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International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Science ( www.ijitcs.com ) Volume 14 Issue No 2, May 2014
ISSN ( online ) : 2091-1610
Study On Implementation And Management Of The Bpl Networks In Islamic Azad
Manizheh Safarkhani GarGari
Islamic Azad University, Hadishahr Branch, Hadishahr, Iran
Elnaz Mousavi GarGari
Islamic Azad University, Hadishahr Branch, Hadishahr, Iran
Adalat safarkhanlou
Islamic Azad University, Hadishahr Branch, Hadishahr, Iran
Broadband over power lines are Systems for carrying data on conductors used for electric power
transmission. Power line communication technologies can be used for different applications ranging from home
automation to internet access. With the spread of broadband technologies in the last few years, there are yet significant
areas in the world that do not have access to high speed internet, as compared with the few internet service providers
in existence, the additive expenditures of laying cables and building necessary infrastructure to provide DSL in many
areas most especially rural areas is too great. But if broadband is served through power lines considering the fact
that it exist all over the country, there will be no need to build new infrastructure. Therefore, anywhere there is
electricity, there could also be broadband. Broadband over Power line is designed to offer an alternative means to
provide high speed internet access, voice over Internet protocol (VOIP) and other broadband services, using medium
and low voltage lines to reach customers and businesses by combining the principle of wireless networking, modems
and Radio. Researchers and developers have created ways to transmit data over power lines into homes at speeds
between 500kilobits and 3 megabits per second which is equivalent to the cable DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) and
this is achieved by modifying the present power grids with specialized equipments.
This paper provides an introduction to broadband power line communications systems and the potential
issues relating to their widespread use in Islamic Azad University of Hadishahr. It examines the current status of
technology development and reports on the regulatory arrangements currently in place and being developed overseas
to cope with the issues raised by the use of these systems.
This paper was prepared following concerns raised in Islamic Azad University of Hadishahr about the risk
of Interference to HF radio communications services from broadband power line Communications systems. With this
knowledge, the broadband power line developers could partner with power companies and Internet service providers
to bring broadband to everyone with access to electricity.
Keywords- Broadband over power line, voice over Internet protocol, Digital Subscriber Line.
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Computer Science ( IJITCS ) ……. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 37
International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Science ( www.ijitcs.com ) Volume 14 Issue No 2, May 2014
ISSN ( online ) : 2091-1610
The main aim of power line communication is to use the power supply system for communication purposes.
Broadband over Power Line (BPL) can provide a vast coverage for broadband services. They have the potential to
provide simplified in-house interconnection of computers and peripherals, and cost effective last-mile delivery of
broadband data services. The power line communication systems consist of terminal devices that are plugged into to
the electrical power supply network and allow data to be transmitted via the network to other terminal devices plugged
into or attached to the network. The use of the existing electrical power supply network wiring reduces costs and
provides convenient access to broadband interconnection between devices. This technology can however achieve 14
Mbps raw data rate and it has the potential for up to 200 Mbps. which makes it competitive with cable and DSL
technology. Historically, power line communications systems are known to be limited to low data rates typically less
than 500 Kbit/s. These low data rate systems are used in applications such as the remote control of switches in domestic
installations and by power supply authorities.
Broadband power line communications systems, also known as power line telecommunications (PLT)
systems or broadband power line (BPL) systems are a new type of power line communications (PLC) system capable
of providing significantly higher data rates than previous PLC systems. They have the potential to provide simplified
in-house interconnection of computers and peripherals, and cost effective last-mile delivery of broadband data
services. PLC systems consist of terminal devices that are plugged into or attached to the electrical power supply
network and allow data to be transmitted via the network to other terminal devices plugged into or attached to the
network. The use of the existing electrical power supply network wiring reduces costs and provides convenient access
to broadband interconnection between devices. Historically, power line communications systems had been limited to
relatively low data rates - typically less than 500 kbit/s. These low data rate systems are still in use and are used in
such applications as the remote control of switches in domestic installations and by power supply authorities.
Examples include domestic appliance control systems, off peak hot water supply control systems and power supply
authority switch yard control and monitoring systems.
Net access and Power Plus Communications (PPC) partnered specifically to collaborate on projects within
the military sector, utilizing the specific skills and experience of both companies to offer the benefits of PPC's IP-
based BPL technology and the IP-based security systems and international sales channel of net access. PPC is
internationally acknowledged as the market leader for broadband power line communication (BPL) systems and the
integration of BPL-based solutions. Since its foundation in 2001, PPC has successfully installed BPL networks
covering more than 300,000 households.
Broadband Power line Communication (BPL) technology uses the existing and most widely distributed
infrastructure for broadband data transmission: the existing power grid. BPL systems provide significantly higher data
rates than old-fashioned narrowband PLC systems. The usage of the Internet protocol (IP), together with the high
This paper was presented @ 3rd International Conference on Information Technology, System & Management ( ICITSM 2014 )
(http://www.icitsm.com ) – Abu Dhabi, UAE on May 8-9, 2014 : Copyright International Journal of Information Technology &
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International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Science ( www.ijitcs.com ) Volume 14 Issue No 2, May 2014
ISSN ( online ) : 2091-1610
speed of data transfer and the open interfaces of BPL systems, increases the sustainable worth of existing power
networks and enables a wide variety of applications.
PPC's BPL system is the latest generation of the development of Access Broadband over Power line
technology (BPL). Based on the 200 Mbps standard, the BPL technology turns existing electricity grids into an Internet
protocol-based communication platform. It enables broadband data transmission with 200 Mbps gross data rate on
low (110/230/400V) and medium voltage (1-24kV) electricity networks. The BPL system is adapted to the operational
standards of electricity grids and does not affect the controlled operation of any power grid. Dynamic routing between
the different units ensures continuous optimal connection quality, even during switching processes in the distribution
network. Based on PPC's long-term experience with BPL technology, power and telecommunication networks, the
new BPL system enables a fast and easy setup of extended BPL networks. And, for optimal network operation, the
network management system provides permanent control and central configuration of all BPL system components.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 7-layer Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
Communications Reference Model is defined in ISO 7498. In this model the first layer is defined to be the Physical
layer. For BPL, layer 1 is inclusive of all the in-place, power line distribution systems, the electrical power line
distribution system, and the in home electrical wiring down to the wall sockets. In some configurations, however, the
power line transformers are bypassed, which excludes them from being part of the communications system
architecture. A BPL Access network is usually comprised of a base station and a number of users connected via BPL
modems. The modems can provide various standardized user interfaces into the BPL network. For example, a BPL
modem can provide the user with a standard IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet) interface for connecting a personal computer to
the network. The BPL modem connects to the power line transmission medium by means of a BPL specific (e.g.,
vendor proprietary) interface. Typically, BPL user interface modems provide the Medium Access Control (MAC)
lower sub layer and the Logical Link Control (LLC) upper sub layer functions of the Layer 2 of the OSI model in
addition to the physical layer. The modems also provide the Network Layer functionality of Layer 3 by supporting
Internet Protocol (IP) routing. The manufacturers of existing BPL systems developed proprietary solutions for the
MAC layer that are incompatible. The basic BPL components of injectors, repeaters, and couplers have been
implemented in a variety of systems architectures, which feature different modulation techniques and designs at the
Physical layer, MAC, and LLC. The Physical layer channel impairments in BPL systems include: noise, multipath,
strong channel Selectivity, and non-linear channel characteristics. To combat these impairments a number of different
technologies have been employed that range from spread spectrum to Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
(OFDM). BPL channel impairments reduce the available bandwidth to users, which is of most concern, because BPL
access networks operate in a shared transmission medium where subscribers compete to use the same transmission
This paper was presented @ 3rd International Conference on Information Technology, System & Management ( ICITSM 2014 )
(http://www.icitsm.com ) – Abu Dhabi, UAE on May 8-9, 2014 : Copyright International Journal of Information Technology &
Computer Science ( IJITCS ) ……. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 39
International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Science ( www.ijitcs.com ) Volume 14 Issue No 2, May 2014
ISSN ( online ) : 2091-1610
The general technical idea of Power Line Communication is to modulate a radio signal with data and send it
through power lines in a band of frequencies which are not used for supplying electricity. The used frequencies and
the modulation scheme have a significant influence on the efficiency and the speed of the BPL service. The modulation
scheme which is used in BPL is orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). This is a multi-carrier
transmission technique which has been recently recognized as an excellent method for high speed data communication.
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) was first used on military high frequency radio links starting
in the 1960s. It performs services at the physical layer of the OSI model. OFDM is based on the idea of frequency
division multiplexing (FDM), which is a technology that uses multiple frequencies to transmit multiple signals in
parallel at the same time.
There are two main types of BPL, The Access BPL and the In-Home BPL.
A. Access BPL
Provides internet and other broadband services like voice (IP Telephony), Video, surveillance systems and
entertainment (gaming) for homes and offices, utilities metering (electricity/water/gas) services. It is comprised of
injectors which serve as the interface between internet backbone and medium voltage power lines and are also used
to inject high frequency signals unto medium or low voltage power lines, Extractors used to retrieve the signals and
provide the interface between end-users and medium-voltage power lines. Extractors are placed at each distribution
transformer which provides low voltage electric power for a group of homes in that area. BPL signals can propagate
for 1000 to 3000 feet before they become too distorted and weak. Repeaters are then used to regenerate and amplify
the signals to prevent loss due to attenuation.
B. In-Home BPL
Modems utilize the existing house wiring to provide local area network (LAN) that can be used throughout the
home. These applications occur within a single building with both ends of the communications link within the same
building. The building might be a house, an apartment block or an office building. The path over which the transfer
of data occurs within these buildings is relatively short - typically it is less than 100 m between devices. There are,
This paper was presented @ 3rd International Conference on Information Technology, System & Management ( ICITSM 2014 )
(http://www.icitsm.com ) – Abu Dhabi, UAE on May 8-9, 2014 : Copyright International Journal of Information Technology &
Computer Science ( IJITCS ) ……. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 40
International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Science ( www.ijitcs.com ) Volume 14 Issue No 2, May 2014
ISSN ( online ) : 2091-1610
however, some cities in overseas countries where the building density, the configuration of the AC power line network
(e.g. underground) and the existing broadband data network infrastructure have been such that it has only been
necessary to use outdoor power line communications systems over distances of a few hundred meters. This has allowed
the use of devices with signal levels similar to in-house systems.
BPL has the ability to provide internet service by means of transmission line control protocol/ Internet
protocol (TCP/IP) which can support voice, Data and video services the advantages therefore are:
Wide Coverage: BPL can provide wide coverage, since the power lines are already installed almost everywhere. This
is advantageous especially for substations in rural areas where there is usually no communication infrastructure.
Cost: The communication network can be established quickly and cost-effectively because it utilizes the existing
wires to carry the communication signals. Thus, PLC can offer substations new cost-saving methods for remotely
monitoring power uses and outages.
High noise sources over power lines: The power lines are noisy environments for data communications due to several
noise sources such as electrical motors, power supplies, fluorescent lights and radio signal interferences .These noise
sources over the power lines can result in high bit error rates during communication which severely reduces the
performance of BPL.
Capacity: Power line is a shared medium and therefore, the average data rate per end user will be lower than the total
capacity depending on coincident utilization, i.e., the number of users on the network at the same time and the
applications they are using. Thus, possible technical problems should be comprehensively addressed with various field
tests before the BPL technology is widely deployed.
Open circuit problem: Communication over the power lines is lost with devices on the side of an open circuit. This
fact severely restricts the usefulness of PLC for applications especially involving switches.
Signal attenuation and distortion: In power lines, the attenuation and distortion of signals are immense due to the
reasons such as physical topology of the power network and load impedance fluctuation over the power lines. In
This paper was presented @ 3rd International Conference on Information Technology, System & Management ( ICITSM 2014 )
(http://www.icitsm.com ) – Abu Dhabi, UAE on May 8-9, 2014 : Copyright International Journal of Information Technology &
Computer Science ( IJITCS ) ……. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 41
International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Science ( www.ijitcs.com ) Volume 14 Issue No 2, May 2014
ISSN ( online ) : 2091-1610
addition, there is significant signal attenuation at specific frequency bands due to wave reflection at the terminal points
.Therefore, there is loss in signal due to high signal attenuation and distortion.
Security: There are some security concerns for BPL arising from the nature of power lines. Power cables are not
twisted and use no shielding which means power lines produce a fair amount of Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI).
Such EMI can be received via radio receivers easily.
Lack of regulations for Broadband Power line Communication: In addition to technical challenges, fundamental
regulation issues of BPL should be addressed for substantial progress to be made. The limits of transmitted energy
and frequencies employed for PLC should be determined in order to both provide broadband PLC and prevent the
interference with already established radio signals such as mobile communications, broadcasting channels and military
communications. In this respect, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has developed a standard
to support broadband communications over power lines.
BPL is one of the most exciting areas of innovation. It is a technology which needs further research and developments
to be completely practical in a wide range. The major advantage of this technology is the already existing infrastructure
for BPL even in rural areas which makes its deployment economically justified and also increases the potential
coverage of the technology. On the other hand, the main issue with this technology is its interference with other radio
systems. This issue has limited the deployment of BPL and to some extent has increased the cost of its deployment.
However some companies claim that they have overcome the problem. The future still holds the widespread
deployment of BPL.
1. "Power line communication." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_line_communication. Retrieved 2014-02-01.
2. "Broadband over power line" http://itlaw.wikia.com/wiki/Broadband_over_power_line retrieved 2012-02-01.
3. "An Overview of Broadband communication over Power Lines" Adekunle, Oluwadara Victoria Electrical and
Information Engineering Department, Covenant University, Ota.
4. "Broadband Powerline Communications Systems A Background brief" Spectrum Planning Team Document SP
11/03 Radiofrequency Planning Group Date: September 2003 Australian Communications Authority .
This paper was presented @ 3rd International Conference on Information Technology, System & Management ( ICITSM 2014 )
(http://www.icitsm.com ) – Abu Dhabi, UAE on May 8-9, 2014 : Copyright International Journal of Information Technology &
Computer Science ( IJITCS ) ……. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 42
Source: http://ijitcs.com/volume%2014_No_2/Manizheh.pdf
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