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D: myfiles cv current cv.wpd
John Edwin Nestler, MD, FACP
Date & Place of Birth:
September 24, 1952; Passaic, New Jersey
Married (Michelle Renée Dumont)
John Alexander (born April 9, 1993)Matthew Joseph (born February 6, 1995)
Business Address:
Division of Endocrinology & MetabolismMedical College of VirginiaVirginia Commonwealth UniversityP.O. Box 980111Richmond, VA 23298-0111
Tel.: 804-828-9695; FAX: 804-828-8389E-mail:
[email protected]
University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; M.D.
Haverford College, Haverford, Pennsylvania; B.A., Chemistry & German
West Morris Regional High School, Chester, New Jersey
Ungarisches Realgymnasium, Kastl, West Germany
St. Stephen's Parochial School, Passaic, New Jersey
Fellow in Endocrinology (Clinical Associate Physician), Medical College of Virginia/VCU, Richmond, Virginia
Fellow in Endocrinology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Chief Medical Resident, Medical College of Virginia, VCU, Richmond, Virginia
Resident in Medicine, Medical College of Virginia/VCU, Richmond, Virginia
Intern in Medicine, Medical College of Virginia/VCU, Richmond, Virginia
Vice Chair, Department of Internal Medicine, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia CommonwealthUniversity, Richmond, Virginia
Chair, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Medical College of Virginia, VirginiaCommonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia
Interim Chairman, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Medical College of Virginia, VirginiaCommonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia
Professor of Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology (joint appointment), and Pharmacology andToxicology (joint appointment), Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University,Richmond, Virginia
Associate Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology (joint appointment), Medical College of Virginia,Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia
Associate Professor of Medicine, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University,
Richmond, Virginia
Graduate Faculty, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University,Richmond, Virginia
Instructor in Medicine, Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia Commonwealth University,Virginia
Program Area Head, Reproductive Health, Interdisciplinary Women's Health Research (IWHR)Program, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia
Program Director, Fellowship Program in Endocrinology and Metabolism, Medical College ofVirginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia
Associate UHC/TAC Clinical Trials Liaison, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia
Director of Medical Affairs, BioClin, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia
Consultant, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Princeton, New Jersey
Consultant & Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee, INSMED Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,Richmond, Virginia
Consultant & Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee, Paradigm Biosciences, Inc., Salt LakeCity, Utah
Endocrinology and Metabolism (ABIM) (No. 085095), 1985
American Board of Internal Medicine (No. 085095), 1982
National Board of Medical Examiners (No. 193650), 1980
Androgen Excess Society
President, 2002-2003Past President, 2003-2004
American Society for Clinical InvestigationAlpha Omega Alpha Southern Society for Clinical InvestigationThe Endocrine Society
Research Affairs Committee, 2001-2004
Association for Patient-Oriented ResearchAmerican Society of Program Directors in Endocrinology and MetabolismInternational Study Group for Steroid HormonesAmerican Federation for Clinical Research
Councilor, Southern Section, 1988-1991Medical School Representative, 1986-1988
American College of Physicians (Fellow)
Planning Committee, 1990 ACP Virginia Scientific MeetingAssociates Committee, 1983 ACP Virginia Scientific Meeting
American Diabetes Association
President, Virginia Affiliate, 1990-1991President-Elect, Virginia Affiliate, 1988-1990Secretary, Virginia Affiliate, 1987-1988Member, Executive Committee, 1987-1992Member, Board of Directors, Virginia Affiliate, 1986-1994Member, Research Committee, Virginia Affiliate, 1987-1991President, Richmond Chapter, 1988-1989
President-Elect, Richmond Chapter, 1987-1988Member, Board of Directors, Richmond Chapter, 1986-1992
American Fertility Association
Medical Advisory Board
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Support Association
Medical Advisory Board
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation InternationalNew York Academy of SciencesCentral Virginia Reproductive Endocrine SocietyPCOS Association
Member, Advisory Board, 1997-present
Hungarian Medical Association of AmericaWorldwide Hungarian Medical AssociationThe Philadelphia Endocrine Society (1983-1985)
VCU School of Medicine Outstanding Research Achievement Award, 2001-2002
Outstanding Course Certificate Award for Teaching Excellence in MII Endocrine, 2000
Outstanding Investigator Award of the Southern Section AFCM, 1998
Outstanding Research Award of the Department of Internal Medicine at MCV, 1998
Appointed the William G. Blackard Professor of Medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University, 1998-present
Pfizer Visiting Professor, University of Pittsburgh, January 14-16, 1998
Honorary Member, Venezuelan Association of Atherosclerosis, 1995
Honorable Mention, MCV Housestaff's Best Faculty Teacher/Attending Award, 1995
Dr. James H. and Dorothy S. Hutton Traveling Scholar, American College of Physicians, 1993-94
Best Professor Award for M-II Endocrine Course in both 1993 and 1990
Inducted as Fellow in the American College of Physicians, 1989
Clinical Associate Physician (CAP) award from NIH, 1985-1987
Young Investigator Award from the ADA, Virginia Affiliate, 1986
Sandra Tate Russell Memorial Research Award, ADA, Virginia Affiliate, 1986
The Philadelphia Endocrine Society 1985 Research Trainee Award
The Philadelphia Endocrine Society 1984 Research Trainee Award
Graduated from Haverford College with Honors in Chemistry
U.S. Patent #4,920,115: "Method of lowering LDL cholesterol in blood;" John Nestler, Cornelius Barlascini, John
Clore, William Blackard; April 24, 1990
U.S. Patent #5,100,810: "Method of using dehydroepiandrosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate asinhibitors of platelet aggregation;" David Eich, Robert Jesse, John Nestler; May 5, 1992
U.S. Patent #5,162,198: "Method of using dehydroepiandrosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate asinhibitors of thromboxane production and platelet aggregation;" David Eich, Robert Jesse, John Nestler; November10, 1992
A. Editorial Board
Journal of Women's Health, Section Editor for Endocrinology, 2005-presentHormones, 2004-presentJournal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2001-2003Current Opinion in Endocrinology, 2001-2002Steroids, 1999-2002
Acta Endocrinologica (Copenh)
American Journal of MedicineAmerican Journal of Medical SciencesAmerican Journal of Obstetrics & GynecologyAmerican Journal of PhysiologyClinical Endocrinology (Oxf)DiabetesDiabetes CareDiabetologiaEndocrinologyInternational Journal of ObesityJournal of Clinical Endocrinology and MetabolismJournal of Endocrinological InvestigationLancetLife SciencesMetabolismNew England Journal of MedicineObesity ResearchObstetrics & GynecologySteroids
Search Committee for Dean, 2003-2004Strategic Research Advisory Group, 2001-2003Executive Committee of the Faculty, 1999-2001Chair, Internal Review Committee of Physical Medicine &Rehabilitation Residency Program, 2000Research Subcommittee, Liaison Committee on Medical Education, 1999-presentMember, M.D./Ph.D. Steering Committee, 1997-2000Coursemaster, M-II Endocrine Course, 1994-1998Member, Graduate Advisory Committee for Ph.D. candidate in Biostatistics, 1996-presentAd hoc Member, Departmental Tenure & Promotion Committee for Pharmacology & Toxicology, 1995Ad hoc Member, Departmental Tenure & Promotion Committee for Obstetrics & Gynecology, 1992 & 1995Ad hoc Member, Departmental Tenure & Promotion Committee for School of Pharmacy, 1993Member, Graduate Advisory Committee for Ph.D. candidate in Physiology, 1992-1994Member, Graduate Advisory Committee for Ph.D. candidate in School of Pharmacy, 1989-90Faculty Senate, 1987-1988Adjunct Admissions Committee, Medical School, 1987-1990Advisory Board, VCU Research in Action, 1987-1990
Chair, Search Committee for Associate Chair for AdministrationChair, Search Committee for Chair of Division of Nephrology, 2003-2004Member, Space Committee, 2000-2002Chair, Search Committee for Chair of Division of Rheumatology, Allergy and Immunology, 2000Member, Departmental Tenure & Promotion Committee, 1999Research Advisory Council, 1997-2002Faculty Development Committee, 1996-2002M-III Internal Medicine Core Lectures, 1996-presentDirector of Faculty Clinical Assignments, 1995-2002Chairman, Clinical Competence Committee, Department of Internal Medicine, 1994-1998Board of Directors, University Internal Medicine Foundation (UIMF), 1992-presentFinance Committee, University Internal Medicine Foundation (UIMF), 1990-presentClinical Competence Committee, Department of Internal Medicine, 1990-1999Ad Hoc Committee for Oral Exams, M-III Medicine Clerkship, 1989-2001Evaluation Committee for Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism, 1988-presentIntern Selection Committee, Department of Internal Medicine, 1985-1999
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada; Citywide Endocrine Rounds: "Insulin resistance and PCOS: Clinical
implications;" April 29, 2005.
UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center, Rutgers, NJ; Reproductive Endocrinology Grand Rounds: "PCOSand insulin resistance: implications for treatment of infertility;" February 28, 2005.
Brown University, Providence, RI; Endocrine Grand Rounds: "PCOS and insulin resistance: clinical implications;"November 3, 2004.
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA; Ob/Gyn Grand Rounds: "PCOS and insulin resistance: role ofinositolphosphoglycan mediators;" October 26, 2004.
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; Endocrine Grand Rounds: "PCOS and insulin resistance:clinical implications;" October 25, 2004.
University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD; Endocrine Grand Rounds: "Polycystic ovary syndrome and insulinresistance: the metabolic syndrome;" October 18, 2004.
NICHD/NIH, Betheda, MD; Endocrine Rounds: "Polycystic ovary syndrome and insulin resistance: implications forthe treatment of infertility;" September 14, 2004.
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; Endocrine Grand Rounds: "Polycystic ovary syndrome: clinical implications;"March 25, 2003.
Visiting Professor; University of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, VT; March 13-14, 2003.
NICHD/NIH (Pediatric and Reproductive Endocrinology Branch), Bethesda, MD, Grand Rounds: "Insulin resistanceand polycystic ovary syndrome: clinical implications;" May 7, 2002.
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY; Ob/Gyn Grand Rounds: "Insulin and the polycystic ovary syndrome;" March14, 2002.
Philadelphia Endocrine Society, Philadelphia, PA; "Polycystic ovary syndrome;" January 9, 2002.
Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN; Endocrine Grand Rounds; "The inositolphosphoglycansystem: can it explain both the insulin resistance and the hyperandrogenism of the polycystic ovary syndrome?";May 23, 2001.
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA; Endocrine Grand Rounds; "The inositolphosphoglycan system: can itexplain both the insulin resistance and the hyperandrogenism of the polycystic ovary syndrome?"; May 1, 2001.
University of Texas Health Sciences Center, San Antonio, TX; Medical Grand Rounds; "Insulin resistance and thepolycystic ovary syndrome;" April 4, 2001.
Visiting Professor, Penn State/Milton Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA; Molecular Biochemistry andPhysiology Research Seminar: "Role of inositolphosphoglycan mediators of insulin action in the polycystic ovarysyndrome," and Ob/Gyn Grand Rounds: "Polycystic ovary syndrome: the insulin resistance connection;" November8-9, 2000.
Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX; Endocrine Grand Rounds: "Diabetes risk factor management: polycysticovary syndrome and insulin resistance; " October 13, 1999.
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA; ; Endocrine Grand Rounds: "Polycystic ovary syndrome: the insulinstory;" June 28, 1999.
Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, MA; ; Endocrine Grand Rounds: "Polycystic ovary syndrome: the insulin story;" May28, 1999.
Washington University, St. Louis, MO; Ob/Gyn Grand Rounds: "Insulin resistance and the polycystic ovarysyndrome;" May 12, 1999.
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA; Endocrine Grand Rounds: "Polycystic ovary syndrome: the insulin story;" April10, 1999.
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA; Endocrine Grand Rounds: "Polycystic ovary syndrome: the insulin story;"April 6, 1999.
Emory University, Atlanta, GA; Endocrine Grand Rounds: "Polycystic ovary syndrome: the insulin story;" February10, 1999.
Mount Sinai Medical School, New York, NY; Diabetes Grand Rounds: "Polycystic ovary syndrome: the insulin story;"November 23, 1998.
Walter Reed Medical Center, Bethesda, MD; Ob/Gyn Grand Rounds: "Polycystic ovary syndrome: the insulin story;"November 12, 1998.
University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL; Endocrine Grand Rounds: "Polycystic ovary syndrome: the insulin story;"November 5, 1998.
Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, MD; Ob/Gyn Grand Rounds: "Polycystic ovary syndrome: the insulinstory;" October 15, 1998.
Pfizer Visiting Professor; University of Pittsburgh; January 14-16, 1998.
Louisiana State University, New Orleans, LA; Visiting Professor and Medical Grand Rounds: "Evaluation andtreatment of the hirsute woman;" November 16, 1997.
Ochsner Clinic, New Orleans, LA; Medical Grand Rounds: "Insulin and the polycystic ovary syndrome;" November15, 1997.
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; Grand Rounds for the Center for Research on Reproduction andWomen's Health: "Insulin and the polycystic ovary syndrome;" September 10, 1997
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD ; Endocrine Grand Rounds: "Insulin and the polycystic ovary syndrome:clinical and therapeutic implications;" May 30, 1997
University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC; Ob/Gyn Grand Rounds: "Insulin and the polycysticovary syndrome: clinical and therapeutic implications;" May 21, 1997
Baylor College of Medicine, Huffington Center on Aging, Houston, TX: "Insulin regulation of human DHEAmetabolism: a link to atherosclerosis?;" March 27, 1995.
University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL; Endocrine Grand Rounds: "Insulin and the polycystic ovary syndrome;"and Dept. of Ob/Gyn Grand Rounds: "Role of insulin resistance in ovulation disorders;" November 15-17, 1994.
The Jones Institute for Reproductive Medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA; Research Seminar:"Insulin's role in the polycystic ovary syndrome;" June 10, 1994.
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; Endocrine Grand Rounds: "Insulin's rolein the polycystic ovary syndrome;" May 24, 1994.
Louisiana State University, New Orleans, LA; Visiting Professor and Endocrine Grand Rounds: "Insulin and DHEAmetabolism," and Residents' Rounds: "Treatment of hypertension in diabetes: let's not forget Syndrome X;" May16-17, 1994.
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; Endocrine Research Seminar: "Insulin's role in the polycystic ovary syndrome;"May 9, 1994.
Diabetes Institutes, Norfolk, VA; Research Seminar: "Insulin regulation of human androgen metabolism," and"Treatment of hypertension in diabetes: let's not forget Syndrome X;" February 17, 1994.
Semmelweis Medical School, Budapest, Hungary;
Dr. James H. and Dorothy S. Hutton Traveling Scholar of theAmerican College of Physicians; June 26-July 29, 1993
University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy; Reproductive Endocrinology Grand Rounds: "Insulin's role in the polycysticovary syndrome;" June 12, 1992.
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; Visiting Professor and joint Endocrine & Ob/Gyn GrandRounds: "Insulin and human androgen metabolism;" May 23, 1991.
A. National Scientific Meetings
Reproduction2003, NICHD/NIH: "Insulin resistance and the polycystic ovary syndrome: Implications forreproduction;" Bethesda, MD, November 9, 2003.
Clinical Endocrinology Update 2003, The Endocrine Society, "Insulin resistance and PCOS: Metabolic andCardiovascular Implications;" Miami, FL, Oct. 26, 2003.
85th Annual Meeting of The Endocrine Society, Endocrine Nurses Society Symposium, "Insulin resistance and thepolycystic ovary syndrome;" Philadelphia, PA, June 21, 2003.
58th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, "Debate: Resolved, insulin sensitizers playa major role in the treatment of PCOS: pros and cons," and "Detection and prevention of diabetes andcardiovascular disease in PCOS;" Seattle, WA, October 15-16, 2002.
Insulin Resistance Syndrome Conference of the American College of Endocrinology, "Role of insulin resistance inthe polycystic ovary syndrome;" Washington, D.C., August 26, 2002.
84th Annual Meeting of The Endocrine Society, "Insulin resistance and the polycystic ovary syndrome: clinicalimplications;" San Francisco, CA, June 22, 2002.
62nd Annual Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, "Insulin resistance and miscarriage: lessonsfrom metformin and polycystic ovary syndrome;" San Francisco, CA, June 17, 2002.
American Society for Reproductive Medicine; Symposium Lecture: "Use of insulin sensitizing drugs in the polycysticovary syndrome;" Orlando, FL, October 23, 2001.
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists; Plenary Lecture: "Polycystic ovary syndrome and insulinresistance;" San Antonio, TX, May 4, 2001.
NIH Mid-Atlantic Diabetes Symposium; Plenary Lecture: "Role of inositolphosphoglycans in the insulin resistanceof the polycystic ovary syndrome;" Bethesda, MD, October 7, 2000.
Annual Meeting of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians; Title: "Role of insulin resistance in the polycysticovary syndrome," Washington, D.C., October 6, 2000.
Annual meeting of the American Association of Diabetes Educators; Title: "Polycystic ovary syndrome – the linkto Type 2 diabetes," San Diego, CA, August 9, 2000.
14th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners; Title: "Women's health: Insights into thepolycystic ovary syndrome;" Atlanta, GA, June 15-19, 1999.
American Diabetes Association 46th Postgraduate Course; Symposium on Insulin Resistance; Title: "Infertility: aninsulin resistance problem?"; Orlando, FL, January 22-24, 1999.
80th Annual Meeting of The Endocrine Society; Symposium on Pharmacological Antidotes to Aging; Title"DHEA:fountain of youth or snake oil?"; New Orleans, LA, June 24-27, 1998.
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Symposium on Long-term Prevention of Diabetic Complications;Title: "Polycystic ovary syndrome and insulin resistance," Phoenix, AZ, November 15, 1997
38th Annual Symposium on Advances in Clinical Nutrition (American College of Nutrition); Title: "DHEA andprevention of heart disease," New York, NY, September 28, 1997
75th Annual Meeting of The Endocrine Society; Symposium on Metabolic Aspects of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome;Title: "Central role of insulin in the pathogenesis of the polycystic ovary syndrome," Las Vegas, NV, June 10, 1993
53rd Annual Meeting of the American Diabetes Association; Symposium on Sex Hormones, Insulin Resistance, andObesity-Associated Diabetes; Title: "DHEA: the link between hyperinsulinemia and macrovascular disease?", LasVegas, NV, June 15, 1993
NIH/NICHD Conference on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome; Title: "Insulin action on steroidogenesis in vivo," Bethesda,MD, April 16-18, 1990; also Chairman of "Growth Factors" session
18th Steenbock Symposium on "Hormones, thermogenesis and obesity;" Title: "Dehydroepiandrosterone: effectson insulin sensitivity, serum lipid levels, and body composition in normal men," University of Wisconsin, Madison,WI, June 12-16, 1988
B. International Scientific Meetings
11th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology; Title: "Polycystic ovary syndrome and insulin resistance:Implication for treatment of infertility;" Florence, Italy; February 28, 2004.
1st Annual World Congress on the Insulin Resistance Syndrome; Title: Insulin resistance and PCOS: Clinicalimplications; Los Angeles, CA; November 22, 2003.
PCOS Current Concepts: Treatment & Ovulation Induction; Title:" Should insulin-sensitizing drugs be used in thetreatment of PCOS? An enthusiastic endorsement;" Antalya, Turkey, September 5, 2003.
29th Panhellenic Medical Congress; Title: "Insulin resistance and polycystic ovary syndrome: clinical implications;"Athens, Greece, May 23, 2003.
12th Balkan Congress of Endocrinology and 30th Panhellenic Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolism; Title:Insulin resistance and the polycystic ovary syndrome: reproductive, metabolic and cardiovasulcar implications;"Thessoloniki, Greece, May 21-23, 2003.
20th Annual Scientific Meeting of Association des Médicins Endocrinologues du Québec; Title: Polycystic ovarysyndrome and insulin resistance: clinical implications," Aylmer, Canada, May 25, 2002.
NIH International Symposium on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome; Title: "Insulin lowering drugs as investigative toolsand therapy in the polycystic ovary syndrome," Research Triangle Park, NC, September 17-20, 2000.
Member of Scientific Advisory Committee & Invited Speaker, Conference on "Endocrine Basis of ReproductiveFunction;" Title: "Use of Insulin-Sensitizing Drugs in PCOS," Tampa, FL, January 27-29, 2000.
Member of Scientific Advisory Committee & Invited Speaker, Satellite Symposium of the 8th International Congresson Obesity ("Endocrinology of Obesity: Basic, Clinical, and Therapeutic Aspects"); Title: "Insulin and ovarianandrogens," Venice, Italy; September 4-6, 1998.
Member of Scientific Advisory Board & Invited Speaker, 4th International Congress of the Worldwide HungarianMedical Academy; Title:" Insulin resistance and the polycystic ovary syndrome," Budapest, Hungary; August 27-28,1998.
Member of Scientific Advisory Committee, First International Symposium on the "Developmental Aspects ofAndrogen Excess"; Title: "Regulation of ovarian P450c17α activity by insulin," Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN; June 14-15, 1997
1997 World Congress of Gerontology; Title: "Administration of DHEA to humans," Honolulu, Hawaii; August 16-19,1997
Venezuelan Congress of Gynecology; Title: "Insulin resistance and the polycystic ovary syndrome," Barquisimeto,Venezuela; March 6-10, 1997
IV International Symposium of the Venezuelan Association of Atherosclerosis; Title: "Metabolic roles ofdehydroepiandrosterone and insulin in humans, and their relevance to atherosclerosis," Maracaibo, Venezuela,February 8-10, 1996
Satellite Symposium of the 15th Congress of the International Federation of Fertility Societies ("Weight, Nutrition,and Hormonal Events in Women"); Title: "Insulin and androgen excess: what remains essential 10 years later?",Montpellier, France, September 15-16, 1995
New York Academy of Sciences conference on "Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and Aging;" Title: "Insulinregulation of human DHEA metabolism," Washington, D.C., June 17-18, 1995.
7th International Congress on Obesity; Title: "DHEA, obesity, and obesity-related complications," Toronto, Canada,August 20-25, 1994
XIII Pan-American Congress of Endocrinology; Title: "Insulin resistance: diagnostic strategies and therapeuticpossibilities," Santiago, Chile, April 10-14, 1994
Ovulation Induction: Basic Science and Clinical Advances; Title: "Role of obesity and insulin in the developmentof anovulation," Palm Beach, FL, January 20-22, 1994
International Aromatase Conference III; Title: "Regulation of the aromatase activity of human placentalcytotrophoblasts by insulin, IGF-I, and IGF-II," Bologna, Italy, June 14-17, 1992
VIII. International Congress on Hormonal Steroids; Title: "DHEA actions and metabolism in man," The Hague, TheNetherlands, September 16-21, 1990
6th International Symposium: "Recent progress in perinatal medicine;" Title: "Insulin and insulin-like growth factorI as modulators of human placental steroidogenesis," Budapest, Hungary, September 28-30, 1989
Symposium Pharmaco-Clinique Roussel Uclaf NE 9: "Dehydroepiandrosterone Revisited;" Title: "Effects of
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in man," Paris, France, January 19-20, 1989
Member, NIH Reproductive Endocrinology (REN) Study Section, 2001-2003
Ad hoc member, NIH Reproductive Endocrinology (REN) Study Section, 2001Ad hoc reviewer, NIH/NHLBI for Special Emphasis Panel, 1999Ad hoc reviewer, NIH/NIDDK for CIA Award, 1994Ad hoc reviewer, Medical Research Council of United Kingdom, 1994NIH Site Visitor for GCRC Program at University of Texas, Galveston, TX, July 16-17, 1992Ad hoc reviewer, Medical Research Council of Canada, 1990 & 1992Ad hoc reviewer, Harold Wetterberg Foundation, Roseland, NJ, 1992Ad hoc reviewer, Veterans Administration Merit Review Board in Endocrinology, 1988
Chair, Scientific Advisory Board to Meharry Medical College's NIH U54 Cooperative Center for Research in
Reproduction, 2004-present
External Consultant to the University of Pittsburgh's NIH U54 Reproduction Center, 1998-2003
Co-organizer and co-chairman of conference on "Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and Aging" sponsored by
the New York Academy of Sciences and NIA/NIH, Washington, D.C., June 17-19, 1995
Member, Advisory Committee to NIA/NIH for conference on "The Role of Dehydroepiandrosterone in Aging,"
Bethesda, MD, November 23, 1992
Co-chairman for Metabolism session at 1990 Southern Section AFCR/SSCI Meeting
NIH R01HD35629"Insulin and the polycystic ovary syndrome"John E. Nestler (PI) (40% effort); Direct costs: $1,627,900; 7/1/97-6/30/05
NIH K24HD40237 Mid-Career Investigator Award"Polycystic ovary syndrome: role of insulin resistance"John E. Nestler (PI) (30% effort); Direct costs: $506,395; 04/01/01-03/31/06
NIH HD-96-008 (U54 Reproduction Center)"Clinical and basic studies in polycystic ovarian syndrome; "John C. Marshall (PI and Director)John E. Nestler (PI of subproject "Ovarian/metabolic responses to insulin in PCOS;" 20% effort)Direct costs of subproject: $450,757; 4/1/98-3/31/06
NIH 1R01CA64500"Insulin, insulin resistance, and breast cancer"John E. Nestler (PI) (35% effort); Direct costs: $443,011; 08/25/95-07/31/00
NIH SBIR R43HD35772"Role of inositol glycan mediators in the polycystic ovary syndrome"Geoffrey Allan, CEO, Insmed Pharmaceuticals (PI)John E. Nestler (Principal Clinical Investigator) (5% effort)Direct costs: $100,000; 7/1/97-12/31/97
NIH 1R01AG11227"Insulin regulation of human adrenal androgen metabolism"John E. Nestler (PI); Direct costs: $226,930; 1/1/93-12/31/97
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation Research Grant"An examination of insulin's effect on vascular permeability"John E. Nestler (PI) Direct costs: $97,460; 9/1/91-2/1/94
A.D. Williams Fund for Research (MCV/VCU intramural grant)"Effects of insulin on luteinizing hormone (LH) release in obese women with the polycystic ovary syndrome."John E. Nestler (PI) Direct costs: $7,500; 12/1/92-11/30/93
Jeffress Trust Research Grant: "Diabetes and pregnancy: an evaluation of the effects of insulin and IGF-I on human placental steroidogenesis"John E. Nestler (PI) Direct costs: $48,600; 1/1/90-12/31/92
American Diabetes Association, Virginia Affiliate, Research Grant"Insulin as an effector of human steroidogenesis."John E. Nestler (PI) Direct costs: $50,000; 7/1/89-6/30/91
Diabetes Research & Education Foundation: "An examination of the effect of hyperinsulinemia on vascularpermeability in normal men"John E. Nestler (PI) Direct costs: $19,600; 1/1/90-12/31/90
Virginia Commonwealth University Grant-in-Aid: "An examination of 6β-hydroxylase activity of human placental cellsand its relationship to toxemia of pregnancy."John E. Nestler (PI) Direct costs: $7,000; 1/1/90-12/31/90
American Diabetes Association Feasibility Grant"Insulin as an effector of human placental steroidogenesis."John E. Nestler (PI) Direct costs: $50,000; 7/1/86-6/31/88
Small Grants Award (MCV intramural grant): "Insulin as an effector of human placental steroidogenesis."John E. Nestler (PI) Direct costs: $10,000; 6/1/87-3/31/88
A.D. Williams Fund for Research (MCV/VCU intramural grant)"Effect of insulin on trophoblastic P450 side-chain cleavage enzyme activity."John E. Nestler (PI) Direct costs: $7,500; 6/1/86-5/31/87
NIH Clinical Associate Physician award (RR00065): "Role of qualitative and quantitative aspects of insulin releaseon the insulin resistance following insulin-induced hypoglycemia."John E. Nestler (PI) Direct costs: $110,800; 10/1/85-9/30/87
National Research Service Award: 5 T32 AM 07428-03
National Research Service Award: 1 T32 AM 07481-01
National Research Service Award: 2 T32 AM 07314-05
Original Publications
Nestler JE: Immunoglobulin D multiple myeloma with thrombocytosis [case report]. Ann Intern Med 94:412,
Nestler JE, Stratton MA, Hakim CA: Effect of metoclopramide on diabetic neurogenic bladder. Clin Pharm 2:83-
Nestler JE: Hemochromatosis and pruritus [case report]. Ann Intern Med 98:1026, 1983.
Nestler JE, Gebhart SSP, Blackard WG: Failure of a midnocturnal insulin infusion to suppress the increased
insulin need for breakfast in insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Diabetes 33:266-270, 1984.
Nestler JE, Chacko GK, Strauss III JF: Stimulation of rat ovarian cell steroidogenesis by high density
lipoproteins modified with tetranitromethane. J Biol Chem 260:7316-7321, 1985.
Nestler JE, Bamberger M, Rothblat GH, Strauss III JF: Metabolism of high density lipoproteins
reconstituted with [3H]cholesteryl ester and [14C]cholesterol in the rat, with special reference to the
Endocrinology 117:502-519, 1985.
7. Paavola LG, Strauss III JF, Boyd CO,
Nestler JE: Uptake of gold- and [3H]cholesteryl linoleate-labeled human
low density lipoprotein by cultured rat granulosa cells: cellular mechanisms involved in lipoprotein metabolism and their importance to steroidogenesis. J Cell Biol 100:1235-1247, 1985.
8. Kliman HJ,
Nestler JE, Sermasi E, Sanger JM, Strauss III JF: Purification, characterization and in vitro
differentiation of cytotrophoblasts from human term placentae. Endocrinology 118:1567-1582, 1986.
9. Veldhuis JD,
Nestler JE, Strauss III JF, Gwynne JT: Insulin regulates low-density lipoprotein binding and
degradation by swine granulosa cells. Endocrinology 118:2242-2253, 1986.
Nestler JE: Stimulation of androgen production by insulin-like growth factor I [case report]. Ann Intern Med
105:796, 1986.
Nestler JE, Clore JN, Failla ML, Blackard WG: Effects of extreme hyperinsulinaemia on serum trace metals,
trace metal binding proteins, and electrolytes in normal females. Acta Endocrinol (Copenh) 114:235-242,1987.
Nestler JE, Clore JN, Strauss III JF, Blackard WG: Effects of hyperinsulinemia on serum testosterone,
progesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, and cortisol levels in normal women and in a woman withhyperandrogenism, insulin resistance and acanthosis nigricans. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 64:180-184,1987.
Nestler JE, McLeod JF, Kowalski MA, Strauss III JF, Haddad Jr. JG: Detection of vitamin D binding protein
on the surface of cytotrophoblasts isolated from human placentae. Endocrinology 120:1996-2002, 1987.
14. Veldhuis JD,
Nestler JE, Strauss III JF: The insulin-like growth factor, somatomedin C, modulates
low-density lipoprotein metabolism by swine granulosa cells. Endocrinology: 121:340-346, 1987.
15. Clore JN, Brennan JR, Gebhart SSP, Newsome HH,
Nestler JE, Blackard WG: Prolonged insulin resistance
following insulin-induced hypoglycaemia. Diabetologia 30:851-858, 1987.
Nestler JE: Modulation of aromatase and P450 cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme activities of
human placental cytotrophoblasts by insulin and insulin-like growth factor I. Endocrinology 121:1845-1852,
Nestler JE, Clore JN, Blackard WG: Reduced insulin clearance in normal subjects due to extreme
hyperinsulinemia. Am J Med Sci 295:15-22, 1988.
Nestler JE, Barlascini CO, Clore JN, Blackard WG: Dehydroepiandrosterone reduces serum low-density
lipoprotein levels and body fat but does not alter insulin sensitivity in normal men. J Clin EndocrinolMetab 66:57-61, 1988.
19. Roy-Choudhury S, Sen-Majumdar A, Murthy U, Mishra VS, Kliman HJ,
Nestler JE, Strauss III JF, Das M:
Biosynthesis and turnover of a 34-kDa growth factor in human cytotrophoblasts. Eur J Biochem172:777-783, 1988.
Nestler JE, Barlascini CO, Clore JN, Blackard WG: Absorption characteristic of breakfast determines insulin
sensitivity and carbohydrate tolerance for lunch. Diabetes Care 11:755-760, 1988.
21. Clore JN,
Nestler JE, Blackard WG: Sleep-associated fall in glucose disposal and hepatic glucose output
in normal humans: putative signaling mechanism linking peripheral and hepatic events. Diabetes 38:285-290, 1989.
Nestler JE, Barlascini CO, Matt DW, Steingold KA, Plymate SR, Clore JN, Blackard WG: Suppression of
serum insulin by diazoxide reduces serum testosterone levels in obese women with polycystic ovarysyndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 68:1027-1032, 1989.
Nestler JE: Lack of effect of insulin or insulin-like growth factor I on the steroid sulfatase activity of
human placental cytotrophoblasts. Horm Metabol Res 21:258-260, 1989.
25. Clore JN, Glickman PS, Helm ST,
Nestler JE, Blackard WG: Accelerated decline in hepatic glucose
production during fasting in normal women compared with men. Metabolism 38:1103-1107, 1989.
Nestler JE: Insulin and insulin-like growth factor I stimulate the 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity
of human placental cytotrophoblasts. Endocrinology 125:2127-2133, 1989.
Nestler JE, Usiskin KS, Barlascini CO, Welty DF, Clore JN, Blackard WG: Suppression of serum
dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate levels by insulin: an evaluation of possible mechanisms. J Clin EndocrinolMetab 69:1040-1046, 1989.
28. Clore JN, Helm ST,
Nestler JE, Blackard WG: Impaired modulation of hepatic glucose output overnight after
a 72 hour fast in normal man. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 70:865-868, 1990.
29. Usiskin KS, Butterworth S, Clore JN, Arad Y, Ginsberg HN, Blackard WG,
Nestler JE: Lack of effect of
dehydroepiandrosterone in obese men. Int J Obes 14:457-463, 1990.
Nestler JE, Barlascini CO, Tetrault GA, Fratkin MJ, Clore JN, Blackard WG: Increased transcapillary escape
rate of albumin in nondiabetic men in response to hyperinsulinemia. Diabetes 39:1212-1217, 1990.
Nestler JE, Singh R, Matt DW, Clore JN, Blackard WG: Suppression of serum insulin by diazoxide does
not alter serum testosterone or sex hormone-binding globulin levels in healthy nonobese women. Am JObstet Gynecol 163:1243-1246, 1990.
Nestler JE: Insulin-like growth factor II is a potent inhibitor of the aromatase activity of human placental
cytotrophoblasts. Endocrinology 127:2064-2070, 1990.
33. Blackard Jr. WG, Clore JN,
Nestler JE: Failure of a short-term (61 h) fast to enhance the growth hormone
response to luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone in normal man. Neuroendocrinology Letters 13:23-26,
34. Clore JN, Glickman PS, Helm ST,
Nestler JE, Blackard WG: Evidence for dual control mechanism regulating
hepatic glucose output in nondiabetic men. Diabetes 40:1033-1040, 1991.
35. Clore JN, Glickman PS,
Nestler JE, Blackard WG: In vivo evidence for hepatic autoregulation during
FFA-stimulated gluconeogenesis in normal humans. Am J Physiol 261:E425-E429, 1991.
Nestler JE, Powers LP, Matt DW, Steingold KA, Plymate SR, Rittmaster RS, Clore JN, Blackard WG: A
direct effect of hyperinsulinemia on serum sex hormone-binding globulin levels in obese women with thepolycystic ovary syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 72:83-89, 1991.
Nestler JE, Romero G, Huang LC, Zhang C, Larner J: Insulin mediators are the signal transduction system
responsible for insulin's actions on human placental steroidogenesis. Endocrinology 129:2951-2956,1991.
38. Clore JN, Post EP, Bailey DJ,
Nestler JE, Blackard WG: Evidence for increased liver glycogen in patients with
non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus after a 3-day fast. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 74:660-666, 1992.
Nestler JE, McClanahan MA, Clore JN, Blackard WG: Insulin inhibits adrenal 17,20-lyase activity in man.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 74:362-367, 1992.
40. Kauma SW, Walsh SW,
Nestler JE, Turner TT: Interleukin-1 is induced in the human placenta by
endotoxin and isolation procedures for trophoblasts. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 75:951-955, 1992.
41. Beer NA, Jakubowicz DJ, Beer RM, Arocha IR,
Nestler JE: Effects of nitrendipine on glucose tolerance and
serum insulin and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate levels in insulin-resistant obese and hypertensive men.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 76:178-183,1993.
42. Eich DM,
Nestler JE, Johnson DE, Dworkin GH, Ko D, Wechsler AS, Hess ML: Inhibition of accelerated
coronary atherosclerosis with dehydroepiandrosterone in the heterotopic rabbit model of cardiactransplantation. Circulation 87:261-269, 1993.
Nestler JE: Interleukin-1 stimulates the aromatase activity of human placental cytotrophoblasts.
Endocrinology 132:566-570, 1993.
44. Blackard WG, Clore JN, Glickman PS,
Nestler JE, Kellum JM: Insulin sensitivity of splanchnic and
peripheral adipose tissue in vivo in morbidly obese man. Metabolism 42:1195-1200, 1993.
45. Beer NA, Jakubowicz DJ, Beer RM,
Nestler JE: The calcium channel blocker amlodipine raises serum
dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate and androstenedione, but lowers serum cortisol, in insulin-resistant obeseand hypertensive men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 76:1464-1469, 1993.
46. Flores JA, Garmey JC,
Nestler JE, Veldhuis JD: Sites of inhibition of steroidogenesis by activation of
protein kinase-C in ovarian (granulosa) cells. Endocrinology 132:1983-1990, 1993.
Nestler JE, Beer NA, Jakubowicz DJ, Beer RM: Effects of a reduction in circulating insulin by metformin
on serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in nondiabetic men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 78:549-554,1994.
48. Beer NA, Jakubowicz DJ, Beer RM,
Nestler JE: Disparate effects of insulin reduction with diltiazem on
serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate levels in obese, hypertensive men and women. J Clin EndocrinolMetab 79:1077-1081, 1994.
Nestler JE, Kahwash Z: Sex-specific action of insulin to acutely increase the metabolic clearance rate
of dehydroepiandrosterone in humans. J Clin Invest 94:1484-1489, 1994.
Nestler JE, Beer NA, Jakubowicz DJ, Beer RM: Effects of insulin reduction with benfluorex on
serum dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), DHEA-sulfate, and blood pressure in hypertensive middle-agedand elderly men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 80:700-706, 1995.
51. Jakubowicz DJ, Beer NA, Beer RM,
Nestler JE: Disparate effects of weight reduction by diet on serum
dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate levels in obese men and women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 80:3373-3376,1995.
52. Jesse RL, Loesser K, Eich DM, Qian YZ, Hess ML,
Nestler JE: Dehydroepiandrosterone inhibits human
platelet aggregation in vitro and in vivo. Ann NY Acad Sci 774:281-290, 1995.
53. Pasquali R, Cantobelli S, Vicennati V, Spinucci G, De Iasio R, Mesini P, Boschi S,
Nestler JE: Nitrendipine
treatment in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: evidence for lack of effects of calcium-channel blockerson insulin, androgens and sex hormone-binding globulin. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 80:3346-3350, 1995.
54. Beer NA, Jakubowicz DJ, Matt DW, Beer RM,
Nestler JE: Dehydroepiandrosterone reduces plasma
plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 and tissue plasminogen activator antigen in men. Am J Med Sci311:205-210, 1996.
Nestler JE, Jakubowicz DJ: Decreases in ovarian cytochrome P450c17α activity and serum free
testosterone after reduction of insulin secretion in women with the polycystic ovary syndrome.
N Engl J Med 335:617-623, 1996.
56. Jakubowicz DJ,
Nestler JE. 17α-Hydroxyprogesterone response to leuprolide and serum androgens in obese
women with and without polycystic ovary syndrome after dietary weight loss. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 82:556-560, 1997.
57. Lavallée B, Provost PR, Kahwash Z,
Nestler JE, Bélanger A: Effect of insulin on plasma levels of
dehydroepiandrosterone metabolites in men. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 46:93-100, 1997.
Nestler JE, Jakubowicz DJ. Lean women with polycystic ovary syndrome respond to insulin reduction with
decreases in ovarian P450c17α activity and serum androgens. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 82:4075-4079, 1997.
Nestler JE, Jakubowicz DJ, de Vargas AF, Brik C, Quintero N, Medina F: Insulin stimulates testosterone
biosynthesis by human thecal cells from women with polycystic ovary syndrome by activating its own receptorand using inositolglycan mediators as the signal transduction system. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 83:2001-2005,1998.
Nestler JE, Jakubowicz DJ, Evans WS, Pasquali R: Effects of metformin on spontaneous and clomiphene-
induced ovulation in the polycystic ovary syndrome. N Engl J Med 338:1876-1880, 1998.
Nestler JE, Jakubowicz DJ, Reamer P, Gunn RD, Allan G: Ovulatory and metabolic effects of d-
in the polycystic ovary syndrome. N Engl J Med 340:1314-1320, 1999.
62. Barnhart KT, Freeman E, Grisso JA, Rader DJ, Sammel M, Kapoor S,
Nestler JE: The effect of
dehydroepiandrosterone supplementation to symptomatic perimenopausal women on serum endocrine profiles,lipid parameters, and health-related quality of life. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 84:3896-3902, 1999.
63. Jakubowicz DJ, Seppälä M, Jakubowicz S, Rodriguez-Armas O, Rivas-Santiago A, Koistinen H, Koistinen R,
Nestler JE: Insulin reduction with metformin increases luteal phase serum glycodelin and insulin-like growth
factor binding protein 1 concentrations and enhances uterine vascularity and blood flow in the polycystic ovary
syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 86:1126-1133, 2001.
64. Vandermolen DT, Ratts VS, Evans WS, Stovall DW, Kauma SW,
Nestler JE: Metformin increases the
ovulatory rate and pregnancy rate from clomiphene citrate in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome who areresistant to clomiphene citrate alone. Fertil Steril 75:310-315, 2001.
65. Peppard HR, Marfori J, Iuorno MJ,
Nestler JE: Prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome among
premenopausal women with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care 24:1050-1052, 2001.
66. Iuorno MJ, Jakubowicz DJ, Baillargeon JP, Dillon P, Gunn RD, Allan G,
Nestler JE: Effects of D-
in lean women with the polycystic ovary syndrome. Endocrine Practice 8:417-423, 2002.
67. Jakubowicz DJ, Iuorno MJ, Jakubowicz S, Roberts KA,
Nestler JE: Effects of metformin on early pregnancy
loss in the polycystic ovary syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 87:524-529, 2002.
Nestler JE, Whitfield JB, Williams TY, Zhu G, Condon J, Kirk KM, Heath AC, Montgomery GW, Martin NG:
Genetics of serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) and its relationship to insulin in a population-based cohort of twin subjects. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 87:682-686, 2002.
69. Whitfield JB, Zhu Gu,
Nestler JE, Heath AC, Martin NC: Genetic covariation between serum gamma
glutamytransferase activity and cardiovascular risk factors. Clin Chem 48:1426-1431, 2002.
70. Baillargeon JP, Iuorno MJ, Jakubowicz DJ, Apridonidze T, He N,
Nestler JE: Metformin therapy increases
insulin-stimulated release of a D-
chiro-inositol-containing inositolphosphoglycan mediator in women withpolycystic ovary syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 89:242-249, 2004.
71. Baillargeon JP, Jakubowicz DJ, Iuorno MJ, Jakubowicz S,
Nestler JE: Effects of metformin and rosiglitazone,
alone and in combination, in non-obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome and normal indices of insulinsensitivity. Fertil Steril 82:893-902, 2004.
72. Jakubowicz DJ, Essah PA, Seppala M, Jakubowicz S, Koistinen R,
Nestler JE: Reduced serum glycodelin and
insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-1 in women with polycystic ovary syndrome during first trimester ofpregnancy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 89:833-839, 2004.
73. Fonesca VA, Kelley DE, Cefalu W, Baron MA, Purkayastha D,
Nestler JE, Hsia S, Gerich JE: Hypoglycemic
potential of nateglinide versus glyburide in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Metabolism 53:1331-1335,2004.
74. Baillargeon JP, McClish DK, Essah PA,
Nestler JE: Association between the current use of low-dose oral
contraceptives and cardiovascular disease: a meta-analysis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, in press (2005).
75. Myers ER, Silva SG, Hafley G, Kunselman AR,
Nestler JE, Legro RS: Estimating live birth rates after ovulation
induction in polycystic ovary syndrome: Sample size calculations for the pregnancy in polycystic ovarysyndrome (PPCOS) trial. Controlled Clinical Trials, in press (2005).
76. Apridonidze T, Essah PA, Iuorno MJ,
Nestler JE: Prevalence and characteristics of the metabolic syndrome
in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 90:1929-1935, 2005.
77. Apridonidze T, Essah PA, Iuorno MJ,
Nestler JE: Effects of short-term and long-term metformin treatment on
menstrual cyclicity in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. (Submitted).
78. Baillargeon JP, Diamanti-Kandarakis E, Ostlund RE, Apridonidze T, Iuorno MJ,
Nestler JE: D-
clearance, insulin-stimulated release of D-
chiro-inositol-containing inositolphosphoglycan, and insulin sensitivityin women with polycystic ovary syndrome. (Submitted)
Androgen Excess Disorders in Women, edited by Azziz R,
Nestler JE and Dewailly D, Lippincott-Raven Press,
Philadelphia, 831 pages, 1997.
Reviews, Editorials and Book Chapters
Nestler JE: Grand rounds: idiopathic hemochromatosis. Va Med 109:836-839, 1982.
Nestler JE, Bamberger M, Rothblat GH, Strauss III JF: Preferential utilization of the free cholesterol moiety of
high density lipoprotein by cultured rat granulosa cells. In: Lipoprotein and cholesterol metabolism insteroidogenic tissues (Menon KMJ and Strauss III JF, eds.), George F. Stickley Company, Philadelphia, PA, pp.
135-139, 1985.
3. Strauss III JF, Paavola LG,
Nestler JE, Soto EA, Silavin SL: Lipoprotein cholesterol uptake and metabolism in
ovarian cells. In: Proceedings of the fifth ovarian workshop (Ryan RJ and Toft DO, eds.), Ovarian Workshops,Champaign, ILL, pp.275-302, 1985.
4. Paavola LG, Strauss III JF, Boyd CO,
Nestler JE: Cellular uptake of high and low density lipoproteins by rat
ovarian cells. In: Lipoprotein and cholesterol metabolism in steroidogenic tissues (Menon KMJ and Strauss IIIJF, eds.), George F. Stickley Company, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 171-186, 1985.
Nestler JE, Attie MA: Idiopathic edema. Va Med 113:402-406, 1986.
Nestler JE, Barlascini CO, Clore JN, Blackard WG: Dehydroepiandrosterone: effects on insulin sensitivity,
serum lipid levels, and body composition in normal men. In: Hormones, thermogenesis, and obesity:proceedings of the eighteenth Steenbock symposium. (Lardy HA and Stratman F, eds.), Elsevier SciencePublishers B.V., NY, pp. 405-414, 1988.
7. Blackard WG, Barlascini CO, Clore JN,
Nestler JE: Morning insulin requirements: critique of dawn and meal
phenomena. Diabetes 38:273-277, 1989.
Nestler JE: Evaluation and treatment of the hirsute woman. Va Med 116:310-315, 1989.
Nestler JE, Clore JN, Blackard WG: The central role of obesity (hyperinsulinemia) in the pathogenesis of the
polycystic ovary syndrome. Am J Obstet Gynecol 161:1095-1097, 1989.
Nestler JE: Insulin and insulin-like growth factor I as modulators of human placental steroidogenesis. In:
Progress in perinatal medicine. VI. (Gati I, ed), KOPINT-DATORG Publishers, Budapest, pp. 175-182, 1989.
Nestler JE, Takagi K, Strauss III JF: Lipoprotein and cholesterol metabolism in cells that synthesize steroid
hormones. In: Advances in cholesterol research (Esfahani M and Swaney JB, eds.), Telford Press, Caldwell,NJ, pp. 133-169, 1990.
Nestler JE, Clore JN, Blackard WG: Regulation of dehydroepiandrosterone metabolism by insulin, and the
metabolic effects of dehydroepiandrosterone in man. In: The biologic role of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)(Kalimi M and Regelson W, eds.), Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, pp. 189-205, 1990.
Nestler JE, Clore JN, Blackard WG: Metabolism and actions of dehydroepiandrosterone in humans. J Steroid
Biochem Molec Biol 40:599-605, 1991.
Nestler JE, Strauss III JF: Insulin as an effector of human ovarian and adrenal steroid metabolism. Endocrinol
Metab Clin North Am 20(4):807-823, 1991.
Nestler JE, Clore JN, Blackard WG: Dehydroepiandrosterone: the "missing link" between
hyperinsulinemia and atherosclerosis? FASEB J 6:3073-3075, 1992.
Nestler JE, Clore JN, Blackard WG: Effects of insulin on steroidogenesis in vivo. In: Polycystic Ovary
Syndrome (Current Issues in Endocrinology and Metabolism), (Dunaif A, Givens JR, Haseltine FP, MerriamGR, eds.), Blackwell Scientific Publications, Cambridge, MA, pp. 265-278, 1992.
Nestler JE, McClanahan MA: Diabetes and adrenal disease. Baillière's Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
6(4):829-847, 1992.
Nestler JE: Regulation of the aromatase activity of human placental cytotrophoblasts by insulin,
insulin-like growth factor-I, and -II. J Steroid Biochem Molec Biol 44:449-457, 1993.
Nestler JE: Editorial: Sex hormone-binding globulin: a marker for hyperinsulinemia and/or insulin
resistance? J Clin Endocrinol Metab 76:272-273, 1993.
Nestler JE: Insulin and adrenal androgens. Sem Reprod Endocrinol 12:1-5, 1994.
Nestler JE: Assessment of insulin resistance. Science & Medicine 1:58-67, 1994.
Nestler JE: Role of obesity and insulin in the development of anovulation. In: Ovulation induction: basic
science and clinical advances (Filicori M and Flamigni C, eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 103-114, 1994.
23. Blackard WG,
Nestler JE, Clore JN: Clinical manifestations and significance of insulin resistance.
Pennington Center Nutrition Series. Volume 4: Nutrition, endocrinology, and disease (Bray GA and RyanDH, eds.), Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, pp. 177-188, 1995.
Nestler JE: Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), obesity, and obesity-related atherosclerosis. Progress in
obesity Research 94 (Angel A ,ed.), John Libbey & Co., London, pp. 685-689, 1995.
Nestler JE: Are there sex-specific effects of insulin on human dehydroepiandrosterone metabolism?. Sem
Reprod Endocrinol 13:282-287, 1995.
Nestler JE: Regulation of human dehydroepiandrosterone metabolism by insulin. Ann NY Acad Sci 774:73-81,
Nestler JE: DHEA: A coming of age. Ann NY Acad Sci 774:ix-xi, 1995.
Nestler JE: Advances in understanding the regulation and biologic actions of dehydroepiandrosterone.
Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes 3:202-211, 1996.
Nestler JE: Insulin regulation of human ovarian androgens. Hum Reprod 12:53-62, 1997.
Nestler JE: Insulin and ovarian androgen excess. In: Androgen Excess Disorders in Women (Azziz R,
Nestler JE, Dewailly D, eds.), Lippincott-Raven Press, Phildelphia, pp. 473-484, 1997.
Nestler JE: Suprression of ovarian androgen biosynthesis: reduction of circulating insulin. In: Androgen
Excess Disorders in Women (Azziz R,
Nestler JE, Dewailly D, eds.), Lippincott-Raven Press, Philadelphia,
pp. 727-736, 1997.
Nestler JE. Role of hyperinsulinemia in the pathogenesis of the polycystic ovary syndrome, and its clinical
implications. Sem Reprod Endocrinol 15:111-122, 1997.
Nestler JE. Dehydroepiandrosterone: fountain of youth or snake oil? The Endocrinologist 7:423-428, 1997.
Nestler JE: Inositolphosphoglycans (IPGs) as mediators of insulin's steroidogenic actions. Journal of Basic
and Clinical Physiology & Pharmacology 9:197-204, 1998.
35. Pahle N,
Nestler JE: DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone). In: Encyclopedia of Reproduction (Knobil E and
Strauss J, eds), Academic Press, Vol 1, pp. 858-862, 1999.
36. Iuorno MJ,
Nestler JE: The polycystic ovary syndrome: treatment with insulin sensitizing agents. Diabetes,
Obesity & Metabolism 1(3):127-136, 1999.
Nestler JE: Polycystic ovary syndrome: a disorder for the generalist. Fertil Steril 70:811-812, 1998.
Nestler JE: Insulin resistance: effects on sex hormones and ovulation in the polycystic ovary syndrome. In:
Insulin Resistance: The Metabolic Syndrome X (Reaven G and Laws A, eds.), Chapter 19, Humana Press,Totowa, NJ, pp. 347-366, 1999.
Nestler JE: Obesity, insulin, sex steroids and ovulation. Int J Obesity Relat Metab Disord 24:S71-S73, 2000.
Nestler JE, Jakubowicz DJ, Iuorno MJ: Role of inositolphosphoglycan mediators of insulin action in the
polycystic ovary syndrome. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 13:1295-1298, 2000.
Nestler JE: Insulin resistance and the polycystic ovary syndrome: recent advances. Curr Opin Endocrinol
Diabetes 7:345-349, 2000.
42. Iuorno MJ,
Nestler JE: Insulin-lowering drugs in polycystic ovary syndrome. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am 28
(1):153-164, 2001.
Nestler JE, Stovall D, Akhter N, Iuorno MJ, Jakubowicz DJ: Strategies for the use of insulin-sensitizing drugs
to treat infertility in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertil Steril 77:209-215, 2002.
44. Baillargeon JP, Iuorno MJ,
Nestler JE: Comparison of metformin and thiazolidinediones in the treatment of
polycystic ovary syndrome. Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes 9:303-311, 2002.
Nestler JE: Should patients with polycystic ovary syndrome be treated with metformin? An enthusiastic
endorsement. Hum Reprod 17:1950-1953, 2002.
46. Baillargeon JP, Iuorno MJ,
Nestler JE: Insulin sensitizers for polycystic ovary syndrome. Clinical Obstetrics
and Gynecology 46(2):325-340, 2003.
47. Diamanti-Kandarakis E, Baillargeon JP, Iuorno MJ, Jakubowicz DJ,
Nestler JE: A modern medical quandary:
Polycystic ovary syndrome, insulin resistance, and oral contraceptive pills. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 88:1927-1931, 2003.
48. Iuorno MJ,
Nestler JE: Insulin-lowering drugs in polycystic ovary syndrome. Infert Reprod Med Clin N Am
14:639-651, 2003.
Nester JE: Insulin resistance syndrome and polycystic ovary syndrome. Endocrine Practice 9(suppl 2):86-89,
50. Iuorno MJ, Baillargeon JP,
Nestler JE: Polycystic ovary syndrome. In: Primary Care for Women (Leppert PC
and Peipert JF, eds.), 2nd Edition, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, pp. 262-266, 2004.
51. Cheang KI,
Nestler JE: Should insulin-sensitizing drugs be used in the treatment of polycystic ovary
syndrome? Reproductive BioMedicine Online (www.rbmonline.com/Article/1229) 8:440-447, 2004.
52. Cheang KI, Essah PA,
Nestler JE: A paradox: the roles of inositolphosphoglycans in mediating insulin
sensitivity and hyperandrogenism in the polycystic ovary syndrome. Hormones 3:244-251, 2004.
53. Essah PA, Cheang KI,
Nestler JE: The pathophysiology of miscarriage in women with polycystic ovary
syndrome. Review and proposed hypothesis of mechanisms involved. Hormones 3:221-227, 2004.
Nestler JE: Physiology and pathophysiology of diabetes. In: Certified diabetes educator review,
Nursing Tutorial & Consulting Services, Annandale, VA, 1991
Nestler JE, Gebhart SSP, Blackard WG: Failure of mid-nocturnal insulin infusion to suppress the increased
insulin need for breakfast in insulin-dependent diabetics. Clin Res 31:883A, 1983.
Nestler JE, Bamberger M, Rothblat GH, Strauss III JF: Metabolism of HDL reconstituted with 3H-cholesteryl
ester and 14C-free cholesterol in the rat, with special reference to the ovary. J Steroid Biochem 20:1519(Abstract G14), 1984.
Nestler JE, Chacko GK, Strauss III JF: Modification of tyrosine residues of human high density lipoproteins
(HDL) with tetranitromethane prevents high-affinity binding of the particles, but does not alter their capacity tostimulate steroidogenesis. Clin Res 33:441A, 1985.
4. Kliman HJ,
Nestler JE, Sermasi E, Strauss III JF: Electron microscopic, immunocytochemical and biochemical
characterization of isolated trophoblasts from human term placentae. Fed Proc 44:420 (Abstract 56), 1985.
Nestler JE, Lange E, McLeod JF, Kliman HJ, Strauss III JF, Haddad, Jr., JG: Detection of vitamin D binding
protein (DBP) in/on human cytotrophoblasts. 1985 Program and Abstracts of the 7th Annual Scientific Meetingof the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, Abstract 266.
6. Kliman HJ,
Nestler JE, Sanger JM, Strauss III JF: In vitro differentiation of purified human cytotrophoblasts. J
Cell Biol 101:342a (Abstract 1294), 1985.
Nestler JE, Clore JN, Poynor WJ, Blackard WG: Reduced clearance of insulin due to marked hyperinsulinemia.
Clin Res 34:224A, 1986.
Nestler JE, Clore JN, Strauss III JF, Blackard WG: Effects of extreme hyperinsulinemia on plasma steroids. Clin
Res 34:550A, 1986.
9. Roy-Choudhury S, Sen-Majumdar A, Murthy U, Kliman H, Nestler J, Strauss J, Das M: Biosynthetic pathwayof
a new trophoblast derived growth factor from human placenta. Fed Proc 45:1716 (Abstract 1370), 1986.
10. Veldhuis JD,
Nestler JE, Strauss III JF: The insulin-like growth factor, somatomedin C, augments the
disposal of low density lipoprotein-borne cholesterol by cultured swine granulosa cells. Program andAbstracts of the 1986 Sixth Biennial Ovarian Workshop.
11. Clore JN, Brennan JR, Gebhart SP, Newsome HH,
Nestler JE, Blackard WG: Prolonged insulin resistance
following insulin-induced hypoglycaemia. Diabetologia 29:528A (Abstract 97), 1987.
Nestler JE, Clore JN, Blackard Jr. WG, Blackard WG: Absorption characteristics of foodstuffs influence the
increased insulin requirement for breakfast in Type I diabetic patients. Clin Res 35:24A, 1987.
Nestler JE: Insulin suppresses aromatization of androgens by human placental cytotrophoblasts. Clin Res
35:24A, 1987.
Nestler JE, Clore JN, Barlascini CO, Blackard WG: Insulin, insulin sensitivity, and DHEA-S. Presented at
the Clinical Research Center Program Director's Conference, Williamsburg, VA, April 1987.
Nestler JE: Insulin suppresses aromatase activity of human placental cytotrophoblasts, but does not affect
P450 side-chain cleavage enzyme activity. First European Congress of Endocrinology, Abstract 2-128, p.35, 1987.
Nestler JE, Barlascini CO, Clore JN, Blackard WG: Prolonging absorption of breakfast meal enhances
insulin sensitivity for lunch. Diabetes (Supplement 1) 37:108A (Abstract 432), 1988.
Nestler JE, Barlascini CO, Matt DW, Steingold KA, Plymate SR, Clore JN, Blackard WG: Suppression of
insulin by diazoxide raises serum sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) levels in obese women with
polycystic ovary disease (PCO). Program and Abstracts of the 70th Annual Scientific Meeting of TheEndocrine Society, Abstract 194, p. 69, 1988.
Nestler JE, Barlascini CO, Clore JN, Blackard WG: Effects of dehydroepiandrosterone on body
composition, lipids, and insulin sensitivity in men. Program and Abstracts of the 18th Steenbock Symposium, University of Wisconsin-Madison, June 1988.
19. Clore JN, Glickman PS, Helm ST,
Nestler JE, Blackard WG: Accelerated decline in hepatic glucose
production during fasting in normal women compared to men. Clin Res 37:21A, 1989.
Nestler JE, Barlascini CO, Clore JN, Blackard WG, Ginsberg HN, Arad Y: Effects of dehydroepiandrosterone
(DHEA) on serum apolipoprotein B (apoB) levels and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particle size in normal men.
Clin Res 37:22A, 1989.
Nestler JE, Usiskin KS, Barlascini CO, Clore JN, Blackard WG: Hyperinsulinemia reduces serum levels of
both dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) in man. Clin Res37:22A, 1989.
Nestler JE, Barlascini CO, Usiskin KS, Clore JN, Blackard WG: Effects of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
in man. Program and Abstracts of the Symposium Pharmaco-Clinique Roussel Uclaf NE 9:
"Dehydroepiandrosterone revisited," pp. 25-26, 1989.
23. Clore JN, Helm ST,
Nestler JE, Blackard WG: Evidence that suppressed nocturnal glucose appearance
(Ra) is due to reduced lipolysis. Diabetes 38(Suppl 2):221A (Abstract 841), 1989.
Nestler JE: Insulin and insulin-like growth factor I as modulators of human placental steroidogenesis.
Program of the 6th international symposium on "Progress in perinatal medicine", Budapest, September 28-30, 1989, pp. 101-102.
25. Eich DM, Johnson DE,
Nestler JE, Daijin K, Hess ML, Wechsler AS: Inhibition of cardiac allograft
atherosclerosis by dehydroepiandrosterone. Clin Res 38:2A, 1990.
26. Clore JN, Glickman PS,
Nestler JE, Blackard WG: Increased free fatty acids stimulate the Cori cycle but
do not alter the first substrate (glucose) cycle in normal man. Clin Res 38:16A, 1990.
Nestler JE, Barlascini CO, Tetrault GA, Fratkin MJ, Clore JN, Blackard WG: Hyperinsulinemia increases
the transcapillary escape rate (TER) of albumin in normal men. Clin Res 38:33A, 1990.
28. Clore JN, Glickman PS, Helm ST,
Nestler JE, Blackard WG: Free fatty acid induced gluconeogenesis
results in a compensatory decrease in glycogenolysis in normal man. Diabetes 39(Suppl 1):26A (Abstract103), 1990.
Nestler JE: Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) actions and metabolism in man. J Steroid Biochem
36(Suppl):9S (Abstract 20), 1990.
Nestler JE, Powers LJ, Matt DW, Steingold KA, Plymate SR, Clore JN, Blackard WG: Insulin directly
suppresses serum sex hormone-binding globulin levels in obese women with the polycystic ovary
syndrome. Program and Abstracts of the 72th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Endocrine Society,
Abstract 713, p. 203, 1990.
31. McClanahan MA, Clore JN, Blackard WG,
Nestler JE: Insulin inhibits adrenal 17,20-lyase activity.
Clin Res 38:979A, 1990.
32. Blackard WG, Clore JN, Glickman PS,
Nestler JE, Kellum J: Central obesity - a marker for insulin
resistance. Diabetes 40(Suppl 1):235A (Abstract 937), 1991.
33. Jesse R,
Nestler J, Eich D, Hess M: Dehydroepiandrosterone in vivo and in vitro inhibits platelet
aggregation. J Am Coll Cardiol 17(Suppl A):376A, 1991.
34. McClanahan MA, Clore JN, Blackard WG,
Nestler JE: Insulin selectively inhibits adrenal 17,20-lyase
activity in man. Program and Abstracts of the 73rd Annual Meeting of The Endocrine Society, Abstract 807,p. 232, 1991.
Nestler JE, Huang LC, Zhang C, Larner J: Insulin mediators mimic insulin's actions on human placental
steroidogenesis. Program and Abstracts of the 73rd Annual Meeting of The Endocrine Society, Abstract1759, p. 470, 1991.
36. Tolman DE, Loesser KE, Wechsler AS,
Nestler JE, Johnson DE, Hess ML: Ultrastructural evidence for
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) delay of endothelial injury in heterotopic transplanted rabbit aorta.
Circulation 86(4):I-36 (Abstract 140), 1992.
Nestler JE: Interleukin-1 stimulates the aromatase activity of human placental cytotrophoblasts. Clin Res
40:812A, 1992.
38. Tolman DE, Johnson DE,
Nestler JE, Allen C, Wechsler AS, Hess ML: Dietary dehydroepiandrosterone
(DHEA) inhibits graft arteriosclerosis in rabbit heterotopic cardiac allografts. J Am Coll Cardiol 21(Suppl A):142A (Abstract 878-12), 1993.
39. Tolman DE, Johnson DE,
Nestler JE, Hoang S, Wechsler AS, Hess ML: Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
inhibits cardiac graft arteriosclerosis by attenuating chronic humoral rejection. J Heart Lung Transplant12(1):S94, 1993.
40. Beer NA, Jakubowicz DJ, Beer RM,
Nestler JE: The calcium channel blocker amlodipine raises serum
dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate and androstenedione, but lowers serum cortisol, in insulin-resistant obeseand hypertensive men. Clin Res 41:356A, 1993.
Nestler JE: Central role of insulin in the pathogenesis of the polycystic ovary syndrome. Program and
Abstracts of the 75th Annual Meeting of The Endocrine Society, p. 19, 1993.
42. Kahwash Z, O'Brien R,
Nestler JE: Insulin acutely increases the metabolic clearance rate (MCR) of
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in men. Clin Res 41:800A, 1993.
43. Kahwash Z,
Nestler JE: Insulin increases the metabolic clearance rate (MCR) of dehydroepiandrosterone
(DHEA) in men but not in women. Abstracts of the 76th Annual Meeting of The Endocrine Society, p. 530 (Abstract 1319), 1994.
Nestler JE: Dehydroepiandrosterone, obesity, and obesity-related atherosclerosis. Int J Obes
18(Suppl 2):87 (Abstract O340), 1994.
45. Beer NA, Jakubowicz DJ, Beer RM,
Nestler JE: Effect of oral dehydroepiandrosterone administration on
plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 levels in middle-aged men. Circulation 90(4):I-179 (Abstract 963),1994.
46. Matthews BJ, Loesser KE,
Nestler JE, Jesse RL: Myointimal proliferation following vascular injury is
attenuated by dehydroepiandrosterone. J Invest Med 43(Suppl 2):271A, 1995.
47. Jakubowicz DJ, Beer NA, Beer RM,
Nestler JE: Disparate effects of weight reduction by diet on serum
dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate levels in obese men and women. Abstracts of the 76th Annual Meeting ofThe Endocrine Society, p. 481 (Abstract P3-49), 1995.
Nestler JE, Beer NA, Jakubowicz DJ, Matt DW, Beer RM: Oral dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
administration enhances fibrinolysis in men. Abstracts of the 77th Annual Meeting of The Endocrine Society,
p. 60 (Abstract OR10-5), 1995.
49. Jakubowicz DJ,
Nestler JE: Effects of metformin on circulating insulin and P450 activity in women with
the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Abstracts of the Ferring conference on "The Ovary: Regulation,Dysfunction and Treatment", Marco Island, FL, January 25-27, 1996.
Nestler JE, Jakubowicz DJ: Evidence that hyperinsulinemia induces dysregulation of P450c17α and increases
serum free testosterone in the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Program & Abstracts of the 10thInternational Congress of Endocrinology, p. 93 (Abstract OR26-3), 1996.
Nestler JE. DHEA and prevention of heart disease. J Am Col Nutr 16(5):494 (Abstract 89), 1997.
Nestler JE, Jakubowicz DJ, Falcon de Vargas A, Brik C, Quintero N, Medina F: In the polycystic ovary
syndrome insulin stimulates human thecal testosterone production via its own receptor by using inositolglycanmediators as the signal transduction system. Program and Abstracts of the 79th Annual Scientific Meeting ofThe Endocrine Society, p. 389 (Abstract P2-418), 1997.
Nestler JE, Jakubowicz DJ, Evans WS, Pasquali R: Metformin increases spontaneous and clomiphene-
induced ovulation in the polycystic ovary syndrome. Program of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the AmericanSociety for Reproductive Medicine, p.75, 1997.
54. Barnhart KT, Rader D, Freeman E, Kapoor K, Smith P,
Nestler JE: The effect of DHEA replacement on the
endocrine and lipid profiles of perimenopausal women. Program Supplement to the 53rd Annual Meeting of theAmerican Society for Reproductive Medicine, p. S41 (Abstract O-081), 1997.
55. Carr ME, Carr SL, Monge-Meberg P, Williams TY,
Nestler JE: Effects of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) on
platelet function, fibrinolysis and clot structure. Blood 90 (Suppl 1):Abstract 3124, 1997.
Nestler JE, Jakubowicz DJ, Reamer P, Gunn RD, Allan G: Effects of D-
chiro-inositol (INS-1) on insulin,
glucose and spontaneous ovulation in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). (presented atthe 1998 annual scientific meeting of the American Diabetes Association).
Nestler JE, Jakubowicz, DJ, Evans WS, Pasquali R: Metformin increases spontaneous and clomiphene-
induced ovulation in the polycystic ovary syndrome. (presented at the 80th annual scientific meeting of TheEndocrine Society).
58. Freeman EW, Barnhart KT,
Nestler JE, Garcia B: Effects of DHEA administration on perimenopausal
symptoms. (submitted to June 1998 New Clinical Drug Evaluation Unit, NIMH, conference).
Nestler JE: Dehydroepiandrosterone: fountain of youth or snake oil? (Presented at the 80th annual scientific
meeting of The Endocrine Society).
60. Iuorno MJ, Williams T, Gennings C, Bear H, Desch C,
Nestler JE: Assessment of insulin sensitivity in women
with breast cancer. Program and Abstracts of the 81st Annual Scientific Meeting of The Endocrine Society,p. 474 (Abstract P3-170), 1999.
61. Vandermolen DT, Ratts VS, Evans WS,
Nestler JE: Metformin increases the ovulatory response to clomiphene
citrate (CC) in patients resistant to CC alone. Abstracts of the 55th annual scientific meeting of the AmericanSociety for Reproductive Medicine, p. S171 (Abstract P-255), 1999.
62. Iuorno MJ, Jakubowicz, DJ, Dillon P, Eisner JR, Gunn, RD, Allan G,
Nestler JE: Lean women with the
polycystic ovary syndrome: d-chiro-inositol reduces serum insulin and androgens, improves ovulation, andbeneficially affects syndrome X by decreasing blod pressure and serum triglycerides. Program and Abstractsof the 82nd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Endocrine Society, p. 400 (Abstract 1653), 2000.
63. Jakubowicz DJ, Seppala M, Jakubowicz S, Rodriguez-Armas O, Rivas-Santiago A, Koistinen H, Koistinen R,
Nestler JE: Polycystic ovary syndrome and early pregnancy loss: metformin treatment increases luteal-phase
serum progesterone, glycodelin and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 concentrations after
clomiphene-induced ovulation in the polycystic ovary syndrome. Program and Abstracts of the 82nd Annual
Scientific Meeting of The Endocrine Society, p. 405 (Abstract 1674), 2000.
64. Vandermolen DT, Ratts VS, Evans WS, Stovall DW, Kauma SW,
Nestler JE: Metformin increases the
ovulatory response to clomiphene citrate (CC) in patients resistant to CC alone. Program and Abstracts of the82nd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Endocrine Society, p. 563 (Abstract 2332), 2000.
65. Jakubowicz DJ, Iuorno MJ, Jakubowicz S, Roberts KA,
Nestler JE: Metformin reduces early pregnancy loss
in polycystic ovary syndrome. Program and Abstracts of the 83rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The EndocrineSociety, p. 384 (Abstract P2-427), 2001.
Nestler JE, Gunn R, Bates S, Jacobson W, Rogol A for the PCOS Study Group: D-
chiro-inositol (INS-1)
enhances ovulatory rate in hyperandrogenic, oligomenorrheic women with the polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS). Fertil Steril 76 (3S): S110-S111 (Abstract O-293), 2001.
67. Iuorno MJ, Evans, WS, Boyd DG, Johnson ML,
Nestler JE: Synchrony between LH and leptin pulsatile
secretion in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Program and Abstracts of the 84th Annual ScientificMeeting of The Endocrine Society, p. 463 (Abstract P2-613), 2002.
68. Baillargeon JP, Jakubowicz DJ, Iuorno MJ, Jakubowicz S,
Nestler JE: Effects of metformin and rosiglitazone,
alone and in combination, in lean women with polycystic ovary syndrome and normal indices of insulinsensitivity. Program and Abstracts of the 84th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Endocrine Society, p. 78(Abstract OR10-1), 2002.
69. Baillargeon JP, Iuorno MJ, Jakubowicz DJ,
Nestler JE: Metformin therapy increases insulin stimulated release
of the D-
chiro-inositol-containing inositolphosphoglycan (DCI-IPG) mediator in women with polycystic ovarysyndrome. Program and Abstracts of the 84th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Endocrine Society, p. 469(Abstract P2-636), 2002.
70. Baillargeon JP, Dimanti-Kanadaraki E, Ostlund RE, Apridonidze T, Iuorno MJ,
Nestler JE: D-
urinary fractional excretion, insulin stimulated release of the D-
chiro-inositol-containing inositolphosphoglycaninsulin mediator and insulin sensitivity in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Program and Abstracts ofthe 85th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Endocrine Society, p. 83 (Abstract OR18-2), 2003.
71. Essah PA, Jakubowicz DJ, Seppala M, Jakubowicz S, Koistenen R,
Nestler JE: Reduced serum glycodelin
and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 in women with polycystic ovary syndrome during the firsttrimester of pregnancy. Program and Abstracts of the 85th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Endocrine Society,p. 119 (Abstract OR43-1), 2003.
72. Baillargeon JP, Diamanti-Kandarakis E, Ostlund RE, Apridonidze T, Iuorno MJ, Nestler JE: D-
clearance, insulin stimulated release of D-
chiro-inositol-containing inositolphosphoglycan and insulin sensitivityin women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Program and Abstracts of the 86th Annual Scientific Meeting of TheEndocrine Society, p. 118 (Abstract OR31-2), 2004.
73. Baillargeon JP, McClish DK, Essah PA, Nestler JE: Association between the current use of low-dose oral
contraceptives and cardiovascular disease: A meta-analysis. Program and Abstracts of the 86th AnnualScientific Meeting of The Endocrine Society, p. 292 (Abstract P1-549), 2004.
74. Iuorno MJ, Evans WS, Boyd DG, Johnson ML, Nestler JE: Leptin secretory burst parameters correlate with BMI
in normal women but not in women with PCOS. Program and Abstracts of the 86th Annual Scientific Meetingof The Endocrine Society, p. 289 (Abstract P1-536), 2004.
75. Iuorno MJ, Boyd DG, Islam LZ, Veldhuis PP, Johnson ML, Nestler JE, Evans WS. Leptin diurnal amplitude
correlates with BMI in both normal and PCOS women. Program and Abstracts of the 87th Annual Scientific
Meeting of The Endocrine Society, 2005 (in press).
Source: http://insulinresistance.us/bio/NestlerJohn.pdf
Centre for Christian Ethics 120 Herring Rd, Eastwood NSW 2122 OCCASIONAL PAPER 7 - REVISED Should RU486 be available in Australia? "There is no quick fix for pregnancy, no magic pill." – father of 18-year-old Californian woman Holly Patterson who died as a result of taking RU486 in 2003 "These are violently active chemicals and they have violent reactions on the organism … [What is the] situation in which a woman would undergo that kind of assault?" – Australian feminist Dr Germaine Greer, addressing gynaecologists and obstetricians in 2002 "A drug which ends a new human life and endangers a woman's health is never a ‘safe and effective' solution." – Dr Brigid Vout, Life Office, Catholic Diocese of Sydney What is RU486? RU486 is not the same as the "morning after" pill (Postinor-2). RU486 is the generic term for mifepristone, an artificial steroid that blocks progesterone, a vital nutrient hormone. It causes the nutrient lining of the mother's uterus to disintegrate, and the embryo withers and dies. A second drug, misoprostol, a prostaglandin developed to treat ulcers, is used 48 hours later to induce uterine contractions that detach and expel the embryo and uterine contents. More than one million women worldwide have used RU486 to end their pregnancy. RU486 is effective from the fifth to the seventh week following the last menstrual period, with decreasing effectiveness up to the ninth week. Used alone, RU486 has an abortion rate of 60-80 per cent. Used with misoprostol, this rises to 95 per cent. Mifepristone is also used to treat certain rare forms of cancer, and may have other therapeutic applications. Mifepristone was developed by Roussel-Uclaf, a French pharmaceutical company. Possible side effects and complications A common side-effect is severe pain similar to that of miscarriage, with over half of women needing specific pain medication and one-third needing narcotics. Other side-effects may include nausea and dizziness, syncope (brief loss of consciousness), serious bacterial infection, sepsis, prolonged bleeding (averaging from 9 to 30 days) and death. Some women who experienced severe bleeding as a result of taking the drug required blood transfusions. Women lacking ready access to ultrasound and blood transfusion, such as those in remote communities and developing countries, are more likely to die. The drug does not affect ectopic
The #KFCBetterMornings Photo Contest ("the Contest") is organised by QSR Stores Sdn Bhd ("Organiser") and will run from 12th August 2016 – 1st September 2016. The Organiser reserves the right to shorten or extend the Contest period at its own discretion. Participants must be Malaysian residents aged 18 and above, participants under the age of 18 are required to obtain parental consent prior to participation in the Contest ("Participants"). Employees or immediate family members & relatives of the Organiser, its affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising/PR agencies and suppliers are NOT eligible to participate in the Contest.