112097 small-vessel vasculitis
Medical Progress
and treatment. Small-vessel vasculitis is defined asvasculitis that affects vessels smaller than arteries,such as arterioles, venules, and capillaries. Importantcategories of the disease are listed in Table 1. It is
important to note that small-vessel vasculitis some-times, but not always, also affects arteries, and thus
the vascular distribution overlaps with that of the
medium-sized-vessel and large-vessel vasculitides(Fig. 1).
ASCULITIS is inflammation of vessel walls.
It has many causes, although they result in
Two paths of investigation, which eventually inter-
only a few histologic patterns of vascular in-
sected, led to our current understanding of small-
flammation. Vessels of any type in any organ can be
vessel vasculitis. One focused on necrotizing arteri-
affected, a fact that results in a wide variety of signs
tis, and the other on purpura.
and symptoms. These protean clinical manifesta-
Discovery and Categorization of Necrotizing Arteritis
tions, combined with the etiologic nonspecificity ofthe histologic lesions, complicate the diagnosis of
Kussmaul and Maier published the first definitive
specific forms of vasculitis. This is problematic be-
report of a patient with necrotizing arteritis in
cause different vasculitides with indistinguishable
1866. They described a patient with fever, anorexia,
clinical presentations have very different prognoses
muscle weakness, paresthesias, myalgias, abdominal
and treatments. For example, a patient with purpura,
pain, and oliguria who was found to have nodular
nephritis, and abdominal pain caused by Henoch–
inflammatory lesions in medium-sized and small ar-
Schönlein purpura usually has a good prognosis and
teries throughout the body. They called this condi-
needs only supportive care, whereas a patient with
tion periarteritis nodosa, which evolved into the
purpura, nephritis, and abdominal pain caused by
more pathologically correct name polyarteritis no-
microscopic polyangiitis is likely to go on to life-
dosa. For more than 50 years (and unfortunately
threatening organ failure if not treated promptly and
even today in some settings), any patient with nec-
rotizing arteritis was given a diagnosis of polyarteri-
In recent years there has been substantial progress
in identifying the attributes of specific types of vas-
By the 1950s, many investigators had realized that
culitis that allow accurate diagnosis. One approach
there were a number of clinically and pathologically
to classifying noninfectious vasculitides categorizes
distinct forms of arteritis and that arteritis often oc-
them, in part, on the basis of the predominant type
curred as a component of a vasculitis in which many
of vessel affected (Tables 1 and 2 and Fig. 1).1 There
if not most of the involved vessels were smaller than
is, however, substantial overlap among different vas-
arteries (e.g., dermal venules, mucosal arterioles,
culitides, and the type of vessel involved is merely
glomerular capillaries, and pulmonary alveolar capil-
one of many features that must be determined be-
laries). Zeek et al. called this form of vasculitis
fore a diagnosis can be rendered.
with small-vessel involvement "hypersensitivity angi-
This review will focus on noninfectious necrotiz-
itis," whereas Davson et al. and Godman and
ing small-vessel vasculitis, beginning with a history
Churg referred to it as the "microscopic form of
of the discovery of the major categories of the dis-
periarteritis." In 1994, the term "microscopic poly-
ease and concluding with a review of its diagnosis
angiitis" was advocated by an international consen-sus conference on vasculitis nomenclature,1 and itwill be used in this review. "Microscopic polyangi-itis" is preferable as a name to "microscopic polyar-teritis," because many patients with this type of vas-culitis have disease confined to arterioles, venules,and capillaries and thus have no arteritis.
From the Departments of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (J.C.J.)
and Medicine (R.J.F.), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel
Also by the 1950s, two variants of vasculitis with
Hill. Address reprint requests to Dr. Jennette at CB#7525, Department of
associated necrotizing granulomatous inflammation
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of North Carolina, Chapel
had been recognized — i.e., Wegener's granuloma-
Hill, NC 27599-7525.
1997, Massachusetts Medical Society.
tosis and Churg–Strauss syndrome. Wegener's gran-
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Large-vessel vasculitisGiant-cell arteritisTakayasu's arteritis
Giant-cell (temporal) arteritis
Granulomatous arteritis of the aorta and
Polyarteritis nodosa
its major branches, with a predilection
Kawasaki's disease
for the extracranial branches of the ca-
Primary granulomatous central nervous system
rotid artery.
Often involves the temporal
artery. Usually occurs in patients more than 50 years old and is often associated
Small-vessel vasculitis
with polymyalgia rheumatica.
ANCA-associated small-vessel vasculitis
Takayasu's arteritis
Granulomatous inflammation of the aorta
Microscopic polyangiitis
and its major branches.
Usually occurs
Wegener's granulomatosis
in patients younger than 50.
Churg–Strauss syndromeDrug-induced ANCA-associated vasculitis
Immune-complex small-vessel vasculitis
Polyarteritis nodosa
Necrotizing inflammation of medium-
sized or small arteries without glomeru-
lonephritis or vasculitis in arterioles,
Rheumatoid vasculitis
capillaries, or venules.
Sjögren's syndrome vasculitis
Kawasaki's disease
Arteritis involving large, medium-sized,
Hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis
and small arteries and associated with
Behçet's disease
mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome.
Goodpasture's syndrome
Coronary arteries are often involved.
Aorta and veins may be involved. Usual-
Drug-induced immune-complex vasculitis
ly occurs in children.
Infection-induced immune-complex vasculitis
Paraneoplastic small-vessel vasculitis
Lymphoproliferative neoplasm-induced vasculitisMyeloproliferative neoplasm-induced vasculitis
Granulomatous inflammation involving
the respiratory tract and necrotizing
Inflammatory bowel disease vasculitis
vasculitis affecting small-to-medium-sized vessels (e.g., capillaries, venules,
*Vascular inflammation is categorized as either in-
arterioles, and arteries).
Necrotizing glo-
fectious vasculitis, which is caused by the direct in-
merulonephritis is common.
vasion of vessel walls by pathogens (e.g., rickettsial
Eosinophil-rich and granulomatous in-
organisms in Rocky Mountain spotted fever), or
flammation involving the respiratory
noninfectious vasculitis, which is not caused by the
tract and necrotizing vasculitis affecting
direct invasion of vessel walls by pathogens (al-
small-to-medium-sized vessels and asso-
though infections can indirectly induce noninfec-
ciated with asthma and eosinophilia.
tious vasculitis — e.g., by generating pathogenic im-
Necrotizing vasculitis with few or no im-
mune complexes). ANCA denotes antineutrophil
mune deposits affecting small vessels
(capillaries, venules, or arterioles).
Nec-rotizing arteritis involving small and medium-sized arteries may be present. Necrotizing glomerulonephritis is very common. Pulmonary capillaritis often occurs.
ulomatosis was initially reported by Klinger in 19318
Vasculitis with IgA-dominant immune de-
and later described in more detail by Wegener.9 The
posits affecting small vessels (capillaries, venules, or arterioles).
Typically involves
definitive description was provided in 1954 by God-
skin, gut, and glomeruli and is associated
man and Churg, who identified a triad of features:
with arthralgias or arthritis.
systemic necrotizing "angiitis," necrotizing inflam-
Essential cryoglobulinemic
Vasculitis with cryoglobulin immune de-
posits affecting small vessels (capillaries,
mation of the respiratory tract, and necrotizing glo-
venules, or arterioles) and associated
merulonephritis.7 Subsequently, patients with limit-
with cryoglobulins in serum.
Skin and
ed expressions of the disease were recognized — for
glomeruli are often involved.
Cutaneous leukocytoclastic
Isolated cutaneous leukocytoclastic angii-
example, patients with no glomerulonephritis.10
tis without systemic vasculitis or glo-
Churg and Strauss, in 1951, described 13 patients
who had asthma, eosinophilia, granulomatous in-
*This table is adapted with modifications from Jennette et al.,1 with the
flammation, necrotizing systemic vasculitis, and nec-
permission of the publisher. "Large vessel" refers to the aorta and the larg-
rotizing glomerulonephritis.11 This disease is now
est arterial branches directed toward major body regions (e.g., to the ex-
called Churg–Strauss syndrome.
tremities and the head and neck). "Medium-sized vessel" refers to the mainvisceral arteries and their branches. "Small vessel" refers to arterioles,
In their landmark 1954 article,7 Godman and
venules, and capillaries, although arteries, especially small arteries, may be
Churg concluded that Wegener's granulomatosis,
included in this category of vasculitis. Note that all three categories affect
Churg–Strauss syndrome, and the "microscopic form
arteries, but only small-vessel vasculitis has a predilection for vessels smallerthan arteries.
of periarteritis" (microscopic polyangiitis) are closely
†These vasculitides are associated with antineutrophil cytoplasmic auto-
related and distinct from polyarteritis nodosa. As
antibodies (ANCA).
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Small-Vessel Vasculitis
(e.g., microscopic polyangiitis, Wegener's granulomatosis)
(e.g., polyarteritis nodosa, Kawasaki's disease)
Large-Vessel Vasculitis
(e.g., giant-cell arteritis, Takayasu's arteritis)
Goodpasture's syndrome
Isolated cutaneous LCA
Henoch–Schönlein purpura and cryoglobulinemic vasculitis
Microscopic polyangiitis, Wegener's granulomatosis, and Churg–Strauss syndrome
Figure 1. Preferred Sites of Vascular Involvement by Selected Vasculitides.
The widths of the trapezoids indicate the frequencies of involvement of various portions of the vasculature. LCA denotes leukocy-toclastic angiitis.
will be discussed later, this conclusion is supported
noninfectious purpura.13 He noted that noninfec-
by recent immunologic observations.
tious purpura had a predilection for the lower ex-
Pathological evaluation of patients with arterial
tremities, was characterized by recurrent groups of
inflammation demonstrated that histologically indis-
lesions, and could be associated with systemic dis-
tinguishable necrotizing arteritis (Fig. 2) is shared
ease. Over the next century, Schönlein,14 Henoch,15,16
by a variety of vasculitides, including polyarteritis
Osler,17,18 and others elucidated a broad spectrum of
nodosa, Kawasaki's disease, microscopic polyangiitis,
signs and symptoms that were associated with pur-
Wegener's granulomatosis, and Churg–Strauss syn-
pura, and thus with small-vessel vasculitis, including
drome. However, whereas medium-sized-vessel vas-
arthritis, peripheral neuropathy, abdominal pain, pul-
culitis, such as polyarteritis nodosa and Kawasaki's
monary hemorrhage, epistaxis, iritis, and nephritis.
disease, involves predominantly if not exclusively ar-
Osler recognized that these clinical manifestations
teries, small-vessel vasculitis, such as microscopic
were caused by necrotizing inflammation in small
polyangiitis and Wegener's granulomatosis, may or
may not include arteritis but virtually always affects
In 1919, Goodpasture reported a patient with
vessels smaller than arteries (Fig. 1). By the 1980s,
pulmonary hemorrhage and rapidly progressive glo-
this concept of "small-vessel vasculitides" that are
merulonephritis who had vasculitis affecting small
distinct from vasculitides affecting predominantly
splenic arteries, arterioles in the gut, pulmonary cap-
medium-sized and large arteries was well estab-
illaries, and glomerular capillaries.19 This pulmo-
nary–renal vasculitic syndrome is now recognized tobe a manifestation of multiple pathogenetically dis-
Historical Description of the Manifestations of Venulitis
tinct forms of small-vessel vasculitis. The designation
"Goodpasture's syndrome" now is usually restricted
Purpura (Fig. 3) was the first manifestation of vas-
to patients with vascular injury caused by antibodies
culitis in vessels smaller than arteries to be extensive-
to glomerular basement membrane,20 even though
ly investigated. In 1808, Willan clearly distinguished
most patients with pulmonary–renal vasculitic syn-
purpura caused by systemic febrile infections from
drome have some other small-vessel vasculitis21,22
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Figure 2. Necrotizing Arteritis in a Small Epineural Artery in a
Nerve-Biopsy Specimen from a Patient with Microscopic Poly-
The muscularis is completely destroyed by fibrinoid necrosisthat extends into the perivascular tissue. (Hematoxylin andeosin, 300.)
Figure 4. Leukocytoclastic Angiitis in a Skin-Biopsy Specimen
from a Patient with Purpura.
There is extensive karyorrhexis of the vascular and perivascularleukocytes (leukocytoclasia). (Hematoxylin and eosin, 500.)
and the vasculitis in Goodpasture's patient was prob-ably not caused by these antibodies.23
By the 1950s, the histologic features of necrotiz-
ing vasculitis in venules and other small vessels hadbeen well described, including the conspicuous leu-kocytoclasia, which prompted the etiologically non-specific pathological term "leukocytoclastic angii-tis"24,25 (Fig. 4). The similarity of this pattern ofinjury to the Arthus reaction, as well as an associa-tion between some cases of necrotizing vasculitisand exposure to drugs and foreign proteins, led tothe contention that some if not most necrotizingvasculitides were hypersensitivity diseases.5,6,12,18,24-28
The ability to identify pathogenic antibodies in
tissue and serum by immunofluorescence microsco-
Figure 3. Purpura on the Lower Leg of a Patient Found to Have
py led to discoveries that allowed the categorization
Leukocytoclastic Angiitis in a Skin-Biopsy Specimen.
of certain small-vessel vasculitides — for example,
There are also several darker areas of necrosis. (Photograph
recognition of antibodies to glomerular basement
kindly provided by Robert A. Briggaman.)
membrane as the cause of some cases of pulmonary–renal vasculitic syndrome29-31; the identification of asubgroup of patients with purpura, arthralgias, andglomerulonephritis caused by the deposition ofcryoglobulin32; the identification of vascular IgA de-
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posits as a marker for Henoch–Schönlein purpura33;
patients with typical Wegener's granulomatosis or
and the detection of pathogen-derived antigens and
microscopic polyangiitis have negative assays for
cognate antibodies in the vessels of patients with
ANCA; thus, ANCA negativity does not completely
small-vessel vasculitis that is associated with infections
rule out these diseases. In addition, the specificity of
such as hepatitis B.34 These and other observations
ANCA positivity is not absolute; thus, a positive re-
supported the concept of an immune-complex patho-
sult is not diagnostic for an ANCA-associated vascu-
genesis for at least some forms of small-vessel vasculi-
litis, especially if the result of an indirect immuno-
tis; however, evaluation of a wide range of vasculitides
fluorescence assay has not been confirmed by a more
failed to document a high frequency of vascular im-
specific immunochemical assay for PR3-ANCA or
mune complexes in many important categories, in-
cluding Wegener's granulomatosis, microscopic poly-
The addition of serologic tests for ANCA to the
angiitis, and Churg–Strauss syndrome.21,35,36 This
diagnostic armamentarium provided a positive mark-
absence or paucity of vascular immune deposits dis-
er for certain types of pauci-immune small-vessel vas-
tinguished the "pauci-immune" vasculitides from the
culitis. Testing for ANCA, along with other immu-
immune-complex vasculitides, but categorization
nopathologic markers such as vascular IgA deposits
based on negative data was unsettling. This problem
and serum cryoglobulins, facilitates the diagnostic
was resolved, in part, with the discovery of antineu-
categorization of small-vessel vasculitis (Table 3).
trophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies (ANCA).
In 1982, Davies and his associates reported hav-
The first step in diagnosis is to recognize that
ing detected antibodies that reacted with neutrophil
small-vessel vasculitis is present, and the second,
cytoplasm in eight patients with pauci-immune nec-
more difficult step is to determine the specific type
rotizing glomerulonephritis and small-vessel vasculi-
of the disease. The signs and symptoms of small-ves-
tis.37 Two years later, Hall et al. confirmed this
sel vasculitis are extremely varied, and many are
observation in four patients with small-vessel vascu-
shared by all small-vessel vasculitides. Diagnosis re-
litis.38 These first two articles on ANCA did not re-
quires assessment of both the presence of prerequi-
ceive much attention, but a 1985 article by van der
site features and, just as important, the absence of
Woude and his collaborators generated substantial
incompatible features (Table 3). Accurate diagnosis
interest by suggesting that detection of ANCA was
is important, because the prognosis and appropriate
a useful diagnostic and prognostic marker for Weg-
treatment are different for different types of small-
ener's granulomatosis.39 Subsequent studies revealed
vessel vasculitis.
that ANCA are closely associated with three majorcategories of small-vessel vasculitis: Wegener's gran-
General Signs and Symptoms of Small-Vessel Vasculitis
ulomatosis, microscopic polyangiitis, and Churg–
Constitutional signs and symptoms, such as fever,
Strauss syndrome40-42 — the same three diseases that
myalgias, arthralgias, and malaise, often accompany
Godman and Churg had concluded were related in
small-vessel vasculitis. Many patients describe a "flu-
their 1954 publication.7
like" syndrome early in the course of their disease.
ANCA are specific for antigens in neutrophil
Arthralgias are migratory and affect both small and
granules and monocyte lysosomes. They can be de-
large joints, with evidence of synovitis in 10 to 20
tected with indirect immunofluorescence microsco-
percent of patients. Vessels in the skin, respiratory
py by using alcohol-fixed neutrophils as substrate.
tract, kidneys, gut, peripheral nerves, and skeletal
This produces two major staining patterns: cytoplas-
muscle are often involved, but the frequencies vary
mic ANCA and perinuclear ANCA. Specific immu-
among categories of small-vessel vasculitis (Table 4).
nochemical assays demonstrate two major antigen
For example, Wegener's granulomatosis and micro-
specificities in patients with vasculitis: antimyeloper-
scopic polyangiitis are more likely to cause pulmo-
oxidase (MPO-ANCA)43 and antiproteinase 3 (PR3-
nary–renal syndrome, whereas cryoglobulinemic vas-
ANCA).44-47 In patients with vasculitis, approximate-
culitis and Henoch–Schönlein purpura are more
ly 90 percent of cytoplasmic ANCA are PR3-ANCA
likely to cause dermal–renal syndrome.
and approximately 90 percent of perinuclear ANCA
The most common cutaneous lesion is leukocyto-
are MPO-ANCA. Either ANCA specificity may oc-
clastic angiitis (Fig. 4), which typically causes pur-
cur in a patient with any type of ANCA-associated
pura, sometimes with slight focal necrosis and ulcer-
small-vessel vasculitis; however, most patients with
ation, that preferentially affects the lower extremities
Wegener's granulomatosis have PR3-ANCA (cyto-
(Fig. 3).27,66 Necrotizing arteritis in small dermal and
plasmic ANCA), whereas most patients with micro-
subcutaneous arteries causes erythematous tender
scopic polyangiitis or Churg–Strauss syndrome have
nodules, focal necrosis, ulceration, and livedo retic-
MPO-ANCA (perinuclear ANCA).41-43 It is very im-
ularis. Patients with Wegener's granulomatosis and
portant to realize that approximately 10 percent of
Churg–Strauss syndrome may also have cutaneous
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Signs and symptoms of small-vessel
IgA-dominant immune deposits
Cryoglobulins in blood and vessels
Necrotizing granulomas
Asthma and eosinophilia
*All of these small-vessel vasculitides can manifest any or all of the shared features of small-vessel
vasculitides, such as purpura, nephritis, abdominal pain, peripheral neuropathy, myalgias, and arthral-gias. Each is distinguished by the presence and, just as important, the absence of certain specific fea-tures. ANCA denotes antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies.
Ear, nose, and throat
*Approximate frequencies are estimated from data in previous reports.49-65
nodules caused by granulomatous inflammation.
blood. Ischemic ulceration in the gut causes not
Urticaria can be a manifestation of small-vessel vas-
only abdominal pain but also blood in the stool. In-
culitis, especially when there is immune-complex
tussusception and perforation of the gut and pancre-
deposition with extensive complement activation.
atitis are serious complications.
Unlike nonvasculitic allergic urticaria, vasculitic ur-
Respiratory tract disease is frequent in ANCA-
ticaria lasts for more than a day, may evolve into pur-
associated small-vessel vasculitis and in Goodpas-
puric lesions, and may be accompanied by hypocom-
ture's syndrome but is rare in immune-complex small-
vessel vasculitis, such as Henoch–Schönlein purpura
Peripheral neuropathy, especially mononeuritis
and cryoglobulinemic vasculitis (Table 4). Inflamma-
multiplex, is the most common neurologic manifes-
tion of the upper respiratory tract is frequent in
tation.68,69 This is caused by inflammation of small
small-vessel vasculitis associated with ANCA. Pulmo-
epineural arteries and arterioles, resulting in neural
nary manifestations range from fleeting focal infil-
ischemia. Both sensory and motor fibers are in-
trates to massive pulmonary hemorrhage and he-
volved. Central nervous system disease usually re-
moptysis caused by hemorrhagic alveolar capillaritis
sults from involvement of the meningeal vessel.
(Fig. 5), the most life-threatening feature of small-
Necrotizing inflammation in small arteries, arteri-
vessel vasculitis. Granulomatous pulmonary inflam-
oles, and venules in skeletal muscle and viscera caus-
mation of Wegener's granulomatosis and Churg–
es pain and elevations of tissue enzymes in the
Strauss syndrome cause nodular and occasionally
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itive and negative. Laboratory assessment for ANCA,antinuclear antibodies, complement, cryoglobulins,fecal blood, antibodies to hepatitis B and C, rheu-matoid factor, azotemia, hematuria, and proteinuriais useful. Chest and sinus radiographs and computedtomographic scans may reveal occult respiratory tractdisease. Nerve-conduction studies can document pe-ripheral neuropathy. Evidence of conditions that areknown to cause vasculitis, such as drug hypersensi-tivity, infection, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupuserythematosus, cancer, and inflammatory bowel dis-ease, should be sought. Pathological examination ofinvolved tissue, such as skin, muscle, nerve, lung, orkidney, may document small-vessel vasculitis. Immu-nohistologic evaluation may yield more specific in-
Figure 5. Pulmonary Hemorrhagic Alveolar Capillaritis in a Pa-
tient with ANCA-Associated Small-Vessel Vasculitis in Whom
formation, such as the presence of IgA-dominant
Severe Hemoptysis Developed.
vascular immune deposits indicative of Henoch–
There are numerous neutrophils in the alveolar septa and ex-
Schönlein purpura, or IgM and IgG immune com-
tensive hemorrhage into the alveolar spaces. (Hematoxylin and
plexes that are consistent with cryoglobulinemic vas-
cavitating radiographic densities. The acute inflam-
Small-vessel vasculitis may be confined to the skin.
matory and necrotizing pulmonary lesions evolve
The characteristic acute lesion is leukocytoclastic an-
into chronic nonspecific sclerotic lesions, such as in-
giitis involving dermal postcapillary venules (Fig. 4).
terstitial fibrosis, organized intraalveolar fibrosis, and
This lesion is histologically identical to dermal le-
bronchiolitis obliterans.70
sions occurring as a component of systemic small-vessel vasculitis.66 Therefore, the onus is on the phy-
sician to rule out systemic disease.
There are no agreed-upon diagnostic criteria for
Drug-induced vasculitis should be considered in
the various categories of small-vessel vasculitis. In
any patient with small-vessel vasculitis and will be
1990 the American College of Rheumatology pub-
substantiated most often in patients with vasculitis
lished an approach to classifying vasculitides for clin-
confined to the skin. Drugs cause approximately 10
ical trials.71 These criteria were not designed for di-
percent of vasculitic skin lesions.72,73 Drug-induced
agnosis, although they are being widely used for this
vasculitis usually develops within 7 to 21 days after
purpose. They are not adequate for differentiating
treatment begins.
among the various clinicopathological expressions of
Drugs that have been implicated include penicil-
small-vessel vasculitis. For example, a 20-year-old pa-
lins, aminopenicillins, sulfonamides, allopurinol, thi-
tient with small-vessel vasculitis who has purpura, leu-
azides, pyrazolones, retinoids, quinolones, hydanto-
kocytoclastic angiitis, myalgias, mononeuritis mul-
ins, and propylthiouracil.74 Some drugs, such as
tiplex, and nephritis would simultaneously fulfill the
penicillins, cause vasculitis by conjugating to serum
College's criteria for three different categories of vas-
proteins and mediating immune-complex vasculitis
culitis: hypersensitivity vasculitis, Henoch–Schönlein
that is similar to serum-sickness vasculitis.75 Other
purpura, and polyarteritis nodosa. The system does
vasculitis-inducing drugs that cause immune-com-
not have a category called "microscopic polyangii-
plex formation are foreign proteins, such as streptoki-
tis" or "microscopic polyarteritis"; thus, most cases
nase, cytokines, and monoclonal antibodies.76 In ad-
of ANCA-positive microscopic polyangiitis would be
dition, such drugs as propylthiouracil and hydralazine
called hypersensitivity angiitis, according to the Col-
appear to cause vasculitis by inducing ANCA,77-80 al-
lege's system.
though a cause-and-effect relation has not been
In 1994 the Chapel Hill International Consensus
Conference proposed names and definitions for se-
Most patients with cutaneous leukocytoclastic an-
lected categories of vasculitis1; however, no diagnos-
giitis have a single episode that resolves spontaneous-
tic criteria were suggested.
ly within several weeks or a few months.81 Approx-
The following discussion presents a number of ob-
imately 10 percent will have recurrent disease at
servations that can be made to help determine which
intervals of months to years. In the absence of system-
definition of vasculitis is met in a given patient, and
ic disease, management is usually symptomatic. Drugs
thus the diagnosis. This requires the knowledgeable
that could cause the disease should be stopped. An-
integration of clinical and laboratory data, both pos-
tihistamines and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
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help alleviate cutaneous discomfort and reduce asso-
tivity are typically detectable in serum. Most patients
ciated arthralgias and myalgias.81 Severe cutaneous
have an associated infection with hepatitis C virus,
disease may warrant oral corticosteroid therapy.81 If
which is thought to be etiologic.53,86,87 A very dis-
signs or symptoms of systemic vasculitis develop,
tinctive and diagnostically useful complement ab-
treatment should be based on the type of systemic
normality is the presence of very low levels of early
vasculitis the patient has.
components (especially C4) with normal or slightlylow C3 levels.53,87 As with Henoch–Schönlein pur-
pura, the main cause of morbidity is progressive glo-
Henoch–Schönlein purpura is the most common
merulonephritis, which most often has a type I
systemic vasculitis in children.82 It is characterized by
vascular deposition of IgA-dominant immune com-
Mild disease, such as slight purpura and arthral-
plexes,1,33 and preferentially involves venules, capil-
gias, usually is adequately treated with nonsteroidal
laries, and arterioles (Fig. 1).
antiinflammatory drugs alone. Serious visceral in-
Henoch–Schönlein purpura is most frequent in
volvement, such as in glomerulonephritis, usually re-
childhood, with a peak incidence at five years
quires treatment with corticosteroids combined with
old.49,50,82 The disease often begins after an upper
a cytotoxic drug (e.g., cyclophosphamide), which
respiratory tract infection. Purpura, arthralgias, and
improves the outcome of glomerulonephritis and
colicky abdominal pain are the most frequent mani-
also ameliorates purpura, arthralgias, and other vas-
festations (Table 4). Approximately half the patients
culitic symptoms.53,87 Plasmapheresis has been used,
have hematuria and proteinuria, but only 10 to 20
but its value is unproved. Recently, interferon alfa
percent have renal insufficiency. Rapidly progressive
has been touted as a beneficial adjuvant in patients
renal failure is rare. Pulmonary disease and peripher-
with cryoglobulinemic vasculitis associated with hep-
al neuropathy are uncommon.83,84
atitis C virus infection,53,87 but larger controlled tri-
The overall prognosis is excellent; thus, supportive
als are required before the value of this approach can
care suffices for most patients. The main long-term
be conclusively determined.
morbidity is from progressive renal disease. End-stagerenal disease develops in approximately 5 percent of
patients.51 Treatment for aggressive Henoch–Schön-
ANCA-associated small-vessel vasculitis is the most
lein purpura glomerulonephritis is controversial.
common primary systemic small-vessel vasculitis in
Corticosteroids, immunosuppressive drugs, and an-
adults and includes three major categories: Wege-
ticoagulant therapy have been tried with contradic-
ner's granulomatosis, microscopic polyangiitis, and
tory results, but a recent study suggests that com-
Churg–Strauss syndrome. These histologically iden-
bined therapy with corticosteroids and azathioprine
tical small-vessel vasculitides preferentially involve
may be beneficial.85
venules, capillaries, and arterioles, and may also in-
Although the term "Henoch–Schönlein purpura"
volve arteries and veins (Fig. 1).88 Wegener's granu-
was originally used to designate a syndrome that can
lomatosis is differentiated from the other two by the
be characterized by many different types of small-
presence of necrotizing granulomatous inflamma-
vessel vasculitis (i.e., combinations of purpura, ab-
tion in the absence of asthma; Churg–Strauss syn-
dominal pain, and nephritis), the use of the term
drome is differentiated by the presence of asthma,
should now be restricted to the specific clinicopath-
eosinophilia, and necrotizing granulomatous inflam-
ological entity caused by vascular IgA-dominant im-
mation; and microscopic polyangiitis is differentiat-
mune complexes.1 The misuse of this term for pa-
ed by the absence of granulomatous inflammation
tients with ANCA-associated small-vessel vasculitis
and asthma1 (Tables 2 and 3). Rapid diagnosis of
who present with purpura, abdominal pain, and ne-
ANCA-associated small-vessel vasculitis is critically
phritis is particularly problematic, because these pa-
important, because life-threatening injury to organs
tients do not have a good prognosis and should be
often develops quickly and is mitigated dramatically
treated quickly with immunosuppressive therapy, as
by immunosuppressive treatment.
will be discussed later in this review.
ANCA-associated small-vessel vasculitis affects peo-
ple of all ages but is most common in older adults
in their 50s and 60s, and it affects men and women
Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis is caused by the local-
equally.54,89 In the United States the disease is more
ization of mixed cryoglobulins in vessel walls, which
frequent among whites than blacks.89 Its incidence is
incites acute inflammation. Venules, capillaries, and
approximately 2 in 100,000 people in the United
arterioles are preferentially involved (Fig. 1).
Kingdom90 and approximately 1 in 100,000 in Swe-
Patients with this disease have an average age of
den.54 Although Wegener's granulomatosis, micro-
approximately 50 years. The most frequent manifes-
scopic polyangiitis, and Churg–Strauss syndrome are
tations are purpura, arthralgias, and nephritis (Table
categorized as ANCA-associated small-vessel vasculi-
4).52 Mixed cryoglobulins and rheumatoid-factor ac-
tis, it is important to realize that a minority of pa-
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tients with typical clinical and pathological features
may be adequate for ameliorating indolent limited
of these diseases are ANCA-negative.
disease but are inadequate for patients with general-
Over 90 percent of
ized disease.57 In patients with Wegener's granuloma-
patients with Wegener's granulomatosis have upper
tosis or microscopic polyangiitis who have aggressive
or lower respiratory tract disease or both.55-57 Mani-
disease, such as acute nephritis or pulmonary hem-
festations of upper respiratory tract disease include
orrhage, we recommend induction with intravenous
sinus pain, purulent sinus drainage, nasal mucosal
methylprednisolone at a dose of 7 mg per kilogram
ulceration with epistaxis, and otitis media. More se-
of body weight per day for three days, followed by
rious complications include necrosis of the nasal
tapering doses of prednisone. This treatment is com-
septum with perforation or saddle-nose deformation
bined with oral cyclophosphamide at 2 mg per kilo-
and injury to the facial nerve by otitis media result-
gram per day, or intravenous cyclophosphamide at
ing in facial paralysis. Tracheal inflammation and
0.5 g per square meter of body-surface area per
sclerosis, often in the subglottic region, cause stridor
month, adjusted upward to 1 g per square meter on
and may lead to dangerous airway stenosis, which
the basis of the patient's leukocyte count.58 Com-
occurs in approximately 15 percent of adults and al-
bined therapy with corticosteroids and cyclophos-
most 50 percent of children with this disease.57 A
phamide induces improvement in over 90 percent of
minority of patients initially have indolent or aggres-
patients with Wegener's granulomatosis and com-
sive upper respiratory tract disease alone, but most
plete remission in 75 percent.59 A common strategy
also have pulmonary disease.
is to discontinue corticosteroids after remission is
Necrotizing granulomatous pulmonary inflamma-
achieved, usually within 3 to 5 months, and to con-
tion produces nodular radiographic densities, where-
tinue cyclophosphamide for 6 to 12 months. An al-
as alveolar capillaritis causes pulmonary hemorrhage
ternative strategy for maintaining remission is con-
with less fixed and more irregular infiltrates. Massive
version from cyclophosphamide to azathioprine once
pulmonary hemorrhage caused by capillaritis is the
remission is achieved.90 Approximately 50 percent of
most life-threatening manifestation of ANCA-associ-
patients with Wegener's granulomatosis have at least
ated small-vessel vasculitis and warrants rapid insti-
one relapse within five years.59 The best treatment
tution of aggressive immunosuppressive therapy.
for reversing relapses is controversial but usually in-
Approximately 80 percent of patients with Wege-
volves reinstituting treatment similar to the induc-
ner's granulomatosis will go on to have glomerulone-
phritis, although less than 20 percent have nephritis
Both corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide pre-
at the time of presentation.57 The glomerulonephri-
dispose patients to life-threatening infections, and
tis is characterized by focal necrosis, crescent forma-
cyclophosphamide causes hemorrhagic cystitis, ovar-
tion, and the absence or paucity of immunoglobulin
ian and testicular failure, and cancer. For example,
deposits.35,88 An identical pauci-immune necrotizing
Talar-Williams et al. have estimated the incidence of
and crescentic glomerulonephritis occurs in patients
bladder cancer after the first exposure to cyclophos-
with microscopic polyangiitis and Churg–Strauss
phamide to be 5 percent 10 years after treatment
syndrome, and also occurs as a disease limited to the
and 16 percent after 15 years.95 The risks and bene-
kidneys. Other manifestations of the disease include
fits of aggressive immunosuppression must be as-
ocular inflammation, cutaneous purpura and nod-
sessed in each patient, and the treatment tailored ac-
ules, peripheral neuropathy, arthritis, and diverse ab-
cordingly. There should be vigilance for and prompt
dominal visceral involvement (Table 4).55-57
treatment of complications arising from treatment.
The classic triad of respiratory tract granuloma-
Less-toxic therapy may be sufficient in patients
tous inflammation, systemic small-vessel vasculitis,
with localized or mild Wegener's granulomatosis. For
and necrotizing glomerulonephritis7 readily suggests
example, Sneller et al. achieved remission with low-
the diagnosis, but atypical presentations, such as iso-
dose methotrexate plus prednisone in 71 percent of
lated subglottic stenosis or orbital pseudotumor,
patients with Wegener's granulomatosis that was
may not. In patients with the latter presentation, a
"not immediately life-threatening."96 Methotrexate
positive ANCA test is helpful for substantiating a di-
also may be useful for maintenance of remission.97
agnosis of Wegener's granulomatosis.91,92
Treatment with methotrexate is limited in patients
Treatment of aggressive Wegener's granulomatosis,
with renal disease because of increased toxicity.
as well as of microscopic polyangiitis, has three phas-
Because relapses are associated with respiratory
es: induction of remission, maintenance of remission,
tract infections and with chronic nasal carriage of
and treatment of relapse.93 After the seminal obser-
Staphylococcus aureus,98 the antimicrobial agent tri-
vations of Novack and Pearson,94 Fauci and his asso-
methoprim–sulfamethoxazole has been evaluated for
ciates documented the value of cyclophosphamide in
maintenance of remission, with mixed results. Stege-
the treatment of Wegener's granulomatosis.55 Cur-
man et al.99 concluded that it is useful for maintain-
rent induction therapy often uses cyclophosphamide
ing remission, but de Groot et al. did not agree.97
combined with corticosteroids. Corticosteroids alone
Microscopic polyangiitis
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Copyright 1997 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
is characterized by pauci-immune necrotizing small-
oids and cyclophosphamide, which induces remis-
vessel vasculitis without clinical or pathological evi-
sion in approximately 80 percent of patients.58,61 The
dence of necrotizing granulomatous inflammation
greatest risk factor for a poor renal outcome is a de-
(Tables 2 and 3).1 Over 80 percent of patients with
lay in treatment until renal insufficiency has devel-
microscopic polyangiitis have ANCA, most often
oped.63 Relapse occurs in about a third of patients
perinuclear ANCA (MPO-ANCA).40-42,54 This helps
within two years.54,58,61 Approximately two thirds of
distinguish microscopic polyangiitis from ANCA-
patients who relapse respond to an immunosuppres-
negative small-vessel vasculitis but does not distin-
sive regimen similar to the induction therapy.
guish microscopic polyangiitis from other types of
Because the treatment of microscopic polyangiitis
disease associated with ANCA. Positive ANCA and
and Wegener's granulomatosis is essentially the same
negative serologic tests for hepatitis B help differen-
when there is major organ injury, it is not necessary
tiate microscopic polyangiitis from polyarteritis no-
to distinguish conclusively between these closely re-
lated variants of ANCA-associated small-vessel vas-
Pathologically, microscopic polyangiitis may cause
culitis before starting treatment. For example, an
necrotizing arteritis that is histologically identical to
ANCA-positive patient with pulmonary infiltrates,
that caused by polyarteritis nodosa. By the approach
hemoptysis, and pauci-immune crescentic glomeru-
advocated by the Chapel Hill Consensus Confer-
lonephritis on renal biopsy may have either micro-
ence (Table 2),1 polyarteritis nodosa and microscop-
scopic polyangiitis or Wegener's granulomatosis. Re-
ic polyangiitis are distinguished pathologically by
solving this differential diagnosis should not delay
the absence of vasculitis in vessels other than arteries
the start of induction therapy with combined corti-
in polyarteritis nodosa and the presence of vasculitis
costeroids and cyclophosphamide.
in vessels smaller than arteries (i.e., arterioles, venules,
Churg–Strauss syn-
and capillaries) in microscopic polyangiitis. Accord-
drome has three phases: allergic rhinitis and asthma;
ing to this definition, the presence of dermal leuko-
eosinophilic infiltrative disease, such as eosinophilic
cytoclastic venulitis, glomerulonephritis, pulmonary
pneumonia or gastroenteritis; and systemic small-ves-
alveolar capillaritis, or vasculitis in any vessel smaller
sel vasculitis with granulomatous inflammation.62,64,65
than an artery would exclude a diagnosis of polyar-
The vasculitic phase usually develops within three
teritis nodosa and indicate some form of small-vessel
years of the onset of asthma, although it may be de-
vasculitis. On the other hand, identification of nec-
layed for several decades. Approximately 70 percent
rotizing arteritis in a skeletal-muscle biopsy or pe-
of patients with this disease have ANCA, usually
ripheral-nerve biopsy, for example, indicates some
perinuclear ANCA (MPO-ANCA).62 Virtually all pa-
form of necrotizing vasculitis but is not diagnostic
tients have eosinophilia (more than 10 percent eo-
of polyarteritis nodosa, because many other necro-
sinophils in the blood).65
tizing vasculitides, such as microscopic polyangiitis,
As compared with Wegener's granulomatosis and
Wegener's granulomatosis, and Churg–Strauss syn-
microscopic polyangiitis, Churg–Strauss syndrome
drome, can also affect arteries (Fig. 1).
involves much less frequent and less severe renal dis-
Microscopic polyangiitis has the same spectrum of
ease, but more frequent neuropathy and cardiac dis-
manifestations of small-vessel vasculitis as Wegener's
ease.62,65 Coronary arteritis and myocarditis are the
granulomatosis but does not include granulomatous
principal causes of morbidity and mortality, account-
inflammation.54,58,61,62 Approximately 90 percent of
ing for approximately 50 percent of deaths, and can
patients have glomerulonephritis, which is accompa-
be reduced by early treatment.
nied by a variety of other organ involvements (Table
High-dose corticosteroid treatment alone is often
4). Microscopic polyangiitis is the most common
adequate, although refractory or relapsing disease
cause of the pulmonary–renal syndrome.22
may require the addition of a cytotoxic drug — for
Microscopic polyangiitis that is causing major or-
example, in a regimen similar to that used for Wege-
gan damage is treated with a combination of corti-
ner's granulomatosis or microscopic polyangiitis.62,64
costeroids and cytotoxic agents. Our treatment ap-proach is the same as that for aggressive Wegener's
granulomatosis, which was described earlier in this
Treatment of a patient with small-vessel vasculitis
review, and uses intravenous methylprednisolone
should include these steps: recognition that small-
followed by prednisone combined with intravenous
vessel vasculitis is present, determination of as spe-
or oral cyclophosphamide.58 Alveolar capillaritis (Fig.
cific a diagnosis as possible, determination of the
5) with pulmonary hemorrhage is the most life-threat-
prognosis, and initiation of therapy or referral to an
ening complication and should be treated promptly
appropriate specialist. In many patients, small-vessel
with combined therapy,58,61 and possibly with plas-
vasculitis will have a relatively benign, self-limited
mapheresis.61 The glomerulonephritis is usually rap-
course, especially if disease is limited to the skin;
idly progressive if not promptly and appropriately
however, for the patients with aggressive disease,
treated with a combination of high-dose corticoster-
such as generalized ANCA-associated small-vessel
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Copyright 1997 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
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