an alarm cycle and prevents the enginebeing started. After the anti-carjacking switch has been pressed (the LED will flash once), the ignition will be immobilised if thevehicle has been in motion for at least 1 minute and then has stopped (speed 0) for at least 5 seconds.
A 25 second alarm cycle indicates that the ignition immobilisation protection has been activated. If the engine is now turnedoff, it is only possible to turn it back on 3 times, and then the vehicle will be totally immobilised. The remote controls areneutralised after this function has been armed and it is only possible to exit it by means of the OVERRIDE code.
15 - AUTOMATIC ANTI CARJACKING FUNCTION 1 - Factory Setting: disabledConditions a and b must be met if this function is required.
a) The dedicated anti-carjacking switch must be installed (see wiring diagram for details on connection); this must be locatedin a place that is not visible but is within easy reach of the driver.
b) To ensure correct operation of this function (European Directive), it is absolutely essential to interrupt the operation of thevehicle's starter motor with the dark blue and white wires from the alarm control unit.
This function protects the vehicle in case of unauthorised use by triggering an alarm cycle and preventing the engine from beingstarted. Every time a door is opened and the vehicle starts up, the direction indicators will flash for a set time unless the anticarjacking switch is pressed, followed by the immobilisation of the ignition and the sounding of the siren. The anti carjackingswitch must be pressed after the door has been opened and the ignition is started, keeping it pressed until the LED flashesonce. If it is not pressed within max 20 seconds of the ignition being started, there will be a continual series of BEEPS by thesiren and flashing of the direction indicators for 30 seconds, followed by the flashing of the direction indicators alone for another90 seconds, to remind the driver to press the appropriate switch. If he still does not press the switch, an alarm cycle will betriggered and the ignition will be immobilised. If the engine is now turned off, it is only possible to turn it back on 3 times, andthen the vehicle will be totally immobilised. It is only possible to exit this function after it has been armed by means of theOVERRIDE code.
N.B. The arming of the anti carjacking 1 function is inhibited after automatic passive arming.
16 - AUTOMATIC ANTI CARJACKING FUNCTION 2 - Factory Setting: disabledConditions a, b, c, d and e must be met if this function is required.
a) The optional KEY 4 keypad must be installedb) To ensure correct operation of this function (European Directive), it is absolutely essential to interrupt the operation of thevehicle's starter motor with the dark blue and white wires from the alarm control unit.
c) It is also necessary to connect the green/black wire from the alarm control unit to the mileometer signal from the vehicle.
d) Function 19 must be enabled by selecting A during the ‘Customising The Operating Functions' stagee) Store the velocity signal for the vehicle not in motion and the maximum speed allowed. (refer to the ‘Memorising the mileometerfrequency' section)This function protects the vehicle in case of unauthorised use by triggering alarm cycles and preventing the engine from beingstarted. Every time a door is opened and the vehicle starts up, the Led will light up and the buzzer will sound on the keypad,the direction indicators will flash, the siren or horn output will be activated for a set time, followed by the immobilisation of theignition unless the 4-digit password is keyed in using the keypad. Once the vehicle is in motion, the remote controls will beneutralised until the correct code is keyed in using the keypad.
ACTIVATIONThe following events must occur, in any order:- closure of last open door- instrument panel switched on (+15 ON)- vehicle immobile (not in motion) for at least 2 sec.
If the correct password is keyed in when the instrument panel is on (+15 ON), this function is neutralised.
If the wrong password is keyed in when the instrument panel is on (+15 ON), the system goes onto the next stage.
START OF INTERNAL SIGNALLINGIf the correct password is not keyed in within 180 sec. from when the vehicle starts moving, the LED and the BUZZER on theKEY 4 keypad are activated intermittently. If the wrong password is keyed in during this 180 sec period, the LED and the BUZZERimmediately become active. If the engine is turned off (+15 OFF) during this 180 sec period, the countdown is immediatelyinterrupted until the instrument panel is turned on again (+15 ON). After the 180 sec period, the LED and the BUZZER areactivated intermittently for 60 secIf the correct password is keyed in when the instrument panel is on (+15 ON), this function is neutralised.
If the wrong password is keyed in when the instrument panel is on (+15 ON), the system goes onto the next stage.
START OF EXTERNAL SIGNALLING45 sec after the start of internal signalling (the LED and BUZZER) without the correct password being keyed in, the siren, hornoutput and the direction indicators are activated. (180+45 sec from the moment when the vehicle started moving).
If the correct password is keyed in when the instrument panel is on (+15 ON), this function is neutralised.
If the wrong password is keyed in when the instrument panel is on (+15 ON), the system goes onto the next stage.
START OF IGNITION IMMOBILISATION15 sec after the activation of the external signalling (siren, horn, direction indicators) without the correct password being keyedin, the ignition immobilisation relay will be intermittently and progressively piloted for 3 minutes and the alarm cycles will continue.
This operating mode will also result in the gradual slowing down of the vehicle's speed, in the countries where this is allowed,if the above relay intervenes either on the fuel pump or the +15.
The gradual reduction in speed will continue until the maximum limit is reached (see function 20). Once this speed has beenreached, no further action will take place on the engine immobilisation if it is not exceeded. If the instrument panel is turnedoff (+15 OFF), the external signalling will stop and the engine can be turned on again within 60 sec (it is possible to accelerateuntil the maximum speed limit is reached, then the engine immobilisation relay will inter vene intermittently).
If the correct password is keyed in when the instrument panel is on (+15 ON), this function is neutralised.
If the wrong password is keyed in when the instrument panel is on (+15 ON), the system goes onto the next stage.
COMPLETE ENGINE IMMOBILISATION60 sec after the instrument panel has been turned off (+15 OFF), it will no longer be possible to start the engine up again.
If the correct password is keyed in when the instrument panel is on (+15 ON), this function is neutralised.
The system can also be neutralised using the RESTORING THE OVERRIDE CODE procedure (refer to relative section).
TEMPORARY BLOCKIf 3 wrong codes are keyed in consecutively, the system enters a temporary blocked mode and does not accept any furtherattempts for 10 minutes, making 3 consecutive Beeps every 5 sec (the instrument panel must remain switched off +15 OFF).
It is possible to key the correct password in only at the end of this timed stage with the instrument panel turned on (+15 ON).
If a further 3 wrong codes are keyed in, the temporary blacked mode will last for 20 minutes, then 30 minutes.
NEUTRALISING THE ANTI CARJACKINGBy keying in a 4-digit password on the KEY PAD 4 when the instrument panel is turned on (+15 ON). If the correct code is keyedin, a long BEEP will be heard, whereas the wrong code will result in 3 consecutive Beeps.
18 - SIREN SUPPLIED - Factory Setting: according to the type of siren suppliedThe alarm system can be supplied with either the M02 siren or the SC1 siren with battery back up. If you want to change thesiren supplied with the other version, the setting of this function must be changed accordingly.
19 - KEY 4 KEYPAD - Factory Setting: disabledThe keypad replaces the LED/SWITCH and electronic emergency keys set (which can not operate together with the keypad). Itis complete with a LED for signalling the status of the alarm system, a buzzer and 4 backlit keys (these light up the first timeone of them is pressed and remain lit for 15 seconds after they were pressed for the last time).
20 - SAFETY LOCK CONTROL - Factory Setting: mileometerSee function 321 - DISTRACTION-PROOF REARMING FUNCTION - Factory Setting: disabledThis function enables the control unit to rearm the alarm system completely 2 minutes after it was last disarmed by remotecontrol, provided the status of the doors, boot and bonnet remains unchanged during this time. If the volumetric protection wasexcluded when the system was previously armed, it will be excluded again when the system is automatically rearmed.
22 - FUNCTION OF REMOTE CONTROL BUTTONSThe way the buttons on the alarm system's remote control operate can be customised as shown in the table below: the systemis supplied with the complete set of factory settings.
ARMING: with manual and automatic comfort closing of
electric windows, if selected by installer
DISARMING: the system will rearm completely unless youenter the interior within 2 minutes and the distraction-proof
function is enabled
AUXILIARY MODULES: press within 25 sec. of arming
2nd press auxiliary
2nd press auxiliary
STOP ALARM CYCLE: without disarming the system
PANIC: can be triggered when control unit is armed, after
Can also be trigged
initial immunity time, max 10 sec. duration, can be stopped
if control unit is
23 - PASSIVE ARMING WITH ALARM FUNCTIONS - Factory Setting: disabledThis allows the peripheral protection of the alarm system to be armed automatically 30 seconds after the last open door isopened and the instrument panel is switched off (+15 OFF). The direction indicators flash 2 times to signal the system is armedand the LED flashes very quickly during the initial immunity time to indicate that the volume protection is not operational.
After the initial immunity time, any alarm stimulus will trigger a PRE-ALARM signal lasting 5 seconds during which the siren willmake a series of BEEP sounds: if the system is not disarmed before this time is over, a full alarm cycle will be triggered at theend of the pre-alarm signal. The alarm can be disarmed by means of the remote control.
Automatic passive arming can be temporarily neutralized with the garage function (see relative section)24 - PASSIVE ARMING OF IMMOBILISER - Factory Setting: disabledThis allows the immobiliser to be armed automatically by the control unit:- 4 minutes after the engine has been turned off, or- 50 seconds after a door has been opened if the engine has been turned offAutomatic passive arming can be temporarily neutralized with the garage function (see relative section)25 - PERIPHERAL ALARMS ACTIVE - Factory Setting: derived (1 alarm only)It is possible to choose if an ongoing alarm trigger is to correspond to a single alarm cycle, or to consecutive alarm cycles upto a maximum of 10 (European Directive)
THE OVERRIDE CODEIn emergency situations, the alarm system can be neutralized by means of the OVERRIDE code. This is keyed in by using thebutton on the SWITCH/LED mounted on the dashboard or via the KEY4 keypad, if present. The code set during production inthe factory is the same for all control units, i.e. 1 1 1 1 1 or 1111 if the keypad is enabled.
It is absolutely essential to customise this code; ask the owner of the vehicle for a sequence of 5 digits of his choice, notincluding 0, if the SWITCH/LED is mounted. If the keypad has been mounted the code has 4 digits made up of the keys 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the keypad. This code must be stored in the control unit's memory as shown in the procedure below, and then notedon the OVERRIDE CARD provided with the system and kept in a safe place by the owner of the vehicle.
immediately after
number of flashes by the
LED as the individual
of the OVERRIDE code
immediately after
of flashes by the LED
as the individual digit
of the OVERRIDE code
USE OF THE OVERRIDE CODEThis procedure is only operational after the initial immunity time or after the anti carjacking protection has become operative.
Alarm cycles will be triggered as the code is being keyed in. If the LED/SWITCH does not work, it is also possible to insert thecode by turning the vehicle's ignition key ON and OFF instead.
When the alarm system is armed, or when the anti carjacking protection is operational, follow the procedure illustrated belowto disarm the H.P.A. control unit.
after the same number of
flashes by the LED as the
individual digit of
the OVVERIDE code
WARNING: if the wrong code is keyed in 3 times, the control unit will be blocked for 10 minutes to prevent attempts to acquirethe code.
RESETTING THE OVERRIDE CODEShould the code be lost or forgotten, the 1 1 1 1 1 factory set code, or 1111 with keypad, can be restored, and the owner'snew code stored in again. This operation is not feasible if the system is armed (it must first be disarmed) but it can beimplemented if the vehicle is blocked or if there is an anti-carjacking alarm. In automatic anti-carjacking 2 mode, it is onlypossible to implement it in the final, temporary immobilisation stage. This operation does however allow you to exit the anti-carjacking phase. You must have both remote controls to do this and follow the procedure below:- disarm the control unit;- turn the vehicle's ignition key ON (dashboard turned on);- press button A on one of the 2 remote controls;- press button A on the second remote control;- press button A on the first remote control again;- press button A on the second remote control again. The M02 siren will now confirm that the code has been reset by sounding2 BEEPS followed by 2 BOOPS. The SC1 siren will make 2 BEEPS followed by 4 BIPS.
- turn the vehicle's ignition key OFF (dashboard turned off);N.B. Make sure that less than 5 seconds pass between one step and the next.
REMOTE CONTROLSThe alarm control unit is supplied with 2 coded remote controls but it is possible to add extra remote controls, up to a maximumof 7 in all. To add new remote controls, they must first of all be ordered from your local MetaSystem Customer Care Centre;you must indicate the base code, located on the red card supplied with the product, on your order. After you receive the remotecontrols, they have to be linked up to the control unit by means of the dedicated link-up procedure.
If one or more remote controls are lost or stolen, they can be cancelled by means of this same link-up procedure, and even resetfor use should they be found again.
LINKING UP REMOTE CONTROLSa) arm and disarm the control unit with the remote control for a total of 16 times in all. The M02 siren will now make 2 BEEPSfollowed by 2 BOOPS. The SC1 siren will make 2 BEEPS followed by 4 BEEPS;b) turn the ignition key ON within 10 secs (vehicle's dashboard is turned on);c) press button A on the new remote control: the LED turns on;d) press button A on the same remote control again: the LED turns off and the siren makes a BEEP to confirm it has beensuccessfully linked up;e) press button A on the second new remote control: the LED turns on;f) press button A on the same remote control again: the LED turns off and the siren makes a BEEP to confirm it has beensuccessfully linked up;g) repeat steps e and f for all the new remote controls;h) turn the ignition key OFF (vehicle's dashboard is turned off): the M02 siren will make 2 BEEPS and 2 BOOPS to signal ther e m o t e c o n t r o l s h av e b e e n s t o r e d i n t h e c o n t r o l u n i t 's m e m o r y ; t h e S C 1 s i r e n w i l l m a ke 4 B I P S .
EMERGENCY KEYSThe alarm system can be equipped with up to 4 electronic keys for emergency disarming.
The EMERGENCY KEYS KIT (P64760) includes the receptacle, to be installed as shown in fig. 1/A, and 2 keys, which must bestored in the control unit's memory as described in the procedure for memorising emergency keys. It is also possible to neutralizeany lost or stolen keys by means of the same procedure, as the memorising of emergency keys automatically deletes anypreviously stored keys.
MEMORISING EMERGENCY KEYSa) arm the control unit with the remote control;b within 10 seconds of this, turn the vehicle's ignition key ON (dashboard is turned on);c) within 10 seconds of this, press the button on the SWITCH/LED 4 times: the siren will BEEP once to confirm selection;d) within 10 seconds of this, turn the vehicle's ignition key OFF (dashboard is turned off): the LED will start to flash slowly thusrequesting the override code. The button must be pressed immediately after the equivalent number of flashes of the LED aseach individual digit in the override code;e) The M02 siren will make 2 BEEPS followed by 2 BOOPS to confirm the correct override code; the SC1 siren will make 2 BEEPSfollowed by 4 BIPS;f) insert the emergency keys into the receptacle within 10 seconds: the LED will flash once to confirm each key has beenmemorised correctly;g) turn the vehicle's ignition key on and off three times each to exit the procedure and finalise the storing of the emergency keysin the control unit's memory.
CHECKING THE QUANTITY OF REMOTE CONTROLS AND EMERGENCY KEYSWhen the alarm system is disarmed, turn the vehicle's ignition key ON (dashboard is turned on) and press button A on the remotecontrol: the LED will flash the same number of times as the number of remote controls that are stored in the control unit'smemory. After a pause of 2 seconds, the flashing will start again to indicate how many emergency keys have been stored in itsmemory.
MEMORISING THE MILEOMETER FREQUENCYThis enables the memorisation of the frequency of the signals found on the mileometer wire, relating to:a) vehicle immobile with engine running (speed 0);b) threshold for activation of intentional carjacking, maximum speed allowed by the ANTI-CARJACKING 1 function .
It is essential to enable the mileometer input for function 20. It is possible to execute it if any enabled anti-carjacking functionsare not operational (they must therefore be neutralised using the relative procedures)Type ‘a' memorisation alone can be done if the LED/SWITCH is mounted:- with the control unit disarmed, turn the instrument panel on (+15 ON) and turn the engine on;- within 10 sec of this, press the button on the LED/SWITCH 10 times: the direction indicators flash every time it is pressed,then the siren produces a BEEP the tenth time and the LED flashes rapidly;- within 10 sec of this, press the button on the LED/SWITCH to store the frequency at zero velocity:the siren produces a BEEP and the LED turns off- turn the engine and the instrument panel off (+15 OFF)Types ‘a' and ‘b' memorisation can be done if the keypad is mounted:- with the control unit disarmed, turn the instrument panel on (+15 ON) and turn the engine on;- within 10 sec of this, press two buttons on the keypad at the same time and keep them pressed for at least 10 sec. After 10sec have passed, the buzzer on the keypad will produce 4 short BEEPs and when the buttons are released the LED will light upwithout flashing.
- within 10 sec of this, key in the 4-digit override code and make sure that less than 10 seconds pass between pressing onebutton and the next. If more than 10 seconds pass, a BIP sound will signal the need to repeat the procedure from the beginning.
A long BEEP confirms the correct code has been received and the LED turns off.
- press any key on the keypad to store the speed when the vehicle is not in motion: 2 consecutive BEEPs confirm it has beenstored successfully. Turn the vehicle's engine on and take it to the required speed (recommended 10÷15Km/h), then press anybutton on the keypad to store the speed, 2 consecutive BEEPs confirm it has been stored successfully, 3 consecutive BEEPsindicate an error during calculation: if this occurs, start from the beginning again, repeating both steps, and slightly increasethe speed during the second calculation (e.g. 20÷25 Km/h).
- stop the vehicle and turn off the engine and instrument panel (+15 OFF) to complete the procedure.
THE GARAGE FUNCTIONThe function makes its possible to temporarily neutralize the passive arming of the engine immobiliser, the passive arming withthe alarm functions, distraction-proof re-arming and anti carjacking protection.
If the anti carjacking protection has not yet been enabled, the garage function is enabled by pressing button A on the remotecontrol together with the button on the SWITCH/LED mounted on the dashboard: the direction indicators flash 2 times and thesiren makes 1 BEEP to confirm the function is operational. If the ignition key is turned ON (dashboard is turned on), the LEDwill flash to warn that the garage function is operational.
If the anti carjacking protection has already been enabled, the garage function is enabled by pressing button A on the remotecontrol at the same time as the anti carjacking switch. The signals given after this are the same as those described above.
If the keypad has been mounted, press 2 any keys at the same time and press button A on the remote control to transmit asignal: the keypad will produce 4 BEEPs to confirm reception. Release the 2 buttons and key in the override code within 10 sec:the direction indicators flash 2 times and the siren produces 2 BEEPs to confirm the function has been activated.
It is possible to turn the ignition on 15 times when the garage function is operational and will remain memorised, even if thealarm control unit‘s power supply is disconnected. To exit the garage function, arm the alarm system with the remote control.
THE CONTROL UNIT'S POWER SUPPLYIf the control unit‘s power supply is disconnected, its memory will store its previous status. When its power supply is restored,the status of the control unit will be the same as just before the power supply was disconnected.
MEMORY OF TRIGGERED ALARMSIf various alarms have been triggered, the memory will signal them in sequence with 3 second pauses, and repeat the sequencesevery 6 seconds. The memory is reset when the vehicle's ignition is turned on or when the control unit is armed again by remotecontrol.
FINAL CHECKAfter the alarm system has been installed and customised, it is important to check that it operates correctly by means of thefollowing procedure:- connect the cable's connector to the HPA control unit- close the boot, sun-roof, all windows and doors- make sure that you have not left the car keys or the remote controls inside the vehicle- restore the connection of the car battery, then close the bonnet- the first time it is switched on, the control unit will be disarmed- start up the engine to check that all connections have been carried out correctlyThe checks described below refer to a control unit with standard factory settings: the results of the various steps may varyaccording to any customisation of the operating functions.
- arm the control unit by pressing button A on the remote control: the doors are locked by the central door locking system, thealarm protection is operational, the direction indicators flash 2 times and the LED flashes- during the initial 25 seconds of immunity time, complete the following tests, each of which should cause the indicators to flashonce, signalling the positive outcome of the test: - open a door, the bonnet and the boot - turn the ignition key ON - insert your hand through an open window and move it backwards and forwards compared to the installed ultrasoniccapsules; the initial immunity time starts again from zero every time the indicators flash- after the initial immunity time is over, the LED will flash more slowly and there will be a 25 second alarm cycle if you triggerany of the alarm's protection features: the siren produces its distinctive modulated sound, the direction indicators flash andthe horn ,if connected, sounds intermittently. Check that the immobiliser is working properly during an alarm cycle.
- disarm the alarm control unit by pressing button A on the remote control: the doors are unlocked via the central door lockingsystem, the direction indicators flash once, the M02 siren produces 1 BOOP sound, whilst the SC1 siren produces 2 BIPS, andthe LED flashes to indicate the memorised alarms which took place during the final check. Refer to the relative section for moreinformation on what these flashes stand for.
Please refer to the instructions of the individual auxiliary modules for more information on their operation, if any are installed.
st 25 sec. (initial
then flashes slowly
ms (see relative table)
then flashes slowly
rns off if no alar
flashes to signal memorised
FLASHING: rapidly during fir
25 sec. (initial immunity time)
the M02 siren will
ming and anti-carjacking
y is flat and buzzer ON*
ned on 15 times and remains
ument panel ON) the LED will
m reception. Release the 2
1 BEEP + 4 rapid BEEPS
3 BEEPS each time
button is pressed
s will flash once,
ypad at the same time and press
ride code within 10 sec: the direction
2 BEEPS (if buzzer ON*)
(after the BEEP if buzzer ON* ):
ere triggered. If alar
ming of the engine immobiliser
If peripheral protection is active:
1 BEEP (if buzzer ON*) and no alar
distraction-proof re-ar
the engine can be tur
s flash 2 times and the siren produces 2 BEEPs to
m the function has been activated.
, the direction indicator
Enables the passive ar
functions to be temporarily neutralised. If the garage function
When the ignition k
flash to indicate that the garage function has been selected.
Use of remote control will cancel this setting
press button A on the remote control and the button on the
produce 1 BOOP sound whilst the SC1 siren will produce 2 BIP
press 2 buttons on the k
button A on the remote control to transmit a signal: the k
will produce 4 BEEPs to confir
(initial immunity time)
(* configuration must be made)
't get inside the car
(*configuration must be made)
or 50 sec. after a door
ms 4 minutes after the
ms 60 sec. after opening
m. The system is completely
only if passive ar
m cycle is produced after 5 sec.
with manual and automatic comfor
can be activated when control unit
after initial immunity time,
25 sec. cycle can be stopped b
med during an alar
closing of electric windows if selected b
within 2 minutes when the distraction-proof
function has been enabled,
press within 25 sec. of ar
duration 10 sec.,
pressing same button
is opened (with engine off).
and closing a door (with engine off).
has been enabled or if ar
The best technology
Data and technical features may be changed without
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MetaSystem S.p.A. • Via Oberdan
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Tel. +39-0522 364 111 • Fax +39-0522 364 150
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